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A92885 The whole duty of a Christian containing all things necessary, both as to what he is to know, and do, for the obtaining a happy eternity ; to which is added, More particular directions, how to prepare for a comfortable death ... Seller, Abednego, 1646?-1705.; Hove, Frederick Hendrick van, 1628?-1698. 1699 (1699) Wing S2461A; ESTC R42613 99,994 253

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divers manner of being of one and the same substance and Divi● Essence Consider the Divine Essence as t● Fountain and Principle not as the Caus● of the Deity so it is the first person conder it as begotten of the Father so it is t● second person consider it as breathed for or proceeding from the Father and the S● so it is the third person begetting and p●ceeding respects not the Divine Natu● but Person the Divine Nature of the Go● head is not begotten doth not proceed but the Divine person of the Son is beg●ten and the Divine Person of the Ho● Ghost proceedeth These Three are 〈◊〉 One in Nature Essence Will Conse● Virtue what the One doth the Other do also Yet how in that most simple sin● Essence there be several subsistences of Perso● truly subsisting three in one and one in th●● differing but not divided several yet t● same all one for their Nature all distin● for their Persons is a Mystery rather Reve● ently to be believed and adored than Curiously searched into Of the Creation GOD in the Beginning of Time by the Word of his Power in Six Dayes made all things of nothing for himself and ●ll very good He made the First Day Heaven and Light The Second The Firmaments The Third Earth Grass Plants and Trees The Fourth Sun Moon and Stars The Fifth Fish and Fowl The Sixth Beasts Creeping Things and Man Thus in three Dayes the Parts or Body of the World was gradually laid As The First Day He made ●he Highest Heavens and came down so low ●s Light The Second lower The Firmaments and the Ayr. The Third lowest of All He separates Earth and Water In three Dayes more and in the same order they are finished For on the Fourth Day The Heavens which were made the First Day are decked with Sun Moon and Stars The Fifth Day the Firmaments which were made the Second Day are fill'd with Fish and Fowl The Sixth Day the Earth which was made the Third Day is Replenished with Beasts and Man He provided for his Irrational and Rational Creatures Habitations and Food before he made them fills the Earth with plants and nourishment before he brough● them into it abundantly furnished with a● things for necessity and delight He first produced a Rude undigested formless Mass and out of it drew the 〈◊〉 Elements by fetching one contrary out o● another as Light out of Darkness Th● Firmament out of Emptiness dry Earth out of Water Then the compounded Bo● dies out of the same Elements At first the confused Heap Then things without Life as Light Firmament dry Land Seas● Then things that had Life but no Sense a Grass Herbs Trees Then things tha● had Life and Sense but no Reason as Fow● Fish Birds Beasts Creeping Things lastly those that had Life Sense and Reason as Man the Perfection and Compendium of all In simple Bodies he began with th● most perfect but in mixt Bodies with things more Imperfect Of Providence PROVIDENCE is the constant Influence of the Divine Being upon the who● Creation preserving and upholding the several Beings and Faculties of all his Creatures perpetuating their several kinds b● a continual Succession providing the●● agreeable Provision permitting directing and governing their several Motions and Actions to the great end of his own Glory and other ends of their Creation subordi●ate to that End It reaches to Insensible (y) Ps 135.7 and 147.18 and 148.8 Mat. 6.30 and Irrational Creatures (z) Psal 36.6 and 104.21 27. and 147.9 Mat. 10.29 ●s more concern'd for Man for whom next to his own Glory ●e made all things (a) Gen. 1.28 Regards Manages and over-rules all things in the World (b) Psa 97.1 and 103.19 Ec. 5.8 Dan. 4.35 ●nd all the Actions of men in ●t whether Natural (c) Act. 17.28 Casual (d) Exod. 21.12.13 1 Sam. 9.16 and 14.42.2 Ch. ●8 33 Ps 16.33 and 18.18 Joh. 1.7 Act. 1.26 Good (e) Ezr. 7.27 Jo. 15.15 or Evil (f) 2 Ch. 10.15 Ez. 14. ● 2 Th. 2.11 Of the Angels ANGELS are Intellectual Spirits created by God good but ●utable (g) Job 4.18 the first day (h) Job 38.7 ●o do his pleasure The good Angels are secur'd from falling ●y Gods unchangeable Decree ●nd Christ their Head (i) 1 Tim. 5 21. Col. 1.20 Eph. 3.15 They ●ave degrees and orders a●ong them (k) Col. 1.16 readily execute ●e Will of God especially in praising of him and attending upon his Servants (l) Ps 91.11.12 Mat. 18.10 Heb. 1.14 The Evil Angels were and continued good it 's suppos'd until the seventh day (m) Ge. 1.31 I● their fall they had a Ring leader call'd the Devil Satan the grea● Dragon the old Serpent Belzebub th● Prince of Devils Ever since their fall they have been Enemies to all Good and promote● of all Evil. Their malice is a gainst all mankind especially those that are most like God (n) Ge. 3.15 Joh. 1.6 c. Zac. 3.1 Re. 12.10.17 their power is limited by him (o) 1 Ki 22.22 Job 1.12 and 2.6 Mat. 8.31 greater over the wic●ed than the good (p) Ma. 12.29 2 Tim. 2.26 1 Joh. 4.4 The● present punishment is loss 〈◊〉 Heaven which they see other enjoy utter despair of eve● being happy fearful expectation of the dregs of Gods wra● for ever which shall co●pleat it (q) Mat. 8.29 and 25.4 2 Pet. 2.4 Of Man by Creation MAn was made 1. With Deliberation Consultation and Advice of the Blessed Trinity (r) Ge. 1.26 by God the Father (ſ) Job 10.8 Psal 100.3 Son (t) Col. 1.16 and holy-Holy-Ghost holy-(u) Job 33.4 none ought to be proud of their Comliness or despise others for their defects or dissatisfied with their own all are Gods workmanship 2. The last work of the last Day as a Compendium of the whole and for whom he found the World furnished to his Hand But hath no reason to boast of his Antiquity the meanest Creature was made before him 3. Out of Paradise shewing he had it not by Birth-right as his natural possession his Country is elsewhere God did him no wrong to dispossess him when he sinned A Land-lord turns out his Tenant that pays not his Rent 4. Of Dust or Red-Earth shewing 1. Gods absolute Authority and Soveraignty as the Potter over the Clay (w) Ro. 9.21 2. Our worthlessness and fitness to be rejected who regards a Clod of Earth 3. The groundless nature of Pride considering the meanness and baseness of our original we 're made of that upon which every Creature may set his Foot and lay his dung which we should always remember especially in our Addresses to our Maker Behold now I have taken upon me to speak who am but Dust and Ashes (x) Gen. 18.27 4. Our frailty and mortality Dust in our original nourishment motion dissolution (y) Job 4.19 5. The power and Wisdom of our Creator who made such
Isa 53.9 Matt. 12.40 ●o sanctifie our Burial to ●weeten and perfume the Grave to us that in the strong Holds and Fortress of Death He might overcome and loose the Sorrows and Bonds of Death (r) Acts 2.24 1 Cor. 15.55 c. V. He Descended into Hell the third Day h● Arose again from the Dead Christ so humbled Himself that he was deprived of his Natural Life in the Estate of the Dead and under the Power of Death for Three Days that it might appear he was truly Dead but no longer that his Body might not se● Corruption (s) Matt. 12.40 17.23 John 2.19 Acts 2.31 He arose the third Day being the First Day of the Week for our Justification and quickening i● Grace as our Head as a Pledge and Means of our Resurrection as an Evidence Divine Justice was fully satisfied the De● paid in that the Judge released him out o● Prison VI. He ascended into Heaven and sitteth on the Right Hand of God the Father Almighty Having continued upon Earth forty Day after his Resurrection to assure his Disciple of it and instruct them in all things pertaining to their Preaching the Gospel Having finished his Work on Earth over come and Triumphed over His and our Enemies Before many Witnesses he was ●isibly taken up into Heaven where in ●ur Nature and as our Head he is Advan●ed by the Father to the Height of all Majesty Power Dominion Honour Dig●ity and Glory next unto Himself Ha●ing Authority to Rule as King over all ●●ings in Heaven and Earth making Con●nual Intercession for us that for his Ple●ary Satisfaction all his Members Persons ●nd Services may be accepted of God who ●eing the Father Almighty is both Willing ●nd Able to grant the same VII From Thence He shall Come to Judge the ●ick and the Dead At the last Day He ●all Descend from Heaven in great Power ●●d Glory when He shall sit upon his ●hrone and all then alive and that Dyed ●efore shall be summon'd and stand before ●im and be Judged by the Law of Nature ●d Covenant of Grace When Sentence ●all be pronounced of Absolution to the ●●ghteous first then of Con●mnation upon the Wick● (t) Mat. 25.41 c. VIII I Believe in the Holy Ghost Or Holy ●irit who proceedeth or is as it were ●●eathed forth from the Father and the Son Who Inspired the Prophets and Ap● stles works in us and assists us in th● which is good IX The Holy Catholick Church the Communi● of Saints I Believe that Christ hath a S●ctified People Dispersed through and ●●parated from the Rest of the World styl● the Catholick General or Universal Chur●● Called out of an Estate of Sin and Mise●● into an Estate of Grace and Salvation a●● Engaged to Holiness in Heart and Lif● Being that Body whereof Christ is t● Head Militant on Earth Triumphant Heaven X. The Forgiveness of Sins I believe the● is Pardon to be obtained Reconciliati● to an offended God and Satisfaction ma● to a Just God a Discharge from the G● of all Sin Acquittance from the Challe● of the Law and Constituting us Righted before God through the Undertaking a● Merits of our Redeemer for all who R●pent forsake their Sins Believe in him a● thankfully subject themselves to all the P●cepts of the Gospel XI The Resurrection of the Body I Belie● that at the Day of Judgment there sh●● be a general Resurrection both of the J● ●●d Unjust Their Bodies raised up and united to their Souls 1. The Just the Spirit of Christ and by virtue of Resurrection their Union with him as ●●eir Head and as their Merciful Saviour ●●d Redeemer Their Bodies shall be rai●● Spiritual Incorruptible and like unto 〈◊〉 Glorious Body out of their Beds of ●●st with great Joy and Triumph to be ●own'd with Everlasting Glory and shall ●●ne as the Sun in the Firmament 2. The ●dies of the Wicked shall be raised in disho●ur by him as an offended Judge and all come forth as out of their Prisons ●th great Fear and Trembling Horrour ●●d Astonishment as so many Malefactors 〈◊〉 Execution as so many ugly loathsom ●rcasses to look upon Their Faces ga●ering Blackness and Darkness They shall ●ise to Everlasting Shame and Confusion of ●●ce as well as to Everlasting Condemnation ●●d Torment XII And the Life Everlasting I Believe there a future State after this Life of Endless appiness or Misery according to mens ●●oce here of Good or Evil Life or Death ●hich God hath set before them either to ●●turn and live or go on and perish ever●stingly Amen I thereby acknowledge and ●●fess stedfastly to believe the undoub● Truth and Certainty of this Creed in ●●neral and of every Article thereof in ●●ticular and to live answerable to this ●●lief The Ten Commandments THey are a perfect Platform Summa● or Abridgement of the Law of Nat● or Moral Law at first writ on Man's Hea● expounded by the Prophets and Apost● and are divided into Two Tables The 1 ●●spects our Duty immediately to God wh●● to be worshipped for the true God in w●● manner how we are to use and hon●● his Name the set Time of his publick W●●ship The Summ of this Table is Thou sh●● love the Lord thy God with all thy Heart 〈◊〉 with all thy Soul and with all thy Mind I 2 respects our neighbour his Honour a Dignity Life Chastity Wealth good Na●● Propriety The Summ of this is Thou sh●● love thy Neighbour as thy self or whatsoe●●● you would that Men should do you do you e ven so to them this is the Law and the ●●phets (v) Matt. 7.12 and 22 37 39. For understanding Them we must ●●serve 1 The Law is Spiritual read the Powers of the Soul as well as Action of the Body 2 Where any Duty is ●●manded the contrary Sin is forbidden 〈◊〉 where any Sin is forbidden the contra●● Duty is commanded 93. In all Duties ●●manded and Sins forbdden all of the ●e kind together with all the Causes ●●ans Occasions Appearances Provocati●● thereunto are also commanded and for●●en 4 What 's forbidden and com●●ded our selves we ought to endeavour ●ay be avoided and eprformed by others Thou is used in every PRecept shew●● God speaks to All and to all alike to ●●y one in particular as if he named him Name ●he Preface contains the Reasons of our ●●ing them ●s 1. His Surpeam Soveraignty over I am the Lord so we owe him all ●●dience as we are his Creatures and Sub●● His Interest and Propreity inus Thy 〈◊〉 particular Engagern ent and En●●ment In such a manner as to none ●●rs by taking us into Covenant a ●●al Relationto himvelf His redeeming and delivering us out ●●hraldom Which brought thee out of ●●nd of Egypt A Place h of Servitude 〈◊〉 by how much Sin is worse than Suffering the Devil and his Angels power a●●malice surpasses Pharaoh's and his Ta●● masters everlasting Troments in Hell ●●ceed Temproal pains in the Brick-kill F●nace
that I am brought out of the base Bondage of Sin and Satan to partake of the glorious liberty of thy Children thorough Jesus Christ in whose Holy Name and Words I further pray unto thee saying Our Father c. Another MOst gracious God and mercifull Father who art no Respecter of Persons but in every place and station he that feareth thee and worketh Righteousness is accepted of thee In an humble Sence of thy Soveraign greatness and my own meanness and unworthiness I cast down my self at the Footstool of thy Grace begging Pardon and Forgiveness of my manifold Sins and Iniquities That I have no more chearfully and faithfully obey'd thy Commands and theirs thou hast set over me Give me Grace for the future to be thy and their faithfull Servant Let me disdain no Office but shew all mildness pliableness reverence and fidelity to him though harsh and froward accounting him worthy of all Honour as bearing the Image of thy Soveraignty a Contempt of him being a Contempt of thy Majesty Bless him and his and all his Affairs Make me so carefull and circumspect in all the Particulars of my Duty that neither he nor any other may suffer through my Ignorance or Neglect and that at the last Day when the Servant shall be free from his Master thou may'st say unto me well done good and faithfull Servant enter thou into the Joy of thy Lord for his sake who to set me free from the slavery of the Devil humbled himself made himself of no Reputation and is now exalted at thy Right-hand in whose holy Name and Words I further pray Our Father c. Duties of the Aged BE Examples of Wisdom Gravity and Holiness to the Younger and draw forth those Treasures of Knowledge and Experience which you have been so long in laying up to instruct the Ignorant and warn the Unexperienced and Ungodly that are about you Tell them what you have or might have suffered by the Deceits of Sin the Danger of Temptation and Delay what Comfort you have found in God the Scriptures and a Holy Life and how good he hath been unto you Be not peevish or froward to those about you but patient under all the Infirmities and Inconveniences of Old Age. Be blessing God for your former days of strength health and ease and for that endless undisturbed Rest he hath provided for you Let the Ancient Mercies and Experiences of God's Love through all your Lives be fresh upon your Minds and inkindle your Love and Thankfulness Delight and Comfort and help you to submit to Uneasiness and Death Be accurate in examining the state of your Soul and making your Calling and Election sure Be frequent and particular in reflecting upon your past life that you may be deeply humbled for all your Sins and thankfull for being preserved from those you might and others have fallen into Redeem with double Diligence your little Remains of Time set a great value on every moment of it lose none in Idleness or unnecessary things being always doing or getting some good and that with all your might Let your Thoughts of Death and Preparation for it be as if it were just at Hand Their Prayer OFather of Lights and of all Consolation from Everlasting to Everlasting thou art God a never-failing Support an Eternal Reward to thy persevering Followers thy old Disciples I have lived upon thee and by thee all my days thou hast been my help from my Youth cast me not off now in the Time of old Age forsake me not when my strength faileth O pardon the Follies of my Childhood the Miscarriages of my riper Years that I have done and receiv'd so little Good spent so little Time in it and so much in Vanity Give me grace to husband and improve the Remainder of my few Sands for my Eternal Advantage Amidst the Infirmities of my Body preserve me from Covetousness Frowardness Impatience whatsoever Vices are so frequently found in old Age. Grant I may be sober grave temperate sound in Faith in Charity in Patience a Teacher of good things Let my former Experiences of thy Goodness learn me still to trust in thee not to be distrustfull of thy Providence nor negligent of my Duty Let not my Graces wither but flourish more and more with my declining Days nor my Zeal for thy Glory cool but be inflamed with the decay of my bodily Heat That bringing forth fruit in old Age I may go to my Grave as a Shock of Corn in its Season meet for Glory and in the joyfull Expectation of a happy Resurrection thorough Jesus Christ to whom be all Glory Honour and Praise now and for ever Amen Another I Humbly prostrate my self before thee who art the High and Lofty one that inhabitest Eternity in a deep Sence of my manifold Sins and Iniquities that I have lived so unprofitably unto others so careless of my own Soul so much without Thee my God in the World It 's a Wonder of thy Mercy that thou hast not cut me off in the midst of my days that have so long cumbered the ground but afforded me so much space to prepare my self for a happy Eternity O wash away all my Sins in and by the Blood of Jesus the Lamb slain from the Foundation of the World and that lives for ever to make intercession for us And help me to spend my short Span of Time to the best Advantage So quicken and actuate O Spirit of Life this sluggish Soul that the last part of my Race may be run with more Vigour likelier to the Heavenly Imployment than all the rest have been The more my outward Sences decay vouchsafe the quicker and livelier Sence of thy past-loving Kindness and endless Love and of those good things thou hast laid up for me to support and refresh me now all the Comforts of this Life fail and the years are come wherein I have no pleasure in them That having no other Burden but that of old Age my Soul may be still magnifying of thee and my Flesh also may rest in Hope When this crazy earthly Tabernacle is dissolved let me have a Building of God an House not made with Hands Eterna● in the Heavens through Jesus Christ in whose Holy Name and Words I conclude my Imperfect Prayers saying Our Father c. Duties of the Young LEarn to understand the Covenant and Vow which by others you made in Baptism with God the Father Son and holy-Holy-Ghost your Creator Redeemer and Sanctifier and Renew it in your own Persons Resolvedly renounce the Devil and all his works and absolutely resign up your selves to God Openly with Thankfulness own so great a Blessing and your Duty thereupon the Happy Covenant you are engaged in and live in the Comfort and Performance of it all your days Remember God demandeth his Right so soon as you are capable of understanding it and that you are entered into a place not of Happiness or Continuance but of Tryal and Preparation for
Burdensom Prepare for the worst If it come the labour 's well bestow'd if not well lost Think not every day will be a wedding-day In Matrimony God marries Comforts and Crosses together as well as Man and Wife such shall have trouble in the flesh (o) 1 Cor. 7.28 Study to please not to be pleased then all the fault you find will be with your selves Let all your strife be which shall love and please God and one another most and upon any difference who shall first seek for Reconciliation Construe words and Actions in the best sence Stifle little things Abstain from whatsoever is found contrary to each other A Prudent observation of each others Tempers and forbearance of what may provoke will prevent many fallings out Think not much less do any thing that may tend to lessen but whatsoever may knit what God hath Tied with his own Hand If Passion arise in one let the other be silent If Satan hath sown Discord sleep not until the Tares be plucked up Two Cholerick Persons living together many years were never heard to fall out because said one of them being asked when one was angry t'other had the wisdom to forbear Cross not each other in the spring Tide of Passion but stay till ebbing Water then mildly argue it and that not so much to condemn one another as to acquit your self we are more Tractable in Cold than Hot Blood it portends Ill luck when two Fire-Balls meet Be helpfull to each other's Health Comfort and Advantage as to your Bodies Estate good Names Souls Bear one anothers Burdens Personal and Domestical Discover not but bear with one anothers Infirmities yet so as to quicken one anothers Graces and not to suffer Sin upon you Share in each others Joys and Sorrows Jointly endeavour to make the Weight of the Family the more tolerable the Load is lightned by carrying it evenly equally Speak one to not one of another It ought to be so amongst Christians much more York-fellows Debate it between your selves not before your Families or Strangers 'T is a lessening of your selves when standers-by take notice of your Grievances Dissents between Man and Wife are uncomely Differences intolerable I would suffer much before I would make my Complaint to another They are ill Birds that defile their own Nests In case of Correction or Rebuking any of the Family though there be an Errour in the Application let not one Yoke fellow contradict the other before the offending Party but debate the Mistake when you are alone least you abate due Fear and Reverence and teach others to despise your Discipline and your selves 'T is not safe for one Yoke-fellow to receive an Appeal from any of the Family nor to take the Rod out of the other's hand Improve your Conjugal Converse for Spiritual Ends. Let not the Body Rob the Soul nor the Elder serve the Younger Redeem the Time that you may bless God you ever met and not as too many do Curse one another for silently advancing each others Ruine So when the Land-flood of youthfull violent Affections is dried up the Fountain of Spiritual Love will still run with a more sober and moderate but more constant and lasting stream Season your Natural Society with Spiritual Communion in secret serving God and you 'll avoid the Surfeit of Society which choaketh Love Reckon your selves one anothers more than your own and the Lord 's more than one anothers Let your Fellowship together be such as you both in it may have Fellowship with the Father and his Son Jesus Christ whose Image and Superscription this Relation bears Be holy in all manner of Conversation Possess your Vessels in Sanctification and Honour Defile not the Marriage-Bed Be not drunk with your own Wine All things are sanctified by the Word and Prayer Be much in Prayer for and with one another you will then blame your selves not one another and be ashamed to jar considering you must shame your selves before God for it As to Children pray not only for due Parts Proportion and safe Delivery but Children sanctified that your Families may be the Enlargement of Christ's Kingdom and of the Houshold of Faith As God encreases your Relations enlarge your Requests for every one in particular Those Petitions will not suffice when you are many that did when you were one Make God's House as yours and yours as God's Join with Elkanah and Hannah in giving up your Children to God's Service and in going together to sacrifice (p) 1 Sa. 1.21.28 Account that the greatest Riches not which you lay up for your selves or yours but out for God He is mercifull and lendeth and his Seed is Blessed (q) Ps 37.26 Their Prayer O Thou that art the great Creator and wise Disposer of us and all things in Heaven and Earth who hast ordained Marriage for our good and made us two one Flesh We give thee all humble and hearty Thanks for preserving us in our single State so innocent and chast so free from Shame and Reproach For conducting us through the Temptations of this Life so mercifully so wisely for keeping us from the effects of thy Wrath and our own Infirmities O forgive whatsoever might cause thee to Imbitter this state unto us and accept us in the Beloved Indue us with a Spirit of Love of Kindness of Condescension and prevent whatsoever might Disturb our Happy Union Let our chief love and delight be grounded upon the Hopes we have of being Heirs together of the grace of Life Let us walk Hand in Hand to our Father's House in a chearful and faithful discharge of our respective Duties to each other and those Committed to us and be still provoking one another to Love and to good Works That after Death which shall e're long separate us for a little while we may with Comfort meet together where they neither Marry nor are given in Marriage but are as the Angels perpetually praising thee for all the Instances of thy Kindness and Endless Love Through Jesus Christ to whom with thy Blessed Majesty and Holy Spirit be all Honour Glory and Praise now and evermore Amen Another WE come unto thee most gracious God and merciful Father who in Infinite Wisdom and Goodness hast brought and united us together and do prostrate our Souls before thee in all Humility under a deep sense of our unworthiness and unbecoming Demeanure in thy sight O Pardon it unto us that we have liv'd no more to the great Ends of our coming into the World and into this state which thou Institutedst in Innocency Let it not be a state of Temptation or Sorrow by occasion of our Sins and Infirmities but of Holiness and Comfort as thou intendedst it to all that love and fear Thee Allay in us all sensual Bruitish love Purifie and sanctifie our Affections that we may not Dishonour or Pollute the Bed thou hast called Undefiled But use it so as Carnal Lust may be slacked and subdued not provoked
Service of Christ into the Communion of Saints Keep them from the Loss or Injury of any Sence or Member from every sad Accident from Evil Temptations or Examples prevailing upon them from being useless unprofitable or vitious that they prove not a Curse but a Blessing and Comfort to us and others and attain what thou hast promised to those that Honour and Obey thee and their Parents and not provoke thee to visit the Iniquity of their Fathers upon them Give us grace to carry our selves so as we may be able with Confidence so leave our Fatherless Children with thee and bid them trust in Thee O thou that hast sent forth thine Angels for Ministring Spirits to the Heirs of Salvation give them Charge over us and them for Preservation and Safety thorough Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen Childrens Duties LOve and Honour your Parents in your Thoughts Speeches and Behaviour be they never so mean in the World or Understanding though you cannot as Rich Wise or Religious you must as Parents Think not contemptuously of them speak not dishonourably irreverently saucily to them or of them Deride not their failings or miscarriages but conceal lament cover them Bear with their Infirmities of Mind and Body when old Age makes them Troublesome to others let them not be so to you Carefully lay up all their wholsome Precepts Imitate them in all that 's good while they live and when they are dead Remember what Grief of Mind your Miscarriages will be to them and how much your Happiness will be theirs Make not their lives miserable by undoing your selves Bear with them when froward and twice Children as they did with you when you were theirs Murmur not but willingly and thankfully be instructed and reprehended by them Obey them in all lawfull things Chearfully submit to any labour they injoyn you or Correction they lay upon you Be content with their Allowance and Provision for you and disposal of you Marry not without their Consent Children are so much their Parents Goods and Possessions that they cannot without a kind of Theft give away themselves without their Approbation that have a Right in them If they be in want relieve and maintain them and that not as Servants or Inferiours but Superiours See they fare as well or better than our selves Though you got not your Riches by them you can never requite them for what you have received of them Pray and do what in you lies for their Health and Life Peace and Comfort Remember how much you owe them for all their Cares and Fears their Cost for you and pains with you Be far from those who imbrue their Souls in bloody Wishes for their Parent 's Death Though they wish them in Heaven it 's not so much that they may have Ease and Rest at their Journey 's End as because they must needs take Death in the way If long Life be promised as a Reward for honouring Parents such may expect untimely Death as a Punishment on the contrary Reverence Kindness and loving Respects to them never went unrecompensed even in this Life Their Prayer MOst Merciful and Heavenly Father who Invitest little Children to come unto Thee and lovest those that do O take me into the Arms of thy Mercy and Bless me who am dedicated to thee in Baptism Make me always mindful of my Vow and Promise to forsake the Devil and all his works to believe in thee and to serve thee to be Dutiful Obedient and Thankful to my Parents and Instructers Humble Reverent and Meek to my Superiors gentle sober and Temperate all my Dayes Keep and defend me from all Evil lead me into all Good Bless me and my Parents O my Heavenly Father The longer I live the better let me be Let me increase in Wisdom and Stature and favour with thee and men to the Glory of thy great Name the Delight of my Relations my own Happiness in this World and that which is to come thorough Jesus Christ in whose Holy Name and Words I further Pray Our Father which art in Heaven c. Another MOst Gracious and Merciful Father who madest preservest and providest all Necessaries for me Pardon whatever I have done amiss and grant I may do so no more Give me Grace to obey Thee and my Parents to be helpful and a Comfort to them Keep me from slighting of them Irreverence Undutifulness Disobedience to them Let me never forget or slightly Remember my many Bonds and Obligations of Duty Obedience and Thankfulness to them their Sorrows Pains and Care for me that I may never make their Hearts sad or bring down their grey hairs with Sorrow to the Grave Increase the Number of their Dayes and thy Graces in them to thy Glory in their Generation Watch over us for good all our Dayes through Jesus Christ who hath Taught me when I Pray to say Our Father which art in Heaven c. The Masters Duties LEt your first Care be to admit none into your Service but such as will serve God with you (y) Ps 101.4 c. A wicked Person is a dangerous Infection in a Family Disobedience is from Irreligion There can be no true Fidelity and Subjection but out of Conscience Keep your Servants from Evil Company and from being Temptations to one another Watch over them for their good Encourage the Obedient Rebuke convince admonish the Contrary so as their own Consciences may Condemn them without Bitterness Reviling Sharpness which oftner hardens than Reforms Defend and Protect them in doing their Duty Bear them not out in wronging any but right them when they are wronged Refuse not their just Apologies Hearken to and Redress their Grievances (z) Job 31.13 Deny not necessary wholsom sufficient Food and Rayment if the Contract be so Physick Lodging Wages Think not much of maintaining them when by Providence disabled from serving you Oppress them not with too much Labour Let your Commands be lawful feasable necessary convenient that they may Obey with chearfulness Your Reproofs and Admonitions short plain material prudent sober private seasonable familiar with good Advice according to their different Tempers when it 's most like to do good and to convince them of it with such winning Mildness and Concern as they may see you 're more ingag'd for their welfare than themselves Rule with Wisdom and Discretion Love Gentleness Tenderness not Rigour and Severity Looking on them not as Slaves but fellow Pilgrims fellow-Servants fellow-Christians and Brethren (a) Phil. 1. Knowing you have also a Master in Heaven (b) Ep. 6.9 Col. 4.1 An austere Master makes Eye-Servants his Person hated his Business neglected No Servant will do his Duty except out of Conscience or Love to his Master Fairness sweetens Advice and purchases Love without which there can be no true Fidelity and Respect Constraint is for Extremity when all other ways fail Let your Corrections be prudent moderate unpassionate joyn'd with Instruction proportionable to the Person 's
be in vain in thee Let us walk Circumspectly not as Fools but as Wise Redeeming the Time because the Days are Evil. Make us more and more sensible of our frailty and mortality seeing these Earthly Tabernacles our Bodies shall be dissolved let us frequently and seriously consider what manner of Persons we ought to be in all Holy Conversation and Godliness Pity the Degeneracy of Mankind Visit the dark Corners of the Earth with the light of thy glorious Gospel Purge out of thy Church whatsoever is an offence and dishonour unto thee and indangers the Souls of Men. Bless us in these three Nations by turning every one of us from our Iniquities Indue our Soveraign with those Gifts and Graces of thy Spirit that are necessary for him as a King and as a Christian Let us and all his Subjects live under him quiet and peaceable lives in all Godliness and Honesty Make all our Ministers and Magistrates faithful and successful in encreasing and encouraging Holiness and Discountenancing Vice Let none of our Relations be Strangers unto thy self nor any of thine Afflicted Servants be forgotten by thee Relieve them as thou knowest best for them Recompence those that have shewed us Kindness do good to those that have done us Evil. We Praise thy holy Name for all thy Mercies for thy Care of us and Goodness to us this Day and all our Dayes Take Care of our Persons and of all thou hast Committed to us this Night Let us lye down in a sence of thy daily Kindness unto us and awake in asence of thy continual Care of us and do abundantly for us above what we can ask or think for the sake of thy Son Jesus Christ the Righteous who hath taught us to Pray Our Father c. Servants Duties INwardly Esteem outwardly in works gesture and behaviour Honour and Reverence your Masters From which neither Age Sex Birth Breeding Condition Gifts or Means can free you Reveal not their Secrets and Infirmities Dishonour them not behind their backs Stand up for them speak respectfully to them and to others of them Preserve their Reputation and the Families Talk not to others of what is said or done at Home Give them no just occasion of distast Let as many Servants as are under the Yoke account their own Masters worthy of all Honour (c) 1 Tim. 6.1 Readily and sincerely obey their Commands please them well in all lawful and indifferent things not answering again (d) Tit. 2.9 The Master's place is to dispose of and order his own Business and the Servant to submit unto his will in it chearfully without grumbling at it or at their work or that they are Servants and not as those they serve 'T is uncomfortable to your selves and them that you go about your Business with heavy sowr looks and discontented Spirits forgetting you are serving the Lord while you are doing their work Be not slothfull careless negligent but faithfull diligent industrious in it not loytering or minding your own ease and pleasure A Burdensome Imployment is made easie by Custome and to a willing mind doth it self Labour to preserve and encrease their Estate to further and advance their Interest by all good and lawfull means Be provident frugal and wary for their Advantage and see nothing be lost damaged wasted or consumed through your default Beware of secret Theft of purloyning stealing giving lending making away any thing without their Consent Remember your Father Jacob and the Blessing upon him when a Servant who served with all his power was carefull Night and Day of what was committed to him and made good what was torn or lost (e) Gen. 31.39 And how those that improved their Master's Talent were commended and rewarded while the idle and unprofitable was cast into outward darkness (f) Matt. 25.14 c. Do your work well and as soon as you can knowing you and your Time is not your own Be as thrifty and carefull as if it were your own Concern and serve as you would have others serve you Let your Answers be true direct dutifull not sullen muttering saucy irreverent contradicting or disputing with them Beware of excusing any unwarrantable thing or adding one Sin to another by telling a Lye which is an Abomination to the Lord which his Soul abhors which he punishes in this World and that which is to come Bear with meekness patience and submission the sharpest Reproofs and Corrections though wrongfully inflicted without Cause God will vindicate your Cause if wronged and reward you Look upon your Condition as chosen for you by God and your selves as his Servants and your Work Allowance Provision and Restraints as his and do all as to him Pray daily for a Blessing upon him his Affairs the whole Family and your Labours A Godly Servant hath been an Eminent Blessing where he hath lived They are not worthy to partake of the Mercies of the Family that pray not endeavour not for them Servants be obedient unto them that are your Masters according to the Flesh with fear and trembling in singleness of Heart as unto Christ not with Eye-service as Men-pleasers but as the Servants of Christ doing the Will of God from the Heart With good-will doing service as to the Lord and not to Men knowing that whatsoever good thing any man doth the same shall he receive of the Lord whether he be bond or free (g) Ep. 6.5 c. Servants be subject to your Masters with all fear not only to the good and gentle but also to the froward for this is thank-worthy if a man for Conscience towards God endure grief suffering wrongfully For what glory is it if when ye be buffetted for your faults ye shall take it patiently But if when you do well and suffer for it ye take it patiently this is acceptable unto God for even hereunto were ye called c. (h) 1 Pet. 2.18 c. Their Prayer ALmighty Omniscient Omnipresent Lord God in all Humility I prostrate my Soul before thee acknowledging and adoring the Wisdom and Goodness of thy Providence in appointing every one his Station and disposing all things and Persons into their several Ranks Orders and Degrees some to command and others to obey for their mutual Help and Benefit I humbly submit to the State and Condition thou hast placed me in beseeching Thee to forgive me all my failings and disobedient Carriage towards thee and those thou hast set over me for his sake who though he was Lord of all took upon him the form of a Servant that by Obedience and Suffering he might procure the Salvation of all his Servants whether bond or free Give me a humble obedient contented Heart to serve thee and those thou hast obliged me unto diligently faithfully carefully with all chearfulness and gladness of Soul without repining murmuring envying or unwillingness Remembring I deserve not a Being upon Earth much less to be thy Servant Let me think my self happy therein and
is over Think how Damned Souls would Hear and Pray if they might with you be tryed again and how unfit unbecoming a Careless a Drowzy Body dull Affections dead Services are for the living God Compose your selves with all Reverence as considering with whom you have to do and for what Beware of a wandring Eye and Mind or slighting what you Hear Be seriously imploy'd all the Time And while others are quarrelling with the Imperfections of the Speaker or Congregation be laying up the Word in your Heart Be Reverent Solemn and Serious in every Duty be sure your Heart be in them In Confession Humiliation Petition Thanksgiving Singing when the Word is Read or Preacht whether Commands Promises Threatnings Calls Invitations be answerably Affected with them as if you heard God speaking from Heaven Haste not away while the Minister is pronouncing the Blessing but hope desire and believe it shall Descend upon you Leave not the Assembly until you have lift up your Heart for Pardon and a Blessing upon the Ordinance to your self and all present In these or the like words A short Prayer I Adore and Magnifie thee O merciful Father for this opportunity of hearing from and waiting upon thee O pardon whatever thou hast seen amiss in us and let the Fruit of it be unto Holiness and the end Everlasting life through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen After your Attendance in Publick with that Concern and seriousness the work requires and deserves let not your self loose the rest of the Day to secular Diversions and Concerns and thereby choke and stifle those good Instructions and devout Affections that have been raised and excited in you Let your Diet be moderate lest it make you drowzy and your Hearts Heavenly at it your Discourse savoury seasoned with Grace suitable to the Company and the Day in the chearful Remembrance of the love of your Redeemer the special work of the Day being to Celebrate the Memorial of his Resurrection and the whole work of our Redemption by him we ought to speak as much as possible of it under a sence of our Natural misery and in stirring up lively Apprehensions of Infinite Condescending Goodness in the special exercise of Faith and Love and Joyful Praises Having spent as much of the Day as you can in Publick Worship and in Reading the Word and ruminating upon it Review the Duties Mercies and Miscarriages of the Day Call over what you have Heard and Read and urge it upon your Heart Beg the Divine Blessing and Assistance for the Advantage and Improvement of it and Pardon for your failings Bless God for any Enlargement or Good received Recommend your self unto him for the Ensuing Night and let your last Thoughts be in the thankful joyful sence of the Mercies you have and hope for and the goodness of God in your Mediator Confidently trust your self and yours in his Hand longing for your nearer approach unto him and full Enjoyment of him in Glory Morning Prayer on the Lord's Day MOst Holy and Infinitely glorious Lord God Thou art greatly to be feared in the Assembly of thy Saints and to be had in Reverence by all that draw nigh unto Thee It 's an Infinite Condescention in thy Majesty to suffer such a despicable Worm as I am to come before Thee to wait upon Thee to speak unto Thee to have any thing to do with Thee in a way of Grace and Mercy Had'st thou dealt with me according to my Deserts and Rewarded me after mine Iniquities I had been long ago in that place of Torment where Prayer and the means of Grace could do me no good at all O Pardon my abuse of thy Mercies mispending my Time Prophaning thy Sabbaths Polluting thine Ordinances the unworthy Returns I have made unto Thee for all thy Benefits which might justly cause thee to withdraw thy self from me and thy Blessing from thine Ordinances Make me truly sensible of the worth of the Opportunity thou this Day puts into my hand for the good of my Immortal Soul let it not be as a prize put into the hand of a Fool that hath no heart to use it Help me to make a wise a right Improvement of the same for the Glory of Thy Name and for the preparing my self for my Eternal Rest Let my Thoughts this Day be much upon it and upon that wonderful love in my Redemption Take away my Heart of Stone that 's so insensible of my own Vileness and thy abundant Goodness and give me a Heart of Flesh write thy Laws upon it put thy Fear within me that I may never depart from Thee Let not thy Sabbaths nor thine Ordinances be continued in vain unto me but let me grow in Grace under all the means of Grace I enjoy The older I grow the better let me be the nearer I come to my end let me be the fitter for thy self Let me love the Habitation of thy House and the place where thine Honour Dwelleth and Esteem one Day in thy Courts better than a Thousand elsewhere and that I had rather be a Door-keeper in the House of my God than to dwell in the Tents of Wickedness Let it be my Meat and Drink the Joy and Rejoycing of my Soul to do thy Will and to be Imployed in thy Service Visit the dark Corners of the Earth with the light of thy glorious Gospel and let all that enjoy it walk worthy of it Make our Soveraign and all our Superiors thy faithful Subjects and Servants Let thy Priests be Cloathed with Righteousness and thy Saints shout for Joy Be in all our Solemn Assemblies Accompany thine own Institutions with thine own Blessing Make thy Word in the mouths of thy Ministers very effectual for turning many unto Righteousness Be with me this Day let my Confessions of Sin Increase my Hatred against it my Praises and Thanksgivings be the Inward sense of my Soul Let my Conversing with Heavenly things have an Influence upon me for the bettering of me Go along with me into the Assembly of thy Servants unite and compose my Thoughts in thy Presence let me attend upon thee without Distraction Let me Consider thou hast an Eye upon me at all Times especially when I draw nigh unto Thee in the way of thy Worship Let me Pray unto Thee in Spirit and Truth because thou art a Spirit and requirest so to be worshipped Give me a Hearing Ear a seeing Eye an understanding Heart Let me hear thy Word as thy Word as that Word by which I shall be Judged and which is able to save my Soul by believing and obeying of it through Jesus Christ in whose Holy Name and Words I further Pray Our Father which art in Heaven c. Evening Prayer on the Lord's Day MOst great and Infinitely glorious Lord God who hast Exalted thy self far above the Heavens and above the Praises and Apprehensions of the best of thy Creatures Unto thee be all possible Praise Honour and Glory for what thou art in thy self