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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A05220 The christian doctrine in manner of a dialogue betweene the master and the disciple Made by the Reuer. Fa. Iames Ledesma of the Society of Iesus. Now lately translated into English, for the vse of children, and other vnlearned Catholickes Ledisma, Jacobus, 1519-1575. 1597 (1597) STC 15353; ESTC S106750 8,178 42

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THE CHRISTIAN DOCTRINE in manner of Dialogue betweene the Master and the Disciple Made by the Reuer Fa. Iames Ledesma of the Society of Iesus Now lately translated into English for the vse of children and other vnlearned Catholickes 1597. ✚ a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. k. l. m. n. o. p. q. r. s s. t. v. u. w. x. y. z. A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. K. L. M N. O. P. Q. R. S. T. V. W. X. Y. Z a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. k. l. m. n. o. p. q. r. s s. t. v. uw x. y. z. A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. K. L. M N. O. P. Q. R. S. T. V. W. X. Y. Z ab eb ib. ob ub ac ec ic oc uc ad ed. id od ud ba. be bi bo bu da. de di do du fa. fe fi fo fu 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. I. II. III. IIII. V. VI. VII VII IX X. XI XII IESVS MARIA OF the name and signe of a Christian Chap. 1. M. Are you a Christian D. Yea by the grace of our Lorde Iesus Christ M. What is a Christian D. The Disciple of Christ that is he which hauing bene baptized beleeueth and maketh open profession of his law M. What do you vnderstand Christ to be D. He is trew God and trew man M. Which is the signe of a Christian D. The signe of the holy Crosse which is made by putting the hād vnto the head vnder the breast and thē at the lefte shoulder and the right saying In the name of the Father and of the Sonne of the holy Ghost Amen M. Why is it made in this manner D. To signifie vnto vs two great misteries the one of the most holy Trinity the other of the Incarnatiō of our Lord Iesus Christ who died for vs vpon the Crosse Of the end of man and necessary things for a Christian Chap. 2. M. For what end was man created D. For to loue and serue God in this life and afterward for to see him and enioy him in the other life M. How many thinges are necessary for a Christian that he may attaine his end and be saued D. Fower Faith Hope Charity good workes M. What do you beleeue by Faith D. All that which the holy Catholick Roman Church beleeueth holdeth and principally that which is contained in the Creed M. Say the Creed D. 1 Credo in Deum Patrem omnipotentem creatorem coeli terrae 2 Et in Iesum Christum filium eius vnicum Dominum nostrum 3 Qui conceptus est de spiritu sancto natus ex Maria Virgine 4 Passus sub Pontio Pilato crucifixus mortuus sepultus 5 Descendit ad inferos tertia die resurrexit a mortuis 6 Ascendit ad coelos sedet ad dexteram Dei patris omnipotentis 7 Inde venturus est iudicare viuos mortuos 8 Gredo in Spiritum sanctum 9 Sanctam Ecclesiam Catholicam Sanctorum communionem 10 Remissionem peccatorum 11 Carnis resurrectionem 12 Vitam aeternam Amen 1 I Beleeue in God the Father Almighty maker of heauē earth 2 And in Iesus Christ his onely Sonne our Lord. 3 Which was cōceiued by the holy Ghost borne of the Virgine Mary 4 Suffered vnder Pontius Pilate was crucified dead and buried 5 He descended into Hel the third day he rose againe from the dead 6 He ascended into Heauen and sitteth at the right hand of God the Father Almighty 7 From thence he shall come to iudge the quicke and the dead 8 I beleeue in the holy Ghost 9 The holy Catholicke Church the communion of Saintes 10 The forgiuenesse of Sinnes 11 The resurrection of the flesh 12 And the life euerlasting Amen OF the Creed Chap. 3. M. What haue we saied D. The Creed M. Who made it D. The twelue Apostles whan they were to go for to preach the gospell through all the world M. Wherfore did they make it D. For to instruct vs in Faith M. What is conteined in the Creed D. Twelue articles that is twelue principall partes of our faith An exposition of some principall articles of the Creede Chap. 4. M. In whome do you beleeue D. I beleeue in God M. What is God D. He is the Creatour and gouernour of heauen and earth and Lord of all thinges M. Why is God said to be almighty D. Because with his very will onely and infinite power he can make and destroy euery thing M. What do you beleeue that the most holy Trinity is D. It is that very same God the Father the Sonne the holy ghost three persons one onely God M. Is the Father God D. Yea forsooth M. Is the Sonne God D. Yea forsooth M. Is the holy ghost God D. Yea forsooth M. Be there three Gods D. No forsooth For although there be three persons yet is there but one onely God M. What similitude can you geue me of the most holy Trinity D. Euen as we that are made according to his image and likenesse haue one onely soule and three powers therof memory vnderstanding and will M. Do you beleeue in Iesus Christ D. Yea forsooth M. What do you thinke Iesus Christ to be D. He is the Sonne of God the Father altogither as mighty as wise as good as the Father which Sōne of God became man for vs in the wombe of the gloriouse Virgine Mary by the worke of the holy Ghost M. What other thinge hath Christ done for vs D. He was borne of the same Virgin Mary she remaining a Virgin before her childbirth in her child-birth and after her childbirth M. And what more D. He was crucified dead and buried descended into hell the third day he rose againe from the dead He ascended into heauen and sitteth at the right hand of God the Father almighty as his sonne and frō thence he shall come to iudge the quicke and the dead for to render to euery one according to his workes M. Do you beleue in the holy ghost D. Yea forsooth for he is trew God and the third person of the most holy Trinitye whoe geueth his grace and his giftes to the holy Catholicke Church M. What is the holye Catholicke Church D. It is the wholle congregation of the faithfull Christians who haue and confesse the faith of Iesus Christ the head of which Church is Christ him selfe and the Pope his Vicar on earth M. What good haue we in the Church D. This that we are partakers of all the sacrifices Sacramentes and good workes which are donne therin And we haue the remissiō of sinnes with many other graces and giftes of God M. What is the resurrection of the fleshe and the life euerlasting D. It is that at the day of iudgement euery one shall rise againe with the very same body soule and the good shall go into euerlasting life for to see enioy God and the euell vnto Hell with
workes Chap. 11. M. Which is the fourth thing necessary for a Christian D. Good workes for after that one is come to the yeares of discretiō faith is not sufficiēt without good workes M. What good workes are these D. Those which are ordained in the tenne commaundements of God and in the other of the Church with the workes of mercy and of other vertewes M. Say the tenne Commandements 1 I am thy Lord God Thou shalt haue no other Gods but me 2 Thou shalt not take the name of God in vaine 3 Remēber to sanctifie the holy daies 4 Honour thy Father and mother 5 Thou shalt not kill 6 Thou shalt not committ aduoutry 7 Thou shalt not steale 8 Thou shalt not beare false witnesse 9 Thou shalt not desire thy neighbours wife 10 Thou shalt not desire thy neighbours goods AN exposition of the ten Commaundements Chap. 12. M. Where did God geue these tenne Commaundements D. First in the ould lawe and afterwards Christ our Lord confirmed them in the new M. What is conteined in them D. The three first of worshiping one God of not taking his name in vaine and of sanctifying the holy daies do apperteine to the honor of God because he is to be honoured first with the hart than with the tongue and with deeds M. And the other seuen D. They apperteine to the profitt of our neighbour M. These tenne commaundements in how many are they comprehended D. In the two precepts of Charity that is to loue God aboue all thinges and our neighbour as our selues M. So that the wholle law of God is comprehended in this sweet precepte of loue which our Lorde graunt vs for his infinite goodnes Amen OF the Commaundements of the Church Chap. 13. M. Say the Commaundements of the Church D. 1 To heare Masse on the holy daies commaunded 2 To fast the Lent and other daies commaunded and to abstaine from flesh on the accustomed daies 3 To go to Confession at the least once a yeare 4 To Receaue at the least at Easter 5 To pay tithes OF the seuen Capitall sinnes which are called mortall Chap. 14. M. We haue spoken of the good workes which are to be donne Say now the euell which must be shunned and first of the seuen sinnes which are called mortall D. 1 Pride 2 Couetousnes 3 Lechery 4 Anger 5 Gluttony 6 Enuy 7 Slouth These are cause and heades of all other and therfore are called Capitall although sometimes they may be veniall M. What is Sinne D. It is that which is thought spokē or donne contrary to the law and will of God M. What harme doth mortall sinne to the sinner D. It maketh him loose God and his grace and the glory which was promised him maketh him dettour of the euerlasting paine of Hell M. Why is it called mortall D. Because it killeth the soule making it to loose the life of grace M. What doth veniall sinne D. It causeth not the losse of Gods grace neither deserueth hell but it maketh a man to waxe colde in the loue and seruice of God and meriteth temporall punishment and disposeth also vnto mortall sinne OF the seuen Sacramēts of our holy mother the Church Chap. 15. M. What other thing is necessary for vs D. It is necessary that we know the holy Sacraments and that we receiue them in dew time whā our holy mother the Church so commaundeth and declareth vnto vs. M. For what end D. For the blotting out of our sinnes and the obteining Gods grace and helpe for the doing of good workes M. Say the Sacraments of our holy mother the Church 1 Baptisme 2 Confirmatiō 3 Eucharist 4 Penance 5 Extreme vnction 6 Holy orders 7 Matrimony AN exposition of some Sacraments Chap. 16. M. Who hath ordained these Sacraments D. Our Lord Iesus Christ M. Wherfore D. For to geue vs pardon of our sinns and to communicate vnto vs his grace and the meritts of his passion and in euery one there is geuen grace for some particuler thing but it is required that we receiue them worthely M. What effect hath the Sacrament of Baptisme D. It maketh vs Christians and the chrildren of God M. How is this brought to passe D. Because we are all borne in original sinne which togither with all other sinnes cōmitted before Baptisme is taken away by the same and there is geuen vs Gods grace and other his giftes And so we are made children of God and heires of euerlasting life M. For what effect serueth the Sacrament of Confession or Penance D. That God our Lord may pardon our sinnes which we haue donne after Baptisme M. How must he prepare him selfe that will be confessed D. He must do three thinges First he must procure with diligence to to call to mind his sinnes cōmitted Secondly to haue sorow and repentance with purpose of sinning no more Thirdly he must make a full confession of them all and fulfill his penance geuen him by his Confessour M. For what effect serueth the sacrament of the Aultar D. First that our soule may be nourished and fedd with the grace of God and vnited vnto him Secondly that we fall not easely into sinne Thirdly for to obteine all perfection M. Who is in the Blessed Sacrament D. Iesus Christ our Lorde in body soule and Godhead euen as he is in heauen as well in the hoste as in the chalice after the consecratiō of the Priest which is made in the Masse M. What is the Masse D. It is a memory and trew representation of the life passion death of our Lord Iesus Christ and it is with all a Sacrifice where Christ him selfe is offered for the quicke and the dead And therfore we must be present therat with great deuotion and attention M. How must one prepare him selfe to receaue worthely the Blessed Sacrament D. By going with deuotion without conscience of mortall sinne and being first confessed M. For what effectes do the other sacraments serue D. For to receiue diuerse graces of God for that end for the which they were ordained OF the other things which appertaine to the Christian doctrine or vnto good workes Chap. 17. M. Say the other thinges which belong to good workes or to the Christian doctrine and first the three theologicall vertewes D. Faith Hope and Charity M. Say the fower Cardinall vertewes D. 1 Prudence 2 Fortitude 3 Iustice 4 Temperance M. Say the seuen giftes of the holy Ghost D. 1 The gifte of wisdome 2 of vnderstanding 3 of Counsell 4 of Fortitude 5 of Knowledge 6 of Piety 7 And the gifte of the feare of God M. Say the eight Beatitudes D. 1 Blessed are the poore of spirite for theirs is the kingdome of heauen 2 Blessed are the meeke for they shall possesse the earth 3 Blessed are they that mourne for they shall be comfourted 4 Blessed are they that hunger thirst after Iustice for they shall haue their fill 5 Blessed are the mercifull for they shall obtaine mercy 6 Blessed are the cleane of hart for they shall see God 7 Blessed are the peace-makers for they shall be called the children of God 8 Blessed are they that suffer persecution for Iustice for theirs is the Kingdome of heauen M. Say the twelue fruites of the holy Ghost D. 1 Charity 2 Ioy. 3 Peace 4 Patience 5 Longanimity 6 Goodnes 7 Benignity 8 Meeknes 9 Faith 10 Modesty 11 Continency 12 Chastity M. Say the seuen workes of mercy corporall D. 1 To feed the hungry 2 To geue drinke to the thirsty 3 To cloth the naked 4 To harbour Pilgrimes 5 To visitt the sicke 6 To visitt Prisoners 7 To bury the Dead M. Say the seuen workes of mercy spirituall D. 1 To geue good Counsell to other 2 To instruct the ignorant 3 To admonish those which sinne 4 To cōfort the afflicted troubled 5 To pardon offences iniuries receiued 6 To beare patiently the troublesomnes of others 7 To pray for the quicke and dead M. Say the fifteene misteries of the life of our Lord Iesus Christ for to meditate and say the Rosary of our Lady And first the fiue ioyfull D. 1 The Annunciation of our Lady whan the Sonne of God was conceiued 2 The visitation of Saint Elizabeth 3 The natiuity of our Lorde Iesus Christ 4 The Presentation of our Lord in the Temple 5 Whā our Lord was found againe in the Temple amongst the Doctours M. Say now the fiue sorowfull D. 1 The Prayer of our Lorde in the garden 2 The whipping at the pillar 3 The Crowning with a crowne of thornes 4 The carying of the Crosse vnto Mount Caluary 5 The crucifying and Death of the Crosse M. Say the fiue gloriouse D. 1 The Resurrection of our Lorde 2 His ascension vnto heauen 3 The comming of the holy Ghost 4 The Assumption of our Lady 5 Her Coronation aboue all Angells and Saintes Whan it ringeth to the Aue Mary we may obtaine Indulgence by saying At the first toll Angelus Domini runciauit Mariae et concepit de spiritu sancto Aue Maria. c. At the second toll Ecce Ancilla Domini fiat mihi secundum verbum tuum Aue Maria. c. At the third toll Et verbum caro factum est et habitauit in nobis Aue Maria. c. Oremus GRatiam tuam quasumus Domine mētibus nostris infunde vt qui Angelo nunciante Christi filij tui incarnationem cognouimus per Passionem eius et crucem ad Resurrectionis gloriam perducamur Per eundem Christum Dominum nostrum Amen A Praier before study CLementissime Pater infunde nobis per meritū Iesu Christi filij tui Spiritus sancti gratiam qua intellectus noster liberalibus disciplinis plenius illustre tur quas in diuinum tuum honorem aliquando et nostram spiritualem vtilitatem conuertere possimus Per Christum Dominum nostrum Amen