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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A09704 A poore mannes beneuolence to the afflicted Church Pits, John. 1566 (1566) STC 19969; ESTC S114729 7,855 26

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must suffer persecutions Well saith our Sauiour Christ happy are ye when men reuile you persecute you for my names sake for you shal not lose your rewarde For this I tel you you shall be hated of all men for my names sake therfore yf the world hate you know ye that it hated me before you but for as much as ye are not of the world but y t I haue chosen you out of y e world therfore doth y e world hate you But be of good chere I haue ouercome the worlde and therfore feare not little flocke for it is your fathers wil to geue you a kingdom And feare not them that can kyl the body but feare him that can cast both body and soule into hel fyre be faithfull therfore vnto the death and I wyl geue thee y e crowne of lyfe Therfore my beloued sith that we haue such swete promises of God y e father in his son Christ Jesus let vs cleaue vnto him he wyll performe them he neuer fayled none that put their trust in him as y e prophet Dauid saith I haue called vpon y e Lorde and he hath heard me I haue trusted in the Lord and he hath holpen me he therfore often times crieth as in the. 12. psalme Help me O God in the 69. psalm Saue me O God in the. 16. psalme Preserue me O God in the. 30. psalme I haue called vpō the Lord in my trouble and he hath heard me and deliuered me Therfore doe you now with the prophete Dauid in the. 66. psalme burste foorth and saye Thou O God haste and doest proue vs. Thou also hast and wylte trye vs euen as Siluer is tried Thou broughtest vs in to the snare and laidst trouble vpon our loynes Thou suffredst men to ryde ouer our heades we went go through fyre water but we know that y u wylt bryng vs in to a comfortable place Thus said Christ to his disciples that where I am there shal ye be also Therfore we besech thee most merciful father to ayd vs w t thy grace and assist vs w t thy holy spirite that we mai perfectly learn to know thee to be our creatour Jesus thy son to be our only sauiour and y ● Holy ghost to be our only sanctifier To these three as to one eternal God be all honour and glory now and for euermore Amen ¶ Your brother in Christ Ihon Pits ¶ To the afflicted Church in Scotland Fraunce Spayne or any other land BE of good chere my brethren all doe not now faint nor quayle But to the Lord doe ye now call lest that in truth ye fayle For Sathans yre passe not a pin though that he rule and rage His power it is to smal and thin the truth for to asswage ¶ Though Kyngs be strong and wyne likewise womē thought to be Yet Truth in any maner wyse more stronger shall ye sée Kynges haue fayled and also wyne and women haue not stood Truth hath remaind from time to time as proofe we haue full good Truth was good kept styl his place when Woman had a fall Truth was styl Truth had his grace when Woman was in thrall What Truth hath said ꝑformd it was as in all states we sée Let Woman speake whats cum to pas let her tel tale for mée As touching wyne what shal I say his force I thinke not great Although the hart he mery make yet is he best with meat The empty body doeth not grée with wyne though it be good Salomon to the sory saith he geue wyne to chere their mood ¶ Geue good wyne Salomon doth say then is there that doth fayle In Truth there is no maner way that can make it to quayle For Truth shal stand both firme fast and kéepth his tast full swete When wyne and women shal be past and kynges layd vnder fete ¶ With Truth is no comparison no match with him may be For God and Truth they be both one vncompared to be Who dwelth ī truth doth dwel in God and God in him lykewyse So dwel in Truth then haue God to make thée perfect wyse For who against the truth doth kicke against God kicketh to Then is he lyke to fall on pricke which wyll make him crie wo. When Truth did speake in Noes daies wyllyng them to repent Lest that they perisht in their waīes they wold not but felt dent ¶ Truth to the Zodomites preached by Lot this is certayne Their licensiousnes he counsayled that they should not maintayne The Zodomits wold not Truth heare but kept their whole desyre Therfore they paid for that ful deare for burnt they were with fyre ¶ What got kyng Pharao for hꝭ paine when truth he did pursue He and his host were dround certayne as Exodus doth shewe Sisara and Abimelech to of women were both slayne The booke of Judges declareth so which is both true and playne ¶ Hieroboam because he wrought against the well knowne Truth Baasa to death his stocke hath brought and thereon had no ruth What became of quéene Jezabell the Truthes great enemie Dogs did eat her in Jezraell Truth sayd it should so be ¶ Ahabs house by Iehu was slayne for that he did conspyre Gods prophets for to put to payne and geue them death for hyre So read we of Zedechias which troubled Jeremie That both his eyes destroyed was and he felt miserie ¶ What is sayd of Herode the kyng that sought the Truth to kyll Who was ful of most deadly styng to wurke his cruell wyll His kyngly power could not p̄uayle nor helpe him in his néede Whē stinking wormes did him assayl● which on his corps did féede How strong kynges be when God doth stryke the scripture doth wel sho In other bookes we haue the lyke we néed not far to go Yf that the kyng wyl néeds reioyce let him reioyce in this That he hath God to heare his voyce to kéepe him from all mis. Therfore let kyngs now serue y e Lorde and not put Truth to flight But in the same for to accorde lest that they léese their might Let them that doe the Truth embrace embrace and kéepe it styll For kynges shal not the Truth deface though that it be their wyll What kings haue doen w t Satans ayd it is not now vnshowne What women haue thereto assayd it is not much vnknowne What wine ī bākets hath forth sought many the tale can tell How by y t way Truth hath ben bought as time can show full well ¶ What Jewes ther be y e Truth to by I néed not much to say And Judasses that traiterously séeke Truth him to betray Euen here at hand hard by the dore of both those sorts there bée Which persecute Truth euermore that he can not go frée ¶ Truth to exile hath
oft ben brought and driuen from place to place His confusion hath ben wrought by them of little grace But yet how Truth preuayled hath and worne the garland gréene This day doth teach that rule and path which thought not to be séene ¶ Thus God the Truth p̄serued hath and set him in thé seate For to appoint the perfect path which is both right and feate Walke therfore in Truth ye godly let yll men walke their way To God and Truth do ye now hy and take your ioyfull day Stand fast to Truth sticke to your hold feare not the cruell kyng He shall not hurt you be you bold in any maner thyng For God is yours and you are Gods in God dwell you now styll Although ye haue these greuous rods it is not for none yll For whom the Lorde doth loue be sure him doth he chastice why Because he wyll haue vs full pure his name to magnifie For tribulation is our parte yf Christ we wyll confesse Confesse him styll feare not the smart you shall haue lyfe enelesse Farewel brethren be of good chere in Truth haue you your stay For God is Truth your father dere which wyll kéepe you alway Feare not the crosse nor yet the payne that you a whyle doe suffer You shall haue heauen for your gayne which lyfe doth last for euer ¶ FINIS ¶ THE. 67. PSALME Dauid here in this Psalme doth teach the faithfull for to pray The Lorde to shew his countinaunce that they go not a stray And that his mightie power be knowne which is of noble fame That all the nations on the earth may prayse his holy name GOD be mercifull vnto vs thus doth king Dauid write In y e thrée score seuēth psalme he doth the same resite And blesse thou vs saith he O Lorde for that we stand in néede The light of thy countinaunce show thy mercy geue with spéede That thy right way here on the earth vnto vs may be knowne And thy most high and sauyng helth vnto all natons showne Let the people prayse thée O God let all the people syng O let the nations on the earth acknowledge thée their kyng For thou the righteous wylt defend and gouerne euery where And make the wicked on a row of thée to stand in feare Let the people prayse thée G God now let them all thee prayse In this our most troublesome time and in these heauy dayes Then shal the earth her encrease bring and thou our God shalt geue Thy only good and great blessyng that we with thée may liue God shall vs blesse for euermore and vs defend from sin And all the endes of the whole world shall stand in awe of him Glorie be to the Father high and to the Son therfore And to the Holy ghost which spirit kepe vs for euermore ¶ FINIS ¶ THE. 100. PSALME Dauid in this Psalme doth exhort to prayse the Lorde alwayes For that he did vs make and port and guydes vs all our dayes OBe ye ioyfull in the Lorde serue ye him all ye landes With gladnes cum w t a song commit you to his handes The Lorde our God he did vs make of this we may be sure Not we our selues we are his folke and shepe of his pasture Now let vs go in to his gates with thanks to geue him prayse In to his court euen for to speake good of his name alwayes For why the Lorde is gracious his mercy is full sure His Truth doth euerlastyngly for euermore endure ¶ FINIS Christ speaketh to the people WHosoeuer is of the truth heareth my voyce My shepe do heare it and I do know them and they do folow me and I geue them euerlastyng life He that hath my precepts kepeth them he it is that loueth me If any man loueth me he wyl kepe my worde my father wyl loue him and we shal come to him and dwel with him Walke whyle ye haue lyght least darkenes ouer whelme you he that walketh in darkenes knoweth not whether he goeth Whyle ye haue light beleue in the light that ye may be chyldrē of light He that is of God heareth Gods word yf any man kepe my worde he shall neuer see death ¶ God to the Prophet or Preacher STand in the courte of the Lordes house and speake vnto al the cities of Juda which come to worship in the Lords house al the wordes that I haue cōmaūded thee to speake kepe not a word backe Yf so be thei wil harken turne euery man from his euyl way that I may repent mee of the plague which I haue determyned to bryng vpon them because of the wickednesse of their workes and y u shalt say vnto them thus faith the Lord. c ¶ Moses or Preacher to the people YF thou shalt obey diligently the voyce of the Lorde thy God and obserue do all his commaundements which I commaund thee this day then the Lord thy God wil set thee on high aboue al the nations of the earth and al these blessynges shal come on thee and ouertake thee yf thou shalt obey the voyce of the Lord thy God Blessed shalt thou be in the citie and blessed in the feelde c. But yf thou wylt not obey the voyce of the Lorde thy God to kepe to do al his commaundementes and his ordinaūces which I commaund thee this day then al these curses shall come vpon thee and ouertake thee Cursed shalt thou be in the towne and in the feeld c. From the which curses the Lorde deliuer vs and graūt vs to be diligent hearers of his holy worde and faithfull folowers of the same for his deare sonnes sake Jesus Christ to whom with the Holy ghost three persons and one God be al honor glory for euer Amen ¶ FINIS ꝙ John Pits 2. Tim. 1 Timothe is indued with an vnfeined faith Paule Ti mothe is of one spirite Paule is prsoner in Rome 2. Lim. 2 The faithful wyl sticke to one when the wicked wil forsake him Gala. 4. Math. 5 God reueleth to the faithfull the wickednes of the time before it come 2. Tim. 3 This is the state of our ●●u●e we are therfore in a perillous time Exodꝰ 7 Rom. 15. 2 Tim. 3. The Lorde only doeth deliuer from trouble Aspecal comforc 2 Tim. 3. A watch word to the godly of all states geuē by S. Paule to Timothe A question Aunswer The godlynes of the papacy is not persecuted 2. Tim. 3. The faithful hated Math. 5 Math. 24 Christ was hated John 16 Wherfore the faithful is hated of the world Luke 12 The faithful shall be rewarded with a kyngdome Math. 5 Apoc. 2 They shalbe ●round with the crowne of euerlastyng lyfe God ●● faithful Psal 12 Psal 69 Psal 16 Psal 30 Psal 66 John 14 3. Esdr ● Gene. ● Prou. 31. Psal 117 John 14 ● Joh. 4 Gene. 7. Gene. 9. Exod. 14. Judi 4. and. 9. 4. Re. 9. 4. Ke. 10 4. Ke. 25 Actes 12 Psalm 2 Exodꝰ 1 Math. 2 Mar. 6. Eath 14 Psal 67. John 18. John 10. John 14 John 12. John 8 Jere. 26. Deut. 28