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A17028 A sermon preached at the assises holden at Winchester the 24. day of Februarie last, before Sir Laurence Tanfeild knight, Lord Chiefe Barron of the Exchequer, and Sir Richard Hutton knight, one of the iustices of the Court of Common-pleas. By Abraham Browne prebend: of the Cathedrall Church of Winton. Browne, Abraham, d. ca. 1625. 1623 (1623) STC 3906; ESTC S119312 28,509 46

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beginning at Hierusalem But you translate the word repentance by the word penance saying Christ said that penance should be preached And from whence haue you this word penance is it from thence that your Latine Translation saith Agite paenitentiam but how dissolutely do you abuse the grauity of the Translator For when he meant to speake home as wee say and to the purpose translateth doe repentance answerable to our conuertion and ordering our wayes aright according to the Hebrew and Greeke you Translate him in your English by your Confessors tearmes as doe pennance But to returne from speaking any more to them the truth is the ordering of wayes must be done by an effectuall repentance euen a turning from our euill wayes that wee may be found alwayes in sinnes great and lesse well tolde euen by a Confessors booke to bee vpon the mending hand This is published in our Common prayer where repentance and forgiuenesse are ioyned in our absolution the application of which absolution we leaue to the conscience of all hearers as they repent and not to be a Sacramentall donation or graunt to any that repenteth not And this is the ordering of wayes in our Church where truthes should bee not deceptions and falshoods Repentance must bring in the absolution not any Sacrament no not those two noble Sacraments of Baptisme and the Lords Supper will with vs absolue an vnrepentant sinner vnlesse you apply them to Infants vnto whom knowledg● of repentance is not yet come And now we may see why the Church is rid from the law of carnall commaundements which were to some but clokes for their hypocrisie to all burthens hard to beare for all commaund●ments of God must be kept albeit they be carnall rights and therfore the not sleeping sinne and transgression worthy of an expiation and an attonement and now in the new Testament the Church seruice easie as he that offereth prayses glorifieth God so God himselfe saying But when we come to this second point which is ordering of wayes then wee are come to that straight gate that leadeth to eternal life into which few enter and thereby true that many are called but few chosen St. Iames saith In many things we offend all of vs. And St. Iohn will not Iam. 3. 2. denie but that we may sinne though hee say afterwards he that is borne of God sinneth not meaning by continuance in any sinne neuer so little It is said of the Husbandman that he is not out of worke all the yeare long for he is changing of ground breaking vp of grounds fallowing plowing weeding reaping no more is the Saint of God out of worke all his life time and repentance will finde worke for the Pastor and Teacher for the Flock and the Disciple And when we are thus labouring in repentance let vs hearken to him that saith Come to me all yee that are we arie and laden and I will ease you take my yoke on you Math. 11. 28. and learne of me that I am meeke and lowly in heart and yee shall finde rest for your soules for mine yoake is easie and my burthen is light These words no doubt are spoken vnto them that labour in conuerting and turning still from this and that euill way euen as men wearied finding the burthen still heauie And this my Text will haue a good correspondencie and will answere well to that our Sauiour his voyce and that it is said in my Text that wee must order our wayes aright and it commeth in after this manner And vnto him that ordereth his wayes aright I will shew the saluation of God This shewing of Gods saluation is the third part of my Sermon and maketh my worke a perfect worke that I shall by Gods grace fulfill my promise which was to exhibit the Religion of Christ perfectly for as much as without which we cannot be saued For vnlesse when I will speake of offering praises and so glorifying God I bring not in euery one of those three persons of the blessed Trinity God will be vnperfectly glorified And this thing is ready to be performed in these words which are I will shew the saluation of God I say the three persons are here ready to be shewed vs. For who is he that can shew the saluation of God vnlesse it be the holy Ghost and what other saluation vnder heauen besides Iesus as for God he is named And concerning the holy Ghost that he must shew the saluation it is easily to be proued because the saluation is such a thing as eye neuer saw eare neuer heard of and neuer entred into the heart of man euen Iesus Christ crucified to the Iewes a stumbling 1 Cor. 1. 23. 1 Cor. 19. 20. stone to the Grecians foolishnesse Where is the wise where is the Scribe where is the Disputer of this world by Christ crucified God hath destroyed the wisedome of the wise and hath brought to nothing the vnderstanding of the prudent Verse 19. and the Princes of this world if they had knowne it would 1 Cor. 2. 8. they haue crucified the Lord of glory We are said to be Ministers of the Spirit but I suppose that none of vs will say that wee doe minister the Spirit but by the holy Ghost none can say that Iesus is the Lord but by the holy Ghost 1. Cor. 12. 3. neither Disciple nor yet the Teacher If the Wise the Scribe the Disputer could not finde it out we are not wiser of our selues then they What is it to shew a thing to a man set you it neuer so neere him albeit he can see except the ayre be lightned by which they may see The holy Ghost hath lightned the vnderstanding of man and withall will conuince the world of sinne because they beleeue not in Christ When the day is broken and the Sun vp he that cannot see then is blinde indeede so now that the holy Ghost is come and lightneth the world which thing how farre it reacheth who can tell whosoeuer seeth nor Christ crucified to be the saluation of God is blinde and to bee holden for blinde And as there are degrees in seeing some seeing better some worse so Christ crucified to be The saluation of God is better seene of some then of others It is an easie matt●● for vs to shew to a man that Christ Iesus is the saluation of GOD if shewing bee to say so and to preach so but to bring it aright into the heart and to beleeue with my vnderstanding that Iesus dyed for our sinnes will require an influence of the holy Ghost There is great difference in shewing of a starre if it were to be shewed betweene an Astrologer and a Countriman euen about the Creation of the world as if the Country-man were asked whether might be better spared his Apple-tree in his Orchard or one of the little Starres in the Skie It may be it would not bee rightly answered we are so earthly and therefore dull because we are earthly but an Astrologer if he wete to shew the Stars he will not only shew it according to his situation bignesse motion but according to an influence it hath to vs-ward The holy Ghost if hee shew the saluation of God in Christ Iesus he will shew it by an influence in vs which the Astrologer cannot doe and by that influence shew an influence in Christ Iesus to vs-ward both for Iustification by faith and Sanctification by a new birth and then with ioy wee shall say the holy Ghost hath shewed vs the saluation of God And for the saluation of God to be the second Person in the Trinitie as no Christian will denie so he the lesse a Christian that maketh not the second Person in the Trinitie all the saluation of God As here he is named because a time appointed would come when we should readily name him as Saint Peter saith Neither is there saluation in any other for there is none other name ●nder heauen giuen among men whereby wee Act. 4. 1● must be saued In the old Testament it is said Hearken O Deut. 6. 4. Israel thy God is one God To vs also in the new Testament Christ saith Goe yee therefore and teach all nations baptizing them in the name of the Father the Sonne and Math. 28. 1● the holy Ghost And Saint Iohn saith There are three that 1. Iohn 5. 7. beare record in heauen the Father the Word and the holy Ghost and these three are one So to conclude I will say that by this blessed Trinitie our Religion is not only styled but confyned beyond these three Persons we must not goe Angels must not be worshipped neither yet any Saint yet there is one Saint which approacheth neere to the blessed Trinitie euen the Mother of Christ in a right as it were that she was his Mother though hee neuer called her Mother but Woman She hath matched him if not gone beyond him in Psalmes Hymnes and prayers This iniurie hath beene too long in practise but now I suppose it is come to the highest For the Iesuits to accomplish the iniury done vnto Christ first nameth himselfe by the name of Iesus yet as if Iesus were but a Sonne though I dare say they thinke not that Iesus had mo bretheren they commend their societie not to Iesus but to the Mother as their Patronesse and Protectrix A braine-sicke societie who will not say As lamentable it is that Bellarmine that great Champion concludeth his worke with praise be to God and to the blessed Virgin the Mother leauing out the Sonne and the holy Ghost and so the Papists in their salutations and farewells as Midwiues in childe-birth say deuoutly not knowing how blasphemously God and our Lady helpe you For who that feareth God dare ioyne a creature with God the Father or the Sonne of the Father But it is enough to point at these things for this time My speach is to better Christians let vs offer praise that God may be glorified And notice must be taken of that which followeth euen that To him that ordereth his way aright shall bee shewed the saluation of God And to that blessed Trinitie the Father Sonne and holy Ghost be all honour praise and glory now and euermore Amen FINIS
them doe violence to no man neither accuse any man falsely and be content with your wages And by these we may make a rule for others as no doubt he did Who did the like to Herod rebuking him for keeping his brothers Luke 3. 19. wife And at one word this is the truth of which our Sauiour spake of to the woman of Samaria when he said the true worshippers must worship the Father in spirit and in Iohn 4. 23. Rom. 12. 1. truth in offring vp our bodies in a true rep●ntance and holy sacrifice vnto God If the Apostles had medled with lawes of carnall commandements they had transgressed the rule therefore they meddle not with any thing but with matters of truth in squaring out duties for subiects to their Magistrates and high powers with reciprocall duties betweene husband and wife father childe Master seruant And generally this to be Gods Commandement to beleeue in 1. Iohn 3. ●3 the name of his Sonne Iesus Christ and to loue one another as he hath commanded If this method had heene continued betweene Pastor and Flocke the new Testament had beene alwaies seene in his true colours which afterwards by the Church of Rome was bedawbed with golden but vnkinde and vnnaturall ceremonies Notwithstanding the Primitiue Church kept his matter of ordering of waies a long time And to giue you a view thereof I will bee so bold as to deuide this Auditorie into these particular estates As here are honourable Iudges Iustices of peace Counsellors at law Gentlemen Soldiours Merchants Handycrafts-men and Husbandmen For the Iudges such honourable and wise persons I will say no more then God blesse them and of the rest I cannot in so short a time speake particularly But that generally somewhat may be said of Waies I will take out two which in the primitiue Church were in some question concerning their waies those are the Merchant and the Soldiour The Merchant was called into question as not hauing the right course of a trade because hee is nothing laborious as others are but easie selling whole sale of no action neither in hand or in speech for properly that is a trade which getteth gaine by his labour and after gayning returneth still to his labour as the Handycraftsman maketh his worke gayneth and returneth to his worke againe so the Plowman soweth and reapeth and returneth to the Plow againe so vocations of words haue their gaines and their returnes to labour againe For it was said to Adam in the sweat of thy face shalt thou eate bread till thou returne to the earth for out of it wast thou Gen. 3. 19. taken because thou art dust and to dust thou shalt returne Notwithstanding this question of the Merchant was not alike defined but men of good iudgement dissented and I suppose that Iohn Baptist would not haue made any exception against him who excluded not the Publican neither is the Merchant an idle man but much occupied and looketh vp vnto the heauens to haue successe and blessing from God You may say that rather they might haue made exception against him whom I named a Gentleman vnto that I answer that our kinde of Gentlemen were not extant in their dayes But I will helpe to admonish them to take heed that that which is in the booke of Wisdome be farre from them as to say of the pleasures and Wisdome pastimes of this life this is our portion this is our lott Remember what Abraham said to his sonne being in hell torments Thou in thy life time receiuedst thy good things As for the Soldiour the exception against him was not to be receaued into the ministerie of the Word But there are more kindes of trades and one there is not so easie to be condemned because the Law is to be the ground of his action but he is so often in law that he is lesse in charitie and filleth whole parishes with vncharitablenesse To discribe him I must borrow a tearme from the common Law which may bee comprehendeth not so generally these kinde of trades But the tearme is a Common Barretor With these kinde of men no trespasses must be taken vp by neighbours and bretheren in one faith and one Church but all must be tryed by law that the offender if he refuse that tryall must redeeme his peace with a great price This trade is so violent so hurtfull and such a cunning extortion that our Sauiour both remembreth it and giueth counsell to his Disciples saying If any man will sue thee at the law and take away Math. 5. 40. thy coat let him haue thy cloake also If therefore Christs Disciple must deliuer coate and cloake whose Disciple is he that taketh them There is an other Tradesman if wee may call him a tradesman I meane the Vsurer tollerated in Common-wealths Psal 15. 5. condemned in the word of God None of the Disciples of Christ in whom there must be nothing but that which is perfect that we may be like to our Master who was perfect His Disciples therefore must not lend looking for something againe but lend looking for nothing againe And in the new Testament how can it be that to him shall be shewed the saluation of God when in the old Testament He shall not dwell in the holy hill In this thing they are both a censured euill by the word of God and an euill end will be the encrease of riches in their great abundance to them that vse it The abundance of riches so blindeth his iudgement that he seeth no euill but thinkes that he hath God by the finger when he hath the diuell by the fist In the olde Law one might not lend in Vsurie to his brother according to the flesh and may he now lend to his brother according to the spirit Let the Preachers of the Word and deuiders of the Word take heede least while they teach some vsuries small that they may be done they by so teaching and so doing become least in the Kingdome of heauen Let the Disciple hearken vnto his Master and heare Christ saying If ye loue me keepe my cōmandements A Lawyer being asked concerning Arrests Ioh. 14. 15. vpon the Sabaoth day answered that the Arrests were good in Law but the parties that executed the Arrests punishable shall we so answer for the Vsurer that his vsurie is good in law but the Vsurer culpable so that he shall not dwell in the holy hill And to speake somewhat of Arresting on the Sabaoth day whereby I say our wayes are not ordered aright how can that be good in the law of any Common-weale that breaketh any one of the ten Commandements the ten Commandements are not very subtill hard to be discerned but grosse euen the law of nature Let vs put a God and what Nation doth not put it no lesse can be then to haue one set day to worship in Breake that day so commanded and where then is our Religion To put out
this Reall sacrifice of the Masse is not only of those things which are not named in the Scripture of which it is also said Negat Scriptura quod tacet The Scripture denieth that it speaketh not of but it is in the Scripture by strong reasons arguments contradicted And as for the Doctors of the Church there are the names of Priest Sacrifice Altar but the thing not so Thirdly the practice of the Apostolike and Catholike Church will not beare such a thing as the Masse is that is by the Scripture it is contradicted in the Doctors a verball matter a thing of words in the practice of the Church a nullitie a thing of nothing To make these things appeare I must first set out the Scriptures contradicting it euen in his Masse priest and in his sacrifice In this respect I will set out seuen faults in the Masse two against Christ his Priesthood according to the order of Melchisedech and fiue against his Sacrifice on the Crosse The two faults against the Priesthood are these First that the Masse-Priest will presumptuously thrust himselfe into such a priesthood as is proper to an euerlasting Person and the Priesthood therefore continued in him not passing it ouer to any other for so is the Prophesie Thou art a Priest for euer according to the order of Melchisedech And accordingly the Prophesie is so applyed as this man because he endureth for euer hath an vnchangeable Priesthood This word vnchangable is otherwise translated a continuall Priesthood or a Priesthood that passeth not from one to another but Athanasius a Doctor Serm. cont Arianos of the Church saith it is Sine transitione sine successore without passing it ouer to any other without a successor The second fault is that the Masse-Priest will be so bold as to be of that order that was made with an oath after this manner I haue sworne and will not repent for this will not repent will not agree with a sinner that needeth repentance therefore said That the Law maketh Priests that haue Heb. 7. 28. infirmities but the word of the Oath which is since the Law maketh the Sonne who was perfected for euermore such a sonne as of whom the Father will say this is my welbeloued Math. 3. 17. Sonne in whom I am well pleased To discourse of these two points would require longer time then is allotted I will passe therefore to the second kinde of faults against his sacrifice in number fiue The first thing is that in sacrificing he will imitate Christ sacrificing himselfe vpon the Crosse which thing must not be imitated in any wise This thing may be obserued that our Sauiour Instituting his Supper as a remembrance of him vntill he come againe gaue himselfe as already sacrificed that is his body broken and his blood shed for the Sonne of God may doe as God his Father doth which calleth things that are not as if they Rom. 4. 17. Heb. 10. 14. were for concerning sacrificing it is as it is said with one oblation he hath for euer perfected those that are to bee s●nctified As Ambrose a Doctor of the Church saith vpon that place Si. Medicamentum forte c. if the Medicine bee strong once applied it will cure all together if with one oblation he hath perfected those that are to be sanctified he that will bee sanctified by the repetition of the Sacrifice saith the medicine is not strong The second fault is that the Masse-Priest not marking the order of the attonement in the old Testament taketh in hand a worke which he cannot possibly finish for the attonement was not finished when the Priest in the lower part of the Temple had offered his Sacrifice but for to make vp the attonement Hee must goe vp into the holy place and sprinckle the blood Leuit. 16. 14. vpon the mercie seat So did our Sauiour the Priest according to the order of Melchisedech when hee had offered himselfe vpon the Crosse he entred into heauen it selfe now to appeare before the presence of God for vs and standeth Heb. 9. 24. Reuel 5. 6. in the middest of the throne as a Lambe staine This second point of entring into the Holy place is farre from a Masse-priest that if hee should boast that he beganne say hee cannot that according to the Leuiticalls hee hath finished an attonement The third fault is that to make Christ a Sacrifice he consecrateth an Altar by which meanes he will make the better the worse and the greater the lesser For in the mysterie of Sacrificing the Altar is greater then the Sacrifice as our Sauiour calleth the Scribes and Pharises fooles and blinde saying whether is greater the gift or the Math. 23. 19. Altar that sanctifieth the gift True it is the Doctors of the Church haue vsed this word Altar without weighing of it it was not seauen times purified in the fire it may be found in them that Christ offered himselfe vpon the altar of the Crosse but if things must be tryed by the touchstone of the Scripture the Crosse brought nothing but curse and shame to Christ crucified But for sanctifying our Sauiour Gal. 3. 13. Heb. 12. 2. Iohn 17. 9. Heb 9. 14. faith plainely I sanctifie my selfe and offered himselfe through an eternall or some reade it holy Spirit without spot and purgeth our conscience from dead workes to serue the liuing God The fourth fault is against the laytie only vnto whom he deliuereth Christ sacrificed when hee hath not sacrificed him at all for without blood-shedding no sacrifice and which is more no forgiuenesse of sinnes It is but a mockerie to say a body cannot be without blood for a sacrifice cannot be without blood-shedding where death ensueth Christ shed his blood when he was circumcised and some otherwise but the Sacrifice was not finished before death was testified euen when out of his blessed s●de issued water and blood the vitalls of rhe heart In the Iohn 19. 34. primitiue Church therefore the knife that cut the bread was called Sacra Lancea the holy speare as making a supposed issue of blood for the Chalice If God therefore should deale with the popish Laytie according to the mysterie of Sacrificing none of them haue forgiuenesse of their sinnes And by this meanes all Pardons from the Pope are frustrated because they neuer are partakers of the remitting blood of Christ for out of the sacrifice Blood not any capablenesse of pardon The fift fault is that when he hath made an end of his owne sacrificing and eating of the Body and drinking of the Blood of Christ he putteth a consecrated Cake into a Pixe at the vppermost end of the Church close to the wall which is not agreeable to the mystery of the old Temple for our Sauiour in the mystery of our Redemption bearing the person of the Mediator represented in the incence Altar for intercessions and prayers that Altar stood belowe and right before the Mercie