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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A11086 Two treatises of the Lord his holie Supper the one instructing the seruants of God how they should be prepared when they come to the holy Supper of our onely Sauiour Iesus Christ: whereunto is annexed a dialogue conteining the principall points necessarie to be knowne and vnderstood of all them that are to be partakers of the holy Supper: the other setting forth dialoguewise the whole vse of the Supper: whereunto also is adioyned a briefe and learned treatise of the true Sacrifice and true priest. Written in the French tongue by Yues Rouspeau and Iohn de l'Espine ministers of the word of God, and latelie translated into English. Rouspeau, Yves.; L'Espine, Jean de, ca. 1506-1597. Dialogue de la Cène de N.S. Jesus-Christ. aut; Rouspeau, Yves. Traitté de la préparation à la saincte cene. 1584 (1584) STC 21354; ESTC S106120 65,641 128

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TWO TREATISES OF THE LORD HIS HOLIE SVPPER THE ONE INSTRVCTING THE SERVANTS OF GOD HOW THEY should be prepared when they come to the holy Supper of our onely Sauiour Iesus Christ Whereunto is annexed a Dialogue conteining the principall points necessarie to be knowne and vnderstood of all them that are to be partakers of the holy Supper The other setting forth Dialoguewise the whole vse of the Supper Whereunto also is adioyned a briefe and learned treatise of the true Sacrifice and true Priest Written in the French tongue by Yues Rouspeau and Iohn de l'Espine Ministers of the word of God and latelie translated into English 1. CORINTH 11.28 Let a man examine himselfe and so let him eate of this bread and drinke of this cup. IOHN 6.58 This is the bread which came downe from heauen not as your fathers haue eaten Manna and are dead He that eateth of this bread shall liue for euer PSAL. 51.16 Thou desirest no sacrifice though we would giue it thou delitest not in burnt offering The sacrifices of God are a contrite spirit a contrite and broken heart O God thou wilt not despise Imprinted by Thomas Thomas Printer to the Vniuersitie of Cambridge 1584. YVES ROVSPEAV TO THE CHRISTIAN READER FROM OVR LORD IESVS CHRIST greeting AMong the causes of all publique calamities and of the scourges wherewithall diuerse realmes countries are grieuously chastised S. Paul maketh mention of the notable abuse contempt of the Lord his Supper For this cause saith he manie are weake sicke among you many sleepe for if we would iudge our selues we should not be iudged Wherupon we haue not to meruaile that the Lord God hath so sharply punished this poore realme of France the last yeare 1562. with plague warre and famine seeing it is manifest that the contempt of the Gospel with the abusing and profaning of the holie Supper of the Lord hath brought vpon vs the foresaid miseries afflictions And for this cause both the Pope his adherents may stop their mouthes with the which they are so readie to cast reproch vpon our God and they that make profession of the Gospel in this lan● may keepe like silence seeing the causes haue flowed from both parties indifferently and the fault belongeth as wel to the one as to the other To begin with the Papists we may boldly auouch out of the word of God that their Masse is stuffed full of blasphemies that it abolisheth the holy Supper of our Lord Iesus Christ that the remembrance of his death passion is therein suppressed made o● none effect that in the same there is no communion that wheras Iesus Christ hath giuen a generall charge to all the professors o● his name to take eate and drinke the bread and wine in the Masse there is but one that taketh eateth drinketh for all the rest Further we see how there the creature of God euen a morsell of breade is worshiped in the place of God himselfe the creator how they seeke Christ Iesus vpon the earth whereas the word of God the Creed of the Apostles and the ancient Canons do teach vs to haue our hearts lifted vp on high and to seeke him by Faith aboue in the heauens Lastlie in it we may behold manie other most shamefull and grieuous abuses which for this time I thinke best to couer with silence Now seing that manie do so stoutly and obstinately stand vpon that point that in the defence and quarrell of a thing so vile wicked they haue put to death so manie godlie and honest men so many holie personages and true martyrs of our Lord Iesus Christ I conclude that we haue iustly beene visited of God for their offences As for the Protestants we see they also haue beene marked with the foule spots and blemishes of manie grosse and notable abuses How many of them haue bin found as vnable to render reason of their Faith as verie Papists haue offered like bruit beasts their presence at the holy Supper of the Lord some for learning as ignorant as Asses others for life as beastly as swyne I ouerpasse an infinite number of hypocrites of false brethren of traitours and such as haue fallen from their faith and knowledge who being inwardly vnknowen caried outwardly a shew colour of great vertue and holynes And therfore not without cause hath the wrath of God beene kindled against his people and they haue receaued double correction seeing that in the strength of their knowledge they haue wittingly abused the knowledge of his holy name Now to the intent that our good God by his Sonne Iesus Christ may cast his eye of pitie and compassion vpon this poore realme that lieth so desolate and forlorne it behooueth the one the other henceforth to learne how they may better performe their dutie of seruice and honor to their God according to his word then they haue done in time passed and chieflie that they be verie circumspect and heedfull not to defile or profane the holie Supper of our Lord in any kind of condition whatsoeuer To this end I haue addressed this small Treatise vnto their reading wherin they shall find that the true preparing vnto the Supper consisteth not in the furniture of the bodie in rich and costlie attire in gorgious and statelie shewes in counterfait colours and in outward professing of the name of God but in purenesse of heart and vprightnesse of conscience that God which is a Spirit may also be worshiped of his in Spirit and truth A TREATISE TEACHING THE SERVANTS OF GOD HOW THEY SHOVLD BE prepared when they come to the holy Supper of our onely Redeemer Iesus Christ The Preface THat we may worthily come to the holy Supper of our Lord Iesus Christ we must examine our selues The examining of our selues and wherein it consisteth as we are aduised and counselled by the Apostle There be fower principall pointes wherein we haue to sound our hearts and consciences at the bottome namely Faith Repentance Thankesgiuing in respect of our God and Charitie toward our neighbours OF FAITH The first Article FIrst it is requisit that we haue Faith that is to say What Faith is a certaine and vndeceiueable assurance stedfast perswasion that God in the name of his Sonne our Lord Iesus Christ whom he deliuered vp to death for our behoofe is a Father to vs of all mercie fauour and compassion The causes of Faith God This Faith commeth not from our selues neither is it built vpon vs or vpon any thing to be found in vs but it commeth from God and is built vpon God the Father His word the Sonne and the holy Ghost and vpon the promises made in the Gospel The holie Ghost which are inwardly ratified in vs by the working of the holy Ghost which crieth in our hearts Abba that is to say Father And this Faith is nourished confirmed and increased in our hearts by the holy Sacraments
The Sacraments For in the Supper God most like a louing and carefull Father after he hath brought vs into his Church by Baptisme The effects of God in the Supper doth feede vs in spririte with the very substance of his Sonne Iesus Christ applying and making proper to euerie one of vs in particular the merite of his death and passion Why Iesus Christ giueth the bread the wine of the Supper and biddeth vs to take eate and drinke Matth. 26. To which purpose it is that Iesus Christ himselfe doth giue vs the breade and the wine that he commaundeth vs To eate and to drinke that he saith the bread is his bodie which is giuen for vs and the wine his blood which is shedde for the remission of our sinnes In which words he giueth himselfe vnto vs whollie he wil be our spiritual foode and life he will remaine in vs by his holy Spirite will haue vs to abide in him by Faith to the end that in beleeuing we do not perish but may obtaine that life euerlasting whereof he is the onely inheritor and giuer What we learne by the breaking of the bread In like manner the breaking of the bread in the Supper serueth for the confirmation of our Faith and ratifying of our saluation forasmuch as it assureth vs and causeth vs to see with our spirituall eyes that Iesus Christ was once in the citie of Hierusalem broken with the sorrowes of death for our deliuerance from euerlasting death and to purchase vnto vs euerlasting life And wheras by the commandement of Iesus Christ we take the bread into our hands then the cup and further that we eate the bread and drinke the wine which are conuerted into the food of our bodies we are taught by the hands of Faith we should seise vpon our Lord Iesus Christ and embrace him for our onely Sauiour and Redeemer and that by the same Faith we should spirituallie eate his bodie and drinke his blood continuing in hope of euerlasting life But the life of euery man in particular lieth in his owne Faith according to the confession made in the Apostles Creed wherein it is written for euery one apart to saie I beleeue not in generall we beleeue We are not in this case to busie or trouble our heads with the faith and beliefe of another with his worthinesse or vnworthines but wholly to rest and to stay vs vpon our own For S. Paul doth not teach vs that we should examine other men neither yet that other men should examine vs but he speaketh plainly and precisely in these words 1. Cor. 11. Let euerie man examine himselfe Wherefore let euerie one of vs in seuerall assure his conscience That Iesus Christ 1. Tim. 1. the true Messias is come into the world to saue sinners of whom he ought following the example of S. Paul to accompt himselfe the chiefest Let him beleeue that Iesus Christ came down from heauē to abide vpon the earth that he might lift him vp from the earth into heauen that Christ was made the sonne of man to make him the childe of God that he was conceaued by the holie Ghost and was borne of the virgin Marie to purifie and clense the sinfulnesse of his conception birth Let him perswade himselfe that the sonne of God hath ouercome the deuill to free him from the crueltie of that tyrant that he hath fulfilled the whole lawe louing God his Father with al his hart power and strength his neighbour as himselfe to purchase righteousnes for him that he made his appearance before Pilate an earthly iudge receaued sentence of temporall condemnation as an offender to exempt him from appearing before the dreadfull throne of God his iustice where he was to heare sentence of eternall condemnation pronounced against him for his offences committed against a God Almightie and euerlasting Let him be assured in heart that the same Iesus Christ descended into hell for his cause that is to say endured the sorrowes and terrible pangs of the second death and the heauie wrath of God to acquite him from that fearefull iudgement that he died a death accursed of God in hanging on the crosse to obteine for him both life and blessing before God that he rose againe from death for an earnest pennie and a warrant of his resurrection that he ascended into heauen for a certeine token of his ascension into the same kingdome that he sitteth on the right hand of God his Father to be for him an euerlasting Priest Teacher King Defender Reconciler and Aduocate And to be short that he shall come at his second comming to his endlesse consolation and perfect redemption In like manner it is necessarie that euerie one of vs do in particular applie vnto himselfe all those graces and treasures that are in Iesus Christ in asmuch as in giuing himselfe vnto vs he hath also giuen vs all his riches And therefore in that he is God it is that we may be partakers of his Diuinitie in that he is heire and Lord of the whole world it is that we may haue part of his Lordship and inheritance and that in him we may recouer the title of such possessions as we lost in Adam our first parent in that he is the welbeloued of his Father it is that we also may be acceptable in him in that he is rich it is to blesse vs with his riches in that he hath all power against the Deuill sinne hell Antichrist the world and all our enimies it is to be our warrant and defence against them al in that he is righteous good it is to iustifie vs to make vs good in that he is blessed and immortall it is to indue vs with his blessednesse and immortalitie Thus when we shall applie vnto our selues all the actions and benefites of the Lord Iesus Christ particularlie in like manner all his essentiall qualities affying vs wholly in him and in his promises and distrusting wholly our owne strength then we may boldlie draw neare vnto the table of the Lord where we shall by the benefite of Faith haue full fruition of Iesus Christ God man and further shall feele the same Faith encrease and grow in vs exceedingly to our great comfort And now it behooueth vs to note that it is impossible we should be made one with Iesus Christ and enioy the rich treasures that are in him vnlesse we do first renounce Antichrist his kingdome and vnlesse we haue in vtter abhomination all idolatrie superstition such traditions of man as are in a direct line set against the pure seruice of God the bounds and termes whereof are plainely set downe in his holy word Forseeing that God is our onely creator that in the person of his sonne Iesus Christ the true Isaac in whom al the nations of the earth are blessed he giueth himselfe entirely vnto vs his creatures it is great reason that in like maner we
of God because it would haue his bodie to be infinite and to be at once in all places F. Why hath not Iesus Christ witnessed saying And lo I am with you alway vntill the end of the world Actes 3.21 againe for where two or three are gathered together in my name there am I in the midst of them C. So it is but these places import the presence of his diuinitie not the presence of his humanity And this I proue by the testimony of Iesus Christ himselfe who saith in the Gospell The poore ye shal haue alwaies with you but me ye shal not haue alwaies also by that which S. Peter witnesseth in the Actes saying in these wordes concerning Christ Whom the heauen must conteine vntill the time that all things be restored F. Then you conclude that Iesus Christ albeit he is among vs by his diuinitie his holy spirite in respect of his humanity can be in no more then in one that one a certaine place and namelie in heauen C. That is my meaning so ment S. Augustine saing Till heauen earth shal be destroyed the Lord shal continually remaine aboue in the heauens The Truth of the Lord also remaineth with vs for it must needs be that the body wherein he rose vp should be in one that a certaine place but his Truth is spread ouer the face of the whole earth F. What is the sum of this true faith which seeketh Iesus Christ not vpon the earth but in the heauens C. Math. 28. Math. 18.20 This is the summe I beleeue in God the father who hath created me I beleeue in Iesus Christ who hath redeemed me from sinne from Satan from hel from death I beleeue in the holie ghost who sanctifieth me F. Why say you so in particular I beleeue and say not in generall we beleeue C. Because Euery man must examine himselfe Habac. 2. Rom. 1. Gal. 3. Heb. 10. and liue by his owne faith not by the faith of other F. And how may this be done C. If we shal applie to euery of vs in particular Iesus Christ himselfe with all his blessings and rich treasures F. What are the rich treasures to be found in Iesus Christ C. There is saluation for them that are lost life for them that are dead truth for them that are lyars wisedome for them that are ignorant righteousnesse for sinners holynesse and sanctification for the vngodly and redemption for captiues them that are in bondage F. Must we not then by faith applie all those things vnto our selues seeing we are all by nature lost dead lyars ignorant sinful defiled vngodly and captiues C. Yes verely For Iesus Christ hath taken vpon him al our neede miserie to make vs partakers of al his blessings rich treasures which in verie deede are distributed vnto vs in his holy Supper F. Now let vs speake of the second part of our dutie towards God which consisteth in Repentance and first what is Repentance C. It is a disliking of that is euill and a loue of that is good F. To the end we may haue our sins in disliking hatred is it not necessary that we know them C. It is necessarie F. How come we to haue knowledge of the euill that dwelleth in vs C. Iohan 3. First we know by our original birth For that which is borne of the flesh is flesh Secondly because we transgresse the law of God the rule of al perfection and righteousnes And thirdly by the ordinary afflictions calamities that God sendeth vpon vs for our sinnes and iniquities F. May we not also behold in the Sacraments a mirrour of our sinnes and offences C. We may For if we were no sinners we shold not stand in need of that forgiuenes of thē which is signified in Baptisme And againe except we were dead it should be in vaine that we come to the Supper to seek life saluation in Iesus Christ F. When we know our sinnes are we there to rest and not to proceede further namely to make confession of the same C. Psal 31. 51. Luke 18. We must also confesse our sinnes after the example of Dauid and of the Publican if we will obtaine righteousnesse before God F. Why should it be necessarie for vs to know and to confesse our sinnes before God C. To the end we may obteine forgiuenes and a ful and absolute remission according as God is iust and faithfull to performe his promises F. Why doth God forgiue vs our sinnes C. Math. 5. 18. To three especial and principal ends purposes First that we should be reconciled to our enemies secondly to the end we should freelie forgiue them thirdly to the end we should absteine from sinne and liue after righteousnesse F. Is there ought in the Supper which putteth vs in mind to flie from sinne and to abhor it C. There is for euen the verie breaking of the bread in the Supper doth teach vs that our sinnes haue broken and brused the sonne of God with the sorrowes of death F. What is hereupon to be gathered C. That we ought to condemne our sinnes and to haue them in abhomination as the causes of the death of the sonne of God F. Is it sufficient to absteine from euil without further proceeding in doing of good C. No forsooth Math. 3. 7 for Euery tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewen downe and cast into the fire And therefore is the euill and foolish seruant cast into vtter darknes Math. 25. not because he had vnthriftilie spent his masters talent but because by his diligence and painefulnesse he had done no good therewithall ne had raised any commodity therby vnto his master F. Then be like it is requisite that euery one according to the talent which he hath receiued of God should glorifie him in that vocation wherein he is placed and appointed C. Surely so it is if we desire to enter with the good seruant into the ioy of his master F. To the end we may do the thing that is good ought we not to seeke the knowledge thereof C. We ought and namely by these meanes by the law of God and generally by all the parts of the holy scripture which teacheth vs plainelie what those good workes are which God requireth vs to performe F. Whether doth the Supper or any part thereof exhort vs to a godly life or no C. It doth for whereas we are vnited to Iesus Christ made flesh of his flesh and bone of his bone also whereas we are made partakers of his holynesse and righteousnesse we are taught that we should be holy as he is holy F. What else C. Whereas we meete and assemble together in his holy Church which is the communion of sancts wheras by the working of the holy ghost we call vpon one father who is most holy lastlie whereas we heare his holy and heauenly word and also haue part