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A07229 The dysclosyng of the canon of ye popysh masse with a sermon annexed vnto it of ye famous clerke of worthy memorye. D Marten Luther. 1548 (1548) STC 17626; ESTC S103743 11,511 46

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tr●ses the appointed ratefyede acceptable that it maye be made to vs that body bloude of thy de resonne Iesus Christe f Here stādeth v● Ioy●eth ● hādes to ●ther wyn● his ●yng● lyfteth v● hys sacri● and sayt● who the day before he suffred take bread in his holy worshipful hādes and lifted vp hys eyes in to heuen g he casteth by hys eyse to the God hys father almyghtie he gaue thankes to y● and blessed it brake it and gaue it to hys dysciples saying take and eate of thys all for thys is my bodye h he maketh ●b●esaunce ●nd euen lyf●eth it vp o●er his head In lyke manner after supper was done he tooke thys noble cuppe in his holy and worshipfull handes and gaue thankes to the i he maketh ●eses●e and blessed k he croseth ●●s and gaue hys dyscyples sayinge take ye and drynke of it all l he lyfteth ●● chalyce ●y a lytl● for thys is the cuppe of my bloude of the newe Testament the mystery of fayth whych shal be shed for you and for many for the remissyon of synnes m he lyfteth ●p the chalyce ●uer his hed As often as euer ye do thys ye shall do it in the remembraunce of me wherby both we thy seruances remembre Lorde and so do● thy holye people remembre the same Chryst thy sonne our lord God as well his blessed passyon as his resurrection yea and also his glorious ascencion into heauen and offer to thy noble Matessie of thy presentes and gyftes a pure n he crosseth his great 〈◊〉 sacrefyce a holy sacrifyce and vnspotted sactifise the holye breade of eternall lyfe and the Cuppe of euerlassyng saluacyon Ouer whyche vouchsafe thou toloke wyth a mexcyfull and cleare countenaunce and accept it euen as thou dydest vouchsafe too accept● the presentes of thy seruaunte iuste Abell and the sacrefyce of oure hyghe father Abraham and that whyche thy hyghe preess Melchisededh of fred a holye sacrifice an vnspotted hoste We humblye desyre the almighti God commaund these thynges to be borne by the handes of thy holy Angell into thy Aulter aboue in the syght of thy Godly Maiestie that as many of vs as haue taken parte of thys Aulter and haue receyued the holy halowed body and bloude of thy sonne may be replenysshed o he crosseth his face with all heuenly blessynge and grace thorugh the same Chryste oure lorde Amen Remèbre also lorde thy seruātes men N women N wbich are gone before vs p he prayeth for the dead speketh neuer a worde but remembreth whom he lyste with thes sygne of fayth and slepe in the slepe of peace we besethe the lord to pardonne them and all that rest in Christe and geue them a place of refresshing light and rest through the same Chryst● our lorde Amen To vs thy seruantes also he knocketh hym selfe o● the brest hopyng to the multitude of th● mercies vouchsafe to geue somme parte and fele shyppe wyth thy holye Apostles Martyr● with Iohan. Stephen Mathya● Barnabas Ignacyus Alexander Mar●elline Peter Felycytas Perpetua Agatha Lucye Agnes Cecylye Anastalicus with all thy seints amōg whose cōpany we besech y● admyt vs not estemīg our deseruyng but by y● graunt of thy pardon throughe Chryste our lord r heuen i● not spoken here By whome O lorde all these good thynges ● all wayse createst sanctyfyeste quicknest blesseste and Gyuyst ●hē to vs. s he blesseth the Chalyc● with ●● crosses By hym and wythe ●ym in hym be to the God the father almyghty in the vnytye of the holy goost al honour and glory ii for euer woorlde without t he speketh alowd ende x. Amen We beynge warnede by wholsome preceptes and infourmede by the institucion of God dare bodelye say v the clerke ●nswereth Our father shhyche arte x he holdeth vp his handes in heauen holowed be they name Thy kyngdome come Thy wyll be done in earth as hy● is in heauen Gyue vs thys daye our daylye breade And forgyue vs our trespasses as we fo●gyue thē that trespasse agynst vs And let vs not be led in to temp●acyon ● the preeste sayth secretlye x But delyuer vs from euell y the clerke sayth Amen Delyuer vs Lorde we beseche the freme al euylles past present and for to come and by the intercessyon of the blessed and gloryous perpetual virgin Marye the mother of god and thy blssed Apostles Peter and Paule and Andrew with all thy Sayntes z He kisseth the patē● thē putteth it to his right eye then he cro●seth his cron and layeth it doune agayn be me●●ifull and gyue peace in our dayes that we being holpen by the helpe of thy mercy may be alwaes bothe fre from syne and safe from ꝯ He breketh the H●ste in to in partes fyrst in ●● sayeng Amen al trouble by the same our lord Iesus christ thy sonne A Here he maketh it in iii peces which with the liueth and reingneth in the vnytye of the holye ghooste B He speketh allowde for euer and euer C The clerk sayth Amē The peace of D He crosseth the chalice iii times with on pec● of the Host the lord be euer wyth you O lambe of god which takest a way the synne of the world haue mercy on vs O lābe of god whych takest away the sinne of the world haue mercy on vs. O lambe of God which takest away the synne of he world gaue vs peace ● he crosseth thee chali●● with one pec● of y● host ●●●●en butteth it into the chaly●● Thys holy menglyng to gether of the body bloud of oure Lorde Iesus Chryst be to me to all that receaue it saluacyon of mynde and body and a health full preparacyon to deserue ▪ and receaue euerlastynge lyfe trough the same Chryst our lord● Amen O holy lord father almyghty eternall God graunt me to receaue this holy body bloud of thy soone our Lorde Iesus ▪ Christ so worthily that I may deserue by hyt to receue remyssyon of all my sinnes to be replenished with thy holy spirit and to haue thy peace for y● act god alone there is none other but y● whose kingdō impe●● laste● gloryous with out ende foreuer euer Amē F he M●●●th the pa●● Peace be to y● to the Church of God G The cler● sayth to thy spyryte O God the father fountayn beginning of al gooons whych by mercye werest ledde and wouldest that thyne onelye begotten Sonne shoulde comme doune too the loweste partes of the woorlde and take fleshe which I vnwoorthy holde here in my handes H ●e ●●●●eth downe to the Hoste I worshipe the I gloryfy y● yea wtall thintēt of my hart I prayse the beseche the that thou forsake not vs thy seruauntes but forgyuethe oure synnes so that wee Maye bee able too serue the the onelye lyuynge
The dysclosyng of the Canon of y● popysh Masse with a sermon annexed vnto it of the famous Clerke of worthy memorye D Marten Luther Apocal xviii Come away frome hyr my people that ye be not partakers in her synnes that ye receiue not of her plages All honour prayse and glorye be geuen onely to god ❧ ❧ ❧ ☞ ❧ ☞ ❧ ❧ ❧ ❧ ☞ ❧ ❧ ❧ ❧ ¶ To the Reader From the begīnyg Genes i or at the fyrst entraunce after the ceeaciō good chrystē reader God in hī selfe Iohan ii for seynge the way wardenes of mannes harte and how prone and readye it was vnto wyckednes and howe ablyuyous of the benefytes that he receyued of hys lorde Gods han ▪ de Esal i became not thankefull vnto hys myghty God But vanys Roman ii shed in the Imagynacyons of Ieremy iii ▪ hys froward stomake and worshipped the workeman shyp of the handes of a caranous carcas subdued to all vanyte and forgat hys creatour the whych Exod xxiii vngentelnes hathe bene of all other vyces mooste earnestlye reprehended by the mouthe of God euen from the beginnīge and not onelye reprehended but also wyth sharpe threates and cōmynacyons of hys moost sacred woorde appoynted to eternall Roman i. dampnacion Besides that he gaue them vp to theyr hartes Deut●●●●●●●iii luste and plaged them with swearde famyne and pestilence Therfore good chrysten reder lyfte vp thyne eyes and behold ●● Iohan ii the abhomynacion of Idolatri ● Thess ii so shamefullye vsed in these dayes of our tyme and not onelye vsed but with force and mayne Psalm ii fortefyed and vpholden wyth fyre and faggot crudelytye and strength and that sosore vpholden Math. xv that the eternall worde of God is clerely banysshed exiled and put too bed Howe sayste thou to this detestable and among al other the moost shameful mase S●pie● xii●● and gasyng stocke the wyckede masse the vpsprynge of Sathā the inuencyon of the deuyll the fayre frute of the Romish rauenyng D●●●el ix Antechryste and the lader hous of al his shauen posteritie Hier●my xv Beholde it and abhorte it or elles take it for a warnyng God wyll abhorte the and cast the in to y● lak that burneth with fyre and brimstone wherfore I harte Apocal. xx lye beseche the with all brotherly affeccyon marke in thys lytell phyli i● volume or fewe lynes the tayle of the Dragon of Gog and magog the wasters of y●●ore flock Ezechiel xx● viii of Chryste the maynteyners of myschefe the studyers of super sticyon the fortefyers of of the malignaunt Chyrche the Psalm xxvi gylders of the tryple Crowne / and thou shalte playnlye parceiue Coloss ii in an hondreth wordes the shamefull legerdemayne craftie Iugglīg that cost them Math. xiii the study not of a fewe hondreth years and the sweate of manye browes for the whych bothe their pot and spytte walke the merielier vnto thys houre It Exod xvi is cal●ed the Canon of the myscheff a of the Masse I woulde saye that is to say the rule and order that they haue taken to fynysh theyr slayne sacryfyce too brynge it to an ende But what turmoylyng strugglynge w●astlynge quid pro quo wyth Cor xi my wayes is best hold thy hande fro my throte there was tyll they had broughte it to the mysshapen for me that it is nowe in Polidorus Virgilius dothe Lib v ca x plainlye manyfest Whervnto also y● hast a sermon ānexed of the famous Clerke discloser of the Popes Iuggling box of worthi memorye D. Martin Luther Reade it I pray the with a sober Iudgement and conferte the Idolatries of the old time with the obhominable Idolatry in our tyme after the comming of Chryste the pure and true light and thou shalt se it farre passe Oh Math vi most mighty father for y● tender loue that thou barest to the whole Iohn iii. world in that thou delyueredest thyne onely and swete sonne Iesus Hebr x Chryst that holy and sufficient Math xxi sacryfice for the lyfe of the whole world Haue mercy vppō vs deliuer vs from y● snares of Sathan and from the dyuelysh yock of this detestable Idolatrye and open the eyes of Psalm xlv oure Magystrates that they may prosperously fortefye they 〈◊〉 iiii blessed woorde as they haue be gonne graciously and to deface the bloudye kyndume of Antechrist Apocal xviii and send the communalte obedyēt stomackes and hartes Roma xiii to fortefi theyr Prynces quarel in all godlynes and ryght And that all chrysten reames maye accorde in peace and vnyte and so to be incorporate in the misty ●imoth ii call body of God all myghte 〈◊〉 x●● whose head is chryste Iesus to whome I commyt the with the encrease of hys knowledge Amen Reade and then Iudge The dys●losyng WE humblye pray and besech the moost gracyous father that thou accept a he● the ●● est kysseth Aulter an then make● iii crosses and blesse these giftes these rewardes the se holy vntasted sacryfyces cheyfly which we offer vnto the for thy holy catholyke chyrche y● thou mightest vouchafe to pacifi kepe set to gither and gouern yt through the whol world with thy seruant our pope and name hym and our bisshope named our king named with al fayth ful men louers of the catholike and apostolike fayth b here he ayeth fol● lyuyng ●th no w● but ●h● them th● prayeth Remenbre lord thy seruauntes menn women he nameth whome he wyll and all that stand here about whose sayth and deuocyon is knowen to the for whom we offer or themselues offer this sacrifice of prayse for them and theyrs for redempcyon of cheyr soules for hope of theyr owne health and prosperitye paye theyr vowes to the eternall lyuynge and true God takyng parte and worshyppynge the remembraunce speciallye of the gloryous and perpetuall vyrgin Mary mother of oure God and lorde Iesus Chryste yea and of thy blessed Apostles and Martyrs also as Peter Paule Andrew Iames Iohn Thomas Iames Phylip Bartholome Mathye Symon and Iude Lyne Clete Clement Syxt Cornele Cipran Lautens Grysogon Iohn Pauil Cousmas and damiā and of althy Sayntes through whose merytes and prayers graune thou that we may in al thinges be defended by the helpe of thy protection by the same Chryste oure lorde Amen We beseche the therfore-O lorde to bee pacyfyed and to acceptthys oblacyon c here he loketh on th● hoste wyth great deuoon of oure boūden dutie yea of thy houshold also and to dyspose oure dayes in thy peace and graunt that we maye be delyuered frō eternall dampnacion and bee nombred in y● flock of thin elect through Christ our lorde ▪ Amen Whych oblacion d here ● must loke it agayne vouchsafe thou God almyghty to make throughly we beseche y● blessed e here he ●keth v
and trewe GOD wyth apure harte and a chas●e boddye Thorouhe the same Iesus Chryst our lorde Amen Let the obseruaunce of my seruyce I After this colet he maketh a crosse on the Aulter kysseth it puttethe of hys vpper vestu●● please the O holy trynyty and graunt that thys sacryfyce whych I vnworthy haue offred to the eyes of thy● Maiste maye be acceptable to the and propycyatorye to me and to al them that I haue offred it for through th● mercy which liuest and reignest god worlde wyth out ende amen ❧ ❧ ❧ ❧ ❧ ❧ ❧ ¶ ☞ ☞ ❧ ☞ ❧ ❧ ❧ ☞ A sermon made bi the famous Clerke of worthy memorye Doctour Martē Luther of the great blasphemy agaynst God whych the Papystes daylie do vse reading thys Antechristian canon yn theyr Masse BEfore we take on ●o vew or suruei y● horible abhominacion Danil i● of the most fyl● thi I dolatti againste i Ihon ii God of the mooste cursed Canon which the sluggishe papystes call the masse in whyche they wyth cruell mouth daylye beslauer the hygh Maiestye of God we thynke it best that we laye the fundacyon of the truth and in fewe wordes to comprehēd what the entraunce state of oure faythe is of the Gospel also That is it condēpneth● vs and promysyth saluacion by none other thyng but by Chryst no though all the workes in the worlde were got into one heape for he is out saluacyon whyche ●●c ● also gaue him selfe for the synnes of the world and so reconsylyd vs to hys father whome is wel Math ●●● pleased in this Chryste alone forgeueth y● synnes of thē that are grafted in y● body of Chryst y● by fayth alone to suche only I saye the father īputeth no synne for Chrystes sake Now he that wil obteine forgiuenes of sīnes committed by any other meane as by hoo●es shauen crownes pylgrymages bulles praers Iohn ● fastynges foundacyons c. he is a theefe and a robber yea he putteth Chryst to epproby shame as though he weare an vnmete and vnsufficiēt redemer of none effect was in vayne hāged on y● crosse slayne with so shamefull punyshmēt But yet whatsoeuer he be the trusteth to his owne worckes be it neuer so lytle he tredeth the precyous bloude of our redemer Iesus Chryst vnder foote opēly denyeth God as though Chryste were nothyng in fauour with the father It must be knowen therfore the no sacryfyce is nowe acceptable in y● sight of the father but Chryst onely whiche offred hym self to him for vs ones for all and euer by that dede he swalowed vp the synnes of the holye worlde and made vs safe frome death hell and y● deuell so that after that there neded no sacryfyce at all to be offred too hym For lyke as he was sence that tyme no more bonde to death so lyke wyse is it impossyble for hym to be offred annye more For not●ing can be made a sacryfyce excepte it be slayne Thē whē the myserable papystes make them selues readye to offer Chryste they begynne too strangle Chryst and hang hym agayne as farre as in them ly eth Howe foule an abhomina +cyon it is we shal shew by theyr Canon True it is in dede that y● Appostles and Prophetes exhorte vs too offer sacryfyce too God but not to offer chryste but the mortifing of thold Adā i Petri ● and cōmit our selues wholy to god This is y● sacrifice whyche Ose iiii god requyreth of vs and also that we prayse cōfesse hī wtout feare Seyng thē it is thus it must nedes follow that what sacryfyce soeuer be found out other then this it is false blasphemous We shal therfore try out theyr canon which wyll make you to be amased at y● abhominacions that light hidden in it wi●h yet they make to be of more value then the Gospell Thus begynneth the canon The begynnyng of the canon We humbly praye and be seche the most gracious father that thou accept ad blesse these gyftes these rewardes these holye vntasted sacryfices See ye what blasphemy here is euen in the beginning of it Here standeth a wretched brayn lease man at an Aulter lyke a fole prayeth y● he maye make an acceptable a holy and vntouched sacryfyce where he hathe nothyng but a morsell of bread and a syp of wyne Try yt wel for gods sake how thes words stynke of a lye euen at the fyrst If it be holye marke well the wordes with whatte mouthe then prayeth he that he maye now obteyne to make yt holye Darest thou O manne synfull and worms meat stand fourth in the syght of Goddes Maies +tye and before hym playe the foole thus with a pece of bread / a litle wyne it followeth agayn The canon Chefely whych we offer vnto y● for thy holye Catholyk churc● that thou myghtest / vouchsaf● to pacefye keepe settogyther gouerne it through the whol● worde wyth thy seruaunt oure Pope N and our Bysshop N and our Kyng N and so fourth Oh thou varlette worse thenne noughte Dareste / thou take vppon the yea wyth what face dareste thou so moche as ones thynke to offer that Lytell mor sell of breade and a Cuppe wy +th al lytle wyne for y● catholyke Churche Oh good god howe thou arte defyed here It were no Wonder to see a mannes harte ryue a sonder too see the Deuell Alas the tyme howe he reigneth in the worlde In thys place trewlye chryste is vtterlye denyed when one shall say here is ready breade and wynne and wythe thys we shall help all the whole worlde as he myght saye Thush father thou arte a foole and thy sonne also we papystes shall nowe make a laufull sacrifyce whyche thou canst not be agaynste And as for thy sone he maye goo playe hym as one of noe force nor effecte Alas it woulde make a man too wepe that the bloud shoulde braste out at his eyes I thyncke verelye that the very ry Deuell hym selfe made thys Canone For howe coulde there elles bee made any greter thynge to dyshonour God agayne thys goodlye why pster b●ingeth people wyth hym to make an oblacyon too God yea and hys bread beynge yet vnblessed prayeth for theme He sayth also that they be fayth full howe then be they in daunger If Chryste haue redemed them what nedest thou thenne nowe to praye for theyr redempcyon / Nowe after thys he be gynneth to call vppon a great companye of Saynctes bearynge hyme selfe in hande that his morsell of breade is as moche too bee estemede as the precious bloud of chryst where yet he speaketh nothynge at all of the Churche lyuynge on earth specyally seynge there is not so moche as one lytle of the scryptur that hath shewed vs any thing of the Saynts departed thys life Nowe it followeth which oblacion vouchsafe thou O God father almyghtye we be seche the to make blessed apoynted ratefyed reasonable
acceptable that it may be made to vs the bodye ▪ and bloude of thy derely belouyd soone oure lorde Iesus Chryst Here at y● fourth tyme the foles head maketh ablacyon and vseth such worde as can not do hyt Consyder ye here the contrary● Chryst prayeth for me to the father that I wretched synner may be acceptable to hym And this shameles butcher laboureth now to reconsyle the ●onne to the father whych loueth him moost specially and aboue all Alas I say is not this I pray you extreme abhomynacyon blasphemy and denying of God yes truly is it euen as though the bloude of Chryste were vncleane also and muste nowe be purified by them and commited to the father Alas this is to moche mockage I can in no wyse suffer yt ony longer the hower is come that touchethe my conscyence Let all men therfore apply them herto that this abhomynacion may be taken away● Nowe here follow the woordes of all thynges moost noble and excellent whiche also they haue all bespotted wythe theyr owne fylthynes See ye here howe these tryflers haue dryuen in thys woorde / FOR and lefte oute the pryncypall part that is WHYCH IS GEVEN FOR YOWE Agayne they nede not the body of Chryste the was delyuered ones tor all when they make theyr sacryfyce They patch to yet also of they re owne the mysterye of faythe where it is nothynge lesse then the mysterye of fayth that they go aboute Nowe when they haue blessed the breade and the wyne c. yet they offer Chryste vp agayne and saye The canon we offer vnto thy Maiestye of thy presentes and gyfts a pure sacryfyce a holy sacryfice and vnsported sacryfice the holy bread of eternal lyfe and y● Cuppe of euerlastynge saluacyon On whyche vouchafe thou to loke with a mercyfull countenaunce accept it as thou didest vouch safe to accept the presèts of thy seruaunt iust Abell the sacryfyce of our high father Abrahā that whyche thy hygh Prest melchisedech offred a holy sacrifice an vnspotted hofte ❧ ❧ ❧ ❧ ❧ ❧ ❧ ☜ ❧ ❧ ☞ ☞ ❧ ❧ ❧ ❧ ❧ ❧ ❧ ❧ ❧ ❧ ☞ ☞ ☞ ☞ ❧ ❧ What abhominacion is thys is not this to tred the bloud of Chryst vnder fete when we wyll desyre God to haue this as acceptable as Abels sacryfice was is the bloude of Chryst of no more value than to be compared with Abels oblation what offred Abels then a young lamb yf Abel by the oblacion was made ryghtuous then Chryst dyed not for hym at all And after thys manner shal a vyle and natural shepe be of more estimacyon pryce and worthyenes then the moost precious bloude of our onelie redemer Chryste O good Lorde what a horryble blasphemy ys thys what Chrystyen herte is able to abyd thes thīges so myserable and all to gyther full of deceyte and dampnatyon Now I appeale you lordes and Rulers I beseche you at the last yet turne hyther your eyes The fathers of the olde Testament weare as well saued by the passyon of Chryst as we be as wyt nesset Paule Therfore they be false lyes whych these men bear in theyr Checkes For in the other place here before they saye it is a pure oblation and vnspotted and here nowe they praye to God to take it as acceptable as he dyd Abels sacryfyce euen as thought Chryste were iuferyour to Abell where as he ought to beleue that Chryste re consiled to the father both Abel and all Gods elect Wyth what face then O fylthy wormsacke wilt thou purify Christ to the father I thynke that yf God shuld raine doune aboundaunce of fyre all shoulde be to litle too punysh and purge this abhominable blasphēy of these wredched Papystes by whome Chryst is crucifyed in these dayes M. sodry dyuers wayes and is put to death againe Oh this moost detestable Idolatry of thease wycked Popysh masses cāne be purged by no kynd of purgacyon but by the eternall fyre of Hell Oh let hym sape that may For sence the worlde was fyrst cerated were there neuer greater blasshemies among all Heathen then is in this Canon For both ī breadth lēgth they exced Hieroboās Calnes which though the king had thē ī honor yet put they away all other Idolatrye But the Calues represented an outewarde shewe of Godly seruyce as do in oure daies Idolaters and the cursed ꝓapystes It followeth The cannon O almyghty God commaunde these thinges to be borne vp by the handes of thy Aungell vnto thy Aulter aboue in the sight of thy holy mayesty ☞ Se here for Goddes sake howe the Asse playeth the fole here Nowe he goeth about to offer Chryste to the father bi an Aungell whyche is vtterlye agaynst the woorde of God as that Psamograph sayth For the ●ather hath made hym manye hondreth years a gone to syt at hys ryght hand But thys braynles fellowe I magyneth that God hath soche an Aulter in heauen as he sayth masse vpon and so breketh vppon Chris●es office which is the only true Preest yea he beareth him selfe so importunely goeth about too offer Chryste as though he hadde not offred hym self al redy If the heathen shuld thus of rashnes Vse theyr sacryfyce too Hilarius or Anchus the abhominatione of it woulde seme abhomynable ynough too bee punyshed with the euerlastynge fyre Oute vpon this blyndenes out vppō it And now he goeth doune to them that be dead and like a hare brayne entreth to the Iugement of God and taketh charge ouer the dead whych thynge the holy goost hath forbidden bi the holye scripture and woulde that we shulde inquite nothyng of them And yet here the Asse is more frantike then euer he was Here he saith that they rest with God and yet he desireth God to giue them parte of the seat of reste and peace It followeth The canon And gyue also to vs thy seruauntes some part fellowshype with thy holy Apostes Matris ☞ Now behold howe he is here rauyeshed with blynde deuocyon and knocketh hys Popish hart and calleth vppon a great nombre of Sayntes and in the mean wyle he turneth both god and Christ to pasture in the feld of forgetfulnes / and hath no nede at al of Chryst neyther yet beleueth that Chryst hath alreadye purchased heauen for hym And in this he vetterlye deneith despiseth forsaketh Chryste / as thoughe he had not geuen heauen frely And because those dulheaded and madbrayned papystes be nothynge mouede at this therfore they often tymes lay furthe the woorkes merites desetes of Sayntes as though they wer of more value then the precyous death of our onely Sauyoure Iesus Chryste And here may ye se and beholde the madnes of these Masmongers The Grayfrers gaue a great some of money to the pisshop of Rome y● they might put in their Idol saynte Fraunces amōge these that be here nombred O the ambycious couettyng of honour desirous to manye For here should soner Deuelles be regrested then any Sayntes Furthermore when the bread is consecrated / then eateth he vp all hym self alone and geueth no man parte of yt but putteth a pece of it into the Chalyce as hought the bloude of Chryste must then be puryfyed by that pece or elles the bloude must puryfy the bread / by minglyng them to gether All thys is but tryfflynge and hath nogrund of the scripture It foloweth in the Canon The canon Lord haue no regard to my synnes but to the fayth of the congregacion Of thys the blynde masse moungers toke theyr blodenes to insure them selues wallow at th aulter as doo the swyne at the trough ▪ and goo about to desyre a priuate fayth to them selues in theyr hartes and at the last thus he concludeth The Canon Let the obseruaunce of my seruyce please the. O holy trynyte and graunt that this sacrifyce c. Se I pray you how madde thys sacryfyce monger is become He goeth on styll to commēd Chryste to the father Now I besyche you al and charge youe in goddes behalfe to try thys abbominaciō and looke naroulye on ii and sprede it abroade yf it be possyble through all the woorld that the shame of that fylthy whore of Babylon may be all vncouered And praye ye to God that he vouchsafe too sett hys almyghty worde at lybertie whiche / Alas the whyle / is wholy and all togyther hydden and kepte backe from vs hath also been hyddred frome our forefathers these mannye hondreth yeres and al by the most detestable abhominacyō of these sacryfyce mongers and christ murtheres whyche thus cruelly murther crucify Christ Furthermore I saye that al houses of Stewes whyche God hath most earnestly forbydde with robberoes murthers thefts c. are not so hurtfull as is this abhominacyon of Popysh masses To conclude I besech al Prynces Rulers Offycers and Iudges depely to trye with themselues and examin this horrible blasphemy agaynst God and if God suffre you to punyshe any sediciouse rybauld that openlye taketh a waye the honor of the Maygestye of God why sholde ye not as well and moche soner roote out and purge this so abhomynable and Antichrystian blasphemye agaynste God frō among you Lest the horryble wrath of GOD. as of a fitye kyl shuldo be prouoked against your neglygence and be aduenged as well vpon you as vpon these Idolatrious Prestes loue your god and sett you forth his glory for to the purpose ye beare the sword and haue authoritye If ye this doo he shall be your Prynce and Captayne and shal defend you thought al the deuels in hel were agaynste you yea he shal be your myghtye Champiō agaynst death it selfe And shal delyuer you from the Pharao shal at last bryng you in to y● eternall conntrey whiche hath promysed you The grace of God euer strengthen you in fayth Amen ❧ ❧ Imprynted haue at al Papistes By me Hans hitprycke