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A03271 Three positions concerning the 1 Authoritie of the Lords day. 2 State of the Church of Rome. 3 Execution of priests. All written vpon speciall occasions by Iames Balmford minister Balmford, James, b. 1556.; Balmford, James, b. 1556. Position maintained by I.B. before the late Earle of Huntingdon: viz. Priests are executed not for religion, but for treason. aut 1607 (1607) STC 1339; ESTC S120365 24,959 67

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Priest-hood without a Sabbath sanctified by his Diuine authoritie considering the Sabbath o Exod. 31 13 17. is a signe that wee may know that hee is the Lord who doth sanctifie vs to be his people And to what other end than p Ezech. 46 1 2 3. to worship him our Sanctifier Lastly when the Passeouer was not kept in the first moneth because of vncleannesse or a long iourney did God suffer it either to be omitted or translated as it seemed good to the Israelites Nay he himselfe q Num. 19 10 11. nominated the fourteenth day of the second moneth to be kept for the Passeouer in those cases Was God so zealous for the Passeouer a ceremoniall Sabbath therefore temporall And would hee neglect The seuenth day a morall Sabbath and therefore eternall Sith in the fourth precept he commandeth A seuenth day to be holy for euer For as hee commaundeth Worship vpon the Sabbath prescribing neither Iewish nor Christian so he commandeth A seuenth day to be the Sabbath prescribing neither Saturday nor Sonday So that the fourth Commandement and euery word thereof without any alteration doth belong to Christians as well as to Iewes If so then I conclude that whether Saturday were made common because of a ceremony or for some other respect some other day in place thereof was sanctified to holy worship by diuine authoritie If it be obiected that whereas by God himselfe the institution of the Iewes their Sabbath was commanded vnto Adam and the cōfirmation therof promulgated to the Israelites with the rest of the Decalogue It is strange that it should cease not of it selfe as being ceremoniall but for some other speciall cause and another day appointed in the place thereof and that by God and yet it is not knowne whether immediately or by whom God made this alteration I answere that as God at the last day will iudge the world r Act. 17. 31 by the man whom he hath appointed so in the meane time he doth gouerne the Church by his Sonne ſ Psal 2. 6. Joh. 5. 22. Col. 3. 1. 2. 20. whom hee hath placed King in Sion So that whatsoeuer the Sonne doth is authenticall and of Diuine authoritie Not only because hee is God t Rom. 9. 5. 1. Tim. 6. 14. 15. 16. blessed for euer but also in that he is that great Prophet u Deut. 18. 18. 19. Act. 3. 20. 22. like vnto Moses whom we are to heare For he doth nothing of himselfe * Ioh. 3. 32. 33. 8. 28. but as his Father taught him But that Christ the Sonne of the liuing God sanctified that other Sabbath day I thus proue If the Sonne bee as faithfull in all his owne house in things concerning the worship of God x Heb. 3. 2. 5. 6. as Moses the seruant If Christ bee the Messias y Ioh. 4. 19. 20. 25. 26. who should teach vs all things If Moses prescribed euery thing belonging to the Tabernacle z Exod. 25. 9. 38. euen to a paire of snuffers If the things belonging to the house of God befew in cōparison of those which belonged to the Tabernacle of Moses because the houre is come when a Ioh. 4. 23. wee must worship the Father in Spirit and Truth that is spiritually b Gal. 3. 3. without the intolerable c Act. 15. 10 Gal. 4. 3. yoke of carnall d Heb. 9. 1. 10. rites If a Sabbath be as necessarie vnto the edification of Christ his house as a paire of snuffers to the seruice of Moses his Tabernacle then without doubt Saturday being made common Christ appointed some other day to be a Sabbath vnto his people as the Leuiticall Priest-hood being ceased e Heb. 7. 11. 12. Ephes 4. 8. 11. 12. he sanctified another Ministery vnder the Gospell Againe whereas Christ came f Mat. 5. 17. not to breake but to fulfill the Law and the Law doth command one day of seuen to be a Sabbath as is said Therefore Christ did either cōfirme Saturday or sanctifie some other day of the weeke but that he confirmed Saturday none will affirme therefore he sanctified some other day of the weeke Which to be Sonday I thus proue We see that Sonday is generally kept holy in all the Churches of Christ And there is nothing to the contrarie but that it hath been sanctified In and since the Apostles time If then God by Christ hath sanctified a Sabbath vnto Christians it must necessarily follow that either the Church hath neuer regarded but neglected the ordinance of GOD for many hundred yeeres or else that Sonday was sanctified by Christ. But the former is not easily to bee admitted considering the Church g 1. Tim. 3 15. is the Pillar of truth therefore the later more willingly to be receaued Againe if the Sonne h Ioh. 5 19 21. doth whatsoeuer the Father doth and if the Father hath committed all iudgement to the Sonne i Exo. 22 23 that all men should honor the Sonne as they honor the Father then as the Father sanctified A seuenth day k Gen. 2 2 3 as on which he finished his works of Creation and l Rom. 1 19. 20. was declared mightily to be the liuing God m Exod. 31 13 17. to his owne honor and therfore n Isa 58 13. did call it mine holy day For it was not a shadow of Sanctification as some dreaming of a ceremony do imagine but A Signe to Gods people of their Sanctifier that is A tokē or memorial that they may know that the Creator is the Lord who doth sanctifie them to bee his people So the Sonne sanctified that day o 1. Cor. 15 16 17 57. Rom. 8 34. whereon he consummated and sealed his workes of Redemption and was declared mightilie p 1 4. to be the Sonne of God to his owne honor Which was Sonday called for that respect q Reuel 1 10. The Lords day as shall bee declared hereafter For * Leuit. 23 15 16. Matth. 28 1 5 6. vpon that day r Rom. 4 25 Christ rose againe for our Iustification and manifested himselfe to be ſ Act. 1 6 7 8 2. 1. the spirituall King of his Church by miraculous giuing the power of the Holy Ghost vnto his Apostles So that Sonday is a signe or memoriall vnto Christians that they may know that the Redeemer is the Lord who doth sanctifie them If it bee demaunded why Christians should so honor the Sonne that they neglect the Father and so celebrate the memoriall of the Redeemer that they neglect the memoriall of the Creator Seeing it is written t Ioh. 4 23. The houre is come when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in Spirit and Truth by the light of nature u Act. 14 15 17 23 24 God is glorified as hee is Creator I answere That it is not so for A seuēth day though not
daies after his resurrection When as it is written x Act. 1. 2. 3 in expresse words he gaue through the Holy Ghost Commandements vnto the Apostles whom he had chosen and spake of those things which appertaine to the Kingdome of God Now doth it not especially appertaine to the kingdome of God that Christians should sanctifie their Lords day wherein y 1. Cor. 1. 23. 24. Christ crucified z 1. Tim. 3. 16. The mystery of godlines and a Mat. 1. 21. Sauiour of the world should be * Act. 10. 42. 43. preached as well as the Iewes had their Sabbath on which Moses A schoole master b Gal. 3. 24 to Christ and A minister of the Letter c 2. Cor. 3. 6. which killeth was d Act. 15. 21. preached Againe If in those 40. daies Christ e Eph. 4. 8. 10. 11. appointed what Ministers should teach his Church for euer how can it be but that thē also he appointed some Sabbath wheron they should ordinarily performe the worke of their ministerie as hee was wont f Luk. 4. 16. to do himselfe Seeing it is prophecied g Psal 110. 2. 3. That the power of his rod should be such that His people should come willingly at the time of assembling his army in holy beauty Seeing his Father whose works * Ioh. 5. 19. he imitateth appointed h Leuit. 16. 2. 29. as an high Priest so a time when once in a yeere he should enter into the Most holy place and as other Priests i Exod. 29. 44. 38. so morning and euening sacrifices and considering it is written k Eccles 3. 1. To euery purpose vnder heauen there is an appointed time Lastly If the Sonne be like his Father as in teaching his Apostles 40. daies for so long l Exod. 24. 12. 18. 39. 42. was Moses with the Father vpon the mount so in speaking those things which appertaine to the kingdome of God as his Father taught Moses al things belonging to the furnishing of the Tabernacle and If the Sonne be like his Father in sanctifying a day to his owne honor as hath been declared Why may not Christians beleeue that Christ sanctified The Lords day within those 40. daies as the Father m Deut. 9. 9 confirmed The seuenth day in those 40. daies that Moses was with him on the mount And the rather because it is te be obserued That the Disciples n Ioh. 20. 19. 26. assembled the two first daies of the two weeks immediatly following Christ his resurrection and that our Lord not only of purpose sanctified both those assemblies with his holy and miraculous presence but also immediatly before his Ascension commanded his Apostles o Act. 1. 4. 5. 7. 9. to wait a few daies for the promise of the Father Which by his prouidence in whose power bee times and seasons as Christ affirmed euen in this case was fulfilled p Mark 16. 1. 2. Leuit. 23. 15. 16. Act. 2. 1. 4. 14. vpon a Sonday and at the same time the Apostles first began the execution of their ministery and preached Christ publiquely But publique preaching q Num. 10. 7. 8. Isa 58. 1. Ezech. 44. 23. 24. Act. 23. 14. 42. is a speciall worke of the Sabbath day It may therefore bee gathered That Christ appointed his Apostles to sanctifie Sonday whereon he would manifest himselfe r 1. 6. 7. 8 to be King of Israel as his Father instituted A seuenth day as on which he was manifested to bee GOD of heauen and earth To conclude If Saturday were made common not by man but by God himselfe and that not for a Ceremony but for some other cause If God sanctified a Sabbath as well to Christians as to Iewes If euery ordinance of Christ were an ordinance of God If Christ were as faithfull in all his owne house as Moses about the Tabernacle If Christ came to fulfill the fourth Commandement which prescribeth one day of seuen If the Church of God bee not easily to bee condemned as neglecting the ordinance of God in sanctifying Sonday for many hūdred yeeres If Christ were like his Father in sanctifying that day to his owne honor whereon he was declared to be the Sonne of God and King of Israel to wit Sonday If the day be so appointed that the Creator is glorified with the Redeemer If it appeare by the Word that the first day of the week was confirmed by the Apostles practise and preceptiue exhortation If by the first day of the week be meant that day wheron Christ did rise againe and that was Sonday If in the Word Sonday be called The Lords day to the honour of Christ our Lord If the warrant of Sonday consisteth not in the ordinarie authoritie of the Church because it was established by the Apostles If euery spirituall man be to acknowledge the ordinances of the Apostles to bee the ordinances of the Lord and If the Apostles were informed by Christ touching the Lords day within those 40. daies after his resurrection I may safely hold this my Position The Lords day commonly called Sonday is an ordinance of God THE SECOND POSITION THE CHVRCH OF ROME IS not the Catholike Church neither yet hath continued an apparant member of the same euer since the Apostles time 1 THe Church is said to be Catholike in regard of the vniuersality thereof for this word Catholike signifieth Vniuerfall The Vniuersalitie thereof consisteth in Times Persons and Places For there is no age of the world no nation on the earth and no sort of people that can be exempted from the same And therefore it is called The celestial Hierusalem and said to be the congregation Heb. 12. 22. 23. of the first borne which are written in heauen So that we are to beleeue That as there hath been euer an head to wit Christ so there hath been also a body to wit the Church some where or other but the Church of Rome is a particular Church confined within a certaine compasse and hath not been a Church but since Christ his comming in the flesh therfore it is not the Catholique Church 2 The Catholique Church is an obiect of faith according to the Apostles Creed and therefore inuisible howsoeuer the members thereof called by Peter Liuely 1. Pet. 2. 5. Heb. 11. 1. stones be visible as they be men For faith is the euidence of things not seene But the Church of Rome is visible therefore not the Catholique Church 3 I grant that as one man so one particular Church may be called Catholike but it is only in regard of the Catholique faith as being one the same throughout the Catholique Church which that one man or that one Church professeth But the Church of Rome professeth not indeed the Catholike faith as shal be in part shewed hereafter therefore in no sense it can be truly called Catholique But suppose it held the Catholique faith yet were
Saturday is still sanctified Which to be sufficient to celebrate the Creator the fourth Commandement prescribeth neither this nor that seuenth day but one of seuen doth euidētly proue So that wheras Sonday is The Lords day and withall A seuenth day we may obserue that Christians * Ioh. 14. 13. glorifie the Father in the Sonne and celebrate the Creator with the Redeemer By whom a New creation though spirituall was performed x Isa 65. 17. 66. 21. 22 according to the prophecy of Isaiah Lastly If it may appeare by the word that Sonday was confirmed by the Apostles practise and preceptiue execution then Sonday hath authoritie not from the Church but from Christ But it appeareth by the word that Sonday was so confirmed therfore it hath authority not from the Church but from Christ. That the sequele of the Maior may better appeare I will manifest the Minor by these three places of holy writ viz. Act. 20 6 7. and 1. Cor. 16 2. and Reuel 1 10. For in the first place three things are to be obserued 1. That Paul abode at Troas seuen daies 2. That it is not said The Disciples were called of purpose to his preaching but Being come together to breake bread that is to be partakers of the Lords Supper And 3. That ready to depart on the morow he cōtinued his preaching till midnight Then it will appeare that Sonday there called The first day of the weeke in respect of the Iewes their account to whom Saturday was the seuēth that is the last day of the weeke was sanctified to holy meetings and exercises And that Paul waited as at Philippi y Act. 16. 12. 13. for the Sabbath of the Iewes so at Troas for the Christians their Lords day Which he would not haue done being an Apostle and hauing such hast of departure if Sonday had not been sanctified by greater authority than the ordinary authority of the Elders and Brethren If it be obiected that according to the originall the words bee One of the Sabbathes in the two former places and therfore it is vncertaine whether Sonday bee meant in those places rather than Saturday I answere That by the same reason it is vncertaine whether our blessed Sauiour did arise againe the third day z 1. Cor. 15. 4. according to the Scriptures For all the Euangelists a Mat. 28. 1 Mark 16. 2. Luke 24. 1. Ioh. 20. 1. vse the same words when they report That Mary Magdalen went to seeke Christ when he was risen But more fully to confute this Argument three things are to be noted 1. That in the originall the numerall One is put for the ordinall First For Marke hauing said in the second verse of his 16. chapter One of the Sabbathes speaking of Mary Magdalen her seeking of Christ chaungeth the words in the 9. verse and saith The First day shewing that Christ was risen And that Sabbathes is put for Weekes As in Leuit. 25. 8. it is written Thou shalt number 7. Sabbathes that is weekes of yeeres Secondly it is to be obserued That in both places only Christians are said to haue these meetings For they who came together are called Disciples Churches and are said To breake bread that is To receiue the Communion b 1. Cor. 10. 16. 17. 18. which none but Christians may do And therefore in both places the Spirit of God in two sundry writers Luke and Paul vseth these words The first day of the weeke rather than The Sabbath day more distinctly to expresse that day which was sanctified by Christians Whereas at Philippi where no Disciples were as yet Paul is said c Act. 16. 12. 18. to go on The Sabbath to the place where the Iewes were wont to pray after he had bin there certaine daies For what neede had the Christians being none but themselues to neglect the Lords day for the Iewes Sabbath Thirdly note that it is said Euery first day 1. Cor. 16. 2. and consider whether there be any probability that the Apostle would haue them come together euery Saturday If not it followeth necessarily that by The first day of the weeke Sonday is vnderstood In 1. Cor. 16. 1. 2. we are yet further to consider that the Apostle saith As I haue ordained in the Churches of Galatia which argueth Generality and Euery first day which argueth Perpetuity So that by this place holy assemblies vpon Sonday may seeme as generall in those times so confirmed for euer by a preceptiue exhortation For as in this speech d 2. Tim. 2. 19. Let euery one that calleth on the name of Christ depart from iniquitie a preceptiue exhortation to call on the name of Christ is implied howsoeuer only departing from iniquity bee expressely commaunded So in this speech deliuered by an Apostle Euery first day of the weeke let euery one of you put aside is implied a preceptiue exhortation to come together vpon the first day of the weeke howsoeuer only putting aside be expresly commanded If it be obiected That these meetings were only to gather for the Saints I deny it For it is said Act. 20. 7. That the Disciples came together to break bread which importeth other holy exercises Againe If no more were vnderstood than expressed then Christians cōfirmed in the faith were lesse religious vpon their setled and sanctified holy day than they were ordinarily if not euery day at their first enterance into their holy profession For then they mette together e Act. 2. 42. 46. not only to breake bread but vnto doctrine also and prayers Lastly The Apostle who was so zealous to sanctifie the Lords day at Troas would no doubt reproue in this place so great neglect of The Lords day if such a matter were then to be supposed As for Reuel 1. 10. if nothing else were vrged but the consideration of the two former places it doth sufficiētly appeare that by The Lords day is meant The first day of the weeke now called Sonday according to the iudgement of all the learned Against which streame to striue by making a doubt without reason at least probable is to bewray a proud conceipt of a priuate opinion But howsoeuer this be sufficient yet for the godly their sake I will say somewhat more than inough It is the iudgement of the learned and I see nothing to the contrarie That as Paul praying in the Temple * Act. 22. 17 fell into a traunce so Iohn sanctifying the Lords day was rauished in spirit If so how can we imagine That Iohn banished f Reuel 1. 9 in the isle Patmos hauing no cause to cōstraine him nor occasion to induce him should rather sanctifie the Iewes Sabbath than the Christians holy day Againe If we find these titles Our Lord or The Lord so attributed to the Sonne that he is called g 1. Tim. 6. 14. 15. The Lord of Lords and by the title Lord h 1. Cor. 12. 4. 5. 6. Ephes 4. 4. 5.
6. distinguished from the Father and the Holy Ghost so that in few if any places of the new Testamēt it is applied distinctly by way of title to any but to the Sonne will any who saith Iesus is the Lord speaking by the Spirit of God make any doubt that by The Lords day is meant that day which was especially sanctified to the honor of Christ And will any Christian considering that which is said be yet doubtful whether that were Sonday or no Lastly Beza in his note vpon 1. Cor. 16. 2. reporteth That in one Greeke copy these very words The Lords be added to Euery first day Which sheweth manifestly That not the Iewes Sabbath but The first day of the weeke was called The Lords day If then in 3. places of holy Scriptures written by 3. holy men inspired by the Holy Ghost of whom Luke was an Euangelist Paul and Iohn Apostles we finde The first day of the weeke according to the computation of the Iewes now called Sonday sanctified to the worship of God yea so That Paul waited for it at Troas and doth preceptiuely exhort the same though by implication to be sanctified euery weeke amongst the Corinthians as in other places and it obtained the name of The Lords day as being specially sanctified to the honor of our Sauiour wee may conclude That it appeareth by the Word That the Lords day called Sonday was confirmed by the Apostles practise and preceptiue exhortation Now the Minor or assumption of the former syllogisme is manifested I am to confirme the sequele of the Maior or proposition Wherein two things are to bee proued 1. That The Lords day was not established by the ordinarie authoritie of the Church And 2. That it was established by the Diuine authoritie of our Sauiour Christ. The reason of both is because it was established by the Apostles The former though euident by that which is said will yet further appeare If we grant That the Primitiue Church attributed as much to the Apostles who first i 1. Cor. 3. 6. 10. planted the same and for the performance of that worke of God were k Act. 2. 4. indued with extraordinary gifts inspired by the Holy Ghost instructed l 1. 3. by Christ 40. daies after his resurrection as Israel did to Moses their Law-giuer But while Moses liued the Israelites tooke all their directions from him yea so That not only in difficult cases m Leuit. 24. 11. 12. Num. 15. 32. 33. 27. 1. 2. of blasphemy Prophaning the Sabbath and Daughters inheritance not formerly ruled by Moses they came to him to know the minde of the Lord but also in all things about the Tabernacle n Exod. 31. 3. 6. 39. 37. 42. 25. 38. 40. euen to a paire of snuffers the worke-men though miraculously inspired with cunning were altogether directed by him who had his instructions immediately from GOD. Can we then thinke That the Disciples came together euery first day of the week of themselues though by generall consent without the authoritie of the Apostles so directing them If they had attempted such a thing how could they haue answered this question o 1. Cor. 14. 36. 37. Came the word of God out from you A question made by the Apostle in a supposition that the Corinthians misliking Pauls directiōs touching silēcing tongues without interpretation and women in the Churches would happily say That they were of another opinion So that it importeth this reply But I pray you consider that the Apostles are the first teachers of the Church hauing receiued their instructions either immediatly frō Christ his mouth or by reuelation therefore the Church is to be ordered by them If then worke-men cunning by inspiration could not make a paire of snuffers without Moses his direction nor the Church in Corinth by it owne authority permit the manifestation of the extraordinary gift of the spirit to be in their publique assemblies without interpretatiō could The Lords day a matter of so great regard bee established without the authoritie of the Apostles Againe Whereas the Apostle hauing reproued certaine male vsages amongst the Corinthians and taken some order for reformatiō of the abuse of Loue feasts which were of good vse at the first but tending at last to the prophaning of the Lords Supper cōcludeth thus p 1. Cor. 11. 34. Other things wil I set in order when I come Is it not euident that the Church could do litle or nothing much lesse establish Sonday to bee the Lords day without Apostolique authoritie Lastly If Titus an Euangelist q Tit. 1. 5. could not reforme Creta nor ordaine Elders but as he was appointed by Paul I see not but that all things in the Church were ordered and ordained by the Apostles If by the Apostles then by Christ Which is the second point in the Maior now to be proued If we receiue the writings of the Apostles as the Word of God why not their constitutions accordingly I meane not vnwritten verities or rather the very lies of Antichristian Papists but such ordinances as are mentioned and commended in the Word For the Apostles were r Act. 1. 2. 8. 22. 15. chosen and faithfull witnesses of those things which they haue heard and seene and no doubt as faithfull s 1. Cor. 7. 25 1. Tim. 3. 14. 15. in all the house of God as Moses was about the Tabernacle and in gouerning Israel But Moses did not direct the worke-men to make any thing no not a paire of snuffers but according to the patterne which he saw in the mount and in the said cases of t Leuit. 24. 12. 13. Num. 15. 34 35. 27. 5 6. Blasphemy Prophaning the Sabbath and Daughters inheritance answered not of himself but consulted with God Therfore the Apostles did not prescribe ordinances but with such authority that Paul and so all might say u 1. Cor. 11. 23. I haue receiued of the Lord to wit Christ that which I haue also deliuered vnto you But what neede these inferences Doth not the Apostle charge * 14. 37. Euery man that thinketh himselfe to be a Prophet or spirituall to acknowledge that the things hee writeth to them are the Commandements of the Lord If the things which he then writ viz. Directions about Prophecy Speaking with strange tongues and Silence of women in the Church were the Commandements of the Lord can we thinke him to be a true Prophet and spirituall indeed who perceiuing The Lords day to haue been established by the Apostles will not acknowledge it to be a Commandement of the Lord If it bee demaunded when our Lord commanded his Holy day I answere The faithfulnes and credit of the holy Apostles are sufficient to perswade an humble Christian to receiue it as the Lords ordinance though it be not certainly knowne when Christ did ordaine it But it is probable that he gaue commandement concerning the same within those 40.