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A52606 A brief history of the Unitarians, called also Socinians in four letters, written to a friend. Nye, Stephen, 1648?-1719.; Biddle, John, 1615-1662.; Firmin, Thomas, 1632-1697. 1687 (1687) Wing N1505; ESTC R37735 58,564 186

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not for himself or People he cannot die and he deriveth his Power from none but himself But 't is certain that the Lord Christ could not himself without the previous Ordination of the Father confer the prime Dignities of Heaven or of the Church He placed his Safety in the Father's Presence and Help He prayed often and fervently to the Father both for himself and for his Disciples He died and was raised from the dead by the Father After his Resurrection he received of another that great Power which he now injoyeth Matth. 20. 23. To sit on my right Hand and on my left is not mine to give but it shall be given to them for whom it is prepared of my Father John 8. 29. He that sent me is with me and the Father hath not left me alone for I always do those things that please him Luke 22. 42. Father if thou be willing remove this Cup from me Heb. 5. 7. Who in the Days of his Flesh offered up Prayers and Supplications with strong Crying and Tears unto him that was able to save him John 17. 20. Neither pray I for these alone but for them also which shall believe in me through their Word Ephes 1. 19 20. According to the mighty working of his Power which he wrought in Christ when he raised him from the dead Matth. 28. 18. Jesus came and spake to them saying All Power is given to me 7. Jesus Christ is in holy Scripture always spoken of as a distinct and different Person from God and described to be the Son of God and the Image of God Rom. 16. 27. To God only wise be Glory through Jesus Christ. Luke 18. 19. Why callest thou me good there is none good save one that is God. 1 Tim. 2. 5. There is one God and one Mediator between God and Men the Man Jesus Christ. John 13. 18. He that believeth not is condemned already because he hath not believed on the Name of the only begotten Son of God. Luke 1. 35. The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee Blessed Mary and the Power of the Highest shall overshadow thee therefore also or and therefore the Holy thing that is born of thee shall be called the Son of God. Col. 1. 15. The Image of the invisible God. ' Tis. say the Socinians as impossible that the Son or Image of the one true God should himself be that one true God as that the Son should be the Father and the Image that very thing whose Image it is which they take to be simply impossible and contradictory to common sense which Religion came not to destroy but to improve Whereas to these arguings 't is objected that these things are in Holy Scripture spoken of Christ according to only his humane Nature or as he is a Man but that he is also God the Son though united to an humane Nature that is to an humane Soul and Body The Socinians reply that there is in Scripture no real Foundation for such a Conceit that 't is inconsistent with almost all the Texts already cited especially those in which the Lord Christ is spoken of as a distinct and different Person from God and that there are many other Considerations and Passages of holy Scripture which no less than demonstrate it to be false As 8. Because so many Texts expresly declare that only the Father is God John 17. 1 2 3. Father this is Life eternal that they know thee the only true God and Jesus Christ whom thou hast sent or Jesus Christ thy Messenger 1 Cor. 8. 6. But to us there is but one God the Father of whom are all things and we in him and one Lord or Master i. e. Teacher by whom are all things In the Greek thus One Lord Jesus Christ for whom are all things and we for him See the Note on Heb. 1. 2. in the Fourth Letter Eph. 4. 4 5 6. One Spirit one Lord one God and Father of all who is above all 1 Cor. 15. 24. Then 〈◊〉 the End when he Christ ver 23. shall deliver up the Kingdom to God even the Father Jam. 3. 9. Therewith with the Tongue ver 8. bless we God even the Father Rom. 15. 6. With one Mind and with one Mouth glorify God even the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ 9. If Christ were indeed God as well as Man or as Trinitarians speak God the Son incarnate in an humane Nature it had been altogether superfluous to give the Holy Spirit to his said humane Nature as a Director and Guide For what other help could that Nature need which was one Person with as they speak God the Son and in which God the Son did personally dwell Luke 4. 1. Jesus being full of the Holy Ghost departed from Jordan Acts 1. 2. After that he through the Holy Ghost i. e. through direction and motion of the holy Spirit and Inspiration of God had given Commandments unto the Apostles Acts 10. 38. God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost 10. Had the Lord Christ been as Trinitarians speak God the Son joyned to an humane Nature he could not have ascribed his miraculous Works to the Holy Ghost or to the Father dwelling in him but to the Son dwelling in him and united to him Matth. 12. 28. I cast out Devils by the Spirit of God. John 14. 10. The Father that dwelleth in me he doeth the Works John 5. 30. I can do nothing of my self Acts 2. 22. Jesus of Nazareth a Man approved of God among you by Miracles and Wonders and Signs which God did by him in the midst of you 11. Had our Lord been more than a Man the Prophecies of the Old Testament in which he is promised would not describe him barely as the Seed of the Woman the Seed of Abraham a Prophet like unto Moses the Servant and Missionary of God on whom God's Spirit should rest Gen. 3. 5. I will put Enmity between thy Seed and her Seed Her Seed is by all Interpreters understood to be Christ Gen. 22. 18. In thy Seed shall all the Nations of the Earth be blessed This again is universally interpreted of Christ Deut. 18. 18. I will raise them up a Prophet from among their Brethren like unto thee and I will put my Words into his Mouth This is interpreted of our Lord Christ in many Texts of the New Testament as John 1. 45. and Acts 3. 22. and Acts 7. 37. Isai 41. 1. Behold my Servant whom I uphold mine Elect in whom my Soul delighteth I will put my Spirit upon him and he shall bring forth Judgment to the Gentiles This is interpreted of Christ Matth. 12. 17 18. Now that the Holy Ghost or Spirit is only the Power and Inspiration of God at least is not himself God they hold is ascertained by these Considerations 1. The Holy Ghost or Spirit and the Power of God are spoken of as one and the same thing 1 Cor. 2. 4 5. My preaching was not with enticing Words
of Mans Wisdom but in demonstration of the Spirit and of Power that your Faith should not stand in the Wisdom of Men but in the Power of God. Luke 1. 35. The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee Blessed Mary and the Power of the Highest shall overshadow thee Luke 11. 20. I with the Finger of God that is by the Power of God Exod. 8. 19. cast out Devils Mat. 12. 28. I cast out Devils by the Spirit of God. Compare also Luke 24. 49. with Acts 1. 4 5 8. 2. A manifest Distinction is made as between God and Christ so also between God and the Holy Spirit or Power and Inspiration of God so that 't is impossible the Spirit should be God himself Rom. 5. 5. The Love of God is shed abroad in your Hearts by the Ho-Ghost which is given to us 1 Cor. 3. 16. The Grace or Favour of our Lord Jesus Christ the Love of God and the Communion of the Holy Ghost be with you Rom. 8. 27. He the Spirit v. 26. maketh Intercession for the Saints according to the Will of God. They note here that God's Spirit or Inspiration being designed to be a continual Director and Guide to the Faithful it is spoken of in these and some other Texts as a Person by the same Figure of Speech that Charity is described as a Person 1 Cor. 13. 4 5. and Wisdom Prov. 9. 11. and the Law or Commandments of God Psal 119. 24. They note also that in some Texts 't is called the Holy Ghost and Holy Spirit in the same sense that we commonly say the Holy Wisdom Holy Will of God. 3. The Spirit is obtained for us of God by our Prayers therefore it self is not God. Acts 15. 8. God which knoweth the Hearts bare them witness giving them the Holy Spirit as he did to us Luke 11. 13. How much more shall your Heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to them that ask him If we say these Texts are to be understood not of the Person of the Holy Ghost but of his Gifts and Graces the Socinians readily confess it but they say also that if the Holy Spirit were at all a Person much more a God his Gifts and Graces would be bestowed by himself and asked of himself not bestówed by and asked of another Person as 't is manifest and by all confessed they are in these Texts They add there is neither Precept nor Example in all Holy Scripture of Prayer made to the Spirit on this or any other occasion which on the Trinitarian Supposition that the Holy Spirit is a Person and God no less than the Father is very surprizing nay utterly unaccountable 4. If the Holy Spirit and our Lord Christ are Gods or God no less than the Father then God is a Trinity of Persons or three Persons but this is contrary to the whole Scripture which speaks of God as but one Person and speaks of him and to him by singular Pronouns such as I Thou Me Him c. Job 13. 7. Will ye speak wickedly for God Will ye accept his Person Heb. 1. 1. God hath in these last times spoken to us by his Son who being the Brightness of his Glory and the express Image of his Person sat down at the right Hand of the Majesty on high Deut. 6. 4 5. Hear O Israel the Lord our God is one Lord and thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thine Heart In the Hebrew thus O Israel hearken to Jehovah our God Jehovah is one and thou shalt love Jehovah thy God with all thine Heart The Jews by a most ancient Tradition and Custom are obliged to repeat this Verse every Morning and Evening to keep it in perpetual Memory that Jehovah or God is one only not two or three Isa 45. 5. I am the Lord there is no God but Me. Psal 102. 25. O my God of old hast thou laid the Foundation of the Earth Matth. 4. 10. the Lord thy God him only shalt thou serve No Instance say the Socinians can be given in any Language of three Persons whoever spoke of themselves or were spoken to by the singular Pronouns I Thou Me Him Thee c. Such speaking is contrary to Custom Grammar and Sense which are the Laws of Speech therefore the Holy Scriptures always speaking thus of God either he is only one Person or the Scriptures are one continued ungrammatical Soloecism and Impropriety and that in the capital Article of Faith which no reasonable or good Man can or ever will allow For it no way helps the Trinitarians that God according to some Translations says at Gen. 1. 26. Let Vs make Man. Because nothing is so usual in common Speech as for single Persons to speak of themselves indifferently by singular or plural Pronouns thus 2 Cor. 10. 2. I think to be bold against some who think of Vs saith Paul of himself only as if We walked according to the Flesh Briefly they contend that when God speaks of himself in the plural Number or by plural Pronouns which yet some deny he ever does and if he doth 't is not above once or twice in the whole Scripture he speaks according to the Custom of single Persons especially Princes and great Persons in all Nations and Languages but were Almighty God three Persons they could never speak of themselves or be spoken to by the singular Pronouns I Thou Thee Him Me because 't is contrary not only to Grammar which is always to be observed when there is no Custom to the contrary but to the Custom of all Nations which understand to speak intelligibly and sensibly 5. Had the Son or Holy Ghost been God this would not have been omitted in the Apostles Creed This Creed say they which is of next if not equal Authority to any part of Holy Scripture after having declared that God is the Father Almighty and Maker of Heaven and Earth speaks not a Word of the Godhead of the Son or Holy Ghost It describes the Son by all the characters of a Man and by such only it says he was conceived or begotten by the Holy Ghost on Blessed Mary that accordingly he was born of her that he was crucified died and was buried that he rose on the third day and ascended into Heaven all these are the Descriptions of a Man for God cannot be conceived or be born or die no nor ascend into Heaven for he is always there Not content to take no notice that he is God this Creed distinguishes him very plainly from God that is denies him to be God by adding He sits at the right Hand of God. i. e. He is advanced to be next to God and is under the immediate and particular Protection of God. Concerning the Holy Ghost this Creed says no higher thing than it says of the Church I believe in the Holy Ghost and in the Holy Catholick Church For in the Greek the same Preposition in is before both alike and so also is this Creed
Church but if they will often read and consider the Socinian sense of them they will soon discern that 't is not only a probable sense but the true and only sense of which these Texts are capable if we would reconcile them to the rest of Scripture and particularly to the many and clear Texts and Demonstrations cited and hinted in the first Letter SIR I am Yours A Third Letter TO A FRIEND Concerning the UNITARIANS Called also SOCINIANS Containing the Texts objected to them out of the Evangelists and Acts and their Answers Matth. 22. 29. Ye do err not knowing the Scriptures Printed in the Year 1687. A Third Letter Concerning the Unitarians called Socinians SIR IN this I give you the Texts of the Evangelists and Acts objected to the Socinian Doctrine concerning God our Lord Christ and the Holy Spirit and the Answers of the Socinians to the Arguments arising from them 1. Matth. 1. 23. They shall call his Name Immanuel which being interpreted is God with us Answ See on Isai 7. 14. 2. Matth. 2. 2. Where is he that is born King of the Jews for we are come to worship him Answ Neither the Hebrew Greek nor Latin Word for worship him import any more than a civil Worship and Honour And it was the manner over all the East and particularly among the Jews to prostrate to Kings 2 Sam. 19. 18. 1 Kings 1. 16 23 31. 2 Sam. 9. 6. 3. Mat. 9. 6. The Son of Man hath Power on Earth to forgive Sins Answ This is plainly spoken of Christ as he was a Man. God gave this Authority to the Lord Christ because he gave to him also to know what was in Mens Hearts namely whether their Repentance and outward Professions were sincere and lasting John 2. 24 25. Rev. 1. 1. 4. Mat. 11. 27. All things are delivered to me of my Father and no Man knoweth the Son but the Father c. Answ 1. If Christ were himself that one true God it could not be said here that another Person gave all things into his Hands 2. The most Orthodox Interpreters do understand all things here to be all things requisite for procuring and effecting the Redemption and Salvation of Men or all things necessary to the executing the Office of the Messias Whereas our Lord adds None knoweth the Son but the Father c. Maldonate and Grotius make the sense to be None but God knows what the Son's Office is or what he is to do and suffer in order to the Salvation of Men as on the other side none but the Son knows the Father's Mind concerning the way and means by which Mankind is to be redeemed and saved 5. Mat. 12. 31. Blasphemy against the Holy Ghost shall not be forgiven Answ St. Austin and generally all judicious Interpreters by Blasphemy against the Holy Ghost or Spirit understand Mens ascribing with the Scribes and Pharisees in this Chapter the Miracles and Works done apparently by the Spirit or Power of God unto Magick or the Power of the Devil So that the Holy Ghost or Spirit is not in this Text a Person or a God but merely the Power of God. 6. Mat. 18. 20. Where two or three are gathered together in my Name there am I in the midst of them Matth. 28. 20. I am with you always even to the end of the World. Answ Christ is in the midst of and is with his People not by an immediate Presence as God is but by his most powerful Aid and Help which he affordeth partly by his continual and succesful Mediation with God for them all in general Heb. 7. 25. partly by the Angels who are under his Directions and by him engaged in the Defence of the Faithful Heb. 1. 14. 7. Matth. 26. 63. Tell us whether thou be the Christ the Son of God. Like to which Text are Matth. 14. 33. Mat. 16. 16. John 1. 49. Answ It being manifest that Princes are called Sons of God by the Psalmist Psal 82. 6. As also that Psal 2. 7. Thou art my Son is literally meant of David Hence it was that the Jews both then and now call the Messias the Son of God not because as some imagine they think he is God or is generated of the Divine Substance but because they expect he shall be a very great Prince an universal Monarch and therefore the Son of God in a more perfect and higher sense than David or other Princes are 8. Mat. 28. 19. Baptizing them in the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost Answ 1. To be baptized in the Name of a Person or Persons is a Rite by which one delivers himself to the Institution Instruction and Obedience of such Person or Persons so that to be baptized in the Name of the Father Son and Holy Ghost is to profess to be led and guided by them or as Grotius expresses this matter 't is to declare we will admit of no other thing as a part of our Religion but what proceeds from these that is nothing but what is commanded by God or the Father and has been delivered by his Son the Lord Christ and confirmed externally by the Miracles and internally with the Witness and Testimony of the Spirit that is of the Power and Inspiration of God. 2. 'T is in vain not to say ridiculously pretended that a Person or thing is God because we are baptized unto it or in the Name of it For then Moses and John Baptist also would be Gods 1 Cor. 10. 1 2. Our Fathers were all baptized unto Moses Acts 19. 3. Vnto what then were ye baptized and they said Vnto John's Baptism that is saith the Generality of Interpreters unto John and the Doctrine by him delivered Nor can it be doubted that to be baptized unto a Person or Persons and to be baptized in the Name of such Person or Persons is the same thing For 1. 'T is acknowledged by all that understand the Hebrew and Syriac Idioms 2. 'T is manifest by comparing some Texts of Scripture For what in some of them is called baptizing unto is in others called baptizing in the Name of Rom. 6. 3. As many of you as have been baptized into Jesus Christ or unto Jesus Christ for 't is the same Preposition in the Greek that is used of Moses 1 Cor. 10. 1 2. and of John Baptist Acts 19. 3. have been baptized into or unto his Death Gal. 3. 27. As many of you as have been baptized into Christ in the Greek unto Christ have put on Christ Acts 2. 38. Be baptized every one of you in the Name of Jesus Christ. Acts 8. 16. They were baptized in the Name of the Lord Jesus Who does not now see that to be baptized unto and in the Name of Christ or any other Person or thing are used as equivalent terms And accordingly the Fathers particularly Tertullian often say baptized unto the Father Son and Holy Ghost Nothing therefore can be inferred from this Text
for the Godhead of the Son or Spirit because as now Christians are baptized unto them so the Jews were baptized unto Moses and John's Disciples unto John. 9. Luke 1. 16 17 76. Many of the Children of Israel shall he John Baptist turn to the Lord their God and he shall go before him in the Spirit and Power of Elias Thou Child shalt be called the Prophet of the Highest for thou shalt go before the Face of the Lord to prepare his way Answ See on Isa 40. 3. 10. Luke 17. 5. The Apostles said unto the Lord Increase our Faith. Answ By thy Prayers to God which are always heard for us 11. Luke 24. 47. That Repentance and Remission of Sin should be preached in his Christ Name Answ The sense is Christ commanded the Disciples to require Men to repent and on their so doing to assure them in his Name or from him that God would forgive them 12. John 1. 1. c. In the Beginning was the Word c. Answ The Trinitarian Exposition of this Chapter is absurd and contradictory 't is this In the Beginning i. e. from all Eternity Answ From all Eternity is before the Beginning or without Beginning not in the Beginning In the Beginning must refer to some time and thing it must be in the Beginning of the World or of the Gospel or of the Word and in which ever of these senses it is taken the Word cannot be from all Eternity by Virtue or Force I mean of this Expression Was the Word i. e. was God the Son. Answ But where in Scripture is the Word called God the Son The Word was with God i. e. The Son was with the Father Answ It seems then that God in this clause is the Father But was not the Son also with the Holy Ghost and is not he too according to the Trinitarians God or a God If he is why doth St. John only say the Son was with the Father and how comes the Father to engross here the Title of God to the Exclusion of the Holy Ghost The Word was God. What shall we do here was the Word the Father for so they interpreted God in the foregoing clause No God in this clause hath a new meaning 't is God the Son. But in the whole Scripture there are not these words God the Son. The same was in the Beginning with God. How comes this to be again repeated for John had said once before that the Word was with God. They care not 't is said and that 's enough The Truth is according to their sense of this Context no account can be given of this Repetition and they must allow it to be a meer Tautology But let us say the Socinians hear Grotius interpreting this sublime Proem of St. John's Gospel Ver. 1. In the Beginning i. e. when God created the Heavens and the Earth For these Words are taken from Gen. 1. 1. was the Word The Hebrews call that Power and Wisdom of God by which he made the World and does all other his extraordinary Works his Word Psal 33. 6. By the Word of the Lord were the Heavens made Heb. 11. 2. The Worlds were made by the Word of God. 2 Pet. 3. 5. By the Word of God the Heavens were of old They borrowed this Expression from Moses who in describing the Creation saith that God said Let there be Light Gen. 1. 3. God said Let there be a Firmament Gen. 1. 6. and so through the whole Chapter Undoubtedly Moses is not to be understood of a Word orally spoken for God is a Spirit but his meaning is God put forth his Power and Wisdom and thereby created Light and the Firmament c. As easily as Men can speak these Words Let there be Light Let there be a Firmament Thus we see why the Divine Wisdom and Power was called the Word by David and so many Writers of the New Testament The Word was with God i. e. It was not yet in the World or not yet made Flesh ver 10. and 14. but with God. The Word was God i. e. The Word or Divine Wisdom and Power is not something different from God but being his Wisdom and Power is God. 'T is the common Maxim of Divines that the Attributes and Properties of God are God. Which is in some sense true We may also here note that those Persons whether Angels or Men to whom the Divine Word hath been in an extraordinary Degree communicated have also had the Names Jehovah and God given to them The Angel who destroyed Sodom by a miraculous Tempest from Heaven is called Jehovah so is he that promised Abraham to cause Sarah to conceive a Son Gen. 18. 13. On the same account God says to Moses Exod 7. 1. See I have made thee a God to Pharaoh Ver. 2. The same was in the Beginning with God. This is here again repeated by the Evangelist to teach us that the Word is so God that it is not all that God is there being other Properties and Attributes of God that are communicable as well as the Word Ver. 3. All things were made by him The English-Geneva Translation saith here All things were made by It. But it matters not for the Word begins here to be spoken of as a Person by the same Figure of Speech that Solomon saith Wisdom hath builded her House and hewn out her seven Pillars Prov. 9. 1. And that David calls God's Commandments Counsellours Psal 119. 24. Ver. 4. In him i. e. In him when he was in the World and was made Flesh Ver. 10. and 14. Was Life i. e. By the Word when made Flesh or Man the way and manner of obtaining Life eternal Life was discovered to the Gentiles The way is the Doctrine of the Gospel John 12. 50. And the Life was the Light of Men i. e. The Life-giving Doctrine by him taught was that Light to and by which Men may and ought to direct their Steps in order to eternal Blessedness John 12. 50. So here the Doctrine of Christ the Gospel is called Light as before it was called Life Ver. 8. He John was not that Light i. e. John neither was nor was the bringer of the Light of the Gospel though he bare Witness to both 'T is usual in familiar Speech to call the Bringer of a thing by the name of the thing he brings and for this reason our Saviour is called Life and Light John 14. 6. John 8. 12. Ver. 10. He was in the World. Here the Evangelist returns to speak of the Word The sense is in Process of time the Word became incarnate that is Abode on the Person of Jesus Christ and so conversed in the World among Men. God communicated his Word that is a vast Effusion of his Divine Power and Wisdom to his Son the Lord Christ Acts. 10. 38. The World was made by him i. e. The World and all Men were made by this Word which afterwards abode on Jesus Christ and which
in and by him performed Works not much less wonderful than was the first Creation And the World knew him not Knew not that the Word abiding on Jesus was that very Divine Word which made both the World and all Men. Ver. 11. He came unto his own i. e. To those whom he had made ver 10. He is to be understood of the Word The Word came in the Person of Christ His own received him not i. e. did not own him for what he indeed was the Divine Word 'T is again repeated to brand the Ingratitude and Stupidity of the Jews of that Age. Ver. 12. Them that believe on his Name On his Name is an Hebrew Phrase as much as to say on him i. e. Them that believed on the Word made Flesh or them that received and owned him for what he indeed was even the Divine Word Ver. 14. And the Word was made Flesh Or For the Word was made Flesh i. e. did abide on and inhabit an humane Person the Person of Jesus Christ and so was in Appearance made Flesh or Man for Flesh is the usual Scripture Phrase for Man Gen. 6. 12. Deut. 5. 26. Jer. 12. 12. Jer. 17. 5. Mark 13. 20. And we beheld his Glory i. e. The Glory of the Man on whom the Word did abide and inhabit in him We beheld his Glory in his many Miracles John 2. 11. Also in his Transfiguration 2. Pet. 1. 17. And on many other occasions The Glory as of the only begotten of the Father i. e. A Glory worthy of the only-begotten of the Father Christ is called the only-begotten on several accounts this especially that he only was begotten by the Divine Power on a Woman Luke 1. 35. Ver. 15. John bare Witness of him saying He was before me i. e. Was before me in Dignity being the only-begotten of God. So Erasmus and Beza as well as Grotius Ver. 18. Which is in the Bosom of the Father i. e. Who is most dear to the Father So the Phrase signifies in other Texts Numb 11. 12. Deut. 13. 6. Hath declared him i. e. hath revealed his Mind and Will to Men. Hitherto for the most part Grotius Briefly The Word according to Grotius is not an eternal Son of God but is here the Power and Wisdom of God which Word abiding without measure on the Lord Christ as it is expresly said Heb. 1. 3. Matth. 28. 18. Col. 2. 3. see the Notes on these Texts 't is therefore spoken of as a Person and as one Person with Christ and he with that This notion of the Word will lead a Man through all the Difficulties of this Chapter with far more ease than any other hitherto offered Besides that it is so well founded as has been shown on ver 1. 't is also as easy and obvious and clears the sense as much as can be expected on a Portion of Scripture that is so obscure and dark and which was designedly written after a mysterious and sublime manner 13. John 2. 19 21. Destroy this Temple and in three Days I will raise it up He spake of the Temple of his Body Answ Christ raised his Body by a Power communicated to Him by the Father and accordingly his being raised is always attributed to the Father not to himself Gal. 1. 1. Paul an Apostle by Jesus Christ and God the Father who raised him from the dead See also Eph. 1. 19 20. 1 Thess 1. 9 10. Had our Lord raised himself by his own proper Power his Resurrection could in no respect be ascribed to the Father 14. John 2. 25. He knew what was in Man. Answ The Knowledg which the Lord Christ had or now in his state of Exaltation hath of the Secrets of Mens Hearts is the pure Gift of and Revelation from God and the Divine Word abiding on him Rev. 1. 1. The Revelation of Jesus Christ which God gave to him to shew unto his Servants John 3. 34. God giveth not the Spirit by measure that is sparingly unto him But see also what they say on Rev. 2. 23. 15. John 3. 13. No Man hath ascended up to Heaven but he that came down from Heaven even the Son of Man which is in Heaven Answ 1. Erasmus Beza Camerarius acknowledg that the Greek should be rendred which was in Heaven Neither so are the Words which was in Heaven an idle Repetition of what went before for it is repeated majoris asseverationis causâ for its greater Confirmation The most learned Orthodox Interpreters understand this ascending into and being in Heaven as also the descending only metaphorically and interpret thus No Man hath ascended up to Heaven No Man hath known the Mind of God our Heavenly Father But he that came down from Heaven i. e. but he that is sent to you as the Messenger of Heaven or of God. Even the Son of Man which is in Heaven i. e. even I whose Meditation and Conversation is in Heaven As St. Paul says of himself Phil. 3. 20. Our Conversation is in Heaven So they interpret the whole Passage of the humane Nature I suppose because our Lord considers and speaks of himself here by the Name only of the Son of Man. But the Socinians do generally understand this Text literally and say that 't is here intimated that before our Lord entred upon his Office of Messias he was taken up to Heaven to be instructed in the Mind and Will of God as Moses was into the Mount Exod. 24. 1 2 12. and from thence descended to execute his Office and declare the said Will of God. The same thing they say is also hinted John 6. 38 46 51 62. John 8. 40. 16. John 3. 18. The only begotten Answ See on John 1. 14. 17. John 5. 19. Whatsoever things He the Father doth those also doth the Son. Answ The Son doth them only by the Spirit or Power of the Father inhabiting in him John 5. 30. I can do nothing of my self John 14. 10. The Father that dwelleth in me He doth the Works Matth. 12. 28. I cast out Devils by the Spirit of God. 18. John 5. 23. That all Men should honour the Son even as they honour the Father Answ The meaning only is as we honour God or the Father so we must not forget to honour also the Son of God because to him the Father hath committed the last Judgment of all Men ver 22. An Equality of Honour is no more intended here than an Equality of Perfection in those words Be ye perfect even as your Father which is in Heaven is perfect Matth. 5. 48. For the sense there is as God is truly perfect so do ye endeavour to be perfect with that Perfection of which your finite Natures are capable 19. John 6. 44. I will raise him up at the last Day Answ The Lord Christ shall raise and change our Bodies by the same Divine Word or Power of God communicated to him and abiding on him by which while he was in this
Psal 95. 9 10. Your Fathers tempted me forty years long was I grieved with this Generation These words spoken by and of God are interpreted of the Holy Ghost Heb. 3. 7 9 10. As saith the Holy Ghost your Fathers tempted me c. Answ As saith the Holy Ghost that is As saith the Holy Spirit or Inspiration of God by the Mouth of the Prophet David So Estius Piscator Capellus Grotius c. Note that in the Psalmist's words there is an Enallage of the Person frequent in the Hebrew and especially in the Psalms Me for Him and I for He. 10. Psal 97. 7. Worship him all ye Gods or all ye Angels These words though spoken of God are interpreted of Christ Heb. 1. 6. Again when he bringeth the first-begotten into the World he saith And let all the Angels of God worship him Answ In the Greek 't is When he bringeth again the first-begotten into the World that is when he raised Christ from the dead who is his first-begotten from the dead he commandeth let even all the Angels of God worship him 'T is uncertain whether St. Paul had any respect to the Words in the Psalm but if he had he doth not quote the Words of the Psalmist as if they were spoken of Christ but only declareth the Decree of God known to him by the Spirit for subjecting the Angels to Christ in the same words that the Psalmist had used on another occasion because they are words most proper to express that Decree for the Writers of the New Testament generally affect to speak in Scripture Language 11. Psal 102. 25. Of old hast thou laid the Foundation of the Earth c. This seems applied to Christ Heb. 1. 10 11 12 13. And thou Lord in the Beginning hast laid the Foundation of the Earth but to which of the Angels said he at any time Sit on my right Hand Answ Thomas Aquinas hath rightly acknowledged that the Words of both these Texts may be understood of God only not of Christ The Context of the Hebrews hath this sense And thou Lord that is and in another Text of the Psalms 't is said Thou Lord. So Estius Camerarius Grotius hast laid the Foundation of the Earth But to which of the Angels said he i. e. said the Founder of the Earth c. sit on my right Hand as he saith to Christ at Psal 110. 1. For though Psal 110. 1. is literally designed of David yet you Hebrews knowing that David was a Type of Christ do also apply the Words there sit on my right Hand unto the Messias or Christ 12. Psal 110. 1. The Lord said unto my Lord Sit on my right Hand until I make thine Enemies thy Footstool It appears by Matth. 22. 43. that the Jews understood these words of David as spoken of God and Christ and therefore our Saviour puts this Question to them how Christ could be David's Son for they were it should seem commonly taken to be David's Words if he was David's Lord which can no way be answered but by saying he was David's Son according to the Flesh and David's Lord as he was God. Answ Our Saviour's Words are David in Spirit calleth him Lord saying The Lord said unto my Lord Sit on my right Hand that is David in the Spirit of Prophecy foreseeing Christ calls him his Lord. But he calleth him so not because Christ is God for if that were true himself could have made his Enemies his Footstool but because not only the Spirits of David and all Saints but even Angels are in Heaven made subject to Christ and that as the Reward of his most Holy Life and obsequious and acceptable Death 1 Pet. 3. 22. Phil. 2. 8 9. But note that when the Psalmist says the Lord said unto my Lord the Lord said is to be understood he hath in decree said he hath decreed it shall be so So Dr. Patrick in his Paraphrase on this Text. 13. Psal 110. 3. Thy People shall be willing in the day of thy Power in the beauty of Holiness from the womb of the Morning thou hast the Dew of thy Youth Answ This Text as 't is in the English Translation is wholly unintellible Seb. Castalio has as he is wont made a probable and elegant sense from the Hebrew thus Thy People or thy Troops shall be chearful when with sacred Majesty thou goest to Battel thou shalt have innumerable Youth The words are spoken to David 14. Psal 139. 7. Whither shall I go from thy Spirit Answ From thy Spirit is an Hebrew Phrase for From thee Like as when 't is said of Moses Psal 106. 33. They provoked his Spirit the undoubted meaning is They provoked Him. So also Eph. 4. 30. Grieve not the holy Spirit of God is an Hebraism for Grieve not God. 15. Prov. 8. 24. When there were no depths I was brought forth Answ Solomon speaketh here of the Quality or Faculty of Wisdom by which God and Men order their Affairs wisely That he meaneth not as some have fancied the Son or the Spirit of God appears by the Gender he useth For he saith ver 2. She standeth in the top of high Places ver 3. She crieth at the gates and chap. 7. 4. Say unto Wisdom Thou art my Sister 16. Prov. 30. 4. Who hath ascended up into Heaven who hath established all the Ends of the Earth what is his Name and what is his Son's Name Answ Dr. S. Partick interpreteth this Verse thus Hath any Man ascended into Heaven who among Men hath gathered the Wind or fixed the Earth what is the Man's Name or his Sons 17. Isa 6. 1 8 9. I saw the Lord sitting upon a Throne I heard the Voice of the Lord go tell this People Hear ye indeed but understand not shut their Eyes c. This Appearance of God is ascribed to Christ John 12. 41. These things said Isaias when he saw his Glory the Words Go tell this People c. are ascribed to the Holy Spirit Acts 28. 25 26. Well spake the Holy Ghost by Isaias Go unto this People c. Answ 1. The Words in St. John are to be understood not of Christ but of God for God only is intended in the foregoing Verse as all confess 2. Accordingly the best Greek Bibles read that Text thus These things said Isaias when he saw God's Glory 3. The Texts in the Acts ascribeth the Words in the Prophet to the Holy Spirit because the Vision and all the Words there mentioned were a Scene wrought in the Prophet's Mind not exhibited to his outward senses by the Spirit or Power of God. 18. Isa 7. 14. A Virgin shall conceive and bare a Son and shall call his Name Immanuel 'T is added Matth. 1. 23. which being interpreted is God with us Answ 1. Matthew as all know wrote his Gospel in Hebrew and therefore did not interpret the Hebrew Name no more than the Prophet whose Words he cited had done before him We are not bound
to subscribe to the Interpretation of the Greek Translator being an obscure and unknown Person Immanuel is by Erasmus interpreted God with him a Name most proper for the Lord Christ and to this Interpretation of the Name Immanuel S. Peter very plainly alludes Acts 10. 38. 2. Admitting that Immanuel may signify God with us yet the Child also who was to be a Sign to King Ahaz and whom Grotius thinketh to be the Son of the Prophet Isaiah was called Immanuel by order from God. And there are several Names of this high Import and Signification in Scripture Elihu recorded 1 Chron. 12. 20. signifies He is my God. Eliatha mentioned 1 Chron 25. 4. is Thou art my God. 3. Christ may well be named Immanuel taking it for God with us as God was most plentifully with his People by sending the Lord Christ to be his Ambassador and Representative and our Redeemer Several of the most learned Trinitariaus acknowledg that no more than this was intended by this Name 19. Isai 8. 4. He shall be a Stone of Stumbling c. This is spoken of God in the Prophet and applied to Christ Rom. 9. 33. 1 Pet. 2. 8. Answ Neither St. Paul nor St. Peter cite the Words of the Prophet as spoken of Christ but only as in some sense applicable to him namely as Christ also was to many a Stone of stumbling 20. Isa 9. 6 7. Vnto us a Child is born unto us a Son is given He shall be called Wonderful Counseller The mighty God The everlasting Father The Prince of Peace Of the Encrease of his Government and Peace there shall be no end upon the Throne of David to order and establish it with Judgment and Justice from henceforth and for ever The Zeal of the Lord of Hosts shall perform this Answ 1. This cannot be a Prophecy of Christ because it speaks of a Prince actually born at that time Unto us a Child is born Unto us a Son is given Isaiah lived above seven hundred Years before Christ 2. The Text is indeed to be understood of Hezekiah but is very extravagantly rendred in the English In the Hebrew 'tis thus Vnto us a Child is born unto us a Son is given the wonderful Counsellour the mighty God the everlasting Father shall name him the peaceable Prince his Government shall be multiplied i. e. He shall reign long even twenty nine Years and he shall have very great Peace he shall sit upon the Throne of David ordering and establishing it with Judgment and Justice from henceforth to the end of his Life The Zeal of the Lord of Hosts shall perform this i. e. God's Love to his chosen People shall make good this my Prophecy Note that no end of Peace and no end of Riches are never to be strictly understood in humane Affairs but we mean by them very great Peace and Riches Therefore the Peace of Hezekiah being in twenty nine Years interrupted by only one Expedition against him and that also in the end unsuccessful he may be said to have enjoyed great Peace or speaking hyperbolically as is the manner of this Prophet Peace without end 21. Isai 35. 4 5. Your God will come then the Eyes of the Blind shall be opened c. This seems to be applied to Christ Matth. 11. 4 5. Jesus answered Go tell John what ye do see and hear the Blind receive their Sight c. Answ God is said to come to the Jews in his Ambassadour and Messenger Jesus Christ and because in and by him God gave Sight to the Blind c. John 14. 10. The Father that dwelleth in me He doeth the Works Acts 10. 38. God was with him 22. Isai 40. 3. The Voice of him that crieth in the Wilderness Prepare ye the way of the Lord a high way for our God. This Voice was John Baptist Matth. 3. 1 3. And it was Christ's way he prepared Luke 1. 76. compared with Matth. 11. 10. Mark 1. 7. Acts 13. 24. Answ John Baptist is said to prepare the way for God when he prepared the way for Christ because Christ was the Ambassadour and Representative of God and God was with and in Christ Acts 10. 38. God was with him John 14. 10. The Father that dwelleth in me he doeth the Works 23. Isai 44. 6. Thus saith the Lord I am the first and I am the last Christ also is called the first and the last Rev. 1. 8 17. Rev. 22. 13. Answ Rev. 1. 8. is not spoken of Christ but of God. At v. 17. Christ is called the First and the Last but Erasmus Grotius and Hugo Cardinalis interpret the Words of him as he is a Man. Christ saith Hugo is the first or most honourable with good Men and the last or most despised with Infidels and wicked Men. Briefly both Almighty God and our Lord Christ are the First and the last but in different Senses 24. Isai 45. 23. I have sworn by my Self Vnto me every Knee shall bow These Words of God are applied to Christ Rom. 14. 10 11. We shall all stand before the Judgment Seat of Christ for it is written Every Knee shall bow to me and every Tongue shall confess to God. Answ In bowing and confessing to Christ at the last Judgment we are said to bow and confess to God because Christ then and there holdeth the place of God representeth him and acteth by his Commission So Men are said to appear before our Soveraign Lord the King when they appear at the Bar of his Judges because the Judges act in the Kings stead and by his Commission 25. Isai 48. 16. I have not spoken in secret from the Beginning from the time that it was there am I and now the Lord God hath sent me and his Spirit Answ I in this Text is not Christ but the Prophet for Christ was not sent by the Lord God and his Spirit in the days of the Jewish Prophets Heb. 1. 1 2. But if it were Christ or the Son that here speaketh yet this very Text would prove that he is not God for he is here distinguished from the Lord God as one who is not himself God but is sent by God. The Prophet seems to speak of the Overthrow of the Chaldean and Babylonish Troops by some great Prince whom God either had or would raise up against them see ver 14. and 15. Therefore Grotius and Forerius do not translate as the English hath it From the time that it was but before this thing is or before it hapneth There am I that is I declare it as explicitly and clearly as if I were present on the place 26. Jer. 23. 5. 6. I will raise unto David a righteous Branch in his days Judah shall be saved and Israel shall dwell safely and this is the Name whereby he shall be called The Lord Heb. Jehovah our Righteousness Answ In the Hebrew 'tis This is the Name which they shall call the Lord our Justifier that is in the happy and peaceful