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B21355 A catechism, or, Familiar instructions on the principal points of the Christian religion written for the use of his own family by Mr. Drelincourt.; Catechisme, ou, Instruction familiere sur les principaux points de la relgion chrĂȘtieno. English Drelincourt, Charles, 1595-1669. 1698 (1698) Wing D2159 63,542 132

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confession thereof as I will now do before thee saying with thy Church I Believe in God the Father Almighty maker of heaven and earth and Jesus Christ his only Son our Lord who was conceived by the holy Ghost born of the Virgin Mary suffered under Pontius Pilate was crucified dead and buried he descended into Hell the third day he rose again from the dead he ascended into Heaven and sitteth on the Right hand of God the Father Almighty from thence he shall come to judge the quick and the dead I believe in the holy Ghost the holy Catholick Church the Communion of Saints the for●●veness of Sins the Resurrection of the body and the life everlasting Amen Lord who didst write thy Law on tables of Stone be pleased to engrave it in my heart with the finger of thy Spirit and give me grace to conform the course of my life thereunto The ten Commandmets of Gods Law Preface I am the Lord thy God who brought thee out of the Land of Egypt out of the house of bondage The first Table I. THou shalt have none other God but me II. Thou shalt not make to thy self any graven Image nor the likeness of any thing that is heaven above or in the earth beneath or in the water under the earth thou shalt not bow down to them nor worship them for I the Lord thy God am a Jealous God and visit the sins of the Father upon the Children ●●to the third and fourth generation of them that hate me and shew mercy unto thousands in them that love me and keep my Commandments III. Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain for the Lord will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain IV. Remember that thou keep holy the Sabbath day Six days shalt thou labour and do all that thou hast to do but the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord thy God in it thou shalt do no manner of work thou and thy Son and thy Daughter thy Man Servant and thy Maid Servant thy Cattle and the Stranger that is within thy Gates for in six days the Lord made Heaven and Earth the Sea and all that in them is and rested the seventh day wherefore the Lord blessed the Seventh day and hallowed it V. Honour thy Father and thy Mother that thy days may be long in the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee VI. Thou shalt do no Murther VII Thou shalt not commit Adultery VIII Thou shalt not Steal IX Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy Neighbour X. Thou shalt not covet thy Neighbours House thou shalt not covet thy Neighbours Wife nor his Servant nor his Maid nor his Ox nor his Ass nor any thing that is his The Summary of all the Law Matt. 22. Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart and with all thy Soul and with all thy Mind This is the first and great Commandment and the second is like unto it thou shalt love thy Neighbour as thy self on these two Commandments hang all the Law and the Prophets Psalm 143. V. 8. Lord cause me to hear thy loving kindness in the morning for in thee do I trust cause me to know the way wherein I should walk for I lift up my Soul unto thee 9. Deliver me O Lord from my Enemies I fly unto thee to hide me 10. Teach me to do thy will for thou art my God let thy good Spirit lead me into the land of uprightness 1 John 5.21 Little Children keep your selves from Idols Amen Epitome of the Catechism for the Little Children First Section First Question Q. WHY do you name your self a Christian A. Because through the grace of God I believe in Jesus Christ and I profess his truth Q. 2. Who is Jesus Christ A. He is the only Son of God Q. 3. Is he God or Man A. He is true God a●d true Man Q. 4. Why was it needful that he should be God and Man A. It was needful for him to be Man to die and God to overcome death Q. 5. How many Gods are there A. There is but one and it is he who made Heaven and Earth Q. 6. How many persons are there in that only Essence A. Three the Father the Son and the holy Ghost and these three are one Q. 7. How is it that this great God makes himself known A. By his works his word and his spirit Section 2. Q 1. WHat must one know in the Christian Religion A. Three things principally what we are of our nature what God makes us to be by his grace and what we ought to render him for all his benefits Q. 2. What were you of your nature A. I was a poor sinful Creature and Child of wrath as others Q. 3. And what did you deserve 〈◊〉 Eternal death and condemnation 〈◊〉 4. What hath God done for you A. He redeemed me from my Sins and adopted me for his Child Q 5. How did he redeem you A. Through the death and passion of his own Son our Lord Jesus Christ Q. 6. And by what means did he adopt you A. By his spirit who with assurance makes me cry Abba Father Q. 7. What is the mark of that adoption A. Regeneration and holiness of Life Section 3. Q. 1. WHat could oblige God to deliver you out of your misery and to give you the freedom of his Children A. Nothing but his great Mercy and his incomparable Charity Q. 2. What is it he promises you for his Sons sake and in the communion of his spirit A. He promises me his grace and protection here on Earth and the glory of his Paradice and his eternal felicity in Heaven Q. 3. And what do you owe to God for so many benefits as he bestowed on you and for so much glory that he prepares for you A. I owe my self to him with all the power of my body and soul Q. 4. But what doth he principally desire of you A. Love and Obedience Q. 5. How ought you to love God A. Above all things Q. 6. And how must you love your Neigh●our A. As my self Q. 7. What Obedience doth God demand of you A. A filial Obedience Section 4. Q. 1. WHat is it principally that God will have us exercise our selves in during the the course of this life A. In good Works Q. 2. Which are the good Works A. Those that God commands Q. 3. And which are the evil ones A. Those that God forbids Q. 4. Is it necessary to do good Works A. Yes for God commands it and it is the way to Heaven Q. 5. Are the good Works that we do during this life so perfect that there is no fault in them A. No for if we say that there is no sin in us we lye wherefore we pray to God every day that he will forgive us our sins Q. 6. From whence comes all the good there is in our Works A. From the grace of God Q.
this Faith it is said that Simon the Magician believed Acts 8. Q. What is the Faith of Miracles A. It is an infallible assurance grounded upon some particular Revelation that God will shew his Omnipotency to work by us or in our favour some work beyond all the Forces of Nature It is of this Faith that the Apostle speaks in the first of the Corinthians cap. 13. Q. What is Temporal Faith A. It is that which receives the VVord o● God with joy but presently forsakes the profession thereof because of the afflictions which attend it our Lord Jesus Christ speaks of it in St. Matthews Gospel cap. 13. Q. What is Justifying Faith A. It is that which embraces to Salvation Christ Crucified and assures us that if we are truly penitent of our faults God will be merciful unto us and will receive us in his heavenly Kingdom It is of this Faith St Pau● speaks of in the 2d to Timothy cap. 11. 〈◊〉 know whom I have believed and am perswaded that he is able to keep that which I have committed unto him against that day Q. Of what Faith is it here spoken A. Of the Justifying Faith for it is not said I believe God or believe to God but I believe in God Q. What difference do you put between Believe God believe to God and believe in God A. Believe God is to believe that there is a God as St. James saith That the Devils believe there is a God and tremble Believe to God is to believe all what God saith is true Believe in God is to trust in him whosoever believeth on him shall not be ashamed Rom. 10. Q. What is God A. An Essence Eternal Infinite Incomprehensible Immortal Invisible Omnipotent all Good and all Just and all Merciful and all VVise and who created Heaven and Earth Q. How many Gods are there A. There is but one and there cannot be several Q. Why A. Because there cannot be several Infinites nor several Omnipotents for one cannot imagine any thing beyond Infinite And if there were several Omnipotents the omnipotency of the one would destroy the omnipotency of the other Q. But besides these Reasons that are clear and evident what doth the Scripture teach us on this subject A. It teaches us every where that there is but one only God specially Deut. 6. Hear O Israel the Lord our God is one Lord. And Eph. 4. Is one Lord one Father one Baptism one God and Father of all who is above all and through all and in us all Q. How many ways doth God reveal himself A. Three First By his VVorks as is spoken thereof Rom. 1. The invisible things of God from the creation of the world are clearly seen being understood by the things that are made even his eternal Power and Godhead Secondly By his VVord as the Apostles speaks of it Heb. 1. God who at sundry times and in divers manners spake in time past unto the Fathers by the Prophets hath in these last days spoken unto us by his Son Thirdly By his Spirit For things that eye hath not seen nor ear heard and that have not entred into the heart of man God hath revealed them unto us by his spirit 1 Cor. 2. Q How many Persons are that Divinity that we worship A. There are three The Father who i● the source and first original of every thing 〈◊〉 The Son who is begotten of the Father before all Ages And the Holy Ghost who from all Eternity proceeds from the Fathe● and the Son Q. Where do we learn that A. 'T is proved by several Reasons that there is but one only God who hath made all things and was made of none and who moves all things without moving himself but the Revelations alone teaches us that in that Unity of Essence there is a Trinity of Persons Q. In what passage of the Scripture is it spoken of A. In the 28th Chapter of our Lord Jesus Christ's Gospel according to St. Matthew Teach all Nations baptizing them in the Name of the Father of the Son and the Holy Ghost And in the 5th Chapter of the first Epistle of St. John There are three that bear Record in Heaven the Father the Son and the Holy Ghost and these three are one Q. Why do you give to God the quality of Father A. Because he did beget Jesus Christ of his proper Substance so that the Father and the Son are one John 10. Q. Have we any comfort that God is the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ A. Yes a very great one for from thence it follows that he is also our Father He hath predestinated us to be conformed to the Image of his Son that he may be the first born among many brethren Rom. 8. Q. Why do you say that God is Almighty A. Because he doth all he pleases in Heaven in Earth and in the Deep and that there is nothing able to resist his Will Q. In what did he shew his Omnipotency A. In making the light to shine from darkness and in creating Heaven and Earth Q How many sorts of Creations are there A. Two The one is properly said that God created something out of nothing as when he created the first matter whereof he formed all Corporal things The other that is so called by comparison when God doth something of a matter that hath no disposition to receive the form he imprinted thereto as when God created the first man of Dust and Eve of Adam's Rib. Q. By whom did God create the World A. It was by his Son that he made the Worlds and without him was not any thing made that was made Heb. 1. and John 1. Q. What do you mean by Heaven and Earth A. Not only that weighty mass which is the center of the world and the lightsome Globes which turn round about it but generally all Creatures Celestial and Terrestrial Q. What is to be considered in all these Creatures A. There are principally five things to be considered their multitude which is almost Infinite their diversity of Beauty their Admirable order their virtues and effects and above all there is not one of them that doth not tend to the end it pleased God to create it for Q. Did God create the Angels A. He created all things visible and invisible the Thrones the Dominions and Principalities Coll. 1. Wherefore the Angels are calle● Sons of God in the first of Job Q. Did God create also the Devils A. He created their substance but he is no● the Father of their Malice They are Apostat Angels that have not kept their first Estate a● St Jude speaks of it Q. How did God create man A. He created him in his image and likeness he enlightened him with his Light and cloathed with Justice and Sanctity Q. Whence comes then the depravation an● perverseness that is naturally in all the men in th● world A. It comes from our first Parents who suffered themselves to be corrupted by Satan
Quest WHERE is our Lord Jesus Christ A. As God he is every where as he says himself in St. Matthew cap. 18. where two or three are gathered together in my name there am I in the midst of them and Chapt. 28. I am with you always even to the end of the World Q. And as Man where is he A. He left the World and is gone unto the Father and the Heavens must contain him until the time of Restitution of all things St John 16. and ●cts 3. Q. How did he ascend into Heaven A. He ascended visibly a Cloud received him out of the sight of the Apostles to whom two Angels said Ye men of Galilee Why stand ye gazing up into Heaven the same Jesus which is taken up from you into Heaven shall come in like manner as ye have seen him go into Heaven Acts. 1. Q. What doth the ascension of our Lord Jesus Christ profit us A. First he ascended into Heaven to appear for us in the presence of God and to make intercession for us Heb. 7. And secondly he is gone to prepare a place for us John 14. Lastly his ascension into Heaven is a pledge and assurance of our own John 17. and Heb. 6. Of Jesus Christ sitting on the Right Hand of God Q. WHat signifies the word to be sitting A. It signifies sometimes to Reign as in the 20th of Prov. A King that sitteth in the Throne of Judgment scattereth away all evil with his Eyes and Revel 18. I sit a Queen and am no Widdow and shall see no sorrow Q. What signifies the right hand of God A. To speak properly God being a Spirit hath no right hand but by his right hand is understood his power and his vertue and it is said Psalms 44. our Fathers got not the Land in possession by their own Sword neither did their own Arm save them but thy right Hand and thy Arm and the light of thy Countenance because thou hadst a favour unto them Q What is then the sense of this article that Jesus Christ is sitting on the right hand of God A. St. Paul gives us the explanation thereof Eph. 1. when he saith that God raised him from the dead and set him at his own right hand in heavenly places far above all principality and power and might and dominion and every name that is named not only in this world but also in that which is to come and hath put all things under his Feet and gave him to be the head over all things to the Church which is his body The fulness of him that fill all in all and Phillip 2. he humbled himsel● and became obedient unto Death even th● Death of the Cross wherefore God also hat● highly exalted him and given him a nam● which is above every name That at the nam● of Jesus every Knee shall bow ●f things in Heaven and things in Earth and things under th● Earth that every Tongue should confess tha● Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God th● Father Q. What fruits have we of Jesus Christ's sitting o● the right hand of God A. He being our Saviour and loving us wit● an eternal love we are assured that he will us● his omnipotency to preserve us and to do u● good and to repress all the endeavours and th● violence of his Enemies and ours till he have laid them all under his feet and utterly destroy them Of the last Judgment Q. WHo are the Quick and the Dead whom Jesus Christ shall judge at the last day A. The Quick are those who shall then b● living on the Earth when Jesus Christ shal● come from Heaven and the Dead are thos● whose Souls shall have been separated fro● their Bodies before that glorious coming Q. How must this be understood that Jesu● Christ shall come to judge the Quick and the Dead A. The meaning is That at the end of th● World Jesus Christ shall come with the Angel● of his power and that we shall all appear befor● his judgment Seat to receive in our Bodies according to what we shall have done whether it be good or bad 2 Cor. 5. Q. What difference shall be then between the good and the bad man A. Our Lord Jesus Christ shall set all the bad on his left hand and shall say to them Depart from me ye cursed into everlasting fire prepared for the Devil and his Angels but unto the Elect and Faithful who walk here in his fear and have exercised themselves in works of mercy he shall set them at his right hand and shall say to them Come ye blessed of my Father inherit the Kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world Matt. 25. Of the third part of the Apostles Creed Q. WHy after having spoken of the Father and the Son do you make mention of the Holy Ghost A. Because it would be in vain and that the Father hath procured us Salvation and that the Son merited it for us if the Holy Ghost did not apply it unto us wherefore it is said that we are sealed with the spirit of promise Eph 1. Q. Why is it said I believe in the Hol● Ghost A. To teach us to put our trust in him and to render him the same honours and the same adoration that we render the Father and the Son Q. Who is the Holy Ghost A. It is the third person of the most holy and most glorious Trinity who from all Ete●nity proceeds from the Father and the Son Q How do you prove that the Holy Ghost proceeds from the Father A. By the formal words of our Lord Jesus Christ in the 15th of St. John The Spirit of Truth which proceeds from the Father shall testifie of me Q. How do you prove that he proceeds from the Son A. Because 't is said in the 15th of the same Gospel I will send you the Comforter from the Father and in the 16th All things that the Father hath are mine and therefore said I that ye shall take of mine and shall shew it unto you from whence come that in Rom. 8. he is called the spirit of God and the spirit of Christ and that in Revel 22. he is represented by a River proceeding from the Throne of God and of the Lamb. Q. Is the Holy Ghost God A. Yes for to lye to the Holy Ghost is to lye to God Acts 5. And we are called the Temple of God because the Holy Ghost dwelleth in us 1 Cor. 3. Q. Why is the Spirit called holy A. It is not only because he is holy in himself for in that regard holiness belongs also to the Father and the Son but it is because he sanctifies us immediately and that he reforms in us the Image of God in Righteousness and Sanctity Q. Are the gifts of the Holy Ghost common to all men of the world or do they belong to the only Children of God A. There are some which he imparts indifferently as the Arts and Sciences and
sacrifice is of an eternal efficacy and that his intercession for us is for evermore and therefore the Apostle says that he may save them to the uttermost that come unto God by him seeing he ever lives to make intercession for them Heb. 7. Q. In what consists his being a Prophet A. In that as during the course of his Ministry he revealed to us the Mysteries of his Kingdom and hath brought to light life and immortality by the Gospel and that it is he who teaches us within our selves by his Spirit and perswades us of his truth Q. In what nature was Jesus Christ anointed A. If by unction 't is understood the vocation to his Office he was anointed in his Divine Nature as well as in his Humane Nature for it is not only as Man but also as God-Man that he is the King the Priest and the Prophet of the Church But if by unction is meant the gift of Graces he was anointed only in his Humane Nature For as to the Divine Nature it confers but receives not the Graces for nothing can be added to what 's infinite Q. What difference is there betwixt the unction of the Ancient Kings Priests and Prophets and that of our Lord Jesus Christ A. First That was material and visible this is spiritual and invisible that was the shadow and figure and this is the body and truth Secondly God did give unto the ancient Kings Priests and Prophets but some measure of his Graces but to our Lord Jesus Christ God gives not the Spirit by measure And of his fulness have we all received Grace for Grace in St. John cap 3. and cap. 1. Of the Eternal Generation of Jesus Christ and of his Dominions over the Church Q. WHy is it that Jesus Christ is called the only Son of God A. Because him alone God begot in himself of his proper substance therefore he is called the Image of the Invisible God the brightness of the Glory of the Father and the express Imag● of his person Coll. 1. and Heb. 1. Q. When was the Son begotten of the Father A. He was begotten from all Eternity as he says himself Proverbs 8. The Lord possessed me i● the beginning of his way before his works of old and Micah 5. His going forth have been from o● old from everlasting Q. Why is he called our Lord since he is the Lor● of all the universe A. Because we belong to him in a particula● manner not only because he created us bu● also because he redeemed us by his Blood an● because he leads and governs us by the Scept●● of his word and by the efficacy and vertu● of his Spirit Of the Corporal Conception and Birth o● Jesus Christ Q. HOw do you understand that Jesus Christ w● Conceived by the Holy Ghost A. I mean that the Holy Ghost as efficien● cause interven'd in this Conception and by h● Divine Vertue formed the precious body of our Lord and inspired a perfect Soul therein Q. Why was it necessary that the Holy Ghost should intervene in his Conception A. That our Lord might have no original sin and might be in no sort defiled For all that is born of the flesh is flesh John 3. Q. How do you understand that he was born of the Virgin Mary A. I mean that he was formed of her proper substance that he might be of the Seed of David according to the Flesh and the Prophecy of Isaiah cap. 7. might be fulfilled Behold a Virgin shall conceive and bear a Son and shall call his name Immanuel that is to say God with us Q. Since the Blessed Virgin is truly and properly the Mother of our Lord Jesus Christ ought we to worship her and put our Trust in her A. By no means for in all the word of God there is not one Commandment or Example of it contrarily God declares to us that he gives not his Glory to another and he curses all those who put their trust in man Isaiah 48. Jerem 17. But we ought to honor her Memory to imitate her Vertues and publish her Happiness according to what she sa●s her self in her Divine Song Behold from henceforth all Generations shall call me blessed Luke 1. Of Jesus Christ's Passion under Pontius Pilate Q. WHo was Pontius Pilate of whom it is spoken in the Creed of the Apostles A. He was a Roman Judge who was under the Government of Syria s dependency Q. Why is mention made of him in the Creed of the Apostles A. To teach us the certainty of the History of the accomplishment of Jacobs Prophecy Gen. 49. The Scepter shall not depart from Judah nor a Law-giver from between his Feet until Shilo come that is to say the Messiah and unto him shall the gathering of the people be Q. Why did Jesus Christ appear before the Tribunal of an earthly Judge A. Because he ought not to be put to death in a tumult but by the sentence of one of those whom God hath established to be his Lieutenant on Earth to the end that in this Condemnation might appear that which we had deserved from the Soveraign Judge and so that Jesus Christ having undergone the same with us we might with assurance approach the Heavenly Throne It is also to teach us to submit to the orders of justice and to acknowledge the Magistrates whom God established to govern humane kind Q. But why is it that Pontius Pilate pronounces him innocent and afterwards condemns him A. It is to teach us that he suffered not for his sins but for our own he was condemned to absolve us and as St. Peter speaks of it he suffered for sins the just for the unjust that he might bring us to God 1 Peter 3. Of the cross of Jesus Christ Q. WHy was Jesus Christ crucified A To teach us that he is the Ensign of the people foretold by the Prophet Isaiah cap. 11. and that it is he who abolished our curse Q. How A The Apostle teaches it us Gal. 3 Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the Law in being made a curse for us for it is written cursed is every one that hangeth on a Tree Q. Is there any Figure of that in the old Testament A. There are several and especially that of the Brazen Serpent as our Lord teaches it St. John 3. As Moses lifted up the Serpent in the Wilderness even so must the Son of man be lifted up that whosoever believes on him should not perish but have everlasting life Q. But is it not to dishonour Jesus Christ to say that he has been subject to such a curse A. By no means First it was not for his sins he is holy and innocent separated from sinners but it is our sins which he bore in his own body on the Tree 1 Peter 2. Secondly he hath changed the Curse into a Blessing and in his Cross he spoiled principalities and powers and triumphed over them Coll. 2. Q. Did Jesus Christ suffer only
days of our life an● that we may be to him a peculiar people zea●lous of good Works Luke 1. Titus 2. Q. Of what use are good works A. To glorifie God and edifie our neighbou● let your lights so shine before men that the● may see your good works and glorifie your Father which is in Heaven Matth. 5. Q. Are they of no other use A. They are also the marks and livery of God Children and the seal of our Adoption and 〈◊〉 our union with Jesus Christ wherefore th● Apostle St Peter exhorteth us to make our ca●ling and election sure by good works 2 Pet. Q. Can man do good works in the state of 〈◊〉 corrupted nature A. No for all the imagination of the though● of Man's heart are nothing but evil continually and of our selves we are not able to think a goo● thought Gen. 6.8 1 Cor 3. Q. By what means then do we good works A. By the efficacy of the grace of God an● by the virtue of his spirit of adoption For as the Apostle saith in the second to the Phillip It is God which worketh in you to will and to do of his good pleasure Q. After God hath made us partake of his grace and of his spirit of Regeneration and our good Works is there nothing more wanting is my Sanctification wholly perfect A. Who is he who can say I have made my heart clean I am pure from sins Prov. 20. If we say we have no sin we deceive our selves and the truth is not in us 1 Epistle of St John c. 1. Therefore the most forward in sanctification beg of God every day that he will forgive them their sins Q. But is it not to speak evil of the holy spirit to say the works that we do by his grace are full of defect and imperfection A. By no means for we give him all the praise and all the glory of what 's good in our works and we acknowledge these defects and imperfections came from the residue of our Corruption the flesh lusteth against the spirit and the spirit against the flesh and these are contrary one to the other so that we cannot do the things that we wou'd Gal. 5. Q. But if God wou'd cou'd he not sanctifie us perfectly in this life A. There is no doubt that he might make us as holy and as perfect as we shall be in Heaven but he will make us know more and more the greatness of our natural Corruption he will put some difference between the place of Combats and Victories and the place of Triumphs he will that we may work incessantly to put off the body of sin and that we may sigh after the glorious estate wherein we shall be undefiled and without spot saying with the Apostle I● have not yet obtained and I am not yet perfect but this one thing I do forgetting th●se things which are behind and reaching forth unto those things which are before I press forward the mark for the price of Heaven calling of God in Christ Jesus Phil. 3. Q. Since our best works bear always the mark of our infirmities are they agreeable to God A. Very agreeable because he holds them in his great mercy and that as a good Father he bears with their defects and our Lord Jesus Christ covers them with his infinite merit wherefore St Peter says that we offer up in spiritual Sacrifice acceptable to God by Jesus Christ i● his first Epistle Chap. 2. Q. Since our good works are agreeable to God can it be said that they are meritorious of everlasting life A. By no means for when we shall have done all that is commanded us we are unprofitable servants we have done that which was our duty to do Luke 17. and the wages of sin is Death but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord Rom. 6. we are saved b● grace through Faith and that nor o● our selves it is the gift of God not through works that none may glory in himself Eph. 1. Q. Whence comes then that it is often spoken of reward and that the Apostle says That Piety hath the promises of this life and of that which is to come 1 Tim. 4. A. Because in effect God rewards our good works both in this and in the eternal life but ●t is not with a deserved reward nor with the ●allary of a Servant but a reward from his free will and of such a sallary as a good Father gives ●is Children to encourage them to do well wherefore God speaks of shewing mercy even ●o those who obey his Commandments ●●x 20. Q. May we not then trust upon our good works ●nd pray to God that in vertue of those works he ●ill receive us into his glory A. Contrarily we ought to say with the Pro●het David Enter not into judgment with thy ●ervant for in thy sight shall no man living be ●ustified if thou Lord shouldst mark our ini●uities O Lord who shall stand but there is ●orgiveness with thee that thou mayest be ●eared Ps 143 and 130. Q. How do we dare then to approach the Throne ●f God and to appear before his face A. We approach with assurance thereunto ●ecause it is a Throne of grace and mercy and ●at the face of God is pacified towards us ●rough our Lord Jesus Christ who of God is ●ade unto us Wisdom and Righteousness and ●nctification and Redemption Heb. 4. and Cor. 1. Q. Which are the good works A. It is not those that men invent of them●lves what good intention soever they may ●ve in it but only those which God com●ands and which one conforms to his holy ●ord wherefore our Lord Jesus Christ saith ●hat in vain they worship God who teacheth ●r Doctrines the Commandments of men ●at 15. Q. And which are the bad Works A. All those that are not conformable to his Divine Commandments therefore the Prophet sends us to the Law and the Testimony Isaiah 8. Of the Law of God Quest BY what rule then must we examine our good and our bad Works A. By the Law of God Q. How many sorts of Laws are there A. There are three the political or judiciary Law the ceremonial Law and the moral Law Q. What is Political Law A. It is that which contains all the Ordinances that God had made for the civil Government of the people of Israel Q. What is the ceremonial Law A. It is that which God hath given to rule the external works of his Worship Q. What is the Moral Law A. It is that which directs our Manners and which ought to be the pattern of our life Q. Ought we to keep the Political Law A. No not as to the particular Ordinances and several Circumstances that were concerning the state of the Commonwealth of Israel but as to the bottom and essence it teaches al● Lawgivers of the World wherein consists the true justice and true equity Q. Ought we to observe the ceremonial Law A. By