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A64243 The true light shining in darkness and dispelling the mists of errour arising from the darkness of man's heart, &c. promoted by the prince of darkness against the truth of God; in the matter of our justification: shewing, that by the deeds of the law, or mans own righteousness, no flesh can or shall be justified in the sight of God. The first part. By Tho. Taylor, the meanest and unworthiest of the servants and ministers of Jesus Christ; and now pastor to a small congregational church in Cambridge. Taylor, Thomas, 1618-1682. 1693 (1693) Wing T559; ESTC R219692 113,014 241

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holds Casting down imaginations and every high thing that exalteth it self against the knowledge of God and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ. 1 Cor. 2.1 2 3 4 5 6. And I brethren when I came to you came not with excellency of speech or of wisdom declaring unto you the testimony of God For I determined not to know any thing among you save Jesus Christ and him crucified And I was with you in weakness and in fear and in much trembling And my speech and my preaching was not with enticing words of mens wisdom but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power That your Faith should not stand in the wisdom of men but in the power of God Howbeit we speak wisdom among them that are perfect yet not the wisdom of this World or of the Princes of this World that come to nought 3. That the great truth herein declared opened demonstrated and applyed is not mine nor of mine own but is the truth of God in Christ Jesus ministred by the Spirit to the holy Prophets of old and witnessed by them who spake not of themselves but as they were moved by the Holy Ghost 2 Pet. 1.21 For the Prophecy came not in the old time by the will of man but Holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost And declared in the fulness of time by the Son of God who came from the bosom of the Father John 1.18 No man hath seen God at any time the only begotten Son which is in the bosom of the Father he hath declared him And John 3.31 32 33 34. He that cometh from above is above all he that is of the earth is earthly and speaketh of the Earth he that cometh from Heaven is above all And what he hath seen and heard that he testifieth and no man receiveth his testimony He that hath received his testimony hath set to his seal that God is true For he whom God hath sent speaketh the words of God For God giveth not the Spirit by measure unto him And also witnessed by the Holy Apostles chosen of God to that end Upon which testimony of the holy Prophets and Apostles as the Foundation Christ himself being the Chief or Head-corner stone the whole Church of God is built Ephes. 2.20 And are built upon the foudation of the Apostles and Prophets Jesus Christ himself be-the chief Corner-stone so that he that refuseth despiseth and rejecteth this truth in the ministry of us poor weak earthen vessels despiseth not man but God as Luke 10.16 He that heareth you heareth me and he that despiseth you despiseth me and he that despiseth me despiseth him that sent me And 1 Thes. 4.8 He therefore that despiseth despiseth not man but God who hath also given unto us his holy Spirit Therefore thou art obliged to pay all honour reverence obedience and subjection to truth because it is Gods truth and not mans and to receive the word because it is Gods word and not ours And to receive the Word as it is indeed the word of God and not as the word of Man is the mystery of effectual or saving Faith Whereby the Faith of Gods Elect is distinguished from the common and temporary Faith of Hypocrites and temporary professors 1 Thes. 2.13 For this cause also thank we God without ceasing because when ye received the word of God which ye heard of us ye received it not as the word of men but as it is in truth the word of God which effectually worketh also in you that believe Therefore whatever infirmities thou seest or may see in us and whatever temptations in our fles● weaknesses wants necessities emptine●s nothingness let not the the word of God be refused or despised But receive it as if Christ himself was present on Earth in human shape to speak to thee with his own mouth Gal. 4.13 14 15 16. Ye know how through infirmity of the flesh I preached the gospel unto you at the first And my temptation which was in my Flesh ye despised not nor rejected but received me as an Angel of God even as Christ Jesus Where is then the blessedness you speak of for I bear you record that if it had been possible ye would have plucked out your own eyes and have given them to me Am I therefore become your enemy because I tell you the truth Therefore ask thy heart this question is this the truth of God or no If thy heart answereth No I do not like it nor the persons that preach it Then to the Law and to the testimony to the holy Prophets and Apostles and to Christ himself Whose testimonies are all distinctly recorded and then ask thy heart this question again Darest thou with a stiff neck and uncircumcised heart always resist the Holy Ghost as thy Fathers did so dost thou dare to do Acts 7.51 Ye stiff necked and uncircumcised in heart and ears ye do always resist the Holy Ghost as your Fathers did so do ye If thou shouldest dare to refuse all the Prophets and Apostles who spake on earth yet there is one more who speaketh from Heaven even the Son of God himself and darest thou refuse him also Heb. 12.25 See that ye refuse not him that speaketh for if they escaped not who refused him that spake on earth much more shall not we escape if we turn away from him that speaketh from Heaven Consider therefore in thy heart that whatever we are or may be esteemed to be who are the poor Ministers of Christ yet though we be nothing let the Holy Prophets and Apostles be esteemed as something for they shall sit upon twelve Thrones judging the twelve Tribes of Israel Mat. 19.28 And Jesus said unto them Verily I say unto you that ye which have followed me in the regeneration when the Son of man shall sit in the Throne of his glory ye also shall sit upon twelve Thrones judging the twelve Tribes of Israel And the true Church of the living Ged which is cloathed with the Sun and the Moon under her feet doth wear them as a Crown of twelve Stars upon her head And wilt thou trample them under thy feet Rev. 12.1 And there appeared a great wonder in Heaven a Woman cloathed with the Sun and the Moon under her feet and upon her head a Crown of twelve Stars But however though we be nothing yet let the Son of God Jesus Christ himself be something For verily God the Father thinks him to be something When he hath given him a name that is above every name that is in Heaven and that is on the Earth That every Knee shall bowe and every Tongue confess to him as Phil. 2.9 10 11 12. Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him and given him a name which is above every name That at the name of Jesus every Knee shall bowe of things in Heaven or things in Earth and things under the Earth And that every Tongue shall confess
were blnded 2ly That so he might make way for the coming of his Son Jesus Christ into the World for his coming forth into and in the Human Nature and being made and manifested in Flesh both to Angels and Men This Mystery of Godliness as the Apostle hath it 1 Tim. 3.16 God manifested in the Flesh had never been exhibited in the sight of Angels and Men had not the transgression of the law and the utter inability in the law to give Man life and righteousness in Gods sight first prepared and opened a way for it had there been no Sin there had needed no Sacrifice no need of God manifested in Flesh could righteousness have been by the works of the law there had been no need of a Christ to take away Sin to make an end of Sins and to bring in everlasting righteousness as Dan. 9 24. Rom. 8.3 And as the Apostle hath it Gala. 2 21. If righteousness come by the law then Christ is dead in vain Christ coming in the Flesh his being made of a Woman made under the law his being made a curse for us yea all that he did suffered for us in his life death yea his resurrection from the dead his Ascension into Heaven and his intercession for us there hath been altogether in vain if Sin could be expiated and righteousness obtained by the deeds or works of the law But Christ is not dead in vain his coming into the World is not in vain Now consider what a glorious work the work of redemption is above all the works of Gods Creation and above all the other works of his mighty wise and holy providence and be filled with admiration and wonder at the infinite wisdom power and Grace of God in Christ who hath thus over-ruled so great an evil as Sin is and the frustration of the hope of righteousness by the law for the manifestation of the riches of his glory and Grace in his Son Christ Jesus and the greater advancement and good of his own Elect who are no losers by their disappointment and loss of the hope of righteousness by the deeds of the law having now obtained a better hope of a better and greater righteousness by Faith in Christ than could have been obtained by the law if they had never Sinned and if they had fulfilled the righteousness of the law in themselves Glory be to the triumphant Grace of God in Christ. 3. That so also just occasion might be offered for the promulgation and making known amongst Men the everlasting Covenant of Grace Now consider what a great blessing the Covenant of Grace is above the Law and Covenant of works which the Apostle saith Had no glory in comparison of the new Covenant of Grace which so far excelled 2 Cor. 3.7 8 9 10 11. verses And consider how the manifestation and revelation of this better Covenant hath filled Heaven and Earth with a greater light and manifestation of the Divine glory than any the World knew before or could ever have known without it and you will fall Down and worship before the throne of God and of the Lamb saying Blessing Glory and Praise be unto the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ who hath thus blessed us with the blessings of such a Covenant all Spiritual blessings all Heavenly blessings all Spiritual blessinngs in heavenly places in Christ Ephes. 1.3 This Covenant of Grace is called the New Covenant but only with respect to the promulgation of it forasmuch as it was not promulgated till after the fall of Man and the frustration and making void the law or old Covenant as a Covenant of works and utter incapacity of that Covenant to give Man righteousness and life by the deeds or works of it as the Apostle argueth Heb. 8. v. 7 8 11 13. But the Covenant of Grace is also called the everlasting Covenant with respect to the institution and establishment of it betwixt the Father and the Son not only because it is to everlasting and endureth for ever but also because it is from everlasting and before all time and is therefore said to be given us in Christ before the World was Tit. 1.2 In hope of eternal life which God that cannot lie promised before the world began that this is the Covenant of Grace is plain because it is that upon which the hope of eternal life is builded and it is called the promise as it is often called in Scripture as Gala. 4.28 Now we Brethren as Isaac was are the children of the promise i. e. of the new Covenant for this is the new Covenant which is compared to that Jerusalem which is above and is the Mother of all the children of God as Gala. 4.22 23 24 25 26. Upon this account they are called heirs of the promise i. e. of the new Covenant or Covenant of Grace and not of the old Covenat or Covenant of Works as Gala. 4.31 So then brethren we are not children of the Bond-woman but of the Free i. e. not of the old Covenant but of the new Now of this promise viz. this promise of God that cannot lie it is said to have been before the world began i. e. given us in Christ the Mediator of this Covenant and unto whom this promise was given for us before all time before the World began i. e. from Eternity And if any shall enquire why then was the law or Covenant of works at all added and promulgated The Answer is ready as the Apostle Gala. 3.19 It was added because of transgression i. e. that by the occasion of Sin and transgression of that Covenant Men might be prepared to entertain and embrace the Promise and Covenant of Grace and so look unto the free Promise and Covenant of Grace in Christ for Life and Salvation and so Rom. 5.20 21. The law entred that sin might abound c. Now as it was for the further manifestion of Gods greater glory and for Mans greater good that this new Covenant or Covenant of Grace should be declared so it was necessary that Sin should first enter in the transgression and frustration of the law as a Covenant of works that a fit occasion and season might be offered for the declaring and making known this blessed Covenant this new and everlasting Covenant of Grace And thus by the disannulling and making void the old or first Covenant as a Covenant of works which could not have bin without the entrance of Sin is way made for bringing in the Covenant of Grace 4ly That God might cut off all occasion of boasting from Man and that no flesh might glory in his sight had Man been justified by the works of the law and his own righteousness he should have had whereof to boast as the Apostle Rom. 4.2 For if Abraham were justified by works he hath whereof to Glory but not before God Now therefore God in his infinite wisdom hath ordered and over-ruled things unto this issue that by the work●
attempt and therefore beware and take heed of it it is disobedience in the highest degree 1 Pet. 2.6 7 8. Verses This is Spiritual wickedness and therefore greater Spiritual wickedness is that which hath in it spirits of wickedness and therefore more strong and vigorous We see by experience a little quantity of Spirits extracted by Art hath much more vigour and strength in it than a far larger quantity in the common bulk Where the spirits are not united but dissipated in the common matter vis unita fortior Here are the spirits of many sins united in one in this going about to establish a mans own righteousness in opposition to the righteousness of God For 1 st Here is the Sin of ignorance not 〈◊〉 invincible ignorance for that cannot be i●●puted as Sin to any but of willful or willin● ignorance as the Apostle Peter reproves th● scoffers of the last times 2 Pet. 3.5 〈◊〉 this they are willingly ignorant of c. The● might have known if they would but the● were not willing to know they were willing to be ignorant that so they might scoff th● more freely at the promise of his coming And so here men are willingly ignorant o● Gods righteousness that they might establish their own So Rom. 10.3 For they being ignorant of Gods righteousness and going abou● to establish their own righteousness have not submitted themselves to the righteousness of God And v. 2. For I bear them record they have a zeal of God but not according to knowledge This ignorance and want of knowledge 〈◊〉 them is no extenuation or excuse of their sin but an aggravation of it as that whereby they i. e. the Jews are left without excuse because they might and ought to have known better seeing the whole dispensation aeconomy of the Ceremonial Law was in the proper scope and tendency of it to lead them out of themselves unto Christ to seek righteousness by Faith in him and upon this account they are as much without ●xcuse as the Gentiles were Rom. 1.19 20. Who when they knew God or might have ●nown him yet did not glorifie him as God 2 ly Here is the Sin of Enmity and Rebellion of the Will against God They submitted not themselves to the Righteousness of God ' ●is a Meiosis wherein more is implyed than exprest They submitted not but rebelled and set themselves against the Righteousness of God from the enmity of their Carnal mind And Christ saith unto this Generation of Men John 5.40 And ye will not come unto me that ye might have Life 3. Here is the Sin of Pride Going about to establish their own they submitted not themselves to the righteousness of God Going about to establish their own Righteousness here is the Pride of mans Heart he will exalt himself he will have somewhat of his own he will exalt his own Righteousness against the Righteousness of God and such is the Pride of man by nature that if he cannot have Righteousness and Life in himself he will not be beholden to another for it and if left to himself will rather perish eternally than go out of himself to seek Righteousness and Life in Christ. 4 ly Here also is the Sin of obstinacy an● willful re●using and rejecting the Righteousness of God in Christ though infinitely be●ter than their own and persisting therei● in opposition to all the clear Light of God Word and those convictions of the Spirit fastned thereby upon their minds As the holy man Stephen tells them plainly Act 7.51 Ye stiff-necked and uncircumcised i● Heart and Ears ye do always resist the Holy Ghost As your Fathers did so do ye So that all these things with some others which might be mentioned do make it plainly appear to be a very sinful and wicked attempt in man to go about to establish his own Righteousness But 3. It is also a very dangerous attempt none can engage in this attempt but with the utmost peril and loss of his Soul if persisted in a mans own righteousness is a stumbling stone at which they stumble and so fall and perish eternally So fall upon that stone which breaks them to pieces and provoke till it falls upon them and grinds them to powder Namely Christ the Foundation stone in Sion So Rom. 9.32 For the● stumbled at that stumbling stone as it is written Behold I lay in in Sion a stumbling stone and rock of offence But who are they that stumbled But those that sought not Righteousness by Faith in Christ but as it were by the works of the Law And wherefore did they stumble at Christ and his Righteousness But because they went about to establish their own Their zeal their madness for a Righteousness of their own made them blind and not able to see the Righteousness of God made them enemies unto and haters of Christ and his Righteousness and in all the world none such enemies to Christ and the Righteousness of God as these none such inveterate Persecutors of Christ and his Holy Apostles and that spake against the things Preached by them as these men did contradicting and blaspheming Act. 13.45 1 Thes. 2.15 16. Their Zeal for their own Righteousness and made them exceedingly mad raging and foaming out their own shame against the truth of the Gospel viz. The Doctrine of Free Grace and Justification by Faith in Christ alone without the Deeds or Works of the Law Use. 3. This Doctrine speaketh by way of Exhortation and that first to Sinners and secondly to Saints first to them that are out of Christ and secondly to them that are in Christ. 1. To Sinners and such as are out Christ if there be no hope for you no po●sibility for you to obtain Righteousness an● Justification by the works of the Law in th● sight of God then be Exhorted to escap● for your Lives and fly for refuge unto Jesu● Christ the hope the only hope the 〈◊〉 hope set before you in the Gospel Yo● have no hope by the Law but there 〈◊〉 hope for you in Jesus Christ Grace for th● greatest Sinners in the World There i● hope in Christ for the Jew and for the Gentile There is no man upon Earth so holy that can be justified by the deeds of the Law And there is no man upon Earth so sinful and wicked but he may obtain Righteousness and be justified by Faith in Jesus Christ Rom. 9.30 What shall we say then that th● Gentiles who followed not after the Law of Righteousness have attained unto righteousness even the Righteousness which is of Faith Oh therefore make haste and fly for refuge unto Jesus Christ. The true Heirs of Promise Heb. 6.17 are described by this Character ver 18. Who have fled for refuge to lay hold upon the hop● set before us And all that are or shall be Heirs of Promise must and shall fly for refuge to lay hold upon this hope which is Jesus Christ who is entered within the vail who when
the World as Wind and Tyde serve We read of many that did so but never recovered their former Faith and Profession Joh. 6.66 From that time many of his Disciples went back and walked no more with him And the Apostle Peter tells us It had been better for them not to have known the way of Righteousness than after they have known it to turn aside from the holy Commandment delivered to them 2 Pet. 2.20 21. For it is happened to them according to the true Proverb The Dog is turned to his old vomit again and the Sow that was washed to her wallowing in the mire v. 22. And ill it is for those that have sought to be justified by Faith in Christ to go back again to the Works of the Law Gal. 5.4 Christ is become of none effect unto you whoever of you are justified by the Law ye are faln from Grace therefore having fled for Refuge unto Christ abide in him as your Refuge 2d Branch of Exhortation This Doctrine speaketh by way of Exhortation unto Saints unto Believers unto them that are in Christ and as true Heirs of Promise have fled for Refuge to lay hold upon the Hope that is s●t before them which is Christ I say it speaks unto them by way of Exhortation unto three things 1. To rejoyce in Christ Jesus The poor guilty Man-slayer when he had fled and got into the City of Refuge rejoyced in his Refuge because there he was safe and quiet and the Avenger of Blood could not touch him there So it becometh you much more to rejoyce in Christ Jesus your Refuge for here in Christ you are safe and quiet the Guilt of Sin the Curse of the Law and the Avenging Justice and Consuming Wrath of God cannot touch you here in your Refuge Rom. 8.1 There is therefore now no condemnation to them that are in Christ Gal. 3.13 Christ hath redeemed us from the Curse of the Law being made a Curse for us and 1 Thes. 1.10 Even Jesus which hath delivered us from the Wrath to come Oh therefore rejoyce in Christ Jesus because ye are safe and quiet your Souls are safe you are now safe for ever for ever Psal. 107.30 Then are they glad because they are quiet or safe i. e. from their former dangers and fears Oh Believers be glad because ye are safe arrived in Christ your Harbour your Refuge and now ye are quiet and safe from your former dangers and fears we which have believed do enter into rest Heb. 4.3 To rejoyce in Christ Jesus doth imply three things namely 1. Thankfulness The poor guilty Man-slayer is thankful for the City of Refuge and for that he is got into the City of Refuge he bows and worships God in thankfulness and blesses God who appointed the City of Refuge and blesses God that he is now got into it So ye that are got into Christ your spiritual and heavenly Refuge bless God and be thankful for Jesus Christ and that ye are now got into Christ all is of grace of free grace that Christ was given to be a Refuge to guilty Sinners pursed by the Law and Curse and that ye were enabled to flee unto him in your distress oh give the praise and glory to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ Ephes. 1.3 Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ And again Col. 1.12 13 14. Giving thanks to the Father c. And Rev. 1.5 Unto him that hath loved us and washed us from our sins in his own Blood 2. Satisfaction compleat satisfaction and content the Lot is faln to you in a pleasant place ye are now in the best state that ever you were in or that you can be in on this side Heaven The poor Man-slayer hath perfect satisfaction and content in his City of Refuge and though he may want many things yet he hath that which is better than all which is best of all and upon that account he rejoyceth in full contentation satisfaction and well-pleasedness with his condition So ye that are in Christ have infinitely more reason to be satisfied and rejoyce in a holy contentation and well-pleasedness in Christ for though you may want many outward comforts yea though you may suffer many afflictions and troubles in this world yet you have that in Christ which is better than all worldly comforts and which will infinitely weigh down and out-ballance all worldly afflictions and troubles Oh! therefore rejoyce in Christ Jesus in a holy contentation and well-pleasedness in Christ. Oh Christian let thy heart in this answer to the heart of God for the heart of the Father doth rest in Christ in a perfect satisfaction complacency and delight Mat. 3.1 This is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased If the heart of God thus rests in Christ and is well pleased let thy heart do so too 3. Reioycing in Christ Jesus doth imply a holy relyance upon him alone and resting upon him for all and that with firm trust and u●most dependance The poor guilty Man-slayer trusts in his City of Refuge makes it his strong Tower and Rock of defence to save him and in confidence thereof he bid● defiance to Death it self and to all danger and triumphs in this confidence over all his Enemies and saith Who is he that shall harm me Here he can look upon and talk with his Enemy the Avenger of Blood without danger and without fear Why even so ye that are in Christ should rejoyce in Christ Jesus in a holy relyance and resting upon him alone for all your Salvation upon his Blood to cleanse you and his Righteousness to cloath you his Wisdom to direct and conduct you his Power to preserve you his Merit to obtain all for you and his Spirit to work all in you Oh thus live by Faith and rest upon Christ for all Oh Christian this is indeed right living by Faith and walking by Faith when thou livest out of thy self upon another i. e. Christ and when thou walkest through all the darkness and wickedness of this World in a steady and firm dependance upon Christ thy Refuge thy Rock and House of defence to save thee thy Righteousness thy Wisdom thy Sanctification and Redemption here thou mayest talk with all thine Enemies and throw the Gantlet to them all in a holy triumph and rejoycing against That they can do against thee and say as Rom. 8.33 Who shall lay any thing to the charge of Gods Elect And as verse 34. Who is he that condemneth it is Christ that died And as verse 35. Who shall separate us from the Love of Christ shall tribulation c. As vers 35 36. and conclude as a Conqueror yea more than a Conqueror through him that hath loved thee as vers 38 39. 2. Next to rejoycing in Christ Jesus be exhorted from this Doctrine to put no confidence in the flesh Phil. 3.2
Rejoyce in Christ Jesus and have no confidence in the flesh these two must go together in the heart and walking of a Christian You cannot rejoyce in Christ Jesus if you have or put any confidence in the flesh and ye cannot have confidence in the flesh if ye do aright rejoyce in Christ Jesus To have confidence in the flesh is to have trust and confidence in the Law and in the Deeds and Works of the Law done by you either before or after your laying hold upon Christ as your Refuge the internal Deeds of the Law which are the qualifications virtues and graces of the mind and the external Deeds of the Law which are the external actions of thy Life and Conversation both with respect to God and Man done and wrought in conformity to the holy Law of God so far as thou art able to reach it The Duties of the first Table and of the second those which respect Religion toward● God and those which respect Righteousnes● towards Man as they are or can be performed by thee these all are comprehended in the word flesh as appeareth plainly by the Apostle Phil. 3.4 Though I might also have confidence in the flesh if any other man thinketh that he hath whereof to trust in the flesh I more And then he addeth all his Legal qualifications priviledges and performances before his Conversion v. 5 6. Circumcised the eight day c. and then he adds all his own Righteousness of the Law in the internal and external Deeds of it after his Conversion and Faith in Christ v. 9. And be found in him not having mine own Righteousness which is of the Law but that which is through the Faith of Christ the Righteousness which is of God by Faith So that all his own Righteousness both before and after Conversion he sets in opposition to the Righteousness of God by Faith in Christ and this all this that is a mans own Righteousness he calleth flesh and forbids and denies any confidence or trust to be put in it either by himself or by any other man so as that he or any other person should think or judge or reckon himself righteous and justified in Gods sight by his own Righteousness either of inherent qualifications or external obedience no no this is abominable this the Apostle abhors in himself and deters all others from But on the other hand to trust alone unto Christ and rely and depend upon the perfect Righteousness of Christ which is the Righteousness of God and is made ours by Faith and not by Works this is to rejoyce in Christ Jesus but to have confidence in our own Righteousness this is to have confidence in the flesh And there are two reasons why all a mans own Righteousness is called flesh 1. Because it is weak and unable to bear the weight of mans hope and confidence as touching his being righteous thereby or justified before God and thus the Horses of the Egyptians are said to be flesh not spirit because of their weakness and inability to answer the sinful trust and confidence which the Jews had in them Isa. 31. v. 3. And 2. Because it is polluted sinful and unclean by the infirmity and imperfection of grace in the best and by the mixtures of sin and corruption that attend us in our best Duties as Isa. 64.6 But we are all as an unclean thing and our Righteousnesses are as filthy Rags and therefore not to be trusted in and relied upon when we come before and have to do with God Now therefore ye that are in Christ and desire to rejoyce in Christ Jesus have see that ye have no confidence in the flesh covet earnestly the best gifts strive after the highest attainments of inherent grace and holiness but trust not to put no confidence in your own Works and Righteousness for by the Works of the Law there shall no flesh be justified in his sight 3. And last of all See that ye worship God in the Spirit Phil. 3.2 For we are the true Circumcision which worship God in the spirit rejoyce in Christ Jesus and have no confidence in the flesh So that to your rejoycing in Christ Jesus and having no confidence in the flesh you must add this also To worship God in the spirit Now to worship God in the spirit implieth these three things namely 1. To Worship God in the Spirit is to Worship God in Christ those of the Concision spoken of in the beginning of Phil. 3. Who trusted to Circumcision and the Works of the Law or their own Righteousness Worshipped God in the Deeds and Works of the Law which the Apostle here calls Flesh and so they Worshipped God not in the Spirit but in the Flesh They rested in their own Deeds and Works and looked not to Christ Jesus who was the End Perfection and Substance of the Ceremonial Law And so indeed their Worship terminated in their own Righteousness and they did not by Faith go out of themselves unto Christ and his Righteousness and so they did not Worship God in the Spirit i. e. Evangelically and by Faith in Christ but legally and presuming upon their own Merit and Worthiness without Christ and so all their Worshipping was Carnal and in the Flesh after the Old Covenant and Works but not Spiritual and Evangelical i. e. after the New Covenant and Grace To Worship God therefore in Christ and by Faith in him as your only Righteousness and always to come unto the Father by the Son this is indeed to Worship him in the Spirit relying upon his Mediation Merit Blood and Righteousness as the Mediator of the New Covenant and not upon the Old Covenant and Works 2. To Worship God in the Spirit is to Worship him sincerely and with a true heart and thus to Worship God in the Spirit is to Worship him in truth Joh. 4 23 24. But the hour cometh and now is when the true Worshippers shall Worship the Father in Spirit and in Truth for the Father seeketh such to Worship him God is a Spirit and they that Worship him must Worship him in Spirit and in Truth These Concisionis● did Worship God not in Truth but i● outward Shew and Hyporisie for they Worshiped him in the outward Circumcision o● the Flesh but the inward Circumcision of the Heart which is in the Spirit and Soul and Mind that was wanting that they looked not after Thus whilst they doted upon and boasted of the external Sign they lost they minded not the thing signified i. e. the internal Grace and Spirit and there was not that in the Heart and Spirit within that might accord and stand with and answer to Circumcision without i. e. the Answer of a good Conscience no the Conscience was neither sprinkled with the Blood of Christ nor sanctified by his Spirit and hence they did not they could not draw near to God with a true heart nor in that full assurance of Faith that God would either hear
or accept them in their Worshiping of him A guilty Conscience and an unsanctified Heart is always hypocritical and playeth false and loose in worshiping God hence Heb. 10.22 Let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of Faith having our hearts sprinkled from an evil Conscience and our bodies washed with pure water and the heart must first be sprinkled from an evil Conscience and body washed with pure water by the Blood and Spirit of Jesus Christ before any Man can worship God in Spirit and in Truth and I do and dare too affirm it from the Word of God that there is not a true and spiritual Worshipper of God in all the World but such as are so inwardly sprinkled and washed with the Blood and Spirit of Jesus Christ all others do worship God carnally and hypocritically not in Spirit and in Truth not sincerely and inwardly Oh therefore you that are in Christ see look to it that you worship God in the Spirit and in Truth for else there is none in all the World to do it 3. To worship God in the Spirit is to worship him in and according to his own holy Institutions Ordinances and Appointments and not according to Humane Inventions not according to Mens Traditions there is neither Spirit nor Truth in that Worship that hath not the stamp of Divine Authority upon it Voluntary Humility and Will-worship and all things of mans devising in the Worship of God and that hold not the Head Christ Jesus can minister no grace or spiritual nourishment to the Members and Joynts of the Body Eph. 4.16 compared with Col. 2.18 19 20 21 22 23. A little Leaven will leaven the whole lump and a little Superstition and Will-worship after th● Doctrines and Commandments of Men 〈◊〉 render the whole Worship vain and fruitle●● to your selves as well as displeasing provoke●ing and unacceptable to God and so whe●● all the ends of Worship are lost it becom● altogether vain as Mat. 15.9 But in va●● they do worship me teaching for Doctrine t●● Commandments of men and who hath ●●●quired these things at your hands will 〈◊〉 day dash in pieces the confidence of all suc● Worshippers and evidence the vanity as we●● as the impiety of all such Worship Human● Traditions and Impositions of Men unde● what name or pretence soever whether of E●●clesiastical or of holy learned and judicio● persons or the Authority of the Civil Magistrate are not sufficient to warrant us i● our worshiping of God No no we mu●● to the Law and to the Testimony and i● they speak not according to this Word ther● is no light or morning in them And whe●● men have once rejected the Word of th● Lord what Wisdom is in them yea wha● Holiness is in them what Learning is in them yea professing themselves to be wise they are become fools and why then should you that are in Christ follow them or be led by them wherein they do not follow Christ or are led by his Word and Spirit 'T is time for us to leave them who have left the Head Jesus Christ and have gone a whoring from under their Gods What though all the World wander after and worship the Beast yet those whose names are written in the Lambs Book of Life must not comply with them Rev. 13.7 8. Ye that are in Christ are the Temple of the Living God for God hath said I will dwell in them and walk in them What agreement hath the Temple of God with Idols wherefore come out from amongst them and be ye separate saith the Lord and touch not the unclean thing 2 Cor. 6.16 17 18. And again Rev. 18 4. And having therefore dearly Beloved these promises viz. of God's receiving us and of being a Father to us and our being his Sons and his Daughters as before Let us cleanse our selvet from all filthiness of the flesh and of the spirit perfecting holiness in the fear of God 2 Cor. 7.1 And let it be considered by you that if you be rejected of the World for not worshiping with them after their Rudiments ye shall be received of God in Christ as the true Worshippers that worship him in spirit and truth i. e. that worship him in Christ sincerely and according to his own Institution and whether it is better to please God or Men to be rejected of Men and to be received of God or to be received of Men and rejected of God judge ye for to be j●stified by Works and our own Righteousness and to worship God by Humane Inventions are equally hateful and abominable with God tho' highly esteemed amongst Men Jer. 44.4 Oh do not this abominable thing that I hate And Luk. 16.15 Ye are they which justifie your selves before Men but God knoweth your hearts for that which is highly esteemed amongst Men is abomination in the sight of God And for us to think within our selves that we can be justified in the sight of God by our own Works or Righteousness or that we can worship God by Humane Inventions or Mens Traditions is to think that God is altogether such an one as our selves for which certainly he will reprove us Psal. 50.21 22. And there is a secret yet strong connexion betwixt these two grand Errours viz. to be justified by Works and to worship God by and after our own Inventions for they commonly go together and stand and fall together And those that are corrupt or loose in the Doctrine of Justification are accordingly as corrupt and loose in Worship And therefore when a Professing People grow loose in the Worship of God 't is an ill Omen and just ground of godly jealousie and fear that such are unsound and loose in the Point of Justification Hence Gal. 4.8 9 10 11. And that they are not fast knit by a sincere Faith unto Christ the Head Col. 2.19 20 21 22. Let us therefore as many as are perfect be thus minded to rejoyce in Christ Jesus have no confidence in the flesh and worship God in the Spirit then and not till then are we the t●ue Circumcision then and not till then do we walk after the spirit and not after the flesh As therefore ye have received Christ Jesus the Lord so walk ye in him And the God of Peace shal● be with you Amen The Second Part of the True Light Shining in Darkness To give to us the knowledge of Salvation to guide our feet into the way of Peace OR The Righteousness of God Manifested opened and declared as the True and only Matter of our Justification before GOD through Faith in Jesus Christ. Being one Sermon or Doctrine of five more remaining upon Rom. 3.21 22. But now the Righteousness of God without the Law is manifested being witnessed by the Law and the Prophets Even the Righteousness of God which is by Faith of Jesus Christ unto all and upon all them that believe for there is no difference Preached first in and about the City
of London and now more lately in the Town of Cambridge By Thomas Taylor London Printed for Nath. Crouch 1693. The True Light shining in Darkness Rom. 3.21 22 But now the Righteousness of God without the Law is manifested being witnessed by the Law and the Prophets even the Righteousness of God which is by Faith of Jesus Christ unto all and upon all them that Believe for there is no difference IN the foregoing Verse and the Discourse thereupon you have heard that there is no Righteousness of man whereby he can be Justified or Stand before God Now lest you should Object and say If the case be thus with Man with all Men since the fall of Adam that there is an utter failing of a mans own Righteousness so that it is now become impossible for him to be Righteous and to be Justified in the sight of God by the Deeds of the Law Then is the case desperate with him and there is no hope I say to obviate such an Objection as this and to open a door of hope o● a better hope to man thus desperate in himself the Apostle presently adds But now the Righteousness of God c. As if he had said Oh! ye lost and un●one Children of Adam cheer up your Spirits and let not your Hearts sink for tho' there is no hope for you by the Law and the works of it yet there is hope for you in Christ And though there is no Righteousness of man that can be the matter of your hope for Justification before him with whom ye have to do yet there is a better Righteousness which you may attain unto by Faith i. e. the Righteousness of God But now the Righteousness of God c. In the Text you have this Righteousness described and set out unto you by six Characters each one of which will afford a distinct point of Doctrine and deserve a particular Consideration Namely 1. It is the Righteousness of God 2. It is without the Law 3. It is manifested being witnessed by the Law and the Prophets 4. It is obtained by Faith of Jesus Christ. 5. It is by way of imputation 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 unto all and upon all that Believe i. e. by way of imputation 6. It is extended equally and alike unto all them that Believe for there is no difference i. e. betwixt one Believer and another in respect of Justification and this Righteousness of Faith The points of Doctrine accordingly are or may be these six Namely Doct. I. That the Righteousness which 〈◊〉 by Faith of Christ to all them that Believe i● the Righteousness of God Doct. II. That the Righteousness of God which is by Faith of Christ to them that Believe is without the Law Doct. III. That the Righteousness of God without the Law is manifested being witnessed by the Law and the Prophets Doct. IV. That the Righteousness of God without the Law is dispensed and brought down to us and can be obtained by us only by Faith Doct. V. That the Righteousness of God which is by Faith of Jesus Christ is an imputed Righteousness Doct. VI. That the Righteousness of God which is by Faith of Jesus Christ is extended equally and alike to all them that Believe so that there is no difference We shall begin with the first of these Namely Doct. I. That the Righteousness which is by Faith of Jesus Christ unto all them that believe is the Righteousness of God for so the Apostle calls it in the Text 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 The Righteousness of God And again v. 22. Even the Righteousness of God and it is not in vain and without special reason that this Character is repeated and inculcated again and again in the Text as also in other places for herein lieth one Essential difference and characteristical distinction betwixt all other Righteousnesses that can be pretended to amongst Men and this Righteousness which is by Faith namely that this Righteousness only and above all others by way of eminency is the Righteousness of God And this will appear and be made plain in these four general Heads 1. In that God alone is the Author of this Righteousness and as he is the Father of Lights from whom every good gift and every perfect gift comes and in whom is no variableness nor shadow of turning Jam. 1.17 So this good gift this perfect gift of Righteousness by Faith in his Son Jesus Christ cometh down from above from him who is the Father of Lights And God is the Author of this Righteousness in a special and peculiar way Indeed as all things of the first Creation are of God Rom. 12. ult so all Righteousness amongst Angels and amongst Men is of God and he is the Author and given thereof The Righteousness that is found in the Elect Angels who obey his Word and do his Will whatever it is is of God and he is the Author thereof for he planted that rectitude and integrity at first in the Angelical Nature and he hath preserved the same in the Elect Angels that sinned not and them in it of his own Will And if there be any Righteousness to be found amongst Men it is still of God and he is the Author of it The Original Righteousness that was found in the first Adam before the Fall was of God as the Author of it for God made him after his own Image and planted that Original Righteousness Rectitude and Integrity in the Humane Nature conformable to that holy and righteous Law under which God put him And if there be found in Faln Man any thing that may be called Righteousness amongst Men as namely that which Men call Moral Righteousness it is certainly of God and God is the Author of it as it sheweth forth the work of his Law written at first in their hearts though now to be found only in the broken remains of it So that all Righteousness Angelical and Moral that is found amongst Angels or Men is of God and God is the Author of it as it is a part of his first Creation for he made all things very good Gen. 1.31 and Man expresly after his own Image verse 26 27. But this Righteousness which is by Faith of Jesus Christ unto all and upon all them that believe is of God after another manner and God is the Author of it in a more especial and peculiar way and by way of eminency above all that is called Righteousness amongst Angels or Men besides this for this Righteousness is of God and he is the Author of it as it is indeed the foundation of his new Creation and the whole Fabrick and Building of the new Creation is founded upon it and look as God's new Creation of Grace in and by his Son Jesus Christ is a more excellent Workmanship than that of his old Creation and God is the Author of the new Creature in a more especial manner so also is God the Author of this Righteousness 2 Cor.
to all Eternity as 2 Thes. 1 10. When he i. e. Christ shall come to be glorified in his Saints and to be admired in all them that believe because our testimony was believed among you in that day So that it will be the matter of admiration to the Saints themselves when they come to the perfect knowledge of this Power of God towards them That ever the testimony given concerning Christ by the Prophets first and the Apostles afterward the Prophetical and Apostolical Testimony Our Testimony was believed among you And thus you see the mighty Power of God which wrought in Christ in performing and effecting this Righteousness for us and also as it works in us that believe that by Faith in Christ we might partake of this Righteousness of God Now therefore it appeareth that God is the Author of this Righteousness as his Infinite Free Grace in Christ hath designed and conferred it his Infinite Wisdom hath contrived and his Infinite and Eternal Power hath performed and wrought it out in Christ for us and in bringing down this Righteousness by Faith in Christ to us And so much may suffice to have been spoken to the first General Head Namely That God is the Author of this Righteousness in a special and peculiar manner as it is his work of the new Creation and is therefore called the Righteousness of God 2 Head And secondly it is called the Righteousness of God because it is the Righteousness of the glorious and wonderful Person Christ Jesus who is God Man and whose name alone is Emanuel i. e. God with us or in our Nature this glorious Person whose name is Wonderful Counsellor the Mighty God the Everlasting Father the Prince of Peace and yet is the Son of Man the Child born to us and given to us Isa. 9.6 was brought forth in our Nature and in our stead to bring in everlasting Righteousness as hath already in part and shall be more fully shewed in its proper place and he hath done it he hath finished the work that the Father gave him to do Joh. 17.4 and therein he glorified the Father and the Lord is well pleased for his Righteousness sake Now this Obedience which he hath performed to the Law for us both in that part of it which we call Passive and also in that part which we call Active makes up to us and for us this everlasting Righteousness and therefore this Righteousness which he in his Person wrought out for us is called the Righteousness of God because it is the Righteousness of that Person who is both God and Man in two distinct Natures one Person for ever hence it is that in this wonderful Person what is more properly appertaining to one Nature is oftentimes ascribed to the other as Act. 20.28 To feed the Church of God which he hath purchased with his own Blood Here the Blood of Christ is called the Blood of God though in propriety of speech it was the Blood of Man i. e. of the Humane Nature for the Godhead is impassible and cannot suffer but by reason of the Union of the two Natures in one Person that suffered it is called the Blood of God even so the whole and compleat Righteousness of Christ both in his Active and Passive Obedience though properly it was not the Divine Nature that obeyed and fulfilled all the Righteousness which the Law required but the Humane Nature which was made of a Woman and made under the Law yet the Person who thus obeyed and fulfilled all Righteousness for us being God and Man his Righteousness which ●e performed to the Law for us in the Humane Nature is called the Righteousness of God as in the Text but now the Righteousness of God and Rom. 10. v. 3. have not submitted themselves to the Righteousness of God and then it is added for Christ is the end of the Law for Righteousness to every one that believeth So that this Righteousness of God which the unbelieving Jews submitted not themselves unto is plainly the Righteousness of Christ i. e. of that glorious Person who is God-Man or God in our Nature Emanuel God with us and so an infinite dignity and merit is found in this Obedience this Righteousness of Christ from the glory and dignity of his Person and herein is also another part and that no small part of the Mystery of Godliness that as God was manifest in the Flesh or Humane Natrue so God thus manifested in the Flesh i. e. the Humane Nature should being thereby made under the Law become obedient and fulfil all the Righteousness of the Law for us and in this respect is also this Righteousness of God manifested as the Person that performed it was God manifested in the Flesh or Humane Nature 3 Head And then thirdly This Righteousness is also called the Righteousness of God in opposition to all Righteousness of Man either of the first Man Adam or of all other men in the World pretending to a Righteousness of their own and by the Works or Deeds of the Law as they are or can be performed by them And as it hath been shewed the Holy Ghost casteth a contempt upon Man when he calls him flesh as Rom. 3.21 There shall no flesh be justified in his sight i. e. by the Deeds of the Law or his own Righteousness and also casteth a contempt upon all a Man 's own Righteousness and Works in that he calls them flesh and the putting confidence therein to be putting confidence in the flesh as Phil. 3.3 4. So the Holy Ghost doth put a glory upon this Righteousness of Christ when he calleth it the Righteousness of God and the putting trust and confidence therein our rejoycing in Christ Jesus and so this Righteousness which is by the Faith of Christ unto all and upon all them that believe is the Righteousness of God in opposition to all Righteousness of Man or a Man 's own Righteousness And as the Apostle speaketh of the true i. e. the heavenly Tabernacle Heb. 8.2 which the Lord pitched and not Man so he speaketh of this Righteousness which Jehovah hath provided in his Son Christ for us and not Man and therefore is Christ called Jehovah our Righteousness by the Prophet Jeremiah c. 23. v. 6. Not Adam our Righteousness or a Man our Righteousness but Jehovah or the Lord our Righteousness and so it is frequently expressed in the holy Scriptures the Righteousness of God in opposition to and contempt of that Righteousness which is of Man or which is our own Righteousness so Rom. 10.3 For they being ignorant of Gods Righteousness and going about to establish their own Righteousness have not submitted themselves to the Righteousness of God Here is Gods Righteousness mentioned again and again in opposition to their own Righteousness And so also Phil. 3.9 Not having on mine own Righteousness but the Righteousness which is of God Where the Apostle calleth it Gods Righteousness in opposition unto and
the first born amongst the many Brethren both Angels and Men being the head of the Election Yet as hath been said it doth not appear that they have any other or greater Righteousness than their own And as they are by nature greater and more excellent than we so their obedience may excel the obedience of man if he had also obeyed and fulfilled the Law of his Creator as they did Yet still the obedience of Angels and the righteousness wherein they are justified and stand before God is but the obedience and righteousness of Creatures though it be never so excellent though it be Angelical yet it is and can be but Creature righteousness And this righteousness which we have by Faith in Christ is God's Righteousness and therefore as God is more excellent than his Creatures so his Righteousness is greater and more excellent than theirs can possibly be And here see and behold again the triumph of Grace over sin and death that fallen man is raised again and advanced in Christ to a greater better and more excellent and glorious hope of righteousness by Faith in Christ not only than Man had in innocency or could have had by the works of the Law but also than Angels in Heaven have So that as they were preferred before us and set above us by nature we that believe are preferred before them by Grace for Christ took not Angelical but the humane nature into union with the Godhead in his own glorious person and is sat down in that nature at the right hand of the Majesty on high and we are said also to be sat down together with or in him in the heavenly places Ephes. 2.6 Whereas the Angels are not said to be sat down but to stand before the Throne and in the presence of God as Ministers and Servants Luk. 1.19 Rev. 5.11 Heb. 1.13 14. And the humiliation of Christ who was made a little lower than the Angels in our Nature hath exalted us with or in Christ above the Angels and we have a better righteousness than they Inf. 4. Again fourthly hence we infer how much it is the duty and interest of every man under these Heavens to whom the word of Salvation comes to believe in Jesus Christ and submit themselves to this righteousness of God The very name it carries the righte●●sness of God is enough to bow every 〈…〉 to stoop to the authority of it and submit himsel● unto it For it is the righteousness of God as he is the Author of it his Free grace hath conferred his Wisdom hath contrived found out and appointed and his Power hath wrought out this Righteousness for us in his Son Christ and he is only and infinitely well pleased with it and we are under the highest obligation to submit to it For 1. He hath commanded us so to do 1 John 3.23 And this is his commandment that we should believe on the name of his Son Jesus Christ. And when the Jews put the question to Christ John 6.28 What shall we do that we might work the works of God The answer is vers 29. This is the work of God that ye believe on him whom he hath sent And when the voice came from the most excellent glory and testifyed from the Father out of Heaven concerning Christ This is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased The same voice also addeth the command and saith Hear him Mat. 17.5 So that the command of God declared makes it every Mans Duty to submit to this Righteousness of God by believing in his Son Jesus Christ. 2. It is a greater and more excellent Righteousness than that which is 〈◊〉 be supposed to be a mans own Righteousness for it is the Righteousness of God And what comparison is there betwixt the one and the other What is man That is a Worm compared with God whose name is I Am What is man Of the Earth Earthy compared with the Lord from Heaven 1 Cor. 15.47 And what then is the Righteousness of man or thine own Righteousness poor Worm compared with this Righteousness of God Surely thy own Righteousness is but filthy rags and thou thy self but an unclean thing Isa. 64.6 And why shouldest thou not be willing to part with thy rags thy filthy rags that thou mayest put on the Royal Robes of Christs Righteousness Should not a poor filthy beggar be willing to put off and throw away his rags that he may be washed and cleansed and put on the Royal Apparel which the King of his Grace hath provided for him and commanded him to put on that he may stand before him with acceptation Had Mordecai refused to have put off his mournful and dirty weeds of Sack-Cloth and Ashes the emblems of his shame and sorrow for the destruction designed by Haman and confirmed by the Kings Seal for this Mordecai and all the Jews and now ready for Execution Had I say Mordecai refused what a contempt would it have been of the Royal favour and Rebellon against the Royal command of so great a King How justly then might the King upon such a contempt of Mercy and Grace and his Royal Authority and Command withal have abandoned Mordecai and left him and all his People to the destruction afore-mentioned Oh man this is thy case and thou art the man here concerned Hath God of his Grace and Favour in his Son Christ conferred and provided such Royal Robes of Righteousness for thee and commanded them to be brought unto thee and commanded thee to put off thy rags of Self or thy own Righteousness And wil● thou dare to reject this Royal Grace and Favour and rebel against this Royal command of the great God How justly mayest thou for this contempt be abandoned of God for ever and left to perish in thy sins and the rags of thine own Righteousness And how canst thou think to stand before God in these rags Before him whose name is holy And who is of purer Eyes than to behold Iniquity With whom evil shall not dwell and in whose presence no unclean thing shall enter Canst thou dwell with everlasting burning O● canst thou cloathed with Hay and Stable stand before consuming Fire Heb. 12. ult When Joshuah the High Priest stood before the Angel cloathed in filthy garments Satan stood at his Right hand to resist him Zech. 3.1 2 3. And he could not st●nd with acceptation till they took away his filthy garments and cloathed him with change of raiment vers 4 5. And then The Angel of the Lord protested unto him as verse 6. Saying thus saith the Lord the Lord of Hosts if thou wilt walk in my ways and if thou wilt keep my charge Then thou shalt also judge my house and shalt also keep my Courts and I will give thee places to walk among these that stand by Man know thou canst not stand nor walk before God the holy God with acceptation till thy filthy garments and filthy rags be taken away from thee and
justified from the time of Christs death according to this Doctrine so that they were as much and as truly justified in their unbelief impiety unregeneracy and enmity as ever they were or came to be justified afterwards when they believed and embraced Christ which is most contrary to the Scriptures Acts 13.38 39 Rom. 4.23 Ephes. 2.11 12 13. and Rom. 8.30 Whom he called them be also justified Paul when Saul a Blasphemer Persecutor and Iniurious was as truly justified as Paul when called a Convert a Believer and a Preacher of Jesus Christ contrary to the Scriptures 1 Tim. 1.13 14 15 16. and Acts 22.16 For Saul continued Unconverted Uncalled a Blasphemer a Persecutor and Injurious Ignorant and an Unbeliever long after Christs Death and Resurrection and yet according to this Doctrine must be justified when he lived and continued in impenitency and unbelief and disobedience till that time yea and all those Corinthians mentioned 1 Cor. 6 11. And such were some of you But ye are washed but ye are sanctified but ye are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus and by the Spirit of our God Now look back into the 9. and 10. verses Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the Kingdom of God Be not deceived neither fornicators nor idolaters nor adulterers nor efeminate nor abusers of themselves with mankind nor thieves nor covetous nor drunkards nor revilers nor extortioners shall inherit the Kingdom of God And such were some of you Plainly implying that when ye lived in these sins uncalled unconverted impenitent and unbelievers then you were not washed nor sanctified nor justified but now since you were called and converted 't is otherwise with you than it was before But ye are washed but ye are sanctified but ye are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus and by the Spirit of our God Ye were not justified before but now ye are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus i. e. since ye believed on that name then ye were not washed nor sanctified while ye wallowed in the mire of these sins but now ye are washed ye are sanctified by the Spirit of our God Therefore they were not justified from the time of Christs death and resurrection but from the time of their calling to Faith ●n Christ who dyed and rose again long before And that this must be the true sense of the Apostle appeareth in that he tells them but ye are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus He thereby concludeth and that truly they were not justified before though the time of Christs Death and Resurrection was past before And thus have we finished also the tryal of this second Opinion or Doctrine of Justification from the time of Christs Death and Resurrection and find it not to be a true Doctrine a Doctrine not of God All therefore which now remaineth to be done is to shew and assign the true time and season of Gods Justifying his Elect and from whence the truly justified person may humbly date his own Justification according to the holy Scriptures and have the seal of God in the true witness of his holy Spirit in the word for the proof it Lastly therefore The due time and season of Gods justifying his Elect through Faith in his Son Jesus Christ according to the Scriptures is the time of their respective believing embracing receiving and entertaining Christ Christ in the promise or the promise in Christ for all the promises are yea and Amen in Christ 2 Cor. 1.20 Not a promise alone without Christ for that is to be suspected the promise when given by the Father and applyed by the Spirit is never alone or separate from Christ but always in Christ and together with him Even as Abraham is said to have received the promises when he offered up his only Son Heb. 11.17 But Abraham did not receive the promise or promises alone i. e. without Christ the substance of all the promises but he received the promise in Christ or Christ in and through the promises For as God made no promise of Eternal Life out of Christ but in Christ and through him so we can receive no promise or promises of Eternal Life and Salvation but in Christ and Christ in and together with the promise And therefore Abraham is said to have received the promise of God in Christ as God gave it to him so he received it in Christ as Gal. 3.16 17 18. He therefore that believeth with a justifying and saving Faith receiveth Christ in the promises and embraceth not the promises alone but Christ in the promise and therefore union with Christ and receiving Christ into the heart and promises and all things else together is the true Faith of Gods Elect and the Faith of the operation of God as 1 John 5.11 12. This is the reward that God hath given to us Eternal Life and this Life is in his Son He that hath the Son hath Life and he that hath not the Son of God hath not Life and Joh. 1.11 12. He came to his own and his own received him not But to as many as received him to them gave he power to become the Sons of God even to them that believe on his name So that in short Faith is receiving Christ and without Christ be received there is no believing and where there is no believing there is no justification The true time therefore of God's justifying his Elect is the time of their believing i. e. of their receiving and embracing Christ then and not before and thence ever after God doth justifie his Elect And they may from thence date the time of their justification acccording to the Scriptures As it was with Abraham so it is with all the Children of Abraham as it is written again and again Abraham believed God and it was counted to him for Righteousness Rom. 4.3 Now from the time that Abraham believed God from that time was he justified and ever after even so it is with all the Children of Abraham as Rom 4.23 24 25. Now it was not written for Abrahams sake alone that it was imputed to him but for us also to whom it shall be imputed If we believe on him that raised up Jesus our Lord from the Dead who was delivered for our Offences and raised again for our Justification Now therefore Christian the time of Gods imputing Righteousness to thee and justifying thee in Christ is not the time of Christs dying and rising again but the time of thy be●ieving on him and embracing him by Faith in thy heart who was deliver'd for thy offences and raised again for thy justification And to produce this Faith in thee and this believing God as Abraham did these three things must necessarily concur all which did concur in the Faith of Abraham as namely 1. There must be hearing The word of God must be truly preached to thee and thou must hear it or there neither is nor can be th●s Faith that justifieth
own Body on the Tree John 1.29 The Lamb of God which taketh away or beareth the sin of the World For he did take away sin by his bearing of it i. e. both the guilt of it and the punishment due to it for thus was the Iniquity and Sin of all God's Elect laid upon him Isa. 53.6 And Jehovah hath laid upon him the Iniquity of us all Now therefore the Sin of the World being laid upon him to bear what an infinite burden and weight was it and how impossible for created strength whether Angelical or Humane to bear as hath been shewed And yet that this one man this second Adam should bear such an infinite weight as Sin and the Wrath of God due to sin is what a wonder of Divine Power was manifested therein The strength of Angels could not the strength of Man could not bear such a Burthen and Weight as ye have heard yet they had but their own sin charged upon them but here is a Man the Son of Man the Man Christ Jesus the Lamb of God that beareth and taketh away by bearing the Sin of the World oh admirable and wonderful Power of the God-head by which this man was inabled to bear such an infinite and eternal weight as Sin and the Wrath of God due to Sin is And therefore 't is said of him that by the eternal Spirit he offered himself to God for us Heb. 9.14 for nothing less than the Power of the Godhead it self could have enabled the humane nature to bear such an infinite Weight and Burthen as Sin is even the Sin of the whole World and the whole and compleat Wrath of God due unto it The Flesh or Humane Nature was but a Vail to his Godhead as Heb. 10.20 but the Eternal Power and Godhead within this Vail was that which enabled this second Adam this man to bear the Sin of many oh therefore behold with wonder and admiration the working of Divine Power in bringing forth such a Man into the World and also in strengthening this Flesh and Humane Nature to bear that which no Creature in Heaven or Earth could neither Angels nor Men. 3. Inst. But then again thirdly Consider the Infinite Power of God and the Energy or working of it in the Resurrection of Christ from the Dead And this also was necessary in order to and for the manifestation and declaring this Righteousness of God for our Justification which Righteousness though it was wrought by what this Man th●● Jesus Christ had done and suffered in his Life and Death in obedience to the Law under which he was made yet this compleat perfect and everlasting Righteousness of his as our Head and Surety did not fully appear nor was manifested until his Resurrection from the Dead when he was visibly discharg'd out of the Prison of the Grave and could no longer be holden of Death having satisfied Divine Justice to the utmost demand upon him for our sins and having paid the full Price of our Redemption and therefore now by his Resurrection from the Dead he is declared to be the Son of God with power according to the Spirit of Holiness or by the power of the Holy Spirit which raised him from the Dead as Rom. 1.4 and Rom. 8. v. 11. By this Resurrection of his from the Dead he was justified as our Head 1 Tim. 3. v. 16. justified in the Spirit i. e. in or by the power of the Spirit or Godhead dwelling in the Humane Nature and by his Resurrection from the Dead we i. e. all that believe and are in him by Faith were vertually justified in him and together with him as our spiritual Head so that all Gods Elect were vertually justified by his Resurrection and therefore Rom. 4 ult he is said to be delivered i. e. by Death for our Offences and to be raised again for our Justification Now consider what a manifestation there was of the mighty Power of God in the raising of this Man from the Dead unto which he was delivered for our Offences See how the Apostle doth set it out Ephes. 1.19 20. According to the working of his mighty power which he wrought i● Christ when he raised him from the dead Here is Power his Power his mighty Power 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the energy or working of this his mighty Power so that the mighty Power of God did work and shew it self at a wonderful rate when he raised him i. e. Christ from the Dead And indeed the Power of God was more seen in the raising of Christ from the Dead than in raising all the Men in the World besides for no Man ever had the sin of the World in the guilt and punishment of it laid upon him but this Man Christ Jesus And by vertue of this Resurrection of his all the Elect the general Assembly and Church of the first-born shall also be raised unto the Resurrection of Life at the great day as 1 Cor. 15.22 23. Therefore the Power of God and the energy or working of it is greater and more glorious in Christs Resurrection than in raising all the Men in the World besides 4 Inst. But then 4thly What a working of the mighty Power of God was manifested in Christs Exaltation and the setting of this second Adam this Man down at the right hand of God in the heavenly places And this also was necessary as a Reward of hi● Death and Sufferings of that Obedienc● which he performed to the Law for us and that Righteousness which he brought in to us as Phil. 2.9 having before spoken of his Humiliation and Obedience v. 6 7 8. Who being in the form of God c. Addeth v. 9. Wherefore God hath highly exalted him and given him a name which is above every name that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow of things in Heaven and things in Earth things under the Earth and that every tongue should confess that Jesus is the Lord to the glory of God the Father Now this Exaltation of Christ was the Reward of his Righteousness even his with which the Father was so well pleased as Isa. 42.21 And thereby is this Righteousness visibly declared and manifested in the sight of Angels and Men being crowned and in the most solemn manner declared at his inauguration or being received up into glory which was the ultimate and finishing Testimony and Witness from the Father that he is righteous and as such and upon that account he sits in Heaven as 1 Joh. 2.1 We have an Advocate with the Father Jesus Christ the righteous and Joh. 16.10 Of Righteousness because I go to my Father and ye see me no more So that Christs going to the Father and sitting down in the heavenly places so as to abide there in a perpetual Advocateship and as Intercessor for us with the Father is the highest evidence and demonstration of this Righteousness beyond all contradiction and therefore upon this Argument 't is said the Holy Ghost
shall reprove or convince the World of Righteousness i. e. this Righteousness of Christ because saith he I go to my Father for he went as a publick person and second Adam the Head of the Church and there is set down in our Nature and in our stead as he that hath wrought out for us and brought in to us perfect and everlasting Righteousness in whom as such all the Seed of Gods Israel shall be justified and glory Isa. 45.25 Now that this Exaltation of Christ and the setting of him down at the right hand of God in the heavenly places is a wonderful and glorious work of Divine Power see Eph. 1.19 20 21. According to the working of his mighty Power which he wrought in Christ when he raised him from the dead and set him at his own right hand in the heavenly places Now consider this work of Divine Power and it will appear admirable for God to take this Creature Man made by Nature lower than the Angels a Creature of the Earth earthy as Psal. 8.5 For thou hast made him a little lower than the Angels and 1 Cor. 15.47 The first man is of the earth earthy Now I say to take this Nature and to advance it to Heaven and to set it above Angels both in its Union with the Godhead in the Person of the Son and in its Superiority Authority and Power over all the Angels in Heaven and over all things in Heaven and in Earth and under the Earth as Phil. 2.10 11. and Eph. 1.21 far above all principality and power and might and dominion and every name that is named not only in this World but also in that which is to come and thus to put all things under his feet as v. 22. And hath put all things under his feet This I say is such a work of glorious power as fills Heaven and Earth now and will fill Eternity hereafter with wonder and admiration But then consider again that this Creature Man was now faln under sin the Curse of the Law and the Wrath of God stript of its Original Righteousness which it was created in conformable to the Law of God and utterly uncapable of Righteousness by the Law and the Works thereof and so separate from the Actual Union which he had with God his Creator and set by sin at an infinite and eternal distance from God as to what this Creature Man could now do and for God to take this Creature Man and by a new Creation of it in Christ to make all new to purge and separate it from sin take it into Union with the Godhead it self in the Person of his own Son raise it from under sin and guilt cloath it with perfect and everlasting Righteousness and receive it up into glory above the highest Angels in Heaven Oh what a work of divine and glorious Power was this beyond whatever was seen in the Works of the old Creation or in all the Works of Providence from the Foundation of the World 5. But then again fifthly What a manifestation is there of the Power of God and the working of it towards all them that Believe in order to the making of them partakers of this Righteousness of God by Faith in Christ Divine Power hath not done in bringing forth and accomplishing this Righteousness by Christ for us But there is a further work of the mighty power of God required and manifested in applying this Righteousness to us and working that Faith in us by which alone this Righteousness of God is made ours and we are made partakers of it unto Justification of Life For this Righteousness of God is unto all and upon all them that Believe and as Rom. 10.10 For with the Heart man believeth unto Righteousness Now this Faith is not a work of a mans own Heart nor is it of a mans self to believe in Jesus Christ unto Righteousness No no this Faith is not of our selves It is the gift of God Ephes. 2.8 And as this Faith is the gift of Divine Grace or the Grace of God in Christ to us so it is also the work of his mighty power which worketh in us and therefore it is called the work of Faith with power as well as the good pleasure of his will 2 Thes. 1.11 And fulfill all the good pleasure of his will and the work of Faith with Power And without the mighty power of God put forth upon a mans Heart in the hearing of the Word there is not one man in the whole World that would or could believe in Jesus Christ unto Righteousness Isa. 53.1 Who hath believed our report And to whom is the Arm of the Lord revealed The Arm of the Lord is his Power his Mighty Power and unless the Arm i. e. the Mighty Power of Jehovah be revealed or manifested in the Heart of a man he doth not he cannot believe the report which the Holy Prophets gave Christ Who testified before hand the sufferings of Christ and the glory that should follow 1 Pet. 1.11 And this I may say from the word of God there are no more men in the World that have believed this report than there are persons in whom this Arm of the Lord hath been revealed Now that there is a Mighty Power of God put forth upon them that believe See Eph. 1.19 And what is the exceeding greatness of his Power to us-ward who believe according to the working of his Mighty Power which he wrought in Christ when he raised him from the Dead and set him at his own Right hand in the Heavenly places Now look what manifestation there was of the exceeding greatness of his Power in raising Christ from the dead and setting of him at his own Right hand in the heavenly places as hath been shewed the same manifestation of his Power the exceeding greatness of his Power and the Energy or working of it is to be seen in towards all them that believe For indeed no less Power can be sufficient to raise a Dead Soul from Death to Life than to raise a Dead Body from the Grave i. e. no Power less than the Infinite no Power less than the Mighty Power of God and therefore it is so exprest 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 The superlative or exceeding greatness of his Power and according to that which he wrought in Christ when he raised him from the Dead For no less instance and pattern of Divine Power and the working of it could reach and set out the working of this Power in and towards all them that believe than this of its working in the raising of Christ from the Dead And indeed to raise a man from the Death of Sin and Unbelief under which all are shut up as in the Grave Rom 11.32 is no less a manifestation of Divine Power than was the raising of Christ from the Dead And when this comes to be fully known and understood by the Saints it will fill them with deep wonder and admiration