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father_n holy_a lord_n son_n 40,281 5 5.6012 4 true
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A10574 An homelye or sermon of good and euill angels: preached by the Reuerend D. Vrbanus Rhegius, pastor and superintendent of Christes Church at Zelle in Saxony. Anno. 1537. Newly translated into English by Ric. Ro. citizen of London. 1583. Seene, perused, and allowed; Sermon von den guten und boesen engeln. English Rhegius, Urbanus, 1489-1541.; Robinson, Richard, citizen of London. 1583 (1583) STC 20844; ESTC S106430 17,786 94

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the similitude of God that ●hey may extoll hym with perpetuall ●raise and honour or worship him con●erning whom I will afterward speake Secondly wée must also learne whe●her there be moe kindes of Angels then ●ne Héere wée knowe out of gods word ●hat there are bothe good and euill An●elles Good Angels God calleth his chil●rē Iob. 38. But euill Angelles are Deuils But peraduenture some man woulde merueill and aske thys of mee from ●hence haue deuils theyr originall ●eing that Moyses sayeth in Genesys 1. in the beginning of Genesis mencion is made of this battaile and most greuous conflict betwene the sonne of God and these deuils where wee reade thus That the seed of the Woman shall breke in sunder the Serpents head And that the serpent burning with infinite lust of reuenge by endlesse and vnsaciable hatred in al that he can shal with excéeding beastly rage cruelty persecute the same seede But that Angels by theyr owne wyll and luste became disobedient and haue lost theyr brightnesse and sincertie The Epistle of S. Iude witnesseth where hee clearely and profoundly sayth The Angels obserued not their Originall That is to saye they were in the beginning made pure and vndefiled but afterwards they became disobedient like as S. Peter sayth They transgressed and therefore were they plagued And Christ saith that the Deuill continewed not in truth signifying by the wordes Hee was indeede created in truth but hee aboade not in the truth but fell from the truth and perished And in an other place hee sayeth That the deuil speakes lies of his owne That is hee speaketh lyes of that which hée receiued not from God but what hee of his owne will liberty and luste tooke chose vnto himselfe this is sinne This doctrine is néedefull to bée knowen and to know this maketh much for our purpose least wée doo fall into that filthy herisie of the Manichees and that wée may be fortified against the same And this doctryne did these auncient Fathers of sound iudgment diligentlye teach and beate into mens eares Contrarie wise good Angels béeing corroborate or strēgthened by the sonne of God through hys holy spirite continued still in obedyence were confirmed that so the son of God might continue and abide there lord and head Thirdlye also the Ministerye of good Angels and theyr office let vs sée out of the worde of God And first héere euen thys is speciallye necessary that we may learne suffcientlye to knowe the will and practyses of the euyll spyrit agaynst vs. Of y e Hebrues Sathan is called that euil Spirit y t is to say The aduersary For al deuils be perpetual dedly vnreclaimable vnto him For so is hee made that he feareth no man A man may see a certaine image of Sathā in the Turkes which are y e most deerest and most diligentest vessels and instrumentes of Sathan to the accomplishment of all his will lust and desires In these may you haue a certayn image not obscure of that malicious most cruell splrit to beholde with such outrage of minde with so great bitternesse of crueltye are the Turkes enflamed againste Christians with so deadly and beastlye cruell hatred are they swolne against them that they aduenture and suffer at full all manner of gréefes miseries and calamities hunger thirst most gréeuous labours scourges stripes woundes yea and also death it selfe So that they may hurt and worke extreame iniurye towardes the bodyes and goods of Christes true beléeuers And where they preuaile in strength hauing obtained some one victorie ouer the Christians they are not contented with the ritches and substaunce nor wyth the obedyence and seruilitye of Christians but wyth beastlye and horryble crueltye they kill and slaie as well young as olde men and womē with the sword ripping the bellyes of women great with childe they hange vp babes and silly infantes vppon hedges or stakes they dismember and butcherly mangle in péeces their captiues with their hooked and bowed fawchins none other wise then Butchers doo Oxen Neither are they touched with any neuer so sclender motion of mercye towardes them or their so great calamitye That I may in meane time let passe with silence theyr mischéeuous filthy dealinges bothe horrible to héere and to repeate as also theyr abhominable sinnes shamelesse crimes and reproches wherewith they punnish torment those silly Christians whome they haue captiued Wée can not sée Sathan in his substaunce because hée is a spirit as Paule sayth Ephes 2. And againe in the 6. Cha. thus We fight not against blod flesh But Sathans most malicious murdering will cogitations hatred craftie dealings practises councels against vs after a sort wee may know see in his members That is in vngodly persons who be voide of y e feare of God indued are with what force of body and minde and with what strength hée is indued what weapons or defences hee will vse what are his determinations what thinges he practiseth and with what pollicies subtilties he is instructed These when thou hast diligentlie searched out then much better furnished and much more boldlie maiest thou marche on to set vpon him thereby more busilie maist thou defend thy selfe so much more circumspectlie maiest thou inuade him and thereby more assured and more greater hope maiest thou haue to obtaine the victorie and beare the prize away And that same our heauenlie Father hath opened and disclosed vnto vs his childrē by good credit in his worde all this enimies thoughts determinations practises enterprises will power and warlike provision of this our horible and mightie enimie to the ende that we may well and stronglie defend our selues against hys violence practise and snares to the ende wée might goe against him easilie abide y e brunt of his assault be able to quēch and vanquish all his firie dartes If so be that wée at no time through great and filthie ingratitude and foolishnes despise and reiect the doctrine of God and his admonitions nor as faithlesse vngratious vngodly trucebreakers forsworne fearefull and fainthearted souldiors casting away our weapons dispairing in minde without any resisting which the most mercifull God turne from vs yéeld our selues into perpetuall and wretched seruitude nor deliuer ouer our selues vnto so filthy so horrible and so beastly cruell enemie Therefore nowe hearken ye and giue eare how that changeling our most diligent and most craftie deceitfull enemye inuadeth and tempteth mankinde with what subtill sleightes he rusheth in vppon vs with what bandes of power hée fighteth against vs with what garboiles he besturres him and what subtilties and fraudes he vseth to circumuent vs. He is not ignorant that we shalbe made partakers of eternall righteousnes and saluation and that we shall attaine thether from whence his vile corruption fell if we doe constantly by al meanes sticke to the trueth of the Gospell embracing the same with both armes and the wordes of