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A19465 Certain most godly, fruitful, and comfortable letters of such true saintes and holy martyrs of God, as in the late bloodye persecution here within this realme, gaue their lyues for the defence of Christes holy gospel written in the tyme of their affliction and cruell imprysonment. Coverdale, Miles, 1488-1568.; Bradford, John, 1510?-1555, Exhortacion to the carienge of Chrystes crosse. Selections.; Cranmer, Thomas, 1489-1556. Copy of certain lettres sent to the Quene, and also to doctour Martin and doctour Storye. Selections.; Hooper, John, d. 1555. Soveraigne cordial for a Christian conscience.; Hooper, John, d. 1555. Whether Christian faith maye be kepte secret in the heart, without confession therof openly to the worlde as occasion shal serve.; Ridley, Nicholas, 1500?-1555. Frendly farewel. 1564 (1564) STC 5886; ESTC S108888 571,783 726

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we be ashamed hereof for losse of life frendes or goodes he wil be ashamed of vs before his father and his holy Angels in heauen Therfore take hede for the Lords sake take hede take hede defile not your bodies or soules with this Romish Antichristiā religiō set vp amōgest vs again but come away come away as the Angell cryeth Apoca. 18. from amongest them in their Idolatrous seruice least you be partakers of their iniquitye Harkē to your preachers as the Thessaloniās did to Paul that is conferre their sayinges with the Scriptures and if they sound not therafter Esay 8. the morning light shal not shine vppon them Vse much and harty prayer for the spirit of wisedome knowledge humblenesse mekenesse sobrietye and repentaūce which we haue great nede of because our synnes haue thus prouoked the Lords anger agaynst vs but let vs beare his anger acknowledge our faultes with bitter teares and sorowful sighes doubtles he wil be merciful to vs after hys wonted mercy The which thing he vouchsafe to do for his holy names sake in Christ Iesu our Lord to whom with the father and the holy ghoste bee all honoure glorye prayse and euerlastynge thankes from thys tyme forth for euermore Amen Out of prison by yours in the Lorde to commaunde Iohn Bradford To my dearely beloued in the lord Mystres VV. and Mystres VV. ALmighty God our deare and most mercifull father be always with you both my entierly beloued mother and Syster in the Lorde and as hys babes he for euer kepe you vnto hys eternal kingdome throughe Christe our Sauiour Amen I purpose not to go about to render thankes to you for gods great goodnes towardes me by you because I can not Either of you hath so heaped vpon me benefits that it were hard for me to recken the tythes He for whose sake you haue done it and all the good you do one daye recompence you after your hartes desyre in hym In the meane season I beseche hym to reueale vnto you more and more the ryches of hys grace and loue in Christ by whom ye are beloued and were before the worlde was and shall be doutles worlde wythout ende Accordyng to the reuelation your sense or fayth herein so wyll you contend to all pietie and godlines as S. Iohn saith he that hath thys hope wyll purify hymselfe as Christ is pure 1. Iohn 3 For howe should it otherwyse bee but if we bee certainlye persuaded that heauen is ours and we citizens therof but I say we should desire the dissolution of our bodies and death to dispatche vs and to do hys office vpon vs If we dyd certainly beleue we were members of Christ and gods temples how should we but flie from all impuritie and corruption of the worlde whiche commeth by concupiscence If we dyd certainly beleue that god in dede of hys mercy in Christ is become our father in that hys good wyll is infinite and hys power accordyng therto how coulde we be afrayde of man or Deuil Howe coulde we doubte of saluation or any good thynge whiche myght make to Gods glorye and our owne weale Now that we shoulde be certayne and sure of thys that we are Gods children in Christ marke whether all thynges teache vs not Beholde the creation of thys worlde and the gubernation of the same doe not these teache vs that God loueth vs And is gods loue out of Christ the beloued If not his loue as he is vnchangeable Iohn 13. Doth not S. Iohn say that he loueth to the ende whom he loueth Therfore I say the very creatures of god concernyng both their creation conseruation tell vs that god loueth vs that is that we in Christ be his childrē and dearlinges although in our selues and of oure selues wee bee otherwyse namelye chyldren of wrathe Agayne loke vpon the law of god and tell me whether it do not requyre this certainty of you namely that you be gods dere childrē in Christ Doth not god plainly affirme say I am the Lord thy God Doth he not charge you to haue none other gods but hym How then can you perishe if god be your god psal 143 Doth not that make god no god Doth not Dauid say that those people be happy which haue the Lord for their God Besides this loke on your beliefe do you not professe that you beleue in God your father almighty whiche wanteth no power to helpe you as he wanted no good wyll in Christ to choose you Do you not say that you do beleue remission of synnes resurrection of the body life euerlasting felowship wyth the sainctes c. But how doe you saye you beleue thys geare and be not certayne therof Is not fayth a certaintie Is not doubtyng against fayth as S. Iames sayeth Pray in faythe and doubte not for he that doubteth obteyneth nothyng Math. 8 When Peter beganne to doubte he had lyke to haue bene drowned beware of it therfore Moreouer for to certifye youre consciences that you be gods childerne shal neuer finally perish through gods goodnes in Christe beholde your heade your Capitaine I meane Christe Iesus Wherefore came he into this world but to redeme you to marry you vnto hymselfe to destroye the workes of Sathan to saue and seeke that whiche was loste Wherfore suffered he so greate and bytter passions Dydde he it not to take awaye your synnes Wherefore dydde he ryse from deathe Dyd he it not to iustifye you Wherfore dyd he ascende into heauen Dyd he it not to take possession there for you to leade your captiuitye captiue to prepare and make ready all thynges for you to appeare before the father alwayes praying for you If these be true as they be most true why thē stand you in a doubt Do you not therby deny Christ Wherefore were you borne of Christian parentes and in gods churche but because you were Gods chylderne by Christ before you were borne For thys cause you were baptised and hetherto the Lorde hathe thus delte wyth you sparyng you correctyng you and blessyng you but why Verely because you be hys children and shal be for euer through Christ Tell me why hath God kepte you till thys tyme but that he wyll for hys sake haue you euen here made lyke vnto Christ th●t elsewhere you may so be Why hathe he opened youre eyes from Popery but because you be hys childerne in deede When you do praye doe you not call hym father Why doe you doubte of it then Why wyll you beleue the Deuil more thē God your father the Sonne and the holy ghoste more then the holye worde of GOD bothe in the lawe and in Gospell more then all the blessynges and castigations of God Do not all these preach to you and tell you that you are gods babes throughe Christ Therefore my derely beloued beleue it and geue not place to the Deuill but withstand hym strong in fayth Marke 9 Luk.
sufferyng hys passion crucyfyed dead and buryed to the entent to bring vs again into fauour with god the father almighty to be a sacrifice host oblation Esa 48.43 Gen. 1.22 Esay 53. Act. 10. Math. 8. not only for original sinne but also for al actuall sinnes of the whole generatiō of mankind For al the works merites deseruings doings obediēce of mā towards god although they be done by the spirit of god in the grace of god yet being thus done be of no validitye worthynes nor merite before god except god for his mercy grace accompt thē worthy for the worthines merites of Christe Iesus The same Christe went downe to the hels and trulye rose agayn the thyrd day and ascended into the heauens that he mighte there stil reigne haue dominiō ouer al creatures frō thēce shall come c. I beleue in the holy ghost coequal with god the father the sōne proceding frō thē both by whose vertue strēgth operation the true catholike church which is the comuniō societie of Saints is guyded in al truth veritie kept frō al errours false doctrine the deuil all power of sinne Which church is sanctifyed hallowed with the precious blood spirite of our Lord Iesus Christ Iohn 10.8 Galat. 1. 1. Timo. 3. which hath also her signe and marke that she heareth foloweth the voyce of her only true pastour christ no straungers Thys church also is the house of god the cōgregatiō of the liuing god the pyller of truth the liuely body of Christ a church both in name in dede I beleue the remission of synnes by the only meanes merites of christs death passiō who was made vnto vs of god that only sacrifice oblation offered once for al for euer for al thē that be sanctifyed I beleue the resurrectiō of the body wherby in the last day al mē shal ryse again frō death the soules ioyned againe to the bodyes the good to euerlastinge lyfe the wycked to euerlastyng payne punyshment And nothyng may more certaynly stablysh confyrme our fayth that we shal ryse agayn immortal both in body soule thē the resurrectiō of Christ our Sauiour fyrst fruites of the dead Now that Christ our head is rysen we being his body mēbers must folow our head Death hell and synne can not sunder nor plucke vs from him For as the sonne can not be deuyded nor sundred frō the father nor the holy ghost from them both no more may we being the faythful mēbers of Christ be seperated frō christ And for a confyrmatiō of our resurrection christ wold be sene after his resurrectiō in his most gloryous bodye hys woūdes being handled felt speaking teaching eating drinking c. We looke sayth S. Paule Iohn 10 Iohn 1. Phil. 3. for Iesus Christ our Sauiour which shall transfygure our vile bodies conforme thē to his glorious body by the same power vertue wherwith he is able to subdue all things euen like as the grayn of wheate sowē in the groūd Iohn 12. is fyrst putrifyed brought as into a thīg of nought yet after that it sprīgeth vp freshly with a goodlyer colour forme beautye then it had before The bodye is sowen in corruption and ryseth in incorruptiō 1. Cor. 15 it is so●en in dishonour riseth in honour Thus I verely knowe and assuredly beleue the resurrection of our bodyes to haue lyfe eternal by Christ for Christes sake Verely verely I say vnto you sayeth Christe he that heareth my woorde and beleueth on hym that sent me Iohn 5. hath euerlasting lyfe and shall not come into dampnation but is escaped from death to lyfe It is Christ that died once for our sinnes Roma 10 Ose 13. and is rysen agayne neuer more to dye it is he that swallowed vppe death and hath caste it vnder hys fete for euer What nowe can death doe vnto vs Verely nothyng ells but for a little tyme seperate our precious soules from oure wretched bodyes that diuyne substance from a Masse of synne that eternall lyfe from a bodye of death and so send our soules out of this miserable wretched sorrowfull lyfe cumbred wyth all calamities vnto that most blessed felicitie and ioyes eternall As concerning the holye and reuerente sacramentes of Christes Church whiche be in number .ii. the Sacramente of baptiseme and the Supper of the Lord I beleue them to be as Saint Paule calleth them confyrmations or seales of Gods promises whiche haue added to them a promyse of grace and therefore they are called inuisible signes of inuisible grace The Sacramente of baptisme is a marke of Christes Churche a seale and confirmation of oure acceptation into the grace and fauour of God for Christes sake For hys innocencye hys ryghteousnesse hys holynesse hys iustyce is ours geuen vs of God and our synnes and vnryghteousnesse by hys obedience and abasing of hymselfe to the death of the crosse are hys whereof baptisme is the signe seale and confirmation Baptisme is also a signe of repentaunce to testifye that we be borne to the waues of perilles and chaunges of lyfe to the entent that we shoulde dye continuallye as longe as we liue from sinne and ryse agayne like new men vnto ryghteousnesse Rom. 6. The other sacrament which is the Supper holy maundy of our Sauiour Christ wherby the church of Christ is knowen I beleue it is a remembraunce of Christes death passion a seale confirmation of his most precious body geuē vnto death euē to the vile death of the crosse wherwith we are redemed deliuered from synne death hel damnation It is a visible word because it worketh the same thing in the eyes which the word worketh in the eares For like as the woorde is a meane to the eares wherby the holy ghost moueth the hart to beleue Ro. 10 so thys Sacramente is a meane to the eyes whereby the holy ghoste moueth the harte to beleue it preacheth peace betwene God and man it exhorteth to mutuall loue and all godly life and teacheth to contemne the world for the lyfe to come when as Christe shal appeare which now is in heauē no where els as concernyng thys humaine body Act. 1.3 ▪ Yet doe I beleue assuredly that hys very body is present in his most holy supper at the contemplatiō of our spirituall eyes so verely eaten with the mouth of our fayth For as sone as I heare these most comfortable heauenly words spoken and pronounced by the mouth of the minister thys is my bodye which is geuen for you when I heare I say thys heauenly harmonye of gods vnfallible promises truth I loke not vpō neyther do I behold bread wyne for I take beleue the words simply and plainly euen as Christ spake them For hearing these words my senses be rapte vtterly
of GOD or elles we doe moste wickedly transgresse the greate and fyrste commaundemente But doe we obeye and beleue that thys is true So shall we of force by the same bee constrayned to fulfyll the seconde parte that is to saye loue hym wyth all oure harte c. For whoe seeing the goodnesse of GOD towardes hym in Iesus Christe for whose sake onelye he hath geuen hym selfe wholye to bee oures in most large ample wise that may be who I say seing thys woulde not with all his hart soule and minde loue the Lord againe and of loue not only leaue the doing of such things as might displease him but also be ready and willing to doe what so euer is acceptable in his sight yea moste gladly and ioyfullye suffer what soeuer he wil appoint vs to do for his sake knowing assuredly that nothing can come vnto vs no not the diminishing of one heare of our head wtout his good wil pleasure and merciful appointment and that he louing vs so wel that he would geue hys sonne him selfe the holye ghoste and finally all other thinges in Christe to vs will not appoynt any thing vnto vs otherwise then shall bee to the setting forth of his glory and our euerlasting commoditie This great aboundaunt bottomles loue and mercye of god did holy S. Paule depely feele when he made that bold proclamation in the latter ende of the .8 Chap. to the Rom. saying who is it or what is it that shal bee able to seperate vs from the loue of God which is in Christ Iesu our Lord Reade the whole Chapter often times I besech you Thus deare hart you see the eternall loue fatherly care prouidence of God towardes you In respecte whereof I trust you do not onely caste al your care vpon him but also most louingly obeye him in all his holy ordinaunces euermore meekely submitting your will vnto his in all and euery thing knowing that the same wil make all thinges turne to your beste and that without his pleasure a poore sparow shall not peryshe in the foulers nette muche lesse you or your deare husband your good Vncle M. Latymer or any of yours Let this fayth and godlye persuasion euer more be firme in your hart without doubting or wauering for ●ou● it al that euer you go about is in vaine yea without this faith in God you can not please him you can not commit and betake your self wholy vnto him you can not truly feare him you can not loue him in deede you can not call vpon him or hartely praye vnto him neither yet prayse him a tyght Therefore let this be your alone and continual endeuour to be confirmed more and more of this that GOD is your owne moste deare louing father throughe Christ that he hath a moste tender care ouer you and for you as alwayes he hath hadde and euer wyll haue both in soule and body for this life for eternal life how so euer things haue or shal happē to appeare vnto you According to this your fayth and as you beleue so shal it be vnto you and as you thinke god to be vnto you so shal you feele him Thinke therfore swetely of the lord of his goodnes thāke him most hartely that euer he would vouch you worthy to sustaine the losse of your chefest treasures in earth for his sake and that he would euer geue you any thing to bestowe for his loue And as you prayse the Lord for his great mercyes manifolde benefites so largelye geuen vnto you before many other so do you faythfully pray vnto him that he wil continue hys louing kindnes towards you and kepe you blamelesse through loue in Christ vnto the ende yea make you worthye stronge and able to suffer the losse of your owne life for the testimonye of his truth whiche as your good Vncle sayde to me once and your deare husband full often is the greatest promotion and dignitie that God can bring vs vnto in this life yea it is an honour which the highest Aungells in heauen be not permitted to haue And in this your hartye and faythfull prayer I doe moste humblye require you to remember me a moste miserable wretch I feare me not compted worthye to become one of his constante witnesses vnto the worlde in such sorte as I woulde fayne be pray for me my deare hart pray for me as I will neuer forgette you nor your blessed childrē so long as I am in this prison of the body Cōmende me vnto Hewgh Glouer Marmaduke and to their younger brother and sister The Lord god comfort and blesse them and poure his good spirite vpon them wherewith their good father was plentifully endewed I praye you do my hartye commendations vnto my good brother her Augustine and his wife and I hartely thanke you for your goodnesse towardes them Desire them also to praye for me for now the needefull time doth approche I prayse God I am more harty then euer I was and so I beseche hym to make you all to bee I haue manye thinges to say more but I am here constrayned to make an end Al my doinges come to an ende with extremitie God graunt that I may enter into his glory through the straite gate though I struggle striue thrusting amonge the preasse with great violence I beseche you yet once againe all my deare frends in god to ayde strengthē me with your praiers as I wil neuer forget any of you so long as this wrasteling life of mine doth laste as knoweth God to whose most merciful defence I do hartely cōmitte you and al yours The swete blessing of god the father the sonne the holy ghoste be with you all Amen Your dayly and most bounden Oratour Iohn Careles prysoner of the Lorde pray praye for me in fayth To my good brother M. Iohn Bradford THe peace of god in Iesus Christ the eternal cōfort of his swete spirite which hath surely sealed you vnto eternall saluation be with you and strengthen you in your ioyfull iourney towards the celestial Hierusalē my deare frend and most faythfull brother M. Bradforde to the setting forth of Gods glory and to your eternall ioy in Christ Amen Euer since the good M. Philpot shewed me your last letter my deare hart in the lord I haue continued in great heuynes perplexitie ▪ not for any hurt or discōmoditie that I cā perceaue comming towardes you vnto whom doubtles death is made life and great felicitie but for the greate losse that gods chuch here in England shal sustaine by the taking away of so godly worthy and necessary an instrument as the lord hath made you to be Oh that my life a thousand such wretched liues moe might goe for yours Oh why doth god suffer me such other Caterpillers to liue that cā do nothing but consume the almes of the church and take away you so worthy a workmā labourer in the Lords vineyard But woe
imbecillitye in our selues 1. Pet. 5. beyng suche as is not hable to withstande the leaste of hys assaultes but on the contrarye beynge ouerwhelmed wyth the waues whiche be styrred vp by these tempestes of hys temptations Math. 8. we are compelled to crye wyth these Dysciples who in theyr extremitye cryed saue vs Lorde or elles we peryshe The tymes be perylous we muste therfore be circumspect not solace our selues in carnall security but beyng cōtent to enter into the sheepe of Christes crosse and obiecting our selues to al ieoperdous passages in the aduēturous iorneying to our heauenly countrey let vs for thys present vsage accompte it comfort enough to haue the fellowship of suche a fellow venterer He once beyng in the Shyppe wyth hys Disciples dyd wyth hys worde aswage the swellyng of the Sea so daungerous He hath not lefte vs alone in the Ship of thys frayle fleshe but ioyneth wyth vs in thys daungerous iorney aswel by hys once beyng subiecte vnto all bodely infirmities as we be synne only except as also by his assuryng vs of his gratious assistāce now that he is becom before hys heauenly father our Prynce our Priest and our Prophet alwayes prest and ready to helpe by hys power propitiation and inspiration of hys holy spirite And what though he for a season do slepe and do so suffer vs vnto our seemynges to synke He wyll bee awaked beyng pulled by prayer and therfore doth he delay our spedy deliueraunce euen to fortifye our faithe by importune prayer Lette vs then wyth instance apply this busines and the rather in respect of the dangerous do●ing of this old age of the world For it is with the men of this latter age of the worlde as it is with a very aged man who for impotency of the powers both of the mind the body is brought to much imbecillitye Then do the wittes by weakenes wander out of the waye The bodye by feablenes and defaulte of the former strength doth stagger full weakely doth any lymme or part of that wretched body execute the function vnto it belongyng In lyke maner is it with the churche of Christe in this do●yng old age of the world There is nothyng such fulnes in gods graces as heretofore hath bene in the primatiue church and the tymes immediatly ensuyng There is lesse perfection in the fayth feare and loue towardes god charity towardes the brethren There is lesse zeale to confesse god and lesse constancy to continue in gods truth then was heretofore And this is not straunge vnto them which do obserue the fore-speakings of the scriptures aswel of the prophets of our sauior Christe as also of his apostles by whome it hath ben signified before hand what daungerous dayes should come in the latter times as Math. 24 2. Thess 2. 1. Timoth. 2. Timo. 3.2 Peter 2. Wherfore let vs which are come into these latter daungerous tymes first consider how that the holy ghost hath geuen vs warnyng therof and also that we by proofe haue experience of the verifying of the same let vs now I say the more earnestly apply our humble petition vnto that mercyful father and hys sonne our swete sauiour who is the head of hys churche euen this his body weake though it be that he wyll vouchsafe not so muche to obserue the backeslidyng and shrinkyng of thys hys feble body as to respect the forspeakynges of these perilous tymes and let vs wyth and in the name of the whole church remember often the prayer of Dauid Psal 71. Lord cast me not away in the tyme of mine olde age when my strength doth decay That tyme of the church is euen now presente and truly if we be instance in prayer we be not without warrantise of gods promises to obtayne that we pray for Psal 40. Math. 24. 1. Cor. 10 Yea call vpon me sayth he in the day of thy trouble and I wyll delyuer thee For the electes sake it is sayd the daungerous dayes shal be shortned Yea faythfull is he that wyll not suffer vs to be tempted aboue that we be able to abyde We may be bold to put our gracious god in remembraunce of hys olde mercies Psal 44. with Deuid say oh god we haue hearde wyth our eares and our fathers haue declared vnto vs the noble workes that thou dyddest in theyr dayes and in the olde tyme before thē The testimonies of hys word do teach vs how he hath from the begynnyng alway gathered vnto himself a congregation church vnto the which hys chosē church he hath bound him selfe by his couenaunt of mercy to be their god and sauiour and besydes that hath powred vppon them his sundry blessinges and benefits But agayne it is to be sene in the scriptures how that euen these peculier gods people did at sundry tymes fall from that theyr heauenly profession aswell to Idolatrye and false Gods seruice as also vnto dissolute liuyng therby prouokyng gods wrathfull plagues and punishmentes the which in dede oftētimes as they were oftē deserued so they fel vpō them But euen as the god of Israel did visite the offences of hys people wyth his rodde of chastisement so did he not at any tyme take away hys mercies from them Psal 89. and that for that couenaunt of mercy made vnto them in Abraham Isaac and Iacob their forefathers And therfore when at any tyme throughe hys grace they dyd by repentaunce turne vnto hym he most fatherly embraced thē with the armes of his mercy These thyngs be written for vs that we in semblable wyse should consider fyrst the dignitye whereunto we haue bene called that is euen to be hys church and people Yea in comparyng our profession with either the heathenish Turkes infidels or vnto the people which are professed vnto this hypotriticall papistrye we haue to aduaunce our selues as the true childrē of Christ for that we beare the ryght badges of gods true people and that is the earnest desyre towards the propagation of gods most holy word and the right vse of the sacraments agreable to the same hauyng ioyned ther with a readines of hart and mynde to suffer affliction persecution for the confession of our fayth or at the least rather then we wyll deny or put away faith and a good conscience And besydes these outward notes and tokens declaryng the we be the true church there is a nearer token in gods elect which is the inward testimony of gods spirite whiche beareth wytnesse vnto our spirit that we be gods children Rom. 8 causyng vs to crye Abba father and beyng in dede the earneste peny of our saluation But notwithstandyng that we be thus promoted by our god and dignifyed by his graces yet must we consider how vnworthely we haue vsed in sundry wise these gods graces blessyngs yea so vnthankfully we haue receyued thē that no lesse plagues by gods iust iudgemente belong vnto vs then was at that tyme
c thoughe of duetye wee are bounde to accomplishe all that he requyreth and are culpable and gilty yf we do not the same yet he requyreth not these thyngs further of vs thē to make vs more in loue and more certayne of this his couenaunt that he is our lord and god In certaintie wherof as he hath geuen this whole world to serue to our nede and commoditie so hath he geued hys sonne Christe Iesus and in Christ hymselfe to be a pledge and gage wherof the holy Ghoste dothe nowe and then geue vs some taste and swete smell to our eternall ioye Therefore as I sayde because God is your father in Christe and requyreth of you straightly to beleue it geue your selfe to obedience although you do it not with such feelyng as you desyre First must fayth go before and then feelyng wyll folow Yf our imperfection frailtie and many euils should be occasions wherby Sathan woulde haue vs to doubte as much as we can let vs abhorre that suggestion as of all others most pernicious for so in dede it is For when we stande in a doubt whether God be our father we cannot bee thankefull to GOD we cannot hartelye praye or thynke any thyng we doe acceptable to God we cannot loue our neighboures and geue ouer our selues to care for them and do for them as we should do and therfore Sathā is most subtile hereaboutes knowyng full well that if we doubte of Gods fatherlye eternall mercies towardes vs through Christ we cannot please god or do any thynge as we should do to man Continually casteth he into our memories our imperfection frailtye falles and offences that we should doubt of gods mercye and fauour towardes vs. Therfore my good Syster we must not be sluggish herein but as Sathan laboureth to losen our fayth so muste we labour to fasten it by thynkyng on the promises and couenāt of God in Christes blood namely that god is our god wyth all that euer he hathe which couenaunt dependeth and hangeth vpon gods owne goodnes mercy and truth only and not on our obedience or worthines in any poynte for then should we neuer be certayne In dede God requyreth of vs obediēce worthines but not that therby we might be hys chyldren and he our father but because he is our father and we hys chyldren through hys own goodnes in Christ therfore requyreth he faythe and obedience Nowe if we wante this obedience and worthynes which he requyreth shoulde we doubt whether he be our father Nay that were to make our obedience and worthynes the cause and so to put christ out of place for whose sake god is our father But rather because he is our father and we feele our selues to wante such things as he requireth we should be styrred vp to a shamefastnes and blushyng because we are not as we shoulde be and therupon should we take occasion to goe to our father in prayer on thys manner Deare father thou of thyne own mercy in Christ hast chosen me to be thy childe and therfore thou wouldest I should be brought into thy church fayth full company of thy chyldren wherin thou hast kept me hetherto thy name therfore be praysed Now I see my selfe to wante fayth hope loue c. which thy children haue thou requirest of me where throughe the deuyll would haue me to doubte yea vtterlye to dispayre of thy fatherly goodnes fauour and mercy Therfore I come to thee as to my mercifull father through thy deare sonne Iesus Christ and pray thee to helpe me good Lord helpe me and geue me faythe hope loue c. and graunt that thy holy spirite may be with me for euer and more and more to assure me that thou arte my father that thys mercifull couenaunt thou madest with me in respecte of thy grace in Christ and for Christ and not in respecte of any my worthines is alwayes true to me c. On thys sorte I say you must praye and vse your cogitations when Sathan woulde haue you to doubte of saluation He doth all he can to preuaile herein Do you al you can to preuaile herein against him Though you feele not as you would yet doubt not but hope beyonde all hope as Abraham did Fayth always as I said goeth before feeling As certayne as god is almighty as certayn as god is mercifull as certayne as god is true as certayne as Christ was crucifyed is rysen and sytteth on the ryght hand of the father as certayne as this is gods commaundement I am the Lord thy god so certayne oughte you to be that God is your father As you are bound to haue none other gods but him so are you no lesse bounde to beleue that god is your God What profyte should it be to you to beleue thys to be true I am the Lord thy god to others yf you shoulde not beleue that this is true to your selfe The Deuil beleueth on this sorte And whatsoeuer it bee that woulde moue you to doubte of thys whether god be your god through Christ that same commeth vndoubtedlye of the Deuyll Wherfore dyd GOD make you but because he loued you Myghte not he haue made you blynde dumme deafe lame frantyke c Myghte not he haue made you a Iewe a Turke a Papiste c And whye hathe he not done so Verelye because he loued you And whye dydde he loue you What was there in you to moue hym to loue you Surelye nothing moued hym to loue you therfore to make you and so hetherto to kepe you but hys owne goodnes in Christ Now then in that his goodnes in Christ styll remayneth as much as it was Eccle. 2. that is euen as great as him selfe for it cannot be lessoned how should it be but that he is your god and father Beleue this beleue this my good Sister for god is no chaungeling them whome he loueth he he loueth to the ende Caste therefore youre selfe wholye vppon hym and thynke without al waueryng that you are gods child that you are a citizen of heauē that you are the daughter of god the temple of the holye Ghoste c. If hereof you bee assured as you ought to be then shall your conscience be quieted then shall you lament more and more that you wante many thynges whiche god loueth then shall you labour to bee holye in soule and bodye then shall you goe aboute that Gods glorye maye shyne in you in all youre wordes and workes then shal you not bee afraid what man can do vnto you then shall you haue such wisedome to aunswer your aduersaries as shal serue to their shame and your comfort then shall you be certayne that no man can touch one heare of your heade further then shall please your good father to your euerlastyng ioye then shall you be most certayne that god as your good father wyl be more carefull for your children and make better prouision for them yf all you haue were gone then
with God I thanke God my common disease doth lesse trouble me now then whē I was abroad which doth teach me the merciful prouidence of god towards me Commend me to Maistres Wilkinson whom we pray god to strengthē in his truth grace vnto the end Vse true and harty prayer and you shall perceaue god at length will declare him selfe to see where now many thinke he sleepeth Out of the Tower by the Lordes prisoner Iohn Bradford To Maistres I. H. a faythfull woman and fearyng God whom he exhorteth to bee pacient vnder the crosse not to feare death MY dearly beloued I besech our mercifull father to comfort your heauie and pensiue hart with his own cōsolations in Christ as I am assured he will in his good time which with pacience loke for good sister after the example of Iob Iames. 5. Helias Abrahā and al the deare Sainctes of God whiche are set forth vnto vs for patrons of pacience god graunte vs well to cutte oure clothe after them for God is the same God nowe and the ende will shewe that he is a mercifull Lorde and full of compassion My deare sister you shall vnfaynedly feele it at the length though presently it semeth otherwise vnto your sense you shall after you be a litle exercised herein Heb. 12 finde a quiet fruite of righteousnes the God of grace which hath called you vnto hys eternal glorye confirming strengthning you being some deale afflicted with your brethren and sisters that be in the worlde 1. pet 5 for alone you suffer not as I truste you knowe It comforted me to reade in your letters that no displeasure of father mother husband children c. doth moue you to be ruled after the counsell of the worlde and therefore you will me not to bee afearde for you Oh my beloued what thankes shoulde I geue to our god and deare father for thys hys excedyng kindenes towards you His name be magnified for you for euer his mercy be more and more multiplyed vnto you in you vpon you for euer and euer Amen God make me thankefull herefore But you adde that the feare of death doth now and then moue you a little Howbeit you saye that as I haue counseyled you you wyll stryue there agaynste My good Ioyce I take you at your woorde keepe promyse I praye you that is stryue agaynste it and I promyse you in the name of the Lord that you shall haue the victorie which I woulde wishe you to set before your eyes also so shall the terrour of death trouble you the lesse Souldiers goinge to warre set not before their eyes simplye the stripe but rather the victorye and my good sister will not you herein followe them In your trauaile with childe doth not the hope of the babe to be deliuered mitigate the maladye Doth not the sicke in taking bitter and lothsome Phisicke set before him the commoditie which wil ensue And my deare sister wil not you by these be somthing enformed Consider what this life is consider what death is consider what is prepared for you after death Concerning thys life you knowe that it is full of miserye vanitie and woe it is a playne exile and hath nothing in it permanente It is therfore compared to a vapor to a smoke to a shadowe yea to a warrefare a wildernes a vale of wretchednes wherein we are compafed on euery side with moste fearce and fearefull enemyes and shoulde we desire to dwell here Should we lust to liue in this lothsome and laborious life Shoulde we wyshe to tarrie in thys wretchednes Shoulde we haue pleasure to remaine in thys perillous state Daniells denne is not so dreadfull as is this dongeon we dwell in Concerning death to them that be as I knowe you are Gods deare children my tenderlye beloued sister what other thynge is it then the dispatcher of all displeasure the ende of al trauaile the doore of desires the gate of gladnes the porte of paradyse the hauen of heauen the rayle of reste and quietnes the entraunce to felicitie the beginnyng of all blisfulnes It is the very bedde of doune and therefore wel compared to a sleepe for the doulefull bodies of Gods people to reste in oute of the whiche they shall rise and awake moste freshe and lustye to life euerlasting It is a passage to the Father a chariot to heauen the Lordes messenger a leader vnto Christ a going to oure home a deliueraunce from bondage and prison a dimission from warre a securitie from all sorrowes and a manumission from all miserye So that the very heathen dyd in some places cause the daye of their death to be celebrated with myrth melody and minstrelsie and should we be dismayde at it Shoulde we be afrayde of it Should we tremble to heare of it Should such a frend as it is be vnwelcome Should the foulnes of hys face feare vs from his good conditions Should the hardenes of his huske hinder vs from his swete cornell Shoulde the roughnes of the tide tie vs to the bancke and shore there to be drowned rather then the desire of oure home dryue vs to go aburde Shoulde the hardnes of the saddle set vs on our feete to perish by the waye rather then to leape vp and endure the same a litle and so to be where we woulde be Concerning that which is prepared for you after death if I shoulde go about to expresse it the more I should so do the further I should be from it For the eye hath not seene neither the eare hath heard nor the harte of man is able to conceaue in any poynte the ioye myrth melodye pleasure power welth riches honour beautie fellowshippe deynties odours glorye wisedome knowledge threasures securitie peace quietnes and eternall felicitie which you shal haue and enioye world without ende with God the Father the Sonne and the holy Ghost with the Aungels Archangels with the Patriarckes and Prophetes with the Apostles and Euangelistes with the Martyrs and Confessors and with all the Saintes of God in the Palace of the Lorde in heauen the kingdome of God the glorye of the Father Oh woe to the blyndnes of our eyes that see not this Woe to the hardnes of our hartes that feele not this Woe to the deafnes of our eares that heare not thys in suche sort as we should do wherthrough we might be so farre from fearyng death that rather we shoulde wish it crying with Simeon Now let thy seruaunt depart in peace With Paul I desire to be desoulued and to be with Christ With Dauid when shall I come and appeare before thee And agayne Oh woe is me that my habitation is thus prolonged c. Psa 119. But halas deare sister great is oure vnbeliefe Full faynte is oure fayth or elles nyghte and daye teares shoulde be oure bread and drinke Psal 41. whilest it is sayde vnto vs where is your GOD It is a token of little loue
losse of this life which in dede is neuer founde til it be so loste excepte the graine of wheate fal and be dead it remaineth fruitles You know how that he which was rapte into the third heauen did know what he wrote doth say that as the corne liueth not excepte it bee dead and cast into the earth so truly our bodyes And therefore the crosse should so litle feare vs that euen death it selfe shold altogether be desired of vs as the taylour which putteth of our ragges and arayeth vs with the royall robes of immortalitie incorruptiō and glory Great shame it should be for vs that al the whole creatures of God should desire yea grone in their kinde for our libertie Rom. 8. we our selues to loth it as doubtles we do if for the crosse yea for death it self we with ioye swallow not vp all sorrow that myght let vs from followyng the Lordes calling and obeying the lords prouidence wherby doubtles all crosses and death it selfe doth come and not by hap or chaūce In consideratiō wherof righte deare Mother in that this prouidence stretcheth it self so vnto vs and for vs that euen the heares of our heads are numbred with GOD not one of them to fall to oure hurt surely we declare our selues very faint in faith yf we receiue not such comfort that we can willinglye offer oure selues to the Lord and cast our whole care vpon his backe honouring him wyth this honour that he is euer wyll be carefull for vs and all we haue as for hys deare chyldren Be therfore of good chere euen in the myddest of these miseries be thankefull to the Lorde and prepare your selfe for a further trial which if god send you as I hope so do you beleue that god therin will helpe and comfort you and make you able to beare whatsoeuer shall happen And thus much hauyng this oportunitie I thoughte good to wryte praying god our father to recompence into your bosome all the good that euer you haue done to me especially and to many others bothe in this tyme of trouble and alwaies heretofore Your owne in the Lorde Iohn Bradford To Maystres VVylkinson THe Lorde of mercye in Christe his sonne our Sauiour and only comforter be with you all now and for euer Amen Although presētly I haue litle tyme by reason of this bringers short departing lesse occasiō of necessary mater to write vnto you yet in that it hath pleased god to offer me more liberty to write thē before I had as this reader can report I thought good to signifye vnto you the same with the acknowledging of the receipt of your tokens for the which I neither can nor wil go about to flatter you with thankes in that I know you loke for none at myne hands god beyng the cause and his word the ende wherfore you dyd so to him I know you woulde haue me thankefull and I beseche you praye that I may so bee and not onelye thankefull for my selfe and his benefites towardes me but also thankefull for you to whome God hath geuen to feare his name and loue his truth The which giftes farre passe the riches of the world for they shal perish and be left we know not vnto whō but these gifts of god as they last for euer so they make happy the possessours of the same Go to therfore and pray god to encrease them of hys goodnes as of his mercy he hath begūne thē in you in dede so he wyll For to whome he geueth the earnest of wyllyng to the same he will geue the grace of continuyng yf we reiect not the same as we do when we bee double harred ●4 Reg. 17. and parte our feare and loue as dyd the Samaritanes which feared god and their Adramelech loued gods religion and their olde countrey customes c. If this doublenes come on vs that we feare more the worlde and couple it wyth the feare of God yf we loue the mucke of this molde and couple it wyth the loue of Gods religion then parte we stake then marre we the markette then the spiryte of GOD wyll departe Act. 5. then playe we as Ananias and Saphyra dydde and so sooner or later shall fall to perdition wyth them But as I sayde I thynke no suche thynge of you I thynke of you as of Gods deare chyldren whose hartes are whole wyth the Lorde And therefore I wryte not thys as thoughe you were suche but because it is Gods goodnes you bee not suche because Sathan woulde haue you suche and because manye that were as you nowe bee are suche Therefore to make you as thankeful so carefull to continue but yet so that youre care bee caste all on the Lorde is the onelye cause I write thys and woulde wryte more but that the brynger can not carye And therfore hastely and abruptlye I make an ende besechynge almyghty GOD in our redemer Iesus Christ to bee wyth you and wyth hys holye spiryte comforte you all and helpe my good Syster Maistres W. to bee an happye and a good mother of the chylde of whiche as yet I heare God hathe not deliuered her By your owne to vse in the Lorde for euer Iohn Bradford ¶ To my deare Brother in the Lorde Mayster Rychard Hopkyns and hys wyfe dwellyng in Couentrye and other my faythfull bretherne and Systers professours of gods holye Gospel there and theraboutes THe peace whiche Christe lefte to hys churche and to euerye true member of the same Iohn 14. Rom. 8 the holye spirite the guide of Gods chyldren so engrafte in youre harte and in the harte of youre good wyfe and of all my good bretherne and systers aboute you that vnfaynedlye ye maye in respecte thereof contempne all worldlye peace whyche is contrarye to that peace that I speake of and dryueth it vtterlye oute of the hartes of all those whiche woulde patche them both together For we cannot serue two maisters Math. 6 no man can serue GOD and mammon Christes peace cannot bee kepte with this worldes peace God therfore of hys mercy doe I beseche to geue vnto you his peace whiche passeth all vnderstandyng and so kepe your hartes and mynds phil 4. that they may be pure habitacles and mansions for the holye spirite yea for the blessed trinitie Iohn 14 who hathe promised to come and dwell in all them that loue Chryste and keepe hys sayenges My dearely beloued the tyme is nowe come wherein tryall is made of men that haue professed to loue Chryste and woulde haue beene counted kepers of hys testimonyes But weale awaye the tenthe person perseuereth not the more parte doe parte stakes wythe the papistes and protestantes so that they are become maungye Mongrelles to the infectynge of all that company wyth them and to theyr no smale peryll For they pretend outwardly popery The Mongrels excuse goyng to Masse with the papistes tarying with them personallye at theyr Antichristian and
and learned companye bookes and all other necessaryes for myne ease comfort and commoditye I am in muche better case then I coulde wyshe and Gods mercifull prouidence here is farre aboue my worthines Worthines quoth I Alas I am worthye of nothyng but dampnation But besides all this for my soule I finde much more cōmoditie For god is my father I now perceaue through Christ therefore in prisonyng me for hys Gospel he maketh me lyke to the image of hys Sonne Iesus Christ here that when he cōmeth to iudgement I might then belike vnto him as my truste and hope is I shall bee Nowe maketh he me like to hys frendes the Prophets Apostles the holye Martyrs and Confessours Which of them dyd not suffer at the least imprisonmente or bannyshment for hys Gospell and woorde Nowe Mother how farre am I vnmeete to bee compared to them I I say whiche alwayes haue beene and am so vyle an hypocrite and grieuous a synner God myghte haue caused me long before thys tyme to haue beene caste into pryson as a theefe a blasphemer an vncleane liuer and an heynous offender of the lawes of the Realme but deare Mother hys mercye is so greate vppon both you and me and all that loue me that I shoulde bee caste into pryson as none of these or for anye suche vices but onelye for hys Christes sake for hys Gospelles sake for hys Churches sake that hereby as I myghte learne to lamente and bewayle my ingratitude and synnes so I myghte reioyce in hys mercye bee thankefull looke for eternall ioye wyth Christe for whose sake praysed bee hys name for it I nowe suffer and therfore shoulde be merye and gladde And in dede good Mother so I am as euer I was yea neuer so merye and gladde was I as I nowe shoulde bee if I coulde get you to bee merye with me to thanke God for me and to praye on thys sorte Ah good father whiche doest vouchsafe that my sonne being a greuous synner in thy fyghte shoulde fynde thys fauoure with thee to be one of thy Sonnes captaynes and men of warre to fyghte and suffer for hys Gospelles sake I thanke thee and praye thee in Christes name that thou wouldest forgeue hym hys synnes and vnthankefulnesse and make perfecte in hym that good whiche thou haste begonne yea Lorde I praye thee make hym worthye to suffer not onely imprisonmente but euen verye death for thy truth religion and Gospells sake As Anna dyd applye and geue her fyrste childe Samuell vnto thee so doe I deare father besechyng thee for Christes sake to accepte thys my gifte and geue my sonne Iohn Bradford grace alwayes trulye to serue thee and thy people as Samuell did Amen Amen If on thys sorte Mother from your harte you woulde praye as I should be the most meryest man that euer was so am I certayne the lettes of your prayer for my imprisonment woulde be taken awaye Good Mother therefore marke what I haue written and learne this prayer by hart to saye it daylye and then I shall be merye and you shall reioyce if that you continue as I truste you doe in Gods true religion euen the same I haue taughte you and my father Traues I trust will put you in remembraunce of my brother Roger also I truste doth so dayly Go to therfore and learne apace Although the deuyl cast diuerse lettes in the waye God in whom you trust wyll caste them awaye for hys Christes sake if you will call vppon hym and neuer wyll he suffer you to bee tempted aboue that he will make you able to beare But howe you shoulde doe herein the other letter I haue written herewith shall teache you This letter cōmeth not to our handes which I would none should read til my father Traues haue red it and he will geue you by Gods grace some instructions Now therfore wyll I make an ende praying you good Mother to looke for no moe letters for if it were knowen that I haue penne and inke and did write then shoulde I wante all the foresayde commodies I haue spoken of concernyng my body and be cast into some dungeon in fetters of yron which thing I know would greue you therefore for gods sake see that these be burned when thys litle prayer in it is copyed out by my brother Roger for perchaunce your house may be searched for such geare when you thinke litle of it looke for no moe swete Mother till eyther God shall deliuer me and sende me oute eyther you and I shall meere together in heauen where we shal neuer part a sunder Amen I require you Elizabeth Margeret my sisters that you wil feare God vse prayer loue your husbands be obediēt vnto them as God wylleth you brynge vppe your children in Gods feare and be good houswifes God blesse you both with both your husbande 's my good brethren whom to do good because I now can not I will pray for them and you Commend me to my sister Anne Mother Pike T. Sorrocold and hys wyfe R. Shalcrosse and his wyfe R. Bolton I. wilde M. Vicar the person of Mottrom Syr Laurence Hall with all that loue and I truste lyue the Gospell and God turne Syr Thomas hys harte Amen I wyll daylye praye for hym I nedee not to sette my name you knowe it well enoughe Because you shoulde geue my letters to father Traues to be burned I haue written here a prayer for you to learne to praye for me good Mother and an other for all youre house in your euenyng prayer to pray with my brother These prayers are written with myne own hand Kepe them styll but the letters geue to father Traues to burne and geue father Traues a copye of the latter praye Another letter to hys Mother as hys laste farewell vnto her in thys worlde a litle before he was burned GOds mercy and peace in Christ be more and more perceaued of vs Amen My moste deare Mother in the bowels of Christ I hartely pray besech you to be thākful for me vnto God which thus now taketh me vnto him self I die not my good Mother as a thiefe a murtherer an adulterer c but I die as a witnesse of Christ hys gospel veritye which hetherto I haue confessed I thanke god as well by preaching as by prisonment and now euen presently I shall moste willingly confyrme the same hy fyre I knowledge that god moste iustlye myght take me hence symply for my sinnes whiche are manye greate and greuous but the Lorde for hys mercye in Christ hath pardoned them all I hope but now deare Mother he taketh me hence by this deathe as a confessour and witnes that the religion taughte by Christe Iesu the Prophetes and the Apostles is gods truthe The prelates doe persecute in me Christ whom they hate and his truth which they may not abyde because their workes are euil and may not abide the truth and lyght lest men should see their darknes Therfore
my good and most deare Mother geue thankes for me to god that he hath made the fruite of your wōbe to be a wytnes of hys glory and attend to the truth whiche I thank god for it I haue truly taught out of the pulpit of Manchester Vse often and continual prayer to God the father through Christ Harken as you may to the scriptures serue God after hys worde and not after custome beware of the Romyshe religion in Englande defyle not your selfe wyth it cary Christes crosse as he shall saye it vppon your backe forgeue them that kyll me pray for thē for they know not what they do committe my cause to god our father bee myndeful of both your daughters to help them as you can I send all my writinges to you by my brother Roger doe wyth them as you will because I cannot as I woulde he can tel you more of my mynd I haue nothyng to geue you or to leaue behind me for you onely I pray God my father for hys christes sake to blesse you and kepe you from euyll He geue your patience he make you thankeful as for me so so for your selfe that wyll take the fruite of your wombe to witnesse hys verity wherin I confesse to the whole worlde I dye and departe thys lyfe in hope of a much better which I loke for at the hands of god my father through the merytes of hys deare sonne Iesus Christ Thus my deare Mother I take my laste farewell of you in this life besechyng the almighty and eternall father by Christ to graunte vs to mete in the lyfe to come where we shall geue hym continuall thankes and prayse for euer and euer Amen ¶ Out of pryson the .24 of Iune 1555. Your sonne in the Lord Iohn Bradforde To one by whom he had receiued much comfort and reliefe in hys trouble and imprisonment THe mercy of god in Christ peculier to hys children be euer more felt of you my derely beloued in the lord Amē When I consider with my selfe the benefites which God hath shewed vnto me by your meanes if I had so good and thankfull a hart as I would I had I could not wyth drye eyes geue him thākes for certainly they are very many and great And nowe beyng yet still the lordes prisoner I perceiue from him moe benefits by you For the which I thinke my self so much bounde to you my good brother althoughe you were but the instrumēt by whō god wrought and blessed me that I loke not to come out of your dette by anye pleasure or seruice that I shal euer be able to do you in this life I shal hartely pray vnto god therfore to requite you the good you haue done to me for his sake for I knowe that which you haue done you haue done it simply in respect of god his word He therfore geue you dailye more more to be tonfirmed in his truth word so plētifully poure vpō you the riches of his holy spirit and heauēly treasures laid vp in store for you that your corporal earthly riches may be vsed of you as sacraments significations thereof the more to desire the one that is the heauēly and the lesse to esteme the other that is the earthly For Satans sollitation is so to set before you the earthly that therin and thereby you should not haue accesse to the consideration of the heauenly but as one bewitched should vtterly forgette them and altogether become a louer worshipper of the erthly Māmon so to fal to couetousnes a desire to be rich by the meanes to bring you into many noisom and hurtful lustes as now adais I heare of many which haue vtterly forsakē god al his heauēly riches for Antichrists pleasure the preseruing of their worldly pelf which they imagine to leaue to their posterity wherof they are vncertain as they may be most certain they leaue to thē gods wrath vēgeaūce in his time to be sent by visitation if they in time hartely repēt not preuēt not the same by earnest praier Wherin my good brother if you be diligēt harty perseuer I am sure god wil preserue you frō euyll frō yelding your self to do as the world now doth by allowing in bodely fact in the Romish seruice that which the inward cogitatiō mind doth disalowe But if you be cold in prayer come into cōsideration of earthly present thinges simply thā shal you fal into faithles folies woundyng of your conscsēce from which god euermore preserue you with your good wife your babe Leonard al your family to that which I wish the blessing of God now and for euer through Christ our Lord Amen I pray you geue thankes for me to your old bedfellow for his greate frendship for your sake shewed to me when I was in the Tower Iohn Bradford To my dearely beloued Syster Mystres A. VV. THe euerlasting peace of Christ be more more liuely felt in our hartes by the operatiō of the holy ghost now and for euer Amen Although I know it to be more then nedeth to write any thing vnto you good Syster beīg as I dont not you be diligētly exercised in reading of the scriptures meditating the same harty praier to god for the helpe of his holy spirit to haue the sense feelyng especially of the comfortes you reade in gods swete boke yet hauing such opportunitie knowing not whether hereafter I shall haue the like as this bringer can declare I thought good in few wordes to take my farewel in writing because otherwise I can not And now me thinkes I haue done it For what els can I or should I say vnto you my derely beloued in the lord but farewel Farewel dere Sister farewell How be it in the lord our lord I say farewel In him shal you farewel so much the better by how much in your self you fare euil shal fare euil Whē I speake of your self I meane also this world this life al things properly perteining to this life In thē as you loke not for your welfare so be not dismaide when accordinglye you shall not feele it To the lord our god to the Lambe our Christ which hath borne our sinnes on his back and is our mediator for euer do I send you In him loke for welfare that wtout all wauering because of his owne goodnes and truth whiche our euilnes and vntruth cannot take awaye Not that therefore I woulde haue you to flatter your selfe in any euill or vnbeliefe but that I would comfort you that they should not dismay you Yours is our Christe wholye Yours I say he is wyth all that euer he hath Is not thys welfare trow you Mountaynes shall moue and the earthe shall fall before you fynde it otherwyse say the lyer Sathan what he lyste Therfore good Sister farewel and be merye in the Lord be mery I say for you
Iude. 1. as Peter Paul Iude prophecyed it shold be to poison kil our soules wyth false doctrine And where he fayleth hys purpose that way then moueth he hys members to persecute the sely carcases of the Saints because they wyl not denye nor dissemble theyr pure fayth in our liuyng Christ confesse a dead bready christ and honour the same as Christ god man Exod 20. 1. Iohn 5. 2. Corin. 10 contrary to gods cōmaundements Thys is the working of Sathā who knowing hys own iust dāpnation would al mankynd to be pertakers wyth him of the same such a mortal hatred beareth he agaynst god his people Matth. 4. And therfore when thys wicked tempter could not kyll Christ with suttel temtation to fal down worship him thē he stirred vp hys seruantes the byshops Pharisees to kil hys body wherby notwithstanding the deuyl lost hys title enterest which he had to mans soule and mā by his precious passion and death was raunsomed frō the deuil death hel to immortalitie lyfe euerlasting and so when Sathan thought to haue wonne all in kylling of Christ he lost all and so shall he do in vs if we abyde constant and strong in the fayth of our lord and Sauiour Iesu Christ vnto the end God graunt it for his mercyes sake in Christ blessed are al they that put their trust in hym Amen Wherfore my hartely beloued brethrē sisters be of good cōfort through Iesus Christ for he that is in vs is strōger thē he that is in the world Therfore draw ye nere to god Iames. 2 he wil draw nere to you Resist the deuil he wil as Iames saith flee frō you Beware of the leuē of the Pharisees Math. 16. Touch not pitche least ye be defiled therewith Eate no swynes fleshe for it is against the lawe I meane defyle not your selues neither inwardly nor outwardly with thys false wicked religion of Antichrist for it is nothing els but pitch Apo. 13.14 Apo. 18 2. Cor. 6. swynes flesh Beware of the beastes marke lest ye drinke of the cup of gods wrath If god haue geuē you knowlege fayth dissēble not therwith Deny not the knowen verity before men lest Christ denie you before hys father Come away frō Babilon as Iohn biddeth you touch no vncleane thing but seperate your selues from the companye of the vngodly as Paul commaundeth you What soeuer ye haue done amysse heretofore now repent and amend psal 129. for with the lord there is mercye and plenteous redemption The third thing note which I gather out of the foresayd words of Peter is this that he sayth reioyce because ye are pertakers of Christs passiōs Our sufferings my welbeloued are christs sufferings and that iniury that is done to vs for his sake he rekoneth it to be done to himself as he said to Paul Act. 9. Saule Saule why persecutest thou me Col. 1. Therfore we ought to reioyce in our sufferings as Paul writeth which we suffer with Christ one with an other as Peter sayth so to fulfyll that which is behinde of the passions of Christ in our flesh which Christ hath by hys passion fully redemed saued vs in hys own person howbeit hys elect must suffer with him for him vnto the worldes end Mat. 5. that he may be glorifyed in thē and they therby corrected clensed frō sinne in thys world be made more mete temples for the holy ghost and also obtain a great reward in heauē for their suffering for righteousnes sake according to his promise And therfore I say my brethrē reioyce in the lord alwayes agayne I say reioice Let vs reioyce in the crosse of our lord Iesus Christ Phil 3. Galat. 6. wherby the word is crucifyed to vs we to it And why shoulde we so greatly reioyce in the crosse of Christ which we now suffer Because saith Peter when his glory appeareth we may be mery glad And this is the fourth note that I gather out of his words aboue writē Wherin is set out the reward of suffering not to be had in this world but at his coming to iudgement when we shal be raysed agayn and then shall they that haue sowen in teares reape in ioy as christ sayth blessed are they that wepe here for they shal laughe Blessed are ye when mē hate you thrust you out of their company rayling on you abhorring your name as an euel thīge for the sonne of mās sake Luke 6 reioyce ye in that day and be glad for your rewarde is great in heauen Wherfore my dearly beloued through hope of thys heauenly ioye reward 1. Cor. 2. Heb. 12 which he that cā not lie hath promised which ioy is so great that no eare hath heard no eie hath sene nor the hart cā thinke where we shal dwel for euer in the heauenly citie the celestiall Ierusalē in the presence of God the father Iesus Christ our mediatour as Paul sayeth and in the cōpany of innumerable Angels and with the spirits soules of al faythful iust men reioyce be glad seīg ye be called to so great glory 2 pet i. see that ye make your election vocation sure by good workes specially by suffering aduersitie for the Gospels sake Phil. 1. for it is geuen vs of god saith Paul not only to beleue in Christ but also to suffer for his sake Continue in prayer pray for me that I may end my course with ioye Haue brotherly loue amongest your selues Iohn 14 which is a tokē that ye be Christs distiples Edifie cōfort one an other in the word of the lord the god of peace loue be with you alwaies Amē For your liberalitie kindnesse shewed vpō the prisoners afflicted people of god in this time of persecutiō the lord wil reward you whē he cometh to reward euery mā according to their dedes and wil not leaue a cup of cold water bestowed vpon his faythfull people vnrewarded God make you rich in al grace Matth. 10. 2. Cor. 8. that ye alwayes hauing sufficient may be ryche vnto al manner of good workes The grace of our Lord Iesus Christ the loue of god and the felowship of the holy ghost be with you alwayes Amen Your brother nowe in bondes for the gospell Thomas Whittell To my louyng and faythfull brother Iohn Careles prisoner in the Kynges Benche THe same faith for the which Abrahā was accompted iuste and Mary blessed wherby also al iust men liue the lorde god our louing father encrease and stablyshe in you and me to the obteining of eternal life in our alone and swete Sauiour Iesus Christ Amen I cā not worthely sufficiently prayse god my hartely be loued brother for the consolation ioye that I receaued by reasō of your louing letters repēting me much that
them they harken vnto me and to no straungers and I geue them euerlastyng lyfe Iohn 10 for they shall not be loste nor no man shall plucke them out of my handes no nor yet this flatte ryng world wyth al his vayne pleasures nor any Tyranne wyth his great threates and stoute bragges can once moue them out of the way of eternall lyfe What consolation and cōfort may we haue more pleasaunt and effectuous then this God is on our side and fighteth for vs he suffereth he smarteth is afflicted with vs. As the world can do nothing against his might Esay 4 neither in takyng away or diminishing of hys glory nor putting him from his celestial throne so can it not harme nor hurte any one of his chyldren without his good wyll Ephesi 5 for we are members of hys bodye out of his flesh and of his bones and as deare to him as the apple of his eye Let vs therfore with an earnest fayth set fast hold and sure feeling vpon the promises of God in the gospel and let vs not be sundred from the same by any tēptation tribulation or persecution Let vs consider the verity of god to be inuincible inuiolable and immutable promising and geuing vs his faythfull souldiours life eternall It is he onely that hath deserued it for vs it is his only benefite and of his only mere mercy vnto hym only must we render thākes Let not therfore the vayne fantasies and dreames of mē the folish gauds and toyes of the world nor the crafty delusions of the deuil driue separate vs from our hope of the crown of righteousnes that is laid vppe in store for vs against the last day Oh that happy and mery last day I meane to the faythfull when Christ by hys couenaunt shall graunte and geue vnto them that ouercome and kepe hys wordes to the ende that they maye ascende and sit in seate with him as he hath ascended and sitteth on throne wyth hys father The same body and soule that is now wyth Christ afflicted shal then be wyth Christ glorified nowe in the butchers handes as shepe appointed to die 2. Timo. 2. then sitting at gods table wyth Christ in hys kyngdom as gods honourable and dere childerne where we shall haue for earthly pouerty heauenlye riches for hunger and thirst saturitye of the pleasaunt presence of the glory of God Psalm 16. for sorrowes troubles and colde irons celestial ioyes and the company of Aungels and for a bodely death lyfe eternall Oh happy soules oh precious death and euermore blessed righte deare in the eyes of god to you the spring of the Lord shall euer be florishyng Then as sayth Esay the redemed shall returne come againe into Sion praysing the Lord and eternall mercyes shal be ouer their heades they shall obtaine myrthe and solace sorrowe and woe shall be vtterly vanquished yea I am euen he sayeth the Lord that in all things geueth you euerlastyng consolation To whom with the Father and the holy ghost be glory and prayse for euer Amen Robert Samuell An other letter written to the Christian cōgregation called the fayth of Robert Samuell The beliefe of the hart iustifyeth and to knowledge with the mouth maketh a man safe Rom. 10. Feare not the curse of men be not afrayde of theyr blasphemies and reuilinges for wormes and mothes shall eate them vppe lyke cloth and woll but my ryghteousnesse shall endure for euer and my sauing healthe from generation to generation Esay 51. COnsidering with my self these perillous times 2. Timo. 3. perishing daies the vnconstant and miserable state of man the decay of our fayth the sinister reporte false slaūder of gods most holy word these vrgent causes in coscience do constrayne me to confesse acknowledge my fayth and meanyng in Christes holy religion as S. Peter teacheth me saying 1. pet 3 be readye alwayes to geue an answere to euery man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you and that with mekenes feare hauing a good cōscience that whē they backbite you as euill doers they may be ashamed for asmuche as they haue falselye accused your good conuersation in Christe As touching my doctrine for that litle talent that god hath geuen me god I take to recorde mine own conscience mine auditorie knoweth that I neither in doctrine nor maners willinglye taughte any other thing then I receaued of the holy Patriarckes Prophets Christ hys Apostles For it were not only sinne but also the very part of a cursed miscreant to deny to belye or betray the innocēcie of that heauēly doctrine or to be ashamed to cōfesse stād to the defence of the same Mar. 8. seing the christ plāted it with his most precious blood and all good men haue more estemed the true infallible word of god then al this transitorye worlde or their own mortal liues And I beleue this doctrine of the Patriarkes Prophets Christ hys Apostles to be sufficient absolutely perfect to enstruct teach me al the holy church of oure duties towards god the magistrates our neighbours Fyrst principally I do assuredly beleue wtout any douting that there is one deitie or diuine essence infinite substāce which is both called is in dede god euerlasting vnbodely vnpartable vnmeasurable in power wisdome goodnesse the maker preseruer of al things as wel visible as inuisible yet there be three distinct persons al of one godhead or diuine being of al one power coequal cōsubstantial coeternall the father the sonne the holy ghost I beleue in god the father almighty c. As touching god the father of heauē I beleue as much as holy scripture teacheth me to beleue The father is the first person in trinitie Ephesi ● first cause of our saluation which hath blessed vs with al maner of blessings in heauēly things by Christ which hath chosē vs before the foūdations of the worlde were layd that we should be holy without blame before him who hath predestinate vs ordeyned vs to be his childrē of adoption through Christ Iesu Act. 17. Psal 176. In him as it is sayd we liue we moue haue our being he nourisheth feedeth geueth meate to euery creature And in Iesus Christ hys onely sonne oure lord I beleue that the word that is the sonne of god the second person in trinitie did take mans nature in the wombe of the most blessed virgin Mary Heb. 1. So that there be in hym .ii. natures a diuine nature an humaine nature in the vnitie of persō inseperable conioyned knyt in one Christ truly god trulye mā the expresse perfect image of the inuisible god wherin the wil of god the father shineth apparantly wherin mā as it were in a glasse maye behold what he ought to do that maye please god the father Borne of the virgin Mary ●●trulye
the greate daye I haue founde great kyndnes of you God recompence you and therefore dutye doth bind me and loue doth compel me to call crye vnto you to come away from that filthy whore of Babilon and bie no more of her wicked wares Meddle not with her marchaundyse at thys market tyme of Easter for verelye her synne is alreadye ascended vppe into heauen and hath also procured Gods plagues and vengeaunce shortlye to be poured vppon her whereof you shall surelye be partakers if you doe not in time repent your backeslidyng shrinking from the Lord. Repent I say repente for the tender mercy of God and haue compassion vppon your owne soules before it bee to late Trulye deare frendes it is nowe no tyme to flatter with you neyther can I laughe at your harme whiche I see to be at hande thoughe it be hydde from your eyes as it was from the Ierosolimitanes when Christe wepte full bytterly at their merye singing c. It is not the parte of a true harte to laughe with his frend when present peryll is at hande but rather to lament to see hym so merye when he hath more cause to mourne In whiche respecte I am euen constrayned with weepyng teares to call vnto you my deare frendes of London in generall because I will name no person that you may yet take hede know the tyme also of Gods first visitatiō for sure I am that hys seconde is harde at hande Doe not you thinke to flee from hys presence for hys heuye hand will finde you out though you should hyde your selues in the very bottome of hell as the Prophette Dauid sayeth Psal 139 Thinke not then that these Romyshe rockes whereinto you daylye creepe can couer you from hys fearefull face when he shal beginne to cal you to accompte for the talent that he hath lent you It is not that your fayned excuse of feare and fragilitie of the fleshe that shall excuse your follye and flying backe from hym No no you will be euen spechles at that day when euery bodye shall spye howe you haue defyled your maryage gramente wyth the superstitions of the whore of Babilon Apoc. 7. and howe you haue wyth that greate harlotte committed fornication in the body and spirite agaynst your deare husband Christ whiche redemed you neyther with corruptible gold nor siluer 2. Pet. 1. but with hys owne moste precious harte bloode and clensed you in the fountayne of water through his woorde that you myghte bee vnto him selfe a glorious spouse and congregation Eph. 5. withoute spotte or wryncke in hys syghte Then will it appeare in the presence of Aungell man and deuil how lyke dogges you haue tourned to your vomitte agayne and as filthye swyne soyled your selues in the popyshe mier pittes and dyrte of the Romyshe dregges Repente therefore I saye agayne repente in tyme and take the earneste warnyng that GOD doth sende you by me his poore messenger willyng you to turne vnto hym before it be to late But peraduenture you will saye as the gestes dyd that were fyrst bidden to the feaste you can not so easelye forgoe your farmes your cattell goodes and landes your wyues and children c. O my deare frendes for the Lords sake lay awaye these vayne yea wicked excuses for verelye God wil in no wise accepte them Consider for Christes sake your duty towardes God in these daungerous daies Math. 3. wherin the Lorde is willing to trye the chaffe from the good corne and to purge hys store with his fanne that is his crosse that he may bring the wheate into his barne and burne the chaffe with vnquencheable fyer You are called vnto a kyngdome that must be wonne with suffering on euery side Into the which you must also enter as S. Paule sayth through many tribulations temptations and afflictions Act. 14. in that whiche you must trauell as straūgers pilgrimes in thys wretched world which is not our natiue countrey nor the place where we must rest for euer Oh thē learne to leaue all things willingly that you do here possesse and lift vp your mindes alwayes to the heauenly habitation where you shal continually remaine in ioyes vnspeakeable Repose not your felicitie in the pelfe of this world which shortly shal perish come to nought but set your harts ioy vpon the liuing god who in Christ for his sake hath geuen him self wholy to be your portion and inheritance for euer therefore of ryght ought you with gladnes to geue your selues wholy vnto him both in body and soule But that do you not so long as you seeke to serue two Maisters Math. 6. which yet you can not do as Christe affirmeth though you cloke colour and counterfeite neuer so much Do you thinke it but a smal thing for the Lord god hym selfe euen the mightye Iehouah to geue him selfe wholye to be your owne good God and moste deare louing father Do you thinke it but a light matter that he hath geuen for you euē to the death of the crosse his own onely dere sonne Iesus Christ in whō was is all his whole pleasure delite yea and that whē you were his very enemies by the whiche gift he hath geuen you al thinges both in heauen in earth Do you esteme it but a trifle that he hath geuē you the holy ghost by whose power mighty operation you are made the very sonnes of god and coheyres annexed with Christ of al your fathers goods and possessions But peraduenture you will aske me who doth not seriouslye regard all these aforesayde most precious giftes Verely I say that none of you al doth regard thē that do not wholye geue ouer your selues agayne to serue him yea and that in suche holynesse ryghteousnesse as is accepted before hym For if you did dulye consider the depthe of hys aboundaunte bottomeles loue and mercye in Iesus Christe you woulde so loue hym agayne that you woulde boldly burste out and saye with S. Paule who is he or what is it that shal be able to seperate vs from the loue of God in Iesus Christ our Lord Rom. 8. Read the whole Chapter and the .11 and .12 to the Hebrewes for your comfort But I knowe that some of you wyll saye doth none loue god and serue hym trulye but such as lye in pryson or geue their liues for hys sake Then God helpe vs for verye fewe shal be saued In dede deare frends euē so our sauiour christ doth say Math. 22. Math. 7. Luk. ●2 many are called but fewe are chosen and straite is the gate that leadeth to lyfe and fewe finde it And in an other place Christ calleth his true Church a little flocke And as concerning the fyrst parte of your question Christe doth also make you a playne direct answere saying that whosoeuer will be hys Disciple Math. ●6 must nedes take vp hys crosse follow him And againe he that
the Apostles and vndoubtedly all the aunciente Ecclesiasticall writers whiche haue written vntyll of late yeares paste Lette vs bee hartye and of good courage therefore and throughlye comforte oure selues in the Lorde Be in no wyse afrayde of youre aduersaries Phil. 1. for that which is to them an occasion of perdition is to you a sure token of saluation and that of God For vnto you it is geuen that not only ye should beleue on him but also suffer for hys sake And when ye are railed vppon for the name of Christ remember that by the voyce of Peter yea and of Christe oure Sauioure also ye are counted with the Prophetes 1. pet 4 wyth the Apostles and wyth the holye Martyrs of Christe happy and blessed therfore for the glory and spirite of god resteth vpon you On theyr parte our sauiour Christ is euell spoken of but on your parte he is glorified For what can they els do vnto you by persecuting you and workyng all crueltye and vilanye agaynste you but make your crownes more glorious yea beautify multiply the same and heape vpon themselues the horrible plagues and heauy wrath of god and therfore good brethren thoughe they rage neuer so fiercely against vs yet let vs not wyshe euill vnto them agayne knowyng that whiles for Christs caufe they vexe and persecute vs they are lyke madde men most ouragious and cruell agaynst themselues heapyng hotte burnyng coales vppon theyr owne heades but rather let vs wyshe well vnto them knowyng that we are therunto called in Christ Iesu 1. pet 3. that we should be heyers of the blessyng Let vs praye therfore vnto god that he woulde dryue out of their hartes thys darkenes of errours and make the light of his truth to shyne vnto them that they acknowledging their blyndnesse may with al hūble repentaunce be conuerted vnto the Lorde and together with vs confesse him to be the only true God which is the father of light and his only sonne Iesus Christ worshipping hym in spirite and veritye Amen The spirite of our Lord Iesus Christe comforte your hartes in the loue of God and patience of Christ Amen Your brother in the Lord whose name this beares shall signify vnto you ready alwais by the grace of god to liue and die with you Ad fratres qui Christum cum cruce amplectuntur GRatia vobis pax a Deo domino nostro Iesu Christo multiplicetur Amen Licet a vobis fratres nihil nuper accepimus neque vobis aliquid noui nunc nūtiandum habemus tamen ideo vi sum est nobis aliquid vohis scribere vt intelligatis nos memoriam vestri bonam habere perpetuam sicut vos de nobis habere mimine dubitamus Veniente nuper ad nos harum latore anuntiante nobis vestrā omnium in domino constantiā fortitudinem patientiam multam repleti sumus consolatione gaudio gratias agentes deo patri per dominum nostrum Iesum Christū qui ita illuminauit vultum suum sup vos lumine intelligentiae spiritualis ita illustrauit corda vestra vt quod nuper dū essetis in mūdo liberi verbo doctrina passim prestare sategi stis nunc propter Christum captiui quātum licet verbo sed multo magis opere atque vestro exemplo prestare non cessastis hoc est sermonem vitae sustinentes phil 2 lucetis tanquam luminaria in munda in medio nationis prauae tortuosae idque tāto cum maiore domini nostri Iesu Christi gloria fratrumque vestrorum emolumento vtilitate quanto nunc Satan magis saeuit maioresque luci euangelicae conatur inducere tenebras De tenebris autem quas nunc ecclesiae Anglicanae Satan offundit quis potest dubitare Nuper Christus saluator Apostoli prophetae doctores ipsius in tēplo loquebantur populo Anglicano anglice ita vt ab eis q̄ pij erant rerum coelestium studiosi in ijs que ad vitae eternae redemptionem de necessitate salutis pertinebant clare absque enigmate facile intelligi poterant nunc vero quae ab illis olim in edificationem ecclesiae scripta sunt leguntur in lingua peregrina citra interpretationē manifeste contra preceptum Pauli Apostoli ita vt a nemine prorsus qui alienā peregrinā illā linguam non didicerit intelligi possint Nuper sacro sancta illa mysteria coelestia quibus nos sibi Christus inseuit suo corpori complantauit atque nos inter nos mutuo colligauit quibus natos deo aluit auxit atque corroborauit denique quibus aut ordinem inter sanos docuit aut egrotis velaia vel corpore veluti salubria pharmaca tradidit oïa populo clare in sua lingua tradebātur ita vt quisque quāta quam immēsa a deo accepisset quid cuique ex dei prescripto deberet quid in sua quis que vocatione professus esset obseruare teneretur vnde languenti remedium esset petendum facile is cui deus mentem animum hec intelligendi au●dum dedit quā facillime intelligere poterat nunc vero omnia hec ita traduntur vt eorum omnium populus Christi sāguine redemptus cui hec maxime a Christo in stituta sunt ne tantillum quidem intelligere possit Nuper quum quid orare debemus vt oportet nescimus dominus noster Iesus christus in sua quam omnibus tradi voluit oratione atque etiam spiritus sanctus in psalmis hymnis cantionibus spiritualibus quae in sacris biblijs reperiuntur vniuersum populum Anglicanum anglice docuit vt quae petenda essent iuxta volūtatē patris peterēt corda cū labijs in oratione cōiūgerēt nunc vero oīa sub inuolu crolīguae peregrinae iubētur claudi vnde necessario sequi oportet populū neque quid orat neque quid orare debeat posse intelligere quomodo potest cor voci cōiungere quū quid vox valeat magis quàm brutū intelligere nequeat Postremo audio passim in pulpitis nunc damnari catechesim illā editā nuper in sermone vulgari Oh malitiam demoniacam humani generis per Christum salut● partae plane inuidam Omnino Satan tantam lucem vulgari ꝑ or● bē diu sustinere nōpotuit nihil equae in suo regno subuertendo effi cere posse intellexit quàm si à teneris annis sacris iu●buti pueri Christum didicissent vnde non tantum pueros sed senes atque aetate prouectiores qui ab infātia christū prius nō didicissēt vna cū pueris christū discere necesse erat Ergo nūc exclamat nociferae tur Sed quid faciūt aliud fratres qui satanae in hac impietate ope rā impendunt atque ministrāt quā illi quibus Christus seruator no ster in euangelio dirum illud interminatur intonat dicens
Math. 23 Vae vobis qui clauditis regnum ante homines qui tulictis clauem scientiae ipsi non introijstis introire volentes prohibuistis Et vnde frates dixerimus has tetras exitiosas tenebras in mundum inuectas exhalasse vnde quaeso Apoca 9. quā ex fumo fornacis magni putei ahyssi vt iam obscuratus sit sol aêr ex fumo putei Iam iam procul dubio fratres apudnos puteus apertus est locustae luxuriātur abaddon regnat Ergo fratres qui estis Christi qui signum dei habetis in frontibùs vestris Apoc. vij i. Iohn v. hoc est arra spiritus obsignati estis in populum peculiarem Deo viriliter agite confortamini Maior enim est qui est in nobis quam qui est in mundo Scitis autem quod omne quod natum est ex deo vincit mundum haec est victoria quae vincit mundum fides nostra Fremat frendat insaeniat quantumlibet mundus scitote quod nemo potest nos tollere de manu patris quia maior est omnibus qui proprio filio suo non pepercit sed pro nobis omnibus tradidit illum Rom. viij proinde qui steri potest vt non cum illo omnia nobis donet Quis intentabit crimina aduersus electos dei Deus est qui iustificat quis ille qui condemnet Christus est qui mortuus immo qui suscitatus est qui intercedit pro nobis Quis nos seperabit a dilectione Dei Num afflictio Num angustia Num persecutio Num fames Num nuditas Num periculum Num gladius reliqua nostis fratres Speramus plané cum Paulo per gratiam Domini nostri Iesu Christi quôd nihil prorsus nos poterit separare a dilectione Dei quae est in Christo Iesu Domino nostro Quod vt vobis sit nobis omnibus contingat gratia miserecordia seruatoris nostri Iesu Christi nos pro vobis Deo volente indesinenter orabimus vos pro nobis ne aliquando orare desinatis etiam atque etiam in visceribus Iesu christi fratres in Domino charissimi quantum possumus obnixe precamur Bene valete fratres charissimi Gratia domini nostri Iesu Christi sit semper cū omnibus vobis Amē Vester in domino N.R. The same in English To the brethren which constantly cleaue vnto Christ in suffring affliction wyth hym and for hys sake GRace and peace from GOD the father and from oure Lorde Iesus Chryst bee multiplied vnto you Amen Althoughe bretherne we haue of late hearde nothyng from you neyther haue at thys presente anye newes to send you yet we thought good some thing to write vnto you wherby ye might vnderstand that we haue good remēbrance of you continually as we doubte not but ye haue of vs also When this messenger comming vnto vs from you of late had brought vs good tidinges of your great constancye fortitude and pacience in the Lord we were filled with much ioye and gladnes geuynge thankes to god the father through our lord Iesus Christe which hath caused his face so to shyne vpon you with the lighte of spirituall vnderstanding hath so lyghtned your hartes that nowe being in captiuity and bandes for Christes cause ye haue not ceased as much as in you lyeth by words but much more by dede and by your example to stablishe and confyrme that thyng which when ye were at liberty in the world ye laboured to publish and set abroad by the word doctrine that is to say holding fast the word of life ye shine as lights in the world in the middes of a wicked croked natiō Phi. 2. that with so much the greater glory of our Lord Iesus Christ and profite of your brethren by how much Satan more cruelly nowe rageth busily laboureth to darken the lighte of the gospell And as for the darknes that Satan nowe bringeth vpon the church of England who nedeth to doubt therof Of late time oure sauiour christ his Apostles prophetes and teachers spake in the temple to the people of englād in the english tongue so that they might be vnderstande playnly and without any hardnes of the godly such as sought for heauēly knowlege in maters which of necessity of saluatiō perteyned to the obteyning of eternall life but nowe those thinges whiche once were written of them for the edifienge of the congregation are red in a straunge tongue without interpretation manifestlye agaynste Saincte Paules commaundemente so that there is no manne hable to vnderstande them whyche hath not learned that straunge and vnknowen tounge Of late dayes those heauenlye misteries wherbye Christe hath engraffed vs into hys body and hath vnited vs one to an other whereby also being regenerate and borne a newe vnto God he hath nourished encreased and strengthned vs wherby moreouer either he hath taught and set forth an order emonges them whych are whole or els to the sycke in soule or body hath geuen as it were holsome medicines remedies those I say were all playnly set forth to the people in theyr owne language so that what great exceding good thinges euery man had receaued of god what duty euery one owed to an other by gods ordinance what euery one had professed in his vocation was bound to obserue wher remedy was to be had for the weake feble he to whō God had geuen a desire and wyllyng hart to vnderstande those thinges might sone perceaue and vnderstande But now all these thinges are taught and setforth in such sorte that the people redemed with Christes bloode for whose sakes they were by Christ himself ordained cā haue no māner of vnderstandinge therof at all Of late forasmuche as we know not how to pray as we oughte our Lorde Iesus Chryst in his prayer wherof he would haue no man ignorant and also the holy ghost in the psalmes hymnes spirituall songes which are set forth in the bible did teach and instruct al the people of Englād in the english tounge that they myght aske such thynges as are according to the wyll of the father might ioyne theyr harts lippes in prayer together but now al these thynges are cōmaūded to be hid shut vp frō thē in a straūge tonge wherby it must nedes follow that the people neyther can tel how to pray nor what to pray for and how can they ioyne theyr hartes and voice together when they vnderstande no more what the voyce sygnifyeth then a brute beast Fynally I heare say that the Catechisme which was lately set forth in the english tong is now in euery pulpet condēned Oh deuelish malyce and most spite fully iniurious to the saluation of mankynd purchased by Iesus Christ In dede Satan could not long suffer that so great light shuld be spread abroad in the world he saw well inough that
nothyng was hable to ouerthrow hys kyngdome so much as if children being godly enstructed in religiō should learn to know Christ whiles they are yet yonge whereby not only children but the elder for t also aged folks that before wer not taught to know Christ in theyr childhode should now euē with childrē babes be forced to learne to know hym Now therfore he roareth now he rageth But what els do they brethren which serue Satan and become his ministers slaues in mainteynyng of this impietie but euen the same which they did Math. 2● to whom Christ our sauior threatneth this curse in the gospel wo vnto you which shut vp the kingdō of heauē before mē take away the key of knowledge from them ye your selues haue not entred in neither haue ye suffred them that would enter to come in And from whence shall we say brethren that this horrible and mischeuous darknes procedeth which is now brought into the world from whence I pray you but euen from the smoke of the greate fornace the bottomles pitte Apoc. 9. so that the sonne and the ayer are now darked by the smoke of the pitte Now euen now out of doubte brethren the pit is opened emongs vs and the locusts beginne to swarme and abbadon now reigneth Apoca. 7. Ye therfore my brethrē which perteine vnto Christ and haue the seale of god marked in your foreheads that is to witte are sealed vp with the earnest of the spirit to be a peculier people vnto god quite your selues like men be strong for he that is in vs is stronger then he which is in the world i. Iohn 5 and ye know that al that is borne of god ouercōmeth the world this is our victory that ouercōmeth the world euen our fayth Let the world freate let it rage neuer so much be it neuer so cruell bloody yet be ye sure that no man can take vs out of the fathers handes for he is greater then al who hath not spared his owne sonne but hath geuen him to death for vs all and therfore howe shal he not with him geue vs all thynges also who shal lay any thyng to the charge of gods elect It is god that iustifieth who shall then condemne It is Christ that is dead yea rather which is risen agayne Rom. 8 who is also at the right hand of god maketh request also for vs. Who shall separate vs from the loue of Christ shal tribulation or anguish or persecution or famine or nakednes or peril or sword the reste ye know brethrē We are certainly persuaded with S. Paul by the grace of our Lord Iesus Christ that no kind of thing shal be hable to separate vs from the loue of god which is in Christ Iesus our Lorde Which thing that it may come to passe by the grace and mercy of our lord Iesus Christ to the comfort both of you and of vs all as we for our pa●tes wil continually God willyng pray for you so deare Brethren in the Lord wyth all earnest and harty request we beseche you euen in the bowels of our Lord Iesus Chryste that ye will not cease to pray for vs. Fare ye well deare brethren The grace of our Lord Iesus Christ be with you all euermore Amen Yours in the Lord Nicolas Ridley To the Quenes maiesty IT may please your maiestye for Christe our sauiours sake in a matter of cōsciēce now not for my selfe but for other pore men to vouchsafe to heare and vnderstande this mine humble supplication It is so honorable princes that in the time whiles I was in the ministery of the sea of London diuers poore men tenants therof haue taken newe leases of theyr tenantries holdinges and some haue renued and changed theyr old therfore haue payed fines summes of money both to me also to the Chapter of Paules for the confirmation of the same Behold the cruel and vniust dealing of Bōner He can not deale iustly and truly with men which is vntrue to god and a hater of al truth Now I heare say that the B. which occupieth the same rowme now wil not allow the aforesaid leases which must redound to many pore mens vtter ruine and decay Wherefore this is myne humble supplication vnto your honorable grace that it may please the same for Christes sake to be vnto the foresayd pore men theyr gracious patrone and defēdour either that they may enioy theyr foresayd leases and yeres renued as whē their matter shal be heard with conscience I suppose both iustice cōsciēce equity shal require for that theyr leases shal be founde I truste made without fraud or couen either of their part or of mine also the old rentes alwayes reserued to the sea without any kind of damage therof or if this wil not be graūted then that it may please your gracious highnes to commaund that the poore men may be restored to theyr former leases and yeares and may haue rendred to thē agayne such summes of money as they payde to me and to the chapter for theyr leases and yeres so now takē frō thē Which thing cōcerning the fines payd to me may be easely done if it shal please your maiesty to cōmaūd some portion of those goods which I left in my house to be geuen vnto them I suppose that halfe of the value of my plate whyche I lefte in myne offices and speciallye in an yron cheste in my bedde Chamber wil go nighe to restore all suche fines receyued the true summes and parcels wherof are not set in their leases and therfore if that way shall please your hyghnes they must be knowen by such wayes and meanes as your maiesty by the aduise of men of wisedome and conscience shall appoint If to succo● the widow and fatherles is pure and vndefiled religiō as Sainct Iames sayth Then is Boner and his reliō●g filthye and abhominable whiche doth such wrong to the Widow and fatherles But yet for Christes sake I craue and most humbly beseche your maiesty of your most gratious pitye and mercy that the former way may take place I haue also a poore sister that came to me out of the north with iij. fatherles childrē for her relief whome I maried after to a seruaunt of myne owne house she is put out of that which I dyd prouyde for them I besech your honorable grace that her case may bee mercifullye considred that the rather in contēplatiō that I neuer had of him which suffred indurance at my entrance to the sea of London one penye of hys moueable goodes for it was almost halfe a yere after hys deposition afore I did enter in that place yea and also if any were left knowē to be his he had licence to cary it awaye or there for hys vse it dyd lie safe and his officers do know that I paid for the lead which I foūd there whē I occupied any
an other He rekeneth all and so he may to be his who soeuer preuayle so that truth preuayle not Neuerthelesse good brother I suppose that the vniuersal plage is most daungerous which at this day is alas fostered and maisterfully holden vp by wytte worldly policy multitude of people power and al worldly meanes As for other the deuilles Galtroppes that he casteth in our wayes by some of hys busye headed yonkers I truste they shall neuer be able to do the multitude so greate harme For blessed be god these heresies before time when Satan by his seruants hath bene about to broch them haue by gods seruantes alredy bene so sharpely truly confounded that the multitude was neuer infected with them or els where they haue bene infected they are healed againe that now the perill is not so greate And where you say that if your request had bene heard things you thinke had bene in better case then they be know you the cōcerning the matter you meant I haue in latin drawne out the places of the scripures and vpon the same haue noted what I can for the time Syr in those matters I am so fearful that I dare not speak farther yea almost none otherwise then the very texte dothe as it wer lead me by that hād And where you exhort vs to help c He meane● here the matter of Gods election wherof he afterward Wrote a godly and comfortable treatise remaynyng yet in the hādes of so●●● and hereafter shal come to light if god so will O lord what is els in this world that we now shold list to do I blesse my lord god I neuer as me thinketh had more nor better leasure to be occupied with my pen in such things as I cā do to set forth when they may come to light gods glory And I blesse my lorde god through Iesus Christe my hart and my worke are therin occupied not so fully perfectly as I wold but yet so as I blesse god for the same Fare well deare brother the messenger tarieth I may not now be longer with you The lord I trust verely shall bring vs thether where we shall eche one with other in Christe oure sauiour reioyce and be mery euerlastingly Your brother in Christ N. R. ¶ To maister Bradford DEarely beloued brother Bradforde I hadde thought of late that I had written vnto you your last farewel vntill we should haue met in the kingdome of heauen by our deare brother Austine and I sente it to meete you in Lankeshyre whether it was said here you were appoincted to be sent to suffer But now sith they haue chaūged their purpose and prolonged your death I vnderstande it is no other thyng then that once happened to Peter and Paule The whiche although they were of the firste which were cast in prison and as litle shoned peryll as any other did yet god would not haue them put to death wyth the first because he had more seruice to be done by their ministery which his gratious pleasure was they should do so without doubte deare brother I am persuaded that the same is the cause of the delay of your Martyrdome Blessed be the holy Trinity the father the sonne and the holy Ghoste for you threefolde confession I haue redde all three wyth great comforte and ioye and thankesgeuyng vnto God for his manifolde giftes of grace wherewith it is manifesse to the godlye reader that GOD dyd assyste you mightilye And blessed be God agayne and agayne which gaue you so good a mynde and remembraunce of your othe once made against the bishop of Rome least you should be pertaker of the common periury which all men almost are nowe fallen into in bringyng in agayne that wicked vsurped power of hys Ieremy 4. Which othe was made accordyng to the Prophete in iudgement in ryghteousnes and in truth and therfore can not without perintye be reuoked let Satan roare and rage and practise all the cruelty he can Oh good lord that they are so busye with you about the church It is no new thing brother that is happened vnto you for that was alwayes the clamor of the wycked bishops and priestes against gods true prophets the tēple of the lord the tēple of the lord the tēple of the lord EZechi 7. they said the law shal not departe frō the prieste nor wisdom frō the Elder and yet in them whom they only estemed for theyr priests and sages there was neither gods law nor godly wisdome It is a maruelous thyng to heare what vayne communication is spreade abroad of you It is said here that you be pardoned your lyfe and when you were appointed to be banished and to go I can not tel whether you should say that you had rather here suffer then go where you could not lyue after your consciēce and that this pardon should be begged for you by Borne the Bishop of Bathe for that you saued his lyfe Agayne some say and amonges other myne hostes reported that you are hyghlye promoted and are a great man with my lorde Chauncelor This I could not beleue but did denye it as a false lye so surely was I alwayes perswaded of your constancye What god will do with vs he knoweth In the meane tyme wonderfull it is to behold how the wysedome of GOD hath in fatuated the policye of the worlde and scattered the crafty deuises of the worldlye wyse For when the state of religion was once altered and persecution beganne to waxe whote no man douted but Cranmer Latymer and Rydley shoulde haue beene the fyrste to haue beene called to the stake But the subtyle policye of the world settyng vs aparte fyrst assaulted them by whose infirmity they thought to haue more vauntage but god disapoynted their subtyll purpose For whom the world estemed weakest praised be god they haue found most strong sounde and valyaunte in Christes cause vnto the death to geue suche an onset as I dare say all the aungels in heauen do no lesse reioyce to behold in them then they dyd in the victorious constancy of Peter Iohn 15. Paule Esay Helyas or Hieremy For greater loue no man hathe than to bestowe hys lyfe c. Good brother haue me and vs all continuallye in your remembraunce to god in your prayers as God willyng we shal not be in our prayers forgetfull of you Your owne in Christ N. R. ¶ To maister Bradford BRother Bradford I wishe you in Christ our Sauiour grace mercy and peace and to al thē which are with you or any where els captiues in Christ and to heare that ye be al in good health and stand constātly in the confession of Christes gospell it dothe hartely reioyce vs. Knowe you lykewyse that we all here bee thankes be to god in good health and comforte watchyng wyth our lampes lyght I trust in god when it shall please our maister the brydegrome Math. 25. to call vs to wayte vpon hym vnto the mariage
the glorye of the world and a bragginge victorye But besides the innumerable raylinges rebukes and taunts wherwith I was bayted on euery side least our cause which in deede is gods cause and his churches should also by the false exāples of our disputations be euel spoken of slaundered to the world so the verity sustayne hurt hinderāce therby I haue thought good to wryte my aunsweres my selfe that whosoeuer is desirous to know them and the truth withall maye thereby perceyue those thinges whiche were chiefly obiected against me and also in effect what was aunswered of me to euerye of them Howebeit good Reader I cōfesse this to be most true that it is impossible to set forth either al that was God knoweth tumultuously spoken like as of mad men obiected of so many whiche spake oftētimes hudle so that one could not well heare an other eyther all that was aunswered of me briefly to such and so diuerse opponentes Moreouer a great part of the time appointed for the disputations was vaynly spente in most contumelious tauntes hyssinges clapping of handes and triumphes more then tolerable euen in stage playes and that in the english tounge to get the peoples fauor withall All which thinges when I with godly griefe did suffer and therwithall did openly bewayle and witnes that that companye of learned men and scholes which were appoynted to graue men and to graue matters were contaminate and defiled by such folish and Robinhode pastimes and that they which were the doers of such things did but therby openly shew theyr vanity I was so far by my such humble complaynt from doinge good or helping any thing at al that I was enforced what wyth hissing showting and what with authority to heare such great reproches and slaunders vttered agaynste me as no graue man without blushing could abide the herynge of the same spokē of a most vile knaue against a most wretched ruffiane At the beginning of the disputatiō when I should haue confirmed mine answer to the fyrst proposition in few woordes and that after the maner of diputations before I could make an ende of my probation whiche was not verye longe euen the doctours them selues cried oute he speaketh blasphemies blasphemies blasphemies And whē I on my knees most humbly hartly besought thē that they would vouchsafe to heare me to the end wherat the Prolocutor something moued as it seemed cried out let him reade it let him read it Yet whē I again began to read it there was by by such a cry and noyse blasphemies blasphemies as I to my remembrance neuer heard or redde the like except it be one which was in the actes of the Apostles stirred vp of Demetrius the siluer smith and others of his occupation cryenge out agaynst Paule greate is Diana of the Ephesians great is Diana of the Ephesians and excepte it were a certayne disputation which the Arrians had against the Orthodoxes such as were of godly iudgment in Affricke where it is said that such as the presidents rulers of the disputatiō were such was also that end of the disputatiō Al was done in hurly burly and the slaunders of the Arrians wer so outragious that nothyng coulde quietly be hearde So wryteth Victor in the sebooke of his historye And thus the cryes and tumultes of these men agaynste me nowe so preuayled that whether I woulde or no I was inforced to leaue of the readinge of my probations although they were but short And of the truthe herof I haue al those that were present beyng of any discretion or honestye to be my witnesses But hereof wil I cease to complayne any further c. ¶ To Doctor Weston requiring performaunce of certaine promises made vnto him but neuer fulfilled according to thaccustomed wily vnfaythful dealyng of the papistes MAyster Prolocutor ye remember I am sure how you promised me openlye in the Scholes after my protestation that I should see how my aunsweres were there taken and written of the notaries whome you appoynted Me fateor neminem recusante to write what should be sayd and to haue had licence for to haue added vnto them or for to haue altered them as vpon more deliberation shoulde haue seemed me beaste Ye graunted me also at the deliuerye of myne aunswere vnto your fyrste proposition a copye of the same What promises he made openly in the scholes that were neuer performed reade in the booke of Martyrs Folio 958. These promyses be not performed If your suddeyne departure be any part of the cause therof yet I pray you remēber that they maye be performed for performance of promyses is to be looked for at a righteouse iudges handes Now I send you here myne aunswers in writynge to your seconde and thyrde propositions and doe desire and require earnestlye a copye of the same and I shall by Gods grace procure the paynes of the writer to be payde for and satisfyed accordinglye When I woulde haue confyrmed my sayenges with authorities or reasons you sayde there openlye that I shoulde haue hadde time and place to saye and brynge what so euer I could an other time And the same your sayenge was then there confyrmed of other of the Commissioners Yea and I dare say the audience also thought then that I shoulde haue had another daye to haue broughte and sayd what I could saye for the declaration and confyrmation of mine assertions Now that this was not done but so sodēly sentence geuen before the cause was peefectlye heard I can not but merueil at all and the due reformation of all things which are amisse I commit vnto almighty god my heauenly father which by hys deare son our sauiour Christ whome he hath made the vniuersall iudge of all flesh shall truely rightuously iudge both you and me Mayster Proloquutor I desire you and in Gods name require you that you truly bring forth and show al my thre aunswers writen subscribed with mine own hand vnto the higher house of the cōuocatiō specially vnto my lord chauncelor my Lordes of Duresme Elie Norwich Worcetor Chichester and also to show and exhibite this my writynge vnto them which in these few lines I write herevnto you And that I do make this request vnto you by this my writyng know you that I dyd take witnes of thē by whom I did send you this writing of those which were then with thē present that is of the baylifes of Oxford and of Maister Irish Alderman than there called to be a witnes By me N. Rydley 23. Aprilis 1554. To a Cosin of hys GOds holye spyrite be with you nowe and euer Amen When I cal to remēbrabnce beloued cosine the state of those that for fear of trouble either for losse of goods wil do in the sight of the world those thinges that they know and be assured are contrary to the will of God I can do no lesse but lament theyr case beyng assured that the ende
the grace to suffer death also Wherfore al ye that be my true louers frends reioice and reioyce with me agayne and render wyth me hartye thankes to God oure heauenly father that for hys sonnes sake my Sauioure and redemer Christ he hathe vouchsafed to cal me beyng elles without hys gratious goodnes in my selfe but a synnefull and a vyle wretche to call me I say vnto this hygh dygnitye of hys true Prophetes of hys faythfull Apostles and of hys holye electe and chosen Martyrs that is to die and to spende thys temporall lyfe in the defence mayntenāce of hys eternal and euerlastyng truth Ye knowe that be my Countreymen dwellyng vpon the borders where alas the true man suffreth oftentimes muche wronge at the theues hande if it chaunce a man to be slaine of a theefe as it oft chaunceth there whiche wente oute with his neyghbour to helpe hym to rescue hys goods agayne that the more cruelly he be slayne and the more stedfastly he stooke by his neyghboure in the fighte agaynst the face of the theefe the more fauoure and frendeship shall all hys posteritie haue for the slayne mans sake of al them that be true as long as the memorye of his facte and his posteritye dothe endure euen so ye that be my kynsefolke and countreyemen knowe ye howe soeuer the blynde ignoraunt and wycked world hereafter shall rayle vppon my death which thyng they can not do worse then their fathers did of the death of Christ our sauiour of his holy prophets Apostles and Martyrs Knowe ye I say that both before God and all them that be godly and that truely know and followe the lawes of God ye haue and shal haue by goddes grace euer cause to reioyce and to thanke God highlye and to thinke good of it and in god to reioyce of me your flesh blood whome God of his gratious goodnes hath vouchsafed to associate vnto the blessed company of hys holy martyrs in heauē I dout not in the infinite goodnes of my lord god nor in the faithful felowship of his elect chosē people but at both theyr hands in my cause ye shal rather fynd the more fauour grace for the Lord sayeth that he wil be both to them and theyrs that loue hym the more louyng agayne in a thousande generations Deut. 7. Iohn 15. the Lorde is so full of mercye to them I saye and theyrs which doe loue hym in deede And Christe sayeth agayne that no man can shewe more loue then to geue hys lyfe for his frende Now also know ye all my true louers in god my kynsfolk and countreymen that the cause wherfore I am put to death is euen after the same sort and conditiō but touchyng more nere gods cause and in more weighty matters but in the general kynd al one for both is Gods cause both is in the mainteināce of right both for the commē welth and both for the weale also of the christiā brother although yet there is in these two no smal difference both concernyng the enemyes the goods stollen and the manner of the fighte For knowe ye all that lyke as there when the poore true man is robbed by the theefe of hys owne goodes truely gotten whereupon he and hys household should lyue he is greatly wronged and the theefe in stealyng and robbyng with violence the poore mans Goods dothe offende god doth trāsgresse hys lawe and is iniurious bothe to the poore man and to the commen wealth so I saye know ye all that euen here in the cause of my death it is with the church of englād I meane the congregatiō of the true chosen chyldren of god in this realme of england which I knowlege not only to be my neighbors but rather the congregatiō of my spirituall brethren and Sisters in Christe yea members of one body wherein by goddes grace I am and haue beene grafted in Chryste Thys Churche of Englande had of late of the infinite goodnesse and aboundaunte grace of almighty God greate substaunce greate ryches of heauenlye treasure greate plentye of gods true and syncere woorde the true and wholesome administration of Christes holye Sacramentes the whole profession of Christes religion truelye and playnelye sette forthe in Baptisme the playne declaration and vnderstandyng of the same taughte in the holye Cathechisme to haue beene learned of all true Christians This churche hadde also a true and syncere forme and manner of the Lordes Supper wherein accordyng to Iesus Christes owne ordinaunce and holy institution Christes commaundements were executed and done For vpon the bread and wyne set vpon the Lords table thanks were geuen the commemoration of the Lordes death was had the bread in the remembraunce of christes bodye torne vpon the crosse was broken and the Cuppe in the remembraunce of Christes bloud shedde was distributed and both communicated vnto all that were presente and woulde receyue them and also they were exhorted of the minister so to doe All was done openlye in the vulgare toungue so that euerye thyng myghte be bothe easely heard and plainlye vnderstande of all the people to Gods hygh glory and the edification of the whole churche Thys churche had of late the whole Diuyne seruice all common and publique prayers ordeyned to be sayde heard in the cōmē congregation not onely framed and fashioned to the true vayne of holye Scripture but also all thynges so set forthe accordyng to the commaundemente of the Lorde and Sayncte Paules doctryne for the peoples edification in theyr vulgare toungue It had also holye and wholsome Homelies in commendation of the principall vertues which are commended in Scripture and lykewyse other Homelies agaynste the moste pernitious and capitall vyces that vseth alas to raygne in thys Realme of Englande Thys churche had in matters of controuersye articles so penned and framed after the holye Scripture and grounded vpon the true vnderstandyng of Gods worde that in short tyme yf they hadde bene vniuersally receyued they should haue beene able to haue sette in Christes churche muche concorde and vnitye in Christes true Religion and to haue expelled manye false erroures and heresyes wherewyth thys churche alas was almoste ouergone But alas of late into thys spyrytuall possession of the heauenly treasure of these godlye ryches are entred in theues that haue robbed and spoyled all thys heauenlye treasure awaye I maye well complayne on these theues and crye oute vppon them wyth the Prophete saying Deus venerunt gentes in haereditatem tuam c. Psalme 79. O Lord GOD the Gentiles heathen nations are come into thy heritage they haue defyled thy holye Temple and made Ierusalem an heape of stones that is they haue broken and beate downe to the grounde thy holye citye This hethenyshe generation these theeues of Samaria these Sabei and Caldei these robbers haue rushed out of their dennes and haue robbed the Churche of Englande of all the foresayd holy treasure of god they haue caried it away and ouerthrowne
will and pleasure make you to beleue embrace the truth Amen An other farewell to the prisoners in Christes gospels cause and to all them which for the same cause are exiled and banished out form theyr own country chosing rather to leaue al worldly commodity then theyr mayster Christ FArewel my dearly beloued brethrē in Christ both ye my fellowe prisoners ye also that be exiled banished out of your countreis because ye wyl rather forsake all worldly commodity then the gospel of Christ Farewell al ye together in Christ farewell be mery for ye know that the trial of your faith bringeth forth patience and pacience shal make vs perfect whole and sound on euery syde and such after trial ye know shal receiue the crown of life according to the promise of the lord made to his derely beloued let vs therfore be pacient vnto the comminge of the Lorde Iacob 5 As the husbandman abideth paciently the former and latter raine for the encrease of his croppe so let vs bee patiente and plucke vp our hartes for the comminge of the lord approcheth apace Let vs my deare brethren take example of patience in tribulation of the Prophetes which spake lykewise Gods worde truelye in his name Let Iob be to vs an example of patience and the end which the Lord suffered 1. Pet. 1. which is full of mercy and pity We know my brethren by gods word that our fayth is much more precious then anye corruptible golde and yet that is tried by the fyre euen so our fayth is therfore tried likewise in tribulations that it may be found when the Lord shall appeare laudable glorious and honorable 1. Pet. 2. For if we for Christes cause doe suffer that is gratefull before God for thervnto are we called that is our state and vocation wherwith let vs be contēt Christ we knowe suffred for vs afflictions leuinge vs an example that we shoulde folowe his fotesteppes for he committed no sinne nor was there anye guile founde in hys mouth when he was rayled vpon and al to reuiled rayled not again whē he was euill intreated he did not threaten but committed the punishment therof to hym that iudgeth a right Let vs euer haue in fresh remembrance those wonderfull comfortable sentences spoken by the mouth of our sauioure Christ blessed are they whiche suffer persecution for righteousnes sake for theyrs is the kingdome of heauen Blessed are ye when men reuile you Math. 5 persecute you and speake all euell againste you for my sake reioyse and bee gladde for great is you reward in heauen for so did they persecute the prophetes which were before you Therefore let vs alwaye beare this in our minds that if any incommodity do chaūce vnto vs for rightousnes sake happy are we whatsoeuer the world doth think of vs. Luke 21. Christ our maister hath told vs before hand that the brother should put the brother to death the father the sonne and the children should rise against their parentes and kill them that Christs true Apostles should be hated of all men for his names sake but he that shal abide patiētly vnto th end shal be saued Let vs thē endure in al trobles paciētly after the exāple of our maister Christ be cōtēted therw t for he suffred being our maister lord how doth it not thē become vs to suffer Luke 6. For the disciple is not aboue hys maister nor the seruant aboue hys lord It may suffice the disciple to be as his maister and the seruaunte to be as his lord If they haue called the father of the family Math. 10. the maister of the household Belzebub how muche more shall they call so thē of hys household Feare thē not then sayth our sauiour for all priuities shal be made playne there is now nothyng secrete but it shall be shewed in light Of Christes woordes let vs neyther be ashamed nor afrayde to speake them for so Christ our maister commaūdeth vs saieng that I tell you priuily speake openly abroad and that I tel you in your eare preach it vpon the house top And feare not thē which kyll the body for the soule they can not kill but feare him which can cast both body and soule into hel fire Know ye that the heauenly father hathe euer a gratious eye and respecte towarde you and a fatherlye prouidence for you so that withoute his knowledge and permission nothyng can do you harme Let vs therfore cast al our care vpō him and he shall prouyde that which shall be best for vs. For if of ij small sparowes which both are sold for a mite one of them lighteth not on the ground without your father and all the heares of oure head are numbred Math. 10. feare not then sayth oure Maister Christ for ye are more worth then many smal sparowes And let vs not sticke to confesse our maister Christe for feare of daunger whatsoeuer it shal be remembryng the promise that Christe maketh sayeng whosoeuer shall confesse me before men him shall I confesse before my father which is in heauen but whosoeuer shall deny me him shall I lykewyse deny before my father which is in heauē Christ came not to geue vnto vs heare a carnall amity a worldly peace or to knitte hys vnto the world in ease peace but rather to separate deuide thē frō the worlde to ioyn thē vnto hymself in whose cause we must if we wil be his forsake father and mother and stycke vnto hym If we forsake him or shrinke from him for trouble or deathes sake which he calleth hys crosse he wyll none of vs we cannot be hys If for hys cause we shall loose oure temporall lyues here we shall fynde them agayne and enioye them for euermore but if in hys cause we wyll not bee contented to leaue nor lose them here then shall we lose them so that we shall neuer fynd them again but in euerlasting death What though our troubles here be painfull for the tyme and the sting of death bitter vnpleasaunt yet we know that they shal not laste in comparison of eternitye no not the twincklyng of an eie and that they pacientlye taken in Christes cause shall procure and get vs vnmeasurable heapes of heauenly glory 2. Cor 4. vnto the whiche these temporal paynes of death and troubles compared 1. Pet. 4. are not to be estemed but to be reioysed vpon Wonder not saith S. Peter as thoughe it were anye straunge matter that ye are tryed by the fire he meaneth of tribulation whiche thyng sayeth he is done to proue you Nay rather in that ye are parteners of Christs afflictions reioyce that in hys glorious reuelaciō ye may reioice with mery hartes If ye suffer rebukes in Christes name happye are ye for the glory and spirite of god resteth vpon you Ol them God is reuiled and dishonored but of you he is glorifyed Let no man
the present tyme appeareth not pleasaunt but payneful but afterward it rendreth the fruit of ryghtuousnes on them whiche are exercised in it Wherfore let vs be of good chere good brethren and let vs pluck vp our feble members that were fallen or began to fainte harte handes knees and all the rest and let vs walke vprighte and straighte that no lymping nor haultyng bryng vs out of the way Let vs looke not vpon the thinges that be presente but with the eyes of our fayth let vs stedfastlye beholde the thynges that bee euerlastyng in heauen and so choose rather in respect of that which is to come with the chosen members of Christ to beare christes crosse then for this short life time to enioy all the riches honors and pleasures of the broad world Why shoulde we christians ferre death Can death depryue vs of Christ which is all our comforte our ioye and our lyfe Nay forsothe But contrary deathe shall delyuer vs from thys mortall bodye whyche lodeth and beareth downe the Spirite 2. Cor 5. that it can not so well perceyue heauenly thinges in the whiche so long as we dwell we are absent from God Wherfore vnderstandyng oure state in that we be christians that yf our mortall bodye whiche is oure earthlye house were destroyed we haue a building 2. Cor. 5 a house not made wyth handes but euerlastyng in heauen c therefore we are of good cheare and knowe that when we are in the bodye we are absente from God for we walke by faythe and not by cleare syghte Neuerthelesse we are bolde and hadde rather be absent from the bodye and presente wyth God wherfore we stryue whether we be presente at home or absent abroad that we may always please hym And who that hath true faith in our sauiour Christ whereby he knoweth somewhat truly what Christ our Sauiour is that he is the eternal sonne of God lyfe lyght the wisdome of the father all goodnes al rightuousnesse and whatsoeuer is good that hart can desire yea infinite plēty of al these aboue that that mans hart can eyther conceyue or thynke for in him dwelleth the fulnesse of the godhead corporally and also that he is geuen vs of the father and made of God to be our wisdome 1. Cor. 1. our rightuousnes our holines and our redemptiō who I say is he that beleueth this in dede that would not gladly be with his maister Christ Phili. 1. Paule for this knowlege coueted to haue bene losed from the body and to haue bene with Christ for that be counted it much better for himselfe had rather to be losed than to liue Therfore these wordes of Christ to the thiefe on the crosse that asked of him mercy were full of comfort and solace this daye thou shalt be with me in paradise Luke 23. To dye in the defence of Christes gospell it is oure bounded duety to Christ and also to our neyghbor To Christ Rom. 9 1. Iohn 3. for he died for vs rose again the he might be lord ouer all And seyng he dyed for vs we also saieth S. Iohn shoulde ieopard yea geue our lyfe for our bretherne And this kynd of geuyng and losyng is gettyng and wynnyng in deede for he that geueth or loseth his lyfe thus getteth and wynneth it for euermore Apo. 14. Blessed are they therfore that die in the lorde and if they die in the Lordes cause they are most happy of all Let vs not then feare death which can do vs no harme otherwise than for a momēt to make the flesh to smart but that our faith which is surely fastened and fyxed vnto the worde of god telleth vs that we shall be anone after death in peace in the handes of god in ioy in solace and that from the death we shall go straight vnto life For S. Iohn saith Iohn 11. Iohn 5 he that liueth beleueth in me shal neuer dye And in an other place he shall depart from death vnto life And therfore this death of the christian is not to be called death but rather a gate or entraunce into euerlastynge life Therfore Paule calleth it but a dissolution and resolution and both Peter and Paule 2. Pet. 1. 2. Cor. 5 a puttyng of of this Tabernacle or dwelhouse meanyng thereby the mortal body as wherin the soule or spirit doth dwell here in thys world for a smal time Yea this death may be called to the christian an ende of all miseries For so long as we liue here Actes 14. we must passe through manye tribulations before we can enter into the kyngdome of heauen And now after that death hath shot hys bolt al the christian mans enemies haue done what they can and after that they haue no more to do What coulde hurte or harme poore Lazarus that lay at the ryche mans gate hys former penury and pouerty hys miserable beggerye and horryble sores and sycknes For so soone as deathe had stricken hym with his dart so sone came the angels Luke 16. caried him straight vp into Abrahams bosome What loste he by death who frō misery payne is set by the ministery of Aungels in a place both of ioye and solace Farewell deare brethren farewel and let vs comfort our hartes in all troubles and in death with the word of God for heauen and earth shall perishe but the word of the lorde endureth for euer Farewel christes dearely beloued spouse here wandring in this worlde as in a straunge land farre from thyn own countrey and compassed about on euery hande with deadly enemies which cease not to assaulte thee euer seekyng thy destruction Farewell farewell O ye the whole and vniuersall congregation of the chosen of god here lyuyng vpon earth the true churche militant of Christ the true mysticall bodye of Christ the very household and family of god and the sacred temple of the holy ghost Farewell Farewel O thou little flocke of the hygh heauenly pastor Christ Luke 12 for to thee it hath pleased the heauēly father to geue an euerlastyng and eternall kyngdome Farewell Farewell thou spirituall house of god thou holy and roi all priesthode thou chosen generation thou holye nation thou wonne spouse Fare wel Farewell N. R. ¶ This that followeth which he further wrote concerning his cruell handlyng in the scholes at Oxford also of the condēnation of him O. Cranmer M. Latymer c we would not here omitte though in order in should before haue bene placed next after the preface to his disputation Folio 78. KNow gentle Reader that maister Prollocutour dyd promyse me in the disputations publikely that I should see myne aunswers how they were collected and gathered of the Notaries and that I should haue licence to adde or diminishe to alter or chaunge afterwarde as I should thynke best would make for me to the aunsweryng of the propositions He promised moreouer publikely that I shoulde haue both tyme and
worlde he shall lyke and prayse the truthe of GOD to morowe as the worlde wyll so wyll he lyke and prayse the falshode of manne to daye wyth Chryste and to morowe wyth Antichriste Wherefore deare brethren as touchynge youre behauoure towardes God vse both youre inwarde spirytes and youre outewarde bodyes youre inwarde and youre outwarde man I saye not after the meanes of menne but after the infallible woorde of God Refrayne from euyll in bothe and glorify your heauenlye father in both For yf ye thynke ye can inwardly in the hart serue hym and yet outwardlye serue wyth the worlde in externall seruyce the thyng that is not GOD ye deceaue youre selues for bothe the bodye and the soule muste together concurre in the honoure of God as Saynte Paule playnlye teacheth 1. Cor 6. For if an honeste wife be bounde to geue both hart and body to fayth and seruice in mariage and if an honest wiues fayth in the hart cannot stande with an whorysh or defiled body outwardlye muche lesse can the true faythe of a christian in the seruice of christianitye stande with the bodely seruice of externall idolatry for the mystery of mariage is not so honorable betwene man and wyfe as it is betwene Chryste and euery Christian man as Saynte Paule sayeth Therfore deare brethren praye to the heauenlye father that as he spared not the soule nor the bodye of hys dearelye beloued sonne but applyed bothe of them with extreame payne to worke our saluation both of bodye and soule so he wyll gyue vs all grace to applye our bodies and soules to be seruantes vnto him for doubtles he requyreth aswell the one as the other and cannot be miscontented with one and well pleased with the other Eyther he hateth both or loueth both he deuideth not his loue to one and hys hatred to the other Let not vs therefore good brethren deuide our selues and saye oure soules serue hym whatsoeuer our bodies do to the contrarye for ciuile order and pollicie But alas I knowe by my self what troubleth you that is the great daunger of the world that wil reuenge ye thinke youre seruice to God wythe swoorde and fyre wythe losse of goodes and landes But deare bretherne waye of the other syde that your enemies and Gods enemies shal not do asmuch as they would but asmuch as God shal suffer them who can trappe them in their owne counsels and destroye them in the middes of theyr furies Remember ye bee the workmen of the Lord and called into his vineyard there to labour till euening tyde that ye may receyue youre peny Math. 20. which is more worth then all the kinges of the earth But he that calleth vs into hys vyneyard hath not tolde vs how sore or how feruently the sonne shall trouble vs in our labour but hath bidde vs laboure and committe the bytternesse therof vnto hym who can and will so moderate all afflictions that no man shall haue more layd vpon hym then in Christ he shal be able to beare vnto whose mercifull tuitiō and defence I commend both your soules and your bodeis 2. September 1554. Yours with my poore prayer Iohn Hooper An aunswere of a letter wherby he was aduertised of a godly company to the number of thirty taken at prayer in a house in Bowchurchyarde and caried to prison THe grace of God be with you Amen I perceaued by youre letter howe that vppon new yeares daye at nyghte there were taken a godlye companye of Christians whilest they were praying I do reioice in that men can be so well occupied in this perillous time and flye vnto God for remedy by prayer as wel for their own lackes and necessities as also charitably to pray for thē that persecute them So doth the worde of God commaunde all men to pray charitablye for those that hate them and not to reuile any maiestrate with words or to meane him euyll by force and violence They also maye reioyce that in well doynge they were taken to the prisō Wherfore I haue thought it good to send them this little wrytyng of cosolation prayng god to send them patience charity and constancye in the truth of hys most holy word Thus fare you wel and praye to God to send his true worde into this realme agayne amongst vs which the vngodly bishops haue now banished 4. Ianuary 1554. ¶ To the godly and faithfull company of prisoners in both the Counters which were taken together at prayer in a house in Bowchurchyard THe grace fauour consolation and ayde of the holy gost be with you now and euer so be it Dearely deloued in the Lord euer sythens your imprisonment I haue ben maruelously moued with great affections and passiōs as wel of mirth and gladnes as of heauines and sorow Of gladnes in this that I perceiued how ye be bent and geuen to prayer and inuocation of gods helpe in these darke and wicked procedings of men against gods glory I haue bene sory to perceiue the malice and wickednes of mē to be so cruell diuelish and tyrannical to persecute the people of god for seruyng of god for saying and hearyng of the holy psalmes and the word of eternall life These cruell doings do declare that the papists church is more bloody and tyrannical then euer was the sword of the Ethnickes gentiles When I heard of your takyng and what ye were doing wherfore and by whome ye were taken I remembred how the christians in the primitiue church were vsed by the cruelty of vnchristened heathens in the tyme of Traiane the emperour about 77 yeres after Christes ascension into heauen The christians were persecuted very sore as thoughe they had bene traitors mouers of sedition Wherupon the gentile emperour Traiane required to know the true cause of christian mens trouble A great learned man called Plinius secundus wrote vnto him and saide it was because the christians said certaine psalmes before daye vnto one called Christ whom they worshipped for god When Traiane the emperour vnderstode it was for nothyng but for conscince and religion he caused by his cōmaundements euery wher that no man should be persecuted for seruyng of god Lo a gentile and heathen man would not haue such as were of a contrary religion punished for seruing of god But the pope and his church haue cast you into prison beyng taken euen in doyng the worke of god and one of the moste excellente workes that is required of christian men that is to witte whiles ye were in prayer not in such wicked and superstitious prayer as the papistes vse but in the same prayer that Christ hath taught you to pray and in his name onely ye gaue god thankes for that ye haue receaued and for hys sake ye asked for such things as ye want O glad maye ye be that euer ye were born Math. 5 to be apprehēded whilest ye were so vertuously occupied Blessed be they that suffer for righteousnes sake For if god had
them close after the marchaūts fashion that they be not opened William Dounton my seruant hath the fyrst copy of that I wrote concerning mayster Hales hurt I woulde mayster Bradforde did se it and then the copy to be well kept least anye man of malice should adde any thing to the matter more and worse then I haue made it I passe not of that maye come of it I thanke God and my conscience beareth me recorde that I did it of zeale to the word of God which the byshop of Winchester called the doctryn of desperation Not only my hart but also my mouth my penne and all my power shall be agaynste him euen till death by Gods helpe in this case let god do with the matter as it pleaseth his highe maiestye to whom I commend you 29. April 1554. Yours Iohn Hoper To my dearely beloued frende in Christe mayster Iohn Hal. THe grace of God be with you Amē It was much to my comfort I assure you when I vnderstoode by thys bearer my faithful seruant William Doūton that you and your wife were in health Many times I had occasion to enquire for you before the departure of my poore wife to haue holpē her out of the land from the hands of the cruel but I coulde heare nothing wher you were It was told me you abode in the coūtrey with your wife to whom make my harty commendations and to the rest of al your house that feare God and my trust is you do not forget your duty towardes God in this troublesome worlde See that you tarye with him in one howre of trouble and doubtles he will kepe you for euer with him in the ioyes euerlasting I would write more but this bearer can tel what nede I haue to make hast Fare you well as my self be stronge in Christ for I thanke him for my part I am not ashamed of his gospel neither afeard of the Pope the deuill nor the gates of hel The lordes will be done Written the .4 day of August Anno. 1554. Your poore frend Iohn Hoper ☞ An exhortation to patience sent to his godlye wife Anne Hoper wherby all the true members of Christe may take comforte and courage to suffer trouble and affliction for the profession of his holy Gospell OVr sauiour Iesus Christ derely beloued my godlye wife in S. Mathewes gospell said to his disciples Math. 18. that it was necessary slaūders should come and that thei could not be auoyded he perceiued as well by the condition of those that should perish and be lost for euer in the worlde to come as also by theyr affliction that should be saued For he saw the greatest part of the people would contempne and neglect what soeuer true doctrine or godlye wayes shoulde be shewed vnto them or els receaue it vse it as they thought good to serue theyr pleasures without any profit to their soules at all not caringe whether they liued as they were commaunded by Gods word or not but would thinke it sufficient to be coūted to haue the name of a Christian man with such workes and frutes of his professiō and christianity as his fathers elders after their custome and maner esteme and take to be good frutes faythfull workes will not trye them by the word of God at all These men by the iuste iudgemente of God be deliuered vnto the craft and subteltye of the deuill that they may be kept by one slaunderous stumblinge block or other that they neuer come vnto Christ Math. 2 4 who came to saue those that were lost as ye may see how god deliuereth wicked men vp vnto theyr owne lustes to do one mischief after an other careles vntil they come into a reprobate mind Rom i 1. Thes 2. that forgetteh it selfe and cannot knowe what is expediente to be done or to be left vndone because they close theyr eyes wyl not see the lighte of Gods word offered vnto them and being thus blinded they preferre theyr owne vanities before the truth of Gods word Whereas such corrupt mindes be there is also corrupt election and choise of Gods honour so that the mind of manne taketh falshode for truth supersticion for true religion death for life dampnation for saluatiō hell for heauen and persecution of Christes members for Gods seruice and honoure And as these menne wilfullly and voluntarily reiecte the woorde of God euen so God most iustly deliuereth them into the blyndnes of mynd Iohn 8.9 and hardnes of hart that they cannot vnderstand nor yet consēt to any thing that God would haue preached and setforth to his glory after his owne wil and word wherfore they hate it mortally and of all thinges most derest gods holy worde And as the diuel hath entred into their hartes that they thē selues cannot nor will not come to Christe to be instructed by his holy word euen so can they not abyde any other man to be a christian man and to leade his life after the worde of God but hate him persecute him robbe him imprison him yea kil him whether he be man or woman if God suffre it And so much are those wicked mē blinded that they passe of no lawe whether it be gods or mans but persecute suche as neuer offended yea do euell to those that dayly haue prayed for them and wish thē Gods grace In their Pharaonicall and blinde fury they haue no respecte to nature for the brother persecuteth the brother the father the sonne moste deare frendes in deuelishe slaunder and offence are become most mortall enemyes And no maruayle for whē they haue chosen sundrye maysters the one the deuill the other God th one shall agree with the other as god and the diuell agre betwene thēselues For thys cause that the more parte of the world doth choose to serue the deuil vnder cloked hipocrisy of Gods title Christ sayd it is expedient and necessary that slaunders should come and many means be deuised to kepe the little babes of Christ frō the heauenly father Math. 18. But Christ sayeth wo be vnto him by whome the offence commeth yet is there no remedy man being of such corruption and hatred towardes God but that the euell shal be deceaued and persecute the good and the good shall vnderstande the truthe and suffre persecution for it Gene. 4 Gala. 4 vntill the worldes ende For as he that was borne after the fleshe persecuted in tymes paste hym that was borne after the spiryte euen so it is now Seyng therefore we liue for this life emonges so many greate perils and daūgers we must be well assured by gods word how to beare them and how pacientlye to take them as they be sent to vs from God We must also assure our selues that ther is no other remedy for christians in the time of trouble Luke ij then Christ him self hath appointed vs. In S. Luke he geueth vs this commaundemente ye shall
and at Couentrie by gods prouidence no doubt to confirme that he had in that countrey also fruitfully taught suffred with most valiant and chereful courage as ye may read in the boke of marters Fol. 1048. The .8 day of Febr. In the yere of our Lord. 1555. ¶ To my most deare and reuerend fathers in Christ D. Cranmer D. Rydley and D. Latimer prisoners in Oxforde IN my most humble wyse I salute you moste reuerend Fathers in Christ Iesus our Lord. Immortall thankes euerlasting prayses be geuē vnto that our father of mercies Collo 1. which hath made vs mete to be pertakers of the inheritaunce of saintes in light which hath deliuered vs from the power of darkenes and hath translated vs into the kingdome of his beloued sonne by whom we haue redemption through his bloud c. Oh most happie estate Collo 3. that in an vnspeakeable wise our life is hid with Christ in God but whensoeuer Christ which is our life shall shewe hymselfe then shall we also appeare with him in glory 1. Cor. i3 2. Cor. 5. In the meane seasō as our sight is but in a glasse euē in a darke speaking so we walke in fayth not after outwarde appearaunce The which fayth although for want of outward appearaunce reason reputeth but as vaine yet the chosen of God do know the effect therof to bring a more substantiall cast liuely fruition of very felicitie and perfect blessednes then reasō can reache or senses conceaue By this fayth we haue in our professiō all good things yea euen those which the eye hath not sene the eare hath not heard 1. Cor. 2. neyther haue entred into the hart of man c. Then if hereby we do enioy al good things it followeth that we must nedes possesse haue and inioy you most reuerend fathers who be no small part of our ioy good things geuen vs of God We heretofore haue had the fruitiō of you by bodily presence to our inexplicable benefite praysed be that our gracious God therfore and now in spirit we haue the experience of vnspeakeable cōfort by your reuerend fatherhodes Math. 5. for that in this so glorious sort ye become a towne set vpon a hill a candle vpon a Candlesticke 1. Cor. 4. Phi. 1. a spectacle vnto the world to the Angels and vnto men So that as we to our great comfort do fele ye also maye assuredly say with S. Paule that the thyngs which happē vnto vs do chaūce vnto the great furtherance of the Gospel so that our bondes in Christ are manifest not only throughout al the iudgement hal but in all whole Europa in so much that many of the brethren in the Lord being encouraged through our bondes dare more boldlye speake the woord without feare And herein as you haue with S. Paule greatly to reioyce so we do reioyce with you we do in dede with you geue thankes for this excellent worthy fauour of our God towards you that Christ is thus magnifyed in you yea and hereafter shal be magnifyed in your bodyes whether it be through life or death Of whiche thing truely we are assured in our prayers for you and ministring of the spirite And although for your owne partes Christ is vnto you life and death aduantage and that your desire is as in dede it were better for you to be loosed Phil. 1. and to be with Christ yet for the church of Christ were it muche more necessary that ye should abide in the flesh Yea that merciful god euen for his Christs sake graūt that ye may abide continue for the furtheraunce of the churche reioysyng of fayth that the reioycing thereof may be the more aboundaūt through Iesus Christ by your restoring again Amen Amen But if it seme better otherwise vnto the diuine wisedome that by spedy death he hath appoynted you to gloryfye him the Lordes wil be done Yea euen as we do reioyce both on your behalfes also on our own that god is magnifyed by lyfe should be more aboundauntlye glad for the continuaunce therof so we shall no lesse reioyce to haue the same wrought by death We shall geue thankes for thys honour geuē vnto you phi 1. reioycing that ye are accompted worthy to suffer for the name of Christ that it is geuen to you of god not only that ye should beleue in him but also that ye should suffer for his sake And herein we shal haue to reioyce in the be halfe of the church of Christ whose fayth may be the faster fixed vpō gods veritie being cōfyrmed with three such worthy witnesses Oh thanks be to god for thys hys vnspeakeable gift And now moste reuerend fathers that ye may vnderstande the truth of vs and oure estate how we stand in the Lorde I doe assure your reuerences partlye by that I perceaue by suche of oure brethren as bee here in bondes with me partly by that I heare of them which be in other places and partly by that inward experience which I most vnworthy wretch haue of Gods good comfort more abundaunce wherof I know there is in others ye may be assured I say by gods grace that ye shall not bee frustrate of your hope of our cōstant continuaunce in the chereful confession of Gods euerlasting veritie Ephe. i. For euen as we haue receaued the word of truth euen the Gospell of our saluation wherin we beleuing are sealed with the holy spirite of promyse which is the earnest of our enheritaunce Rom. 8 the whiche spirite certifyeth our spirit that we are the children of God and therefore God hath sent the spirite of his Sonne into oure heartes crying Abba father Gal. 4. so after suche portion as God measureth vnto vs we with the whole churche of Christ and with you reuerend Fathers receauing the same spirit of fayth according as it is written I beleued therefore I haue spoken we also beleue and therfore speake 2. Cor. 4. Psa 116. For the which we in this daungerous bondage and other afflictions hauing euen such a fyght as we haue sene in you and haue heard of you phil 1. we are in no wyse affrayde of our aduersaryes And forasmuch as we haue such an offyce euen as God hath had mercy on vs we go not out of kinde but euē with you after our litle power we labour to mainteyne the faith of the gospel knowing most certainly 2. Cor. 4. that though we haue this treasure in earthē vessels that the excellency of the power might be gods not ours yet shal we not be dashed in peeces for the lord wil put his hād vnder vs. When we are troubled on euery side yet are we not wtout shift when we are in pouerty we are not vtterly without somthing when we suffer persecution we are not forsaken therin when we are cast down yet we shal not perish but to communicate with
due vnto those his people Wherfore let vs faythfully confesse that we haue offended wyth oure forefathers The which beyng done in our conuersion vnto the Lord our God wyth our whole heart Psal 89. let vs assure our selues that euen as he hath and doth visite our synnes with this captiuity of body and cōscience and such other plagues beyng his rodde of chastisement so hath he not taken away his mercy from vs but wyll plentifully visite vs wyth the same euen for that couenaunt of mercy made vnto vs not in Abraham Isaac and Dauid but in that promysed sede of Abraham in that spiritual Dauid euē Iesus Christ who is that peaceable Salomon makyng peace betwen vs and his Father by the offeryng of hys bodye and sheedyng of hys bloude by whose meanes we must looke for the gilt of our synnes to bee forgeuen and the plagues thereby purchased to be taken away And now dearly beloued we be taught by that heauenly spirit which our god hath geuen vnto vs to seke comfort in these tymes of affliction not in hope of rebellion or fulfillyng vnprofitable yea pestilent welshe prophecies but in the most comfortable glad tidings of the heauenly promises assured in his deare Christ And touchyng this most miserable estate of the ghostly captiuity of conscience and bodely bondage wherin for our synnes presently we be holden let vs fyrst most obediently kysse this rodde of our father by obedience submission to abide al extremity that man may do vnto vs rather then to forgoe faythe and a good conscience Lette vs also beseche our heauenly father for his christes sake to leaue of beating vs and to take awaye the rodde eyther by conuertyng the hartes of those whiche afflicte persecute vs for so dyd he somtyme take away the rodde as namely by conuertyng of Nabuchodonozer Manasses or els if such wycked scourges be not to be cōuerted but be reprobates vessels of gods wrath chyldren of perdition suche vpon whome it pleaseth god to shewe hys iudgementees and in whom he will shew hys power If I saye they be suche let vs wyshe most earnestly that our God wyll spedely aryse that hys and our enemies may shortelye be scattered Yea he knoweth what these execrable erecters of the Romyshe religion are They be the proude builders of the Babilonicall Tower They wyll clyme vppe into Gods kyngdome by theyr owne attempts not expectyng waiting for Gods helpe Yea that lord be iudge betwixt them vs. He knoweth that as theyr buildinges tende vnto the destruction of that true onelye foundation Christ so our buildyng by Gods woorde hathe and dothe tende to the substantiall laying of that only foundation and to the establyshyng of Christes chosen church vpon that same rocke wyth an vnfayned fayth and pure conscience also vnto the building vpon the same faith al fruitfull workes of the Spirite to serue GOD in holines and ryghteousnes c. Tit. 2. Yea that euer lyuyng Lord knoweth the earneste desyre of our hartes is euen the greedy expectation of the glorious commyng of that greate iudge vnto whose iudgemente loe heauen and earthe bee witnes and ye Gods Saynctes we doe appeale in the meane season abidyng our Gods good pleasure to doe wyth vs that may moste redounde vnto hys glorye whether to lyue or dye nothyng doubtyng in hym to be strengthened merely and chearefully to make a sacrifyce and burnte offeryng for the confirmation of thys infallible veritye taughte by vs and once receiued of you And ioyne with vs deare fellowe heires as we ioyne with you in humble prayer that euen as all we be by saithe handfasted vnto our husband and knytte vnto our heade Iesu Christe and also be kyndled by loue one to an other as mutual members in this mysticall body so we may perseuere and continue vnto the ende and that by and in our Christ we may encrease more and abound in the spirite of grace and prayer wherby to fetche all heauenly influence from that our heade Christe one for an other euen as in the bodye one member mynistreth vnto an other Amen Amen In the Marshalsee 17. Octob. 1554. A prisoner in the Lord trustyng shortly to be with the Lord. L. Saunders ¶ To maystres Lucye Harryngton a godly gentlewoman and frendly in hys trouble to hym and his YOur most gentle commendations wherof this messenger made remēbrance vnto me was for two causes very cōfortable Fyrst for that thereby I vnderstoode of the stare of your health and bodely welfare for the which I geue thankes vnto GOD who graunte the long continuāce therof to his honour and fatherly good wil wherunto I will daily saye Amē And father I was refreshed by the expressing of your myndful frendship towards me far vnworthy therof Wherin I take occasion of muche reioysing in oure so gratious a god and mercifull father who as he hath in hys vnmesurable mercy by fayth handfasted vs hys chosen children vnto hys deare sonne our Christ as the spirituall spouse of suche an heauenly husband so he lynketh vs by loue one vnto another beyng by that bonde compacte together with charitable readines to do good one vnto an other so that fyrste to the glory of our god and his christ then to our owne ioying in the testimony of a good conscience and laste of all to the stoppyng of the mouthes and confusion of our aduersaries we beare the badge as the right spouse of our Christ which he hymselfe noteth in this hys sayeng Iohn 13. herein shall all men know that ye be my disciples if ye loue one an other Then farther by thys bonde of mutual loue is set forth the fatherly prouidence of god towardes vs his children that though it be he which careth for vs in whom we lyue moue and be who feedeth all flesh with bodely sustenaunce yet hathe he apointed vs in these present necessities to stand in his stede one vnto an other Wherin is not only set forth our dignitye but also that vnspeakable accorde and vnity among vs the many members in thys mysticall body And thoughe that eyther for lacke of hability or els throughe distaunce of place power and oportunitie of helpyng one another doe fayle yet wonderfull is the workyng of gods childrē through the spirite of prayer as wherby they fetch all heauenly influence from Christe their celestiall heade by hys spirite Iohn 15 to be measured seuerally as may serue to the mayntenance of the whole body Thus doth our faithful prayer which we make one for an other distribute and scatter gods bountifull blessynges both ghostly and bodelye when ordinarye habilitye lacketh and when the arme may not reach such gods riches According hereunto I wel perceaue and vnderstande your readynesse to do good vnto all and especially I haue experience of your readye good will towards me in your hartie desire to stretch out your helpyng hand to releue my lacke and of your helpe to be extended to me
for I doe dailye twyse at the least in thys sorte remember you And I do not doubt deare wyfe but that bothe I and you as we be writen in the boke of lyfe so we shal together enioy the same euerlastingly through the grace mercy of god our deare father in his sonne our Christ And for thys present life let vs wholy apoynte our selues to the wil of our good god to glorify him either by life or by death and euen that same mercyfull Lord make vs worthye to honour hym eyther way as pleaseth him Amen I am mery I thanke my god and my Christ in whome and through whome I shall I knowe be hable to fyght a good fighte and fynyshe a good course then receyue the crowne which is layde vp in store for me and all the true souldiours of Christ 1. Timo. 4. Wherfore wyfe let vs in the name of our God fyght lustely to ouercome the flesh the deuyll and the world What our harnesse and weapons be in thys kynd of fyght looke the vi vnto the Ephesians and pray praye praye I would that you make no sute for me in any wyse Thanke you knowe whom for her moste swete and comfortable puttyng me in remembraunce of my iourney whether I am passyng God send vs al good spede and a ioyfull meetyng I haue to fewe suche frendes to further me in that iorney which is in dede the greatest frendeship The blessyng of god be wyth you all Amen A prisoner in the Lord. Laurence Saunders ¶ To hys VVyfe GRace mercye and peace c. Deare wyfe euen that our mercifull God and moste louyng father whom we call vpon daily and of whose mercies we daily taste ●nd who wyl be a most tender father vnto all thē which hartely turne vnto hym beleue in hym and cast theyr care vpon hym that our good god I say euen for hys sonne our swete Christs sake be your helper and keper Amen Amen And nowe you see hys goodnes towardes you by manye wayes prouokyng you to embrace him as your only god only comfort He is more redy mercifully to receiue you thē you can be readye to runne vnto hym for helpe He saith by hys prophet I wyll fauour them euen as a father doth fauour hys chyld that offendeth Esay 49. And in an other place is it possible that a mother can forget her childe which she hathe borne If she be forgetfull yet wyl not I forget thee Thus sayth he vnto al such as vnfaynedly seke hym You be in the Lordes bondes and in his blessed tuition I do not doubte Commend your selfe and that which he hath geuen you vnto his mercyfull and blessed wyll and so do I and shall doe by hys goodnes Exercise your selfe in the comfortable remembraunce of gods manyfold mercifull promises Put hym in remembraunce of the same by often prayer and put your whole trust in him who for hys names sake hys promyse sake and for hys Christes sake wyl do that is best for you Commend me to all the godly there Send me word in any wyfe if you lacke Take hede that you be no more chargeable vnto them at whose house you be then you shal fully content them in any wise God kepe you A letter wrytten to Steuen Gardiner Byshop of VVynchester and then Lord Chauncellour as an aunswer to some thyngs wherwith he had before charged hym TOuching the cause of myne imprisonment I doubt whether I haue broken any law either proclamatiō In my doctrine I did not forasmuch as at the time it was permitted by the proclamatiō to vse accordyng vnto our cōsciēces such seruice as was thē established My doctrine was thē agreable vnto my consciēce and the seruice then vsed He meaneth the publike preaching of gods word in hys owne paryshe This proclamatiō was to inhibite the preaching of gods holy word The acte which I dyd was such as beyng indifferently weighed sounded to no breaking of the proclamation or at leaste to no wylful breakyng of it for as muche as I caused no bell to bee ronge neyther occupied I any place in the pulpit after the order of Sermons or lectures But be it that I dyd breake the proclamation thys long tyme of continuance in prysō may be thought to be more then sufficient punishmente for such a faulte Touchyng the chargyng of me with my religion I say wyth S. Paule Confiteor hoc quod iuxta viani quā vocāt haeresim Actes 24 sic colo patriū deū credens omnibus quae in lege et prophetis scripta sunt spem habēs in deū c. Quin in hoc et ipse studeo sine offendiculo conscientiam habere erga deum et erga homines semper That is to saye this I confesse that after the waye whiche they call heresy so worshyp I the God of my forefathers beleuyng all thynges whyche are written in the law and prophets and haue hope towardes God c. And herein I endeuoure my selfe to haue alwaye a cleare conscience towardes God and towardes men So that GOD I call to witnes I haue a conscience And this my conscience is not grounded vppon vayne fantasye but vppon the infallible veritye of Gods woorde with the witnessyng of hys chosen churche agreable vnto the same It is an easye thynge for them whiche take Christe for their true pastour to discerne the voyce of their true shepeheard from the voyce of wolues hirelynges and straungers forasmuch as Christ saith Iohn 10 Oues meae vocem meam audiunt That is my shepe heare my voyce Yea and therby they shall haue the gifte to know the ryght voyce of the true shepehard and so to follow hym and to auoide the contrary as he also sayth Oues pastorem sequuntur quia nouerunt vocem eius altenum vero non sequuntur sed aufugiunt ab eo quia non noueruut vocem alienorum That is the shepe follow the shepeheard for they know hys voyce a straunger wyl they not follow but fly from him for they know not the voyce of a straūger Such inward inspiratiō doth the holy ghost put into the children of God beyng in deede taught of god but otherwyse vnhable to vnderstād the true way of theyr saluation And albeit that the wolfe as Christe sayth commeth in shepes clothyng yet he sayth ex fructibus eorum cognoscetis eos That is by their fruites ye shall know them For there be certaine fruites wherby the wolfe is bewraied notwithstandyng that otherwise in sundry sortes of deuout holines in outward shew he semeth neuer so simple a shepe That the Romish religion is rauenyng and woluishe it is apparant in three pryncipal pointes Fyrst it robbeth god of his due and only honour Secondly it taketh away the true comfort of consciēce in obscuring or rather burieng of Christ his office of saluation Thirdly it spoyleth god of hys true worship seruice in spirit truth apointed in his prescript cōmaundemēts
be lose and free Be myndefull of all duety due vnto the Lord aboue Be thankefull for his benefites the pledges of his loue Consyder with your selues I say to sanctifye the Lord In euery place continually by thought dede and by word L. Saunders ❧ Letters of that hartie and zelous man of God Maister Iohn Philpot Archdeacō of Winchester who besides the great tyrannye and tormentes whiche he suffered in Boners blynde colehouse and other hys paynfull imprisonments was also most cruelly martyred for the testimony of the Lord Iesus The .18 daye of December in the yeare of our Lorde .1557 ¶ A letter which he sent to the Christian congregation exhortyng them to refrayne themselues from the Idolatrous seruice of the papistes and to serue god wyth a pure and vndefiled conscience after hys worde IT is a lamentable thing to behold at this present in England the faithles departyng both of men and women from the true knowledge and vse of christes syncere religion whiche so plentifully they haue ben taught do know their own consciences bearyng witnes to the verity therof Hebr. 6. If that earth be cursed of god which eftsoues receiuing moysture and pleasaunt dewes from heauen doth not bryng forth fruit accordyngly how much more greuous iudgement shall such persons receiue which hauyng receiued from the father of heauen the perfitte knowledge of hys worde by the mynistery therof do not shew forth gods worshippe after the same If the lord will requyre in the daye of iudgemente a godly vsury of all manner of talentes whiche he lendeth vnto men and women Math. 25. howe much more wyll he requyre the same of hys pure religion reueled vnto vs which is of all other talentes the chiefest and most perteynyng to our exercise in thys lyfe if we hydde the same in a napkyn and set it not forth to the vsurie of gods glory and edifieng of his church by true confession God hath kindled the bryght lyght of his gospell whyche in tymes paste was suppressed and hyd vnder the vyle ashes of mans traditiōs and hath caused the bryghtnes therof to shine in our harts to th ende that the same myght shyne before men to the honour of hys name It is not only geuen vs to beleue Math 5. Rom. x Math. 12. Luke 12. Math. 7 but also to confesse and declare what we beleue in our outwarde conuersation For as S. Paule wryteth to the Romaynes the belief of the hart iustifyeth to knowledge with the mouth maketh a man safe It is all one before god not to beleue at al and not to shew forth the lyuely workes of our beliefe For Christ saith either make the tree good and hys fruites good or els make the tree euill and the fruites euil because a good tree bryngeth forthe good fruites so that the person which knoweth hys maisters wyll and doth it not shall be beaten wyth many strypes And not all they which say lord lord shall enter into the kyngdom of God but he that doth the wyll of the father Luke 9 And whosoeuer in the tyme of tryall is ashamed of me saith Christ and of my words of him the sonne of man will be ashamed before hys father After that we haue built our selues in to the true church of god it hath pleased hym by geuyng vs ouer into the handes of the wicked Sinagoges to proue our buildyng Math. 7. to haue it known aswell to the world as to our selues that we haue ben wise builders into the true church of god vpon the rock and not on the sande and therfore now the tempest is risen and the stormes do mightely blow agaynste vs that we might notwythstandyng stand vpryghte and bee firme in the Lorde to hys honoure and glorye and to oure eternall felicitye There is no newe thynge happened vnto vs for wyth suche tempestes and daungerous weathers the churche of GOD hathe continuallye bene exercised Nowe once agayne as the Prophete Aggey telleth vs the Lorde shaketh the earthe Aggeus 2. that those myghte abyde for euer whyche be not ouerthrowne Therfore my dearely beloued bee stable and immoueable in the worde of god and in the faithfull obseruation therof and let no man deceiue you with vayne words saying that you may kepe your faith to your selues and dissēble with Antichriste and so liue at rest quietnes in the world as moste men do yeldyng to necessitie This is the wisedome of the flesh Rom. 8 1 Cor. 6. Math. 16. but the wisedome of the flesh is death and enmitye to god as our sauiour for ensample aptely did declare in Peter who exhorted christ not to go to Ierusalem to celebrate the passeouer and there to be slayne but councelled hym to loke better to himselfe Likewise the world would not haue vs to forsake him neither to associate oure selues to the true church which is the body of Christe whereof we are liuely members and to vse the sacraments after gods word with the daunger of our lyues But we must learne to aunswer the world as Christ dyd Peter and say go behynd me Satā thou sauourest not the thyngs of god Heb. 11. Psa 116. Shal I not drynke of the cup which the father geueth me For it is better to be afflicted to be slayn in the church of god then to be counted the sonne of the king in the Sinagoge of false religiō Death for righteousnes is not to be abhorred but rather to be desired which assuredly bringeth with it the crown of euerlasting glory These bloodye executioners doe not persecute Christes Martyrs but crowne them with euerlastyng felicitye We were borne into this world to be witnesses vnto the truth both learned vnlearned Nowe since the time is come that we must shew our faithe declare whether we wil be gods seruauntes in righteousnes and holines as we haue bene taught and are bound to follow or els with hypocrisy serue vnrighteousnes let vs take good heede that we bee founde faythful in the lordes couenaunt and true members of hys church in the which through knowledge we are ingraffed from the which if we fall by transgression wyth the commē sort of people it will more straightly be required of vs thā many yet do make accompt therof We cānot serue two maisters Luke 18. 3. Reg. 18 Apoc. 3. we may not halte on both sides and thynke to please god we must be feruent in gods cause or els he wyll cast vs out from hym For by the first commaundement we are cōmaunded to loue God wyth all our harte with al our mynde with all our power and strength but they are manifest trāsgressours of this commaundement which with theyr hart mynd or bodely power doe communicate with a straunge religion contrary to the worde of god in the papistical Synagoge which calleth it self the church and is not As greatly do they offend god now whiche so doe as the Israelites dyd in tymes past by forsakyng
remembraunce of me not sixe dais ago saying that I am more worthy to be burnt then any that was burned yet Gods blessyng on their hartes for their good reporte GOD make me worthye of that dignitie and hasten the tyme that I might set forthe hys glorye Praye for me deare harte I bese●h you and will all your company to doe the same and I wil pray GOD for you all so longe as I liue And now farewell in Christe thou blessed of gods owne mouthe I wil for a time take my leaue but not my last farewell Blessed be the tyme that euer I came into the kynges Benche to bee ioined in loue and fellowship with such deare childrē of the lord My good brother Bradford shal not be deade whyles you be alyue for verelye the spirite of hym dothe teste on you in most ample wyse Your letters of comforte vnto me in eche poynt do agree as though the one were a copy of the other He hath planted in me and you doe water the Lorde geue good increase My deare brethrē and fellow prisoners here haue them humbly and hartely commended vnto you and your company mournyng for your miserye but yet reioysing for your plenteous consolation and comfort in Christ We are all cherefull and mery vnder our crosse and do lack no necessaries praised be god for his prouidence and great mercyes towardes vs for euermore Amen Iohn Careles ¶ To certayne godly women forsakyng theyr owne countrey and goyng beyond the seas in the tyme of persecution for the testimony of the Gospell THe spirite of truth reueled vnto you my derely beloued by the gospell of our sauiour Iesus Christ be continually abidyng with you and augmented into a perfecte buildynge of you into the lyuely temple of God throughe the mighty operation of his power Amen I read in the Euangelists of certain godly women that ministred vnto Christ followyng hym in the dayes of his passion and neuer forsooke hym but beyng dead in hys graue brought oyle to annoynt him vntil that he had shewed himself vnto them after hys resurrection and hydden them shewe vnto hys disciples which at his passion were dispersed and tell them that he was rysen and that they should see him in Galile To whom I may iustly compare you my louing systers in Christ who of late haue sene hym suffer in hys members and haue ministred to their necessity annointing them with the comfortable oyle of your charitable assistance euen to the death and now since ye haue sene Christ to liue in the ashes of them whom the tyrannes haue slayne he wylleth you to go away vpon iust occasion offered you to declare to our dispersed brethren and systers that he is risen and liueth in hys elect members in England and by deathe doth ouercome infidelitye and that they shall see hym in Galile which is by forsakyng this world and by a faythfull desyre to passe out of this world by those wayes which he with his holy martyrs hath gone on before God therfore entier systers direct your way as he dyd Abraham and Tobias vnto a straūge land God geue you helth both of body soule that ye may go from vertue to vertue grow frō strēgth to strength vntyl ye may see face to face the god of Sion in his holy hyl with the innumerable cōpany of hys blessed Martyrs and Sainctes Let there be continuall ascensions vnto heauē in your hartes Let there be no decrease of any vetue which is already planted in you Be as the light of the iust such as Salomon sayth increaseth to the perfect day of the Lorde Let the strength of god be cōmended in your weake vessels as it is Be examples of faythe and sobrietie to all that ye shall come in company withall Let your godly conuersation speake where your tonge may not in the congregation Be swift to heare and slow to speake after the counsell of S. Iames. Be not curious about other mens doings but be occupied in prayer and continuall meditation wyth reuerent talkyng of the worde of God without contention amongest the sainctes Let your faythe shine in a straunge countrey as it hathe done in your owne that your father which is in heauen may be glorified by you to the end This farewell I send you not as a thyng nedefull which know alredy what your duety is and be desirous to performe the same but as one that woulde haue you vnderstand that he is myndefull of your godly conuersation whereof he hathe had good experience and therefore wryteth this to bee as a perpetuall memoriall betwixt you and hym vntyll our metyng together before god where we shall ioy that we haue here louyngly put one another in memory of our duetye to performe it Farewell agayne myne owne bowels in christ and take me with you wheresoeuer you goe and leaue your selues with me that in spirite we may be present one wyth another Commend me to the whole congregation of christ wyllyng them not to leaue their countrey without witnes of the Gospell after that we all be slayne which already be stauled vp and appoynted to the slaughter and in the mean season to pray earnestly for our constancy that Christe may be glorified in vs and in them both by lyfe and death Farewell in the Lorde Yours for euer Iohn Philpot. ¶ An exhortation to a Syster of hys constantlye and cherefully to stick to the truth and to abide the triall of that doctrine which she had fruitefullye professed GOd the eternall father who hath iustifyed you by the bloode of hys sonne Iesus Christe and calleth you to hallowe hys name thoroughe a good conuersation and profession of lyfe he sanctifye you with daily encrease of vertue and fayth by his holy spirite that you may appeare a vessell of sanctification in the myddest of thys wycked and peruerse generation to the lande and prayse of the Gospell Amen I haue occasion myne own deare syster to prayse God in you for two causes the one that to your habilitie you are readye to shewe your selfe a naturall louyng syster vnto me your poore afflicted brother as by your gentle tokens you haue eftsones testified beyng absent as also presently visityng me which well declareth that you be a verye naturall syster in dede and to be praysed in this behalfe But in the other that you be also a syster to me in faythe after Christes gospell I am occasioned to thanke god so muche the more how much the one excelleth the other and the spiritual consāguinity is more perdurable then that which is of flesh and bloode and is a worker of that whyche is by nature for cōmonly such as be vngodly be vnnaturall and onely louers of themselues as daily experience teacheth us The lyuyng lord which throughe the incorruptible seed of hys worde hath begotten you to be my liege syster geue you grace so to grow in that generation that you may encrease to a perperfecte age in the lord to be
like to be no lesse thā your lyfe for I beleue as Paul sayth that god hath appoynted vs in these latter daies lyke shepe to the slaughter Rom. 8 Antichrist is come agayne and he must make a feast to Beelzebub his father of many Christiā bodyes for the restoring againe of his kingdome let vs watche and pray that the same daye maye not fynde vs vnredy The peace of god be with you and remaine with you for euer Your louing brother in Christ in spirit your familier frende captiue in the Kynges Benche Iohn Philpot. To my dearely beloued Sister in the Lord Maistres Heath THe lyght of the Gospel of Christ which hath illigthned you with the true vnderstanding of fayth be dayly encreased in you my dearly beloued sister vnto the perfyte day of the Lord through the mighty operation of hys spirite Amen Where as you haue required of me a token at your departyng that myghte be a remembraunce with you of my brotherly loue toward you I mused of diuerse things what I might cōmend vnto you best among al other I found none so certayne a token either of the loue of God toward vs or els of the loue of vs one to an other as to beare the crosse together with Christ To beare the crosse is to be partaker of the afflictions of Christ which now he suffreth in his members for the accomplishmente of his body the church which are we that beleue in him sincerely which is the surest token of Gods loue towards vs that we can haue in thys world for whom god loueth he chasteneth and as it is written Heb. 12 he chasteneth euery sonne whō he receaueth Wherfore aboue all things loue the crosse of Christ vnder the which al the church of Christ in England nowe is be content to haue your fayth tried euery daye by some crosse or other as it pleaseth God to put on you and if God putteth no greuous crosse vppon you let your brethrens crosse be your crosse whiche is a certayn token of true brotherly loue If the church in England had learned with the Gospel to haue borne the crosse of Christ as all that be professours of the Gospel be called thereunto they woulde not so lightly at the commaundement of man haue turned from the wayes of saluation to their old vomite againe contrary to their conscience and al to auoide the crosse the mercifull signe of Gods loue towards vs. If the crosse were not the faythfull could not be knowen If the crosse were not God should not so manifestly appeare to be our deliuerer and cōforter as he doth shewe himselfe in the middest therof vnto al thē that put their trust in him Therfore beleue them verely to be in most happie estate that be vnder the crosse such as doe vtterly abhorre the same are cowards not fytte souldiers for the lord We haue al receaued the credit of faith from god in Christ that we should beautifie the same or rather god in the same 1. Cor. 4. We haue this treasure in brittel vessels let vs take hede that the britelnes of the vessels shee de not out our precious treasure on the earth as it is lamentable to see at this day many haue most vnfaythfully done Are they worthy of the heauenly kingdome which here esteeme more earth then heauen O palpable infidelity Wil not god require the credit of fayth which he hath committed vnto vs Yea verely Is thys the vsury of fayth to loue the world more then the Gospel and to feare mā more then god If men which coūt themselues stronger worthyer vessels haue thus vnfaythfully dealt in the thinges of god let the weakenes of womē be more fyrme in their fayth to the glory of God whose might appeareth in weakenes There is no exceptiō of person before god both man and woman be on in god and that persō in al sortes of people is acceptable to him that striueth to do hys will Wherfore contend in these crosse dayes whiche be the loue dayes of god towardes vs to shew your self faythful to him that calleth you and to be redy to do his will according to true knowledge and that vnder the crosse God hath geuen you a faythful guide whom see you loue with al humilitie pacience and obedience as it becommeth a holy woman to be subiect to her faythful head in the Lord comfort him in our common crosse and bid him cherefully take vp the one end and you will beare the other a double string knit together As you in your godly matrimonye do represent the mysterye of Christ and his churche so continue you liuely members of fayth in the same and learne daily more and more to beare the crosse of Christ that other seing your strength may be comforted and be ashamed of their weakenes in their maisters cause The faythful seruaunt the Lord loueth which bringeth his talent to his table with encrease Now is the time to encrease to the lord and not to decrease to multiply our fayth vnder the crosse not to diminysh it Ose 6 Gene. 9. The waies of the iust do encrease as the dauning of the day Embrace therfore the crosse as the raynebow of gods merciful couenaunt pray that we may together end our course therin with ioy Take my token in good worth vntil we be made partakers of the glory of the crosse Out of my Lorde of Londons Colehouse The .xi. of Nouember Yours Iohn Philpot. To my brother Iohn Careles prisoner in the Kinges Benche THe grace of God the father through his deare sonne Christ our Sauiour with perseuerance in all godly verity be with thee my deare brother Careles and with al my prison fellowes Amen Ah my own loue in Christ These were certeyne free-wil mē arrogant frowerd and vnquiet spirites I am sory to heare of thy great trouble which these shismatiks do daily put thee to I wold I were with thee in part to releue thy greefe but since that it hath pleased God otherwise take my aduice in thys your conflict be pacient what soeuer your aduersaryes can saye or do against you Know that you are appoynted for the defence of the gospel for the which you god be praysed do suffer yet you must vnderstand that you are but a voyce in the wildernes a planter that it is god which must geue the encease And therefore if there come not suche fruite of your good labours as you would wyshe be content know that a stony groūd can not fructifye yet shal not god forget your labour but you shal reape as plētiously in the day of reward as though it had encreased after your expectatiō Haue patience therfore in your labour and let not care eate out your hart Committe the successe to God and cease not with charitye to be earnest in the defence of the truth agaynste these arrogant and self will blynded scatterers These sectes are necessary for the
iourney to heauen warde found as ye nowe fynde are like to finde if ye goe on forwarde as I truste ye will yet ye haue your maister and your captaine Iesus Christ the dere derlyng and onelye begotten and beloued sonne of God in whom was al the fathers pleasure ioye and delectation ye haue hym to go before you no fayrer way but much fouler into this our city of Ierusalē I nede not I trust to reherse what maner of way he found Beginne at his birth and till ye come to his buriall ye shall finde that euerye foote and stryde of his iourney was no better but muche worse then yours now is Wherfore my derely beloued in the Lord be not so deinty as to loke for that at gods handes your dere father whiche the fathers Patriarckes Prophets Apostles Euangelists Martyrs Saincts and his own sonne Iesus Christ did not fynde Hetherto we haue had fayre way I trow and fayre weather also nowe bicause we haue loitered by the waye and not made the speede we should haue done our louyng lord and swete father hath ouercast the weather and styrred vp stormes and tempestes that we mighte wyth more hast rūne out our race before night come and the dores be sparred The deuil standeth now at euery Inne dore in hys city and countrey of this worlde cryeng vnto vs to tarye and lodge in thys or that place till the stormes be ouerpast not that he would not haue vs wette to the skinne but that the tyme might ouerpasse vs to our vtter destruction Therfore beware of his entisemēts cast not your eyes on things that be present phi 3. how this man doth and how that man doth but caste your eies on the gleue ye runne at or els ye wil loose the game Ye know that he which rūneth at the gleue doth not looke on other that stande by and goe thys waye or that waye but altogether he looketh on the gleue and on them that runne wyth hym that those whiche bee behinde ouertake him not and that he maye ouertake them which be before euen so should we do leaue of lookyng on those which will not runne the race to heauens blisse by the pathe of persecution with vs and cast our eyes on the ende of our race and on them that goe before vs that we maye ouertake them and on them whiche come after vs that we may prouoke them to come the faster after He that shooteth will not cast his eies in his shooting on them that stād by or ryde by the wayes I trowe but rather on the marke he shooteth at for els he were like to wynne the wrōg way Euen so my derely beloued let your eies be set on the marke ye shoote at euen Christe Iesus who for the ioye he set before hym dyd ioyfully cary his crosse contēning the shame and therfore he now sitteth on the right hande of the throne of god Let vs followe hym for this did he that we shoulde not be faynt harted For we may be most assured Hebr. 12 Rom. 8 2. Tim. 3 Math. 12 that if we suffer with him we shall vndoubtedlye raigne with hym but if we denye hym surely he will denye vs for he that is ashamed of me sayeth Christ and of my gospel in this faithles generation I will bee ashamed of hym before the Aungels of God in heauen Oh how heauye a sentence is this to al such as know the Masse to be an abhominable idol ful of idolatry blasphemy sacrilege against god and his Christe as vndoubtedly it is and yet for feare of men for losse of lyfe or goodes yea some for aduantage and gayne wyl honest it with their presence dissemblyng both with God and man as their owne harte and conscience doth accuse them Better it were that such had neuer knowne the truthe then thus wittinglye and for the feare or fauour of man whose breath is in his nosethrelles Esay 2 2. Pet. 2 Heb. 6.10 to dissemble it or rather as in dede it is to deny it The ende of suche is like to bee worse then their beginning Suche had nede to take heede of the two terrible places to the Hebrewes in the vi and x. Chapters leaste by so doyng they fall therein Let them beware they play not wily beguile themselues as some doe I feare me which goe to Masse and because they worship not nor knele not nor knocke not as others doe but sit still in their pues therfore they thinke thei rather do good to others thē hurt But alas if these men would loke into their own consciences there should they se that they are very dissemblers and in seking to deceaue others for by this meanes the magistrates thynke them of their sorte they deceaue thēselues They thinke at the eleuation time al mens eies are set vpō thē to marke how they do They thynke others hearyng of such mē going to masse do see or enquyre of their behauiour there Oh if there were in those men that are so presente at the masse eyther loue to god or to theyr brethern thē would they for the one or both openly take gods parte and admonishe the people of their idolatry Math. 10 3. Reg. 8 Apoc. 3 they feare man more then him which hath power to cast both soule and body into hell fyre they halte on bothe knees they serue .ij. maisters God haue mercy vpon suche and open theyr eyes wyth hys eye salue that they may see that they whiche take not part with god are against God and that they which gather not wyth Chryste doe scatter abroade Oh that they woulde reade what Saincte Iohn sayeth wyll bee done to the fearefull Apoc. 21 Apo. 3. The counsell geuen to the churche of Laodicea is good coūsell for suche 2. Tim 1 Rom. 1 But to returne to you agayn derely beloued be no tye ashamed of gods gospel It is the power of god to saluatiō to al those that do beleue it Be therfore pertakers of the afflictions as God shall make you hable knowyng for certayne that he wyll neuer tempte you farther then he wyll make you able to beare 1. Cor. 10. phi 1. 1. pet 3. Math. 5 And thinke it no smal grace of god to suffer persecution for gods truth for the spiryte of god resteth vpon you and ye are happy as one day ye shall see Reade 2. Thess 1. and Hebr. 12. As the fyre hurteth not golde but maketh it fyner so shall ye bee more pure by suffering wyth Christ 1. Pet. 1. The flaile and wynde hurteth not the wheat but clenseth it from the chaste And ye dearely beloued are gods wheate feare not therfore the flayle feare not the fannyng wynde feare not the milstone feare not the ouen for all these make you more meete for the lordes owne toothe Sope though it be blacke soileth not the clothe but rather at the length maketh it more cleane so doth the blacke crosse helpe vs to more
whitenes if God strike wyth hys batteldore Rom. 8 Because ye are gods shepe prepare your selues to the slaughter alwayes knowyng that in the syghte of the lord our death shall be precious The soules vnder the aultar looke for vs to fyll vp their number happye are we if god haue so apointed vs. 1. pet 5 Math. 10. How soeuer it be derely beloued cast your selues wholye vppon the Lorde with whome all the heares of your heades are numbred so that not one of them shall perishe Will we nyll we we must drynke gods cuppe if he haue appointed it for vs. Drynke it wyllyngly then at the fyrst when it is full lest peraduenture if we linger we shal drynke at the lēgth of the dregges wyth the wycked Psal 75 1. pet 4 if at the beginning we drinke not with hys childrē for with them his iudgemēt beginneth whē he hath wrought hys wil on mount Syon then wil he visit the nations round about Submit your selues therfore vnder the mighty hand of the Lorde 1. pet 7 Rom. 8 No manne shall touche you wythoute hys knowledge When they touche you therefore knowe it is to your weale GOD thereby will worke to make you like vnto Christe here that ye maye bee also lyke vnto hym elsewhere Acknowledge your vnthankefulnes and sinne and blesse god that correcteth you in the world 1. Cor. 11. because ye shal not be dāned with the world Otherwyse might he correct vs then in makyng vs to suffer for ryghteousnes sake but this he doth bicause we are not of the world Cal vpō his name through Christ for his help as he commaundeth vs. Beleue that he is merciful to you heareth you helpeth you Psa 50. Psal 92 I am wyth hym in trouble wil deliuer him sayth he Know that god hath appoynted boundes ouer the which the deuill and all the worlde shal not passe If all thinges seeme to be against you yet say with Iob. If he kil me I wil hope in him Read the 91. psalm and praye for me your poore brother fellow suff●er for gods gospels sake his name therfore be praised of of his mercy he make me you worthy to suffer with good consciēce for his names sake Die once we must when we know not happy are they whō god geueth to pay natures det I meane to dye for his sake Here is not our home therfore let vs accordingly cōsider things alwais hauyng before our eyes heauēly Ierusalē Heb. 12. Apo. 21.22 the way thether to be by persecutions the deare frendes of God howe they haue gone it after the exāple of our sauior Iesus christ whose footesteps let vs follow euē to the very Gallowes yf god so wyll not doubtyng but that as he wythin three dayes rose agayne immortal euen so we shal doe in our time that is when the trumpe shall blow and the aungel shal shoots and the sonne of man shal apeare in the cloudes with innumerable sainctes and aungels in maiesty and greate glory then shall the dead arise and we shall be caught vp into the cloudes to mete the lord and so be always wyth him Comfort your selues with these wordes and pray for me for gods sake Ecarcere 19. Nouemb. 1553. Iohn Bradford ¶ To Syr Iames Hales knyght then prisoner in the Counter in Bredestrete THe god of mercy and father of all cōfort plentifully powre out vpon you and in you hys mercy and with his consolations comforte strengthen you to the ende for hys and oure Christes sake Amen Although ryght worshhpfull Syr many causes myght moue me to be contente wyth cryeng for you to your god and my god that he would geue you grace to perseuer well as he hathe righte notably begonne to the great glory of hys name comfort of all such as feare him as lacke of learning of familiarity yea acquaintaunce for I thinke I am vnknowen to you both by face name other such like thinges yet I cannot content my self but presume somethyng to scrible vnto you not that I thinke my scriblyng can do you good but that I might hereby declare my 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and compassion loue and affection I beare towardes your mastership which is contented yea desirous wyth vs poore mysers to confesse Christes gospell in these perilous tymes and dayes of trial Oh Lord god how good art thou which doest thus gleane out grapes I meane children for thy selfe and bretherne for Christ Looke good M. Hales on your vocatiō not many iudges not many knights not many landed men not many rich mē welthy to liue as you are hath god chosē to suffer for his sake as he hath now done you Certainly I dare saye you thinke not so of your selfe as thoughe God were bounde to preferre you or had nede of you but rather attribute this as all good thynges vnto hys free mercy in Christe Agayne I dare say you beyng a wise man iudge of things wisely that is concernyng thys your crosse you iudge of it not after the worlde people which is magnus erroris magister nor after the iudgemēt of reason and worldlye wisedome whiche is folyshnes to fayth nor after the presente sense to that whiche non videtur gaudij sed molestioe as Paule writeth Heb. 1● but after the woorde of god which teacheth your crosse to be in respect of your selfe betwene god and you gods chastising and your fathers correction nurtour schole trial pathway to heauen glory and felicitie and the furnace to consume the drosse and mortifye the reliques of olde Adam which yet remaine yea euen the frame house to fashion you like to the dearest Saints of god here yea to Christ the sonne of God that elles whece you myght be like vnto him Nowe concerning your crosse in respect of the world betwene the world you gods word teacheth it to be a testimoniall of Gods truth of his prouidence of his power of his iustice of his wisdome of his anger against sinne of his goodnes of hys iudgement of your fayth and religion so that by it you are to the worlde a witnes of God one of his testes that he is true he ruleth all thinges he is iuste wise and at the length wil iudge the world and caste the wicked into perdition but the godlye he will take and receaue into his eternall habitation I knowe you iudge of things after faythes fetch and the effectes or endes of things and so you see aeternum pondus gloriae 2. Cor. 4. which thys crosse shall bring vnto you dum non spectas ea quae videntur sed ea quae non videntur Let the worldlings waye thinges and loke vpon the affaires of men with their worldly and corporall eyes as did many in subscription of the kinges laste wil and therfore they dyd that for the which they beshrewd thēselues but let vs loke on thinges with other manner of eyes as god bee
heritike but not of others thē of heretykes whose prayse is a disprayse You are not able to reason agaynst the priestes but God wil that al they shal not be able to withstand you No body will doe so but you only In dede no matter for fewe enter into the narow gate whiche bryngeth to saluation How be it you shall haue with you I doubt not Father Traues and others my brothers and systers to goe with you therein but if they will not I youre sonne in GOD I trust shal not leaue you an inche but goe before you praye that I maye and geue thankes for me Reioyce in my suffetyng for it is for youre sakes to confyrme the truth I haue taughte Howe soeuer you doe beware thys letter come not abroade but into Father Traues hys handes for if it should be knowen that I haue penne and Inke in the pryson then wold it be worse with me Therfore to your selues kepe thys letter commending me to God and his mercy in Christ Iesus who make me worthy for his names sake to geue my life for his gospel church sake Out of the Tower of London the .6 day of October 1553. My name I wryte not for causes you know it well enough lyke the letter neuer the worse Commende me to all our good brethren and sisters in the Lord. How soeuer you do be obedient to the higher powers that is in no point eyther in hand or tong rebell but rather if they commaund that which with good conscience you can not obey lay your head on the block and suffer what soeuer they shal do or say By pacience possesse your soules To my very frende in the Lorde Doctor Hyll Phisition THe God of mercy and father of al comfort at this presēt and for euer engraffe in your hart the sense of his mercy in Christ and the continuance of his consolatiō which can not but enable you to cary with ioy what soeuer crosse he shall lay vpon you Amen Hetherto I coulde haue no such libertie as to write vnto you as I thinke you know but now in that through gods prouidence I haue no such restraint I can not but somthing write aswell to purge me of the suspition of vnthankfulnes towardes you as allso to signifie my carefulnes for you in these perilous dayes least you should waxe colde in Gods cause which god forbid or suffer the light of the Lorde once kindled in your hart to be quenched and so become as you were before after the example of the world and of many others which would haue bene accompted otherwise in our daies and yet stil beguile them selues still woulde be so accompted althoughe by their outwarde life they declare the contrarye in that they thinke it enough to keepe the harte pure notwithstanding that the outwarde man doth currye fauoure In which doing as they denye God to bee Ielous and therfore requireth he the whole man as well bodye as soule being both create as to immortalitie and societie with hym so redeemed by the bloude of Iesus Christ and nowe sanctifyed by the holy spirite to bee the temple of God and member of hys Sonne as I say by their partyng stake to geue God the harte and the world the body they deny god to be Ielous for els they would geue him both as the wife will do to her husband whether he be Ielous or no if she be honest so they play the dissemblers with the church of God by their facte offending the godlye whome either they prouoke to fal with them or make more careles conscienceles yf they be fallen and occasioning the wicked and obstinate to triumphe against god and the more vehemently to prosecute their malice against such as wil not defyle themselues in body or soule with the Romishe ragges now reuiued emonges vs. Because of this I meane lest you my dere Maister brother in the lord shuld do as many of our gospellers or rather gospell spillers doe for feare of man Esay 2 whose breath is in his nostrelles and hash power but of the body not fearing the Lorde whiche hathe power both of soule and body and that not onely temporally but also eternally I coulde not but wryte somethyng vnto you aswell because duty deserueth it for manye benefites I haue receiued of God by your handes for the which he reward you for I cannot as also because charitye and loue compelleth me not that I thinke you haue any neede for as I maye rather learne of you so I doubte not but you haue hetherto kepte your selfe vpright from halting but that I might both quiet my conscience callyng vpon me hereabout and signify vnto you by some thyng my carefulnes for your soule as painfullye and often you haue done for my body Therfore I pray you call to mynde that there bee but two maisters two kyndes of people two wayes and two mansion places The maisters be Christ and Satan the people be seruitures to either of these the wayes be straite and wyde the mansions be heauen and hell Agayne consider that this worlde is the place of trial of gods people and the deuils seruauntes for as the one will followe his maister whatsoeuer cometh of it so will the other For a tyme it is harde to discerne who perteyneth to god and who to the deuill as in the calme and peace who is a good shipman and wariour who is not But as when the storme aryseth the expert mariner is knowne as in warre the good souldiour is seene so in affliction and the crosse easelye gods children are knowen frō Sathans seruants ●or then as the good seruant will folow his maister so wyll the godly followe their Capitayne come what come wyll where as the wycked and hyyocrites will bidde adew and desyre lesse of Christes acquaintaunce For whiche cause the crosse is called a probation and triall bicause it tryeth who wyll goe wyth GOD and who wyll forsake hym As nowe in Englande we see howe smal a companye Chryste hathe in comparison of Sathans souldiours Lette no man deceyue hymselfe for he that gathereth not with Christe scattereth abroade No man can serue two maisters the Lorde abhorreth double hartes the luke warme that is suche as are bothe whote and colde he spitteth out of his mouthe None that halte on both knees doth god take for hys seruaunts The way of Christe is the strayte waye and so strayte that as fewe fynde it and fewe walke in it so no man can halte in it but nedes muste goe vpryghte for as the straitenesse wyll suffer no reelyng to thys syde or that syde so yf anye man halte he is lyke to fal of the brydge into the pit of eternal perdition Stryue therfore good maister Doctor nowe you haue founde it to enter into it and if you should be called or pulled backe looke not on this side or that side or behynd you as Lothes wyfe dyd but strayght forewardes on the ende which set
before you though it be to come as euen now present lyke as you do and wyl your patientes to doe in purgations and other your ministrations to consyder the effecte that wil ensue where through the bitternes and lothesomnes of the purgatiō is so ouercome and the painfulnes in abydyng the workyng of that is mynistred is so eased that it maketh the patient willyngly ioyfully to receiue that is to be receiued although it be neuer so vnpleasaūt so I say set before you the ende of this straite way and thē doutles as Paule saith aeternū pōdus gloriae pariet whiles you loke not on the thyng sene for that is temporal but on the thing which is not sene which is eternall So dothe the husbandman in plowing and tilling set before him the haruest time so doth the fisher consider the draught of his nette rather thē the casting in so doth the merchaunt the returne of his merchaūdise and so shoulde we in these stormy daies set before vs not the losse of our goods liberty very lyfe but the reaping time the comming of our sauiour Christ to iudgement the fire that shall burne the wicked disobediēt to gods gospel the blast of the Trumpe the exceding glory prepared for vs in heauen eternally suche as the eie hathe not sene the eare hath not heard nor the harte of man can conceyue The more we lose here the greater ioye shall wee haue there The more we suffer the greater tryumphe For corruptible drosse we shall fynde incorruptible treasures for golde glorye for syluer solace without ende for ryches robes royall for earthely houses eternall Palaces myrthe wythout measure pleasure wythout payne felicitye endeles Summa we shall haue God the father the sonne and the holy Ghoste Oh happye place oh that thys daye woulde come Then shal the ende of the wicked be lamentable then shall they receiue the iust rewarde of thy vengeaunce then shall they crye woe woe that euer they dyd as they haue done Reade Sapien Reade Mathew 25. Reade 1. Corrinthians 15. 2. Corrinthians 5. and by fayth whiche GOD encrease in vs consyder the thinges there set forth And for your comforte reade Hebrewes 11. to see what faythe hath done alwayes consyderyng the way to heauen to be by many tribulations that all they which wyll lyue godlye in Christe Iesu must suffer persecution You know thys is oure Alphabet he that wyll bee my Disciple sayeth Christ must denye hymselfe and take vppe his crosse and followe me not thys Bishoppe nor that Doctour not thys Emperour nor that Kynge but me sayeth Christe for he that loueth father mother wyfe chyldren or verye lyfe better then me is not worthye of me Remember that the same Lorde sayeth Math. 8. he that wyll saue hys lyfe shall loose it Comforte your selfe wyth thys that as the Deuyls had no power ouer the Porkettes or ouer Iobes goodes wythout Gods leaue so shall they haue none ouer you Remember also that all the heares of your head are numbred wyth GOD. The Deuyll maye make one beeleue he wyll drowne hym as the Sea in hys surges threateneth to the lande but as the Lorde hathe appoynted boundes for the one ouer the whyche he cannot passe so hathe he done for the other On god therfore cast your care loue him serue him after hys worde feare him trust in him hope at his hande for all helpe and alwayes praye lookyng for the crosse and when soeuer it commeth bee assured the Lorde as he is faythfull so he will neuer tempte you further then he will make you able to beare but in the myddest of the tēptation wil make such an euasion as shal be most to his glorye and your eternall comfort God for his mercy in Christe with his holye spirite endue you comforte you vnder the winges of hys mercy shadow you and as his deare childe guide you for euermore To whose merciful tuition as I doe wyth my hartye prayer committe you so I doubte not but you praye for me also and so I beseche you to do stil My brother P. telleth me you would haue the last part of sainct Hieromes workes to haue the vse thereof for a fortenighte I cannot for these .iij. dais wel forbeare it but yet on thursday next I wil send it you if god let me not vse me that I haue as your owne The lorde for his mercy in Christe directe oure wayes to his glory Amen Out of pryson by yours to commaunde Iohn Bradford To Maystres M. H. a godly gentlewoman comfortyng her in that common heauines and godly sorrow which the feeling and sense of sinne worketh in gods children I Humblye and hartelye praye the euerlyuyng good god and father of mercye to blesse and kepe your harte and mynd in the knowledge and loue of his truth of his Christ through the inspiration and workyng of the holy spyryte Amen Although I haue no doubte but that you prosper and go forwardes daily in the way of godlines more and more drawyng towardes perfection and haue no neede of anyethyng that I can wryte yet because my desyre is that you myghte be more feruent and perseuer to the ende I coulde not but wryte somethyng vnto you besechyng you bothe often and diligently to call vnto your mynd as a meane to styrre you hereunto yea as a thyng which god most straitly requireth you to beleue that you are beloued of god that he is your dere father in through and for Christ and his deathes sake This loue tender kyndnes of god towards vs in Christ is aboundātly herein declared in that he hath to the godly worst of creation of this worlde made vs after his image redemed vs beyng lost called vs into his church sealed vs with his marke and signe manuel of Baptisme kept and conserued vs all the dais of our lyfe fed nourished defended and moste fatherlye chastised vs and nowe hath kindled in our hartes the sparcles of hys feare faith loue and knowlege of hys Christ and truth and therfore we lament because we lament no more our vnthankfulnes our frailenes our diffidence and waueryng in things wherin we should be moste certain Al these thyngs we shuld vse as meanes to cōfyrme our faith of this that god is our god and father and to assure vs that he loueth vs as our father in Christ to this end I say we should vse the thynges before touched especially in that of all thinges god requyreth this faith and persuasion of hys fatherly goodnes as hys chiefest seruyce For before he aske any thyng of vs he saieth I am the Lord thy god geuyng hymselfe and then all he hath to vs to be our own And this he doth in respect of hymself of hys owne mercye and truth and not in respect of vs for then were grace no grace In consideration wherof when he saieth Thou shalte haue none other gods but me thou shalt loue me with all thy hart
then they would lose worldlye thinges as experiēce teacheth certeinly it should be muche to our shame which in Baptisme haue vowed and solempnely sworn to forsake the world if we dare not ieoperd a iointe wyth man rather then we woulde lose a good conscience and spirituall treasures He that will not haue gods blessyng it shall be taken from him sayeth Dauyd Therfore my derely beloued beware you are now the temple of the holy ghost defile it not for the lordes sake but kepe it pure not only from all vncleannes of the spirit but also of the flesh 2. Cor. 7. as I trust you wil and crye vppon your father for his strength and ayde which I beseche him of his mercy alwais to geue vnto you my own good frend euen as I desyre to my selfe If in any thyng I could helpe you you may be as assured thereof as of your brother My prayer to god nyght and day you shall haue that for his holy names sake he would blesse you in al thinges kepe you with my good syster your wyfe vnto the verye ende as hys deare elect children Amen Amen From my lodging you knowe where thys v. of August By your owne to vse in the Lorde for euer Iohn Bradford ¶ An other letter to Maister Humfrey Hales and his VVyfe THe euerliuing merciful god our deare father through Christ be with you both my most dearely and entierly beloued in the Lorde now and for euer I cannot forbeare but signify vnto you both that my hart is carefull and heauy for the crosse which is come vpon you by the heauy and feareful iudgement of god fallen vpon your father iustly for his denying of god for feare of men loue of these things which he hath left behind him vnto you others God graunt his fact be so imprinted in the hartes of al men especially of you both that his fall maye be vnto you I wil not say arising for yet I trust ye are not fallen but an establishing in the veritie of god whereof who so is ashamed shal at length feele such shame as I beseche God kepe vs all from Happy are they that marke the iudgemēts of god vpon other to come and encrease in repentance Luke 13. to feare gods wrath and iudgements which is alwayes lyke hymsefe if we follow the steppes of them on whom he taketh punishment I nede not to tell you the cause of thys that hath happened vnto your father if it be as I with sorrow haue heard For you know wel enough that tyl he forsoke god gaue eare to the Serpents coūsel began to mamber of the truth to frame hymselfe outwardly to doe that which his conscience reproued inwardly for that which he myngled with the loue of god I meane the loue of the world cannot be in any man without the expulsion of gods loue til then I say god did not departe and leaue him to himselfe to the example of you and me and al others that we should feare euen our selues and our owne handes more then man all the powers of the world yf we therfore should do any thing which should woūd our consciēce The consciēce I tel you is sone woūded yea soner thē we beware of The deuil vseth al kind of desceite to blynd vs from seyng that whiche might wound it but when the stripe is geuen then eyther shutteth he stil vp our eies with contempt to our hardning or els openeth thē to bring vs to vtter dispairing In your father as ye may see the later so in many worldlye gospellers you maye if you will see the other God might deale with al such as he hath done now with your father but because the time of his iudgement is not yet come his wisedome hath thought good to set your father forth as an exāple to al mē as he did in the first world Cain in the .2 worlde Cham in the .3 age Chore c. in christes tyme Iudas in the Apostels time Ananias c. althoughe none wil hartely cōsider it but such as be gods children in dede But heare in comparyng your father thus my derelye and vnfaynedlye beloued in the Lorde I muste praye you not to bee offended or thynke that I doe de●ermynatelye iudge to God I leaue all iudgement but because the fruite to vs declareth no lesse to the admonishment of vs all I trust ye wyll accordyngly consider my collation For your partes as I thynke godly of you both that in dede ye are bothe the the children of god so I pray you comforte yourselues as Dauyd dyd though hys sonne Absolon perished so desperately and thoughe hys father in lawe Achitophell ▪ father to Bethsabe as the Hebrewes wryte peryshed so miserablye Ye knowe Ionathas was not the worse because hys father slew hymselfe nor Bethsabe because of her father Achitophel they bothe were the children of god and so I am assured as man can bee that ye are As they vsed gods iudgements vppon their parentes so doe ye to feare god and loue god the more to flye frō those things which in your father ye dyd see displeased God Oh that I were with you but one halfe houre not only with you to lament but also as god should lend me hys grace to comforte you who by thys iudgement doth tempt your patiēce faith to the cōfort of you both as you shal find I am assured My dere hartes in the lord if I could by any meanes comforte you certainly if my lyfe lay on it I thynke you should forthwith perceiue it but because I can do no more then I can therefore as I can I do that is as to wryte so to send this messēger my good frend and brother with the same to learne certainly the truth herein and the conditiō of your estate My other letter was made before I knewe of thys matter I pray god thys whych by reporte I vnderstande be otherwyse but gods good wyll bee done who geue vs patience and comforte in hym To whome I commende you bothe euen as hartelye as anye frendes I haue in thys life of your estate From my lodging you knowe where thys eight of August Anno Domini 1554. By your owne to vse in the Lorde for euer Iohn Bradford ¶ To certayne of hys faythfull frendes in God exhortyng them to bee ioyfull vnder the crosse as a token of gods synguler fauour towardes them GOd our deare and most merciful father through Christe be wyth you my good brother and Syster as wyth hys children for ēuer and in all thynges so guide you wyth hys holy spirite the leader of his people as may be to his glory and your owne euerlasting ioye and comfort in him Amen Because I haue often tymes receyued from eyther of you comfort corporally for the which I besech the Lord as to make me thankefull so to recompence you both now and eternally I cannot but go about lord helpe hereto for thy mercies sake
champions or els yf ye feele suche infirmitie in your selues that ye be not hable geue place to violence and go where ye maye with free and safe conscience serue the lord Thinke not this counsel to come by chaunce or fortune but to come from the Lorde other oracles we may not looke for nowe As God tolde Ioseph in a dreame by an aungel that he shoulde flye so yf ye feele such infirmity in your selues as shoulde turne to gods dishonor and your owne destruction wythal know that at this present I am as gods aungel to admonish you to take tyme whyles ye haue it and to see that in no case Gods name by you myghte be dishonoured Ioseph myghte haue obiected the omission of his vocation as perchaunce ye wil doe but deare hartes let vocations and all things els geue place to gods name the sanctifyeng therof Thys I speak not as though I wuld not haue you rather to tary to stād to it but I speake it in respect of your infirmity which if ye feele to bee so greate in you that ye are not certayne of thys hope that god wyll neuer tempt you aboue you hability fly and get you hence and know that therby god wil haue you tried to your selues to others For by this you shal know how to take thys world and your home here as no home but that ye loke for an other and so geue occasion to others lesse to loue thys world and perchaunce to some to doubte of their religion Wherin though they be earnest yet would not they loose so much as ye do for your religion which ye confyrme to me others by your geuyng place to violence Laste of all ye haue cause to reioyce ouer these daies because they be dayes of conformation in the which and by the which god our father maketh vs lyke to christes image here that we may be like to him elswhere For if we suffer with him we shall reigne with him if we be buryed with him we shal rise with him if we cōpany with him in afflictions we shall reioyce with him in glorye if we sowe with him in teares we shal reape with him in gladnes if we cōfesse him before men he will confesse vs before his Father in heauen if we take his part he will take ours if we lose ought for his names sake he wil geue vs all thinges for his truthes sake So that we ought to reioyce bee glad for it is not geuē to euery one to suffer losse of coūtrey life goods house c. for the Lords sake What can god the father do more vnto vs then to cal vs into campe with his sonne What may Christe our Sauiour doe more for vs then to make vs his warriours What can the holy ghost doe to vs aboue this to marke vs with the cognisaunce of the Lord of hostes This cognisance of the Lord standeth not in forket cappes tippettes shauen crownes or such other baggage and antichristian pelfe but in suffering for the Lords sake The worlde shall hate you saith Christ Loe there is the cognisance and badge of gods children the world shal hate you Reioyce therfore my dearly beloued reioyce that god doth thus vouchsafe to beginne to conforme you and make you like to Christ By the triall of these dayes ye are accasioned more to repēt more to pray more to contempne this worlde more to desire life euerlasting more to be holy for holy is the ende wherfore GOD doth afflict vs and so come to gods company Which thing because we can not do as long as this body is as it is therfore by the doore of death we must entre with Christ into eternall life and immortalitie of soule and body which God of his mercy send shortlye for our Sauiour Iesus Christes sake Amen Iohn Bradford To myne owne deare brother Maister Laurence Saunders prisoner in the Marshalsee GOds sweete peace in Christe be with you my good brother in the Lord Iesus with all your concaptiues Amē I was letted this morning from musing on that which I was purposed to haue thought on by reasō of you against whō I sawe my selfe giltie of negligence euen in this poynt that I would not write I should say that I had not written vnto you as yet therfore out of hande in maner I prepared my selfe to purge my self hereof not that I wil go about to excuse my fault for that were more to loade me but by asking both god and you pardon to get it no more layde to my charge Now then as I was thus purposing partly doing cōmeth there one with a letter from you for the which as I haue cause to thanke god and you howbeit not so that you should thinke I geue not the whole to god so I see my selfe more blame worthye for thus longe holding my peace Howbeit good brother in this I haue geuen a demonstration to you to behold my negligence in all other things and especially in praying for you and for the church of god whiche for my sinnes and hypocrisie hypocrisie in dede euen in this writing god deliuer me from it haue deserued to bee punished Iust is god for we haue deserued all kindes of plaggues at his hands but yet merciful is he that will on thys wise chastise vs with this world ne cū mūdo condēnemur He myght otherwise haue punished vs I meane he might haue for other causes cast vs in prison me especially then for his gospell and wordes sake Praysed therfore be his name whiche voucheth vs worthy thys honour Ah good god forgeue vs our sinnes and worke by this thy fatherly correction on vs on me especially effectually to loue thee and thy Christ and with ioyfulnes vnto the end to cary thy crosse through thicke and thinne Alwayes set before our eyes not this gallowes on earth if we still sticke to thee but the gallowes in hell if we denye thee or swarne from that we haue professed Ah good brother if I coulde alwayes haue GOD hys maiestie mercye heauen hell c. before mine eyes then should I obdurare as Paule writeth of Moses Heb. 11. obdurauit in quit perinde quasi vidisset eum qui est inuisibilis Praye for me as I know you doe and geue thankes also for in domino spero non nutabo Psal 22. Si ambulauero per valle●n vmbrae mortis non timebo quia tu domine mecum es Amen I thinke we shall bee shortly called forth for now legē habent secūdū legem c. otherwise will they not reason with vs and I thynke theyr shootanker wil be to haue vs to subscribe The which thing if we do though with this condition so farre as the thing subscribed to repugneth not agaynst Gods word yet thys will be offensiue Therefore let vs vadere planê and so sanê I meane let vs all confesse that we are no chaungelinges but reipsa are the same we were in
way Math. 7 2. Timot. 3 2. Cor. 5 Math. 14. which few walke in for fewe lyue godly in Christ Iesu few regard the lyfe to come few remember the day of iudgement fewe remember how Christ will deny them beforh hys father that do denye him here few consider that Christ wyll be ashamed of them in the last day which are ashamed now of hys truthe true seruice few cast theyr accomptes what will be laid to theyr charge in the day of vengeaūce fewe regard the condemnation of their owne consciences in doyng that which inwardly they disalow few loue god better then theyr goodes Rom. 14. but I trust yet ye are of these few my derely beloued I trust ye be of the little flocke which shall enherite the kyngdome of heauen I trust ye are of the mourners and lamēters which shal be comforted with comfortes which neuer shal be taken from you if ye nowe repente your former euils Luke 10 if nowe ye stryue agaynste the euyls that are in you if now ye cōtinue to call vppon God if nowe ye defile not your bodies with anye Idolatrous seruice vsed in the Antichristian churches Ephesi 4. if ye moleste not the good spirite of God which is geuen you as a gage of eternal redēption a coūseller master to lead you into all truth whiche good spirit I beseche the father of mercy to geue vs all for hys dere sonnes sake Iesus Christ our lord Acts. 20 to whom I cōmend you al to the word of his grace which is able to helpe you all saue you all that beleue it follow it serue god therafter And of this I would ye were al certain that al the heares of your heades are numbred so that not one of thē shal perish Math. 8. Iob. 1. Psa 104 Psa 13. 1. pet 5 neither shal any man or deuil be able to attempt any thing much lesse to doe any thing to you or any of you before your heauēly father which loueth you most tēderly shal geue thē leaue when he hath geuen them leaue they shal go no further then he wyll nor kepe you in trouble any longer then he wyll Therfore caste on hym all your care for he is carefull for you onely studye to please him and to kepe your consciences cleane and your bodies pure from the Idolatrous seruice which now euery where is vsed and god will meruelously and mercifully defend and comforte you whiche thing he doe for hys names sake in Christ our Lord. Amen Iohn Bradforde To my good Lady Vane THe true sense and swete feelyng of gods eternall mercies in Christe Iesus bee euer more and more liuely wrought in your hart by the holy ghost Amen I most hartely thanke you good madame for your comfortable letters where as you would be aduertised what were beste to bee done on your behalfe concernyng your iij. questions the truthe is that the questions are neuer well sene nor aunswered vntil the thynge whereof they arise bee well considered I meane vntill it be sene how great an euill the thing is If it be once in dede in your hart perceaued vpon probable and pithy places gathered out of gods booke that there was neuer thing vpon the earthe so great so much an aduersary to gods true seruice to Christes death passion priesthode sacrifice and kingdome to the ministery of gods worde and sacraments to the church of God These questions were concerning the masse wherin she desired hys iudgement to repentaunce faith and all true godlines of life as that is wherof the questiōs arise as most assuredly it is in dede then cannot a christiā hart but so much the more abhorre it and al thynges that in any point might seme to allow it or anye thyng pertainyng to the same by howe much it hath the name of gods seruice Agayne your Ladiship doth know that as all is to be discommended and auoyded which is followed or fledde from in respect of our selues in respecte of auoyding Christes crosse so the ende of all our doynges should be to godwards to his glory to our neighbours to edification and good example wherof none can be geuen in allowing anye of the .iii. questions by you propoūded But because this which I write now is breefe and needeth the more consideration or explication as I doubt not of the one in you so from me by Gods grace you shall receaue the other shortly For I haue alreadye written a little booke of it which I will send vnto you He meaneth his booke whiche he calleth the hurt of hearīg masse in the which you shall haue your questions fully aunswered and satisfied and therefore I omitte to write any more hereaboutes presentlye beseching God our good father to guide you as his deare childe with his spirite of wisedome power and comforte vnto eternall life that you may be stronge and reioyce in him and with his church to cary Christes crosse if he shall so thinke it neede 1. Pet. 1. which is a thyng to be desired wished and embraced if we looked on thinges after the iudgement of Gods word and tryed them by that touchstone If you be accustomed to thinke on the breuitie vanitie and miserie of this life and o● the eternitie truth and felicitie of euerlasting life if you looke on thinges after their endes and not after their present appearaunce only if you vse your self to set gods presence power and mercy alwayes before your eyes to see thē as god by euery creature would you should I doubt not but you shall finde such strength and comforte in the Lord as you shall not be shaken with all the power of Sathan Gods mercy in Christ be with you and his good spirite guide you for euer Amen An other letter to the Lady Vane AS to myne owne soule I wishe to your Ladiship grace and mercy from God our deare Father in Christe our Lorde and Sauioure I thanke God that something he hath eased you and mitigated his fatherly correction in vs both I woulde to God he had done so much in the behalfe of the greefe of the body to you as he hath done to me For as for the soule I trust you feele that which I pray god encrease in you I meane his fatherly loue and graunte that I may with you feele the same in such degree as may please him I wil not say as you feele least I should seeme to aske to muche at one time God doth often muche more plentifullye viset with the sense of hys mercye them that humble them selues vnder his mightye hande and are sore exercised as you long haue bene then others whiche to the face of the worlde haue a more shewe and appearaunce Therfore I wysh as I do and that not only for myne own commoditye but also that I myght occasion you to the consideration of the goodnesse of God which I by your letters doe well espye which is in
take or pul vnto you trouble or that I wuld not haue you to vse such honest lauful meanes as ye may in the feare of god with good conscience to auoide the crosse and geue place to euil but that I wold haue you willing to put for t your hand to take it when god offreth it in such sort as with good conscience ye cānot escape Then take it kysse it thāke god for it for it is euē a very sacrament that god loueth you as he saith whom I loue thē do I chastice if ye be not pertakers of correctiō surely ye are no children but if he once chastice you if that ye kisse the rod verely he wil case the rod into the fyre colle you kisse you as the mother doth her child whē she perceiueth the child to take in good part the correction But why do I compare god your fathers loue to a mother in that it farre passeth it For saith he though it be possible that a natural mother should forget the child of her wōbe yet wil not I forget thee saith the lord our good god and father through Christ Though he seme angry towards euenyng yet in the morning we shal fynd him wel pleased if in Christe we come to him and cry Abba dere father helpe vs and as thou hast promised tempt vs not further then thou wylte make vs able to beare Therfore my dere hartes in the lord be of good comfort be of good comfort in the lord Confesse hym and hys truth and feare not prison losse of goodes or lyfe Feare rather that prison out of the which there is no deliuerance feare rather the losse of those goods which last for euer feare rather the losse of the life which is eternall wherunto ye are called the way by which god wyll bringe you to it in that ye certainly know not whether it wil be by prisō fyre halter c. whensoeuer these come as I said before let them not dismay you nor seme straunge to you For no smal number of gods chyldren are gone that way and we are a good cōpany here together which are ready to folow the same way through gods grace yf god so wyll I beseche you make you ready and goe with vs or rather be readye that when we come we may go wyth you The iorney is but short though it be vnpleasaunt to the fleshe Perchaunce yf we should die in our beddes on a corporal malady it would be much longer and also more painful at the least in gods syghte it cannot bee so precious and gayneful as I knowe thys kynde of death is whereto I exhorte you to prepare your selues myne owne deare hartes in the bowels and bloode of oure sauiour Iesus Christ to whose tuition grace gouernance and protection I hartely commend you all and besech you that ye woulde do the lyke vnto me in your harty prayers Out of the tower of London 1554. By your owne to vse in the Lorde for euer Iohn Bradford An other letter wrytten to certayne godly persons to the same effecte GRatious god and most merciful father for Iesus Christes sake thy dearely beloued sonne graunt vs thy mercy grace wisedome and holy spirite to counsaile comforte and guide vs in all our cogitations words and workes to thy glory and our euerlastyng ioye and peace for euer Amen In my last letter ye myght perceyue my coniecturyng to be no lesse towardes you then now I haue partly learned But my derely beloued I haue learned none other thing then before I haue tolde you would come to passe if ye cast not away that whiche I am sure ye haue learned I doe appeale to bothe youre consciences whether herein I speake truth as wel of my tellyng though not so often as I might and shoulde god forgeue me as also of your learning Now God wil trye you to make others to learne by you that which ye haue learned by others The lady lasts her husbād were beheaded that day ▪ by them which suffred this day ye myght learne if already ye had not learned that lyfe and honour is not to be set by more then gods cōmaundement They in no poynte for all that euer their ghostly fathers could do hauing Doctor Death to take their part would consent of seme to consent to the popysh Masse and papistical God otherwise then in the daies of our late King they had receaued And this their faith they haue confessed with their deathes to their great glory and all our comfortes if we follow thē but to our confusion if we starte backe from the same Wherfore I besech you both to consider it aswel to prayse god for them as to go the same way with them if god so will Consider not the things of thys life which is a very prison to all gods childrē but the things of euerlasting life which is our very home But to the beholding of this geare ye must open the eyes of your minde of fayth I should haue sayd as Moses dyd whiche set more by trouble with Gods people then by the riches of Egipt Pharaos court Your house home and goods yea lyfe and al that euer ye haue god hath geuen you as loue tokens to admonishe you of his loue and to winne your loue to him agayne Now wil he try your loue whether ye set more by him then by his tokens or no. If ye for his tokens sake that is for your home house goods yea life wil go with the worlde least ye shoulde lose them then be assured your loue as he can not but espie it to be a strompettes loue so wil he caste it away with the world Remember that he which wil saue his life shal lose it if Christe bee true but he which aduentureth yea loseth his life for the gospels sake the same shall be sure to finde it eternally Do not ye both know that the waye to saluation is not the broade way which many runne in but the straite way which fewe now walke in Before persecution came men might partly haue stand in a dout by the outward state of the world with vs although by gods word it was plaine whether was the hygh waye for their was as many pretended the gospell as poperye but now the sonne is risen the wind bloweth so that the corne which hath not takē fast roote cānot nor wil not abide and therfore easlye ye may see the straite waye by the small number that passeth throught it Who will nowe aduenture their goods and lift for Christs sake which yet gaue his life for oursakes Math. 8. We now are Gergesites that would rather lose Christe then our porkets A faythfull wife is neuer tryed so to be but whē she reiecteth with standeth woers A faythful Christian is then found so to be whē his fayth is assaulted If we be not able I meane if we will not forsake thys world for gods glorye and
eie hath not sene the eare hath not heard the hart cānot conceiue how great glorious gods reward wyl be vpō your bodies much more vpon your soules God opē our eies to see and fele this in dede Then shal we thynke the crosse which is a meane herto to be commodious Then shall we thanke god that he would chastice vs. Thē shall we saye with Dauid happy am I that thou hast punished me for before I wente astray but now I kepe thy lawes This that we may do in dede my derely beloued let vs firste knowe that our crosse cōmeth from god Secondly that it commeth from god as a father that is to our weale good Therfore let vs thirdly cal to mind our sinnes aske pardon Whereto let vs fourthly loke for help certainly at gods hand in his good time helpe I say such as shal make most to gods glory to the comfort cōmoditie of our soules bodies eternally This if we certainly conceiue thē wil there issue out of vs harty thankes geuīg which god requireth as a most precious sacrifice That we may al through Christ offer this let vs vse earnest praier to our god and dere father who blesse vs kepe vs and cōfort vs vnder hys swete crosse for euer Amen Amen My dere hartes if I could any way comfort you you should be sure therof though my lyfe laye theron but now I must do as I may because I cānot as I would Oh that it would please our deare father shortly to bring vs where we should neuer departe but enioy continually the blessed fruicion of hys heauenly presence pray pray that it may spedely come to passe pray To morow I wyll sende vnto you to knowe your estate send me worde what are the chiefest things they charge you wythall From the Counter By your brother in the Lorde Iohn Bradford To Mystres Hall prysoner in Newgate and ready to make aunswer before her aduersaries OVr most merciful god and father throughe Christ Iesus our lord and sauiour be merciful vnto vs and make perfect the good he hath begonne in vs vnto the ende Amen My deare Sister reioyce in the lord reioyce be glad I say be mery and thankful Math. 5 not only because Christ so cōmaundeth vs but also because our state wherin we are presētly requireth no lesse for we are the lords witnesses God the father hath vouched saffe to choose vs emonges many to witnes and testify that christ hys sonne is Kyng and that hys word is true Christ our sauiour for hys loues sake towards vs wil haue vs to beare recorde that he is no vsurper nor deceyuer of the people but Gods Embassadour Prophet and Messias so that of al dignities vpon earthe this is the highest Greater honoure had not hys Prophetes Apostles nor dearest frendes then to beare witnes wyth Christ as we now doe The worlde folowyng the counsell of theyr Syer Sathan would gladly condempne Christ and hys verity but loe the lord hath chosen vs to be hys champions to lette this As stoute souldiours therfore let vs stand to our maister who is wyth vs and standeth on our ryght hande that we shall not be muche moued if we hope and hange on hys mercye he is so faythful true that he wyl neuer tempt vs further then he will make vs hable to beare Therfore be not carefull for I heare say thys day you shall be called forth what you shal answer The lord which is true cannot lie hath promysed and wyll neuer fayle nor forget it that you shall haue both what and how to aunswer so as shall make hys shameles aduersaries ashamed Hange therfore on this promyse of God who is an helper at a pinch and a most present remedy to them that hope in hym Neuer was it hearde of or shal be that any hopyng in the lord was put to foyle Therfore as I said I say againe Deare Syster be not only not careful for your answeryng but also be ioyfull for your cause Confesse Christ and be not ashamed and he wil confesse you and neuer be ashamed of you Thoughe losse of goodes and lyfe be lyke here to ensue yet yf Christ be true as he is most true it is otherwyse in dede for he that loseth hys life sayth he wynneth it but he that saueth it looseth it Our synnes haue deserued many deathes Now if god deale so with vs that he wil make our deserued deathe a demonstration of hys grace a testimonyall of hys veritye a confirmation of hys people an ouerthrowe of his aduersaries what great cause haue we to be thankful Be thankeful therfore good Syster be thankefull reioyce and be merye in the Lord be stoute in hys cause and quarell be not faynte harted but runne out your race and set your captayne Christe before your eyes Beholde how great your rewarde is See the great glory and the eternitie of felicity prepared for you Striue and fyght lawfully that you may gette the crowne Runne to get the game you are almost at your iorneyes end I dout not but our father will with vs send to you also 4 Reg. 2. as he did to Hely a fiery charette to conuey vs into his kyngdome Let vs therefore not be dismayde to leaue our cloke behind vs that is our bodies to ashes God wyll one daye restore them to vs lyke to the body of our lord and sauiour Iesus christ whose cōming is now at hande let vs loke for it and lift vp our heads for our redēption draweth nigh Amen Amen The Lord of mercy graunt vs hys mercy Amē I pray you pray for me and so desire my bretherne whiche be wyth you Gods peace be with vs all Amen Blessed be the deade that dye in the Lorde then how much more they that dye for the Lord. Your brother in bondes Iohn Bradford ¶ An admonition to certayne professours and louers of the gospell to beware they fall not from it in consentyng to the Romyshe religion by the example of the shrinkyng haltyng and double faced Gospellers THe peace of Christ which is the true effecte of gods gospell beleued my derely beloued bee more and more plentifully perceyued of you throughe the grace of our deare father by the myghty workyng of the holy spirit our comforter Amen Though I haue many lettes presently to hynder me from writyng vnto you yet beyng desired I could not but somethyng signifye my readye good wyll in this behalfe so much as I may when I cannot so much as I woulde You heare and see how Sathan bestirreth hym ragyng as a roryng Lyon to deuoure vs. You see and feele partlye what stormes he hath raysed vppe to drowne the poore boote of Christ I meane hys church You see how terribly he trayneth his souldiours to geue a fierce onset on the voward of gods battel You see how he hath receyued power of god to molest gods children and to begyn at hys house By reason wherof consider
1. pet 5. whiche will not followe the trace of so many Fathers Patriarckes Kinges Priestes Prophettes Apostles Euaungelistes and Saintes of God yea euen of the very Sonne of God Howe manye nowe goe with you lustelye as I and all your brethren in bondes and exile for the Gospell Pray for vs for God willing we wyll not leaue you nowe we will goe before you Ye shall see in vs by Gods grace 1. Pet. 2 that we preached no lies nor tales of tubbes but euen the verye true woorde of God for the confyrmation whereof we by Gods grace and the helpe of your prayers will willinglye and ioyfully geue our bloode to be shedde as already we haue geuen our liuings goods frendes and naturall countrey for nowe bee we certayne that we be in the highe waye to heauens blysse as Saincte Paule sayeth Act. 14. by manye tribulations and persecutions we muste enter into Gods kingdome And because we woulde goe thether our selues and bring you thether also therefore the deuill stirreth vppe the coles And forasmuche as we all loytered in the way Math. 8. Math. 14. he hath therfore receaued power of god to ouercast the whether and to stirre vp stormes that we gods children might more spedely go on forwards make more hast as the counterfaites and hipocrites will tary linger tyl the stormes be paste and so when they come the market will be done and the doores sparde as it is to be feared Read Math. 25. Thys wynde wyll blowe gods children forwards and the deuils dearlinges backeward Therfore lyke Gods children let vs goe on forwarde apace the winde is on oure backes Thren 3 Heb. 6. hoyse vp the sayles lift vp your hartes and handes vnto god in prayer and kepe your anker of fayth to cast out in tyme of trouble on the rocke of Gods worde and mercye in Christ by the gable of gods veritye and I warrant you And thus much for you secondly to consider that affliction persecution and trouble is no straunge thing to Gods children and therfore it should not dismaye discourage or dyscomforte vs for it is none other thing then all Gods deare frendes haue tasted in their iourney to heauen wardes As I would in this troublesome time that ye woulde consider what ye be by the goodnesse of God in Christ euen Citizens of heauen though ye be presently in the fleshe euen in a straunge region on euery side ful of fierce enemyes and what wether and way the dearest frends of god haue found euen so would I haue you thyrdly to consider for your further comforte Phil. 3. that if ye shrinke not but goe on forwardes preassyng to the marke appointed al the power of your enemyes shal not ouercome you nor in any poynte hurt you But thys must not you cōsider according to the iudgement of reasō the sense of olde Adam but accordyng to the iudgement of gods word and the experience of fayth the newe man for els you marre all For to reason and to the experience of our sense or of the outward man we poore soules whiche flicke to Gods word to serue hym as he requyreth onely are counted to be vanquished and to be ouercome in that we are caste into prison lose oure liuynges frendes goodes countreye and lyfe also at the lengthe concernynge thys worlde But dearly beloued Gods woorde teacheth otherwyse and fayth feeleth accordingly Is it not written whoe shall seperate vs from the loue of God Rom. 8 Shall tribulation or anguishe or persecution eyther hunger eyther nakednesse eyther peryl either sworde As it is written Psal 44. for thy sake are we kylled all day long are counted as shepe appoynted to be slayne Neuerthelesse in al these thyngs we ouercome through hym that loued vs. For I am sure that neyther death neyther lyfe neyther aungels nor rule neyther power neither things present neither things to come neyther hygh nor lowe neyther any creature shall be hable to part vs from that loue wherwith god loueth vs in Christ Iesu our Lorde Thus spake one which was in afflictiō as I am for the Lordes gospelles sake hys holy name be praysed therfore and he graunt me grace with the same to continue in lyke suffering vnto the end Thys I say one spake which was in affliction for the gospel but yet so farre frō being ouercome that he reioyced rather of the victory whiche the gospel had For though he was boūd 2. Timo. 2. yet the gospel was not bound And therfore geueth he thankes vnto god which alway geueth the victory in Christ 2 Cor. 2 and openeth the sauour of his knowledge by vs such as suffer for his truth although they shut vs vp neuer so muche and driue vs neuer so farre out of our own naturall countrey in euery place The world for a time may deceaue it self thinking it hath the victory but yet the end wil try the contrary Gen. 4. Did not Caine think he had the victory whē Abel was slaine But how say you now is it not foūd otherwise Thought not the old world men thē liuing that they were wise wel and Noe a sole Gen. 7.8 which would crepe into an Arke leauing hys house landes possessions for I thinke he was in an honest state for the world but I pray you who was wise whē the floud came Abrahā I trowe was coūted a fole to leaue his own coūtrey and frends kyth kinne because of gods worde Gen. i2 but dearly beloued we know it proued otherwise I wil leaue al the Patriarkes come to Moses the children of Israel Tel me were not they thought to be ouercome and starke mad whē for feare of Pharao at gods word they ran into the red sea Exod. 14. Did not Pharao and the Egiptians thinke them selues sure of the victorye But I trowe it proued cleane contrarye Saule was thought wel and Dauid in an euyll case 1. Regū 16 17.18.19 and moste myserable because he hadde no hole to hyde hym in but yet at the length Saules myserye was seene and Dauids felicitye beganne to appeare The Prophette Mycheas being caste into prison for telling Achab the truth 3. Reg. 22. was thoughte to bee ouercome of Zedechias and the other false Prophettes but my god brethren and sisters the holye historye telleth otherwyse Who dyd not thinke the Prophettes vnhappye in their time Ieremy 20 Esay 8. 4. Regū 2. 1 Cor. 4 For they were slaine prysoned laughed to scorne and iested at of euery man And so were all the Apostles yea the dearelye beloued frende of God then whom among the children of women none arose greater I meane Iohn Baptiste who was beheaded and that in prison euen for a daunsing Damosells desyre As all these to the iudgemente of reason were then counted heretikes runagates vnlearned fooles fishers Publicanes c so nowe vnhappie and ouercome in dede if gods word and
haue good cause If your welfare ioy and saluation hanged vpon any other thyng then only gods mercy and truth then might you wel be sad heauy and stand in a doubte But in that it hangeth only vpon these two tell Satan he lyeth when he would haue you to stand in a māmeryng by causyng you to cast your eyes which only in thys case should be set on Christ your sweete sauiour on your selfe in some parte In dede looke on your selfe on your fayth on your loue obediēce c. to awake you vp from securitie to styrre you vp to diligence in doyng the things apperteyning to your vocatiō but when you would be at peace wyth god and haue true consolation in your cōscience altogether loke vpon the goodnes of god in Christ Thynke on this commaundement which precedeth all others that you must haue no other gods but the Lorde Iehouah which is your Lord and god the which he could not be if that he dyd not pardon your synnes in very dede Remember that Christe commaundeth you to call hym father for the same entente And hereto call to mynde all the benefites of god hetherto shewed vpon you and so shal you fele in very dede that which I wyshe vnto you now and praye you to wyshe vnto me farewell or welfare in the Lord Iesus wyth whome he graunte vs shortlye to meete as hys chyldren for hys name and mercyes sake to oure eternall welfare Amen Amen Your owne in the Lorde Iohn Bradford ¶ An other letter to Mystres A.VV. ALmighty god our heauenly father for hys christes sake encrease in vs fayth by which we may more and more see what glory and honour is reposed and safely kept in heauen for all them that beleue wyth the hart and confesse Christe and hys truthe wyth the mouthe Amen My derely beloued I remember that once heretofore I wrote vnto you a Vale or a farewell vpon coniecture but now I wryte my farewell to you in thys lyfe in dede vpon certaine knowledge My staffe standeth at the dore I continually looke for the Shiriffe to come for me and I thank God I am ready for hym Now go I to practise that which I haue preached Now am I climing vp the hil it wil cause me to puffe and blow before I come to the cliffe The hill is stepe and high my breath is short and my strength is feble pray therfore to the lord for me that as I haue now through hys goodnes euen almost come to the toppe I may by hys grace be strengthned not to rest til I come where I should be Oh louing Lord put out thy hande and drawe me vnto thee for no man cōmeth but he whome the father draweth Se my derely beloued gods louing mercy he knoweth my short breath and great weakenes As he sent for Helias a f●ry chariote so sendeth he for me for by fyre my drosse muste be purifyed that I may be fine gold in hys syghte Oh vnthankefull wretche that I am Lorde do thou forgeue me myne vnthankfulnes In dede I confesse ryghte deare to me in the lord that my synnes haue deserued hell fyre much more then thys fyer But loe so louyng is my Lorde that he conuerteth the remedye for my synnes the punishmente for my transgressions into a testimoniall of hys truth and a testification of hys verity which the Prelates doe persecute in me and not my synnes therfore they persecute not me but Christ in me which I doubte not wyl take my part vnto the very ende Amen Oh that I had so open an harte as coulde so receiue as I should do this great benefite and vnspeakable dignitye which God my father offreth to me Now pray for me my derely beloued pray for me that I neuer shrinke I shal neuer shrynke I hope I trust in the Lorde I shal neuer shrinke for he that alwayes hath taken my parte I am assured wil not leaue me when I haue most nede for hys truth merties sake Oh Lord helpe me into thy handes I commende me wholy In the Lorde is my my truste I care not what man can do vnto me Amen My derely beloued say you Amen also and come after if so god call you Be not ashamed of the gospell of Christ but kepe company wyth hym stil He wyll neuer leaue you but in the myddest of temptation wil geue you an outscape to make you able to beare the brunte Vse harty prayer reuerently reade and heare gods worde put it in practise looke forthe crosse lift vp your heades for your redēption draweth nigh know that the death of gods saintes is precious in hys syght be mery in the Lorde pray for the mitigation of gods heauy displeasure vpon our countrey God kepe vs for euer God blesse vs wyth his spirituall blessynges in Christ And thus I bydde you farewell for euer in thys present lyfe Pray for me praye for me for gods sake pray for me God make perfecte hys good worke begonne in me Amen Out of prison this 7. of February Yours in the Lorde Iohn Bradford ¶ To certayne godlye men relieuers and helpers of hym and others in theyr imprisonmente THe peace of Christ which passeth all pleasure and worldly felicity be daily more and more felte in your hartes my right derely beloued in the Lord by the inwarde workyng of the holy spirite the earnest of our inheritaunce and guider of gods electe wyth the whyche god our dere father more more endue vs al vnto the ende for hys beloued sonnes sake our lord Iesus Christ Amen Praysed be god the father of our lord Iesus Christ which is a father of mercy a god of al consolation that hath blessed you with the knowlege loue of his truth not only to your own cōfortes but also the great ease cōfort of many which without the helpe of god by you hetherto had bene in much more misery By your releuing the lordes prisoners I am brought to see the rote wherof the worke doth spring euen the knowlege loue of gods truth wherfore we are in hādes The which knowledge loue in that it is a blessyng of all blessings the greatest for it is euen eternal life Ioh. 17 I cānot but praise god for you on this behalfe that it hath pleased hym to much you worthy so excellēt singuler a benefit which is more to be estemed desired cared for thē any thyng els The world for al that euer it hath cānot attayne by any meanes to this blessing which God our father hath geuē you freely of his own good wil through christ euē before ye were purposed to desire it Therfore I besech you al to be thankful with me to reioyce in the lord For if he haue geuē vs such a gift vnasked vndesired yea vnthought vpō how can it be the he wil deny vs any good thing now which may be necessary for vs Wil he trow ye sowe his sede in the ground of your hartes
there where I receaued it He meaneth that he shold be cōueyed by the Queenes Garde into Lankeshire to be burnt as the aduersaries had one● determined like as ignatius was by a company of souldiers conueyed to Rome cas● to the Leoperdes Eccle. hist Libr. 3. Cap. 36. I shal be conueyed thether as Ignatius was to Rome Leopardis by whose euil I hope to be made better God graunt if it be his will that I aske it maye make them better by me Amen For my farewell therefore I write and sende thys vnto you trusting shortlye to see you where we shall neuer be seperated In the meane season I will not cease as I haue done to commende you to our father of heauen And that ye would so do by me I most hartely pray euery one of you You know now I haue most nede But fidelis deus qui nunquam finet nos tentari supra id quòd possumus He neuer did it hetherto nor now I am assured he wyll neuer do Amen A dextris est mihi non mouebor Propter hoc laetabitur cor meum quia non derelinquet animam meam in inferno nec dabit me sanctum suum per gratiam in Christo videre corruptionem E carcere raptim expectans omni momento carnificem The. 8. of febr Anno. 1555. Iohn Bradford To the Ladye Vane OVr deare and moste meeke father alwayes be with vs for his Christes sake and as his children guide vs for euer Amen Your comfortable and necessarye letters laste sente to me ryghte worshipfull and dearely beloued doe deserue at my hands as other your benefites haue done that which I can not geue The Lord my God recompence you as he can and will vndoubtedly Nowe am I going to my good father and your father now am I going to my Christ and your Christe nowe am I going to my home and your home I goe before but you shall followe howbeit when or which way I know not the Lord knoweth Vnto his prouidence and will commend your selfe For as it can not but come to passe so is there nothing so good to vs as it is Happy were we that euer we were borne that God myghte set forth his glory by vs how soeuer he do it Though I am led as to Peter was sayd whether I woulde not yet with me and for me geue thankes that it pleaseth my father thus to lead me I haue deserued yea euē since I came into this prison many a shamefull death such and so great is my ingratitude and sinnes But loe the tender kindnesse of my father doth correct me as a childe sonne making the remedie for my sinnes an occasion of his glory a witnessing of his veritie a confirmation of his true religion heretofore set forth preached by me Wherin good Madame persiste you shal be safe Be not now ashamed of it for though it seme to be ouercome yet by suffering it ouercommeth that Gods wisedome which is folishnesse to the world gods power which is weaknes to the reason of man may triumph and confound that which with the world is wise and mightie Now do I beginne to be Christes disciple now I beginne to be fashioned like to my Maister in suffering that so I maye bee in reygning nowe do I for euer take my farewell of you for thys lyfe nowe commend I my selfe into the handes of my father by whose prouidence I came into thys worlde by whose prouidence I haue bene kept in thys worlde and by whose prouidence I do departe hence And as his prouidence is towardes me so doubte you nothing but it is towardes you thoughe not in such sorte exteriourlye yet in such loue sollicitude and carefulnesse for you interiourlye God our God father of mercy for the blood of his Christ washe away al our sinnes comfort hys Church strengthen the weake conuert or confoūd as may make most to his glory his ennemies and he with vs Emanuell for euer Amen Amen In haste oute of pryson the .5 of Febru 1555. Iohn Bradforde To my good brother Augustine Berneber MYne own good Augustine the Lorde of mercy blesse thee my deare brother for euer I haue good hope that if you come late at nyght I shall speake with you but come as secretly as you can Howbeit in the meane season if you can and as you can learne what Maister G. hath spoken to Doctor Storie and others The cause of al this trouble both to my keper and me is thought to come by him It is sayd that I shall be burned in Smithfield and that shortlye Domini voluntas fiat Ecce ego domine mitte me Ah myne owne sweete frend I am nowe alone lest I shoulde make you others worse If I shoulde liue I would more warely vse the companye of gods childrē then euer I haue done Iram domini portabo quon●am peccaui ei Mich. 6. Commend me to my most dere Sister for whom my hart bledeth the Lord comfort her and strengthen her vnto the ende I thinke I haue taken my leaue of her for euer in this life but in eternal life we shal most surely meete and prayse the Lord continually I haue now taken a more certayne aunswere of death then euer I dyd and yet not so certayne as I thinke I shoulde do I am now as a sheepe appoynted to the slaughter Ah my God the houre is come glorifye thy moste vnworthye childe I haue glorifyed thee sayth thys my swete father I will glorify thee Amen Ah myne own bowels prayse God for me and pray for me for I am his I hope I hope he wil neuer forsake me though I haue aboue all other moste deserued it I am the moste singuler example of hys mercye praised be hs name therefore for euer Cause Mystres Perpoynte to learne of the Shriefe M. Chester what they purpose to do with me and knowe if you can whether there be any writ forth for me Factus sum sicut nicticorax in domicilio Psa 101. ● passer solitarius in tecto Ah my Augustine how long shall Gods enemyes thus triumphe I haue sent you thys of the baptisme of children to write oute when thys is done you shall haue other thyngs Pray pray myne owne deare hart on whom I am bolde The keper telleth me that it is death for any to speake with me but yet I trust that I shal speake with you Iohn Bradford To myne owne good Augustine DEare brother Augustine I can not but bee bolde of you in my nede and therfore I write as I do Come hether betimes I pray you in the mornyng vse so to do for then I thinke you shall speake with me Also vse to come late in the euenyng let me know whether in the daye tyme I may send for you Pray Walshe to steale you in as I hope he will doe If he do bryng you in then shall thys whiche followeth not neede but doubtyng the worst thys do I
I being so long so nere you did not enterpryse to stirre vp familiaritie comunicatiō betwene vs by writing to our mutual cōsolation in Christe For what is there vpon earth wherin to reioyce where al things are transitory vaine yea mā him self respecting this life but as Dauid saith Psal 16 the Saints that dwel vpon the earth such as excel in vertue But here now I consider that if the felowship loue ioy of faythful men and children of god being as we now be in double bondage the body within clay walles the soule wtin these frayle earthly bodies be so great and comfortable howe vnspeakeable wil those ioyes be when we shal be deliuered frō al corruption into the glorious libertie of the sonnes of god Where we shal be present together continually in our glorified bodies beholding the face of our father presently whō now we see but in the glasse of fayth with his dere sonne christ our redemer brother and the blessed companye of Angels al faithful saued soules Oh the incomparable good things and heauenly treasures layd vp for vs in heauen by christ Iesu For the obteyning wherof we ought to set light by al tēporal grefes and transitory afflictions so much the more in that our good God is faythful wil not suffer vs to be tēpted aboue oure strength that namely in the end of our life Eccle. 11. whē the tree where it falleth lieth stil as the preacher sayeth when euerye one causa sua dormit causa sua resurget for els before the end he suffereth hys somtime to fal but not finally to perysh as Peter sincked vpon the sea but yet was not drowned and synned greuously vpon the lande throughe infirmitie denying his Maister but yet found mercye for the ryghteous falleth oftentymes And Christs holy Apostles are taught to say remitte nobis debita nostra Yea thoughe the righteous fall saieth Dauid he shal not be cast away for the Lord vpholdeth hym wyth hys hande Oh the bottomlesse mercy of God toward vs miserable sinners He vouchsafe to plante in my harte true repentance and fayth to the obteyning of remission of al my synnes in the mercyes of God and merites of Christe hys sonne and therto I pray you say Amen Oh my hartely beloued it greueth me to see the spoyle hauocke the Saule maketh with the congregation of Christe but what remedye This is gods wil ordinance that his people shal here both be punished in the flesh tried in their fayth as it is writtē many are the troubles of the righteous but the lord deliuereth thē out of al for by a strait path narowe dore must we enter Whether Into the ioyful kingdome of heauē Therfore blessed are you other that suffer persecutiō for christs sake for the possessing of the same Pray for me my felowes good brother that we may fyght a good fyght that we may kepe the fayth and end our course with ioyful gladnes for now the tyme of our deliuerāce is at hand The lord guide defēd and kepe vs you al his people in our iourney that we may safely through a short death passe to that long lasting life Farewel my dere and louing brother fellow souldiour in Christ farewel I say in him who receaue our soules in peace when they shal depart frō these tabernacles and he graunt vs a ioyfull resurrection and a mery metyng at the last day and continuall dwelling together in hys eternall and heauenly kingdome through Iesus Christ our Lord Amen Yours with my poore prayer other pleasure can I do you none Thomas Whittell minister To my deare brethren M. Filles and Cutbert MY dere and welbeloued brethren in Christ M. Filles and Cutbert I wish you al welfare of soule body Welfare to the soule is repentance of synne faythful affiance in christ Iesus a godly life Welfare to the body is the health of the same with al necessary things for this bodely life The soule of mā is immortal therfore ought to be wel kept lest immortalitie to ioy should turne to immortalitie of sorow As for the body be it neuer so wel kept much made of yet shortly by nature wil it perysh decay But those that are engraffed and incorporated into Christ by true fayth feeling the motion of Gods holy spirite as a pledge of their electition and enheritaunce excityng and stirring them not onelye to seke heauenly thyngs but also to hate vyce embrace vertue wyll not onely do those things but also if neede requyre wyll gladlye take vppe theyr crosse and followe theyr Captayne Mat. 26. Mar. 14 theyr Kynge and theyr Sauioure Iesus Christe as hys poore afflicted Churche of Englande nowe doth agaynste that false and Antichristian doctrine religiō nowe vsed and specially that blasphemous masse wherein christes supper and holy ordinaūce is altogether peruerted and abused contrary to his institution Luke 22. 2. Cor. 1● and to Paules procedinges so that that whiche they haue in their Masse is neyther sacramēt of christ nor yet sacrifice for sinne as the priestes falsely pretende It is a sacrament that is as S. Augustine saith a visible signe of inuisible grace when it is ministred to the communicantes accordyng to christes example and as it was of late yeares in thys realme And as for sacrifice there is none to be made now for sinne Heb. 9.10 for Chryste with one sacrifice hath perfited for euer those that are sāctified Beware of false religion and mens vaine traditiōs and serue god wyth reuerence and godly feare accordyng to the doctryne of hys Gospel Luke i1 whereto cleane ye that ye maye be blessed though of wycked men ye be hated accursed Rather drinke of the cup of Christ wyth his church Apo. 18. then of the cup of that rose coloured whore of Babylon which is ful of abhominatiōs Rather striue ye to go to heauē by that path which is strayte to fleshe and bloud wyth the little flocke then to go the wyde way followyng the enticements of the worlde and the flesh which leadeth to damnation Lyke as Christ suffered in the flesh saith S. Peter pet 4.3 so arme ye yourselues with the same minde for Christe suffered for vs leauyng vs example to follow hys footesteppes Blessed are they that suffer for hys sake great is their reward in heauē He that ouercommeth saith S. Iohn shal eate of the tree of lyfe he shal haue a crowne of life Apoca. 2.3 and not be hurt of the second death he shall be clothed with white aray not be put out of the booke of life yea I wil confesse hys name sayth Christ before my father and before hys aungels he shal be a piller in the house of God and sit with me on my seate And thus I bydde you farewel mine owne bretherne and deare fellowes in Christ whose grace and peace be alwaye
excluded for fayth wholy taketh place not flesh nor the carnal imaginatiōs of our grosse fleshly and vnreuerent eatyng after the maner of our bodely foode which profiteth nothyng at all as Christ witnesseth Ioan. 6 but with a sorowfull woūded conscience an hungrye and thirstie soule a pure faythful mynde do fullie embrace behold and feede loke vpon that most glorious body of Christe in heauen at the ryghte hand of god the father very God and very man which was crucifyed slaine his bloodshed for our sinnes there now making intercession offring geuing his holy body for me Rom. 8. Heb. 9 yea my body my raunsome my full pryce satisfaction my Christ and al that euer he hath and by thys spirituall and faythfull eating of thys liuely and heauenly bread I fele the most swete sappe tast of the fruites Roma 5. benefites vnspeakeable ioyes of Christes death passion fully disgested into the bowells of my soule For my minde is quieted frō al wordly aduersities tormoylinges and troubles my conscience is pacified frō sinne death hel dāpnation my soule is ful hath euen enough wil no more for al things are but losse vyle phil 3 dunge and drosse vaine vanitie for the excellent knowledge sake of Christ Iesu my Lord and Sauiour Thus nowe is Christes flesh my very meate in dede Iohn 6. Ephesi 5 Galat. 2. his bloode my verye drinke in dede I am become flesh of his flesh bone of his bones Now I liue yet not I but Christ liueth in me yea I dwell in hym and he in me for through fayth in Christ and for Christes sake we are one that is of one consent mynd and felowship with the father the sonne and the holy ghost Ioan. 17. Thus am I assured and fully persuaded and on this rocke haue I builded by Gods grace my dwelling resting place for body and soule life and death And thus I commit my cause vnto Christ the righteous and iuste iudge who will an other day iudge these debates and controuersyes whom I humblye beseche to caste hys tender and merciful eies vpon the afflicted and ruinous churches and shortlye to reduce them into a godlye and perpetuall concorde Amen Thus doe I beleue and this is my fayth and my vnderstanding in Christe my Sauiour and his true and holy religion And this who so euer is ashamed to do Mar. 8. among this adoulterous and sinneful generation of hym shall the sonne of man be ashamed when he commeth in the glory of his father with the holy Angels Robert Samuell ❧ Letters of Maister Iohn Hullyer a true pastour and a faythfull minister in Gods Church who for the confyrmation of that doctrine which he had most faythfully professed and taught gaue hys bodye to bee burnte at Cambrige the .16 daye of Aprill Anno. 1556. A letter written to the Christian congregation exhorting them constantly and faythfully to abyde in the doctryne of the Lorde IT standeth nowe moste in hande O deare Christians all them that looke to be accounted to be of Christes flocke at that greate and terrible daye when a seperation shall be made of that sorte that shall bee receaued from the other which shall be refused faythfully in thys tyme of greate afflictions to heare oure Maister Chris●es voyce the only true shepeheard of our soules which sayth Matth. 24. whosoeuer shal endure to the end shal be safe For euē now is that great trouble in hand as here in England we may wel say that our Sauiour Christ spake of so long before which should followe the true and syncere preachyng of hys Gospell Therfore in thys tyme we muste needes eyther make that we be hys faythfull souldiours and continue in hys battell vnto the ende puttyng on the armour of GOD Ephesi 6. 1. Thess 5. the buckler of fayth the brest plate of loue the helmette of hope and saluation and the sworde of hys holy worde whiche we haue hearde plentifullye wyth all instance of supplication and prayer or elles if we do not worke and laboure wyth these we are Apostataes and false souldiours shrynkyng moste vnthankefullye from our gracious and soueraigne Lord and Captayne Christe and leanyng to Beliall For Luk. 14 as he sayth playnlye who soeuer beareth not his crosse and followe hym he can not be hys Dysciple And no man can serue .ii. Math. 6. Maisters for eyther he muste hate the one and loue the other or elles he shall leane to the one and despyse the other The which thinge the faythfull Prophette Helias signifyed 3. Regū 18 when he came to the people and sayde whye halte ye betwene .ii. opinions If the Lorde be GOD follow hym or if Baall bee he then followe hym Nowe let vs not thynke but that the same was recorded in wryting for oure instruction whom the endes of the worlde are come vppon Roman 15 as the Apostle Sainct Paule sayeth what so euer thynges are written aforehande they are written for oure learnyng If Christe be that onely good and true shepeheard that gaue hys lyfe for vs then let vs that beare hys marke and haue our consciences sprinckled wyth hys bloode followe altogether for oure saluation hys heauenlye voyce and calling according to our profession and fyrste promyse But if we shall not so do certaynely say what we can although we beare the name of Christ yet we bee none of hys shepe in deede for he sayth very manifestlie my shepe heare my voyce and followe me Iohn 10 a straunger they wyll not followe but will flee from hym for they know not the voyce of a straunger Therefore let euerye man take good hede in these perillous dayes whereof we haue had so muche warnyng aforehand that he be not begyled by the goodly outwarde shewe and appearaunce as Eue was of our olde subtill ennemye whose crafte and wilinesse is so manifolde and diuerse and so full of close wyndings that if he can not bring hym directly and the plaine strayght way to consent to his suggestions then he wyll allure him and wynde hym in by some other false wayes as it were by a traine that he shall not perceaue it to deceaue hym with all and to steale from hym that goodly victorie of the vncorruptible and eternall crowne of glorie 2. Timot. 2. whiche no man elles can haue but he that fyghteth lawfullye as at thys presente daie if he can not induce hym throughlye as other doe to fauoure hys deuilyshe religion and of good will and free harte to helpe to vpholde the same yet he will enuegle hym to resort to his wicked and whorysh Scholehouse and at tht least wise to be cōuersant and kepe company with his congregation there and to holde hys peace and say nothing whatsoeuer he thynke so that he be not a diligent souldiour and a good labourer on Christes syde to further hys kyngdome by that subtill
please it god neuer so much We read not the Iames Iohn Andrew and Simon when they were called put of the tyme tyl they had knowen their fathers frends pleasure but the scripture sayeth they forsoke all and by and by followed Christ Christe lykened the kyngdome of GOD to a precious pearle Mat. 13. the which whosoeuer fyndeth selleth all that he hath for to bye it Yea whosoeuer hath but a litle taste or glimmeryng how precious a treasure the kyngdome of heauen is wyll gladly forgoe both lyfe and goodes for the obtaynyng of it But the moste part now a dayes be lyke to Aesopes cocke which when he hadde founde a precious stone wyshed rather to haue founde a barelye corne So ignoraunte bee they howe precious a iewell the woorde of God is that they choose rather the thynges of thys worlde whiche being compared to it be lesse in value then a barlye corne If I woulde haue geuen place to worldlye reasons these myght haue moued me Fyrste the forgoing of you and my children the consideration of the state of my children being yet tender of age and younge apte and inclinable to vertue and learnyng and so hauynge the more neede of my assistance beinge not altogether destitute of gyftes to helpe them wythall possessions aboue the common sorte of men because I was neuer called to be a preacher or minister and because of my sickenesse feare of death in imprisonment before I shoulde come to my answere and so my death to bee vnprofitable But these and such lyke I thanke my heauenly father which of hys infinite mercy inspyred me wyth his holye ghost for hys sonnes sake my only Sauioure and redemer preuayled not in me but when I had by the wonderfull permission of GOD fallen into their handes at the first sight of the Sherife nature a little abashed yet or euer I came to the pryson by the working of god and through his goodnes feare departed I sayd to the Sherife at his cōmyng vnto me what matter haue you Maister Sherife to charge me withal He answered you shal know when you come before the Maisters And so takyng me with him I loked to haue bene brought before the Maisters to haue heard what they could haue burdened me withal But cōtrary to my expectatiō I was cōmitted fortwith to the Iayle not being called to my answere litle iustice being shewed therin But the lesse iustice a man findeth at their hands the more consolation in conscience shal he fynde from God for whosoeuer is of the world the world will loue hym After I came into prison had reposed my self there a whyle I wept for ioye and gladnesse my belly ful musing much of the great mercies of god and as it were saying to my selfe after thys sorte O Lorde who am I on whom thou shouldest bestowe thus thy great mercy to be numbred among the Saintes that suffer for thy Gospels sake And so beholding and considering on the one side my imperfection vnablenesse sinnefull misery and vnworthynesse and on the other side the greatnesse of Gods mercy to be called to so hygh a promotion was as it were amased and ouercome for a whyle with ioye and gladnesse concluding thus with my self in my hart O Lord thou shewest power in weakenesse wysedome in folishenesse mercye in sinnefulnesse who shall let thee to choose where and whom thou wilte As I haue zelouslye loued the confession of thy worde so euer thoughte I my self to be most vnworthy to be pertaker of the affliction for the same Not long after came vnto me Maister W. Brasbryge Maister C. Phinees Maister N. Hopkins trauelynge wyth me to bee dysmissed vppon bondes to whom my answeare was to my remembraunce after thys sorte For as muche as the Maisters haue imprysonned me hauyng nothynge to burdeine me with all if I shoulde enter into bondes I shoulde in so doinge accuse my selfe And seing they haue no matter to laye to my charge they maye aswell lette me passe wythoute bondes as with bondes Secondarelye if I shall enter bondes couenaunte and promyse to appeare I shall doe nothyng but excuse coloure and cloke theyr wickednesse and endaunger my selfe neuerthelesse beinge bounde by my promyse to appeare They alledged manye worldlye persuasions vnto me to auoyde the presente peryll and also how to auoyd the forfiture if I brake my promyse I sayde vnto them I hadde caste my penyworthe by Gods helpe They vndertoke also to make the bonde easie And when they were somewhat importune I sayd to Maister Hopkins that libertye of conscience was a precious thyng and tooke as it were a pause lifting vppe my harte to God earnestlye for hys ayde and helpe that I mighte doe the thing that mighte please hym And so when they had let their sute fall my harte me thoughte was wonderfullye comforted Maister Dudlye commoned wyth me in lyke manner whom I aunsweared in effecte as I dyd before Afterwarde debatinge the matter with my selfe these considerations came to my head I haue frō tyme to tyme with good cōscience God I take to recorde moued all suche as I hadde conference with all to be no daliers in Gods matters but to shewe them selues after so greate a lyghte and knowledge hartye earnest constante and stable in so manifest a truth and not to geue place one iote contrarye to the same Nowe thoughte I if I shall withdrawe my selfe and make anye shiftes to pull my own necke out of the collor I shall geue great offence to my weake brethren in Christe and aduantage to the enemyes to slaunder Gods woorde It will be sayd he hath bene a greate boldner of others to be earnest feruent to feare no worldly perills or daungers but he him self wil geue no suche example Wherefore I thoughte it my bounden dutye both to God and man being as it were by the greate goodnesse of GOD. maruelouslye called and appoynted hereunto to sette asyde all feare perilles and daungers all worldlye respectes and considerations and lyke as I hadde heretofore accordyng to the measure of my small gifte wythin the cōpasse of my vocation callyng frō the bottome of my hart vnfaynedly moued exhorted persuaded al that professed gods word manfully to persiste in the defence of the same not wyth sword vyolence but wyth sufferyng and losse of life rather then to defyle themselues agayne with the whoryshe abhomination of the Romysh Antichrist so the houre being come wyth my facte and example to ratifye confyrme and proteste the same to the hartes of all true beleuers to this end by the myghtye assistance of Gods holy spirite I resolued my self wyth much peace of conscience willingly to sustayne what soeuer the Romyshe Antichrist should doe agaynste me and the rather because I vnderstoode the Byshoppes comming to be at hande and considered that poore mens consciences shoulde be then sharpely assaulted So remayned I prysoner in Couentrye by the space of .10 or .11 daies being neuer called to
then he can well wyshe or dare desyre His worde cannot lye call vpon me in the day of trouble and I wil heare thee and thou shalt prayse me Psal 50. I aunswered the enemy also on thys maner I am a synner and therfore not worthye to bee a wytnesse of hys truth What then Must I deny hys word because I am not worthy to professe it What bring I to passe in so doyng but adde synne to synne What is greater synne then to deny the truth of Christes gospell As Christ hymself beareth wytnesse he that is ashamed of me or of my wordes of hym I wyll be also ashamed before my father and all hys Aungels I myght also by lyke reasō forbeare to do any of gods commaundements When I am prouoked to pray the enemy may say vnto me I am not worthy to pray therfore I shall not pray And so in like maner of all the commaundementes I shall not forbeare swearyng stealyng murtheryng because I am not worthy to do any commaūdement of God These be the delusions of the Deuill and Sathans suggestions which muste be ouercome by continuaunce of prayer and wyth the word of god applied accordyng to the measure of euery mans gift against al assaultes of the Deuill At the bishops first comming to Lichefield after myne imprisonment I was called into a by chamber nexte to my prison to my Lord. Before whome when I came and sawe none but hys officers chaplaines and seruauntes except it were an old prieste I was partly amased and lifted vp my hart to god for his mercifull helpe and assistaunce My lord asked me how I liked my imprisonment I gaue him no answer touchyng that questiō He proceded to persuade me to be a member of hys church whiche had continued so many yeres As for our church as he called it was not knowen be said but lately in king Edwards tyme. I professe myself to be a member of that church said I that is builded vpon the foundation of the Apostles Prophets Iesu Christ beyng the head corner stone so alledged the place of S. Paule to the Ephes And this church hath bene frō the beginning said I though it beare no glorious shewe before the world beyng euer for the most part vnder the crosse affliction contemned despised and persecuted My lord on the other side contended that they were the church So cryed all the cleargy against the Prophets at Ierusalem saying templum Domini templum Domini the church the church And always whē I was about to speak any thing my lord cryed hold thy peace hold thy peace I cōmaund thee by the vertue of obediēce to holde thy peace callyng me a proud arrogant heretyke I wylled my lord to burthē me with some specialties thē to conuince me wyth some scriptures good learnyng Then my lord began to moue certayne questions I refused to answer him in corners requiryng that I myght make my aunswer openly He sayd I should aunswer hym there I stode wyth hym vpon that poynte vntill he said I should to pryson againe and there haue neither meate nor drink til I had answered hym Then I lyfted vp my hart to God that I myght stand and agree wyth the doctrine of hys most holy worde The first question was this how many sacramentes Christ instituted to be vsed in the churche The Sacrament of Baptisme said I and the sacrament that he instituted at hys last supper No more sayd he To all those that declare a true and vnfayned repentaunce a sure hope trust confidence in the death of Christ to such the ministers I graunt that haue authority to pronounce by the power of gods word the rem●ssion of their sinnes Here interrupting me he wold nedes beare me in hand that I called this a Sacrament I would not greatly contend wyth hym in that point because the matter was of no great wayght or importance although he in so doyng dyd me wrōg for I called it not a sacramēt He asked me further whether I allowed their confession I said no. Then he would know my mynde what I thoughte of the presence of Christes bodye in the sacrament I aunswered that their masse was neyther sacrifice nor sacramēt because said I you haue takē away the true institutiō which when you restore again I wil tel you my iudgement cōcernyng christes body in the sacrament Here was he preuēted that he could not make an end of this whych he most godly had begonne by reason of the 〈◊〉 which came from London concernyng his executiō and martyrdome which he suffred shortly after To the Maior of Couentrye and hys Brethren I Besech you to vnderstande that it is not vnknowē aswel to the keper of the Iaile as to the inhabitours about me where I dwel that I am a man subiect to very great sickenes and haue bene by the space of seuen yeres more so that it is not like that I shall be remoued without perill and daunger of my life And because I was here committed toward by your appointement I woulde gladly here aunswer to such thinges as shal be layde to my charge If I may obtain this of you I haue cause thākfully to reknowlege your indiffēercy if otherwise I pray god it be not laid to your charge at the great day where euerye man shall haue iust iudgement without respecte of person Your prisoner in the Lord alwayes myndfull of you in my poore prayer Robert Glouer ¶ To hys wyfe chyldren and whole family as hys last farewell to them for euer in thys worlde THe mightie consolation of the holy spirit frō our most louing merciful father for his dere sonnes sake Iesus Christ continually dwell in your hart my deare and to the ende most faithfull and godly wife His holy Aungels pitche their rentes aboute you and your litle ones and suffer you not to be tempted aboue your strength so to the end that we may dwell altogether with our louing and mercifull god father sing prayses to his name with his Angels and Archaungels for euer and euer Amen I bidde you all farewel in the Lorde Continue in prayer reioyce in hope be pacient in your affliction comfort your hart alwayes with the life to come For my departure consider how oft I haue bene going frō you through my lōg sicknesse and yet god my most louing and mercifull father maruelousye hath reserued me to thys high promotion for the which you ought to geue harty thankes if you loue his glory my eternal ioy felicitye And if you shewe your selues obedient children to your heauenly father he wil loue you kepe you helpe you so that you shal lacke nothing expedient for soule or body and in the end when his good wil pleasure is you shal come to me and perpetuallye enioy me I you we al shall haue the fulnesse of that ioye that shall neuer be taken from you Ye litle ones loue your mother yeld
reuerent obediēce vnto her in al godlines Be not vnkind nor vnthākful Praye for her preseruation cōtinuance amongest you Pray that she may be an ensample to you in al the waies of the Lord. And how ye may be haue your selues towards god your mother and al other estates and degrees let alwayes gods word be your rule Exercise your selues therin night and day ioyning alwaies praier therewith God send you a good guide good passage if it be his wil out of this idolatrous blody realm And as Christ cōmitted his mother to Iohn so I cōmit you in this world to the Angell of God Augustine Bernher Hys aduertisement if you wil folow I trust you shal not decline frō the feare of god Be thankful for him cease not to pray for hys preseruation And thus I cōmit al aswell seruaunts as wife children to the merciful tuition of our most mercifull god and father to his deare sonne our onely Sauiour Iesus Christ with the holy ghoste the comforter to hym be al prayse now and for euer Amen I hartely forgeue you al and doubt not but that you do the same to me Robert Glouer Be faythfull vnto the death and I will geue thee the crowne of lyfe Apoc. 2. ❧ Letters of Robert Smyth one of the Chappell at Wyndsor who as a true and constant witnes of Gods woorde which he most faythfullye had professed was cruellye Martyred at Vrbridge the .14 daye of Auguste In the yeare of oure Lorde 1555. To all them whiche loue God vnfaynedlye and entend to lead a Godly lyfe accordyng to hys gospell and to perseuer in his truth vnto the end grace and peace from God the father and from our Lorde Iesus Christ Amen BE not afraid most dearely beloued in our Sauiour Iesus Christ at these most perilous daies This letter is thought of some to be M. Hopers partely for that in one copie amonges diuers it is entitled vnto him and also by the phrase and manner of writing it may be well coniectured so to be wherein by the sufferaunce of God the prince of darkenes is brokē lose and rageth in hys members agaynst the elect of god with all crueltye to sette vp againe the kingdome of Antichrist agaynst whom see that ye be strong in fayth to resiste hys moste deuelyshe doctrine with the pure Gospell of God armynge your selues with pacience to abyde what soeuer shall bee layde to your charge for the truthes sake knowing that thereunto ye be called not onelye to beleue in him but also to suffer for him Oh howe happye are ye that in the syght of God are counted worthye to suffer for the testimonye of Christe Quyet therefore your selues Oh my louynge brethren and reioyce in hym for whome ye suffer for vnto you doe remayne the vnspeakeable ioyes which neyther the eye hath sene nor the eare hath heard neyther the harte of man is hable to comprehend in any wise Be not afrayd of the bodely death Apo. 17. for your names are wrytten in the booke of life And the Prophette doth recorde Psalm 115. that in the fighte of the Lorde precious is the death of hys Sainctes Watche therefore and praye that ye be not preuented in the day of temptation Nowe commeth the daye of your tryall wherein the waters rage Matth. 7. and the stormye windes blowe Nowe shall it appeare whether ye haue builded vppon the fleting sande Ephe. 2 or vpon the vnmoueble rocke Christe whiche is the foundation of the Apostles and Prophets whereon euery house that is builded groweth into an holy temple of the Lorde by the mightye woorking of the holye ghoste Nowe approcheth the daye of your battaile wherin it is required that ye shewe your selues the valiaunte souldiours of Iesus Christe 2. Tim 8 Ephe. 6 phil 2 Heb. 12. Col. ● wyth the armoure of God that ye maye be hable to stande faste againste all the craftye assaultes of the deuill Christe is your Captayne and ye be hys souldiours whose cognisance is the crosse to the which he willingly humbled hym selfe euen vnto the death and thereby spoyled his enemies and nowe triumpheth he ouer them in the glorye of his father making intercession for them that here doe remayne to suffer the afflictions that are to bee fulfilled in his misticall bodye Pet. 5. It behoueth therefore euery one that will be counted hys scholer to take vppe his owne crosse and followe hym as ye haue him for an ensample and I assure you that he being on your side nothing shall be hable to preuaile againste you And that he will be with you euen to the worldes ende ye haue his promise in the .28 of Mathewe He will goe forth with his hoste as a conquerer to make a conquest He is the man that sitteth on the whyte horse Apoc. 6 1. Cor. 1. crowned with immortalitie and ye brethren are hys felowshippe whereof he is the heade He hath your harte in hys hande as a bowe bente after his godlye will he shall direct the same according to the ryches of hys glory into al spirituall and heauenly cogitations He is faythfull 1 Cor i● and wil not suffer you to be further assaulted thē he wil geue you strēgth to ouercome and in the most daunger he will make a way that ye maye be hable to beare it Shrynke not therefore deare hartes when ye shall hee called to aunsweare for the hope that is in you i. Pet. 3. for we haue the comforter Luk. 13. Act. 2. psalme 52. euen the spirite of truth whiche was sente from the heauens to teach vs. He shall speake in vs he shall strengthen vs what is he then that shall be able to confoūd vs Nay what Tiranne is he that now boasteth hym selfe of hys strengthe to doe mischiefe whom the Lord shall not with the same spirite by the mouthe of hys seruauntes stryke downe to hell fyre Yea sodainly will the Lorde brynge downe the glorye of the proude Philistians by the handes of hys seruaunte Dauid Their strengthe is in speare and shielde ● Regū 17. psal 6. 2. Cor. 6 Heb. 8. Psalm 32. but oure helpe is in the name of the Lorde whiche made both heauen and earth He is our buckler and our wall a stronge tower of defence He is oure God and we are his people He shal bryng the counsels of the vngodlye to nought He shall take them in their owne nette He shal destroye them in their owne inuentions The ryghte hande of the Lorde shall woorke thys wonder Psalm 117. Psalm 52. psal 65. Hys power is knowen amonge the children of men ▪ Their fathers haue felt it and are confounded In lyke maner shall they knowe that there is no counsell agaynste the Lorde when their secretes are opened to the whole worlde and are founde to be agaynst the liuyng God Woorke they neuer so craftelye Gene. 12. builde they neuer so stronglye yet downe shall
all thinges whiche the Lord hath spoken to thee shall be fulfilled So I saye to you my deare hartes in the Lorde happye are ye all yea twyse happye shall ye bee for euermore because ye haue stedfastlye beleued the moste swete promises which god the father hath made vnto you with his own mouth in that he hath promised you which are the faythful seede of the beleuing Abraham that ye shal be blessed euer world wtout end The promises of God your sweete father as ye do beleue so do ye beare record the god is true The testimony wherof ye haue full worthely borne to the world and shortly will full surely seale the same with your blood yea euen to morow I do vnderstand Oh constant Christians oh valiaunt souldiers of the high Captaine Iesus Christ who for your sake hath conquered the deuill death sinne hell and hath geuen you full victory ouer thē for euer more Oh worthy witnesses most glorious Martyrs whose inuincible fayth hath ouercome that proud sturdie bragging prince of the world and al his wicked army ouer whō ye shall shortly triumphe for euermore Ah my swete hartes the euerlasting treasures are full surely layd vp for you in heauē The immercessible and most glorious crowne of victory is already made and prepared for you to be shortly clapt vpon al your happy heads The holy Aungels of your heauenly father are already appointed to conduct your sweete soules into Abrahams bosome All the heauenly host reioyceth alreadye for that they shall shortlye receaue you with ioye and felicitye into their blessed fellowship Selach Reioyce with double ioy be glad my deare brethren for doubtles ye haue more cause then cā be expressed But alas I that for my sinnes am left behinde maye lie and lamente with the holye Prophet saying psalm 119. woe is me that the daies of my ioyfull rest are prolonged Ah cursed Sathan which hath caused me so sore to offende my moste deare louing father wherby my exile and banishment is so much prolonged Oh Christ my aduocate pacifie thy fathers wrath which I haue iustelye deserued that he maye take me home to him in his sweete mercy Oh that I might nowe come home vnto thee with my blessed brethren Wel thy wil Oh Lord be effectuouslye fulfilled for it is onely good turneth al things to the best for such as thou in thy mercyes haste chosen And now farewell my deare hartes moste happye in the Lord. I trust in my good God yet shortlye to see you in the celestiall Citye wherof vndoubtedly the Lord hath already made you free Citizens Though ye be yet with vs for a litle time your very home is in heauen where your treasure doth remaine with your swete lord redemer Iesus christ whose calling you haue heard with the eares of your harts therfore ye shall neuer come into iudgement but passe from death to life Your sinnes shal neuer be remēbred be they neuer so many so greuous or so great for your Sauiour hath cast thē all into the bottome of the sea he hath remoued them frō you as farre as the east is frō the west psalm 103. his mercy hath much more preuailed ouer you then is distance betwene heauen and earth and he hath geuen you for an euerlasting possession of the same al his holines righteousnes iustification yea and the holy ghost into your hartes wherwith ye are surely sealed vnto the day of redemption to certifie you of your eternal electiō and the ye are his true adopted sōnes wherby ye may boldely crie vnto god Abba deare father for euer more so that nowe no creature in heauē earth nor hel shall be able to accuse you before the throne of the heauenly King Gen 3. Sathā is now cast out from you he him self is iudged hath no part in you He wil once more bite you by the heele and then he hath done for at the time you shal squise his head through your own good Christ so haue finall victorie for euer more In ioyfull triumph wherof ye shall swetely ascende into the place of eternal rest whether your eldest brother Christ is gone before you to take possession for you and to prepare your place vnder the holy Alter with Cranmer Latymer Ridley Rogers Hoper Saunders Farrer Tailour Bradford Philpot with many other who will be full glad of your cōming to see vi moe of their appointed number that their blood may so much the soner be reuenged vpon them that dwel on the earth Thus I make an end committing you al to gods moste merciful defence whose quarrell ye haue defended whose cause ye haue promoted whose glory ye haue set forth and whose name ye haue constantlye confessed Farewell for a while my dere hartes in the Lord I wil make as much hast after you as I may Al our deare brethren salute you They praie for you and praise god for you continually Blessed be the dead that die in the Lord for they rest frō their labours saith the holy ghost Apo. ●1 and their workes followe them Your owne Iohn Careles a most vnprofitable seruaunt of the Lord yet of hys great mercy prysoner for his sake abiding his further good pleasure Pray praye praye To M. Greene M. VVhittell and certaine other prysoners in Newgate condemned and ready to be burnt for the testimony of the Lord Iesus THe euerlasting peace in Iesus Christ the continuall comfort of his most pure holy spirite be with you my most deare and faithful brethren and sisters of Newgate the Lordes appoynted shepe vnto the slaughter to the good performance of the great and notable worke of the lord which he hath so graciously begōne in you all that the same may redownd to the setting forth of his glory and to the commoditie of his churche and to your owne euerlasting comfort in him So be it Ah my dere harts most faithful brethrē sisters in the lord what high laudes praise yea what humble and continuall thankes am I boūd to geue to god oure father for you on your moste happie behalfe who so mightely hath magnified himself in you thus farforth in geuīg you his holy mighty spirit to the constant confessing of christes veritye euen to the cruel condēpnation I dout not but he wil do the same to the death Oh happie blessed are you the euer you were borne that the lord wil vouch you worthie of this great dignitie to die for his sake Doubtles it is the greatest honour the god can geue you in this life Yea if they be so blessed of god that die in the Lord as the holy ghost saith they be how much more blessed happie then are you that die not only in the lord Apo. 11. but also for the lord Oh that it were the good will of god that the good houre were now come that I might go with you Ah that my sinnes made
loueth me vnto the ende and wyll not lose me but wyll rayse me vnto lyfe at the last day psalm 27. The lord is my lyght and my defence of whom then should I be afrayde The lorde is the preseruer of my lyfe what can man then do vnto me I am one of the lordes elect who shal lay ought thē to my charge The lord hymselfe doth iustifye me Rom. 8. who shall then condempne me Sith Christ is myne and I am hys what shal make me carefull or who shal separate me from his swete loue which as Salomon saith in his sweete songes is mightier then the deathe No no let the Tyrannes come when they wyll I trust they shall fynd me ready and wyllyng to goe home to my heauenly father whether my good brethern be gone before me wyth ioy tryumphe and victorye ouer the bloodye Beast and her Babilonicall broode blessed be god therfore Your swete examples of Helias Daniel and the Israelites doe muche confirme my faith in Christ although I be farre inferiour to any of them But as you say full well god himself is my father doth loue me his prodigal sonne wyth an euerlastyng loue sure I am therfore he wil not see me lacke eyther for body or soule for he fedeth the birdes brute beastes yea and men that he much worse then they as you ful wel haue sayd And further my deare hart where as you say that your heauines and sorowe is when you call to remēbrance my crosse and double crosse c ah my good louing sister let not my crosses make your good tender harte heuie but rather be glad reioyce with me that God of hys great mercye will repute me worthye to beare them for his sake Sing psalmes with me of prayse thankesgeuing for God hath made me able to beare them paciently if they wer a thousande times so many moe as they bee as in deede my sinnes haue iustly deserued Wel is me the euer I was born that he woulde vouch me worthy to suffer at al hands or al sorts of men for hys sake or rather that it would please his goodnes to choose me poore caitiffe in whom him self would suffer For the enemies doe not punishe me for my sinnes as they might iustely doe but they do persecute swete Christe in me whose truth I do professe And now as concerning the most comfortable doctrine of our eternall election in him before the foundation of the world was laid I do protest before God man that if euery heare of my head were a mans lyfe I would willingly geue them all in the defence therof Full litle wotteth our free wil men what they do whē they go about so rashely to condēne that doctrine The Lord illuminate their mindes with the light of his holy spirit that they may once see the truth therof and leaue their kicking against the pricke In dede deare frend in the respect of thē and the peril which they be in you and I both haue good cause to mourne lament and be sory to pray for them day night that the Lord if it be his wil would conuert them And whether their blindnes be of simplicitye as I hope it is or of wilful obstinacie which thing is greatly to be feared yet haue I no cause to be angry with them for it is their own harme where as mine should haue bene the like if god had left me to my self as he myght most iustly haue done and for that I am as I am his name only haue the prayse and for hys sake I will alwayes seeke to do them good as much as lyeth in me And what soeuer they haue sayd or shall saye or do againste me I doe and will as hartely forgeue them al as I would be forgeuen of god my great sinnes trespasses For sure I am that what soeuer he be that hath any true tast or liuely felyng of the great mercye loue and kyndnesse of God towardes hym in Christe he can not beare hate or displeasure agaynste anye thynge but synne Sathā the only author therof Therfore in that they doe talke so muche of loue and let so little appeare in their dedes it doth euidently appeare how litle taste and liuelye feelyng of the free mercye of God in Christe they haue A weake fayth hath euer a colde charitie annexed vnto it which is quenched with euery vnkinde worde Yours vnfaynedly Iohn Careles To my deare Sister M. C. THe euerlasting peace of god in Iesus Christ the cōtinuall ayde strength comfort of hys most pure holy and mightye spirite with the increase of faith and liuely feling of hys eternall mercyes be moste effectuouslye wrought in your hart my deare and faithfull Syster to the full accomplishing of that good worke which the Lorde hath so graciously begonne in you that it may be to the setting forth of his glory the comfort of hys poore afflicted church and to your owne eternall consolation in hym Amen I thanke God most hartely for you my deare hart in the Lord with all remēbrance of you in my prayers as of duty I am bound not douting but you do the same for me to my great ioy comfort in the middest of my crosses which daily do increase yea and that in such sort that if the faythful god by your hartye prayer and others gods deare children dyd not put to hys helpyng hand I should surely syncke downe vnder thē Ah good sister begge hard of our deare father for me that he would shortly tread Sathan vnder my feete and that I may play the man in the Lordes battel as you bydde me be ioyfull in my Christ what payne or peril soeuer I suffer And reioyce wyth me good sister in the Lord and let vs be mery in him not only to chere the good harts of al our faythfull frends but also to anger the cankered hart of Sathā that croked Serpent our ancient enemy For I know that there is nothyng that can greue his malicious mind more thē the myrth gladnes and hartye reioysyng of the childrē of God in their good Christ Ah my faythfull frend if your good hart be heuye who cā make mine light If you be sory who cā make me glad But if you be mery and reioyce in the Lord there shal no trouble make me sad or sorowful Be of good cheare therfore my good sister comfort my swete brother V. Oh that I mighte once heare that he and his bridegrome were in bedde both together and that he had taken a swete slepe in hys louers armes as Iohn dyd vpon hys lappe on the Maundie night Iohn 13 Commend me vnto him most hartelye and desyre hym for the Lords sake to fulfyl my ioye increase my crowne Bid hym be mindefull of me in hys harty prayers as I neyther wyll nor can forget hym in myne Full deare is he vnto my soule So are you my good sister the Lord he knoweth
be to our sinnes great vnthankfulnes which is the greatest cause of the taking away of such worthy instruments of god as shold setforth his glory instruct his people If we had bene thankful vnto god for the good ministers of his worde we had not bene so sone depriued both of it and them The Lord forgeue our great ingratitude and sinnes geue vs true repentance fayth holde his hand of mercy ouer vs for hys dere sōne Christs sake Take not away al thy true preachers forth of this realme O lorde but leaue vs a sede least England be made like vnto Sodome Gomore when thy true Lothes be gone But what go I about to mīgle your mirth with my mourning your iust ioy with my deserued sorowe If I loued you in dede as I haue pretēded I should surely reioyce with you most hartely prayse god on your behalfe frō the very bottome of my hart I should prayse god day night for your excellēt electiō in through his great mercy should geue him most hūble thankes for your vocation by his gospel your true knowlege in the same I should earnestly praise him for your swete iustificatiō wherof you are most certain by gods grace spirite and should instantly pray vnto him for your glorificatiō which shal shortly ensue I shold reioyce be glad to see you so dignifyed by the crowne of martirdome and to be appointed to that honour to testifie hys truth to seale it with your blood I should highly extolle the lord who hath geuē you a glorious victory ouer al your enemies visible inuisible hath geuē you grace strēgth to finishe the tower that you haue begonne to build Finallye if I loued you I should most hartely reioyce bee glad to see you deliuered frō this body of sinne and vyle prison of the fleshe and brought into that heauenly tabernacle where you shal be safely kepte neuer offend him more This and much more should I do if I had a good hart towards god or you his deare child But alas I am an hypocrite and do seeke nothing but mine own cōmoditie I would haue gods euerlastīg prouidēce geue place to my peuish wil purpose although it were to the hinderance of his glory your swete cōmoditie God forgeue me my horrible ingratitude sinnes and offences against hym and good brother do you forgeue me my great negligence and vnthankfulnes towards you and hence forth I promise you I wil put my will to Gods will and pray that the same may be fulfilled in you so longe as you be on this earth and whē you are taken hence I wil most hartely prayse the Lord for you so long as I haue my being in this world Ah my deare harte now I muste take my leaue of you and as I thinke my vltimum Vale in this life but in the life to come I am ryght well assured we shall merely meete together and that shortly I trust And in taking of my leaue of you my deare hart in the lord I shall desyre you faythfully to remember all the sweete messages that the Lord our good God and moste deare louing father hath sent you by me his most vnworthye seruaunte whiche as they are moste true so shall they bee moste truely accomplyshed vppon you eternally and for the more assuraunce and certificate thereof to youre Godlye conscience he hath cōmaūded me to repete the same vnto you again in his own name word Therefore now geue eare faithful credence Harken O ye heauens thou earth geue eare and beare me witnes at the great day that I do here faithfully truly the lords message vnto his deare seruant his singularly beloued elect child Iohn Bradford Iohn Bradford thou man so specially beloued of god I pronounce testifie vnto thee in the word name of the lord Iehouah that al thy sinnes whatsoeuer they be be they neuer so many so greuous or so great be fully frely pardoned released forgeuen thee by the mercy of god in Iesus Christ thine only Lord and swete Sauiour in whom thou doste vndoubtedly beleue Christe hath clensed thee with hys bloode clothed thee with hys righteousnes hath made thee in the sight of god his father without spot or wrinckle So that whē the fier doth his appointed office thou shalt be receaued as a swete burnt sacrifice into heauen where thou shalt ioyfully remaine in gods presēce for euer as the true inheritour of his euerlasting kingdome vnto that which thou wast vndoutedly predestinate ordayned by the lords vnfallible purpose decree before the foundatiō of the world was layd And that this is most true that I haue said I cal the whole Trinitie the almighty eternal Maiestie of god the father the sonne the holy ghoste to my recorde at this present whom I humbly besech to confirme stablishe in thee the true and liuely feling of the same Amen Selah Now with a mery hart a ioyfull spirite something mixed with lawfull teares I take my farewell of you mine owne deare brother in the Lord who send vs shortly a mery meting in his kingdome that we may both sing prayses together vnto him with his holy Angels blessed spirites for euer euer Farewel thou blessed of the lord farewell in Christ depart vnto thy rest in the Lord pray for me for Gods sake As I had made an end of this simple letter I heard some comfort both of good Maister Philpottes seruant yours but alas I do scarcely beleue them Wel I wil hope in god and pray al night that god will sende me some comforte to morrow if the Lord geue you sparing to morrow let me heare .iiij. words of comfort frō you for gods sake The blessing of god be with you now and for euer Amen Yours for euer in the Lord Iesus Iohn Careles liuyng in hope agaynst hope To a faythfull frende of hys by whome he had receyued much comforte in hys trouble and affliction THe peace of God in Iesus Christ wyth the eternall comfort of hs swete spirite bee wyth you my deare brother now and euer Amen Ah my dere faithfull brother what hūble praise harty thākes am I boūd cōtinually to rēder vnto god for you in that he hath made you so worthy and comfortable an instrument vnto me his most vnworthy seruaunt in this tyme of my great conflict This is the cōflict whereby Sathan hath alwais sought to molest and vexe the true childrē of god to plucke them from the hope of their saluatiō in Christ ▪ Read psal 77.88.22 31.38.69 and concernyng this matter reade before fol. 152 194. 288. 325. the whole letter followyng not onely against flesh and blood but also against the spirituall power of darkenes In which wrestling though I be very weake yet haue I I thanke God most hartely therefore receiued such
of my fal also deliuered me his name be praised foreuermore Amē Neyther deuil nor cruel Tyrāne can plucke any of christes shepe out of hys hand Of the whych flocke of christes shepe I trust vndoubtedly I am one by meanes of his death bloudshedyng which shal at the last day stand at hys right hand and receyue wyth other his blessed benediction And now beyng condēned to dye my cōscience mind I prayse god is quyet in Christ I by his grace am very wel willyng content to geue ouer thys body to the death for the testimony of hys truth and pure religiō agaynste Antichriste and all hys false religion and doctryne They that reyort otherwyse of me speake not truely And as for Fountayne I saw him not all thys while Thomas Whittle Ministes Another letter of M. Thomas VVhittell written to a cerrayne godly woman OH my deare and louing Sister in Christ bee not dismayd in this storme of persecution for Paul calleth the gospel the word of the crosse because it is neuer truly taught but the crosse and cruell persecution immediatlye and necessarilye doth followe the same and therefore it is a manifeste token of Gods truth that hath bene here and is styl abroade and that is a cause of the rage and crueltye of Sathan agaynste Christ and hys members whiche muste bee corrected for their sinnes in thys worlde their fayth muste bee tryed that after tryall and paciente suffering the faythfull maye receaue the crowne of glorye Feare not therefore my welbeloued but proceede in the knowledge and feare of GOD and he will keepe you from all euill Call vppon hys holy name and he will strengthen you and assiste you in all your wayes and if it please hym to lay his crosse vppon you for his Gospells sake refuse it not neyther shake it of by vnlawfull meanes leste you shoulde as God forbyd fynde a more greuous crosse and tormente of conscience if you shoulde dissemble and denye the knowen veritye then is any persecution or death of bodye Oh howe happye are they that suffer persecution for ryghteousnesse sake Their rewarde is greate in heauen The momentane afflictions of thys lyfe are not worthy of the glorye that shall bee shewed vppon vs. Oh remember the Godly wemen of the olde testamente and newe whiche liued in Gods seruice and feare and therefore are nowe in blisse and cōmended for euer as namely Iudith Hester Abigaell the Mother of the .vij. sonnes Marye Elizabeth Susanna Lidia and Phebe and others Set their examples before your eyes and feare nothing for Sathan is conquered by our Sauiour Christ sinne is putte to flyght and the gate of immortalitie and eternall life is sette wyde open God graunt we may enter therin through the doore Iesus Christe Amen Thomas Whittel Maister Bartlet Grene to certayne of hys frends a litle before his death BEtter is the day of death sayth Salomon then the day of byrth Mā that is borne of woman liueth but a short time and is replenyshed with many miseries but happy are the dead that die in the Lord. Man of woman is borne in trauell to liue in misery Man through Christ doth die in ioye and liue in felicitie He is borne to die and dyeth to liue Strayght as he commeth into the world with cryes he vttereth his miserable estate strayghte as he departeth with songes he prayseth god for euer Scarce yet in hys cradell in deadly enemyes assaultes him after death no aduersarye maye anoye him Whilest he is here he displeaseth god whē he is dead he fulfilleth his will In thys life here he dyeth through sinne in the life to come he liueth in righteousnes Through manye tribulations in earth is he still purged with ioye vnspeakeable in heauen is he made pure for euer Here he dyeth euerye houre there he liueth continualy Here is synne there is righteousnesse Here is tyme there is eternitie Here is hatred there is loue Here is payne there is pleasure Here is myserye there is felicitie Here is corruption there is immortalitie Here we see vanitie there shall we beholde the Maiestie of God with triumphant and vnspeakeable ioye in glorye euerlasting Seeke therfore the thynges that are aboue where Christe sitteth on the ryghte hand of God the father vnto whom with the sonne and the holy ghost be all honour and glorye worlde wythoute end Amen Christe deus sine te spes est mihe nulla salutis Te duce vera sequor te duce falsa nego In Englyshe thus O Christ my God sure hope of health besides thee haue I none That truth I loue and falshode hate thou arte my guyde alone Yours in Christe Bartlet Grene. A letter of Iohn Careles to one Mystres Cotton THe euerlasting peace of god in Iesus Christ the eternall comfortes of his most pure holy mightye spirit with the encrease of fayth liuely feeling of his swete mercies be with you dere frend faythfull louing Sister good Mystres Cotton to the ful encrease of your ioye in Christe now and euermore Amen As from the very bottome of my poore hart I wish vnto you health both of body soule my deare louing Syster in the Lord so will I neuer cease praying vnto god for the same according vnto my most boūdē duty Howbeit of your body vpō conditiō but of your soule without any conditiō being wel assured that the lord for his deare sonnes sake wil perfectly graūt me the same so farre forth as shal be most for your profite So that if the health of your body wil stand with the wealth of your soule I am sure I shal haue my peticiō graunted for the health of the same But if the sicknes of your body be for the health of your soule as I am sure it is then haue I also my desire graūted because I aske the same no further thē it maye stand with the other But for the euerlasting health of your soule do I hartely pray without the additiō of any conditiō for it is the lords good wil I should so do Therefore I am sure my request is already graunted therin for his sake who hath redemed the same with his most precious blood yea in whō you were elected before the foūdation of the world was layd This is moste true therfore let nothīg perswade you to the contrary Rest vpō this rocke be you sure the gates of hel shal not preuaile agaīst you I know deare hart that you haue done much good to the poore for Iesus Christs sake yet beware you do not put any truste or confidence in your good dedes merits or deseruings but only in Iesus christ which hath geuē you him self wholy to be yours with al his holynes righteousnes iustificatiō redēptiō al that euer he may On the other side he hath takē vpon himself al your sinnes misery infirmitye hath made a full satisfaction for them with the sacrifice of his own
their rable fall and the builders them selues shall then be scatred vppon the face of the earth as accursed of God The iuste shall see thys and be gladde psalme 33. and prayse the name of the Lord that so meruelouslye hath delte with hys seruauntes as to bryng theyr enemyes vnder their feete Then shall the fearefull sede of Caine tremble and quake Gene. 4. Gene. 21. Gen. 11. phil 3 psalme 2. 1. Corin. 3. psalm 74. Iob. 5. Apoc. 12. Then shall the mockynge Ismalites be caste oute of the doore Then shal the proude Nembrothe see hys laboure loste Thou shall the beaste of Babilon bee troden vnder foote Then shall the Scribes and Pharisees for madnes fret and rage Then shal their paynted wysedome be knowen for extreme folly Then shall the bloody Dragone be voyde of hys praye Then shal the whore of Babilō receaue double vengeance Then shall they scratch their crownes for the fall of theyr Maistres harlotte whom they nowe serue for filthye lucre when no man wyll bye theyr wares anye more then shall the popyshe priesthode crye weale a waye with care euen when the Lord shall helpe hys seruauntes Apo. 18 Psal 145. which daye is not farre of the day wherin the kyngdome of Antichrist shall haue an ende and neuer aryse anye more In the meane tyme abide in certayne and sure hope 1. Corin. 6. 1. Cor. 8. Heb. 9. cleanyng-vnto the promyses of God whiche in their owne tyme shall bee fulfylled Acquite your selues lyke men agaynste the enemies of God in all humblenesse of minde stronge in spirite to acknowledge one God one holye Sauiour Iesus Christ one onely euerlasting and sufficiente sacrifice for the remission of sinnes euen the precious bodye of the Lorde Iesus once offered for all and for euer Whiche nowe sitteth on the righte hande of God Act. 3. and from thence shall he come to iudge both the quicke and the dead at the laste day and vntill that tyme Heb. i. i pet 3. Ephesi 1. occupyeth that blessed bodye none other place to dwell in to be kepte in to be closed in but onelye in the heauens euen in the glorious maiestye of GOD personallye abyding there in the fleshe not commynge downe from thence tyll the laste houre Ephess 2. And as he neuer ceaseth to bee man so doth he neuer lose the similitude of man hys body there hath hys liniamentes he leaueth them not so hath that bodye there hys highnesse and shrinketh not and hys manlye shape he altereth not at any tyme. He is in that he tooke of the virgine Marye a naturall man in all conditions excepte sinne Rom. 1. And what he tooke of hys blessed Mother by the woorking of the holy ghoste he toke it for euer and will not exchaunge the same for anye other He tooke the shape of a man with the substance of hys manhoode in one sacred wombe There were they coupled together by the holy ghoste neuer to be deuided a sunder Ephe. 2. He retayneth the one with the other inseperablye As he wyll not alter the substance of hys fleshe into the substance of breade no more wyll he alter the shape of hys bodye into the forme of breade There can not bee a greater absurditie agaynste the truth then to thynke that he woulde leaue the shape that he tooke in the virgins wombe being an accident vnto hys manhode and ioyne vnto the same a wafer take baken in an ouen or betwene a payre of yrons ● Iohn 1 As he is in heauen very man one onely mediatour betwene God and man euen the man Christe Iesus he it is that is the propitiation for oure sinnes Be bolde therfore to confesse thys moste pure and Apostolicall doctrine Col. i. and also that all fauoure mercye and forgeuenesse commeth onely by hym He only of God the father was made for vs al wysedome ryghteousnesse 1. Cor. i. Eph. 2. sanctification and redemption All these are the giftes of God the father frely geuen vnto vs by Christe Iesus God and man through fayth in hys bloode and not by the merites of men Abacu 2. Gala. 3. Act. 10. Giftes they are I saye frelye geuen vnto vs of fauour withoute our deserte by beleuyng and not by deseruing To thys do the lawe and the Prophettes beare witnesse Thys doctrine haue all the blessed Martyrs of Christes Churche witnessed wyth their bloode to be true To thys truth haue al the consciences of al true beleuers subscribed euer synce the Ascension of Christ Thys witnesse is not of man but of God What better quarrel can ye th●n haue to geue your liues for Luk. 9. then the truth it selfe That man that geueth hys life for the truth taketh the redyest waye to lyfe He that hath the Popes curse for the truth is sure of Christes blessing Well then my brethren what shall nowe lette but that ye goe forwarde as ye haue begonne Naye rather runne wyth the runners that ye maye obtayne the appoynted glorye Iohn 14 Psal 15. Eph. 4. Col. 5. Math. 10 Marke 8. Holde on the ryghte waye looke not backe haue the eye of youre harte fyxed vpon god and so runne that ye may get hold of it Cast away al your worldly pelfe and worldly respectes as the fauour of frends the feare of men sensuall affection respecte of persons honoure prayse shame rebuke wealthe pouertye ryches landes possessions carnall fathers and mothers wyfe and chyldren wyth the loue of youre owne selues and in respecte of that heauenlye treasure ye looke for lette all these bee denyed and vtterlye refused of you so that in no condition they doe abate your zeale or quenche youre loue towardes GOD. In thys case make no accompte of them but rather repute them as vyle in comparison of euerlastynge lyfe Phil. 3. A waye wyth them as thornes that choke the heauenlye seede of the Gospell where they bee suffred to growe Luke 8.14 They are burdens of the fleshe whiche incomber the soule Roman 7. exchaunge them therefore for aduauntage Doth not he gayne that fyndeth heauenlye and immortall treasure for earthlye and corruptible ryches Loseth that man anye thynge whiche of hys carnall father and mother is forsaken Ephe. i. Gala 4. Phi. 3. when therefore he is receaued of God the father to bee hys childe and heyre in Christe Heauenlye for earthlye for mortall immortall for transitorye thynges permanente is great gaynes to a Christian conscience Therefore as I beganne I exhorte you in the Lorde not to be afrayde Shrynke not my brethren mistrust not God Heb. 6. 1. Cor. 2. be of good comforte reioyce in the Lorde holde faste youre fayth and continewe to the ende Denye the worlde and take vppe your crosse and followe hym whiche is youre loadesman and is gone before If you suffer wyth him you shall reigne with hym What waye can you glorifye the name of your heauenlye father better then by sufferinge
death for hys sonnes sake What a spectacle shall it beto the worlde to beholde so godlye a fellowshippe as you seruauntes of god in so iust a quarrel as the gospel of Christ is with so pure a conscience so stronge a fayth and so liuelye a hope to offer your selues to suffer moste cruell tormentes at the handes of Gods enemyes and so to ende your dayes in peace to receaue in the resurrection of the ryghteous life euerlasting Heb. 11. Be stronge therfore in your battayle The Lord God is on your syde and hys truth is your cause phi 3 and agaynst you be none but the enemies of the crosse of Christ as the Serpent and hys seede the Dragon wyth hys tayle Math. 3. Iohn 8. the marked mē of the Beast the ofspring of the Pharisees the congregation malignaunt the generation of Vipers murtheters as theyr father the deuyll hath bene from the beginnynge To conclude such are they are the Lord God hath alwayes abhorred and in all ages resisted and ouerthrowen God from whom nothing is hid knoweth what they are He that searcheth the hartes of men Psal 34. Heb. 4. he hath founde them oute to be craftye subtyll full of poyson proude disdaynefull stifenecked deuourers rauenees and barkers agaynste the truthe fylthye and shamelesse and therefore doth the spirite of God by the mouthes of his holye Prophettes and Apostles call them by the names of Foxes Iude. 1. Serpents Cockatrices Lions Leopardes Bulles Beares Wolues Dogges Swine Beastes teaching vs thereby to vnderstande that their naturall inclination is to deceaue poyson and destroye as muche as in them lyeth the faythfull and elect of God Psalm 76. But the Lord with his right arme shall defende hys little flocke agaynste the whole rabblement of these worldlings Matth. 20. Luk. 2i Math. 10. 1. Pet. 2. whiche haue conspired against him he hath numbred all the heares of hys childrens heades so that not one of them shall peryshe withoute hys fatherly will He keepeth the sparowes muche more will he preserue them whom he hath purchased with the bloode of the immaculate Lambe He wil keepe them vnto the houre appoynted wherein the name of God shall bee glorifyed in his Sainctes In the meane tyme let them woorke theyr willes Math. 10 Sapi. 3. let them enuye let them maligne let them blaspheme let thē curse banne betraye whyppe scourge hange and burne for by these meanes God will trye his electe as golde in the furnace and by these fruites shall they also bring themselues to be knowen what they be for all theyr shepes skinnes For as he that in suffering patiently for the Gospell of God is thereby knowen to be of Christe euen so in likewise is the persecutour of hym knowen Psal 7. to be a member of Antichriste Besydes thys their extreme crueltye shall be a meane the sooner to prouoke god to take pitie vppon hys seruauntes and to destroye them that so tyranouslye entreate hys people as we maye learne by the historyes as well in the bondage of Israell vnder Pharao in Egypte Exod. 13. Esd 3.13 as also in the miserable captiuitie of Iuda in Babilon Where as when the people of God were in moste extreme thraldome then did the Lord stretch forth his mighty power to deliuer hys seruauntes 2. Mach. 7. Iacob 4. i Pet. 5. Apo. 9. Heb 12. Iacob 2 Though God for a time suffer them to bee exalted in theyr owne pride yet shall they not scape hys vengeaunce They are hys roddes and when he hath worne them to the stumpes then wil he caste them into the fyer thys shall bee their fynall rewarde Our dutie is in the meane while paciently to abide the wil of god which worketh all thinges for the beste Thus dealeth he wyth vs partly for our trial 2 Cor i2 Esdras 36 partly also for our synnes which we most greuously haue committed to the great slaunder of hys gospel wherby the name of God was euill spoken of amonge his enemies Roma 2. for the whiche he nowe punisheth vs wyth hys fatherly corrections in this worlde i. Cor i Luke 15 that we should not be dampned wyth the worlde By thys meanes seeketh he hys sheepe that were lost to bryng them home to the folde agayne By this way seketh he to reforme vs that we may be like vnto him Ephesi 4 after the image of his sonne Iesus Christ in all holines and righteousnes before hym Finally thys way vseth his godly wisdome to make vs therby to know hym Ose 13. our selues in hym that afore tyme had in a maner forgotten him praysed bee his name therefore And as for these Balaamites which now do molest vs commit thē to the handes of god geue hym the vengeaunce and he will reward them Rom. 12. phil 2 Luke 8. Marke 4. psal 8. psal 4. Ieremy 12. Fal ye to prayer and let these belly gods prate For he is in heauen and slepeth not that kepeth Israell He is in heauen that made the seas calme when the Disciples were afraid Let vs now faithfully call vpon hym and he will heare vs. Let vs cry vnto the Lord for he is gratious and merciful When we are in trouble he is wyth vs he wyll deliuer vs and he wyll glorify vs. If we come vnto hym we shal fynde hym turned vnto vs. If we repent vs of our wickednes done against hym Ieremy 18 then shal he take away the plague that he hathe deuised against vs. Let vs therfore earnestly repent bryng forth the worthy frutes of repentaunce Let vs study to be hys then shall we not nede to feare what these hypocrites do agaīst vs Matth. 12. which with their pretensed holines deceiue the hartes of the symple and abuse the authoritie of god in hys Prynces causing them by their procurement to testify their ambicious prelacie and to erect vp their Idole agayne wyth the Romish Masie God in whose handes are the hartes of kynges Iob. i2 pro. 15.22 opē the harte of the Quenes hyghnes to espye them out what they be so to wede them out that they no longer be suffred to trouble the congregation of God to poyson the realme wyth Pope holy doctrine psal 24.30 78. God almighty for hys sonne Iesus Christes sake deliuer the Quenes highnes and this her church realme from these proude prelates which are as profitable in the churche of Christe as a polecatte in the myddes of a warren of connies To conclude my bretherne I commit you to God and to the power of hys worde whiche is hable to establysh you in all truth Hys spirite be wyth you and worke alway that ye maye be myndful of your dueties towardes hym whose ye are both bodye and soule Whome see that ye loue serue dreade obey aboue all worldly powers and for nothyng vnder the heauens defyle your conscience before God Dissemble not wyth hys worde