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A44786 The dawnings of the gospel-day and its light and glory discovered by Francis Howgil. Howgill, Francis, 1618-1669.; Hookes, Ellis, d. 1681. 1676 (1676) Wing H3157; ESTC R24063 864,209 776

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up for all your Weapons are but carnal and that which wrestles with Flesh and Blood which the true Church wrestles not with nor with Creatures but with spiritual wickedness and Principalities and powers of Darkness in the Creature and threw that down and saved the Creature alive and redeemed it who was in Captivity Oh sottish Children when will you learn Wisdom and when will you hearken to reproof of Instruction which is the way to Life but remember this the Beast shall be taken alive with the false Prophet and them that have wrought Miracles before him and then shall be cast into the Lake of Fire They pretend to act from an Infallible Light within them and profess Perfection in Degrees in this Life and publish smart Invectives against Ministers who teach the contrary Answ. We pretend to nothing but to that which God hath given us through his free Mercy which we have a true Right unto having received him as the Father hath tendered him to be a Light to open our Eyes and to be a Leader unto us and all his People and to be God's Salvation even to the Ends of the Earth to them that receive him and he is that infallible Light which the Father sent into the World that all men through him might believe and he is the true Light that lightneth every man though every man hath not received him the Fault is not in the Giver nor in the Gift but in them that will not receive and he that is the Life of all men hath lighted every Man that cometh into the World and he is in us our Hope and our Glory the Riches of the Gentiles and the Riches of all them that do believe he is our VVay and our Life and Peace I say all Glory unto him forever though thou debasest him and settest him thus at nought and for his sake we can bear Reproaches and become Fools in that we have obtained that in which true VVisdom stands and Life eternal And what is this Heterodox to profess Perfection of Degrees in this Life is not this Orthodox Used not you and do not you generally hold Perfection in Part or Parts and is not that which is perfect in Parts perfect in Degrees He that feels Victory over one Sin by Christ the Power of God hath not he some Part in that which is perfect and of that which is perfect And if he witnesses Victory over more is not he come to a greater Degree or Degrees of the Life which is perfect And he that knows the Blood that cleanseth from all Sin is not he perfect and compleat in him who hath made him so But art thou so offended at Perfection that thou dost not admit of any Part or Parts Degree or Degrees thereof that thou set'st this down as a Blasphemy And it 's time indeed to reprove you sharply who are puffed up in Pride and know nothing who teach contrary to the perfect Life of Christ or any Degree or Degrees thereof to be attained unto thou art perfect in VVickedness and a perfect Minister of Anti-Christ a perfect Heathen and it's time to bear Testimony against you lay you open your Deceit in the Sight of the Sun that them that have but the least glimering of the Light may behold you a pitiful Church is that like to be which thou art Pastor of by Appointment of the General Court who cryest out against any Degree of the perfect Life of Christ in this Life to be obtained or enjoyed a Minister of Sin a Minister of Satan and Unrighteousness that is thy Name own it In the ninth page thou art going about to prove thy Trinity as thou callest it and thou say'st The Father is a distinct su●sistance and the Son is a distinct Subsistance and the Holy Ghost is a distinct Subsistance and thou bringest John 5. There is another bears Witness likewise speaking of the Holy Ghost he calls him another and this another thou say'st is intelligible of the Essence and then say'st What is more manifest then another Subsi●tance and another Subsistance speaks distinct Subsistances and thou say'st The Spirit is called the Band of Trinity Answ. Another is not understood of another being of another Life or another Substance but is understood of another Manifestation or Operation of the same God who subsists in the same Power in which the Father the Son and the Spirit subsist as I said unto thee before another as to distinguish of the Operation and Work of the Spirit and of the Son we do not refuse but to make three distinct Essences and Beings is Ignorance and Error as thou say'st Another is intelligible of the Essence and so thou hast made three Essences three Subsistances three Persons and three Gods but we say there is but one God and there are three that bear Record in Heaven the Father the Word and the Spirit and these three are one Now as for Subsistance and Essence they are unsound Words coined of your selves from your dark Imaginations in which there is no Truth at all but to cast a Mist Now where the Holy Ghost is called a Person in the Scripture I have never read and where it is called The Band of Trinity I have never heard of before thee and so thy blind ignorant Conclusions and Sophistical arguing will have little Place with them that are come to know the Teachings with the Spirit and also keep to a Form of sound Words which thou canst not And thou say'st He that sendeth and he that is sent are distinct and so the Father sending the Son and the Son sent of the Father and the Father and the Son sending the Spirit and the Spirit sent by the Father and tho Son are distinct Subsistances and not the same He that sends and he that is sent may be distinguished but he that sendeth and him that is sent are not so distinct and afar off one another but that him that sendeth is with him that is sent and so God was in Christ reconciling the World and then how were they distinct one from the other and by him were all things made and Christ was not so distinct or afar off at a distance when the Heavens and the Earth were made so that it is truly said without him nothing was made that was made and the Spirit of God which may be distinguished in Regard of its Operation yet it was not absent or distinct from the Father and the Son in the Creation neither is absent from the Son in the Regeneration or Work of Redemption And then in thy Answer to an Objection which thou makest thy self How the Doctrine of Life was communicated vocally by the Patriarchs but it is not so now and in thy Answer thou say'st The Scripture is not necessary absolutely but it being God's Will to communicate Life through the Scripture hence the Scripture is necessary and then thou say'st Not the Letter without the Mind of the Author nor the
Church of God when as Christ saith He is the door none comes into the Fold but by him and none comes to the Father but by him and he is the way so who sets up another entrance unto God or into the Fold or into the Church which is the Pillar and Ground of Truth sets up an Idol and prefers an Idol above the Life and so are in the Idolatry But let none mistake that I say Water is an Idol nay it is a good Creature of God or that I say Johns Baptism with Water was an Idol nay he was in the Power and Spirit of Eliah and his Baptism a Figure of a good thing which was to come which afterward was received by the Disciples and Christ's words made good unto them John indeed Baptized you with Water unto Repentance but ye shall be Baptized with the Holy Ghost and with Fire not many dayes hence that was Christ's Baptism I am not Ignorant of the many and great Contests in this Age that have been about these things and I know many Scriptures that speak of Baptism all which I have searched narrowly with the Measure of God's Spirit given unto me into the true Ground of things and the true State of each administration and in this thing I am satisfied fully that the Baptism with Water was John's Baptism and not Christ's and the Baptism of the Spirit 〈◊〉 Christ's and now John's I have no desire to Wrangle or Jangle about words or contest about Shadows but that all may come to know him in whom all Ministrations end in and there will be Peace and Satisfaction to wit in Christ But to say something to the main Basis and Foundation which Priests and Separatists build much of their Arguments upon the last of Matthew and the last Verse Go teach and baptize all Nations in the Name of the Father Son and holy Ghost as for all the Priests about their baptizing of Infants here is no Ground at all for here is first teach and then baptize and here is no infants neither and so I know what Consequences have been drawn from this by the unlearned in their Imaginations but them that have the least Measure of true Light will not take a Consequence to build a Foundation on for this is contrary to their own Rule they say the Scripture is their Rule then their Consequence is not the Rule and if the Scriptures be the Rule let all People of your Parishes know if you can by the Scripture shew when John or any Disciple of his or Christ's baptized Infants and taught them Principles of Religion twenty Years after but they are willingly ignorant that see not you to be Idolaters and as for the Baptists Separates who build upon this for their Water-Baptism they are as groundless as the Priests and all their Agruments are as invalid as the rest for here is baptizing the Nations in the Name of the Father in the Name of the Son and of the Holy Ghost and any who are judicious or wise and are in any Measure of God's pure Wisdom will not say that the Name of the Father is Water or the Son or holy Ghost is Water the Name of God is I am and a strong Tower and the Name of the Son is the Word and the Word is the Power but this is not Water but further they say the Disciples had received the holy Ghost and did baptize with Water after and they were baptized with Water after they had received the holy Ghost and they bring divers Scriptures to prove this I shall not deny but Peter baptized with Water and Paul two or three Families and thanks God he baptized no more and said he had declared the whole Counsel of God and he makes not mention in all his Epistles that Baptism was any Part of his Command neither in all his Counsel to the Churches any where doth he exhort either to Timothy Titus or Apollo or any of the Brethren to baptize with Water but as for Peter's baptizing with Water I know no more Command he had then Paul as for the Commission which Matthew writes of Mat. 28. 19. and that Mark mentions Mark 16.15 there is no Water and so it 's the Baptism of John I grant and Christ bearing Witness to John that he was a Prophet and did baptize many and therefore he or they in Honour to John's Ministry might baptize some as well as Paul did circumcise Titus and then in 1 Cor 7.19 said It was nothing and again in another Place Neither Circumcision nor Uncircumcision did avail but a new Creature and because it was a Figure which People did not idolize so much then as they did Circumcision for the Weakness of the People for a time and the wise in Heart may understand that when any Representation or Figure outward was set up it was not easily denyed again nor an easie Thing to be laid down when the thing signified was come for many of the Jews believed in Christ and were said to be Brethren and yet they came from Jerusalem and troubled the Church of Galatia and would have brought them under the Figure Circumcision again and the Apostle in Gal. 4. asks them Now when ye know God why turn ye again to the beggarly Elements Circumcision observing Dayes Moneths Times and Years I would ask the moderate a Question whether Water be not an Element and pertains only to the elementary Part in man which is to pass away and be dissolved when the Seed is raised up whose Nature is not elementary but caelestial I shall say no more to them at this present who are contentious who are so zealous for their Water upon so weak a Ground but take heed that while you are striving about your outward Water you neglect not the washing of Regeneration and the cleansing of the Spirit many have been baptized but which of you have received the holy Ghost there is not one among you dare own or witness an infallible Spirit but count it an Error that any should speak or witness or look to enjoy any such thing in these Dayes well I say unto you your Day is a Day of Darkness and Gloominess you live in and thick Darkness covers your Tabernacle for whoever have received the holy Ghost or Spirit of Truth in any Measure are led by that which is infallible and not fallible and if you look not for this ye are no Sons notwithstanding all your washing the outside For as many as are the Sons of God are led by the Spirit of God and this is witnessed Praises to the Lord forever the Lord is unto his People an everlasting Light and this is the Sum that Water is owned to be a Figure of the one Baptism and was an Element and pertained to that which is elementary but the Elements shall melt with fervent Heat and be dissolved in the Day of the Lord and then the Seed comes up which is Heir of the Promise which is
nourished with the VVater of Life which is not an Element nor elementary but is caelestial and springs up in them that believe unto everlasting Life and come to be born of the Water and the Spirit and enter into God's Kingdom Dominion Power Life Wisdom Excellency and eternal Glory happy is he that believes and abides in Patience unto the End Now since the Dayes of John the Kingdom of God hath been preached and as many as were ordained to eternal Life believed and many in the Day when Christ was manifest in the Flesh believed unto whom he declared the Mind of the Father and by him was the Father glorified he fulfilled the Law and did many Works and Miracles by the Power of the Father and herein was the Father glorified and them that did believe in him their Faith was strengthned and he opened the Mysteries of the Kingdom of God to his Disciples and bore witness and prophesied the Destruction of Jerusalem and of all their Worship and said No more at Jerusalem nor at Samaria but the Time was coming when they that worshipped the Father should worship him in Spirit and Truth and declared against the Pharisees Righteousness and said to his Disciples Except their Righteousness did exceed the Pharisees they could not enter the Kingdom of God and yet the Pharisees performed all the outward things commanded but were in the Idolatry and did not believe in the Life Now he declared of his Suffering many things and also how he would go away and how he would come again and would not leave them comf●rtless but these things were hart to be believed then by his Disciples and further he told them he must be betrayed and suffer and rise again and when the Hour was come that he was betrayed when he was with his Disciples even the same Night he was betrayed he took Bread and broke it and blessed it and said take and eat this is my Body which is broken for you this do in Remembrance of me and after he took the Cup and after he had supped saying this is the Cup of the New Testament in my Blood as often as you drink it do it in Remembrance of me 1 Cor. 11.23 24. And Matthew Mark and Luke delare the same and this was real Bread and real Wine which was a Representation of that which was to be enjoyed in the Spirit and never intended for any further thing but as a Figure or a Representation of the Bread of Life and of the Cup of Blessing which afterward they came to be Witnesses of and as oft as they eat and drank they did shew forth the Lord●s Death till he came Now this was practised among the Disciples after he was risen from the dead and did converse with them at many times and exhorted them and comforted them and instructed them and told them that they should be Witnesses of his Name unto the Ends of the Earth and gave them Commandment to teach all Nations and baptize them in the Name of the Father Son and holy Ghost and did promise to be with them to the End of the World and told how the Comforter would come and that the Father would send him in his Name even the Spirit of Truth which was with them and should be in them to be their Teacher Leader and Guide and bring all things to their Remembrance Now that which he gave them as a Figure and to be a Sign unto them of the clearer Manifestation of himself which afterward came to be fulfilled and they Witnesses of it who grew up in the pure invisible Being and did see the Mystery through the Revelation of the Spirit which did more clearly shew unto them the Mysteries within the Vail for as I said of Water it was a Sign of a good thing to come so the Bread and the Cup was also a Sign of a good thing to come as all outward Figures were but they that did believe and grew up in the Faith in the Seed Christ they came to see the Substance in whom all Figures end and had Communion with him within the Vail after he was ascended where he was before now the Apostle he spoke as to wise men judge ye what I say 1 Cor. 10.15 16. The Cup of Blessing which we bless is it not the Communion of the Blood of Christ the Bread which we break is it not the Communion of the Body of Christ And Ver. 17. For we being many are one Bread and one Body for we are all Partakers of that one Bread mark all they that did believe though they were many yet they were one Bread and one Body and were all Partakers of that one Bread which Bread was the Flesh of Christ. Joh. 6 48. I am the Bread of Life And Joh. 6.51 I am the living Bread that came down from Heaven if any Man eat of this Bread he shall live forever and the Bread that I will give is my Flesh which I will give for the Life of the World Now I speak unto wise men and let the Wisdom of God in them manifest judge what I say for where the Body of Christ is witnessed and the Flesh of Christ known they know that which all the Figures end in the Manna that God gave no Israel in the Wilderness they dyed that did eat thereof which was as pure a Type of the hidden Manna as lively a Type as Bread outward which was but a Type of the Flesh of Christ and both they that did eat the Manna and they that eat the Bread outward and drank the Cup outward are both dead but he that eats the Flesh of Christ and drinks the Blood lives forever and he that eats the hidden Manna hath overcome Death and lives forever and feeds upon the Bread of Life feeds upon eternal Life Now this is a Mystery to the Papists who are Idolaters who have sprung up in the Apostacy though they have Scriptures as it was to the Jews John 6.52 who strove among themselves and said how can this man give his Flesh to eat And so the Papists who strive about the Flesh of Christ and his Blood and yet have the Scriptures and they say it 's in the Bread and in the Wine after Consecration and so they worship the Imaginations of their own Hearts not discerning the Lords Body and have Killed thousands and taken away the Lives of thousands because they would not confess their Idol to be of God And the Protestants they are setting up the Bread and the Wine and contenting themselves therewith and are making an Idol of it and come not to discern the Body of Christ but one saying he hath a carnal Body and another a Fleshly Body another a Mystical Body and another sayes his Body is divided from his Members and so speak out of thick Darkness their own Imaginations and have no communion with the Body of Christ neither know the Flesh of Christ which is the Bread of Life which is given
said Human Invention and vain Tradition And Trinity of Persons in the Divine Essence where learned you this Article from the Pope from the Mass-book yet the Father Son and Spirit are owned and these three are one and the Father Word and Spirit and these are one but I challenge all you Orthodox Professors to shew me from Scripture where the Holy Ghost or Spirit is called a Person be ashamed of your Ignorance ye illiterate men 2. Or shall deny the Person of Christ to be distinct from the Father and the Holy Ghost or shall deny the Person of Christ to be distinct from every Believer Answ. Do but mark the Madness and Confusion of these mighty Rabbies before there must be three Persons in one Essence and now Christ must be distinct from the Father and the holy Ghost before in God and now distinct from God this is damnable Doctrine which hath been brought in since the Apostacy for the Scripture saith God was in Christ reconciling the World to himself how was he distinct from the Father when the Father was in him And I am in the Father and the Father in me and I and my Father are one Nay say New-England Doctors They are distinct and the Fulness of the Godhead dwelt in him bodily Now prove you that the Father and the holy Ghost are distinct from Christ or how is Christ's Person distinct from every Believer when he that is a Believer hath him revealed in him and he that is a true Believer eats his Flesh and drinks his Blood How is he then distinct What nearer Union can there be exprest Is that distinct from a man that he hath in him But it may be they will say as the rest of the Dreamers do he is in Believers by his Spirit distinct from his Body then I say Christ is not divided a Person without a Spirit or distinct from the Spirit is not Christ but this blind Doctrine came up since the Apostles Dayes and was counted as Orthodox by the Councils at Nice and Lateran a Company of Apostates and hath been counted by the Beast's Followers a great Point of Divinity 3. Or deny the Manhood of Christ to be a Manhood distinct from the Manhood of any other Man Answ. The Man Christ Jesus who was of the Seed of Abraham according to the Flesh and the Son of God according to the Spirit his Flesh is distinct from you who live in ENVY whole FLESH is as the Flesh of Horses and as the Flesh of Dragons who devour you know not the holy Flesh of Christ but the Man of God doth who is born of the Spirit and the Flesh of Christ is his Meat and they that believe in him are Bone of his Bone and Flesh of his Flesh you ignorant Dreamers how then is his Flesh distinct But you do feed upon Ashes as your Father doth the cunning Serpent for God's Wisdom is hid from you 4. Or shall deny the Scripture or the written Word to be the Rule Answ. We own the Scriptures which you ignorantly call the written Word as though all the Scriptures were but one Word the Word is Christ which was revealed in the Saints which spake the Words forth and he is the Way and the Rule of Life to them that believe and his Spirit is the Leader and Guider into all Truth and the Rule of Obedience and you are they that deny the Scriptures and the Rule of holy walking you own it in Words and in VVorks deny him witness all your fore-mentioned Deeds of Darkness and Hypocrites and Dissemblers cry Scripture is the Rule of Faith and Life when their Life that they live in stands in Sin Wickedness and Deceit 5. Or shall openly revile either Church or State or Church-VVorship Church-Officer or Ordinances divine or the publick Assembly of the People of God to worship him according to the Prescription of the Gospel Answ. Your Church and State Church-Officers and Ordinances and Assembly and your Worship is manifest to be a Place where Dragons are who sting devour kill and destroy God's Workmanship and he that speaks for you God will condemn him for he that justifies you justifies the wicked and that is an Abomition to the Lord And let the Nation see your Prescription in that which you call your Gospel where Christ commanded the Churches or gave his Disciples such Prescripts as these If the rest of the Jews or Gentiles will not come to your Assemblies fine them 5 s. a Day and 10 s. a Day or 40 s. a Moneth and if any speak any where in my Name but where you meet let him that speaks be fined 5 l. and if they will not pay fetch away their Goods Beasts Horses break open their Houses and take Hatchets and beat down their Doors and take the Names of them that meet and b●le them to the Court and there fine them 5 l. a Man and send them to Prison and load their Backs and Stripes and whip them severely and if any refuse to doff his Hat and will not say Reverend Mr Peter and Reverend Mr Paul and Reverend Mr John or if it please you Mr Mark or Mr Andrew and Philip then go you to the Judgment Seat and tell the Magistrates and let them indict them and put in a great deal of aggravating Words as Muteny Sedition Insurrection Rebellion and the like and let them say unto them you are against the laudable Custom of our Country and last of all banish them and if they return again put them to Death and let them say as Richard Bellinghom the Deputy Governour of Boston said to John Copeland John Rous and Christopher Holder We commanded these Men not to come again but they returned again in Contempt of the Magistracy and Ministry and so whatsoever comes upon you Loss of Ears or Loss of Life your Blood be upon your own Heads I say let the Regions know your Prescript in your Gospel and your Rule of Life for these Practices and then you will convince the Quakers and satisfie all People 6. Or shall entertain any such in a Way of Conventicle or private Meeting or shall resort unto the Conventicle of any such who are known Refusers to come to the publick Worship of God in the publick Assembly Answ. These Men would have banished Paul he was a Man publickly known to refuse to go into the Temple and Synagogues except to lead People out of them and yet they have got his Words in their Mouthes and these Men would have imprisoned the Church of Corinth and Galatia and Thessalonica and the Church of Antioch for they met in Houses and denyed the rest of the Synagogue of the Jews and the Temples of the Gent●les and they had private Meetings and often by the Sea-side and Mountains and other Places and although Bishop Laud be dead his Spirit speaks and acts in New-England he made such Articles as these against Conventicles and told of the laudable Customs and Worship of
in the Life thereof they are judged though the Truth in it self stands clear and so wh●t as they were in their Principles Practi●e in Life or in Doctrine must they give Account for But thou like the rest of the Hireling Priests of England use alwayes to be confuting your Adversaries when they were at a great Distance when they were dead and could not reply or at such a Distance that they could not hear and you are such valiant Champions for the most Part as to Disputation except you have Club-men and Prison-doors standing open to fight or to shut them in you will hardly enter into a Dispute publickly or it may be if they be afraid that they shall be worsted and their Deceit laid open put a Key in the Mouth of one as some did in the Mouth of Humphrey Norton when he was with one of thy Brethren and then cry The Opposite or Quaker hath nothing to say for himself and such dark muddy Stories you used to fill up your Hour with as to confute Arrius and Pelagius men that were Hundreds of Years dead and no such Principles holden in a Nation and such dead Stories you fill Peoples Minds with and confute the Pope when your Elbows were leaning upon the soft Cushions on the Pulpit and twenty or thirty Shillings for such a dead Story as you told People but when have you gone amongst them and reasoned of the Things of the Kingdom of God into their Dominions and convinced them by sound Doctrine and yet you will say Christ said Go into all Nations and preach and plead that for your Commission and it may be stay fourty Years over an hundred Families As for the Heterodoxes of the Quakers concerning the Heads of Religion as thou hast set down this I say to thee and to all the World we do not hold them because any Man before did hold them or may hold them after but because God hath revealed them unto us by his Spirit which also may be confirmed by the Testimony of the Scripture of Truth As to those which thou settest down as our Tenets I shall answer on the Lord's Behalf for Truth 's sake and for the rest thou may'st take them home to thy self First Concerning the Trinity thou say'st The confess the Father Son and holy Ghost and yet they deny the Trinity and those to be three distinct Persons for Confutation of this thou bringest Heb. 1. 3. He is the express Image of his Father's Person Thy Trinity is an old Popish Term and we love to keep to sound Words but by Trinity I suppose thou meanest three and thy own Words shall confute thee thou confessest we say there is Father Son and H●ly Ghost and yet but one God or one Eternal Being or Substance in which they all subsist but thy Word distinct is thy own and not the Spirit 's yet to distinguish betwixt Father Son and Spirit we deny not and as for Heb. 1. it is in another Translation rendered The express Image of his Su●stance for Per●on is too gross a Word as to express an Eternal and Divine Being in and if thou dost h●l●l three distinct Substances thou errest in they Judgment for that were to make three Gods Secondly They deny Christ to be God and Man in one Person and Christ to be a distinct Person from the Father and they acknowledge such a Christ as unchrists Christ and when they say Christ manifest in the Flesh they mean not as the Scripture but fallaciously Answ. We say according to the Scripture of Truth and not according to thy Fallacy that In the man Christ did the fulness of the God-head dwell and God was in Christ reconciling the World unto himself and he saith I and my Father are one and the Father the Son and the Spirit subsist in one Eternal Power Life and Glory which thou with all thy stupid Generation are Ignorant of and that Christ we acknowledge is such a Christ as is able to save to the utmost them that come unto him and receive him and believe in him and is such a Christ as is able to raise them that have been Dead and such a Christ giveth eternal Life to them that believe And so that Christ that we own doth not un-christ Christ but by your Doctrine who plead Imperfection and the continuation thereof and a continuation in Sin for term of Life as one of thy own said Sin will dwell in the House till the House he pull'd down speaking of the natural Body which some other of thy own Generation have called the Body of Sin and so it is you that hold such a Christ as un-christ's the true Christ in thy own Words and when didst thou enter into our Thoughts and into our Heart or with what dost thou search that thou sitst as Judge over the Heart who knowest not Judgment in thy self nor what Spirit thou art of and so thy lyes and deceit are turned upon thee when we say Christ manifest in the Flesh we say that Holy thing which was brought forth and born of a Virgin and Conceived of the Holy Ghost in whom the fulness of the God-head dwells in whom the Eternal Power of the Father was manifested that he was the Christ which was manifested in the Flesh and Justified in the Spirit Preached among the Gentiles seen of Angels and received up into Glory and this is according to the Scripture of Truth and thy Judgment must be judged Thirdly Concerning the Scripture considered as the Rule of Life They deny the Scripture or written word to be the rule of Life and they make the Spirit without the Scripture to be their guide they account Church instituted Worship and waiting upon God for the Efficacious presence and Operation of the Spirit of Grace in the Ministry of the Word and Sacrament for Conversion and Ed●fication to be Idolatry and the Political order of Church Officers and Members they affirm to be an Image Answ. Concerning the Scripture we say they are Scriptures of Truth and words of Truth spoken from the Spirit of Truth that which gave them a being is greater then they as he that Creates is greater then they that are Created which is perferred above and before and yet no Diminishing or Detracting from the Creature so the Spirit is greater above and before the words and yet this doth not Diminish neither Derogate from the Scripture these and the like sound Words we have spoken to thy deaf Generation yet a Spirit of slumber being upon them all they could not hear that which gives Life and bringeth to Life and preserves in the Life is a rule and a Guide to them that are enlightned the Sons of God who were quickned by the Eternal Spirit of their Father and of Christ and raised from Death to Life this was their rule as it is written as many as are the Sons of God are led by the Spirit of God and we say it is a sufficient rule of
practices in the first hundred Years after Christ and if these things be found invented and without footing or Ground then let them that are informed depart from them CHAP III. But now to descend a little further nearer unto our own Age to speak something to them which I believe look upon themselves to be Catholick and Apostolick in Doctrine and Practice according to the Primitive Time and Order and that they are totally come out of the Apostacy THis I have to say to you which is my Judgment and Belief and that upon good Ground that you are in many things in the Apostacy as hereafter I shall demonstrate and to tell you nakedly and plainly we look upon the Reformation which was made in denying the Church of Rome to be but very weak and poor and feeble and imperfect comparatively with the Doctrine and Practice and Order in the primitive times insomuch that we judge upon good Grounds that it cannot be parallel'd with the Church in the primitive Times which I have spoken of before in that you have denyed the Pope to be the Head of the Church and so are called Protestants so am I knowing that Christ is the Head of the Church and ought to rule by his spiritual Scepter and his eternal Power in the Hearts and Consciences of People and in and over the true Church which is his Body whereof he is the Head and let all take heed who do intrude and take upon them that which belongeth to the King of Kings and King of Saints as to matter of Headship Regulation or Government for all power is committed unto him in Heaven and Earth and the Father hath given it to him and will not have any other have that Glory but whosoever seeks it must be condemned and his Glory he will not give to another for the Lamb is worthy of Glory and Strength And though the Church of Rome be generally acknowledged to be in the Apostacy by them that are separated from them and that upon good Ground yet I say the Separation is in some little or small part more in Name then Nature more in Form then in power more in some circumstantial things then in the very Ground it self and very many of these Doctrines practices Di●cipline and Order as they call it I find to be upholden practised and contended for which are found in the former I have mentioned First of all to instance that which is generally holden out by the reformed Protestants is that the Writings of Matthew Mark Luke and John and several Epistles is the Gospel which the primitive Disciples and Ministers preached and published and which people did receive and by believing the Sound thereof were accounted Christians and Believers We would have all to know the Gospel was preached to Abraham before Matthew or Mark or any of the Apostles writ a Word Moreover we would have all to know that Christ had preached glad tidings to the captives and some of the Disciples had preached the Word of the Kingdom before Matthew or Mark or Luke or John had wrote a Word my Reasons are divers Matthew Mark Luke and John must needs hear and see that done which they testified of before they writ and if Matthew Mark Luke and John be the Gospel the Writings of them I intend then the Disciples could not preach it before it was given forth and if the Epistles be a part of the Gospel this the Disciples could not preach before it was written for Paul succeeded and was converted after divers of the Apostles had preached the Gospel so then doubtless the Disciples and Apostles had something to say and declare and publish before any of the New-Testament was written and it is manifested that they were not sent out to preach the Law nor the Ordinances of the first Covenant after Christ was offered up the End of the first So then there was something and is something which was preached by them and is to be published now to all that are made Ministers by the holy Ghost and that is in few Words the Power of God which was before the New Testament so called though the Words declare of it but is not it Now they went and discipled in the Name of the Father Son and holy Ghost which is a Ministry far beyond the written or declarative Sound or indeed is a spiritual and invisible Thing which the Apostle Acts 26.18 declaring his Message which he had received by the holy Ghost saith I was sent to turn them viz. the Gentiles and Jews and them of Arabia and else where he soiourned from Darkness to Light and from Satan's Power unto God's Power that they that believed in the Light and received the Power of God which he preached to them might receive Remission of Sins for Remission of Sin was only preached in his Name and there is no Name under Heaven by which Men can be saved but by the Name of Jesus though the Apostles spoke according to the Motion of the Spirit in divers Words calling him the Gift of God the free Gift of Righteousness the unspeakable Gift the true Light that lighteth every man that cometh into the World the Power of God and the Wisdom of God which Wisdom and Power they had received and because the Son of God was revealed in them the Apostle said I am a Debtor to the Jews and the Greeks Rom. 1.14 And he having received 〈◊〉 freely of the Father he went to the Jews and went to the Greeks to the Gentiles and Heathen where the Name of this Gift and Power and Jesus had not been named and published freely without Gifts and Rewards and the Necessity did lye upon him 1 Cor. 9.16 and the Love of Chr●st which was shed abroad in his Heart constrained him and made him reckon himself as a Debtor unto all because of the abundant Loving Kindness and Riches of God's Love and Grace and spiritual Gifts which he had received he longed and thirsted and travailed to communicate it unto others Largely I might speak of this hidden Mystery as to demonstrate what the Gospel of Christ was and is but in what I have already said they that are any thing spiritual minded will judge that the Law and the Prophets Matthew Mark Luke and John and the Epistles were not the everlasting Gospel but it was a thing beyond and above and before any of these writings were although they all in their several Ages bore Testimony of it viz. the Power of God which condemns Sin in the Flesh and mortifies the Deeds thereof and gives Victory over it and taketh up all that believe in it into one Life Power and Virtue into pure Peace and heavenly Contentment and perfect Satisfaction So you who are calling the Letter the Gospel or the New Testament writings the Gospel I would ask you a Question also When was there a time since the first hundred Years after Christ or in that time till now that these Words and Writings have
profess themselves to be Christians who dare not stand to Christ's Doctrine and allowance in respect of their Maintenance But in the fulness of time God raised up another Priest Christ Jesus who was not of the Tribe of Levi neither made after a carnal Commandment as the first Priest was neither was he Consecrated after the order of Aaron for he pertained to another Tribe of which no man gave attendance at the Altar viz. to Judah he obtained a more excellent Ministry and of a greater and more perfect a tabernacle not of the former building he being the Sum and Substance of all shadows under the first Covenant hath thereby put an End to the first Priest-hood with all its shadows and carnal Ordinances and changing the Priest hood which had a command to take Tythes of their Brethren there was a necessity also of the change of the Law and a disannulling likwise of the Commandment which went before Now after Christ Jesus was manifest the end of the Law for Righteousness to them that do believe the End of the Covenant first Priesthood Tabernacle Temple Tythes Offerings Oblations and in a Word all the Worship of the Jews and all their Shadows Types and Figures and representations All the Sabbaths Fasts Feasts and their divers washings and Purifyings which all were but as Shadows of things to come and he was the sum and Substance of them all and ended them all and whosoever will plead a necessity of all or anyone of the former things mentioned in the first Covenant that was faulty Christ profits him nothing and he denyes the Faith of Christ and his Apostles and Ministers for Circumcision was once commanded of God and as real a Type as any other and yet they that would needs hold it up after the Substance was manifest to wit Christ Jesus the Apostle Paul concludes that Christ profits them nothing though he elsewhere calls it the Seal of the Righteousness of Faith unto Abraham which he had before he was Circumcised The like I also say of all the former Ordinances which pertained to the first Priest-hood and Covenant and holds them up as of necessity denyes the Faith of Christ and Christ profits them nothing and do make themselves thereby as debtors to the whole Law and he that fails in the breach of one is guilty of all Therefore of how much necessity is it for them that do profess Christ and the Faith that was delivered to the Saints to stand fast in that liberty wherein Christ hath made them free and not to be entangled with the Yoak of Bondage but to keep the Ordinances and Commands of Christ unviolated for that they lay claim to Tythes and would cause us to pay Tythes they themselves do not keep the Law but would constrain us that they might glory in our Flesh and would confound the Ordinances of the first and second Covenant together without putting any difference to the time and ministration unto which they did belong The Apostles and Ministers of Christ who were made partakers of the Divine Nature and of the Word of Reconciliation did not look back nor draw People back to the former Ordinances of the Jews and their Priest-hood but testified against them their Temples Fasts Feasts and New-Moons and for these things Paul and Stephen and divers others suffered great Persecution and Christ the everlasting high Priest though he was the Son of God the Heir of all things and the first born of every Creature and the Bishop of Souls though he was the Lord of all he made himself of no reputation nor did not lay claim to the Possessions of the World but said The Foxes have holes and the Birds of the Air have Nests but the Son of man hath not whereon to lay his Head He laid no claim to Tenths nor Offerings nor Oblations neither to Lands where he travelled in the Work of the Father though he laboured for the conversion of Souls in divers places as the true Bishop thereof He laid no claim to any such Places as to be his Diocess neither did look for any gifts and rewards from any place but as he was sent of the Father and was the free gift of Righteousness he ministred freely and likewise when he sent out his Disciples and gave them Commission to Teach all Nations and Disciple them in the Name of the Father Son and Holy Ghost he said unto them As my Father sent me so send I you And again Freely you have received freely give And again Take with you neither Staff nor scrip nor Money nor Brass in your purses but into what House or City ye enter enquire who therein is worthy and abide ye there till you go thence And whatsoever is set before you that do you eat and drink for the Labourer is worthy of his meat And though he sent them out as is before said when they returned again he said unto them Lacked ye any thing And they said Nay Though they were sent out as Sheep among Wolves yet they preaching the Word of the Kingdom freely and turned People to Christ the new and living Way whereby there Hearts were opened to Minister unto them which serv'd for their necessity in the Work of the Gospel they did not desire or require any Stipend Sallary Augmentation or settled Maintenance but were Ministred unto them only by them who had believed their report and were made Partakers of Spiritual things they never complained of want nor never had any cause nor did not give over Preaching of the Gospel because they had not settled Maintenance like our latter Generation of Priests who if their Maintenance do cease their Gospel ceaseth which demonstrates only they minister for Hire and filthy Lucre and so are out of the Apostles Doctrine and Practice for the Apostles they often denyed that which was freely proferred them lest they should make the Gospel of Christ chargeable and their Work of no Effect Here was no Tythes spoken of that we read on commanded or commended either to the Jews or Gentiles who believed in the Age of the Apostles that we find mentioned either in Scripture or any other Ancient Records And after many Christians were converted unto the Faith such was the liberality and bounty of believers in the Beginning of Christianity that their bounty to the Evangelical Priesthood was so large as that it far exceeded what the tenth could have been or if you look to the first of the Apostles times then the unity of Heart among them about Jerusalem was such that all was in common and none wanted And as many as were possessors of Lands and Houses sold them and brought the price of that which was sold and laid it at the Apostles Feet and it was distributed to every man according as he had need So the whole Church both Ministers and Believers liv'd in common of that which was freely brought in and ministred for the Service of the
before-mentioned and see if thou canst receive them because the Church of Rome saith they are true and must not be questioned for if thou do thou art like to come under a hard censure by the verdict of R. E. and his Catholick Church first to be reckoned as an Unbeliever secondly to be a Hater of God and thirdly in not believing these Miracles or whatsoever else shall be declared unto thee by the said Church or else thou comest under no less Penalty then Eternal Damnation as R. E. saith in the 80th page of his Epistle but it is a small thing to be judged by man and especially such a man who hath gadded abroad and changed his way so oft so that he hath forgotten the true Path of Righteousness to walk in or else never knew it and hath turned and wheeled about and now at last doth as the poor Indian doth with his Deer-skin hangs it upon one Shoulder and so upon the other shoulder to shelter him from the Wind and Tempest that comes of that side But the day is dawned and mens Spirits are discovered beyond their Words and all the turnings and wheelings of things upside down is but as the Potter's Clay for God measures every man not by his Words but by his Heart and Spirit and Works and will judge every one in Righteousness according to their deeds And R. E. goes on as confident that his Arguments and Reasons laid down have prevailed and almost takes its for granted that it must needs be evident to all that the Roman Church is the true Church and saith He knows but one single Point between the Catholicks and them that stand divided from them and that is saith he That we follow a several Rule to Guide and Judge in the great affairs of Faith for all sides are bound to believe all Truth sufficiently propounded to them to be revealed of God and therefore if the presence of Christ in the Sacrament Purgatory Worshipping of Images Invocation of Saints and Prayer to the Dead and for the Dead If these or any other Point of Faith be sufficiently propounded by denying them God's Veracity is denyed and God thereby made a Lyar. The difference stands betwixt you and them that are divided from you in more particulars then thou art aware of or ever wilt be able sufficiently to propound them to be revealed of God though it is true some are divided from you in Circumstantials and Ceremonies and some others in some points of Faith and Worship yet some deny you in the very ground though 't is true the different Rule by which each party are directed is a great and a main thing Thou sayest This Cath●lick Church is the Rule but I say and am not alone that Christ is the Way to the Father and the Way to the Kingdom and the Rule and Means by which his Church is Governed and he is the Law giver and the Judge and all Judgment is committed to the Son and it is he alone that propounds Truth sufficiently and they that are in him are new Creatures and that which is the New-Creature Rule Guide and Judge is the Rule Guide and Judge of the Church of God and Christ is the Author of Faith and it is nothing that avails any thing with God but the New-Creature and as many as walk according to this Rule Peace is to them Gal. 3.16 And Christ hath not left his People without a Guide for he said Lo I am with you to the End of the World so as to commit the guidance thereof to fallible men who may assume Authority without his Power and to fasten those things upon God as to be revealed from him when the Lord hath spoken nothing and we are so far from looking that the main grounds that thou l●yest down to prove your Church to be this Rule Guide the many Doctrines propounded by you are not sufficiently propounded to be revealed of God but rather they are the Imaginations of your own Brain and things packt up since the Apostles dayes by different Popes and different Mutations and Alterations in your Church ●or filthy Lucres sake and so to deny them is not to deny God's Veracity neither to make God a Lyar as thou falsely sayest but thou and you are the Lyars as to propound those things to be revealed from God and to be received by all under pain of Damnation when God hath revealed no such thing but the contrary and so thy own Words at last shall turn to be thy burden because thou sayest the Lord saith and hath revealed and sufficiently proposed the real presence of Christ in your Sacrament of the Altar as a divine Revelation Worshipping of Images Prayer to the dead and for the dead and all ●hese foolish Imaginations which you have brought in and introduced and thrust upon People by force and these are sufficiently propounded as thou sayest as divine Revelations and the Father Son and Holy Ghost or the incarnation of Christ Silence deceit and for shame blush so to say the Prophets who spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost and Prophesied of things to come they declared of the Father Son and Holy Ghost all and prophesied long before that a Virgin should bring forth a Son whose Name should be called Emanuel God with us and the Government should be upon his Shoulders This the Pope hath usurped and you put it upon his Shoulders but your invented Doctrines aforesaid are meerly the Imaginations of your own Brain which neither the Prophets nor Apostles bore Witness unto but against And therefore it is thy and your great Presumption to make God Christ and Apostles the Foundation of all this Rubbish Straw and Stubble which thou would'st put off as divine Revelation and as sufficiently proposed as the doctrine of Christ and his Apostles was nay blush for shame they brought in the Prophets for the Peoples sake to prove that they had testified of the same before and had declared the coming of the Just One besides they commended themselves to the Witness of God in every man's Conscience and upon waiting upon the Lord and in the measure of his Spirit they found the things even so and by searching the Scriptures as the Bereans did found the things even so as had been declared of but upon due consideration we find not these foresaid doctrines so propounded as to have the Testimony of the Prophets and Apostles neither doth your Doctrine and Worship answer the Witness of God in every mans Conscience and so to deny you is not to make God a Lyar but God true the Prophets and Apostles and the Witness of God true and you Ly●rs who contradict them and their Testimony and the Power of God and would assume it to your selves though you be erred from the Spirit and would put all under the Name of Infallibility and by such Heavenly Arguments as R. E. calls them to wit the Miracles aforesaid by which you have deceived
and thou tells of Satans Arrows which are brought into the Nations and thou tells of Ranters and Quakers and Seekers and Creepers Creatures new come from the Pit and thou sayest they resemble Samson 's Foxes which burn up faith bred by hearing the word preacht Rep. What hast thou and they that call themselves Ministers of the Gospel preached and cryed Reformation and have sided with all mens Wills and flattered all the Governours and Governments that have been changed divers times within these ten Years Have you got nothing done yet but have travailed and brought forth nothing but Wind and Division and Contention and one of supplanting another And have you tried one another and proved one another and every one preached up what he would have had and have brought nought to pass what shameless Reformers are ye Can you not maintain with your Gommissions and all your petitioning for God's Ministers for the North and you had your desire they came as thick as locusts out of the South and cannot you all with your preaching preach down those contemptible Creatures that thou speaks of And as for Ranters I deny both thee and them for thou and they spring both from one Root And I am one thou calls a Quaker and Seeker and blessed be the Lord forever more that ever I was found worthy to bear the Name in Truth for they that seek shall find and they that wait shall not be ashamed And thou blind Shepherd thou might as well have uttered forth thy venome at David Daniel Jeremy and the rest of the holy men of God and have said they came out of the pit Thou proude blasphemer God will plead with thee for deriding the Power of the Lord and thou art that Fox thou speaks of that would be devouring and have all consumed that thy corrupt sensual filthy Will might be satisfied And as for Faith thou never came to the Faith of devils who believe and tremble and thy Faith and thy Ordinances which are but Imaginations and Traditions of men the Day is discovered that shall burn them up and consume all and you shall be left naked and bare and have nothing to cover your Nakedness but you shall be as a Stink and a Proverb And whereas thou saist They preach down Ministry and means and all but those that have Knowledge miraculously infused and thou art offended because we declare what the Prophets were when they were called to prophecy and what the Apostles were before they went to preach and thou gathers thy Conclusions that they will send Princes to beg as well as the Ministry and thou sayest Nothing was more strongly charged upon Israel then suppressing of false Prophets and thou sayest shall not Christian Princes also be zealous to Suppress them that would devour the flock of Christ Rep. When wilt thou cease thy lying and slandering the Ministers of Christ we own and love which have not been nor are not Ministers made by the Will of Man and such have turned away from Darkness to Light and from the Power of Satan to God and such a Ministry we honour but all those who stand in man's Will we deny and are bold to affirm That they run and never were sent and therefore they do not profit the People and all thy means and thy mediate Choice which is carnal we deny for none either by you or it ever had their minds changed from Darkness to Light but only brought into a Form a Husk a Shadow and made Hypocrites to profess what they were not And as for thy miraculous Infusion I deny thy Words but this I say None knows the Father but the Son and he to whom the Son reveals him and that Gospel that we preach we neither received it of Man nor from Man but by immediate Revelation and unto this the Scriptures witness I know Prophets and Ministers of Christ which were Shepherds and Gatherers of Summer Fruit and Husband-men at the Plow and the same Call as ever was God is not bound up to your Trade of Divination and Study and by these which are base in your Eyes shall you be confounded and be broken as a Potters Vessel And for thy Conclusion That we may send Princes to beg we deny we do not dispute who rule whether he be a Shepherd or a Husband-man we know he that fears the Lord is guided by the Light of Christ he will walk and act in Righteousnes whether he be a Prince or a Plowman and God is no Respecter of Persons nor we respect no man's Person as thou Flatterer dost but we honour the Power that is of God and are subject to it for Conscience sake we are not wrangling about the Earth we are redeemed out of it And as for Naash thou speakest on who would strike out the right Eye of Israel that shall stand for thy self for it is the True Israelite in whose Mouth there is no Guile and Jew inward that thou would'st not only strike out the Eye but also cut off their Heads And thou askest Who they are that do devour the Flock of Christ I answer they are Wolves and Deceivers such as I spoak of before that abide not in the Doctrine of Christ read thy self there and own it And thou goest on further and petitionest the Noble Princes to Consider that the Anabaptists have mightily prevailed in this Nation and thou wonderest that the Governours have not supprest and thou bringest an old Story to accuse them with out of Germany That they had Plurality of Wives and this thou say'st is like to destroy the Nation Rep. Thou art Ishmael the Son of Hagar thy Hand is against every man and Cain is the Root from whence thou sprangest for thou hast murder in thy Heart and would'st command Fire to come down from Heaven to destroy and knovvest not vvhat Spirit thou art of And as for the Anabaptists prevailing here thou hast made the Shame of your ministry appear that it hath had no more effect upon the Peoples minds that they have not been established and so they have run after every Wind of Doctrine and thou vvould'st have the Magistrates to make the People live still upon Wind And as for thy Story of Germany concerning the Baptists I have great Ground to believe that thou and thy Author may as vvell belye them vvhich thou never knevvest as to cast a Lye upon those vvhich are nearer at Hand but if they acted any such Thing as plurality of Wives let them bear their ovvn Shame do not accuse the Innocent truly I knovv no such Baptists in the Nation and it 's no more accusation upon them then if thou should'st accuse the Disciples vvith Judas and this thou layest upon the magistrate to consider lest the Nation be destroyed filthy busie mind troubling thy self and others vvith old Stories raked out of the pit to accuse others vvith vvhenas there is no such thing that is ovvned and all vvho fear the Lord deny such and
limit him to any visible Appearance shall be broken to pieces for his Glory he vvill not give to another This was I moved of the Lord to write in Answer to Tho. Ellyson 's Petition and to the Magistrates A Lover of all those that wait for the Redemption of Israel called after the Flesh Francis Hovvgil THE Fiery Darts Of The Devil QUENCHED Or something in Answer to a BOOK called A second Beacon Fired Presented to the Lord Protector and the Parliament and subscribed by Luke Fawne John Rothwel Samuel Gellibrand Thomas Underhil Joshua Kirton Nathanael Webb Wherein their Lyes and Slanders are made manifest against the Innocent and those Books which have been published by them they call Quakers owned and vindicated and all the rest which is in that Book disowned and their Deceit laid open how they have perverted the Truth our Words in those Books which they cry out of as Blasphemy that the Truth may not suffer under the Reproach of the Heathen FIrst of all you go about and flatter the Powers and the Magistrates and tell them They ought to have a Care of their peoples Souls in keeping them from Infection of Idolatry and Blasphemy and you say you are to inform them of the Dangerousness of great Meetings in London of Quakers whose Opinions are Blasphemous Paganish Anti-scriptural and Anti-Christian even as the former And further the greatest thing that troubles you is Printing and Publishing Books many thousands you say concerning Blasphemous and Heretical and Anti-magistratical Opinions tending to unchristian People and disorder the People of the Nations and to bring in Paganism and Libertinism and this you say you present unto them to provoke their zeal against them Oh you blood-thirsty-minded men all the Care that you would have the Magistrates to take of the People is to destroy them and to have them shut up in Holes and Caves and Dens and Prisons and the Truth ever suffered by your Generation and your Generation hath ever pressed the Magistrates that they might abuse their Power and if they will but hearken to you instead of healing the People they will be Destroyers and instead of making up Breaches they will make desolate and so you would drive them on hastily to satisfie your corrupt Will and to uphold your Diana and your craft that you may make Merchandize of that vvhich hath been long enough sold and printed by you and what hath it done who is turned from Darkness to Light and you that make a trade of others Writings and Words to maintain you in your Lusts and deceive this you would have them to uphold but as for the care of Peoples Souls it 's far enough from you and all along in your filthy lying slanderous Book you are made manifest to be of those that would have Fire to come down from Heaven in your Wills to destroy all those that withstand you and your Imaginations And therefore let all Magistrates in whom the Fear of the Lord is take heed how they take things from the Hands and Mouthes of them who have alwayes persecuted the Power of Truth and called Truth Errour and Light Darkness and Darkness Light and in a blind Zeal for God destroy them whom the Power of the Lord is manifest in for so Paul persecuted Christ and the Saints and so the Jews crucified Christ and all the Saints have suffered And you are offended at our meeting in London while we have been here in the City we have not been in a corner and we challenge you and all the City in the Name of the Lord who is dreadfull to all Lyars and Slanderers to shew what are those blasphemies that you speak of you backbiters shall have your portion with the rest of hypocrites Opinions we deny for the Light of Jesus Christ is spiritual which appears and declares against all Sects and Opinions and Blasphemies and all you who hate it are in Contention and in Opinions and Blaspheme the Truth and here I charge it upon you in the Presence of the living God that you are Blasphemers who call the Light Natural and Paganism and the Lord will plead with you you filthy corrupt minds who calls the Light of Christ Anti-christian for here in the Presence of the Lord of Hosts I speak it no other Light do we own to walk by but that which is spiritual and eternal the Light of Christ which he hath enlightened every one that comes into the World withall and this is not Anti-scriptural as thou calls it for the Scriptures witness the same and Christ bears witness of it and no other Light do we own but the same that ever was which was in the beginning and which convinceth the World of Sin and the same that led up the Saints to knovv the Father and the Son and you that call this Paganism and Heretical and Blasphemous and Anti-christian let all vvho have any Light in them judge and let Shame cover your Faces and Fear take hold upon you for your Words stink and come out of the Mouth of the Dragon ye filthy unclean Frogs vvhich have Poison under your Tongues And as for the Bookes vvhich vve have printed vve ovvn them and are ready to lay dovvn our Lives for the Testimony of Jesus and the Truth of them and seal them vvith our Blood and vvhat are vvritten in them through the eternal Povver of God vvhich is made manifest and that vve have published any thing against any just Magistrate let all our vvritings and all vvho read them judge and if bearing vvitness to Jesus Christ unchristians People let all judge for no other do vve ovvn but the same Christ to Day and Yesterday and forever and here all your petitioning is made manifest from vvhence it did arise and proceed and your shame and Nakedness and envy appears And the Sacraments vvhich you say you use which is appointed in the Scripture and Farnsvvorth in Answer to a Petition did deny them Answer His Ansvver vve ovvn and I challenge you to be Perverters of the Scripture vvhere read you of Sacraments in the Scripture here I charge you to be Lyars and Slanderers and Denyers of the Scripture and Adders to it and the Plagues shall be added to you and as for that vvhich you use among you is traditional and imitatory Yet the Bread vvhich vve break is the Communion of the Body of Christ and the Cup we drink is the Communion of the Blood of Christ and this is that which Paul received from him And Baptism by one Spirit into one Body we own the Baptism is but one and this we own and here you Lyars and Slanderers are seen and denyed Another thing you call Heresie and Blasphemy is that we say that Christ hath enlightened all men but I shall lay down your own Words and prove you Lyars out of that Book called the General good to all People and you say The Light of God that is in all men that is to wit
false Prophet and Babylon came into Remembrance in that Day the Mother of Harlots and the Sea dryed up and all the Merchants that traded with her stood afar off for the Cup of Fury was poured forth and Cain was seen and Judas that had betrayed the Lord of Life and I would have run any Way to have hid my self but nothing but weeping and gnashing of Teeth and Sorrow and Terrour and I roared out for the Disquietness of my Heart and the Kingdom was full of Darkness I knew not the right Hand from the left I became a perfect Fool and knew nothing and as a Man distracted all was overturned and I suffered Loss of all in all that ever I did I saw it was in the accursed Nature and then something in me cryed Just and true is his Judgment my Mouth was stopped I durst not make mention of his Name I knew not God And as I bore the Indignation of the Lord something rejoyced the Serpent's Head began to be bruised and the VVitnesses which were slain were raised and stopped Heaven that it rained not in the Dayes of their Prophecy and a great Famine there was and the Sun was darkened and the Moon turned into Blood and the Stars did fall and all the Grass of the Earth withered and every green Tree and all the Springs were dryed up and a great and noysome Smell and a Plague fell upon the Earth and the VVaters became as the Blood of a dead Man and the Heavens passed away with her Noise and the Elements melted and the Earth was scorched with the Flame which proceeded from the Throne of God and the Judgment-Seat of Christ was seen and an Account was to be given and then Esau was cursed and Cain and Judas and Ishmael and all the Cananites and the Egyptians went to the left Hand and as the Judgment was pronounced something cryed Just art thou oh Lord in all thy Judgments And as I did give up all to the Judgment the Captive came forth out of Prison and rejoyced and my Heart was filled with Joy and I came to see him whom I had pierced and my Heart was broken and the Blood of the Prophets I saw slain and a great Lamentation and then I saw the Cross of Christ and stood in it and the Enmity slain upon it and the new Man was made and so Peace came to be made and so eternal Life was brought in through Death and Judgment and then the perfect Gift I received which was given from God and the holy Law of God was revealed unto me and was written in my Heart and his Fear and his Word which did kill now makes alive and so it pleased the Father to reveal his Son in me through Death and so I came to witness Cleansing by his Blood which is Eternal Glory unto him forever and am a Minister of that Word of eternal Life which endures forever Glory unto his Name forever and have Rest and Peace in doing the Will of God and am entred into the true Rest and lye down in the Fold with the Lambs of God where the Sons rejoyce together and the Saints keep Holy Dayes Glory unto him forever And these few things have I written for your sakes who walk in Darkness that you may see where you are and also ye high Cedars who trust in the Arm of Flesh that you may cease your Boasting and come down from off the Pinacle where you are exalted for the same must come upon you if ever the Lord you know in Truth and Righteousness even through the Death of things in the Curse of all Knowledge and Wisdom which is from below yea through the Death of Death that rules in you which must be slain upon the Cross of Christ Jesus if ever you come to true Peace and witness eternal Salvation And therefore cease you Diviners and Imaginers who have feigned a Faith and a Christ and a Salvation in your Imaginations and yet that you may live in the Lust and Filth of the World and the Customs and Fashions which perish I say your Expectations shall fail and you will lye down in Sorrow for where Salvation is witnessed the Life of Christ is witnessed but you would have Salvation and the Life of the Devil brought forth and lived in But unto all such I say This will be your Sentence Depart into the Lake Therefore take Warning for it is not your good Words without the Life of Godliness nor your swelling Speeches that are accepted with God for he accepts nothing but what is of himself and by him wrought in the Creature by his own Will and Power and this destroyes the carnal Will Power and Righteousness and this work which he worketh of himself and by his Power and in his Covenant is perfect and is accepted of God and so it s no more the Creature but Christ who is all in his Saints and so he brings all that follow him out of his Works of Condemnation which are acted in the disobedient Nature and are accursed whether praying or plowing or whatsoever while Cain lives which is in the Banishment out of the Acceptance of God and all who follow him who is the LIGHT and leads all that believe and follow him into the living Works of Righteousness wrought by Christ through Faith and is accepted and well pleasing unto God and here all boasting is excluded for all is of him and from him that works both the Will and the Deed and here the Lord is admired in all his Works and his VVorks praise him Wherefore all honest hearted who travell and are weary and have found no Rest for your Souls I say unto you Arise and come away lye not groveling in the Earth like Moles nor seek not to know God in your fallen Wisdom for the Well is deep and if you know nothing but the old Wisdom which is corrupt and natural you cannot come to one Drop of the living Water therefore dwell no longer among the Graves and Tombs where the unclean Spirits dwell which trouble and vex all that pass in their Way neither dwell among the Pits where there is no Water he is risen he is not there look upward mind that which draws you from the Earth the Covenant of Life is made manifest Glory unto him in the highest his Proclamation is Ho every one that thirsteth come freely and receive of him freely without Money or Price or any thing of yours or self nay self must be denied and that you must deny if you will receive of him that he may be all and you nothing for he gives freely and his Gift is perfect and pure without Spot Stain or Mixture and all that receive his Gift come by it to be presented perfect to the Father And this is making manifest to you also who wait upon him who is given for a Covenant of Light and Peace and Life and all that receive this gift shall come to hear glad-tidings Peace on Earth
and Good-will to you as you turn to the Light and this shall be preached in you by him who is the anointed of God and the Messenger of the Covenant and is sent to preach to the Spirits in Prison and to open the blind eyes and to set open the Prison Door that the Prisoner may come forth out of the Mire and Clay to follow and wait upon him who is the Rock of this Age and all Ages in which all the Fathers believed and were justified and did eat and drink of this Rock and this Rock was and is Christ Jesus the Light of the World and hath enlightned every one that comes into the world with his true Light Therefore I say unto you who look after Righteousness come hither who are weary and I will shew you where you may have true everlasting Rest which he hath shed abroad in my Heart by his free Grace and everlasting Love made manifest after a long and a dark Night in which I passed without a Guide and so fell into the Pit and stumbled and then Sorrow and Trouble compassed me about on every side as an armed man but now hath he shed abroad his Grace in my Heart which saves me from Sin and leads out of the Works of Condemnation into his Habitation where no unclean thing can enter and this Grace hath separated me from Sin and hath constrained me to deny my self and follow him through the Death of the Cross and through the Denial of all both Country and Nation Kindreds and Tongues and People and from Wife and Children and Houses and Lands to publish his Name abroad contrary to my own will and to make known unto you the Riches of his Grace which all that wait in the Light of Christ Jesus shall come to see and so you may see him whom your Souls love and long after which hath long breathed after Refreshment but none could speak a Word in Season to your Condition Return home again ye that in your seeking have sought among the dead and joyned your selves to Strangers and have got nothing but a Husk a Shadow and live in a Dream you are further off in running out and seeking in your earthly Wisdom and Comprehension then you were before and have got nothing but a Report of what Christ said and did and how they worshipped him and so while your eyes have been without you never found him whom the Saints and all that knew him worshipped in Spirit and witnessed him their Salvation in them and was their Hope and the Ground of their Hope was manifest in them and he that manifested his Love in them then and was their Redeemer he changeth not but is the same to his Seed forever and all who wait in the Light of Christ the Measure of God in you this shall come to see Now therefore every one that thirsts come unto Christ Jesus who is near you and wait to know his Word in you which is in the Heart which Faith comes by the Preaching of it in you as you diligently wait and keep your Minds unto it and this which shews you Sin and Evil is in you and makes manifest all that you have acted contrary unto it yea even all that ever you have done and will search your Hearts and is the Eye that sees the Deceit in all its transforming in you and it will let you see it hath often checked and called but you have not answered its Call and so have chosen your own Way and so have gone from the Way which is the Light of Christ in you and so you run into the broad Way and that which desired after God hath not been nourished and fed but hath been famished and another hath been fed which now is for the Slaughter But now as ye return home to within to the true Light of Jesus which is that one thing which leads all men that own it to be guided by it you shall have true Rest and Peace Now Friends there is something in man which must receive Christ something of his own learn what it is which he comes to and nothing can he joyn with or be joyned unto but that which is pure and undefiled for the pure in Heart see God and not the mortal Mind that despiseth his Glory for to that Mind that hunts abroad he doth not reveal himself that is Esau the Blessing is nothing to him nor that which the Covenant of God is with the Election he hates and to him it is of no Price nor Value that 's the prophane Person and Judas that betrayes him selleth him for a Thing of naught nor the Pearl is nothing to the Swine Now read within every one you that are painted with the Attire of the Harlot trimmed and made beautiful in the Eyes of the Egyptians this is a small Thing to you and to that Seed which the Promise is to and the Covenant established with is trodden upon and is famished in the Streets of Sodom and Egypt where Christ was and is slain and his Witnesses suffer in the Streets and none hath Compassion is this Thing nothing to you all ye that pass by to slight the Love of the Father in sending his Son a Light to you and him you despise and as the Ph●risees could not own him they put the Time far off and so do you and cannot own that of him in you to be led by it and so follow Strangers and still are complaining and put Redemption to another World and so Satan hath deceived you in looking abroad and therefore that at home is of no Price unto you and so you run away from the drawing of the Father and from his dwelling where the least in his House hath Bread enough but to the carnal Mind which is at Enmity with God who seeks him in the fallen Wisdom he is of no value and that which was the Saints Rule is too low for you and yet you say the Sons of God are led by his Spirit Now I say Where doth the Spirit speak doth in not bear Witness either with or against our Spirits and so all Mens Spirits and so that Nature in you which is one with the Serpent and nourisheth the Harlot is exalted and lives and hath the Preeminence and yet you will talk of being reconciled unto God Now consider while you stand not in the Counsel of God within and wait to hear his Word you know not the Word of Reconciliation for he takes none into Union with himself but they that follow him and do what he commands and are his Fruit and Off-spring And therefore O foolish and unwise how long will you feed on a Dream that you are saved when your Rebellion is open to your own Sight To that of God in your Consciences I speak All therefore that see your Darkness that you live in return home and that which is low mind the meek Spirit and be not forward nor rash but stand still in Quietness and
the Rock and so Love will encrease in you who abide faithful in your Measure and the good and perfect Gift of God will be made manifest in you and the Hope upon which the Soul comes to be anchored will come to be witnessed which Hope purifies the Heart and as you stand in the perfect Law of Liberty revealed in you revealed by the Spirit which cuts down the Oppessor and gives Liberty to his Seed unto which the Covenant is and the Promises forever and this Seed Christ took and takes upon him to redeem even the Seed of Abraham unto whom the Promise was made and so wait that the pure Law of Righteousness which is Life to the Righteous and the Seed may be set up and you will see all chained under and this binds and fetters the unclean Spirits and shuts them up into utter Darkness forever And as you come to be redeemed from under the Bondage of Sin and come above the Bonds of Death and the pure Principle lives in you there will be a Delight in you to do the Will of the Father who hath redeemed you from Sin and its Law unto Righteousness and its Law And all who hunger and thirst after Righteousness wait in that which thirst●th that the Gift you may receive which perfects forever them that receive it and believe in it and cleanseth and purgeth you from Unrighteousness and this being revealed in you as you obey it its leads to true Peace and will reveal in you the immortal Seed which came not by the Will of man but is contrary and revealed out of man's Will which all must witness to be born of that inherit the Kingdom of God and this is he who is begotten of the incorruptible Seed which the Promise is unto and are in him fulfilled Yea and Amen come out of time before all time the Son of God who leads out of time and this is he whom the Father revealed in Paul and this is he of whom I am a Witness in whom I have Redemption by the Blood of the Cross and he is my Sanctification Justification and Wisdom who is the Son of God who came to do his Father's VVill and now doth where he is witnessed who by his eternal VVord of Life hath begotten me and made me a Partaker of his eternal Inheritance which never fades away Glory unto him for evermore who is Life and translaeteth all that believe and follow him in the VVork of Regeneration unto his Kingdom So silence all you Diviners and Sorcerers forever who believe with a Faith and teach a faith that none can be ever cleansed from Sin while they are here you and your faith is denyed for it is not the same which was once delievered to the Saints which gave them Victory over the World and by which they overcame Paul a Minister of Christ by the will of God said the Colossians were translated into the Kingdom of God where nothing that is imperfect can come or enter your Preaching is vain your Hope and Faith is vain and all your Hearing is vain while the perfect Gift of God is not witnessed nor the everlasting Offering which perfects forever them that are sanctified by him even by his Word of Life and his Will which sanctifies and makes perfect the Comers thereunto and presents all that believe and receive him without Spot And therefore all you that love the Lord and wait for the coming of the Kingdom of Christ feed no longer upon Imaginations nor vain Words cease from looking lo here and there for the Kingdom of God will the Father reveal in you as you wait in the Measure of the Light in you by which he reveals himself in his Sons and Daughters and will bring them to his everlasting Fold and true Rest all who follow him through the Denyal of all and to the loosing of all for him shall come to witness an incoruptible Inheritance which never fades away And now a few Words to you who would thrust your selves into the Kingdom and would be called Christ's Disciples and Church-members who are gathered into Confederacies and make a Likeness unto your selves and are now professing the Saints Conditions in Words How came you hither to climb up so high in Words when as you are what you were before if not worse think it not a hard Saying for it is so among many of you and in the Light which is pure you are weighed and when one comes to try you your Language bewrays you that you are not what you profess for when you are tryed by the Saints Practices and Life that was in them and the Injoyment they had with God you are found so far from being any such that you even oppose the Faith they even believed in as some of your Pastors openly to my Face in the hearing of two hundred People said All the Saints dyed Sinners and so was so far from owning the Perfect Righteousness of Christ that he even denyed it and said it was Heresie and othres of you say you believe That all the Grace the Saints enjoy are imperfect yea even Faith is imperfect and others saying That all the Righteousness that was wrought in them by Faith was imperfect and others saying while the Light of Christ Jesus condemned them yet Christ Justified them and yet that which was wrought in them there was Failings in it and so you have imagined a Faith and Righteousness of your own and such a Christ to talk on and a Redemption as you may live in Lusts and be Men-pleasers and in the Customs and Fashions of the World and Covetousness and plead for Sin and puts perfect Righteousness to another VVorld and thus the Devil hath deceived you and so you set up and make Covers but all will not hide you in the day of his Appearance for God joyns not to that which is imperfect neither is that true Faith which is imperfect and which layes hold upon an imperfect Righteousness that is such a Faith as never was professed by any of the Saints whose VVords you profe●s for they had received Faith the Gift of God the least Measure of which was perfect and as they stood in it though it was but a Grain of Mustard-seed they said to this Mountain be removed and it was so and that which was in them reveal'd by the Son led them that did believe in it to lay hold upon Christ's Righteousness which was and is perfect which had yea hath no Spots nor Wrinckles nor Stain and this Righteousness was made manifest in them by the Faith of the Son by which they were justified in the Sight of God and came with boldness before the Throne of Christ for in them there was no Condemnation neither guilt but became one with the Judge and reconciled unto him and his Throne and to the Lamb by him who is the Mediator and hath made Peace betwixt them and the Father and so were justified in the Sight of God and this
one of you dare own nor dare say your Ministry shall nor never did and so not the same nor hath not the same operation and so is not the same Faith nor Word which they preached And now to you who are called Members in all separated Societies and yet in Babylon and Egypt spiritually so called where the Seed is held in Captivity I say come forth of her and return to your Maker from whence you are erred and cast off your Garments of Self-Righteousness and those Coverings you hide your selves under must all be rent they will wax old yea your Heaven shall wax old as a Garment and your Stars will fall and your Towers will be demolished and all your Buildings will fall and your Strength will fail and Egypt cannot save you why gad you abroad why trim you your selves with the Saints Words when you are ignorant of the Life return return to him that is the first Love and the first-born of every Creature who is the Light of the World which Light will shew you that to return back again is the Way from off the Mountains of Leanness and Poverty where you feed upon Wind and Husks and now return home to within sweep your Houses all the Groat is there the little Leaven is there the Grain of Mustard-seed you will see which the Kingdom of God is like and you will see from whence you have erred from the true Shepherd Christ the Light of the World who hath enlightened you with his Light which Light will shew you Sin and let you see what rules in the Mind and Heart which Light will let you see the Way out of the World and will judge Sin in you and bind it and give you Power over it and this is the true Shepherd and if you say you love him manifest your Love unto him by following his Light revealed in you which leads into the true Separation from Sin unto the Lord to see his Presence near you who will guide you with his Eye the Light is the Eye of the Body and here you will see your Teacher not removed into a Corner but present when you are upon your Beds and about your Labour convincing instructing leading correcting judging and giving Peace to all that love and follow him therefore haste I say come away while the Lord is near at Hand while his Grace shines with you he waits and hath waited long to be gracious and you have kept him out so long his Locks are bedewed with the Drops of the Night his Spirit shall not alwayes strive that that checks and strives against Sin is it in Love follow it let it lye in your Bosom Day and Night make it your Comapanion I pity you I pity you my Bowels are troubled for you I am pained for the Seed's sake therefore all slight not this Love quench not the Spirit put not that which reproves Sin away own it that Sin may be seen and the Man of Sin may be revealed by the Brightness of Christ whose Coming is as Light shines from East into the West discovers all dark Pathes and the twining of the Serpent and the crooked Wayes of the old Dragon by this Light and if thus you wait you will see the day revealed in you which the Scripture speaks of which shall declare all things and make manifest the hidden things of Esau who hunts abroad and is a Man of the Field whose Mind is abroad and you whose Minds are abroad hunting after savoury Meat to please the Flesh withal you are of his Birth you will be laid waste and the Mount in which you dwelt Therefore all prize your time and your Visitation if you will return come that he may heal your Backsliding and receive you if you resist the Light Misery will be your End and you will lye down in Sorrow This have I written in Love to all your Souls who am one who did drink of the Cup of Fornication and have drunk of the Cup of Indignation but now drink the Cup of Salvation where Sorrow and Tears are fled away and yet am a Man of Sorrows and well acquainted with Grief and suffer with the Seed and travail that it may be brought forth of Captivity F. H. The Difference shewn betwixt them that learn of Christ and are taught of him and them that follow the Principle of Darkness that leads into Error HE that stumbles at the Light stumbles at the Door and his Mind is erred from the Truth and he follows his own Will and walks after the Imaginations of his own Heart without a Law or a Guide to his Feet and so falls into Snares and Temptations and into the noisome Lusts which do hurt and annoy the Spirit of Grace which should lead and guide man up to God out of the Fall and Transgression He that sees not with the Light he is blind for the Light is the Eye of the Body and makes manifest the Light of the Body which cleanseth from Sin and leads to the Body where Christ is the Head where the Unity stands in one by which all come to be united by one who is the Light and Life of men and come to the one Baptism and all who wait in the Light that is pure come to know the Name of the Father and the Son which is one and here is the one Baptism seen and received and all that come to be baptized into his Name come to be baptized into his Nature and come to see the Word which was in the Beginning and there is no other Name but the Word which sanctifies and washes So all that know not this Baptism nor this Word nor this Name know not Salvation from Sin but live in the Reasonings and Imaginations and know not that Water which is the Gift of Christ nor the Spirit which is given to every one to profit withal of which a man must be born else he cannot enter into the Kingdom of God and all who deny the Light wherewith Christ hath enlightened every one deny the Gift of God which leads to Repentance and so live in Sin Repentance is the Gift of God and this is the Gift of the Father which was promised the Light of the World and all that receive not and believe not in the Light they are in the old Nature and he that is not born of the Light is not born of God for God is Light he that is not born of the Light knows not the Virgin 's Womb where the Man-child is born conceived nor the Day of Christ nor cannot discern his coming but looks for Signs and outward Observations Lo here and there in the outward and is in the Unbelief discerns not the Kingdom where Christ reigns which is not of this World all outward things are of this World and who live and have their Hearts exercised in them know not that which leads to before the World and to the End of the World and know not the true
all your Strength and all your Rest in the Flesh and Ease in your Beds that you have made shall be taken away you have slain those Desires in you which were once after God and now follow the Pleasures of the Flesh and have set up such a Worship over every one of you as you can live at Ease and in Pleasures and in Pride and vain-Glory and Covetousness and are Men-pleasers and Respecters of Persons and yet your Justification stands sure and your Faith which you hold and this Faith is Reprobate which leads into the Works of Darkness Oh you are high you are strong Warriours for the Prince of Darkness and greater Opposers of the Power of the Lord then they that have professed less who are gone before verily this is fulfilled in this Generation Publicans and Harlots enter the Kingdom and come to sit down with Abraham Isaac and Jacob and you are shut out Will he accept you for your Words will he accept you because you eat his Bread and drink his Wine and one of you is hungry and another Company of you plead that your Communion must now be as much Wine as you can drink and this is Gods ordinance you say Oh ye blind and slow of Heart to believe Is not Parphar and Damascus and Jordan and all the Water his and the Cattel upon a thousand Hills is he beholding to thee for thy lame and blind Sacrifice will he accept you for these things while your Wills stands and while you hate to be guided by his Light and Spirit which cleanseth the Inside shall I not say as Paul said of Circumcision It 's neither Baptism or not being baptized it 's neither breaking of Bread nor drinking of Wine neither your Observances and Washings your Prayers nor your Fasts your feigned Communion and Fellowship but a new Creature that God requires not outward washings nor things carnal which none of these things make perfect as pertaining to the Conscience nor the coming unto these doth not purifie nor make the Answer of a good Conscience while you do not witness that which makes you Partakers of the divine Nature you have no Fellowship with the Father nor the Son but only sacrifice to your Nets and feed upon Ashes and would take those things which were but Figures to oppose the Substance as the Jews did and never look for him to be revealed in you who is the End of the Figures and the End of the Law for Righteousness and the End of the Prophets who now is not worshipped in the Oldness of the Letter nor in Figures but in Newness of Spirit and in the new and living VVay which he hath consecrated for all them that come to him and believe in him and come to within the Vail Heb. 10.20 Nay these things which you call Ordinances as you practice them are not so much as the Image of Heavenly things and though you come to them Year by Year Week by Week they do not make you that are Comers thereunto perfect for if they did then there were a Necessity for the Continuance of them But now to that of God in all your Consciences I speak which shall witness in the Day of the Lord that your Consciences are no more purified nor you made any more perfect then the first Day you took them up And this I say unto you in love to your Souls I know no more of the Power and Presence you do witness among you in these things then if you worshipped in the Temple at Jerusalem and ●urned Incense and Offered Sacrifice and Burnt-offerings which Christ said was left unto them desolate and verily in the Day of the Lord's Account you shall bear witness unto me that I speak not in mine own Name although you cannot believe I say the Lord is departed out of these things and the Gentiles and Heathen who know not God have now all these things to tread upon and all also to feed upon but this I say unto you Sacrifices and offerings without which are Carnal and Elementary and perish with the using he will not have but he is come whose Flesh is the Life of the Saints and his Body is known which is prepared to take away Sin and it was witnessed of him and he is come to do the Will of God and this is he in whom the Father is well pleased who is the Light of the World and hath enlightned every one that comes into the world and whoso is not led by the Light he is not led by the Son and there is no Offering but in the Light that is accepted nor nothing which is well pleasing to God but what he now Commands who is entered to within the Vail into the Heavenly Tabernacle and you whose Hearts the Vail is over and Flesh is over unturned to him you are and his Face do not see nor his Mind do not know and now his worship is no more outward and Carnal but spiritual and everlasting And all you that cannot own the Measure of God in you which shews you his Teachings and Doctrine the offering up of that which is perfect you do not know nor the offering up in and by the eternal Spirit you do not know and so do not know purging away Sin but still you are Checked Condemned in your selves notwithstanding your large Phylacteries and long Garments of Self-righteousness and Selfishness in Performance in your wills from Imitation yet all of you confess the Guilt must remain because none of you are come from under Condemnation therefore you judge all is so Ah ah miserable Redemption and Justification is this what Redemption is wrought among you when the Light in your own Consciences shews there is Guilt and you are under the Power of Pride and Covetousness and Envy and Wrath railing and slandering them that bear witness against your deceit and have not Power over your Tongues nor over your Thoughts but are led captive by him that works Unrighteousness nay so ignorant are you most of you that you know not what it is that is in Captivity and what it is that wants Redemption nor what it is which the Gospel is preached to and purity of Spirit you do not know Verily I say unto you all whose minds are not turned to the Light of Christ which will let you see notwithstanding all your Righteousness and Fulness which you judge you have attained to there is one thing you lack yet you that have kept all the Commands in the Letter which few of you have done you must sell all and give to the Poor and yet before you witness a Disciple of Christ you must take up the Cross of Christ which you all stumble at and it is Foolishness to you as it was to your Generation who were in your Nature who sought to be justified by the Works without them and even you are the same look that God accepts you because you have conformed to the outward Part of the Law
are trodden under foot which are acted and brought forth from the changeable mind of man and so all Laws Constitutions and Decrees which are made in the Will of man come to be thrown down by his righteous Law which proceeds out of the Mouth of the righteous God who is Light and so as his unchangeable and unalterable Decree comes to be set up in every particular Ruler and Governour and himself judged with the just he comes to bear his rule for the just and answered that which is just in every man and no longer can he act against well doing but is a Leader and an Incourager of it in all and is a terrour to the unjust and so comes to know the Dominion again which man lost through Disobedience and Transgression Now all you Powers of the Earth wait that you may come to see that and feel it revealed in your selves to wit the Law of God from the Mouth of God that so you following it Sin may be judged in your selves and you come to know the one Lord the Lawgiver which leads man back out of Sin and Transgression by his Son whom he hath sent into the World that all men through him might believe in the Father and be restored out of Sin and Transgression unto Life eternal where Death hath no Entrance And so all who wait upon the Light of the Son of God and are obedient to it they come to feel his Power and his Decree which cannot alter its Property or Verity and all who come to be guided by it you will come to see that which unites you unto God and one Nation to another in the Covenant of God Oh! that all your Eyes were opened that you might see that which belongs to your Peace and the well-being of all Nations that so the Power of the Flock might be refreshed among you and this I speak unto you a Change must be witnessed in your selves before you will cease acting in the changeable Mind now the time draws near the Lord will try you for the Earth must be lest without Excuse and he will have all warned for God will no longer be limited and therefore take heed how you gainsay any or resist any who may declare unto you the Counsel of God and cause them not to be persecuted or hurt but all be calm and moderate and learn Wisdom from above from him who hath enlightned you that you may come to deny your selves and follow him who condemns all Self-actings and Self-will in man and all Customs Laws Worships and Traditions that are made in the Will of man that so he unto whom all Power is committed may be feared and worshipped in Spirit in Life Truth and Righteousness that so all Sedition Rebellion Treachery and Unrighteousness may be cleansed out of the Earth and that all quarreling fighting contention may end and people come out of that which the sword is against that so the Swords may be beat into Plowshares and the Spears into Pruning-hooks that so Violence may be done away and Cruelty swept out of the Nations that the Dominion of God may be set over all and his Truth advanced above all that the Kingdoms of the World may become the Lord's and his Christ's and blessed are they that stoop unto his Scepter who judges the Nations in Righteousness and the people with Equity who is the Salvation of all his people for evermore and a hiding Place in the day of Trouble LONDON the 20th of the 2nd Moneth 1658. SOME OF THE MYSTERIES OF God's Kingdom DECLARED As they have been revealed by the Spirit THROUGH FAITH For the Information of all such who have erred for Lack of true Knowledge in their Judgments and have perished for Lack of Understanding to the Intent that they may for the Time to come wait in that which gives the true Knowledge of God and of his Kingdom and of the Mysteries thereof which come to be revealed through Faith to the upright in HEART Also for the Confirmation of such who are made Partakers of the like precious Faith By one who is made Partaker of the Riches of his GRACE and of the SALVATION which is in Christ Jesus revealed through the SPIRIT F. H. The Secrets of the Lord are with them that fear him The Particulars treated on in the following DISCOVRSE I. WHat the Day of the Lord is and to whom it hath appeared and how it is seen and discovered II. What it is and what it will be to the wicked declared III. What it is to the Righteous and how he appears to them and whether we are to look for it while in the Body resolved IV. Where it doth appear and how it cometh and how it is to be looked for declared V. What the Spirit of the Lord is and how it comes to be received which discovers the Things of God VI. How the Spirit of Truth worketh and operateth in them who are convinced and yet have not obeyed it shewed VII How the Spirit of the Father worketh in them who hearken to it and are in some Measure made Partakers of its Power shewn VIII Unto whom the Spirit of the Father bears witness and seals Assurance of the Father's Love and of Justification with God declared IX What the Grace of God is which is free and to whom it hath appeared and where all are to wait to receive it X Whether all have received the Grace of Godor no and whether it be a sufficient Teacher in it self demonstrated XI Some Objections answered XII A Word to the wise Men of this World who are glorying in the Sound of Words XIII Also another to them who are glorying in outward Appearances and worshipping visible Things instead of the Life XIV The Kingdom of God and his Christ declared in some Measure as it is revealed by the Spirit what it is and where it is to be waited for and how it comes to be revealed in them that believe XV. Divers Objections answered TO THE READER Reader IN Times past in the Night of Ignorance when Men groped in the dark as blind Men since the Apostles Dayes and out of thick Darkness have spoke darkly of the Things of God and of his Kingdom and written many things about the Things of God and of his Kingdom which have fed the dark Minds of many who are unconverted unto God And seeing how many People are confused in their Minds and err in Judgment and have lost the Key of Knowledge which should give an Entrance into the Mystery of God's Kingdom and open their Hearts therefore in Compassion unto them who are thirsting after the Lord to find him these few Things I was moved to write for the sakes of those who have no Place to rest in or upon to the Intent that all may wait in that through which God reveals his Mind and manifests his true Knowledge in Man and these Things that I have written as they were revealed to me and in me by his
pure Spirit if thou waitest in the Manifestation of the Spirit these Things thou wilt see to be Truth though hid and vailed from the World that lyes in VVickedness as thou comest out of its Nature I have not written for to please Men of corrupt Minds who glory in VVords and outward Appearances and glory in natural Parts and in Sounds and are erred from the Life but to the simple-hearted and for the strengthening of the weak and for the understanding of the simple and that which thou seest in the following Discourse which thou canst not close with let it alone and judge nothing before the Time in thy Wisdom that is earthly or in thy Reason but in that and to that of God in thee I desire to be approved and to nothing else and shall be made manifest in the day of the Lord that is dawning in the world and many have seen it to appear in Power and Glory wait thou in thy own particular that thou may'st feel thy own Condition and see thy own State and that which lets thee see thy own Condition will let thee see the Lord and what I have declared of him to be true I am thy Friend in Truth and wish Good to all Men. F. H. SOME OF THE MYSTERIES OF God's Kingdom DECLARED As they have been revealed by the Spirit THROUGH FAITH THE Lord God of the whole Earth who lives forever even the God of Abraham the God of Isaac and Jacob whose Throne is established in Righteousness forever who rideth upon the Heavens and shines forth in his eternal Excellency from the Firmament of his Power he is manifesting himself in his Power as in the dayes of old and revealing his Righteousness as in the Years past and pouring forth his Spirit upon his Sons and Daughters according to his Promise and they that believe come to be made Partakers of the Blessing of the everlasting Hills even the Lord who appeared at Sinai unto Moses his Servant in the Bush who rose up from Mount Seir and shined forth in his Brightness from Mount Paran and came with ten thousands of his Saints even he from whose right Hand went a fiery Law so that the People could not behold his Glory the same is he who hath now appeared in this the Day of his Power and is appearing whose Glory shall dazel the Eyes of the World whose Brightness shall make dim all the World's Glory and stain its Wisdom and shut it up in utter Darkness that it shall not appear to have any Existence or Being and the Shadow of Death shall fly away and all the haughty and lofty Princes of this World shall be horribly afraid the Beasts shall go into their Dens when the day appears and the Lambs of the everlasting Fold shall come forth and be fed in the fat Valleys where the Springs of Life compass about all the Banks and rejoyce in their Shepherd and shall say The Lord is my Shepherd which many at this Time do admire and say What hath the Lord wrought who have seen his Wonders in the dayes of old and have seen his noble Acts which the Fathers have told of who are fallen asleep and are at Rest in the Lord and now many is God bringing to see what they witness to be true and to have the same fulfilled in themselves Honour and Praise unto him forever who is the Stay Strength of all his People forever And the day of the Lord is broken and the Light hath appeared that manifesteth all Things which are reproveable and the Day-Star is arisen in the Hearts of many and they are come to see that fulfilled in their Hearts which Peter exhorted them to wait for and to take heed unto the sure Word of Prophecy until the day appeared and did dawn in their Hearts which day when it appears and to whom it appears discovereth all things and maketh all things manifest as it is declared by the Spirit of Truth in the Scripture of Truth and every Man's Work shall be tryed of what Sort it is and of what Nature it is and this day hath appeared to many Praises to the Lord who have waited for it and now they see every thing in its Ground and Rise and every tree and fruit is seen according to its kind whether good or bad and every Man's Work is obvious to every one who are in the day and upon whom the Morning of Righteousness hath appeared and the Sun of Righteousness hath shined upon whereby that is seen in every one by the Light which is truly called day by the Lord who causeth it to spring from on high which is reproveable and condemnable and also whatever is justifiable and unreproveable is seen by the day of the Lord appearing in the Heart The Day of the Lord what it is and to whom it hath appeared discovered and how it is seen GOD is a Spirit his day is spiritual and is seen with a spiritual Eye it 's pure Light pure Brightness the pure shining forth of the Lord in his glorious Excellency the pure shining forth of Eternity Life putting forth it self in its Brightness Holiness shedding it self abroad in its Glory Purity spreading it self in its immeasurable Excellency and can only be seen as it is in it self by the Children of Light that are born of it there is a natural day there is a spiritual Day the natural day receives its Brightness from the Sun the spiritual day receives its Brightness from the Sun of Righteousness by whom it 's brought forth without whom nothing was or is made or brought forth but by him who is the Fountain of Life and as the natural day receives its Clearness from the natural Sun and is discerned by the natural Eye of a natural Man and all things natural are seen and discovered by and in the natural day and are perspicuous and obvious to him that hath his natural Sight even so from the Sun of Righteousness the Lord of Glory Light and Purity the day of God receives its Brightness and is issued out from him by the Rayes of his Brightness and is discerned and seen only by the spiritual Eye of the spiritual Man who is the Image of the Father brought forth in Life and in his own Nature and Quality that is to say from God the Father of Life by Christ Jesus the Life of men the Light of the World and this is the Birth which is born from above which is of the Nature of the Father and the Son and of the day and he only comes to behold this day and discerns all things of the Father's Kingdom by it and likewise discerns all the hidden things of Dishonesty and the Works of Darkness which are brought forth by the Prince of Darkness who is shut up in eternal utter Darkness which is his dwelling-place forever which is his Residence and shall be the Residence of all the Workers of Iniquity that bear his Image forever Object But some
he will manifest his day and his Power in his day in thee as thou keepest in thy Mind to that which manifests unto thee Evil and shews thee Good thou wilt see how it appears Even as the Light shineth from the East unto the West so is the coming of the day of the Lord and the Eye which is spiritual ●e●s it and the Power the Glory of the Lord comes to be seen in the day which is pure and spiritual in the Heart and the Eye which is pure doth behold when it comes where it comes and how it comes and it 's hid from vulturous Eyes and from their Eyes which are fall of Adultery and cannot cease from Sin Now the day of the Lord cometh not where the carnal Mind may imagine nor when Man will neither according to the carnal Desire of the carnal Heart neither according to the evil Eye that looks out can it be seen but is seen in God's own Light and by the Measure of God's holy Spirit And as the day of the Lord is a Mystery the Spirit of the Lord is the only Discoverer of it None know the Things of God but by the Spirit of God and the day of the Lord and his bright shining forth in the Heart of Man is one of the glorious Things of God which only the Spirit of God doth give the Knowledge of to Man and in Man and not the Letter nor the Scripture for the Jews had the Letter and they had neither heard God's Voice at any Time neither ever did they see his Shape neither did they see the day of the Lord nor the Power neither in a Word did see or perceive God or any of the Mysteries of God's Kingdom at all but dreamed imagined thought and conceived of Things in their Minds their foolish Hearts being darkened for the further a Man draws from the Light his Heart comes to be more dark and their Understanding closed up and shut up that they cannot behold the Lord neither his Glory which is revealed only by God's holy Spirit which Spirit is near Man though he see is not What the Spirit of the Lord is and how it comes to be received which discovers the Things of God THE Spirit of the Lord is pure holy equal Purity it self Holiness it self Equity it self and is one with the Father and the Son the Father Word and Spirit are one it 's Life it 's pure Power ●ure Strength Purity it self which mixeth not neither joyneth to any Thing but that which is of its own Nature it 's an immeasurable pure Substance it 's Life issued forth an active living Power and is everlasting alters not changeth not keeps its Holiness its Purity forever it is unsearcheable unfathomable undeclarable Words are all too short too narrow to declare its Excellency and Glory but only as it makes it self out to them that believe and opens it self and sheds it self abroad in them that wait upon it it is revealed in its own Purity manifest in its own Power and received in its own Light felt in its own Virtue the living Father of Life himself is manifest by it and appears in his Power Majesty and Excellency through it to man and to the Sons of men to the righteous and unrighteous to godly and ungodly to the upright and to the deceitful to the Children of Darkness and to the Children of Light that which searcheth the Heart of man and sees through all things and maketh manifest all Things even the hidden Things of God and the secret Works of Darkness and reproveth for all Evil all Iniquity that is the pure Act of the Spirit which convinceth every man and as the Creature comes to joyn to it it ariseth and shines forth more clearly and maketh it self known in its Power and Operation its Power comes to be felt it checks and reproveth judgeth and condemneth all Actions which are done and past and brings them to the Creature 's Remembrance and as it is waited upon and hearkened unto it sheds it self abroad in its own pure Brightness and ●ringeth all things to Light even all the Deeds of Darkness and maketh manifest the Intents of the Mind and manifesteth all things reproveable Now as there is a waiting upon the pure Appearance of it and the Mind be still and quiet and calm the Creature comes to feel and sensibly know his own Condition he sees his Mind is alive to other Things and other Lovers and not to God and so he sees himself dead to the Things of God's Kingdom and in the Loss and in the Fall and in the Transgression now this which shews the vain Motions and vain Thoughts and checketh them is an Operation of the Spirit and Purity comes to be felt working in the Heart and as it is loved and obeyed it leadeth and converteth the Heart to the Lord and draweth towards it self out of Unholiness and from under the dark Power and brings that under and so it ariseth in its Strength as it is believed in and waited upon and judgeth and condemns for all Evil for it is the Discoverer of the Mind of the Lord to the Sons of Men or the Father by it makes known his Mind to and in the Creature and doth discover the Things that be eternal in their true Property and Nature which only they that have the Spirit and have received it and are brought out of the Sensuality come to discern him who is invisible and the things that belong to everlasting Happiness which are not seen by a natural Eye neither received by the Spirit of the World who never received the things of God neither the Testimony of them who were in the Life Now all that come to receive it that is to say the Spirit of Truth must wait in that which is pure unto which it joyns it joyns not to the corrupt Man neither to the sensual Heart neither to the vile Affections neither unto them whose Eyes are full of Adultery which cannot cease from Sin neither to the Seed of Falshood neither to the corruptible Birth neither unto that which is born of the Flesh nor unto the Will of the Creature yet notwithstanding though it joyn not to these yet it is near man even the natural man its Manifestation or the shining forth of its Brightness maketh all these things manifest before-mentioned to be evil and thus far the Spirit of God hath appeared to the World and all Mankind as to convince the World of Sin yet still it remains in its own Purity and while the Heart of any man is taken up with that and joyned unto that which the Light reproves that is to say the Worker of Iniquity that man hath not received the Spirit neither is made Possessor of it nor enjoyes it but it stands off man and from man at a Distance shewing the Worker of Iniquity and the Works of Darkness and manifesting to the Creature in its Light and letting him see unto whom he is
Merchants of the Earth shall weep and mourn over her for no Man buyeth her Merchandize any more Rev. 18.11 And every Ship-Master and all the Company in Ships and Sailers and as many as trade by Sea stood afar off and they cast Dust on their Heads and cryed weeping and wailing saying Alas alas that great City wherein were made rich all that had Ships on the Sea for in one Hour she is made desolate Rev. 18.17 19. Mystery Babylon THE Mother of Harlots DISCOVERED Her RISE and when With many of Her SORCERIES IN the End of the primitive Times when the Apostles had finished their Testimony committed unto them and had gathered many out of the World and converted many unto God and many were established in the Faith of our Lord Jesus Christ which purifieth the Heart and giveth Victory over the World and were led to the Beginning before the World was made and the Churches which were in God which had received the Anointing by which they knew all things even the invisible things of God and the Mysteries of his glorious Kingdom which God through the Spirit did reveal unto them which Spirit they had received being begotten of God by which Spirit they called him Father and by which Spirit of Truth which was manifest from the God of Truth in their Hearts they were led into all Truth and became Sons of God and Heirs of the Promise and this Spirit was their Direction and led them to worship God aright to obey and glorifie him and his Name which brought Salvation unto them and into this Spirit they were all baptized by the one Spirit into one Body and in this one Spirit they met and worshipped God and were of one Heart and of one Mind and did know their Director near them and in them and the Time did come when they worshipped neither at Jerusalem nor at Samaria but in the Spirit and in the Truth wherein the Father was glorified and came to see that fulfilled which the Prophets bore Witness of even him in whom all the Prophets end in Christ made manifest in them the Hope of Glory whose Voice they heard from Heaven by which they were quickened and raised from Death to Life by the effectual working of the mighty Power of God which wrought in them that did believe and they were in the Unity of the Faith by which all their Hearts were purified who held it which is a Mystery held in a pure Conscience by which they received an Assurance and were made Partakers of the Promises and became Inheritors of Life Light and Immortality and Heirs of the Promise and Joynt-heirs with Christ and they sate together with him in Heavenly Places and eat with him and drank with him in the Kingdom of God which stood in Power and in Righteousness Joy and Peace and did not look like the Pharisees lo here or there but first felt it as a Grain of Mustard-seed in themselves or as a Corn of Wheat which afterwards springs up as a Blade or as a Ear of Wheat to Ripeness to a full Corn and they did walk from Faith to Faith from Strength to Strength and did appear before God in Sion and the Hebrews were come to Mount Sion from whence God shined out in perfect Beauty who became their Satisfaction and Peace who had revealed his Son in them whom God had made unto them Justification Sanctification and Wisdom and so they knew one God the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ and one Faith one Hope one Baptism the one Spirit into which they were all baptized into which they all did drink by which all that did believe were sanctified and did receive the Inheritance among the Saints in Light and this was the Church that was in God which was begotten by God the Father and preserved in Christ Jesus in the lively Faith and in the lively Hope by which their Souls were anchored and they established in the Truth that made free and they had received the Spirit of Prophecy and did speak one by one according to the Revelation of the Spirit which led out of Confusion into Order and they being in the Power of God did walk by its Order in the Order of the Gospel And now was the Woman cloathed with the Sun who had the Crown of twelve Stars upon her Head and the Moon under her Feet who stood in that which was unchangeable and immutable and now was the Man-child brought forth which was to rule the Nations and was revealed to the Church which was in God and he was the Head by which all the Members of the Body were united together in one and reconciled to the Father in one and by his Obedience Justification did come upon all that did believe But since the Woman fled into the Wilderness and the Man-child was caught up unto God the Midnight of Darkness came upon the whole World and the Sincerity was lost and the Image of God lost the Heir caught up out of the World's Sight Faith was lost Hope lost the Spirit lost the Saints Rule and Direction and then the Whore appeared and made all Nations drunk with the Wine of her Fornication and they staggered and reeled to and fro hither and thither having lost the Spirit became all Waters and unstable and all the World wondered after the Beast which then arose after the primitive Times and after the Apostles Dayes and admired him and worshipped him who killed the Woman's Seed and made War against it And then the Whore made Decrees who was gone from the Law-giver and she made Confessions of Faith and Articles of Faith being out of the Power of God who is the Author of true Faith being guided by the Power of the Dragon she made Orders of Worship and gave Directions for Worship having gotten on the free Womans Attire the Outside the Scriptures the Form of Godliness but afterwards became more abominable having both lost the Power and the Form worshipped the Devil's Power and the Dragon's Power and came forth in the Image of him and reached out the Cup of Fornication and made the Nations drunk with her Inchantments and Sorceries and she drunk the Blood of the Martyrs the Blood of the Prophets and them that kept the Testimony of Jesus the Spirit of Prophecy and then prescribed Forms of Worship Forms of Prayer and made Creeds and Faiths and Articles of Faith and many Faiths having lost the Order of the Gospel she made many Orders and sent out many Merchants to carry abroad her Traffick and her Merchandize to the Nations and whole Ships were filled full of it Vessels full of it which went upon the Sea and rode upon the Waters upon Kindreds Tongues Nations and Peoples who received of her Merchandize and bought of several Sorts of Merchandize which the several Merchants traded with who had several Orders prescribed then as Popes Cardinals Jesuites Fryars of many Orders and Monks of many Orders Jesuites of many Orders and all these
rest of the People that buy yet our Merchandize that he holds hereticall Opinions and despises the Ministry and the Ordinances and the Doctrines of our reformed Churches or if any say That the Spirit of the Lord is a sufficient Teacher to lead his People into all Truth without outward Means as natural learning Hebrew Greek and Latin and the ancient Fathers and old Authors and so make void all our Arts and Parts which are the Foundation of our Divinity then let us cry in the Ears of all the People and in the Ears of the Rulers and the Powers of the Earth that this is Blasphemy and Error and ought to be supprest And furthermore if any shall say That he believes he shall be made free from Sin in this Life by the effectual working of Chr●st the mighty Power of God which condemns Sin in the Flesh and destroyes the Works of the Devil then let us cry Heresie and Blasphemy and let us tell them that the holiest that ever were upon the Earth sinned and that the Body of Sin was uncut down in them and let us prove it by Paul's Words he complained of a Body of Sin and was never in any other Condition while he lived upon the Earth and so it may be we shall keep them in Blindness that they will continue and trade with us and if any say They are come to the Baptism of the Spirit the one Baptism into which all the Saints were ●aptized in which all other Baptisms end and so being come to this deny all the Figures and the Baptism of Infants then let us cry out that they are Sectaries and deny the Ordinance of God Infants-Baptism and let us give them some Scripture how that Christ took up little Children in his Arms and blessed them and how he hid his Disciples go out into all Nations and baptize them in the Name of the Father Son and holy Ghost and may be with an Inference or two or two or three Consequences raised from this and the like Scriptures we shall make their Eye blind that we shall put off this counterfeit Ware yet a little while And if any shall deny our Church or Chappel and call it an Hol● Temple which God never commanded to be built then let us bring some Scriptures how that God commanded a Temple to be built at Jerusalem and how the Jews had Synagogues and how God commanded Store-houses to be built for God's Service and Worship and it may be such a Proof as this will satisfie them that they will come to our Shop another Time at the Hour appointed for the Sale of our Wares when the Marke-Bell rings and the Wares are ready to be set out and so by this Means we may hold on our Trade a while And if any shall deny David's Psalms to be sung in Rhime and Meeter and with Organs and Pipes to be an Ordinance of God in Gospel Times then let us bring them some Scriptures and some Fathers and tell them in the Church of Corinth that he that had a Psalm might sing and it may be they will know no Difference between a Psalm which was given forth by the Spirit the Psalm which is gotten by Tradition from another and let us bring a Proof out of Revelations That they that were redeemed from the Earth played upon the Harps and sung a new Song and it may be they will see no Difference between them that are in the Earth and them that are redeemed from the Earth and so we may keep up this still as an Ordinance invented by our Mother Mystery Babylon And let this be agreed amongst us now when many of us are assembled together whose Lively-hood and Riches stand only in the merchandizing of our Mother Church that to whatsoever Place we sail in our Ships if any be heard to say That the Spirit of the Lord ought to move first before any Teacher Minister or Believer ought to pray that so they may pray with the Spirit and in the Spirit in publick and in private whether with many or few that so without the Spirit none can be edified let us all agree to this that it be voted down as an Error and let us do what in us lyes to prove from Scripture that set Forms of Prayer are lawful and are an Ordinance of God and let us bring the Lord's Prayer called by our Mother-Church the Pater noster and see what that will do and also Hosea 14.2 Take with you Words and turn to the Lord say unto him take away our Iniquity and receive us graciously so with a Deduction from these and the like Scriptures we may happily prove that a set Form of Words invented by our Church or any of us that trade with her Merchandize that this is an Ordinance of God and ought to be practised publickly and privately and is accepted with God although the People have not received the Spirit as they had in the primitive Times and if this will not satisfie then use some prevalent Argument as our reverend Brother and Fellow-merchant with us Mr. Samuel Bolton in the like Case in Hand used this forcible Argument Though you cannot command the Wind said he yet you may spread your Sails and see what such an Argument as this will do but if they will not be content with this as it may be they will not in England Scotland Ireland and Holland and some other Parts who are more quick-sighted then some other Places where we merchandize if we cannot stand it out against them that none can pray to God aright but he that is come to the Spirit and knows by the Signification of it what to ask then let us grant them the thing if we cannot help it if Common-prayer Forms of Prayer will not go off as they use to do amongst our Customers then let us agree to them but let that be the last Shift that without Faith or the Spirit it is impossible to be accepted or heard of God yet before this be granted let us strive as much as in us lyes by forcible Arguments from the Scripture if so be they will not allow the Authority of ancient Fathers nor of our Cannon-Books how that there is a Platform laid down in Scripture and the general Heads of true Prayer are laid down in an Orthodox Method in the Scriptures that is to say Confession Petition Intercession Supplication with giving of Thanks and if this will not stave them off from speaking so much of Prayer by the Spirit and with Understanding for i● will be a grievous thing if we let this Ordinance fall of set Form of Prayer which our Mother Mystery Babylon hath allowed so many Years and ra●●fied and confirmed in several great Councils as Nice and Lateran and divers others and if nothing will serve them but Prayer by the same Spirit as was in the primitive times before we lose them quite let us grant it them in Words that Prayer by the Spirit
thee but as it appears in thee thou shalt bear me Witness that these are holy faithful and true and have and shall be fulfilled in that which is immutable I bid thee farewel F. H. The chief Particulars or Heads in the ensuing Discourse treated upon and opened by the Spirit of the Lord who was an Eye-Witness unto these Things 1. THE Work of the Lord declared which was in the Beginning when the Word was with God and man in the Image of God 2. Although the Heavens and the Earth were created and all Things therein finished yet the World was not begun that lay in Wickedness which the Devil is the God of neither was Christ the Mystery hid nor the Lamb slain 3. The understanding may read the Wisdom of God in a Mystery and also may see the sottish doctrine of the Apostates 4. An Objection answered 5. Another Objection answered 6. How Peace Joy and Delight possessed every Thing that God had made how every Thing which he had formed glorified him with one Consent in the Beginning 7. How Man lost his State and Dominion and Unity with God and all the Creatures and how the Lamb came to be slain and the World that lay in Wickedness came to be framed in Man after the Tempter entered how endless Misery came in upon all after the Transgression 8. How Sin entered into the World and Death by Sin and how Man is dead while he lives and all are dead Works that he acteth and the States of all the Sons of Men and their Works may be seen in the Fall 9. Three Objections answered about this Particular 10. Self-Righteousness Deeds of Darkness also and dead Works are to be condemned also and Man who acteth them in the Fall 11. An Objection answered as to the present State of the Ministry of the Nations their Practice and their Worship 12. An Objection as to the Churches so called and their Worship in the Nations 13. The dark and blind Doctrines of the Ranters denyed 14. An Objection about reading the Scriptures and conforming to the outward Practice of the Saints informer Ages 15. How all Men upon the Earth in the Degeneration and in the Fall have corrupted themselves and been Idolaters in every Administration being gone from the Life and Power of God in themselves and having lost the Power of God Man can neither worship honour nor obey God aright 16. A few Words to that which is called Christendom who profess Christianity 17. Something about Water-Baptism to both Priests and Separatists 18. Something about Rome in the Apostacy and all their Worship in the Degeneration 19. The Protestants or reformed Churches so called not yet come out of the Waters nor from under the Beast's Power ●0 The Presbyters and Independents are yet under Anti-christ's Reign in the Apostacy and have among them yet the Attire of the Whore 21. How the Woman that travailed in Birth who was clothed with the Sun and brought forth the Man-child fled into the VVilderness when the Dragon had Power and the Man-child was caught up unto God 22. How the VVoman comes out again and when and he that was caught up unto God descends again and appears again to take the Rule to himself and how he makes VVar with the Dragon and all the Apostates and overcomes them 23. How the Glory of the Lord shall appear after the Apostacy greater then before and the Ministration into which them that follow the Lamb shall be brought shall be more spiritual and coelestial then before for that shall appear in which all visible Types and Shadows end in and shall be the last that is to be expected by the Sons of Men the Sight of which hath appeared which yet cannot be uttered THE Invisible Things OF GOD BROUGHT TO LIGHT The Work of the Lord declared which was in the beginning when the Word was with God and was the Fathers delight and man made in the Image of God and lived in the Lamb's Power and he was mans Life and this was before the Transgression of these declared as God hath manifested them by his Spirit IN the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God the same was in the beginning before the Foundation of the Earth was laid or the Hills were framed he was with the Father and was the Fathers delight and he delighted in the Father and the Father in him then did the morning Stars sing together and the Sons of God shout for Joy In the beginning were the heavens created and the Pillars thereof set and the Earth was framed by the Power and all things both in the Heaven and in the Earth were created by the Power God's Son every Beast of the field every fowl of the Heaven and the decreed place for the Sea was broken up and all things that moveth therein were created by the Word and by the Power and man was made by the Power and in the Power and he was the Image of God as it is written In the Image of God created he him Male and Female created he them and he had dominion over all the Works of his Hands over every Beast of the field which were created by the Power over the Serpent among the rest which was created by the Power and was good as he was made in the Power and by the Wisdom they were all brought forth and man made in that Wisdom that brought them forth who was better then them all and was made Partaker of the Power and of the Wisdom more then them all and by the Wisdom called every thing as it was in its Nature so named he every thing and the Dominion he had was in the power over all things over all the Creation of God which wa● good and the earth and all things that are therein the Tree of Know●ledge good that stood in the Garden also but not for Food so these be the Generations of the Heavens and the earth in the Day when G●d created them they were all good made and created by God in the Power eternal which is good unchangeably good without Variation and the unchangeable Power in which and by which they were made moved in them all and they all received Virtue and Power from the Power God's Son and the Power moved in them all and shined through them all and ran through them all and they were all to abide in the Covenant in which they were made and not any to move or act without the Power but only as the Power which was the Life of them all moved them and acted them and so Goodness possessed them all for all were Partakers of the Goodness of God and it was the Life of them and they were none of them to move nor stir but as the Life of men the Power by which they were created moved them which was God's Son the Heavens and the earth were finished and all things that therein are and they were all good and this
Saying was true then which was spoken by Christ the Power many Generations after I in them and thou in me and all was perfect in one the Father was in the Power the Power was in the Father and all the Creatures in the Power now was the Father glorified now was the Son glorified now was man in Dominion in Power crowned with Honour Lord over all the Works that God had made in the Power and now the whole Family both of Heaven and earth bowed their Knees to the Lamb to the Power and this was then fulfilled At the Name of Jesus every Knee shall bow both of Things in heaven and Things in Earth and his Name was now the Word of God and this was in the Beginning and the Word of God is the power of God and now both the caelestial Bodies and the terrestrial Bodies were all subject to the Power and all the Works of the Lord's Hands were finished and he rested and all things both in Heaven and earth rested in the Power and all kept holy Day and rejoyced Though the Heavens and the Earth were created and all things wrought and finished yet the World was not begun that lay in Wickedness which the Devil is the God of neither was the Power which is Christ the Mystery hid neither was the Lamb slain yet Now after all was made and created and were good and blessed and endued with Power Life and Vertue according to the Purpose of his heavenly Will which is eternally pure yet was not the Lamb slain nor the Mystery hid which is the Power which is Christ for what should slay him or what should hide him he that reads let him understand this that I speak of cannot be reached to with that Wisdom that stands in time which was not in the Beginning with God that is shut out but the wise in Heart shall understand Knowledge and the prudent shall know what hath been in the Beginning and of his wonderful Works in the Dayes of old and of the Mystery which was before the World began when the Lamb was in Glory the Son in Glory Christ in Glory the first born of every Creature and was born before the World began he that hath an Ear to hear let him hear when all that God had made and brought forth by the Word by the Power was blessed and stood in the Power then did the Lamb sit in his Throne then was he the Delight of God and God in him and all that was made by him rejoyced in him here was Love here was Glory here was Purity Unity and a sweet Harmony Joy Peace Love eternal Life God's Power ran through all all was good Christ was not now hid he shed himself abroad and all things were Partakers of his Power in which they were made here was Happiness Blessedness Joy Dominion everlasting and eternal Felicity Innocency Purity and Perfection and man in it God in it the Lamb in it man in it after his own Image the Mystery of Godliness was not hid there was nothing to hide it or overshadow it no Vail no Covering but Righteousness was manifest and was the Covering of all Innocency the Cloathing of all Purity the Robe of all and Life the dwelling Place of all and all the Works of his Hands rested with the Father with the Lamb with the Word with the Power with Christ in Glory with the Father in the eternal Glory whereby all was upheld in Purity Unity Harmony answering the pure Will of God and man had Power to answer the Will of his Maker which he received from God the Father of Life by the Power in which he was made and to abide in the Will of God forever and herein he and all things in Heaven and the whole Family thereof and all the holy Host of God bowed to the Lamb's Power and he reigned and the Angels were subject to the first-born of every Creature before the Angels or before any thing was made he was his Age who can declare or his Generation his Age runs parallel with Eternity with Immortality came from the eternal Womb and from the Bosome of the Father where he is even where he was before the World began he that reads let him understand now the Power ruling in all and over all all were in Peace and was blessed Now the Angel stood in his Power moved in his Power and all the caelestial Bodies went in and out at his Command and moved not nor stirred not but when he moved and this was then fulfilled let all the Angels worship him and so they did reverenced him and were subject to him sang and rejoyced in him triumphed in his Power and all the holy Host moved at his Command and marched on in his Strength to perform his Will and to accomplish his everlasting Purpose and to fulfil his eternal Decree and gave Glory to him who sate upon the Throne of Righteousness and judged in Righteousness forever and ruled in Righteousness forever there was Joy in Heaven the Father rejoyced the Son rejoyced the Angels rejoyced the Morning Stars sang the Sons of God shouted for Joy the holy Host gave Praise and all praised in the Firmament of his Power in which they stood moved walked lived and accomplished the pure perpetual and eternal Decree of their Maker Moreover the terrestrial Bodies were all subject to him he reigned in all over all moved all gave Life to all and was the Life of Adam of the Male and the Female and then was this fulfilled even then which was spoken in time though by him who was before all time who was the Life of all things I say he lived then and because he lived Man lived also for he was his Life now Christ the Power reigned over all and all in the Lamb's Power were subject in a sweet Harmony answering the pure Will of their Lord their King that lived forever who was upon his Throne in the Heavens and now his Kindgom was over all there was Joy in Heaven there was Peace on Earth the good Will of God was done in Earth as it was in Heaven Oh beautiful oh glorious oh comely oh admirable oh incomprehensible was the Glory my Tongue cannot express and time would fail me to declare the eternal Excellency which God hath revealed by his Spirit and that which I see is not lawful now for me to utter now were no Mountains nor Hills to hide the Mystery but it shined upon all in all over all and above all was not hid as I said there was now no hiding Place that could or did overshadow the Mystery of Godliness for the Eyes of all things looked upon him whether Caelestial or Terrestrial and all and every thing according to its Kind rejoyced in the Light of his Countenance and of his Power was glad and gloried in him for then there was not another he that can hear let him Now the Earth rejoyced and the Floods clapped their Hands now the great
Grave nor after men be Dead for they that have served Sin in their Life time served the Devil as long as they live and have yeelded their Bodies to be Temples for Uncleanness while they live upon the Earth eternal Misery will be their Portion and not redemption Think on this you who are holding this forth for an Article of your Faith in the World among poor Ignorant People that they must not expect redemption from all Sin in this Life and so leads them on to Perpetual Misery Misery will be your End and in the day of the Lord you shall Witness this to be true But to return to the Beginning again where there was no sorrow but pure Joy and Peace both in Heaven and Earth but I go hither and thither as the Spirit leads and shall speak as it gives Utterance though but here a little and there a little yet shall it be in Truth and Righteousness How Peace Joy and Delight possessed every Thing that God had made every Thing which he had formed glorified God their Maker with one Consent in the Beginning before the World was framed that lay in Wickedness NOW the Lord rejoyced in all the Works of his Hands which he had made and rested and all that he had made rested in the Power whether Caelestial or Terrestrial and rejoyced in him walked in him in the Motion of the Power of the Life they were happy and partook of the Life that endures forever and Happiness immortal and knew no Evil for there was none there was no Hell yet prepared Tophet yet was not ordained neither the Devil had yet any Being at all there was no Wrath no Sorrow no Condemnation no Death Vexation Grief or Perplexity no Pit of Darkness no Angel of the bottomless Pit no Shame no Tribulation no Anguish nor Pain no Misery and in a Word there was nothing that did destroy but all in Quietness in Peace in Life in Power in Wisdom glorifying him which sate upon the Throne the Lamb who was living and the Life of the Male and the Female and of every Thing that God had made by the Power subsisted in the Power and in the Motion thereof was good purely good and here was the Goodness of him who was eternally good manifest in all above all and over all God blessed forever even then the Heavens rejoyced and the innumerable Company of Angels were hearty glad and all the holy Host sang for Joy with a living Voice which none that stand in Time ever yet heard or can learn then the Earth and all Things therein that moved and had Life were in pure Solace and Mirth and pleasant Joy unspeakable all knit together in Unity and Harmony in one Consent as one Family and were one Body and there was Health in the Body and it was pure and comely and perfect and pleasant to behold crowned with Dignity covered with Righteousness beautified with the Comliness of the Lamb who was the Life of all and now Man had Right to the Tree of Life while he moved in the Power and went not out Oh happy State oh beautiful State oh admirable State eternal Felicity oh glorious State Life it self the Life of all and all in the Life moving in the Power and man had right to the Tree of Life while he lived in the Lamb's Power had Unity with his Maker and with all the Creatures that God had made and was in God's pure Dominion and Authority and ruled all over all things that God had m●de in God's Wisdom thus in short was the State of all things in the Beginning as they were created and brought forth and these be the Generation of the Heaven and of the Earth and of all Things that therein are in the Day when God created them when the Father was glorified when the Son was glorified and when Man was in Glory and Honour and in Dominion created in the Image of God and yet there was no Evil Time would fail to speak of the State of all Things in the Beginning as it was and as it is revealed by the Spirit of Truth but in that which I have declared they who have a good Understanding may take a Glimpse of the happy State of all Things as God hath revealed them by his Spirit which I never received of nor from man but by the Holy Spirit of God which was in the Beginning with God which saw all this and was an Eye-Witness of this before the World that lyes in Wickedness began and he that hath an Ear let him hear and blessed is his Ear. How Man lost his State and Dominion and Unity with God and all the Creatures and how the Lamb came to be slain and the VVorld that lyes in Wickedness came to be formed and founded and how the Curse came and the Wo upon the Serpent which was blessed before and upon Man and Woman and the Ground that received the Temptation which was blessed before in the Motion of the Power came to be cursed and how endless Misery came in upon all in the Transgression declared to them who have a good Understanding NOW the Serpent was more subtil then all the Beasts of the Field for that was his Nature in which he was created and it was good in the Motion of the Power and therefore Christ said Be wise as Serpents yet as harmless as Doves and though the Serpent was wise and subtil more then all the Beasts of the Field till he acted moved without Commandment and out of the Motion of the Power he was not cursed he that can receive it let him but he moved in the Subtilty and Wisdom out of the Light out of the Power and went out of the Truth out of his Place without Commandment or Authority from the Power and acted and sp●ke of himself out of the Power and out of the Truth as it is written Joh. 8.44 When he speaketh a Lye he speaketh of his own for he is a Lyar and the Father of it now he knew there was a Law and Command not to eat of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil for God had forbidden it now he went out of the Power without Commandment of his own Accord without Motion now he went and talked with the Woman and she was good before being in the Motion of the Life and Power she also looked out and not in the Power and reasoned with him out of Power contrary to Commandment beyond the Command or before the Power and said unto the Serpent We may eat of all but the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil we may not eat lest we dye this she knew and the Serpent knew now the Tree of Knowledge was good in the Powers Motion though not to live upon or for Food for it was not good for Food therefore God the Truth the Life the Power did forbid to taste of it or to eat of that Tree but the Serpent out of the Power and the Woman
of the Life was not good for that was out of God's Order and Appointment for nothing in man or without man of all that God had made was to stir or act without Commandments now the Son was not honoured by man's Falling but both the Father and the Son was Dishonoured and now the Son or power was not revealed by the Fall but vailed as from men so the foggy Mists of Darkness are scattered the blind doctrines of the VVorld and VVaste Object Some will be ready to say how dost thou say he was in Dominion everlasting then how should he fall that lasted but a while Answ. I say he was made by the Word which abides forever and in it which was in the Beginning with God and was God and God's Son and his Dominion is an everlasting Dominion and his Throne is established in Righteousness forever and ever and in it self it is what it was ever and after the Fall retained the same Power and Authority in it self and so will do forever Man's Power stood in it only out of it he had none so going out of it dyed to it and not any more Power to do or to will or to order or to rule any things but by it but he lost the Feeling of it and the Guidance of it the Virtue of it and Life of it and became dead to it and alive in his Heart and Mind to another Power to wit the Power of Deceit and to the Power of him which hath the Power of Death which is the Devil so God is clear no Fault in him nor in the Power nor Weakness in the Dominion and Authority which he had but Destruction meerly wholly and only of himself and he is to bear his own Burthen Thus man receiving in the Devil's Conceptions who was gone out of the Truth and became one with it feeding upon Knowledge without the Life this was evil thus Sin entered and Death by Sin man cut off from the Power from Life from the Dominion which he had in the Power now man is dead while he lives and in the Day he eat he dyed dead to the Power dead to the Life dead to Good dead to Truth dead to Purity dead to Righteousness estranged and alienated from it the Grave covers him Death hath Preeminence and bears rule and not Life and he gone into its Nature and loves it and imbraces it Oh sad Life oh sad State now his Life cursed which is Death he cursed all his Actions cursed all his Conception cursed all his Works cursed labouring in Sorrow in Travail and Pain and Grief and Sweat and Perplexity Now all may as in a line read the happy Estate of Man before the Fall the sad and deplorable Estate in the Fall which who can declare or who can measure or who can demonstrate the miserable Estate of man dead in Trespasses and Sins and Life swallowed up of Death Death and Destruction lives and man in it and now in the Grave God is not remembred but forgotten Now the World set in the Heart and the Earth in the Heart the Heart becomes earthly and vain Thorns and Bryars spring up and the Earth covers the slain now Death lives and man lives in and one with the enmity and in enmity against God who was before his Life man now in Chains of Darkness when any thing moves Heaven-ward the Power of Death draws the Mind down again into the Pit of Darkness now the Nature of all things in the Earth set in the Heart Beasts Rocks Hills Mountains Dogs Swine and brutish Creatures and man becomes brutish and vain they have all Dominion over him he is a Slave to all all rules over him and Death grew and dead Works brought forth he cannot now perform any thing whereby he can purchase the Love of God nor give a Ransom for his Soul now the Root of Bitterness grew and the Enmity and man in Lust and when his Lust is crost or his Will crost then the Enemy which liveth in him riseth he would kill that and destroy that imprison that and bring it into Bondage that the enmity might be Lord over all and bring the innocent into Bondage that which is nocent is set up and the higher Deceit grows in the Heart the more Stir it makes and the greater Destruction of that which crosseth it and here came in Oppression Murder Cruelty Tyranny Prisoning Imbondaging Revenge Maliciousness and Envy Rage Fury Headiness Pride this is all in the Curse and springs up from the Foundation of the World in the Heart and so being given Way unto and loved grows in Strength and Iniquity multiplies and the Beast grows and the Name great and numberless the Serpent's Root spreads forth it self and sprouts out in the earth and comes to grow great and is admired now the Deeds of Darkness and the Works of Darkness come to be many Envy Murder Adultery Fornication Uncleanness Riotousness Sporting Covetousness Defrauding Cheating Maliciousness Theft Dissimulation Feignedness Hypocrisie Witchcraft Cursed Speaking Railing Reviling Filthy Communication unsavoury Speeches Wantonness Lightness Foolish Jesting Idle Talking Vain Babling Back-biting Swearing Lying Cursing Blasphemy Slandering Pride Arrogancy Vain Boasting Contention Strife Emulation Mischief these and many more are now the Fruits of the degenerate Plant and dead Works and the Works of Darkness in man who was once a noble Plant a holy right Seed now the Fruits of Sodom and the Grapes of Gomorrah whom God destroyed and overthrew are brought forth and the whole Earth is filled with Violence and these be the Fruits that grow and are become great over all Nations which are wrought by the Devil the Father of Lyes who spoke of himself and works of himself in the Dark in the Night out of the Light out of the Day who went out of the Truth and now worketh in all the Children of Disobedience who are out of the Light and out of the Power and here are all the Sons of fallen Adam in the Curse under the Wo and these be the Works that are wrought and brought forth which have stained the Earth and the Father of them and man in whom they are wrought and the Works themselves are all for Condemnation never to be numbred among the Saints in Light nor among their Works Self-righteousness Deeds of Darkness also and dead Works which though they be not counted as bad as the former by them that act in them yet they are to be condemned also and man who acts them being in the Fall CAin who was the first begotten in the Full the Similitude Likeness and Image of Adam his Father who had transgressed and disobeyed and lost the Power and became dead to it Cain I say his express Image out of the Faith out of the Power he brought a Sacrifice and offered in the same Nature he slew his Brother with and envied him who was in the Faith and was accepted of the Lord through Faith in the Power of God I say in
Tribute of the Nation And for Heresie both in Doctrine and Worship none are to be compared unto you for Unsoundne●s ignorance for I look upon you as the Tail of all the People in the Nation And the Vineyard of God that thou speakst on is no where laid waste so much as among you Mass-house Worshippers for you are like Bryars and Thorns Scratching Rending tearing and hailing and are as a Field untilled and as a waste howling Wilderness that knows not when good comes and that your Ministers are those proud Phantastick Spirits that have taken up them to preach who deny an immediate Call Neither are they approved of his Church which is in God the Pillar and Ground of Truth but only they are approved by man and by the Colledges which were invented by the Pope where more Deceit and foolish Fopperies are practised then in any Society in the Nation besides for them that deny an immediate Call and an infallible Spirit I deny them to be any Ministers of Christ and so doth the Church of Christ who meet in his Name but such are your Ministers therefore we have turned from them many Years ago And the next thing thou art offended at is that a Woman spoke in a meeting near Conil what if ten had spoke if they had spoke by the Spirit of the Lord what offence had it been Did not God promise by Joel that he would pour forth his Spirit upon his Daughters and they should Prophesie and wouldest thou stop them And Priscilla instructed a Minister better then any of your Parish Tything Priests to wit Apollo And had not Philip three Daughters did Prophesie And were there not Women with Clement that were fellow-Labourers in the Gospel And what though she that was in the Transgression was to keep silent in the Church Doth it therefore follow that they are come out of the Transgression are to be silent in the Church Is this good Logick Edward If Christ be in male and in the female may he speak in the male but not in the female Doth not the Apostle say The Man is not without the Woman nor the Woman without the man but both in the Lord And if the Woman be in the Lord as well as the man may not the Lord speak in her Art thou one of them that wilt Limit the Holy one What if he speak in a dumb Ass and reprove the Madness of the Prophet Balaam And if he should do so now to reprove the mad Prophets that are in Balaam's Way loving the Wages of Unrighteousness now as he did then will you reprove God He that reproves him shall answer it and he that Gain-sayes either Son or Daughter shall Perish in the Gain-saying And now I come to thy third Observation The third Observation Thy Eye being evil thou canst not see when good cometh and thou art one of them who watchest for Iniquity that thereby thou mayest Blasspheme the Name of God and his Truth which thou art out of And as for our Tenets which thou sayest thou hast named and shamed thou no more knows us nor our Tenets then thou knowest from whence the Wind comes and whither it goes For all our words are as a Parable to thee and thou knowest not what we say although thou hast Catched and Snatched up some of our words brokenly to quarel with yet we are hidden from thee and a Gulf is between thee and us that as thou canst not apprehend nor Comprehend but first a terrible Day must come upon thee and those things which thou hast laid down to be our tenets thou doubtst whether they be or no manifest by thy own words If we say so and if hold so thou hadst better have been certain before thou hadst shewed thy self too Imperious and arrogant of shaming them when thou knowest not whether we hold them as thou h●st laid them down in thy own words the shame at last will come upon thy self and that Rash hasty Raging Spirit by which thou utterest f●rth all this Mudd and Dirt every one may see in this Observation thy deceit manifest And the first thing that thy dark Mind Stumbles at is that some have said That they that have the Spirit of God are equal with God He that hath the Spirit of God is in tha● which is equal as God is equal and his wayes equal And he that is joyned to the Lord is one Spirit there is unity and the unity stands in equality it self He that is born from above is the Son of God and he said I and my Father are one And when the Son is revealed and speaks the Father speaks in him and dwells in him and he in the Father In that which is equal in equality it self there is equality in Nature though not in Stature Go learn what these things mean the understanding and Learned will know what I say and this is neither damnable nor Blasphemous but on the contrary it is saving and Precious to them that believe And thou concludest Though they be glorified in Heaven yet are not equal with God Here thou Blasphemest the Son is glorified with the Father in the same Glory he had with him before the World began the Glory is in Purity equality Immortality and eternity but for thy proof thou bringst P●al 86 8. For who among the Gods is like unto our God And again There is none like unto thee O Lord Here thou hast gone about to prove more Gods then one in Heaven Were the Gods glorified in Heaven which were not like the living God Or were they in heaven which were not like the Lord What Blasphemy is this They that are in heaven are like him in his Image and not like any other but in the World there are Gods many and Lords many but that is not in heaven there are no Gods nor Lords in the World nor in the Earth that is like the living God and living Lord of Heaven and Earth And many such non-sensical Phrases hast thou uttered and foolish Impertinences and thou hast scarce cited one Scripture but thou hast either misapplyed or wrested and perverted being very ignorant and unlearned and thy Masters for whom thou contend'st will never receive much Honour nor credit by thy writing or Vindication of them But to the second Particular which thou calls our tenet is That Christ Jesus is not glorified in his human Nature and that he hath no real Body but h●s Myst●cal Body and this thou sayest is contray to Scripture Luke 24.3 9. and A●●s 3.20 John 17. And in this thou sayest we are shamed I say thou hast shamed thy self and hast cited those Scriptures to no purpose at all none of all these speak of human Nature or Mystical body but this I say he is glorified with the Father in a spiritual Body in the same Glory he had with the Father before the world began And the same Jesus which was of the Seed of Abraham according to the Flesh
due time was made manifest by what means the Father pleased who is that unlimited Spirit which cannot or will not be confined to this or that thing for Moses was a Believer and a Follower of Christ and Christ was revealed to him that through Faith he saw him that is invisible Heb. 11.27 And then was there no Scripture and the Shepherds and the wise men of the East they were directed by the Star And lo the Star which they saw in the East went before them till it came and stood over where the young Child was when they saw the Star they rejoyced with exceeding great Joy Mat. 2.2 9 10. And here is no mention made of Scripture so to confine the Lord to this or that Way to this or that Form to this or that Appearance as John VVells would do is to limit the holy One of Israel and the Scripture saith As the living Father hath Life in himself so the Son hath also Life in himself to give to wh●msoe●er he will and the Scripture saith further none know God nor the Things of God save by the Spirit of God so that this is a true Saying and worthy of Acceptation that eternal Life can be found no where but where it is and eternal Life is in the Son of God and thou and the rest of you Professors who look for eternal Life in the Letter you are seeking the living among the dead for the Scripture saith he that hath the Son hath Life but not he that hath the Scripture hath Life for there are many which have the Scripture the Writings or written Words and have not the Son neither eternal Life for the Pharisees had the Words and the Scriptures and never heard the Voice of God at any time neither had they the VVord of God abiding in their Hearts and yet they had the Scriptures and Writings of Moses and the Prophets in their Minds so that it is manifest they had neither found God Christ nor eternal Life notwithstanding though they had Moses and the Prophet● And as for the Apostle's Words in the Romans it 's manifest that they might hear the Scriptures and the Writings of the Law and Prophets and yet not believe in Christ who is eternal Life neither hear the Word of Faith which the Apostle preached and exhorted all to attend unto which was nigh in their Hearts and in their Mouth which Word discovereth the Intents of the Heart and separateth betwixt good and evil Thoughts of the Heart and good and evil Words in the Mouth which Word they that had the Scriptures who have thought as thou dost to find eternal Life in the Scriptures did not listen neither hearken unto and so eternal Life was vailed from them and not revealed in them and yet I say unto thee we are not vilifying the Scriptures as thou falsly judgest for if the Spirit of Truth through which God and the deep things of God are discovered if it ple●se to manifest eternal Life or any thing that pertains thereunto through the Words which have been spoken before by it s●lf and now brings in tho●e VVords again and opens them in any Believer's Heart and gives him to ●nderstand them and the things of God through any of the VVords of the Scripture this is not excluded but to limit Life or the Spirit to this or that or the other thing true Believers dare not do For God who is eternal Life manifesteth his Mind to the Creature how when where and by what he will who art thou that would'st limit him and thou that know'st Christ no other VVay then by the VVords without thee know'st him not at all no more then the Pharisees who had the Words and yet were ignorant of the Life Then thou to confute thy former Words say'st That we must not think that thou judgest that eternal Life lyeth in Words or Sentences but eternal Life is found in or by the Scriptures What reasonable or understanding man can judge or think of thee otherwise is not the Scripture Writings and do not Writings consist of Syllables VVords and Sentences And if thou lookest not ●hat eternal Life is found in the Scriptures VVords and Sentences th●u thy Assertion is made void and false for eternal 〈◊〉 is in the Life that spoke forth the VVords and those VVords are a certain Sound or a Declaration of that Life but not the Life it self And thus having laid down the Meaning of thy VVords thou sayest Thou wilt draw an Argument of the Truth of them from Joh. 5.39 where thou sayest Christ brings an Argument from his VVords in ver 37. who produceth the witness of h●s Father that he was sent of God And ver 3● thou sayest That Christ saith Go and search the Scriptures for in them you think to have eternal Life for they are they that testifie of me So thy Conclusion is That by the Scriptures eternal Life is to be found because by them Christ is to be found In Joh. 5.31 33 36 37. he produceth Testimonies that he was sent of the Father and saith If I bear witness of my self my witness is true likewise he produceth the Father and John for his Testimony and in ver 39. to the End of the Chapter he saith Moses and the Prophets 〈◊〉 of him but in ver 46. he saith unto the Pharisees Had ye believed Moses ye would have believed me for he wrote of me but he doth not say that eternal Life was found in Moses's VVritings or VVords now the 39 th Verse tho● hast perverted and thy Argument falleth into the Pit from whence it arose for the Pharisees thinking to have eternal Life in the Scriptures doth no more prove that eternal Life is to be found in the Scriptures then Paul when he made havock of the Church of God and persecuted the Believers from City to City and thought he did God good Service d●th prove th●t he was doing the VVork of God and therefore thy Ignorance is manifest The words in the Greek Copy are 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 rendered on this wise You do search the Scriptures because in them y●u think ●o have eternal Life and they are they that testifie of me This was spoken to the Pharisees and Un●●lievers and Christ did neither approve of their s●arching with that M●nd which envied the Life therefore he reprehends them for their Thoughts which were gazing at the words and looked not at the Life which the words testified of and therefore they were reproved in ver 40. Ye will not come unto me that ye may have Life And so thy Affirmation from th●se words and also thy Conclusion is false and denyed and so the Charge stands stil● good against thee Further thou goest on and sayest That neither I nor you n●r any man could ever have found Christ or come to him but by the Scriptures and then mil●e●t this the Conclusion That the Scriptures are the VVay for the obtaining Life Both thy Assertion and Conclusion are
may properly be called unbelief and thou errst in thy Judgment who seekst to civil or Military Power to uphold Religion which as I said before belongs to him who is the higher and highest Power Civil and Military Officers are not for making Religion or setting up Religion but are to keep the Peace and to stop the Violent-doer and to be a Terror to Evil works and workers and a Praise to them that do dwell and that is their place to govern in Righteousness but not to exercise Lordship over the Conscience which Power belongs only to Christ and as for them who have delivered Books and Papers and words and writings to them who are in Authority to pull down the Ministry and Steeple-houses or publick Ministry and Worship if thou intendest the Quakers as I believe thou dost thy Arrows being shot only at them we have delivered or caused to be delivered divers Book and Papers wherein we have shewed them the grievous Suffering of the People of God by the heavy Oppressions which they did suffer under because of the Hirelings Wages and upholding of Mass-houses things which have been introduced since the Primitive times in the Apostacy which aforesaid things have been guarded and upheld by Laws made in the Beast's power now to make null those Laws which were the Ground of many Oppressions and an offence to many tender Consciences this is not to pull down Religion● and that Ministry which can be pull'd down by taking away of Tythes and forced maintenance is no Ministry of Christ but Ministers of Anti-christ and to deny paying to Steeple-houses Clark-Wages burying for the Dead and such other like invented Things which many have groaned under is not to pull down Religion for this I say to thee and that which I can say to all which no reasonable or equitable man will deny to be equitable or Just take the Hireling Ministry to thee and give him the fifth part of thy Estate if thou wilt and erect thy Steeple-house like Babel's Tower but trouble not us with none of these things and for declaring to the Magistrates that these things ought to be done away and the Law by which they stood which was made in Transgression ought to be taken away this is not to pull down the Ministry nor true Religion but to overturn deceit and Invocation which hath Obstructed and hindered pure Reformation which hath been talkt on for these are but the rotten Raggs of the Whore's Menstruous Garment so thy defence is made void and ours standeth true that the Magistrate or Military Power hath nothing to do to Prescribe any form of Religion to bind all unto for this is an Intruding into those things that belong not to them Thou say'st That thou dost freely and sincerely affirm that thou hast not knowingly wronged the Quakers in the least but dost engage thy self to make good every Thing thou chargest against them that shall require it of thee That we shall see afterwards how thou wilt make good that which thou hast charged some with hast thou not knowingly wronged us when thou hast brought all those which thou countest Hereticks all Europe over and some Parts else and whatsoever they did or said must be imputed unto us I know thy Envy in Times past with the rest of the Priests was as much aga●nst them who were separate from your Assemblies as now against us and all these Things that thou hast raked up in this Book out of Histories of Germany of New-England which I am not credulous to receive from thy Mouth no more then I shall thy History as thou callest it of the Quakers for thou who wilt lye of them which are so near thee may report many Untruths at a Distance and these Things the hireling Priests were wont to charge upon the Baptists and Independents but now we are become the Object of all your Reproach and your Butt to shoot at but we are in that which the Devil cannot prevail against neither the Gates of Hell In thy third Chapter thou say'st Thou wilt treat of the Predecessors of the Quakers and thou reckonest up Simon Magus Menander Saturnus how he taught that Marriage and Generation was of Satan and Arrias who denyed the Divinity of Christ and Pelagius a Monk who held that a Man without the Grace of God was able to fulfil all the Commandment of God and of Basilides that he taught that it was not Jesus but Simon of Cirene that was crucified in his Shape These are none of our Predecessors take them to thy self and whether hast thou not knowingly wronged us in these Things and how wilt thou make every Thing good which thou hast charged us withal These things fore-mentioned and many more which I shall pass over as not to trouble the Reader with in which thou hast charged us falsly wherein thou art required to make good the Charge or else cease thy clamorous Tongue these that thou hast reckoned up you use to call them Arians Saturnians and Pelagians but now thou hast made them all Quakers In thy 13th Page thou manifestest what Spirit thou art of thou tellest of the Old Church-Government being taken away to wit the Common-Prayer-Book t●ken out of the Mass-Book then began Sects to arise So that it seems thy chief Reformation and Religion is but the Old Lithurgy which is little better then the Mass and the Ministers the old corrupt Bishops that the Earth groaned with the Burthen thereof whose Ordination and Call is from the Pope their Original and from the Church of Rome your Mother from whence these State-hirelings which burthen the whole Creation sprang forth thou would'st have all confined unto this dark Mist and compelled to worship according unto those Popish Traditions held forth for publick Worship in that time Further thou bring'st a Heap of Lyes out of Baxter a Man at Enmity against all Goodness who hath written many lying Books against the living TRUTH for which the Lord God will call him and thee to Account Thou set'st down some of that which thou call'st our Principles in the 16th Page How that we deny all Officers in a Common-wealth and how we deny all Relation as Brother and Sister Magistrate Master Father Mother Son and Daughter Husband and Wife and that Husband and Wife should part assunder and that all Things should be common all these things shall turn upon thy own Head and now to the Light in thy Conscience I speak which thou despisest whether thou hast not wilfully wronged us And I require of thee according to thy Promise to make these things good but I believe thy Proof is out of our Adversaries Books Baxter's and the Priests of New-castle which things have been answered and their Lyes turned upon their own Heads In the 17th Page thou hast gathered some Words and Sentences out of our Books many of them are so evident and manifest Truths to all that are come to a good Understanding that they need no Vindication for they
Spirit without the Scripture and that the Words in the 17th of John 22. That they may be one as we are one these Words give an uncertain Sound thou say'st and further thou say'st Surely they are under ● Rule of L●fe who have not the Spirit since the Canon of the Scripture is close● so far is the Spirit from being a Rule of Life that to us it is not the Spirit except 〈◊〉 move in the written Word Answ. Gross Darkness is thy dwelling Place and out of thi●k Darkne●s all this pitiful Confusion cometh the Doctrine of Life was communicated according to the VVill and Mind of God sometime by Dream sometime by Vision sometime by Revelation to the Patriarchs and Believers from Abel till Moses and by Faith they were Followers of Christ and doubtless they did communicate in their Generation those ●hings that were ●●nifest unto them by the Spirit which was the then Rule and Guide to the Feet of the upright in the way of Peace before any Scripture was writt●● and if the Scripture be not necessary absolutely thou hast said as much as we say therefore we speak of a Rule and a Way which is absolute necessary without which no man can know the Father or the Son nor the Way of Peace but by the Spirit of Truth which gave ●orth the VVords of Truth which may manifest and doth mani●est it self as it will when where and how it will for it is unlimited and it will not be limited by its own VVords as to Sound but may speak VVords which it never spoke before as for instance Paul by the Spirit said The second Adam the Lord from Heaven is a Quickening Spirit which none of the Scriptures before-written speak in these very VVords and if the Spirit be not Spirit without the Letter then where the Letter is wanting the Spirit is wanting and consequently them that have the Scripture have the Spirit which were no less then Ignorance and Darkness to say and what Rule are they under who have not the Spirit or no Measure of it there is but the Spirit of Truth and the Spirit of Error and they that are not ruled by the Spirit of Truth they are ruled by the Spirit of Error though they may have the words to fight with and quarrel about without the Life but last of all thou hast in plain words set the dead Letter before the living Spirit and say'st That the Spirit is no Spirit except it speak by the Scripture and if the words of Christ in John 17. give an uncertain Sound it is but to thy deaf Ear and to thy blind Understanding for he spoak soundly and certainly and prayed to the Father that as the Father and he were one so they als● might be one being guided by the one Spirit of the Father in the Son and that they might live in the Unity of it and have Unity with one another in it and with the Father and the Son In thy 15th page though thou hast set up the Letter for a perfect Rule of Life yet here thou throwest it down again and say'st It is to be un●erstood as including Consequences for the greatest Part of Scripture is Con●equences and the Scripture cannot be true without Consequences for Thomas and Mary are neither c●mmanded Obedience or forbidden Di●obedience for we no where read thou Thomas or thou Mary are therein commanded Obedience or forbidden Disobedience such an one by Name do this or that Answ. I told thee the Spirit of God is unlimited and whether it speaks of Degrees or Measures of a greater or less thing or whether it speaks the greater first and the lesser after whether it speaks from Major to Minor or from Minor to Major or what may truly follow either from the greater to the less or from the less to the greater it is all Truth but thy Consequences are no Part of this the Spirit still demonstrates its own Mind by what words and Terms and Expressions it pleaseth and will not be limit●ed or confined to this or that Form of words and thou errest grosly neither knowing the Scripture nor the Power of God and thy Consequences are false for there are the individual Persons or Names of Thomas and Mary both commanded Obedience and forbidden Disobedience and if thou hast never read this in Scripture I inform thee and instruct thee thou may'st read John 20.16 17. where Jesus saith unto Mary she turned her self and said unto him Rabboni which is to say Master Jesus said unto her Touch me not for I am not yet ascended here is a Prohibition and forbidding that she should not touch him Secondly here is a Command of Obedience But go unto my Brethren and say unto them I ascend unto my Father and your Father to my God and your God and in the same Chapter thou may'st read in ver 27. where Christ spoke unto Thomas by Name after his Resurrection Then said he to Thomas reach hither thy Finger and behold my Hands and reach hither thy Hand and thrust it into my Side here was a Command to be obeyed and be not faithless there is a Prohibition or a forbidding of Unbelief and so thy Foolishness is manifest and Ignorance of the Scripture some of it thou sayest is an uncertain Sound and the Scriptures fore-mentioned thou hast denyed or else never hast read it and so art unacquainted with thy Rule which thou quarrellest and fightest so much about And then thou comest and say'st Thou wilt vindicate some Scriptures and citest 1 John 9. That this was the true Light which lighteth every Man that cometh into the World hence they affirm that there is a Light in every man which being followed is an infallible Guide and that this Light which lighteth every man is the Rule of Life and not the written Word thy Answer is The Sense of the Text is notoriously false and thy Reason is If Christ the true Light that li●hteth every man be the Rule then Righteousness should be by the Law for the Light which is in every Man is not Gospel-Light but there is a natural Light or the Light of Nature which is to be construed in Opposition to spiritual and the Light of Nature and the Light of the Spirit are contra-distinct and by this Light of Nature there is a Difference put betwixt that which is good and bad and it will teach us not to lye nor steal and it will lead to the Knowledge of one God and yet it is in Opposition to one Spirit and it will lead to know Eternity Omnipotency and it will lead to know the Creator yet it is contra-distinct to the Spirit Answ. The Scripture needs none of thy Vindication for thou hast defamed it and sayest Christ's Words are an uncertain Sound and thou hast said that neither Mary nor Thomas was commanded Obedience thou may'st look back of thy Lyes and repent of them and why is the Sense of the Text utterly false that Christ was the
a Company of wild Bears rending and tearing and stop Gloves and Napkins and bind Keys over their Mouthes that they may not speak the Word of Truth amongst y●u contrary to Primitive Order And as for the Doctrine of the Quakers many who know it better then thee know it to be d●structive to n●●hi●g but to the Doctrine of Anti-christ and such ungodly Doctrines as thou hast laid down in this Book as that that Light which Christ hath enlightned every one withal is gross Darkness and worse then gross Darkness and that the Supper of the Lord is a visible Political Ordinance and su●h black Doctrines as these our Doctrines are destuctive unto And further thou goest on and tellest The Work against Order is Policy against Policy the Policy of Hell against the Policy of Heaven Answ. It seems your Order stands in Policy both in your Church and State and in Craft Fraud and Deceit and thou judged that He●ven stands in Policy too but he that sits in Heaven laughs you to Scorn with all your Deceit and Policy And now thou comest to thy Proof and say'st That Doctrine that denyes Obedience to Magistracy in his due Subject in Effect denyes the Order of Magistracy but their Doctrine denyes Obedience to Magistracy in its due Subject therefore their Do●●rine denyes the Order of Magistracy Answ. The Major and Minor are both false for we own Magistracy in its due Subject which stands in the Power of God and in the higher Power and that which leads into Order and out of Confusion and Destruction and thou must not think to fasten Stork and Mun●er upon us for thy Proof what they did stands upon their Account and not upon ours and that mischievous Spirit of thine is that which presseth on the Magistrate to abuse his power and to intrude into those Things which belong not to him to keep up your confused Babel which thou callest a Political Church which must all be scattered with the Breath of his Mouth and with the Brightness of his coming whom thou yet judgest to be gross Darkness In thy 18th page and in the 44th page thou speak'st That visible Political Church Church-Officers and Church-Ordinances are Gospel Institut●ons appointed by Christ to continue to the End of the World and that Command which Paul gave to Timothy is to be kept and that visible Political Church Estate is to continue to the End of the World Answ. I see thou art ignorant of God Christ Heaven Church Church-Officers Ordinances and Institutions the Churches of Christ were established by and in the Power of God and the Ministers thereof ministred walked and ruled in the Power of God and the Ordinances and Institutions of the true Church of God are pure and spiritual but the Church that thou art pleading for the Continuation thereof is a Political Church Political Ordinances Political Officers Political Institutions Political Pastors and Teachers the Lord's Supper a Political Ordinance B●ptism a Political Ordinance the spiritual Couns●l which Paul gave to Timothy about the Elders of the Church and about the Holy Practice which they were to walk in and the godly Conversation this thou calls Political nay furthermore thou saist Heaven stands in Policy and in thy fourth Chap. say'st To Christ belongs the Prerogative of being the only Politician these and the like damnable Doctrines and Heresies thou hast uttered forth and these must be proved from the first of Tim. 3.15 and Chap. 4. did Paul when he wrote to Timothy when he gave him direction about Elders and such as took care of the Church of God did he say a Bishop is a Political Officer and must be blameless or did he say a Deacon is a Political Officer and must be grave And therefore Reader thou may'st read these Scriptures 1 Tim. 9.14 1 Cor. 14.33 and thou maist see this Sophister and this man that is void of understanding who cryeth up the Scripture for a Rule of Life and yet holds such a Church such Pastors such Officers such Ordinances such Institutions which the Scripture makes no mention of and therefore this man having made a Monstrous Body a Politick Church he imagines a Head like it and therefore Blasphemously saith Christ is the greatest Politician much I need not say unto this black Dark stuff which is to be confounded which is imaginary and Deceit which the wrath of God must scatter but this I say to thee there were no Officers in the Church of Christ but they were Ministers made so by the Spirit and were made so by the Holy Ghost and were Ministers of the Spirit and not of the Letter and some were Elders and Ruled in the Church and Churches which was Sanctified by God the Father and preserved in Christ Jesus and these were spiritual and not Political but thou hast cleared and quitted your selves from being any such Church and that which you call the Sacrament which thou callst Visible and Political and bringst 1 Cor. 12. for thy proof did Paul say as often as ye eat this Political Bread and drink this Visible Political Cup shew forth the Lord's Death till he come and did Christ when he sent his Disciples to Preach and to Baptize in the 28th of March 16. which thou plead must continue until the end of the World did he send them and say go and Teach and Preach the visible and Politick Word of the Kingdom and Baptize them with visible Political Water and that this should continue to the End of the World And little marvel if the Throne of Satan be exalted among you and such Ministers as thou who Ministers deceit and Unrighteousness and Ungodliness art set to be a Teacher and appointed so by the General Court who canst not speak a Form of sound Words but like a Phylosopher a Star-gazer an Astrologian or a Stage-player which them that read thy Book will see thy Tract frothed with such black dark Sentences which are like Enchantments As for Beckold and Knipperd●lling and Quintinius and Poquius thou mightst have taken up thy Pen ere now and not have brought all this rambling stuff out of the History of the Germans which thou wouldst cast upon our Backs the Bishops used to cast it upon your Backs and you upon the Baptists backs but now we must bear all and thou in Envy unto us that thereby thou mightst represent us Odious to the World hast made them all Quakers and saist they are our Predecessours take them to thy self and joyn them to your Political Church and your Political Ordinances and your Politick Doctrines which is of the same Nature with theirs which you maintain and uphold with carnal Weapons as they did theirs And last of all thou art coming to the Magistrates Power in matters of Religion under the Gospel and thou saist Notwitstanding manifold Evils prevail and the Wiles of the Devil are great and malignant and Heresie which is a horrid aspect yet thou saith There is Balm in Gilead a Physician
not believing but Hereticks turbulent Hereticks we believe belong unto him to punish and who must be Judge of turbulent Hereticks is not an Heretick an Unbeliever and if the Magistrate ought not to punish an Unbeliever then not a Heretick for a Heretick is an Unbeliever and they who are in the Power Authority of God can deny such a one and judge him out by the Power of God there is his Punishment according to that which thou callst Gospel-institution and beyond that or any further Act upon such a one we do not read of in all that which is call'd the New Testament neither that Christ his Apostles or any of the true Churches or Officers or Believers ever commanded or commended or exhorted any to stretch forth their Hand against the Person of any who were Hereticks really so and Blasphemers really so and therefore see there ●s neither Command Precept nor Example doest not thou wretchedly err in pressing on them which thou callest Believers to act such wretched Acts of Cruelty as you have done and thou vindica●est them in tast ●ir Duty It 's true we read of the Beast and of the Dragon wh● m●de W●r against the Saints and killed them and of Mystery B●bylon and of Sodom and Egypt where Christ was slain and the Witnesses slain now if thou wilt take these for Proofs and for a Ground thou m●yest and so all thy twisting and twining and vain Arguments fall to the Ground and doth not the Church of Rome account all you as Hereticks and is not their Judgement that they ought to punish you wi●h corporal Punishment and is not this your Judgement also page 78. that the Magistrate ought to proceed gradually That is to inflict Punishment by Degrees with lingring Tortures like their Inquisitions and wherein doth thy Doctrine differ from theirs in this take them to thee and thy Doctrine for thou art but a Stem sprung out of the same Root and actest from the same Principle and yet I tell thee and all the World I am not pleading for any matter of Fact or for Breakers of the Law that is righteous for the Law is good if a Man use it lawfully it is against Murderers Man-stealers and Stealers of the Creatures for Idolaters and Defrauders and Cheaters and every Act or Fact deserves punishment suitable to the Transgression now had it not been more reasonably done of thee to have produced the Fact of the Quakers in New-England which hath deserved all these b●rbarous Tortures then to declare them and publish them as Offenders in Matters of Fact and have none to lay to their charge and I challenge thee and the rest of thy Adherents to produce some matters of fact which the Quakers have done which is contrary to any righteous Law of God or else own your Condemnation and repent and thou must not think that this poor Tract of thine which is full of Deceit and Confusion Error Blasphemy and Madness though thou publish it by the Appointment of the General Court that it will cover your Wickedness or hide you from being discovered to moderate People neither will shelter you in the Day of the Lord. And thou say'st It concerneth New-England alwayes to remember that originally they are a Plantation Religious the Profession of Purity of Doctrine Worship and Discipline is written upon your Fore-heads that after New-England hath now shined Twenty Years should now go out in the Snuff of Moralianism Answ. There was something amongst some of you but you fled the Cross as I told you before and so that Spirit which persecuted you in the Bishops Time got up in your selves and that which once you had while you were under Affliction here you have lost not only the P●wer of Godliness but the Form thereof and also of sound Words and now as to matter of Religion it is rather become a Place of Ostridges Owles and Satyrs and for Purity of Doctrine Worship and Discipline written in your Fore-heads if it must be tried by your Rule and if it be the same Twenty Years that it is now I have not heard more of Unsoundness in Doctrine Worship and Discipline which I have read on in many Ages but especially in the Scripture and truly your shining now is turned into Blackness and your Sun is set and your day is darkness and your Light is gone out as the Snuff of a Candle because this man boasts of their Doctrine Worship and Discipline take a few things out of many and behold them in the Light of the Lord and compare them with the Scripture and so I leave them to thy Judgment 1. First speaking of the Trinity he saith God is a distinct Subsistance from the Son and the Spirit and that the Son is distinct Subsistance from the Father and the Spirit in the nineth Page and because it is said The Father shall give you another Comforter this another he saith is intelligible of the Essence so then the Son is a distinct Subsistance and Essence from the Father and the Spirit is a distinct Subsistance and Essence from the Father and the Son so here are three distinct Essences 2. And that the Spirit of God without the Letter is no Spirit that which obligeth a Man to obey a Command of God is one Power and that which strengthens him and enables him to obey is a●oth●r Power page 12. and that Christs Words in Joh. 17.22 give an uncertain Sound which are these That they may be one as we are one 3. That Scripture is a perfect Rule of Life but not without Consequences 4. That Thomas and Mary are no where mentioned in Scripture neither are commanded Obedience nor forbidden Disobedience contrary to Joh. 20.16 17.27 5. That that Light which teacheth a Man there is a God and to worship God and that Parents are to be honoured and that a Man shall not lye nor steal and that which discovers the Creator his Eternity and Omnipotency is to be construed in Opposition to spiritual Light and contra-distinct to the Light of the Spirit pag. 16. 6. That the Light which is in every Man hath much miscarried whilest that it is mannaged by the reigning Power of Darkness pag. 17. 7. That that which lets a Man see that he should not do to others what he would not have others do unto him and shews a Man ought not to steal nor to lye and that which discovers Eternity and Om●ipotency this i●deed saith he is Darkness it is worse then gross Darkness pag. 18. 8. Christ enlightens no Man w●th the Light of Life but them that are so and so qualified 9. That the Gospel is a Constitution or Effect tempered of the Grace of God and the Blood of Christ. 10. That the visible Political Churches Political Officers Political Worship and Administrations are Gospel-Institutions or appointed by Christ pag. 41. 11. That there is Policy in Heaven pag. 42. 12. Pastors and Teachers are Political Church-Officers 13. That the Lord's Supper is
Uncircumcised over the Nations again for the 〈…〉 re more justifiable in the sight of God then these who Profess him in Words and yet are Reprobate unto every good VVork Therefore come out of Babylon all People and Potentates of the Earth and drink no more of her Cup of Fornication and receive no more of her Traditions nor inventions for the Ordinances of Christ and partake no more of the Sins of this false Church which hath drunk the Blood of the Prophets and slew the Saints under the Name of Blasphemers and under the Name of Hereticks as the Jews of old did who had the Words of the Prophets without the Life and were in Error themselves and in the Blasphemies who killed the just One and Crucified Christ as a Blasphemer and the Members of his Body as Hereticks Plagues and Woes are prepared of the Lord God and Thunders Storms and Tempests are to be poured upon the Seat of this Whore and the Seat of the Beast for dreadful is the day of the Lord which is coming upon all Flesh which shall wither as Grass and the h●lls shall melt and the Rocks shall cleave the high and lofty shall bow the strong Men shall be afraid Terror shall come upon all Hypocrites and fearfulness and weakness upon all the Mighty and Valiant and upon all that have Warred and striven with carnal weapons and all Worshippers in the Flesh the Sword of the Lord shall come over all which is ready furbished and brandished which shall be soaked in the Blood of Bulls and the strong and the Fat and the Mighty and the slain of the Lord shall be many for the notable Day of the Lord God is appearing such a day as hath not appeared since the Apostacy for God's Controversie shall be with all the Inhabitants of the Earth at the Sound thereof the Nations shall be afraid and the Isles shall Shreek and the Mighty men shall fail for God hath determined to cleanse the Earth of all the fruitless Trees that cumber the Ground and to make●h overflowing Scourge pass throw the Nations to sweep away the Refuge of Lyes Idolatry and Superstition Will-worship vain Human Traditions of men and to make all Flesh to bow before him Therefore all People who look to escape the Judgement of the Lord God which is coming upon the Nations flee flee for your lives out of Babylon out of Sodom and Egypt spiritually so called hasten and come out to meet the Lord God lest you be overthrown in those cursed Cities whose Sins have reached up to Heaven make haste and come out and be not upon your reserves and consult not with Flesh and Blood partake no more of her Sins lest you partake of her dreadful Plagues and of the Cup of the Lord 's fiery Indignation which is the Portion of all the Inhabitants of that City for they shall drink it And all ye Princes and People in Germany who are called reformed who have denyed the Church of Rome in some things and who judge you are come to a good Degree of Reformation I must needs say unto you that the Reformation your Departure from her is yet but weak poor and feeble and you are come but a little way I may say unto you as the Prophet said you must rise and go from that which you are now in which you judge to be the Worship of the true God for it is not your Rest indeed you have departed and cast off some things which are but circumstances you stick still in the old Ground and if you take not heed the Leaven of the Whore's Sorceries which is yet among you may quickly leaven you all again into one Lump and bring you back again within the Walls of that bloody City and you that are Princes will not want Temptations to draw you back to associate your selves again with the Church of Rome that now thereby you may be strengthned against the heathen for if you should enter into any Association with them or give any consent unto such Temptations you do but go down into Egypt for Help then will your latter End be worse then your Beginning and your Bondage and Thraldom will be greater then it was before and I must tell you plainly the Lord will pare the Heathen and exalt their Horn and they shall be as a Scourge and as the Lord's Battle-axe to bring down the Pride and Haughtiness of that bl●ody City which h●th drunk the Blood of the Saints and they that have yoaked others shall now be yoaked and they that have cruelly tyrannized over others shall be tyrannized over and that which hath led others into Captivity Bondage and Thraldom shall go into captivity bondage and thraldom and the Heathen shall rule over it Therefore ye that are called Protestant Princes or Reformed and to all People within your Dominions look not back for help from spiritual Sodom Oh let it never enter into your Hearts you are yet in the Suburbs of that City therefore come further off and out from it for you still retain too much of the Government of that City and too much of their Form Ordinances Institution and Doctrine and judge them to be Apostolick and Catholick but wait you to know the Power of God in your Assemblies which changes the Mind and Heart within for bodily exercises profiteth little you have had Tryal enough of that but what Life and Power do you enjoy which was from the Beginning before the World began Is there no forcing and compelling amongst you about Religion and Hire for your Ministers And do you not limit and stop that which the generality cannot agree unto and brand it for Error and Heresie and is there no killing about Religion nor making men suffer about matters in Religion may every one speak freely of the things of God what he hath received freely of the Lord as they did in the Primitive Times when the Church was in Purity Forcing ought not to be amongst you and you put too great a Price upon outside things which at the best are but Shadows of spiritual things which are to be revealed in the Heart and know you this that they that worship the Lord aright worship him in Spirit and in Truth and they who come to witness the New Covenant come to know the Law of the Spirit of God and the Life revealed in their Hearts by which the Sons of God are led into all Truth and they need not go back to the Tables of Stone nor to literal Precepts for a Rule for their Rule is within to wit the Spirit of God which the Father hath promised to pour forth upon his Sons and Daughters by the Mouth of his Prophets and that they need not say know the Lord for all shall be taught of him from the least to the greatest who are come to the everlasting Covenant and to the Blood of sprinkling which purifies the Heart and sprinkleth the Consciences which speaks better things to all
New Covenant and the Everlasting Gospel proved out of the Scripture and Antiquity 19. Respecting of Persons and Complemental Bowings and worshipping of one another and flattering Titles are no good Manners but are in the Transgression and have been anciently reproved and condemned 20. University and Schools of Natural Learning are of no Use as to the making of Ministers of Christ in the Primitive Times but a Thing introduced and brought in in latter Ages by the Apostates who had erred from the Spirit who admired and set up Natural Languages and Philosophy that thereby they might be furnished to make Discourses Speeches and Sermons to get Money by and as they are holden up at this Day are made an absolute Idol and as to their Practice it 's generally known to be prophane and no Way meet to advance the Church of Christ. THE GLORY OF THE True Church DISCOVERED As it was in its PURITY IN THE PRIMITIVE TIMES CHAP I. The State of the true Church from the manifestation of Christ in the Flesh to the End of the Apostles Dayes briefly discovered GOd according to his determinate Will and everlasting Counsel in the Fulness of time sent his only begotten Son into the World to be the Light of the World and to be a Leader to the People and to be a Propitiation for the Sins of the whole World who obeyed the VVill of the Father in all things according as it was testified of him by Moses and the Prophets and as it was said by David concerning him In the Volumn of the Book it is written concerning me I come to do thy Will O God Psal. 40.7 and so he did as it was written of him he fulfilled all Righteousness and ended all the Types and Figures and Shadows and VVorship of the first Covenant as the Apostle testifieth of him Heb. 7.21 The Law was changed and the Priesthood changed in that they were but Figures and Shadows of good things to come and in regard that they were faulty and did not make the comers thereunto perfect as pertaining to the Conscience but the bringing in of a better Hope did and the better Covenant to wit the Covenant of Life and Peace which the Prophets by the Spirit had testified of from Moses to Samuel and till John and John likewise bore Testimony of him who was the Lamb of God that took away the sins of the VVorld John 1.29 36. And now he being come to whom the Prophets testified who was not made by a carnal Commandment as was Aaron and the rest of the Priests under the Law but after the Power of an endless Life offered up himself once for all putting an End to all the Offerings of the first Covenant for the perfecting them that are Sanctified Heb. 10.14 Now he being come into the Fulness of time manifest according to the Testimony of the Prophets he fulfilled all things which the Prophets testified of him and his VVorks did testifie of him that he was the Son of God now he declared the VVill of the Father and discoursed with them who were Doctors and Ministers of the Covenant declaring unto them divers times and shewing unto them in divers places that the Kingdom of God was at hand and to be manifest in Power and testified of himself and the Father also with him and his Works declared the same that he was the everlasting high-Priest which put an End to all the first Priesthood Covenant and Ordinances thereof and he preached the Word of the Kingdom and declared against them who sticked behind in the Figures and Types and Shadows and did reprove them to wit the professors of the first Covenant who were Searchers of the Scriptures and said you will not come unto me that you may have Life I am the Bread of Life that came down from above and came to fulfil the Law and all Righteousness and to publish the Word of Faith which did not make void the Law but establish it which was new And so he said while you have the Light believe in the Light that you may be the Children of the Light and this he spoke to the Pharisees which had the Law and the Prophets and were acting in the Types and Figures which are Shadows of the thing it self but not the very thing but he preached the very thing the Word of the Kingdom the Word of Power the Word of Life and many were quickned by it in their Hearts and Minds who believed and heard the Voice of him who was the Son of God and so came to live who could not be made alive in the exercising themselves in the Ordinances and many believed in him and he chose unto him Disciples who believed in him and sent them out to preach Repentance and to begin at Jerusalem though they were the chiefest Professors and Ordinance-Men and were for Conformity to the Ordinances of the first Covenant yet Repentance was to be preached to them and the first Principles of Religion though they had been and were the greatest Professors and Observers of the Ordinances of the first Covenant that were in the Earth at that time And afterwards he sent out Disciples and gave them Commandment to preach disciple all Nations in the Name of the Father Son and holy Ghost and these which he sent out to preach the Gospel unto whom he gave Power to cast out Devils and work Miracles prophesied after a Season the Word of the Kingdom both to Jews and Gentiles according as the Prophets had testified and these who were sent out and made Ministers by the holy Ghost and received Gifts from the holy Ghost for the Work of the Ministry they preached not up the Ordinances of the first Covenant but preached Christ the everlasting Covenant and the Power of God and the VVisdom of God for the Remission of Sin and the word of Faith they declared in the Mouth and in the Heart and went not to Tables of Stone to direct People thither but to bring People to believe in him who was the Light of the World and lighteth every Man that cometh into the World that all Men through him might believe And many did believe in him who was the Covenant and did believe through the Apostles words who were commissionated and fitted for the work of the Ministry and through their words which they declared many did believe both of Jews and Gentiles and as many of the Jews as did believe separated from the Temple Priests Sacrifices Ordinances of the first Covenant and they met together in Houses and other Places A●ts 20.7 Chap. 28.30 31. And the Gentiles which believed separated from their dumb Idols after which they had been led formerly and from their Temples and ceased any more to offer unto Idols and they met together at certain Places in Towns and Cities not only at Jerusalem but also at Antioch Colosse Thessalonica Corinth and divers other Places which were long to enumerate Acts 11.9 chap. 17.1 2. chap. 18.4 But
under Foot the Kings of the Earth shall deny it and to give their Strength any longer to the Beast and then shall that be fulfilled Rejoyce ye Prophets and holy men of God and ye that have suffered for the Hour of his Judgement is come and as she hath served the Saints so shall she be served and rewarded double and the day hastens and the times and Seasons we see and know as God hath made them manifest The man-child is descended again who hath right to rule the Nations with a Rod of Iron and break the ungodly in pieces as a Potters Vessell and stamp the residue of his Enemies under his Feet And the Church is coming out of the wilderness again who leans upon the Breast of her beloved who is cloathing her again with Beauty instead of Ashes and putting upon her again the beautiful Garments of Glory and Excellency even his own Righteousness and they that see it their Hearts shall be made glad and their Souls rejoyce in God and their Flesh rest in Hope for the time is come when she must appear again which hath been retired and hid in a Place which God had prepared for her while the false church sate a Queen and the Apostates as Princes and their Merchandise sold at dear rates but their J●y shall be turned into Mourning and alas alas shall be the cry of them th●t have been in Glory with her for her Frankincense Odours and sweet Perfumes and Scarlet and Purple and Gold and Silver and Wood and Tin and Iron and Brass none will buy any more none of 〈◊〉 ●amb's Followers nor none of the true Church's Children who worship God in the Spirit and have no confidence in the Flesh neither in any outward Appearance but in the hidden Life of God but in the immortal Life which he hath brought to light through his blessed Gospel which he hath caused to be published again the ●oyful Sound whereof many captives have heard and are glad and a numberless Number shall hear the joyful Sound thereof and shall enquire after the Brightness of the rising of the Sun Therefore all Apostates Hills and Mountains make room make Way the Lord is risen in Power and in Glory which shall dazle the Eyes of all the Earthly and shall extinguish and put out the very Brightness and the Glory of all invented worships in the apostatized ages and shall bring them that believe in the everlasting Gospel to Stability to the Rock of ages to the Valley of Achor to Mount Sion to the Blessing of the everlasting Hills and blessed are they that hear and believe and waite to be made Partakers of that which the Lord is about to do in the Earth as he hath shewed and foreshewed to his Servants the Prophets CHAP. IV. Now a few Words to shew unto all how they may come out of the Apostacy to be Members of the true Church which is in God the Lamb's Wife SO far as God did appear in any Age or Generation or manifest himself unto the Sons of Men in any Shadows Figures Representations or outward Appearances the evil Spirit and Serpents Seed and Evil-doer alwayes took up the Form of the Thing when it came into Reputation as largely might be demonstrated and instanced through all Ages and Generations till the Closure of the Apostles Writings something whereof hath been briefly hinted at before so in this I shall be very brief The Jews held up the Types and Figures of the first Covenant and the Ordinances thereof and opposed Christ the Light the everlasting Covenant and also the Publishers thereof Moreover when the Name of Christ came to be spread abroad then false Apostles and deceitful Workers who were Enemies to the Cross and to the Power of God they preached Christ out of Contention and Envy and for filthy Lucre and by wicked Practices made the Name of Christians odious among the Heathen as it is this Day and caused the worthy Name by which the Saints were saved to be blasphemed by their ungodly Practices Rom. 2.24 When the Apostle gather'd together many that believ'd and setled them in the Order of the Gospel and the Order came well to be accounted of and the Conversation of the Saints of good Account amongst many divers false Prophets and deceitful Workers got up and as the Apostles met in Houses and the Saints met together in Houses the false Apostles they crept into Houses and held the Form as I said before and denyed the Power and they were to be turned away from by the Apostle's Exhortation to Timothy Now since the true Church fled into the Wilderness the false Church came into Visibility and to sit as a Queen upon the Waters the Nations and Peoples other things have been brought in other things are brought in and invented which were not constitutions of Christ or the primitive Churches and these the World hath wondered after in the dark Night of Apostacy and the Worship hath been made up and compacted partly from the Jews Worship partly from the Heathen and partly from themselves being corrupted and the Scriptures perverted every Way to prove all this Deceit Now many have judged to relinquish the former superstitious Practices and to come and to take up the Form and Practice again in the outward as it was in the Apostles Dayes is to come out of the Apostacy let all know this the outward Court of the City was given to be trodden under Foot of the Gentiles to pollute and defile it and many may wait there and look there in the polluted Court and in the outside that hath been defiled and many may visit the Sepulchre and wait for Christ when he is risen and so look for him to appear in that which he is risen out of the Jews at their Temple when it is left desolate the Crhistians so called may glory in their outward Court though it be defiled and so defiled as God will not appear there again for he hath another Way manifested himself unto the Sons of Men. And now that Worship that God requires that Service that he requires and that Glory wherein he will manifest himself is and will be in the Spirit which all People are to wait for which come to witness Restoration and to come to the End of the Night of Error to the Bride the Lamb's Wife again Now a Measure of God's Spirit being given to every one to profit withal which shews them Sin and Transgression and will lead out of it which shews formal Worship and how Deceit hath transformed into them and leads them that believed in it out of that which is polluted and out of Deceit to Christ the sure Foundation and mighty Power of God and to know God's Peace and Good-will to all Men And that which must restore all People and bring them out of the Apostacy into Purity and to have Fellowship with the Father and the Son and one with another as it was in the primitive times
which were only to continue till the time of Reformation Heb. 9.10 by Christ the everlasting Covenant came to be made manifest the everlasting Offering who perfected them that are Sanctified who is the Oath of God the end of Oaths and of all strife and contention his Doctrine was Swear not at all Mat. 5.33 34 35 36 37. neither by the head nor Feet nor Books nor Gospel nor any other thing but that yea should be yea and nay nay in all things and James an Apostle of Christ Jesus who knew the New Covenant which was everlasting which saw over the Ordinances of the first Covenant of the Jews saith above all Things my Brethren Swear not at all neither by heaven neither by the Earth nor by any other Oath but let your Yea be Yea and your nay Nay lest you fall into Condemnation James 5.1 2. and this was Apostolical and Catholick Doctrine in the Primitive Churches But afterwards the Faith being lost which once was delivered the Saints and the Power lost they began to set up Oaths again imitating the Jews and bringing the commands of the Jews who were under the first Covenant as their Ground But this was in the Apostacy And Justinian the Emperour appointed first that men should Swear by the Gospel or Book called the Gospel and lay their Hands thereon and Kiss it saying So help me God and here Christendom may see who are in the Apostacy and who were the first instituters of this Swearing and the manner thereof which the Teachers of these latter Ages do Ignorantly Press for an Ordinance of God In the Primitive Times they that had the Word of Reconciliation who had received the holy Ghost and Gift of prophecy and were made able Ministers of the Spirit who had discerning and saw by the Spirit who were fitted for the Work of the Ministry and fit to be Elders and Helpers in the Church they laid hands on them in God's Power and they received the holy Ghost but now since the Apostacy came in this kind of Imagination of laying on of hands one Hypocrite upon another who are out of the Power who have not received the holy Ghost neither they upon whom their hands were laid but afterward it came to be a custom and a holy Rite to be performed upon Children Silvester Bishop of Rome ordained that all that were christned Churches and Chalices should be anointed with Oyl and Fabianus commanded that it should be renewed every Monday and Thursday Clement the first ordained that Children that were christned should be anointed with Chrisme and he also instituted the Sacrament as it is called of Confirmation or as it is now called Bishopping and did suppose that no man was a perfect Christian if this Rite and Ceremony was omitted and for this cause it hath been judged and looked upon as catholick Doctrine both by the Church of Rome and the Protestants that the holy Ghost is more plentifully given them by the hands of the Bishop and on this wise in the first institution thereof it was only administred by the Bishop First he asked the Name of the child making the Sign of the Cross in his Forehead saying I sign thee with the Token of the Cross and confirm thee with the Chrisme of Salvation in the name of the Father Son and holy Ghost c. and smote the Child on the cheek softly but if of greater Age which was to be confirmed the Bishop gave a sharper Stroke that he might remember this great Mystery and here you may see how these things came in and the Traditions and Inventions and Precepts of Men have been and are taught for Doctrine and Apostolick Institution many of which are upholden in the reformed Churches so called unto this day and so People are kept in Blindness in a Multitude of Traditions and heathenish customs and their minds led out from seeking after the living God CHAP. VIII Concerning Fasts Feasts and Holy-dayes THE Jews in the first covenant had many Fasts and Feasts and Holy-dayes as the Sabbath and Feasts of the New Moon and Passeover and Feasts of unleavened-bread Pentecost the Feasts of Tabernacles and the Feast of Dedication which are largely shewed in the Books of Moses all which things as the Apostle saith to the Hebrews were but Shadows of things to come and not the things themselves which only continued till the time of Reformation and till the better Hope which brought in the better Covenant which stood vpon better Promises Now in the Primitive Churches they came to see the End of these things and were brought to him that was the Substance in whom all Figures and ●hadows do end Col. 2.16.17 Let no man therefore judge you in Meat or Drink or in respe●t of a holy day which are a Shadow of things to come but the Body is Christ Now afterward when they minded the Form more then the Power they ran out into those things with many additions some borrowed from the Heathen and some by their own Invention and then press them as Apostolick Ordinances upon Christians which things stand in force with many until this Day too too much among them that are called reform●d Victor Bishop of Rome about the year 196. decreed that Easter should be celebrated and kept on the Sunday from the 14 th Day of the first Moneth which is March to the 22 d. of the same now the Jews kept it sooner and so it is without ground from the Jews Practice and meerly an Invention of their own which led People back into dayes and about what time they judged any thing to be done which Christ or the Apostles did they invented a day and time to keep for it as to reverence Sunday in Advent Nativity Circumcision and Epiphany Purification of Mary called Candlemass Lent Palm-Sunday Monday and Thursday on which Christ washed his Disciples Feet as it hath been imagined Good-Fryday Easter Pentecost was kept by the Jews and this they would hold out for an Apostolick Example to Christians and for all the former Dayes they were invented with many more which have been brought in since and so they were decreed and ratified at a Council at Lyons in France that such days as either the holy Saints departed this Life or did any notable deed a day should be kept holy as they said in that Council for the encrease of their Religion there were also other days instituted the Feast of Saint Stephen and Innocents by Pope Boniface the fourth and likewise John-Baptist and that which they call Lady-day Laurence Michael and Martin and generally of all Saints and these were his Institutions which are practised by the Church of Rome and practised among the Protestants to this Day Likewise that which is called Corpus-Christi day this was made a holy-day and dedicated by Urban the fourth Silvester assigned the day of Advincula Sancti Petri commonly called Lammas in memorial of Peter's pains and persecution Felix the first
and Judges ought to do so and so have made them put their Neck in a Yoak which is too heavy for them to bear which the Lord hath not required at their Hands and because of this compellings and forcings many Hypocrites have been made and many of God's Peoples Consciences wounded and burdned and many Kings and Rulers have lost their Dominions and they have been taken from them because of this by the Lord. So all that have intruded upon Christ's Prerogative and Soveraignity in this thing are sure to be reckoned as no other but as Usurpers and Intruders into that Power which the Father alone hath given unto his Son which Power Dominion and Glory he will not give unto any other as to be Judge and Law-giver in the Hearts and Consciences of his People Object But some may say Did not the Prophet exhort to enquire for the old Paths and the Good old Way and did not the Prophet say Kings should be nursing-Fathers and Queens should be nursing-Mothers And must not this be fulfilled in these Dayes Answ. This is true that the Prophet did exhort the Princes and people of Israel who were in the revolted Estate who had transgressed the commandments of the Lord and had lost their Guide of their youth the R●st of their Souls and therefore he turned them back to consider of the dayes of old and enquire after the good old Way that they might walk therein which they were gone from but this doth not pertain at all unto this time of Christ Jesus is the new and living Way which all are to enquire after now who is the end of the Law for Righteousness and the first Covenant unto them that believe and as for Kings being nursing-Fathers the Queens nursing-Mothers this was prophesied by the Prophet before they went into captivity and how the Heathen should have power over their Kings prophets and priests and people and Jerusalem should lye desolate now this the prophet spoke of concerning the return of them unto the Lord and they to inhabit their own Land then their own Kings and Queens should rule over them and be as Nurses to them when they should return from their Captivity then Jacob should rejoice and Israel should be glad and this was spoken to the Jews and this had Reference to their State in that time Further it may be objected ought not Blasphemy and Idolatry and Adultery be punished is this to be suffered now seeing it was punished under the Law Answ. Yea this is to be punished and shall be punished and that even with Death for as I said the Father hath committed all Power unto the Son who will execute his Judgement upon all them who will not have him to reign in their Hearts as it is written Those mine Enemies that would not that I should rule over them bring them before me that I may slay them with what Weapon with carnal nay but with the sharp two-edged Sword which proceeds out of his Mouth and with the Sword of the Spirit which is the Word of God and the spiritual Weapon which runs through the Blasphemer and kills him and slaves the false Prophet and Southsayer and Inchanter and Idolater and yet saves the Creature alive take one Example of Christ the new and living Way when the Pharisees brought a Woman tempting Christ which was taken in Adultery saying according to the Law of Moses she ought to be stoned to death he that was the end of the Law said He that ● without Sin cast the first Stone convicting them all that they were in the same Nature and yet did not approve of the Adultery but said Go and Sin no more lest a worse thing come upon thee likewise Paul said I was a Persecutor and a Blasphemer this Generation who profess Paul's words would say Let him dye he hath confessed he was a Blasphemer but he was slain with other Weapons Christ slew the Blasphemer and the Persec●tor in him and left the man alive and made him a chosen Vessel to declare against Blasphemy and lead out of all Ungodliness And herein is the second Covenant more excellent then the first and the Ministration more excellent then the former and the Dominion and Gove●●ment of Christ more excellent then the Dominion and Governme●t of 〈◊〉 Kings of Israel and the Weapons more excellent then theirs and the Pow●r greater then theirs wh●ch is able to destroy the Works of the Devil i● Bl●●phemy Idolatry and Adultery and save the Creature ali●● this is the better Covenant indeed the everlasting and herein is the Mercy of God exalted his Dominion and Power exalted and Christ the King of Glory exalted and these Sins before mentioned punished with great Severi●● and great Judgement for in the first Covenant they slew with a temporal death but Christ when he appeareth in his Power and Glory in Flames of Fire renders Vengeance within upon the Wicked which burns and scorcheth brings Anguish and tormenteth all them that are in that Nature and banisheth all them from his Presence and from the Glory of his Power till that be dead and slain which would not have him to reign to wit that which is born of the Flesh which is within and Blasphemy Idolatry and Murder are the Fruits of the Flesh where the Flesh is not lived in these things cannot be brought forth I speak not of the Creature who is God's Workmanship for that may be alive when the Birth and Fruits which are after the Flesh are both dead and herein is the mighty Power of God made known and his Justice and his severe Judgement which all must pass through before they come to witness eternal Life he that despised Moses's Law died by the Mouth of two or three Witnesses which was a natural Death of how much sorer Punishment shall he be worthy which treadeth under foot the Son of God and counteth the Blood of the Covenant 〈◊〉 unholy thing Heb. 10.28 29. and blasphemeth But further it will be objected that the Apostle exhorteth for a Submission unto every Ordinance of Man for the Lord's Sake 1 Pet. 2.13 whether it be unto Kings as Supream or unto Governours as unto them that are sent of him and Rom. 13.1 2. Let every Soul be subject unto the higher Power for there no Power but of God and the Powers that be are ordained of God Answ. From these Scriptures many bad Constructions and Inferences have been gathered as that Kings and Rulers were to be obeyed in all things and that every Worship that is commanded by a King or Superior ought to be obeyed and that Kings and Rulers had Power in spiritual things to make a Law for such a Worship or forbid such a Worship and all these ought to be obeyed and so in the Apostacy the Ministers of Antichrist have brought in many Inventions and Traditions and humane Institutions for divine Worship and Service and thereby have pressed Rulers to make Laws and compel all People
but in Holes hundreds of Houses burnt Men Women and Children Children taken from their Mothers Breasts and knockt against the Walls toss'd upon Pikes Spears wounded with Swords thrown into Lakes and Rivers stript Naked starv'd in cold Seasons through such like in human and Savage cruelty Commissions given from your Nuntio's and Agents to Rob to Steal even Servants from their Masters even upon this account only to weaken and enfeeble the Sectaries and Hereticks as you stile them to advance your Holiness's Chair and to propagate your holy or rather Unholy Church and Religion which things remain fresh in the memory of many Nations to this Day besides doth not your Church tolerate Stews and Adulterous Houses in the Cities where you have Dominion Besides Pride abounds amongst you more then the Nation beside And so your Church hath neither this Mark nor Sign of Holiness Fourthly As for your Church being Cath●lick and Universal you want this Sign also If it be One Universal comprehends all Nations like a● all the World in comparison were your Church What is Germany France England Scotland and Ireland nothing What is all the Turks Dominions of your Faith And thou saist In Asia Affrica and America all is coming to an End There is that risen and arising in America which must spread over the Nations the Breath of the Lord bloweth which will daily dry up the Waters which is the Seat of your Church which you so much Boast of And what have you converted all the Indians nay have you not hardned their Hearts against the Name of Christ because of your cruelty and unholy conversation among them So that the Name of Christ and christian is become as Odious unto them as Mahomet is unto you And so you are without this Sign as that you are the true church Lastly That your church is Apostolick if this be the Mark of the true church then you are without this also for you are neither Apostolick in Doctrine nor Practice your Weapons are carnal theirs spiritual their Head was Christ the Light of the World your Head is visible and carnal which darkens the World they turned People from Darkness to Light and to the Word of Faith in their Hearts and to know Christ in them to justifie them But one of your Rabbies told us lately you had no such Doctrine in the church of Rome as Christ in you The Apostles turn'd them to the Anointing and to the Spirit to be taught by it and to be led by it into to all Truth and to worship in it and you turn them to Images Pictures Crucifixes Beads and Altars and so keep People in outward things which feed the Sensual and corrupt part Lastly they said Bodily exercise profiteth little and most of your Worship stands in observing of Days Meats Drinks Washings Sprinklings Altars Tapers lighting and bearing Candles Bowing creeping to the Cross turning wheeling this way and that way in all time and parts of your Worship so that there is no time left for the Heart to be exercised towards God And so you are not Apostolical and so are without this true sign of being the true Church of God But I shall descend to particular things which are asserted and seem to be proved but very weakly But we can expect no Wine but such as is in the Bottle It is asserted by this Author That the Pope is the Head of the true Church in which Salvation is only to be expected And his proof he brings is this Christ hath so ordained it in saying to Peter Matth. 16.18.19 Upon this Rock will I build my Church and Christ hath given Power to him and his Successors to be a Head to rule and govern the Church and as there is an Emperour to be the Head of the Empire and a King of the Kingdom so Peter and h●s Successors are the Head of the Church and have the Keys of the Kingdom of heaven to bind and to loose and to remit and to retain Sins The Apostolick Church hath this Doctrine That Christ was given to be the Head of the Body which is the Church which is spiritual though in the World yet not of the World and the Father hath committed all Power in Heaven and Earth to the Son and hath ordained him to be a Leader a Teacher and Feeder of his Flock and to be his Salvation to the Ends of the Earth and his Glory he will not give unto another But it seemes the Church of Rome hath soared so high in their Concei●s and Imaginations that they judge all this Power to be given unto the Pope Peter's Successor as th●y say Now we do not read of two Heads to the one Body which is the true Church Ephes. 4.4.15 And so this is a contrary Doctrine then that of the Primitive Church and Christ who is the Head of the Body he said Lo I am with you to the End of the World And so it is the meer Arrogancy and Pride of the Pope to be called the head of the Church and an intrenching Christ's Power and Prerogative and that ever Peter was called the Head of the Church we do not read and that of the 16 th of Matthew is but a poor Proof to prove Peter to be the Head of the Church for Christ spoke unto his Disciples ver 15. and asked them Whom say ye that I am Peter as one amongst the rest said Thou art Christ the Son of the living God and Christ said Upon this Rock will I build my Church viz. Upon him which was reveal'd unto Peter by the Father the Son of God which was the Rock which the Fathers eat of and drank of Christ the Rock of Ages and another Foundation can no man lay said the Apostle then that which is laid already Christ the Rock and Corner-Stone and not Peter for Christ is unchangeable and abideth for ever and so was not Peter though Peter and the rest of the Apostles received Power from Christ yet in the 22 d. and 23 d. verses of the same chapter he was gone out of the savour and discerning and Christ said unto him Get thee behind me Satan for thou savourest not the things of God and what though it could be proved that Peter was at Rome a Pastor an Elder or a Bishop who fed the Flock and did feed the Flock and so might be reckoned as an Elder and worthy of Honour in respect of his Labour and Diligence in the Work of Christ is the Promise so entailed to Rome or to any Place that the next that succeeds in that Place must needs receive the same Honour when he doth not the same Work which is worthy of Honour neither is in the same Power but this I am sure of though the Church of Rome lay claim unto Peter's Bishoprick as they say yet they have not done his Work And secondly If Peter was at Rome and a Pastor yet he was not a Lord for Christ reproved that when they strove which
from Sea to Sea that all that wait for him and love his Appearance now when he is made manifest might rejoyce in his Goodness and Life and may be made glad as Ze●ulon and Nephtali beyond Jordan in the Dayes of old upon whom sprung up a marvelous Light that the whole Earth might be filled with his Praise and Glory that hath been filled with Darkness Violence and Cruelty in the time of the Devil and Anti-christ's Reign which hath been long and great in the Earth so that the Hearts of the Sons of Men have been corrupted and they are gone backward from the Lord and have been degenerated into a strange Nature and have brought forth evil and corrupt Fruit like that of Sodom and they that do Evil are not at all ashamed neither do they blush but are become impudent through the long Custom of Evil and hard and impenetrable upon whom the Hammer of the Lord must come and his Indignation be poured forth But you whom God hath called out of this Estate into a State of Redemption and Purity by his Son the Light of the World who hath illuminated the Eyes of your Minds Consciences and Understandings that you might bear Witness unto him that is true a Testimony against the World that lyes in Wickedness and pleads for it and lives in it as though it were the Way to Felicity hold fast your Liberty hold fast your Faith hold fast your Hope hold fast your Testimony let none take your Crown and so much the more as you are compassed with Temptations and the times be perilous so much the more you had all need to keep near the Lord for now Father would betray the Son and S●n the Father the Mother her Daughter and the Daughter her Mother and Brother and Kinsfolk betray one another and them that exercise Authority would betray who are not in the Power of God and through Flatt●ry and Threats and fair Promises and Frowns and Gifts and Rewards and Ease and Liberty and the Glory of the World and wha● not to lead your Hearts away from the Lord and then glory over you and rejoyce that your Feet should slip and you fall into the Mire and Dirt and gross Abominations and Pollutions of the World that lyes in Wickedness Dearly beloved n●ver heed none of those things let not the Philistines put out your Eyes nor damm up your Wells for then would they m●ke you grind like Sampson and you might perish in the Drou●●● 〈◊〉 Look of Moisture and then your Dayes would be miserable and 〈◊〉 Ye●rs full of Sorrow for the Lord will perf●rm 〈◊〉 Promise and 〈…〉 with them that keep Covenant with him but if you forsake him in your H●arts in what is made manifest then he will forsake you and then 〈◊〉 are left to the Mercy of your Adversary which will be cruel Therefore 〈◊〉 the Pride of Moab nor the Reviling of the Children of Amm●n 〈◊〉 th●● are uncircumcised in Heart and the Moth shall e●t them up a● a 〈◊〉 Oh! if any draw back from following of the Lamb through Suff●ring they will be smitten and the Lord will have no Pleasure in them and what will Amaleck say when Israel turn their Backs in the day of Battel but where is their God in whom they trusted and he that brought them forth was not able to deliver them to the End Oh that such things might never be spoken of now in Gath or Ashkelon as in the dayes of old lest the Sons of the Philistines triumph and the Daughters thereof rejoyce in their Wickedness and this would make the Hearts of the Israel of God to mourn this is the day of the Lamb's War indeed in our Age and a Day of Battel though his Weapons and his Followers be not carnal but spiritual and there is none that goeth to War doth entangle himself that hath a Purpose to hold out and is resolved to continue with him in his Sufferings but will shake off these things that incumber lest he should not obtain the Victory and come short of the Promise Victory Crown which all that endure Hardship to the End shall receive Oh dear Friends look above all visible things and stand out of them all and loose from them that the Enemy do not ensnare you what is not the Earth the Lord's and the Fulness thereof and hath not he given the utmost Part of the Earth for a Possession to his Son What was not Abraham our Father blessed when he was faithful and obeyed the Voice of the Lord and went out of his own Country he knew not whether was not the Lord with him whether ever he went and his Blessing upon him where he sojourned in a strange Land did not God intreat him kindly in Mesopotamia and among the Hittites and was not he loved and feared among his Enemies Was not John the beloved and faithful Disciple of Christ banished into Patmos for the Testimony that he held Was not Shadrach Mesach and Abednego Children of the Captivity cast into the Furnace and Daniel too among the Lyons for the Testimony they held against the common Worship of Nations commanded by a Law Did Christ endure the Death of the Cross and the Contradiction of Sinners and condemned by the most Did not the believing Hebrews who were banished wander in Sheep-skins and Goat-skins in Holes Dens and Caves of the Earth for the Hope they held and the Country they looked for Did not Moses through Faith forsake Pharaoh's Court and became a Companion of poor Brick-makers in Captivity A Cloud of Witnesses might be brought even of them who dyed in the Faith and yet were not made Partakers of the Promises who many of them saw not what you have seen nor heard those things that you have heard nor enjoyed that which God hath made many Partakers of and have we not a great Cloud of Witnesses in this our own Age some who have not loved their Lives unto the Death for the Testimony they received believed and held fast unto the End unto Death have not many dy'd in Prison with hard Usage have not some been hang'd and dyed a shameful Death and finished their Course with Joy and Peace have not many endured great hard and long Imprisonment for Years and are they yet weary nay have not many suffered great Spoil of their Goods and have not they a Reward seven-fold into their Bosom Oh let the Consideration of these things dwell upon your Hearts and provoke you unto Suffering and Long-Suffering with Joyfulness that in the midst of all Tribulations as it abounds you may feel according to the Promise of God your Joy much more abound to carry you above it indeed now is the time come and he that will manifest himself to be on the Lord's Side must suffer and he that will not but turns back into the broad Way and runs with the Herd of Swine into the Sea of common Pollution must perish there and indeed there is no Place
any were otherwise minded they were to be let alone till God revealed it to them And whatsoever People or Church though they claim infallibility that teach a contrary D●ctrine unto this we have good Reason to su●pe●● it to be that hasty d●●ving and overdriving Spirit that would force a Faith 〈◊〉 God h●th not given it not to be the infallible Spirit of 〈…〉 the Church of Rome hath given a vehement 〈…〉 and Tortures they have exercised towards them who 〈…〉 their Principles and own their Judgment in all things B●t 〈…〉 Gentleman blinded thy Eye 〈◊〉 he made thee 〈…〉 question 〈◊〉 truth of Scripture and ●hat it procee●ed from the i●fall his Testimony of God's Sp●r●t and if thou hadst a certain feeling of the same in thy 〈…〉 Conscience to let this go and m●ke this void as an i●●uff●cient Ground to receive Christianity upon and to lean to a Prop without thee and to ●e judged by men who have been as fallible and changeable in their Judgments as the Moon which have assumed the Name of Catholick Church whose Testimony thy Instruc●er I perceiv● told thee ought to be received concerning what was pretended to be revealed or not revealed by God yet all must be obliged to stand to their Judgment though never so repugnant to the Doctrine of Christ and Practice of the Church of Christ in the first Primitive times truly so called yet it is granted that the Church of Christ are the dispersed Members through the World though not of it agreeing in one Faith being in the Power of God and being led and guided by the Holy Ghost their Judgments ought to be received which cannot as lead by the Spirit fail in giving true Judgment in matters of Faith which pertains to Salvation but as men they may fail and as erring from the Spirit they may fail and infallibility is not intailed to the Persons of any men but as they continue in the Grace of God and walk in the Spirit and bring forth the Fruits thereof nor to any place or City but as they continue in Covenant with God for the Promise of God was to Jerusalem and Mount Zion and to many other places and People in divers Cities where the Glory of God once appeared but now through their Apostacy and unbelief and disob●dience they are des●late as to the presence and Power of God and their Sun is set and they are covered as with the Shadow of a Cloud but this true Church whereof I have spoken was seen to Fly into the Wilderness for time times and half and that since the Apostles dayes and then was she not so Visible and Universal as she had been before the Man-child was caught up unto God now if thou reckonst the Roman Church to be this true Church shew the time times and half a time wherein she fled into the Wilderness and how long she hath been there and when was the time of her return and if ever she was there how that will hang together with y●ur assertion that she hath been visi●le and so Universal these fifteen hundred Years and if this could be proved that Rome hath been so whether doth it not rather demostrate her to be the Whore that sate upon the many Waters which Waters are Nations Kindreds Tongues and People and what Church instance if thou can doth lay claim to the Nations Kindreds Tongues and People to be your and to Rule over so many Kings of the Earth as you lay claim to be Universally of your Faith and of your Church which gives us a shrewd Character to believe that indeed you are Mystery Babylon besides the Blood of the Saints hath been shed under the Name of Hereticks by th●● v●sible Catholick Church among the Nations this twelve hundred Years doth give clear evidence that it can be reckoned or imputed unto none but you But I would not Grate too hard upon thee being but a new Convert but when thy instructer had made thee doubt of thy won state and questioned the Foundation whereupon thou hadst received Christianity the next thing he labours to make void is the Spirit of God its Testimony which thou didst lay claim to but I feel had little Portion in what thou saidst at last he makes thee doubt of the infallibility of this Spirit which thou hadst spoken on might for ought thou knew be the Spirit of Error and thou not able to distinguish betwixt the Spirit of God in thy self which is infallible and the Spirit of error nor to distinguish betwixt their Operations he perswaded thee that all was uncertain and therefore no confidence to be given to any Spirit of Faith in ones own particular which is the most absurd and ridiculous thing in the World so to judge For if there be no certainty or assurance given to any man or means to every man wherein he may be assured of the certainty of God's will then whither should any go or upon whom should any lean seeing that no credit can be given to any thing that any man believes and this were but tossing up and down Men from Mountain to Hill that they might never have Rest for their Souls And as for Jer. 17. and Eccles. 9. Rev. 3. The Heart of man is deceitful c. No man knows love or hatred And because thou sayest I am Richand increased with Goods and have need of nothing c. These Scriptures were brought unto thee to make thee more Blind the first is spoken of the Degenerate estate where deceit bears Rule and not Truth the second is spoken of visible enjoyments which are common to all and the third was spoken to one who had erred from the Spirit and was exalted in Pride because of external performances but having lost the Power was miserable c. But what of all this doth this any whit at all detract from the certainty assurance of the Spirit of God in them that have it what shall we Reason thus because some have been led aside and are deceived by their own Hearts Lusts that therefore all may be deceived even them that have the Spirit of God God forbid and we have some-what more to Answer an Arian a Jew or a Turk if they should urge the like knowledge and feeling with the like confidence to prove they were in the Truth and Christianity a delusion and thy intructer said what would you reply to them We have more to reply in such Cases then time will permit now or the state of the Case require seeing it is but a supposition and we take no thought what to answer the Gain-sayers of Truth withall but rely upon the Promise of the Father and of his Son Jesus Christ who said to his Disciples take no thought for it shall be given you what to answer in that day which Promise all that are true Disciples shall find true to the end of the World but some-what more we have to say it may be then thou said when thou
of all Controversies and sole and absolute and only Judge of all Matters of Faith and of all Matters that ●ver have been or ever shall be in Controversie to the End of the VVorld without the Spirit of God neither am I of that ignorant Mind as some are that the Letter and the Spirit are inseparable as that whosoever hath the Scripture must needs have the Spirit or whosoever hath the Scripture must needs be infallible without the Spirit all that are of the aforesaid Judgment are but VVranglers for the most Part about VVords and Contenders against the Power of God and Godliness and bring the VVords to oppose the Life and them that have the Spirit and walk in it for a natural man may read the Scriptures and yet not perceive the things of God neither perceive the Mind of the Spirit but wrest to their own Destruction as Peter saith because they are unlearned and untaught by the Spirit 's Teaching though otherwise learned enough in Languages Tongues and Speeches Secondly Yet I cannot detract from them neither undervalue them or dis-esteem them as uncertain or of no Use or of little Use but whatever themselves declare themselves to be that I own them to be to wit the Words of God the Words of Christ the Words of the holy Prophets and Patriarchs and Apostles who were endued with the holy Ghost and spake forth the Scripture as they were moved thereby in several Ages of several things and unto several States and Conditions as they were led thereto by the holy Spirit and they are a certain Declaration of things that were done and believed and practised by the Jews under the first Covenant and by the Apostles and primitive Christians in the New Covenant and contain many precious and holy Precepts and Commands Doctrines Examples Exhortations Admonitions Reproofs and Instructions and are as lively Examples and holy Patterns for all the Saints in Light to follow by which we are given to understand what Faith what Hope what Patience what Love what Mercy what Long-Sufferings what Consolation what Virtue and what Inheritance the Saints in Light were made Partakers of through Faith in Christ Jesus likewise what Doctrines were held forth and what Practice they used in the primitive times when they walked in the Order of the Gospel and had Fellowship with God the Father and the Son and one with another in the Light of the Gospel which is the Power of God through which they witnessed Salvation Remission of Sins and published it unto others that they might believe Thirdly The Scriptures testifie of Christ and were written that they might be believed and received and read that thereby every one that believed might be made wise to Salvation through Faith in Christ Jesus 2 Tim. 3. and instructed in Righteousness that the Man of God may be perfect throughly furnished with all good Works and whosoever doth teach any Doctrines contrary unto the holy Men of God who spake as they were moved by the Spirit of God which dwelt in them the Scriptures are Witnesses against such that they have not the Spirit of God but are led by another Spirit which brings forth contrary Doctrine and another Faith then was once delivered among the Saints and whosoever brings in sets up other Precepts Constitutions Orders and Practices in Point of Worship in Opposition and contrary unto those Practices which were held forth in the primitive times and would set up other Traditions then the Apostles delivered either by Word or VVriting such are manifest to have the Spirit of Error and are Innovators and Bringers in of other things as necessary in Point of VVorship among Christians which the Apostles and Ministers of Christ did not see necessary then and yet they wanted no Part of the Counsel of God for Paul said He had declared the whole Counsel of God and furthermore they said We have the Mind of Christ and Christ's Mind is not variable Fourthly Though divers of the VVritings of the Prophets and Apostles be lost doubtless as is evident by divers Places of Scripture yet blessed be God that there are those preserved which do bear VVitness of the one thing absolutely necessary unto Salvation of the Ministrations that were appointed of the Lord for the Church of God to observe both in the first and second Covenants so that Christians of this last Age are not lest without Example and President which all ought to have an Eye unto and a diligent Regard and though there be divers Copies of that which is called the Original Tongue and divers Translations yet he unto whom the Spirit of God is given and waiteth in the Measure of Christ's Light shall receive it doth ●ee and shall see the Mind and VVill of God in every Age and the Mind and Intent of the Spirit in them that spoke forth the Scripture and can receive the Matter therein contained as though they had heard them speak that spoke it at the first and though the Translators were Men yet I have such an honourable Esteem of their Labour that I believe they have not varied wittingly and willingly from the best Copies that were extant in their Age neither that they were altogether void of the Spirit of God in such a good VVork which conduced to the Benefit of Mankind but were assisted by it for so good VVork and there be many Figures and Tropas Improprieties of Speech Mysteries and Di●●iculties yet all these come to be made easie and plain to them that are Witnesses of the same Spirit that gave them forth and though there be Diversity of Judgments Professions of Religion one clashing against another thwarting and contradicting another all will seem to bring the Scripture for their Proof which yet cannot maintain and prove every thing good especially when their Doctrines contradict one another this is granted it is only their private Interpretation and not the Scripture and for W●nt 〈◊〉 ●h●t Spirit that gave it forth for that alone gives the true Understanding of i● and they that are without this are like to kill one another about Words and Names Sounds Tittles and Jottas but still want the Key that opens and gives an Entrance into the Knowledge of the things of God which alone is the Spirit of God that gave forth the Scriptures Last of all R. E. after he saith The three former Props which are the Basis of the whole Foundation and glided over as slightly as he possible could although he hath never stated the Matter right indeed as to remove all things out of his Way which might hinder him in his Cause which he drives so hard on in to wit to set up a certain Company or Multitude of men Visible and Universal as he saith to be the only infallible Judge to convey Faith to the World and to be the certain and infallible Judge in all Matters that either pertain to the Worship of God and to be believed under Pain of Damnation as
sometime that and changeable whenas every true confession and Testimony is equivalent thereunto in the presence of the God of all Truth and who ever denyed this And there is no necessity so to Judge that he that fears to Swear and take an Oath yet refuseth not to give Testimony about any matter whether it doth concern the Lord or his Neighbour that therefore he denyes the Magistrates Authority or yet disobeys their legal commands so that though all Swearing should be denyed yet that which answers the cause in hand is not denyed true Testimony and therefore the Magistrates Authority and their lawful commands may well stand and be obeyed and right done unto every Man and Christ's command stand also these are but the Secret smitings and suggestions of A. Smalwood to render them Odious to the Magistrates and all People who dissent from him in Judgment And indeed such like Discourses and Instigations from such like Mouths and Pens as his is who is accounted Learned and Eminent hath not a little added afflictions unto our Bonds and they have made wide the Wound and have made the Breach seem greater then it is and the matter more grievous then there hath been any Cause for I desire they may consider of it and Repent And in page 13. from this Text Mat. 5.34 But I say unto you swear not at all he layes down this Proposition or Doctrine viz. Our Saviour did not intend by these Words Swear not at all an absolute universal and limited Prohibition of all manner of Swearing and goes on to prove it by divers Reasons The first he gives is That the Father and the Son are one in Nature Power Wisdom Immutability and Eternity and one in Will and Wisdom therefore they cannot give forth contrary Commands but God the Father hath commanded Swearing in these Words Thou shalt fear the Lord and swear by his Name and serve him Deut. 6.13 And therefore it is not possible that God the Son should forbid it Answ. Though the Father and the Son be one in Nature Power and Wisdom and Immutability and Will as in themselves and alter not but keep Covenant from Age to Age and from Generation to Generation there is no Contrariety in them yet there are Diversities of Gifts but the same Spirit and there are Differences of Administrations but the same Lord It is granted that after Sin entered into the World and Death by Sin and Diffidence and Unbelief Variance and Strife and many Transgressions for which the Law was added and because of which the Law was added and the Command given forth unto the Jews to swear by the Name of God as Jerome saith upon Mat. 5.3 37. It was permitted the Jews under the Law is being tender and Infants and to keep them from Idolatry which the rest of the Nations did run into they might swear by the Name of God not that it was rightful so to do but that it was better to swear by the Lord then by false Gods or Devils but the great Evangelical Sincerity and Truth admits not of an Oath Secondly For the ending of Strife and Variance being in the Unbelief which was the Occasion of the adding of the Law and the Cause of the Command given forth Deut. 6.13 with divers more Words specified by Moses and the Prophets And though Christ came not to destroy the Law but to fulfil it and to destroy that which the Law was against and which it took hold upon and to finish Sin and Transgression and bring in everlasting Righteousness and to restore to the Beginning and we say according as we have believed and received of the Lord and have a Cloud of Witnesses both them that are gone before and of them that yet remain alive As Christ said of Divorcement It was not so from the Beginning so we say Oathes were not from the Beginning but were added after Hardness of Heart and Sin and Unbelief entered into the World but Christ who was made under the Law and fulfilled the Law put an End to the Transgression Sin Unbelief Variance and Strife in whom all the Promises of God are fulfilled he is the Righteousness of God and who are true Christians indeed are come out of Unbelief Variance and Transgression and do see and know Christ to be the End of the Law for Righteousness unto them that believe who exhorted to do the Truth confess the Truth and speak the Truth who said Swear not at all by Heaven and which after more shall be said God willing to the Text it self And so A. Smalwood his Reason is made void and his Impossibility made possible that God gave forth a Command and permitted the Jews to swear in that Covenant and Ministration and yet Christ in the New Covenant countermands it as in the Text being the Minister of a better Covenant which stood upon better Promises who leads to the Beginning and is the Restorer of all Mankind that do believe and yet the Father and the Son are one in Will Wisdom Power And though A. S. and others cannot understand or else have no Mind in that Latitude as generally prohibitive of all Swearing because he sayes God did require it no less then he did his own Worship and Service in the moral Law these nice Distinctions of Moral Judicial and Ceremonial have confounded Peoples Understandings though it is still acknowledged they did vow and did swear in the first Covenant under the Law but whether he or any other making Swearing moral judicial or ceremonial is not much matter seeing that Christ the Righteousness is the Sum and Substance of all and the End of the Law for Righteousness to them that do believe and in him is Life and Righteousness enjoyed for the Law was given by Moses but the Grace and the Truth cometh by Jesus Christ who in the Sum of all Types and Shadows and therefore the Apostle said We are circumcised in him and baptized in him and we do look upon an Oath under the Law to have some Type and Figure in it notwithstanding A.S. sayes It was none and that Christ is improperly called the Oath of God no more improper then he is a Vine a Door a Way a Shepherd for all the Promises are fulfilled in him and are yea and amen And as for the Morality of it so far as it is moral and perpetual to all under the Gospel is in Confession of Truth and bearing Witness thereunto as before the Lord or in his Presence and speaking the Truth when there is Necessity as when any man's Person or Estate or any Part thereof is in Danger and this we have ever owned and do own and have and are ready to testifie the Truth before the Lord or in his Presence as concerning any Matter which concerns the Glory of God or the Good of our Neighbour without being pinched or bound up to a certain Form of Words imposed upon us but according as Necessity requires so amply and largely
were good as they stood related to the end wherefore they were commanded instance the Worship at Jerusalem and the Service there and the place where God had promis'd to place his Name yet Christ said as foreknowing the End of all the aforesaid Worship which appertained to that Covenant and therefore he said to the Woman Joh. 4.23 but the Hour cometh and now is when the true Worshipers shall Worship the Father in Spirit and Truth for the Father seeks such to Worship him and 24. vers God is a Spirit and they that Worship him must Worship him in Spirit and Truth 2. Cor. 3.17 From hence it is clearly evident for this was before he was offered up that then was the time that neither at Jerusalem nor in the Mountain of Samaria it shall be only said they worship the Father though at Jerusalem was the place Deut. 1.1 2 5. of Worship formerly and the Jews held it then and the Worship was that which was commanded to wit Sacrifices and Offerings and many other legal Services which belonged to them to perform according to the command of God and if Swearing or Oaths was any part of the Service of God as in that Covenant as we with A. S. do grant Deut. 10.20 You shall fear the Lord and serve him and Swear by his Name then I say that Swearing amongst the rest of the Worship is included but saith Christ neither at Jerusalem nor this Mountain but they that worship shall Worship the Father in Spirit and in Truth so that the time was then but came on more afterwards to be fulfilled that both the place and the worship and Service that belonged to the place they should no more Worship the Father with and in but in the Spirit and in the Truth and this may be in Answer to that which A. S. makes a great adoe with in his Book how that Christ said Swear not at all it was before his Death and therefore they that Argue saith he That swearing was prohibited only and ended in Christ's death cannot plead that all Oaths were prohibited but that command of Christ Mat. 5. because he spake this in his Life time I say ●o did he this Jo. 20.21 22 23. And he may as well Argue that Christ destroyed the place of Worship at Jerusalem and the Worship also and came not to fulfill it as he saith he did and why but because he spoke this before he was Crucified and so did he Swear not at all and why may not A.S. conclude with us that this is a commodious place to interpret and explain Christ's meaning in those words in the 5 th Mat. 23 and 24. and so the Words may truly be understood thus ye have heard that it hath been said of old time thou shalt not forswear thy s●lf but shalt perform unto the Lord thine Oaths Exod 20.7 and Deut. 5.11 but the Hour cometh and now is when I say unto you that say more then the Law hath said Swear not at all neither ●y Heaven nor by the Earth but let your Yea be yea and your Nay nay for whatsoever is more then these cometh of Evil and yet whatever may or can be said A. S. will needs conclude That all Swearing is not forbidden and why because it hath been the pra●●ice of holy Men and also an Angel this Argument is of little force so was it the practice of holy Men to offer Sacrifice and burn Incense and as for the Swearing of the Angel Dan. 12. and Revel 10.6 to prove the lawfulness of some Swearing these have been answered over and over and over again though A. S. will take no notice of it though I perceive he hath read the Arguments that have been used as Answers to these things though he will not seem to take notice nor to reply to confute the Arguments but rather minds his own and to assert what may seem to m●ke for his purpose as to the matter he hath taken in Hand but as for good Men's Swearing and the Angel's Swearing if their Example would ●u●tifie the lawfulness of Swearing yet they could not be any president to us who are under the Gospel of the Son that is greater then the Angels by the dispensation of whom the Law for Oaths Tythes offerings oblations and other legal Rights and Rudiments were given which Son also all the Angels of God are bid to Worship for the Apostle saith Hebr. 2.5 For unto the Angels hath he not put into subjection the World to come but that is committed unto the Son under whose Ministration and subjection we are who said Let your Yea be yea and you nay nay and speak the Truth and do the Truth and bear witness to the Truth who said Learn of me and these things we have learned of him unto whom all Power is committed for he is counted Hebr. 3.3 more worthy of Glory then Moses though Moses was faithful in his House as a Servant but Christ as a Son which is that great Prophet that Moses Prophesied of which all are to hearken unto with whom the Father is well pleased being made so much better then the Angels Hebr. 1.4 as he hath ●y Inheritance obtained a more Excellent Name then they vers 5. for unto which of the Angels said he at any time thou art my Son this day I have begotten thee vers 6. Again when he bringeth the first ●egotten into the World he saith let all the Angels of God Worship him of the Angels he saith he makes them min●str●ng Spirits and a Flame of Fire but unto the Son he saith thy Throne oh God is forever and ever the Scepter of Righteousness is the Scepter of thy Kingdom for if the Words spoken by Angels wer stedfast and every Transgression received a just recompence of reward how shall they escape Hebr. 2.3 who do not only neglect the command of Christ but labour to pervert through their Streng●h of their own reason the ministration of the Son who is the sum and substance of all Shadowy and Typical Ministrations and therefore A. S. and all concerned look ●o it who would introduce Judaism and the Mosaical Observations upon the Neck of Christs Disciples and as Laws in his Kingdom and whether would not this prefer the Servant before the Son yea or nay and his Ministration before the Ministration of the Son though the one is not against the other but the one pointing at the other and in the latter the first is fulfilled the Truth declared the Truth spoken the Truth lived in and the Truth confessed in every matter wherein any Christian is concerned which is the sum and the matter which all Oaths in their highest and greatest Ordination could or can effect In the 40 th page of his Book he saith our Saviour saith Amen Amen 24. times in John's Gospel which he saith St. Ambrose will needs have to amount unto an Oath and he cites Apoc. 3. These things saith the Amen compares it with Isa.
and are ready to answer all these necessary ends and as well and this is as good and expedient to be put in practice among Christians as interposition of Oaths enjoyned by God in the first Covenant and far more Evangelical and therefore shall conclude with that of Jerome The Gospel Truth admits not of an Oath His eighth Argument is That Christ did never any things without some Ground of reason but no reason can be shewed why all manner of Swearing should be forbidden in a due manner and upon a just and necessary occasion and therefore we may well believe that such Swearing was neither here or any where else forbidden Reply We shall not much dissent or disagree about terms with A. S. that Christ did never any thing without some Ground or Reason but yet we must deny his Conclusion that no Reason can be given why all manner of Swearing should be forbidden first of all there was a time since Man had a being in this Creation when he was in the Image of God and stood in the Covenant of God when there was no Oath neither any necessity thereof Man being endued with Power from God which was placed in him so that he was in a capacity to fulfill obey and serve and believe his Maker without an Oath for unbelief or Sin had not entred and this was before the Fall Gen. 1.26 27. Secondly Christ the unspeakable gift of God who is the Mediator of the everlasting Covenant yea the Covenant is self who is given for a Leader to the People and who is made a Propitiation for Sin and Transgression to end both Sin Transgression and Unbelief which was the cause of the Addition of the Law who leads to the beginning again all that truly do believe and are worthy to be called true Christians or by the Name of Christ to have Union with God again in that Life Power Truth Righteousness and Wisdom in which the Image of God truly consists which was before Sin and Transgression and before the Law which was added because of it which was commanded four hundred and thirty Years after the Promise was made Gal. 3.17 Thirdly After Sin was entred and Death by Sin an unbelieving part got up in all the Sons of Adam so that they could not believe God nor his Promises and yet such was his love unto Mankind considering the State into which they were plunged for confirmation of his Word unto Man he Swore by himself this was the Lord's condescension unto their low and unbelieving Estate all that time and no way exemplary for Christians truly such who are come into the Faith and to the Truth in it self who do believe that all the Promises are fulfilled in Christ yea and Amen who is the Author of Faith and of eternal Salvation to them that believe Heb. 9.12 who prohibited that by his command Mat. 5.23 which sometimes was permitted yea and commanded yea and added because of Transgression and for which the Law and the command for Oaths was only added which he did not destroy because he leads from under the Power of that which the Law came against which is just and good and Holy and the Seed fulfills it and hath Unity with it and with him who is the Judge and Law-giver and Saviour of all that do believe in him from Sin and Transgression Fourthly At that time when the Law was given forth at Mount Sina Exod. 19.20 generally all the Nations were given to Idolatry and to serve and Worship strange Gods as Baal Ashtaroth Chemosh Rimphan and many others as the Gods of Samaria which were said to be according to the number of their Cities and their Idols were called the Sin of Samaria Amos saith They Swear by the Sin of Samaria that did say thy God O Dan lives and the manner of Barsheba lives even they shall fall and never rise again Amos 7.14 Which was no other then the Calves which Jeroboam set up at Dan and Bethel which they feared Worshipped and Swore by therefore God having chosen a peculiar People to himself to Worship and serve him and honour him who should not walk after the manner of the rest of the Nations who knew not God he commanded them to serve him and Worship him and Swear by his Name as Jerome saith well to keep them from Idolatry and that they should not Swear by the Gods of the Heathen as the rest of the Nations did round about yet still this must be considered that this State of the minority of the Jewish Church wherein God gave them Ordinances suitable to their State but it doth not follow neither can it be reasonably concluded that these Ordinances were to be perpetually binding unto all future Generations especially when Christ the Seed un●o whom all the Promises are in whom the Law is fulfilled and in whom the former Ministrations end that his Disciples and true Christians should always be bound to these things once commanded especially seeing Christ their Master in whom the Father is well pleased hath prohibited this about Swearing and also did Prophesie of the time to come after his Resurrection and his Ascension that those Visible things which were as a Ministration for a time should end as to the outward exercise and Typical and Figurative appearance of them and that all these things should be revealed within by the Spirit and felt in the Power of God in all that did believe when the Holy Ghost should be poured forth and the Promise of the Father be made manifest Fifthly Now considering that the Name of God is believed in and he is confessed unto and his Christ and that there is not that Idolatry especially outward as there was in the Nations before and after the Flood especially in that which is called Christendom though we dare not conclude that all are Israel that are of Israel or that all are Christians that have the Name yet generally I say the Name of God and his Christ is acknowledged and worshipped and not Idols and false God's therefore there is no necessity of Swearing by the Name of God as there was at the time of the giving forth of the Law but especially among them that the Father will reckon as truly his subjects and Disciples of Christ who are partakers of his divine Nature here is not that necessity among them for they through the Law being dead to it it hath no more Power over them and therefore no reason that they should be kept as under Tutors and Governours seeing that the Age and Ages is come which the Apostle spoke of Eph. 2.7 wherein Christ is revealed the hope of Glory and whom he makes free are free indeed Joh. 8.32 36. Sixthly and lastly The command of Oaths was given for the ending of Strife and Controversies among Men Heb. 6. which hath relation to the Law and to the State of the Jews and their Political proceedings the Apostle brings but that in as an instance or an example and
Likewise the Law Deut. 42.1 2. When a Man takes a Wife and it comes to pass she finds no favour in his Eyes because he hath found some uncleanness in her then let him write her a Bill of Divorcement and send her out of his House and when she is departed out of his House she may go and be another Man's Wife But Christ saith Mat. 5.32 who shall Marry her that is divorced commits Adultery Which is a clear prohibition of that which the Law allowed and what A. S. will call this whether a new moral command or promulgation of a new Law I know not but it is evident enough that some things were prohibited by Christ which the Law commanded or at least allowed and therefore we conclude from the 23. and 24. Verses of the 5th of Matthew that Christ did prohibit all vain Swearing and unlawful Swearing which was disallowed before under the Law but even all Swearing which was commanded or at least permitted under the Law for the reasons and ends given before and this will stand as Truth notwithstanding A. S. his Argument His tenth Argument is That if the hi●h Priest charged Christ to Swear and he without exception answered upon Oath and that some Years after he had said Swear not at all from hence follows that when the Magistrate imposeth an Oath the Person charged to Swear may lawfully answer upon Oath as Christ did notwithstanding his prohi●ition of Swear not at all Reply First that was a time when the administration of the first Covenant was not fully ended for Christ was not yet offered up and so the high Priest as being a Jew might from the Commandment or permission of the Law as being one that sate in Moses Chair might require Christ to speak upon Oath as presuming he had Authority so to do being he looked upon it as a Work of God and what though it was some Years after Christ had said Swear not at all what doth A. S. infer from this Christ knew that the high Priest and Pharisees were about the work of their Father the Devil and though the high Priest did say I Adjure which A. Smallwood tells us is I command thee to Swear to us Christ answered in his own Authority and in the Power and Wisdom of the Father and if he had answered as taking notice of the high Priests adjuring who was about to Crucifie the Just which was not the Work of God neither was jurations or Oaths ever intended to be instrumental in the Devil's work then I Argue that if Christ had answered to his adjuring knowing the end was to ensnare him the Son of God then Christ had consented unto his Evil work which were blasphemy to think or speak and therefore as it was Prophesied of him he was led as a Lamb to the Slaughter sometimes he opened not his Mouth the other sometimes he did in the Authority and Power of the Father which was with him and in him and though the high Priest charged Christ By the living God that thou tell us whether thou be Christ the Son of the Living God Mat. 26.63 64. Jesus answered thou hast said and what is this the Oath that Christ Swear A. S. tells us before that an Oath was an attestation of God to the Truth of what was said but now the Words thou hast said barely of themselves without any attestation of God is an Oath if the high Priest had said art thou Peter or art thou John that was with Jesus of Gallile and Peter and John had answered I am Peter and I am John that was with him what will A. S. conclude now that Peter and John hath Sworn away with such perverting and straining screwing of the Scriptures from their genuine sense only to uphold that which was added because of Transgression now when Sin Trangression is finished the end of Christ's coming is Witnessed to uphold that which Christ came to end to wit Sin and also an Oath which was added because of Sin and Unbelief and the hardness of their Hearts only to remain till that part was done away and until the time of Reformation Heb. 9.10 to wit the bringing in of everlasting Righteousness and it cannot be reasonably concluded that because Christ answered the high Priest thou hast said that therefore he took notice of commanding to Swear or at least approving of his adjuration knowing that he was about an Evil work and doing the Work of the Devil which must needs be judged that Christ did neither approve of nor consent unto what ever A. S. may say or think but only in his own Authority spoke the Truth made a good confession as he did before Pontius Pilate to the Glory of the Father who had sent him whose will he came to do And Luke 22.70 Art th●u then the Son of God and he said unto them ye say that I am and Pilate was as much a Magistrate as the high Priest and he asked Art thou the King of the Jews and he answered him and said thou sayest it And Herod was as much a Magistrate as either Pilate or the high Priest and he questioned with him in many Words but Christ answered nothing so that he did not so much take notice of their Questions or examining or charging or adjuring as A. S. would make seem of it but according to the Wisdom and Power of God which was in him spoke and answered in his own Authority without taking so much notice of them as he would infer he knowing what they were going about though they had the Name and bore the title of Magistrates yet were out of the Power of God in the Persecuting Nature which is the Ground and Foundation of all Authority which is of God but A. S. sayes Mark 14.62 relates plainly that Christ answered I am but yet neither Mark Luke nor John take so much notice of the high Priests adjuring or make so much for A. S. his Argument as he would have them Ma●k saith only Mark 14.61 The high Priest asked him and said unto him art thou Christ the Son of the blessed he doth not say I adjure thee or I charge thee to Swear unto us as A. S. would have it but though Mat. 26.63 say I adjure thee to tell us whether thou be Christ the Son of God is not much material for A. S. hath made more matter about it then is to any great or good purpose but I say he was as much bound to answer Pilate or Herod as the high Priest and as much directly to one as to another we see his Answers were not all alike but I would not have A. S. nor my self neither sit as Judges over Christ's Answers and squeeze and serue them beyond or contrary to Christ●s intention for the sum of the matter is this thou hast said I am and thou sayest I am a King and is Christ's answers to the high Priest and Pilate and nothing to Herod and A. S.
God's Creation when all was blessed and at Peace and in Unity and Harmony one with another when Man was the Image of God and you through the rich Mercy and Love of God being called to believe in the Hope and Promise of God and having waited and obtained Life through Jesus Christ whom the Father hath given for Life and the Covenant thereof and of Peace unto all that believe I say it being given unto you of the Father to believe and receive him whom the Father hath sent to restore again all even all receive the free Gift and close therewith according as the Father tenders him unto all believing and obeying his Voice they come to witness Restoration and to be delivered from Darkness and Death and every evil Way and Work into perfect Freedom in due time and to serve the living God in Righteousness and Holiness and to be made Partakers of his precious Promise and of the Kingdom Power and Glory of God that fades not away and of Life eternal and Peace and Joy in the holy Ghost now and forever and makes all his chosen Ones who believe in his Name Partakers of his piteous and long Suffering and of his heavenly and spiritual Blessings in Christ Jesus to whom be Glory forever and ever Amen I say because the Lord hath chosen you and hath wrought Change in you and brought you out of their Pathes whose Habitations are full of Cruelty all that are in Bondage hate you and your Freedom and your Life and Way and there can be no Reconciliation no Concord in the Ground for as it was of old time even so now since Cain slew his Brother so all the Children of the Flesh of the Bond-woman and of the World hated them that were born of the Spirit and were redeemed up unto God to live unto him and glorifie him forever by shewing forth by a holy Conversation that they were so called and chosen of God I hope the Consideration of these things and the Knowledge of them dwells with you and in your Hearts and you see you are joyned to a blessed Company and an holy Assembly who are gone before and are entred into Rest and have precious Fellowship with them who now remain alive unto this Day who have Fellowship with the Father and the Son and in all our Trials and Afflictions are afflicted with us although you have had Exercises above many and have walked through the Region and Shadow of Death inward and outward yet the Lord hath upholden you unto this Day that you may bear in Mind his great and dreadful and wonderful Works and fear before him land honour him and speak Good of his Name and worship him in the Beauty of Holiness which he hath led you into and glorifie him in his Temple comfort and strengthen one another in the Truth and let not the World neither the fading Glory of it overcome your Hearts but in the Dominion of God stand over the World and its Temptations lest you be entangled that you cannot run with Patience and follow the Lord in the Cross the Dayes of our Pilgrimage go on apace the time is short all outward Suffering will have an End and Wrath shall cease to be any more happy are they that continue in the Patience for this Moment of time we have to follow the Lamb here through the War and Tribulation Victory is at the End thereof in the mean time God by his holy Spirit gives daily Hints of his Love in the inward Man unto all stay'd Minds and Assurance of the Victory which makes me often overlook present Suffering and forget the Afflictions that are past and little to heed present things though they seem to frown because the Light of God's Countenance is lifted up and his Favour and Love and strengthning Power felt in the inward Man which ballances all and weighs down the Scale of present Trouble and Affliction so that hard things are become easie and ponderous things light look not out at Trouble and Hardship but rather admire the great Goodness of God that hath so much restrained the Wrath of Men which was great and hath made some of it to turn to his Glory he hath made void the Intention of the prudent and hath turned Counsel backward and hath frustrated the Expectation of the proud and lofty who took Counsel together even as of old against the Lord and his anointed yet for all this God hath established his Son on the holy Hill of Sion and his Saints reign with him sure you cannot but have taken notice of these things and of the Out-goings of the Lord and have considered his handy-Works and say with me the Lord hath created Deliverance upon Mount Sion and hath appeared to the Joy of the Righteous and his Enemies he is making as the Dust under his Feet and is scattering the Devices of the Sons of fallen Adam and making them as the Chaff of the Summer Floor which the Wind scattereth Friends what shall I'say unto you that I love you ye know that it 's no less neither diminuished to the faithful I now give you to know I often remember you upon my Bed and not only so but before the Lord whom I know hath a Regard unto the Supplications of the upright and their Prayers are as Incense and from whom he smells a sweet Savour and gives them to feel and know it in their Hearts so that they come unto him with Confidence having Access through Jesus our Life and Joy unto whom be Glory and Honour forever and ever Amen Dearly beloved what shall I say to comfort your Hearts and stir up your Minds to the Exercise of his Grace in you but the plenteous Harvest of the Lord is come wherein they that have sown to the Spirit and have walked in Obedience thereunto do reap the plenteous Fruits of Righteousness Peace Joy Assurance and pure and perfect Consolation so that all Cause of Complaint is taken away Glory to the Lord forevermore the Vintage is ripe the Press is full and many Fatts overflow because of Plenty and many are filled with the Fatness of God's House the new Wine is drunk that comes from the pure and living Vine Christ Jesus Clusters of heavenly Grapes are possessed better by far then them the Spies brought from Eshcoll which may animate all your Hearts and encrease your Faith and Hope and further this I say unto you God is ready to give bountifully unto all if you be ready to receive and meet to digest his heavenly Food and I am sure you cannot want any good thing neither will his Consolation be withh●lden from you but that which the Prophet Hosea prophesied concerning Israel and the Blessings that should come upon them The Lord shall hear the Heavens and they shall hear the Earth and the Earth shall hear the Corn and Wine and Oyl and they shall hear Israel the same you shall feel inwardly to the Satisfaction of all your Souls the
and the Son of God according to the Spirit is glorified with the Father the man Christ Jesus he is sate down at the right Hand of God But if tho meanest by Human a carnal Body or the same Flesh that thou hast on deal plainly with us and nakedly the next time thou or any of thy Teachers write and prove us by Scripture where the Church is called his mystical Body or where hast thou got these new coyned words as Human Nature and mystical Body Correct thy Pen and let no such Popish Phrases come in Print again lest thou shamest thy self more instead of shaming of us And thou concludest If any say here he is or there he is on Earth believe them not Where learnedst thou this Article of Faith I pray thee shew me Is he not both in Heaven and Earth How should he restore the Earth and all things into their purity if he must not be manifest in the Earth What! wilt thou confine him to or in a place Doth not his Presence fill Heaven and Earth Is he divided from his Presence But may be thou wilt say as thy Generation doth that he is in the Earth by his Spirit and in Heaven in his Body or Person distinct from his Spirit If so then you divide Christ and a Person without a Spirit and not Christ. I will aske thee a Question No man hath Ascended up to heaven but he that came down from heaven the Son of man which is in heaven Where was the Son of man or the Man Christ when this was spoken If thou canst see this thou mayst be ashamed to shut Christ out of the Earth or from among his Saints where his Presence his Arm his hand and his Power is which is not divided from his Body but I know thou art deaf and canst not hear what I say and thou bringst Heb. 10 12. After he had offered one Sacrifice sate down at the right hand of God that is saist thou In his human Nature The shame is come upon thy self who hast added thy own Imagination and let all see whether the Scriptures speak of Human Nature but thy folly must be manifest to all Thy third Particular that thou namest and as thou sayest shamest is If we say we are without Sin we deceive our Selves Thou hadst better have enquired perfectly whether we said so or no before thou hadst undertook to reprove upon so doubtfull terms and thou bringst Prov. 20.9 For who can say my Heart is clean He can say so and speak Truth whose Heart God hath cleansed by the Blood of Christ from all Sin And then thou bringst Job 9.20 If I justifie my self my own Mouth shall condemn me That 's true we justifie not our selves neither self but deny self and self is condemned and Christ God's Righteousness is become our Justification And then thou bringest Paul Phil. 3. Not as though I had already attained but follow after that I may apprehend What of that he was in his growth and was come to that which was perfect and did believe to attain to the Stature of a perfect man And then thou saist I tell you you are not perfect your contempt of the Ministers of Christ and perverting the Doctrine of Christ are characters of Sin That shall stand for thy self and thy Masters whom thou art joyned with who set up Popish trumpery instead of the Ordinance of Christ and set up the precepts of men introduced in the Apostacy for the Doctrine of Christ And then thou concludest the Scripture hath concluded all under Sin all in the first Adam but I hope the Scripture doth not conclude all under Sin in the second Adam neither doth conclude him under Sin that 's born of God who Sins not And if thou makest any such conclusion thou givest thy verdict for the Devil and not for God then thou sayest I am not pleading for Sin Thou art pleading for nothing else but for Sin and Imperfection in which the Devil's Kingdom stands and thou sayest thou hast cause to cry out O wretched man that I am So thou hast indeed hast thou repented of thy Drunkenness How long is it since thou fell'st off a Bridge being Drunk and broke thy Leg but it is like for thy good Service done to thy Master in writing this lying scrole he will give thee an Absolution for that Transgression The fourth Particular which thou call'st our Tenet is That we deny the Scripture to be the Word of God And thou hast brought many Scriptures to prove that they are but they are as impertinent to the thing as thy former about the Steeple-house or Mass-house Thou hast brought many Scriptures Jer. 37.8 how they are called the words of the Lord who ever denyed that but the Word spoke the words and the Word is greater 2 Tim. 3.16 All Scripture is given by divine In●piration I deny that some was spoken by the Devil and some by wicked Men and I hope thou wilt not call that divine Inspiration Then thou may be wilt conclude I deny the words of Paul to Timothy I deny the Word Is it is an Addition of the TRANSLATOR which Word alters and varies in the true sense of that Scripture but all Scripture given by Inspiration of God is profitable for Doctrine c. But knowest thou no dinstinction between Inspiration and Tradition You have it by Tradition the Saints by Inspiration It 's a dead Letter in it self and as it is spoken from your Mouthes who speak of it by tradition but from them that were Inspired the living Spirit uttered forth living Words But what is all this to prove the Scripture or writings to be the Word of God And then thou cites 2 Cor. 2.4.7 Not handling the Wor● deceitfully What doth this prove nothing at all and all the rest that thou hast ci●ed is nothing at all but what we have answered over and over many times wherein all that have any understanding in the Knowledge of God are satisfied That which thou shouldst have proved by the Scripture is where the Scripture or writings or Letter doth title it self the Word of God It is granted they are the words of God and the Words of Holy men Inspired So in thy own words I say take thou notice though thou art confident and presumtuous in this thou hast shamed thy self and not us the Word was before either Scripture Writings or Bible was which Word is greater and gave them a Being And thou that wouldst set that which is brought forth by the Father above the Father art out of the Apostles wisdom speaking a similitude He that builds a House receives more Honour then the House Now to call the Scripture the Word is to give as much honour to the House as to him that builded it but in a word this I say whatever the Scripture doth testifie of it self or call it self that I own it to be And if any man call it another thing it shall testifie against him and