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father_n holy_a lord_n son_n 40,281 5 5.6012 4 true
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A00392 A sermon made: by the famous doctor Erasmus of Roterodame; Liturgia Virginis Lauretanae. English Erasmus, Desiderius, d. 1536. 1533 (1533) STC 10508; ESTC S101706 13,968 44

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A SERmon made by the famous Doctor Erasmus of Roterodame ¶ In the seconde chapytre of the Gospell of saynt Iohan. A Maryage was made in Ca●ia a cytie of Galile Iesus mother was there And Iesus and his disyples were called vnto the maryage whan theyr wyne fayled Iesus mother sayde to hym they haue no wyne Iesus sayd vnto her woman what haue I to doo with the myn houre is not yet come his mother sayd vnto the mynysters what soeuer he saythe vnto you do it There were stōdynge syxe water pottes of 〈…〉 one after the maner of the purificacion of the Iewes Iesus sayd vnto them fylle the water pottes with water they fylled them vp to the harde brym he sayd vnto them poure out nowe bere vnto the ruler of the feaste and they bare it When the ruler of y e feaste had tasted the water that was turned into wyne neyther knewe whens it was but the mynysters whiche drewe the water knewe he called vnto y e brydegrome and sayd vnto hym all men at the begynnynge vsen to sette forthe the good wyne and when men haue drōken theyr fylle then that whiche is the worse but thou haste kepte backe the good wyne hytherto I Can scacely with my tonge expresse moste derely beloued brethren systren in Chryste how greatly it reioyseth me and replenyssheth fulfylleth my mynde all full of ioye and gladnes that I do se so great a multytude of you to be assemble here and to haue come together that with so great alacryte cherefulnes and good wyll to the solempne cōmemoracyon of our blyssed lady bothe vyrgyn mother This affeccion of you towarde the mother is deuocyon loue towarde the sone it is a maner and custome left to vs of our olde auncestours Forefathers vpon the feastefull dayes to make some royal and costely feaste or dyner Wolde god that I whiche am a father herdesman hauynge charge of soules myght bryng forth out of the moste ryche plentuous larder or storehouse of holy scrypture to you Whiche are my sones and my shepe in oure lorde some meate whiche neuer wyll perysshe but fatteth and maketh stronge the myndes of men into eternal lyfe and also that I myght bryng forth the wyne of the spyryte whiche by a sobre dronkennes maye so chere and glad your hertes that euen in the very myddes of the trybulacyons euyls of this worlde you may alwayes synge gyue laudes and thankꝭ vnto the lorde with spyrytuall hymnes Whiche albeit that he is gloryous in all his sayntes yet in his moste blyssed mother he hathe specially or syngulerly aboue all other sayntes declared and as it were powred out the ryches of his glorye Let vs therfore all togyther with oure cōmune prayers call for that holy spyryte whiche lyghtynge vpon the moste blyssed virgyne Marye dyd consecrate make holy her yonge and tender virgyns breste or bosom a temple and tabernacle to the deuyne Trynyte whiche made her vntouchyd wombe the workehouse of that wonderful byrthe whiche brought f●●th to vs Iesu chryste the Sauyoure of the whole worlde desyred and loked for of all ages Fyrste of al this is not vnknowen to you good Chrysten people that the honourynge and worshypyng of the moste holy and blyssed virgyne Marye consystyth and restyth pryncypallye or chefelye in .iiii. thynges that is to wyt in laudes or prayses in honoures in callynge vpon her and in Imytacyon or folowynge of her lyfe of the whiche .iiii. the laste that is to wyt the Imytacyon of her lyfe is so the moste chefe and pryncypall that without it all the other .iiii. are vnfruytefull or vnprofytable and this one also contayneth al the other .iiii. within it selfe for that man hath suffycyently praysed Marye hath suffycyently honoured the blyssed virgyne Marie and also hath suffycyently called vpon Marie who soeuer he be whiche to the vttermoste of his power doth folowe y e sobrenes dothe folowe y e chastytie doth folowe the humblenes and lowlynes of Marie but they whiche throwe folysshe iudgement and clene out of order cease not contynuallye to synge and to hepe laudes and prayses to Marie they also whiche with waxe candellys whiche with gyftes or obsacyons whiche with churches or chapelles do honoure her they whiche with longe ambyciōs prayers callyth vpon her desyrynge her helpe and do not so moche as one thynke of folowynge her lyfe whome they do prayse they stande in iopardye leste the mother do saye vnto them that whiche the father sayth by the mouthe of his prophete Esaye to the poeple of the Iewes that worshypped hym This people honoureth me with theyr lyppes but theyr hertes be farre awaye from me Agayne y t also whiche sayth to the same people in the gospell Not all they that sayen to me mayster mayster shall enter into the kyngedome of heuen but he that fulfylleth my fathers wyl whiche is in heuen Let this therfore moste dearely belouyd brethren and systers be our pryncypall studye and care to folowe as moche as we maye the vertues of the blyssed virgyn Marie in our maners and cōuersacyon of lyuynge leste she also may saye to vs this people honour me or worshype me with songes with pypes recordars and other instrumentes of musycke with waxe candels and garlandes but theyr herte is all sette on suche thynges which I haue alwayes hated with my sone Iesu that is to wyt on ryches on pleasures on synfull and vngracyous playes vnfylthy tales and vnclenlye cōmunycacyōs on pryde they gyue to me y e pryncypal seate or place in the churches and in aulters but within theyr owne brestes or myndes they wyll geaunte me no seate or place at all they synge and crye to me Regina celi domina angelorum vita dulcedo et spes nostra that is to saye they call me quene of heuen ladye of aungels they call me theyr lyfe and swetnes theyr hope cōforte I am saluted euery where with moste honourable tytles or names but not euery one that saythe to me lady lady shall entre into the kyngdom of my sone but they onely whiche folowynge the example of my sone do obey the cōmaundementes of god and whiche endeuourynge them selues to expresse and counterfayte the example gyuen of me do laboure to obtayne the fauour of my sone by folowynge of his mother in whom what so euer thyng is worthy to be folowed it is y e gyfte of the sone Let vs not therfore suppose or byleue that the moste holy vyrgyn hath delyte or is pleased with such fastes wherwith some men vpon certayne dayes do honoure worshyp her fastynge onely for this entent that the next daye folowyng they may the more largely be made dronken or that she hath delyte or pleasur in those songes whiche certayne persons do synge vnto her whiche are moste corrupte with flesshely luste and ryote or that she hath delyte in theyr gyftes and offerynges which are on all sydes