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A03549 The second tome of homilees of such matters as were promised, and intituled in the former part of homilees. Set out by the aucthoritie of the Queenes Maiestie: and to be read in euery parishe church agreeably.; Certain sermons or homilies appointed to be read in churches. Book 2. Jewel, John, 1522-1571.; Church of England. Homelie against disobedience and wylfull rebellion.; Church of England. 1571 (1571) STC 13669; ESTC S106160 342,286 618

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to the Apostles in the mount Sion the fiftie day after Easter And hereof this feast hath his name to be called Pentecoste euen of the number of the dayes For as Saint Luke writeth in the actes of the Apostles When fiftie dayes were come to an ende the Disciples beyng altogether with one accorde in one place the holy ghost came sodenly among them and sate vpon eche of them lyke as it had ben clouen tongues of fyre Whiche thing was vndoubtedly done to teache the Apostles and all other men that it is he whiche geueth eloquence vtteraunce in preaching the Gospel that it is he which openeth the mouth to declare the mightie workes of God that it is he whiche engendreth a burnyng zeale towardes Goddes worde and geueth all men a tongue yea a fierie tongue so that they may boldly and chearefullye professe the trueth in the face of the whole world as Esai was indued with this spirite The Lord saith Esai gaue me a learned a skilful tongue so that I might knowe to rayse vp them that are fallen with the worde The prophete Dauid cryeth to haue this gyft saying Open thou my lippes O Lorde and my mouth shall shew forth thy prayse For our sauiour Christe also in the Gospel sayth to his disciples It is not you that speake but the spirite of your father whiche is within you Al whiche testimonies of holy scripture do sufficiently declare that the mysterie in the tongues betokeneth the preachyng of the Gospell and the open confession of the Christian faith in all them that are possessed with the holy ghost So that if any man be a dumbe Christiā not prosessing his fayth openly but clokyng and colouring hym selfe for feare of daunger in tyme to come he geueth men occasion iustly and with good conscience to doubt least he haue not the grace of the holy ghost within hym because he is tongue tied and doth not speake Thus then haue ye hearde the first institution of this feaste of Pentecoste or Whitsuntide aswell in the olde law among the Jewes as also in the tyme of the Gospell among the Christians Nowe let vs consyder what the holy ghost is and howe consequently he worketh his miraculous workes towardes mankind The holy ghost is a spirituall and diuine substaunce the thyrde person in the deitie distincte from the father and the sonne and yet proceedyng from them both which thyng to be true both the Creede of Athanasius beareth witnesse and may be also easilye proued by most playne testimonies of Gods holy worde When Christe was baptized of John in the ryuer Jordan we reade that the holye ghost came downe infourme of a Doue and that the father thundred from heauen saying This is my deare and welbeloued sonne in whom I am well pleased Where note three diuers and distinct persons the father the sonne and the holy ghost which all notwithstandyng are not three Gods but one god Likewyse when Christe dyd fyrste institute and ordeyne the sacrament of baptisme he sent his disciples into the whole world willyng them to baptize al nations in the name of the father the sonne and the holy ghost And in an other place he sayth I wyll pray vnto my father and he shall geue you another comforter Agayne when the comforter shall come whom I wyll sende from my father c. These and suche other places of the newe Testament do so playnly and euidently confirme the distinction of the holy ghost from the other persons in the trinitie that no man possibly can doubt thereof vnles he will blaspheme the euerlastyng trueth of Gods worde As for his proper nature and substaunce it is altogether one with God the father and God the sonne that is to say spirituall eternall vncreated incomprehensible almyghtie to be short he is euen God Lord euerlastyng Therefore he is called the spirite of the father therefore he is sayde to proceede from the father and the sonne and therefore he was equally ioyned with them in the commission that the Apostles had to baptize al nations But that this may appeare more sensibly to the eyes of all men it shal be requisite to come to the other parte namely to the wonderfull and heauenly workes of the holye ghost whiche playnely declare vnto the worlde his myghtie and diuine power Fyrste it is euident that he did wonderfully gouerne and direct the heartes of the patriarkes and prophetes in olde tyme illuminating their myndes with the knowledge of the true Messias geuing them vtteraunce to prophesie of thynges that shoulde come to passe long tyme after For as saint Peter witnesseth the prophesie came not in olde tyme by the wyll of man But the holye men of God spake as they were moued iuwardly by the holy ghost And of Zacharie the hygh priest it is sayde in the Gospell that he beyng full of the holy ghost prophesied and praysed god So dyd also Simeon Anna Marie and diuers other to the great wonder and admiration of all men Moreouer was not the holy ghost a mightie worker in the conception and the natiuitie of Christe our sauiour Saint Matthewe sayth that the blessed virgin was founde with chylde of the holy ghost before Joseph and she came together And the Angell Gabriell dyd expreslye tell her that it shoulde so come to passe saying The holy ghost shall come vppon thee and the power of the most hygh shall ouershadowe thee A marueylous matter that a woman shoulde conceaue and beare a chylde without the knowledge of man But where the holy ghoste worketh there nothyng is vnpossible as maye further also appeare by the inwarde regeneration and sanctification of mankynde When Christe sayde to Nicodemus vnlesse a man be borne a newe of water and the spirite he can not enter into the kyngdome of God he was greatly amazed in his mynde and began to reason with Christe demaundyng howe a man myght be borne whiche was olde Can he enter sayth he into his mothers wombe agayn and so be borne a newe Beholde a liuely paterne of a fleshely and carnall man He had litle or no intelligence of the holy ghost and therefore he goeth bluntly to worke and asketh howe this thyng were possible to be true Whereas otherwyse yf he had knowne the great power of the holye ghost in this behalfe that it is he whiche in wardlye worketh the regeneration and newe byrth of mankynde he woulde neuer haue marueyled at Christes wordes but woulde haue rather taken occasion thereby to prayse and glorifie god For as there are three seuerall and sundrye persons in the deitie So haue they three seuerall and sundrye offices proper vnto eache of them The father to create the sonne to redeeme the holy ghost to sanctifie and regenerate Wherof the last the more it is hidde from our vnderstandyng the more it ought to moue all men to wonder at the secrete and mightie workyng of Gods holy spirite whiche
made without faith in hym on whom they call but that we must first beleeue in hym before we can make our prayers vnto hym whereuppon we must only and solely pray vnto god For to say that we shoulde beleeue eyther in angell or saint or in any other liuing creature were more horrible blasphemie against God and his holy worde neither ought this fancie to enter into the heart of any Christian man because we are expressly taught in the worde of the Lorde only to repose our fayth in the blessed trinitie in whose only name we are also baptized according to the expresse commaundement of our sauiour Jesus Christe in the last of Matthewe But that the trueth hereof may the better appeare euen to them that be moste simple and vnlearned let vs consider what prayer is Saint Augustine calleth it a liftyng vp of the mynde to God that is to say an humble and lowly powring out of the heart to god Isidorus sayth that it is an affection of the heart and not alabour of the lippes So that by these places true prayer doth consist not so muche in the outward sounde and voyce of wordes as in the inwarde gronyng and crying of the heart to God. Nowe then is there any angell any virgin any patriarche or prophete among the dead that can vnderstand or knowe the meanyng of the heart The scriptures sayth it is God that searcheth the heart and raynes and that he only knoweth the heartes of the chyldren of men As for the saintes they haue so litle knowledge of the secretes of the heart that many of the auncient fathers greatly doubt whether they knowe any thing at al that is commonly done on earth And albeit some thynke they do yet saint Augustine a Doctour of great aucthoritie and also antiquitie hath this opinion of them that they knowe no more what we do on earth then we know what they do in heauen For proofe wherof he alleageth the wordes of Esai the prophete where it is sayde Abraham is ignoraunt of vs and Israel knoweth vs not His mynde therefore is this not that we shoulde put any religion in worshyppyng them or praying vnto them but that we shoulde honour them by folowyng their vertuous and godly lyfe For as he witnesseth in an other place the martyrs and holy men in tymes past were wont after their death to be remembred and named of the prieste at diuine seruice but neuer to be inuocated or called vpon And why so because the prieste sayth he is Gods priest and not theirs Whereby he is bounde to call vpon God and not vpon them Thus you see that the aucthoritie both of scripture and also of Augustine doth not permit that we should pray vnto them O that al men would studiously reade and searche the scriptures then shoulde they not be drowned in ignoraunce but shoulde easily perceaue the trueth aswell of this poynt of doctrine as of all the rest For there doth the holy ghost playnely teache vs that Christe is our only mediatour and intercessour with God and that we muste seeke and runne to no other If any man sinneth saith saint John we haue an aduocate with the father Jesus Christe the ryghteous and he is the propitiation for our sinnes Saint Paul also sayth There is one God and one mediatour betweene God and man euen the man Jesus Christe Whereunto agreeth the testimonie of our sauiour hym selfe witnessing that no man commeth to the father but onely by hym who is the way the trueth the life yea and the only dore whereby we muste enter into the kingdome of heauen because GOD is pleased in no other but in hym For whiche cause also he cryeth and calleth vnto vs that we shoulde come vnto hym saying Come vnto me all ye that labour and be heauie laden and I shall refreshe you Woulde Christe haue vs so necessarily come vnto hym and shall we moste vnthankfully leaue hym and runne vnto other This is euen that whiche God so greatly complayneth of by his prophet Ieremie saying My people haue committed two great offences they haue forsaken me the fountaine of the waters of lyfe and haue digged to them selues broken pits that can holde no water Is not that man thinke you vnwyse that wyll runne for water to a litle brooke when he may aswell go to the head spryng Euen so may his wisedome be iustly susspected that wyll flee vnto saintes in tyme of necessitie when he may boldly and without feare declare his greefe and direct his prayer vnto the Lorde himselfe If God were straunge or daungerous to be talked withall then myght we iustly drawe backe and seeke to some other But the Lorde is nygh vnto them that call vppon hym in fayth and trueth and the prayer of the humble and meeke hath alwayes pleased hym What if we be sinners shall we not therefore pray vnto God or shall we dispayre to obteyne any thyng at his handes Why dyd Christe then teache vs to aske forgeuenesse of our sinnes saying And forgeue vs our trespasses as we forgeue them that trespasse agaynst vs Shall we thynke that the saintes are more mercifull in hearing sinners then God Dauid sayth that the Lorde is full of compassion and mercy slowe to anger and of great kyndnesse Saint Paul sayth that he is riche in mercy towardes all them that call vppon hym And he hymselfe by the mouth of his prophet Esai sayth For a litle while haue I forsaken thee but with great compassion wyll I gather thee For a moment in myne anger I haue hid my face from thee but with euerlastyng mercy haue I had compassion vpon thee Therefore the sinnes of any man ought not to withholde hym from praying vnto the Lorde his god But if he be truely penitent and stedfast in fayth let him assure him selfe that the Lorde wylbe mercifull vnto hym and heare his prayers O but I dare not wyll some man say trouble God at all times with my prayers We see that in kinges houses courtes of princes men can not be admitted vnlesse they fyrst vse the helpe and meane of some speciall noble man to come vnto the speache of the kyng and to obtayne the thing that they woulde haue To this reason doth saint Ambrose aunswere verye well writing vppon the first Chapter to the Romanes Therefore sayth he we vse to go vnto the king by officers and noble men because the kyng is a mortall man and knoweth not to whom he maye commit the gouernment of the common wealth But to haue God our frende from whom nothing is hid we nede not any helper that should further vs with his good worde but only a deuoute and godlye minde And yf it be so that we neede one to entreate for vs why maye we not content our selues with that one mediatour whiche is at the ryght hande of God the father and there
issue his brother or next kynsman shoulde marrye his wydowe and the childe that were firste borne betweene them shoulde be called his chylde that was dead that the dead mans name myght not be put out in Israel And if the brother or nexte kynsman would not marry the widow then she before the magistrates of the Citie shoulde pull of his shoe and spitte in his face saying So be it done to that man that wyll not buylde his brothers house Here dearely beloued the pullyng of his shoe and spitting in his face were ceremonies to signifie vnto all the people of that Citie that the woman was not nowe in faulte that Gods lawe in that poynt was broken but the whole shame and blame therof did now redound to that man whiche openly before the magistrates refused to marry her And it was not a reproch to hym alone but to all his posteritie also For they were called euer after the house of hym whose shoe is pulled of Another place out of the Psalmes I wyl breake saith Dauid the hornes of the vngodly and the hornes of the ryghteous shal be exalted By anhorne in the scripture is vnderstand power myght strength sometime rule gouernment The prophet then saying I wyll breake the hornes of the vngodly meaneth that all the power strength and myght of Gods enemie shall not onlye be weakened and made feeble but shall at length also be cleane broken and destroyed though for a tyme for the better triall of his people God suffereth the enemies to preuayle and haue the vpper hande In the ▪ 132. Psalme it is sayde I wyll make Dauids horne to florishe Here Dauids horne signifieth his kyngdome Almightie God therefore by this maner of speakyng promiseth to geue Dauid victorie ouer all his enemies and to stablishe hym in his kyngdome spyte of all his enemies And in the threescore psalme it is wrytten Moab is my washpot and euer Edom wyl I cast out my shoe c. In that place the prophete sheweth how grati●usly God hath dealt with his people the children of Israel geuing them great victories vpon their enemies on euery side For the Moabites and Idumeans being two great nations proude people stout and mighty God brought them vnder and made them seruauntes to the Israelites seruantes I say to stowpe downe to pul of their shoes and washe their feete Then Moab is my washpot and ouer Edom wyl I cast out my shoe is as if he had sayde The Moabites and the Idumeans for all their stoutnesse agaynst vs in the wyldernesse are now made our subiects our seruauntes yea vnderlynges to pull of our shoes and washe our feete Nowe I pray you what vncomly maner of speach is this so vsed in common phrase among the Hebrues It is a shame that Christian men shoulde be so light headed to toy as ruffians do of suche maner speaches vttered in good graue signification by ●he holy ghost More reasonable it were for vaine men to learne to reuerence the fourme of Gods wordes then to gaude at them to his damnation Some againe are o●●ended to heare that the godly fathers had many wiues and concubines ▪ although after the phrase of the scripture a concubine is an honest name for euery concubine is a lawfull wyfe but euery wyfe is not a concubine And that ye may the better vnderstande this to be true ye shall note that it was permitted to the fathers of the olde Testament to haue at one time mo wiues then one for what purpose ye shall afterwarde heare Of whiche wyues some were free women borne some were bond women and seruauntes She that was free borne had a prerogatiue aboue those that were seruauntes bond women The free borne woman was by mariage made the ruler of the house vnder her husband is called the mother of the housholde the maistres or the dame of the house after our maner of speaking and had by her mariage an interest a right and an ownership of his goodes vnto whom she was marryed Other seruauntes and bond women wer geuen by the owners of them as the maner was then I wyll not say alwaies but for the moste parte vnto their daughters at that day of their mariage to be handmaydens vnto them A 〈…〉 ter such a sort did Pharao kyng of Egypt geue vnto Sara Abrahams wyfe Agar the Egyptian to be her mayde So dyd Laban geue vnto his daughter Lia at the day of her mariage Zilpha to be her handmayde And to his other daughter Rachell he gaue another bondmayde named Bilham And the wyues that were the owners of their handmaydes gaue them in mariage to their husbandes vppon diuers occasions Sara gaue her maide Agar in mariage to Abraham Lia gaue in lyke maner her mayde Zilpha to her husbande Jacob. So dyd Rachell his other wyfe geue hym Bil●am her mayde saying vnto hym Go in vnto her and she shall beare vppon my knees whiche is as if she had sayde take her to wyfe and the chyldren that she shall beare wyll I take vpon my lappe and make of them as if they were myne owne These handmaydens or bond women although by mariage they were made wyues yet they had not this prerogatiue to rule in the house but were styll vnderlinges and in subiection to their maisters and were neuer called mothers of the houshold maistresses or dames of the house but are called sometymes wyues sometyme concubines The pluralitie of wyues was by a speciall prerogatiue suffered to the fathers of the olde Testament not for satisfiyng their carnall and fleshly lustes but to haue many children because euery one of them hoped and begged oft tymes of God in their prayers that that blessed seede whiche God promised shoulde come into the worlde to breake the serpentes head myght come and be borne of his stocke and kinred Now of those whiche take occasion of carnalitie and euil life by hearing and reading in Gods boke what God hath suffered euen in those men whose commendation is praysed in the scripture As that Noe whom S. Peter calleth the eight preacher of ryghteousnesse was so drunke with wyne that in his sleepe he vncouered his owne priuities The iust man Lot was in lyke maner drunken and in his drunkennesse lay with his owne daughters contrary to the law of nature Abraham whose fayth was so great that for the same he deserued to be called of Gods owne mouth a father of many nations the father of all beleuers besydes with Sara his wife had also carnall company with Agar Saraes handemayde The patriarche Jacob had to his wyues two sisters at one tyme The Prophete Dauid and king Salomon his sonne had many wyues and concubines c. Which thinges we see plainly to be forbidden vs by the lawe of God and are now repugnaunt to all publique honestie These and suche lyke in Gods booke good people are not wrytten that we shoulde or may do the lyke folowyng
because it is necessarie profitable shall God wylling be dissolued in the next part of this Homilee In the meane season let vs as we are most bounde geue heartie thankes to God the father and his sonne Jesus Christ for sendyng downe this comforter into the world humbly beseeching him so to worke in our heartes by the power of this holy spirite that we beyng regenerate and newely borne agayne in all goodnesse righteousnesse sobrietie and trueth may in the end be made partakers of euerlastyng lyfe in his heauenly kyngdome through Jesus Christe our Lorde and sauiour Amen The seconde part of the Homilee concernyng the holy ghoste dissoluing this doubt whether al men rightly chalenge to them selues the holy ghost or no. OUR sauiour Christe departyng out of the worlde vnto his father promised his disciples to sende downe another comforter that shoulde continue with thē for euer direct them into al trueth Which thyng to be faythfully truely perfourmed the scriptures do sufficiently beare witnes Neither must we thinke that this comforter was either promised or els geuen onlye to the Apostles but also to the vniuersall Church of Christe dispearsed through the whole world For vnles the holy ghost had ben alwaies present gouernyng and preseruing the Churche from the begynnyng it coulde neuer haue sustayned so many and great bruntes of affliction and persecution with so litle dammage and harme as it hath And the wordes of Christe are moste playne in this behalfe saying that the spirite of trueth shoulde abyde with them for euer that he woulde be with them alwayes he meaneth by grace vertue and power euen to the worldes ende Also in the prayer that he made to his father a litle before his death he maketh intercession not only for him selfe and his apostles but indifferently for all them that shoulde beleue in hym through their wordes that is to wit for his whole Churche Agayne saint Paule sayth If anye man haue not the spirite of Christe the same is not his Also in the wordes folowyng We haue receaued the spirit of adoption wherby we crye abba father Hereby then it is euident and playne to all men that the holy ghost was geuen not onlye to the apostles but also to the whole body of christes congregation although not in lyke fourme maiestie as he came downe at the feaste of Pentecost But nowe herein standeth the controuersie Whether al men do iustly arrogate to thē selues the holy ghost or no The Byshops of Rome haue for a long tyme made a sore chalenge therunto reasoning for them seues after this sort The holy ghost say they was promised to the Churche and neuer forsaketh the Church But we are the cheefe heades the principall part of the Churche therefore we haue the holy ghost for euer whatsoeuer thynges we decree are vndoubted verities and oracles of the holy ghost That ye may perceaue the weakenes of this argument it is needfull to teach you first what the true Churche of Christe is and then to conferre the Churche of Rome therewith to discerne howe well they agree together The true Churche is an vniuersal congregation or felowship of Gods faythfull and elect people buylt vppon the foundation of the apostles and prophets Jesus Christe hym selfe beyng the head corner stone And it hath alwayes three notes or marks wherby it is knowne Pure and sound doctrine the sacramentes ministred accordyng to Christes holy institution and the right vse of ecclesiastical discipline This description of the Churche is agreeable both to the scriptures of God and also to the doctrine of the auncient fathers so that none may iustly fynd fault therewith Now if ye wyll compare this with the Churche of Rome not as it was in the begynnnyg but as it is presently and hath ben for the space of nine hundred yeres and odde you shall well perceaue the state thereof to be so farre wide from the nature of the true Churche that nothing can be more For neyther are they buylt vppon the foundation of the apostles and prophetes retaynyng the sound and pure doctrine of Christe Jesu neyther yet do they order eyther the sacraments or els the ecclesiasticall keyes in such sort as he dyd first institute and ordeyne them But haue so intermyngled their owne traditions and inuentions by choppyng chaungyng by addyng and pluckyng away that now they may seeme to be conuerted into a new guyse Christe commended to his Church a sacrament of his body and blood They haue changed it into a sacrifice for the quicke and the deade Christ dyd minister to his apostles the apostles to other men indifferently vnder both kindes They haue robbed the lay people of the cup saying that for them one kind is sufficient Christ ordeyned no other element to be vsed in baptisme but only water wherunto when the word is ioyned it is made as S. Augustine saith a ful perfect sacrament They beyng wyser in their owne conceipte then Christ thinke it is not wel nor orderly done vnles they vse cōiuration vnles they halow the water vnles there be oyle salt spittle tapers and suche other dumbe ceremonies seruing to no vse contrary to the playne rule of S. Paul who wylleth all thynges to be done in the Churche vnto edification Christe ordeyned the aucthoritie of the keyes to excommunicate notorious sinners and to absolue them whiche are truely penitent They abuse this power at their owne pleasure aswell in cursyng the godly with bell booke and candles as also in absoluing the reprobate whiche are knowne to be vnworthy of any Christian societie Whereof he that lust to see examples let them searche their lyues To be shorte looke what our sauiour Christe pronounced of the Scribes and Pharisees in the Gospell the same may we boldly and with safe conscience pronounce of the bishops of Rome namely that they haue forsaken dayly do forsake the commaundementes of God to erect set vp their owne constitutions Which thyng beyng true as al they which haue any light of Gods word must needes confesse we may wel conclude according to the rule of Augustine That the byshoppes of Rome their adherents are not the true church of Christe muche lesse then to be taken as cheefe heades and rulers of the same Whosoeuer sayth he do discent from the scriptures concernyng the head although they be found in al places where the Church is appoynted yet are they not in the Churche A playne place concluding directly agaynst the Churche of Rome Where is now the holy ghost whiche they so stoutly do clayme to them selues Where is now the spirite of trueth that wil not suffer them in any wise to erre If it be possible to be there where the true Churche is not then is it at Rome otherwyse it is but a vayne bragge and nothyng els Saint Paule as ye haue hearde before sayth If anye man haue not the spirite of
much more of all spiritual graces behoueable for our soule without whose goodnesse no man is called to fayth or stayed therein as I shall hereafter in the next part of this Homilee declare to you In the meane season forget not what hath alredy ben spoken to you forget not to be conformable in your iudgementes to the trueth of this doctrine and forget not to practise the same in the whole state of your lyfe whereby ye shall obtayne the blessing promised by our sauiour Christ Blessed be they which heare the word of God fulfilleth it in lyfe Whiche blessing he graunt to vs all who raigneth ouer all one God in Trinitie the father the sonne and the holye ghost to whom be all honour and glory for euer Amen ¶ The thirde part of the Homilee for Rogation weeke I Promised to you to declare that all spirituall giftes graces commeth specially from god Let vs consyder the trueth of this matter and heare what is testified fyrst of the gyfte of faith the first entrie into the Christian life without the which no man can please god For S. Paul confesseth it plainely to be Gods gyft saying Fayth is the gyft of god And agayne saint Peter sayth It is of Gods power that ye be kept through fayth to saluation It is of the goodnes of god that we faulter not in our hope vnto him It is verily gods worke in vs the charitie wherwith we loue our brethren If after our fall we repent it is by him that we repent whiche reacheth foorth his mercifull hande to rayse vs vp If any wyll we haue to ryse it is he that preuenteth our wyll disposeth vs therto If after contrition we feele our conscience at peace with god through remission of our sinne and so be reconciled againe to his fauour and hope to be his children inheritours of euerlasting lyfe who worketh these great myracles in vs our worthynesse our deseruinges endeuours our wittes and vertue Nay veryly Saint Paul wyll not suffer fleshe and clay to presume to such arrogancie therfore sayth All is of God which hath reconciled vs to hym selfe by Jesus Christe For God was in Christe when he reconciled the world vnto him selfe GOD the father of all mercie wrought this high benefite vnto vs not by his owne person but by a meane by no lesse meane then his only beloued sonne whom he spared not from any payne trauayle that myght do vs good For vpon him he put our sinnes vpon him he made our raunsome hym he made the meane betwixt vs him selfe whose mediation was so acceptable to GOD the father through his profound and perfect obedience that he toke his acte for a full satisfaction of all our disobedience rebellion whose ryghteousnesse he toke to waye agaynst our sinnes whose redemption he would haue stande agaynst our dampnation In this poynt what haue we to muse within our selues good freendes I thinke no lesse then that which saint Paul sayde in the remembraunce of this wonderfull goodnesse of God Thankes be to almightie God through Christe Jesus our Lorde for it is he for whose sake we receaued this hygh gyft of grace For as by him beyng the euerlastyng wysdome he wrought all the worlde and that is contayned therein So by him only and wholy woulde he haue all thynges restored agayne in heauen and in earth By this our heauenly mediatour therefore do we knowe the fauour and mercie of God the father by him know we his wyll and pleasure towardes vs for he is the brightnesse of his fathers glorye and a verye cleare image and paterne of his substaunce It is he whom the father in heauen delyghteth to haue for his welbeloued sonne whom he aucthorised to be our teacher whom he charged vs to heare saying Heare him It is he by whom the father of heauen doth blesse vs with all spiritual and heauenly giftes for whose sake and fauour writeth saint John we haue receaued grace fauour To this our sauiour mediatour hath God the father geuen the power of heauen and earth and the whole iurisdiction aucthoritie to distribute his goodes and gyftes committed to hym For so wryteth the apostle To euery one of vs is grace geuen accordyng to the measure of Christes geuing And thereupon to execute his aucthoritie committed after that he had brought sinne and the deuill to captiuitie to be no more hurtfull to his members he ascended vp to his father agayne from thence sent liberall gyftes to his welbeloued seruauntes and hath styll the power to the worldes ende to distribute his fathers giftes continually in his Churche to the establishment and comfort thereof And by hym hath almyghtie God decreed to dissolue the world to call al before him to iudge both the quicke and the dead and finally by hym shall he condempne the wicked to eternall fyre in hell and geue the good eternall lyfe and set them assuredly in presence with hym in heauen for euermore Thus ye see how all is of God by his sonne Christe our Lord and sauiour Remember I say once againe your duetie of thankes let thē be neuer to want still ioyne your selfe to continue in thankes geuyng ye can offer to God ne better sacrifice For he sayth hym selfe It is the sacrifice of prayse and thankes that shall honour me Which thyng was well perceaued of that holy prophete Dauid when he so earnestly spake to him selfe thus O my soule blesse thou the Lorde and all that is within me blesse his holy name I say once again O my soule blesse thou the Lorde neuer forget his manifolde rewardes God geue vs grace good people to know these things to feele thē in our heartes This knowledge and feeling is not in our selfe by our selfe it is not possible to come by it a great pitie it were that we shoulde lose so profitable knowledge Let vs therefore meekely cal vpon that bountiful spirite the holy ghost which proceedeth from our father of mercie from our mediatour Christ that he woulde assist vs and inspire vs with his presence that in him we may be able to heare the goodnes of god declared vnto vs to our saluation For without his liuely secrete inspiration can we not once so muche as speake the name of our mediatour as saint Paul plainely testifieth No man can once name our Lorde Jesus Christe but in the holye ghost Much lesse shoulde we be able to beleue knowe these great mysteries that be opened to vs by Christe Saint Paul sayth that no man can knowe what is of god but the spirite of god As for vs sayth he we haue receaued not the spirite of the world but the spirite which is of god for this purpose that in that holye spirite we myght knowe the thynges that be geuen vs by Christe The wyse man sayth that in the power vertue of the holy ghost
of Grece and that honour and worshippe also should be geuen vnto the sayd images And so the Empresse sparing no diligence in setting vp of Images nor cost in decking them in all churches made Constantinople within a short tyme altogether lyke Rome it selfe And nowe you may see that cummen to passe whiche Bishop Serenus feared and Gregorie the first forbad in vayne to wit that Images should in no wyse be worshipped For nowe not onely the simple and vnwyse vnto whom Images as the scriptures teach be specially a snare but the bishops and learned men also fall to idolatrie by occasion of images yea and make decrees and lawes for the mayntenaunce of the same So harde is it and in deede impossible any long time to haue images publiquely in churches temples without idolatrie as by the space of little more then one hundred yeres betwixt Gregori the first forbidding most strayghtly the worshipping of images and Gregorie the thirde Paule and Leo the third Bishops of Rome with this councel commaunding and decreeing that images should be worshipped most euidently appeareth Nowe when Constantine the younge Emperour came to the age of twentie yeares he was dayly in lesse and lesse estimation for suche as were about his mother perswaded her that it was Gods determination that she should raigne alone and not her sonne with her The ambitious woman beleuing the same depryued her sonne of all imperiall dignitie and compelled all the men of warre with their Capitaynes to sweare to her that they would not suffer her sonne Constantine to raigne during her lyfe With which indignitie the young Prince being moued recouered the regiment of the Empyre vnto him selfe by force and being brought vp in true religion in his fathers tyme seing the superstition of his mother Hyrene and the Idolatrie committed by images cast downe brake and burned al the idols and images that his mother had set vp But within a fewe yeares after Hyrene the Empresse taken agayne into her sonnes fauour after she had perswaded him to put out Nycephorus his vncles eyes and to cut out the tounges of his fowre other vncles to forsake his wyfe and by suche meanes to bring him in hatred with all his subiectes nowe further to declare that she was no chaungeling but the same woman that had before digged vp and burned her father in lawes bodye and that she would be as naturall a mother as she had bene kynde daughter seing the images which she loued so well had with so great cost set vp daily destroyed by her sonne the Emperoure by the helpe of certaine good companions depriued her sonne of the Empire And first lyke a kinde and louyng mother put out both his eyes and layd hym in prison where after long and manye tormentes she at the last most cruellie 〈…〉 ue him In this historie ioyned to Eutropius it is written that the sunne was darkened by the space of xvii dayes most strangely and dreadfully that all men sayde that for the horriblenes of that cruell and vnnaturall fact of Hyrene the putting out of the Emperours eyes the sunne had lost his light But in deede God would signifie by the darkenes of the sunne into what darkenesse and blindenes of ignoraunce and idolatrie all christendom should fall by the occasion of images The bright sunne of his eternall truth and lyght of his holy word by the mistes and blacke cloudes of mens traditions being blemished and darkened as by sūdry most terrible earthquakes that happened about the same tyme God signified that the quiet estate of true religion should by such idolatrie be most horribly tossed and turmoyled And here may you see what a gratious and vertuous lady this Hyrene was how louing a neece to her husbandes vncles how kind a mother in lawe to her sonnes wyfe howe louing a daughter to her father in lawe how naturall a mother to her owne sonne and what a stoute and valiaunt Capitaine the Bishoppes of Rome had of her for the setting vp and maintenaunce of their idols or images Surely they coulde not haue founde a meeter patrone for the maintenaunce of suche a matter then this Hyrene whose ambition and desyre of rule was insatiable whose treason continually studied and wrought was most abominable whose wicked and vnnaturall crueltie passed Medea Progne whose detestable paricides haue ministred matter to Poetes to write their horrible tragidies And yet certaine Historiographers who do put in wryting all these her horrible wickednes for loue they had to images which she mainteined do prayse her as a godly Empresse as sent from god Such is the blyndnes of false superstition if it once take possession in a mans mynde that it will both declare the vices of wicked princes also commend them But not long after the said Hyrene being suspected to the princes and lordes of Grece of treason in alienating the Empire to Charles king of the Francons and for practising a secrete mariage betwene herselfe and the sayd kyng and being conuicted of the same was by the sayd Lordes deposed and depriued againe of the Empire and caried into exile into the Iland Lesbos where she ended her leude lyfe Whyles these tragidies about Images were thus in workyng in Grece the same question of the vse of images in churches began to be moued in Spaine also And at Eliberi a noble citie nowe called Granate was a councel of Spanishe Byshoppes and other learned men assembled and there after long deliberation and debating of the matter it was concluded at length of the whole councell after this sort in the 36. article We thinke that pictures ought not to be in Churches least that which is honoured or worshipped be paynted on walles And in the. xli Canon of that councell it is thus written We thought good to admonishe the faythfull that as much as in them lyeth they suffer no images to be in their houses but if they feare any violence of their seruauntes at the least let them kepe themselues cleane and pure from images if they do not so let them be accompted as none of the Churche Note here I pray you howe a whole and great countrey in the West South partes of Europe nearer to Rome a great deale then to Grece in situatiō of place do agree with the Grekes against images and do not onely forbid them in churches but also in priuate houses and do excommunicate them that do the contrarie and another councell of the learned men of all Spaine also called Concilium Toletanum duodecimum decreed and determined lykewyse agaynst images and image worshippers But when these decrees of the Spanishe councell at Eliberi came to the knowledge of the byshoppe of Rome his adherents they fearyng least al Germanie also would decree against images and forsake them thought to preuent the matter and by the consent helpe of the Prince of Francons whose power was then most great in the West partes of
the world assembled a counsell of Germans at Frankford and there procured the spanishe councel against images afore mentioned to be condemned by the name of the Foelician heresie for that Foelix Bishop of Aquitania was chiefe in that councell obteyned that the actes of the second Nicene counsel as●ēbled by Hyrene the holie Empresse whom ye hearde of before and the sentence of the bishop of Rome for images might be receaued For much after this sort do the papistes report of the historie of the councell of Frankforde Notwithstanding the booke of Carolus magnus his owne writing as the tytle sheweth whiche is nowe put in print and commonly in mens handes sheweth the iudgement of that prince and of the whole councel of Frankforde also to be against images against the second councell of Nice assembled by Hyrene for images and calleth it an arrogant foolishe and vngodly councel and declareth the assemble of the councell of Frankforde to haue ben directly made and gathered against that Nicene councell the errours of the same So that it must needes folow that either there were in one princes time two councels assembled at Frankforde one contrarie to another whiche by no historie doth appeare or els that after their custome the Popes and Papistes haue most shamefully corrupted that councell as their manner is to handle not onely councels but also all histories and wrytinges of the olde Doctours falsifiyng and corrupting them for the mayntenaunce of their wicked and vngodlie purposes as hath in tymes of late come to lyght and doeth in our dayes more and more continuallye appeare most euidentlie Let the forged gyft of Constantine and the notable attempt to falsifie the first Nicene councell for the Popes supremacie practised by Popes in Saynte Augustines tyme be a witnes hereof which practise in deede had then taken effect had not the diligence and wisedome of saynt Augustine and other learned and godly bishoppes in A 〈…〉 rike by their great labour and charges also resisted and stopped the same Nowe to come towardes an ende of this historie and to shewe you the principall poynte that came to passe by the maintenaunce of images Where as from Constantinus Magnus tyme vntil that day al aucthoritie imperiall princely dominion of the empire of Rome remayned cōtinually in the right and possession of the Emperours who had their continuaunce and seat imperiall at Constantinople the citie royall Leo the third then Bishop of Rome seing the Greeke Emperours so vent agaynst his Gods of golde and syluer tymber and stone and hauyng the kyng of the Francons or Frenchemen named Charles whose power was exceeding great in the west countries very appliable to his mynde for causes here after appearing vnder the pretence that they of Constantinople were for that matter of images vnder the Popes ban curse and therefore vnworthy to be emperours or to beare rule and for that the emperours of Grece being farre of were not redye at a beche to defende the Pope agaynst the Lumbardes his enemies and other with whom he had variaunce This Leo the thirde I saye attempted a thyng exceeding straunge and vnhearde of before and of incredible boldnesse and presumption For he by his papall aucthoritie doth translate the gouernement of the Empire and the crowne and name imperiall from the Greekes and geueth it vnto Charles the great kyng of the Francons not with out the cōsent of the forenamed Hyrene empresse of Grece who also sought to be ioyned in mariage with the said Charles For the which cause the sayd Hyrene was by the Lordes of Grece deposed and banished as one that had betrayed the empire as ye before haue heard And the said princes of Grece did after the depriuation of the sayde Hyrene by common consent elect and create as they alwayes had done an Emperour named Nycaephorus whom the Bishop of Rome and they of the west would not acknowledge for their Emperour for they had alredy created them another and so there became two Emperours And the empire whiche was before one was diuided into two partes vppon occasion of idols images and the worshipping of them Euen as the kingdome of the Israelites was in olde tyme for the lyke cause of Idolatrie diuided in King Roboam his tyme And so the Byshoppe of Rome hauing the fauour of Charles the great by this meanes assured to him was wonderously enhaunced in powe● and aucthoritie and did in all the west Church specially in Italie what he lust where images were set vp garnished and worshipped of al sorts of men But images were not so fast set vp and so much honoured in Italie and the west but Nycaephorus emperour of Constantinople and his successours Scauratius the two Michaels Leo Theophilus and other emperours their successours in the empire of Grece continually pulled them downe brake them burned them and destroyed them as fast And when Theodorus Emperour would at the councel of Lions haue agreed with the Bishop of Rome and haue set vp images he was by the nobles of the empire of Grece depriued and another chosen in his place and so rose agelousie suspition grudge hatred and enmitie betwene the christians and empires of the East countries and west which could neuer be quenched nor pacified So that when the Sarasens first and afterwarde the Turkes inuaded the Christians the one part of christendome would not helpe the other By reasō wherof at the last the noble empire of Grece and the citie imperial Constantinople was lost and is come into the hands of the infidels who now haue ouerrunne almost all christendome and possessing past the middle of Hungarie whiche is part of the west empire do hang ouer all our heades to the vtter daunger of all christendome Thus we see what a sea of mischiefes the maintenaunce of images hath brought with it what an horrible scisme betweene the east and the west Churche what an hatred betwene one christian and another councels agaynst councels churche agaynst church christians agaynst christians princes against princes rebellions treasons vnnaturall and most cruell murders the daughter digging vp and burning her father the Emperours bodye the mother for loue of idols most abominably murdering her owne sonne being an Emperour at the last the tearing in sunder of Christendome and the empire into two peeces till the Infidels Sarasens and Turkes common enemies to bothe partes haue most cruellye vanquished destroyed and subdued the one parte the whole empire of Grece Asia the lesse Thrasia Macedonia Epirus and manye other great and goodlye countries and prouinces and haue wonne a great peece of the other empire and put the whole in dreadfull feare and most horrible daunger For it is not without a iust and great cause to be dread leaste as the Empire of Rome was euen for the lyke cause of images and the worshyppyng of them torne in peeces and diuided as was for Idolatry the kyngdome of Israel in olde tyme diuided so lyke
punyshment as for the lyke offence fel vpon the Jewes wyll also lighte vppon vs That is least the cruel tyrant and enemie of our common wealth and religion the Turke by Gods iuste vengeaunce in lykewise partly murder partly leade awaye into captiuitie vs christians as dyd the Assyrian and Babylonian kynges murder and leade away the Israelites and least the empire of Rome christian religion be so vtterly brought vnder foote as was then the kyngdome of Israel and true religion of God whereunto the matter already as I haue declared shrewdlye inclyneth on our part the greater part of christendom within lesse then three hundreth yeares space beyng brought into captiuitie and moste miserable thraldome vnder the Turke and the noble empire of Grece cleane euerted Whereas yf the christians diuided by these image matters had holden together no Infidels and miscreauntes could thus haue preuayled against christendome And all this mischiefe and miserie whiche we haue hitherto fallen into do we owe to our mightie gods of gold and siluer stocke and stone in whose helpe and defence where they can not helpe them selues we haue trusted so long vntyl our enemies the Infidels haue ouercome and ouer runne vs almost altogether A iust rewarde for those that haue left the myghtie lyuyng God the Lorde of hostes and haue stopped and geuen the honour due to hym to dead blockes stockes who haue eyes and see not cares and heare not feete and can not go and so foorth and are cursed of God and all they that make them and that put their trust in them Thus you vnderstande welbeloued in ou● Sauiour Christe by the iudgemente of the olde learned and godly Doctours of the Church and by auncient histories Ecclesiasticall agreeyng to the veritie of Gods worde aleaged out of the olde Testament and the newe that images and image worshyppyng were in the primatiue Churche whiche was most pure and vncorrupt abhorred and detested as abhominable and contrary to true Christian religion And that when images began to creepe into the Churche they were not onlye spoken and wrytten agaynste by godly and learned Byshoppes Doctours and Clarkes but also condemned by whole counselles of Byshoppes and learned men assembled together yea the sayde images by many Christian Emperours and Byshopyes were defaced broken and destroyed and that aboue vii C. and viii C. yeres ago and that therefore it is not of late bayes as some woulde beare you in hande that images and image worshyppyng haue ben spoken and written agaynst Finally you haue heard what mischeefe and miserie hath by the occasion of the saide images fallen vppon whole Christendome besides the losse of infinite soules which is most horrible of all Wherefore let vs beseche God that we beyng warned by his holye worde forbidding all idolatrie and by the wrytynges of olde godly Doctours and ecclesiasticall histories wrytten and preserued by Gods ordinaunce for our admonition and warnyng may flee from all idolatrie and so escape the horrible punishment plagues as well worldly as euerlastyng threatned for the same whiche God our heauenly father graunt vs for our onlye Sauiour and Mediatour Jesus Christes sake Amen ¶ The thirde parte of the Homilee against images and the worshipping of them conteyning the confutation of the principall argumentes whiche are vsed to be made for the mayntenaunce of images VVhich part may serue to instruct the Curates them selues or men of good vnderstandyng NOwe ye haue heard howe plainelye how vehementlye and that in manye places the worde of God speaketh agaynste not onlye idolatry and worshipping of images but also agaynste idols and images them selues I meane alwayes thus herein in that we be stirred and prouoked by them to worshyp them and not as though they were simplie forbidden by the newe Testament without suth occasion and daunger And ye haue hearde lykewyse out of histories Ecclesiasticall the begynnyng proceedyng and successe of idolatrie by images and the greate contention in the Churche of Christ about them to the great trouble and decay of Christendome and withall ye haue hearde the sentences of olde auncient fathers and godly learned Doctours and Byshoppes agaynste images and idolatrie taken out of their owne wrytynges It remayneth that suche reasons as be made for the maintenaunce of images and excessyue payntyng gyldyng and deckyng aswell of them as of the Temples or Churches also be aunswered and confuted partly by application of some places before alleaged to their reasons and partly by otherwyse aunswering the same Which part hath the last place in this treatise for that it can not be well vnderstanded of the meaner sorte nor the argumentes of image maynteyners can without prolixitie to muche tedious be aunswered without the knowledge of the treatise going before And although diuers thyngs before mentioned be here rehearsed agayne yet this repetition is not superfluous but in a maner necessarye for that the simple sorte can notels vnderstand how the foresayde places are to be applied to the argumentes of suche as do maynteyne images wherewith otherwyse they myght be abused Firste it is alleaged by them that maynteyne images that all lawes prohibitions and curses noted by vs out of the holy Scripture sentences of the Doctours also by vs alleaged agaynst images and the worshyppyng of them apparteyne to the idolles of the Gentiles or Pagans as the idoll of Iupiter Mars Mercurie c. and not to our images of God of Christe and his Saintes But it shal be declared both by Gods worde and the sentences of the auncient Doctours and iudgement of the primatiue Church that all images aswell ours as the idolles of the Gentiles be forbidden and vnlawfull namely in Churches and temples And fyrste this is to be replyed out of Gods worde that the images of God the father the sonne and the holy ghost eyther seuerally or the images of the Trinitie which we had in euery Church be by the Scriptures expresly and directly forbidden and condemned as appeareth by these places The Lorde spake vnto you out of the middle of fyre you hearde the voyce or sound of his wordes but you dyd see no fourme or shape at all least peraduenture you beyng deceaued shoulde make to your selfe anye grauen image or lykenesse and so foorth as is at large rehearsed in the first part of this treatie agaynst images And therefore in the olde lawe the middle of the propitiatorie whiche presented Gods seate was emptie least any should take occasion to make any similitude or lykenesse of hym Esaias after he hath set foorth the incomprehensible maiestie of God he asketh to whom then wyll ye make God lyke or what similitude wyl ye set vp vnto hym Shall the Caruer make hym a caruen image and shall the Goldsmyth couer hym with golde or cast him into a fourme of syluer plates And for the poore man shall the image maker frame an image of tymber that he maye haue somwhat to set vp also And after this he cryeth out O
dyd all alone So dyd the Gentiles teache that there was one cheefe power workyng by other as meanes and so they made all gods subiect to fate or destenye as Lucian in his dialogues fayneth that Neptune made suite to Mercurie that he myght speake with Iupiter And therefore in this also it is moste euident that our image mainteiners be al one in opinion with the Gentiles idolaters Nowe remayneth the thirde parte that theyr rites and ceremonies in honouryng worshipping of the images or saintes be all one with the rites whiche the Gentiles idolaters vsed in honouryng theyr idols First what meaneth it that Christians after the example of the Gentiles idolaters go on pylgrimage to visite images where they haue the lyke at home but that they haue a more opinion of holynesse and vertue in some images then other some lyke as the Gentiles idolaters had whiche is the redyest way to bryng them to idolatrie by worshypping of them and directly against Gods worde who sayth Seeke me and ye shall lyue and do not seeke Bethel neyther enter not into Gilgal neyther go to Bersaba And agaynst suche as had any superstition in the holynesse of the place as though they shoulde be hearde for the places sake saying Our fathers worshypped in this mountayne and ye saye that at Hierusalem is the place where men shoulde worshyp our sauiour Christe pronounceth Beleue me the houre commeth when you shall worshyppe the father neyther in this mountayne nor at Hierusalem but true worshippers shall worshyp the father in spirite and trueth But it is to well knowen that by suche pilgrimage goyng Lady Venus and her sonne Cupide were rather worshipped wantonly in the fleshe then God the father and our sauiour Christe his sonne truely worshipped in the spirite And it was verye agreeable as saint Paul teacheth that they which fell to idolatrie which is spirituall fornication shoulde also fall into carnall fornication and all vncleannesse by the iust iudgementes of God deliuering them ouer ●o abominable concupiscences What meaneth it that Christian men after the vse of the Gentiles idolaters cap and kneele before images whiche if they had any sense and gratitude woulde kneele before men Carpenters Masons Plasterers Founders and Goldsmithes theyr makers and framers by whose meanes they haue attayned this honour which els shoulde haue ben euyll fauoured and rude lumpes of claye or plaster peeces of tymber stone or mettall without shape or fashion and so without all estimation and honour as that idol in the Pagane poete confesseth saying I was once a vyle blocke but nowe I am become a god c. What a fonde thyng is it for man who hath lyfe and reason to bowe him selfe to a dead and vnsensible image the worke of his owne hande is not this stouping and kneeling before them adoration of them whiche is forbidden so earnestly by Gods worde Let suche as so fall downe before images of saintes knowe and confesse that they exhibite that honour to dead stockes and stones whiche the saintes them selues Peter Paul and Barnabas would not to be geuen them beyng alyue which the angel of GOD forbiddeth to be geuen to hym And yf they say they exhibite suche honour not to the image but to the saint whom it representeth they are conuicted of follye to beleue that they please saintes with that honour whiche they abhorre as a spoyle of Gods honour For they be no chaungelynges but nowe both hauyng greater vnderstanding and more feruent loue of God do more abhorre to depriue him of his due honour and beyng nowe lyke vnto the angels of God do with angels flee to take vnto them by sacrilege the honour due to god And herewithall is confuted theyr lewde distinction of Latria and Dulia where it is euident that the saintes of God can not abyde that as muche as any outwarde worshippyng be done or exhibited to them But satan Gods enemie desyryng to robbe God of his honour desyreth exceedynglye that such honour might be geuen to him Wherfore those whiche geue the honour due to the creatour to any creature do seruice acceptable to no saintes who be the freendes of God but vnto satan Gods and mans mortall and sworne enemie And to attribute suche desyre of diuine honour to saintes is to blot them with a moste odious and deuilyshe ignominie and villanie and in deede of saintes to make them satans and very deuils whose propertie is to chalenge to them selues the honour which is due to God onelye And furthermore in that they say that they do not worshyp the images as the Gentiles dyd theyr idols but God and the saintes whom the images do represent and therefore that theyr doynges before images be not lyke the idolatrie of the Gentiles before theyr idols saint Augustine Lactantius and Clemens do proue euidently that by this theyr aunswere they be all one with the Gentiles idolaters The Gentiles sayth saint Augustine whiche seeme to be of the purer religion say We worship not the images but by the corporall image we do beholde the signes of the thynges which we ought to worshyp And Lactantius sayth The Gentiles saye we feare not the images but them after whose lykenesse the images be made and to whose names they he consecrate Thus farre Lactantius And Clemens sayth That serpent the deuyll vttereth these wordes by the mouth of certayne men We to the honour of the inuisible God worship visible images whiche surelye is moste false See howe in vsyng the same excuses whiche the Gentiles idolaters pretended they shewe them selues to be all one with them in idolatrie For notwithstandyng this excuse saint Augustine Clemens and Lactantius prooue them idolaters And Clemens sayeth that the serpent the deuyll putteth suche excuses in the mouth of idolaters And the Scriptures sayth they worshyppe the stockes and stones notwithstandyng this excuse euen as our image maynteyners do And Ezechiel therefore calleth the gods of the Assyrians stockes and stones although they were but images of theyr gods So are our images of God and the saintes named by the names of god and his saintes after the vse of the Gentiles And the same Clemens sayeth thus in the same booke They dare not geue the name of the Emperour to anye other for he punysheth his offendour and traytour by and by but they dare geue the name of god to other because he for repentaunce suffereth his offendours And euen so do our image worshyppers geue both names of god and the saintes and also the honour due to God to theyr images euen as dyd the Gentiles idolaters to theyr idols What shoulde it meane that they accordyng as dyd she Gentiles idolaters lyght candelles at noone time or at mydnyght before them but therwith to honour them for other vse is there none in so doyng For in the day it needeth not but was euer a prouerbe of foolishnesse to lyght a candle at noone tyme And in the
assemble synodes and counsels and made seuere decrees agaynst images and worshyppyng of them as hath ben at large in the seconde parte of this Nomilee before declared But all their wrytyng preachyng assemblyng in counselles decreeyng and makyng of lawes ecclesiasticall coulde nothyng helpe eyther to pull downe images to whom idolatrie was committed or agaynst idolatrie whilest images stood For those blynde bookes and dumbe Scholemaisters I meane images and idols for they call them laye mens bookes and Scholemaisters by their carued and paynted wrytynges teachyng and preachyng idolatrie preuayled agaynst all their wrytten bookes and preachyng with lyuely voyce as they call it Well if preachyng and wrytyng could not keepe men from worshyppyng of images and idolatrie if pennes and wordes coulde not do it you woulde thynke that penaltie and swordes myght do it I meane that prynces by seuere lawes and punishmentes myght stay this vnbridled affection of al men to idolatrie though images were set vp and suffered But experience proueth that this can no more help agaynst idolatrie then wrytyng and preachyng For Christian Emperours whose aucthoritie ought of reason and by Gods law to be greatest aboue eight in number and sixe of them successiuelye raigning one after another as is in the histories before rehearsed makyng moste seuere lawes and proclamations agaynst idols and idolatrie images and the worshipping of images and executing most greeuous punishmentes yea the penaltie of death vpon the mainteiners of images and vppon idolaters and image worshyppers could not bryng to passe that either images once set vp myght throughly be destroyed or that men shoulde refrayne from the worshyppyng of them beyng set vp And what thynke you then wyll come to passe yf men of learnyng shoulde teache the people to make them and shoulde maynteyne the settyng vp of them as thynges necessarie in religion To conclude it appeareth euidently by all stories and wrytynges and experience of tymes past that neither preaching neyther wrytyng neyther the consent of the learned nor aucthoritie of the godly nor the decrees of counsels neyther the lawes of prynces nor extreame punyshmentes of the offendours in that behalfe nor no other remedy or meanes can help agaynst idolatrie if images be suffered publiquelye And it is truely sayde that tymes past are scholemaisters of wysedome to vs that folow and lyue after Therefore in tymes past the vertuest and best learned the moste diligent also and in number almoste infinite auncient fathers Byshops and Doctours with their wrytyng preachyng industrie earnestnes aucthoritie assembles and counselles coulde do nothyng agaynst images idolatrie to images once set vp What can we neyther in learning nor holinesse of lyfe neither in diligence neither aucthoritie to be compared with them but men in contempt and of no estimation as the world goeth now a fewe also in number in so great a multitude malice of men What can we do I say or bryng to passe to the stay of idolatrie or worshippyng of images if they be alowed to stand publiquely in temples and Churches And if so many so mightie Emperours by so seuere lawes and proclamations so rigorous and extreame punishmentes and executions coulde not stay the people from settyng vp and worshypppng of images what wyll ensue thynke you when men shall commend them as necessarie bookes of the lay men Let vs therefore of these latter dayes learne this lessen of the experience of the auncient antiquitie that idolatrie can not possiblie be separated from images anye long tyme but that as an vnseparable accident or as a shadowe foloweth the body when the sunne shyneth so idolatrie foloweth and cleaueth to the publique hauing of images in Temples and Churches And finally as idolatrie is to be abhorred and auoyded so are images whiche can not be long without idolatrie to be put away and destroyed Besides the whiche experimentes and proofes of tymes before the very nature and origine of images them selues draweth to idolatrie most violently and mans nature and inclination also is bent to idolatrie so vehemently that it is not possible to seuer or parte images nor to kepe men from idolatrie if images be suffred publiquely That I speake of the nature and origin of images is this Euen as the fyrste intention of them is naught no good can come of that whiche had an euyll begynnyng for they be altogether naught as Athanasius in his boke against the gentiles declareth and saint Jerome also vppon the prophet Jeremie the. vi Chapter and Eusebius the seuenth booke of his ecclesiasticall historie the. xviii Chapter testifieth that as they first came from the Gentiles which were idolaters and worshippers of images vnto vs and as the inuention of them was the beginning of spirituall fornication as the worde of God testifieth Sap. 14. So will they naturally as it were and of necessitie turne to their origine from whence they came and draw vs with them most violently to idolatrie abominable to God and all godly men For if the origine of images and worshipping of them as it is recorded in the eight chapter of the booke of wysedome began of a blynde loue of a fonde father framing for his comfort an image of his sōne being dead and so at the last men fel to the worshiping of the image of him whom they did know to be deade Howe much more will men women fall to the worshipping of the images of God our sauiour Christ his saintes if they be suffered to stande in churches temples publiquely For the greater thoppinion is of the maiestie holines of the person to whom an image is made the sooner will the people fall to the worshipping of the sayd images Wherfore the images of God our sauiour Christ the blessed virgin Mary the apostels martirs and other of notable holinesse are of all other images most daungerous for the peril of idolatrie and therefore greatest heede to be taken that none of them be suffered to stande publiquely in Churches and temples For there is no great dread least any should fall to the worshipping of the images of Annas Cayphas Pilat or Iudas the traytour if they were set vp But to the other it is alredy at full proued that idolatrie hath ben● is and is most lyke continually to be committed Nowe as was before touched and is here more largely to be declared the nature of man is none otherwyse bent to worshipping of images if he maye haue them and see them then it is bent to whoredome and adultrie in ●he company of harlots And as vnto a man geuen to the lust of the fleshe seyng a wanton harlot sitting by her and imbracing her it profiteth little for one to saye be ware of fornication God will condempne fornicatours and adulterers For neyther will he being ouercome with greater enticementes of the strumpet geue eare or take heede to suche godlye admonitions and when he is left afterwardes alone with the harlot nothing can follow but wickednes Euen so suffer images
shall be shewed briefely what tyme is meete for fasting for all times serue not for all thinges But as the wyse man sayth All thinges haue their times There is a time to weepe and a time agayne to laugh a time to mourne and a time to reioyce c. Our Sauiour Christe excused his disciples reproued the Pharisees because they neyther regarded the vse of fasting nor consydered what tyme was meete for the same Which both he teacheth in his aunswere saying The chyldren of the maryage can not mourne whyle the bridegrome is with them Their question was of fasting his aunswere is of mournyng signifying vnto them plainely that the outwarde fast of the body is no fast before God except it be accompanyed with the inwarde fast whiche is a mournyng and a lamentation in the heart as is before declared Concernyng the time of fasting he sayth The dayes wyll come when the bridegrome shal be taken from them in those dayes they shall fast By this it is manifest that it is no time of fastyng whyle the mariage lasteth and the bridegrome is there present But when the mariage is ended and the bridegrome gone then is it a meete time to faste Now to make plaine vnto you what is the sence and meanyng of these wordes VVe are at the mariage and agayne The bridegrome is taken from vs. Ye shall note that so long as GOD reuealeth his mercie vnto vs and geueth vs of his benefites eyther spirituall or corporall we are saide to be with the bridegrome at the mariage So was that good olde father Jacob at the mariage when he vnderstood that his sonne Joseph was aliue and ruled all Egypt vnder king Pharao So was Dauid in the mariage with the bridegrome when he had gotten the victorie of great Goliah and had smitten of his head Judith and all the people of Bethulia were the children of the wedding and had the bridegrome with them when God had by the hande of a woman slayne Holofernes the graund captaine of the Assyrians hoaste and discomfited al theyr enemies Thus were the Apostles the children of the mariage while Christe was corporally present with them defended them from all daungers both spirituall and corporall But the mariage is saide then to be ended and the brydegrome to be gone when almightie God smiteth vs with affliction and semeth to leaue vs in the middest of a number of aduersities So GOD sometime striketh priuate men priuatelye with sundry aduersities as trouble of minde losse of frendes losse of goodes long and daungerous sicknesses c. Then is it a fitte time for that man to humble him selfe to almightie God by fasting and to mourne and bewayle his sinnes with a sorowfull heart and to pray vnfaignedly saying with the prophete Dauid Turne away thy face O Lorde from my sinnes and blot out of thy remembraunce all myne offences Agayne when God shal afflict a whole region or countrey with warres with famine with pestilence with straunge diseases and vnknowen sicknesses and other such lyke calamities then is it tyme for all states and sortes of people hygh and lowe men women and chyldren to humble them selues by fasting and bewayle their sinfull liuing before God and pray with one common voyce saying thus or some other suche like prayer Be fauourable O Lord be fauourable vnto thy people whiche turneth vnto thee in weepyng fasting and praying spare thy people whom thou hast redeemed with thy pretious blood and suffer not thine inheritaunce to be destroyed and brought to confusion Fastyng thus vsed with prayer is of great efficacie and wayeth much with god So the angell Raphel tolde Tobias It also appeareth by that which our sauiour Christe aunswered to his disciples demaunding of him why they coulde not cast foorth the euyll spirite out of him that was brought vnto them This hynde sayth he is not cast out but by fastyng and prayer How auayleable fasting is how muche it wayeth with God and what it is able to obteyne at his hande can not better be set foorth then by openyng vnto you and laying before you some of those notable thynges that hath ben brought to passe by it Fastyng was one of the meanes whereby almyghtie God was occasioned to alter the thyng whiche he had purposed concernyng Ahab for murdering the innocent man Naboth to possesse his vineyarde God spake vnto Elia saying Go thy way and say vnto Ahab Hast thou killed and also gotten possession Thus sayth the Lord It the place where dogges licked the blood of Naboth shall dogges euen licke thy blood also Beholde I wyll bryng euill vpon thee and wyll take away thy posteritie Yea the dogges shall eate him of Ahabs stocke that dyeth in the Citie and hym that dieth in the feelde shall the foules of the ayre eate This punishment had almightie God determined for Ahab in this worlde and to destroy all the male kynde that was begotten of Ahabs body besides that punishment whiche shoulde haue happened vnto hym in the worlde to come When Ahab heard this he rent his clothes and put sackcloth vppon hym and fasted and lay in sackcloth and went bare footed Then the word of the Lord came to Elia saying Seest thou how Ahab is humbled before me Because he submitteth hym selfe before me I wyll not bryng that euyll in his dayes but in his sonnes dayes wyll I bryng it vpon his house Although Ahab through the wicked counsell of Iesabel his wyfe had committed shamefull murder and agaynst all ryght disherited and dispossessed for euer Nabothes stocke of that vineyarde yet vppon his humble submission in heart vnto God whiche he declared outwardly by putting on sackcloth and fasting God changed his sentence so that the punishmente whiche he had determined fell not vpon Ahabs house in his tyme but was deferred vnto the dayes of Ioram his sonne Here we may see of what force our outwarde fast is when it is accompanyed with the inward fast of the mynd which is as is sayde a sorowfulnesse of heart detesting and bewayling our sinfull doinges The lyke is to be seene in the Niniuites For when God had determined to destroy the whole Citie of Niniue and the time which he had appoynted was euen no we at hande he sent the prophet Ionas to say vnto them yet fourtie dayes and Niniue shal be ouerthrowne The people by and by beleued God and gaue them selues to fasting yea the kyng by thaduise of his counsell caused to be proclamed saying Let neyther man nor beast bullock nor sheepe tast any thing neither feede nor drinke water But let man and beast put on sackcloth and cry mightilie vnto God yea let euery man turne from his euil way and from the wickednes that is in their handes Who can tell if God will turne and repent and turne away from his fierce wrath that we perish not And vppon this their heartie repentaunce thus declared outwardly with fastyng renting of their clothes putting on
a shadowe As for vertue we dyd neuer shewe any signe thereof And thus we are consumed in our wickednesse If thou sayest that the custome is to be folowed the vse of the worlde doth compell thee to suche curiositie then I aske of thee whose custome shoulde be folowed wyse folkes maners or fooles If thou sayest the wyse then I say folowe them For fooles customes who shoulde folow but fooles Consider that the consent of wyse men ought to be alleaged for a custome Nowe if any lewde custome be vsed be thou the firste to breake it labour to diminishe it and lay it downe and more laude afore God and more commendation shalt thou win by it then by all the glory of such superfluitie Thus ye haue hearde declared vnto you what God requireth by his worde concernyng the moderate vse of his creatures Let vs learne to vse them moderatly as he hath appoynted Almyghtie God hath taught vs to what end and purpose we shoulde vse our apparell Let vs therfore learne so to behaue our selues in the vse thereof as becommeth Christians alwaies she wing our selues thankfull to our heauenly father for his great and mercyfull benefites who geueth vnto vs our daily bread that is to say al thyngs necessarie for this our needie life vnto whom we shall render accomptes for all his benefites at the glorious appearing of our sauiour Christe to whom with the father the holy ghost be all honour prayse and glory for euer and euer Amen ¶ An Homilee or Sermon concerning prayer THere is nothing in al mans lyfe welbeloued in our sauiour Christe so needeful to be spoken of daily to be called vpon as heartie zeious deuout prayer the necessitie whereof is so great that without it nothing may be wel obteyned at gods hande For as the Apostle James saith Euery good perfect gift commeth from aboue and proceedeth from the father of lyghtes who is also said to be rich and liberal towardes all them that cal vpon hym not because he eyther wyll not or can not geue without askyng but because he hath appoynted prayer as an ordinarie meanes betweene hym vs There is no doubt but he alwayes knoweth what we haue neede of and is alwayes most redy to geue aboundaunce of those thynges that we lacke Yet to the intent we myght acknowledge hym to be the geuer of all good thynges and behaue our selues thankfully towardes hym in that behalfe louyng fearyng and worshippyng hym sincerely and truely as we ought to do he hath profitably and wysely ordeyned that in tyme of necessitie we shoulde humble our selues in his sight powre out the secretes of our heart before hym and craue helpe at his handes with continuall earnest and deuout prayer By the mouth of his holy prophete Dauid he sayth on this wyse Call vppon me in the dayes of thy trouble and I wyll deliuer thee Lykewyse in the Gospel by the mouth of his welbeloued sonne Christe he sayth Aske and it shal be geuen you knocke and it shal be opened for whosoeuer asketh receaueth whosoeuer seeketh findeth and to him that knocketh it shal be opened Saint Paul also moste agreeably consenting hereunto wylleth men to pray euery where and to continue therin with thankes geuyng Neyther doth the blessed Apostle saint James in this poynt any thing discent but earnestly exhorting all men to diligent prayer sayth If any man lacke wysedome let him aske it of God which geueth liberally to all men and reprocheth no man Also in an other place Pray one for another saith he that ye may be healed For the ryghteous mans prayer auayleth muche if it be feruent What other thyng are we taught by these and such other places but only this that almyghtie God notwithstandyng his heauenly wisedome and foreknowledge wylbe prayed vnto that he wil be called vppon that he wyll haue vs no lesse wylling on our part to aske then he on his parte is wyllyng to geue Therefore most fond and foolishe is the opinion and reason of those men which therfore thynke all prayer to be superfluous and vayne because God searcheth the heart and the raynes and knoweth the meanyng of the spirite before we aske For if this fleshly and carnall reason were sufficient to disanull prayer then why dyd our sauiour Christe so often crye to his disciples watche and pray Why did he prescribe them a fourme of prayer saying when ye pray pray after this sorte Our father whiche art in heauen c. Why dyd he pray so often and so earnestly hym selfe before his passion Finally why did the Apostles immediatly after his ascention gather them selues together into one seuerall place and there continue a long tyme in prayer Eyther they muste condemne Christe and his Apostles of extreame follie or els they must needes graunt that prayer is a thyng most necessarie for all men at all tymes and in all places Sure it is that there is nothyng more expedient or needfull for mankynde in all the worlde then prayer Pray alwayes sayth saint Paul with all maner prayer and supplication and watche thereto with all diligence Also in another place he willeth vs to pray continually without any intermission or ceassyng meanyng thereby that we ought neuer to slacke or faynt in prayer but to continue therein to our lyues ende A number of other suche places myght here be alleaged of lyke effect I meane to declare the great necessitie vse of prayer But what neede many proofes in a playne matter seyng there is no man so ignoraunt but he knoweth no man so blynde but he seeth that prayer is a thyng most needefull in all estates and degrees of men For onlye by the helpe hereof we attayne to those heauenly and euerlastyng treasures whiche God our heauenly father hath reserued and layde vp for his chyldren in his deare and welbeloued sonne Jesus Christe with this couenaunt and promise moste assuredly confirmed and sealed vnto vs that if we aske we shall receaue Nowe the great necessitie of prayer being sufficiently knowne that our myndes and heartes may be the more prouoked and stirred therunto let vs breefely consider what wonderful strength and power it hath to bryng straunge and myghtie thynges to passe We reade in the booke of Exodus that Iousa fighting agaynst the Amalekites dyd conquere and ouercome them not so muche by vertue of his owne strength as by the earnest and continuall prayer of Moyses who as long as he held vp his handes to God so long dyd Israel preuayle But when he faynted and let his handes downe then did Amaleck and his people preuayle Insomuch that Aaron and Hur beyng in the mount with hym were fayne to stay vp his handes vntyl the goyng downe of the sunne otherwyse had the people of God that day ben vtterly discomfited and put to flight Also we reade in an other place of Iosua hym selfe how he at the beseging
of Gibeon makyng his humble petition to almyghtie God caused the sunne and the moone to stay their course and to stand still in the middest of heauen for the space of a whole day vntyll suche tyme the people were sufficiently auenged vpon their enemies And was not Iehosaphates prayer of great force and strength when God at his request caused his enemies to fall out among them selues and wylfully to destroy one another Who can maruayle enough at the effecte and vertue of Elias prayer He being a man subiect to affections as we are prayed to the Lorde that it myght not rayne and there fell no rayne vpon the earth for the space of three yeres and. vi moneths Againe he prayed that it myght rayne and there fell great plentie so that the earth brought forth her encrease most aboundauntly It were to long to tell of Iudith Hester Susanna and of diuers other godly men and women how greatly they preuayled in all their doinges by geuing their myndes earnestly and deuoutly to prayer Let it be sufficient at this tyme to conclude with the sayinges of Augustine and Chrisostome wherof the one calleth prayer the key of heauen the other playnely affyrmeth that there is nothyng in all the worlde more strong then a man that geueth hym selfe to feruent prayer Nowe then dearely beloued seeing prayer is so needeful a thyng and of so great strength before God let vs accordyng as we are taught by the example of Christe and his apostles be earnest and diligent in calling on the name of the lord Let vs neuer faynt neuer slacke neuer geue ouer but let vs daily and hourely early and late in season and out of season be occupyed in godly meditations and prayers What if we obtayne not our petitions at the firste yet let vs not be discoraged but let vs continually crye and call vpon God He wyll surely heare vs at length if for no other cause yet for very importunities sake Remember the parable of the vnryghteous iudge and the poore wydowe how she by her importunate meanes caused hym to do her iustice agaynst her aduersarie although otherwyse he feared neyther God nor man Shall not God muche more auenge his elect sayth our sauiour Christe whiche crye vnto hym day and nyght Thus he taught his disciples in them all other true Christian men to pray alwayes and neuer to faint or shrinke Remember also the example of the woman of Canaan how she was reiected of Christe and called dogge as one moste vnworthie of any benefite at his handes yet she gaue not ouer but folowed hym still crying and callyng vppon hym to be good and mercifull vnto her daughter And at length by very importunitie she obtayned her request O let vs learne by these examples to be earnest and feruent in prayer assuryng our selues that whatsoeuer we aske of God the father in the name of his sonne Christe and accordyng to his wyll he wyll vndoubtedly graunt it He is trueth it selfe and as truely as he hath promised it so truely wyll he perfourme it God for his great mercies sake so worke in our heartes by his holy spirite that we may alwayes make our humble prayers vnto hym as we ought to do and alwayes obtayne the thyng which we aske through Jesus Christe our Lorde to whom with the father and the holy ghost be al honour and glory worlde without ende Amen The second part of the Homilee concernyng prayer IN the firste parte of this sermon ye hearde the great necessitie also the great force of deuout and earnest praier declared proued vnto you both by diuers waightie testimonies and also by sundry good examples of holy scripture Now shal you learne whom you ought to call vppon and to whom ye ought alwayes to direct your prayers We are euidently taught in Gods holy Testament that almightie God is the only fountayne and welspring of al goodnes and that whatsoeuer we haue in this world we receaue it only at his handes To this effecte serueth the place of S. James Euery good and perfect gift sayth he commeth from aboue and proceedeth from the father of lyghtes To this effect also serueth the testimonie of Paul in diuers places of his Epistles witnessing that the spirite of wisedome the spirite of knowledge and reuelation yea euery good and heauenly gyfte as fayth hope charitie grace and peace commeth onely and solely of god In consideration whereof he bursteth out into a sodayne passion and sayeth O man what thyng hast thou whiche thou hast not receaued Therefore whensoeuer we neede or lacke any thyng parteyning eyther to the body or to the soule it behoueth vs to runne onely vnto GOD who is the onely geuer of all good thynges Our sauiour Christe in the Gospell teachyng his disciples how they shoulde pray sendeth them to the father in his name saying Uerily verily I say vnto you whatsoeuer ye aske the father in my name he wyll geue it vnto you And in an other place when ye pray pray after this sorte Our father whiche art in heauen c. And doth not God hym selfe by the mouth of his Prophete Dauid wyll and commaunde vs to call vpon hym The Apostle wysheth grace and peace to all them that call on the name of our Lord and of his sonne Jesus Christ as doth also the Prophet Joel saying And it shall come to passe that whosoeuer shall call on the name of the Lorde shal be saued Thus then it is playne by the infallible worde of trueth and lyfe that in all our necessities we must flee vnto God direct our prayers vnto hym call vppon his holy name desyre helpe at his handes and at no others Whereof if ye wyll yet haue a further reason marke that whiche foloweth There are certayne conditions most requisit to be founde in euery suche a one that muste be called vppon whiche if they be not founde in hym vnto whom we pray then doth our prayer auayle vs nothyng but is altogether in vayne The first is this that he to whom we make our prayers be able to helpe vs The second is that he wyll helpe vs The thirde is that he be suche a one as may heare our prayers The fourth is that he vnderstand better then we our selues what we lacke and howe farre we haue neede of helpe If these thynges be to be founde in any other sauing onely God then may we lawfully call vpon some other besides god But what man is so grosse but he wel vnderstandeth that these thynges are only proper to him which is omnipotent and knoweth al thyngs euen the very secretes of the heart that is to say only and to God alone whereof it foloweth that we must call neyther vpon angell nor yet vpon saint but only and soly vpon God as S. Paul doth write Now shall men call vppon hym in whom they haue not beleued So that inuocation or prayer may not be
the Lorde Which one benefite among all other is so great wonderfull that neyther tongue can well expresse it neither heart thinke it much lesse geue sufficient thankes to god for it But here is a great controuersie betwene vs and the Jewes whether the same Jesus which was borne of the virgin Marie be the true Messias and true sauiour of the worlde so long promised prophesied of before They as they are and haue ben alwayes proude stiffe necked woulde neuer acknowledge hym vntil this day but haue loked and gaped for another to come They haue this fond imagination in their heades that Messias shall come not as Christ did like a poore pilgrime and simple soule rydyng vppon an Asse But lyke a baliaunt and mightie king in great royaltie honour Not as Christ did with a fewe fishermen and men of small estimation in the world but with a great armie of strong men with a great traine of wyse noble mē as knightes Lords Earles Dukes Princes so foorth Neither do they thinke that their Messias shal slaunderously suffer death as Christ dyd but that he shall stoutly conquer and manfully subdue al his enemies and finallie obtayne such a kingdome on earth as neuer was seene from the beginning While they faigne vnto them selues after this sort a Messias of theyr owne brayne they deceaue them selues and accompt Christe as an abiect foole of the worlde Therefore Christ crucified as saint Paul sayth is vnto the Jewes a stumbling blocke and to the Gentiles foolishnes because they thinke it an absurde thing and contrary to all reason that a redemer and sauiour of the whole world should be handled after suche a sort as he was namelye scorned reuiled scourged condempned and last of al cruelly hanged This I say seemed in their eyes straunge and most absurde and therefore neyther they would at that tyme neyther wyll they as yet acknowledge Christe to be theyr Messias and sauiour But we dearely beloued that hope loke to be saued must both stedfastly beleue and also boldly confesse that the same Jesus which was borne of the virgin Marie was the true Messias and mediatour betweene God and man promised and prophecied of so long before For as the Apostle writeth With the heart man beleueth vnto righteousnesse and with the mouth confession is made vnto saluatiō Againe in the same place Whosoeuer beleueth in hym shall neuer be ashamed nor confounded Wherto agreeth also the testimonie of saint John written in the fourth Chapter of his first generall Epistle on this wyse Whosoeuer confesseth that Jesus is the sonne of God he dwelleth in God and God in hym There is no doubt but in this poynt all Christian men are fully and perfectly perswaded Yet shal it not be a lost labour to instruct and furnish you with a fewe places concerning this matter that ye maye be able to stoppe the blasphemous mouthes of all them that moste Jewishely or rather diuelishly shall at any time go about to teache or maintaine the contrary First ye haue the witnesse and testimonie of the angel Gabriel declared aswel to Zacharie the high priest as also to the blessed virgin Secondly ye haue the witnesse and testimonie of John the Baptist poynting vnto Christe and saying Behold the lambe of God that taketh away the sinnes of the worlde Thirdly ye haue the witnesse and testimonie of God the father who thundred from heauen and sayde This is my dearelye beloued sonne in whom I am well pleased heare him Fourthly ye haue the witnesse and testimonie of the holye ghost whiche came downe frō heauen in maner of a white doue and lighted vpon him in time of his baptisme To these myght be added a great number more namely the witnesse testimonie of the wise men that came to Herode the witnes and testimonie of Simeon and Anna the witnesse and testimonie of Andrew and Philip Nathanael and Peter Nicodemus and Martha with diuers other But it were to long to repeate all and a fewe places are sufficient in so plaine a matter specially among them that are alredye perswaded Therfore if the priuie impes of amechriste and craftie instrumentes of the deuil shal attempt or go about to withdrawe you frō this true Messias and perswade you to loke for another that is not yet come let thē not in any case seduce you but cōfirme your selues with these such other testimonies of holy scripture whiche are so sure certaine that all the deuils in hell shal neuer be able to withstand them For as truelye as God liueth so truelye was Jesus Christe the true messias and sauiour of the worlde euen the same Jesus which as this day was borne of the virgin Marie without all helpe of man only by the power and operation of the holy ghost Concerning whose nature and substaunce because diuers sundry heresies are rysen in these our dayes through the motion and suggestion of Satan therefore it shal be needefull profitable for your instruction to speake a worde or two also of this parte We are euidently taught in the scripture that our Lord and sauiour Christ consisteth of two seuerall natures of his manhood being thereby perfect man and of his Godhead being thereby perfect god It is written The worde that is to say the seconde person in Trinitie became fleshe GOD sendyng his owne sonne in the similitude of sinfull fleshe fulfilled those thinges which the lawe coulde not Christ being in fourme of God toke on him the fourme of a seruaunt was made like vnto man beyng founde in shape as a man GOD was shewed in fleshe iustified in spirite seene of angels preached to the Gentiles beleued on in the world and receaued vp in glorye Also in another place There is one God and one mediatour betwene God and man euen the man Jesus Christe These be plaine places for the profe and declaration of both natures vnited and knitte together in one Christe Let vs diligently consyder and waygh the workes that he dyd whiles he lyued on earth and we shall thereby also perceaue the selfe same thing to be most true In that he did hunger and thirst eate and drinke sleepe and wake in that he preached his Gospell to the people in that he wept and sorowed for Hierusalem in that he payde tribute for him selfe and Peter in that he dyed and suffered death what other thing dyd he els declare but onlye this that he was perfect man as we are For whiche cause he is called in holye scripture sometyme the sonne of Dauid sometime the sonne of man sometime the sonne of Marie sometime the sonne of Joseph and so foorthe Nowe in that he forgaue sinnes in that he wrought myracles in that he dyd cast out deuils in that he healed men with his only worde in that he knewe the thoughtes of mens heartes in that he had the seas at his cōmaundement in that he walked on the water in that
he rose from death to lyfe in that he ascended into heauen and so foorth What other thing dyd he shew therein but only that he was perfect god coequal with the father as touching his deitie Therfore he sayth The father and I are all one which is to be vnderstood of his godhead For as touching his manhood he sayth The father is greater thē I am Where are nowe those Marcionites that denie Christ to haue ben borne in the fleshe or to haue ben perfect man Where are nowe those Arians whiche denye Christe to haue ben perfect God of equall substaunce with the father If there be any suche ye may easyly reproue them with these testimonies of Gods word and such other Wherevnto I am most sure they shall neuer be able to aunswere For the necessitie of our saluation dyd requyre such a mediatour sauiour as vnder one person should be a partaker of both natures It was requisite he shoulde be man it was also requisite he shoulde be god For as the transgression came by man so was it meete the satisfaction shoulde be made by man And because death accordyng to S. Paul is the iust stipende and rewarde of sinne therfore to appease the wrath of God and to satisfie his iustice it was expedient that our mediatour shoulde be suche a one as might take vpon him the sinnes of mankinde and sustayne the due punishment therof namely death Moreouer he came in fleshe and in the selfe same fleshe ascended into heauen to declare and testifie vnto vs that all faithfull people whiche stedfastly beleue in hym shall likewyse come vnto the same mansion place whereunto he beyng our chiefe captayne is gone before Last of all he became man that we thereby might receaue the greater comfort as well in our prayers as also in our aduersitie consydering with our selues that we haue a mediatour that is true man as we are who also is touched with our infirmities and was tempted euē in like sort as we are For these and sundry other causes it was most nedefull he shoulde come as he dyd in the fleshe But because no creature in that he is onlye a creature hath or maye haue power to destroye death and geue lyfe to ouercome hell and purchase heauen to remit sinnes and geue ryghteousnesse therefore it was needefull that our Mēssias whose proper duetie and office that was shoulde be not onlye full and perfect man but also full and perfect GOD to the entent he myght more fully and perfectly make satisfaction for mankind God sayth This is my welbeloued sonne in whom I am wel pleased By which place we learne that Christ appeased and quenched the wrath of his father not in that he was only the sonne of man But muche more in that he was the sonne of God. Thus ye haue hearde declared out of the scriptures that Jesus Christe was the true Messias and sauiour of the world that he was by nature substaunce perfect God and perfect man and for what cause it was expedient he should be so Nowe that we may be the more mindefull and thankefull vnto God in this behalfe let vs briefly consyder and call to minde the manifolde and great benefites that we haue receaued by the Natiuitie and byrth of this our Messias and sauiour Before Christes comming into the worlde all men vniuersally in Adam were nothyng els but a wicked and crooked generation rotten and corrupt trees stony ground ful of brambles and bryers lost sheepe prodigall sonnes naughtie and vnprofitable seruauntes vnryghteous stewardes workers of iniquitie the broode of Adders blind guides sitting in darknesse and in the shadowe of death to be shorte nothyng els but chyldren of perdition and inheritours of hell fyre To this doth saint Paul beare witnesse in diuers places of his Epistles and Christe also him selfe in sundrye places of his Gospell But after he was once come downe frō heauen and had taken our frayle nature vppon hym he made all them that woulde receaue hym truely and beleue his word good trees good ground fruitefull and pleasaunt braunches chyldren of light citezins of heauen sheepe of his folde members of his body heyres of his kyngdome his true freendes and brethren sweete and liuely bread the elect and chosen people of god For as saint Peter sayth in his fyrst Epistle and seconde Chapter He bare our sinnes in his body vppon the crosse he healed vs made vs whole by his stripes and whereas before we were sheepe going astray he by his comming brought vs home agayne to the true shephearde and Byshop of our soules makyng vs a chosen generatiō a royall priesthood an holy nation a peculier people of GOD in that he dyed for our offences and rose agayne for our iustification Saint Paul to Timothie the thirde Chapter We were sayth he in tymes past vn wyse disobedient deceaued seruing diuers lustes and pleasures liuyng in hatred enuie maliciousnesse and so foorth But after the louing kindnesse of God our Sauiour appeared towardes mankynde not accordyng to the ryghteousnesse that we had done but accordyng to his great mercie he saued vs by the fountayne of the newe byrth and by the renewyng of the holy ghost whiche he powred vpon vs aboundauntly through Jesus Christe our sauiour that we beyng once iustified by his grace shoulde be heyres of eterna●l lyfe through hope and fayth in his blood In these and suche other places is set out before our eyes as it were in a glasse the aboundaunt grace of God receaued in Christ Jesu whiche is so muche the more wonderfull because it came not of any desert of ours but of his meere tender mercy euen then when we were his extreme enemies But for the better vnderstanding and consyderation of this thyng let vs beholde the ende of his comming so shall we perceaue what great commoditie and profite his Natiuitie hath brought vnto vs miserable and sinful creatures The ende of his comming was to saue and deliuer his people to fulfill the law for vs to beare witnesse vnto the trueth to teache and preache the wordes of his father to geue light vnto the world to cal sinners to repentaunce the refreshe them that labour and be heauy laden to cast out the prince of this worlde to reconcile vs in the body of his fleshe to desolue the workes of the deuill last of all to become a propitiation for our sinnes and not for ours onelye but also for the sinnes of the whole worlde These were the cheefe endes wherefore Christ became man not for any profit that should come to him selfe thereby but onely for our sakes that we might vnderstande the will of God be partakers of his heauenly lyght be delyuered out of the deuils clawes releassed from the burthen of sinne iustified through fayth in his blood and finally receaued vp into euerlasting glory there to raigne with him foreuer Was not this a great and singuler loue of Christ towardes mankynd that being
the expresse and liuelye image of God he woulde notwithstanding humble him selfe and take vppon him the fourme of a seruant and that onely to saue and redeeme vs O how much are we bounde to the goodnesse of God in this behalfe Howe manye thankes and prayses do we owe vnto him for this our saluatiō wrought by his deare and onely sonne Christe who became a pilgrime in earth to make vs citizens in heauen who became the sonne of man to make vs the sonnes of God who became obedient to the lawe to deliuer vs from the cursse of the lawe who became poore to make vs rich vyle to make vs precious subiect to death to make vs liue for euer What greater loue coulde we seelye creatures desire or wishe to haue at Gods handes Therefore dearelye beloued let vs not forget this exceeding loue of our Lorde and sauiour let vs not shew our selues vnmyndful or vnthankefull towardes him but let vs loue him feare him obey him and serue him Let vs confesse him with our mouthes praise him with our tongues beleue on him with our heartes and glorifie him with our good workes Christe is the light let vs receaue the light Christe is the trueth let vs beleue the trueth Christ is the way let vs folowe the way And because he is our onely maister our onely teacher our onely shepheard and cheefe captayne therfore let vs become his seruantes his schollers his sheepe and his souldiers As for sinne the flesh the worlde and the deuill whose seruantes and bondslaues we were before Christes comming let vs vtterly cast them of and defie them as the cheefe onely enemies of our soule And seing we are once deliuered from their cruel tyrannie by Christ let vs neuer fal into their hands againe lest we chance to be in a worse case then euer we were before Happy are they saith the scripture that continue to the ende Be faythful sayth God vntil death and I wil geue thee a crowne of lyfe Agayne he sayth in another place He that putteth his hand vnto the plough and looketh backe is not meete for the kyngdome of god Therefore let vs be strong stedfast and vnmoueable abounding alwayes in the workes of the lord Let vs receaue Christ not for a tyme but for euer let vs beleue his worde not for a tyme but for euer let vs become his seruaunts not for a tyme but for euer in consyderation that he hath redeemed saued vs not for a time but for euer and will receaue vs into his heauenly kingdome there to raygne with him not for a tyme but foreuer To him therfore with the father and the holy ghost be all honour prayse glory foreuer and euer Amen ¶ An homilee for good Friday concerning the death and passion of our sauiour Iesu Christ. IT shuld not become vs welbeloued in christ being that people whiche he redeemed frō the deuil from sinne and death and from euerlasting damnation by Christ to suffer this time to passe foorth without any meditation and remembraunce of that excellent worke of our redemption wrought as about this time through the great mercy and charitie of our sauiour Jesus Christ for vs wretched sinners and his mortall enemies For if a mortal mans deede done to the behofe of the common wealth be had in remembrance of vs with thankes for the benefite and profite whiche we receaue thereby How much more redily shoulde we haue in memorie this excellent act and benefite of Christes death whereby he hath purchased for vs the vndoubted pardon and forgeuenes of our sinnes whereby he made at one the father of heauen with vs in suche wyse that he taketh vs now for his louing children and for the true inheritours with Christe his naturall sonne of the kyngdome of heauen And verily so muche more doth Christes kindnes appeare vnto vs in that it pleased him to deliuer him selfe of all his godly honour which he was equally in with his father in heauen and to come downe into this vale of miserye to be made mortall man and to be in the state of a most lowe seruaunt seruing vs for our wealth and profite vs I saye whiche were his sworne enemies whiche had renounced his holy law and commaundements and folowed the lustes and sinfull pleasures of our corrupt nature And yet I say did Christe put him selfe betwene Gods deserued wrath our sinne and rente that obligation wherein we were in daunger to God and payde our dette Our dette was a great deale to great for vs to haue payde And without payment God the father coulde neuer be at one with vs Neyther was it possible to be losed from this dette by our owne habilitie It pleased him therefore to be the payer thereof and to discharge vs quite Who can now consyder the greuous det of sinne whiche coulde none otherwyse be payde but by the death of an innocent and will not hate sinne in his heart If God hateth sinne so much that he would allowe neither man nor Angell for the redemption thereof but onely the death of his onelye and welbeloued sonne who will not stande in feare thereof If we my freendes consyder this that for our sinnes this most innocent lambe was driuen to death we shall haue much more cause to bewayle our selues that we were the cause of his death then to crye out of the mallice and crueltie of the Jewes whiche pursued him to his death We did the deedes wherefore he was thus stricken and wounded they were onely the ministers of our wickednes It is meete then we shoulde step lowe downe into our heartes and bewayle our owne wretchednes and sinful liuing Let vs know for a certainetie that if the most dearly beloued sonne of God was thus punished and stricken for the sinne which he had not done him self how muche more ought we sore to be stricken for our dayly and manifolde sinnes whiche we commit agaynst God if we earnestlye repent vs not and be not sorye for them No man can loue sinne which God hateth so much and be in his fauour No man can saye that he loueth Christe truely and haue his great enemie sinne I meane the aucthour of his death familiar and in frendship with him So much do we loue God and Christe as we hate sinne We ought therefore to take great heede that we be not fauourers thereof least we be founde ennemies to God and traytours to Christe For not onelye they whiche nayled Christe vppon the crosse are his tormentours and crucifiers but all they sayth saint Paule crucifie agayne the sonne of God as muche as is in them whiche do commit vice and sinne which brought him to his death If the wages of sinne be death and death euerlasting Surely it is no small daunger to be in seruice thereof If we liue after the fleshe and after the sinfull lustes thereof saint Paule threatneth yea almightie God in saint Paule threatneth that we shal surely dye
We can none otherwyse liue to God but by dying to sinne If Christ be in vs then is sinne dead in vs and if the spirit of God be in vs which raysed Christ from death to lyfe so shall the same spirite rayse vs to the resurrection of euerlasting lyfe But if sinne rule and raigne vs then is God whiche is the fountaine of all grace and vertue departed from vs then hath the deuill his vngratious spirit rule and dominion in vs And surelye if in suche miserable ●iate we dye we shall not ryse to lyfe but fall downe to death dampnation that without ende For Christe hath not so redeemed vs from synne that we may safely returne therto agayne but he hath redeemed vs that we should forsake the motions thereof liue to righteousnes Yea we be therfore washed in our baptisme from the filthynes of sinne that we should liue afterwarde in the purenesse of lyfe In baptisme we promised to renounce the deuill and his suggestions we promised to be as obedient chyldren alwayes following Gods will pleasure Then if he be our father in deede let vs geue him his due honour If we be his children let vs shew him our obedience like as Christ openly declared his obedience to his father which as saint Paul wryteth was obedient euen to the verye death the death of the crosse And this he did for vs all that beleue in him For him selfe he was not punished for he was pure and vndefiled of al maner of sinne He was wounded saith Esai for our wickednes and striped for our sinnes he suffred the penaltie of them him selfe to deliuer vs from daunger he bare sayth Esai al our sores and infirmities vpon his owne backe No payne did he refuse to suffer in his owne body that he myght deliuer vs from payne euerlasting His pleasure it was thus to do for vs we deserued it not Wherfore the more we see our selues bound vnto him the more he ought to be thanked of vs yea and the more hope may we take that we shall receaue all other good thinges of his hand in that we haue receaued the gifte of his onelye sonne through his liberalitie For if God sayth Saint Paul hath not spared his owne sōne from paine and punishment but deliuered him for vs all vnto the death how should he not geue vs all other thinges with him If we wante any thing eyther for body or soule we may lawfully and boldlye approche to God as to our mercifull father to aske that we desyre and we shall obtaine it For such power is geuen to vs to be the children of God so many as beleue in Christes name In his name whatsoeuer we aske we shall haue it graunted vs For so well pleased is the father almighty God with Christ his sonne that for his sake he fauoureth vs and will denye vs nothyng So pleasant was this sacrifice and oblation of his sonnes death which he so obediently and innocently suffred that he would take it for the onelye and full amendes for all the sinnes of the worlde And such fauour did he purchase by his death of his heauenly father for vs that for the merite thereof if we be true Christians in deede and not in worde onely we be now fullye in Gods grace agayne and clearelye discharged from our sinne No tongue surelye is able to expresse the worthines of this so precious a death For in this standeth the continual pardon of our daylye offences in this resteth our iustification in this we be allowed in this is purchased the euerlasting health of al our soules Yea there is none other thing that can be named vnder heauen to saue our soules but this onelye worke of Christes precious offering of his body vppon the aulter of the crosse Certes there can be no worke of any mortall man be he neuer so holy that shal be coupled in merites with Christes moste holye act For no doubt all our thoughtes and deedes were of no value if they were not allowed in the merites of Christes death All our ryghteousnes is far vnperfect if it be compared with Christes ryghteousnes For in his actes and deedes there was no spot of sinne or of any vnperfectnes And for this cause they were the more able to be the true amendes of our vnryghteousnes where our actes and deedes be ful of imperfection and infirmities therfore nothing worthy of them selues to stirre God to anye fauour muche lesse to chalenge the glory that is due to Christes acte merite For not to vs sayeth Dauid not to vs but to thy name geue the glory O lord Let vs therfore good freends with al reuerence glorifie his name let vs magnifye and prayse him for euer For he hath dealt with vs according to his great mercy by himselfe hath he purchased our redemtion He thought it not enough to spare him selfe and to sende his Angel to do this deede but he would do it him selfe that he might do it the better and make it the more perfect redemption He was nothing moued with the intollerable paynes that he suffered in the whole course of his long passion to repent him thus to do good to his enemies but he opened his heart for vs and bestowed him selfe wholly for the raunsomming of vs Let vs therefore nowe open our heartes againe to him and studie in our lyues to be thankfull to such a Lorde and euermore to be myndefull of so great a benefite yea let vs take vp our crosse with Christe and folowe him His passion is not onely the raunsome whole amendes for our sinne but it is also a most perfect example of all patience and sufferaunce For if it behoued Christ thus to suffer to enter into the glorye of his father how should it not become vs to beare paciently our small crosses of aduersitie and the troubles of this world For surely as saith sayn● Peter Christ therefore suffred to leaue vs an example to folow his steps And if we suffer with him we shall be sure also to raigne with him in heauen Not that the sufferaunce of this transitory lyfe should be worthy of that glory to come but gladly should we be contented to suffer to be lyke Christ in our lyfe that so by our workes we may glorifie our father which is in heauen And as it is paynefull and greuous to beare the crosse of Christe in the greefes and displeasures of this life so it bringeth forth the ioyfull fruit of hope in all thē that be exercised therewith Let vs not so much beholde the payne as the rewarde that shall follow that labour Nay let vs rather endeuour our selues in our sufferaunce to endure innocentlye and gyltlesse as our sauiour Christ did For if we suffer for our deseruinges then hath not patience his perfect worke in vs but if vndeseruinglye we suffer losse of goodes and lyfe
one that doth beleue By this then 〈…〉 wel perceaue that the only meane and instrument of saluation required of our partes is faith that is to saye a sure trust and 〈◊〉 in the mercies of God Whereby we perswade our selues that God both hath and 〈◊〉 our sinnes that he hath accepted vs againe into his sauour that he hath released vs frō the bondes of dampnation and receaued vs againe into the number of his elect people not for our merites or desartes but onlye solely for the merites of Christes death and passion who became man for our sakes and humbled him selfe to sustayne the reproche of the crosse that we thereby might be saued and made inheritours of the kingdome of heauen This fayth is required at our handes And this yf we keepe stedfastly in our heartes there is no doubt but we shall obtayne saluation at gods handes as did Abraham Isahac and Jacob of whom the scripture saith that they beleued and it was imputed vnto them for ryghteousnesse Was it imputed vnto them onlye and shall it not be imputed vnto vs also Yes yf we haue the same fayth as they had it shal be as truly imputed vnto vs for righteousnesse as it was vnto them For it is one fayth that must saue both vs and them euen a sure and stedfast fayth in Christ Jesu who as ye haue heard came into the worlde for this ende that whosoeuer beleue in him shoulde not perishe but haue lyfe euerlasting But here we must take heede that we do not hault with God through an vnconstant and wauering saith but that it be strong and stedfast to our liues ende He that wauereth saith saint James is lyke a waue of the sea neyther let that man thinke that he shall obtaine any thing at Gods handes Peter comming to Christe vpon the water because he fainted in faith was in daunger of drowning So we yf we beginne to wauer or doubt it is to be feared lest we shall sinke as Peter dyd not into the water but into the bottomlesse pit of hell fyre Therefore I saye vnto you that we must apprehende the merites of Christes death and passion by faith and that with a strong and stedfast fayth nothyng doubting but that Christe by his owne oblation and once offring of him selfe vpon the crosse hath taken away our sinnes hath restored vs agayne into Gods fauour so fully and perfectly that no other sacrifice for sinne shall hereafter be requisite or nedefull in all the worlde Thus haue ye hearde in fewe wordes the meane whereby we must applie the fruites and merites of Christes death vnto vs so that it may worke the saluatiō of our soules namely a sure stedfast perfect and grounded fayth For as all they whiche behelde stedfastly the brasen serpent were healed and deliuered at the very sight therof from their corporall diseases and bodyly stinges euen so all they which beholde Christe crucified with a true and liuely fayth shal vndoubtedly be deliuered from the greuous woundes of the soule be they neuer so deadly or many in number Therfore dearely beloued yf we chaunce at anye tyme through frailtie of the fleshe to fall into sinne as it can not be chosen but we must nedes fall often yf we feele the heauie burden thereof to presse our soules tormenting vs with the feare of death hell and dampnation let vs then vse that meane which God hath appoynted in his word to wit the meane of faith which is the only instrument of saluation nowe left vnto vs Let vs stedfastly beholde Christe crucified with the eyes of our heart Let vs only trust to be saued by his death and passion to haue our sinnes cleane wasshed away through his most precious blood that in the end of the world when he shal come agayne to iudge both the quicke and the dead he may receaue vs into his heauenly kingdome and place vs in the number of his elect and chosen people there to be partakers of that immortal and euerlasting life whiche he hath purchased vnto vs by vertue of his bloddy woundes To him therfore with the father and the holy ghost be al honour and glorie worlde without ende Amen An Homilee of the Resurrection of our Sauiour Iesus Christe For Easter day IF euer at any tyme the greatnesse or excellencie of anye matter spirituall or temporall hath stirred vp your mindes to geue diligent eare good Christian people and welbeloued in our Lord and Sauiour Jesus Christe I doubt not but that I shall haue you nowe at this present season moste diligent and ready hearers of the matter whiche I haue at this tyme to open vnto you For I come to declare that great and most comfortable article of our Christian religion and fayth the resurrection of our Lorde Jesus So great surely is the matter of this article and of so great wayght and importaunce that it was thought worthie to kepe our sayde Sauiour still on earth fourtie dayes after he was rysen from death to lyfe to the confirmation and stablishment therof in the heartes of his disciples So that as Luke clearlye testifieth in the first Chapter of the Actes of the Apostles he was conuersaunt with his disciples by the space of fourtie dayes continuallye together to thintent he would in his person beyng nowe glorified teache and instruct them whiche shoulde be the teachers of other fullye and in most absolute and perfect wise the trueth of this moste Christian article whiche is the grounde and foundation of our whole religion before he would ascend vp to his father into the heauens there to receaue the glorye of his most triumphant conquest and victorie Assuredly so highly comfortable is this article to our consciences that it is euen the very locke and key of all our Christian religion and fayth If it were not true sayth the holy Apostle Paul that Christe rose agayne then our preaching were in vayne your fayth whiche you haue receaued were but voyde ye were yet in the daūger of your sinnes If Christ be not rysen againe sayth the apostle then are they in very euill case and vtterly perished that be entred their stepe in Christ then are we the most miserable of al men which haue our hope fixed in Christ if he be yet vnder the powre of death 〈…〉 not restored to his blisse againe But nowe is he rysen agayne from death sayth the Apostle Paul to be the first fruites of them that be a sleepe to thintent to raise them to euerlasting life agayne Yea yf it were not true that Christe is risen againe then were it neither true that he is ascended vp to heauen nor that he sent downe from heauen vnto vs the holy ghost nor that he sitteth on the right hand of his heauenly father hauing the rule of heauen earth raigning as the prophete sayth from sea to sea nor that he should after this worlde be the iudge aswell of the liuing
vs and he rose agayne to sende downe his holy spirite to rule in our heartes to endowe vs with perfect righteousnes Thus it is true that Dauid song Veritas de terra orta est et iustitia de coelo prospexit The trueth of gods promise is in the earth to man declared or from the earth is the euerlasting veritie Gods sonne rysen to life the true righteousnesse of the holy ghost lookyng out of heauen and is in most liberal larges dealt vppon all the worlde Thus is glory and prayse rebounded vpwarde to God aboue for his mercie and trueth And thus is peace come downe from heauen to men of good and faythfull heartes Thus is mercie and trueth as Dauid wryteth together met thus is peace and ryghteousnesse imbrasing and kissing eache other If thou doubtest of so great wealth felicitie that is wrought for thee O man call to thy mynde that therefore haste thou receaued into thyne owne possession the euerlasting veritie our sauiour Jesus Christ to confyrme to thy conscience the trueth of all this matter Thou hast receaued hym yfin true fayth and repentaunce of heart thou haste receaued hym yf in purpose of amendement thou haste receaued hym for an euerlastyng gage or pledge of thy saluation Thou hast receaued his body which was once broken his blood which was shedde for the remission of thy synne Thou hast receaued his body to haue within thee the father the sonne and the holy ghost for to dwell with thee to endow thee with grace to strength thee agaynst thyne enemies and to comfort thee with their presence Thou hast receaued his body to endow thee with euerlasting righteousnes to assue thee of euerlastyng blisse and lyfe of thy soule 〈…〉 r with Christe by true fayth art thou quickened agayne sayth saint Paul from death of synne to lyfe of grace and in hope translated from corporal and euerlastyng death to the euerlastyng lyfe of glorye in heauen where nowe thy conuersation should be and thy heart and desyre set Doubt not of the trueth of this matter how great and hygh soeuer these thynges be It becommeth God to do no litle deedes how impossible so euer they seeme to thee Pray to God that thou mayest haue fayth to perceaue this greate mysterie of Christes resurrection that by fayt● thou mayst certaynely beleue nothyng to be impossible with god Onlye bryng thou fayth to Christes holy worde and sacrament Let thy repentaunce shewe thy fayth let thy purpose of amendement and obedience of thy heart to Gods lawe hereafter declare thy true beleefe Endeuour thy selfe to saye with Saint Paul From hencefoorth our conuersation is in heauen from whence we looke for a sauiour euen the Lorde Jesus Christe whiche shall change our vile bodyes that they may be fashioned like his glorious body which he shal do by the same power wherby he rose from death and wherby he shal be able to subdue all thynges vnto hym selfe Thus good Christian people forasmuche as ye haue hearde these so great and excellent benefites of Christes myghtie and glorious resurrection as howe that he hath raunsomed synne ouercome the deuill death and hell and hath victoriouslye gotten the better hande of them all to make vs free and safe from them and knowyng that we be by this benefite of his resurrection rysen with hym by our fayth vnto lyfe euerlastyng beyng in full suretie of our hope that we shall haue our bodyes lykewyse raysed agayne from death to haue them glorified in immortalitie and ioyned to his glorious bodye hauyng in the meane while his holy spirite within our heartes as a seale and pledge of our euerlastyng inheritaunce By whose assistence we be replenished with all ryghteousnes by whose power we shal be able to subdue all our euyll affections rysyng agaynst the pleasure of god These thynges I say well consydered let vs nowe in the rest of our lyfe declare our fayth that we haue to this moste fruitful article by framyng our selues therunto in rysyng dayly from sinne to righteousnes holines of lyfe For what shall it auayle vs sayth saint Peter to be escaped deliuered from the filthynesse of the worlde through the knowledge of the Lorde and sauiour Jesus Christe if we be entangled agayne therewith and be ouercome agayne Certaynely it had ben better sayth he neuer to haue knowne the way of righteousnes then after it is knowne and receaued to turne backwarde agayne from the holy commaundement of God geuen vnto vs For so shall the prouerbe haue place in vs where it is sayde The dogge is returned to his vomite agayne and the sowe that was washed to her wallowyng in the myre agayne What a shame were it for vs beyng thus so clearely and freely washed from our synne to returne to the filthynesse thereof agayne What a follie were it thus endowed with ryghteousnesse to lose it agayne What madnesse were it to lose the inheritaunce that we be nowe set in for the vyle and transitorie pleasure of synne And what an vnkyndenesse shoulde it be where our sauiour Christe of his mercie is come to vs to dwell within vs as our g●este to dryue hym from vs and to banishe hym violently out of our soules and in steade of hym in whom is all grace and vertue to receaue the vngratious spirite of the deuyil the founder of all naughtines and mischeefe How can we fynde in our heartes to shewe suche extreame vnkyndnesse to Christe which hath now so gently called vs to mercie and offered him selfe vnto vs and he nowe entred within vs yea howe dare we be so bolde to renounce the presence of the father the sonne and the holy ghost For where one is there is God all whole in maiestie together with all his power wysedome and goodnesse and feare not I say the daunger and peryll of so traiterous a defiaunce and departure Good Christian brethren and sisters aduise your selues consyder the dignite that ye be nowe set in let not follie lose the thyng that grace hath so preciously offered and purchased let not wylfulnesse and blindnesse put out so great lyght that is now shewed vnto you Onlye take good heartes vnto you and put vppon you all the armour of God that ye may stand agaynst your enemies which woulde agayne subdue you and bryng you into their thraldome Remember ye be bought from your vain conuersation and that your freedome is purchased neyther with golde nor syluer but with the price of the precious blood of that most innocent lambe Jesus Christe which was ordeined to the same purpose before the worlde was made But he was so declared in the latter tyme of grace for your sakes which by hym haue your fayth in God who hath raysed hym from death and hath geuen hym glory that you shoulde haue your fayth and hope towarde god Therefore as you haue hytherto folowed the vayne lustes of your myndes and so displeased God to
deuill and not of God albeit they pretende outwardly to the worlde neuer so muche holinesse For as the Gospell teacheth vs the spirit of Jesus is a good spirit an holy spirit a sweete spirite a lowely spirite a mercifull spirite full of charitie and loue ful of forgeuenes and pitie not rendring euil for euill extremitie for extremitie but ouercomming euill with good and remitting all offence euen from the heart Accordyng to which rule if any man liue vprightly of him it may be safely pronounced that he hath the holy ghost within him If not then it is a plaine token that he doth vsurpe the name of the holye ghost in vaine Therfore dearely beloued according to the good councel of S. John beleue not euery spirite but firste trie them whether they be of God or no. Manye shall come in my name sayeth Christe and shall transfourme them selues into Angels of light deceauing if it be possible the very elect They shall come vnto you in sheepes clothing being inwardlye cruell and rauening Wolues They shall haue an outwarde shewe of great holines and innocencie of lyfe so that ye shall hardly or not at all discerne them But the rule that ye must folowe is this to iudge them by their fruites Which if they be wicked and naught then is it vnpossible that the tree of whō they proceede should be good Such were all the popes and prelates of Rome for the most parte as doth well appeare in the storye of their lyues and therefore they are worthylye accounted among the number of false prophetes and false Christes whiche deceaued the worlde a long whyle The Lorde of heauen and earth de●fende vs from their tirannie and pryde that they neuer enter into his vineyarde agayne to the disturbaunce of his feely poore flocke but that they may be vtterly confounded and put to flight in all partes of the worlde And he of his great mercy so worke in al mens heartes by the mighty power of the holy ghost that the comfortable Gospell of his sonne Christe may be truely preached truely receaued and truelye followed in all places to the beating downe of sinne death the pope the deuil all the kingdome of Antichrist that lyke scattered and dispearsed sheepe beyng at length gathered into one folde we maye in the ende rest altogether in the bosome of ●braham Isaac and Jacob there to be partakers of eternal and euerlasting life through the merites and death of Jesus Christ out sauiour Amen ❧ An Homilee for the dayes of rogation weeke That all good thynges commeth from God. I Am purposed this day good deuout Christian people to declare vnto you the most deserued praise commendation of almighty God not only in the consyderation of the marueylous creation of this worlde or for conseruation and gouernaunce thereof wherein his great power and wysedome might excellentlye appeare to moue vs to honour and dread him but moste specially in consyderation of his liberall large goodnes whiche he daylye bestoweth on vs his reasonable creatures for whose sake he made the whole vniuersall worlde with all the commodities and goods therein Which his singuler goodnes well and diligently remembred on our part shoulde moue vs as dutie is agayne with hartye affection to loue him and with word and deede to praise him and serue him all the dayes of our lyfe And to this matter being so worthye to entreate of and so profitable for you to heare I trust I shal not neede with much circumstaunce of words to stirre you to geue your attendance to heare what shal be said Only I would wish your affection inflamed in secrete wyse within your selfe to rayse vp some motion of thankes geuing to the goodnes of almightie God in euery 〈…〉 che poynt as shal be opened by my declaration particulerly vnto you For els what shall it auayle vs to heare and knowe the great goodnesse of God towarde vs to knowe that what soeuer is good proceedeth from him as from the principal fountayne and the onelye aucthour or to knowe that what soeuer is sent from him must needs be good and holsome if the hearing of suche matter moueth vs no further but to knowe it onely What auayled it the wyse men of the worlde to haue a knowledge of the power and diuinitie of God by the secrete inspiration of him where they did not honor and glorifie him in their knowledges as God What prayse was it to them by the consyderation of the creation of the world to behold his goodnesse and yet were not thankful to him againe for his creatures What other thing deserued this blindnes and forgetfulnes of them at Gods handes but vtter forsaking of him and so forsaken of God they could not but fall into extreme ignorance and errour And although they muche esteemed them selues in their wittes and knowledge and gloried in their wisdome yet vanished they away blyndly in their thoughtes became fooles perished in their folly There can be none other ende of suche as draweth nygh to God by knowledge and yet depart from him in vnthankfulnes but vtter destruction This experience sawe Dauid in his dayes For in his Psalme he saith Behold they which withdrawe them selues from thee shall perishe for thou hast destroyed them all that are strayed from thee This experiēce was perceaued to be true of that holy prophete Jeremie O Lord sayth he what soeuer they be that forsake thee shal be confounded they that depart from thee shal be written in the earth and soone forgotten It profiteth not good people to heare the goodnes of God declared vnto vs if our heartes be not inflamed therby to honour thanke hym It profited not the Jewes whiche were Gods elect people to here much of God seyng that he was not receaued in their heartes by fayth nor thanked for his benefites bestowed vpon them their vnthankfulnes was the cause of their destructiō Let vs esche we the maner of these before rehearsed and folowe rather the example of that holye Apostle Saint Paul whiche when in a deepe meditation he dyd beholde the marueylous proceedinges of almyghtie God and consydered his infinite goodnes in the ordering of his creatures he brast out into this conclusion Surely sayth he of hym by hym and in him be al thinges And this once pronounced he stacke not still at this poynt but forthwith therupon ioyned to these wordes To him be glory prayse for euer Amen Uppon the grounde of which wordes of Saint Paul good audience I purpose to builde my exhortation of this day vnto you Wherein I shall do my endeuour first to proue vnto you that al good things commeth downe vnto vs from aboue from the father of lyght Secondly that Jesus Christ his sonne and our sauiour is the meane by whom we receaue his liberall goodnesse Thirdly that in the power and vertue of the holy ghost we be made meete and able to receaue his giftes graces Which
thinges distinctly aduisedly consydered in our myndes must needes compell vs in most low reuerence after our bounden duety alwayes to render him thankes againe in some testification of our good hearts for his deserts vnto vs And that the entreating of this matter in hand may be to the glory of almighty God let vs in one faith and charitie call vpon the father of mercy from whom commeth euery good gyfte and euery perfect gift by the mediation of his welbeloued sonne our sauiour that we maye be assisted with the presence of his holye spirite and holsomelye on both our partes to demeane our selues in speaking and hearing to the saluation of our soules In the beginning of my speaking vnto you good Christian people suppose not that I do take vpon me to declare vnto you the excellent power or the incomparable wisdom of almightie God as though I would haue you beleeue that it myght be expressed vnto you by wordes Nay it maye not be thought that that thing maye be comprehended by mans wordes that is incomprehensible And too muche arrogancie it were for dust and ashes to thynke that he could worthyly declare his maker It passeth farre the darke vnderstanding of wysedome of a mortall man to speake sufficiently of that diuine maiestie whiche the Angels cannot vnderstand We shall therefore lay apart to speake of that profounde and vnsearcheable nature of almightie God rather acknowledging our weaknes then rashely to attempt that is aboue all mans capacitie to compasse It shall better suffise vs in low humilitie to reuerence and dreade his maiestie whiche we can not comprise then by ouermuch curious searchyng to be ouercharged with the glorie We shal rather turne our whole contemplation to aunswer a whyle his goodnes to wardes vs wherein we shall be muche more profitably occupied and more may we be bold to search To consyder this great power he is of can but make vs dreade and feare To consyder his hygh wisedome myght vtterly discomfort our frailtie to haue any thyng adoo with him But in consyderation of his inestimable goodnes we take good heart agayne to trust wel vnto hym By his goodnes we be assured to take him for our refuge our hope and comfort our mercyfull father in all the course of our lyues His power and wisedome compelleth vs to take hym for God omnipotent inuisible hauyng rule in heauen and earth hauyng all thynges in his subiection and wyll haue none in counsell with hym nor any to aske the reason of his doyng For he maye do what lyketh hym and none can resist hym For he worketh all thynges in his secrete iudgement to his owne pleasure yea euē the wicked to damnation saith Salomon By the reason of this nature he is called in Scripture consumyng fyre he is called a terrible and fearefull GOD ▪ Of this behalfe therefore we maye haue no familiaritie no accesse vnto hym but his goodnesse agayne tempereth the rigour of his hygh power and maketh vs bolde and putteth vs in hope that he wyll be conuersaunt with vs and easye vnto vs It is his goodnesse that moueth him to say in scripture It is my delyght to be with the children of men It is his goodnesse that moueth him to call vs vnto him to offer vs his frendship presence It is his goodnes that paciently suffereth our straying from him and suffreth vs long to winne vs to repentaunce It is of his goodnes that we be created reasonable creatures where els he myght haue made vs bruite beastes It was his mercye to haue vs borne among the number of christian people thereby in a muche more nyghnes to saluation where we might haue ben borne if his goodnes had not ben among the Panims cleane voyde from God and the hope of euerlasting lyfe And what other thing doth his louyng and gentle voyce spoken in his worde where he calleth vs to his presence frendship but declare his goodnes onelye without regarde of our worthynes And what other thing doth stirre him to call vs to him when we be straied from him to suffer vs paciently to win vs to repentaunce but onelye his singuler goodnes no whit of our deseruyng Let them all come together that be nowe glorified in heauen and let vs heare what aunswere they will make in these poyntes afore rehearsed whether their fyrst creation was in Gods goodnes or of them selues Forsooth Dauid woulde make aunswere for them all and say Knowe ye for suretie euen the Lorde is God he hath made vs and not we our selues If they were asked againe who should be thanked for their regeneration for theyr iustification and for their saluation whether their desertes or Gods goodnes only Although in this poynt euery one confesse sufficiently the truth of this matter in his owne person yet let Dauid aunswere by the mouth of them all at this tyme who cannot choose but saye Not to vs O Lord not to vs but to thy name geue all the thanke for thy louyng mercy and for thy truethes sake If we shoulde aske agayne from whence came their glorious workes and deedes which they wrought in their lyues wherewith God was so hyghly pleased and worshipped by them Let some other witnesse be brought in to testifie this matter that in the mouth of two or three may the truth be knowen Ueryly that holy prophete Esai beareth recorde and sayeth O Lord it is thou of thy goodnesse that hast wrought all our workes in vs not we our selues And to vpholde the truth of this matter agaynst all iusticiaries and hipocrites which rob almyghty God of his honour and ascribe it to them selues saynt Paule bringeth in his beleefe We be not sayeth he sufficient of our selues as of our selues once to thinke any thing but all our ablenes is of Gods goodnes For he it is in whom we haue all our beyng our lyuing and mouing If ye wil know furthermore where they had their gyftes and sacrifices which they offred continually in their liues to almighty god they cannot but agree with Dauid where he sayth Of thy liberal hand O Lord we haue receaued that we gaue vnto thee If this holy company therfore confesseth so constantly that al the goodes and graces wherewith they were indued in soule came of the goodnes of God only what more can be sayde to proue that all that is good commeth from almightie God Is it meete to thynke that all spiritual goodnes commeth from God aboue onely and that other good thinges eyther of nature or of fortune as we call them commeth of any other cause Doeth God of his goodnes adourne the soule with all the powers thereof as it is and commeth the giftes of the body wherwith it is indued from any other If he doth the more can not he do the lesse To iustifie a synner to newe create hym from a wicked person to a ryghteous man is a greater act sayeth S. Augustine then to make such a new heauen
mens heads as repentaunce amendement of life and speedye returnyng vnto the lord God of hoastes And no maruayle why For we do daily and hourely by our wickednes and stubburne disobedience horriblye fall awaye from God thereby purchasing vnto our selues yf he shoulde deale with vs accordyng to his iustice eternall dampnation So that no doctrine is so necessarie in the Churche of God as is the doctrine of repentaunce amendement of lyfe And veryly the true preachers of the Gospell of the kingdome of heauen and of the glad and ioyfull tidinges of saluation haue alwayes in their godly sermons and preachinges vnto the people ioyned these two together I meane repentance and forgeuenes of sinnes euen as our Sauiour Jesus Christe did appoynt him selfe saying So it behoued Christe to suffer to ryse agayne the thirde day and that repentance and forgeuenes of sinnes should be preached in his name among all nations And therefore the holy Apostle doth in the actes speake after this maner I haue witnessed both to the Jewes to the Gentiles that repentaunce towardes God and fayth towards our Lord Jesu Christe Dyd not John Baptist Zacharias sonne begin his ministerie with the doctrine of repentaunce saying Repent for the kingdome of God is at hande The like doctrine did our sauiour Jesus Christe preache hym selfe and cōmaunded his Apostles to preache the same I myght here alleage very many places out of the prophetes in the whiche this most holsome doctrine of repentaunce is very earnestly vrged as most nedefull for all degrees and orders of men but one shal be sufficient at this present tyme These are the words of Joel the prophete Therfore also nowe the Lorde sayth Returne vnto me with al your heart with fastyng weepyng and mournyng rent your heartes and not your clothes and returne vnto the Lorde your God for he is gratious and merciful slow to anger and of great compassion and redy to pardon wickednes Wherby it is geuen vs to vnderstād that we haue here a perpetuall rule appoynted vnto vs which ought to be obserued and kept at all times that there is none other way whereby the wrath of god may be pacified and his anger asswaged that the fiercenes of his furie and the plagues or destruction which by his ryghteous iudgement he had determined to bring vpō vs maye depart be remoued and taken away Where he sayth But nowe therefore sayth the Lord returne vnto me It is not without great importaunce that the prophete speaketh so For he had afore set foorth at large vnto them the horrible vengeaunce of god which no man was able to abide and therfore he doth moue them to repentaunce to obtayne mercie as yf he shoulde say I wyl not haue these thinges to be so taken as though there were no hope of grace left For although ye do by your sinnes deserue to be vtterly destroyed and God by his righteous iudgemēts hath determined to bryng no smal destruction vppon you yet nowe that ye are in a maner on the very edge of the sworde yf ye wyll spedyly returne vnto hym he wyll most gently and most mercifully receaue you into fauour again Wherby we are admonished that repentaunce is neuer to late so that it be true and earnest For sith that God in the scriptures wylbe called our father doubtlesse he doth followe the nature and propertie of gentle and mercifull fathers which seeke nothing so much as the returning againe and amendement of their chyldren as Christe doth aboundauntly teache in the parable of the prodigall sonne Doth not the Lorde hym selfe say by the prophete I wyll not the death of the wicked but that he turne from his wicked waies and liue And in another place If we confesse our sinne God is faythfull and righteous to forgeue vs our sinnes and to make vs cleane from all wickednesse Whiche moste comfortable promises are confyrmed by manye examples of the scriptures When the Jewes dyd wyllingly receaue and embrace the wholesome counsel of the prophete Esai God by and by dyd reache his helping hande vnto them and by his angell dyd in one nyght slea the moste worthye and valiaunt souldiers of Sennacheribs campe Whereunto may kyng Manasses be added who after al maner of dampnable wickednes returned vnto the Lorde and therefore was hearde of hym and restored againe into his kingdome The same grace and fauour dyd the sinfull woman Magdalene Zacheus the poore theefe and many other feele All whiche thynges ought to serue for our comfort agaynst the temptations of our consciences whereby the deuill goeth about to shake or rather to ouerthrowe our faith For euery one of vs ought to applye the same vnto hym selfe and say yet nowe returne vnto the Lorde neyther let the remembraunce of thy former lyfe discourage thee yea the more wicked that it hath ben the more feruent and earnest let thy repentaunce or returnyng be and foorth with thou shalt feele the eares of the Lorde wide open vnto thy prayers But let vs more narowly loke vpon the cōmaundement of the Lorde touchyng this matter Turne vnto me sayth he by his prophete Joel with al your heartes with fasting weping and mourning Rent your heartes and not your garments c. In which wordes he comprehendeth al maner of things that can be spoken of repentaunce whiche is a returning agayne of the whole man vnto God from whom we be fallen away by sinne But that the whole discourse thereof may the better be borne away we shall fyrst consyder in order foure principall poyntes that is from what we must returne to whom we must returne by whom we may be able to conuert and the maner howe to turne to GOD. First from whence or from what thynges we must returne Truely we muste returne from those things whereby we haue ben withdrawē pluckt and led away from god And these generally are our sinnes which as the holy prophete Esai doth testifie do separate God and vs and hide his face that he wyll not heare vs But vnder the name of sinne not only those grosse wordes and deedes which by the common iudgement of men are counted to be filthy and vnlawfull and so consequently abominable sinnes but also the filthy lustes and inwarde concupiscences of the fleshe whiche as saint Paul testifieth do resist the wyll and spirite of God and therefore ought earnestly to be brydled and kept vnder We must repent of the false and erronious opinions that we haue had of god and the wicked superstition that doth breede of the same the vnlawfull worshipping and seruice of God and other lyke All these thinges must they forsake that will truely turne vnto the Lorde and repent aryght For sith that for suche things the wrath of God commeth vpon the children of disobedience no ende of punishment ought to be looked for as long as we continue in such thinges Therfore they be here condempned
which will seeme to be repentaunt sinners and yet will not forsake their Idolatrie and superstition Secondlye we muste see vnto whom we ought to returne Reuertimini vsque ad me sayeth the Lord that is Returne as farre as vnto me We muste then returne vnto the Lord yea we must returne vnto hym alone for he alone is the trueth and the fountayne of all goodnesse But we muste labour that we do returne as farre as vnto hym and that we do neuer cease nor reste till we haue apprehended and taken holde vpon him But this must be done by fayth For syth that God is a spirite he can by no other meane be apprehended and taken hold vppon Therefore first they do greatly erre which do not turne vnto God but vnto the creatures or vnto the inuentions of men or vnto their owne merites Secondly they that do begin to returne vnto the Lord do faynt in the myd way afore they come to the marke that is appoynted vnto them Thirdly because we haue of our owne selues nothing to present vs to God and do no lesse flee from him after our fall then our fyrst parent Adam did which when he had sinned did seeke to hyde hym selfe from the syght of God we haue nede of a mediatour for to bring and reconcile vs vnto him who for our sinnes is angry with vs The same is Jesus Christe who being true and naturall God equall and of one substaunce with the father did at the tyme appoynted take vpon hym our frayle nature in the blessed virgins wombe that of her vndefyled substaunce that so he myght be a mediatour betwixt God and vs and pacifie his wrath Of hym doeth the father hym selfe speake from heauen saying This is my welbeloued sonne in whom I am wel pleased And he him selfe in his Gospell doth crye out and saye I am the waye the truth and the life no man commeth vnto the father but by me For he alone did with the sacrifice of his body and bloode make satisfaction vnto the iustice of God for our sinnes The Apostles do testifie that he was exalted for to geue repentaunce and remission of sinnes vnto Israel Both whiche thinges he hym selfe did commaunde to be preached in his name Therefore they are greatlye deceaued that preache repentaunce without Christ and teach the simple and ignoraunt that it consisteth onely in the workes of men They may in deede speake many things of good workes and of amendement of lyfe and maners but without Christe they be all vayne and vnprofitable They that thynke that they haue done much of them selues towardes repentaunce are so much more the farther from God because that they do seeke those thinges in their owne workes and merites which ought only to be sought in our sauiour Jesus Christ and in the merites of his death passion and bloodshedding Fourthly this holy prophete Joel doth lyuelye expresse the maner of this our returning or repētaunce comprehendyng all the inward and outwarde thinges that may be here obserued First he will haue vs to returne vnto God with our whole heart whereby he doth remoue and put away all hypocrisie lest the same myght iustly be sayde vnto vs This people draweth neare vnto me with their mouth and worshippeth me with their lippes but their heart is farre of from me Secondlye he requyreth a sincere pure loue of godlynes of the true worshipping and seruice of God that is to say that forsakyng al maner of thinges that are repugnaunt and contrary vnto Gods wil we do geue our heartes vnto him and all the whole strength of our bodyes and soules according to that which is written in the lawe Thou shalt loue the Lorde thy God with all thy heart with all thy soule with all thy strength Here therefore nothing is left vnto vs that we may geue vnto the worlde and vnto the lustes of the flesh For sith that the heart is the fountayne of al our works as many as do with their whole heart turne vnto the Lord do liue vnto him onelye Neyther do they yet repent truelye that haltyng on both sydes do otherwhiles obey god but by by do thynk that laying him aside it is lawfull for them to serue the worlde the fleshe And because that we are letted by the natural corruption of our owne fleshe the wycked affections of the same he doeth bid vs also to returne with fasting not thereby vnderstanding a superstitious abstinence and chosing of meates but a true discipline or tamyng of the fleshe whereby the norishmentes of filthy lustes and of stubborne contumacie and pryde may be withdrawen and pluckt awaye from it Whereunto he doth adde weeping and mourning whiche do conteine an outwarde profession of repentaunce which is very needefull necessary that so we may partly set foorth the ryghteousnes of God when by such meanes we do testifye that we deserued punishmentes at his handes and partly stoppe the offence that was openlye geuen vnto the weake This did Dauid see who beyng not content to haue be wept and be wailed his sinnes priuately would publiquelye in his Psalmes declare and set forth the ryghteousnes of God in punishing sinne and also stay them that mought haue abused his example to sinne the more boldely Therfore they are farthest from true repentaunce that wyll not confesse and acknowledge their sinnes nor yet bewaile them but rather do most vngodly glory and reioyce in them Now least any man shoulde thinke that repentaunce doeth consist in outward weeping and mourning onely he doth rehearse that wherein the cheefe of the whole matter doth lye when he sayth Rent your heartes and not your garmentes and turne vnto the Lord your god For the people of the East part of the worlde were wont to rent theyr garmentes if anye thing had happened vnto them that seemed intollerable This thing did hypocrites sometyme counterfaite and followe as though the whole repentaunce did stande in suche outwarde gesture He teacheth then that an other maner of thing is requyred that is that they be contrite in their heartes that they must vtterlye detest and abhorre sinnes and being at defyaunce with them returne vnto the Lorde theyr God from whom they went awaye before For God hath no pleasure in the outwarde ceremonie but requyreth a contrite and humble heart which he will neuer dispyse as Dauid doth testifie There is therefore none other vse to these outwarde ceremonies but as farre foorth as we are stirred vp by them and do serue to the glorie of God and to the edifying of other Now doth he adde vnto this doctrine or exhortation certayne godlye reasons whiche he doeth grounde vpon the nature and propertie of God and whereby he doth teach that true repentaūce can neuer be vnprofitable or vnfruitfull For as in all other thinges mens heartes do quaile and faynt if they once perceaue that they trauayle in
vayne Euen so most specially in this matter muste we take heede and beware that we suffer not our selues to be perswaded that all that we do is but labour lost For thereof eyther sodayne desperation doth aryse or a licentious boldnesse to sinne which at length bringeth vnto desperation Least any suche thing then shoulde happen vnto them he doth certifie them of the grace and goodnes of God who is alwayes moste redye to receaue them into fauour agayne that turne speedylye vnto him Which thing he doth proue with the same titles whorwith god doth discribe and set foorth himselfe vnto Moyses speaking on this maner For he is gracious and merciful slowe to anger of great kyndnesse and repenteth hym of the eui●● thatis suche a one as is sorye for your afflictious Fyrst he calleth hym gentle gracious as he who of his own nature is more prompt and redye to do good then to punyshe Whereunto this saying of Esaias the Prophete seemeth to parteyne where he sayeth Let the wycked forsake his waye and the vnryghteous his owne imaginations and returne vnto the Lorde and he will haue pitie on him and to our God for he is verye redye to forgeue Secondly he doth attribute vnto him mercy or rather accordyng to the Hebrewe word the bowels of mercies whereby he signifyed the naturall affections of parentes towardes their children Which thing Dauid doth set foorth goodlye saying As a father hath compassion on his children so hath the Lorde compassion on them that feare hym for he knoweth whereof we be made he remembreth that we are but duste Thyrdlye he sayth that he is slowe to anger that is to saye long sufferyng and whiche is not lightly prouoked to wrath Fourthly that he is of muche kindnesse for he is that bottomlesse well of all goodnesse who reioyceth to do good vnto vs Therefore did he create and make men that he myght haue whom he shoulde do good vnto and make partakers of his heauenly ryches Fifthlye he repenteth of the euyll that is to saye he doeth call backe agayne reuoke the punyshment whiche he had threatned when he seeth men repent turne and amende Whereupon we do not without a iust cause detest and abhorre the dampnable oppinion of them which do most wickedlye go about to perswade the simple and ignoras●t people that if we chaunce after we be once come to God and graffed in his sonne Jesu Christe to fall into some ho●rible sinne repentaunce shall be vnprofitable vnto vs there is no more hope of reconciliation or to be receaued agayne into the fauour and mercy of god And that they may geue the better colour vnto their pestilent and pernicious errour they do commonlye bryng in the sixth tenth Chapters of the Epistle to the Hebrues and the second Chapter of the seconde Epistle of Peter not consyderyng that in those places the holy Apostles do not speake of the daily falles that we as long as we cary about this body of sinne are subiect vnto but of the finall fallyng away from Christ and his Gospel which is a sinne agaynst the holy ghost that shall neuer he forgeuen because that they that do vtterlye forsake the knowen trueth do hate Christe and his worde they do crucifie and mocke him but to their vtter destruction and therefore fall into desperation and cannot repent And that this is the true meanyng of the holy spirite of God it appeareth by manye other places of the Scriptures which promiseth vnto all true repentaunt sinners and to them that with their whole hart do returne vnto the Lorde their God free pardon and remission of their sinnes For the probation hereof we reade this O Israel sayeth the holy prophete Hieremie if thou returne returne vnto me sayeth the Lorde and if thou put away thyne abominations out of any syght then shalte thou not be moued Agayne these are Esaias words Let the wicked forsake his owne wayes and the vnrighteous his owne imaginations and turne agayne vnto the Lorde and he will haue mercye vpon hym and to our God for he is redye to forgeue And in the prophet Ozee the godlye do exhort one another after this manner Come and let vs turne againe vnto the lord for he hath smitten vs and he will heale vs he hath wounded vs and he will bynde vs vp agayne It is most euident and playne that these thinges ought to be vnderstanded of them that were with the Lorde afore and by their sinnes and wickednesse were gone awaye from hym For we do not turne agayne vnto hym with whom we were neuer before but we come vnto him Nowe vnto all them that will returne vnfaynedlye vnto the Lorde their God the fauour and mercye of God vnto forgeuenesse of sinnes is liberally offered Whereby it followeth necessarilye that although we do after we be once come to God and graffed in his sonne Jesus Christe fall into great sinnes for there is no ryghteous man vpon the earth that sinneth not and if we saye we haue no sinne we deceaue our selues the trueth is not in vs yet if we ryse agayne by repentaunce and with a full purpose of amendement of lyfe do flee vnto the mercye of God taking sure holde thereupon through fayth in his sonne Jesu Christe there is an assured and infallible hope of pardon and remission of the same that we shall be receaued agayne into the fauour of our heauenly father It is written of Dauid I haue founde a man accordyng to myne owne heart or I haue found Dauid the sonne of Jesse a man accordyng to myne owne heart who will do all thinges that I wyll This is a godly commendation of Dauid It is also moste certayne that he did stedfastly beleue the promise that was made hym touching the Messias who shoulde come of him touching the fleshe and that by the same fayth he was iustifyed and graffed in our sauiour Jesu Christ to come and yet afterwards he fell horribly committing moste detestable adultrye and damnable murther and yet assone as he cryed peccaui I haue sinned vnto the Lord his sinne beyng forgeuen he was receaued into fauour agayne Now will we come vnto Peter of whom no man can doubte but that he was graffed in our sauiour Jesus Christe long afore his deniall Whiche thing may easylye be proued by the aunswere whiche he did in his name and in the name of his fellowe Apostles make vnto our sauiour Jesu Christ when he saide vnto thē Will ye also go away Maister sayth he to whō shall we go Thou haste the wordes of eternall lyfe and we beleue and knowe that thou art the Christe the sonne of the lyuing god Whereunto may be added the lyke confession of Peter where Christ doth geue this most infallible testimonie Thou art blessed Simon the sonne of Jonas for neither fleshe nor blood hath reuealed this vnto thee but my father which is in heauen
These words are sufficient to proue that Peter was alredye iustifyed through this his lyuelye fayth in the onely begotten sonne of god wherof he made so notable and so solemyne a confession But did not he afterwardes moste cowardlye denye his maister although he had heard of hym Whosoeuer denyeth me before men I wyll denye hym before my father Neuerthelesse assone as with weeping eyes with a sobbyng heart he did acknowledge his offence and with earnest repentance did flee vnto the mercy of God taking sure holde thereupon through faith in him whom he had so shamefullye denyed his sinne was forgeuen him for a certificate and assurance therof the roome of his Apostleship was not denyed vnto him But now marke what doth followe After the same holy Apostle had on Whitsondaye with the reste of the Disciples receaued the gyft of the holy ghost most aboundauntly he committed no smal offence in Antiochia by brynging the consciences of the faythfull into doubt by his example so that Paule was faine to rebuke him to his face because that he walked not vprightlye or went not the ryght way in the Gospell Shall we now say that after this greeuous offence he was vtterly excluded and shut out from the grace and mercy of God that this his trespasse wherby he was a stumbling blocke vnto manye was vnpardonable God defende we shoulde saye so But as these examples are not brought in to the ende that we shoulde thereby take a boldnesse to sinne presuming on the mercye and goodnesse of God but to the ende that if through the fraylenesse of our owne fleshe and the temptation of the Deuill we fall into the lyke sinnes we shoulde in no wyse dispayre of the mercy and goodnes of God Euen so muste we beware and take heede that we do in no wise thinke in our heartes imagine or beleue that we are able to repent aright or to tourne effectuallye vnto the Lorde by our owne myght and strength For this must be verifyed in all men Without me ye can do nothing Agayne Of our selues we are not able as much as to thynke a good thought And in another place It is God that worketh in vs both the wyl and the deede For this cause although Hieremie had sayde before If thou returne O Israel returne vnto me sayeth the Lorde Yet afterwardes he sayeth Turne thou me O Lorde and I shall be turned for thou art the Lorde my god And therefore that holye wryter and auncient father Ambrose doth playnely affirme that the turnyng of the heart vnto God is of God as the Lorde hym selfe doth testifie by his prophete saying And I will geue thee an heart to knowe me that I am the Lorde and they shall be my people and I will be their God for they shal returne vnto me with their whole heart These thinges beyng consydered let vs earnestlye pray vnto the liuyng God our heauenlye father that he wyll vouchsafe by his holye spirite to worke a true and vnfained repentance in vs that after the paynefull labours and trauayles of this lyfe we may liue eternally with his sonne Jesus Christe to whom be all prayse and glorye for euer and euer Amen ¶ The seconde parte of the Homilee of Repentaunce HJtherto haue ye heard wel beloued how needeful necessary the doctrine of repentaunce is how earnestly it is throughout all the scriptures of God vrged and set foorth both by the auncient prophetes by our Sauiour Jesu Christ his Apostles and that forasmuche as it is the conuertion or turning agayne of the whole man vnto God from whom we go away by sinne these four pointes ought to be obserued That is from whence or from what thinges we muste returne vnto whom this our returnyng muste be made by whose meanes it ought to be done that it may be effectual and last of all after what sort we ought to behaue our selues in the same that it may be profitable vnto vs and attayne vnto the thing that we do seeke by it Ye haue also learned that as the opinion of them that denie the benefite of repentaunce vnto those that after they be come to God and graffed in our sauiour Jesu Christe do through the fraylenesse of theyr fleshe and the temptation of the deuill fall into some greeuous and detestable sinne is most pestilent and pernitious So we muste beware that we do in no wyse thynke that we are able of our owne selues and of our own strength to retourne vnto the Lorde our God from whom we are gone awaye by our wyckednesse and sinne Nowe it shall be declared vnto you what be the true partes of repentaunce what thinges ought to moue vs to repent and to returne vnto the Lorde our God with all speede Repentaunce as it is sayde before is a true returning vnto God whereby men forsakyng vtterlye their idolatrie and wickednes do with a lyuelye fayth embrace loue and worship the true lyuyng God onelye and geue them selues to all maner of good workes whiche by Gods worde they knowe to be acceptable vnto him Nowe there be foure partes of repentaunce which beyng set together maye be lykened to an easie and short ladder whereby we may clymbe from the bottomles pit of perdition that we caste our selues into by our daylye offences and greeuous sinnes vp into the castle or to wre of eternal and endelesse saluation The fyrst is the contrition of the heart For we must be earnestly sorye for our sinnes and vnfaynedlye lament be wayle that we haue by them so greuously offended our most bounteous and mercifull God who so tenderlye loued vs that he gaue his onely begotten sonne to dye a most bitter death to shed his deare hart blood for our redemption and deliueraunce And veryly this inward sorowe and greefe being conceaued in the heart for the haynousnesse of sinne if it be earnest and vnfayned is as a sacrifice to God as the holy prophete Dauid doth testifye saying A sacrifyce to God is a troubled spyrite a contrite and broken heart O Lord thou wylt not dispyse But that this may take place in vs we must be diligent to reade and heare the scriptures and worde of God whiche most lyuely do paynt out before your eyes our naturall vncleanlynesse and the enormitie of our sinfull lyfe For vnlesse we haue a through feeling of our sinnes how can it be that we shoulde earnestlie be sorye for them Afore Dauid did heare the worde of the Lorde by the mouth of the prophet Nathan what heauinesse I praye you was in hym for the adultrie and murther that he had committed So that it myght be sayd right wel that he slept in his owne sinne We reade in the Actes of the Apostles that when the people had hearde the Sermon of Peter they were compunct and pricked in theyr heartes Whiche thing woulde neuer haue ben if they had not heard that holsome Sermon of
Peter They therefore that haue no mynde at all neyther to reade nor yet to heare Gods word there is but smal hope of them that they wil as muche as once set their feete or take holde vpon the fyrst staffe or steppe of this ladder but rather will sinke deeper and deeper into the bottomlesse pit of perdition For if at anye tyme through the remorse of their conscience which accuseth them they feele any inwarde greefe sorowe or heauines for their sinnes forasmuch as they want the salue and comfort of Gods worde which they do dispyse it will be vnto them rather a meane to bryng them to vtter desperation then otherwyse The seconde is an vnfayned confession and acknowledgyng of our sinnes vnto God whom by them we haue so greeuouslye offended that if he shoulde deale with vs accordyng to his iustyce we do deserue a thousande helles if there coulde be so manye Yet if we wyll with a sorowfull and contrite hearte make an vnfayned confession of them vnto God he will freely and frankly forgeue them so put all our wickednes out of remembraunce before the syght of his maiestie that they shall no more be thought vppon Hereunto doth parteyne the golden saying of the holy prophet Dauid where he sayth on this maner Then I acknowledged my sinne vnto thee neither did I hyde myne iniquitie I sayde I will confesse agaynst my selfe my wickednes vnto the Lorde thou forgauest the vngodlines of my sinne These are also the wordes of John the Euangelist If we confesse our sinnes God is faythfull ryghteous to forgeue vs our sinnes to make vs cleane from all our wickednes Which ought to be vnderstanded of the confession that is made vnto god For these are saint Augustines wordes That confession whiche is made vnto God is requyred by Gods lawe whereof John the apostle speaketh saying If we confesse our sinnes God is faythfull and ryghteous to forgeue vs our sinnes and to make vs cleane from all our wickednesse For without this confession sinne is not forgeuen This is then the cheefest most principal confession that in the scriptures worde of God we are bydden to make and without the whiche we shal neuer obteyne pardon and forgeuenesse of our sinnes In deede besydes this there is another kynde of confession whiche is needefull and necessarye And of the same doth Saint James speake after this maner saying Acknowledge your faultes one to another and praye one for another that ye may be saued As if he should saye Open that whiche greeueth you that a remedye maye be founde And this is commaunded both for hym that complayneth for hym that heareth that the one should shew his greefe to the other The true meaning of it is that the faythfull ought to acknowledge their offences whereby some hatred rancour grudge or malyce hauyng rysen or growen among them one to another that a brotherlye reconciliation maye be had without the which nothing that we do can be acceptable vnto God as our sauiour Jesus Christ doth witnesse himselfe saying When thou offerest thyne offeryng at the aulter if thou remembrest that thy brother hath ought agaynst thee leaue there thyne offryng go and be reconciled and when thou art reconciled come and offer thine offring It may also be thus taken that we ought to confesse our weakenesse and infirmities one to another to the ende that knowing eche others frailnesse we may the more earnestly pray together vnto almyghtye God our heauenly father that he will vouchsafe to pardon vs our infirmities for his sonne Jesus Christes sake and not to impute them vnto vs when he shall render to euery man according to his workes And where as the aduersaries go about to wrest this place for to maynteyne their auriculer confession withal they are greatlye deceaued themselues and do shame fullye deceaue others For if this texte ought to be vnderstanded of auriculer confession then the Priestes are as muche bounde to confesse them selues vnto the laye people as the lay people are bound to confesse them selues to them And if to pray is to absolue then the laytie by this place hath as great aucthoritie to absolue the priestes as the priestes haue to absolue the laytie This dyd Iohannes Scotus otherwyse called Duns well perceaue who vppon this place wryteth on this maner Neyther doth it seeme vnto me that James dyd geue this commaundement or that he dyd set it foorth as beyng receaued of Christe For fyrst and foremoste whence had he aucthoritie to bynde the whole Churche syth that he was only Byshoppe of the Churche of Hierusalem except thou wylt saye that the same Church was at the beginnyng the head Church and consequently that he was the head Byshop which thyng the sea of Rome wyll neuer graunt The vnderstandyng of it then is as in these wordes Confesse your synnes one to another A perswasion to humilitie whereby he wylleth vs to confesse our selues generally vnto our neyghbours that we are synners accordyng to this saying If we say we haue no synne we deceaue our selues and the trueth is not in vs And where that they do alleage this saying of our sauiour Jesu Christe vnto the Leaper to proue auriculer confession to stande on Gods worde Go thy way and shewe thy selfe vnto the prieste Do they not see that the Leaper was cleansed from his leprosie afore he was by Christ sent vnto the priest for to shewe hym selfe vnto hym By the same reason we must be cleansed from our spirituall leprosie I meane our synnes muste be forgeuen vs afore that we come to confession What neede we then to tell foorth our synnes into the eare of the priest sith that they be alredy taken away Therefore holy Ambrose in his seconde sermon vpon the hundred and nyneteenth Psalme doth say full well Go shewe thy selfe vnto the prieste Who is the true prieste but he whiche is the prieste for euer after the order of Melchisedech Whereby this holy father doth vnderstande that both the priesthood and the law beyng chaunged we ought to acknowledge none other prieste for delyueraunce from our synnes but our Sauiour Jesus Christe who beyng our soueraigne Byshop doth with the sacrifice of his body and blood offered once for euer vppon the aulter of the crosse moste effectuallye cleanse the spirituall leprosie and washe awaye the synnes of all those that with true confession of the same do flee vnto hym It is moste euident and playne that this auriculer confession hath not his warraunt of Gods worde els it had not ben lawfull for Nectarius Byshoppe of Constantinople vpon a iust occasion to haue put it downe For when any thyng ordeyned of God is by the lewdenes of men abused the abuse ought to be taken awaye and the thyng it selfe suffered to remayne Moreouer these are Saint Augustines wordes What haue I to do with men that they shoulde heare my confession as though they
were able to heale all my diseases A curious sorte of men to knowe another mans lyfe and slouthfull to correct and amende their owne Why do they seeke to heare of me what I am whiche wyll not heare of thee what they are And howe can they tell when they heare by me of my selfe whether I tell the trueth or not syth that no mortall man knoweth what is in man but the spirite of man which is in him Augustine woulde not haue written thus if auriculer confession had ben vsed in his tyme Beyng therfore not led with the conscience therof let vs with feare and tremblyng and with a true contrite heart vse that kynde of confession that God doth commaunde in his worde and then doubtlesse as he is faythfull and ryghteous he wyll forgeue vs our synnes and make vs cleane from all wyckednesse I do not saye but that if anye do fynde them selues troubled in conscience they may repayre to their learned Curate or Pastour or to some other godly learned man and shewe the trouble doubt of their conscience to them that they may receaue at their hand the comfortable salue of Gods worde but it is agaynst the true Christian libertie that any man shoulde be bound to the numbryng of his synnes as it hath ben vsed heretofore in the tyme of blindnesse and ignoraunce The third part of repentaunce is fayth wherby we do apprehende and take holde vppon the promises of God touchyng the free pardon and forgeuenes of our synnes Whiche promises are sealed vp vnto vs with the death and bloodsheddyng of his sonne Jesu Christe For what should auayle and profite vs to be sorye for our sinnes to lament and bewayle that we haue offended our moste bounteous and mercyfull father or to confesse and acknowledge our offences and trespasses though it be done neuer so earnestly vnlesse we do stedfastly beleue and be fully perswaded that God for his sonne Jesu Christes sake wyl forgeue vs al our synnes and put them out of remembraunce and from his syght Therfore they that teach repentaunce without a liuelye fayth in our sauiour Jesu Christe do teache none other but Judas repentaunce as all the Schole men do whiche do onlye alowe these three partes of repentaunce the contrition of the heart the confession of the mouth and the satisfaction of the worke But all these thynges we fynde in Judas repentaunce whiche in outwarde appearaunce dyd farre exceede and passe the repentaunce of Peter For fyrst and foremost we reade in the gospel that Judas was so sorowfull and heauie yea that he was fylled with such anguishe and vexation of mynde for that which he had done that he coulde not abide to lyue any longer Dyd not he also afore he hanged hym selfe make an open confession of his faulte when he sayde I haue synned betraying the innocent blood And veryly this was a very bolde confession whiche might haue brought hym to greate trouble For by it he did lay to the hygh priestes elders charge the sheddyng of innocent blood and that they were moste abhominable murtherers He dyd also make a certayne kynde of satisfaction when he dyd cast their money vnto them agayne No suche thyng do we reade of Peter although he had committed a very heynous synne and most greeuous offence in denying of his master We fynde that he went out and wept bytterlye whereof Ambrose speaketh on this maner Peter was sory and wept because he erred as a man I do not fynde what he sayed I know that he wept I reade of his teares but not of his satisfaction But howe chaunce that the one was receaued into fauour agayne with God and the other cast away but because that the one dyd by a lyuely fayth in hym whom he had denyed take hold vpon the mercie of God and the other wanted fayth whereby he dyd dispayre of the goodnesse and mercie of God It is euident and playn then that although we be neuer so earnestly sorye for our synnes acknowledge and confesse them yet all these thynges shal be but meanes to bryng vs to vtter desperation except we do stedfastly beleue that God our heauenly father wyll for his sonne Jesu Christes sake pardon and forgeue vs our offences and trespasses and vtterly put them out of remembraunce in his syght Therefore as we sayde before they that teache repentaunce without Christe and a lyuely fayth in the mercie of God do onely teache Cains or Judas repentaunce The fourth is an amendement of lyfe or a newe lyfe in bryngyng foorth fruites worthy of repentaunce For they that do truely repent must be cleane altered and chaunged they muste become newe creatures they must be no more the same that they were before And therefore thus sayde John Baptist vnto the Pharisees and Saduces that came vnto his baptisme O generation of vypers who hath forewarned you to flee from the anger to come bryng foorth therefore fruites worthy of repentaunce Whereby we do learne that if we wyll haue the wrath of God to be pacified we muste in no wyse dissemble but turne vnto hym agayne with a true and sounde repentaunce whiche may be knowne and declared by good fruites as by moste sure and infallible signes thereof They that do from the bottome of their heartes acknowledge their synnes and are vnfaignedly sory for their offences wyll cast of al hypocrisie and put on true humilitie and lowlynesse of heart They wyll not onlye receaue the Phisition of the soule but also with a moste feruent desyre long for hym They wyll not only abstaine from the sinnes of their former lyfe and from all other filthy vices but also flee exchew and abhorre all the occasions of them And as they dyd before geue them selues to vncleannesse of lyfe so wyll they from henceforwardes with all diligence geue them selues to innocencie purenesse of lyfe and true godlynesse We haue the Niniuites for an example whiche at the preachyng of Jonas dyd not onlye proclayme a generall fast and that they shoulde euery one put on sackloth but they all dyd turne from their euill wayes and from the wyckednesse that was in their handes But aboue all other the historie of Zacheus is moste notable For beyng come vnto our sauiour Jesu Christe he dyd say Beholde Lorde the halfe of my goodes I geue to the poore and if I haue defrauded any man or taken ought away by extortion or fraude I do restore hym foure folde Here we see that after his repentaunce he was no more the man that he was before but was cleane chaunged and altered It was so farre of that he woulde continue and byde styll in his vnsatiable couetousnesse or take ought awaye fraudulentlye from any man t●at rather he was most wylling and redye to geue away his owne and to make satisfaction vnto all them that he had done iniurie and wrong vnto Heare may we ryght well adde the synfull woman whiche when she came
prayer to GOD for so gratious a Soueraigne but also them selues take armour wickedly assemble companies and bandes of rebels to breake the publique peace so long continued and to make not warre but rebellion to endaunger the person of suche a gratious Soueraigne to hazarde the estate of theyr countrey for whose defence they should be redye to spend their liues and beyng Englishemen to robbe spoyle destroy and burne in Englande Englishemen to kyll and murther theyr owne neyghbours and kinsfolke theyr owne countreymen to do all euill and mischeefe yea and more to then forraigne enemies woulde or coulde do What shall we say of these men who vse them selues thus rebelliously agaynst theyr gratious Soueraigne Who yf GOD for their wickednesse had geuen them an heathen tyrant to raigne ouer them were by Gods word bound to obey him and to pray for him What maye be spoken of them so farre doth their vnkindnes vnnaturalnesse wickednesse mischeuousnesse in their doynges passe and excel any thing and all thinges that can be expressed or vttered by wordes Onlye let vs wishe vnto all suche moste speedie repentaunce and with so greeuous sorowe of heart as such so horrible sinnes against the maiestie of God do require who in most extreme vnthankfulnesse do ryse not only agaynst theyr gratious prince agaynst theyr naturall countrey but agaynst all theyr countreymen women and chyldren against them selues theyr wiues children and kinsfolkes and by so wicked an example agaynst all Christendome and agaynst whole mankynde of all maner of people throughout the wide worlde suche repentaunce I say suche sorowe of heart GOD graunt vnto all suche whosoeuer ryse of priuate and malitious purpose as is meete for suche mischeeues attempted and wrought by them And vnto vs and all other subiectes God of his mercie graunt that we may be moste vnlyke to all such and most like to good naturall louyng and obedient subiectes nay that we maye be suche in deede not onlye shewyng all obedience ourselues but as manye of vs as be able to the vttermost of our power habilitie and vnderstandyng to staye and represse all rebels and rebellions agaynst God our gratious prince and naturall countrey at euery occasion that is offered vnto vs And that which we all are able to do vnlesse we do it we shal be most wicked and most worthie to feele in the ende suche extreme plagues as GOD hath euer powred vppon rebels Let vs all make continuall prayers vnto almyghtie God euen from the bottome of our heartes that he wyll geue his grace power and strength vnto our gratious Queene Elizabeth to vanquishe and subdue all aswell rebelles at home as forraigne enemies that all domesticall rebellions beyng suppressed and pacified and all outwarde inuasions repulled and abandoned we may not onlye be sure and long continue in all obedience vnto our gratious Soueraigne and in that peaceable and quiet lyfe which hytherto we haue led vnder her Maiestie with all securitie but also that both our gratious Queene Elizabeth and we her subiectes may altogether in al obedience vnto God the kyng of all kynges and vnto his holy lawes leade our liues so in this worlde in all vertue and godlinesse that in the worlde to come we maye enioy his euerlastyng kyngdome whiche I beseche God to graunt aswel to our gratious Soueraigne as vnto vs all for his sonne our sauiour Jesus Christes sake to whom with the father and the holye ghost one God and kyng immortall be all glory prayse and thankes geuing worlde without ende Amen Thus haue you heard the first part of this Homilee nowe good people let vs pray ¶ The prayer O Most mightie God the Lorde of hoastes the gouernour of all creatures the onlye geuer of all victories who alone art able to strengthen the weake agaynst the myghtie and to vanquishe infinite multitudes of thyne enemies with the countenaunce of a fewe of thy seruauntes calling vppon thy name and trusting in thee Defend O Lorde thy seruaunt and our gouernour vnder thee our Queene Elizabeth and all thy people committed to her charge O Lorde withstande the crueltie of all those whiche be common enemies aswell to the trueth of thy eternall worde as to their owne naturall Prince and countrye and manifestlye to this crowne and Realme of Englande whiche thou haste of thy diuine prouidence assigned in these our dayes to the gouernment of thy seruaunt our Soueraigne and gratious Queene O moste mercifull father if it be thy holye will make soft and tender the stony heartes of al those that exalte themselues agaynst thy trueth and seeke eyther to trouble the quyet of this realme of England or to oppresse the crowne of the same and conuert them to the knowledge of thy sonne the onely sauiour of the world Jesus Christ that we and they maye ioyntlye glorifie thy mercies Lyghten we besech thee their ignoraunt hearts to imbrace the trueth of thy worde or els so abate their crueltie O most mightie Lorde that this our Christian region with others that confesse thy holy Gospell maye obteine by thine aide and strength suretie from all enemies without shedding of christian blood wherby al they which be oppressed with their tyranny may be releeued and they which be in feare of their crueltie maye be comforted finally that all christian realmes and specially this realme of England may by thy defence and protection continue in the trueth of the Gospel and enioy perfect peace quietnes and securitie and that we for these thy mercies ioyntly altogether with one consonant hart and voice may thankfully render to thee al laud and praise that we knit in one godlye concorde and vnitie amongst our selues may continuallye magnifie thy glorious name who with thy sonne our sauiour Jesus Christ and the holy ghost art one eternall almyghtye and moste mercifull God To whom be all laude and prayse worlde without ende Amen ¶ The second parte of the Homilee agaynst disobedience and wilfull Rebellion AS in the fyrste parte of this treatie of obedience of subiectes to their Princes against disobedience and rebellion I haue alleaged diuers sentences out of the holye scriptures for proofe so shal it be good for the better declaration and confirmation of the sayd holsome doctrine to alleage one example or two out of the same holy scriptures of the obedience of subiects not onelye vnto their good and gratious gouernours but also vnto their euill and vnkynd princes As king Saul was not of the beste but rather of the worst sort of Princes as beyng out of Gods fauour for his disobedience agaynst God in sparyng in a wrong pitie the kyng Agag whom almyghtye God commaunded to be stayne accordyng to the iustice of God against his sworne enemie and although Saule of a deuotion ment to sacrifice such thinges as he spared of the Amalechites to the honor and seruice of God yet Saul was reproued for his wrong mercy and deuotiō and was tolde that obedience woulde haue more pleased him
lawes are by rebels violated and broken that all sinnes possible to be committed against God or man be contayned in rebellion which sinnes yf a man list to name by the accustomed names of the seuen capitall or deadly sinnes as pride enuie wrath couetousnes slouth gluttonie and letcherie he shall finde them all in rebellion and amongst rebels For first as ambition and desyre to be aloft whiche is the propertie of pryde styrreth vp many mens myndes to rebellion so commeth it of a luciferian pryde and presumption that a fewe rebellious subiects should set themselues vp against the maiestie of theyr prince agaynst the wysedome of the counsellers agaynst the power and force of all nobilitie and the faythfull subiectes and people of the whole realme As for enuie wrath murther and desyre of blood and couetousnes of other mens goodes landes and lyuynges they are the inseparable accidentes of all rebelles and peculier properties that do vsually stirre vp wycked men vnto rebellion Nowe suche as by riotousnesse gluttonye drunkennesse excesse of apparell and vnthriftie games haue wasted their owne goodes vnthriftily the same are moste apte vnto and most desyrous of rebellion whereby they trust to come by other mens goodes vnlawfully and vyolentlye And where other gluttons and drunkardes take to muche of suche meates and drynkes as are serued to tables rebelles waste and consume in short space al corne in barnes feeldes orels wher whole garners whole storehouses whole cellers deuour whole flockes of sheepe whole droues of oxen and kyne And as rebels that are maryed leauyng their owne wyues at home do moste vngratiously so much more do vnmaryed men worse then any stallandes or horsses beyng now by rebellion set at libertie from correction of lawes whiche brydeled them before whiche abuse by force other mens wyues and daughters and rauishe virgins and maydens moste shamefully abhominably and damnably Thus all synnes by all names that synnes may be named and by all meanes that all synnes maye be committted and wrought do all wholly vppon heapes folowe rebellion and are to be founde altogether amongst rebelles Nowe whereas pestilence famine warre are by the holy scriptures declared to be the greatest worldly plagues and miseries that lightly can be it is euident that all the miseries that all these plagues haue in them do wholly altogether folowe rebellion wherin as all their miseries be so is there much more mischeefe then in them al. For it is knowne that in the resortyng of great companyes of men together whiche in rebellion happeneth both vppon the parte of true subiectes and of the rebelles by their close lying together and corruption of the ayre and place where they do lye with ordure and muche fylth in the hoatte weather and by vnholesome lodging and lying often vppon the grounde specially in cold and wette wethers in Wynter by their vnholesome diet and feedyng at all tymes and often by famine and lacke of meate and drinke in due tyme and again by takyng to muche at other tymes It is well knowne I say that aswell plagues and pestilences as all other kyndes of sicknesse and maladies by these meanes growe vpon and amongst men whereby mo men are consumed at the length then are by dint of sworde sodenly slayne in the feelde So that not onlye pestilences but also all other sicknesse diseases and maladies do folow rebellion which are muche more horrible then plagues pestilences and diseases sent directlye from god as hereafter shall appeare more plainelye And as for hunger and famine they are the peculier companions of rebellion for whiles rebels do in short tyme spoyle and consume al corne and necessarie prouision whiche men with their labours had gotten and appoynted vpon for their fyndyng the whole yere after and also do let all other men husbandmen and others from their husbandrie and other necessarie workes wherby prouision should be made for times to come who seeth not that extreame famine and hunger must needes shortly ensue and folowe rebellion Now whereas the wyse kyng and godly prophete Dauid iudged warre to be worse then either famine or pestilence for that these two are often suffered by God for mans amendment and be not sinnes of them selues but warres haue alwayes the synnes and mischeefes of men vpon the one syde or other ioyned with them and therfore is warre the greatest of these worldly mischeefes but of all warres ciuil warre is the worst and farre more abhominable yet is rebellion then anye ciuill warre beyng vn worthy the name of any warre so farre it exceedeth all warres in all naughtynesse in all mischeefe and in all abhomination And therfore our sauiour Christe denounceth desolation and destruction to that Realme that by sedition and rebellion is diuided in it selfe Nowe as I haue shewed before that pestilence and famine so is it yet more euident that all the calamities miseries and mischeefes of warre be more greeuous and do more folowe rebellion then anye other warre as beyng farre worse then all other warres For not onlye those ordinarye and vsuall mischeefe and miseseries of other warres do folowe rebellion as corne and other thynges necessarie to mans vse to be spoyled houses villages townes cities to be taken sacked burned destroyed not onlye many very wealthy men but whole countreyes to be impouerished and vtterly beggered manye thousandes of men to be slayne and murthered women and maydes to be vyolated and deflowred whiche thynges when they are done by forraigne enemies we do muche mourne as we haue great causes yet are al these miseries without any wyckednesse wrought by any our countreymen But when these mischeefes are wrought in rebellion by them that shoulde be freendes by countreymen by kynsmen by those that should defende their countrey and countreymen from suche miseries the miserie is nothyng so great as is the mischeefe and wyckednesse when the subiectes vnnaturally do rebel against their prince whose honour and lyfe they shoulde defende though it were with the losse of their owne lyues countreymen to disturbe the publique peace and quietnesse of their countrey for defence of whose quietnesse they shoulde spende their lyues the brother to seeke and often to worke the death of his brother the sonne of the father the father to seeke or procure the death of his sonnes beyng at mans age and by their faultes to disherite their innocent chyldren and kynsmen their heires for euer for whom they myght purchase lyuynges and landes as naturall parentes do take care and paynes and be at great costes and charges and vniuersally in stead of all quietnesse ioy and felicitie which do folow blessed peace and due obedience to bryng in all trouble sorowe disquietnesse of myndes and bodyes and al mischeefe and calamities to turne al good order vpsyde down to bryng all good lawes in contempt and to treade them vnder feete to oppresse all vertue and honestie and all vertuous and honest persons and to set al vice and wickednesse and all
vicious and wycked men at libertie to worke their wycked wylles whiche were before brydeled by holesome lawes to weaken to ouerthrowe and to consume the strength of the Realme their naturall countrey as well by the spendyng and wastyng of the money and treasure of the prince and Realme as by murthering of the people of the same their owne countreymen who shoulde defende the honour of their prince and libertie of their countrey agaynst the inuasion of forraigne enemies and so finallye to make their countrey thus by their mischeefe weakened redy to be a pray and spoyle to al outwarde enemies that wyll inuade it to the vtter and perpetuall captiuitie slauerie and destruction of all their countreymen their chyldren their freendes their kynsfolkes left alyue whom by their wycked rebellion they procure to be deliuered into the handes of forraigne enemies as muche as in them doth lye In forraigne warres our countreymen in obteynyng the victorye win the prayse of valiauntnesse yea and though they were ouercommed and slayne yet wine they an honest commendation in this worlde and dye in a good conscience for seruing God their prince and their countrey and be chyldren of eternall saluation But in rebellion howe desperate and strong so euer they be yet wynne they shame here in fyghtyng agaynst God their prince and countrey and therfore iustly do fall headlong into hell if they dye and lyue in shame and fearefull conscience though they escape But commonly they be rewarded with shamful deathes their heades carkases set vpon poles or hanged in chaines eaten with kytes and crowes iudged vnworthie the honour of buryall and so their soules if they repent not as commonly they do not the deuyll harryeth them into hell in the myddest of their mischeefe For whiche dreadfull execution Saint Paule sheweth the cause of obedience not onely for feare of death but also in conscience to Godwarde for feare of eternall dampnation in the worlde to come Wherfore good people let vs as the chyldren of obedience feare the dreadfull execution of God and lyue in quyet obedience to be the chyldren of euerlastyng saluation For as heauen is the place of good obedient subiectes and hel the prison and dungeon of rebels agaynst God and their prince so is that Realme happie where moste obedience of subiectes doth appeare beyng the verye figure of heauen and contrarywyse where most rebellions and rebels be there is the expresse similitude of hell and the rebels them selues are the very figures of feendes and deuyls and their captayne the vngartious paterne of Luciser and Satan the prince of darkenes of whose rebellion as they be folowers so shal they of his damnation in hel vndoubtedly be partakers and as vndoubtedlye children of peace the inheritours of heauen with God the father God the sonne and God the holy ghost To whom be al honour and glorye for euer and euer Amen Thus haue you hearde the thirde part of this Homilee now good people let vs pray ¶ The prayer as before ¶ The fourth parte of the Homilee agaynst disobedience and wilfull Rebellion FOR your further instruction good people to shewe vnto you howe muche almyghtie God doth abhorre disobedience and wylfull rebellion speciallye when rebelles aduaunce them selues so hie that they arme them selues with weapon and stande in feelde to fyght agaynst God their prince and their countrey it shall not be out of the way to shewe some examples set out in Scriptures wrytten for our eternall erudition We may soone knowe good people how heynous offence the trecherie of rebellion is if we call to remembraunce the heauie wrath and dreadfull indignation of almyghtie God agaynst such subiectes as do onlye but inwardely grudge mutter and murmure agaynst their gouernours though their inwarde treason so priuilie hatched in their breastes come not to open declaration of their doynges as harde it is whom the deuill hath so farre entised against Gods word to kepe them selues there no he meaneth still to blowe the cole to kindle their rebellious heartes to flame into open deedes if he be not with grace speedily withstanded Some of the chyldren of Israel beyng murmurers agaynste their magistrates appoynted ouer them by God were stricken with foule leprosie many wer burnt vp with fyre sodaynly sent from the Lorde sometyme a great sort of thousandes were consumed with the pestilence sometyme they were stinged to death with a straunge kind of fiery serpentes and whiche is moste horrible some of the captaynes with their bande of murmurers not dying by any vsual or natural death of men but the earth openyng they with their wyues chyldren and families were swalowed quicke downe into hell Whiche horrible destructions of suche Israelites as were murmurers agaynst Moyses appoynted by God to be their head and cheefe magistrate are recorded in the booke of Numbers and other places of the scriptures for perpetual memorie and warnyng to al subiects how hyghly God is displeased with the murmuring and euyll speakyng of subiectes agaynste their princes for that as the scripture recordeth their murmure was not agaynst their prince only beyng a mortal creature but against God hym selfe also Nowe if suche straunge and horrible plagues dyd fall vppon suche subiectes as dyd only murmure and speake euyll agaynste their heades what shal become of those most wicked impes of the deuyl that do conspire arme thē selues assemble great numbers of armed rebels lead them with them agaynst their prince and countrey spoylyng and robbyng kyllyng and murtheryng al good subiectes that do withstand them as manye as they may preuayle agaynst But those examples are wrytten to stay vs not onlye from suche mischeefes but also from murmuring or speaking once an euill worde agaynst our prince which though any should do neuer so secretly yet do the holy scriptures shewe that the very byrdes of the ayre wyll bewray them and these so manye examples before noted out of the same holy scriptures do declare that they shal not escape horrible punyshment therefore Now concernyng actual rebellion amongst many examples thereof set foorth in the holy scriptures the example of Absolon is notable who entryng into conspiracie agaynst kyng Dauid his father both vsed the aduice of very wittie men and assembled a verye great and huge companie of rebels the whiche Absolon though he were moste goodly of person of great nobilitie beyng the kynges sonne in great fauour of the people and so dearely beloued of the kyng hym selfe so much that he gaue commaundement that notwithstandyng his rebellion his lyfe shoulde be saued when for these consyderations moste men were afrayde to lay their handes vppon hym a great tree stretchyng out his arme as it were for that purpose caught hym by the great and long bush of his goodly heere lappyng about it as he fledde hastily bareheaded vnder the sayde tree and so hanged hym vp by the heere of his head in the ayre to geue an eternall document that neyther comelynes
is within vs For it is the holy ghost and no other thyng that doth quicken the mindes of men stirring vp good and godly motions in their heartes which are agreeable to the wil commaundement of God suche as otherwyse of their owne crooked and peruerse nature they shoulde neuer haue That whiche is borne of the fleshe sayth Christe is fleshe and that which is borne of the spirite is spirite As who shoulde saye Man of his owne nature is fleshly and carnal corrupt and nought synnefull and disobedient to God without any sparke of goodnes in hym without any vertuous or godly motion onely geuen to euyl thoughtes and wicked deedes As for the workes of the spirite the fruites of fayth charitable and godly motions if he haue anye at all in hym they proceede only of the holy ghost who is the onlye worker of our sanctification maketh vs newe men in Christ Jesu Dyd not Gods holy spirite miraculously worke in the childe Dauid when of a poore shephearde he became a princelike prophet Dyd not Gods holy spirite miraculously worke in Matthewe sitting at the receipte of custome when of a proude Publicane he became an humble and lowly Euangelist And who can choose but maruayle to consyder that Peter shoulde become of a simple fisher a cheefe and mightie Apostle Paul of a cruell and bloody persecutour a faythful disciple of Christe to teache the Gentiles Suche is the power of the holy ghost to regenerate men and as it were to bryng them foorth a newe so that they shal be nothyng lyke the men that they were before Neyther doth he thynke it sufficient inwardlye to worke the spirituall and newe byrth of man vnlesse he do also dwell and abide in hym Knowe ye not sayth saint Paule that ye are the temple of God and that his spirite dwelleth in you Knowe ye not that your bodies are the temples of the holy ghost which is within you Agayne he sayth You are not in the fleshe but in the spirite For why The spirite of God dwelleth in you To this agreeth the doctrine of saint John wrytyng on this wyse The annoyntyng whiche ye haue receaued he meaneth the holy ghost dwelleth in you And the doctrine of Peter sayth the same who hath these wordes The spirite of glory and of God resteth vppon you O what comfort is this to the hearte of a true Christian to thynke that the holy ghost dwelleth within hym If God be with vs as the Apostle sayth who can be agaynst vs O but howe shall I knowe that the holy ghost is within me some man perchaunce wyll say Forsoth as the tree is knowne by his fruite so is also the holy ghost The fruites of the holy ghost accordyng to the mynde of saint Paule are these Loue ioy peace long sufferyng gentlenes goodnesse faythfulnesse meekenes temperaunce c. Contrarywyse the deedes of the fleshe are these Adultrie fornication vncleannesse wantonnes idolatrie witchcrafte hatred debate emulation wrath contention sedition heresie enuie murther drunkennesse gluttonie and such lyke Here is nowe that glasse wherein thou muste behold thy selfe and discerne whether thou haue the holy ghost within thee or the spirite of the fleshe If thou see that thy workes be vertuous and good consonant to the prescript rule of gods worde sauouring and tastyng not of the fleshe but of the spirite then assure thy selfe that thou art endued with the holy ghoste Otherwyse in thynkyng wel of thy selfe thou doest nothyng els but deceaue thy selfe The holy ghost doth alwayes declare hym selfe by his fruitefull and gratious gyftes namely by the worde of wysedome by the worde of knowledge whiche is the vnderstandyng of the scriptures by fayth in doyng of miracles by healyng them that are diseased by prophesie whiche is the declaration of Gods mysteries by discerning of spirites diuersities of tonges interpretation of tonges and so foorth All whiche gyftes as they proceede from one spirite and are seuerally geuen to man accordyng to the measurable distribution of the holy ghost Euen so do they bryng men and not without good cause into a wonderfull admiration of Gods diuine power Who wyll not marueyle at that whiche is wrytten in the Actes of the Apostles to heare their bolde confession before the counsell at Jerusalem And to consyder that they went away with ioy and gladnesse reioycing that they were counted worthy to suffer rebukes and checkes for the name and fayth of Christe Jesus This was the myghtie worke of the holy ghost who because he geueth patience and ioyfulnesse of heart in temptation and affliction hath therefore worthyly obtayned this name in holye scripture to be called a comforter Who wyl not also marueyle to reade the learned and heauenly sermons of Peter and the disciples consyderyng that they were neuer brought vp in schole of learnyng but called euen from their nettes to supply roomes of Apostles This was lykewyse the mightie worke of the holy ghost who because he doth instruct the hearts of the simple in the true knowledge of God and his holy worde is moste iustly tearmed by this name and title to be the spirite of trueth Eusebius in his ecclesiasticall historie telleth a straunge storie of a certayne learned and subtill Philosopher who beyng an extreame aduersarie to Christ and his doctrine could by no kynd of learnyng be conuerted to the fayth but was able to withstande all the argumentes that coulde be brought agaynst hym with litle or no labour At length there started vp a poore simple man of small wit and lesse knowledge one that was reputed among the learned as an ideote And he on Gods name woulde needes take in hande to dispute with this proude Philosopher The Byshoppes and other learned men standyng by were marueylously abashed at the matter thinking that by his doynges they shoulde be all confounded and put to open shame He notwithstandyng goeth on and begynnyng in the name of the Lorde Jesus brought the Philosopher to suche poynte in the ende contrary to all mens expectation that he coulde not choose but acknowledge the power of God in his wordes and to geue place to the trueth Was not this a miraculous worke that one seely soule of no learnyng shoulde do that whiche many byshops of great knowledge and vnderstanding were neuer able to bryng to passe So true is the saying of Bede Where the holy ghost doth instruct and teache there is no delay at al in learnyng Much more myght here be spoken of the manyfolde gyftes and graces of the holy ghost moste excellent and wonderfull in our eyes But to make a long discourse through all the shortnes of tyme wil not serue And seing ye haue heard the cheefest ye may easily conceaue and iudge of the rest Nowe were it expedient to discusse this question Whether all they whiche boaste and bragge that they haue the holy ghost do truely chalenge this vnto them selues or no Which doubt