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B09558 A looking-glass for George Fox the Quaker, and other Quakers; wherein they may see themselves to be right devils. In answer to George Fox his book, called, Something in answer to Lodowick Muggletons book, which he calls The Quakers neck broken. Wherein is set forth the ignorance and blindness of the Quakers doctrine of Christ within them; and that they cannot, nor doth not know the true meaning of the Scriptures, neither have they the gift of interpretation of Scripture. As will appear in those several heads set down in the next page following. / Written by Lodowick Muggleton ... Muggleton, Lodowick, 1609-1698. 1667 (1667) Wing M3046; ESTC R10137 83,636 106

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will say it was in heaven To this I say that Lazarus his soul was in the grave where his body was his soul was dead else Christ did not raise him from the dead if his soul were not dead Minde if his soul departed out of his body as most people imagine and went to Heaven or hell then I say Christ would have called to Heaven for his soul to come down and go into the body again if it should be so then Christ did not raise the dead but brought two friends together that were separated one from the other This is the Quakers Faith and many others besides but the Faith of Gods Elect doth stedfastly believe that Lazarus his soul was dead and there in the grave and that by the power of Christs words and groans they entred in to that dead soul in the grave and made it quick and live again Here you see Fox that the soul of Adam the first man did die And also you may see that the soul of Christ did die and that Lazarus his soul was dead and all mens souls else since that are dead because they were mortal This the Scriptures prove as much or more than any one thing whatsoever and this is my knowledge of Scripture And are you George Fox convinced yet that your soul must die For die you must even two deaths a death mortal and a death eternal for you that count it a Lie to say the soul is mortal and must die you shall taste of two deaths but I shall taste but of one this I know to be true and you shall finde my words to be true also 5. Muggleton Thou sayest thou accusest no man of sin yet saith Fox in a few lines after thou accusest the Quakers of sin and blasphemy CHAP. VII ANSWER YOu told a Lie to say I accuse the Quakers of sin and blasphemy a few lines after for I do accuse the Quakers of sin and blasphemy against the Holy Ghost a few lines before I said I accuse no man of sin but because you began to write against me backwards you began at the last side of my Book and so answered this backward I shall bear with that Lie and look upon it as no hainous crime in you but if you had found such a mistake in me you would have triumphed as if it had been the greatest sin in me to tell such a Lie you would have thought it worse than the sin against the Holy Ghost which you Quakers do commit But who ever reads that Book may see that I have said nothing but truth in what I have written of the Quakers 6. Page 5. Fox saith The Scriptures speak of the wicked one and wicked men but where saith he doth the Scriptures speak of a right devil CHAP. VIII ANSWER DOth the Scriptures speak of a wrong Devil there must needs be either a right devil or a wrong devil else the Scriptures would never have spoken so much of a devil if there had been no devil at all For you Fox neither declares what the right devil is nor what the wrong devil is so that no man can tell where nor what the devil is It seems Fox the Quaker thinks it a hard thing to prove by the Scriptures a right devil Do you not read in Scripture that Cain is called a devil who was a murderer and a liar from the beginning and the devil was those Pharisees that disputed with Christ the devil was their father Christ said And was not Cain their father a right devil Is there any sin committed but it is the devil commits it As John saith He that committeth sin is of the devil and if he that commits sin be of the devil then his father that begat him must needs be a right devil Was not Judas that betrayed his Lord was not he a right devil Sure if he had not been a right devil he would never have done that wickedness And you George Fox had not you been a right devil you would never have blasphemed against the Holy Spirit that sent me as you have but you being ignorant who was your father even Cain you know not what your self is and that you are the son of a right devil and so in process of time you your self are become a right devil and you shall be recorded so by the Commission of the Spirit of Truth to the worlds end 7. Page 7. Fox saith The Quakers do not deny Christs flesh and bones who remain in the Heavens until the Restitution of all things CHAP. IX ANSWER HEre people may see the confusion of the Quakers Principles who say Christ is in them and yet Fox saith the Quakers own the flesh of Christ that suffered Here Fox saith The Quakers doth not deny Christs flesh and bones who remain in the Heavens until the restitution of all things But this the Reader may mind that the Quakers do not believe that Christs flesh and bone is now in the Heavens though Fox doth not deny it because the Scriptures are so full to prove the same For if the Quakers should really believe it their Principle of Christ within them would quickly fail and vanish for I never knew none that would avouch that Christs flesh and bone was in them neither wil any of the Quakers avouch that they do believe Christ to be a person now in Heaven above the stars in that same flesh and bone he suffered death in if they should do so how then would all the Quakers do to get Christ within them there could but one Quaker get Christ in him at a time and when Christ comes out of one he must go into another But the Quakers Christ is nothing else but an Allegory and so Fox shews in his following words For saith he we are flesh of his flesh and bone of his bone so that flesh and bone of Christ that was reserved in the Heavens which Fox doth not deny in the words before but in the latter words the Quakers flesh and bones are become Christs flesh and bone so that Christ hath no flesh and bone of his own but what flesh and bone Christ hath of the Quakers But I shall speak of this more in another page but the Reader may a little see Fox his Allegorical Juggle 8. Page 6. Fox calls me a lying spirit because I cursed some Quakers for the sin against the Holy Ghost and saith Christ said Bless and curse not who is the Chief Judge CHAP. X. ANSWER I Do acknowledge that Christ is Chief Judge both of quick and dead but Christ hath chosen me to be chief Judge in his stead here upon earth in spiritual matters and I had my Authority from Christ the onely God without me and not from Christ within me and by this Authority from Christ without me who is now in Heaven above the stars in that same flesh and bone he suffered death in onely that flesh and bone is spiritualized and glorified have I power over you Quakers
of it every time you meet your Hearers would have edified more by your reading a Chapter in that when you meet together than by all the Speakings that ever they heard in their lives it would have cost you but ten shillings you might have had it out of the Church Stock and have let it to have been publick to all Quakers and others to see and so you might have made me manifest indeed but if you should do so what would become of you Speakers of the Quakers then your light within and your Christ within you would come to nothing and so you would cheat the people no longer with your ninny-nonies senseless words to stand pratling every week of words over and over forty times together The word of the Lord and Hearken to the light within you or The light within you Cannot you when the people meet speak these words forty times over and so dismiss them then they would understand what you mean but you deliver a great deal of non-sense over and over again so when the people are dismist they go away with their hearts full of non-sence and by the next week they will be emptied again and these are the Heavenly Secrets the Quakers feed the people with 3. Muggleton thou sayest thou hast a Commission from without thee to preach Here Fox hath belied my words and left out some part for these are my words I do say that I have a Commission from God without me to preach this I own to be true Here Fox saith I have manifested darkness and saith he is there any Commission from God but the understanding of it is given to man by the divine light within CHAP. IV. ANSWER THis Fox calls every thing darkness though it be as clear a light as the Sun at noon-day for who ever shall read the following words in that Book may clearly see that the light of Christ within a man is not a sufficient Commission to authorize a man to be a Preacher of the Gospel though a man may have understanding in him to do it yet for want of Authority from a God without him he will be punished for going to preach before he is sent This may be experienced by all men in temporals we see a Petty-Constable and other Officers more inferior dares not execute their office upon any man if it be but to whip beggars not without a Commission from some person one or more without him and so it is in all places both high and low upon the face of this earth It is not the understanding within that will authorize men to supply such and such places but it must be Authority without a man for many men that are in great and honorable places have less wisdom and understanding to manage their places than other men yet he that hath a Commission from others without him will commend him that hath a better understanding within than himself yet you Quakers will undertake to be Preachers of the Gospel without a Commission from God without you or without a Commission from Man without you And because I durst not preach without a Commission from God without me and not by the light of Christ within me though I had the light of Christ within me more than any Quaker in the world hath at this day before I had a Commission from God without me and if God without me had not forc'd me to take this Commission upon me I had remained quiet and still and had let Quakers and all other Opinions in Religion alone for I was of Jonas his minde willing to sit still and be quiet for I minded no bodies happiness but my own for I was willing to go to Tarshish to sit down in quiet but I was forced by the Lord God to go to Nineveh amongst all Opinions of Religion that I might be envied hated and persecuted of Quakers and all other Opinions whatsoever and this I have found true by experience and all this came upon me from a Commission of the true God without me and this you Quakers calls manifested darkness The Apostle might truly say when it pleased the Father to reveal his Son in him he preached him but what is this to Fox the Quaker The Father hath not revealed the Son in him for Fox doth not know what the Son is but the Apostle that had the Son revealed in him had a Commission from that Son without him For sure you Quakers will not be so wicked as to say that Paul received his Commission to preach within him when he breathed out threatnings against the Church of Christ and went with Letters and Commission from the High-priests to persecute those that believed in Jesus that was put to death and risen again and ascended up to Heaven Now this Jesus met Saul in the way as he went to persecute the Saints and said Saul Saul why persecutest thou me Saul answeed Lord who art thou The Answer was I am Jesus of Nazareth Will you Fox the Quaker say that this Jesus was within Paul when he spake these words or without him Sure you will not be so wicked to say Jesus was within Paul what ever you think and if you grant that Jesus was without him then Paul received his Commission to preach from Jesus Christ the onely Wise God without him For this same Jesus said to Paul Thou art a chosen Vessel and thou shalt bear or preach my Name before the Gentiles Now I ask did Paul receive his Commission to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the Gentiles from Jesus Christ without him or from Christ within him Again who was that which spake to Paul when he said My grace is sufficient Was it not Jesus Christ Was this Christ within Paul then Was he not without Paul in that same flesh and bone he suffered death in This flesh and bone was spiritual after it rise again but still it kept it self an entire body to its self And are you Quakers so void of sense as to believe that the body of Christ is in you and so reveals things to you So you may see that the Apostle Paul received his Commission to preach from a Christ without him and not from a Christ within him And I received my Commission from Christ without me and not from Christ within me And Fox the Quaker saith I have manifested my darkness But this power I have received from the person of Christ without me will be too hard for all the Quakers Christ within them in the world 4. Muggleton Thou sayest the Right Devil became flesh and the Soul is mortal and thou speakest of thy knowledge of the Lord and the Scriptures Fox his words Where do the Scriptures say that the Right Devil became flesh and the Soul is mortal for God breathed into man the breath of life through which he became a living Soul and this breath of life by which man became a living Soul is this mortal is this thy knowledge
Cain is his father this I know for a certain truth And to stop the mouth of that Objection which Quakers and all others do make in that Adam knew his wife Eve and she conceived and bare Cain and said I have gotten a man from the Lord To this I say she was with childe by the Angel before but after Adam and she were put forth of the Garden that was from the presence of God then it is said Adam knew his wife and she conceived and bare Cain and she said he had received a man from the Lord and yet that Cain was none of Adams begetting for we never read in Scripture that ever Adam begot Cain neither is Adam called Cains father but she was with childe by that Serpent Angel before Adam knew her but he was but a cloak to cover her sin as many adulterous women have been with childe by other men that were not their husbands yet their husbands have been a cloak to cover their shame and the childe hath been counted her husbands which was nothing so This many can experience if they would and that many of the Quakers too when they were Ranters if not since so that Cain was none of Adams begetting though he knew his wife Eve But some may say Why did not Moses tell us these things To that I say it was not made known to him nor to no other till now but to the Witnesses of the Spirit onely The condition of Eve was much like the condition of Mary the Virgin she was espoused to Joseph before she was with childe by the Holy Ghost but Joseph never knew her before nor after she was with childe by the Holy Ghost till that Childe Jesus was born therefore Jesus is called Emanuel that is God with us that is God was born of a Virgin Also Mary is said to conceive with childe by the Holy Ghost yet if Joseph had known Mary his espoused wife in the interim of her Conception by the Holy Ghost it is like that Mary would have said that she had received her Childe Jesus from Joseph her husband for she could not tell which got it if such a thing should have been but it was otherwise ordered with her than it was with Eve for Adam knew Eve as soon as the Angel had entered into her womb and then Adam knew his wife after they were put forth from the presence of God so that Eva did not know which she was with childe by the Serpent Angel or her husband Adam so that she might well say she had received a man from the Lord but if Eve had not enticed her husband to know her that was eating of the forbidden fruit she would have brought forth according to the time of life that very same devil Cain flesh blood and bone as she did if Adam had never known her in that time even as the Virgin Mary did the blessed Jesus the God and Savior of the Seed of Adam with flesh blood and bone So that the Reader may see clearly that Adam was not Cains father neither did he beget him for Cain was the devil became flesh and this is the Right devil and you Fox the Quaker are one of his sons begotten by him But to make it more clear that Adam was not Cains father He could not be Cains father and Christs father also Now we finde by the Scriptures that Christ doth own Adam to be his father and the Scriptures doth own Cain to be the Right Devil and the father of all other devils as I have shewed before and that Adam is called the Father of Christ read Luke the third to the last verse in the Genealogy Which was the son of Enos which was the son of Seth which was the son of Adam which was the son of God So that God was Adams Father as he was God and Adam was Christs Father as he was Man therefore calls himself The Son of Man What do you Quakers think the Tree of Knowledge of good and evil was and that Serpent that beguiled Eve Do you look upon it to be some Apple-tree and the Serpent to be an ugly Snake and so this Snake crept up the Tree and got an Apple in his mouth and the Woman took the Apple out of the Snakes mouth and so ate of it and gave her husband to eat and so brought themselves into this misery and all mankinde Do you teach your Hearers this What is it you teach that your Hearers are so ignorant of the knowledge of the true God and the right Devil and of the Scriptures This is the Faith that other religious men do believe concerning the Tree of Knowledge of good and evil and of the Serpent but you Quakers carries it in an Allegory so that nothing can be made of it neither one way nor other But all Professors of the Scriptures do own that the Tree of Life was Christ and I suppose you Quakers do so too If you grant that the Tree of Life was Christ then this Tree of Life could speak Now if the Tree of Life did speak why should not the Tree of Knowledge of good and evil speak also If Christ the Tree of Life because he gave life to every thing in Creation so why pray not the Angel be called A Tree of Knowledge of good and evil or a Serpent which brought death and misery upon the whole Creation And we read that the Serpent spake wise words who said to the woman They should become as Gods knowing good and evil did ever any Snake we call Serpents speak such a language Surely no. I marvel people are so unwilling to believe that the Tree of Knowledge of good and evil should be an Angel and yet speak such God-like wisdom and hath brought such woful misery upon all the earth and very many men and women do eat of the same forbidden fruit now as Adam and Eve did then And as the Tree was pleasant to the eye and good to make one wise is it not so now with lustful men and women doth not their fancy to one another seem pleasant to the eye and acting together hath been pleasant to the taste this makes many to know good and evil by woful experience for this sweetness of sin is but for a season for I have known many in my days that have eaten of the forbidden fruit men and women both that have wasted their estates which was good and comfortable to them but now the want is evil to them they have spoiled their bodies with excess of lust they have made their good healthful bodies rotten with the Pox so that their good healthful bodies are become evil and loathsom to their friends and that which is worst of all the eating of this forbidden fruit they have lost the peace of Conscience which was very good and in stead thereof they have had an evil Conscience as King Saul Cain and Judas had alwayes tormenting of them with fear horror and the torments