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father_n holy_a lord_n son_n 40,281 5 5.6012 4 true
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A29163 A sermon preached at St. Catherine Cree Church, upon Sunday the 29th of June, 1696 by Nicholas Brady ... ; published at the desire of the parishioners. Brady, Nicholas, 1659-1726. 1696 (1696) Wing B4181; ESTC R37129 11,194 33

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upon any occasion thus Naboth chose rather to expose himself to the King's anger and to that unjust prosecution which cost him his life than he would transgress against this solemn custom by parting with the Vineyard which he desired the Lord forbid it me says he that I should give thee the inheritance of my fathers Yet this secure and unalterable title is that by which you are allowed to make your claim and it is upon a due regard to the word of Gods grace that the right we pretend to is grounded and established it is that which gives you the happy assurances of your being heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ from thence you gain that spirit of adoption by which you cry Abba Father and if you are led by the directions which that gives you shall find your selves thereby made members of that general Assembly and Church of the first born whose names are written and registered in heaven and happily admitted to be common partakers of the glorious liberty of the children of God But 2dly This is an inheritance among all them which are sanctified Nothing that is unclean can gain any admittance into this most holy and immaculate fellowship purity of life is the only qualification by which you may be fitted for this blessed society Those who would be looked upon as the brethren of Christ must put on him and wear his resemblance and whoever has his hope in him must purify himself even as he is pure This is what the word of God's grace inculcates to you almost in every page he that will ascend into the hill of the Lord and abide in his holy place must have clean hands and a pure heart if you expect that God should be a father unto you and that you should he his sons and daughters you must come out from among the wicked and be separate and not touch the unclean thing having therefore these promises dearly beloved let us cleanse our selves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit perfecting holiness in the sear of God Thus if you give a careful attention to these and such other rules and instructions which are every where contain'd in the word of Gods grace you will find that sufficient to secure to you these advantages you will find it able to give you an inheritance among all them which are sanctified Thus in a confused and indigested manner such as my present concern will give me leave to make use of I have touch'd upon all the material observations which the words of my Text have furnished me withal and having all along applied them to your more particular use I shall add nothing more to what I have said already I shall only offer up as I am in dispensably obliged by all the ties of gratitude and duty my most hearty prayers to Almighty God that he would sanctify to you all what I have now been preaching and what at any time heretofore I have delivered to you that so being defended by the protection of your God and fully instructed by the word of his grace you may be built up and established in your holy profession here and have your inheritance hereafter among all them which are sanctified Give me leave to conclude the whole with St Paul's exhortation to his Corinthians Finally brethren farewel be perfect be of good comfort be of one mind live in peace and the God of love and peace shall be with you To him the Father Son and Holy Ghost three persons but one God of love be ascribed all honour power might majesty and dominion henceforth and for evermore Amen FINIS Sermons Preached by the Reverend Mr. Brady and Sold by R. Parker A Sermon preached at Helmingham in Suffolk June 30th 1694. At the Funeral of Lieutenant General Talmach A Sermon preached at Whitehall March 3d. 1695. upon occasion of her late Majesty's Death before the Right Honourable the Countess of Darby and the rest of the Mourning Ladies A Sermon preached at the Parish-Church of St. Martins Ludgate Septemb 12th 1695. before the Incorporated Society of Apothecaries of London A Sermon preached at St. Catherine Cree-Church upon Sunday the 1st of March 1696. upon occasion of the late horrid Plot.
defeated all their boasted might with his own right hand and with his out-stretched arm Has not he over-ruled the most unlikely events and made all things work together to you for good Either obviating all inconveniences by his wise dispensations or else overcoming them by his powerful assistance And how then can you desire a more available Guardianship To whose conduct can I resign you more securely than to His Can the care of your safety be better consulted than by him who is not only your best of friends but the most fitly qualified for exercising that office Can the summ of your concerns be more assuredly reposed than upon boundless Wisdom and unlimited Power Such is the Protector to whose patronage I commend you disposed by his Goodness qualified by his Wisdom and enabled by his Power to support and sustain you under the greatest exigencies and to give you a happy issue out of all your adversities May then that God whose mercy is over all his works whose knowledge is unfathomable by humane Reason and whose power delights to be glorified in our weakness be your merciful Saviour and mighty Deliverer may he be your firm support in all extremities your constant refuge in all necessities your certain comfort in all calamities and as he influenced you by his good Spirit to those offices of love which I have received at your hands so may he reward all the kindness you have shewn me seven fold into your own bosomes This will God most assuredly perform unless you render yourselves uncapable of the sweet refreshings of his goodness by not paying a due obedience to his commands nor walking by the rule which he prescribes and therefore my brethren I commend you 2dly To the word of his Grace The Law says the Apostle was given by Moses but Grace and Truth came by Jesus Christ The Gospel is a most comfortable conveyance of the divine love and favour to us it is a Covenant made up of mercy and tenderness free from all the burthensom hardships and uneasinesses with which the legal dispensation was clogg'd and encumber'd In this God seems to have laid aside his absolute prerogative and to consult at once the ease and the delight of his servants the bloody initiation of circumcision is exchanged for the milder Sacrament of Baptism expensive Sacrifices are abolished that prayers and praises may succeed them and the dreadful menace of draw not near lest I consume thee is turned into the obliging invitation of come unto me and I will give you rest Well then may a message of such comfortable importance deserve to be stiled the word of his Grace since it exhibits to us the most gracious promises it holds forth to us the most desireable rewards it prescribes the most reasonable measures of obedience and the most easy methods of reconciliation By this we are allowed to recover our selves when through humane frailty we at any time fall to re-instate our selves in the favour of our God and regain our forfeited interest by a sincere repentance by this we are adopted into his own family and put on the character of his Favourites and Sons by this we are admitted to a free access to a kind of intimacy and familiarity with our God by this we are made capable of celestial entertainments and of tasting the powers of the world to come These are some of those inestimable priviledges of that word of Gods Grace to which I commend you and I cannot consign you over to any thing more valuable but to what I have already even to God himself I exhort you therefore to adhere carefully to those admirable rules which it lays down for your direction to attend heedfully to the lessons which it gives to make that the standard of all your actions and to let your whole conversation be agreeable to that model The excellency of the doctrines which it would establish is enough to recommend it to any prudent considerer what can more considerably exalt your nature than that universal purity which it prescribes what can more effectually preserve Society than that impartial Justice which it exacts what can more secure your health and vigour than that strict temperance which it requires at your hands what can more promote mutual amity and concord than that obliging benignity which it would infuse into your natures Thus if you would but examine the Doctrines which it contains you would find it to deserve your most serious observation But if you farther reflect upon the person that delivered it you will find fresh arguments for the fixing it in your esteem God who in times past spake to your fathers by the Prophets hath in these later days spoken unto you by his Son who being the brightness of his glory and the express Image of his person deserves your attention to what he delivers more than any other person of a less elevated quality I say unto you is his constant form of speaking with which he ushers in his most weighty instructions and a due contemplation of the majesty of the Speaker should make you attend to what he utters with a becoming reverence and respect Again the vast importance of the things imparted in it should forcibly oblige you to value it as you ought This explains to you the nature and the attributes of God and shews you his way of dealing with the sons of men this gives you a prospect into the invisible world and makes you acquainted with that land of spirits it shews you by what methods God will dispence his unconceivable rewards or punishments and gives you directions by which you may be enaabled to secure to your selves the former and to avoid the latter the mighty moment therefore of the matters which it treats of is sufficient to engage you to an awful attention but farther yet the intimate concern which you your selves have in those sacred truths which the Gospel unfolds to you should powerfully engage you to give heed to its directions it contains no account of foreign news or idle transactions to which you may either listen or turn a deaf ear without any considerable consequences to your selves but rules for the management of your own lives and conversations precepts which exact your own obedience your own interest is at stake in every part of it and an eternal portion of happiness or misery will be your own lot according as your application to the duties it enjoins is more or less serious and considerate The immediate dependance therefore which you have upon that word of Grace to which I commend you should abundantly perswade you to pay a due regard to it These are some of those strong and considerable motives which I hope will incline you to put a just value upon the maxims and instructions of Christianity Give me leave to instance in some peculiar duties in general which I would recommend more particularly to your practice and performance and the first that I single out shall be Humility