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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A03634 [An homelye to be read in the tyme of pestylence] Hooper, John, d. 1555. 1553 (1553) STC 13759; ESTC S118879 13,006 36

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maie be assured through true and godlye doctrine to dye in the Lorde and soo be eternallye blessed straighte waye after their deathe as Saincte Jhon sayeth And incase god reserue them to longer lyef they maye liue in trueth and vearitie vntoo him with detestation and hatred of sinne the originall cause of mannes miserye and wretchednes and wyth the loue of mercy and grace the originall and onely workers of mannes quyetnes and euerlasting saluatiō geuen vnto vs from god the father almightye thorough Jesus Christe his onely sonne our Lorde To whome wyth the holye ghost be all honour and praise worlde wythout eande So be it ¶ An homolie to be reade in the time of pestilence contayninge the true causes of the same And likewise a moste present remedye for as many as be alreadye or hereafter shalbe infected wyth that dysease Gathered out of the holy scripture by John Hoper Busshoppe of Worcester and Gloucester ANNO DOMINI 1553. Marci i. Repente and beleue the gospell IT is the desire of all sicke men to knowe what medicine and remedye hath beene knowen moste to preuayle best too remoue and soonest to cure make whole the person dyseased And the greater and more daungerouse the syckenes is the more circumspect and wise the sicke man muste be in knowledge and choise of the medicine Lest happely he seeke a remedy inferior and to weake for the greatnes strength of his disease The nature cōdicion therfore of pestilence being so daūgerous as it is in dede y t who so euer be infected or attemted therw t al hath nede to be well instructed and thorughly perswaded of a sufficient remedye stronger then the sickenes it selfe Or els the dysease shall more hurte the sicke pacyente then the medicine can do him good Thē must nedes followe the deathe and y e destruction of the diseased person It behoueth therefore all men that be mortall to knowe the most generall and most daūgerous dyseases that mortalitie shalbe troubled withall And then as he seeth his greate and necessary aduersaries and syckenes to knowe also the greatest and most necessary remedy and helpe against his diseases And because sinne hath soo preuayled in vs that trueth perswaded vnto vs by thexamples of others sooner instructeth and longer tarieth then any thinge taught vs by doctrine or testimonye I shall before I enter into the causes of the pestylence shewe the strength and nature of sickenes from thexamples of souche godly persons as in the worde of god are mencioned of for oure instruction Kinge Dauid emonges other dyseases fell intoo the pestilence The greatnes and daunger whereof passed all humane worldly healpes as it appeareth by hys lamentable crye and complaynte vnto the Lorde My soule saieth he is sore troubled But how long Lord wilt thou differre thy help And the same crie and complainte he made vnto the Lorde when the plage of pestilence had infected his whole Realme from Dan too Berzabe And sawe the remedye therof to be onlie in god Praying him to commaund his Aingel to stryke the people no more Ezechias the kinge sawe that besides god al meatsonnes and remedies were to weak and inferior for y e strength and power of the pestilence sickenes ▪ wherfore he turned him selfe to y e wall and praied god to do that for him that no phisicke nor medicine washable to do And sainct Paule in hys wonderfull oratyon that he maketh concernyng the resurrectyon of the dead waigheth moste deapely the nature condicion of mannes myserable estate in thys lief Bourdeinnyng hym wyth suche strong aduersaries sicknes and deseases both of body and soule that euery man may see how impossible it is for mā to fynde deliueraunce from the tirannie and strengthe of syckenes excepte onely the mercy of god in Christe Jesu Nomberyng there sixe and aduersaries so stronge as the least of them except Christ helpe is hable to destroy both bodie and soule The first is corruptiō The second mortalitie The third sinne The fourth the lawe condempning sin The fifth death The sixte hell necessary and indiuisible plagues and sickenes of man in this lief Against the which he findeth no remedy neyther by Galien nor Hipocrates neyther yet by thearth of para y t men say cureth al woundes But with greate faith confydence marketh and weigheth the strength of deseases though they be neuer so stronge too be yet inferior too the medsone and remedy that god hath prouided for vs onlie in Christe Therefore compareth y e inferior strength of althose sicknes vnto y e sufficient remedy of god through Christ saying after this maner Thankes be vnto god which hath geuē vs victorye thorough oure Lorde Jesus Christ. Wherby it is euident and plaine that god is thonely remedy for al plages deseases How be it nowe I shal more speciallye open y e causes of the plage and the nature of the same y t our sicknes the causes therof may be more knowen and the better auoyded The principall cause of pestilence is opened by S. Paule by thies wordes By sinne saith he came death into y e world and for the cause of sinne god sendeth the plage of pestilence and all other diseases that punisheth towardes death Asking Dauid sayth Thou doest punishe the childerin of men for sinne Moises also plainly sheweth that the principall and chyef cause of pestilence is not in the corruption of the ayer nor in the superfluous humors within man But that sinne and y e transgression of goodes lawe is the very cause and chief occasion of pestilence of al other diseases And y e experience therof was tried in the pestylence that raigned in king Dauides time for his sinnes and the sinnes of the people So that al y e scripture of god manifestly declareth that the contempt and breache of goddes lawes is the chief and principall cause of pestylence and of all other plages that he sendeth for our punishment And from this cause procedeth those causes y t phisicions speake of the corruption of the aier whiche is neuer corrupted nor can corrupte man or beast excepte mā for whose sake and comfort both ayer and all other beastes were made be firste corrupted by sin and transgression of goddes lawes Neither could man take any surfeit by meates nor anye yuell humors coulde be engendered of any meates were not y e man that vseth them corrupte first infected with sinne But when the Lord doth see that the people forgeate or contempne his blessed commaundementes and that souche as be appointed to rebuke and punish suche transgressours of goddes lawes suffer without punyshment y e glory of god and his holy commaundementes to be oppressed and set at naught as we se daylie they be in deed From these causes our sinne and abhominacion the Lord taketh occasion to turne hys good creatures made for oure lief to be a meanes of oure deathe which neuer woulde be were