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A00337 The seauen spirituall exercises of a deuout soule Containing the life and death of our sauiour Christ: compiled in seauen meditations, replenished with most godly, and deuout motions, and seruing for the seauen dayes in the weeke. Bull, John, fl. 1613, attributed name. 1613 (1613) STC 1046; ESTC S115252 18,791 130

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inward man in all godlinesse and vertue Iesus shall come to iudge the quicke and the dead I Giue thee thankes O bountifull IESVS that when thou shalt come at that last day to iudge the world thou wilt render to euery one according to his workes eyther the ioy of eternal life or euerlasting punishment Grant ô my louing Father that I may haue grace to spend the course of my life in innocencie according to thy holy will that at length my Soule leauing the imprisonment of the body may be presented blamelesse before thee and being garnished with many vertues may through thy mercy be receiued into thy Tabernacle of glory and that it may glorifie and praise thee in the fellowship and company of Saints world without end Amen A PRAYER or Meditation on the Name of IESVS O Good IESV ô sweet Iesu the Sonne of the Virgin Mary full of pittie and mercy ô sweet Iesu after thine infinite goodnesse haue mercy vpon mee ô bountifull Iesu through that thy precious bloud which thou didst plentifully shed vpon the Altar of the Crosse for wicked Sinners that thou wash mee from all my sinnes and iniquities and that thou despise not thy Seruant which humbly praieth and calleth vpon thee by this holy Name Iesus This Name Iesus is a sweet Name yea it is sweeter then any Nectar Ambrosia This Name of Iesus bringeth life and saluation for what is Iesus but a Sauiour Therfore ô good Iesus which of thy goodnesse hast created me and by thy precious bloud hast redeemed mee suffer not my Soule to be ouercome with the multitude of sinnes and offences O good IESVS let not mine iniquities condemne my Soule which thou hast made of thine infinite goodnesse acknowledge in me ô good Iesu that which is thine and take from me all my sinfull and filthy enormities O good Iesu haue mercy vpon mee so long as I am in this world least at that terrible day of Iudgement I be damned with the wicked and reprobate O good Iesus if according to thy Iustice I being a peruerse sinner deserue to be condemned by reason of my grieuous sinnes and offences I humbly appeale from thy seuere Iustice to thy mercy and compassion trusting altogether ô my Lord Iesus that thou wilt be gracious vnto mee and wilt haue mercy on my soule as a louing and pittifull Father What profit will be to thee O good IESVS in my flesh if my Soule descend into hell for it is certaine that in hell none shall confesse the holy Name of Iesus O most merciful Iesus haue mercy on vs ô most sweet Iesus deliuer vs from all our tribulations and aduersities ô excellent Iesus be good vnto vs miserable sinners ô most holy IESVS grant that our soules may enioy the fellowship of the Elect in thy heauenly habitation Strengthen mee ô most louing Iesus with the sauing health of all that trust in thee O Iesu the Son of the most holy Virgin Mary giue vnto vs thy Mercy Grace Wisedome Charitie Chastitie Humilitie and Patience in all our aduersities that wee may alwayes praise and glorifie thee our Lord IESVS which liuest and raignest God world without end Amen A short Prayer for Morning I Thanke thee most mercifull Father my maker and preseruer that thou hast so louingly vouchsafed to tender my safetie this night past giuing me sweet sleepe to the refreshment of my soule and weake body So of thy goodnesse vouchsafe to extend thy louing fauour towards me this day that thereby I may be both safely preserued from all kinde of euill and imploy my selfe diligently vnto the execution of my vocation to thy glory and to the reliefe of me mine through Iesus Christ Amen A short Prayer for Euening O Almightie Lord God I thanke thee that this day past thou hast of thy mercy vouchsafed vnto me thy poore creature not onely protection against all dangers and euils but also all things necessarie I humbly beseech thee of that same thy mercy and for thy Son Iesus Christ his sake to extend the like protection and fauor toward me this night that I may enioy at thine hands safe and quiet rest to the comfort and refreshment both of my body and soule for Iesus Christs sake Amen FINIS
relieue their necessities after my abilitie or at least haue a fellow-feeling and touch of their miseries O Lord purge my soule perfectly from all vicious concupiscences and vaine desires which haue any domination in my heart that the same being healed of all these euils and freed from all these impediments may safely flye vnto heauen and neuer rest before it may be fit by pure loue and affection to come vnto thy heauenly embracements Iesus suffereth many things for vs. I Giue thee thankes O good Iesu that for the loue which thou bearest vnto mee thou diddest suffer innumerable iniuries blasphemies slanders and persecutions and euen of those chiefely on whom thou bestowedst infinite benefits and blessings I beseech thee O Lord to giue me a pure innocent and simple heart that I may loue my enemies and that from my heart I may lament their euils and wickednes That I may alwayes excuse them if they trespasse in any thing and that intending good for euill I may truely imitate thy perfect charitie and patience Iesus commeth into Ierusalem I Giue thee thankes O most louing IESVS for that thou camest to Ierusalem Mat. 21.5 humble and meeke riding vpon an Asse-colt and on them that came to meete thee singing with pleasant Hymnes and glorious praises thou sheddedst forth teares full of bitternesse which thy griefe did expresse that was conceiued for the losse of so many soules and the destruction of so beautifull a Citie Giue me O Lord an inward knowledge and feeling of mine owne estate that I may wholy humble my selfe and openly acknowledge my vilenesse That I may so far despise my selfe that the flatterings commendations and applauses of men be not hereafter pleasing vnto mee but that I may daily mourne and bewaile as well the sinne of my neighbour as the impietie of my selfe still reckoning and reputing his euill as mine owne Ier. 9.1 that mine head may be filled with the waters of bitter sorrow and mine eyes a fountain of teares lamenting the destruction that thou hast threatned against vnpenitent persons because they know not those things which belong to their peace Luk. 19.42 MEDITAT III. Iesus washeth the feete of his Disciples I Giue THEE thankes O Lord Iesu for that thou to prescribe an end of the old Law diddest eate the Pascall Lambe in Ierusalem with thy Disciples and to giue an example to them of thy great humilitie ineffable loue diddest wash their feete kneeling I beseech thee O Lord that this example may pierce my hart and may suppresse all presumption and pride in mee Giue me O Lord all humble submission by which I may subiect my selfe to all men not with constraint but willingly Giue mee also perfect Obedience by which I may fully satisfie thy Commandements and the ruling power of them that command in thy Name Stirre vp in me O Lord a most feruent Charitie by which I may loue thee and my neighbor with true purenesse and simplicitie Let not the pride of my hart carry mee to disdaine my brethren but to endeauour my selfe to do them all christian seruice whether it be in the refreshing of their bodies or ministring spirituall comfort vnto their soules Iesus ordayneth the Eucharist I Giue thee thankes O sweet Iesu that of thy most excellent Charitie thou hast ordayned the Sacrament of thy body and bloud Mat. 26.26 and of thy vnspeakable bountie hast giuen thy selfe to be food for vs and for that also thou hast not refused to be here spiritually present with vs to the end of the world O Lord excite in me I beseech thee a liuely desire and most ardent thirst of this Sacrament Grant that I may come vnto this Table of life receiue thee by a liuely Faith with chaste Loue with low Humilitie with Puritie of heart and with Sinceritie of mind Grant also that my Soule may so thirst after thee and be so wounded with thy loue that at the length I may be admitted to possesse thy heauenly pleasures for the honour and glory of thy Name Iesus comforteth his Disciples at his last Supper I Giue thee thankes O sweet Iesu for that being willing to leaue the world thou diddest admonish and comfort thy Disciples with words full of holy affection and by earnest prayer didst commend them to thy father Iohn 17.9.11 shewing thereby with what loue thou diddest imbrace them and all those that should beleeue in thee by their doctrine I beseech thee O Lord that my heart may feele a sweetnesse in thy words and that they may be alwayes more pleasant vnto mee then the honey or the honey-combe O Lord let the spirit of thy affection raigne in mee that I may wholy transforme my selfe into thy loue Direct all my actions that in mee and of me alwayes thy will may be done Iesus prayeth to his Father in the Garden I Giue thee thankes O louing lesus that falling on the Earth thy Armes spred forth thou diddest pray vnto thy Father commending thy selfe wholy into his hands and praying that in all things not thy will but the will of thy Father might be fulfilled Luk. 22.42 I beseech thee ô Lord that in all tribulation and necessitie I may runne vnto thee by heartie prayer that I may belieue in thy prouidence wholy without election or choise of my owne will or the expectation of any proper commoditie Grant that I may not at any time shunne aduersities nor be withheld from any good enterprise by the same But that whatsoeuer shal happen vnto mee I may take it patiently bearing and suffering all things with an humble quiet hart as sent vnto mee by thy holy hands And that I may account them not as thy heauy iudgements to confound me vtterly but as thy chastisements to correct mee and that not in thy fury but in thy Fatherly loue and goodnesse Iesus is apprehended I Giue thee thankes ô holy Iesu for that thou wouldest be taken with armed men and be bound by them as a wicked man and malifactor and be brought before Annas Mat. 26.47 and diddest not abhorre to abide the Iudgement and sentence against thee Oh wonderfull meeknesse of my Redeemer whilest thou wert apprehended bound scorn'd and euill entreated thou diddest neither lament murmure nor grudge but holding thy peace didst patiently follow them that did lead thee draw thee weary thee thou diddest obey them that commanded thee and with great patience sufferedst the torments which they inflicted vpon thee when thou couldest haue had a legion of Angels to haue rescued thee and haue crushed the backes of thine enemies O Lord grant that such an example of thy great vertue and patience may shine in mee for the glory and honour of thy most holy Name Iesus is smitten on the face I Giue thee thankes ô amiable Iesu that standing before the proud stiffe-necked high-Priest no otherwise then if thou haddest beene a vile and abiect person Luk. 22.64 thou wert stricken and most
honour and the saluation of Soules Let me wholy occupy my selfe in the same conforme my selfe to thy holy will doing as much as my estate is able I beseech thee that no loue of transitory things carry me away nor no creature draw mee into perilous dangers Nay rather let mee embrace all things for the loue of thee that are to be imbraced but let mee still hold thee more deare vnto mee then any thing and onely in thee finde rest and quietnesse Iesus drinketh gall vpon the Crosse I Giue thee thankes O most mercifull IESVS that in the houre of thy death Mat. 27.34 to quench thy thirst thou wouldest apply a Sponge full of vineger vnto thy mouth that by tasting in that thy afflicted estate thou mightest satisfie thy heauenly Father for all our intemperances and voluptuousnesse and leaue vnto vs a miraculous example of thy pouertie Grant mee grace O Lord that for the loue of thee I may despise all dilicious sauours and exquisite banquets and that I may be contented with modestie and temperance to eate drinke that onely that may suffice to the sustenance of this body rendring thee infinite thankes for the same Purifie and heale my Soule that whatsoeuer is acceptable vnto thee may be pleasing to mee and what displeaseth thee may be vnsauery and loathsome vnto mee Iesus endeth the worke of our Redemption I Giue thee thankes O Iesu the feruent louer of mankinde that in so absolute order thou didst end the worke of our Redemption offering thy selfe a liuely Sacrifice on the Altar of the Crosse for the sins of the world I beseech thee O my Redeemer that thou wouldest vouchsafe to be the onely harbour of my heart and the scope of my cogitations wordes and workes that in all things with pure chaste intention I may onely looke on thee that I doe that thing onely which thy glorie requireth that nothing please mee but thee and that I desire nothing besides thee Grant ô Lord that hereafter at any time I be not slacke or remisse in thy seruice but that the feruour of thy holy Spirit being daily renued in mee my diligence may increase more and more in thy praise and seruice Iesus dyeth I Giue thee thankes O most meeke Iesus that thou diddest call Death and command thy Spirit to leaue the prison of the flesh being commended into the hands of thy Father in which thing thou declarest Ioh. 19.30 that thou art that true Shepheard that dyed for the safeguard of his flocke Grant mee O Lord that being dead to sinne and all wicked vices I may onely liue vnto thee that the course of this life being ended in charitie I may forth-with enter into thee that art the true Paradise of our soules Iesus is buried I Giue thee thankes O beloued Iesus that with great complaints and mournings of thy friends thou wert taken from the Crosse Iohn 19.40.41 annointed with most precious ointments wrapped in linnen cloths put into another mans Sepulchre O Lord bury with thee all my senses and desires that being ioyned to thee in the strong linckes of loue I may be as it were dead in those things that displease thee And of the contrary part in all things that please thee let mee be wholy aliue ready and ioyfull let me onely be delighted in thee my Redeemer and treasure of my Soule Amen MED●●●● ●●● Christ 〈…〉 I 〈…〉 for 〈…〉 hast not spared to vndergo the torments of death and hell for my sake that thou mightest aduance mee into thy Kingdome Let the consideration of this ô God terrifie me from sinne because thou sparedst not thine onely begotten Sonne but that 〈…〉 endure the grea●● 〈…〉 and 〈…〉 Let it also 〈…〉 in my hea●●● 〈…〉 that thogh 〈…〉 of wrath 〈…〉 in mee Iob 6.4 and 〈…〉 thereof drinke 〈…〉 spirit yet I may still remember that thou my Sauiour hast satisfied for all my sins and conquered both Death and Hell Col. 2.15 when thou diddest leade captiuitie captiue and by the spoyle of all principalities powers of darknesse hast swallowed them vp into victory Behold O Lord behold my infirmities and consider that I am in thy hands but as the clay in the hands of the Potter If thou try me giue mee patience to beare it and when thou smitest me lift me vp againe and if thy terrours should fight against mee Iob. 6.4 yet teach me ô Lord to resolue that it is thy fatherly worke to kill sinne in me that I being mortified in my sinfull flesh may be raised vp vnto the life of glory Amen Christ is risen from the dead I Giue thee thankes O good IESVS that victoriously comming out of thy Sepulchre with most noble triumph after thou haddest ouercome death diddest rise againe the third day in great Glory and Maiestie visiting thy Disciples comforting them with exceeding gladnes Grant ô Lord that being quickned from death and the deadly action of my sinfull life and vngodly conuersation I may walke in the newnesse of life and seeke onely for those things which are high and heauenly and not those things which are vile and transitorie that when thou being the true life shalt secondly appeare in the glory of thy Father with the Angels I may likewise appeare with thee in glory and be made euerlastingly blessed in the ioyfull fruition of that Kingdome that neuer shall haue end Iesus ascendeth into heauen I Giue thee thankes O louing Iesus that fortie dayes being ouer-past after thy Resurrection thy Disciples did behold thee triumphantly Acts 1. and gloriously ascending into heauen where sitting at the right hand of thy Father thou rulest and raignest as King world without end Let it be pleasing vnto thy goodnesse ô Lord that my Soule may be rauished with the loue of thee Coloss 3.1 and to seeke those things that are aboue and may despise al worldly things Let it alwayes aspire vnto thee that it may be lift vp vnto the heauens from whence must come my comfort my crowne and my ioy And that my prayer may ascend vnto thee as the morning Incense let it affect or be delighted in nothing but in thee my onely Lord and God Iesus sendeth the HOLY GHOST I Giue thee thankes O most louing Iesus that didst send thy holy spirit vpon thy elect which perseuered in prayer and didst send them to preach and teach the people throughout all the world I beseech thee O LORD to purifie the inward parts of my heart and to giue mee true puritie and cleannes of conscience that the same Comforter finding in my soule an acceptable dwelling-place may adorne and beautifie it with the most fruitfull gifts of his Graces Let him onely comfort me onely strengthen me onely rule mee and be onely respected of me Let me neuer want the comfort of thy Spirit ô God but that I may finde him in his sweet influence of grace and assistance to sanctifie my Soule and to strengthen the