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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A06990 A treatise of the sin against the holy ghost made by M. Augustine Marlorate. Translated out of French to the great consolation of all such as repent them of their sinnes, and to the astonying of of [sic] those that mock and despise the gospell of our Lord Jesus Christ; Traité du péché contre le Saint Esprit. English. Marlorat, Augustin, 1506-1562. 1570 (1570) STC 17410; ESTC S102682 17,651 42

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to the blinde Iewes that gain said the Ghospel that he desired to bee seperate from Christe for their saluation and neuer thelesse whē he considereth how detestable their infidelitie obstinacy is before God he boldely pronounceth the they shall feel his horrible vengance For these be his woordꝭ Who bothe killed the Lord Iesus and their owne prophets and haue persecuted vs and God they please not and are enemyes to all men and forbid vs to preach vnto the Gentils that they might be saued to fulfil their sinnes alwais for the wrath of God is come on them to the vtmost Séemeth it not héer that hee had forgotten that feruent affection that he bare to his owne nation But we must alwaies come back to that which we before said that the holy ghost so gouerneth the prophetꝭ and apostles that according to that knowledge which they haue of the secret iust iudgments of God they haue so framed their prayers and requests conforming them selues thervnto that not withstanding they haue not left as muche as in them lay to sue for the saluation of poor sinners knowīg that the mercy of God dooth farre surmount the rigor of his iudgement Wherfore let vs boldely condemne all those that woork iniquitie declare vnto the rebellious and wicked the iust vengeance which is prepared for them except they repēt Espetially hate the horrible and cursed Apostasie of such as forsake the profession of the Ghospel But let vs beware we enter not to curiously into the secrets of God in condemning this man or that man but rather seek by all meanes possible and namely by feruent and cōtinuall prayer the saluation of such as are so blinde and miserable that they séem willingly to cast them selues away Let vs consider that the Lord hath at all times so magnified his kindenesse mercy towards poor sinners the they whiche seemed the moste wicked desperate in the world haue in th' end béen brought to repentance and so obtained forgiuenes of their offences against god For example who wold euer haue thought that Manasses King of Iuda could haue repented that God would haue forgiuen him his sinnes The Scripture witnesseth of him that he did euil in the sight of the Lord like the abhominatiō of the heathen and hee went back and built the high places which Hesechiah his father had broken down and he set vp alters for Baalim and made Groues and worshipped all the hoste of Heauen serued them He built Alters in the house of the lord He caused his Sonnes to passe the fire in the valey of Ben hinnom He gaue him self to Witchcraft and Charming and Sorcery and hee vsed them that had familiare spirits and South-sayers he did very much euil in the sight of the Lord to angre him he made Iudah and the inhabitants of Ierusalem to erre and to doo wursse then the Heathen whome the Lord had destroyed before the Children of Israel Besides this he shed so much innocent blood that he filled Ierusalem from one end to an other besides his sin wherwith he made Iudah to sin and to doo euill in the sight of the lord Was there euer King on Earth further from equitie humanitie and vertue yea from true Religion● wherin he had been instructed not onely because hee was a Ievv but also the Sonne of a very good father which was Ezechias that restored the true seruice of God Neuerthelesse the holy Scripture witnesseth that this King Manasses so wicked so cruel and such an enemy of true Religion that he séemed rather a Monster thē a man beeing in tribulation praied to the Lord his God and humbled him self greatly before the God of his Fathers and prayed vnto him and God was entreated of him and heard his prayers and brought him again into Ierusalem into his kingdome And euen as he had caused the people to turn from the Lord with Idolatrye so commaunded he Iudah to serue the Lord God of Israel Lo héer an excellent mirrour of the grace and looue of God towards sinners that men may learne modestie to keep within their bounds and not rashly to iudge of the end of any And therfore S. Paule said of him self For this cause was I receiued to mercy that Iesus Christe should shewe on mee all long suffering to the ensample of thē which shall in time to come beleeue in him vnto eternall life Then euen as the election of the good and reprobation of the wicked belongeth so to the secret councel of God that it were rashnesse in man to pronounce any thing absolutely but as far as we may sée by outwarde shewes whiche often times chaunge contrary to our opinion before conceiued So we say that as touching the sin to death or against the holy Ghost we may giue no sudain iudgement lest experience it self and the conuersion and amendmēt of those whom we condemne conuince vs of rashnes and folly yet if we should néeds iudge of the election of the faithful or reprobation of the wicked it is muche better simply to iudge of the perseuerance of those in whom we sée some tokens of the election then of the ouerthrow and vtter destruction of such as haue some tokens of reprobation For charitie bindeth vs to hope well of those whom God in mercy may bring to repentance seeing we see that he dayly woorketh contrary to mans expectation S. Paule saith that he is perswaded that he that hath begun a good woork in the Phillippians wil performe it vntil the day of Iesus Christ and addeth that it becōmeth him so to iudge of them all He saith also to the Thessaloni●●● ye are all Children of light and the children of the day Further We ought to giue thanks alway to God for you brethern belooued of the Lord because that God hath from the beginning chosen you to saluation through sanctification of the Spirit and the faith of trueth Whence commeth this iudgement and good opinion yea assurednesse that S. Paule had of those to whome hee had preached the Gospel but because he saw the tokens of the election in them And as he saith in an other place that whē they receiued the woord of the preaching of God they receiued it not as the woord of men but as it is in déed the woord of God which also wrought in them that beleeued Surely charitie the frute of that faith whiche the holy Apostle in the promises of God mooued him to hope wel of those whiche had wel begon because God wil performe his woork And as touching those which profited not so wel in the doctrin of the Gospel as the other which were so far strayed that they sémed wholly out of the way he is so far from dryuing 〈◊〉 into despair or casting them of as despisers of Gods good gifts that he laboreth with all power to lead thē again into the right way as we haue all redy said of the Corinthians
wherwith he was sanctified and dooth despite the spirit of grace To the end then that none flatter them selues as if it were a light thing to dally with God and to withholde his trueth in vnrighteousnes let all men vnderstand that the mercy of God is so offred vnto sinners that none but the broken harted receiue it Th' other which are hardned obstinate and despise the riches of his bountifulnes and patience and long suffering doo but heap wrath vnto them selues against the day of wrath and of the declaration of the iust iudgement of God who wil rewarde euery man according to his woorks but espetially those that of determinat malice cursed obstinacye abuse the knowledge of the Gospel deny the Lord which hath bought them and are cause that the name of God is blasphemed of the wicked and the way of troth blamed For if after they haue with drawen them selues from the filthynes of death through the knowledge of the Lorde and Sauioure Iesus Christe they be ouer come and wrapped again therein their later estate is wurse then their first For it had béen better neuer to haue knowen the way of Iustice then after the knoweledge thereof to turn back again from the holy commandement which was giuen them But the common prouerbe is verified in them The Dog is returned again to his vomit and the washed Sow returned again to her wallowing in the mire Let them thē to whom God hath giuen the grace to know Iesus Christe his woord séek for their saluation in fear and trembling And let him that thinketh him self to stand take héed he fall not And to this end let vs haue allwaies these sentences before our eyes whiche pronounce horrible vengeance on the mockers and despisers of the Gospel which wickedly vnthankfully misuse the knowledge that they haue recieued of the troth of god Let vs remember that it is not written in vain He that denyeth mee before men I wil also deny him before my father which is heauen Also Whosoeuer shall be ashamed of me and of my woords among this adulterous and sinful generatiō of him shall the Sonne of man bee ashamed also when he commeth in the glory of his father with the holy Angels Further He that beléeueth in the Sonne hath euerlasting life and he that obeyeth not the Sonne shal not see life but the wrath of god abideth on him The holy Ghost by the mouth of S. Iohn also accuseth the father and mother of him that was borne blinde of their fearfulnes that durst not openly confesse that Iesus Christ had opened their Sonnes eyes for they feared the Iewes that had all redy ordayned that if any man did confesse that he was the Christe he should be excōmunicate out of the Sinagog He approoueth of like cowardnes and fainthartednes many of the chéef of the Iewes whiche beleeued in Iesus Christe and confessed him not because of the Phariseis for fear they shuld thrust thē out of the Sinagog For they looued saith he the glory of men more then the glory of God. Also S. Paule writeth of the Lord Iesus If we deny him he also wil deny vs if we beléeue not yet abideth he faithful hee cannot deny him self And the Author of the Epistle to the Hebrues sheweth euidently among other things what horrible vengeance is prepared for those that despise the troth that is declared vnto them If the woord saith he spoken by Angels was stedfast and euery transgression disobedience receiued a iust recompence of reward how shall we escape if we neglect so great saluation And again It is a fearfull thing to fall into the hands of the liuing god Also Let there be no fornicator or prophane person as Esau whiche for a porcion of meat solde his birthright for ye knowe how that afterward also when he would haue inherited the blessing he was reiected for he foūd no place of repentance though he sought the blessing with teares Finally it is said that the fearful and vnbeléeuing shall haue their parte in the lake that burneth with fire and brimstone which is the second death These and such like sentences admonish vs not to receiue the grace of God in vaine but to passe the time of our dwelling héer in fear Neuerthelesse none of these are contrary to the doctrin whiche wee haue before taught that is that we ought not rashly to iudge of that whiche God wil haue hidden from vs nor reiect those which for a time fall of from the trueth knowen but rather allure them to repentance and if they repent to receiue them in the spirit of méeknesse yea though they doo but séem to repent let vs not leaue to shew the duty of charitie vnto them waiting til God whiche is the searcher of the hart disclose the wickednes and Hipocrisie of those which vnder coulour of fayned holines would gladly begile bothe God and men To conclude let vs threaten the rebelles and wicked despisers of Gods iudgements that on the other side we giue occasiō to none to dispair of saluation Let vs so wish with Dauid that the sinners may be consumed out of the Earth til therbe no more wicked that we forget not that which an other Prophet saith Let the wicked forsake his waies and the vnrighteous his owne imaginations return vnto the Lord he wil haue mercy vpon him and to our God for he is very redy to forgiue To him be glory dominion and honor now and for euer Amen aboue all that we aske or think to him I say be glory now and for euer world without end Amen ¶ Laus Deo. * Ephe. 4.29 Mat. 13.19 Ephe. 6.10 Galla. 1.8 Ephe. 4.14 Rom 14.9 Rom. 10.10 Mat. 10.33 Phil. 2.12 Act. 17.30 Mal. 4.6 Math. 12.3 1 Tim. 1.13 Math. 9.34 12.24 Mat 21.22 Mar. 11.24 Iam. 1.6 1. Ioh. 5.16 Heb. 6 6. Ephe. 5.2 Heb. 10.26 Act. 4.14 2. C i. 4.14 Act. 29.33 Iere. 11.14 Iere. 11.11 1. Sam. 16.1 Psa 35.2.3 4.5.6 Psa 40.14 Psal. 55.15 Psal. Psal. 59.5.13 Psal. 69.22.23 Psal. 71.13 Psal. 74.3 Psal. 79.6.11 Psal. Psal. 109.6.14 Psal. 140.9 10. Heb. ● 4 Mat. 26.74 Mat. 16.16 Iohn 6.69 * Mat. 26.75 * 2. Tim. 2.14 Rom. 5.20 Ezech. 18.23 Mat. 5.44 2. Tim. 2.24 25.26 Iames. 1.7 Act. 7 51.6● 1. Cor. 15.10 2. Tim. 1.16 Rom. 4.17 1. Cor. 15.35 Gal. 1.6 Gal. 3.1 Heb. 10.26 Tits 2.14 1. Ioh. 1.7 2. Tim. 4 1● 1 Cor. 16.22 Gal. 5.10.12 Luc. 9.55 1. Sam. 2.6 Iude. 1.22 Act. 8.12 Act. 13.9 1. Tim. 1.15 Dauid the ●●gure of Iesus Christe Rom. 16. ●● Exo. 32.11 Rom. 9.3 2. Thessa. 2.15.16 〈◊〉 Chron. 33. 2. Kin. 21.16 2. Chr. 33.12 〈◊〉 Cor. 13.7 Phil. 1.6 1. thess. 5.5 2 thess. 2.13 1 Thes 2.1 Psal. 139. 1. Cor 15.34 Gal. 4 19● Luc. 1● 7. Ephe. 1.4 Rom. 9.18 1 Cor. 2.14 Ioh. 10 1● Ephe. 1.4 Rom. 3.28 Tit. 3.5 Gal. 5.6 Rom. 6.4 Mat. 3.10.16 Iohn 15.6 ● Cor. 15.58 Ephe. 2.10 Phill 4. ● Tit. 2.14 1. Pet. 3.12 Esay 61.3 1. Thes 4 7. Ephe. 2.8 Rom. 8.18 Heb. 10.28 Rom. 1.18 Luke 4.18 Rom. 2.4.5 2. Pet. 2. ● 20 Pro. 26.11 Phil 2.12 1 Cor. 10.12 Mat. 10.33 Mat. 8.38 Iohn 3.36 Iohn 9 2● 2. Tim. 2.12 Heb. 2.2 Heb. 10.31 12 16.17 Apoc. 21.8 2. Cor 6.1 1. Pet. 1.17 Gal. 6.1 Psa 104.35 Esa. 53.7 Ephe Yea euen vnto him that is able to doo exceeding abundantly 3 2● 2. Pet. 3.18 ¶ Imprinted at London by Iohn Allde for Lucas Harison dwelling in Paules Church yard at the signe of the Crane