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A18271 A treasurie or store-house of similies both pleasaunt, delightfull, and profitable, for all estates of men in generall. Newly collected into heades and common places: by Robert Cawdray. Cawdry, Robert. 1600 (1600) STC 4887; ESTC S107929 530,386 880

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life with their bodies taken their owne pleasures ioy and delight Euen so in the life to come at the Resurrectiō of the dead they shal be plagued and punished with euerlasting paine torment in the same bodies Mat. 25.41 c. 2. Cor. 5.10 Act. 24.15 Ioh. 5.29 21 Like as when the Corne is cast into the ground it seemeth to bee lost for it rots and wasteth in the ground but afterwards it springeth faire 1. Cor. 15.36 37. So when the body hath beene corrupted it tarrieth the time appointed by God to come out of the earth and to be altogether perfect 22 As the Corne by meanes of the seed taketh againe a new shape and that more fayrer So the faithfull which dieth and goeth to rest with the seede of Iesus Christ which is the spirit of God is raysed againe by the same spirit which rayseth the Sonne of God from death 23 Like as Christ rose againe in the selfe-same body in which he suffered So we also shall rise againe in the selfe-same flesh which we carrie about with vs. 24 Euen as Christ after his Resurrection had an other glorie much greater then he had before So we shall bee farre otherwise after our Resurrection and so renued into a more glorious state 25 As the Sun and the Moone being of one substance differ in dignitie and excellencie So likewise in the Resurrection our bodies shall haue more excellent qualities then they haue now Regeneration 1 As there is need of no Lawe to compell the bodie to eate or drinke to digest to sleepe to goe to stand to fit and to doo their workes of nature for it is readie to doo them of it owne nature when the case so requireth and when it is meete without all respect either of reward or punishment and may not vnfitly be said as concerning these things not to be vnder a Law notwithstanding thereupon nothing lesse followeth then that it doth therefore abstaine from such workes vnto which in deed it so much more applieth it selfe as they are lesse commaunded and are more naturall vnto it Euen so after the same sort altogether dooth the godly man behaue himselfe concerning the workes of godlinesse he is carried to the doing of them by that his newe nature of the spirit albeit there were no Law at all and all both hope of reward and feare of punishment were away 1. Timo. 1.9 Reue. 6.14 2 Like as if a man haue all his mind set vpon drinking and gulling in of Wine and strong drinke hauing little delight nor pleasure in any thing else it argues a carnall mind and vnregenerate because it effectes the things of the flesh and so of the rest Euen so on the contrarie hee that hath his mind affected with a desire to doo the wil of God in practising the workes of charitie and Religion he I say hath a spirituall and a renewed heart and is Regenerate by the holy Ghost Rom. 8.14 Gal. 5.17 3 As God in the beginning created vs after his owne Image So also must hee Regenerate vs according to the same which he doth by the holy Ghost the third person in Trinitie one and the same euerlasting God together with the Father and the Sonne Iohn 3.5 Math. 16.17 Ioh. 8.36 15.5 4 As a liuing body although naturally it bee the subiect of sense yet some one part of it may bee benummed and senselesse So the soule of one Regenerate hath in it at least the beginnings and seeds of all graces howsoeuer some of them at sometimes doo not worke or appeare Whereas a carnall man is altogether destitute yea vncapable of them 5 Euen as we know that the trees haue heate and life in their rootes in the middest of the coldest and sharpest winter yea as many beastes lie all the winter long in holes of the earth without eating drinking stirring or hauing any iotte of heate sense or life in any of their outward parts and yet there is a remnant of life and of heate lurking in the heart which being in Summer stirred vp doth reuiue the beast so that it is able to goe or runne vp and downe and to performe all naturall actions in the manner as it did before So likewise a totall decrease or an vtter decay of holinesse as whereby nothing is left cannot happen to any one who is truely Regenerate who in the greatest extremitie and depth of his fal retaineth some reliques of Gods spirit and of grace receiued yea some life of faith whereby he liueth to God in Christ howsoeuer he be to the eyes of all men and euen in his owne conscience a dead rotten stocke 6 Euen as a man being sodenly taken with the plague or any infectious sicknesse sayeth he knoweth not how it happeneth onely hee seeth the effects of it Euen so the action of Regeneration in it selfe is secret and vnknown but manifest in the effects which follow of it Regeneration not without sinne LIke as the Israelites suffered the Iebusites to dwell amongst them to their great harme Euen so sinne remaineth in our mortall bodies conquered in deed that it dooth not raigne ouer those that serue the Lord yet not cleane taken away but left for our exercises who hauing our mortall enemie dwelling in vs should fight against sinne vnder the banner of faith in Christ Iesus who onely hath can and will continually defend his people subdue their enemies and giue his children the victorie Repentance AS a prisoner will striue to get out of prison by all kind of means he can thogh he grate off some of his flesh Euen so a man that is out of the fauour of God must trie by all kind of wayes that he can that if hee cannot come to Gods fauour by one way he may yet by an other Psal 51.1 c. The Redemption of Christ vniuersall 1 AS the Sunne is the generall giuer of light to the whole world though there bee many which doo receiue no light at all of it Or as there was among the Iewes vppon the yeare of Iubylee a generall deliuerie of all bond men although many abode still in their bondage and refused the grace of their deliuerie Euen so the Redemption of mankind by Christ is auaileable for all although reprobate and wicked men for want of the grace of God doo not receiue the same yet there is no reason that it should leese his title and glorie of vniuersall Redemption because of the children of perdition seeing that it is ready for all men and all be called vnto it 1. Tim. 2.6 Col. 1.13 14. 1. Pet. 1.18 Tit. 2.14 2 As they who beeing taken in warre are wont either to be slaine or to bee condemned vnto perpetuall bondage except they bee redeemed and ransommed Euen so such were wee all being taken prisoners of the diuell who had vs body and soule in his owne power from whose kingdome and tyrannie Christ hath most mercifully Redeemed vs. Rom. 14.8 1. Cor. 3.22 Phil. 1.21 1. Pet. 1.18
vnto them who beeing turned from iniquitie do lead a new life 1 LIke as if the Seruant of some Noble man or Gentleman were for committing of treason felonie or murther condemned and going to the place of execution and his Lord or Maister of meere fauour and good will should not onely by earnest sute to her Maiestie procure a pardon for his life and so deliuer him from that villainous death but also should adopt and take him for his sonne and heire if he now after this his deliuerance go and say I will take my pleasure be Idle and follow mine owne phantasie and neuer endeuour to please or pleasure his Lord and Maister but rather seeke to hurt and displease him euerie way that hee can such a wretch deserueth to be punished most extreamely Euen so such as say that Christ hath Redeemed vs and by his death hath purchased for vs forgiuenesse of sinnes righteousnesse and life euerlasting and hath adopted vs to bee his sonnes and heires wherefore we will take our pleasure be Idle and rather we will doo more wickednesse doubtlesse Christ dyed not for such nor satisfied for their offences no nor yet merited heauen for them to the end that they shouid spend their dayes in Idlenesse and heape sinne vpon sinne but rather to liue Christianly and godly Ro. 6.4 Gal. 5.24 Tit. 2.11 2. Tim. 2.19 Luk. 1.75 Ephe. 1.4 2.10 1. Pet. 1.15 2 Like as if an Astrologer could or should tell an ambitious Cardinall that he should be Pope although hee did put an vndoubted trust therein yet for all that hee would not be Idle but would vse all the meanes that possible he could to attaine and come to that dignitie Euen so the Children of GOD the surer they are that Christ hath Redeemed them so much the more they vnderstand the great good will of God towards thē and therefore they are alwayes forced more and more by godly conuersation of life to make certaine vnto themselues the knowledge of their election and Redemption by Christ 2. Pet. 1.10 3 If a miserable and wretched Theefe shall haue committed many thefts and murthers and after that his wicked deedes were knowne the sonne of a King should be brought to be arrained and condemned for the same and so beare the punishment thereof and this theefe to be discharged and pardoned if herevpon the theefe should reioyce and make a scoffe at him when hee seeth the sonne of a King to be put to death and suffer the punishment that hee deserued such a Caytiffe deserueth a most horrible death Euen so at this present it fareth with vs behold our Sauiour Christ the onely Sonne of God is imprisoned and we deliuered hee condemned and we pardoned hee put to death and to all shame and we receiued to honour it is not therefore for vs to be drowsie-headed and liue securely and to flatter our selues in our sinnes and iniquities 4 As the Israelites were neuer able to yeeld sufficient thanks to God for their bodily deliuerance from the bondage which they were in in Egypt So to Christ our Sauiour for our Redemption and spirituall deliuerance from the tyrannie of Sathan and sinne Exo. 14.30 20.2 Psal 81.10 Gods Prouidence ouer his Children 1 AS it was impossible that Herod and Pilate together with the Gentiles and Iewes should conclude more and bring any more to passe in afflicting Iesus Christ our head then the hand and counsell of the Lord hath ordained to be done from euerlasting So also it is impossible that the Herods of our time the Pilates the Pharisies togither with the mad and bewitched people should take more in hand and bring more to passe in afflicting the members of Christ then the hand and counsell of God hath first decreed to be brought to passe by them Act. 4.27.28 Iohn 7.30 8.20 2 As the smallest birds of the earth are not taken without the will and prouidence of our heauenly Father Euen so nothing good or euill dooth happen vnto Gods Children without his prouident will Math. 10.29 Amo. 3.6 3 As the Lord in mercie feedeth the birds of the ayre that they haue sufficient and also so gallantly decketh the Lillies of the field which bee so gorgiously and so richly cloathed that euen Salamon in all his royaltie was not apparelled like one of them Euen so much more if wee haue an assured trust in him so liberall and bountifull a Father he will not doubtlesse see vs his Children lacke any thing that good is concerning our foode or sustenance apparell or cloathing as shall be meete and expedient for vs. Math. 6.26 28 29 30. What Comfort we receiue by the name of Christ or annoynted 1 LIke as the annoynting whereby at Gods Commaundement Prophets Priests and Kings were appoynted amongst his people with an outward and visible Oyle was a publike testimonie that God would gouerne and defend his people by this person and also keep and vphold his diuine worship and likewise teach his people and this person had commaundement of this thing that they might suffer themselues to be gouerned cleansed and taught Euen so the Sonne of God manifested in the flesh concerning his manhood is annoynted with the holy Ghost without measure which is the truth of that outward annoynting and so is ordeined and giuen of the Father to the Prophet Priest and King of his Church 2 As it must needs be that all they be made sadde that doubt vnder what Lord they are in this life whether vnder Christ or Satan So on the contrarie it cannot be but all they must be filled with ioy who by the inward testimonie of the annoynting of faith and by the outward washing of holy Baptisme are assured that they are vnder Christ the King of righteousnesse Col. 1.13 Luk. 17.21 2.10 11. 3 Like as in time past when Salamon by the commandement of God was annointed there was publike ioy amōg the people of God because they knew that God wold do them good and defend them by the hand of a King Euen so wee when we heare out of the word of God that our Lord Iesus is Christ that is that same annoynted of the Lord we ought with the Angels to be filled with an exceeding ioy of minde beeing surely perswaded that euen in this very thing that the heauenly Father hath appointed and in very deede giuen his owne Sonne Christ that is annoynted to bee our King that he dooth openly from heauen declare that hee by his sonne will become the euerlasting restorer and defender of his Church Christian Seruice AS in a mans body one part is very readie to doo seruice to an other the foote to the eye and the eye to the foote Fuen so euerie Christian man as parts of the mysticall body of Christ must be willing and ready to do seruice one to an other not enuying those which bee in greater calling nor scorning his inferiours Christianitie LIke as euery thing which striketh a hard Stone
hungrie to know and beleeue there is meate in the world except he knew the place and the man that had it for him that he might resort vnto him Or as it is in vaine for one to confesse his disease and sicknesse vnlesse he know some good and skilfull Phisition who might helpe him So likewise it shall profit vs nothing at all to know or confesse our sinnes if wee bee ignorant of the Mediator that should take them away Iohn 1.29 1. Timo. 2.5 Math. 11.28 Christ the soueraine salue for our soules 1 LIke as if the sicke person should seeke out such a Phisition as either could not or wold not cure him his labour also were vnprofitable and all one as if the needie man should go to one for an almes that were as needie as himselfe Euen so wee being sicke of our sinnes in our soules must be carefull that we go and run to such a cunning Phisition as we are sure both can and will for his abilitie and compassion cure and heale our infirmities and hath a salue for euerie sore and maladie Luk. 3● 46 47. Act. 10.43 2 As it was in Egipt in the great dearth and famine of corne none could haue any foode of Pharao the King but by the hands of Ioseph whom he had made Ouerse●● and Ruler of the land in his name for when they cried to him for bread he said Go ye to Ioseph and what he saith to yo● doo ye Gene. 41.55 So likewise it is now in the famine and dearth of our soules for spirituall foode wee can haue nothing to feede our hungrie soules from the King of Heauen but by the meanes of the true Ioseph which is Iesus Christ who is ordained of his Father to rule and gouerne all things in his name so that he sendeth vs to his sonne when wee aske any thing of him for in him hee is well pleased and for his sake onely and for no mans else doth he bestowe this benefite vpon vs. 1. Iohn 5.11.12 Iohn 8.24 Christ 1 LIke as our armes hands feete and the rest of our members are nourished not of and by themselues but of and by the meate that is conueyed into our mouth and head Euen so wee are nourished not of and by our selues but by the vertue that is powred in the head of Christ Iesus Heb. 2.11 Ast. 17.28 2 Like as the Sun with his light beneficially comfor●eth all the world So Christ the Sonne of God reacheth his benefites vnto all men so that they will receiue them thankfully and not refuse them disobediently Psal 19 1.2 3 As the Sun is the well-spring of liuely power So Christ giueth life euerlasting to all beleeuers 4 As the Sun with his brightnes driueth away cloudes and foggie Mystes So Christ the sonne of God sitting at the right hand of his Father is the conquerer of Tyrants and Hereticks 5 As the Sun in winter when he is most farthest off from the Pole is most nearest the earth so the sonne of God is most neare vnto the godly ones in miserie and giueth ●hem helpe and saluation 6 As it is a most certain token of death to a sick man as Hypocrates saith if hee dreame that the visible Sunne is hidden obscured and darkned so likewise a most cer●aine death of the soule is nigh at hand if our Sonne Christ be darkned by abolishing or corrupting of the true doctrine 7 As the sunne giues light plentifully to the whole world and yet keepe the selfe same light within it selfe Euen so our Sauiour Christ God and man hath the perfect fulnesse of all goodnesse in him selfe and yet giues part to vs as he thinks good not loosing any peece of that he hath himselfe but lightning our darknesse with that light which he hath within himselfe 1. Cor. 1.30 8 As the fountaine from which all men doo draw water and from which the small creekes and armes doo runne and flowe is said to haue water of it selfe and yet commeth not as of it selfe but from the spring which dayly feedeth it and from the flowing streames and is sufficient for all men to drawe out off Euen so Iesus Christ hath life in himselfe to wit the fulnesse of life wherewith he liueth and quickneth his and yet hath hee it not as of himselfe as he witnesseth in an other place that hee liueth because of his father Iam. 5.26 Carnall profession LIke as all those that were borne of Abraham were not the children of Abraham So likewise all that professe the Gospell are not partakers of the Gospell 2 As it is not vsuall to curbe in the horse in his race but before hee beginne to runne Euen so those which bee by nature cholericke melancholike are by reasons and perswasions to be wonne and restrained before they begin to be angrie Contempt of Christ AS a strumpet loueth the tokens that her louer sendeth her better then her louer himselfe and in time of pouertie shee will vtterly forsake him So Christ is our louer and mans soule is shee whome he loueth hee hath giuen vs tokens as pledges of his loue to wit all kind of riches and good things whatsoeuer wee possesse in this this world now if for loue of keeping these things in time of persecution we forsake our louer wee be abominable strumpets vnworthie to be beloued of him Christ suffered in his soule for our saluation 1 AS the Holocaust or whole burnt offering the whole and euerie whit beeing chopt and cut into peeces was altogether put into the fire and burnt and so it was by a speciall name called the Whole burnt offering Euen so not the body onely but also the soule of Christ euen euerie whit of his humanitie was burnt and consumed in the fire of affliction as a perfect Holocaust and a whole burnt offering for our sinnes Leuit. 16.5 c. Esay 53.20 2. Cor. 5.21 Heb. 2.14 2 As wee haue sinned both in our bodies and soules So likewise Christ was made our propitiation who purposely and answerably did suffer both in body and soule 3 As an armie of souldiers doo altogether get the victorie and not any one of them asunder and yet for all that each one singly is profitable in fight for the attainment of victorie Euen so the sufferings of Christ as his death and bloudshed his hatred his shame and ignominie c. both of his body and of his soule all together doo sufficiently merite but each one in seuerall is profitable and helpeth thereunto Christes victorie ouer Sathan LIke as if two enemies fight together and the one let the other chuse his weapon himselfe and appointe the other what weapon hee is to vse if hee which is dealt so withall doo vanquish and ouercome the other the greater is his glorie which dooth so ouercome So likewise Christ and Sathan fighting Sathan did chuse to fight with him in the flesh the weakest of many weapons yet euen with that weapon did Christ ouercome him which got
meanes and way to life and saluation and doo drawe on to death and damnation and therfore they that be Elected to life eternall are also Elected to haue Faith and consequently to amende theyr liues Rom. 8.1 c. Ephe. 1.4 2.16 Colloss 3.12 1. Pet. 2.9 10. 3 Like as a poore mayden who hearing that some King had among all other chosen her to be his sonnes wife and withall ordained that to that ende she forsaking her parents and kinsfolkes should come to him on foote in the midst of winter no doubt she would willingly and readily leaue all and euen in winter and on foote come to the King to finish this great marriage as the like we reade of Dauid 1. Sam. 18.17 c. Euen so we vnderstanding and hauing witnesse that God hath chosen vs to be the spouse of his sonne Iesus Christ and coheires of his kingdome and also that it is his will that forsaking the world and the flesh we should walke through the path of good workes in amendment of life to come to heauen there to accomplish this happie mariage we ought feruently to renounce the world the flesh and euery thing that contrarieth his will that we may the more speedily and chearfully proceede in amendment of life and so performe this blessed marriage 4 Like as if the Sunne in his force shining vpon a stone can so heate the same stone that a man shall not be able to touch it with his hands Euen so much more shall we if we meditate vpon the loue of God towards vs in our Election albeit we were as cold as Marble be warmed and kindled to loue him with al our harts with al our strength and with all our minds 1. Iohn 4.19 Luk. 14.15 Expectation of reward AS two that should passe together towards their countrie the one to receiue honour for his good seruice done abroad the other as prisoner to be arraigned of treasons committed in former Dominions against his Soueraigne could not bee like merrie in their Inne vpon the way as it seemeth to me and though hee that stood in daunger should sing or make shew of courage and innocencie and set a good face vpon the matter Yet the other might well thinke that his heart had many a colde pull within him as no doubt but all wicked men haue when they thinke with themselues of the life to come or as if Ioseph and Pharaos Baker had knowne both their distinct lottes in prison to wit that on such a day the one should be called foorth to be made Lord of Egypt and the other to bee hanged on a paire of Gallowes they could hardly haue beene equally merrie whilst they liued together in time of their Imprisonment Euen so the like may be said and much more truely of vertuous and wicked men in this world For when the one doth but thinke vpon the day of death which is to bee the day of their deliuerance from their prison their harts cannot but leape for very ioy considering what is to ensue vnto them after But the other are afflicted and fall into melancholy as often as mention or remembrance of death is offered for they are sure that it bringeth with it their bane Gene. 40 41 43. chap. Gene. 30.1 37.4 1. Sam. 18.8 Eloquence in Sermons forbidden EVen as those sheepe which in the presence of their shepheards doo vomit and cast out againe the grasse which they haue eaten doo not profitably shewe how much and how wel they haue fed but those rather which doo inwardly digest and concoct their meate and doo giue abundance of milke doo beare the softiest weightiest and finest Wooll and doo shewe themselues to be fat faire and well liking For by these things they shew and plainely proue that their pasture is exceeding good Euen so not those Pastors Ministers and Preachers of the word which doo deliuer words and stuffe their Sermons with Eloquence and braue phrases doo fruitfully and throughly declare vnto the people that Vertues pasture is excellent good and wholesome to be desired of all but they rather which doo inwardly concoct vertue and do obserue it and bending themselues to the actions and performance thereof doo flowe with the sweete milke of mercie and doo cloath themselues and others with the fine fleeces of Christian loue and charitie doo euidently declare how much they haue profited in the doctrine of Christ and how much also others ought to profit in the same and doo stirre vp the hearts and minds of their hearers to vertue and godlinesse both with their doctrine and liuing 2. Tim. 4.1 2 5. Tit. 2.7 Math. 5.19 Our Elders and auncestors in time of ignorance had yet good consciences in Ciuill causes AS the men of Niniuie repented at the preaching of Ionas and not the Iewes at the preaching of Christ who was greater then Ionas Euen so the good and faithfull dealing which our Elders and ancestors had in times past in Ciuill causes doth reprooue our iniquities and shewe what they would haue beene if they had had the preaching of the Gospell so plainely as wee haue And therefore well saith a godly Father Men had better consciences then lesse knowledge Now haue they more knowledge and worse consciences Math. 12.41 Beza Epis 1. Excesse taketh away pleasures AS too bright a light dazeteth our sight and too great a noyse hindreth our hearing So likewise too great curiositie in deuising our pleasures taketh away a great part of the fruition of our delightes neither is there any thing that maketh our meate more sauerie then hunger and health Enemies of the Gospell AS Archers doo ayme their arrowes vnto a certaine marke So the Enemies of the Gospell bend and bestow all their endeuours vnto the subuersion of the true doctrine and of the true Church of God Psal 2.2 3. Faith 1 LIke as the Sun which although it remaine still in the Firmament therefore in very deed toucheth not the eie yet the peeces or resēblance of the body of the Sun is present and reacheth to the sight notwithstanding so great a distance betweene So the body of Christ which by his ascending is taken vp from vs hath left the world and is gone to his Father is in deed absent from our senses Yet our Faith is conuersant in heauen and beholdeth the Sonne of righteousnesse and is verely in presence with it there present like as the Sunne is perceiued by our sight in earth Iohn 14.19 16.10.28 Act. 7.55 Col. 3.1 Heb. 4.16 10.28 2 As the Sunne with his light is present to all things So is also Christ with his Godhead spirit and power by Faith present to all and filleth all Ephe. 1. 23. Col. 1.17 18. 3 Like as when a man hath libertie to goe into the treasure house of a King there to enrich himselfe wil first of all seeke to haue the keys wherwith he may open the doores and so enter for otherwise it wil nothing profit him
maisters commaundement Euen so doubtlesse the selfesame worke is sinne in the seruants and creatures of God which to God is no sinne but an ordinarie worke appointed for some special purpose either for the manifestation of his power as was the hardning of Pharao or for the declaration of his mercie as was the fal of Dauid of Peter of Mary Magdalen and all other repentant sinners 4 As the Sunne sending foorth his beames and heate to the carrion and so engendreth in some corruption draweth to it selfe neither corruption neither yet any filthinesse neither yet dooth the Sunne by his puritie and brightnesse so purge the carrion but that it remaineth stinking and corrupt So doth God so worke by the wicked that the iustice which is in him doth not iustifie thē neither yet is hee defiled by their wickednesse and corruption Godly men wants nothing good for them AS a naturall Sonne may assuredly trust that his Father will doo for him all things that may bee for his setting foorth and preferment Euen so we may vndoubtedly assure our selues that hauing Almightie God to our Father we shal lacke nothing neither in this world nor in the world to come which may be profitable and expedient for vs towardes the enioying of the euerlasting inheritaunce which our heauenly Father hath prepared for vs. God alone sufficient to his people AS the Sunne hath no neede to be holpen of the companie of any other lights to giue light to the world and as one soule is enough to keepe life and to gouerne the body Euen so is one God alone sufficient to his people yea to all the world for all things aboundantly without the helpe of any other God tempteth no man to sinne LIke as if a man haue a seruant which is a theefe yet neuerthelesse he wold be esteemed for an honest man and to trie and proue him his maister leaueth his purse ful of money before him If his seruant take steale it away is he a theefe and doth he not declare himselfe to be such a one Yes vndoubtedly And now who made him a theefe The maister or the mony which was left where he might come by it Surely neither of both for the money is the good creatu●e of God And when the maister put it before his seruant ●e did not compell him to take it and to steale it If this seruant had beene an honest man hee would not haue touched it or if he had taken it he would haue brought it vnto his maister and would not haue kept it But seeing that the seruaunt was then already a theefe and had his hart giuen to theft when hee had the occasion to put in execution the wicked affection of his heart he did it And whereas he did it no sooner that was because that he had not the occasion and meanes For if occasion had beene sooner offered to him and if hee had found whereto to reach out his hand he would not haue kept it in and when hee beganne to put foorth his hand he hath not onely then begun to be a theefe but hee hath onely begunne to declare himselfe what he was As wee haue the example in Iudas who was a theefe a long time but he neuer shewed it vntill he had opportunitie Euen so although that God hath giuen the occasion to man for to proue trie him and for to make him to make knowne that which is in his heart It followeth not therefore that God hath done the sinne nor yet is the author of it and that we must impute the fault to him and not to him which hath committed it Iohn 12.6 Gene. 50.20 Iob. 1.11 One God and three persons 1 AS there is in man the soule the spirit and the body three distinct substances which neuerthelesse doo make but one man and not three In the soule there is the mind the vnderstanding and the will but these doo not make three soules but one In the Sunne there is the very substance of it the heate and the light and yet these there be not thereby made three Sunnes but one If the light and shining be taken from the Sunne we should then see the body of it no more And if the heate or warmeth be taken from the Sunne we should then not feele whether there were any Sunne in the skie or no Euen so if the word and spirit be taken from God we should then come by no knowledge of him at all Therfore wheras the Son and the holy Ghost are ioyned vnto the Father it doth further nothing to the making of many Gods but to the manifesting of one true God in nature and essence and three in personnes and properties which was to bee spread throughout the world by the preaching of the Gospell 2 Like as the Sunne in the firmament hath three distinct and sundrie things of the which euery one differeth from an other as the Globe the light and the heate And although euery one of these keepe seuerally their properties yet it is but one Sunne and is not diuided into three Sunnes So in the Deitie the vnitie of essence is not taken away by the distinction of persons and yet for all that is there no confounding of persons nor chaunging of one into an other For as there is but one Sunne in through the whole world no more is there but one God And as the Sunne sheweth himselfe by his beames Euen so God as Father doth shew himselfe by his Sonne Iesus Christ which is his word and eternall wisedome And as the Sunne by his heate dooth make vs feele his force Euen so God maketh vs feele his vertue by his holy spirit which is his infinite power Deut. 6.4 32.39 Esay 43.10 11 44.6 1. Cor. 8.6 3 As reason will and memorie are not three but one and the same soule So the Father the Sonne and the holy Ghost are three distinct in propertie and one God The holy Ghost compared to fire and water 1 AS the fire is pure and cleane and can suffer no vncleannesse So the holy Ghost dooth purge clense and lighten the consciences of Christians setting them on fire with the loue of God Math. 3.11 Luk. 3.16 2 As fire is an Element exceeding pure and cleane and so necessarie for mans life that we may in no wise want or forgo it So also the water is very needfull for vs being a very cleare pure and cleane nature and very meete for to represent and signifie the nature office and properties of the holy Ghost Or as the water doth renew and comfort the earth maketh it fertile causing it to bring foorth fruite and also dooth wash away the filthinesse of the body So the holy Ghost dooth wash purifie refreshe and water the harts and consciences of the faithfull moouing stirring perswading ruling lightning and finally comforting them and making them to bring foorth pleasaunt fruites acceptable to God Esay 55.1 44.3 Ezech. 36.25 Iohn 3.5
world and are come to heauen God the author of all callings AS the Generall in the field appointeth euerie particular man his particular standing and office in which he must liue and die Euen so it is God that appointeth euerie man his particular place and standing and function wherein hee must continue to the ende of his life vnlesse God call him to some other God forsaketh his children sometimes and leaueth them to themselues 1 AS a mother sets downe her young childe and hides herselfe suffering it to crie and breake the face not because shee hates it but that shee may teach it to depend vpon her and loue her Euen so God giueth grace to his children and yet againe sometime hee doth in part withdrawe it from them and then they faile in their duties sundrie waies and this he doth to make them ashamed of themselues and to cause them to put all their confidence out of themselues in the merites of Christ 2 Like as the Corne fielde that is plowed and sowne with good Corne but yet for a time it neither giues rooting beneath nor so much as a shewe of any blade appeares aboue Euen so God grauntes his seruaunts the holy meane of saluation namely preaching prayer Sacraments and yet holds backe the efficacie of his spirit for a time Can. 2.4 5. 3 Like as the prisoner who hath escaped the hand of his Gayler hath an affection to runne a thousand myles euerie hower But hauing happily his Boltes on his legges he cannot for his life but goe very softly galling and chafing his fleshe and so with much griefe falleth againe into the hands of his keeper Euen so God giueth his children a strong affection to obey his will but hee lettes them faile in the obedience it selfe Rom. 7.22 23 24. 4 As the trees in the winter season that are beaten with wind and weather bearing neither leafe nor fruite but looke as though they were rotten and dead because the sap doth not spread it selfe but lies hid in the roote Euen so the manner of Gods forsaking his elect is when hee hides his graces for a time not by taking them quite away but by remoouing all sense and feeling of them Psal 77.7 8 9. The Godhead of Christ. 1 LIke as when a man sleepeth the soule is not seuered from the body but lieth as it were dead and exerciseth not it selfe Euen so the Godhead of Christ lay still and did not manifest his power in his manhood but did as it were lie a sleepe for a time that the manhood might suffer and thus the manhood seemed to bee forsaken Math. 27.46 2 Euen as the Altar in the olde Lawe did sanctifie the sacrifice that was offered vpon it and made the same propitiatorie So also the Godhead of Christ the Altar whereon hee offered his humanitie sanctified the same and made it propitiatorie and meritorious for all mankinde 3 Like as in Christ incarnate there be seuerall things and not seuerall persons So in the Godhead there be seuerall persons but not seuerall thinges Philip. 2 6 7. Hebr. 1.3 4 As Honie and Oyle being mixed together cannot be called either Honie or Oyle because when things are mingled together they cannot retaine a name of one of the simples Euen so the Godhead of Christ cannot be chaunged into his manhood or yet mingled with his manhood Because the properties of the Godhead cannot agree with the properties of the manhood nor the properties of the manhood with the properties of the Godhead For as the Godhead cannot thirst no more can the body be in many places at once God the refuge of the comfortlesse 1 AS the Rockes that are hard to be clambred vnto are good refuges for the afflicted to flie vnto from the face of their pursuers So God is the safetie of all such as in distresse doo flie to him for succour Psal 18.2 2 Euen as the Birdes and foules of the ayre that they may escape the nets and snares of the fowlers are wont to flie vp on high So we to auoyd the infinite snares of innumerable temptations must flie to God and lift vp our selues from the corruptions lying vanities and deceitfull slights of the world God vseth the ministerie of all AS in a great house there bee many vessels of sundrie sortes to diuers vses not onely of Gold and Siluer but also of wood and earth some for honour some for dishonour So likewise in the outward societie of the Church there bee men of all sortes appointed for diuers ends as apt and meete vessels for the Lord and some otherwise c. 2. Tim. 2.20 21. God no partiall Iudge AS drie wood is apt to burne greene wood though not so quickly will bee consumed with fire Euen so both strong and weake high and low rich and poore one and an other goe to wracke when God punisheth impietie and wickednesse Ezech. 20.47 A Godly man is a mightie man though he be neuer so poore LIke as precious stones though they bee cast into the mire yet they loose not their bewtie nature and propertie So likewise men indued with honestie replenished with goodly vertues and well acquainted with the true worshipping of the most high and gracious GOD although they be silent as men in their graues and are had in contempt of the world yet haue they not lost their dignitie and the true honour proper to Christians which consisteth not in the wealth and renowne of this world but in holinesse in righteousnesse and in the faithfull imitation of Christ God the life of the soule AS the Soule is the life of the body Euen so God is the life of the Soule and his spirit is the soule of our soules and the want of fellowship with him brings nothing but the endlesse and vnspeakable horrors and pangs of death The holy Ghost God AS Christ is called the word of God not a word of Letters or Syllables but a substanciall word that is beeing for euer of the same substance with the Father Euen so the holy Ghost is called the vertue of the most highest not because hee is a created qualitie but because he is the substanciall vertue of the Father and the sonne and therefore God equall with them both Guiltie before God AS in the malladies and diseases of the body that disease is most dangerous that hath possessed and seazed vpon the body and yet the bodie feeleth it not So likewise in all Gods iudgements to stand Guiltie before God is most daungerous because a man standeth Guiltie befor God many yeares and yet neuer feeleth it The Graces of the holy Ghost cannot finally be abolished 1 AS coales vnder ashes and as Sappe in the roote of the tree in the winter season are hid and couered and appeare not for a time at all in the braunches Euen so the common gifts and Graces of the holy Ghost may bee lost and extinguished but the giftes proper to the Elect cannot they may indeed be diminished
3 As in fishing when the fishes bee deceiued with the baite haue the Hookes in their mouths men draw them and make them follow whither so euer please them Euen so God withdraweth mightie Tyrantes from executing their deuises and from obtaining their enterprises Threatnings AS sometimes it thundreth without lightning which thunder bringeth most terrour but voide of all daunger So the Threatnings of some doo appeare terrible yet are they voide of all trouble and hurt Esay 37.29 Trade of life 1 AS the Oxe is most apt for the plough the Horse for the carte and the hound for hunting So ought men to chuse that occupation and Trade of life wherunto by nature they are most apt 2 As he which hath no house of his owne wandereth here and there So he which followeth no certaine Trade of life must foolishly assay many sorts and chaunces Thoughts LIke as the Lord requireth an account of euerie idle word Euen so he requireth tribute of wicked lusts Thoughts arrayneth them keepeth a court for them and setteth fines and mercements vppon the heads of them Math. 12.36 Rom. 7.7 Iam. 1.15 Math. 9.4 Temperate LIke as it is in vaine to shut the outter Gates of a Citie if but one bee left open whereat the enemie may enter So it is not enough to bee Temperate in other things that is to haue a firme and moderate gouernment of reason against vicious affections of the mind if we set open our eares vnto ribauldrie and filthie talke Tongue 1 AS ryuers be compassed with banks least they should flow ouer So ought our Tongue to be walled with reason least it should be ouer busie in babling Iam. 3.2 c. 1. Pet. 3.10 2 As beasts and birds by mans industrie are tame Euen so contrariwise the Tongue of man is so vnruely that no man can tame it Iam. 3.7 8. 3 As a very little fire kindleth neuer so great a heape of matter apt to be kindled Euen so the Tongue setteth the whole course of nature on fire is kinled it selfe of hell Iam. 3.5 6. 4 As a sharpe Rasour with the least touch that can be shaueth and cutteth So dooth also the Tongue of a mischieuous lying man Psal 52.2 5 As a Ship though neuer so great and huge is turned about with a verie small Rudder Euen so the Tongue though it be a small member oftentimes ouer-ruleth the whole bodie and setteth it out of course Iam. 3.4 6 As it is vnpossible that a Figge-tree should be able to bring forth Oliues or a Vine Figges So it cannot be that that Tongue which is giuen to euil speaking and slaundering should be able to bring foorth any good thing not defiled with the venim of the Tongue and the heart Iam. 3.11 12. 7 As Fire Chaffe and Stubble being added vnto it or any thing apt to burne will burne it cleane vp yea if Townes if Cities yea the whole world be added therto it will burne them vp all So likewise if words be added to the Tongue then backbiting slaundering swearing lying c. it will at the last set whole Kingdomes on fire Talke 1 AS the Musitian with the soft striking of strings doth please vs So the Talke that is gentle dooth sooner perswade then that which is rigorous and extreame 2 As the East wind is accounted neither good for man nor beast Euen so Talke and words that profit not are not wont to proceed from the wise Iob. 15.2 3. 3 As the sauour of stinking carrion is noysom to them that smel it So is the speech of fooles tedious to wise men that heare it 4 As a Vessell is knowne by the sound whether it be whole or broken So are men prooued by their speech whether they be wise or foolish Two natures in the personall vnion of Christ LIke as in that one person of Christ there be Two natures So there is a dubble will working wisedome strength power vertue c. the one heauenly and not created the other humane and created Luk. 2.52 Mar. 11.13 13.32 1. Iohn 2.1 17. Iohn 2.25 6.64 5.20 Heb. 1.9 Iohn 1.33 4.6 Heb. 1.3 Iohn 2.19 10.18 Testimonie of the spirit in the elect AS Marchants being desirous to sell their wares are content to let the buyer see handle and sometimes also taste of the same thereby to induce them to buy Euen so God Almightie willing as it were to sell vs the ioyes of heauen is content to impart a certaine taste before hand to such as he seeth are willing to buy thereby to make them come off roundly with the price and not to sticke in paying so much as he requireth False Teachers AS emptie Cloudes which boast of raine but yet haue none are blowne away with the winde Euen so false and vntrue Teachers who bragge of great things yet they bring not that which they boast off 2. Pet. 2.17 Hose 13.3 Iude. ver 12. Trouble of conscience 1 AS the Angel did say that ther shal be no more death neither sorrow neither crying neither shal there be any more paine So after that we are at peace with God it is most true that there shal be no more Trouble of conscience Reue. 21.14 2 As it is a chiefe point of worldly wisedome not to tarrie for the vse of phisicke vntill we be deadly sicke but to be acquainted with Gods merciful preseruation to defend vs from it So likewise it is a chiefe pollicie of a good Christian not onely to seeke comfort when the agonie and Trouble of Conscience is vpon him but also to vse all good helpes to meet with it before it comes 3 Like as we condemne them of folly who will not as well labour to keep themselues out of debt as also to pay the debt when they owe it So likewise it is a madnesse not to be circumspect to auoyd all occasions which may bring Trouble of minde or Conscience vpon them As also they would be prouident to enter euery good way which may drawe them out of this Trouble when they haue once entered into it Types of truth AS the Rauen was a figure of the Lawe of God which threatned al sinners So the floud was a reuengement sent from Almightie God vpon all offenders Gene. 8.6 c. Trinitie LIke as if three Kings equall in dignitie should meete all in one place being equall also in power and maiestie if all three should sit downe though one be no better then an other yet one of them must needs sit downe the first and another in the second place and then the third but yet we cannot say that he which sat downe first is the chiefest So it is in the Trinitie though none be greater or aboue another yet the Father is in the first place not because he is before the Sonne or the holy Ghost in dignitie or honour but because hee is the fountaine of the Deitie the Sonne being from him and the holy Ghost from them both 2
mindes may bring forth her due fruite in feare and reuerence 3. Like as the Palme-tree Psal 92.12 whē there is a great waight laid on it spreadeth and florisheth the broader or as a Camomell with treading and walking on it waxes thicker euen so a faithfull Christian the more Afflliction and persecution he suffereth for his Christ the more is his faith increased 4. Like as the Schoolemaister corrects not his scholler nor the father his childe but for some fault and for their amendment euen so no more doth God send his plagues and chastisements vpon his children but to put them in remembrance of their disobedience towards him that they should turne to him But if the lewde scholler or vnthriftie sonne do not regard the correction laid vpon him nor consider the greatnes of his fault nor the displeasure of his father there is no goodnesse to be hoped for of him Euen so is it with such as lightly or else not at all consider their liues past God his dealing with them and how euill and vntowardly things haue prospered with them during the time that they haue displeased God and bene afflicted Agge 1.5.6 Pro. 16.7.17 Deut. 28.1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10. 5. As the ashes cast vpō the fire put it not out but is a mean to preserue the same in the night against the morning which otherwise would be consumed or as the barrennesse of the trees in winter are a mean to preserue the roote against sommer which then will ascend vp his iuyce into the body and braunches thereof whereby they are greatly enlarged and made farre more fruitful then euer they were before Euen so are Afflictions vnto the children of God which do not only keepe them from the barrennesse of sinne but also encrease and multiplie them in the life and fruitefulnesse of Cods holy spirit and exerciseth them in patience and hope Rom. 5.3 4 5. 6. As Frankencense when it is put into the fire giueth the greater perfume or as Spice if it be pounned and beaten smelleth the sweeter as the Earth when it is torne vp with the plough becommeth more fruitefull the Seed in the ground after Frost and Snowe and winter stormes springeth the rancker the nigher the Vine is pruned to the stock the greater grape it yeeldeth the Grape when it is most pressed and beaten maketh the sweetest Wine c. Linnen when it is buckt and washt and wroong and beaten is so made fairer and whiter Euen so the children of God receiue great benefite by persecution for by it God washeth and scowreth schooleth and nourtereth them that so through many tribulations they may enter to their rest Pro. 3.11.12 Reue. 3.19 7. Like as they that go about to make Lyons tame do vse to beate little whelpes before them and to make them to couch that so the Lyons seeing they may do so also Euen so oftentimes God chasteneth and correcteth his deare seruants that those that be stifnecked and rebellious should by their example learne subiection and obedience 8. Like as a Phisition who goeth about to cure his sicke Patient doth first promise him health by the assistance helpe of God whereby he putteth him in great hope and comfort afterwards he beginneth to purge to cleanse and strengthen and such like things which make to the recouering of his health Euen so our good God also when he hath remitted and pardoned our sinnes and receiued vs into the bosome of grace and promised vs life which were before sicke to death in our sinnes doth lay on vs Afflictions and so doth scoure and renue vs from day to day in the knowledge and loue of him vntil we become safe pure and renued which then at the last commeth to passe when this mortall body dieth 9. As the precious stone called Amianthon being cast into the fire is made more clearer and purer So the children of God being cast in the fire of troubles and Afflictions do shine more clearer and beautifull 10. As the Gold-smith putteth his Gold into the fire not to marre it but to purge the drosse out of it or as the Husbandman who when his corn is somewhat too ranck either moweth it downe or else eateth it with his sheepe and so he doth prune his Vines not to destroy them but to make them bring more aboundant fruite Euen so the Lord doth trie his children by laying his crosse vpon their necks and purgeth them like Gold in the fire he cutteth from them many occasions of euill that he may bring them to the bearing of greater and more plentifull fruite Ioh. 16.20 Act. 14.23 2. Timo. 3.12 1. Pet. 4.12.13 11. It fareth with Gods children as it happeneth to the children of the houshold All the while they are yoong and little they are as the Apostle saith subiect and vnder Tutors and Gouernours and many times the seruants beate them as though they were their maisters and that the children were their subiects because that the time is not yet come that the Seigniorie of the children ought to bee manifested But when the children are great they abide heires of the house and the varlets and seruants depart and all the labour of the seruants and that which they haue gotten shall continue and abide with them Euen so we all the while we are in this world are in this state for that it doth not yet appeare what wee shall bee But it is with vs as it was with Dauid before the death of Saule Dauid was annointed and ordained of God King of Israell yet neuerthelesse he could not enioy peaceably his Kingdome till after the death of Saule but hee was as the most miserablest which was in Israel chased and persecuted on euerie side But yet in the ende he raigned King maugre his enemies and all that which Saule and his adherents did vnto Dauid was turned to the good and profit of Dauid 1. King 2.1 c. Psal 7.1 1. Sam. 26.1 c. 12. As a peece of Brasse being stricken with a hammer vpon the Anuile or stythie breaketh and withall maketh a sharpe and irksome noise So when an Hypocrite commeth betwixt the Anuile and the hammer of troubles and Affliction he breaketh with impatiencie hee murmureth crieth out and lamenteth in blasphemies against God 13. As a peece of Gold being smitten with the hāmer on the stithie soundeth sweetly and is pliable and may be beaten out in breadth and length as a man would haue it Euen so the childe of God in time of persecution giueth him thankes and submitteth himselfe laying out his owne heart willingly vnder the Lords hand that striketh him 14. As the Sea if it were not tost with the windes would stinke Euen so the godly man if hee were not exercised with troubles and Afflictions would bee the worse 15. As the Mosse called Ros-solis though the heate of the Sunne lye vpon it all the day yet the hotter the Sunne is vpon it the moyster it is So the godly
it but if the mother put wormewood or mustard vpon the breast the child sucking it and feeling the bitternesse he quite forsaketh it without sucking any more Euen so though Gods Preachers preach vnto vs and exhort vs to forsake the corrupt milke of the world and of the flesh yet we seeme deafe still and are alwayes backward vntill God put vpon these cursed teates the mustard and worme-wood of afflictions to weane vs. 50 Like as when we see the Carpenters strike with their axes vpon pieces of wood to square it or plane it and Masons to polish stones with the strokes of an hammer wee gather that these are stones and timber which the maister would imploy to some building Euen so let vs conclude of our selues that if God list vp vpon vs the axes and hammers of Afflictions to polish vs it is a manifest and sure testimonie that he hath chosen vs to put in the building of his temple and that so we are his children both well beloued and happie Heb. 12.6 1. Pet. 4.17 51 As he that despiseth the word and Sacraments despiseth them not onely but the Lord who is the author of them Euen so he that cannot away with Afflictions and temptations eyther of body or minde but counteth them miserable and not to be suffered despiseth them not only but the Lord himself who hath appointed them as means to work in vs that excellent vertue of patience Iam. 11.2.3 52 As the Goldsmith knoweth how much drosse hee hath and how much cleane and fine gold by the trying of it in the fire Euen so we shall know what portion of faith the Lorde hath giuen to vs by Afflictions and troubles and what drosse and imperfections remaine in vs as infidelitie which when we know perfectly we must learn by the word of God and so heartily and earnestly pray him to redresse it 53 As Myrrhe doth keepe mens bodies from corrupting and preserueth them from putrifaction and rottennesse Euen so it is most true in the children of God that Afflictions and calamities taken borne patiently do profit preuaile much to keepe their soules from the corruption and canker of greeuous euils Iohn 16.20.21 2. Cor. 1.8 Reue. 7.14 54 Euen as a bitter potion is not said to be vnprofitable nor without hope when health soundnes doth follow althogh it be exceeding bitter to him that taketh it so sharp and pinching Afflictions troubles and calamities wherewith the Lord doth exercise his children now and then are not to be counted idle and in vaine when some peace of conscience and comfort vnto our soules do follow that when the iustice of God is seene many may be amended and the faith and patience of many may be tried For nothing is more auaileable for the aduancing of the praise and commendation of true vertue then calamitie it selfe taken and borne patiently for Christs sake 55 As the intangled bird cannot escape out of the net that cōpasseth her euē so no more can we wind our selues out of those Afflictions that God layeth vpon vs. Lament 1.13 56 Like as a man that hath two sonnes the one an earnest louer of vertue strong in body and of a mightie courage the other depraued and of crooked disposition enclined to effeminate pleasures wanton delights weak in body and of litle or no courage the first he sendeth out to wars and doth aduenture him in perils and dangers of all sorts that he may exercise acquaint him with the labors troubles toiles of the world the other he cockereth and maketh too much of him hee suffereth him to haue all things at his will he is kept at home and as it were dandled vpon his mothers lap but at the last he that in all his affaires and dangerous aduentures did in euerie point quite himselfe like a man of great valor and noble courage receiued togither with great praise and deserued honour a most high and noble reward but hee that was pampered and cockered at home had neither praise reward nor honor Euen so our heauenly father doth lead men that are strōg and constant in faith through diuers and sundrie perils and dangers doth draw them as it were with his owne hand throgh bitter anguishes great perplexities and narrow sleights of calamities miseries and temptations and doth continually exercise them with fearefull combats against the enemies of their soules and through many and great labours infinite sturdie stormes and bitter blasts doth strengthen and confirme them in vertue and godlynesse but the fraile and wicked men of the world such as are meere naturall without any delight or comfort in his word and are no whit seasoned nor cheared with the dewes of his grace and his most blessed spirit he permitteth them to be in great prosperitie and to haue all things at their will and pleasure without smarting sighing sobing and groning for want or lack of any thing that their hearts can deuise or desire but at the length in the end of the day they that haue striuen hard and fought manfully and haue in battell ouercome the flesh the world and the diuell shall be receiued into endlesse saluation euerlasting life eternal glorie they which haue laid downe their heads and slept in the bosomes of worldly pleasures and haue slumbred in foule and filthy idlenesse neuer caring nor thinking what will follow nor remembring the dreadfull day of iudgement when the wicked shall heare their damnation denounced by Christ they then shall bee vtterly condemned reprobated and cast into euerlasting and endlesse miseries Then shall most plainely bee seene and felt the losse that fleshly pleasures bring and the profit of Afflictions and crosses carried and borne for our Sauiour Christ his sake 57 As Wheate or other corne and graine laid vp and kept in a garner seller or chamber if it be not stirred and dressed with a shouel or fan will be full of corruption lose the sweete sauour wax vnwholesome for mans body and will be consumed of weeuelles Or as apparell orgarments being laid close vp in a presse or other place if they bee not much shaken beaten and tossed will be eaten and spoyled with moathes Euen so Christians if they be not tried with temptatious throghly exercised with calamities miseries wil be very quickly mōstrously corrupted and wil grow to be so rotten in all maner of sin and iniquitie that they will shrinke fall quite from the Lord but being wel proued canuased and throghly tried with many crosses afflictions troubles one following in the necke of an other they become the firmer stronger and more constant in the faith fear and loue of ●od and so manfully fighting couragiously ouercomming the aduersaries and enemies of their soules they shall at the length be crowned with an euerlasting crowne of eternall glorie 2. Timo. 2.3.5 1. Cor. 10.13 58 As a father giueth vnto his sonne whom hee loueth dearely a breast-plate or stomacher verie costly and
to behold the bright Sunne vnlesse it be couered with a cloude Euen so no man can abide the Maiestie of God but through the Lord Iesus Christ Communion with Christ 1 AS the head giueth sence and motiō to the members and the members feele themselues to haue sense and to moue by the meanes of the head Euen so doth Christ Iesus receiue and quicken euerie true member and by his heauenly power maketh him to doo the good which he doth 2 Like as from the stock sap is deriued to the graft that it may liue and grow and bring forth fruite in his kinde So likewise do all the faithfull that are grafted into Christ the true vine Rom. 6.4 5. Iohn 15.1 2. Ephe. 13.16 3 And as the graft looseth his wilde nature and is changed into the nature of the stocke and bringeth forth good fruite Euen so in like manner it is with them that are in Christ who by litle and litle are wholly renued from euill to good Act. 15.9 Conscience touched 1 LIke as they which haue diseased bodies are contented with no one Phisition but do cōmit themselues to euerie man that will promise them helpe So also it fareth oftentimes with them that haue their consciences ou●●pressed with the burden of their sinnes that they can be content to yeelde themselues to euerie hereticke that will promise them libertie 2 As after great stormes the ayre is cleare so after the flouds of repentant teares the Conscience is at quiet 3 As a sicke man that is pained diuersly complaineth of diuers places euen so a man troubled in Conscience vseth many phrases according to the diuersitie of afflictiōs Psal 51.8 9 10 11 12. Consideration and earnest meditation of our estate needfull 1 LIke as a man that hath a iournie to make but from England to Constantinople although he had made the same once or twise before yet would he not passe it ouer without great and often Consideration especially whether he were right and in the way or no what pace he held how neare he were to his wayes end and the like Euen so euery Christian hath far more need of due Consideration who must passe frō earth to heauen being subiect to by pathes and manifold dangers as euerie pleasure of this world euerie lust euery dissolute thought euery alluring sight tempting sound euery diuell vpō the earth or instrument of his which are infinite beeing a theefe and lying in waite to spoile him vpon this way towards heauen 2 As theeues seeme mad vnto wise men that seeing so many hanged daily for theft before their eyes will yet notwithstanding steale againe and all for want of due consideration Euen so the very same cause maketh the wisest men of the world to seeme very fooles and worse then franticks vnto God and good men that knowing the vanities of the world and the daunger of sinfull life doo follow so much the one and fear so litle the other Math. 7. Luk. 12. Rom. 2. 1. Cor. 1.2 3. Gal. 3. 3 Like as if a Lawe were made by the authoritie of man that whosoeuer should aduenture to drinke wine should without delay hold his hand but halfe an houre in the fire or in boiling leade for a punishment many no doubt would forbeare wine albeit naturally they loued the same and yet a Lawe being made by the eternall Maiestie of God that whosoeuer committeth sinne shall boile in the fire of hell without ease or end many for lacke of consideration commit sinne vpon sinne with as little feare as they do eate or drinke 4 As he may be thought to be but a foolish Marchant that for quietnes sake would neuer looke to his owne accounts booke whether he were behinde hand or before Or as a shipmaister were greatly to be laughed at that for auoyding of care would sit downe and make good cheare and let the ship go whither she would Euen so much more in the businesse of our soule it is madnesse and folly to fly consideration for eschewing of trouble seeing in the end this negligence must needs turne vpon vs more trouble and irremediable calamitie The Condition of mans creation AS a Marchant Factor when he is arriued in a straunge Countrey or as a Captaine sent by his Prince to some great exployt is accustomed when hee commeth to the place appointed then aduisedly considereth wherefore he was sent to what end what to attempt what to prosecute what to performe what shall be expected and re-required at his hands vpon his returne by him that sent him thither these cogitations no doubt shall stirre him vp to attend to that which he came for and not to imploy himselfe in impertinent affaires So likewise euerie Christian desirous of saluation ought to aske of himselfe why and to what end he was created of God and sent into this world what to do wherein to bestowe his dayes thus doing he shall finde that it was for no other cause but onely to serue God in a right maner in this life Deut. 6.13 Luk. 1.74.75 Whosoeuer breaketh one Commaundement is guiltie of the breach of all LIke as if a Father should say vnto his son do such and such things and I wil take thee for an obedient childe and giue thee all my possessions now the sonne breaketh somewhat of that which his father charged him withall and is therefore accounted disobedient and deserueth to loose whatsoeuer was promised Or as if one man bestow vpon an other house or land or some such like thing and in consideration thereof bindeth him to fulfill many conditions whereof if he breake but the least the gift is voide and it is all one as if he had neuer giuen any thing Euen so likewise we may not maruell when we heare that by the breaking of one point of one Commaundement wee faile of perfect righteousnesse and are made the heires of euerlasting damnation if God should measure out vnto vs the due reward of his damnation Deut. 27.26 28.58 59. Iam. 2.10 2. Euen as if a Rule be broken in some part or the linke of a round chaine yet we may rightly and truly say that they are not wholely and altogither broken So likewise if but one Commaundement be broken yet all are broken in the sight of God for the iustice of God is indiuisible The Couenant of God 1 AS it is the chiefe and principall part in the lawe of Wedlocke and before all required of the wife that shee kept this faith to her husband that shee admit no other man in his sight vnlesse shee will bee refused as an adultresse So likewise this is the chiefe point in the Couenant of GOD that wee sticke vnto him onely and alone or else to be put out from the Couenant Creature 1 EVen as a brittle glasse being filled with some extreame strong liquor cannot but burst in sunder not because of any antipathie which is betwixt them but because the glasse is not of sufficient strength to containe
discharge no one member can discharge the dutie of an other So also it ought to be in the Church of God 76 As all the seuerall members in the body of man are knit together and vnited to the head So all the seuerall members of the Church are knit and vnited vnto the head Christ 77 As in the naturall body euery seuerall member is as it were the member of euery other in seruing to their good as the eye will see the hand wil take the mouth will speake all for the good of any weake member Euen so it is in the Church of God 78 As the naturall members take spirit and sense from the head So the Church hath all her spirituall feeling and life of Christ who is able to quicken and giue life 79 As the husband that loueth his wife thinketh himselfe not well till she hath his company and he her presence So God loueth the Church his spouse that hee cannot abide to be without her company and thinkes her not safe except she be in his presence therefore it pleaseth the Lord Iesus not onely to call himselfe the head of his Church and the Church his body but also to tearme his Church the fulnesse of himself although he filleth all in all things as though he were imperfect without his Church Psal 41.12 Ephe. 1.23 80 Euen as the father or mother will haue that Infant in their sight which they loue most dearely So God will haue his Church in his sight which he loueth-most tenderly Esay 45.15.16 Christ our Righteousnesse 1 LIke as our sinnes appeared so horrible so great so monstrous and vgly in the presence of God that being once but imputed to Christ he could not notwithstanding that his vnspeakable loue but euen in iustice most seuerely punish our said sinnes in his sonne so surely such is the excellencie of the Righteousnesse of Christ that being once but imputed vnto vs in the presence of our heauenly Father he cannot notwithstanding all our former vnrighteousnes but be throghly pleased with vs and except such a discharge of our sins by his Son for our owne discharge none otherwise then the debt of a Banquerout discharged by some speciall friend is accounted and accepted with his creditor the discharge of the Banquerout himselfe 2 As the soule of a man doth so quicken the body that notwithstanding the mēbers thereof in themselues be but weake yet they are sure not to decay all the while they do hold any participation with the powers of the soule but appeare in the presence of men both lustie and strong So vndoubtedly our Sauiour Christ being that immortall soule of his mysticall body which inspireth spirituall life into all the members therof verily all those his said members are sure so long as they continue incorporate with Christ both to hold the substance of life and withall to be accounted as liuely members in the presence of God during their partitipation with that true life it selfe whereof they take sure hold by a liuely faith Iohn 14.6 1. Iohn 5.11 12. 3 As Cochlearia or Spoonewort the roote of the water Lilie and likewise Telephium and Gentian laid to the body taketh away blacke spots So Christ applied to the conscience purgeth it from dead workes 4 As Smilax aspera or rough Bindeweede serueth not onely against venome receiued aforehand but also against all poison taken after a man hath eaten it So Christ receiued by faith profiteth not onely against the sinnes which before hath bene committed but also done afterward 5 So long as a man stung with a Scorpion holdeth wilde Carthamus in his hand he feeleth no paine but so soone as he letteth it go the ache and paine taketh him a fresh So as long as a man stung with sinne holdeth Christ by faith he feeleth no torment of conscience but so soone as he letteth him go the terrors of death take him a fresh 6 As the people of Israel passing through the Wildernesse had to fight oftentimes against Serpents and when they were stung and smitten by them for to be preserued from the venome and from death they lifted vp their eyes toward the Brasen Serpent that Moses had set vp amidst their tents by sight whereof they were healed So we in like maner fighting against our concupiscences if it come to passe at any time that they giue vs any blow to the ende that this stripe may not be deadly vnto vs wee must lift vp our eyes towards Iesus Christ hanging vpon the Crosse and beseech him that hee would forgiue vs all our trespasses and be our Righteousnesse Iohn 3.14.15 7 As in a naturall body the power that the eye hath to see serueth more to the vse of the other members thē for it selfe because that seeing and marking them all it is watchfull rightly to guide them and to direct their actions not being able in the meane time to see themselues nor to serue it selfe Euen so the Righteousnesse innocencie and obedience of Christ Iesus stand vs in more stead then him seeing that notwithstanding he had all these things and was in his nature life and whole conuersation absolute and perfect yet for all this hee was condemned and crucified We on the contrarie part albeit his Righteousnesse innocencie and obedience be onely imputed vnto vs yet for all that by meanes of this imputation we are absolued iustified and discharged of all our sinnes and of all the accusations that all our enemies can bring against vs. 8 As it is inough that we gather the fruite of a tree and that it alwayes remaine in his place and that wee carrie it not away with vs So in like maner we must content our selues to be partakers of the fruites of Christ his Righteteousnesse albeit it be not essentially in vs but onely by imputation and in as much as through his onely mercie it is bestowed vpon vs. 9 Like as they do that go vp into an high Tower who looking downewards and seeing the depth are afraide to fall and that they may be the more sure they lay hold of the railes Euen so must we leane vpon the Righteousnesse and death of Christ Iesus and strengthen our selues in that to the end we may be preserued from falling 10 Like as in Winter we can no sooner be from the fire but we are cold nor out of light but we enter into darknesse Euen so we can no sooner be parted from Iesus Christ who is is our Righteousnesse and our life but straight we are in sinne and in death for as much as he is the life that quickneth vs the Sunne that giueth vs light and the fire that warmeth comforteth and refresheth all his members 1. Cor. 1.30 Rom. 5.19 Esay 53.4 5. Col. 1.20 11 As the Moone hath no light but that which it hath from the Sunne and as the light is little or great as it is neare or farre off in such sort that if it depart from it it remaineth altogether obscure
of compassion in him do yearne vpon vs more then in a mother towards her children and hee seeketh thereby to do vs good 23 As a Noble man will haue all his seruants to weare one liuerie that they might be knowne So the Lord would haue all his children knowne by one badge euen the badge that he put vpon his eldest sonne Christ which was the crosse therefore none of vs the yonger brethren must refuse it Couetousnesse 1 AS the subtil fawning Spaniel oftentimes fetcheth his Maisters gloue in hope to chaunge it for a better morsell Euen so many men shew great kindnesse and giue rewards to the end to reape them double againe 2 Like as the infected member of a man vexed with an itch is alwayes clawing and rubbing Euen so the couetous minde is restlesse in seeking and gathering together 3 As fire is neuer sufficed with wood nor the earth with water Euen so the couetous man is neuer satisfied with money 4 As the graue is open to receiue dead Carkasses or as hell is neuer full Euen so the coffer of the couetous cormorant is neuer contented 5 As the stiller the water runneth the deeper is the Riuer and the more deepe the more daungerous Euen so the longer Almightie God suffereth the Couetous man to sinne vncontrolled the greater is his sinne and the more greeuous is the punishment that attendeth thereon in the day of account Haba 2.9 6 As Couetousnesse is euill yea the euill of all euils So likewise it maketh those men as bad as it is which are infected with the same and as hatefull in Gods sight as that sinne it selfe for that the effect is like the cause 1. Timo. 6.10 Psal 10.3 Exod. 18.21 Luk. 12.15 Mar. 10.22 7 As Cattell do keepe the Pastours bare with continuall grazing vpon them so doth the couetous ouer awe the poore by endlesse oppression and mercilesse dealing Iere. 6.13.15 Amo. 8.4 c. 8 Like as if a sicke man be laid in a bedde of Iuerie or gold or of wood his disease forsaketh him neuer the sooner Euen so whether you entreat the Couetous by these sweete promises made by Almightie God in his holy Gospell or threaten them by his dreadfull Iudgements pronounced in his fearful Law they make neuer the more haste to repentance Ezech. 18.1 tote 9 As the Waxe is plyable to euery print Euen so the Couetous mans hand is readie to receiue euerie bribe 10 As the Asse that notwithstanding hee carrieth the meate for his maisters belly and the cloathes for his backe yet himselfe doth feede vpon grasse and contenteth himselfe with one haires skinne Euen so the Couetous man whose Chests are stuffed with money and his wardrope with apparrel such miserie hath assaulted his soule that he can hardly affoord his belly a good meales meat or couer his backe with a good coate 11 As the Bee bringeth sweet honey in his mouth and a sharpe sting in his tayle Euen so Couetousnesse hath pleasure in this life and paine in the life to come 12 Like as they that will tame wilde bulles must weare no redde garments So likewise they that will no euill doo through Couetousnesse must doo nothing that belongeth thereto 13 As God punished both Ely the Priest and his two soones the father for not correcting them and the sonnes for sinning so grosely So likewise will he plague both the Couetous man for the euill getting of his money and his children for possessing that which is none of their owne 1. Sam. 2.12 c. 3.11 c. 4.14 15. c. 14 As the glutton that ouerchargeth his stomacke with meate is compelled to spew and cast it vp againe So the greedie couetous Cormorant that gathereth great riches and deuoureth and swalloweth vp great substance shall loose it againe for God shall euen drawe it out of his belly Psal 37.16 39.6 15 As a Riuer whose spring is small yet by receiuing other brookes and streames groweth strong and violent Or as they that are sicke of the Dropsie who by drinking are neuer satisfied but stil increase in thirst Or as a flame which is neuer abated with quantitie of wood how much so euer a man layeth on well may it for a while be suppressed and yeeld forth nothing but smoke but breaking out it waxeth greater according to the aboundance of wood So likewise the heart of a Couetous man neuer regardeth that it hath to bee therewith content but what it hath not to couet thereafter Esa 56.11 Ier. 6.13 8.10 2. Tim. 3.2 2. Pet. 2.3 16 As the Fish swallowing the hooke togither with the baite is taken and killed So in like maner Couetous men doo pierce themselues thorow with a thousand sorrowes which do entangle them in death euerlasting 2. King 5.27 1. Sam. 8.3 Ioh. 12.6 Act. 16.16 19. 19.24 c. Ier. 22.17 17 As the Indian Ants or Emets who gather the golde and keepe it yet neither can vse it neither wil suffer men to haue it so farre forth as they may Euen so Couetousnesse which with care and labour slayeth the man that is subiect therto it draweth him through fields and woods sea and land in the cold of winter and in the heat of sommer night and day in raine winde and danger admitting no rest and all to seeke and hunt after goods yet doth it graunt him onely the sight but not the vse of them Prea 4 ● 6.1 2. Ephe. 5.3 Mat. 13 22. 18 As the good corne of Gods word is a sanctified seed of saluation and life So the falshood and deceit of Coue●ousnesse and riches doo in such sort draw men to aboun●ance and withall to the peruerse vse of the same that hereby this seede of saluation and life euerlasting is choked vp Luk. 16.9 19 As charitie is the gift of God proceeding from his fauour and grace So contrariwise Couetousnesse is a vengeance which he powreth vpon those whom for their sins he hath giuen ouer into a reprobate sence Ro. 1.28.29 1. Cor. 5.11 6.10 Iam. 5.1 20 As Aesops Dogge who swimming with a peece of flesh in his mouth and seeing the shadow thereof taking that to be an other peece of flesh opening his mouth to catch that also lost the same which hee before had So likewise the Couetous man being vnsatiable and euerie way seeking to encrease that he hath dooth many times loose that which is in his hand Pro. 15.27 28.16 21 As Gold of it selfe can neither feed nor cloath vs So that which the Couetous man buyeth with gold or siluer proceedeth not out of the gold or siluer but from Gods prouidence neither can it minister any helpe without Gods grace blessing Heb. 13 5. Col. 3.5 Mat. 6.26 22 As the remedie to quench his thirst that is vexed with a hotte feauer commeth not of giuing him drinke but of taking away his feauer which causeth his thirst Euen so the way to grow rich is not by heaping of riches but by
were the deliuerance too late but wee meane that hee deliuered him that hee should not bee hanged So likewise when the Scripture saith that Christ dyed to deliuer vs out of hell because hee saueth and deliuereth vs that wee come not there which else should surely haue gone thither and haue beene damned perpetually except Christ by his death had deliuered and loosed vs. Christ reuiueth vs againe that were dead LIke as the Pellican which hauing brought foorth her young ones dead or beeing stung or killed by Serpents shee pecketh foorth her heart bloud to reuiue them Euen so wee beeing conceiued and borne in sinne and altogether dead in our trespasses and offences stung of that olde and fierie Serpent the diuell which first beguiled our Parents in Paradise and so hauing the reward of sinne which is death we in this case are reuiued and quickned againe by the bloud of the true Pellican Iesus Christ which he from his heart hath shead and powred out for vs. Col. 2.13 14. Christs person consisteth of two natures 1 LIke as there must be both these two natures true and sound the properties of either being kept in one person of Christ to reconcile man to God and to strike this couenant So also to keepe this couenant that according to the promise and oath of God it may be euerlasting both natures must remaine for euer sound with their properties vnlesse we will haue the couenant in the piller and foundation to be shaken 2 Like as when the roote of a tree is hurt the braunches also doo wither and there can be no fruite hoped for Euen so the Doctrine beeing corrupt concerning the person of Christ and the two natures in the same person together with their distinct properties the doctrine also of the Priestly and Kingly office of Christ remaineth corrupt which are as it were the fruites of the doctrine concerning his person Christ though amazed and confounded with sorrowes and feares yet remained still sinlesse LIke as if you set two glasses filled the one with muddy water and the other with cleare Christall water and first let them stand till all the muddinesse in one be setled at the bottome then shake both these glasses in the one the mudde ariseth straightway and defileth all the water there in the other although you shake it neuer so much yet the cleare water though troubled likewise remaineth still all cleare as Christall Euen so if any of vs bee shaken and disquieted with any trouble our muddy affections arising doo presently defile vs all ouer but Christ in whom was mans true nature but not any the least defilement of nature beeing likewise shaken he remained still cleare from any the least spot of sinne at all Christ neuer lost his confidence in God LIke as those men do neuer loose their confidence and trust in God who by some violence are stricken into astonishment or naturally fall on sleepe their faith patience loue obedience decreaseth not in them for all that Euen so neither in Christ his assurance in God could neuer decay albeit his sinlesse nature might and did feare the paine and beeing astonished with excessiue paine might and did suddenly desire ease Math. 27.46 Mar. 14.33 c. He that Speaketh in the Church LIke as if the Harpe make a confused noyse and giueth no distinct sound it delighteth not it recreateth not because no man can tell what it is that is plaide So he that Speaketh in the Church in a language which other men vnderstand not cannot edifie because men vnderstand not what he speaketh Confessing of secret faultes LIke as he is vnwise that openeth his disease and committeth himselfe vnto an vnskilfull Phisition that will rather make him worse then cure him Euen so as vnwise is he that reuealeth his secret falls scapes to them whose mouthes are readie with the Pharisies to say See thou to that or to blabbe abroad their brethrens infirmities so making the matter rather worse then better Christ after a sort present with vs in bodie 1 AS the sun which thogh it remain stil in the firmamēt and therefore in verie deed toucheth not the eye yet the bodie of the Sunne is present to the sight notwithstanding so great a distance betweene So likewise the bodie of Christ which by his ascending is taken vp from vs and hath left the world and is gone to his father is indeed absent from our senses yet our faith is conuersant in heauen and beholding that sonne of righteousnesse and is verily in presence with it there present like as our sight is present with the body of the Sunne in the firmament or as the Sunne is present with our sight in earth Ioh. 14.19 16.28 Act. 7.55 Col. 3.1 Hebr. 4.16 10.28 2 As the Sunne with his light is present to all things So is also Christ with his Godhead Spirit and power present to all and filleth all Ephe. 1.23 Col. 1.17 18. How Christ sitteth at the right hand of God 1 AS it is the vse and custome of Kings and Princes which haue their deputies substitutes to whom they freely giue all authoritie to rule and gouerne and do cause that man to sit by him and at his right hand whom he will giue most honor and vnto whom he wil giue most authoritie and power Euen so we vnderstand by these words He sitteth at the right hand of God that our Sauiour Christ is exalted aboue all creatures and that hee hath dominion or gouernance in heauen and in earth and that he raigneth with his Father hauing equal power with him 1. King 2.19 Psal 45.9 110.1 Mat. 20.21 Phil. 2.9 10 11. 1. Pet. 3.22 Ephe. 1.20 21. 4.15 2 As those on earth that are set at the right hand of Kings do execute iustice in courts or Assises for the maintenance of the state and peace of the Kingdome Euen so Christ Iesus sitting at the right hand of his Father that is being made soueraigne Lord of all things both in heauen and earth is to hold a Court or Assise in which he shall come to iudge both the quicke and the dead Christ confounds his enemies AS Iosua dealt with the fiue Kings that were hid in the Caue he first makes a slaughter of their armes then he brings them foorth and makes the people to set their feete on their neckes and to hang them on fiue trees Euen so Christ deales with his enemies he treades them vnder his feete and makes a slaughter not so much of their bodies as of their soules And this the Church of God findes to bee true by experience as well as it findes the loue of Christ towardes it selfe Iosu 10.24 Luke 17.27 Psal 2.9 110.1 Corruption of truth by mans traditions AS sweete Dough is made sowre by a litle Leauen So is the sweetnesse and comfort of the doctrine of truth corrupted if it be neuer so litle entermedled with humane doctrine or mans traditions Mat. 13.33 16.6 The Creature
the corrupted wounds of a sicke body and to take away or to feare with an hot Iron the rotten flesh in cutting or searing hath no pittie of the weake man to the end that in curing his sore and healing his wound by cutting and searing he may shew him pittie Euen so our most wise God that celestiall Physition and heauenly Surgeon smiteth and afflicteth vs that hee may heale vs cutteth and seareth vs that he may cure vs. Heb. 12.6.7 Deut. 32.39 Amo. 3.2 Psa 89.31.32 Good Christians are much grieued when God is dishonored AS a water pot or a Viall full of liquor if suddenly it be ouerthrowne doth shed and scatter the liquor So a deuout and godly Christian abounding with teares being mooued and troubled with sorrow because of the iniuries dishonour wrongs and blasphemies committed against the Lord doth presently powre out great aboundance and as it were mightie streames of salt and bitter teares Luke 19.41 Psal 119.136 Math. 26.75 Disobedient Children EVen as a long and a prosperous life is promised vnto obedient sonnes So on the other side all disobedient vnthankfull and obstinate Children are assured of the punishment of infamie ioyned with diuers and great o● lamities and torments Exod. 20.12 1. Sam. 2.22 1. King 1.25 c. Deut. 21.18 c. Pro. 20.20 Ephe. 6.2 The end of our Calling LIke as if her Maiestie to shew her puissance against a forraine power should call foorth one or two of her subiects who are most beholding vnto her to Iust and turney in her presence for her honor they wold no doubt straine all their strength in this seruice yea and their liues too Euen so much more ought we that are Christians to performe this dutie to our God and Prince who hath called vs out by name to fight for his honour to be a chosen and peculiar people vnto himselfe to stand on his parts to shew forth his vertues and to be zealous of good workes yea and that wee might the better performe this seruice he hath furnished vs with his owne armour and weapons yea and his owne hand is with vs too though all men see it not and therefore we must endeuour to doo valiantly and to doo our best to answere the expectation of our heauenly king and prince Tit. 2.13.14 Psal 130.4 1. Pet. 2.9 Cantic 8.6 The Churches variable estate vpon earth LIke as the day and night doo one follow another So likewise in the administration of the Church here vpon earth Christ suffereth a continuall intercourse betweene peace and persecution Christ is to be serued and pleased before our selues or others AS the maister of those seruants that are borne in his house or whome hee purchaseth doo pretend that they doo him wrong when they spend any time either to their owne particular profite or in the seruice of others So may Iesus Christ much more iustly complaine of vs that are his two-fold seruants namely by birth and by purchase if wee imploy euen neuer so little of our liues to serue and please our selues the world or the diuell our enemies 1. Cor. 6.19 Math. 16.24 Luk. 9.23 Rom. 12.2 It is spirituall Adultrie to forsake Christ and loue the world EVen as a woman may rightly be called an Adulteresse that giueth her body to other men and setteth her loue on an other So they which flie from Christ and forsake him being their spirituall husband by setting their loue on this world or any thing therein doo commit adulterie against Christ Iam. 4.4 Ephe. 5.30 1. Cor. 6.17 Christ is sent of the Father AS fire sendeth forth both heate and light but neither heate nor light sendeth fire so the father sendeth both Christ and the all knowing comforter and hee is vnsent Christ and the holy Ghost are of the Father AS both the light the heate are of the fire So Christ and the holy Ghost both are of the Father the one begotten the other proceeding and the Father onely is of himselfe and of no other Christ is to be loued for sauing of vs. 1 LIke as if thou fallest into a deepe ryuer being in apparant daunger of drowning if any man should cast the a rope or himselfe leape into the water to saue thy life thou canst not sufficiently confesse and acknowledge thy selfe his debter to doo him pleasure and seruice all the daies of thy life So likewise wee were not onely in daunger of falling into hell but were alreadie fallen euen from our infancie and dayly through our sinnes fell deeper and deeper Yet Christ cast vs not in a rope to pull vs vp and saue vs but threw himselfe into our sea of woe into our hell to be short into horrible death wherein wee were drowned to plucke vs foorth and therefore with great zeale and affection we are bound to say Lord wee are bound to loue honour serue please and obey thee in all that we may with our whole hearts all the dayes of our life 2 Like as if thou werst vpon a Scaffold ready to be beheaded for thy drunkennesse or adulterie and thereupon shouldest haue a pardon and so thy life saued vpon condition that thou shouldest fall no more thereinto thou wouldest no doubt willingly and heartily promise yea with thy hand subscribe and with thy tongue sweare that thou wouldest neuer more commit adulterie or drunkennesse but that thou wouldest abhorre all Tauernes Ale-houses and drunkerds all whores and bawdes and so amend thy life Now seeing Iesus Christ hath saued thee not from an apparant daunger of death but euen from death it selfe and not from the death of the body but from euerlasting death who requireth of thee to amende thy life which thou art bound so to doo yea thou oughtest cheerefully and earnestly promise and faithfully vowe to reforme and amend and to shun all occasions that might procure thee to displease and offend him Counsell EVen as out of an Apothecaries shoppe where verie wholesome medicines precious oyntments and most pleasant perfumes are solde sometimes commeth most ranke and deadly poyson So very often from men greatly experienced and deepely learned do come very pestilent pernitious and treacherous Counsels The right knowledge of Christ crucified 1 AS Elizeus when hee would reuiue the childe of the Shunamite went vp and lay vpon him and put his mouth vpon his mouth and his hands vppon his hands and his eyes vpon his eyes and stretched himselfe vpon him Euen so if thou wouldest bee reuiued to euerlasting life thou must by faith as it were set thy selfe vpon the Crosse of Christ and applie thy hands to his hands thy feete to his feete and thy sinful heart to his bleeding hart and content not thy selfe with Thomas to put thy finger into his side but euen diue plunge thy selfe wholly both body and soule into the woundes and bloud of Christ 2. King 4.34 2 As the dead Souldier tumbled into the graue of Elizeus was made aliue at the very touching of his body Euen so shalt
then Christ Iesus who with the death of his own heart gaue life to our bodies and soules If the world doo but a little smile vpon vs and giue vs but an alluring looke and a faire word wee will by and by follow it and bestow vpon it all our attendance If the diuell himselfe can make vs belieue that wee shall either haue profite or pleasure by dooing his will our hearts minds wils al are readier for him then for Iesus Christ O matchlesse yea monstrous madnesse they that seeke our destruction can sooner with a pleasant looke then Christ with the giuing of his life for vs haue vs at commandement Christ would haue vs to mortifie our earthly members as fornication vncleannesse inordinate affections euill concupisence and couetousnesse which is Idolatrie But alas we nourish pamper and cherish all these The Lord would haue our conuersation in heauen but we are altogether carnally and earthly minded The Lord would haue our feete to stand within the gates of Ierusalem but we loue rather to bee trampling the streetes of Egypt Babylon and Sodom The holy Ghost would haue vs to fight a good fight to finish our course after the will of God and to keepe the faith not onely in words but also in life and deedes Indeed wee are apt and ready to fight and striue for worldly promotion honour dignitie reuenues and riches but for heauen and heauenly things we will neuer striue take no paines nor once trouble our selues wee will haue it with ease and all manner of pleasures or else not at all farwell it The courses we take here in this life are very bad and the end vnlesse we repent is like to be worst of all And whiles we haue no care to keepe good consciences it is vnpossible for vs to keepe faith If Christ and Sathan should stand before vs the one pointing vs to heauen and eternall felicitie but the way to it full of troubles griefes and sorrowes the other pointing to hell but the way to it full of delicates pleasures and daintie delights and let God call and the diuell call yet the diuell it is to be feared is like to haue the greater number to follow him for those short pleasures Christ but a few to follow him because they must go loadē with Crosses and afflictions dayly experience doth teach vs no lesse seeing all our actions are carnall and haue onely but little outward shew and no taste at all of true godlinesse nor so much as any rellish of the spirit and loue of Chri●● Some will abstaine from the committing of any grosse sinnes now and then and yet not that in any true and sincere loue to God but either for feare of shame and punishment in this world or else feare of vengeance in the world to come which both are vnprofitable for the Lord hath no pleasure in forced seruice hee will haue it voluntarie with the heart and proceeding of loue not of a seruile feare otherwise it shall bee numbred with the rest of our sinnes This doth greatly condemne vs that though we doo not such things our selues yet wee can without trouble of conscience griefe of heart or vexation of mind see and heare the Lords name blasphemed his Sabboth vnhalowed Idolatrie committed parents dishonored whoredome theft murder and Couetousnesse commonly vsed and all the lawes of God vtterly contemned and it shall neuer offend the greatest number so much as a thorne in a foote or a blaine or push vppon a finger This vndoubtedly is euen to forsake God in the plaine field and to be afraid to serue him in truth and sinceritie least we should therby purchase mans displeasure vnlesse therefore wee learne to serue him better in more truth with greater zeale in singlenes of heart we haue nothing else to looke for but that he will forsake vs both in this world leauing vs destitute of his assistance that our enemies may pray vpon vs and also in the world to come in giuing out against vs his malediction curse woe and sentence of death Math. 25.37 Psal 15.2 Pro. 23.26 Col. 3.5 Phil. 3.20 Psal 122.2 2. Tim. Math. 25.41 Breakers of the fourth Commaundement 1 AS those parents that bring not their sonnes daughters being of yeares of discretion on the Sabboth day to the Church to be partakers of the holy exercises as preaching prayer Catechising and Sacraments do transgresse this Commaundement So in like manner those pa●ents greatly offend heerein that bring their yong children to the Church on the Sabboth dayes who either by their crying or running vp and downe the Church doo both trouble themselues the Minister and the people that the word preached the prayers vttered cānot with reuerence be so well heard as otherwise they might And no lesse do they offend herein that bring their Hawkes Hounds or Dogs to disquiet the Congregation 2 As Magistrates Schoolemaisters as also all Artificers and Handicrafts men ought to abstaine from their Offices and callings on the Sabboth day because they are impediments to hinder their zeale and attentiuenesse that they ought to giue to God in his worship and seruice that day So contrariwise if God will not haue them exercise their vocations and trades being lawfull and necessarie then much more he will not haue them exercised in vnlawfull and vnnecessarie works as in gayming dycing daunsing carding drinking rioting other vanities of this world whereby they are not onely drawne from the company of the holy Congregation but also doo thereby defile their bodyes which they ought rather to sanctifie and keepe holy Christ commeth of the Father AS the Sunne remaineth the same and is not lessened by the beames which it spreadeth abroad So neither is the substance of the Father lessened or changed though he haue the Sonne an Image of himselfe Christ not to be denied in persecution AS the Serpent when he seeth he shall come into mans hands defendeth his head either by gathering himselfe into a circle or thrusting his head into a hole leauing the other parts open to the wounds So likewise we must do in time of persecution euen keepe Christ our head from wounds howsoeuer our bodies suffer Curiositie 1 AS the Phisitions do speak of the members of a mans body that they are made and composed of forme substance strength and greatnesse and placed and disposed very cōueniently to shew their effects and operations So likewise in euery Commonwealth God hath raised vp some men either Ciuilians or Diuines furnished them with such graces and gifts as are necessarie to effect such things as he hath before determined now if the foote will take vpō him to execute the office of the hand or that the hand wil needs walk as the foote if the eare wil striue to see and the eye to heare it would be a very vaine foolish thing for them to enterprise such things seeing they haue not bene made and framed thereto In like maner we striue in
2 As a Dead man in his graue cannot stir the least finger because he wants the very power of life sense and motion So likewise no more can he that is Dead in sinne will the least good Nay if he could either will or doo any good he could not be Dead in sinne 3 Euen as a Dead man in the graue cannot rise but by the power of God So no more can hee that is Dead in sinne rise but by the power of Gods grace alone without any power of his owne Iohn 3.3 Ephes 2.10 4.24 Phil. 2.13 Deuise of the wicked AS the Egges of the Cockatrice hatched are full of poyson Euen so are the deuises of the wicked and the execution of their enterprises hurtfull Esay 59.5 The Diuell fearefull and enuious 1 LIke as if an enemie of great might hauing also an aduantage of vs by reason of the ground wherein he hath planted himself be dreadful to vs so as we haue good cause to feare him Euen so much more we ought to bee afraid of the Diuel hauing the like or greater aduantages of vs. Ephe. 6.11.12 2 As a good Midwife is carefull to helpe the woman in trauell and saue the child Euen so the Diuell contrariwise is ready to hinder and hurt the Church to destroy her seede Reue. 12.2.3 God Delighteth in the conuersion of a sinner AS a Father taketh great ioy and comfort when his Sonne who was wilde vnthriftie and vngodly becommeth modest thriftie and religous Euen so it is a Delightfull and acceptable thing to God when any sinner is conuerted from his wicked and lewde course and now liueth Christianly Luk. 15.23.24 Dissentions AS Bees when they striue together and are stirred vp through some vehement motion with throwing of dust are brought into order and appeased Euen so men when they are tossed and tormented with troublesome broyles perturbations and passions if they would remember dust whereinto of necessitie they must be turned and neuer forget death which they shall neuer bee able to escape they would easily bestayed pacified and quietted would represse keepe within compasse their strangling lusts and vnruly appetites which cannot indure to be tamed and ruled by reason How to encounter with Death 1 LIke as if a man were to fight with a Dragon his best way to deale with him is to pull out his venemous sting Euen so the Dragon wherewith euery Christian man is to encounter is Death whose sting is sinne therefore that we may not take the foyle of Death we are in all our life to labour to bereaue him of this his sting 1. Cor. 15.56 2 As the Philistines that they might the better deale with Sampson cut off his haire where his strength lay So also euery one of vs that wee may the better deale with Death are to cut off our sinnes which bee the strength of Death Iud. 16.5 c. Death 1 LIke as hee that is to passe ouer some great and deepe ryuer must not looke downeward to the streame of the water But if he would preuent feare hee must set his foote sure cast his eye to the banke on the furthest side Euen so he that draws neare Death must as it were looke ouer the waues of Death and directly fixe the eye of his faith vpon eternall life 2 Like as if a poore man should be commaunded by a Prince to put off his torne and beggerly garments and in steade thereof to put on royall and costly robes it would be a great reioycing to his heart Euen so much more ioyfull newes must this be vnto all repentant and sorrowfull sinners when the King of heauen and earth comes vnto them by Death and bids them lay downe their bodies as ragged and patched garments and prepare themselues to put on the princely robe of immortalitie No tongue can bee able to expresse the excellencie of this most blessed and happie estate 3 Euen when a man was to offer a Bullocke or Lambe in sacrifice to God he must leaue his offering at the Altar and first goe and be reconciled to his brethren if they had ought against him So much more must this bee done when men are in Death to offer vp themselues their bodies and soules as an acceptable sacrifice vnto God Rom. 12.1 4 As Trauellers not thinking of the Sunne setting are ouertaken with darkenesse before they be aware So doth Death sodainly come vpon many that neuer thought of it neither haue learned to die nor what shall become of them when they be dead so that it behooueth all Christians that wil be saued to watch to stand stedfast in the faith of Christ to quite themselues like men and to be strong and to do all that they do in loue 1. Cor. 16.13 5 As earthen vessels are alike subiect to danger breaking whether they be new or olde made So likewise all men are open and subiect to Death alike whether they be yong men and in their lusty and flourishing age or they be old men and well strooken in yeares 6 Like as if a man shal come into a Potters ware-house where he shall see a large Table set full of Pots some old and some new some little and some great and shall demaund of the Potter which of them all shall first be broken he may well say for answer That which shall fall first to the ground Euen so among men he dieth not first that is elder but he that first falleth to the ground that is commeth first to his graue Psal 2.9 Esay 30.14 Reue. 2.27 7 Like as if a Begger should be commaunded to put off his old ragges that he might be cloathed with rich costly garments he would not be sory though he should stand naked a while till he were wholly bestripped of his rags So likewise when God calls a man to Death and bids him put off his old ragges of sinne and corruption and be cloathed with the glorious roabe of Christes righteousnesse there is no cause why he should be loth to die seeing his abode in the graue is but for a space while corruption be put off 2. Cor. 5.1 2. 8 As bread of all other nourishment doth sustaine the body So aboue all things a continuall thought of Death is wholesome for the soule 9 As yong schollers who hauing spent their time diligētly at their bookes return from the Vniuersities to their friends and are welcommed home both of father mother brother and sister euery one preasing forward with great desire to kisse them and to make the greatest demonstration of ioy and gladnesse that may be for their happie returne So in like maner when true Christians die depart out of this world where they are as it were at schoole to returne to their fathers house God himselfe is the first that biddeth them welcome and willeth them to enter into the ioy of their Lorde and Father Iesus Christ is the next which taketh leadeth them into the Pallace of the
that the young chicken may slip out of it Euen so none otherwise doth Death dissolue and breake vp our body but to the intent that we may attaine vnto the life of heauen 26 As the mothers wombe carrieth the child seuen or nine moneths and prepareth it not for it selfe but for the world wherein wee are borne Euen so this present time ouer all vpon earth serueth not to this end that wee must euer be here but that we should bee brought foorth and borne out of the body of this world by Death into another and euerlasting life Ioh. 16.21 27 Like as a childe out of the small habitation of his mothers wombe with daunger and anguish is borne into this wide world Euen so goeth a man thorow the narrow gate of Death with distresse and trouble out of the earth into the heauenly life For to die is not to perish but to be first of all borne aright 28 As the brazen Serpent which hauing the forme and proportion of a Serpent was yet without byting without mouing without poysoning Euen so though Death be not vtterly taken away yet thorow the grace of God it is so weakned and made voide that the onely bare proportion remaineth 29 Euen as when the maister of the Shippe perceiueth that he is not wide from the hauen place where he must land and discharge he sayleth on forth the more chearfully and gladly So likewise the nearer we draw vnto Death where we must land the more stoutly ought wee to fight and withstand our ghostly enemies 30 Like as he that goeth a far iourney hath vncertaine lodging trauaile and labour desireth to return home to his owne country to his father and mother wife children and friends among whom he is surest and at most quiet by meanes wherof he forceth the lesse for any rough carefull path or way homeward Euen so all we are straungers and pilgrimes vpon earth Our home is Paradise in heauen our heauenly Father is God the earthly father of all men is Adam our spirituall Fathers are the Patriarkes Prophets and Apostles which altogether waite and long for vs. Psal 39.5 6. 1. Pet. 2.11 2. Cor. 5.1.2 Phil. 3 2● Heb. 13.14 31 Like as when a man liue in a darke miserable prison with this condition that he should not come forth till the walles of the Tower were fallen downe vndoubtedly he would be right glad to see the walles begin to fall Euen so our soule is kept in within the bodie vpon earth as in captiuitie and bonds now assoone as the bodie is at a point that it must needs fall we ought not to be sory therefore for by this approacheth our deliuerance when we out of the prison of miserie shal be brought before the most amiable countenance of God into the ioyfull freedome of heauen Psal 142.7 32 Like as it is no grief for a man to go sleep nor when he seeth his parents and friendes lay them downe to rest for he knoweth that such as are a sleepe do soone awake and rise againe So when we or our friends depart away by Death we ought to erect and comfort ourselues with the resurrection 33 As a good Housholder maketh prouision for himselfe and his familie and buyeth afore-hand fewell victualls and such things as he hath need of for a moneth or for a whole yeare c. according as hee is able Euen so much more ought a Christiā to prouide before his Death that which concerneth not onely one moneth or one yeare but an eternitie that hath no ende 34 Like as faithfull seruants waite for their maister So in like manner wee ought to looke for the comming of Christ when hee shall call vs out of this wretched world by Death Luk. 12.36 37 38 39 40. Math. 24.42 c. The time of our Death vnknowne LIke as Christ wold haue his last cōming to be hidden from men So also hee would haue the time of their Death for the very same cause to be vnknown vnto them vnlesse that he openeth the same vnto some either by particular reuelation or by probable coniectures Mat. 24.36 How to Draw neare vnto God LIke as hee is said to depart from God which doth abandon and giue himselfe to the lustes of the world by which he Draweth neare vnto the diuell So likewise he which departeth from these is said to Draw neare vnto God and so cleaueth vnto him by faith and true obedience Iam. 4.8 No Diuinitie except it be against God is prescribed to the Minister AS there is no Lawe by the which a Preacher for his doctrine may be punished if he speake not against the Prince So there is no Diuinitie by the which a Preacher is particularly prescribed or generally ordered if he speak not against God the mightie prince of peace Desires of heauen AS they that are straungers in a forraine countrie and haue parents and great wealth in their natiue soyle being hardly entreated where they soiourne and vppon the point to returne home into their countrie are vndoubtedly very glad thereof euen already they seeme to see their houses lands and possessions and in their conceites doo talke with their parents and feele a feruent Desire to be soone there Euen so we if wee remember that we haue treasures of eternall riches an vndefiled inheritance immortall incorruptible which is reserued for vs a heauenly Father that loueth vs in his welbeloued sonne our elder brother Iesus Christ in glory the Angels and holy Spirits inioy and that we their felow Burgesses haue our portion in al these goods and are euen vpon the point to be really in heauen with them we ought then to be rauished with a feruent desire to be lifted vp thither Phil. 1.23 Rom. 7.24 Daunces AS Apothecaries do couer their bitter Pilles with some sweete substance whereby to make them goe downe the easier So the Diuel vnder the sport and pleasure of Daunces maketh men to swallow lustfull desires and albeit they proceed to no greater iniquitie yet is this a mortall wounde to the soule considering that we knowe that such lusts are accursed in the sight of God Exod. 32.6 18.19 1. Cor. 10.7 1. Pet. 4.3.4 5.8 Rom. 12.2 2. Tim. 2.22 Iudg. 21.21 Ephe. 5.3 4 16.18 The Dutie of Parishioners to their Ministers 1 AS they that sit at a Table do eate chewe and digest their foode So they that be Parishioners and heare the word of God ought to listen vnto it meditate vpon it and print it in their hearts that so they may receiue the nourishment signified by the word and dutie to feede commended to the shepheards of Christs flock 1. Thes 5.12 Phil. 2.29 2. Cor. 7.15 Hebr. 13.17 2 As in meate we are not so much to seek licorousnesse as health So must it be in the preaching of the word for Ecclesiasticall assemblies be not l●ke to common Playes whereto men resort for pleasure but in Sermons we are to looke for that which is health
Euen so we if we desire to be enriched with Gods graces must first of all labour to haue Faith which is the onely keye of Gods treasure house and doth bring vpon vs from God all graces needfull both for soule and body 4 Like as no man may liue a corporall life by meanes of the soule of an other man but onely by his owne soule Euen so no man may liue a spirituall life by the Faith of an other but by his owne Faith Aba 2.4 5 As no man may entertaine and conserue the life which he receiued by meane of his soule by the foode and nourishment which an other doth take nor by that which he eateth and drinketh but only by that which he himselfe doth take and by the meates and drinkes which he receiueth by his owne person Euen so is it of the nourishment of the Faith of euery man by the word of God for the entertainment conseruation of the spirituall life 6 Like as no wicked and vngodly sonne is made better for in respect of the Faith vertue of his godly Father neither yet any godly sonne is worse in respect of the vngodlinesse of his wicked father So no man is saued by an other mans Faith but by his owne And yet it cannot bee denied but that both temporall and spirituall benefites bee obtained and gotten for and through the Faith of other men Euen as one man by his wisedome may make another man proue wise So he that belieueth may by his Faith and prayer obtaine Faith for other men Yet notwithstanding like as no man is wise by an other mans wisedome but by his owne So no man is saued by another mans Faith but by his owne Ezech. 18. Math. 8.5 c. 9.2 Mar. 2.3 4 5. Luk. 5.18 7 As the leaues and flowers and sprigs of Water Betonie or Browne-woort though they haue their yearely course and chaunge yet the roote from which they spring is euerlasting So though the outward fruites of Faith are chaungeable and decay many times yet Faith continueth euer 8 As Dictam or Tragium receiued causeth Darts sticking in the flesh to fal out So the promises of God in Christ apprehended by Faith cause the firie Darts of the Diuell to vanish and fall away 9 As the smell of Trefoile is often stronger in a moyst and cloudie darke season then in faire weather So the strength of Faith vttereth it selfe more in aduersitie and affliction then in pleasure or time of prosperitie 10 As the Parents are a meanes to beget the bodily forme of their children Euen so the Preachers which are called fathers beget the forme of a Christian mind which is Faith or the confidence of the heart which layeth hold vpon Christ and cleaueth to him alone and none else 1. Thes 2.11 2. King 17.10 13.14 Phil. 10. 11 Faith is compared vnto Golde but Faith is much more noble then Gold For as Gold is the most precious mettall in things mortall So Faith doth most excell in things spirituall 12 As a house is made to keepe vs from colde in winter and from heate in Summer and to defend vs from theeues and violences that may be offered vs which house if it be alwaies in building doth not saue vs from any one of those harmes Euen so our spirituall house of Faith if it bee once built it saueth vs from heate of persecution and coldnesse of all kind of aduersities from the Diuell and from all kind of temptations wherewith he assalteth vs but being alwaies in building it saueth vs from none of these 13 As those Birds that flieth highest in the firmament are not so quickly snared by the fowlers Ginnes as other be So likwise those men that haue alwaies an eye through Faith vnto Iesus Christ whose minds doth mount aboue the skies are not so soone snared by the fleshe the world and the diuell as others be 14 Like as Fire if fuell or wood be not alwaies added to it will at length goe out Euen so Faith if we let it alone neuer stirre vp the same by hearing the word preached by repentance and inuocation it will cleane be extinguished 15 As no Man may liue a corporall life by meanes of the soule of an other man but onely by his owne soule Euen so no man may liue a spirituall life by the Faith of an other but by his owne Faith Abac. 2.4 Rom. 1.17 16 Like as no wicked and vngodly Sonne is made better for and in respect of the Faith and vertue of his godly Father neither yet any godly Sonne is worse in respect of the vngodlinesse of his wicked Father Euen so no man is saued by an other mans Faith but by his owne Ezech. 18. 17 As one Man by his wisedome may make an other man prooue wise So he that belieueth may by his Faith and prayer obtaine Faith for other men Math. 8.5 c. 9.2 Mar. 2.3 4 5. Luk. 5.18 18 Like as no man is wise by an other mans wisdome but by his owne So likewise no man is saued by an other mans Faith but by his owne 19 As the plaister if it bee not laide to the wound will neuer heale the soare Euen so Faith and beliefe will not profit any man vnlesse hee truely applie it to himselfe Rom. 1.17 20 As the mightie Oake whose roote as far stretcheth downwardes as his bowes vpwards may bee shaken but yet not plucked vp quite Euen so they which haue fixed their Faith firmely in Christ and haue cast the Ancor of their hope in his lap though they be tossed too and fro diuers waies cannot finally fall away from God 21 Like as an Emplayster or Cataplasme made of the brused seede of Mustard is knowne to haue singular vertue and effect beeing applied to them that haue their members benummed that are fallen into the Letharge or drowsie Euill or that bee troubled with the swimming and giddinesse in their head Or that haue the Apoplexie Palsie Falling sicknesse and to bee short for all cold griefes and diseases because it warmeth and bringeth heate motion and sense againe into the affected parts and is also good to helpe Leprous Scuruie Scabbie and vlcerous persons So likewise Faith being vpholden shored vp and surely Anchored vnto the word of God reuiueth erecteth cheareth vp and restoreth the dull spirites and appalled conscience of man making it readie and prompt to execute atchiue and exercise the offices and functions of godlinesse 22 As a Laborer in seruing a Mason or slater as he goeth vp the ladder stayeth himselfe by one of his handes and serueth the Mason or slater with the other Euen so euerie good Christian in this world is as it were vppon a ladder his two handes are Faith whereby hee stayeth himselfe in his calling depending on the commaundement and promise of God and the other loue whereby he performeth the workes of his calling to the good and benefit of others 23 Like as a man
man when he is a thirstie tarrieth but for drinke and when hee hungereth abideth but for meate and then drinketh and eateth naturally Euen so is the Faithfull euer a thirst and an hungered after the will of God and tarrieth but for an occasion and whensoeuer an occasion is giuen hee worketh naturally the will of God 2 As the vnbelieuers declare their vnbeliefe by the working of the euill spirit in them outwardly the fruites of the flesh Euen so the belieuers declare their Faith by the working in them outwardly the fruites of the spirite 3 Like as when we heare a Musition play sweetely or a painter picture curiously we do not inquire what countrymen they are or whether they bee borne of noble parentage or no but diligently hearken to the Musicke and marke and view well the picture So a Faithfull and carefull hearer of the word must not so much regard the state and condition of the Preacher as diligently to marke the good things that he teacheth and so to practise them in his life and behauiour Fall of man through his owne pride AS we see a child who whilst he runneth vp and down to shew his new cloathes hee stumbleth euen vpon his cloathes and catcheth a Fall and seeing himselfe downe and his cloathes soyled and arayed in the dust he cryeth lowder at his Fall then hee crowed before at his new Coate So God hath put many excellent graces vpon thee thou crowest at the sight of them as Nebuchadnezzer did at the sight of his Pallace and like a foole thou art in admiration of thy selfe till thou stumblest euen vpon thine owne giftes and when thou art downe thou which before didst crow like a foole doest then crie like a child especially because thou seest thy excellent graces euen thy coate of diuers colours stayned and foyled with thy Fall Psa 75.6 7. The Famine of the soule LIke as when God sendeth a Famine that wee hardly find wherewithall to sustaine our liues then our condition is miserable Euen so much more daungerous and greater is the Famine of the soule when God taketh away from any people the sincere Preachers of his word Amo. 8.11 12. Feare of God 1 AS Ioseph did dreame that the Sunne and Moone did bowe vnto him So must the whole world Feare and stand in awe of Gods maiestie Gen. 37 9. 2 As Iacob told his vnckle Laban that except the Feare of Isaac had beene with him meaning the Feare of God who was Isaacs Feare he would haue sent him away emptie Euen so it is with vs all except Gods Feare remaine and continue with vs though the Lord hath deserued neuer so much at our hands yet we like vnthankfull Labans would send him emptie away and robbe him of the praise of all his blessings and graces bestowed vpon vs. Gene. 31.42 Pro. 1.7 14.27 Exod. 20.20 Gene. 42.18 Gods Face is fearefull to the wicked AS the Face of an earthly Iudge which can but kill the body is most fearefull and terrible vnto that partie which is brought before him for his wicked fact Euen so the Face and sentence of the eternall and heauenly Iudge of Iudges will bee most terrible against the wicked who after he hath killed can cast both body and soule into hell fire and from whose countenance flyeth away both the heauens and the earth Math. 10.28 Reue. 20.11 Friends vnprofitable AS the stumpe of a tooth is vnprofitable to eate withal So they in whom there is no faith nor credite to be reposed are Friendes vnfit and vnprofitable for a man in the day of trouble Prou. 25.19 A Friend forsaken AS a vessell how profitable so euer it hath beene to the owner and how necessarie for his turne yet when it is broken it is throwne away and regarded no longer Euen so such is the state of a man forsaken of those whose Friend he hath beene so long as he was able to stand them in stead Psal 31.12 Such a Father such a Sonne AS Vipers broode destroyeth them that breed them So generally the children of them that murthered the Prophets and shewed crueltie to the saints of God fulfill the measure of their fathers and are vnmercifully bent against all those that seeke their life and saluation Math. 3.7 23.33 A dead Faith 1 LIke as he that falleth into a Riuer if he neither moue hands armes nor legs is quickly drowned and sinketh downe dead to the bottom but if he swim escapeth aliue So he that trusteth to a dead Faith which because it hath no good effects and bringeth forth no liuely fruites as an holy loue to God man pietie patience pitie mercie compassion and such like vertues he must needes be drowned in vtter destruction and sincke downe into the bottomlesse gulfe and pit of hell but he that moueth his hands his feete to do the deeds of a true right Faith which worketh by loue and shall be a dooer of the word and not an hearer onely he shall escape safe out of all dangers and shall arriue at the happie hauen of eternall happinesse and euerlasting life through Christ Iesus Iam. 2.14 c. Gal. 5.6 Iam. 1.22 2 Like as if a man say to one that is hungry fill thy belly and giueth him nothing this shall not be true charitie So likewise if a man say he beleeueth bringeth forth no workes of Faith this shall not be true faith but a certaine dead thing set out with the name of Faith wherof no man hath to bragge vnlesse he will openly incurre reprehention seeing that the cause is vnderstood by the effects Iam. 2 15 16. Spirituall Fornication AS they that forsake their husbands and giue themselues ouer to straungers doo so become common Whoores Euen so such is the state of those which leaue God and the truth which sometime they professed and commit Idolatrie and cleaue to superstitions Ezech. 23.1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8. Fasting when needfull 1 AS men accused in times past with longe hanging beardes with vncombred hayre with blacke array were wont humbly to abate themselues to the end to procure the mercy of the Iudge So likewise when we are accused for our sinnes before the iudgement of God when either pestilence or famine or war begin to range abroad or if any calamitie otherwise seeme to hang ouer our coūtrie then it behoueth vs both for his glorie and for common edification and also is profitable and healthfull for vs that wee should in pitious array humble our selues in Fasting and prayer before his maiestie and so craue to escape his seueritie Ioel. 2.25 2 As bridles are necessarie for wilde horses So likewise is Fasting sometimes for a Christian to tame the fleshe 3 As some men naturally are continually out of measure and inclined to one extremitie or other which are both naught and many there haue beene which haue alwayes continued but too licentious So also some there haue beene so superstitious in Fasting and abstinence that they
7.37 3 Like as water dooth put out fire and quench thirst So the holy Ghost doth quench the fire of the euill concupisences of the flesh and doth also quench the thirst of the poore troubled soules satisfying them for euermore Yea hee doth asswage ease and comfort the griefes and mourning of the godly which commonly are in this world most afflicted and whose sorrowes do passe all humane consolation whereof he hath the proper name Paraclet or the Comforter Ioh. 4.13 14. 16.7 4 Like as in this life it commeth to passe in the Elect and chosen as wee see it by experience in bladders the which if they bee emptie and throwne into the water foorthwith they sinke But if they bee blowne and filled with wind they fleete and swimme aboue like a bubble and sinke not vnder the water Euen so mens minds being as yet voide and destitute of the spirite of God are drowned in their inordinate desires sensualitie pleasures and other sundrie passions and worldly affections But when they are replenished and filled with the holye Ghost they triumph ouer sinne and are of it neuer ouercome So that by his meanes wee haue abilitie to will those things that are right and to do those things that are good 5 As it is the nature of fire to warme the body that is benummed and frozen with colde So when a man is benummed and frozen in sinne yea when hee is euen starke dead in sinne it is the propertie of the holy Ghost to warme and quicken his heart and to reuiue him Mat. 3.11 Ioh. 3.5 6 As it is the propertie of Water to clense and purifie the filth of the bodie Euen so the holy Ghost dooth spiritually wash away our sinnes which are the filth of our nature 7 As Oyle doth strengthen the members and make them more nimble and doth also restore and heale them being broken So much more doth the holy Ghost make vs chearefull and quicke readily and constantly to performe the duties of our calling 7 As fire altereth things sometimes by burning out sometimes by inflaming So the holy Ghost altereth man by regenerating burneth out by mortifying the old man inflameth by quicking and raysing vp the new man Great men full of cares AS the toppes of trees placed on great mountaines are mooued with the least blast of wind that bloweth Euen so those men which are set in high places of honour and dignitie are troubled with the report of euery messenger though neuer so base whereas men of low degree and calling for the most part liue quietly at ease without any molestation Grace wrought by degrees AS a man looking stedfastly on a Diall cannot perceiue the shadow mooue at all yet viewing it a while hee shall perceiue that it hath mooued So in hearing of the word but especially in the receiuing of the Lords supper a man shall iudge euen his own faith and other graces of God to be little or nothing increased neither can he perceiue the motion of Gods spirit in him at that present yet by the fruites and effects thereof hee shall after perceiue that Gods spirite hath by little and little wrought greater faith and other graces in him A Godly life AS it cannot by any meanes come to passe that hee which enioyeth the beames of the Sunne should be in darknesse Euen so it is impossible that he which hath his conuersation with God should not be immortall Holy Ghost worketh where and in whom he will 1 LIke as the wind bloweth in what quarter of heauen it listeth and where it beginneth blowing where it endeth no man can tell neither can any man deuise meanes to stop the course of it Euen so with like libertie and with the like open apparance worketh the holy spirit of God where and in whom hee will and no power nor abilitie of man is able to resist and withstand it Iohn 3.8 2 As of drie Wheate one lumpe cannot bee made without moysture nor one loafe So neither could wee that are many become one in Christ Iesus without water which is from heauen that is without the holy Ghost Good will not to be mocked AS a man hauing a seruant that is an idle fellow who forefloweth his businesse mindeth other matters and goeth to his worke lastly and like a Beare to the stake would not bee pleased with his seruice but rather would shift his hands of him and send him packing Euen so the Lord our God cannot abide that wee should worshippe him with our bodies when our soules are farre from him that we should honour him with our tongues when our hearts wander from him Or that we should serue him in part some peece of the Sabboth and to serue sinne and Sathan the rest for he will not be mocked hee is euer iealous of his owne glorie Gal. 6.7 God a spirit which cannot be represented by any bodily shape LIke as a bodyly Image which representeth vnto vs the face of man ought liuely to set before vs all his lineaments and proportions that by the counterfaiting or engrauing we might conceiue whatsoeuer might bee seene in him which the same representeth Euen so the image of God must through the same likenesse set before our senses a certain vnderstanding of the knowledge of God For this we are sure of that nothing may beare the image of God but that which is a spirit because in very deed God is a spirite and therefore this image of God in man can haue no abiding place but in the soule Gene. 1.26 27. 2.7 5.1 Col. 3.10 Eph. 4.24 All Good things come from heauen AS the raine and dew falling from aboue watering the ground makes it fruitfull So likewise the grace of the holy Ghost comming from God the father stirre vp our minds to all goodnesse 1. Cor. 4.7 Iam. 1.17 Gentlenesse rather to be vsed then rigorousnesse AS some disease which by no force can bee expelled oftentimes is with the iuyce of hearbes asswaged So some men you shall sooner ouercome and winne by clemencie and Gentlenesse then by rigorousnesse and extremitie The Gospell to bee mingled with the law in preaching 1 AS the strong purgine blacke Hedebore giuen vncorrected with other things to allay the power of it hurteth more thē profiteth So the terrible iudgement of the word when it is preached without some comforts intermingled will doo more harme then good 2 As bitter Wormewood and sweete Honie mingled together are very profitable to take away the dimnesse of the bodily sight and to make a man see worldly things clearely So the bitter threatnings of the law and sweete promises of the Gospel laide together are most fit to take away the dimnesse of spiritual eyes and to make them see clearely heauenly things So outward aduersitie prosperitie mingled together 3 As Pepper-woort once sowen continueth and can hardly be destroyed So the word once receiued continueth and can hardly be banished Gospell 1 AS the law because it is the
and couered and the feeling of them may be lost but they cannot either finally or totally be abolished 2 Like as a Mother that loues her childe most tenderly sets it downe in the store lets it stand and fall and breake the face and all this while shee hides her selfe not because her purpose is to leaue her childe quite or to make it hurt it selfe but that when shee taketh it vp againe it may loue her the better Euen so the holy Ghost dealeth with men to make them see their owne weakenesse and frailtie he hides himselfe as it were in some corner of the heart for a season that they may the more earnestly hunger after Grace the want whereof they feele 2. Chro. 32.31 Graces of God 1 AS the excellencie of naturall and outward blessings being abused is the meanes of the excessiuenesse of sinne not of it selfe but by the corrupt disposition of our nature So the spirituall Graces of God bestowed vppon men liuing in the Church doo often by the iust iudgement of God worke the same effect and that in far greater measure 2 As it is impossible that among Heathen men they who are of small wit capacitie knowledge strength and riches should be wicked in so high a degree as they who excell in the foresaid respects So it is not possible that any who hath not receiued some spirituall Graces of God should come to so high a degree of sinne as they in whom it hath pleased God to worke that shadow of regeneration which hath bin declared in the former Chapter 3 As wee see it commeth to passe in naturall things as namely in water which after it hath bene a little warmed becommeth more cold then if it had neuer had any heate in it Euen so men who haue had some heate of Religion kindled in their hearts by the spirit of God if they contemne and abuse the said Graces of God become more wicked and irreligious then they who neuer knew what Religion ment 4 As the encrease of light doth make a decrease of darknesse it being impossible that two things of contrary natures should be together in one subiect the one not expelling the other either wholly or in part so the spirituall Graces of God which are the matter of mans holynesse bestowed on vnregenerate men do worke in them a decrease of sinfulnesse making them lesse sinfull then otherwise they would be and then vsually vnregenerate men are 5 As all sweete and pleasant things are sower and vnpleasant vnto the taste of sicke persons So likewise will Gods Graces and gifts be vnto vs if we vainely waste or abuse them The Gifts of God AS men preserue the fire by blowing it So by our diligence wee must kindle and reuiue the Gifts of God bestowed on vs. 2. Timo. 1.6 Though there be degrees of Glorie yet all shall haue sufficient LIke as if sundrie vessels whereof some are bigger and some lesse if they be cast all into the Sea some will receiue more water and some lesse and yet all shall be full and no want in any So likewise among the Saints of God in heauen some shall haue more Glorie some lesse and yet all without exception full of Glorie 1. Cor. 15.41 Dan. 12.3 Some loue Godlinesse whilst nothing is required of them contrarie to their owne affections AS Aiax would seeme deuout toward God so long as he perceiued nothing to be required of him which was contrarie to his affections but when hee was commaunded to spare Vlysses In other things saith he I will obey thee but not in this thing Euen so of this sort is the Religion of many at this day who will be louers of Godlinesse so that it dooth not disagree with their affections which they will haue wholly to bee satisfied yea though God be angrie therewithall God chastiseth his of very loue and mercie 1 LIke as a naturall Father first teacheth his deare beloued childe and afterward giueth him warning and admonition and then correcteth him at last Euen so God our heauenly Father assayeth all manner of wayes with vs which are well growne and old in yeares but young and tender in faith first hee teacheth vs his will through the preaching of his word and so giueth vs warning now if so be that we will not obey him then he beateth and ierketh vs a little with a rod as sometime with pouertie sometime with sicknesse and diseases or with other afflictions which should bee named and esteemed as nothing else but childrens roddes or the wandes of correction 2 Now if a small rod or wand will not helpe nor doo any good of the child then his Father taketh a whip or a cudgell as in case his Sonne waxeth stubburne and will prodigally spend his mony and thrift wantonly and ryotously in euill companie then commeth the Father and pulleth him out by the hayre of his head bindeth his hands and feete and beateth him till his bones crack and sendeth him into prison or banisheth him out of the coūtrie Euen so when we wax obstinate and stubburne and care neither for words nor for stripes then God sendeth vnto vs more heauie and vniuersall plagues as pestilence dearth sedition vprore casualtie of fire murther warre losse of victorie that being taken of our enemies and led away prisoners and captiues c. And all this he doth to feare and to tame vs and as it were with violence to driue and to force vs vnto repentaunce and amendment of our liues 3 Like as in truth it is against a louing Fathers will and mind to strike his child who would much rather doo him all the good that euer hee could but through long sufferance and ouermuch cherishing his child waxeth rude and euill nurtured therefore doth he punish him but yet in the mids of all his anger his fatherly heart breaketh out in case that he putteth his Sonne away from him for some grieuous fault yet he sendeth him not away altogether comfortlesse but giueth him some apparel and some comfortable words and so sendeth him from him not to remaine for euermore in banishment but when he is once a little humbled meekned and amended then to receiue him home againe and this hee dooth to turne and keepe from his Sonne all such things as might hurt and destroy him not minding to cast away his childe or vtterly to forsake him Euen so certainly when God sendeth miserie and affliction vpon vs there lyeth hidden vnder that rod a fatherly heart and affection for the peculiar and natural propertie of God is to bee louing and friendly to heale to helpe and to doo good to his children and therefore hee sendeth vs euill that he may doo vs good and yet in the mids of all affliction and punishment he sendeth some mitigation comfort and succour 4 As a Mother feedeth and nourisheth her childe and all the good shee can doo vnto it that doth shee euen of a tender and motherly hart and yet through the frowardnesse and
daunger of shipwracke Euen so we in this our pilgrimage must cast from vs the most precious things we enioy if it be our eye or our hand if they hinder vs in the race of godlinesse and doo presse vs downe so that we cannot goe on chearefully as we ought Mat. 5.29 30. 18.8 Husband the head ouer his wife 1 LIke as the head seeth and heareth for the whole bodie ruleth and guideth the body and giueth it strength of life Or as Christ doth defend teach and preserue his Church and is the Sauiour comfort eye heart wisedome and guide thereof Euen so must the Husband be head vnto his wife in like maner to shew her like kindnesse and after the same fashion to guide her and rule her with discretion for her good and preseruation and not with force and wilfulnesse to intreate her 1. Cor. 11.3 Ephe. 5.23 24 25. c. 2 Euen as the Maister is to counsel his seruant and likewise to heare the good counsell of his seruant as Naaman heard his seruant 2. King 5.13 14. So in like manner the Husbandes dutie is to counsell and admonish his wife yet so as that when he fayleth in dutie hee is to heare her good counsell admonition either concerning heauenly matters or worldly affaires shee notwithstanding considering her estate and condition vnder him and in humilitie confessing her selfe to be the weaker vessell 3 As when a Lute or other musicall instrument two strings concurring in one tune the sound neuerthelesse is imputed to the strongest and highest Euen so in a wel ordered Houshold there must be communication and consent of counsell and will betweene the Husband and the wife yet such as the counsell commandement may rest in the Husband Gene. 3.16 1. Pet. 3.1 Col. 3.18 Ephe. 5.22 4 Like as the Church must depend vpon the wisdome discretion and will of Christ not follow what it listeth So must the wife also rule and applie her selfe to the discretion and wil of her Husband because the gouernment and conduct of euery thing resteth in the head and not in the body Ephe. 5.24 1. Cor. 14.34 Numb 30.7 5 As it were a monsterous matter and the meanes to ouerthrow the person that the body should in refusing all subiection obedience to the head take vpon it to guide it selfe and to commaund the head So likewise were it for the wife to rebell against the Husband Hypocriticall heretickes 1 AS the Card-thystle or Teasell hath Celles and Cabbins like the Honie combe and in them first white flowers but after their falling away a bitter seede So the wicked haue their Sinagoges and a faire shew of words but in the end bitter fruites 2 As the heads or knoppes of Card-thystle are hollow within and for the most part hauing Wormes within So the chiefe ring-leaders of the wicked haue hollow harts and commonly the worme of conscience gnawing them Hiding of faultes AS they are very hardly cured which haue no sence nor feeling of their disease for example those that haue the Lethargie and the Phrensie Euen so none are more hardly brought to goodnesse then they which doo Hide their faultes The Husband and wifes dutie 1 AS the auncient Counsellers of King Saloman gaue wise aduise and counsell vnto Rehoboam King of Israel to the ende that hee might winne the loue and good liking of the people speake kindly vnto them said they and they will serue thee for euer after which counfell not being followed great inconuenience and mischiefe after befell vnto him c. Euen so likewise if the Husband bee desirous to procure the loue of his wife and to winne her to God or if the wife would also procure the loue of her Husband and winne him to God then they must drawe on one an other with sweete and gentle words of loue speaking kindly one to an other because gentle wordes doo pacifie anger as water quencheth fire but if they shall vse taunts or wordes of reproach and despight one against an other much hurt may ensue thereof For a little leauen sowreth the whole lumpe 1. King 12.7 c. Prou. 15.1 2 As the spitefull Iewes which hated the Lord Iesus would not vouchsafe to giue him his name when they talked of him or with him but to shew their vtter dislike of him they vsed to say Is this he or art thou hee that wilt doo such a thing Is not this he c. Againe whither will he goe that we shall not find him They would not say Is not this Iesus Christ Or the Sonne of God This is a most despightfull kinde of speaking and dooth bewray aboundance of malice that was hidden in their hearts Euen so it sometimes falleth out betwixt the Husband and the wife betwixt the Father and the Sonne betwixt the Maister and his Seruant c. That they could speake dutifully one to an other but contempt and disdaine and anger and malice will not suffer the one to affoord vnto the other their names and their titles least they shoulde bee put in minde of those duties which these names require where out Sathan sucketh no small aduauntage Whereas many times the verie name of a Husbande or Wife Father or Sonne Maister or Seruaunt c. doth greatly so much helpe to perswade the mind and to winne the affection yea the very mentioning of these names doo oftentimes leaue a print of dutie behind in the conscience Ioh. 3 As the mistresse Bee abideth alway in the Hiue and will not suffer any Bees to bee idle and those Bees that should worke and labour without shee sendeth them to their worke and whatsoeuer any of them bringeth home shee marketh receiueth saueth and disposeth it vntill the time come that it must bee occupied and when the time commeth that it must be occupied then shee distributeth euery thing according as reason requireth and those Bees that abide within shee causeth them to weaue and make the faire Honie combes after the best manner and she taketh care that the young Bees bee well fed and orderly brought vp but when they come to that age and to that point that they bee able to worke shee sendeth them out with one the which they follow as their guide and Captaine Euen so a good House-wife must abide within the house and those her seruants which must worke abroad shee sendeth them to their worke they that must worke within shee sendeth them to it and such prouision as is brought in she receiueth it and that which must be spent of it shee parteth and diuideth it and that which remayneth of it shee layeth it vp and seeth it kept fafe vntill time of neede and shee is carefull that that which is appointed to be spent in a twelue month bee not spent in a month 4 As he that poureth water into tubbes full of chincks and holes thinking to fill them looseth his labour Euen so the Husband that prouideth things necessary for house keeping shall
of God Numb 23.10.19 c. So in like manner many do wish and be desirous to enter into the Kingdome of heauen but yet they will not doo the will of God neither labour nor take any paines for the meanes that is the preaching of the word of God whereby they may come by it Mat. 7.21 19.16 c. Luk. 13.24 Math. 11.12 Luk. 16.16 Ioh. 6.27 Knowledge 1 AS that man that hath receiued abundance of wealth at his maister hands dooth notwithstanding steale from him and robbe him of that which is his owne is more worthie of death then hee that had no meanes to helpe himselfe Euen so is it with him on whome the Lord hath bestowed Knowledge and yet according to the same will not ioyne obedience for obedience is the Lords and hee that faileth herein robbeth God of his honour 2 As he which hath Knowledge shal if with the same he ioyne not obedience haue greater punishments then he which hath lesse Knowledge So also he that hath lesse Knowledge or none at all and will not labour for vnderstanding and spirituall wisedome shall surely feele those torments wherewith the other was afflicted on whome the Lord bestowed more Knowledge Luk. 12.47 48. Mat. 7.21 Rom. 12.2 Ephe. 5.17 3 As Wine without the mixture of water doth trouble the braine c. So Knowledge without loue doth make a man proud Knowledge and sight of our selues 1 AS salt is made of Sea water but so long as it is in the Sea it is not salt it must be taken out of the Sea and placed vpon the drie land that being in salt pits where the Sunne may shine the ayre blow vpon it the water may be thickned and so conuerted into salt Euen so this world is a Sea so long as wee liue in the world tossed with the ebbings and flowings of the worldes inconstancie and ouerwhelmed in the bitter waters of the sinnes and wicked practises of the same we are as yet no salt we must go out of the world enter into the land to wit into our selues and take a iust viewe of our owne imbicilitie and haue a due consideration of our owne miserable and wretched estate that the Sonne of righteousnesse may thrust out his beames and the wind of heauenly grace may blow vpon vs and so we may be turned into an admirable wonderful salt that being seasoned our selues we may be meanes and the Lords instruments to season others 2 As our eyes which do behold heauen and earth and other innumerable creatures of God doo not see themselues but looking in a Glasse by that meane they perfectly see themselues So we doo not see and consider our owne frailtie brickle estate but if we will set before our eyes the glasse of the remembrance of death and the true Knowledge of our selues beholding diligently this cleare Glasse we cannot choose but very plainely see our selues and what we be Iam. 1.22 23 25. Kings AS in a suddaine casualtie of fire or in a Citie surprised there is great feare So prophane and supersticious Kings and their Counsellors when the voice or doctrine of the Gospel is heard doo tremble for feare and do mortally hate the same as the firebrand of sedition in a common-wealth and as the loosenesse of discipline Psal 2.2 Loue of the world AS a Nurse that weaneth her childe from the loue and liking of her milke doth annoynt her Teate with Alloes Mustard or some other such bitter thing So our mercifull Father to the end that he may retyre and weane vs from the Loue of worldly delights vseth to send vs tribulation and affliction which of all other things hath most force to worke that effect as we see in the example of the prodigall Sonne 1. Cor. 11.32 Luk. 15.12 c. Gods Loue. 1 AS a sure friend is not knowne but in time of neede So Gods goodnesse and Loue is neuer so well perceiued as it is in helping of vs when we cannot helpe our selues Psal 41.11 2 As Adams fall did serue to manifest Gods iustice and mercie the one in punishing the other in pardoning of sinne which otherwise wee had neuer knowne So the troubles of the Church serue to manifest first our deserts by reason of our sinnes Secondly our weaknesse and inabilitie to helpe our selues and thirdly the Louing kindnesse of the Lord our God in sauing and defending that so we might be truely thankfull and returne al the prayse and glorie to God and none to our selues Rom. 9.22 23. 3 As a Father keepeth his Sonne and heire short without any money in his purse or any thing else at his owne will till the time come that hee shall inherite and in great wisedome he doth it for if his Sonne should haue the inheritance presently he wold wast it and spend it vainely So God dealeth with his children and for no other cause both in singular wisedome and Loue that they may say afterward By this I know that thou Louest me c. Psal 41.11 Life variable and troublesome 1 AS the Sea by tempest is sometimes troublesome and then is quiet and calme by faire weather againe So the Life of man sometime is oppressed with sorrow and extreame necessitie and somtimes it floweth with ioy and wealth at will 2 As a flower so soone as it bloweth and is ripe is cut downe or very shortly gathered So likewise is the continuance of a mans Life Iob. 14.2 Esay 40.6 7. 3 As the beautie of a flower sodenly fadeth is quickly gone So likewise is all the glorie and graces of all flesh Psal 103.15 Iam. 1.10 11. 1. Pet. 1.24 4 As now the Sunne is shadowed with cloudes and by and by shineth forth bright So likewise the Life of man is subiect to chaunge Iob. 8.9 5 As Vapours appeare for a little while and afterward vanisheth away quite out of sight Euen so the Life of man is quickly vanished and gone Iam. 4.14 6 As wind suddenly passeth away with a blast So also suddenly passeth the Life of man Iob. 7.6 7. 7 As there is no way so plaine but it hath many turnings and by-pathes that vnlesse a man take good heed he may wander and goe out of his way Euen so the Life of man hath many by-pathes to walke in so that vnlesse he take great heede hee wil easily wander out of the right way 8 As there is no way but it hath a beginning so it hath an ending So likewise the Life of man as it hath a beginning so also it hath an ending Louer of vertue AS some Louers doo much delight in the pale colour of her whome they Loue So the Louer of vertue and godlinesse doth nothing abhorre the banishment of sincere Christians neither the pouertie of sound professors nor yet the condemnation of the faithfull Saints of God Learning 1 AS the Bird bringeth all kind of foode vnto her young ones neast and is nothing the better her selfe therefore So some doo onely Learne
that they may immediately teach not seeking thereby to amend and make better themselues 2 As vessels that are to bee filled are bowed and made apt to receiue the liquor that is powred therein So ought a Learner to accommodate and applie himselfe that nothing of that which is profitably spoken doo scape him 3 Like as in meates one and the selfe same dish is diuersly set forth according to the inuention of the dresser and appetite of the eater Euen so in Learning one and the selfe same point is diuersly handled according to the discretion of the writer and capacitie of the reader 4 Like as choyse and good Wine looseth his verdure and strength if it bee put into a vile and vnpure vessell Right so a good word or sentence if it bee spoken of an euill man or Learning if it chaunce to a wicked man taketh none effect 5 As the Diamond enchased and set in Gold giueth a farre brighter glosse then if it were set in leade yron or other baser mettal Euen so the loue of godlinesse and vertue planted in a Learned mans breast bringeth forth farre greater and more excellent fruit then if an vnlearned man enioyed the same graces Lying of God and his truth most offensiue AS hee sinneth most grieuously which deceiueth trauelling men by shewing them a contrarie way Euen so much more hainously offendeth he that in matters of Religion doctrine and godlinesse doo bring men into errours through Lying because he doth therby as it were thrust them out of the kingdome of heauen Ezech. 13.6 8 10 19. Iere. 23.25 26 35. 14.14 Esay 9.15 16. 1. Cor. 15.15 Iam. 3.14 Lords Supper 1 LIke as in the person of Christ his manhood was seene on earth and his Godhead being not at all seene did notwithstanding great and wonderfull things without any chaunging or confounding of natures Euen so in the Lords supper we see the bread and Wine Christs body we see not which notwithstanding worketh in vs. 2 As the body of the Sunnes light aboue is in it selfe whole albeit it bee dispersed heare beneath So likewise Christ in heauen aboue is whole notwithstanding he suffereth vs in his supper each one to bee full partakers of his body and bloud when hee giueth himselfe vnto vs and yet without any diminition at all of himselfe when he offereth himselfe vnto vs which are weake without beeing inclosed in vs when he is receiued of vs and without any dishonour at all to his maiestie when he commeth into our small cottage and will haue our hearts to be his Temple and dwelling place 3 Like as the forbidden fruit which Adam and Eue did eate in the Garden of Eden by Sathans prouocation procured their death Euen so that heauenly Manna which Christ hath appointed for our spirituall foode in his supper dooth bring vnto the worthie receiuers thereof euerlasting life Gene. 2.17 4 As the sicke man the weaker hee knoweth himselfe to bee should so much the more earnestly desire meate both to receiue nourishment and to refresh his strength Euen so so farre off it ought to bee that our weaknesse should keepe vs from the receiuing the Lords supper that it ought rather to spurre vs forward to come vnto it that by it we might be strengthened in faith and repentance 5 As the word of God is all one whether it fall vppon the euill or vpon the good surely it is all one in the minds of the hearers So the Sacrament of the Lords body and bloud is all one whether it be receiued of the good or of the euill and as the Gospell in it selfe is the power of God to sauing it doth also saue but it is not al alike to the vnbeleeuing as it is to the beleeuing So the Sacrament is of it selfe the body of Christ but to the wicked which doo contemne it and to them which do receiue it vnworthily it is farre otherwise 6 As a mother hauing brought foorth her little one dooth not forsake it but nurseth and bringeth it vp So Christ hauing ordained Baptisme to bee as a seale and pledge of our spirituall new birth into his Church did institute the holy supper to the end that by participation in his body and bloud we might the more bee strengthned in this assurance that Christ is ours together with all his benefites and so feede our soules spiritually to life euerlasting 7 As a litle waxe powred vpon other waxe is made all one with it Euen so they that receiue the Sacrament of the Lords supper worthily abide in Christ and Christ in them 8 As the Child when he commeth to age is bound to honour his parents not onely for his begetting and bringing into this life but also because they haue fed and brought him vp and still do continue the same duties vnto him Euen so should it be with vs whome God hath as it were begotten into his Church through our Baptisme and to whome hee hath since in his holy supper ministred the foode of our soules in the Communion of the body and bloud of Iesus Christ for not onely our spirituall new birth by Baptisme but also the spirituall foode which that good Father giueth vnto vs in his holy supper doo binde vs to honour him yea and should thereto mightily induce vs considering that for foode of our soules hee hath deliuered his onely Sonne Iesus Christ to bee crucified for vs. 9 Like as if any man had a child so sicke that nothing coulde serue for his foode and recouerie but precious Pearles confected or preserued this child should be much bound to loue and honour his parents that for his reliefe had not grudged at such cost and expences Euen so wee shall deserue great reproofe of our heauenly Father who feedeth vs in his holy supper not with pearles but with the very flesh and bloud of his Sonne Iesus Christ in case wee should make no account to please him by amendment of life withall considering that as there is no comparison betweene pearles the body and bloud of Iesus Christ so the spirituall life of our soules is without comparison much more excellent then the life of our bodies 10 As meate and drinke ministred vnto the body doo maintaine the life motions and senses of the body So from the communion in the body and bloud of Iesus Christ which is the foode of the soule must proceed the spirituall and heauenly life cogitations affections words and deedes 11 As it were a straunge case if the body by eating and drinking should gather no sustenance and consequently want all motions sense and bodily operation So were it a monstrous matter that the soule communicating in the body and bloud of Iesus Christ should gather no spiritual foode that might bring foorth newnesse of life and holynesse in words and deeds 12 As the hololy supper is the table of Gods children the faithfull and members of the Church of Iesus Christ So the communicating thereat is a solemne protestation
hands be fenced with hedging gloues So are wicked Neighbours very cumbersome except a man bee well defended and take great heede vnto himselfe 2. Sam. 23.6 The Nobilitie of auncestors nothing auailable to those that are loose and lewd of life 1 AS it profiteth not a Ryuer to flow from a pure and cleare fountaine if it selfe be foule filthie and vnwholesome Euen so the Noblenesse of Fathers and the honour of elders and ancestors doth nothing pleasure at all their Sonnes when they themselues degenerate from their Noble and honourable parents bragging onely of their Nobilitie and chalenging their honour but despising their vertues doo shew themselues wicked loose and lewd of life For he that is not Nobled for some worthie acts of his owne nor renoumed by reason of some famous vertues knowne and found to be in himselfe there no honour in very deed is to bee looked for seeing there is nothing in himselfe that is good but onely a vaine and proud challenging of the worthinesse and excellencie of other men Esay 1.4 Ezech. 16.3 Ioh. 8.39 42 44. 2 Euen as Aesops Iay being clad with the faire feathers of other Birds did namely take vnto himselfe a beautie but beeing discouered and stript of all for a reward was throughly scorned and was turned into his olde blacke gowne when euerie bird had taken from him his owne feather So they that make their boast of the Noble acts of others and doo vaunt themselues of the dignitie of their predecessors and doo vsurpe vnto themselues the Nobilitie of auncestors themselues being naked of all vertue and vtterly void euen of common honestie temperance and sobrietie are constrained many times with great ignominie shame to put off other mens vesture and with no smal disgrace to forgo their vsurped hono●● It is therefore a thing farre more honourable and worthier commendation that a man nourishe and be famous with his owne vertues and iust deserts then to borrow his prayse and honour of others Men are fitly though not naturally called the Sonnes of them whose deedes they doo and whose vices or vertues they immitate Obedience to God the whole dutie of man 1 LIke as amongst Archers there is but one onely marke whereto they must direct their arrowes to shoote well and yet many meanes to misse and shoote short So is there but one onely holinesse whereunto we must aspire and seeke after which is a setled desire fully resolued wholly to obey God but there are many kinds of vices and meanes to disobey him and to withstand his will 2 As it is a common practise of sicke men when they make their willes on their death beddes in the verie first place to commend their bodies to the graue and their soules to God that gaue them in hope of a better ●●urrection and all this is well done but afterward they bequeath their goods gotten by fraude oppression and forged cauillation to their owne friendes and children without making any recompence or satisfaction but alas this should not be so Euen so Obedience that goes with good conscience must bee performed to all Gods com●●undemens without exception and if it be done but 〈◊〉 some alone it is but counterfeit obedience and hee ●●●t is guiltie in one is guiltie in all Obedience of Christes death LIke as by the determinate counsell of God the Obedience of Adam conueyed it selfe by naturall propagation from him to all his ofspring foreuer Euen so on the other side the Obedience of Christes death appertaineth fully to all those that are spiritually begotten of him by a liuely faith Originall sinne 1 LIke as Corne how cleane soeuer it bee purged from the chaffe and straw if it bee fowne will neuerthelesse spring vp againe both with straw and chaffe Euen so in like manner how cleane so euer the children of God themselues are purged from their sinnes by the bloud of Christ yet their children notwithstanding doo grow vp with the seeds of all sinne in them 2 As a great house is darke hauing but a little window and not because there is any fault in the Sunne that shineth into it Euen so wee are euil of our selues and not by any fault that is in God Psal 5.4 Old men readie to imbrace superstition LIke as young Children that want reason and discretion will catch at the burning candle which if the● knewe that it would hurt them they would not doo i● So likewise Old men and Old women will soonest be drawne into superstition because it hath a glitterin● shew which they would not doo if they knew the h●● that it bringeth to their soules Col. 2.23 One manner of sinning in the godly and another in the vngodly AS a wicked man when he sinneth in his heart he●ueth full consent to the sinne But the godly thou● they fall into the same sinnes with the wicked yet th● neuer giue full consent for they are in their minds wills and affections partly regenerate and partly vnregenerate and therefore their willes will partly abhorre that which is euill Rom. 7.22 Math. 26.69 70 71 72. Offenders ought to be reprooued and admonished 1 AS hee that seeth a murtherer and standeth by and giueth him the looking on without giuing foorth any thing to shew him his disliking of the fact is worthy to be accounted accessarie to his murther Or as hee that seeth a blind man running into a pit and neither stayes him from running into it neither yet helpeth him out being falne into it but letteth him there bee drowned is guiltie of his death Euen so is hee to be accounted that seeth his brother kill his soule by sinning and will not endeuour to doo what hee can by rebuking him to stay him from so doing Hebr. 3.13 Leuit. 19.17 Gal. 6.1 Ephe. 5.11 1. Thessa 5.11 14. 2 As one member is ready to helpe an other as the hand is readie to plucke out a thorne or thistle by the dilection of the eyes euen out of the least toe So godly Christians ought to be readie by admonition and repre●ension to plucke out sinne and errour one out of an o●er that as speedily as may be least they be like Caine. ● Cor. 12.14 Gene. 4.9 3 Like as if there be a Moate fallen into the childs eye ●he Mother thereof will take and bestow great paines by ●●iping and blowing and licking to get it out and all this ●hee doth of loue to her child because shee knoweth that ●he moate would in time be noysome perillous and doo ●●ch harme to her childs eye Euen so if there were that ●he in Christians one towards an other that ought to be ●●y could not but do their best endeuor by admonition and reprehention one to helpe an other to get out the least more of sinne and errour that their brethren are infected with Math. 7.4.5 4 As Physitions doo oftentimes cut off a rotten member least it corrupt and putrifie the other members So it behooueth men of authoritie if they will preserue the
then a great bunch or wound in the other parts of the body So a small offence is euident and seemeth great in a Prince or Preacher whose life the whole people doo behold Prayses by an other 1 AS the pleasant tickling or rubbing of other men doo more delight vs then our owne So it is more commendable to be Praysed by those who be neither of our kinne or familiaritie Prou. 27.2 2 As they must not bee tickled which of their owne nature are ouer much giuen to laughter So must they not bee Praysed who of themselues are prone to desire Prayse 3 As we are warned to take heede of a perillous place or else therein circumspectly to behaue our selues So ought wee either not at all to Prayse our selues or else to doo it moderatly Power or abilitie 1 AS Prophirius the Serpent hauing much poyson yet for want of teeth can an●oy none Euen so many do imagine mischiefe but for that they lacke Power or abilitie they doo no hurt 2 Like as the marriage of man and wife is of God but the abuse of wedlocke is not of God but of the diuell So likewise all Power is of God but the abuse of Power 〈◊〉 not of him Rom. 13.1 Proud and obstinate 1 AS certaine lightnings do melt both brasse and yron when as they leaue soft wax vnannoyed Euen so Gods might or the Kings power doo worthily suppresse and beate down the Proud and obstinate that the meeke and humble they most fauourably and graciously do vse 1. Pet. 5.5 6. Luk. 18.14 2 Like as Tempests when they arise and lightning quickly and with a trice hurleth downe and ouerturneth mountaines and the highest trees Euen so doth the Lord bring downe with a breake-necke fall the Proud hautie arrogant and insolent which set themselues against God and seeke the spoyle of those that bee quiet and godly Esa 2.12 13. Psal 29.5 c. Painefull labours AS the Rose a flower of all others most pleasant is gathered vpon rough briers or brambles So of diligent and Painefull labours commeth at the length pleasant profit and great gaine Parents 1 LIke as the Ape doth with embracings wel-neare kill her young whelpes So some Parents through immoderate loue and ouermuch chearishing doo vtterly spoyle and marre their children 2 Like as when the head is well and sound and also the stomacke pure from hurtfull humours the body is commonly well affected B● so where the head of any f●●ily or housholde is religious and sound in faith and feareth God it commonly goeth well with all the houshold for according to the common prouerbe As the old Cocke croweth the yong learneth Such a Father such a Sonne Like Mother like daughter 2. Sam. 13.28 29. Ezech. 16.44 Es●● 24.2 Peruerse maners a cause of good lawes AS the most sorest sicknesse doo cause the most effectuall medicines to bee made So through the occasion of Peruerse manners good and lawdable lawes bee ordained Popish Priests AS the Magicians Witches and Sorcerers knowing their doings to bee but meere guile and deceit yet will they with certaine prescribed ceremonies and dotings amaze the mindes of their inferiours So some Popish Semenarie Priests blinded in ignorance and all void of good learning and godlinesse goe about to entangle the rude and simple people with a sort of superstitious ceremonies thereby to make them more subiect vnto them Poetrie 1 AS in slaughter massecres or murther painted in a Table the cunning of the Painter is praysed but the fact it selfe is vtterly abhorred So in Poetrie wee follow elocution and the proper forme of words and sentences but the ill matter we doo worthily despise 2 As in those places where many hearbes meete for medicines doo spring there also groweth great plentie of hearbes vnwholesome and naught So in Poets and Poetrie are sundrie things worthie and good but therein some other things be very pe●stiferous poyson 3 As in our feeding wee seeke not onely pleasure but also health So is the like regard to bee had in reading of Poetrie and prophane writers Poyson A Wicked sentence mixt with things profitable and pleasant is like vnto Poyson put into meate Preaching little auaileth without Christs spirit AS the crowing of the Cocke was not sufficient to mooue Peter to tepentance vntill Christ in token of fauour towards him looked backe vppon him Euen so Ministers may Preach to the people but vnlesse Christ open and mollifie their hearts and worke by his spirit in them they cannot receiue profit by their hearing Luk. 22.60 61. Iohn 6.44 65. 1. Cor. 3.6 7. Act. 16.14 Iere. 31.33 32.40 Prayse or honour AS euerie manner of Crowne is not ordained nor fit for euerie Victor and hee that vanquisheth So some kind of Prayse or honour is not meete for all men Prayse AS they which giue vnwillingly seeme to haue but little themselues So they which Praise other men slenderly seeme desirous to be Praysed themselues Preaching 1 AS sentence was giuen by God that S. Paul should appeare at Rome and not perish with his companie in the Sea It now being vnpossible that he should perish or any of his companie notwithstanding he yet truely said that they could not bee saued vnlesse the Marriners did abide in the Ship Euen so it is impossible to take God his sheepe out of his hand is truely said neuerthelesse it is yet impossible for them to bee saued without Preaching continuance of feeding by the word of God for as that namely the continuance of the Mariners in the ship was the ordinary meanes to saue their liues to deliuer them from shipwracke So this namely continuance of Preaching Catechising and often feeding by the word is the ordinarie meanes to deliuer vs from spiritual destruction Act. 23.11 27.23 24 25. Act. 27.31 Iohn 10.29 2 Like as meate doth not nourish I meane the Preaching of the word of God the foode of the soule vnlesse it bee receiued and by faith wee receiue it it cannot cherish vs vnlesse it bee digested and by the heate of faith it is concocted it cannot profit vs vnlesse it bee kept in our hearts and by faith we retaine it it doth no good vnlesse wee haue life and the iust shall liue by faith So that it is most requisite that we labour by earnest prayer to attaine vnto faith whereby we may be perfectly nourished with this meate the Preaching of the word of God Haba 2.4 Rom. 1.17 3 Like as the prophane and wicked people haue wit enough to say that if a man bee fallen into a ditch or brooke he may crie long enough Lord helpe me Lord helpe me if he do not endeuour striue to come out by taking hold of such things as he may escape and clamber vp by And yet are they not so wise as to consider the meanes by which God in mercie doth reach foorth his mightie arme vnto them to draw them out of the puddle and mire of sinne and to saue them which
Isarel that were their brethren and gaue an outward profession of the name of God with them were the greatest and most daungerous So likewise among the enemies that Syon Gods Church hath the most vehement and bitter are the false hearted and counterfeited Israelites carnall Protestants Papists heretickes and other prophane men 2 As one enemie within the Citie is more daungerous then ten without Euen so carelesse Professors and prophane men as they haue most power to hurt so are they furiously enraged against the truth of the wayes of God and being set on fire to remaine in their sinne euen sell themselues to worke wickednesse Persecutors are often giuen ouer themselues AS God in great mercie stayeth the rage of our enemies that they cannot so spoyle and make waste of the bodies and liues of the godly minded and such as daily labour and profit in true feare of God as is like they would So yet they remaine themselues euen men vowed and giuen ouer to the wil of Sathan hauing their harts set on those things that are euill and their feete swiftest to commit sinne Prou. 1.16 The three Persons coequall in eternitie AS fire is not before heate and light no more is the Father before the Sonne and the holy Ghost Against Prayer for the dead AS they that are departed out of this life bee past our Prayers being either in ioy or misery Euen so we hauing no word of God whereupon faith leaneth to Pray for the dead cannot but sinne in doing it and that we do it not of faith Rom. 14.23 2. Cor. 5.10 Ioh. 3.18 The godly profit much by cruell Persecutions AS a man much mooued with anger and through indignation and wrath intending to kill his brother should throw at him precious stones goodly Pearles and rich Iewels should not damnifie nor hurt his brother because hee would gather them vp keepe them and inrich himselfe with them Euen so tyrants disposed to kill and with fire and sword to put to death the Saints and true seruants of God which doo excell in true pietie and vnfained loue to God and man doo Persecute and torment them with diuers sorts and sundrie kindes of true martyrdome of which things the children of God are glad and doo reioyce and grow stronger and richer in Christ and being throughly armed with a godly patience they doo take and beare Persecutions most quietly for Gods sake without murmuring or grudging euen as their crosse wherwith most willingly they follow their Lord and Sauiour Christ and doo account such tortures inestimable riches and themselues happie that they be thought worthie to suffer such things for the truth sake and in the Lords quarrell Act. 5.41 Peace and vnitie of the Church AS in a true perfect and certaine Clocke the wheeles beeing tempered and in equall and due proportion diuided do performe their courses and doo keepe their seuerall compasses without iarring or differing one from an other euenly and alike so that one mouing the others are mooued and one standing the rest are still and stirre not so that though they bee many in number in forme fashion and agreement they are but one Euen so in a Christian Common-wealth and Church there ought to be one and the selfesame will and so great a concord and likenesse of minds reconciled and drawne together with the infringible band of sincere loue in Christ that though in bodies they be infinite innumerable yet in vnanimitie consent and good agreement in the Lord Iesu they should be all as one man Psal 133.1 Luk. 1.79 Ephe. 4.3 Rom. 14.17 Promises made to particular persons appertaine to their successors LIke as what league truth or Promises of fauour soeuer is made to any King in the same is his kingdome contained and his subiects are also partakers of the same So the Promises made to Abraham Isaac Iacob and Dauid belong not to them onely but to their children also their successors heires people and subiects Amo. 9. Physicke commendable 1 AS pure Corral will receiue no colouring Or as pure Ciuet will neuer leese his fauour Euen so Physicke is so exquisitely excellent that it need not haue any counterfeit helpe and the Physitions haue their commission so lawfull that they cannot bee condemned nor iustly disdained 2 As it is to bee prooued by Gods word damnable sinne for a man to kill himselfe with fire water sword or such like So likewise it is sinne for a man to destroy himselfe in not seeking after Physitions and Chirurgions when time and opportunitie is offered for recouerie It is our dutie to be present at publike Prayer LIke as when a whole Burgesses of a Citie doo come before their Prince and with one voice craue pardon for some offence or beg some grace or fauour the Prince will bee more mooued then if they being absent some one man should speake for the whole Euen so when the whole Church assemble together dooth with heart and mind in presence of God accompanie the Prayers which the Preacher as the mouth of the congregation powreth foorth let them be assured that those Prayers doo penetrate the heauens and that God is mooued to heare them Matth. 18.19.20 Act. 16.13 21.5 Zacha. 8.21 Psal 65.2 Ioel 2.15 The dutie of the Poore AS the prodigall childe hauing goods in the wasting of them gaue himselfe to the worlde and the flesh but hauing fallen into pouertie thought vpon his fathers house and returned thereto So should the discommodities and wants which the Poore doo finde in their estates loosen their harts from the earth and cause them to aspire to the house of their heauenly Father where they shal enioy all spirituall and euerlasting treasures Luk. 15.12 c. Iam. 2.5 1. Cor. 4.11 Hebr. 11.24 25. The dutie of Pastors and Ministers 1 AS they which shall be saued by the Ministerie of Pastors shall be their crowne and ioy in the day of the Lord and they which shall win most to righteousnesse shall shine as the starres for euer So contrariwise the bloud of such as shall perish through the negligence of Pastors shall be required at their hands Phil. 4.1 Dan. 13.3 Ezech. 3.17 Hebr. 13.17 2 As he is knowne to be a Taylor that cutteth out and soweth garments he a Shoe-maker that maketh shoes he a Phisition that imployeth himselfe in curing of sicknesses and so of others Euen so likewise is a Pastor and a Minister knowne in that he preacheth and teacheth the word of God 1. Tim. 4.16 1. Pet. 5.2 Mar. 16.15 2. Tim. 4.1 1. Cor. 9.6 Math. 28.19 20. Ier. 1.6 c. 3.15 3 As the Phisition who ordeineth a potion which in stead of health procureth death is not a Phisition but a murtherer Euen so is it with the Pastors that do preach lyes in stead of truth Ezech. 22.27 28. Iere. 25. toto 4 As a Housholder cutteth out bread at meale times to his children So in like manner a faithfull Pastor must be apt and fit to teach and
them and to that end he is to visit his people by examining them whether they be instructed in the knowledge of the principall points of doctrine required to saluation whether they perseuere in the truth whether they profit in purenesse of life and holy conuersation Act. 15.36 17 As good Parents haue this care diligence towards their children that go to schoole that they cause thē to say their lessons or looke vpon their writing by such examination try see whether they profit or no but finding them to be negligent faultie they reproue admonisth and exhort them to their dutie So in like manner must the good and faithfull Pastors deale with their people following the example of Saint Paul 1. Thess 2.18 Act. 20 20. Iere. 23.2 18 As a carefull shepheard seeketh his lost sheepe a Surgion bindeth vp the wounds a Physition trieth all medicines for the cure of the sicke and a Father seeketh al meanes to reclaime his vnthriftie Sonne into the right way Euen so likwise are the Ministers of the word bound to all these and the like duties towards people committed to their charge Ezech. 34.4 19 As men ordinarily grieuously afflicted with sicknesse feeling the same and hauing some perseuerance of death are then most troubled with impatience mistrust and other temptations daungerous assaults wherin the diuell practiseth his vttermost endeuours So haue they at that time especial need of the presence of their Pastors to visit to comfort and strengthen their patience and faith Ezech. 34.2 2. King 20.1 2. c. 20 Like as Queene Hester when shee was to speake to King Assuerus for the bodily health of her Nation prayed vnto God to giue her conuenient words Euen so much rather ought the Pastor and Preacher to pray vnto God to giue him grace to speake well and truly when he is to preach the word and doctrine of the euerlasting saluation of his people Hest 14.3 c. Ephe. 6.19 21 As he that is to preach must seeke to be heard willingly and with vnderstanding and obedience So must he know that he shall the sooner attaine there●o by prayers vnto God for meanes to speake well and therefore he is to pray both for himselfe and for his hearers Act. 6.4 1. Sam. 12.19 23. 22 As the Husbandmans mind and eate is euer vpon Tillage sowing and reaping and the Marriners vppon their ships winds and hauens So must the thoughtes minds and affections of the Ministers of the word runne only vpon the instructing comforting exhorting edifying vpon the sauing of the soules of their parishioners Act. 6.2 2. Timo. 2.4 23 As God was angrie with Vzzah and slew him for that he imagined that the Arke of God must needes haue fallen had not he stretched foorth his hand to hold it vp which was beyond his calling Euen so the Ministers of the word ought to feare and that iustly least God confound them in their ministerie for medling in ciuill causes and vndertaking aboue their callings 2 Sam. 6.6 24 Euen as the Souldier that is enrowled to serue in the warres so soone as he heareth the Drumme must forsake wife and children house shop and all other affaires that nothing may hinder or withdraw him from the seruice of his Captaine So much more ought the Pastors whom the soueraigne King hath inrowled for the spirituall warfare and the holy ministerie of the word keepe themselues from all ciuill and politicke affaires and such as belong not to their vocation to the ende they may wholly serue and please Iesus Christ 25 As a Brooke sufficient to driue a Mill or carrie a boate being cut into many ditches will not be able to do either Euen so the Pastor that medleth with many occupations and much worldly businesse is verie vnprofitable for any 26 As in a darke Euening one goeth before with a Torch or Linathorne for others to follow So the life and conuersation of the Pastors ought to bee as a burning Torch to guid others in the way of saluation life euerlasting 1. Timo. 4.12 Tit. 2.7 1. Pet. 5.3 Math. 5 1● 16. 27 As faith without workes are dead Euen so the doctrine of Ministers is of no force wher it is not accompanied with holinesse of life Iam. 2.17 28 As Wormes doo vsuall breede in fat Cheese Euen so Ministers that in most plentie haue receiued the grates of God are most subiect to ambition 2. Cor. 12.7 Luk. 22.24 25. Math. 23.12 29 As when one of our eyes turneth aside the other turneth the same way Euen so all the consultations affections and deedes of Pastors ought ioyntly and in a holy harmonie to tend to one selfe end euen to the glorie of God and edification of his Church 30 As they that ioyntly doo beare the Mast of a Ship or any other great peece of timber vpon their shoulders doo imploy themselues in a ioynt labour and all tend to one selfe thing So the Pastors ought to bee ioyned and vnited in the affaires of the Church of Christ that happily they may aduance and finish their worke to his glorie Bayer Morning and Euening needfull to bee vsed in families 1 AS the Morning and Euening is a fit and conuenient time for sutors to attend vppon great men and as the Morning was a fit and a conuenient time to gather Manna Euen so the Morning and Euening is a fit and a conuenient time for Christian housholders to become suters vnto the great Maiestie of God for the spirituall Manna the foode of their soules as also for necessaries for their bodies Gene. 28.18 Exod. 16.21 2 As Moses was commaunded to come vp to Sinai with the two tables of the law earely in the Morning Euen so are we commanded to appeare before God in our chambers earely in the Morning before wee goe abroad hauing the two Testaments of God in our hands learning how to honour his maiestie in the one and how to vse our brethren charitably in the other both which are the two principall duties of euerie Christian Exod. 34.1 2. Psal 5.3 Spirituall Pouertie LIke as if a King should haue a certaine house fast lockt and close shut vp full of Gold precious stones and costly Iewels and would promise al those treasures to one that should open the same and wold offer vnto thee two keyes one of pure Gold hanging at a costly string made of silke and golden threades but that would not open the same locke that thou mightest goe into the house and the other of yron rustie and ill fauoured to see too hanging at a thong of Leather or whipcord the which notwithstanding would open the doore and let thee in and thou mightest choose which of these keyes thou wouldest it were no doubt better more profitable for thee to choose the old rustie yron key then the key of Golde The golden one in deed is more precious but what auaileth that when it will not open the doore and bring thee to the
taking the signes for the thing it selfe 15 As Siluer and Gold beeing not coyned is nothing else but Siluer or Gold but if by her Maiesties commaundement a new forme or stampe bee added by a print it is made currant money which it was not before although it bee the very same substance which it was before Or as if one take waxe which is fastned to a writing or publike instrument and it differeth not from other wax of it selfe but onely because of the vse to the which it is appointed that is to say to serue for a testimonie that the instrument is effectuall and auaileable the which it hath not by nature but by the ordinance of man Euen so the signes of the Sacraments to wit water in baptisme and bread and Wine in the Lords Supper although they be not chaunged concerning their substance meane quantitie or qualitie but onely in the vse of them and doo differ from common water bread and Wine in that they are ordained of God to serue vnto vs as gages and pledges of those benefits which Christ by his death and ●●ssion hath purchased for vs yet they bee ordained of God for an excellent couenant to represent vnto vs most great and excellent things And albeit that this mutation here spoken of changeth not the substance of the signes neither of bread water or Wine but only the vse of them and is done and wrought by the holy Ghost according to the ordinance of the good will of God which is testified to vs by that promise whereto the signe is ioyned and not by the pronunciation of words after the manner of Sorcerers and Charmers but the promise is the soule of the signe so accordingly the water the bread and the wine become Sacraments that is to say true and veritable signes of those things which the word promiseth and which be presented by them so that this alteration is onely in the vse therof for before and after the administration of the Sacrament it taketh no place but onely during the action and vse to the which this chaunge or mutation tendeth 16 Like as the word serueth to no purpose except it be so preached that it may be vnderstood and further except that which it declareth and representeth to vs that is to say Iesus Christ with all his goodnesse be receiued by the faith of those which heare it Euen so also ought wee to vnderstand of the Sacraments if wee bring not faith which is the onely meanes to receiue that which is preached to vs represented and offered by the same word but contrariwise in dispising them by our incredulitie and reiecting that goodnesse which God offereth with the same to vs we seale our owne condemnation 17 Like as the Gospell ceaseth not of his owne nature to be the word of life and saluation although the wicked through their contempt turne it into the sauour of death and damnation Euen so the Sacraments cease not to be true Sacraments although they be either ministred by vnworthie persons or receiued vnworthily 11 As the seede how good so euer it be bringeth not foorth fruit at the same instant that it is sowne but continueth a certaine time in the earth So is it not meete to restraine the fruit and vertue of the word of God to the same houre that it is preached or the Sacraments to the same instant that they be ministred but the fruit shall be shewed in the elect when it pleaseth God 19 As water is not the water in Baptisme nor a signe nor consequently a Sacrament thereof but so farre forth as they bee ioyned with the word of Iesus Christ by the which it is dedicated and consecrated to that vse and so being applyed to those persons which are to be Baptised according to his commaundement So the verie like is of the Bread and Wine of the Lords Supper for they can no more bee the signes thereof then may the water of Baptisme if being ioyned together with the word of Iesus Christ whereby they are dedicated and consecrated to this Sacrament they bee not giuen and distributed to those which should bee partakers of the same as it dooth appeare by the expresse word of Iesus Christ in that hee saith of both the signes Take yee and eate yee likewise Drinke yee all of this For it is plaine that these wordes may not bee spoken either to the Breade or to the Wine but onely to the persons which might vnderstand them and execute the commaundement that our Sauiour Christ gaue vnto them by the same For the Bread and the Wine can neither eate nor drinke themselues Math. 28.19 Math. 26.27 Mark 14.22 23. Luk. 22.19 20. 1. Cor. 11.24 20 Like as louing and tender hearted parents are not content to procure for their children costly possessions and liuely-hoodes but take order that the same may bee conserued and come to their vse Euen so our Lord and Sauiour thought it not sufficient to purchase for vs his Fathers fauour againe which is the deepe fountaine of all goodnesse and eternall life but also inuented the wayes most wisely by the institution of his holy Sacraments whereby the same might redounde to our commoditie and profit 21 Like as of olde time God decreed his wonderous benefits of deliuerance of his people in memorie by the eating of the Passeouer with his rites and ceremonies So our louing Sauiour hath ordained and established the remembrance of his great mercy expressed in his Passion in the institution of his heauenly Supper wher euery one of vs must be guests and not gazers eaters and not lookers on feeding our selues and not hiring other to feede for vs that wee may liue by our owne meate and not perish for hunger whiles others deuour all Exod. 12.1 c. 22 As of necessitie we must be our selues partakers of the Lords Supper and not beholders of other So wee must addresse our selues to frequent the Sacrament in reuerent and due maner least as Physicke prouided for the body being misused more hurteth then profiteth so this comfortable medicine of the foule vndecently receiued tend to our greater harme and sorrow 23 Like as the Supper of the Lord is a spirituall meate and sweete to those that bee incorporated and made one body with Iesus Christ and with their neighbour Euen so of the contrarie it is a mortall poyson to them which put not their whole trust in Iesus Christ and be seperated from their neighbour 24 As it is not enough for a child to be borne and that hee haue life by his parents which begot him if that afterwards they doo not also nourish him to conserue him and to the ende that hee may grow and become tall and strong in the same Euen so God our Father dooth not content himselfe to haue begotten vs for his children in his Church by the incorruptible seede of his word and to haue giuen vs life in his Sonne Iesus Christ by the vertue of his holy spirit but will
men which are not well setled in vertue nor grounded in godlinesse nor armed with the holy word and spirit of God but to winne and ouercome if hee could men that are furnished with a strong and liuely faith and such as are stayed and do relie vpon the Lords protection he vseth sundry subtilties and most daungerous and forcible temptations Math. 4.1 c. 3 Euen as the Fisher when he taketh some great Fish doth not by by violently strike and twitch her but letteth his fishing line go at the length vntill the fish do swallow downe the hooke and so worke her owne destruction least if at the first he should twitch her too hard the fishing line or thrid should break and his baite and hooke lost the fish should escape Euen so Sathan the Diuell when he hath gotten a poore sinner fast vpon his hooke and hath intangled fettered him in the chaines of some daungerous and deadly sinne and hath bewitched him with the forceries of the flesh and the world he doth not sodeinly oppresse exasperate him least at the first dash he play the Diuel openly and roughly like a Diuel as hee is the sinner shuld break his bands and escape his snares But he doth cherish him and maketh much of him and doth suffer him now and then both to speake and to doo some things that sauour of vertue that by little and little hee being made fast and dead sure vppon the hooke of sinne and wickednesse hee may by degrees worke his owne woe and vtter destruction So that the diuell doth stretch out his angling rod threed and all not that hee may let the sinner escape but that hee may make him the surer and hold him the faster 4 As Achfah who when shee had begged of her Father an inheritance of the South countries then shee must haue certaine grounds with Wells and Springs Euen so such a shamelesse begger is Sathan the diuell that he will still haue a little sinne and a little and neuer leaue till by little and little he getteth both body and soule into hell Iosu 15.18 19. 5 As little Children who know not what is good for them for if they begin to taste Honie once they will not leaue eating by their good wills till they be sicke with eating Euen so so sweete hath Sathan made sinne to the taste of the wicked that they crie still a litle more of it and finde no fault with it but that there is too little and they cannot haue enough 6 As Flies are alwayes busie about a sore place So that is a sport or pleasure to Sathan which is a sore or a paine to man 7 As an Oxe will eate no kind of grasse but that which is greene and fresh Euen so the diuell will be sure to haue his foode of the finest and best Spirituall graces from God LIke as the earth engendereth not raine nor is able by her owne strength labour or trauell to procure the same but receiueth it of the meere gift of God from aboue Euen so faith grace forgiuenesse of sins or Christian righteousnesse are giuen vs of God without our workes or deseruings 2 As the earth of it selfe is not able to get or procure to it selfe seasonable showers of raine to make it fruitfull Euen so much lesse are we able by our owne strength works and deseruings to winne procure to our selues faith grace forgiuenesse of sinnes or Christian righteousnesse vnlesse God himselfe by meere imputation and by his vnspeakable gift do bestow the same vpon vs. Swearing LIke as he that maketh a custome of striking with his hand it is likely that he should sometime strike vniustly Euen so he that maketh a custome of Swearing in true matters will at the length euen forsweare himselfe in matters of no importance by reason of his custome and vse which he hath got in Swearing Sonnes by adoption 1 LIke as if a King or Noble-man should of meere loue and fauour take in a begger nay a Traytor and make him his heire Euen so God did with vs and such fauour did he freely shewe to so many of the sonnes of Adam as it pleased him to adopt and so to make them his children 1. Iohn 3.1 Iohn 1.12 Rom. 8.14 2 As Iaball the sonne of Adah the wife of Lamech is called the father of such as dwell in Tents for he was the first inuenter of Tents And Iuball his brother is also called the father of such as play vpon Harpes and vpon Orgains or Pipes yet we may not therefore call the Tentes Iabales children and the Orgains and Pipes the sonnes of Iuball Euen so God is called the father of the reprobate but metaphorically because hee first created them but yet they can no more be called the adopted Children of God then the Tents might be called the Children of Iaball or the Harpes and Organes the children of his brother Iuball Gene. 4.20 21. 3 As the Sunne which sometime shineth and sendeth foorth her light dispersing the clouds and sometimes againe is hidden vnder the cloudes Or as the Sea is one while ebbing and an other while flowing Or as the Moone is sometimes waxing and sometimes waning Euen so the adopted children of God by reason of their manifolde corruptions imperfections and rebellious thoughts of their harts haue not the spirit of God alwaies felt in themselues nor perceiued in them by others in a like measure but it is in them somtimes in a greater measure sometimes in a lesse 4 Like as Trees planted by the water side which doo bring foorth fruit in due season yet the same Trees haue both a summering and wintring a spring time and a fall of the leafe when Winter comes they seeme as though they were dead but in Summer they shall waxe fresh and greene againe and yet the fruit of the same Trees are first in the sap onely then it commeth into buds and so into blossomes whereof some are smitten with blastings some are nipped with frost and cold and some are eaten with Wormes but if they escape all these then from blossomes they come to bee Apples and at the first they are greene and liuely and some doo lust to eate them but they are still hard and harsh but in time they come to their full growth And when they are ripe then are they either shaken downe with the wind and Swine deuour them Or if they bee fairely gathered yet are they pluckt from the Tree that hath borne them then are they bought and solde whereof some perishe and are cast out of doores The fairest and the sweetest are brought either to the fire to bee roasted or to the Table to be pared and cut in peeces and so to be eaten then the tree is naked and seemeth to be dead but the next Spring doo fetch all againe So likewise are the fruites of the spirit in the adopted children of God first in the sap of faith onely which is hidden in the heart then it
recouer againe being dead shall no more fall but continue in their holinesse Wicked children of godly parents 1 AS the faire Echium bringeth forth an euill fauoured seede and that euill fauoured seed againe bringeth foorth a faire Buglosse So sometime a godly Father begetteth an euill child and a Wicked child againe sometimes begetteth a godly Sonne 2 As the foreskin of the flesh remaineth in him which is begotten of one circumsised and the Chaffe commeth againe with the Corne though the seede bee neuer so cleane So it is in originall sinne and in sinfull children of Religious parents The Word of God how it worketh in men diuersly 1 LIke as the materiall Sunne in the Firmament which being but one and euer the same yet is in some sort an occasion of contrarie effectes for whereas properly it lightneth and is comfortable to the eyes that bee sound and cleare improperly it dimmeth and breedeth annoya●ce to such as are maymed in sight againe wheras it softneth Waxe it hardneth Clay and as it procureth a sweete sauour from Flowers so it draweth nothing but a stinking smell from dead carrions So likewise the Word of the Lord beeing preached it worketh in the godly and the wicked a contrarie effect for it lightneth the one and blindeth the other it softneth the one and hardneth the other it draweth a sweete fauour from the one and a vile stinke from the other it maketh some better but some others it maketh worse it allureth some to repentance but other some it causeth through their peruerse nature to encrease in pride and contumacie Psal 19.8 119.105 Esay 6.9 10. Math. 13.13 14 15. Act. 28.26 27. Rom. 11.8 Act. 2.37 Act. 7.51 54. Phil. 4.18 Hebr. 13.16 Rom. 22.11 2 Like as water notwithstanding it bee but one and euer the same yet it is in some sort also an occasion of contrarie effects for beeing the one among fire it quencheth the same but being cast into Lime it sets it on fire So in like manner the Word dooth naturally quench the fierie affections in the children of God but accedentally inflameth the fierie dispositions of the children of Sathan Esay 55. 1. Ioh. 4.13 Iere. 44.16 3 Euen as the Flowers although they be euer the same yet are they the matter of diuers things and effectes For whereas they are Honie to the Bees they become verie poyson to the venemous Spider Or as the Honie which is wholesome for sound stomackes is verie hurtfull for those that are sicke of the Collicke not through fault of it selfe but of the receiuer So likewise the word of God is wholesome and profitable to the godly but otherwayes to the wicked 4 As the fire which purgeth the Gold consumeth the drosse which beeing put vnto Frankencense procureth sweete perfumes which are great recreations for men which yet is present death vnto Swine So surely the Word of God it worketh like contrarie effectes in the godly the wicked For it is Honie to the one and poyson to the other It is verie healthfull for the one and hurtfull to the other It purgeth the one and consumeth the other It draweth a sweet sauour from the one but a foule stincke from the other Lastly it is a recreation for the one but a destruction to the other Psal 19.10 107.20 Tit. 1.9 2.8 1. Timo. 1.9 10. Ioh. 13.10 15.3 5 As the godly by their obedience doo feele in the Word the mightie power and wisedome of God to their saluation So the vngodly by their disobedience do finde nothing therin but the inuincible power of God to their endlesse damnation 2. Thess 1.10 1. Pet. 1. 8 9. 2. Thess 1.7 8 9. 6 As the thunder-Bolt which being cast foorth from the cloudes spareth euerie such matter as submitteth it selfe to the force thereof but breaketh to powder whatsoeuer hard thing shall withstand the same So the Word which proceedes from the Lord by the mouth of his Ministers dooth neuer returne in vaine but is either a soueraigne salue to such as are broken in heart or otherwise an hammer to dash in peeces such as are obstinate in hart And therefore cannot properly bee accounted the cause of sinne though by reason of mens sundrie natures it may in some sort be said to be an occasion thereof Esay 55.10 11. Iere. 23.29 Word of God 1 EVen as the Gold Siluer are put to the fire so much the surer proofe they haue of their goodnesse and finenesse So the Lords truth the more exactly it is weyed with spirituall examination so much the greater confirmation of credite it receiueth 2 As Wells the more they are drawne the better they are Euen so the Word of God the more diligently it is handled vsed the more plentifull fruit is receiued by it 3 As we cannot liue without meate and drinke which God hath ordained for our bodily life So wee cannot haue faith without the preaching and hearing of the Word of God 4 As the fish called a Carpe which seeing the Net to be cast into the water diueth suddenly downe to the bottome and dasheth her head so deepe in the mudde that the compasse of the Net slippeth ouer her cleane or at the most doth touch no more then the tippe of her tayle but take her it cannot So the most kind of men are of so carping a nature that they no sooner perceiue the Net of Gods Word to be preached in the Church by their faithfull Minister but foorthwith they begin to diue so deepe in the dunge of their owne delights and to dashe their minds so much in the mucke of worldly trifles that either the net of Gods Word dooth slip ouer them cleane or at the most it doth but lightly touch them yet let them shift as they can they shall bee taken one time or other if they belong vnto the Lord. 5 As Crowes are then most busiest to doo hurt when the Husbandman soweth his seede and when the same seede beginneth to sprout Euen so Sathan and his infernall spirits are then most careful to steale away the seed of the Word of God when it is first preached as also when it beginneth to take some roote in the hearts of the hearers Math. 13.4 Mark 4.4 Luk. 8.5 6 As Gold Siluer and precious stones are not consumed with materiall fire but rather are made more pure Euē so the pure Word of God suffereth neither hurt nor dammage in spirituall fire that is temptation and persecution 7 As wild Campion Larks-spur Canterburie beles throwen before Scorpions taketh away their power to doo harme So the Word preached sincerely dooth strike men with such a terrour that they dare not doo the euill they intended 8 As the water of Lilium Conuallium if it be drunke restoreth speech to him that hath lost it by the Apoplexie So the Word of Christ truly receiued maketh them to speak that could not 9 As Maister-woort where it is sowne delighteth the ground So the Word where it is
doo saue and keepe the same Euen so ought wee to deale in the holy Word of God wee must passe ouer nothing therein lightly nor despise one Word of al the sacred and diuine Scriptures but eagerly and earnestly to doo our best and greatest endeuours yea and to call and to crie most mightily to the Lord to aide assist and enable vs to dig out of the same VVord whatsoeuer is requisite necessarie for the saluation of our soules and eternall life The Workes of the three persons be vnseperable AS Reason cannot discern good euil truth falshood plainnesse and craft and sophistication without either will or memorie neither Will chuseth what him liketh without the other nor memorie remembreth not things gone without reason and will These actions and VVorkes which are said properly to belong onely to memorie and onely to reason and will in very deede are done by the workmanship of all three So the Father the Sonne and the holy Ghost worke all things vnseperably not that each of them is vnable to Worke by himselfe but that they all three are one God one spirit one nature as reason will memorie are one soule Ioh. 5.17 19. Mans Wisedome often erreth AS in a fruitfull fertile ground among many wholesome and very medicinable hearbes some that bee daungerous and ful of poyson doo grow So the wits and Wisedome of men together with some profitable and wholesome counsels and admonitions doo bring foorth perilous and pestilent errors and are therfore with Wisedome and great discretion to be regarded euen as hearbs are to be gathered and vsed Wit 1 AS a Bee is oftentimes hurt with his owne Honie So is Wit not sildome plagued with his owne conceit 2 As emptie vessells make the loudest sound So men of least Wit are the greatest bablers Spirituall Warfaire 1 AS men may haue an ende of bodily warre either by making peace with their enemie by flying far from him or by ouercomming in fight But in the spirituall Warfaire wee cannot lawfully make any peace or agreement with our enemies the Diuell the world the flesh but in so doing it would be our ouerthrow and destruction for they be euen so many traytors and irreconciliable murderers yea it would bee worse for vs then for the sheepe to make peace with the Wolfe neither can we flie and so get from these enemies for the Diuell will follow vs into all places who hath a whole armie of Souldiers within vs euen our affections and couetous lusts that we beare about vs. 2 As God in olde time commaunded Iosua that hee should not feare the Cananites and assured him that hee would bee with him and that by ouercomming them he would bring his people into the land of promise So likewise wee must giue eare vnto God that calleth vs to this spirituall battell with assurance that he will stand with vs and in vs to the end that couragiously fighting vnder his banner against our enemies that labour to turne vs backe and to recoyle wee may finally by his grace and power obtaine full and perfect victorie and so ending his blessed voyage attaine to the fruition of the heauenly and Citie and our true countrey that wee may liue with him in glorie for euer Gods Wisedome may be knowne by the ordering of his creatures AS when thou seest a great and godly Citie consisting of many and sundry sorts of men some of great reputation and very many of small estimation some exceeding rich and infinite others extreamely poore some in their fresh and flourishing youth and some crooked with olde age where all these though among themselues they be diuers and sundrie do liue in great concord and agree well together and are kept all within the bounds and limits of good and godly discipline thou wilt by and by iudge that the Prince or gouernour of the same is iust and very mightie and wise though thou seest him not Euen so in the huge greatnesse of this world and the agreement and well hanging together of the things contained in the same though differing in their natures and the apt and fit placing of the whole it cannot bee but that thou wilt presently conceiue in thy mind that there is a great a wise and mightie Creator and preseruer of these things For not onely the mightie workes of God in this great world that is in man himselfe for so he is called of some doo teach vs the wonderfull knowledge of God Gods Word the more it is searched the sweeter it is AS precious Iewels made of most pure Gold wrought cunningly and curiously with great workmanship the nearer thou shalt come vnto them and the more stedfastly and clearely thou shalt behold them the finer the brauer and more excellent thou shalt iudge them Euen so as thou shalt come nearer in vnderstanding and knowledge vnto the secrets and misteries of God contained in his written Word with the greater puritie of mind the more strength of faith and the brighter light of the grace of God thou shalt looke into them the profounder the deeper the more diuine and heauenly yea and the more comfortable to thy soule will they seeme and appeare vnto thee euerie day In so much that thou wilt iudge thy selfe to haue beene little better then blind and to haue seene nothing as thou ought in the mysteries of the diuine Word Psal 119.18 Wicked men die miserably 1 EVen as those Birdes and soules which fall to the ground to take the foulers baites are taken themselues So likewise those men which doo relie vppon the suggestions and inchauntments of the Diuell world and flesh and are taken in their traps doo die a most miserable and as it may well be called an immortall death 2 As there is neuer a man that beareth the name of a Christian but he will confesse that his great Grandfather Adam was expulsed and thrust out of Paradise for eating one Apple forbidden him by the Lord vppon paine of death and yet the same man that with open mouth will make that confession will euerie day eate seuen Apples as bitter and as straightly forbidden as that that is offend God seuen times as much as that and yet he will thinke to escape better cheape and easier then his Graund-father did that eate but one that is offended God but once but the eater of seuen shall finde the way into euerlasting life as hard yea harder to enter as the way into Paradise was to his Graund-father being once thrust out vnlesse hee speedily earnestly and truly repent him and giue ouer the eating of such fruits as the Lord hath forbidden him 3 Like as no water will sticke nor abide vpon Leapers by reason of the foulenesse and greasie matter of their Leprosie Euen so such Leapers and farre worse are we vpon whom no deawes nor any droppes of the grace and word of God will cleaue abide and continue Ouerweening Wittes despise Gods wisedome LIke as the Iewes said to him
whiles they seeke for succour and comfort of the world they finde no better thing than death where they thought to haue found life experience dooth teach them that they sought for life in the house of death and for a medicine there where ●o good thing is to be had The necessitie of the Magistrate and a preaching Minister AS the wal within eke without is made ofsquared stones between the which the lesse stones are con●eined to make the building vp Euē so the preaching Mi●ister within the church the Magistrate in the commō weale should support and vphold the meaner sort in due obedience 2 Like as the Soule in excellencie surpasseth and exceedeth the bodie So dooth the office of the Preacher which principally is occupied in instructing of the soule deserue to be preferred before all such functions as concerne onely the bodie and the direction and ordering of the outward life of man out of which office of a diligent Preacher springeth and issueth the true outward obedience vnto the ciuil Magistrate who as he compelleth the Preacher perswadeth as he constraineth the Preacher allureth as he forceth with the sword so the Preacher draweth voluntarily by the doctrine of the word Meanes must be vsed 1 EVen as Noe thogh he knew he shuld be saued did not neglect the Means but made the Arke as God commaunded So also we though we be perswaded o● our saluation must notwithstanding vse those Means tha● God hath appointed and set downe for the same in hi● word 2 As God is able to keepe in health whom hee listeth either without foode physicke or any such meanes fro● death of the bodie So likewise is hee able to deale wit● the soule but yet he wil haue his appointed Meanes vse● as the hearing of his word preached Catechising and th● partaking of the Sacrament 3 Like as when a certain King maketh this Proclam●tion that of a company of rebelles or malefactors tho● who comming into his presence haue his scepter reach● out vnto them shall liue the rest shall haue the Lawe passe on them yet he keepeth himselfe within a stro● Castle the gates being fast shut herevpon many of th● malefactors casting off their olde and filthie apparell 〈◊〉 dresse themselues in the best manner they can to come before the king When they come to the place of his abode they find no entrance saue onely a few of them yet they that stand excluded are better to bee admitted then they who con●emning the Kings offer neuer looke towards him and yet in truth they that stand nearest to the gates doo no more deserue life neither are any more capable of it or any nearer vnto it for ought that they themselues can doo then they who bee a hundred miles off So God biddeth all cast off their sinnes their corrupt dispositions and liues and to come and seeke to him for grace yet they doo not by this Meanes deserue nor can by any Meanes compell God to admit them into his fauour and to touch their hearts with his spirit All should vse this Meanes and hope to obtaine grace yea none can hope to obtaine grace who doo not vse this Meanes yet some vse the Meanes and doo not obtaine and others obtaine not vsing the Meanes yet the Meanes is carefully to be vsed and necessarie to be knowne 4 Euen as we must be diligent to doo all good works and not put our trust of saluation in them but say when wee haue done all those things which are commaunded 〈◊〉 wee are vprofitable seruants Luk. 17 9.10 So likewise we must vse alwayes lawful Meanes to defend our selues ●●d yet say Our helpe is in the name of the Lord which hath made heauen and earth for hee hath ordained such ●eanes to saue vs by and workes by the same our deli●erance when pleaseth him and sometimes to shewe his ●ower hee deliuereth vs without such ordinarie meanes ●sal 124.8 Mortification AS the Arke was to Noe a graue and yet the way to saue him Euen so he that will liue euerlastingly must be Mortified and die to his sinnes Gene. 7.1 c. Mourning for our sinnes 1 AS the Eagle feeling his wings heauy plungeth them in a fountaine and so reneweth his strength Euen so after the same sort a Christian feeling the heauie burthen of his sins batheth himselfe in a fountaine of teares and so washing off the old man which is the body of sinne is made yong againe and lustie as an Eagle Luk. 7.44 2 As Peters faith was so great that he lept into a Sea of waters to come to Christ Math. 14 28 29. So also his repentance was so great that hee lept into a Sea of teares when he went from Christ Mark 14.72 Luk. 23.63 3 As it is an Idoll and no God which hath eyes and seeth not So he is rather an Idol shepheard then a godly Pastour which hath eyes and weepeth not more or lesse one time or other in preaching to the people Iere. 9.1 Act. 20.31 4 Euen as the Oliue tree is most aboundant in fruit when it distilleth So likewise a Christian is most plentifull and powerfull in prayer when hee weepeth and Mourneth for his sinnes 5 As salt vapours aryse out of the Sea which afterward are turned into a pleasant shower So out of a sinfull sorrowfull soule dooth arise sobs and sighes like salt vapours which immediatly are turned into a sweete shower of teares 6 As a Quaile flies ouer the Sea feeling himselfe beginne to bee wearie lights by the way into the Sea the● lying at one side he layes downe one wing vpon the water and hold vp the other wing towards heauen least he should presume to take too long a flight at the first hee wets one wing least hee should despaire of taking a new flight afterwards he keepes the other wing drie Euen so must a Christian man doo when hee layes downe the wing of feare vpon the water to weepe for himselfe then hee must hold vp the wing of loue towardes heauen to reioyce for Christ and the other of sorrow for himselfe 7 As a Hinde goeth not still forward in one way but iumpes crosse out of one way into an other Right so a Christian in Mourning for his sinnes must iumpe crosse from himselfe to Christ and then backe againe from Christ to himselfe 8 As Hanna wept for her barrennesse Euen so haue we great cause to weepe for our sinnes seeing wee can conceiue nothing but sorrow and bring foorth iniquitie to death 1. Sam. 1.5 9 As Tamar wept being defloured by her brother So likewise we haue greater cause to weepe seeing we commit spirituall incest and Adulterie daily with the diuell 2. Sam. 13.19 10 As Hagar wept beeing turned out of Abrahams house So this ought to be the greatest cause of weeping vnto vs that our life is no life because wee neuer cease from sinning while we are heere pilgrimes straungers exiled and banished out of our Fathers house in heauen
Gene. 21.14 11 As the virgin Marie wept so sore for the death of her Son Iesus as though her tender heart had bene stabd and pearst through with a sharpe sword Euen so there is nothing in the world that ought to cause vs to bee more sorrowfull then this that Christ beeing blessed in himselfe ●as cursed for vs being exalted in himselfe was imbased for vs being iustified in himselfe was condemned for vs being a liue in himselfe was dead for vs. 12 As a Ship being neither too heauily burdened nor ●o lightly balāced feareth neither waues nor winds but sayleth safely to the hauen So wee beeing neither too heauie for our owne sinnes and miseries nor too light for Christs mercie but ioyning Weepe not for me but weepe for your selues Luk. 23.28 Both together shall neither bee drowned with waues of desperation nor puffed vp with the winds of presumption but we shall sayle safely in the Arke of Noah vpon the sea of this world till we arriue at the hauen of all happinesse in heauen 13 As a Father pittieth his owne child and if hee see him crie doth what hee can to still him and takes out his hand-kercher and wipes the infants eyes himselfe Euen so after the same fashion God our heauenly Father will with his owne holy finger wipe away all teares from our eyes and take vs most louingly by the hand and leade vs out of the house of Mourning into the house of mirth then though we haue sowne in teares yet wee shall reape in ioy Psal 103.13 Reue. 7.17 Psal 126.5 Naturall thing AS the salte water being for drinke vnprofitable yet susteineth and beareth vp the Ship better then the sweete which for drinke is more apt and meete So euerie Naturall thing hath his owne vse whervnto if it bee applied then it worketh his effect Good Name 1 AS fire once kindled is soone preserued but beeing extinct it is not easie to kindle the same againe So is it easie to defend a good Name but if it be once blotted and lost hardly shall we restore it againe 2 As the Lord by the eight commaundement bindeth our hands as it were with a manacle or hand shackle from stealing robbing or any wayes diminishing of our neighbours goods So also by the ninth Commaundement he bridleth our tongue that we should not hurt or impaire the good Name credit or estimation of our brethren but by loue to vphold and maintaine the same Prou. 22.1 Eccle. 7.3 3. As a precious Oyntment being poured foorth casteth out spreadeth abroad a sweete a fragrant and an oderiferous sm●ll far and neare Euen so the good Name and fame of such Christians as are annoynted with the holy Ghost dooth cast out and spread it selfe farre and neare very sweete to the nosthrils of the Almightie and verie delightfull to the members of Christ Cant. 1.2 1. Ioh. 2.20 27. Noble men and housholders 1 LIke as the Sunne in the Firmament giueth light to all the regions round about him and by his bright appearing expelleth the darknesse comforteth and cheareth the world So likewise should Noble men Magistrates Gentlemen Ministers and housholders labour to banish sinne and corrupt Religion and bee a lanthorne of godly life to comfort and shine to others that they might direct their liues after their good ensamples Phil. ● 15 Math. 5.16 2 As Cyprian let no day passe without reading of Tertullian nor Alexander without reading of Homer nor finally Appelles without some line proportioned So is it meete that no degrees should loose any opportunitie or occasion graunted to the meditation of Christian Religion but rather being taught by the example of the Emperour Constantine would repose their whole study in the word of God Deut. 17.19 20. Iosu 1.8 Psal 1.2 Deut. 3.11 12 13. Neglect of heauen for earthly things LIke as if a Golden game of inestimable value should bee proposed for such as would run could win the same and when the course or race were begunne if some should step aside and followe after flies or feathers that passed in the ayre without any regard of the prize and gole proposed who would not maruaile and take pittie of their folly Euen so is it with men of the world who are placed together in a course or race and that the kingdome of heauen is propounded vnto vs for the game or prize but few endeuour to enter therein and why For that most men doo step aside and leaue the marke Most men doo run awry and doo follow feathers vp downe in the ayre most men doo pursue vanities and hunt after pleasures and doo wearie themselues therewith vntill they can neither runne nor goe nor mooue their limmes any further and then for the most part it is too late to amend their folly 1. Cor. 9.24 25 26 27. Psal 4.2 3. Iere. 2.13 18. The Name profiteth none in whome vertue is n● 〈…〉 1 AS neither they yearely reuenue●●or the glorious titles and Names ●●●●cessors and to discend of noble parentage maketh men noble and renowmed indeed vnlesse they themselues be godly honest and wise Euen so neither the godly Names no nor yet the faith and vertue of Fathers auaileth wicked and vngodly children any thing at all vnlesse they repent and become faithfull as their Fathers were Iohn 8.39 Math. 3. ● Gal. 3.7 2 Like as those children which are named and called by and after any of the names of Patriarkes Prophets Apostles or by the Name of other Saints man or woman are not any thing the better because they haue such godly and Christian Names vnlesse that they doo immitate and follow them in faith vertue and godly behauiour Euen so on the other side they that be not called by such Christian Names as are mentioned in the sacred Scriptures are not in respect of their Names any thing the worse hauing an assured faith in the merites of Christ his death passion and bloud-shedding and leading their liues agreeable to the same Iosua 10.3 Daniel 1.7 To what ende proper Names were giuen vs in baptisme LIke as infants in times past amongst our auncestors had their Names giuen them when they were Circumcised to this end that the Circumcised might be admonished by the calling by their Names at what time and place they had their Names giuen them and should thinke that they are written in the number of the children of God and ioyned in league with him and made partakers of the couenant So after the same maner must we remember that haue had proper Names giuen vnto vs at our baptisme for this vse and end both to distinguish betwixt man and man and also to put vs in mind that we are by grace adopted to bee the Sonnes of God and receiued into his fauour and therefore that wee are Gods owne and as it were his goods and riches as they which beare his Name as proper vnto him Luk. 1.59 2.21 Wicked Neighbours LIke as Thornes cannot be touched nor handled except mens
As light proceeding from the fire is neuer seperated from it neither is one of them before the other So it is with Christ and his Father Temptation LIke as a skilful labourer that riueth wood who hauing a great knottie Logge or tree to cleaue hath also diuers wedges for the purpose and euerie one bigger then an other and entreth with the least first and it maketh way and enterance for a bigger and it againe for the biggest of all and so by little and little the Logge or tree is cleft into many small peeces and made fit for the fire Euen so when Sathan purposeth to make a spoyle of the graces of God in the soule of any he vseth sundrie Temptations deuises for his purpose and euerie one of them differing from an other Straunge Tongues edifie not AS it were a madnes or at the least a great folly for one man in communicating with an other to speake in a Tongue which the other vnderstandeth not Euen so it is much more folly for a man to speake to a multitude or a whole Congregation in that sort or order and to speake Latine Greeke or Hebrew to the vnlearned multitude at Church 2. Cor. 14.9 11 23. Truth not to be found with false Prophets AS Welles drie in the bottome deceiue them which seeke for water in them So they which looke to learn a Truth at the handes of false Prophets are deceiued of their expectation Esay 12.3 2. Pet. 2.17 Trouble and afflictions doo further vs to the right knowledge of our sinnes LIke as the hard Copper Tinne doo melt in the fire Euen so in Trouble and affliction our hard rough and stubborne hearts doo melt and fall to misliking and loathing their sinnes Gene. 43.18 Numb 21.7 Christians through Trouble and aduersitie are made bold and heartie AS one that hath sayled oft vpon the Sea and prooued and escaped great and dangerous tempests and hath beene sore tossed with the fearefull waues is afterward the more bold hardie to goe vnto the Sea for as much as he hath euer escaped wel and come home safely Euen so a Christian man whome the crosse hath oft assaulted and exercised for as much as he hath alwaies found comfort ayde and helpe of God afterward hee trusteth God the longer the more though the same affliction and aduersitie come againe vnto him that he had before 1. Sam. 11.34 35 36. 2. Cor. 1.9 10 11. Troubles and afflictions are meanes to trie vs withall 1 LIke as those are the most honest and most chast Matrones which being sore tempted assaulted and prouoked vnto wickednesse doo neuerthelesse keepe their spouse faith towards their Husbands vndefiled Euen so can no man know nor prooue perfectly how the Church of Christ keepeth her spouse and bridgrome Iesus Christ vntil such time as Antichrist assaulteth and tempteth her with false doctrine tyrannie and persecution 2 As such Trees as haue strong and deepe rootes and sufficient naturall sap no violent heate of the Sunne can hurt or harme them but such as are felled and cut downe are soone dried vp with the heate of the Sunne and as the grasse that is mowne downe doth soone wither Euen so likewise such faithfull Christians as are rooted in Christ Iesu cannot Troubles and afflictions hurt they grow and waxe greene notwithstanding but the vnfaithfull do betray themselues and shew what they are as soone as they see any heate of Trouble or persecution comming 3 As with one Flayle are both the stalkes and eares of the Corne beaten and also the corne it selfe threshed and purged out Euen so with one manner of Trouble and affliction are the faithful purged and prouoked to pray vnto God and to laud and magnifie him and the vnfaithfull also are prouoked to curse and so are they both tried prouoked and knowne Esa 41.15 Amo. 1.3 4 Like as when the Corne is threshed the kernell lieth mixed among the Chaffe and afterward are they disseuered asunder with the Fanne or wind Euen so the people in the Church doo first heare the preaching of Gods word but some stumble repine are offended and yet they dwell together one with an other but when they are fanned and when the wind of Trouble and affliction beginneth once a little to blowe then it is easie to sunder and to know the one from the other the faithful from the vnfaithfull 5 As a rotten and an old weake house standeth a while for a time but as soone as a wind commeth and bloweth it appeareth vnto all men how feeble the foundation and stay of it was Euen so are there such Christian men without ground or foundation which as long as all things go well and prosper with them they will seeme to bee good Christians but in time of Trouble and persecution their dissimulation is knowne and breaketh out Deut. 8.2 6 Like as prosperitie shutteth and bindeth the eyes of men Euen so likewise Trouble and aduersitie doth open them 7 As the Salue that remedieth the diseases of the eyes dooth first bite and grieue the eyes and maketh them to water but yet afterward the eye sight is clearer and more sharpe then it was Euen so Trouble and affliction doo grieue and vexe men wonderfully at the first but afterward it helpeth and lightneth the eyes of the minde that it is more reasonable wise and circumspect for trouble bringeth experience and experience bringeth wisdome Trouble and aduersitie giueth vs occasion to pray vnto God LIke as Water as long as it floweth and runneth ouer the euen plaine wide and broad fields breaketh not out by no violence but dispearseth and spreadeth it selfe abroad euery where alike but when it is gathered together by cunning and skill and conueyed into a narrowe roome as into a pipe or cōduit then it springeth spouteth out an high Euen so the mind of man as long as it is quiet idle and without sorrow or Trouble it walketh and wandreth abroad at large and at libertie but when it is brought in restrained and driuen to a straight and a narrow issue thorow Trouble and aduersitie it breaketh out aloft vnto God in heauen with an earnest heartie and a feruent prayer for grace aide and comfort Wherevpon is a common prouerbe sprung Neede and necessitie teacheth men to pray Esay 26.16 17. 1. Sam. 7.2 3 4. 2. Chro. 33.12 13. Trouble and aduersitie do further vs to vertue and godlinesse 1 AS Water that is continually standing how cleare so euer it seeme yet it is corrupt and naught but that water which hath his continuall course the more it rusheth and strugleth ouer the stones and sandes the more liuely fr●sh and better it is Euen so a godly man in the time of prosperitie and absence of the crosse is sluggish dull and litherly but thorow the crosse and affliction he is quickened and exercised and increased in all goodnesse 2 As rustie and cankard yron thorow the File is made bright and smooth So likewise our old rustie