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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
B07393 The doctrine of the Bible: or, Rules of Discipline. Briefelie gathered through the whole course of the Scripture, by waie of questions and answers.. 1608 (1608) STC 3024; ESTC S91084 142,227 493

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call you true loue An. Not onelye to helpe our brother with all we haue but if need require to offer our life for him chap. 3.16 Qu. VVhich call you fained loue An. To loue in word and not in deed chap. 3.11 Qu. What saith Saint Iohn as touching true louers An. That they dwell in God God in them chap. 4.16 Qu. What is it to dvvell in God An. To be partakers of his grace to the mortification of the flesh and liuely demonstration of our faith Qu. How shal we know that god dwelleth in vs An. If wee see our brother want this worlds good and doe not shut vp our compassion from him but willingly relieue him chap. 3.17 Q. What is said of him that hateth his brother An. That hee walketh in darknesse chap. 2.11 Is the child of the diuel ch 3 10 abideth in death chap 3 14. Is a manstayer barred from eternall life chap. 3 15. 2. and 3. Epistle of Iohn Question TO whom were these tvvo last Epistle written An. The one to a certain zealous Lady the other to Gains a professour of the Gospell Quest What doth hee commend in the Ladie An. The vertuous bringing vp of her children Qu. What in Gaius An. His testimonie of faith and hospitality toward strangers Qu. VVhat doth hee admonish them of An. To beware of deceiuers Qu. Who are those An. Such as would not confesse that Christ was come in the flesh Qu. How must they intertaine them An They must not receiue them into their house nor bid them Good speed Qu. VVhy An. Because in so doing they should be partakers of their euill deeds The Epistle of Iude. Question TO whome is this Epistle written An. To all Christian Churches Quest What doth he exhort them vnto An. To contend for the maintenāce of their faith Qu. Against whom Ansvv Against Sectaries Qu. What is the condition of Sectaries Ans To murder complaine walke after their owne lusts Qu. Whom do they murmur against Ans Gouernours Qu. How doth he reproue them Ans By the example of Michael the Archangel who when hee stroue with the diuel about the body of Moses blamed him not with cursed speaking but only sayd The Lord rebuke thee Qu. VVhat doth he meane by this example Ans If it be not lawfull to rayle vpon the diuel much lesse vpon magistrates be they neuer so wicked Qu. What is it to walk after our owne lusts An. To be directed by carnall iudgement and not by the spirit of regeneration Reuelation Question FIrst tell mee what you vnderstand by Reuelation An. The word importeth a laying open or an vncouering of thinges that were before hid and shut vp in secrete which no liuing soule can know but so farre foorth as God shall please to disclose the same Qu. What is the authority of this Reuelation An. High and mighty as proceeding from the mouth of God by the mediation of Iesus Christ Qu. To whom was it giuen An. To the Apostle Saint Iohn and so consequently from him to the Church of God through all ages Q. Where was Iohn whē he receiued it An. In an Iland called Pathmas enuironed with the Aegean sea which sea diuides Europe from Asia Qu. What did he there An. He was banished thither by the tyrant Domitian about the year of our Lord God 96. which tyrante sought to suppres the light of the Gospel but the Lorde in mercy did the more aduance it as appeares by adding a further discouery of his will by this booke of the Reuelation Qu. VVhat is the fruit of this Reuelation An. Exceeding great as vve may gather by these words Blessed be they that reade heare and keepe in memory those things which are written in this prophecie chap. 1 3. Qu. To vvhom was Iohn commanded to send it An. To the seauen churches of Asia namely of Ephesus Smirna Pergamus Thiatira Sardis Philadelphia and Laodicea where after the destruction of Ierusalem Iohn did prosecute his holy calling in the Ministery Qu. What methode doth hee vse in the manner of his writing An. First a friendly salutation and then a briefe narration Qu. How doth he salute them An. By wishing vnto them grace and peace Qu. What vnderstand you by grace Ans The free loue affection which God beareth towards vs for his owne sake although indeed we deserue it not but are in our selues the children of wrath and perdition Qu. What by peace Ansvv All kind of benefits both spirituall and temporall which flow vnto vs from this fountaine of grace which God the father had opened to the world by the meanes of his sonne Qu. In whose name salutes he them An. In the name of the father the 7. spirits and of Iesus Christ chap 1. 4. 5. Qu. What is meant by the 7 spirits Ans The holie Ghost Qu. The holie Ghost being but one in person why doth he describe him by the number of 7. An. Although the holy Ghost be but one in diuine essence yet according to this seauen fold operation which it had in the Churches of Asia it is called by the name of seuen spirits not that it is in person diuerse but in power and vertue according to the diuersity of those subiects which it worketh Qu. But why is that placed in the second place whereas the vsuall order teacheth vs to say the Father Sonne and holy Ghost and not the Father Holy Ghosts so to put the Sonne last An. Iohn vseth this order not that there is any degree or dignitie in one person more then in an other For the Father is not greater then the Sonne nor the Sonne greater then the Holie Ghost they are all of the same power maiesty and glory nor is one before another but the reasō that mooued Iohn to set our Sauiour in the third place was because immediately the narration which is the second poynt of the writing chiefly concerneth Christ Qu. As how Ansvv In describing him Qu. How doth Iohn describe Christ An. Two manner of waies first as touching the excellencie of his glorie as he appeared vnto him in vision cha 1. from 12. to 17. Qu. What vvas his office An. It was three folde hee had the office of a Prophet of a Prince and of a Priest Qu. Hovv did he shew himselfe a Prophet An. In bearing witnesse of the trueth and reuealing the counsels of God vnto men Que. How a Prince An. Two manner of waies first by his victorie ouer death death is swallowed vp into victory 1. Cor. 15 And secondly because he hath dominion ouer all principalities and powers both in heauen and vpon the earth Ephes 1.21 Qu. How a Priest An In that he hath washed vs from our sinnes in his bloud by offering his body a sacrifice for vs vpon the crosse Qu. Did Christ heare these three offices onlie for himselfe An. No for the benefit of the faithfull that as hee was so they might bee both Prophets Kings and Priests Prophets in that he
Where was Paul vvhen he vvritte this Epistle An. At Roome Paul to the Ephesians Question WHat was the estate of the Ephesians when Paule wrot vnto them An. As it is of all those amongest whom Gods word had been sowen Qu. How is that An. The good seed of Pauls doctrine was mingled with the cockle weedes of false teachers Qu. In such a needfull businesse how chāce he did not rather go vnto them then write A Because he was prisoner in Rome Qu. What method doth he vse in Confirming the Ephesians in the faith which he bad before taught them An. First hee vseth an admonition then a prayer and last of al an exhortation Qu. Of what doth he admonish them An. Of foure things Qu. Which be they Ans First hee she wes that they were predestinated to the calling of Christians before the foundation of the worlde and therefore it was nothing that had happened vnto th̄e by chance chap. 1 4. 11. Secondly he puts them in mind that the ground of theyr fayth is Christ Iesus to whome all power both in heauen and earth was giuen therfore they needed not to stand doubtfull of their reward chap 2 20 to 23. Thirdly he recordes in what estate they were before they were called Qu. What was that An. That they were vnder the power of Satan and dead through sinne and therfore being now quickned by the sprite of Christ the farther they were off from grace the greater debters they are now for the same chap. 2 ver 2.4.5 Fourthly hee bids them not faint because of the perfecution which they saw was laid vpon him Qu. What reason shewes he for that An. Because it was to their glory ch 3.13 Qu. In what respect could his persecution be to their glorie An. In this that seeing him constantly indure imprisonment and death for the truth of the gospell which hee had preached vnto them they might assure themselues his doctrine was the worde of God and no tradition of man Qu. For vvhat doth he pray to God for them An. For three things Qu. Which be they An. First for the strength of his holy spirit chap 3 19. Secondly that he would giue thē a faithful heart Exo. 17. And thirdly to endue them with vnfained charity Qu. Hovv manifold are these exhortations An. Twofold Qu. As how An. Generall and particular Qu. What is his generall exhortation An. Certayne obseruations common to all men as to walke worthy of their calling chap. 4 1. Qu. What is their calling An. Christianity Qu. What is the end thereof An. Eternall life Qu. Who hath called vs therunto An. God the Father by his Sonne Christ Iesus chap. 3.11 Qu. By what meanes An. By two kind of meanes Qu. VVhich be they An. First by our outward meanes as by afflictions and persecutions and secondly by inward meanes as by the working of Gods word in our hartes the wholesome admonition of his holy spirite chap. 4 30. Qu. How may we walk vvorthy of our vocation Answ If we auoyd lying anger theft filthy speaking and imbrace humilitie meekenes patience charity and vnity of spirit chap. 4 2.3 and v. 25 to 31. Qu. VVhat is humility An. Not to prefer our selues before others not to despise others in respect of our selues Qu. What is meeknesse A. Nor to be easily moued to anger Qu. Is it not lawfull them to bee angry with such as offend An. Yes so that we bee not angry vnto sinne nor let the Sun go downe vpon our wrath chap. 4 26. Qu. How may we be angry and not sin An. If we so bridle our fury as that we break not foorth into any wicked or vnlawfull act Qu. VVhat is patience An. A quiet digesting of wrong and leauing the reuenge to God Qu. What is charity An. A compunction of heart wherby one Christian is incited to helpe and succour another Que. VVhat call ye the vnity of the spirit An. An agreement together of Gods people in true faith and doctrine without sector dissention Qu. Why ought we to walke in vnity of spirit An. Because God which hath created vs Christ which hath redeemed vs and the holy ghost which hath sanctified vs is but one and the meanes vvherby wee are saued onely that is to say faith and therefore we ought to agree together in mind as childrē of one father or as heires ordained all for one happy inheritance chapt 4. verse 4 5 6. Qu. Hauing declared what the vertues he which Saint Paul would haue vs folow rehearse the vices which he would haue vs auoyde Ans Lying as I saide before theft anger and filthy talking and out of the 5. chapter couetousnesse fornication drunkennes false doctrine foolish and idle ieasting Qu. What is a lye An. A counterfette and false declaration of the thought and minde as when we speak one thing and thinke another Qu. What is theft An. Not only to steale with the hand but all manner of deceipt and vnlawfull gaine Qu. What is anger An. A desire of reuenge for some vvrong done vnto vs or vnto them whō we loue Qu. Of how many sorts is it Qu Of two An. Which be they An. Naturall or diabelicall Quest What call you the naturall anger An. The anger that is in a Magistrate towards the subiect a father toward his childe or a maister towarde his seruant or scholler for the due correction of such vices as they perceiue in them to the dishonour of God Qu. What is diabolicall anger An. So to bee incenst as to wish the destruction of anie one Qu. Wherein consists fylthy communication An. In swearing cursing blaspheming immodest vvords and idle ieasting Que How must Christians then frame their dayly conference An. In such sort as it may bee to the edification one of another speaking vnto themselues in Psalmes and Hymnes and spirituall Songs and giuing thanks to God for all things ch 5 19. 20. Qu. What is couetousnes An. A greedines to gaine without regard of their owne necessities or the necessitie of others Qu. What is fornication An. A polluting of the soule with lust of body Qu. VVhat is drunkennesse An. A confounding of reason and the sences by immoderate drinking Qu. What is false doctrine An. Any thing that is taught contrary to the truth of Gods word Qu. How are they saide to leade theyr liues that delight in any of these abuses An. Improuidently Qu. Why Ansvv Because they neglect the will of GOD to followe their owne waies Qu. How are they said to leade their liues that abhore them An. Circumspectly Qu. Why An. Because they preferre the will of God before their owne imaginations chap. 5 15.17 Qu. What is Paules particular exhortation in this Epistle Ans The duty of husbands wiues parents and Children maisters seruants Qu. What is the duty of husbands towards their wiues An. To loue them as Christ loued his Church who gaue his life for it chapt 5.25 Qu. What is the duty of wiues towardes
her to looke backe An. Her fond defire to thinke shee should forgoe her wealth and so pleasant a place Qu. What do we learne by that An. That no care of earthly things be they neuer so glorious must hinder vs from obeying Gods commaundements Qu. How was the City destroied Ans With fire and brimstone from heauen chap. 19.24 Qu. Where did Lot remain afterward An. In the mountayns Qu. VVhat sin did he fall into whilest he liued there An. Drunkennesse Qu. VVhat next An. Into Incest Qu. VVhat doth that proue An. That one sinne begets another Qu. How was Lot incestuous An. By his owne daughters Qu. Who tempted him thereunto An. They when they had made him drunke Qu. What was Gods punishment for that sinne An. The nation that came by that conception was a cursed generation Qu. VVhat generation was it An. The Moabites and the Ammonites chap. 19.37 Chap. 20. to 34. Question VVHo had like to haue vvronged Abraham by taking his vvife An. King Abimelech Qu. Hovv vvas be preuented An. God threatned him with death chap. 20.3 Qu. Did he vpon that deliuer her backe to her husband An. He did Qu. What learnevve by that An. Two things Qu. Which be they An. First that God will punish adultery and next the very heathen abhor the breach of wedlock cha 20.9 Qu. How did God try Abrahams faith An. By bid ding him sacrifice his onlyson Isaac chap. 22 2. Qu. VVould be haue done it An. Yes but that an Angell stayed his hand Qu. How was his faith rewarded Ans God renewed his couenant once againe and told him for that dcede hee would multiplie his seede on earth like the sand of the shore Quest What vertue did God further prooue in Abraham Ans His patience Quest How Ans In taking his wife Sarah from him Quest Yet hee did mourne for her death Ans That was the wickednes of the flesh but his soule was glad in that hee knew she liued eternally Chap. 23.2 Qu. What other vertue had Abraham Ans Vprightnesse of minde Quest Wherein did that appeare Ans When Ephron the Hittite offered him a peece of ground to bruie his dead he would not take it before he had paid the price of it chap. 23.13 Quest Is that modestie obserued nowadaies Ans No many will be so farre from giuing their neighbours the woorth of their goods as they will seeke by deceipt coosonage and violence to pull them from them wrongfully and for nothing Quest VVhat was Abrahams care for Isaack when he came to age Ans To prouide him a vertuous wife chap. 24.4 Qu. Was he ruled by his Fathers appointment An. He was Qu. VVhat did he shew in that An. A godly president of obedience to all sonnes to follow the counsayle of their parents in choosing them wiues and not their owne inordinate desire Qu. Whom did Abraham send about his busines An. His chiefe scruant chap. 24.2 Qu. How did he proceed in it An. With prayer that hee might speed well and thanksgiuing afterward for his successe Qu. VVhat other good property was in that seruant An. He would not eat when he came to his iournies end before he had done his masters message Qu. VVhat may seruants learn by that An. To regard more their masters busines than their owne pleasure cha 24.33 Qu. VVhose daughter did hee choose for his masters sonne An. Rebecca the daughter of Bethuel Qu. When her parents heard the request of Abraham did they presently giue their daughter to Isaack An. No they asked counsaile of God first and then the maids consent Qu. VVhat is to be learned by that An. As children ought not to match without their parents consent so parents ought not to match their children without their consent chap. 24.58 Qu. After Isaack and Rebecca were married what issue did GOD giue them An. Two sonnes Esau and Iacob Qu. VVhat was Esaus vndoing An. The Iust of the flesh Qu. VVherein An. He sold his birth-right for pottage Qu. What ouer sight was that An. An ouersight that many worldly men runne into Qu. VVhat is that An. Preferring of trash before the rich graces of God chap. 25.33 Qu. VVhat did that negligence loose him else An. His fathers blessing Qu. VVhat was the reason Answ Because not regarding his earthly patrimony God likewise suffered him to loose the benefit of his heauenly inheritance which was spirituall benediction Quest Did Esau at the last see his owne error Ans No but ran rather into error Quest How Ans By hating his brother Iacob chap. 27.41 Quest What was the vertue of Iacob Ans Patience in giuing place to his brothers rage and going to seeke his fortune in an other countrey Quest Whither went he Ans To Haran to his vncle Laban Quest What were his vertues there Ans Diligence in doing his vncle seruice and fidelitie in not deceiuing him Quest How did God deale with Laban Ans He prospered him for iacobs sake Quest VVhat were Labans vices Ans Ingratitude and oppression Quest How was he ingratefull Ans In vpbraiding Iacob for his good seruice Quest How did he oppresse him Answ In trebling his seruitude by fraudulent and craftie meanes Que. Did God deliuer Iacob at last Ans Yes as he will all others that trust in him though a while he seeme to be farre from them Quest VVhat was the reward of Iacobs patience and true seruice in the end Ans Whereas when he came from his fathers house and had but one coate on his backe and a staffe in his hand at his returne hee was the husband of two wiues the master of many seruants and the owner of much treasures and diuers heards of cattle chap. 30.43 Quest Did not Iacob feare to returne into his owne countrey knowing that his brother Esau was his enemie Ans No. Quest Why Ans Because hee knew God that had commaunded him to goe would defend him Quest How did his brother Esau receiue him Ans Louingly and like a brother Qu. What was the vertue of Esau in that Ans He thought it a base and vnnaturall thing to keepe enuie alwaies in his stomacke toward any one much lesse toward his owne brother chap. 33.4 Chap. 34. to 50. Question HOw many sons had Iacob An. Twelue Qu. Vhich of those twelue was a figure of Christ An. Ioseph Qu. VVherein A. In being solde by his owne brethren Qu. What learne we by that An. That in all ages after God had promised the Messiah to Adam he neuer ceased by word and deed to signifie his comming Qu. VVhy did Iacobs son sell their brother Ioseph An. For malice in the Ioseph prophecied by dreames his brothers should be his seruants and bow to him Qu. VVhat other sins did they run into besides An. Murder and dissimulation Qu. How An. They entended to haue slaine their brother but that Iuda disswaded them chap. 37.26 Qu. How did they dissemble An. In telling their father that their brother was staine by wilde beastes chap.
iustly Qu. Hovv his sincerity of faith tovvard God An. In truely performing the duety of a Priest and a Prophet Qu. What reason then had the people to mislike the gouernment of Iudges craue a King An. First because when Samuel waxed old he resigned his authority to his sonnes they were extortioners and tooke bribes and secondly by reason of the mutability of mans nature that for the most part affects alteration and change Qu. Was God pleased with their desire Ans No. Qu. VVhy Ans Because they thirsted for another kind of gouernment then he had appointed them and so seemed to preferre their owne opinion before his wisedome Qu. How did Samuel shew they had offended An. By causing it to thunder raine in wheate haruest Qu. How Aus By his praier and inuocation chap. 12.18 Qu. VVhat did the people then An. Repented Qu. VVas God mercifull An. Yes and promised to be a gratious GOD both to them and their King vppon condition they woulde serue him so ready is God alwaies to pardon sinners if they will turne vnto him chap. 12.19.22 Qu. VVhat is to be noted īn the life of Saul An Two things Qu. Which be they An. His vertues and his vices Qu. What were his vertues An. He fought the battailes of the Lord and ouerthrew his enemies Qu. Why was his kingdome taken from him An. Because of his vices Qu. How many were his particular vices Ans Eleuen Qu. Which was the first An. His vsurping vpon the priestes office chap. 13.6.14 Qu. What was the second An. He slew not Agag the king of the Amalekites as God had commaunded him chap. 15.3 Qu. When Samuel reprooued him for this fault what was the third sinne he ran into An. Obstinacie Q. How An. Hee stoode to it to the Prophers face that he had not offended chapter 15.20 Qu. Which was the fourth offence An. Enuy. Qu. How An. Hee grudged at the vertues and good sucesse of Dauid chap. 18.9 Qu Which vvas the fift offence An. Ingratitude Qu. How An. He would haue slaine Dauid the very time that he deliuered him by his musick from the torment of the wicked spirit chap. 18.11 Qu. Which was his sixt offence Ans Inconstancy in his word Que. How Ans He promised Dauid his daughter Merab in mariage and after gaue her awaie to another chap. 18.19 Qu. What was his seauenth offence An. Treachery of minde Qu. How An. Hee would haue betrayed Dauid to the Philistines chap. 18.21 Qu. Which was his eight offence An. Murder Qu. How An. Hee would haue killed Dauid in his bed chap. 19.12 Qu. Who preserued him An. Michol his wife and the daughter of Saul chap. 19.12 Qu. After what mnner did she preserue him An. In letting him downe through a window when the house was searched Qu. What doe we learne by that An. The dutie of a faithfull wife toward a vertuous husband rather then to a wicked father Que. Whatvvas his ninth offence Ans He would haue killed his owne sonne Jonathan for excusing Dauid ch 20.23 Qu. VVhat was his tenth offence An. He flew the Lords Priests chap. 22.18 Qu. VVhat was his eleuenth offence Answ He consulted with witches ch 28.8 Qu. How did God punish him for these offences An Fiue manner of waies Qu. Which be they An. First he tooke his Kingdome from him gaue it to Dauid chap. 15.28 Secondly he depriued him of his holy spirit and possessed him with a fiend chap. 16.14 Thirdly he gaue his enemies victory ouer him chapt 30. Fourthly his owne sonnes were slaine Fiftly he despaired and slew himselfe chap. 31. Qu. VVhat was the reason that he persecuted Dauid as he did An. His iealousie ouer him for that hee knew hee should succeede him in his Kingdome Qu. VVhat did they shew in that An. Contemptagainst the ordinance of God Qu. Was Dauid then chosen before the death of Saul An. Long before Qu. In his election what doe you obserue An. That God in choosing his Ministers hath not respect to the outward gifts of body but to the inward graces of the mind Qu. How did that appeare An. In choosing Dauid the youngest and weakest of his brothers and refufing the rest of more likely aspect and countenance chap. 10. Qu. After Dauid was chosen King what were his acts Ans He slew a Lyon a Beare vanquished great Goliah Qu. What may we vnderstand by his prospering in strength and power Ans That to a vertuous minde God will also giue vigor of body Qu. What did he figure by this victorie ouer Goliah Ans The victorie of Christ ouer the Diuell Qu. What vertues doe we learne from Dauid in the first booke of Samuel Ans Three Qu. VVhich be they An. Patience clemency and loyaltie Qu. Wherein did he shew his patience An. In quiet bearing of persecution Qu. How manifould was his persecution An. Two fold first by Saul and then by the Amalekites Qu. How many waies did Saule persecute him Ans Three manner of waies Qu. VVhat were they An. First by bringing him in danger of death Secondly of famine Thirdly by driuing him into exile Qu. How many times was he in danger of death An. Six times Qu. Which be they An. First in the presence of Saule when Saul threw his speare at him Secondly in being sent by Saul to fetch a hundred foreskins of the Philistines Thirdly in his chamber when his wife Michol deliuered him Fourthlie in Gath when he escaped ftom king Achish by counterfaiting madnes Fiftly when he was in the same caue with Saul sixtly when the men of Ziglag would haue stoned him Qu. How many times was he in danger of famine An. Twice first when he did eate the shew bread chap. 21.6 Secondly when he sent to Nabal for prouision chapt 25.8 Quest VVherein liued he an exile Ans First in the wildernesse and then amongst the Philistines Qu. VVherein did he shew his clemencie An. In pardoning Nabals churlish answer when he had vowed his ruine chap. 25.23 Qu. At whose entaty did he pardon him An. At Abigails Nabals wife Qu. VVhat do we learne by that An. That many times the follies of men are excused by the wisedome of their wiues Qu. How was he persecuted by the Amalekites An. They tooke his wiues Ahynoam and Abigail prisoners Qu. Who rescued them An. Dauid Qu. Wherein shewed he his loyalty An. Not onely in refrayning to lay violent hands vpon Saule his annointed soueraign though twice he were in his power and might haue slaine him but also in praying for his welfare Qu. How oft was Saul in his power Ans Twice Qu VVhere An. Once in the caue of the rocks of Engedy another time in the wildernes of Ziph neare the mountain Hachilah chap. 14.4 and chap. 16.7 Qu. VVhat do we learne by this Ans That no subiect ought to lay violent hands vpon his Prince bee hee neuer so wicked The end of 1. Samuel 2. Samuel Question VVHo was the first offēder Dauld
verse 17. security of soule and body verse 23.24.25 Qu. What vices are else sorbidden in this chapter An. All malice or desire to hurt vers 29. All causeles contention verse 30. And all scorning and scoffing verse 34. Qu. VVhy are these vices forbidden An. Because they are abhomination before the Lord. verse 32. The doctrine of the fourth Chapter Question HOw are the wicked fed An. With the bread of extortion and the wine of violence verse 17. Qu. What infecteth the whole course of life An. A corrupt heart false lippes and wanton eies Qu. VVhat purifieth the whole course of life Ans A cleane heart a true tongue and a chast eie 23.24.25 The doctrine of the fift Chapter Question HOw seemeth lust at the first An. As sweet as hony verse 3. Qu. How in the end An. As bitter as worme-wood verse 4. Qu. VVhat hurt bringeth it to the bodie Ansvver It consumeth the flesh verse 11. Qu. VVhat to the purse An. It leaues our goods in the hands of strangers verse 10. Qu. Is there any thing else to be learned out of this Chapter An. To liue vpon our owne labours verse 15. To be charitable to others verse 16. TO keepe wedlock vnuiolated verse 18.19 Qu. Why ought we to be carefull of these things An. Because we alwaies walke in the fight of the Lord verse 12. The doctrine of the 6 Chapter Question IN what case is he that is surety for another man An Snared with the words of his own mouth Que. What learne we by the Pismires Ans Diligence Qu. How An. To labour in Summer to preuent the wants of winter Qu. How commeth pouerty vpon the slouthfull An. Like an armod man Qu. Which bee the six things that God bateth An. First hauty eies secondly a lying tongue third a heart imagining euill fourth feet swift to shed bloud fifte a falfe witnesse fixt and sowers of contention verse 17.18 19. Qu. What is our speciall duely to our parents An. Obedience to follow theire instruction Qu. How many waies doth a wicked woman tempt Ans With the beauty of her face the flattery of her tongue the wantonnesse of her lookes verse 24.25 Qu. Is adultery worse then theft Ans Yes Qu. VVhy An. Because theft may be redeemed but adultery destroyeth the soule and the reproach there of can neuer be put away verse 31.32 33. The doctrine of the 7 Chapter Question WHy is lust called a deed of darknesse An. Because commonly it practiseth in the nighte when the ayre is dark and black verse 9. Qu. The reason of that An. Such is the guilt of conscience as it couets darknesse to shadowe the filthines thereof Qu. What are the marks of an harlot An. A wandering foote verse 12. An impudent face verse 13. And an inticing tongue verse 15.16.17 Qu. What is he like that yeelds to the inticement of lust An. An oxe led to the slaughter a foole that goeth to the stockes or a bird that hasteth to the snare verse 22.23 The doctrine of the 8. chapter Question IS wisedome any niggard of her good graces Ans No shee crieth out vnto men in the gate and in the entry of their houses in the toppe of high places and by the high waie side verse 2 3. Qu. VVhat doth she promise Ans The knowledge of Excellent things ver 6. Qu. How doth she induce the minds of men to followher An. By promising vnto them that her doctrine shall bee easie and plaine verse 9. Qu. VVhat in this booke is vnderstood by the name of vvisedome An. The word of God and the doctrine of his Preachers which is easie to all them that haue a desire to learne Qu. Of what countenance is wisedome An. Euen from eternity before the earth was made the depths begotten or the mountaines setled verse 23 24 25. The doctrine of the 9. chapter Question IN this chapter how doth wisedome allure her followers An. By calling them to a sumptuous banquet Qu. What is meant by that banquet An. The word of God and the ministration of his sacraments Qu. In the thirteenth verse it is said A foolish woman is troublesome what vnderstand you by the foolish woman An. Ignorant preachers Qu. What is their doctrine Ans Like stolne waters sweete to the flesh but vnpleasant to the spirite verse 17 18. The doctrine of the 10. Chapter Question WHat are the vertues and vices deciphered in this chapter for our instruction An. The first are wisedome and Follie Qu. VVhat is the good that commeth by wisedome An. A wise Sonne maketh a glad father Qu. VVhat is the hurt that commeth by folly An. A foolish Sonne is a heauines to his mother Qu. VVhat are the second An. Sloth and diligence Quest VVhat is the inconuenience of sloth Ans A slouthfull hand makes poore verse 4. Qu. VVhat profit comes by diligence An. The hand of the diligent maketh rich verse 4. Qu. VVhat are the third An. Righteousnes and impiety Qu. VVhat is the good that commeth by righteousnesse An. The memoriall of the iust shall be blessed Qu. VVhat is the hurt that commeth by impiety An. The name of the wicked shall rot verse 7. Qu. VVhat are the fourth An. Innocency and guilt of conscience Qu. VVhat is the good that commeth of innocency An. He that walketh vprightly walketh boldly Qu. What is the hurt that commeth by guilt of conscience An. Feare and shame for he peruerteth his waies and he shall be made knowne verse 9. Qu. VVhat are the fift An. Loue and hatred Qu. What is the good that commeth by loue Ans It couereth offences verse 12. Qu. What is the hurt that commeth by hatred An. It stirreth vp contentions Qu. VVhat are the sixt An. Silence and much babling Qu. What is the hurt of much babling Ans In many wordes there can not want iniquity Qu. What is the good that commeth by silence Ans He that refraineth his lips is wise verse 16. The doctrine of the 11. chapter Question VVHat are false ballances An. Abhomination before the Lord. Quest What doth a true weight Ans Please him verse 1. Qu. When pride goes before what followes An. Shame verse 2. Qu. How is lowlines rewarded An. With wisdome and Honour Qu. Can riches deliuer in the day of wrath An. No. Qu. VVhat is our refuge then An. True righteousnesse verse 4. Qu. How is the way of the righteous An. Direct and straight Quest How is the vvaie of the wicked Ansvv Crooked and stumbling verse 5 Questi Whither leades the path of the one An. To life Qu. Whether leades the path of the other An. To death vers 19. Que. Can friendshippe defende euill deedes An. No but in the end they shall bee punished verse 21. Qu. Hovv shall he be revvarded that is vertuously liberall An. With increase Qu. How he that spareth more then is conuenient An. With pouerty and indignation verse 24. Qu. How seemes a woman without discretion An. Like a iewel of gold in a swines snout
22 18. Qu. In vvhat manner An. They were led into captiuitie theyr King slaine and left vnburied cha 22 19. Qu. Who misled the King An. The falle Prophets Qu. What was their revvard An. VVoe bee vnto you that scatter the sheep of my pasture saith the Lord chapt 23 1. Qu. How did Ieremy prophecy a redresse to this inconuenience An. By the comming of Christe the true pastor Quest In what word An. Behould saith the Lord I will raise vnto Dauid a righteous branche c. In his dayes Iuda shall bee saued Israel dwell safely chap 23 5 6. Qu. Here vvas a threatning and a promise what is signifyed thereby An. That as Ieremy did so the Ministers of God must allwaies mix comfort with their bgitter doctrine Qu. When they threat vvhat is they re doctrine like An. A fire or a hammer that breketh stone chap 23-29 Qu. But when they promise what is it like An. Comfortable waters or precious balme Qu. How long liued the Israelites in bondage vnder the king of Babell An. Seuenty yeares chap. 29 10. Chapter 30. to 41. Question AFter their denounced seruitude how doth leremie comfort the Iewes An. First with their returne againe to their country chap. 30 1 Secondlie with the destruction of theire enemies chapter 30.16 Thirdly with joy plēty and peace ch 31 12 28. Qu. What assurance doth Ieremie giue of Gods promises An. As sure as hee is God of heauen and earth and giueth the sunne to rule the day and the Moone the night chap. 33.20 Qu. How doth God oftentimes checke the lewd life of Christians An. By their better life which are no christians Your proofe Ansvv It may appeare by the example of the sonnes of Ionadab Chapt. 35 8. Qu. What did they An. Theyr Father gaue them a commandement and it was kept the space of 300 yeares Qu. What was the commandement An. That none of that stock or family should drink wine Qu. Of what descent were these sonnes of Ionadab An. No Israelites though more zealous in the seruice of God then they Qu. VVhat inferres this example An. That if they thought it a disparagement to breake the vowe made vnto a earthly Father how much more shamefull should it bee for Christians to forgette theire promise made to the Father of heauen They kepte their vowe three hundred yeares but Christians I feare break theirs euery houre Qu. You said before that Ieremy was in prison An. I did Qu. Who did imprison him An. King Iehoiakim first and then Zedekiah Qu. But when they promise what is it like An. Comfortable waters or precious balme Qu. How long liued the Israelites in bondage vnder the king of Babell An. Seuenty yeares chap. 29 10. Chapter 30 to 41. Question AFter their denounced seruitude how dath Ieremie comfort the Iewes An. First with their returne againe to their country chap. 30 1 Secondlie with the destruction of theire enemies chapter 30.16 Thirdly with ioy plēty and peace ch 31 12 28. Qu. What assurance doth Ieremie giue of Gods promises An. As sure as hee is God of heauen and earth and giueth the sunne to rule the day and the Moone the night chap. 33.20 Qu. How doth God oftentimes checke the lewd life of Christians An. By their better life which are not christians Qu. Your proofe Ansvv It may appeare by the example of the sonnes of Ionadab Chapt. 35 8. Qu. What did they An. Theyr Father gaue them a commandement and it was kept the space of 300 yeares Qu. What was the commandement An. That none of that stock or family should drink wine Qu. Of what descent were these sonnes of Ionadab An. No Israelites though more zealous in the seruice of God then they Qu. VVhat inferres this example An. That if they thought it a disparagement to breake the vowe made vnto a earthly Father how much more shamefull should it bee for Christians to forgette therie promise made to the Father of heauen They kepte their vowe three hundred yeares but Christians I feare break theirs euery houre Qu. You said before that Ieremy was in prison An. I did Qu. Who did imprison him An. King Iehoiakim first and then Zedekiah Qu. When he was in prison did hee neglect his office An. No for now he could not speak to the Iewes he sent to them Qu. Whom An. Baruch Qu. With what An. VVith a booke containing al the curses of God against the Iewes Qu. VVho writ it An. Baruch from the mouth of Ieremie chapt 36.4 Que. To vvhom did Baruch read it An. To the Prince who told the King of it Qu. Which King An. Iehoiakim Qu. How did hee accept it An. He burnt it chap. 36 23. Qu. What did Ieremy then An. He wrote another booke chapt 36.32 Qu. What learne we by that An. Though the wicked would quite deface the word yet God will haue it still preserued Qu. What was the message of the Lord that Ieremy declared to Zedekiah afterward king An. That hee should yeeld himselfe to Nebuchadnezer the city should be saued Qu. Did Zedekiah regard his counsaile An. He heard it but did not perform it Qu. VVhat was the hindrance An. His princes that perswaded him to the contrary Qu. What did the princes to Ieremy An. Put him in a dungeon Qu. VVho vvrought his deliuerance Ans Ebedmelech a Moore and one of the kings Eunuches chap 38 11 Qu. What learne you by that An. That more faith sometime is found in a stranger then in a mans own countriman Q. VVhat became of Zedekiah for disobeying Ieremie An. His eies were put out and his sonnes slaine before his face chapter 36 7 Qu How went it vvith Ieremy An. He found fauour as the Lord before had promised with Nebuzaradan the chiefe captaine who gaue him liberty and reward chap 40. Chapter 41. to the end Question VVHome did Nabuchadnezzar make his substitute ouer the Oewes in Palestine An. Gedalish the son of Abikam Qu. Who slew Gedaliah An. Ishmael sonne of Nethania Qu. Why An. In enuy of his gouernment Qu. What did the people afterward An. Went vnder Iohanan into Aegypt Qu. Had not Ieremie forbidden them so to do An. Yes but they obeyed not Qu. Wherefore did they not obey An. They feared warre and famine chap. 42.14 Qu. What followed their disobedience An. They were destroyed from the least to the most Qu. By whom An. By king Nabuchadnezzar that came against Aegypt so that what they feared in their owne country famine and warre fell vnto them in an other Qu. Who destroyed the kingdome of Babel Ans Cyrus Qu. Who mooued him thereunto An. The spirit of God Qu. For what cause Ansvve .. Because they gloried in the spoyle of Israel and said we offend not because they haue sinned against the Lord the hope of their fathers Chapter 50 7 11. Qu. What was Nabuchadnezar called Ans The hammer of the world Qu. Why Ans Because hee had smitten downe all the Princes and people of the world
vvrath may the wicked presume of safety for being in company with the godly An. No. Qu. Your proose An. If saith the Lord by Iudea I send my sword through this land and say vnto it destroy both man and beast in it though Noah Daniel and Iob were in the middest of it they should deliuer neyther sonne nor daughter but theyr own soules by their righteousnes chap 14 17 18. Qu. How doth God oftentimes punish vs for sin An. Euen by the same meanes by which we made our selues to sinne as violence with violence lust with lust and as he did with the Israelites which cauled the Aegyptians assirians Caldeans to punish them for Idolatrye amongst whom they had learned Idolatry chap. 16 37.39 Qu. Will God punish one for the sinne of another Ans No euery soule that sinneth shall suffer the son shall not beare the iniquity of the father neyther shal the father beare the iniquity of the sonne but the righteousnes of the righteous shall be vpon him and the wickednes of the wicked shall bee vpon himselfe cha 18.20 Qu. How is it said then that God vvill punish the sinnes of the fathers vppon the children to the third fourth generation Ans That is meant if the children continue in the sinnes of their fathers but otherwise not Qu. If the righteous man become wicked what is his reward An. Condemnation Qu. If the wicked man forsake his wickednesse and liue vprightly what is his reward An. Forgiuenesse chapte 18.26.27 Chap. 20 to 37. Question VVHat sins be side Idolatry hastened the destruction of Ierulsalem Ans Murdring of the Prophets Oppressing the stranger Neglecting the fatherlesse and widdow Profaning the Sabbaoth sowing of dissention Comitting of incest Taking of bribes Vsury and extortion chapt 22 4 7 8 9 10.11.12 Qu. Do these sins liue at this day An. Yea in as rancke manner as they did then Qu. What is then to be feared An. Least we should bee punished as they were Qu. You spake before of the parable of the hayre whereby Ezekiel shewed the maner of Ierusalems ouerthrow shew me by howe many signes and parables hee taught An. By fifteene whereof one beeing past before there remaine fourteen vnspoken of Qu. Rehearse them in order what is the fyrst An. The parable of the sixe men that came with swords and one in white cloathing with penne and inke in his hand chap. 6 Qu. What doth that signifie Ans The fierce souldiers that should enter Ierusalem and by him in white the mercy of the Lord to marke such as should be saued Qu. What is the second Ans The vision of the man in white that tooke burning coales from the Alter and scattered them abroad chapter 10. Qu. What doth that signifie An. The burning of the citie of Ierusalem Qu. What is the third An. The parable of Ezechiels carying foorth of his stuffe out of the citie by night chap. 12. Qu. What doth that signifie Ansvver That euen so the Israelites should be led with their burdens into captiuity Qu What is the fourth An. Of eating bread with trembling and drinking water with trouble chap 12. Qu. What is signified by that An. The torment of mind and affliction of body that should accompany the Israelites Qu. What is the sift An. Setting vp a vvall and dawbing it with vntempered morter chap 13. Qu. What doth that signifie An. The false doctrine of the Prophets when one did tell a lye another would maintame it Que. What is the sixt An. The parable of the vine without fruit chap 15. Qu What doth that signifie An. That if Ierusalem which was the congregation that god had taught did not bring forth fruite of good liuing according to his doctrine like the barren vine it should be throwne into the fire Qu. What is the seaueth An. The two Eagles chap 17. Qu. What doth that signifie An. The two kinges of Aegypt and Babilon ordayned for the scourges of Ierusalem Qu. Which is the eight An. The parable of the Lyon and Lyons whelps that were giuen to rauen and deuoure at last were taken in trayles Chap. 19. Qu. What doth that signifie An. By the Lyon is signified Iehoachaz and by the whelpes his two Sonnes Iehoiakim and Iehoiakin which deuoured the blood of the Prophets and at the last were all three taken in the snares of the kings of Aegypt and Babilon Qu. What is the ninth An. The parable of the forest consumed with fire Qu. What doth that signifie An. Ierusalem compared to a forest should be consumed with fire Chap. 20 Qu. What is the tenth An. The parable of the two sisters A holah Aholihah which were proude lasciuious and incontinent Qu. What doth that signifie An. The two kingdomes of Iuda and Israel which became Idolaters both and therfore are compared to vnchast women that forsake their husbands to follow strangers Chap 23. Qu. What is the Eleuenth An. The parable of the bad sheepheards that sedde and cloathed themselues of their flockes yet neglected the care of them suffering them to be scattered and deuoured Qu. What doth that signifie An. Careles Magistrates that beeing set to rule and gouerne the people so they may liue at ease care not what becomes of their charge but vse them with all tyranny and crueltie chap. 34. Qu What is pronounced against such Magistrates An. The Lord will rise vp against them require the blood of the people at their hands Qu. What is the twelfth Ansvver That of the fielde of deade bones whereunto Ezekiel was brought by the spirit of God chap. 37 Qu. What doth that signifie Ans That as God in the sighte of Ezekiel did gather the dead bones together cloathed them with sinewes flesh and Breathed life into them raysing them in the perfect shape of mē as they had liued before so sure it was much more certaine that he was able to bring backe his children from captiuity Quest Of vvhat is that a signe vnto vs else An. Of the resurrection of our bodies after death Qu What is the thirteenth An. The parable of the seething pot wherein were diuers ioynts which were taken out peecemeale and the pot left empty to melt vpon the coales Qu. What doth that signifie Answer The hote vengeaunce of God against Ierusalem the destroying of the people by little and little the trying of the remnāt like mettall in the fire Qu. What is the fourteenth Ans The parable of the death of Ezechiels vvife Qu. What doth that signifie An. That as God took from him her that was the pleasure of his eies so would he pollute his Sanctuarie that was the pride and pleasure of the Israeelites chap. 24. Qu. Against what strange nations did Ezekiel prophecy An. Against the Ammonites Moabites Idumeans Philistines Tyre Zidon Aegyptians Assyrians Gog and Magog and in them against all the enemies of Gods Church Qu. What did Ezekiel prophecy against these people An. Destruction Qu. Why An. Because they reioyced
Qu. How did Christ confute the obiections of the Iewes An First by saying he was the way the trueth and the faithfull shepheard and therefore did not seduce the people chap. 14.6 and 10.11 Qu. How secondly An. By saying what he did he did by the inspiration of the Holy ghost and power of God the Father and therfore did not blaspheme chap. 1.32 and 10.30 Qu. How thirdly An. By protesting openly that what was due to Caesar ought to bee giuen vnto Caesar and therefore was not enemie to Caesar Qu. How fourthly An. By shewing he came to enritche them with all the treasure of happy life and therefore was no theefe like Barrabas ch 6.48 and 7.38 Qu. Were they not satisfied with this An. No not though Pilate the chiefe Magistrate before whome hee was indited did certifie them from the iudgement seat that hee found no fault in him chap. 18.38 Quest VVhy did not Pilate set him free An. Because hee respected more the displeasure of the people then the discharge of his owne conscience wherein he shewed himselfe a bad magistrate Qu. What are the true marks of a good Magistrate An. VVisedome Valour Impartiality not to bee humerous not to bee couetous nor cruell Qu. When is he wise An. VVhen he discerneth rightly betweene falshood and trueth Qu. VVhen valiant Ans VVhen he feares not to execute the tenoure of the Law Qu. VVhen impartiall A. VVhen he neyther respecteth the rich for their authority nor disdaines the poore for their basenesse and inferiority Qu. How is he without humour Ans VVhen hee executeth instice for the loue of vertue not for hate enuy or a malicious stomacke against the party called in question Qu. How is he not couetous An. When hee doth not buy or sell iustice for reward or bribes Qu. What is iustice An. The square of life attributing to euery man that which is due Qu. VVhat is iniustice An. The disorder of life withholding from men the iust measure of their deserts Qu. When is a Magistrate cruell An. When he is wholly set vpon seuerity without any thought of pittie or compassion Quest Was Pilate altogether without compassion when hee gaue iudgment vppon Christ An. No he had a kind of compassion but it was counterfait and therefore though he would wash his hands neuer so often he cannot cleare himselfe from the guilt of innocent bloud Qu. How many sortes of crueltie are there An. Three Qu. Which bee they Answ The first is of such as procure it who neuerthelesse will not execute it themselues and this was the cruelty of the Iewes the second is such as deuise not themselues to be cruell but when the sword is put into their hands or the meanes giuen vnto them do not spare forth-with to execute it with all immanity and brutishnes of heart and this is the cruelty of tyrantes and wicked men put in authority The third is of such as neglect their duety towards them that are in danger necessitie or tribulation whome they both ought and might saue and help if they would and such was the cruelty of Pilate and is the cruelty of all such as see the innocent and guiltlesse wronged and will not helpe and succour them Qu. How many waies may we help the distressed An. Fiue manner of waies Qu. Which be they An. Either in person when we trauell and labor for their deliuerance or with our goods in releeuing their wāts or with our good words to comforte them or with our counsaile to direct them or with our power quite to deliuer them Qu. Had Christ any such friends An. No nor did he neede them because he wold haue deliuered himselfe if it had pleased him Qu. VVhere were his Apostles An. Fled from him Qu. Peter boasted he would dye for him and did he now forsake him in this extremity An. He did not only forsake him but he flatly forswore he knew him Qu. How often An. Three times the same night that Christ was apprehended chap. 18. Qu. What learne we by this An. The inconstācy of flesh bloud and the ficklenes of worldly friends Qu. VVhat became of Iudas that betrayed him An. As of a pernitious conspirator Qu. How was that An. He hanged himselfe Qu. Who gaue him that iudgement An. His owne guilty conscience Qu. How many offices of torment doth a guilty conscience include An. Foure Qu. Which be they An. Of an accuser a juror a judge and an executioner Qu. How of an accuser An. In laying our sinnes to our charge Rom 2.15 Qu. How of a iuror An. By giuing in euidence againste vs. Qu. How of a Iudge An. In condemning vs. Qu. How of an Executioner An. By inflicting deserued punishment Qu. What is it to haue a guilty conscience An. To liue in continuall torments and hell of minde Qu. What was the manner of Christ his execution An. The death of the Crosse Qu. What extremity did hee suffer before he was nailed vpon the crosse An. He sweat water and bloud was falsly accused buffeted spit vpō scourged reuiled crowned with thorns and his garments parted before his face Qu. What extremitie did he indure vpon the crosse An. His hands and feete were nayled his side pearced with a speare he drank vinegar and gall was for saken of God and reiected of the world Qu. For whome did he suffer all these torments An. Not for any offence of his for he was immaculate but for our sins which were infinite Qu. To what end did he suffer them An. To the satisfaction of the iustice of God and the redemption of our soules Qu. What learne we by that Ans His obedience to God the Father and his loue towards vs. Qu. Wherein appeared his obedience towards God An. In two things Qu. What be they An. In performing all God had commaunded which is called actiue obedience and in patient bearing all that was imposed vpon him which is called passiue Qu. Wherein appeared his loue towards vs An. In giuing his life for vs when we were yet his enemies Qu. What is that An. The power and vigor of the soul expressed by the instrument of the body Qu. What are the opinions of Atheists touching life An. Some thinke because a man liueth no longer then he breatheth that the life of man is nothing but a puffe of winde Some againe Because the losse of much bloud bringeth the losse of life therfore they esteeme the life to be nothing else but bloud And other some because in death they perceiue no difference between men and beasts therfore they hold our life to be as the liues of bruite beastes vanishing without immortality of soule but all these opinions are cotrupt and lewde Qu. VVhy so An. Because they are grounded onlie vpon the corporall senses Qu. How doe you prooue the soule immortall An. Because it is the image of God which is a spirit and eternall for there must alwaies bean agreement betwixt the image and the thing wherof it is
an image Qu. VVhat part of Christ then did suffer death An His humanity Qu. Of vvhat doth his humanity consist An. Of body and soul like vnto ours sin onely excepted Qu. Did his soule suffer death An. It did Que. Why then the soule is not immortall An. There be two kinds of death one corporall which is a dissolution of the soule from the body another spirituall which is a separation of the soule from the presence of God And in this sence it is said that Christ his soule did die insomuch as for a while it was excluded from the presence of God Qu. What part of Christ did not suffer An. His Deity by which he did ouercome death Qu. How did his victory ouer death appeare An. By his resurrection Qu. When was that An. Vpon the third day Qu. What benefit haue we by his resurrection An. The assurance of the immortality both of soule and body and that sin death nor hell shall haue any power ouer vs so long as we beleeue in him Qu. How prooue you that An. By his owne wordes I am the resurrection and the life hee that belieueth in me though he were dead yet he shall liue chap. 11.25 And againe hee that beleeueth in the Sonne hath life euerlasting and he that beleeueth not in the Sonne shall not see life but the wrath of God abideth in him chap. 3.36 Qu. What kind of people held opinion that there is no resurrection Ansvv The Saduces and therefore they tempted Christ with the question of the woman that had seuen husbāds whose wife she should be at the day of the resurrection Qu. How doth Christ answer this question Ansvv By saying that in the kingdom of heauen they neither mary nor are maried but are as the Angells of God Qu. What are they called that amongst vs deny the resurrection An. Atheists Qu. How many sortes of Atheistes are there An. Two Qu. Which be they An. The one that perswade thēselues the soule is mortall aswell as the body the other that albeit they haue some opinion of the immortality of the soule yet they thinke there is no hell nor punishment for sinne after this life Qu. How doth the scripture disprooue the first An. By saying that whosoeuer beleeueth in Christ shall not perish but haue eternall life chap. 3.5 Qu. How the second Ans By the words that God shall say to the wicked at the day of iudgement depart from me ye cursed into euerlasting fire which is prepared for the diuel and his Angels Mat. 25.41 Qu. How many sorts of Angels bee there An. Two good and bad Qu. Of what substance are good Angels An. Not of the nature and essence of God nor immortall of themselues but haue their immortalitie of GOD who both giues it vnto them and preserues them in it could take it from them if he would Qu. What difference is there betwixt the spirits of men and Angels Ans The spirits of men are ioyned vnto bodies the spirits of Angels are not Qu. Are not the spirits of men celestiall Ansvv Yes not in respect they are drawne from the nature of God but in respect of the agreemente that is betwixt them Qu. What difference is there betwixt soule and spirit An. A soule is common to all men liuing as well Infidells as others but spirit is properly in those that are regenerate and borne anew by faith and the holy ghost Qu. To whome did Christ first appeare after his resurrection An. To Mary Magdalen and afterward three seuerall times to his Apostles Q. How long was he vpon the earth after his resurrection An. Forty daies and then hee was taken vp on high and a cloude receiued him Acts 1 3.9 Qu. Where vvas Christ when hee was taken vp An. Vpon mount Oliuet The end of the Gospell The Actes Question AFter that Christ ascended into heauē whome did hee leaue on earth for the building vp of his Church An. His eleuen Apostles Qu. Hovv did he strengthen them An. By sending the holy ghost vnto them chap. 2.4 Qu. In vvhat likenesse did the Holie ghost appeare An. In the likenesse of fiery tongues chap 2.3 Qu. With vvhat did it indue them An. With the knowledge of languages Qu. To vvhat end An. That they might preach to all nations Qu. Was that their office An. Yes Qu. Who enioyned them thereunto An. Christ chap 1.8 Qu. Vpon hovv many poynts did theire of fice consist Ansvv Of two Qu. Which be they Ansvv To baptize and to instruct Qu. How did they baptise An. In the name of the Father of the Son and of the Holy ghost Qu. How did they instruct An. Two manner of waies Qu. VVhich be they An. By testifying the death resurrection and ascension of Christ teaching of faith repentāce good works chap. Qu What power had they giuen them to confirme their doctrine An. The power of working myracles as making the same to goe healing the sick and raising the dead chap. 3.6 and 9.34.40 Qu. Who stood against them An. The practise of the Diuell Qu. Who defended them An. The prouidence of God Qu. How did the Diue practise against them An. By raysing vp conspiracies tumults commotions perse cutions slanders and by bringing them to imprisonment stripes and death Qu. To vvhat purpose and end did the diuel do this An. To ouerthrow or at the least to stop the course of their preaching if it had bin possible Qu. How did God defend and preserue them Ans He reuealed the conspiracies against them chap. 9.24 He pacified the tumults commotions chap. 19.35 to 41. He sent them refuge in time of persecution chap. 14.6 Hee conuerted the hearts of their slaunderers chapter 2.37 He deliuered them out of prison chap. 5.19 He comforted them when they were beaten chap. 5.41 and 23.11 and in death hee gaue them life chap. 14.19 Qu. Who conspired against them An. The Iewes Qu. How An. When Paule was imprisoned by them some fortie of them and more tooke an oath that they would not eat nor drinke vntill they had slain Paul Acts. 23.12.13 Qu. Vnder what colour would they execute their malice Ans Vnder colour to haue him brought forth to be examined they by the way would murder him Qu. How did God reueale this conspiracie An. Pauls sisters sonne ouer-heard it and was sent to tell the Captaine of the castle of it chap. 23.20.21 Qu. What did the captaine when he heard it An. Sent Paule with a power of men for his guard to Caesarea to Faelix the chiefe gouernour Qu. Who raised tumult against them An. The Iewes and one Demetrius a siluer-smith at Ephesus Qu. Against which of the Apostles did Demetrius raise a tumult An. Against Paul Gaius and Aristarchus Pauls companions Qu. Why An. Because they spoke against Images by making of which hee got his liuing Qu. What was Demetrius intent by this commotion An. To haue Paul and his disciples supprest Qu. How did God preuent
saith I will powre my spirite vpon all flesh and your sonnes and daughters shall prophecie Kings in that we shall raigne with him eternally and Priests for that true Christians do offer the spirituall sacrifice of prayer praise and asmes deedes Hebr. 13.15.16 Qu. Are then all Christian Priests alike An. They are as touching the sacrifice aboue saide but not as touching Church-gouernment for in this sense they are not called Priests but Elders or ministers Qu. How doth he describe Christ according as he law him in vision An. By certaine properties fit for the capacitie of men as that hee was in a long robe girt with a girdle of gold his hayre was white as snow his eyes as a flame of fire his feete like vnto fine brasse burning in a furnace his voyce to the sound of many waters in his right hand he had seauen starres out of his mouth went a sharpe two-edged sword and his face shone as the Sunne shineth in his strength Qu. What gather we by this description An. By his long robe girt vnto him wee gather the readinesse of Christ in his Kingly and Princely office to execute the worke of our saluation by his white hayre his fulnesse of knowledge wisedome by his fiery eies his deepe insight into the darkest corners of the earth deepest secrets of mens hearts by his feete of shining brasse the purity and brightnes of his wayes and the power which hee hath to tread downe his enemies and therefore are his feete rather compared to Brasse then vnto gold because gold is a softer mettal and not so sit to represent his inuincible strength By his voyce compared to the noyse of manie waters wee vnderstand the sounde of the Gospell humbling some to their saluation others to theyr confusion By the starres in his right hand his faithfull Ministers by whome hee worketh which as starres should giue light vnto men by their doctrine and conuersation By the two edged sword is vnderstood the powerfull word of God cutting and cleansing the hearts of his children and thrusting through the others to their destruction and by his face shining like the sunne at the highest the vnspeakeable brightnesse of his grace whereby the Church is comforted and lightened in all trueth and sincerity Qu. Why doth he resemble the Churches to golden candlesticks An. Because the Candlesticke doeth not giue the light but the light is put vpon it so the Church receiueth all her light put vpon her from Christ for the doctrine of the Church which is the light of the Church is from GOD and not of men Qu. Vnto how many points may vve draw the doctrine of this booke Ans Vnto foure Qu. VVhich be they An. Precepts prophecies promises and threatnings Qu. Wherein are the precepts seene An. In the instructions giuen to the seauen Churches Qu. Vpon how many generall points do these instructions consist An. Vpon three a commendation a reprehension and an exhortation Quest VVhat doth Christ commend in them An. Their vertues as patience labor zeale in the church of Ephesus ch 2 2. The workes of faith repentance charity together with constancie in affliction true humility in the Church of Smyrna chap 2.9 Fortitude and valiant perseuerāce in the church of Pergamus that notwithstanding the martyrdome of Antipas a man there put to death for Religion yet they were not terrified but held fast the faith of Iesus Christ neuer forsooke it chap. 2 13. Loue and seruice toward their brethren faith and assurance in the promises of God and increasing in pietie so that the end was better then the beginning in the church of Thyatira chap 2 19. A little increase of faith keeping of the word of God and a free confession of his name in the church of Philadelphia chap. 3.8 Quest What doth Christ reprehend in them An. Their vices as the lacke of loue in the Church of Ephesus cha 2 4. Hypocrisie in the Church of Smyrna of such as said they were Iewes but indeede were the Synagogue of Sathans that is they did professe themselues Christians in word but shewed it not in deed chap. 2.9 The bearing with false doctrine in the church of Pergamus for they suffered the Nicholaitans amongst thē that as Balaam didde taught the people of God to stumble in two things causing them to commit fornication both in body and soule in body by abandoning their wiues to common vse in soule by sacrificing to Idolles for superstitions sake chap. 1.14 The like vice is reprehended in the Church at Thyatira that suffered Iesahell a wicked womā to set abroach false and abhominable doctrine tending to fornication and idolatry amongst them chap. 2.20 At Sardis their workes were sayre in outward shew but inwardly nothing but filth and rottennesse chapter 3. verse 1. At Landicea they were time-seruers who halted betweene two opinions and were neither hote nor cold chapt 3.15 Qu. VVhat doth Christ exhorte them vnto An. Repentance and amendment of life Qu. To their repentance what is annexed An. A gracious promise to bee written in the booke of life Qu. To their wilfull perseuerance in their sins what is annexed An. A heauy threatning that hee will come sodainely vpon them as a theefe and they shall not know the houre cha 3.3 Qu. Hauing learned the state of things as they stood for the present when this Reuelation was giuen what next succeedeth Ans The prophecie of things to come which is eyther generall as touching such thinges as shoulde happen to the whole world or particular but yet of more moment then the former as touching such things as should happen to the Church Qu What is the end of the prophecie of the Church Ans That the faithfull admonished before hand of the assaultes bloudy attempts which the Diuell and world should make vpon the Church might be confirmed in faith and patience to stand resolute in despite of both til the day of the comming of Christ Iesus Qu. What is the end of the prophecie of the world An. To shew the iudgements that God would execute vpon the enemies of his Church and the sealing vppe of the elect before the execution of those iudgements that they might bee kept from euill as appeareth by the 7 8 9 chapt Qu. If the elect were kept from euill to what end was this Reuelation giuen to forewarne them that they should suffer troble and persecution An. To be kept from euill is vnderstood that notwithstanding all the violence persecution offered them yet they were not ouercome or driuen from faith or the hope they had of eternall happinesse but therein they did ioye and triumphe howsoeuer the world thought them plunged in despaire and sorrow Qu. VVhat is the second vision that Iohn had Ans The vision wherein was reuealed vnto him the Maiesty of GOD the Father to giue the greater authoritie vnto this booke wherein his excellencie is likewise set foorth vnto vs aswell as the Sonnes in a description fitte