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A15422 Synopsis papismi, that is, A generall viewe of papistry wherein the whole mysterie of iniquitie, and summe of antichristian doctrine is set downe, which is maintained this day by the Synagogue of Rome, against the Church of Christ, together with an antithesis of the true Christian faith, and an antidotum or counterpoyson out of the Scriptures, against the whore of Babylons filthy cuppe of abominations: deuided into three bookes or centuries, that is, so many hundreds of popish heresies and errors. Collected by Andrew Willet Bachelor of Diuinity. Willet, Andrew, 1562-1621. 1592 (1592) STC 25696; ESTC S119956 618,512 654

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the Prophets and Apostles to write S. Paule saith that what soeuer is writtē is written for our learning that through patience and cōsolation of the scriptures we might haue hope Rom. 15.4 The Lord saw in wisedome that his people could not be without the Scriptures which are necessarie for their learning for their comfort and to strengthen their hope how then dare our aduersaries say that the scriptures are not necessarie seeing these things wrought in vs by the scriptures knowledge consolation hope are most necessarie 4 Let Augustine now put in his verdict Illud credo quod etiā hinc diuinorū eloquiorum clarissima authoritas esset si homo illud sine dispendio salutis ignorare non posset de peccator merit remiss lib. 2.36 I thinke saith he that euen concerning this matter speaking of the originall or beginning of the soule the Scriptures would not haue bene silent if we might not safelie be ignoraunt of this matter without daunger of saluation Ergo whatsoeuer is necessarie to saluatiō is onely to be found in scripture for other matters there not expressed there in no daunger in not knowing them therfore the Scriptures by this Fathers iudgement are most necessary THE SECOND PART OF THE SEVENTH question of the sufficiencie of Scripture The Papistes THey do straungely affirme that the Scriptures conteine not all things necessarie error 12 to be knowen cōcerning faith and manners and that they are not sufficient without traditions Bellarm. cap. 3.4 Lindanus a Papist saith that the scriptures conteine not all things necessarie to saluation Andradius that their approued traditions are of equall authoritie with the Scripture Ex Tilman de verbo error 2. 1 First the Iesuite thus reasoneth against the sufficiencie of Scripture There are diuerse bookes of canonicall Scripture lost and perished Ergo that part of canonical scripture which remaineth is not sufficiēt that much is lost he thus proueth 1. Chron. cap. vlt. mention is made of the bookes of Nathan Gad. 2. Chron. 9. of the bookes of Ahiiah Ieedo in the new Testamēt Col. 4. of the Epistle of S. Paule to the Laodiceans all those bookes are lost We aunswere First we denie not but that some bookes are now wanting which were part of canonicall scripture yet that which remaineth is sufficiēt as some of Solomōs bookes are perished which he wrote of herbes plāts and many of his Prouerbes the Lord saw that they were not so greatly necessarie for vs to saluation Secondly there is not so much wanting as the Iesuite would beare vs in hād for the books of the Prophets which he nameth are the same with the bookes of the Chronicles of the Kings which no doubt were writtē by those Prophetes And as for the Epistle of S. Paule to the Laodiceās there was neuer any such the text is written from the Laodiceans it was the Epistle rather of the Laodiceans to S. Paule vnto the which he partly maketh aunswere in the Epistle to the Colossians and therefore he would haue it read also in their Church 2 If the Apostles had any such meaning to contriue in the scriptures the summe of faith and all necessarie knowledge it is very like Christ would haue geuen them some expresse commaundement so to do but we read not of any such strict commaundement Ergo they had no such purpose Bellarmine We aunswere First they them selues dare not denie but that the Apostles wrote by the instinct of the spirite what is that els but the commaundement of God Actes 16.6 Paule was forbidden of the holy Ghost to preach the word in Asia and ver 10. when he had seene a vision of a man of Macedonia appearing vnto him the Apostle concludeth that they were called of God wherefore what they did by the secret mouing of the spirite was done at the cōmaundement of God Secondly Apocal. Iohn is biddē to write that which he saw no doubt the other Apostles had the like cōmaundement 3 There are many points which we ought in no wise to be ignoraunt of which the scriptures speake either obscurelie of or not at all First these things are obscurely and doubtfully set downe in Scripture the equalitie of the persons in Trinitie the proceeding of the holy Ghost from the Father and the Sonne the doctrine of originall sinne We aunswere First if these things be found at all in the Scriptures it is sufficient concerning the question we haue in hand Secondly the Scripture doth manifestly declare the truth in all those points the equalitie of the persons is directly proued 1. Iohn 5.7 the procession of the spirite Iohn 15.26 the spirit is there said to be sent frō the Father the Sonne And Ioh. 14.26 Original sinne is described plainly by the Apostle Rom. 5.12 though the name be not found in Scripture Secondly there are diuerse things necessarie to be knowen not at all declared in Scripture First as that Marie continued a perpetuall Virgine We answere the Scripture saith euery where she was a Virgine neither maketh mention of any children she had and therefore out of the Scripture we gather that she continued Secondly Basile saith that it is sufficient to know she was a Virgine before the birth of Christ. Secondly to know that the Pasch or Easter must be kept vpon the Lordes day is necessarie Aunswere there is no such necessiitie in it to saluation neither needed the Church so much to haue contended about it in times past these are the mightie weapons which our aduersaries vse The Protestantes WE do not affirme as our aduersaries charge vs that all things necessarie to saluation are expressely conteined in scripture that is in so many words but this we hold that all things which are necessarily to be knowen of vs are either expresly declared in Scripture or necessarily concluded out of Scripture and so conteined in them We also graunt that it was not Gospell onely which was written but all that Christ and his Apostles taught by liuely voyce the whole summe whereof and substaunce is conteined in the written word and so we conclude that nothing necessarie to saluation either concerning faith or manners is els where to be found but in the holy Scriptures 1 S. Paule saith if we or an Aungell preach vnto you otherwise then that which we haue preached let him be accursed Ergo the Scripture conteineth all things necessarie First the Iesuite aunswereth that S. Paule speaketh not onely of his writings but also of his preachings which were not written We aunswere that the summe of all S. Paules preachings is conteined in his Epistles and other holy writings for S. Paule confirmed his doctrine out of the scriptures as Act. 17.10 the Berrheans examined his doctrine by the scriptures and found it to be consonant and to agree in all things Secondly he condēneth those which preach any thing not besides or otherwise but contrarie and therefore not any other doctrine besides Scripture is forbidden but that
and of the father and not the father of the sonne Ergo the sonne is God with and of his father Rhemist ibid. Ans. This place proueth that the sonne of God as he is the sonne is of God for to be the sonne of God the word the wisedome of God 1. Cor. 1.30 His image Heb. 1.3 doe belong vnto his person So then as he is the sonne the wisedome of God or the word so he is of God namely in respect of his person but as the sonne is God he is of himselfe neither taketh he his essence but person onely of his Father The Protestants THat we may fully know the state of this question we must first set downe certain propositions First we do worship one eternal omnipotent onely wise God one and the same in power essence eternitie but three in person the Father the Sonne and the holy Ghost there is the same nature essence and deitie of them all though they be distinguished in person As there is one nature of the light the heate thereof and the shining brightnes Lucis splendoris caloris as Augustine putteth the example which three differ amongst themselues in propertie and quality yet haue one and the selfe same nature and substance God the father is as the light Iam. 1.17 God the Sonne is as the brightnes of his glory Heb. 1.3 God the holy Ghost is as the heate or fire Heb. 12.29 Thus these three are one in nature and essence but three in person 2. There is somewhat communicable to them all as the Godhead and diuine power and nature Somewhat incommunicable as the seueral proprieties of the persons for it is proper onely to the father to beget proper to the Sonne onely to be begotten proper onely to the holy Ghost to proceede from them both There is no essentiall difference in the Trinitie for there is one essence and diuine nature common to them all But there is both a real and rational difference The persons differ one from another really though not essentially But the persons differ onely rationally or in respect from the essence of the Godhead as the father and the sonne amongst men differ not essentially for they are both men But they are really verily and indeede distinguished for it is one thing to be the father another to be the sonne yet from their owne essence their persons onely differ in respect and relation not verily non re sed ratione for the father is a man the sonne also is a man but in one respect he is a father in an other he is man so likewise of the sonne yet one and the same is both father and man one and the same is both sonne and man so is it in the Trinitie Now to the poynt of the question which wee haue in hand The Sonne therefore in the blessed Trinitie is begotten of his fathers essence and hath the whole essence of his father not by propagation partition profluence but onely by communication The sonne is not 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Sonne of himselfe because he is sonne of the father But he is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that is very God of himself The essence or Godhead of the Sonne is of himselfe not of the father for it is one and the selfesame essence which the father hath He is indeede Deus de Deo lumen de lumine God of God light of light But not as he is God is he of God but as he is the Sonne It is one thing for the person of the Sonne to be begotten of the essence of the Father which we graunt another thing for the essence of the Sonne to be begotten which we must not yeeld to So we conclude that Christ as he is the Sonne is of God the Father as he is God he is of himselfe Argum. 1. The essence of the Father is of himselfe not begotten of any but the essence and Deitie of the Sonne is the same and all one with his Fathers Ergo it is not begotten of any other Agayne he is not God whose essence is not of himselfe therefore if Christs essence be not of himselfe he should not be God Argum. 2. Our Sauiour himselfe sayth As the Father hath life in himselfe so hee hath giuen to the Sonne also to haue life in himselfe Iohn 5.26 The Sonne then hath life in himselfe Ergo hee is GOD of himselfe Augustine vpon these wordes writeth Non quasi mutuatur vitam nec quasi particeps vitae sed ipse vitam in se habet vt ipsa vita sibi sit ipse He did not as it were borrow life of his father neither is made partaker of life but he hath life in himself he is life vnto himselfe But lest any man should thus mistake the wordes of the text that because the Father gaue to the Sonne to haue life in himself therefore hee gaue him to be God for to haue life in himselfe is to bee God Augustine thus expoundeth them Dedit filio vitam habere in se breuiter dixerim genuit filium He gaue to his Sonne to haue life in himselfe in fewe wordes He begat his Sonne As if we should say the Father which hath life in himselfe that is is God gaue to his Sonne to haue life in himselfe that is begat God the Sonne he begat him not as he was God but as he was his Sonne yet because of the neere vniting and coniunction of the person with the Godhead and diuine power to haue life in himselfe which really cannot be distinguished but onely in respect as we haue shewed the Father is said also to giue vnto the Sonne to be God and to haue life in himselfe not directly or properly but obliquely and by a consequent because his Sonne whom he begat from all eternitie must also necessarily be God And that it cannot be the proper meaning that God the Father gaue to the Sonne power to haue life in himselfe it appeareth by the words themselues for as the Father hath life in himselfe euen so hath hee giuen to the Sonne but the Father hath life in himselfe without beginning from any other Ergo so hath the Sonne There should els be a contrarietie and repugnancie in the speech for if Christ receiued life from his father he could not haue it in himselfe It must therfore of necessity be vnderstood of the person in the Trinity not of the diuine essence And so we determine that it is true in the concrete in concreto if wee say Deus Pater genuit Deum Filium God the Father begat God the Sonne but not in abstracto Deitas Patris genuit Deitatem Filium that the Godhead of the Father begat the Godhead of the Sonne But in respect of his person onely as he is the Sonne the second person in Trinitie so is hee begotten and hath his beginning of God But in respect of his diuine nature as he is God hee is begotten of none but of himselfe as God the Father
of the world The Papists error 108 THe most grieuous persecution say they that euer was shall be vnder Antichrist who is not yet come but shall bee reuealed toward the end of the world and shall raigne vpon the earth three yeares and an halfe making great hauock of the Church of God Bellarmine de Roman pontifi lib. 3. cap. 7. Argum. Matth. 24.21 There shall bee then such great tribulation in the world as was not since the beginning of the world neither shall bee Ergo the greatest persecution toward the end of the world Ans. 1. It is plaine by the text that this great tribulation is prophesied to come vpon the Iewes for in the next verse before he saith pray that your flight be not in the winter And then it followeth there shall bee then or as Marke saith In those dayes there shall be such tribulation 13.19 and in the 17. verse Woe shall be to them that giue suck in those dayes Which must needes bee vnderstoode of the destruction of Ierusalem for at the comming of Christ there shall be one and the same case of all whether of those that giue suck or of those that giue none Secondly it cannot be meant of the last tribulation in the world because the words are that as there was none such since the beginning of the world so there shall be none such after Ergo there shall be tribulation after though none such The Protestants OVr hope and trust is that the greatest persecution of the Church of God is ouerpast because the kingdome or rather tyrannie of Antichrist beginneth to decay and wee trust shall more and more bee shaken till it come to vtter ruine Argum. 1. The Scripture telleth vs that hard vpon the end of the worlde there shall bee great securitie men shall say Peace peace vnto themselues 1. Thesal 5.4 They shall eate and drinke marrie and bee married as it was in the dayes of Noah Matth. 24.38 And therefore Luke saith 21.34 Take heede you be not ouercome of surfeiting and drunkennes least this day come vpon you vnawares For as a snare shall it come c. All this proueth that there shall be rather generall securitie as in the dayes of Noah then generall tribulation And there is greater danger of surfeiting wantonnes in time of prosperitie and abundance then in the dayes of persecution Also the text is plaine speaking of warres troubles and persecutions but the end shall not be yet Mark 13.7 Wherefore it appeareth that the troubles and persecutions of the Church shall be well slaked toward the end of the world Argum. 2. Antichrist though he shall not vtterly bee extinguished before the comming of Christ yet shall be deadly wounded and hee shall begin to be iudged euen in this world Apocal. 16.6 God shal giue them blood to drink Apocal. 17.16 The ten hornes that is the kinges of the earth shall hate the whore and eate her flesh The Church of God shall reward her as she hath rewarded vs and giue her double according to her workes Apocal. 18.6 By these places it is gathered that Antichrist shal haue a great ouerthrow before the comming of Christ who shall vtterly abolish him with the brightnes of his comming 2. Thes. 2.8 Antichrist is alreadie come and hath raged a long time against the Church The persecutions of the heathen did neither continue so long neither were in exquisite crueltie and bitternes to be compared to the outragious practises of the Antichrist of Rome and his adherents against the Church of God which would fill a whole volume by themselues nay not one but many and infinite volumes to be declared at large Augustine saith Prima persecutio violen●● 〈…〉 tormentis ●lterafraudulenta est per haereticos tertia superest per Antichristum 〈◊〉 qu● nihil est ●ericulosius quia violenta fraudulenta erit The first persecution of the Church was violent with torments the second was by fraudulent heretikes the third shal be vnder Antichrist the worst of all it shal be both violent and fraudulent This persecution vnder the Popes of Rome the Church of God endured a great while who both dealt fraudulentlie in poysoning them with corrupt doctrine and cruellie also in punishing with sword and fire the innocent members of Christ wherefore seeing it is a plaine case that Antichrist is and hath been many a day reuealed to the world and that the Church of God beginneth to haue some respit and libertie from his thraldome wee doubt not but that the greatest stormes of persecution are ouerpast if by our sinnes wee bring not back againe the thick and mistie cloude vpon vs. THE SECOND PART OF THIS CONtrouersie about the manner of Christs comming to iudgement The Papists error 109 1. THe faithful shal iudge and giue sentence with Christ say they at the latter day Rhemist 1. Corinth 6. vers 2. They shall sit in thrones with Christ Matth. 19. vers 28. Ergo iudge together with him Rhemist ibid. The Protestants Ans. 1. TRue it is that the Saints shal iudge the world 1. Corinth 6.2 But only Christ shall giue sentence Matth. 25. and is properly and onelie the iudge of the world for the father hath committed al iudgemēt to the Sonne Iohn 5.22 If all then there is no part left for any other The Apostles therefore and Saints are said to iudge as Christ saith of his word that hee will not iudge the vnbeleeuers but his word shall iudge them in the last day Iohn 12.48 That is shall bee a witnesse against them accuse them lay in matter of iudgement against them So the word preached by the Saints vpon earth and practised in their liues shall bee the condemnation of the worlde And not onely so but they shall bee aduanced to greater honor They shall sit in thrones and seates that is they shall not stand amongst the wicked to receiue sentence but shall meete Christ in the ayre and bee caught vp in the cloudes 1. Thess. 4.17 Yea they shall in the sight and beholding of the vngodly enter into the kingdome of God Luk. 13.28 But in any other sence they cannot be iudges of the world for shall we thinke that Christ in that day shall neede vnder officers and iudges as Moses did Exod. ●8 Augustine saith Sancti sedebunt cum domino attendere qui fecerunt misericordia●● The Saints shall ●it with the Lord not to iudge but to marke and attend and to witnesse who haue followed the workes of m●●cie The Papists 2 THey are so bold as to appoint the place where Christ shall appeare namely error 110 in the East for his comming shall bee as the lightening that shineth from East to West Matth. 24.27 Bellarm. de cultu sanctor lib. 3. cap. 3. The Protestants Ans. FIrst by that similitude Christ onely sheweth the suddennes of his comming therefore it must be prest no further then to that purpose for the which it serueth Secondly our Sauiour saith plainely that the
ment for here is a succession of Kings described vers 19. One is sayd to be ouerthrowne that is Seleucus but not in battaile for he was poysoned vers 18. There another is sayd to bee ouerthrowne and to be no more found that is Antiochus magnus But Antichrist cannot succeede any in the kingdome of the Iewes for he shall be their first King as the Papists imagine 2 He shall sayth Bellarmine ouercome three kings of Lybia Aegypt Aethiopia Dan. 11.43 and this horne shall remoue three other hornes Dan. 7.8 Ans. This also must needes be vnderstood of Antiochus Epiphanes and they are two prophecies First he is called a little horne because he was not heire to the kingdome he remoueth three other hornes for by his meanes Ptolemaeus Philopater was cast out of the kingdome in his fathers time Antiochus the great his brother Seleucus poysoned his sonne Demetrius disinherited Tremell Dan. 7.20 The second prophecie was also accomplished by Antiochus who ouercame Aegypt and the countreys adioyning Of Antichrist it cannot bee vnderstood for the first prophecie speaketh of a beast with ten hornes which must be vnderstood of one kingdome monarch and by the ten hornes ten Kings are signified for so was Antiochus Epiphanes the tenth from Seleucus here then is a succession of Kings but Antichrist shall not succeede any 3 The Iesuite saith that Antichrist with a great armie shall vexe the whole world and that shal be the battaile of Gog and Magog prophecied of Ezech. 38.39 Apocal. 20. Ans. The prophecie of Ezechiel was fulfilled in the time of the Macchabees when as Gog and Magog that is Antiochus with the helpe of the Syrians and Scythians and other countreys molested the people of God for vers 23. chap. 39. the Prophet speaketh of the captiuitie of Israel from the which they should at that time bee deliuered And agayne the Lord would not leaue his Church which at that time endured great afflictions at the hands of the heathen comfortlesse but if these prophecies of Ezechiel and Daniel concerne them not then small had been their comfort Lastly the Iewes may with as good reason vnderstand the prophecies concerning Christ of their Messiah whom they yet looke for as you may these prophecies concerning the enemies of the Church of your Antichrist The other prophecie also is fulfilled Apocal. 20.8 how Gog and Magog from the foure corners of the earth shall compasse the tents of the Saints for by Gog and Magog is vnderstood the whole multitude of the enemies of the Church both within and without as Turkes Papists Infidels which all haue agreed together at times and in their turnes though enemies amongst themselues to afflict the people of God Fulk annot in hunc locum And if you will needes also haue the other two prophecies fulfilled agayne being once before accomplished they agree fitly to the Turkish Empire for Mahomet by craft and subtiltie aspired to a kingdome and in short time he ouerranne Aegypt and Lybia with other parts of Africa The Protestants WE denye that there shall come any such Antichrist or that it is possible for him to wage battaile with the whole earth We graunt that the Antichrist of Rome hath warred with the Church poysoning it with corrupt doctrine and persecuting the same by fire and sword which his rage is well slaked now God be praised in many places and his tyrannie ouerpast miserable were the state of the Church if it should endure such a brunt agayne 1 It is impossible that Antichrist in so short a time as three yeeres and an halfe should conquer all nations and be Monarch of the whole world burne sacke Rome and driue out the Pope as the Papists graunt themselues Bellarm. lib. 4. cap. 3. de pontifice A man cannot in that space traua●le through the whole world much lesse conquer it And seeing Antichrist shall begin at Ierusalem make his habitation there and haue an end there for say they he shall be slayne in Mount Oliuet Gloss. sup Apocal It is not like that in his owne person he should conquer the world neither can it be thought that he shall do it by his deputies for then they should be the Antichrists and not he See what a Labyrinth you are fallen into out of the which you cannot wind yourselues 2 Antichrist is not described in scripture as a warriour or warlike man sitting harnessed in his tent but like an hypocrite aduācing himself in the temple not comming with engins of warre but deluding and deceiuing with false miracles and lying signes 2. Thessal 2. Not with Harolds of armes openly proclaming warre but he shall worke in a mysterie Apocal. 17.5 Wherefore it is but a popish dreame and fancie that Antichrist shall be such a mightie warriour yet we denye not but that diuers of the Popes haue been warriours but that was beyond the commission of Peters crosse keyes 3 Lastly they haue no ground of this their opinion out of scripture for neither Ezechiel nor Daniel maketh for them prophecying of the state of the Church before Christ nor yet the Apocalypse the prophecie of Gog and Magog being accomplished in the greatest part alreadie Wherefore away with these mistie clowdes of your brainsicke inuentions they shall not bee able to abide the lightsome sun-beames of the truth THE NINTH AND LAST PART OF THIS question whether the Pope be Antichrist The Papists THis question pincheth our aduersaries very sore that wee should touch their error 65 head so neere as to make him Antichrist For this being once knowne wee neede not labour much about other matters for Antichrist with all his doctrine must not be heard but abhorred of the Church They therefore craftily foreseeing this doe take great paynes to deliuer the Pope out of this danger and haue found out many starting holes but all to smal purpose yea their forefathers seeing the matter so playne and almost put out of doubt gaue straight charge in the late Councel of Laterane to all preachers that none should dare once to speake of the comming of Antichrist This argueth a guiltie conscience But yet they face out the matter and say the Pope cannot be Antichrist their arguments are none other then those we haue heard being eight in number 1 Antichrist shall be one singular man the Popes haue been many part 1. of this question Secondly he shall raigne but three yeeres and an halfe but the Pope hath continued many hundred yeeres part 2. Thirdly he shal be knowne by his name the Popes haue sundrie names part 3. Fourthly he must come of the stocke of the Iewes but there was neuer yet any Iewe Pope part 4. Fiftly his seate must be at Ierusalem the Popes is at Rome part 5. Sixtly he shall manifestly denie Christ so doth not the Pope say they part 6. Seuenthly he shall doe strange miracles as bring downe fire from heauen cause Images to speak part 7. Eightly He shall wage great battailes and conquer all the
world part 8. Which cannot agree to the Pope Ergo he is not Antichrist Answere To these eight arguments we haue before answered seuerally shewing how fabulous ridiculous and impossible our aduersaries assertions are without ground of scripture shewe of reason or colour of argument Wherefore we will not trouble the reader with needlesse repetitions desiring him to haue recourse to that which hath been alreadie sayd The Protestants THat the Pope of Rome is very Antichrist and that all the qualities and properties which the scripture describeth Antichrist by doe fitly agree vnto his person and that we are not therefore to expect or looke for any other Antichrist Thus by testimonie of scripture and sufficient reasons deduced out of the same we trust it shall appeare to all men 1 The first place of scripture is Daniel 11. where many notes and markes are declared proper to Antichrist yet especiallie set foorth to describe Antiochus Epiphanes who might be very well a type and figure of Antichrist who was then to come 1 vers 36. It is sayd He shall doe what him listeth This is most true of the Pope his will must stande for reason Distinct. 96. cap. satis If the Pope should drawe infinite soules to hell no man is to say vnto him Sir why doe you so Distinct. 40 Heere Bellarmine hath but this poore shift to say that it is meant onely of publike iudgement that no man is by authoritie to call the Pope to account but yet a brotherly admonition may bee vsed But who seeth not that the words are generall Nemo debet ei dicere No man ought to say vnto him neither Iudge nor other 2 Hee shall magnifie himselfe agaynst GOD and speake blasphemous things agaynst GOD hath not the Pope done so Of him it is sayd that GOD and the Pope haue but one Consistorie I am able to doe almost all that GOD can doe Fox pag. 785. articl 192. I am aboue all and in all Hostiens Nay that Dominion and Lordship which Christ had in earth but habitu in habite the Pope hath actu in act and in deede Agayne as we reade the earth is the Lordes and the fulnesse thereof and as Christ sayth all power is giuen mee in heauen and in earth so is it to bee affirmed that the Vicar of Christ hath power on things celestiall terrestriall infernall apud Fox pag. 791. col 1. Now let the discreet reader iudge whether this fellowe doe not magnifie himselfe and speake blasphemously agaynst God 3 Hee shall prosper till the wrath bee accomplished So hath the Pope had but too good successe hee hath subdued Emperours and made them his seruants trode vpon their neckes made them serue at his table crowned them with his feete made them hold his stirrup and leade his horse by the bridle But wee doe hope that his date is out and that hee shall prosper no longer 4 vers 37. He shall not care for the God of his fathers No more doth the Pope for he hath inuented and erected a newe breaden god which he worshippeth hangeth vp in Churches carrieth about in procession being but a peece of bread This breaden god a might his forefathers neuer knew 5 Hee shall not care for the desires of women So hee prohibiteth lawfull marriage permitteth adulteries and the vnnaturall lust of Sodomites Bellarmine first denyeth the text which is faithfully translated according to the Hebrew Secondly he sayth the place is meant literally and properly of Antiochus who was giuen to the pleasures of women Answere First if it be meant literallie of Antiochus then can it not be meant literallie of your Antichrist If Antiochus be but a type of Antichrist then can you not necessarilie conclude out of this place for types prooue not vnlesse they be diuine that is appoynted of God to be types which you can not shewe for this place see then the best arguments that you haue for your Antichrist out of the prophecies of Daniel and Ezechiel are proued nothing worth Secondly as Antiochus was giuen to vnlawfull desires of women so is the Pope yet might he be an enemie to chast and holy marriage and so is the Pope And by the way let it bee noted that the Iesuite picketh quarrels with scripture and maketh it false for the text sayth He that is Antiochus shall not care for the desires of women Yes sayth the Iesuite he shall be giuen to the pleasures of women cleane contrarie to the text Bellarm. cap. 21. 6 vers 38. He shall honor his god Mauzzim that is a god of power and riches with gold siluer precious stones Both of these are most true of the popish religion for their god hath brought them great riches lands treasure possession by their idolatrous Masses they haue greatly enriched themselues wherein their breaden god playeth the chiefe part and therefore they doe worship him agayne with gold siluer precious stones what rich Corporals and Altar-clothes Copes Vestiments of veluet silke wrought with gold are seene in their Churches what gilding of Roodes and Roodlofts garnishing of Idols what rich Crucifixes of siluer of gold beset with pearle and precious stones This description therefore of Daniel as you see doth in euery respect agree with the conditions and properties of Antichrist of Rome Argument Illyrici Secondly Saint Paules description in euery poynt also is verified in the Pope First He shall exalt himselfe aboue God and all that is called God 2. Thess. 2.4 So the Pope challengeth the full authoritie of Christ as wee haue shewed before and exalteth himselfe aboue Emperours which are called gods vpon earth yea they haue taken the iust proportion of inequalitie betweene the Pope and Emperour for the Pope is 47. degrees aboue the Emperour as the Sunne is 47. degrees bigger then the Moone Innocent 3. in decretalib 2 He shall sit in the temple that is in the Church so the Pope nameth himselfe head of the Church and hath the keyes as he braggeth both of heauen and hell Therefore the Turke cannot bee that Antichrist because he is out of the Church and so in truth is the Pope but yet he challengeth to him and his the name of the Church 3 The mysterie wrought in Paules time and afterward encreased so not long after the Apostles time the Bishops of Rome began to lift vp their heads aboue other Churches as Zozimus falsified the Councel of Nice and sent to the 6. Councel of Carthage to haue it there confirmed that it might be lawfull to send vp appeales to Rome 4 Antichrist shall come with lying signes So hath the Pope done as experience proueth and we haue shewed before 5 vers 11. God shall send strong delusions that they shall beleeue lyes And in time of Poperie men indeede were so strongly deluded that the father persecuted the sonne the sonnes set fire to their father yea the husband was made a witnesse agaynst the wife the wife agaynst her husband and seruants accused their masters These things are
so well knowne in stories that I neede not come to particulars 6 Antichrist is called a wicked man and a man of sinne vers 3.8 And where shall you finde more wicked men then among the Popes Siluester the 2. gaue his soule to the diuell to obtayne the Papacie Fox pag. 167. Benno reporteth of Hildebrand that he poysoned sixe Popes to come to the Popedome Pope Stephen and Sergius tooke vp the bodie of Formosus and mangled it cutting off his head and fingers and so cast it into Tibris Fox pag. 120. We haue heard before what a holy Father Pope Iohn the 13. was he lay with his owne sister and with his fathers Concubines playing at dice called for the diuell was slayne in adulterie And was it not I pray you a common prouerbe in England He that goeth to Rome once seeth a wicked man he that goeth twise learneth to know him he that goeth the third time bringeth him home with him Fox pag. 841. argument Illyrici The third place we doe take out of the Apocalyps chap. 9. where is a playne storie set downe of the Pope 1 vers 1. He is a starre fallen from heauen he is departed from the ancient faith of Rome to superstition and idolatrie 2 He hath the key of the bottomlesse pit who giueth the crosse keyes in his armes but the Pope who sayth hee may euacuate all Purgatorie at once if hee will but he Who sayth he may Pleno iure currus animarum plenos secum ad tartara detrudere by full right carrie downe to hell with him charriots Ioden with soules cap. si Papa distinct 42. Is not this the Pope who then more fitly may be sayd to haue the key of the bottomlesse pit 3 There arise out of the bottomlesse pit a great flocke of Locusts that is the innumerable sort of begging Friers for they are in euery respect described First compared to Locusts for their number vers 3. There were an 100. diuers sorts of Friers Fox pag. 260. Secondly they had power giuen them for fiue moneths that is as Walter Brute expoundeth it taking a moneth for thirtie dayes a day for a yeere as it is prophetically taken an 150. yeeres for so long it was from the beginning of the Friers vnder Innocent the 3. anno 1212. to the time of Armachanus who preached disputed and wrote agaynst the Friers about anno 1360. Fox pag. 414. Thirdly they shall sting like Scorpions not slay all at once but venome and poyson the conscience with the sting of their pestilent doctrine Fourthly other parts also of the description agree as vers 7. They are as horses prepared to battaile that is stoute ambitious their haire as the haire of women that is they shall be effeminate and giuen to the lusts of the flesh their teeth as the teeth of Lions they by valiant begging shall deuoure the portions of the poore as it was well proued in King Henry the 8. dayes in the Supplication of beggars that the summe of the Friers almes came to a great summe in the yeere for the fiue orders of Friers had a penie a quarter for euery one of euery housholder throughout England that is for them all twentie pence by the yeere suppose that there be but ten housholds in euery towne and let there be twentie thousand parishes and townes in England it will not want much of twentie thousand pound Thus had they Lions teeth that is consuming and deuouring Lastly they haue a King vers 11. whose name is Abaddon a destroyer for the Pope their chiefe prince and patron hath by his Antichristian doctrine layd wast the Church of God Argument Chytraei The fourth place of scripture wee will take out of the 17. of the Apocalyps there the seate of Antichrist is described First vers 5. It is called Babylon the citie which raigneth ouer the Kings of the earth vers 18. This can be no other but Rome which then had the Empire of the whole world Secondly It is the citie built vpon seuen hils or mountaynes vers 9. that is no other but Rome Thirdly the whore which is Antichrist shall sit vpon the beast with seuen heads and ten hornes that is shall succeede in the Empire and haue the authoritie thereof so hath the Pope Fourthly the ten hornes that is the Kings of the earth shal giue their authoritie to the beast but afterward shall deuoure her flesh Euen so the Kings of the earth by their sword maintayned the authoritie of the Pope But now being taught by the Gospell they are made the Lords free men and begin to subdue their neckes from his yoke The fift place is 1. Iohn 2.22 Who is a lyar but he that denyeth that Iesus is Christ the same is Antichrist that denyeth the father and the sonne Euen so the Pope of Rome though not openly and apertly yet closely and subtilly is an enemie vnto the whole trinitie He exalteth himselfe aboue God the father because he taketh vpon him to dispense not onely agaynst the lawe of nature but agaynst the lawe of God the morall law and agaynst the precepts both of the old and new testament but a lawe cannot be dispensed withall but by the same authoritie or greater Agaynst Iesus Christ he exalteth himselfe and all his offices he denyeth him to be the onely Prophet saying the scriptures are vnperfect and that their traditions are also necessarie to saluation Agayne he maketh other bookes scripture then those which are Canonicall His kingly office he doth arrogate to himselfe in making lawes to binde the conscience in ordayning other Sacraments in granting Indulgences and Pardons saying that he is the head of the Church His Priesthood he is an enemie vnto constituting another priesthood after the order of Melchisedech then that of our Sauiour Christ which begun vpon the Crosse and remayneth still in his person being incommunicable to any other creature yet they make euery sacrificing Priest to bee of the order of Melchisedech He impugneth the office of the holy spirit counting that prophane which the holy Ghost hath sanctified as marriage and meates arrogateth in all things the spirit of truth not to erre applieth the merites of Christs passion after his owne pleasure by Pardons Indulgences by ceremonies and Sacraments of his owne inuention Fulk 2. Thess. 2. sect 10. Ergo we conclude out of S. Iohn that seeing he denieth Iesus to be Christ he is Antichrist Sixtly S. Paul sayth that Antichrist shal be an aduersarie 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 2. Thess. 2.4 An aduersarie in doctrine teaching cleane contrarie to the Gospell of Christ so doth the Pope 1 The scripture sayth wee ought to put our trust onely in God and not in man Ierem. 17.7 and to call vpon God onely in the day of trouble Psal. 50.15 and to worship him in spirit and truth Iohn 4.24 The Papists say cleane contrarie that we must call vpon Saints and beleeue they can helpe vs and they teach vs to fall downe before
and gouernours the third is the vow of continencie of these three in order THE FIRST PART CONCERNING THE vow of voluntarie pouertie The Papists THey say it is an acceptable seruice vnto GOD for a man to giue all he hath error 87 to the poore and by vow to consecrate and addict himselfe to voluntarie pouertie 1 Math. 18.21 Christ faith If thou wilt be perfect goe and sell all thou hast and giue it to the poore and come and followe me This is properly to followe Christ to lacke proprietie and liue in common and thus the Apostles followed Christ Rhemist ibid. Ans. First This is a precept not generall to all but giuen to this one man to discouer his hypocrisie and vaine confidence that he had in himselfe as though he had kept the law which he came farre short of Secondly the Apostles themselues had proprietie Peter had a house Iohn had to prouide for the virgin Marie whom Christ commended vnto him Matthew made a feast of his owne goods Fulk ibid. 2 Act. 2.44 They had all things common and Act. 5. Ananias and Sapphira after their profession of commō life deteining some part proper to themselues were reproued and iudged of the Apostles Ergo it is acceptable to God to liue in common Rhemist ibid. Bellarm. cap. 20. Answere First that communitie vsed then amongst the brethren ought alwayes to be among Christians no man to count that his owne which the necessitie of his brother requireth to be bestowed vpon him euery man was not then bound to giue vp the proprietie of their goods for they distributed to euery man as they had need Act. 4.35 But if they had giuen vp all the proprietie of their goods then all should haue needed alike And Peter sayth not the contrary but that Ananias might haue kept the proprietie of his goods if he had not made publike profession to the contrarie Act. 5.4 2 Concerning Ananias we doe not read that he made any vowe to giue his goods to the Church nay the contrary appeareth in that Saint Peter saith While it remayned with thee appertained it not to thee But if his vowe were past before the goods though not yet solde could not appertaine vnto him Agayne the principall and chiefe cause why Peter proceeded agaynst him was his lying and hypocrisie not for breaking his vow for it cannot bee proued that he promised all but that he affirmed that hee brought all whereas hee withdrew part The Protestants VOluntarie or rather wilfull pouertie for a man hauing no vrgent cause to leaue all he hath and bequeath himselfe to a poore and needie life onely for opinion of greater merite and hope thereby better to please God is neither a thing acceptable nor commendable before God nor any where commanded in the scriptures 1 1. Timoth. 6.17 Saint Paul giuing Counsel to rich men biddeth them not to cast away their riches but Charge them sayth he that they be not high minded nor put their trust in vncertain riches Surely it had been a more compēdious way to wish them at once to leaue their riches so they should not be in danger either of pride or vaine confidence But the Apostle saith no such thing Againe God giueth vs abundantly al things to enioy riches are the gift of God we ought not to be weary of Gods blessing And as Iob sayth The Lord giueth the Lord taketh therefore a man ought not to make himselfe poore because he made not himselfe rich but to waite vpon God Further it followeth vers 18. that they do good and be rich in good works he that can vse riches well may bee rich in good workes but he that is poore wanteth occasion and meanes to doe good as the rich man indued with grace may Wherefore he is an enemie to the glorie of God that changeth his rich estate wherein he may more glorifie God for a poore Agayne if it were so acceptable a thing to God and so meritorious to liue in pouertie what made the Prophet to pray agaynst it Giue mee not pouertie nor riches but feede me with foode conuenient Prouer. 30. vers 8. 2 What better argument can we haue against them then their own practise for though in words they much commend voluntarie pouertie yet it is a rare thing to finde it amongst them for not one among a thousand of them if they haue landes doe giue them to the poore but to their owne kinsfolkes or else to the Abbeyes where they know they shal be wealthily maintained The Pope also is good to many and granteth them capacities to possesse temporall goods contrary to their former vowe Fulk annot Mark 10. sect 3. 3 Augustine sayth Diuitiae seculares si desint non per opera mala quarantur in mundo Si autem adsunt per opera bona seruentur in coelo Epist. 1. posteriorum If secular riches be wanting let not a man seeke to get them by euill doing in the world but if he haue them labour by well doing to store them vp in heauen He counselleth not men to cast away their riches It was the heresie of the Pelagians to perswade rich men to cast away their goods August epistol 106. and of the Manichees likewise August cont Faustum lib. 5. cap. 10. THE SECOND PART CONCERNING the vowe of obedience The Papists error 88 THey that doe enter into the monkish profession do vow in all things to become obedient to their gouernour to follow his rules iniunctions As the Franciscanes follow Saint Francis rule who in stead of a girdle put a corde about him went bare-foote in winter season couered his flesh with yce and snow It is acceptable and gratefull seruice say they vnto God to be thus obedient to their fathers and gouernours 1 Ierem. 35. The sonnes of Ionadab are commended for being obedient to their father who enioyned them to drink no wine nor to sow their fields nor builde houses but dwell in tents See they obeyed their father in thinges not commanded of God Ergo so ought religious Monkes to doe Bellarm. cap. 21. Answer First you cannot shew that your monkish Abbots haue such authoritie ouer their Monkes as the father hath ouer his children for Coloss. 3. and in many other places children are commanded to be obedient to their parents But they haue neither authoritie nor calling out of the word Secondly Ionadab inioyned nothing contrarie to the law of the Nazarites Numb 6. and if you say that it was not the custome of the Nazarites to dwell in tents you shall finde that the Rechabites did not so straightly obserue this as the other namely not to drinke wine for Ierem. 35.11 they came vp for feare of the Caldeans that were in the land and dwelt at Ierusalem they dispensed with the voluntarie iniunction of their father for dwelling in their tents but kept the other vow of abstaining from wine still because it was after the law Wherefore this example maketh not for monkish
which is nothing but aduocation Dan. 10.23 Math. 18.10 Rhemist annot 1. Iohn 2. sect 5. Ans. First the argument followeth not for the Angels at the appoyntment of God may serue for our protection and defence though they be not aduocates for vs to obtaine remission of our sinnes Secondly the places alleadged proue no such aduocation of Angels but onely defence and protection Dan. 10.23 The Angel was readie at the first praiers of Daniel but he was letted a while This proueth that angels may knowe our praiers when it pleaseth God and be ministers of his helpe vnto vs which we denye not not that they are our aduocates The Protestants THat angels are not to be worshipped nor inuocated as mediatours intercessors or aduocates the scripture speaketh euidently 1 Coloss. 2.18 Let no man beguile you in the humblenes and worshipping of Angels Ergo not lawfull to pray vnto them or to worship them Rhemist The Apostle speaketh heere against the wicked doctrine of Simon Magus that affirmed that the angels both ill and good were mediators for vs vnto God and against the superstition of the Iewes that worshipped the angels by whom the law was giuen Ans. The Apostle condemneth both these superstitions as likewise the popish inuocation of angels because all will-worship is forbidden which is not after the prescript of Gods word Coloss. 2.23 Fulk in hunc locum 2 If any man sinne sayth the Apostle we haue an aduocate with the father Iesus Christ the Iust he is the propitiation for our sinnes Iohn 2.2 Ergo Christ onely is our aduocate Rhemist Christ is our aduocate in the highest degree because by himselfe and his owne merites without the assistance of any other he obtaineth pardon for vs. The other as angels and Saints are as secondary intercessors that obtaine not any thing by their owne merites but onely through Christ. Ans. First he onely and properly is an aduocate that can pleade the iustice of his clients cause which euery one that prayeth for vs cannot doe for though the angels and Saints departed should pray for vs which we knowe not by the scriptures as our brethren vpon earth doe yet should they not be mediatours and aduocates but petitioners and intreators for vs Fulk ibid. Secondly we gather many strong arguments out of this place for the sole sufficient aduocation of Christ. First the Sonne is the best and onely sufficient aduocate with the father therefore where we may haue free and bold accesse to the Sonne Heb. 4.16 what need haue we of the seruants helpe 2. He is the only aduocate that is iust and righteous before God so onely is Christ the angels are imperfect in his sight Iob. 4.18 Ergo. Thirdly he must be our aduocate that is also the propitiation for our sinnes Ergo onely Christ. Augustine saith Dicitis angelos nos colimus vtinam illos coleretis facile ab illis disceretis illos non colere But ye will say ye worship not images but Angels I would you did truely worship and reuerence them for you should soone learne of the Angels not to worship the Angels in Psal. 96. THE NINTH GENERALL CONTROVERSIE CONCERNING SAINTS DEPARTED THis Controuersie hath two parts first of those that being departed suffer some punishment after this life Secondly of those that are straight receiued to ioye in heauen The first part hath two questions first of the place of darknesse where the faithfull remained till the comming of Christ as the Papists imagine Secondly of Purgatorie THE FIRST QVESTION OF LIMBVS PATRVM where the Patriarkes were imagined to be The Papists THey haue deuised and imagined in their foolish conceit foure infernall and subterrestrial places Hell Purgatorie Limbus infantium where children remaine dying without baptisme and Limbus Patrum where the Fathers were before Christs comming These places they distinguish three waies first by the situation Hell is lowest Purgatorie is next Limbus infantium in the third place Limbus Patrum vppermost Secondly they differ in measure of punishment some of them haue poenam damni and poenam sensus a double punishment both of losse in that they are excluded heauen and of paine also as Hell and Purgatorie the other two Limbi are but dungeons of darknes onely where they suffer no other smart or paine but are onely absent from God Thirdly they differ in time and continuance say they Hell and the dungeon of children shall abide for euer but Purgatorie and the dungeon of the fathers are temporall the one that is Limbus Patrum is many yeeres agoe dissolued and Purgatorie also shall cease say they at the comming of Christ Ballarm de purgat lib. 2. cap. 6. This then is their opinion that the Patriarkes and Prophets before Christs comming were not in heauen but were kept in an infernall place of darknesse yet without paine and were deliuered by Christs descending into hell Bellarm. de Christi anima lib. 4. cap. 11. Rhemist Heb. 9.8 Argum. First Heb. 11.40 God prouiding a better thing for vs that they without vs should not be perfect That is say the Rhemists the Fathers of the law could not be admitted to the ioyes of heauen till the Apostles and other of the new lawe were associate with them and a way made into heauen by the death and ascension of Christ Rhemist ibid. Ans. First by this reason the Patriarkes could not enter into heauen before the death of the Apostles if there were no enterance found vnlesse they were associate with them Secondly if the way were not opened before Christs ascension then the Patriarkes could not ascend before where were they then al those 40. daies for they were deliuered out of Limbus Patrum before Christs resurrection Thirdly there is therefore no such meaning of this place but it is to be vnderstood of the resurrection when as all the elect shall be consummate together and enter bodie and soule into heauen Fulk 2 Zachar. 9.11 I haue loosed thy prisoners out of the pit where there is no water That is out of Limbus Patrum Bellarm. de Christi anima lib. 4. cap. 11. Ans. Augustine giueth a cleane contrarie sense of the place by the pit without water he vnderstandeth Humanae miseriae siccam profunditatem sterilem vbi non sunt fluenta iustitiae sed iniquitatis lutum The drie and barren dungeon of humane miserie where there are no springs of iustice but the puddle and mire of iniquitie That is the Prophet speaketh of the deliuerance of the people from their cruel and vniust bondage and captiuitie 3 1. Pet. 3.19 In the which spirit he also went and preached vnto the spirits that were in prison which sometime had been disobedient in the daies of Noe. This place proueth euidently sayth Bellarm. that Christ descended into hell and deliuered the fathers from thence De Christi anima lib. 4.13 Ans. The place can haue no such meaning First by the spirit here the humane soule of Christ cannot be vnderstood but is diuine
be lawfull to worship them Fourthly what manner of worship it should be THE FIRST ARTICLE OF THE DIFFErence betweene Idols and Images The Papists THere is great difference say they betweene an Image and an Idoll an Image called in Greeke 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 is the true similitude of a thing an Idoll 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 error 38 in Greeke translated simulachrum doth represent that which is not as were the Idols of Venus Minerua women Goddesses which was a meere deuised thing Images they confesse they haue but no Idols Bellarm. cap. 5. First S. Paul sayth 1. Corinth 10. That an Idoll is nothing that is doth represent a thing that is not as such were their heathenish Idols Bellarm. Ans. First the place is not so vnderstood for the Apostle sayth That things offered to Idols also are nothing which were not made to represent any thing But his meaning is this that of themselues they are nothing to breede offence neither were it needfull to shunne eating of Idoll sacrifices or to abhorre an Idoll but that they are abused and turned to the seruice of diuels as it followeth in the next verse Therefore an Idoll is not sayd to be nothing because it representeth a thing imagined but that of it selfe being but wood or stone or such like it were not offensiue if it were not abused to idolatrie Secondly all the portraictures of the Heathen were not Idols in this sense for Iupiter Mars Apollo Hercules whose images they had were men sometime liuing Thirdly you haue images representing nothing as the pictures of Angels of God the Father of the holy Ghost which haue no shape nor likenes Againe you haue also your imagined Saints as S. George S. Christopher for there were neuer any such and therefore you haue Idols as well as the Heathen The Protestants THough the name Idoll haue an odious signification in the English tongue yet neither the Greeke 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 nor the Latine simulachrum doe sound so euill vnto the eares and in many places of the scripture we may in differently reade idoll or image for all worshipping of Images is idolatrie If we will distinguish them they are thus rather to be seuered An Idoll is that image which is set vp with an intent to be worshipped an Image is a generall name as well to vnlawfull pictures set vp for idolatrie as lawfull which haue but a ciuill vse But that the Papists Idols are images thus we proue it Argum. 1. The scripture calleth the Gentiles Idols images Rom. 1.23 there the word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 is vsed Ergo idoll and image are taken for one they haue images set vp for religious or rather irreligious vses Ergo Idols Arg. 2. Apocal. 9.20 There is mention made of Idols of gold siluer brasse which cannot be vnderstood of the Idols of the Gentiles which were abolished long agoe and that prophecie is to be vnderstood of men liuing after the opening of the seuenth seale which is toward the end of the world Wherefore it must needes be vnderstood of the Papists who are the onely knowne people in the world that worship images Ergo they haue Idols Augustine taketh imago and simulachrum which is the Latine for the Greeke 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 for all one for the loue of the dead sayth he images were first made whereof the vse of simulachers or Idols doe arise THE SECOND ARTICLE WHETHER IT BE lawfull to haue the images of the Trinitie of Christ or of the Angels The Papists error 39 THat Images may haue a good ciuill vse as for decencie or comelines of some worke or for vtilitie of storie it is of neither part denied but they further affirme that it is lawfull to expresse the Trinitie by pictures as God like an olde man and with the world in his hand Christ as he walked vpon the earth the holy Ghost in the likenes of a Doue the Angels with wings and these pictures they say are very meete and profitable to be set vp in Churches Rhemist Act. 17. sect 5. Arg. 1. To paint the Trinitie or any one of them as they appeared visiblie is no more inconuenient then it was vndecent for them so to appeare Rhem. ibid. Ans. You flatly controll the law of God which simply forbiddeth any similitude to be made of things in heauen or in earth to worship God by And Deut. 4.15 God expresly declareth that he would not appeare in any visible shape when he gaue the law lest the people should abuse that shape to make an image of God after it Lastly the argument followeth not for God sawe it was conuenient sometime by visible signes to appeare vnto men and yet seeth it to be inconuenient for pictures to be made to resemble him by for els he would neuer haue forbidden it Arg. 2. The angels were pictured in forme of Cherubims Ergo Spirits may be portraicted Ans. When you can shewe an expresse commandement for your images as the Israelites had for them we will yeeld that they are lawfully made Againe how followeth it God may command images to be made for the vse of religion Ergo men may for the law bindeth not the Lord who is the lawmaker But the law sayth thou shalt not make to thy selfe that is by thine owne authoritie any grauen image The Cherubims also were not made publikely to be seene and gazed vpon by the people but were set in the holy place so are not your pictures and images which are set vp openly in your Churches to entise people to idolatrie The Protestants TO set forth the Godhead and diuine nature by any picture or image is impossible and therefore both vnlawfull and inconuenient but to bring them into Churches and to make them for some vse of religion is a high steppe vnto grosse superstition 1. Such images of the Trinitie among the Papists are made to resemble the diuinitie and Godhead for to what purpose els should such images be made Fulk Act. 17. sect 5. They picture God the Father like an old man because in that forme he appeared to Daniel but how knowe they whether it were God the Father rather then God the Sonne who is as old as God the Father or then the whole Godhead They commend also the image of God the Father with the world in his hand which is a lying image and maketh simple people to beleeue that the world was made onely by God the Father which was the worke of the whole Trinitie Some of the Papists themselues as Abulensis Durandus Peresius doe hold that the image of God ought not to be made and that it is rather tolerated then allowed in the Church As for the images of Christ in the forme of a Lambe and the holy Ghost in shape of a Doue Bartholomaeus Caranza a papist sheweth that they were forbidden in the sixt generall Synode Canon 28. And this Bellarmine denyeth not Concerning the picture of Christ as he was man the Papists
Rhemist annot Phi●ipp ● sect ● Apocal. 13.17 The Protestants 1. THe bowing at the name of Iesus as it is vsed in poperie to bend the knee at the sound thereof is not commaunded in this place which sheweth especially the subiection of all creatures of Turkes Iewes infidels yea of the deuils themselues to the power and iudgement of Christ. Secondly Protestantes haue onely taken away the superstitious abuse of the name of Iesus Thirdly the kneeling at the name of Iesus is superstitiously abused in popery for the people stoupe onely at the sound not vnderstanding what is read and so make an idoll of the Letters and syllables adoring and worshipping the very name when they heare it or see it And againe in sitting and not veyling at the name of Christ Immanuel God the father the sonne and the holy Ghost and bowing onely at the name of Iesus Fulk ibid. Fourthly due reuerence may be vsed to our Sauiour without any such ceremony of capping or kneeling Fulk Neither doe we bind any of necessitie to vse this reuerence to the name of Iesus as the Papists doe which think that Christ cannot otherwise be honoured neither doe we iudge and condemne those that doe vse it being free from superstition and grounded in knowledge and carefull not to giue offence for superstitious and offensiue ignorance is not in any case to be defended Fiftly this outward reuerence to the name of Iesus was first taken vp amongst Christians because of all other names it was most derided and scorned of the Paganes and Iewes and therefore they did the more honor it But now there is greater daunger of popish superstition in abusing holy things then of prophane paganisme in vtterly contemning them and therefore there is not such necessary and iust occasion of vsing this externall gesture now as was in former times It was not vsed of necessity then much lesse now THE SIXT QVESTION CONCERNING Temples and Churches THis question hath diuerse partes First of the forme and situation of Churches Secondly of the end and vse of Churches Thirdly of their ornaments Fourthly of the dedication of Churches Fiftly of thinges halowed and consecrated for Churches THE FIRST PART OF THE SITVation of Churches The Papists THe Churches and Temples of Christians say they are most conuenientlye and haue bene of auncient time builded toward the East Bellarmine libro tertio capite tertio de sanctis Argu. 1. Paradise was built in the East Genes 2.8 and therefore we ought to pray that way for desire we haue to our Country Ans. 1. Paradise was then Eastward vnto Moses and the Israelites being in the Wildernes when he wrote this storie but it cannot be East to all Christian nations for Paradise being planted in Eden which was part of Mesopotamia must needes be West to the Persians South to the Scythians and Tartarians North to the Aethiopians wherefore this reason is not generall for all Churches in Christian nations Secondly it skilleth not where that earthly Paradise is situate our heauenly Paradise is in heauen which is euery where open to all true beleeuers Argu. 2. Wee looke for Christ to come in the East to iudgement therefore we pray toward the East As the lightning shineth from the East to the West so shall the comming of the Sonne of man be Math. 27.24 Therefore he shall appeare toward the East Bellarm. ibid. Ans. 1. By that similitude of the lightening the sodainnes of his appearing not the place is declared Secondly it is great presumption to define that which the Scripture hath not reuealed Christes comming is onely generally set downe he shall come in the cloudes Math. 24.30 And we shall be caught vp in the cloudes 1. Thessal 4.17 There is no particular description of the place The Protestants TO vs it is no matter which way Churches are builded we may turne our selues in praier as well toward any one parte of the heauens as an other Neither doe we refuse to pray in Churches builded toward the East But that our Oratories and places of praier ought rather to be builded that way then any other out of the Scripture it cannot be proued and we holde it as a meere superstitious opinion Argu. 1. S. Paul exhorteth men euery where to lift vp pure handes 1. Tim. 2.8 He saith In euery place without exception whether toward the East or the West or wheresoeuer 2. If any place were more daungerous then other to pray in it is not so safe and perhaps more perilous to pray toward the East for Idolaters were wont to turne them toward the East and to worship the Sunne rising Ezech. 8.17 And for this cause the holy place in the Tabernacle was toward the West Exod. 26.27 And it was the custome of the Iewes to pray Westward least they should be entised to worship the Sunne rising in his strength And therfore the Iesuite maketh but a bad argument The Iewes praied toward the West Ergo. christians must pray toward the East nay rather contrary because they turned their backe to the East for feare of Idolatry Christians if any place were to be regarded more then other ought vpon the same ground also to follow the same custome for as much as all men by nature are prone to Idolatrie and the reason of their so praying seemeth rather to be morall then ceremoniall This I say not as though I commended the Iewes superstitious praying toward the West but onely to shew that they haue better reason for their custome then our aduersaries haue for their superstitious turning toward the East But to christians all places are alike Augustine saith cum quis quaritorationem c●llocet membra sicut ei occurrit If any man be desirous to pray let him place his body as occasion serueth he saith not toward the East or toward the West ad Simplician lib. 2. quaest 4. AN APPENDIX OF THIS PART concerning the fourme and fashion of Churches The Papistes error 48 THey would haue their Churches to be built as Salomons Temple was which consisted of three partes there was first the porch or court for the people then the holy place where the Altar stood and the Priests offered sacrifice and last of all the most holy place where the Arke and Mercieseate were placed So they haue the Church porch then the body of the Church and aboue that their Sanctuarie as they call it or the queere or chauncell which was separated from the rest by steps or staires hangings or curtaines and other partitions And here must stand their Altar Bellarm. lib. 3. de 〈◊〉 Sanctor cap. 3. The Protestants COncerning the fashion and fourme of Churches and the 〈◊〉 and partitions within we will not much contend so these conditions be obserued First that all superstition be auoided in making one place of the Church holier then the rest wherein the Papists mightily offend for the queere or chauncel was for their Priests and singers the other part of the Church for lay men they were
QVESTION OF THE NATVRE and definition of a Sacrament WE thus define a Sacrament to be an outward sensible signe representing an holy inward and spirituall grace instituted of Christ to be vsed in that manner he hath appoynted to seale vnto vs the promises of God and to assure vs of the remission of sinnes by the righteousnes of faith in Christ Rom. 4.11 Some things there be in this definition that are agreed vpon betweene vs and our aduersaries as that the Sacraments are outward signes of spirituall and holy graces and that there must be a conueniencie and agreement betweene the signe and the thing signified that not euery thing may be represented by a Sacrament but an holy and spirituall grace that a Sacrament ought to be instituted by a diuine not an humane authoritie Bellar. de Sacram. in gener lib. 1. cap. 9 The seuerall poynts then wherein we dissent from them and which they mislike in this definition are these First concerning the authoritie of insti●uting a Sacrament which we affirme to be deriued onely from Christ and manifestly to be proued out of the scriptures Secondly of the forme and manner of celebrating the Sacraments Thirdly of the instrumental or ministerial cause which is the Minister Fourthly of the vse and end of a Sacrament whether it be a scale of the promises of God and instituted for that end THE FIRST PART OF THE EFFICIENT CAVSE that is the author or institutor of a Sacrament The Papists THey doe willingly grant that neither the Apostles then had nor the Church error 87 now hath authoritie to institute Sacraments but that this power is onely in Christ and that the Apostles did but declare and deliuer that which they receiued of Christ yet for the triall of this they refuse to be iudged by the expresse word of God but flie vnto their traditions which they call the word of God not written Bellarm. lib. 1. de Sacram. cap. 14. 23. Argum. The sacrament of Baptisme and of the Eucharist were instituted without expresse warrant of scripture for at that time the newe testament was not written when Christ ordained those mysteries Ergo for the other Sacraments we need not the expresse cōmandement of scripture Bellar. lib. 1. cap. 14. Ans. First the traditions of our Sauiour giuen vnto the Apostles concerning those two Sacraments were afterward written by the Apostles and expressely set downe in scripture therefore we doubt not but that they were of Christs institution But your traditions being not committed to writing concerning your other forged sacraments are iustly suspected seeing the Apostles should haue as well been charged with all the sacraments if Christ had instituted thē as with only two Secondly how then followeth it the word of God was sometime vnwritten therefore it is so still or Christ who was the author of the word written might institute sacraments without expresse scripture Ergo the testimonie of scripture is not necessarie now The Protestants WE hold no sacraments to be of Christs institution but those onely which the scripture testifieth to haue been commanded by Christ as Baptisme Math. 28.19 the Lords Supper Luk. 23.19 The other which haue no testimonie of scripture were not appoynted by Christ. Argum. 1. S. Paul saith That the scriptures are able to make the man of God absolute and perfect to euery good worke 1. Timoth. 3.17 But how can the Minister of God be perfectly furnished and prepared for the worke of the ministerie if he haue not sufficient direction out of the scriptures concerning the sacraments of the Church for how can he absolutely execute euery part of his office if he faile in the right vse of the sacraments Ergo seeing the scriptures are able to make him perfect from thence he receiueth sufficient instruction for the sacraments Argum. 2. Augustine saith Christus sacramentis numero paucissimis obseruatione facilimis c. Christ hath ioyned his people together by the sacramēts few in number easie in obseruation such are Baptisme and the partaking of his bodie and blood then it followeth Et si quid aliud in scripturis canonicis commendatur And if any other sacrament be commanded in the canonicall scripture Epistol 118. Ergo we must attend vpon the scripture and written word of God if we will be instructed aright concerning the Sacraments THE SECOND PART OF THE FORME OF A Sacrament and the manner of consecration The Papists THe Sacrament is not consecrated say they by al the words of the institution error 88 but by a certain forme of speech to be vsed ouer the elemēts as these words to be said ouer the bread This is my body the like ouer the wine This cup is the new testament c. And in Baptisme these In the name of the Father the Sonne and the holy Ghost These are the formes of the Sacrament and very words of consecration though spoken in a strange tongue without further inuocation of the name of God or giuing of thankes or without a Sermon which we require as they say as necessarie to the essence of a sacrament Rhemist 1. Corinth 11 sect 11.15 Bellarm. lib. 1. de Sacrament cap. 19. Argum. S. Paul sayth The cup of blessing which we blesse 1. Corinth 10.16 The Apostle referreth the benediction or blessing to the cup or Chalice which is nothing els but the consecration thereof Rhemist ibid. Ans. First wee denie not but that to blesse here doth signifie to sanctifie or consecrate but that is not done by a magicall murmuration of words ouer the Sacrament but by the whole action according to Christs institution in distributing receiuing giuing of thankes Secondly as for the words which Christ vttered in the institution we rehearse them not as a magicall charme to be sayd ouer the bread and wine to conuert their substance but to declare what they are made to vs by force of Christs institution namely his bodie and blood The Protestants WE doe not hold that it is an essentiall part of the Sacrament alwayes to haue a sermon before it as they vnderstand a sermon which notwithstanding were most conuenient and alwaies to bee wished but this wee affirme that the Sacrament cannot be rightly ministred vnlesse there be a declaration and shewing forth of the Lords death not only in the visible action of breaking distributing the elements but also in setting forth the end of the Lords death out of the word of God with an exhortation to thankfulnes which is alwaies obserued amongst vs in the dayly celebration and receiuing of the Sacrament Concerning the words of the institution we also grant that they are necessarily to be vsed in the celebration of the Sacrament but not as the Papists vse them For first they make them not all of one value but out of the whole institution picke out certaine consecratorie words as they call them as This is my bodie This is the cup whereas the other words Take ye eate ye drinke ye doe this in remembrance
the sacrament of the Lords bodie Baptisme is equiualent to the word of God by our aduersaries own confession Ergo also it is of equall value and dignitie with the other sacrament THE TWELFTH GENERALL CONTROVERSY OF THE SACRAMENT OF BAPTISME THis controuersie standeth vpon diuers questions 1. Of the name and definition of Baptisme Secondly of the partes of Baptisme Thirdly of the necessitie of Baptisme Fourthly of the Minister of Baptisme Fiftly of the parties which are to be baptized Sixtly of the effects of Baptisme Seuenthly of the difference of Christs Baptisme and Iohns Eightly of the ceremonies of Baptisme THE FIRST QVESTION OF THE NAME and definition of Baptisme COncerning the name there is no question betweene vs for the name of Baptisme hath the originall and beginning from the scripture Saint Paul vseth this word Coloss. 2.12 We are buryed with him through Baptisme And againe Heb. 6.2 All the question is about the definition of Baptisme The Papists error 98 THey define Baptisme to bee a sacrament of regeneration by water in the worde that is not which signifieth and sealeth vnto vs our regeneration and assureth vs of remission of sinnes but actually iustifieth and regenerateth vs Bellarm. lib. 1. de Baptism cap. 1. The Protestants WE rather according to the scriptures define baptisme to be a signe or seale of our regeneration and new birth whereby wee are assured that as verily by fayth in the blood of Christ we are cleansed from our sinnes as our bodies are washed with water in the name of the Father Sonne and holy Ghost So that Baptisme doth not actually bestow remission of sinnes by the work wrought but is a pledge and seale of the righteousnesse of fayth as Saint Paul sayth of Circumcision Rom. 4.11 for it is not the washing of the flesh by water but the establishing of the heart with fayth and grace that saueth vs 1. Pet. 3.21 See this poynt handled more at large Controuers 11. next before quest 2. part 1. Augustine saith Per fidem renascimur in baptismate by fayth wee are borne agayne in Baptisme De tempor serm 53. It is then the proper act of fayth to regenerate vs not of Baptisme the vse and end whereof is to strengthen and increase our fayth THE SECOND QVESTION OF THE PARTES which are the matter and forme of Baptisme AS touching the matter that is the externall element vsed in Baptisme there is no question betweene vs but that it ought to bee plaine and common water Act. 10.47 Saint Peter saith Can any man forbid water that these should not bee baptized Wherefore wee condemne the foolish and vngodly practises and inuentions of heretikes that either exclude water altogether as the Manichees with others or doe vse any other element as the Iacobites that in stead of water burned them that were to be baptized with a whot yron or as the Aethiopians which are called Abissines that vsed fire in stead of water misconstruing the words of the Gospell Matth. 2.11 That Christ should baptize with the holy Ghost and with fire which is not literally to bee vnderstoode but thereby is signified the internall and forceable working of the spirite which kindleth zeale and loue in our hearts as fire Concerning the forme of Baptisme we all agree that no other is to be vsed then that prescribed by our Sauiour Christ to baptize in the name of the Father the Sonne and holy Ghost that it is neither lawfull to change this forme in sense as many heretikes haue done nor yet in words as to leaue out any of the three persons in Trinitie and inclusiuely to vnderstand them by naming of one for whereas some alleadge that place Act. 2.38 Bee yee baptized in the name of Iesus Christ for remission of sinnes to proue that it is lawfull onely in the name of Christ to baptize wee are to vnderstand that the forme of Baptisme is not in that place expresly set downe but the scope onely and end of Baptisme which is to assure vs of remission of sinnes in the name of Christ as Beza very well noteth vpon that place The point of difference betweene vs concerning the forme of Baptisme is this The Papists THey are bold to affirme that this forme of Baptisme to baptize in the name error 99 of the Father Sonne and holy Ghost is not fully concluded out of Scripture but deliuered by tradition for say they the commandement of Christ to baptize in the name of the Trinitie Matth. 28. may bee vnderstoode thus to baptize them into the faith of the Trinitie or by the authoritie of the Trinitie And it were sufficient by those words to doe and performe it in act without saying the wordes were it not that wee haue otherwise learned by tradition that this very forme of wordes is to bee kept Bellarmine de baptism lib. 1. cap. 3. The Protestants WE neede no tradition for this matter the very forme which is to bee vsed in Baptisme is plainely proued out of the Scriptures for that commandement of Christ Goe and baptize c. doth necessarily imply a forme of speech to be vsed Wee grant that in the Scriptures this word name is taken for power vertue authoritie as Act. 3.6 In the name of Iesus arise and walke So also as there is a Baptisme with water there may be a baptizing with fire Matth. 3.11 Wherefore if part of the commandement bee to bee taken properlie and literally as this Goe and baptize why not the rest also In the name of the Father Sonne and holy Ghost If then the whole commaundement bee properly and plainely vnderstoode how can they baptize in the name of the Trinitie vnlesse the Trinitie bee spoken and named Secondly it appeareth also out of other places of Scripture that this forme was vsed in the Apostles time As Act. 10.47 Can any man forbid water why these should not be baptized which haue receiued the holy Ghost as well as wee As if Saint Peter should haue reasoned thus these haue receiued the giftes of the holy Ghost Ergo they may be also baptized in the name of the holy Ghost Likewise Act. 19.2 When the brethren at Ephesus had answered Paul that they had not heard whether there were a holy Ghost he saith vnto them Vnto what then were you baptized By this interrogatorie it appeareth it was their manner to baptize in the name of the holy Ghost and so consequently of the whole Trinitie Wee haue no cause then to flie vnto tradition this matter being so plainely decided by the Scripture Augustin tract in Iohann 80. Vpon those wordes of our Sauiour Iohn 15.3 You are cleane thorough the word which I haue spoken vnto you Detrahe verbum quid est aqua nisi aqua Accedit verbum ad elementum fit sacramentum Take away the word and what remaineth in Baptisme but bare water let the word be ioyned to the element and it maketh a Sacrament The forme then of Baptisme is the word which Christ
the Baptisme instituted by Christ were another Baptisme then Iohns was and yet hee himselfe was baptized of Iohn then it would followe that wee are baptized now with another Baptisme then Christ himselfe was for hee receiued Iohns Baptisme but this were very absurd to say that there is not the same Baptisme of the head and the members of Christ and his Church Ergo Iohns Baptisme all one with Christs Bellarmine denieth that the proper end and scope of Iohns Baptisme was for remission of sinnes yet Augustine granteth it who notwithstanding being carried away with the error of that time doth else where put some difference betweene the Baptisme of Iohn and Christ Si quis contendat in baptismo Iohannis dimissa esse peccata non ago pugnanter If any man will contend that remission of sinnes also was giuen in Iohns Baptisme I will not bee against it There being then the same proper end and scope of both these Baptismes how can they choose but be all one THE EIGHT QVESTION OF the ceremonies and rites of Baptisme The Papists error 112 THey haue brought into the Sacrament of Baptisme a multitude of superstitious ceremonies whereby they haue greatly polluted the holy Sacrament of Baptisme mixing therewith their owne inuentions First before Baptisme they haue deuised these toyes to bee vsed First they doe exorcise coniure and exufflate the euill spirite from the partie to bee baptized Secondly they touch the eares and nostrels with spittle that his eares may bee opened to heare the worde and his nostrels to discerne betweene the smell of good and euil Thirdly the Priest signeth his eyes eares mouth breast forehead nostrels with the signe of the crosse that all his sences thereby may be defended 4. Then halowed salt is put into his mouth that he may be seasoned with wisdome and be kept from putrifiyng in sinne 5. The partie is anoynted then with oyle in his breast that he may be safe from euill suggestions between the shoulders which signifieth the receiuing of spiritual strength Secondly these ceremonies doe accompany Baptisme it selfe 1. The Font and water therein is consecrated and halowed in the name of the Father the Sonne and holy Ghost 2. Hee is thrise dipped in the water to signifie the being of Christ 3. dayes in the graue Thirdly after Baptisme they haue this vse 1. He is anoynted with holie Chrisme in the top of the head thereby is become a Christian. 2. A white garment is put vpon him to betoken his regeneration 3. A vaile is put vpon his head in token that he is now crowned with a royal Diademe 4. A burning taper is put into his hand to fulfil that saying in the Gospel Let your light so shine before men c. Bellarm. lib. 1. de Baptism 25.26.27 Catechism Rom. p. 310. Gabr. Biel. lib. 4. distinct 6. qu. 3. The Protestants AGainst these Popish ceremonies which they vse in baptisme we doe reason thus 1 It is contrary to the rule of the Gospell that there should bee such types shadowes significations brought into the seruice of God as they make in Baptisme for seeing we haue the body which is Christ all such shadowes ought to be abolished Coloss. 2.17 2 In one sacrament they haue forged and found out many as their chrisme oyle salte spittle which they make not onely seales of holy things but giuers and conferrers of grace which is more then any sacrament can haue and it is contrary to the scripture for the spirit of GOD is as the winde that bloweth where it listeth Iohn 3. It is not tyed to creatures elements externall signes as they include the spirite as it were in these outward things which haue power as they affirme to giue wisedome strength power against the diuell and such like But Saynt Paul sayth that the weapons of our warfare are not carnall 2. Corinthian 10.4 The meanes whereby Christans both obtayne spirituall graces and shend them from euill are spirituall For if in Christ Circumcision auayle not any thing which was notwithstanding instituted of God but fayth is all in all Galath 5.6 Much more vaine and vnauaileable are the deuises and inuentions of men 3 This beggerly company of ceremonies doth also deface and impugne the sincere and pure institution of Christ None of all those ceremonies were vsed when Christ himselfe was baptized Math. 3. which notwithstanding had beene most fitte considering the worthynes of his person that was baptized Neither did Christ giue any such thing in charge to his Apostles but biddeth them onely preach and baptize in the name of the Father Sonne and holy Ghost Math. 28.19 nor yet were any such ceremonies in vse in the Apostles time Saynt Peter sayth Act. 10.47 Can any man forbid water that these should not be baptized He calleth not for oyle salt spittle or any such thing but onely for water Augustine vtterly misliketh this combersome rabble of needlesse ceremonies Ipsam religionem quam Deus paucissimis sacramentis liberam esse voluit onerib premunt vt tolerabilior sit conditio Iudaeorum qui etiamsi tempus libertatis non agnouerint legalibus tamen sarcinis non humanis praesumptionibus subijciuntur They doe cumber religion with their burdensome inuentions which Christ made free with a very few sacraments so that the Iewes case was more tolerable who though they knew not the libertie of the Gospell yet were subiect to the legall ceremonies not to the inuentions of men And is it not euen thus I pray you in the Popish Church for neuer was Iewish circumcisiō stuffed with the third part of ceremonies which their Baptisme is defiled withall THE THIRTEENTH GENERALL CONTROVERSIE OF THE SACRAMENT OF THE LORDS SVPPER OR EVCHARIST THis Controuersie hath two parts First of the sacrament it self Secondly of the sacrifice which they say is offered vp in the sacrament which they call the sacrifice of the Masse THE FIRST PART OF THE SAcrament of the Eucharist THis part of the controuersie standeth vpon diuers questions First whether the body of Christ be really and substantially in the sacrament Secondly whether the elements of bread and wine be changed conuerted and transubstantiate into the very body and flesh of Christ. Thirdly whether the Eucharist remayne a sacrament after the vse and celebration Fourthly of the outward elements in this sacrament Fiftly of the words of consecration Sixtly of the proper effect of the Lords supper Seuenthly of the maner of celebrating it Eightly whether it ought to be ministred in one kinde Ninthly whether it is to be adored THE FIRST QVESTION CONCERNING the reall presence of Christ in the sacrament The Papists IN the sacrament of the Eucharist vnder the formes of bread and wine by error 113 the efficacie of the word of Christ spoken by the Priest is really verily and substantially present the naturall body and blood of Christ which was conceiued of the virgin Marie the same bodie that is now in heauen Rhemist Mat. 26. sect 4.
whose merites and praiers namely of the Saints grant we may be defended Thus the merites and praiers of Christ are excluded 4. We beseech thee saith the Priest to receiue this oblation which we beseech thee in all things to make blessed Heere the Priest is made a mediator betweene Christ and his Father desiring God to sanctifie the body blood of his sonne 5. Who the next day afore he suffered But the Scripture saith The same night For this is my body Heere they haue put in enim of their owne and left out quod pro vobis datur Such is their boldenes that they are not ashamed to change the words of our Sauiour Christ. 6. He saith further The holy bread of eternall life which vouchsafe thou with a pleasant countenaunce to beholde The bread of eternall life is Christ himselfe if this be he how dare ye presume to offer him vp to his Father 7. As thou didst vouchsafe to accept the righteous giftes of Abel and the sacrifice of Abraham Heere the sacrifice of Christ is compared to the sacrifice of beastes and the Priest seemeth to attribute as much efficacie to the one as to the other 8. And the holy sacrifice which thy high Priest Melchisedech did offer vnto thee This is a plaine vntruth and a flat lie as we haue shewed alredy that Melchisedech sacrificed bread and wine 9. Command thou these to be brought by the hands of thy holy Angell vnto the high altar in heauen What an absurd thing is this that he should desire that to be carried into heauen which he eateth and deuoureth And if this be the body of Christ what need the help of an Angell to carry it vp to heauen is not Christ able to lift vp his own body or what need that to be conueied to heauen which was neuer from thence 10. As many of vs as shall receiue thy Sonnes body and blood And yet for the most part none receiue but the Priest and when the people doe communicate the wine they haue not how then can he say As many 11. Remember O Lord the soules of thy seruants which rest in the sleepe of peace and graunt them a place of refreshing and rest Heere is an other error contrary to the Scriptures in praying for the dead and the praier also is contrary to it selfe for first he saith they rest in peace and yet afterward praieth for their refreshing 12. Vouchsafe to giue some portion with thy Saints And why doth he not rather pray to be admitted to the fellowship of Christ 13. Deliuer vs by the blessed intercession of the Virgine What then is become of Christs mediation and intercession 14. Let this mingling together of the body and blood of our Lord Iesus Christ be vnto me saluation of minde and body Then is not Christs blood shed vpon the Crosse the full sufficient and perfect saluation of mankinde if there be an other saluation beside 15. Grant me so worthily to take this holy body and blood that I may merite to receiue forgiuenes of sinnes O sinfull man how canst thou merite that which is Christs onely gift 16. Let the priest bow himselfe to the host saying I worship thee I glorifie thee I praise thee What monstrous Idolatry is this thus to worship a piece of bread 17. Let this communion purge vs from sinne If they meane the principall purging of our sinne so doth Christ onely purge vs Heb. 1.3 If they vnderstand the instrumental meanes of our purgation so are we purged and iustified onely by faith Rom. 3.28 18. Respect not my sinnes but the faith of thy Church By this reason one may be profited by an others faith which is contrary to the Scriptures the Iust shal liue by faith his owne and not an others 19. Let vs worship the signe of the Crosse What I pray you wil not these Idolaters worship 20. Let this sacrifice which J haue offered auaile to obtaine remission of sinnes If the Masse be auaileable for this end wherefore then died Christ Thus we see with how many and what great and horrible blasphemies this popish nay rather diuelish canon of the Masse is stuffed indeede it is an epitome and abridgement of Papistrie the marrow sinewes and bones of their idolatrous profession yea the very darling of the popish Church it is the very proper badge and marke of a papist He that hateth the Masse hateth the whore of Babylon he that loueth the Masse cannot loue the truth If then I should be demaunded at once which of all popish blasphemies and heresies I thinke most abominable contrary to the faith and to be abhorred of all good christians though I know that there are many of this kinde yet I would redily answere the Masse the inuention whereof I am wel assured cannot be ascribed but to the deuil himselfe the author of all lies and blasphemies I conclude therefore with that saying of Gregorie as he said concerning the word Antichristus so may I in as good sense of this word Missa as it is now vnderstoode of Papists Si spectes quantitatem vocis duae sunt syllabae si pondus iniquitatis est vniuersa pernicies If you marke the quantitie of the word it standeth but of two syllables but if we respect the waight of iniquitie it containeth all impietie and vngodlines Soli Deo immortali Patri Filio cum Spiritu sancto sit honor et imperium sempiternum THE THIRD BOOKE OR CENTVRIE CONTAINING A THIRD HVNDRED OF POPISH ERRORS AND HERESIES ABOVT the controuersies of the fiue Popish Sacraments and of the benefites of our redemption and concerning the person of Christ CONSISTING OF SEVEN SEVERAL CONTROVERSIES THE 14 15.16 17 18 19 20. in number Jmprinted at London by Thomas Orwin for Thomas Man 1592. To the right honorable Sir Robert Cicil Knight one of her Maiesties most honorable priuie Councell BOth that general loue right honorable which the Church of God doth beare to your worthie and honorable Father for his sincere and sound affection to religion and the dutifull reuerence which our vniuersitie of Cambridge and generally the whole company of Students doth owe vnto him as their singular good Patrone haue moued and caused me at this time to cōmend this last part of this worke to your Honor his sonne of whose loue also vnto the Gospell following your Fathers steppes we are all perswaded and conceiue no lesse hope of your honourable fauour to learning I haue as your Honor seeth vndertaken an hard peece of worke and thrust my shoulders vnder an heauy burthen for in this worke I haue taken vpon me to discouer and lay open all popish Heresies and Errors to portraite and decipher the whole body of papistrie to spread abroad the whore of Babylons skirtes that her filthines may appeare to vncouer her whorish face which masked vnder the visour of the Church and religion for we may say to them as Leo Bishop of Rome did sometime to certaine Heretikes Ecclesiae
is bound by the law to her husband so long as he liueth nothing but death dissolueth the bond betweene man and wife therefore not lawfull to marry againe after diuorse Rhemist ibid. Ans. Saint Paul must be expounded by our Sauiour Christ who maketh exception of fornication Math. 5. Neither doth Saint Paul denie that mariage may be dissolued while they liue without breaking of wedlock but that although the knot holde during their life yet by death it is dissolued Againe Saint Paul hauing no occasion to intreat of diuorse speaketh of mariage as it standeth whole and sound by the ordinance of God that if a woman ioyne her selfe to another man her former wedlock being not lawfully dissolued she is a wedlock breaker Arg. 2. 1. Corinth 7.11 If she depart let her remayne vnmaried or be reconciled Ergo the parties separated for fornication may not marry again Rhemist Ans. Saint Paul speaketh of other separations which are caused by dissentions in mariage and not of diuorse for adulterie for he sayth If she depart not If she be put away neither was it so vsual a thing for reconciliation to be sought after solemne diuorse Againe he sayth Let not the woman depart as being in her choyce whether she would depart or not but in the case of fornication she was to depart or rather be put away whether she would or not The Protestants FOr no other cause in the world but only for fornication may there be either a finall separation or cleane dissolution of mariage by way of diuorse But for that cause our Sauiour hath graunted libertie both to dissolue matrimonie and to marrie againe Argum. Math. 5.32 Whosoeuer putteth away his wife except it bee for fornication committeth adulterie Ergo for fornication it is lawfull for a man to dismisse his wife Likewise Math. 19.9 Whosoeuer shal put away his wife except it be for whoredome and marrie another committeth adulterie Ergo for adulterie it is lawful for the man both to put away and renounce his wife and the wife likewise her husband for there is the like reason for both and for them to marrie agayne This libertie graunted by our Sauiour Christ by no humane law can be restrayned or cut off Argum. 2. Saint Paul sayth Let euery man haue his wife and euery woman her husband for auoyding of fornication and it is better to marrie then to burne Wherefore it is lawfull the first mariage according to the word of God being broken both for men and women to vse the remedie agaynst incontinencie and to be maried agayne for he speaketh generally of all Augustine sayth that he which putteth away his wife for adulterie and marieth another Non est aequandus ei is not in the same case with with him which for any other cause putteth away and marieth agayne But if it bee as lawfull for other causes to be diuorsed as for heresie infidelitie as the Iesuite telleth vs there should be no difference made betweene the second mariage of the one and the other Augustine in the same place though he bee elsewhere resolute against mariage after diuorse yet graunteth that it is not playne out of scripture whether he be an adulterer that marieth againe after diuorse for adulterie Sed quantum existimo venialiter ibi quisque fallitur but as I thinke we are euery one of vs herein deceiued I end this poynt better allowing Pollentius iudgement for this matter then Augustines betweene whom there is much discoursed of both sides Si mulier à viro non fornicante discesserit non ei licere alteri nubere propter praeceptum si autem à fornicante non ei expedire propter opprobrium If a woman departe from her husband being no adulterer it is not lawfull to marrie another because of the commaundement but if he be an adulterer it is lawful to marrie but not expedient alwayes because of the shame and reproch Ad Pollent lib. 1. cap. 6. THE THIRD QVESTION OF THE degrees in mariage prohibited FIrst of the supputation of degrees Secondly whether the degrees forbidden Leuit. 18. may be dispensed with Thirdly whether any other degrees may by humane law be prohibited beside those THE FIRST PART OF THE SVPPVtation and account of degrees THe degrees are either of consanguinitie which is of diuers persons comming of the same stock and blood or of affinitie which ariseth of mariage as when the kinsmen of either partie that is maried are by mariage allied to the other though not of his blood as Laban the brother of Rebecca was allied by mariage as also by blood vnto Isaac though not so neerely In both these kindes of kindred there is a right line both vpward and ascending as in consanguinitie the Father or Mother Grandfather Grandmother and so forth in affinitie the Father in law and mother in law the stepfather or stepmother as also descending as the sonne the sonnes sonne the sonne in law or daughter in law and their sonnes and daughters There is also a collaterall line in consanguinitie as brother and sister brother and sisters children vncle or aunt in affinitie the brothers wife sisters husband the vncles wife or aunts husband Now our aduersaries set downe these rules to know the degrees by The Papists error 32 1 IN the right line there are so many degrees as persons Abraham Isaac 1. Iacob 2. except the first from the which wee beginne the account as in this example Iacob is in the second degree from Abraham Answer We see no reason why the first should be left out for looke how many generations so many degrees But euery person is a generation And this is the manner of account in scripture as Math. 1. there are 14. generations reckoned from Abraham whereof Abraham maketh one Iudg. 14. Enoch the seuenth from Adam Adam being the first himselfe in that number Thus the scripture numbreth inclusiue not exclusiue inclusiuely comprehending also the number from whom the account beginneth And thus Abraham must be counted the first degree and Iacob not in the second but the third from him The Papists error 33 2 IN the collaterall line if the parties bee equally distant from the roote or stock of the generation looke how many degrees distant they are from the stock so is the distance betwene themselues Bathuel Rebecca Iacob Laban Rachel Iacob and Rachel are in the second degree because each of them is remoued from Bathuel in the second degree Bellarm. cap. 26. The Protestants Answ. NEither doe we allow this rule but rather follow the account of the ciuill law which in the collaterall line maketh so many degrees as persons excepting the stock which is not to bee counted in collaterall degrees because we begin not to number there Wherefore according to the rule afore sayd how many generations so many degrees According then to the account of the ciuill law which we here follow Iacob and Rachel are not in the second but the fourth degree each from other
plaine case that the vncle is no more to marrie his niece then the nephew his Aunt and this being by name prohibited Leuit. 18 14.20.2 the other also is necessarily included for the same rules for degrees of kinred doe proportionably hold both in men and women wherefore such marriage is vnlawfull neither to be contracted and if it be to be dissolued 2. Concerning the marriage of brothers and sisters children there is a greater question First it cannot be proued that Zelophehads fiue daughters married their vncles sonnes that is their Cosin germanes for the Hebrewes call the nephewes sonnes as Iethros daughters are called the daughters of Raguel their grandfather Exod. 2.17 So it is very like that their husbands were their vncles sonnes sonnes as in the 12. verse it may be gathered where the text sayth They were married into the families of the sonnes of Manasses therfore not into one familie But as touching the question in hand the marriage of Cosin germanes seemeth also by some analogie to be forbidden by Moses law for if the degrees of affinitie be limited to the fourth degree as it is not lawfull for a man to marrie his wiues daughters daughter Leuiticus 18.17 why should not the line of consanguinitie hold to the fourth degree likewise And so neither the sonne to marrie his fathers brothers daughter or the daughter the sonne for heere are also foure degrees the sonne one the father two the fathers brother three the brothers sonne foure Yet this we grant that this analogie or proportion is not so strong nor doth conclude so necessarily as the other Wherefore we thus determine of this matter that it is well that the marriages of Cosin germanes are restrained by humane lawe and so they ought to be which kind of marriages may lawfully be hindered and the contract loosed but the marriage being consummate and finished it is not for this cause to be dissolued Augustine also writeth very well of this matter Quis dubitet honestiùs hoc tempore consobrinarum prohibita esse coniugia etiamsi id diuina lex non prohibeat cuius enim debet causa propinquitatis verecundum honorem ab ea contineat quamuis generatricem libidinem Who doubteth but that the marriage of Cosin germanes is honestly forbidden though the diuine lawe doe not prohibite it for to whom a man oweth a shamefast reuerence for kinred sake he ought to refraine his lust The Papists error 37 2. IT is lawful for the Church to restraine other degrees of affinitie and consanguinitie besides those prescribed by Moses and that the decrees of the Church in such cases doe bind in conscience Concil Trident. sess 24. can 3. As to prohibite marriage vnto the seuenth degree in naturall kinred Also their Canons doe make a spirituall kinred that commeth in by Baptisme Confirmation and suffer not the godfather to marrie the godchild or the godfather the godmother Likewise they haue found out an affinitie that commeth in by espousals onely of Matrimonie which bindeth say they in the first degree by the Canon law which is the first and second by the Ciuill law as that it is not lawfull for the brother to marrie her which was espoused to his brother Also another kinred and affinitie by fornication vnlawfull fleshly knowledge which bindeth in the 2. degree Canonicall which is the 3. and 4. Ciuil as it is not lawfull for the sonne to marrie his fathers bastard Bellarm. cap. 24. cap. 30. The Protestants 1. TO forbid more degrees in marriage then are either directly or by necessarie consequence prohibited in the law is a meere Antichristian yoke layd vpon the people of God for the Lord the author of that lawe best did knowe both what persons were fit for marriage and how farre the line of marriage was to extend 2. The inuention of spirituall kinred is but a popish tricke to get the more monie for their dispensations for by this reason no Christians ought to marrie together because they are all of one spirituall kinred in Christ. 3. The new affinitie that commeth by espousals is also but an humane inuention for the law speaketh onely of the kinred of the flesh which ariseth of carnall knowledge and copulation not an intent or purpose onely of marriage Leuit. 18.6 4. The last we admit for the sonne of the father begotten out of marriage is of his fleshly kinred though not lawfully and therefore in marriage matters there is respect also to be had euen of this kinred of the flesh as Ruben is cursed of his father because he lay with his concubine Genes 49.4 which notwithstanding was not his fathers wife THE FOVRTH QVESTION OF OTHER impediments of marriage THere are some impediments which may hinder and dissolue the contract of marriage before it be consummate but not after some which both may error 38 hinder the contract and dissolue the matrimonie euen after carnall knowledge The Papists 1. BEllarmine reckoneth vp diuers impediments of both kinds which may disanull the contract of marriage and dissolue the matrimonie it selfe but he maketh no mention of the consent of the parents And indeed it is their opinion that it is not a necessarie thing to be respected in marriage neither that children are bound to require the consent of their parents Cap. 19. The Protestants FIrst we doe not say that the want of the parents consent may dissolue marriage consummate after mutuall coniunction but that it may breake off the contract and espousals Secondly neither haue the parents power to bestow their children in marriage without their consent Genes 24.57 Thirdly neither must the parents exercise a tyrannicall power ouer their children in forbidding them marriage but must alway haue respect vnto their neede And thus doing their consent is necessarie and without it the contract hath no validitie 1. Corin. 7.37.38 The parent hath power to giue in marriage or not to giue There are also other causes which may dissolue contracts and espousals made as if the honest and lawfull condition propounded in the contract be not kept or if there be an error in the person he heareth afterward of her dishonestie whom he tooke for an honest woman both these may make voyd the contract error 39 but not the marriage if they be once ioyned together The Papists 2. THey set downe many impediments which may make a nullitie of marriage it selfe after it be consummate some of them we acknowledge as afterward it shall appeare but these following we doe renounce First the vow of chastitie and entring into Orders doe loose the bond of marriage Secondly if one marrie with an Infidel the marriage is not onely vnlawfull but actually voyd Bellarm. cap. 23. Thirdly he that marrieth her with whom he committed adulterie before is loose euen after marriage and the matrimonie voyd Bellarm. cap. 22. The Protestants 1. COncerning the inualiditie of vowes to disanull marriage we haue declared the truth before Controu 6. de Monachis For
ground an ordinarie and perpetuall sacrament vpon an extraordinary example and that they were such visible graces of the spirite it appeareth because Simon Magu● saw that the holy Ghost was giuen them by laying on of hands Secondly the holy Ghost was obtained by their praiers ver 15. and not by the very laying on of hands Thirdly to make a Sacrament it is not enough to haue a visible signe and to shew some spirituall grace therewith to be bestowed for then the spittle and clay that Christ vsed the napkins also and partlets which were carried to the sicke from the Apostles and they were healed presently all these should be sacraments for here are outward signes and some effect followed yet because there was no institution of a sacrament by Christ nor any commandement to vse them neither these nor the imposition of hands can be a Sacrament The Protestants WE graunt a ceremonie of imposition of hands vsed in the Apostles time and after so long as the miraculous gifts of the holy Ghost continued in the Church there is also another kinde of imposition of hands such as the Apostle speaketh of Heb. 6.2 which may haue perpetuall vse in the Church which is nothing else but a kinde of praier to be strengthened by the holy Ghost and for the encrease of grace But neither this nor the other doe we holde to be a sacrament Argum. 1. Euery sacrament must haue his appointment from Christ consisting both of an outward element and the word of institution but the popish sacrament of confirmation hath none of these the element they vse is oyle the word of consecration I signe thee with the signe of the Crosse and annoint thee with the Chrisme of health in the name of the Father the Sonne and holy Ghost but none of these haue their institution by Christ or his Apostles any where in the new testament Ergo it is no sacrament Augustine saith Manus impositio quid aliud est quàm oratio super hominem The imposition of the hands what els is it but praier ouer a man He saith not it is a Sacrament THE SECOND PART OF THE MATter and forme of Confirmation The Papists THe matter of this popish Sacrament they say is oyle mixed and tempered error 44 with balme Rhemist Act. 8. sect 6. First halowed and consecrated by the Minister thereof and striked in manner of a crosse vpon the forehead of him that is to be confirmed Bellarm. cap. 8. Argum. 2. Corinth 1.21 It is God which establisheth vs or confirmeth vs with you in Christ and hath annointed vs. Here the Apostle speaketh of confirmation and of the materiall part thereof which is holy vnction or anointing Bellarm. ibid. The Protestants Ans. FIrst the Apostle saith not Which hath confirmed but Which doth confirme which if it were meant of that external ceremony of confirmation see what iniury you offer to the Apostle that being a confirmer of others he had neede now to be catechized and confirmed himselfe Againe he speaketh not of confirmation wrought by the ministerie of men but God saith he confirmeth vs that is establisheth vs by his spirite 2. It is to too grosse to vnderstand by this anointing your greazie besmearing mens faces with your Chrisme seeing the Apostle expoundeth himselfe in the next verse He hath sealed vs and giuen the earnest of his spirite in our harts ver 22. Of this holy anointing of our harts by the spirite S. Iohn also maketh mention saying This Anointing teacheth you all things 1. epist. 2.27 But doth the anointing of the face I pray you giue men instruction Let vs heare Augustines exposition Christus sit in corde vnctio ipsius sit in corde inspiratio eius docet vnctio eius docet Let Christ be in your harts let his anointing be in your harts his inspiration is his anointing you may be ashamed therefore so grossely to abuse Scripture 3. As for your oyle therefore mixed with balme First the true balme you know is not to be had and therefore you abuse the people Secondly make the best of it you can it is but a Iewish ceremonie Thirdly your benediction of it is but a kinde of magicall inchantment seeing you haue no word of God to consecrate creatures in that sort for all things are sanctified by the word of God and praier Ergo without the warrant of God there is no such sanctifying of creatures The Papists 2. THe forme of Confirmation is in the words which are pronounced I signe thee with the signe of the crosse and confirme thee with the Chrisme of error 45 saluation or health in the name of the Father the Sonne and holy Ghost Bellarm cap. 10. The Protestants 1. THey must shew the institution of Christ out of the word for the forme of euery sacrament which they can not doe for this vnlesse they runne to their beggerly traditions which they blasphemously call the word of God vnwritten 2. Where haue they learned that men are confirmed and established with the externall anointing of oyle so said some amongst the Colossians Touch not taste not handle not to whom the Apostle answereth Which things perish with the vsing and are after the commandements of men Coloss. 2.21.22 So is this anointing with oyle a meere inuention of men and hath no longer vertue or force then in the naturall vse thereof THE THIRD PART OF THE EFFIcacie and vertue of confirmation The Papists THe holy Ghost is giuen in confirmation for force strength and corroboration against all our spirituall enemies and to stand constantly in the confession error 46 of our faith euen to death with great increase of grace Rhemist Act. 8. sect 7. And in this respect it giueth more abundant grace in strengthening of vs against the deuil then Baptisme doth Bellarm. cap. 11. The Protestants FIrst they doe offer great iniurie to the spirite of God tying him as it were to their beggerly elements which haue power as they say to conferre grace The Scripture saith The spirite bloweth where it listeth Ioh. 3. The spirite of God is free and is giuen without Sacraments as well as with them but this tradition of yours is no Sacrament if it were yet could it not conferre grace as we haue proued before Secondly they doe greatly deface the Sacrament of Baptisme making it imperfect without confirmation saying that he which is baptized shall neuer be a perfect Christian vnlesse he be confirmed with Chrisme Gerson And that it is to be reuerenced with greater reuerence then Baptisme See Fulk Act. 8. sect 7. Yea they depriue Baptisme of the proper effect and vse thereof which is a signe vnto vs of the assistance of Gods spirite to fight manfully against the Deuill for by baptisme we are buried into the death of Christ Rom. 6.3 But Christ by his death triumphed ouer the Deuill Coloss. 2.15 Ergo Baptisme is a signe of our victorie against the Deuil yet they rob Baptisme of this honor and giue it to
but they are not of Christs institution 3 They also want a word of institution In Penance the priest sayth I doe absolue thee after particular confession made of his sinnes In Confirmation the words are I signe thee with the signe of the Crosse and confirme thee with the Chrisme of saluation in the name of the Father Son c. In Matrimony I take thee to my wife In giuing of Orders Receiue thou power to offer vp the body of Christ. In extreme Vnction God by the vertue of this oyle forgiue thee thy sinne These they say are the wordes of the institution But they can shew no word of God for them for it is not euery word that sanctifieth but only the word of God 1. Tim. 4. Wherefore seeing they haue no word of institution they are no sacraments Lastly they want the true vse and end of a sacrament which is to strengthen our fayth for the remission of sinnes for in some of these there is no relation at all had to the forgiuenes of sinnes As Matrimonie doth but performe say they the graces of mariage as fidelitie mutuall loue and such like Orders doe conferre the power of priesthood Here is no signe or assurance of the grace of iustification In the rest remission of sinnes is ascribed to other instrumentall meanes then to fayth onely as to satisfactorie workes in Absolution to Chrisme in Confirmation to oyle in extreme Vnction Wherefore we conclude because they are no seales of the righteousnes of fayth as Saint Paul defineth a sacrament Rom. 4.11 that they are no sacraments of Christs institution but superstitious ceremonies deuised by men HERE ENSVE SVCH QVESTIONS AND CONTROVERSIES AS ARE MOOVED CONCERNING THE BENEfites of our redemption purchased vnto vs by the death of Christ. THE SEVENTEENTH CONTROVERSIE ALl the benefites of our redemption may bee brought to these three heads Our predestination vocation and iustification as they are set downe by the Apostle Rom. 8.30 These three then are the parts of this Controuersie THE FIRST PART OF Predestination THe particular questions are these First whether predestination bee of the wicked to condemnation as of the elect to saluation Secondly whether our electiō be of meere grace Thirdly whether it be certaine vnchangeable THE FIRST QVESTION OF Reprobation The Papists GOd they say is not the cause of any mans reprobation or damnation Rhemist error 55 annot Roman 9.1 He intendeth no mans damnation directly or absolutely but in respect of their demerites ibid. sect 5. Argum. 1. Timoth. 2.4 God would haue all men to be saued and come to the knowledge of the truth Ergo the perishing or damnation of none must be imputed to God Rhemist The Protestants An. 1 NO mā must impute his dānation to God because the wicked are iustly punished for their sins without any respect had vnto the secret counsel of God yet it is certain that God to set forth his glory as he hath made som the vessels of honor so others are ordained to be vessels of wrath without any respect had to their workes either good or euill And this notwithstanding standeth with the iustice of God to saue some and reiect others for he might iustly condemne all to eternall death Now if notwithstanding he haue mercy of some his iustice in the condemnation of the rest is not to be complained of but his mercy to be extolled in sauing of some God indeede would haue all men to bee saued that is sayth Augustine Omnes homines omne genus humanum intelligamus by all men we must vnderstand all sortes or all kindes of men not euery particular man And this is agreeable to the Apostles meaning which before exhorted men to pray for kings and princes and then he giueth this reason because God would haue all men to be saued that is high and low kings and people of all sortes And this place also is to be vnderstood not of the secret but of the reuealed will of God who offereth vnto all the outward meanes of their saluation Thus also Augustine expoundeth these wordes Remota hac discretione quam diuina scientia intra secretum iustitiae suae continet syncerissimè credendum est c. Setting apart the consideration of the secret counsell and iustice of God it is sincerely to bee beleeued that God would haue all men to be saued that is offering vnto all the outward meanes of saluation as his worde and sacraments Contr. articul fals imposit Art 2. Argum. Rom. 9.22 The Apostle speaketh playnly that as God hath prepared some vessels vnto glorie so also some are ordayned to wrath And that the counsell of God is most iust herein for as the Potter may dispose of the clay as it seemeth best to himselfe to make of it a vessell of honor or of dishonor at his pleasure so the Lord hath as great right to deale with his creature And seeing all things ought to be subdued to the glory of God which is set foorth in the destruction of the rebellious as in the election of the faythfull it was necessary and requisite that the Lord should get vnto himselfe both wayes a glorious name therefore he saith Rom. 9.17 That God had set vp Pharao to shew his power in him Augustine sayth Tenenda est inconcussè haec regula impios in peccatis antequam essent in mundo praescitos esse tantùm non praedestinatos poenam autem ijs praedestinatam This rule we must vndoubtedly holde that the wicked were only foreseene or foreknowne of God in their sinnes not predestinate but their punishment was predestinate So then God ordayneth not men to sin but he ordayneth men to punishment not hauing relation to their sinnes but in his owne secret counsell Yet are not the wicked to complayne for they are iustly forsaken because of their rebellion and disobedience Neither are the godly and faythfull by this doctrine to be discouraged for as much as God hath not denied them the grace of his spirite but hath giuen them fayth and repentance and strength to walke before him in his feare all which are pledges vnto them of their free election and saluation in Christ. THE SECOND QVESTION WHETHER PREdestination proceede from the free will and purpose of God without relation to our workes The Papists GOd doth not hate or reprobate any man but for sinne or the foresight thereof error 56 Rhemist Rom. 9. sect 2. Neither doth Christ appoint any by his absolute and eternal election to be partakers of the fruite of his redemption without any condition or respect of their own works obediēce or free will Rhem. Heb. 5.9 Argum. Heb. 5.9 He is made the author of eternal saluation to al that obey him they are not we see elected without condition of obedience Rhemist The Protestants Ans. 1. GOd indeede electeth all that shall be saued not with any condition on their behalfe but on his owne behalfe for vnto them whome hee chooseth he will giue grace to obey
one place for it is as proper to the bodie of Christ to be seene and felt as to be in one place at once 4. Bellarmine granteth being vrged with that argument that Christs soule was in Paradise after his passion and therefore not in hell he confesseth that it was not impossible that Christs soule should be in two places at once Lib. 4. de Christi anima cap. 15. Yea he sayth that Christ may if he will turne al the world into bread and the bread so made conuert into his flesh and so his bodie may be as well in euery place of the world as now it is in the Eucharist Lib. 3. de incarnat cap. 11. What great oddes now I pray you is there between the opinion of the Vbiquitaries and of the Papists but that they say that the bodie of Christ is euery where ordinarily by the power of the Godhead the other say his flesh is in many places at once by a miracle The one sayth Christs bodie actually is in euery place the other that it may be if Christ will THE SECOND PART WHETHER OVR SAVIOVR Christ did verily encrease in knowledge and wisedome as he was man The Papists CHrist they say in the very first creation of his soule and from his conception error 98 was endued with the fulnes of al wisedome grace and knowledge neither can he be sayd properly to haue encreased in any of these gifts 1. Christ was anoynted from his mothers womb and then the spirit of God was vpon him for the Angels that appeared to the shepheards call him Christ Luk. 2.11 And Iohn sayth The word was made flesh full of grace and truth 1. vers 11. Therefore euen then he had receiued all abundance of grace and knowledge Bellarm. de Christi anima lib. 4.2 Ans. 1. We grant that our Sauiour was the Iesus the Christ euen from his natiuitie not that thē he actually straightwaies entred into those offices or receiued plenarie power of all the graces of the spirit but because he was euen from his mothers wombe consecrated and appoynted thereunto for it no more followeth because he is called Christ that he then had his actuall anoynting then that because he was called Iesus from his natiuitie that he had actually performed our redemption The full anoynting of the spirit was fulfilled in his baptisme when the holy Ghost came downe in the likenes of a Doue and then beginning to preach in his first sermon at Nazareth he sheweth the accomplishment of the prophecie of Esay The spirite of the Lord is vpon me c. Luk. 4.18 2. Neither doe the words of Iohn import so much as they gather The word was made flesh and dwelt amongst vs full of grace and truth which is not to be vnderstood of the very first assuming of the flesh but of the dwelling of the word in the flesh amongst vs and so appeared to be full of grace and truth Argum. 2. Christ was the Sonne of God in his very incarnation and euen then was the humanitie perfectly vnited to the Godhead therefore immediatly vpon this vnion and coniunction of both natures in one person must needes follow the fulnes of grace in the humane nature Againe Adam was created in perfect wisedome therefore much more the second Adam Bellar. cap. 4. Ans. 1. If presently vpon the vniting of the two natures together it had been necessarie that the humane nature of Christ should haue receiued whatsoeuer by the presence of the diuine nature was to be conferred vpon it then Christ straight waies must also both in bodie and soule haue been glorified for it can not be denied but that as the bodie of Christ after the resurrection receiued more glorie then before so also his soule being the other part of his humanitie was more glorified By this it is euident that the humanitie receiued not at once the fulnes of all grace and glorie in the first vniting of the Godhead 2. Adam was created perfect in bodie and soule and if Christ therefore ought to haue the fulnes of the gifts of the soule in his creation as Adam had why ought he not also to haue had a perfect bodie as Adam was created withall Wherefore as it was no dishonour to Christ to grow vp in stature of bodie so neither was it to encrease in the gifts of the mind The Protestants THat Christ was euen from his birth and first conception perfect God and perfect man we doe assuredly beleeue and that in the very incarnation the diuine and humane nature were vnited together Also we graunt that the Lord Christ might haue created to himselfe a soule full of all wisedome and knowledge as he might haue made himselfe a perfect bodie but seeing it pleased him to bee borne of a woman and first to dwell in the bodie of an infant wee doubt not to say as the scripture teacheth vs that he also Encreased in wisedome 1. He was in all things like to his brethren onely sinne excepted Heb. Ergo he grew vp and encreased in knowledge according to the manner of men which may be done without sinne 2. The scripture sayth plainly which cannot lye that Iesus grew vp and encreased in wisedome and stature Luk. 2.52 And lest they should answere that this encreasing was onely in the opinion of men it followeth And in fauour with God and men he increased in wisedome stature and fauour not onely in shew before men but in truth before God and as verily and indeed he grew vp in stature so also in wisedome 3. Christ testifieth of himselfe That neither the Angels nor the Sonne of man as he is man knoweth of the day or houre of his comming to iudgement but the father onely Mark 13.31 Ergo Christ as hee was man had not at once all fulnes of knowledge Bellarmine thus expoundeth this place Filius dicitur nescire quia non sciebat ad dicendum alijs The Sonne is sayd not to knowe because he knewe it not to reueale it to others but to keepe it secret to himselfe Ans. First then by the same reason the Angels doe knowe it also but that they are charged not to declare it to men for the text sayth that neither the Angels nor the Sonne of man knoweth the time Secondly in this sense also the father might be sayd not to knowe it for neither hath he reuealed it to any Lastly although we doe affirme according to the scripture that the child Iesus did increase in the gifts of the mind as he did in the stature of his bodie yet we do put great difference between him and all other children that euer came into the world for as his conception birth were not after the cōmon manner for he was cōceiued by the holy Ghost brought forth without trauel and labour as August sayth Nec concipiendo libidinē nec pariendo perpessa est dolorē In conceauing she felt no carnal desire in bearing she suffered no payne So likewise
be in the hart of the earth is nothing els but to be within the earth according to the Hebrew phrase as Exod. 15.8 The hart of the Sea that is within the Sea So Christs body was in the earth it lay hid as it were in the bowels of the earth 3. This exposition is against themselues for if Christ went downe to the very hart and midst of the earth which is the center then he descended to the place of the damned for neither Limbus Patrum nor Purgatory are in the center or lowest part of the earth by their opinion but they themselues holde the cōtrary for they say that Christ by descending deliuered soules out of the two vppermost hels Limbus and Purgatory but not out of the nethermost hell which is the place of the damned Rhemist Luke 16. sect 8. Also it should follow of this their interpretation that the soule of Christ was as long in hell as his body in the graue which is against the opinion of many Papists Argum. 2. Luke 8.31 The Deuils desired Christ that he would not send them into the deepe what is that els but the lowest region of the earth where hell is which Saint Paul calleth the lowest partes of the earth Bellarmine Ans. We deny not but that God hath prepared and that there is a place of vnspeakable torments ordeined for the deuill and his angels and all damned soules but that this place should be in the center of the earth the places alleadged proue not for the word Abyssus translated the deepe is sometime taken figuratiuely in a metaphore as Rom. 11.33 O the deepenes of the wisedome of God the word is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 not much varying in signification from abyssus so the place of their punishment is saide to be a great depth that is a place of vnsearchable and vnspeakable miserie and horror Neither must this word abyssus of necessitie be referred to the earth for there are abyssi maris the depths of the Sea Exod. 15.8 as well as of the earth The lower places which S. Paul speaketh of Eph. 4. may be either vnderstood generally of the whole earth which is pars mundi infima the lowest part of the world or els of the great abasing of Christ from heauen to earth being God to become a seruant as also the graue of Christ was that lowest part of the earth for the Apostle saith in the comparatiue 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 not 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the lower not the lowest and so your vulgare Latine translateth inferiora not infima terrae but hel is the lowest part the graue is saide to be the lower The Protestants THat there is a locall place of torment prepared for the deuill and his angels we doubt not being so taught in the Scripture Math. 25.41 A place of darkenes 2. Pet. 2.4 Farre distant from the heauenly mansions of the blessed Luke 16.26 Neither doe we deny but that it may be in the earth or wheresoeuer els it pleaseth God but wheresoeuer hel is there is but one that deuision of hell into three or foure regions we vtterly condemne as a meere deuise of man without Scripture and this we say that the place of hell causeth not the torment but the wrath and curse of God for euen out of hel God may make a man to feele the torments of hell as we doubt not but our Sauiour Christ did for vs and our redemption vpon the crosse Argum. 1. It is possible to feele the paine of hell in the soule although not ●n the proper and appointed place of hell as Iob complaineth The arrowes of the Almightie are in me the venime thereof doth drinke vp my spirit and the terrors of God fight against me And therefore he saith his griefe was heauier then the sand of the Sea Iob. 6.4.14 Iob felt euen the hell of conscience in himselfe for the time yea our Sauiour bare the burthen of his fathers wrath vpon the Crosse as we haue shewed before Ergo it is not the place that maketh hell Argu. 2. Hell is nothing els as the Scripture defineth it but to be cast into vtter darkenes There shal be weeping and gnashing of teeth Math. The darkenes causeth weeping horrible gnashing of teeth the vnspeakable punishment both of body and soule this darkenes is not the absence of the light of the sunne for neither shall the Saints in heauen haue that light because they neede it not Apoc. 22.5 And it shal be a place of darkenes to the damned angels which haue no vse of the Sunne light they also are reserued in chaines of darkenes Iude 6. as they are no materiall chaines so neither is it an outward darkenes but the absence of Gods fauour and the light of his countenance as the people are saide to haue sit in darkenes before the light of the gospell by the preaching of Iesus Christ did shine vnto them Math. 4.16 But they much more shal be and are kept in darkenes that are condemned to hell where they feele nothing but the horror of Gods wrath his eternall and endlesse curse with vnspeakable torments now in soule and afterward both in body soule without all comfort or hope of refreshing vtterly excluded from the presence of God wherefore it is not the place but the wrath of God and absence of his spirite that causeth such endlesse and vnspeakable punishment Argu. 3. As for your distinction of hell the brim whereof you say is Limbus patrum the middle parte Purgatory the lowest and nethermost hel it selfe the place of the damned in Augustines time it was not knowne for first that the bosome of Abraham was part of hell he vtterly denyeth Apparet non esse membrū inferorum tantae illius foelicitatis ●inum That bosome of so great blisse can be no mēber or part of hel Epist. 99. Again Purgatory he vtterly refuseth acknowledging but two places heauen for the faithfull hell for the damned and vnbeleeuers Tertium locum penitus ignoramus imo nec esse in scripturis sanctis inuenimus A third place we are vtterly ignorant of yea we finde in holy Scriptures that it is not August hypognost THE NINETEENTH CONTROVERSIE OF MATTERS WHICH ARE IN QVESTION concerning the diuine nature of Christ. THis controuersie containeth three Questions First whether Christ be 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 God of him selfe Secondly whether he be mediator as God or man or as both Thirdly whether he haue by his desertes purchased any thing for himselfe THE FIRST PART WHETHER CHRIST be 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 God of him selfe The Papistes error 103 THey deny that Christ is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 God of himselfe and affirme that he had not onely his person but his substance of his Father whereupon they are bolde to charge Caluine with blasphemy for saying that Christ is God of himselfe as well as the Father Rhemist Ioh. 1. sect 3. Argum. The word was with God to wit the sonne is with