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A17085 The mynd and exposition of that excellente learned man Martyn Bucer, vppon these wordes of S. Mathew: Woo be to the wordle [sic] bycause of offences. Math. xviij. Faythfully translated in to Englishe, by a faythfull brother, with certayne obiections [and] answeres to the same Bucer, Martin, 1491-1551. 1566 (1566) STC 3964; ESTC S112812 21,795 56

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Christian obedience defendith not the obseruinge of it and chargyth suche as do obserue and vrge it with breakinge of Godes cōmandementes for their owne traditions ypocrisie and blynd leadinge the blynd and so concludeth as euydentlye maye appeare that the obedience and auctoritie of Christians consysteth nether in commandinge nor observinge but rather rotyng vp all such plants not planted by his heauenly father ¶ Obiection ¶ Yf the Prince maye therto be persuaded all Byshoppes seame that they wolde be glade to abolish thes garmentes of the popishe blassphemous and ydolatrous presthodes but yf the Prince will force all Mynisters to receaue and retayne them or els putt them out of theyr lyvinges and mynisterie then yt seameth better to keape lyvinges libertie of syncere doctrine with this apparrell then without yt to lose lyvinge keape sylence and leaue the churche destytute of so manye good preachars yea so offend a godlye Prince by whom God hathe gracyouslie restored the prechars preachinge of Christes Gospell ¶ Answeare ¶ If all Byshoppes and Preachers resspectinge God the cause only haue wyshed and persuaded not to vse this apparell as Ioab not to nombre the people and yet respectinge the Prynces commandemente contrarye to theyr formall wyshinge and persuadynge shuld yelde in dedes as Ioab did Then weare to be feared suche sequell of plagues on the people with great greife to the Prynce nowe heare as was then there and as the Ismalites destroinge manye of the Ammorytes accordinge to Godes commandementt yet leauing some relyques of the same by they re owne neglygence or affection or pollycie weare continually corrupted polluted plagued with the Ammorytes so is it to be feared in Ingland that the abolyshinge of muche Papystrye accordinge to Godes will reueled by his worde and by reseruinge of some reliques of the same by humayn negligence affectione and pollycie shold cause this realme contynually to be polluted corrupted and plagued with Papistrie thes thinges well cōsydered moue many good preachars to be constantt zealous and syncere as in will and doctrine so in conuersacion and manners reprouyng and refusinge all thinges propre belonginge to Papistrie especiallie to the Idolatrous blashphemous and traiterous presthoode moste pestilent enemye to all Christyane auctoritye and princelie dignitie and therfor manye good preachers the rather dysposed for the preseruacion of the Prynce the people losinge lyuinge lyfe to confyrme they re doctryne preached then keapinge liuinges with flattery with danger of the Prynce the people to buyld bringe agayn that which by faythfull preachinge hathe bene destroyed reprouid refusyd so cā no such preachers be put to sylence theyr dedes declaringe confyrminge theyr doctryne nor suche be thought to be left destytute of those preachers by whose doctryne manners also the church is taught as to knowe and embrace true doctryne syncere rites manners so shall Godly faythfull doctryne cōfyrmed with lyke dedes by Godes grace gyue no offence butt vnfayned thankfulnes to a godly Prynce restoringe receauing true doctryne with syncere rites and manners to Godes glory to the Prynces honor the people edyfycation thorowgh Christ our Lord. Amen ¶ It is good for a man to be feruent in good thinges Galat. 4. A prayer mete necessarye for oure tyme and all tymes to be vsed OH Lord God maker of all thinges thou the art fearful glorious thou righteous marcyful Thou which onely art most gracious onely liberal onely iust almighty euerlastinge thou that of thyn accustomid riche mercyes deliuerydst thyn electe and chosen from all trouble vouchsaffe for thy Sonnes sake to delyuer and preserue vs from all euill and also from doynge of those thynges whiche thou in thy holye word hast forbidden Oh be gratious vnto vs and thinck vpon thy couenante made with oure forfathers of olde as Abraham Isaac and Iacob thy true and faythfull seruauntes And geue vs all suche hartes that we may vnfaynedly loue and serue the by true obedience to thy holye Lawes and Commaundementes Send vs inwarde peace in conscience that we maye be at one with the so that thou neuer forsake vs in the tyme of trouble be vnto vs in all oure nede and necessytye as a suer rock defence buckler and shyeld that vnder the winges of thy deuine maiestye we maye be saffly kepte and couetyd that Sathan and his wicked imppes neuer preuayle agaynst vs by anye cruell tyranny or oppression But graunt good Lorde for thyne owne glories sake yea for thy Sonn Christe Iesus sake that we in the tyme of tryall maye shewe oure selues as valiaunt warriours firmlye constantly to fyght vnder thy banner and not lyke cowardes at euery blast of winde be redy to rune away starting back and slyding from the felowship of Godes sayntes Thincking here in this wicked world for a longe tyme to enioye the riches and pleasures therof the whiche tyme yf we consyder is but as one drop of rayne comparid to the hole sea yea yf for this short and momentanie tyme we might gete the hole worlde and loose oure owne soules what shuld it profit or what is there oh Lorde to redeme our soules agayne with all In euery souldyer that in this world takethe in hand vnder his Capitayne to fight there is requyred in hym that he be stoute valiaunt and manly that when the pinche of the battayle cōmith he may then surely stand and fighte in hope of victory Euen so lyke wyse oh good Lord it is required of euery one of vs whiche professe thy holy ghospell that we shew our selues manfullye to fyght for the defence of the same that when the brunt of persecution by Godes prouidence to vs is mynistred we may then shew our selues as true and faythfull Christyans to fyght that good fyght for an eternall tryumphe victory in geuing offring vp oure owne bodies for a sacryfice vnto the Lord our God who is euer ready to strenghthen them that put theyr full trust in hym Oh good Lorde graunt for thy names sake vnto vs suche plentie of thy grace that when time requirethe as we do beleue in hart to iustyfication euē so by mouthe we may make true confession to saluation that the frute of the same may be to vs in the latter daye ioye comfort and eternall consolation thorough Iesus Christ by whose deathe merytes we are made inheretours of hys euerlastinge kingdome To whome with the Father Sonne and Holye Ghoost be prayse glory and dominion world without ende AMEN OH Lord destroy all the workes of sathan confort thyne that are in adversytie helpe those that be in troble for thy names sake haue mercy vpon vs and make vs thy true faithfull obedient thankfull sernaunts Lorde inclyne oure hartes into thy testimonies and not into any vnlawful luste Oh turne away oure eyes that they behold not vanytie but quycken thou vs in thy lawe bestowe vpon vs thy worde oh Lord so that we
never abuse it neither turne it vnto wantonnes but that entering into the grace of true repentaunce we may therein increase and therein contynew and that tyll oure lyues end ¶ To the Reader TO my faythfull Brethren we geue thankes to God for your constancie and vpryght delynge in this gret controuersie now raysyd by packynge of enemys about the wearinge of popish apparell and as ye haue well begonne ther is no doubt but the Lorde in mercy shall kepe ye pure and blameles to the ende It hathe byne no small ioye and comfort to many godlye and good Churches which dayly and howerly prayeth for your perseuerāce and that it wolde please God to ease it whē his good will and pleasure is So on the other syde muche lamentynge the blyndnes of those that goeth about to defende it but especiallye those that are become persecutors of their godly faithfull brethren but as charite requireth we desyre God neuer laye it to theyr charge but geue them grace to ryse agayne vnto whom we leue them wether they stande or falle Let Lottes wyfe be a warnynge in tyme to take hede Moses that blessyd seruant of God wolde not alter the valew of a curten or a lytill pyne in the Arcke so zelous was he in the Lordes worke nor neuer brought any thynge out of his owne heade to the people But had always the warrant of the worde for hym to cōclude what so euer may be obiected agaynst the refusars of those ydolators garmētes for what so euer they brynge may be redused into this poyntes that Godly men ether nede not or ought not to be scrupulous in so small a matter which answer ye shall vnderstand as folowith with an answere to a question at the end hereof The Lord for his Christ sake make Ephrahim and Manassis agre that we maye all with on hart and mynde vnfaynydly seke Godes glorye the edificacion of his people that we may lyue in all godly peace vnyte and concord This grant o Lorde for Christ Iesus sake to whom with the and the Holy goste be all prayse glory and honor for euer and euer Fare ye well deare Brethren DEarly belouyd you that haue wytte vnderstanding and wyll to be instructyd in this controuersie now raysyd in the Churche about apparell at thys tyme thys shall suffyce Yt is true that the teachers of handye craftes affyrme that no man can attayne to suche excellente perfeccyon in worke as maye be disputed of by reasone muche lesse when the rule of religion muste be framyd accordynge to the rule of Godes wyll which is the rule of all perfeccyon may we loke that any thyng can so perfectly be performyd of vnperfect mā that in all poynts yt may answere to the perfeccion that God requirith neuertheles God requirith his seruice to be suche as hym sealfe is deuyne pure syncere vnmingled and in no parte corruptyd and as lacke of strenthe shal not excuse vs in that we can not so neclygence makythe vs more wickyd yf that we may performe and we will not Fyrste we are requityd to loue God with all our hartes all our myndes and all our strength that precisenes is comendable which withholdith not a lytill whē all is requiryd Thou shalt be perfect with thy Lorde thy god Deut. 18. Thou shalt not bende ether to thy ryghthande or to the leafte Thou shalt nether adde nether diminishe of that which is cōmaundyd Thou shalt not inquier for the gods of the Gentyls sayinge Howe dyd those Gentyles serue theyr godes Thou shalt not do so to the Lorde thy god For whatsoeuer the Lorde abhorreth that dyd they to theyr godes God wyll haue his children so to abhorre these supersticion that they shuld fle euen from that infecciō that comythe by hearynge The zeall that God requirith Furthermore so many thinges as ar cōmandyd of leprous mēstreous dead bodys were many which myght not be touchyd without defyling what other thinges were they in that rude people God kepe vs frō all outwarde shew of Popery but exercises of precyse purenes and cleanes the obseruance of suche shadowes althoughe it hath byn longe synce abolyshyd yet the euerlastinge truthe remaynyth muche more in presence of the bodye that no prophane or defylyd thinge may be minglyd with gods seruice Moreouer god forbydyth all strange corruptious mixtures whē he forbyddyth them to sowe land with diuers seedes to plowghe with an oxe and an asse to weare lynyne and wollen to gether For lyberte costome euen in the leaste matters bredythe boldnes in hys cōmandement god hath also respecte to the kynde of apparell Fynallie when this cleanes is streachyd euen to brute beastes marke well who wold not beleue that God requirith an vtter detestacion of all vncleanes especially in religion Seing all these lawes perteyne to the fyrst cōmandement accordinge to the same precise rule dyd the holy fathers exercise them selues vnto puryte therfore it is neuer rede that the godly Patriarches dyd sacrifyce vpon the Idolators alters but whythersoeuer they remouid Example of holy men always they buyldid newe alters Furthermore Abraham wolde not take a thryde of the Kynge of Sodoma Iacob buryed the earinges that weare ornamentes of supersticion with the Idoles them selues Moyses to blemishe the seruice of God wolde accepte no condicions at all there shall not remayne on house saythe he very precislye Dauith wold not take the names of the Idoles in his lypes Ezechias brake the brasen serpēt not only chāgyd the vse of it What greter herytykes cā ther be then the Papistes The Holy ghost praysithe those godly Kinges which destroyed the highe places as Ezechias and Iosias in whiche places somtyme the people dyd worship god Elyazer wold not fayne that he dyd eate swynes fleshe S. Pawle byddythe Refrayne from all shew of euyll S. Iohn forbyddyth vs to salute an herytyke And Polycarpus his disciple as Ireneus wytnessith when he mett an herityke wolde not gyue hym other answere but that he knewe hym to be the Deuells eldeste sonne for suche feare had the Apostels theyr disciples that they wolde not comunicate withe on worde with any that had corruptyd the faith Fynallie S. Pawle in playne wordes cōmandyth precisnes Ephe. 5. sayinge Take hede that ye walke precislye or exactlye for so the greke worde signifieth Last of all let vs not forget what our Sauiour Christ saythe He that is faythfull in the leaste wyl be faythfull in the moste Who also teachith vs howe faythfully and precislye we shulde walke what colde be more precisly spoken of the law shall passe vntyll all be fullfyllyd and he that breakyth one of the leaste cōmandements and teachith other so to do ether by worde or by example shal be least in the Kyngdome of heauen Yt is euident by these reasons and examples that no precisenes or scrupulosite in godes religion can be to muche or blame worthie Towchinge the substance ther
that is it made lyke a Crosse or Iewes gallows it fygurythe the passion of the Lord and they that weare that ought to be crewcyfyed with the vices and concupiscences In mayntayninge this opinion of holynes with all other inuēcions which by lyinge seignes which they haue had to it we knowe not howe to auoyde consent vnto that Idolatri which Durant and the Papiste mayntayne and professe to deny the Popes cerimonies the doctryne whiche we reache howe shuld it not dyscorage the godly and incorage the supersticious in theyr errors we can not edefye the Church of Christ apparentlye shewinge our sealues to be on of the Popes clergye Seing S. Paull Thess 3. willythe to auoyde all apparens of euyll and to be shufflyd in a surples whiche the Popes clergye wear were rather a confusion then an order whiche they them sealues wolde be lothe to suffer if they might get agayne the keys into theyr handes they wolde crye withe open mowthe as theyr pontificall teache them plucke the surples of our backes by the autoryte of almyghtie God the Father the Sonne The surples is an holy garmēt of the Papistes and the Holy ghoste saying and we take from the all our clerkly habyt and we put on the apparell of religion and depose degrade and spoyle the of all orders clerkely benefice and clerkelye lyuinge Marke the follye of Papistes and we restore the to the seruitude and ignominie of the secular habyte Is it not a disorder that Christians shoulde shewe them selues slaues to the Popes order were it not better to serue God in commun attyre then to please the Pope by disquisinge our selues in supersticious surplessis were it not better to obey God who wyllyth vs to serue hym in spret and in truthe then to obey men followyng the deuyse of Pope Syluester the fassyon of the Iewes and practyse of the Papistes where it not better by leauynge of a Surples to folow Christ in breakynge mens tradicions thē by the vse therof to be a companion of Popes Pharises Yf this do not seame sufficient to proue the Minor at this tyme it shal be more at large dyscoursyd hereafter Concernyng the Quenes Maiestes commandement herein we acknowledge our sealues bownde to obey in all thynges lawfullye commaundyd so can not we be persuadyd to vse that in the minysteri which our consciences teacheth vs to be replenished with Idolatrous Ipocrisye also the example of other men which dothe were it ought nothing at all to moue vs to were a surples in the minysterie no more then to consent with them in persecutyng those men whom they terme sedicious scismatyckes for leauyng them of Thus as ye se shortlye dere Brethren we leue the surples as the Popes badge to the shauen Clergye and you as Gods chosen to the protection of the almyghtie whysshynge that God may geue vs grace aswell inwardelye as outwardlye to seke for syncerite and to wayght with all pacience the good wyll pleasure of the almyghtye who wyll can healpe when pleasith hym Fare ye well in the Lorde Iesus ¶ A Godly Prayer OH Lord God and heauenly Father which art a iust Iudge to punishe all them that do contynewe to offende the as thou art a Father most pytyfull to receaue to mercy all those whiche geue ouer themselues to please the shewe me thy grace and fauour so that I may be truly touchid withe inward displeasure of my synnes and that in the place of flattering my self to slepe in synne I may be so cast downe in hart that the rather I may truly with mouthe confesse most humbly to geue the the honour glory and prayse dew vnto thy holy name and that as thou of thy greate mercy doste instruct vs therevnto by thy holy word so for thy names sake make that the same may so lighten and cleare our conscience that in dew examination of all our hole lyffe we may truly learne to be angry displeasid with all our former and corrupte lyuing Oh that it may please the to drawe nere vnto vs in addressyng and guydyng our footsteppes in the true and perfect way of obedyence to thy holy lawes and cōmaundementes Send thy holye Angel to nitche his tentes round about vs that 〈◊〉 his infernall army neuer preuayle against vs but allways with strong faith we may thorough Iesus Christ withstand all his crafty engins and snares knowynge vndoubtedly that thou neuer forsakest them that put their trust in the. Oh let vs not be led by the infirmytie of our vntowarde fleshe but strenghten vs by the vertue of the holy spiryte Suffer vs not to lye vnder thy heuy wrathe vengeaunce throughe Ipocrysye but rather touche vs so inwardly that we may without ceasyng syghe and grone vnto the by true and vnfayned repentaunce And althoughe we be not allwayes so wel disposyd to aske praye as we ought to do yet good Lord for thy names sake stretche out thy mightie hande that by the gratious workyng of thy holy Spirite our myndes and hartes may be drawen from all erthly and corruptible thinges so that our prayers may procede of an ernest and inward affection so that we neuer presume to cōme besore that with a dobell hart knowing that whosoeuer askethe and prayeth for anye thing of the not asking in faith can not obteyne Increace our faithe therfore oh mercyfull Father that we presently may ly●ely 〈◊〉 the benefit of remission and pardon or all our synnes thoroughe the merytes and death of Christ Iesus our Sauiour and so work in vs foreuer hereafter to lyue in thy feare and to stand in awe of thy displeasure that thou mayst contynew our mercyfull Father world without end God graunt yt