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A41743 Graces, to be said at the table before and after meat Very necessary for young people and children, with morning and evening prayer. 1655 (1655) Wing G1476A; ESTC R177582 13,711 50

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GRACES To be said at the Table before and after MEAT Very necessary for Young People and Children With Morning and Evening PRAYER 1 COR. 10.13 Whether ye eat or drinke or whatsoever ye do do all to the praise and glory of God LONDON Printed by J. BELL and are to be sold at the East-end of Christ-Church 1655. In the Morning when you arise Say I rise in the name of the father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost Amen OVr Father which are in heaven hallowed be thy name Thy Kingdome come Thy will be done in earth as it is in heaven Give us this day our daily bread And forgive us our trespasses as we forgive them that trespasse against us And lead us not into temptation But deliver us from evill For thine is the Kingdome the power and the glory for ever and ever Amen ALmighty and everlasting God vouchsafe hee beséech thée to grant us perfect continance in thy lively Faith augmenting the same in us daily till we grow to the full ●●●esure of our perfection in Christ whereof he make our conession saying I Beleeve in GOD the Father Almightie Maker of Heaven and Earth and in ●esus Christ his onely Son our Lord Which was conceived by the Holie Ghost Borne of the Virgin Marie suffered under Pon●i●us Pi●●te was Crucified dead and buried He descended into Hell The th●●d day 〈…〉 againe from the dead He ascended in to Heaven and sitteth at the right hand of God the Father Almighty From thence he shall come to judge the quicke and the dead I beleeve in the holy Ghost The holy C●hrli●●e Church The Communion of Saints The forgivenesse of sins The resurrection of body And life everlsting Amen The tenne Commandements of Almighty GOD. I Am the Lord thy God which hath brought thee out of the Land of Egypt out of the house of bondage i. Thou shalt have no other Gods but me ij Thou shalt not make to thy self any graven Image nor the likenesse of any thing that is in Heaven above or in the Earth beneath or in the water under the Earth Thou shalt not ●ow downe to them nor worship them For I the Lord thy God am a Iealous god and visit the sinnes of rhe Fathers upon the Children unto the third and forth generation of them that hate me and shew mercie unto thousands in them that love me and keepe my Commandements iij. Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vaine for the Lord wil not ho●d him guilsses that take his name in vaine iiij Remember thou kéepe holy the Sabbath day six daies thou shalt laher and do all that thou hast to do but the seventh day is thf Sabbath of the Lord thy God in it thou shalt do no manner of work thou and thy Son and thy Daughter thy Man-servant and thy Maid-servand thy Cattell and the Stanger that is within thy gates for in six daies the Lord made heaven and earth the sea and all that in them is rested the seventh day wherefore the Lord blessed the seventh day and hollowed it v. Honour thy Father and Mo●her that thy daies may be long in the land which the Lord thy God giveth thée vi Thov shalt do no Murther vij Thou shalt not commit Adultry viij Th●u shalt not steale ix Thou shalt not bare false witnesse against thy Neighbour x Thou shalt not couit thy Neighbours house thou shalt not covit thy neighbours wife nor his servant nor his maid nor his oxe nor his Asse nor any thing that is his The Law was given by Moses but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ John 1.17 The Law was ordained by the Angels in the hand of a Mediatour Gal. 3.19 Act. 17.53 LEt thy mighty hand and out stretched arm O Lord be still our defence the mercy and loving kindnesse in Iesus Christ thy dear Son our salvation thy true and holy Word our instruction thy grace and holy spirit our comfort and consolation unto the end and in the end So be it THe Lord blesse us and save us the Lord make his face to shine upon us and be mercifull unto us and grant us his peace Aman. THe grace of our Lord Iesus Christ and the love of God and the most comfortable fellowship of the holy Ghost be with us all Amen Sundry Graces to be used before Meates Grace before meat ALmighty GOD Father of our Lord Iesus Christ we beséech thée to have mercy upon us blesse O Lord these thy good Creatures which thou hast provided for our sustinance and give us grace to be thankfull unto thée for the same and all other thy blessings bestowed upon us through Iesus Christ our Saviour Amen Grace before Meat BLessed God which by thy word hast fram'd the world and all things contained therein we humbly beséech thée to have mercy upon us make us thankefull unto thée for these thy good gifts which we are about to receive at thy bountifull hands through the merits of our Lord and Saviour Iesus Christ Amen Graces before Meat GOod Lord blesse us and these thy gracious gifts which thou hast provided for us to strengthen and nurish our weake bodies whereby we may he refreshed and comforted grant that as we grow in strenth by them so likewise we may increase in grace that after this life ended we may be partakers of thy heavenly Table through the mediation of thine onlie Son one blessed Lord and Saviour Amen Grace before meat GLorie ho●uar and praise be given to thée O Lord which hast fed us from our tender age and givest sustenance to evere living thing replenish our hearts with joy and gladnesse that we alwaies having sufficient may be rich and plentifull in all good works through our Lord Iesus Christ Amen Grace before Meat GReat God which be thy power in the holie ●rophet didst increase and multiplie the ●●●re of the poore Widow bless we beseech thee these our meats and drinkes and increase in us the knowledge of thy truth in love obediede that we having a lively Faith in thee we may ever serve and honour thee in all our thoughts and actions through Iesus Christ our onelie Lord and blessed Saviour Amen Grace beford Meat IMmortall and everlasting God which for us most wretched and sinfull men hast cleansed thy Creatures and made them fit for our use and sustenance grant we humbly beseech thée that with moderation and temperance we may so taste of these thy benefits here present before us that we may ever hereafter be made more willing and able to do thée service through Iesus Christ our onely Lord and Saviour Amen Grace before Meat LEt us with loving obedient hearts prepare our selves to give all humble thanks unto our heavenlie Father who of his most bountiful goodnesse hath heare prepared Meat and Drink for our necessity in hungrin to give us an example of like kindnesse for his love to our poore nighbours redemed by Christ
Iesus who ever blesse us and these his gifts that both our eating and drinking and speakin may redound to the glory of God through the merit of Iesus Christ our Lord and onelie Saviour Amen Grace before Meat O Almighty and everlasting God which by thy ●oreknowledg doest see the beginning middest and end of all the works of thy holy hand and didest make Man according to thine owne Image and brethedst into him an immortall foule and gavest him understanding to know thee to be his God and Creator of all things in heaven and earth and didest ordaine Man to be Lord over the workes of thy hands and to receive all things necessary for the sustentation of his mortal bod● of thy goodnes with thanks giving we mo●t humbly beséech thee of thy mercifull goodnesse to blesse and satisfie us with thy holy presence that we may be the more moved to be thankfull unto thee for all the good gifts which we rec●ived at thy mercifull hand through Iesus Christ our onely Saviour To whom with thée O Father and the holy Ghost be all honour praise and glory for ever and ever Amen Grace before Meat O Father of mercy and God of all consolation which hast created us for thy glory and these ●●y good Creatures for our use blesse and sanctifie them we beseech thée that by the moderate rec●ived thereof our bodies may be nurished and thy name ever more and more praised through Iesus Christ our onely Lord and blessed Saviour Amen Grace before Meat O Iesus Christ the Sonne of God that for our sakes didst die and sheddest thy most precious blood for the forgivennesse of our sins blesse thou our Meat and Drink which we purpose to receive in thy name and assist us O Lord with the grace of thy holy spirit to amend our lives that according to thy holy and pure Gospell we may live to thy glorie and profit of our Brethren And when the dayes of this our Pilgrimage shall be ended grant us to rest in thy peace that we may at the day of Iudgment h●ve joyfull resurrection unto everlasting life through thy most precious death which art the onelie Sonne of God and our everlasting Saviour To whom with the Father and the holy Ghost be all honour glory and praise for ever and ever Amen Grace before Meat O Mercifull Lord Iesus Christ which didst ●ake five Loaves and two Fishes and lifting up thine eies unto heaven didst distribute them unto the people and they all did eat and were satisfied being aboue five thousand men beside women and children we beseech thée how to blesse these gifts which we are about to receive at the hands and us allso that they may be to the comfort and health of our bodies and we may for them and all other thy benefits bée evermore thankfull unto thee To whom with the Fa●er and the holie Ghost be all honour and glorie for ever Amen Grace before Meat THe eies of all things d● look up and trust in thée O Lord thou givest them meat in drie season thou o●enest thy hand and filles with thy blessing everie living thing good Lord blesse us and all these thy gifts which we are about to receive of thy bounteous liberalitie through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen Grace before Meat THe God of all ●ower who hath caled from death the great Pastor of the Sheep the Lord Iesus comfort and defend the Flock which he hath redeemed by the blood of his eternall Testament Increase the number of true Preachers represse the rage of obstinant and cruell ●ira●●s mitigate and lighten the hearts of the ignorant release the paines of such as be afflicted but especially those that suffer for the testimonie of a good Conscience And finally confound Satan by the power of our Lord Iesus Christ Amen Grace before Meat THy Name O Lord be praised for all the benifits that thou most graciously dost bestow upon us for féeding our feble bodies when they are hungry with plenty of thy good Creaturs and strengthening the imperfections of our members by vertue of thy mighcy power so that all and everie part of us are hereby made apt and fit to follow our callings And like continuall thanks be given unto thee O Lord for all thy merciefull blessings thou vouchsafe to bestow upon us in preserving us both bodie and soule even from the beginning of the world to this present and from all these casualities and temtations which we are incident unto through the frailt● of flesh and imperfection of nature which graci●us gifts we acknowledge to have received of thy mercifull goodnes and for the merit of our Lord and Saviour In whose name we render ●hée all ●o●er praise and thanks from this time forth for ever more Amen Grace before Meat WHether ye eat or drink or whatsoeve● ye do else let all be done to the prais● of God whom we beséech to blesse us with o●● meat and drink through Christ our Lord Amen Grace before Meat CHrist which at his lest Supper gave him selfe unto us promising his body to be crucified and his blood to be shed for our sinnes blesse us and our meat Amen This prayer may be annexed to the end o● every Grace especially those which be the shortest GOd preserve his Church God blesse th● Nobility and the Commons God defen● the favourers of the Gospell and make us al● faithfull in the same God send the Gospell 〈◊〉 joyfull and frée passage throughtout the world tha● euery one may live uprightly in their calling t● the glory of God through the me●its of our Lor● and Saviour Iesus Christ Amen Godly GRACES to be said after Meales Grace after Meat ALL Glory honour and immortall praise be given unto thee O eternall God the which hast fed us wretched sinners even from our Creation in our Mothers womb We be begotten conceived and borne in sin O Lord have mercy upon us we beseech thée forgive us our sins illuminate our hearts and assist us with thy holy spirit to consider that we receive all things needfull both for our soules and bodies even at thy hand and to give thée most heartie thanks and continuall praise for ever world without end Amen Grace after Meat FAther of bounty and God of our strength from whose liberall hand we have received this nourishment of our earthly bodies grant that the fulnesse thereof may not breed in us a dulnesse of spirit or neglect of thankfulnesse but that we may be more and more inflamed to serve thée and bring for●h the fruits of a lively Faith by our thanksgiving through Iesus Christ our Lord and onely Saviour Amen Grace after Meat GRant O most mercifull Father that our hunger thurst being satisfied with the muderate use of these thy good gifts and Creatures sanctified with thy holy word we may both in body and mind be apt and able to doe good works to the glory of thy most holy name Amen Grace after Meat HOnour and praise be
given to our heavenly Father by whose liberality our bodies here are not onely refreshed but also most mercifully hath given us his onely Son our Saviour Iesus Christ to feed our wounded soules with his precious bodie and blood shed on the Crosse which is the lively bread meat and drinke to every true faithfull penitent soule wherefore let us continually praie for grace that wi●h his heavenly food we may spiritually be made strong in all good and godly workes as lively members of Iesus Christ to whom be all power honour and glory now and ever world without end Amen Grace after Meat O Lord God Almighty and most dear Father thou hast not onelie given unto us meat and drinke to sustaine these our mortal bodies but thou hast likewise given unto us thy blessed word which is the onely food of our immortall soules through our Lord and Saviour Iesus Christ to whom therefore with thée and the Holy Ghost be all honour praise and thanks for ever and ever Amen Grace after Meat O Lord which art the Creator of all creatures and hast prepared food for them according to the nature of their Creation we most heartily thanke thee for these thy creatures which at this time we haue received in thy name beséeching the O Father that as our bodies are now by these gifts refreshed our soules may be also nourished with the food of everlasting life in thy most holy Testament confirmed with the blood and death of Iesus Christ thy sone our Saviour To whom with thée and the holy Ghost be al honour glory and praise for ever and ever Amen Grace after Meat O Most gracious God and louing Father in Christ Iesus who by thy mightie power and marcifull goodnesse hath created ●s of no thing and given us a perfect beaing and having lost all happinesse hast restored us to grace through thy mercy and now at this time hy thy mighty providence presently fed us for which thy name bee blessed and praised both now and for evermore Amen Grace after Meat THanks bee unto the O Lord God Almighty most dear Father of Heaven for giving us our food in due season for opening thy mercifull hand and stlling us with thy blessing And we beseech thee for thy Sonnes sake Iesus Christ not onely to preserve us alway from abusing the same but also to send us thy grace that we may ever be thankfull unto thée therefor Amen Grace after Meat THanks be unto thee O Lord God Almighty most dear Father of Heaven for certifying us by thy blessed word that all kinde of meat is cleane And we beseech thee send us thy grace that we may alway thankfully receive the same not onely without superstition or serupulosity of conscience but also without grieving or offending our brethren and so to walke in the way of Godly live and charity that with our meat we never destroy him for whom thy Sonne Iesus Chrih died as well as for us Grace after Supper THanks bee unto thée O Lord God Almighty most dear Father of Heaven for ordaining thy creaturs to be the food and sustenance unto our bodies and hast sanctified them by thy blessed Word We beseech thee make us to increase in stedfastnesse of thy Faith in perfect knowledge of thy Truth and in continuance of Prayer unto thee that to us also they may be sanctifiod and holy and that we may ever thankfully receive them to the glory of thy holy Name Amen Grace after Meat THe God of peace and love vouchsafe alwaies to dwell with us thou Lord have mercie upon us who having satisfied our hungry appetites with corporall food the nourishment of our weak bodies wilt be pleased also to féed our soules with the blessed tast comfort of thine eternal word that we being made members of that body of which Christ Iesus thy son is head may ●earve thee in all truth faithfulnesse both to the end and in the end Amen Grace after meat THe God of peace and love vouchsafe alway to dwell with us and thou Lord have marcy upon us glory honovr praise be given to thee O Lord which hast fed us from our tender age and givest sust●nance to every living thing replenish our hearts with joy gladnesse that we alwaies having sufficient may be rich and plentifull in all good works through our Lord Iesus Christ So be it Grace after Meat WE thank thee O most mercifull Lord and Saviour Iesus Christ for the gifts wherewith we have refreshed our hungry bodies and like as thou hast now given us meat needfull to the comfort and heaith of our bodies so we beseech thée al waies to give us thy word that it may ever be to the comfort and health of our soules which livest and rainest with the Father and the holie Ghost world without end Amen Grace after Meat WHatsoever you de in word or deod do all in the name of our Lord Iesus Christ giving thanks unto God the Father by him to whom all blessing glory wisedome thanks honour power and might be rendred forevermore Amen Grace after Meat WE thank thée O heavenly Father that of thy abundant goodnesse hast this day sent us food in due season to nourish these our more all bodies with beséeching thée also of thine infinite mercy to pardon and forgive all our offences which we have commited against thy divine Maiestie that we may this night rest in thée with quiet Conscience abiding thy holy hand in the morning to raise us to do the thing which shall be pleasant in thy sight to thy glory and our soules health Grant this O Father for thy dearely beloved Sonnos sake Iesus Christ our ever lasting Saviour To whom with thée and the holy Ghost be all honour glory and praise for ever and ever Amen Grace after Meat WEe render thee all laud and praise most loving Father for thy gracious favour in feeding our bodys at this present with sufficent nurishment and for all other thy gracious comforts communicated unto us whereby wee are refreshed and cherished so that through thy mercie we are enabled the better to serve thee and glorifie thy name and made more apt to follow our callings which thou hast appointed us for which we returne thee all praise and thanks now at this time and for evermore Amen This Prayer may be joyned to any Grace whatsoever GOd save his universal Church God comfort all that are comfortless and continue his Gospel amongst us and send us Peace and Truth in Christ Iesus our Lord and only blessed Saviour and God forgive us all our sinnes Amen Here follow divers Fruit-Full GRACES in Meeter Grace before Meat ALmighty Lord and eternal King Which made the Heavens and every thing Grant unto us that perfect be To tast the food that here we sée As things ●repar'd for natures need For thou O Lord hast so decreed And to be thankfull for the same Praising for aie thy holy name Preserve the universall Church
whose hand is life death I wretched sinner unworthy of thy benefits most humbly beseech thee to blesse me and with thy holie Angell assist me this night which hast made me of earth doest nourish me by thy creaturs pardon me which have so offened thée in thought word and deed and grant me grace hereafter to feare thy wrath and heavy displeasure for thy blessed Sons sake our Lord and onelie Saviour Iesus Christ Amen Our Father which art in Heaven c. O Lord succour us shew me the light of thy countenance in thee my soule trusteth and my heart rejoyceth O give me understanding and I will kéep thy Law yea I will keep it with my whole heart Encline my heart unto thy testimonies then shall I praise and magnifie thy blessed name for ever According to the greatnesse of thy mercies O God forgive me my sinnes Remember not the number of my sinnes but according to the multitude of thy mercies deliver me from the paines due to them Grant this O Saviour for thy mercies sake Teach me to number my daies that I may apply my heart to learn thy wisdome and so strengthen me with thy holie spirit that I swerve not from thy law Deale not with me as I have deserved but call to remembrance thy render mercies which have been ever of old and cast me not from thee in thy heavie displeasure least I be consumed and brought to nought Heare me for thy mercies sake Vnto thée I wretched sinner do come craving of thée thy mercie Incline therefore thine eare unto my casting and consider the request of my heart Lighten me thy servant with the bright lamp of thy holie Spirit thereby to subdue the bodie of sin with all the lusts thereof that I may be made obedient in will and mind to thy holie Lawe Dear Saviour to whom it is most easie to do all things then for me to thinke any one good thought give power unto thy servant that I may with a strong Faith vanquish and subdue whatsoever may cause me to rebell against thy blessed will Excéeding true it is that Every one that saith Lord Lord shall not enter into the Kingdom of Heaven Mat. 7.21 Strengthen me therefore thy servant I beséech thée with the Power of thy right hand against all the maliciousnesse of the old wily Serpent Replenish my heart with thy wisdome and comfort my soule with thy sweet comfortable and healthfull promises and let thy mercies heale mine infirmities Yet once again I call upon the in these my meditations O let thine ear be open to heare the Prayers which I thy servant make unto thee this day and grant that I may alwaies aske of thée in such sort as thou requirest to the honour praise and glory of thy name to the furtherance of thy word the profit of my nieghbour and to my consolation and comfort through the merits of thy bitter death and passion Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the holy Ghost As it was was in the beginning is now c. SAve us O Lord waking and kéepe us sléeping that we may watch in Christ and rest in peace Amen When you are ready to goe into your Bed Say I Go to Bed as to my Grave God knoweth when I shall wake My trust is that my Lord and God will mercy on me take When you are lying down in your Bed Say I Lie down in the name of the Father and of Sonne and of the Holy Ghost Amen FINIS
our Common-wealth defend Grant that thy people may enjoy thy peace unto the end Amen Grace before Meat AL you that heare present be and do in tend to eat Marke well what gods word saith to ye of this your feed and meat Meat doth not as Saint Paul doth say to God the near us bring Or if we eat nothing it may us hinder any thing But take you head your liberty be not offence to other Nor ye yet do you that willingly whereby to hurt your brother Therefore pray we to God on high that he will give vs might To do doe all things to edifie and keep his Lawes aright And qlesse us and our meats also and make us all accord That we may love both friend and foe and braise our God the Lord. Grace before Meat ALL yée that now here present be Lift up your he●rts to God with me Praise ye his name with heart and mind For those his gifts which we here find To feed our bodies he hath them sent Our wicked lives let us repent Destring him our soules to feed With heavenly food whith we doe néed Amen Grace before Meat ALl things th●t now be in this world are nothing else but vanity And very great the number is that are oprest with misery Be louing unto them therefore and mercy to them show For when that death approacheth you your head shall be full low Then will it be too late for you mercie to aske and have If that you turne your eares away when that the poore doe crave Cease not therefore to doe them good while that yee here remaine For they are bought with Christ his blood and that shall be our gaine Good Lord blesse us and all that we shall receive of thy goodnesse Grace before meat AS to the sick all pleasant things have still unsavery tast So shall Gods gifts be unto us if vainelie we them waste Take heed therefore saith Christ our Lord that surfetting you shun Let not your hearts with banquiting be drownd'd and overcome Receive Gods gifts with given thanks and natuers weaknesse feed When you have done remember those which want and stand in need So God shall blesse and eke increase your basket and your store And give you life in Christ our Lord which lives forevermore Grace before Meat AS Man is made a Soveraigne Lord and Prince alone to raigne To whom as subiects Fish and Fowle are made to him as gaine Both land and beasts both hearb and tree both gold and silver pure The wind the aire both Sun and Moon for ever to endure And as they serve him at his need as Subjects in their kind For wealth for ease and for food to cheere his weary mind And none of them deny his will as Gods appointment is So now that man doth them excell we may discerne by this He hath a soule which must have raigne in life when flesh is dead Which must with spirituall food of life continually be fed Nor yet with bread materiall compas'd with corne and graine But with the word and flesh of Christ it must be fed certaine For which as for the rest men ought most chefly to give praise To God and Christ which succour is to us at all assaies Therefore to God for food and strength and wealth abundant store And for the hope of lossing life be praise forevermore Amen Grace before Meat GIve thanks to God with one accord for that shall be set one this boord And ve not carefull what to eat to each thing living the Lord sends meat For food he will not see you perish but will you feed foster and cherish Take well in worth what he hath send and at this time be therewith content prasing God Amen Grace before meat MAns life preserved is by food as God hath well decreed But on Gods grace and holy word our soules must daily féed Through want of food materiall the body soone doth pine So will the soule if long it lack her spirituall food divine To the be praise then Father deare which at this time hath sent Both for the soule and bodie food thy Children to content And we beseech thée Christ thy Church our Nobility and Stale to save That by there life in p●ace long time the Gospel we may have Amen Grace before Supper MAn liveth not onelie Christ doth say by his materiall bread But sure by every word of God 't is wherewith he is fed From earth springs food mans bodie to féed but Christ came from one high Which is the bred of life that can our soules aye nutrifie He gave his flesh and shed his blood at his last Supper sure And who so feed on him by Fath shall lastingly endure Christ Iesus blesse our supper now and worke in us thy grace And save thy Church our State defend and soon thy foes deface Amen Grace before Meat OF Dives and Lazarus the Scripture telleth plaine How Dives lived in wealth and ease and Lazarus in great paine The rich man he was clothed well and fared of the best But Lazarus with hunger great could have but little rest But full of soreslay crying still but some man to releive him With crums that fell from Dives Table whereof no man did give him Thus perished poare Lazarus and that for lack of food And also that rich glutton died for all his worldly good Therefore all ye that present be remember this thing well That how this man unmercifull is buried now in hell From the which fiery torments great the Lord us all deliver And grant we may be mercifull while we live heare together Then shal we rainge with Lazarus with joyes that be indurable Even by the blood of Iesus Christ for health most profitable Now therefore Lord we thée beseech to make us all consent To pitty those that have most need and eke our sins repent Amen Grace before Meat O GOD that art our righteousnesse Lord heare us when we call Of thy goodnesse we pray thée blesse both us and our meats all So that we do not use the same but only to our néed Wherefore we praise thy holy name in thought in word and déed Amen DVst Earth and Ashes is our strength our glorie fraile and vaine From Earth we come to earth at length we shall returne againe To day we feed on flesh of beasts of fouls and divers fish To morrow for the crawling wormes our selves become a dish Loe thus we may behold and see our frailty what it is Let Faith and Prayer be the way to bring us unto blisse Amen The whole estate of Christ his Church our Nobility of this Land alse God mightily preserve and kéepe from force of mortall foe Grace before Meat REceive your Meat without grudging Take heed ye never abuse the same Give thanks to God for every thing And alwaies praise his holy Name Who doth not so is sore to blame No evill example see that you give Thus doth Gods Word teach us to live