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A41968 A brief summe of Christian religion, or, Of things most necessary for a Christians knowledge, practice, and comfort composed by Thomas Greaves. Greaves, Thomas. 1656 (1656) Wing G1805; ESTC R28682 14,893 30

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our Duty towards God and Man 25. Gods Law requires sincere obedience to every precept and a willing subjection of the whole man specially of the mind and heart forbidding both the outward act and inward desire of evil and every lust motion occasion and appearance of sin commanding us to be perfectly holy in body and spirit and in every work word and thought to please and glorifie God 26. The end and fulfilling of the Commandments is Charity and the Summe of the whole law is this to love God with all our hearts and all our power and to love our neighbour as our selves doing unto others what we in equity would have done unto us 27. For the furthering of repentance faith and holiness in us and to joyne and unite us unto Christ and to his body the Church out of which there is no Salvation God hath also ordained the Sacraments which are Baptisme and the Lords Super 28. The Church is the great Congregation of all Gods people knit together in one body of which Christ is the Head and they the Members quickned by his Spirit and receiving all life and grace from him alone having one Faith Hope and brotherly Love and partaking of the same Word Sacraments and Ordinances of Christ 29. The Sacraments are visible signes and seales of Gods Covenant by which the benefits of Christ are represented applied and confirmed unto us and by which we also are bound and engaged to his service and to continue in faith and obedience to God 30. Baptisme is the washing of regeneration ordeined by Christ to sanctifie clense and save us if we by wilfull impenitency and unbelief do not hinder and frustrate the virtue thereof in which we are born again of water and the spirit ingrafted into Christ and washed from our sins in his bloud sealed by his spirit to the day of redemption and dedicated for ever to the service of that only true God the Father the Son and the Holy Ghost in whose Name we are baptized 31. As Circumcision was to Abraham and his Seed so is Baptisme to believers and their children a sign and seal of their Admission into Christs Church the Remission of sin Mortification of the Flesh Death unto sin and our Resurrection to a new Life whereby we are ingaged and through Gods Spirit inabled to put off the old man to deny our selves and Renounce the World the Flesh and the Divel and to put on Christ by faith and conformity unto him in his life and sufferings 32. The Lords Supper was instituted for a Remembrance of Christ our Passeover sacrificed for us and is a Communion of his Body and Bloud which with the outward elements of bread and wine every believer doth truly receive for his spiritual nourishment to eternal life 33. The Lords Supper obligeth every partaker thereof to Repentance Faith Love and thankeful Obedience without which we eat and drink unworthily not discerning the Lords body nor the end and use of those holy Mysteries and thereby draw judgement upon our selves but with these we rightly may and frequently ought to receive it and thereby these graces are increased and strengthned in us 34. To edify the Church in faith and godliness Christ hath ordeined Pastors and Ministers to whom as his Ambassadours Stewards he hath given special commission and authority to preach the Word of reconciliation to administer the Sacraments and other holy Ordinances to Bless in his Name to pronounce comfort and pardon to the penitent to reprove and by censures to bind the disobedient to watch over to pray for and with the flock of which the holy ghost hath made them Overseers whom for the good of our souls and for their works sake we are commanded to hear reverence and obey 35. That we may rightly believe in Jesus Christ and obey Gods commandments and worthily use the Sacraments and all other meanes of salvation we must by earnest and frequent Prayer implore Gods Grace which only doth inable us and his holy Spirit who is the Worker of all knowledge grace and comfort within us whom the Father hath promised to give and also whatsoever we ask in the name of his Son Jesus Christ 36. All things requisite for us to ask or receive are briefly comprehended in the Lords prayer which teacheth us to direct our petitions to God only for spiritual and temporal blessings fixing our minds on his Fatherly goodness and power and before all and in all seeking his glory 37. With prayers to be made in publique and private for our selves and all men we must joyne an humble Confession and acknowledgment of our sins proceeding from a contrite and penitent heart and also constant Praises and joyful Thanksgiving unto God for his abundant mercies comforts and benefits to us and all others 38. The spiritual Sacrifices of prayer and praise with all other Worship and service due unto God we must from a pure heart offer up unto Him by Iesus Christ our only Mediator and high Priest by whose strength we performe them through whose merits and intercession they are accepted and shall through his mercy and promise be graciously rewarded 39. All must earnestly strive and indevour both to continue and to grow and increase in faith and holiness 1. By attending to Gods Word 2. By the exercise of love and good Works 3. By a right use of the Sacraments 4. By prayer 5. Confession and 6. Thanksgiving all which are parts of Gods service and meanes of salvation by which God hath appointed and decreed to bring his people to everlasting glory 40. They who carefully use these holy meanes are Christs peculiar people beloved and chosen of God called to grace and glory Iustified through Christs obedience Sanctified and led by his Spirit Sons of God and heires of a kingdome in which they shall both in body and soul be eternally blessed and Glorified 1 Pet. 5. 10 11. The God of all grace who hath called us unto his eternal glory by Iesus Christ after you have suffered a
while make you perfect stablish strengthen setle you To him be Glory and Dominion for ever Amen The Epitome and Contents of this Summe very fit and easie to be remembred THe only way to eternall happiness is taught in the Scriptures which shew unto us 1. The Nature and works of God 2. The Misery of man by sin 3. Our Redemption and deliverance by Iesus Christ of which we are made partakers by Faith ioyned with Repentance and holiness of life 4. Our Duty to believe in Jesus Christ To shew our faith by obedience to Gods Commandments To use the Sacraments and constant Prayer To confess and forsake our sins Continually to give thanks and praise unto God which are the Meanes of Grace leading Gods people to eternal Glory 2 Tim. 1. 13. Hold fast the forme of sound words which thou hast heard of me in faith and love which is in Christ Iesus The Chief Articles of Christian Belief contained in the Scriptures and generally received by the Ancient modern Churches of God as doth appear by their joynt Confessions I Believe in God the Father Almighty Maker of Heaven and earth And in Iesus Christ his only Son our Lord which was conceived by the Holy Ghost born of the Virgin Mary suffered under Pontius Pilate was Crucified dead and buried he descended into Hell The third day he rose again from the dead he ascended into Heaven and sitteth on the Right hand of God the Father Almighty from thence he shall come to Judge the quick and the dead I believe in the Holy Ghost the holy Catholike Church the Communion of Saints the forgivenesse of sins the Resurrection of the Body and the Life everlasting The Ten Commandements GOD spake all these words saying I am the Lord thy God which have brought thee out of the Land of Egypt out of the house of bondage Thou shalt have no other Gods before me Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven Image nor the likeness of any thing that is in Heaven above or that is in the earth beneath or that is in the water under the earth thou shalt not bow down thy self to them nor serve them For I the Lord thy God am a jealous God visiting the iniquities of the Fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me and shewing mercy unto thousands of them that love me and keep my Commandments Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain For the Lord will not hold him guiltless that taketh his Name in vain Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy six dayes shalt thou labour and do all thy work but the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord thy God in it thou shalt not do any work thou nor thy son nor thy daughter thy man servant nor thy maid servant nor thy cattel nor thy stranger that is within thy gates For in six dayes the Lord made heaven and earth the sea and all that in them is and rested the seventh day wherefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day hallowed it Honour thy Father and thy Mother that thy dayes may be long upon the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee Thou shalt not kill Thou shalt not commit adultery Thou shalt not steal Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour Thou shalt not covet thy neighbours house thou shalt not covet thy neighbours wife nor his man servant nor his maid servant nor his oxe nor his ass nor any thing that is thy neighbours The Lords Prayer OVR Father which art in heaven Hallowed be thy Name Thy Kingdome come Thy will be done in earth as it is in Heaven Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive them that trespasse against us And lead us not into temptation but deliver us from Evil For thine is the Kingdom the Power and the Glory for ever and ever Amen This Summe may easily be reduced to the usual Form of Gatechismes by Questions Answers to which end that it may also serve I have here distinctly set down the most materiall Questions to which the Propositions in the Summe being equal in number are direct Answers and may be readily applied Question   Answer 1 Which is the Way to eternal happiness Prop. 1 * 2 What is the Word of God Prop. 2. 3 What doe the Scriptures chiefly declare Prop. 3. 4 What is the Nature of God Prop. 4. 5 Who is the True God Prop. 5. 6 Which are the chief Works of God Prop. 6. 7 What was Mans first state Prop. 7. 8 How did Man loose his first happiness Prop. 8. 9 What is the Misery of Man Prop. 9. 10 What is Sin and the punishment due unto it Prop. 10 11 How are we freed from sin and all misery Prop. 11 12 What was Gods Covenant Prop. 12 13 What is the Office of Christ Prop. 13 14 What Benefits hath Christ obteined for us Prop. 14 15 How are we made partakers of Christs Benefits Prop. 15 16 What is it to Believe in Christ Prop. 16 17 How ought we to receive Christ Prop. 17 18 What is inseparably joyned with saving Faith Prop. 18 19 What is Repentance Prop. 19 20 What is Christian Obedience Prop. 20 21 How may we attain to Faith and all other Graces Prop. 21 22 Which are the principal meanes to Work Faith other Graces Prop. 22 23 Which are the chief points of Christian belief Prop. 23 24 What is the rule of Mans duty and practice Prop. 24 25 What doth Gods Law command and forbid Prop. 25 26 What is the End and summe of the Law Prop. 26 27 Why were the Sacraments ordeined Prop. 27 28 What is the Church to which alone the Sacraments do belong Prop. 28 29 What are Sacraments Prop. 29 30 What Benefit have we by Baptisme Prop. 30 31 What is further confirmed unto us and required of us in Baptisme Prop. 31 32 What is the End and Benefit of the Lords Supper Prop. 32 33 Who are fit Receivers of the Lords Supper Prop. 33 34 What is the Work and Office of Ministers Prop. 34 35 What is the Use and efficacie of prayer Prop. 35 36 What is the best Rule and Forme of Christian Prayer Prop. 36 37 What is to be joyned with Prayer Prop. 37 38 What maketh our prayers and all other Duties acceptable to God Prop. 38 39 How may we continue increase in Grace Prop. 39 40 Who are Gods Elect and Heires of of Salvation Prop. 40 2 Tim. 2. 23. Foolish and unlearned Questions avoid knowing that they do gender strifes Some special places of Scripture expressing the whole Duty of man So Worship I the God of my Fathers believing all things which are written in the Law and the Prophets And have hope towards God that there shall be a resurrection of the dead both of the just and the un just And herein do I exercise my selfe to
us 1. the Nature Majesty and Works of God 2. The Misery of all mankind by Sin 3. Our Redemption and salvation by Iesus Christ 4. The Duty of the Redeemed towards God 4. God is a Spirit eternall Almighty unchangeable most pure holy wise just gracious and mercifull infinite in all perfections and excellencies 5. There is but One true God who is distinguished by Three Persons the Father begetting the Son his only begotten and the Holy Ghost proceeding from both of one substance will and power and with equall honour to be worshipped and glorified by all 6 God hath his Being of himself and is the onely Author of all Being and Blessings unto others who created all things very good and doth sustein preserve and govern them exercising an everlasting Kingdom and Providence over all 7. God created Man upright according to his own Image in an holy and happy state to obey and glorifie his Maker 8. Adam the first man of whose nature and condition we all partake by transgression of Gods Law and Covenant fell from his first state by whose disobedience sin and death entred into the World 9. All men descending from Adam are guilty of sin which dwelleth in us the wages whereof is death and therefore cannot unless born again enter into heaven being wholly corrupt and by nature children of wrath 10. Sin is contrary to Gods nature and Law which law whosoever doth not fulfill is under a Curse and deserveth all plagues and miseries in this life Death and in the world to come everlasting Condemnation 11. Jesus Christ the second Adam the promised Seed hath in our nature perfectly obeyed Gods law and suffered punishment and death for our sinnes by whose Obedience Sufferings we are redeemed from the curse and reconciled to God according to his New and gracious Covenant made with us in Christ 12. This was Gods Covenant proceeding from meer grace and love towards man to send the MESSIAH that is Christ into the world and by him to abolish sin and death and to give unto us perfect righteousness and life everlasting 13. Christ promised under the old Testament and given in the New was ordeined of God and anointed with his Spirit to a threefold Office 1. of a Prophet to reveal the way to eternal life 2. of a Priest to make an Atonement and Intercession 3. of a King to govern his Church and enrich it with all Graces to overcome the World Sin Death and Hell the enemies thereof that so he might be a perfect IESVS and Saviour of his people 14. Jesus being true God and man in one glorious Person by his most righteous life and pretious Death and Sacrifice of himselfe hath obteined for us Remission of sinnes imputation of Righteousness Adoption to be Sons of God the Spirit of grace and Sanctification eternal Life and Glory all which benefits are promised and freely offerd unto us in the Gospell 15. Of Christ and all his benefits we are made partakers by Faith through the Operation of Gods Spirit and this is the Summe of the Gospell that whosoever believeth in him shal not perish but have eternal life with all graces and blessings appertaining unto it 16. To believe in Jesus Christ is to receive and imbrace him and his Gospel as the only doctrine which bringeth Salvation cleaving unto him with the heart and with confidence in his mercy power and truth to rely upon him for remission of Sins and eternal life and all other promised blessings 17. Every true believer receiveth Christ for his Saviour and also for his LORD embracing and applying his gracious Promises and submitting to his holy Precept yielding himselfe an obedient Servant to be governed by him and to be saved by those means and waies which he hath appointed 18. Whosoever therefore rightly believeth doth also truly Repent and Obey Gods Commandements bringing forth the fruits of righteousness and shewing his faith by good works and an holy conversation which are the wayes ordained by Christ to bring us to eternal life and salvation 19. Repentance is a Conversion or turning from error to truth from sin unto God with contrition and godly sorrow for our offences committed against him and a sincere resolution and indevour to lead a new life in constant holiness and obedience 20. Christian obedience and holiness is a Conformity of our will to the whole law and will of God and a conversation agreeable to the doctrine and example of Christ our Lord 21. Without repentance faith and holiness none shall enter into Gods Kingdome or escape his wrath and eternal damnation Wherefore we must earnestly seek labour for these necessary graces and diligently use the Meanes which Christ hath ordeined by which he communicateth these and all other graces unto us and by his Spirit effectually worketh them in us 22. The principal meanes to work Repentance Faith and Holiness in us is the Word of God and the Ministery thereof which inlightneth the Understanding and converteth the Soul teaching us all Truths necessary for us to believe and all Duties requisite and necessary for us to practice 23. The most necessary Truths points of Christian belief are briefly comprehended in the Summe called the Creed agreeable to the scriptures and doctrine of the Apostles and therefore received by the Churches of Christ which sheweth us 1. The only true God in three persons 2. The Humiliation and Exaltation of Christ 3. The Privileges of his Church and of every particular member thereof 24. The necessary Duties which God in joyneth us to practice are briefly comprehended in the Decalogue or two Tables of the Moral law shewing us