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A02872 The image of both Churches after the most wonderfull and heauenly Reuelation of sainct Iohn the Euangelist, contayning a very fruitfull exposition or paraphrase vpon the same. Wherin it is conferred vvith the other scriptures, and most auctorised histories. Compyled by Iohn Bale an exyle also in thys lyfe, for the faithfull testimony of Iesu. Bale, John, 1495-1563. 1570 (1570) STC 1301; ESTC S100582 327,616 903

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THE IMAGE of both Churches after the most wonderfull and heauenly Reuelation of sainct Iohn the Euangelist contayning a very fruitfull exposition or Paraphrase vpon the same Wherin it is conferred vvith the other scriptures and most auctorised histories Compyled by Iohn Bale an exyle also in thys lyfe for the faithfull testimony of Iesu. Goe ye out of Sodome for the Lord will destroy that Citie Gen. 19. Come away my people least ye be partakers of hir sinnes Apoc. 18. Flee from filthie Babilon and go cleane away from the lande of the Caldees Hier. 50. ¶ Printed at London by Thomas East ¶ A Preface vnto the Christian Reader SO highly necessary good Christian Reader is the knowledge of S. Iohns Apocalips or Reuelation whether thou wilt to him that is a true member of Christes church as of any other booke of the sacred Byble For in none of them all are the faythfull diligent hearers and readers more blessed nor more liuely so declared obseruing the contentes thereof thē in this one booke No wher is it more clerely specified the Father the Sonne and the holy Ghost to bee one euerlastyng God and Iesus Christ to be the eternall sonne of that lyuing Father which are the fyrst and chiefe groundes of our Christian faith then here No where is the durable kingdome and priesthoode of the sayde Iesus Christ more plentuously spred more playnly proued and more largely vttered thē in this holy oracle No where is the doctryne of healthe more purely taught fayth more throughly commēded nor yet rightuousnesse more highlye rewarded then heere No where are heresies more earnestly condempned blasphemous vices more vehemētly rebuked nor yet their iuste plagues more fiercelye threatened then in this compendious worke Herein is the true christian church which is the meeke spouse of the Lambe without spot in hir right fashyoned colours discribed So is the proud church of hypocrites the rose coloured whore the paramour of Antichrist and the sinfull sinagoge of Sathan in hir iuste proporcion depaynted to the mercifull forewarning of the Lordes electes And that is the cause why I haue here intituled thys booke the Image of both Churches Neyther heere spareth the holy Ghost theyr hypocrisie nor pryde their Idolatrie nor whoredome theyr couetousnesse nor most cruell tyranny with theyr other outragious myscheues No he toucheth them so nyghly that we should the better know them and be the more ware of them that he sheweth them to be such a spirituall sorte as maketh dayly marchaundise of the bodyes and soules of men Let vs neuer looke to haue a more open marke of that wicked generation take heede of them if we lust He that will lyue godly in Christ and be a pacyent sufferer He that will stande in Gods feare prepare him selfe to temptacyon He that will be stronge when aduersitie shall come auoyde all assaultes of Antichrist and the diuill let him giue him selfe wholly to the study of this prophecy Not one necessary poynt of beleife is in all the other scriptures that is not heere also in one place or other The very complet summe and whole knitting vp is this heauēly booke of the vnyuersall verities of the Bible All that Moyses taught in the lawe Dauid in the Psalmes and the Prophetes in theyr wrytinges concernyng Christes spyrituall kyngdome both here aboue meete for thys present knowledge are heerein briefly comprehended So is hys eternall vyctory for vs ouer sinne death hell and the dyuill with hys perpetuall cleerenesse aucthoritie and empyre world without ende compendiously here expressed Hee that knoweth not thys booke knoweth not what the church is whereof he is a member For herein is the estate thereof from Christes ascention to the ende of the world vnder pleasaunte figures and elegant tropes decyded no where els throughly but heere the tymes alwayes respected He that delighteth not to beholde the condition of his own citie is therevnto no louing citizen And after the true opinion of sainct Austen eyther wee are citizens in the new Hierusalem with Iesus Christ or els in the old supersticious Babylon with Antichrist the vicar of sathā He that with diligēce shall serch that matter specially in this presēt reuelatiō shal throughly perceiue the certaintie thereof Consider the dignytie and worthinesse of this most precious Iewel that the Lord hath left here to our cōsolatiō Fyrst God the eternall father gaue it vnto Christ his welbeloued sonne in our māhood Christ now glorified committed it vnto the holy Ghost which is here called an Angell or messenger The holy Ghost deliuered it vnto Iohn the peculiarly beloued disciple of Iesu. And Iohn last of all lefte it with the vnyuersall church to theyr christian eruditiō Mark now if any other treatise of the sacred Bible had euer so worthy a foreward setting forth This is not that it should be altogither neglected and not looked vpon No man lighteth a candle sayth Christ and conueyeth it vnder a bushell that men should not see therby Neuer was this gracious gift giuen of God to be hidden as it hath bene of longe tyme but to be opened to all the congregations A more necessary doctrine to the christian erudition is not in the whole scriptures all cyrcumstaunces considered For besides all that is afore expressed it containeth the vniuersal troubles persecutions and crosses that the church suffred in the primatyue spring what it suffreth now and what it shall suffer in the latter tymes by the subtile satellytes of Antichrist which are the cruell mēbers of Sathā It manifesteth also what premyes what crownes and what glory the sayd cōgregatiō shall haue after this present conflict with the enimyes that the promysed rewardes myght quicken the hartes of those that the tormēts feareth A prophecye is this Apocalips called and is much more excellent thē all the other prophecies Lyke as the lyght is more precious then the shadowe the veritie then the figure the new testament then the olde and the gospell then the lawe so is this holy oracle more precyous then they That Esay Hieremie Ezechiell Danyell Oseas with all the other Prophets warneth afore hande to follow concerning Christ and hys churche this mystery declareth effectually fulfilled It is a full clerenesse to all the cronicles and most notable histories which hath bene written since Christes ascension opening the true natures of their ages tymes and seasons He that hath store of them and shall diligentlye serch them ouer conferring the one with the other time with tyme and age with age shal perceyue most wonderfull causes For in the text are they onely proponed in effecte and promised to folow in their seasons and so ratified with the other scriptures but in the cronicles they are euidently seene by all ages fulfilled Yet is the text a lyght to the cronycles and not the cronicles to the text Unto
antichrist with hyr filthye wares and occupings painted out hereof the holye Ghost with hir most horrible fal in the end hir worldly fauours shewing gret heanies and the seruants of God an excedyng reyse In the .xix. Chapter is that reyoice of elect number ouer the tirryble iudgments of that whore much more highly discribed the deth of Christes holy witnesses most plentyously reuenged and how the Angel in no case will of Iohn be worshiped In the .xx. Chapter is the dragon tied vp for a thousand years the chosen sort reigning with Christ. Gog and Magog gather thē to battayle and are ouercōmen The dead after that ariseth and receiueth iudgement In the xxi Chapter is the church of the chosen or the new Hierusalem prepared to to hir spouse That citie commeth downe from heauen and is of the holy ghoste here after most wonderfull circumstaunces in hir right proportion described In the xxii Chapter the riuer of lyuinge waters proceedeth from the throne of God Iohn sealeth vp the sayinges of this prophecy Christ concludeth what his kingdome is and who shall be therevnto receyued admonishyng that vnto his worde nothing be added of men in payne of dampnation Some hatefull and vngodly blasphemers there are and euer hath bene whiche wyll in no wise this Booke to be of equall authorytie with the other scriptures of christes testament But damnably wretched 〈◊〉 are they in the vaine imaginations of their sinful h●rts The most high Theologye and secret wisdome of God the eternall father is the blessed doctrine there of geuen vnto hys onely sonne in our humanytie and after that of him so cōmited vnto Iohn by the holy ghost to be distributed taught by hym to the vniuersal christen cōgregation which is a most sufficient argument of the authoritie therof what so euer mad Momus shall quarrell to the contrary Iames Faber Stapulensis in his preface prefixed to the woorkes of Dionise the Ariopagyt doubted neuer a deale to prefer this heauenly prophesie to all the other writings of the other Apostles confessing that in worthines it farre passed them all the due circumstances there of considered The more nigher saith he the light be to the sun the more strength it hath and the more clernesse it ministreth vnto men But Momus hath not yet done away the madde mistes of his monkery nor yet the darke dregges of his sophistry which both are great blemyshing vneo his eye sight The wisdom of Plato Homerus Cicero auaileth nothing in this Aristotle Uirgil if thei were aliue could herein do little or nothing In estimably more maketh the poore fishers learning to the vnderstanding of these misteryes thē the prowd painted eloquence or far set resōs of the philosophers The Lord geue vs grace from the barne of his most plentuous scriptures to fetche the fat feedyng of our feble hungry soules that we may by thē obtayne his strength into the lyfe euerlasting The third part of the Image of both chruches after the most wonderfull heauenly reuelacion of saint Iohn the Euangeliste Compiled by Ihhn Bale The xviij Chapter VNder the title of Babilon is here in this chapter folowing described the feareful iudgment of the malignant church with the ruinous fal of Antichrist and his kingdom prefigured afore in Esay and Hiremye THE TEXT 1 And after that I savve an other angell 2 Com dovvne frō heauen 3. hauing great povver 4. And the earth vvas lightned vvith his brightnes 5 And he cried mightely vvith a strong voyce saying 6. She is falen she is fallen 7 Euen greate Babilon 8. And is become the habitacion of Deuils 9. And the holde of al foule spirites 10. And a cage of all vnclene and hatefull birdes 11. For all nacions haue dronk of the vvine 12. of the vvrath of hyr vvhordom 13. And the kinges of the earthe haue commited fornicaciō vvith hyr 14. And hyr marchauntes are vvaxen ryche 15. of the abundance of hir pleasurs The Commentarie 1 After these manifolde visions sayeth S. Iohn was I yet ware of an other aungel or heauenly messenger of the Lord cōmyng downe from heauen whnch is the habitacle of God For from aboue al goodenesse cōmeth This Aungell betokeneth the faythfull preachers of our age and is all one wiih the Angel that had the seale of the liuing God in the vii Chapter wyth him that was clothed with a cloude in the x Chapter and with him thai procllamed the fal of Babylon in the .xiiii. chapter 2 In that he is sayd here to come downe from heauen is signified that they are sente 〈◊〉 God hauing great power with constaunt feruentnesse of spyrit strongelye to declare hys wil to the vtter destruction of the whore For like as the father hath lyf in hym selfe so hath his sonne Iesus and ●o hath in hym his Godlye ministers 3 His power is an euerlasting power retayninge both lyfe and death 4 With the brightnes not of this angell which was but a messēger but of the power that was geuen vnto him was the vniuersal earth abundantlye lightned Full is all the world of the glory of God where as his word 〈…〉 his verity is once spred by y● true Godly prechers 5 In this strong power cr●ed he might●ly in this clere light was his earnest voice herd vttering this sentence to the world 6 She is falen clean down that was so proud she is turned ouer that was so glorious an whore yea euen the great Babilō hyr self or blasphemous church of the Hipocrites 7 By the iudgement of God is ●he brought to vtter confusion Firste ha● she a ●al by the death of Christ when the prince of this world was throwē forth Mark the distruction of Hierusalem wher the church of the Iews dyd cease the material temple of Salamō and clearelye ouerthrowen not one stone vpon an other remayning Now shall she haue an other much worse by the playne ●●nifestation of hys word to the comfort of all his elects And both are of one certenty though the one he pa●te and the other yet to come Confer with this place the ouerthrowe of the monasteries in England Denmarke the free cities of Germany certaine other regions thinke that more sorowes are yet comming 8 These are the causes of hyr fall and occasions of hyr ruyne before the Lord. She is become the filthy habitacion of deuils much more than before hir first fa●l for now they enter in by heaps yea seuen for ●n afore 9 Now is she the stinking hold of all vnclene spirites For ther haue al the kinds of Idolatry their earnest maintenance by hir spiritual occupiers the bishops priestes and religious There regneth Simony Sacrilege Usury fraud ambition mallice glotony auaryce pryde filthynes all mischiefes beysde 10 Now is she the corrupt cage of all vnclene fowles and ●atefull byrdes For in hyr dwelleth the aduouterous Cardinals the buggery bishops the prostibulous prelates and pristes the Gomorreane monks chanons friers and nonnes an
for hys shousholde seruauntes enioying the swéet cōmodyties mencioned in thys booke as pertayning to hys peculyar people 8 Lyke as are the bewtyfull trée of lyfe wyth his manyfolde fruites and leaues of wholsomnesse the swéet running ryuer of the lyuing waters and the holy citye sufficiently discribed afore with such other els None that contendeth for a mastry saith Paule shal be crowned vnlesse hée contende lawfully Arrius toke away from the tenth of Iohn this setence I the father are one Photinus added this clause to the gospell as a voyce frō the father I giue vnto Iesu his original of Mary And both their intētes were to destroy our faith concerning christs godhede lyke as the papystes doth also our iustificacyon in hys bloude vnlesse we haue theyr lowsie masses merites A lyke adiuratiō to this hath Hireneus in the ende of his octonarie requiring al them that shal coppy out that booke to doo it truly as they will aunswers it béefore god their rightuous iudge In like case doth saint Hierome before the abreuiaciōs of Eusebius chronicle cōmaūd that in anye wyse the veritie therof be dilygently reserued So doth also Cyrillus the Gréeke in the preface of his prophecy vnto Ioachim Abbas desiring the writings therof in no case to be corrupted of il writers which diuers other 9 In confirmatiō of the I haue sayd afore saith S. Iohn the eternall son of god which hath ratified these former things with his mighty word saith here also as one subscribing to it 10 Yea it is so or els thus Like as thou hast said Iohn shal these blasphemers here after finde it the presumeth eyther to adde or to deminish frō these scriptures for any carnall purpose 11 And to perform the promyse of thyne I wyll not long tarry I come by by to reward the wicked which swift dampnatiō for not beleuing the truth For nowe are the last dayes the endes of the worlde yea the very laste houre Ready is the Lord sayth saint Peter to iudge the quicke and dead and the ende of all things is at hande 12 Sainct Iohn hearing this of hys mercifull Lorde and sauiour lifte vp his heade and handes towardes heauen as one desirous of the perfourmaunce of Gods appoynted will and of the full deliuerance of the faythfull he sayde Amen Or be it fulfilled in effect For that is the thing which my soule dayly desireth and inwardly coueteth to the full manifestation of thy glorious kingdome 13 Consequently in the voyce of the whole congregation cryeth Iohn as did Symeon the iust Yea euen so might it be as thou hast here promised that thou mightest come out of hande 14 Oh come most merciful redemer gracious Lord Iesu Christ to iudge the vniuersall worlde Come come or hie thée hether apace to seperate the wheate from the chaffe and the lambes from the Goates so bringing them into thy eternall tabernacle Wo is mée that my banishmēt endureth so long I dwelling in the tabernacles of the sorowfull My soule hath a thurstie desire for God the fountaine of lyfe Oh whan shall I come and beholde hys face Lyke are we to those faythfull seruaunts which wayte for the return of their Lorde from the wedding very ready to open at his knocking 15 The grace of our mercifull Lorde Iesus Christ sayth saynct Iohn wherby commeth saluation to them that truly beléeueth bée with you all so many as are of that godlye expectation and desire 16 Or the fauour mercy and acceptation of God the father through his blessed death euermore preserue you in the vnitie of his godly spirite that yée may hereafter in this holye citie bée partakers of his gloryous heritage in the worlde to come 17 Let all them say Amen vnto this which myndeth the glory of the Lorde vnfaynedly So be it A conclusion of the vvhole vvorke HEre hast thou good christian reader to thy soules consolation from the eternall Trinitie the Father the Sonne the holy Ghost three distincte persons in one euerlasting godhead the vniuersall estate of the church from Christes ascencion to the ende of the world in wonderfull mysteries discrybed directed vnto thee of him by the most holy Apostle and Euangelist Saint Iohn Wherein it is fully by all due circumstances manifested of the sayde holy Ghost what the innocent Christian church is with all hir iustifications blessings to the singular comforte of the Lords true electes and what the proude Synagoge of Antichrist is with hyr filthy superstitions and plagues to their fore warning also This is specially done here of the sayde holy ghost that no true beleuer should professe him selfe a citizen of this wretched world with Cain Nemroth other reprobate vessels at the execrable doctrine of men but at the pure voyce of God with Abell and Abraham to seeke for that heauēly heritage which is purchased for them in Christes bloud Marke heere the condition of Iohn being in most paynefull exile for he in misterie through all this booke representeth euery godly beleuer By this shall ye well knowe in this reuelation the one church from the other for the one is mayntayned by the onely preaching of Gods pure worde the other by all kyndes of Iewishe ceremonyes and heathenish superstitions And by this they also differ that Christ wold haue all of loue Antichrist of tyrannous constraint as euidently appeareth in Mahomete and the Pope For that only cause are many necessary thynges here written in mysterie that they should bee hid from the worldly wyse Hypocrites and that the iust or Gods meeke spirited seruaūts should aske them of their Lorde in fayth and prayer In the which dayly prayer is that most worthy minister of God Kyng Henry the eight afore all other to thée remembred which hath so sore wounded the beast that he may before his departure or Prynce Edwarde after him throw all his supersticions into the bottomlesse lake agayne frō whence they haue commen to the comforte of his people The grace and peace dyrected from God the Father his Son Iesus Christ with the holy Ghost in the beginning of this reuelatyon be vnto all them which vnfaynedly loue hys veritie Amen ¶ Printed at London by Thomas East Apoc. 22. 1. Cor. 6. Rom. 12 Apoc. 1. Apoc. 22. Apoc. 4. 1. Iohn 5. Mat. 16. Apoc. 14. Hebr. 7. Apoc. 1. Iohn 7. Apoc. 21. Apoc. 18. Apoc. 15. Ephe. 5. Apoc. 21. Apoc. 17. Apoc. 2. VVhy this booke is called the Image of both churches Apoc. 11. Apoc. 18. 2. Pet. 3. 2. Timo. 3. Eccle. 2. 1. Pet 5. Ephe. 6. A brief sum is this boke of the whol scriptures Luc. 24. Esay 9. Apoc. 21. Ephe. 4. Iohn 16. Hebr. 2. Apoc. 18. Col. 1. Apoc. 4. Apoc 12. Apoc. 21. Ephe. 3. August Apoc. 21. Hier. 50. Iohn 5. Mat. 7. Mat. 13. Rom. 15. Luce. 10. Iohn 21. Apoc. 1. Iohn 12. Apoc. 22. Gilbertus porre●a Mat. 25. Lucc 11 Mat. 5. Mark 4. Iacobus faber super Dionisium VVhat
the lawes of theyr fathers by the eatyng of meats dedicate to vncleane Idols but also fall into the high displeasure of god for committing with them most vile fornication Suche vnholsome teachers are among thy people take héede if thou list 8 Thou arte also verye familiar with such vngodly Apostates false Apostles as mayntayne the vncomely examples teachings of the Nycolaytanes which corruptyng godly maryage not only permit their own wyues to be common but also they abashe not to defyle the wyues of other men Whose damnable doyngs I detest and abhorre 9 I counsell thée therefore to repent in tyme and to bee conuerted frō the errors of those couetous gluttōs rauenous lechours which cōdemyning holy matrimony permit all kyndes of vncleannesse and nothing more gréedily deuour thā that is offred vp to Idolles in their dedycations and feastes Call backe these abuses with swéete teachings exhortations desires and patient rebukes els will I within a while visite thée to thy displeasure 10 Yea and I will valiauntly fight agaynst those Balaamitanes which giue false coūsel for filthie rewards and agaynst those Nicolaytanes that chaunge holy wedlocke for whoredome And with the swerde of my mouth which is the inuincible veritie shall I iudge them condemne them and vtterly distroy them with all those shauen Madyanites that with their whorishe inuentions paynted traditions and ceremonyall supersticions hath takē from me my most deare Israelytes bought with my precious bloud With the breath of my mouth shal I consume thée and bring thée to naught 11 Let him that hath but one eare of iust vnderstandyng take gentle warnyng by such charitable premonishments as the holy spirite of God giueth vnto the christen cōgregations 12 To him that through constante fayth in the name doctrine of God neither feareth the world sin death hel nor the diuil will I giue to tast eate and sauer an hidden manna a secret sweetnesse a wisdome in the spirite that he shall féele the goodnesse thereof and reioyce to knowe how swéete the Lord is and what an heauenly treasure it is to trust in him Which manna is hid from the wyse of this world 13 I will also giue him for a token of perpetuall peace and loue that pure and precious stone Iesus Christ so white as the lillie floure innocent and cleane frō all contagious vices to be his only whole wisdom rightuousnesse light health and redemption 14 And in the said white stone Iesus Christ which is also the booke of lyfe will I gyue him a newe name written I shall register him for the chyld of God and the heyre of lyfe euerlasting For in him alone must ye be accepted saued and glorified 15 Of this no man is certayne but he that is taught of the spirit of God No man can say Iesus is the Lorde but in the holy ghost By the spiryte of adoption ye cry Abba father The onely spirit of the Lord ascertaineth your spirit that ye are the sonnes of God THE TEXT 1. And vnto the Angell of the congregation of Thiatyra vvryte 2. This saith the sonne of God vvhich hath his eyes lyke vnto a flame of fyre 3. vvhose feete are lyke brasse 4. I knovve thy vvorkes and thy loue and thy seruice and thy faith and thy pacience and thy deeds 5. vvhich are mo at the last then at the first 6. Notvvithstanding I haue a fevv things agaynst thee 7. that thou suffrest that vvoman Iesabell vvhich calleth hyr selfe a Prophetisse 8. To teache and to deceyue my seruauntes to make them commytte fornication and to eate meates offered vp vnto Idols 9. And I gaue hir space to repent of hir fornication and shee repented not 10. Beholde I will caste hir into a bed 11. And them that commit fornication with hir 12. Into great aduersitie excepte they turne from their deedes 13. And I wil kil hir children with death 14. And all the congregations shall know that I am he which sercheth the reynes and hartes 15. And I will giue vnto euerie one of you according to your workes THE PARAPHRASE 1 Delay not cōsequently my louing friende Iohn sayeth the Lorde expresly to manifest with penne vnto the pastour of the elect congregation of Thiatyra which is frō these low partes here a sweete smellyng sacrifice vnto God of labour and contrytion in the olde aged man and bodie of death For shee detesteth the vanities of this world shée forsaketh the fruites of the fleshe shée renounceth the cōcupiscēce of the eyes shée mortifieth hir mortall mēbers she slayeth hir sensuall affects and rendreth vp hir selfe vnto hir Lord God as a lylyuing holy and acceptable offering 2 Geue vnto that contrite and feruent congregacion this comfort Tel hir that this saythe the dearely beloued and natural sonne of god which hath his eyes of godly wysdome and knowledge so lyuely effectuall as a flame of fyre that he séeth all thinges and nothing can passe from his righteousnesse in iudgement 3 Whose féete or charitable affections towardes man are lyke vnto Brasse brent in a fornace For his most innocent manhoode by his own agréement suffred here for his sake manyfolde affllictions and paines 4 For so much as all thinges are open to myne eyes and nothing can be hid from me saith that lord I perceue thy fruitefull workes I sée thy neighbourly christen loue I cōsider thy liberall heart and hande to the poore thy faythfull exhortacions thy feruent spirit in the Lorde thy pacient sufferaunce in aduersitie for the truethes sake and thy other godly déedes beside 5 I marke it also that thou shrinkest not in them but rather goest forward with increase For now at the last are they more effectual plēteous then they were at the fyrst which greatly delighteth mée 6 Neuerthelesse yet I haue somewhat to say against thée For though I iudge thée much to be cōmended yet finde I thée not without faulte 7 Thou peaceably permittest without resistance that cruel woman and abhominable strūpet Iesabel which is the malignaunt church and Sinagoge of Sathan which is not ashamed to boast hir selfe a prophetisse a publisher of the truth and maynteiner of Gods seruyce yea the mother of holy church hir selfe 8 Under that pretence to set foorth diuilish doctrine to aduaunce pernicious errours and colour false lyes in hypocrisie To the intent shee might therewith not only deceyue my faithful seruaūts but also bring them into such trade of wyckednes that they should not force to commit whoredome in the spirite by fallyng vnto straunge worshippings and to eate of Idoll offerings in consenting to wicked lawes and blasphéemous tradytions of olde dotyng Hypocrytes 9 I haue giuen to that wicked congregatiō many holsome premonishments and warnings with conuenient respyte to remember hir follie and repent hir detestable wayes of liuing least she should perish but she will in no wyse bee sorie repent
shal she appeare as the beautiful bride prepared to the spouse accompanyed with the wise maydens the vnwyse neither hauing oyle nor light for euer reiected THE TEXT 1 And he sayde vnto me 2. Write 3. Happye are they which are called vnto the Lambes supper 4. And he sayde vnto me 5. These are the true sayings of God 6. And I fell at his feete 7. To vvorship him 8. And he sayde vnto me 9. See thou doe it not 10. For I am thy fellovv seruant 11. And one of thy brethren 12. And of them that haue the testimonye of Iesus 13. Worship God 14. For the testimony of Iesus 15. is the spirit of prophesie The Commentarye 1 And the Angell sayth saint Iohn which shewed vnto me afore the fall of the great whore sayde at this present time vnto me 2 Seriouslye register this sentence followynge that it may remayne to their comforte whiche shall followe thée 3 After a most happye and fortunable sorte are they blessed whiche hauing the wedding garmente the pure fine raines afore named are graciously prdestinate called and accepted of the heauenly father vnto the euerlasting supper of the vndefiled Lamb Iesus Christ there to perticipat with him the eternall refection both of soule body Satisfied shall I be saieth Dauid without end when thy glory shal manyfestly appeare Not of corruptible meates and drinkes shal this supper be but of vncorruptible delightes and of pleasures that shall neuer fayle Nothing shal be there prophane voide or vncomely but al things pure clean true stedfast godly perfect Thē shal the méetinges be heauenly and the clippinges wtout deformity The bride shal at that day reioyce with hir euerlasting spouse and the daughters of Sion shal beholde the true Salomon in full glorye accompained with hys holye how shoulde of Angelles and Saintes 4 And the aforesaide Angell sayeth S. Iohn sayd thus vnto me 5 These words whiche I last tolde thée frinde Iohn are not mine but they are the true sayings of gods ow● mouth So much the rather they are to be beleued as most certayne and sure that they are of hym whos● vniuersall language is the ve●itie ●nfayned 9 As I heard the Angell speake thus vnto me saith saynt Iohn I fel down by and by at hi● fete flat vpon the grounde myndynge to haue worshypped hym So wonderfull wer the secret●● of god whome he ther declared vnto me and the misteries so ioyful vnto my soule that in a maner I clearly forgote my selfe 7 〈◊〉 hand I was at the poynt to haue worshipped the messēger for the Lord and the Angell for the La●be otherwise th●● did Abraham not of ignoraunce but of forgetfull reioysing 8 But in no wise would the Angell suffer me so to doe but gently he sayd thus vnto me 9 Se thou do no such homage vnto me a creture as peculiarly belongeth vnto god the creator of all So great is thy selfe and such as thou art I am so excellente a creature of God Trueth it is that I am the aungel of the Lorde and so are you also so many as beare witnes of the same veritie 10 And as concerninge myne owne persone I am but thy felowe seruāt For he that is ●hy god is also my god and he that is thy Lord and master is also mine Indifferently are we bothe created for his seruauntes and admitted for his messengers 11 Of thy bretheren am I one by creation 12 So am I also both a brother and felow of al them that haue the faithful testimonie of Iesus For like as they by his godly appointment are messengers thereof to the world so am I now vnto thée here for the same 13 worship not me therefore which am but a creature but worshippe thy Lord god for sending by me this message of health vnto thée Though Loth Iacob Iosue Gedion Tobias other fathers of the olde law gaue worship vnto the Angels whom God sente vnto them in message yet shalte thou not do so vnto me now considerynge that at thys tyme Gods sonne hath taken the nature of man hath raised it from death hath sette it vpon the fathers right hand and therin hath sent from thence the spirite of reconciliation vnto men By thys are ye become no longer in feriours vnto vs but equall with vs infauour and dignitye No lōger are ye strangers foreners but citizens of heauen and the very househould chyldren of God 14 And as for the testymony of Iesus Christ which both I vnto you you to the world haue to vtter it is the very sprit of prophisi on message of helth committed vnto vs both The true spirit of god it is that beareth witnes of Christ both in the law prophets for none can saye that Iesus is the lord but in the holy ghost and in that spirit do we nowe make mencion also of him This is the spirit of adoptiō wherby ye ackonwledge god for your deare father Thys spirit assertaineth your spirit that ye are become his children beleuing in hys name 15 And in this spirit do I admonishe thée Iohn by this presente Reuelatiō which is a Prophicy in thée al them that haue the same faith to acknowledge worshyp and confesse the sayde Iesus Christ as we do nowe for the onely Lord sauiour of the world Not only shalt thou be by the plaine manifestation of thys prophesye an Angel but also by an excellent prerogatiue of singuler grace aboue all thy felowes a Ppophete After the maner of this Angel dyd Paule Barnabas vtterlye refuse to haue honour geuen them of the people at Listra Peter would in no case suffer Cornelius the noble Centurion to worshype hym Contrarywise the Antichrist of Rome not onely suffereth but also commaundeth straightly such homage of honour euermore to be geuen to his holy fatherhood Yea he is not ashamed to cōstraine noble Emperours to k●sse hys filthy féete kings with cappe knée to holde hys steroppes and the greatest princes of the world to wayte vpon his Mule Great pardons hath he geuen to the worshyppinge of Idols and of olde rotten bones threatning most terrible death vnto them that would not at his commaundement do the same At Geneua was honorablye worshypped an Asses tayle and at Tholosa a young boyes shoo great in dulgences graunted vnto them both But let not him and his mitred Mahomets thinke easely to auoyde the indignation so God whan he shal call them to accountes wyth theyr craftye distincton of Latria Dulia and hyperdulia whom the scripture knoweth not Notwythstanding in this is not vtterly inhibited mutual reuerence betwixt man man for so much as Paul willeth the faithful to preuēt eche other in honor geuing Necessary it is that they first honour God and then for his sake that they procecute their neighbours with such christen beneuolence as the comlines of humanity requireth The gospel neuer forbiddeth such politike maner as norisheth mutual frendship yet ●oth it not geue them
his worde the lantarne to hir very footesteps Indued is she here with the graces of the spirit and after this shall possesse these benifites of immortalitie Lyke shall she be to hir spouse to his latter appearaunce and shall see God as he is in déede when she is like fashioned to his glorious similitude 11 And this hir shining light or wisdome in the spirit saieth the Angell was like vn●o a stone most orient and precious For more precious is the verytie than Golde in hys most purenesse 12 And of all thinges in the worlde most rightly might it séeme to be compared to a fine Iasper resemblinge a pure Cristall in clearenesse For not onely is it here in faith cleare as the cristall high incomperable and inestimable But also in the regeneration it will be to the eyes of the gloryfied saincts as the gréene Iaspar most amiable fresh and desirous The doctrine of the Lorde is here all pure expelling the darknesse of errours and lies He that foloweth me saieth Christe wandereth not in the darke but shall haue the light of lyfe And there shall neither their eies be sore nor yet their sight bleared by any impediment but they shall be made able to behold him face to face being of most inestimable brightnesse 13 The wals of this citie betokning the manifolde strengthes of God were inestimable great and high meruilous and glorious Great is the Lorde saieth Dauid and mighty is his power He compasseth his people round about from this time forth and for euer A wall of fire is he vnto Hierusalem a defence of stéele vnto Iuda Their kéeper protector sauiour and defender is he most stedfast perfect constaunt and sure Stronge is the Citie of Sion for she sauer is both hir wall and Bulwark 14 Twelue gates hath this Citie to open and to speare Yet is ther but one opening vnto them which is Christe Diuers are they called for the diuersitie of nations peoples languages kindredes From all quarters of the world rounde about commeth people to Christes congregation yet enter they not but through him no man saieth he commeth vnto the father but by me I am the dore into the shepfolde He y● entreth in by me shall be saued 15 Twelue angels are set at ye●ntes of this citie which are both the Angels in déed the godly preachers signified by them The angels of y● Lorde saith Dauid pitched their tents roūd about those y● feareth him to preserue them Watchmē hath he s●t saith Esay vpō the walles of Hierusalē to preach his glorious name So that it is now become inexpugnable The diuel with his whole army cānot preuaile against it None is he able to pluck out of his hande 16 Names were gloryously written ouer the gates of this citie And none other were they but the names of the xii tribes of the children of Israell As are Iuda Ruben Gad Aser Neptalim Manasse Simeon Leuy Isachar Zabulon Ioseph and Beniamin For this consideration were their names there in sight and none other 17 Onely was the heritage promysed vnto Abrahams séede Onely commeth saluation from among y● Iewes Christ was the onely séede of Abrahā and we are now become the children of promise in him In the scripture are their names registred And not the names of them alone but of so manye els as haue brought vnto vs the true worship of God As were Moyses Samuel Dauid Helias Esay Hieremy Ezechiel and Daniel with the xii inferior prophets Iohn Baptist Iose●h Simeon such other For the number of xi● is a viniuersall number comprehending all 18 Upon the East part of this beautyfull citie were three gates So were thrée gates also vpon the North side 19 Towardes the South were thrée gates And on the West side iii gates to performe vp the number of twelue Such a Citie is the true Churche of Christ as is spred the worlde ouer What so euer they be that wyll approche vnto this Citie which way so euer they come necessary is it for thē to enter into it through an only faith in the father in the sonne and in the holy ghost Behouing is it saith Paul for him that wil resort vnto god faithfully to beléeue Through faith haue we entraunce into his fauour Baptise them that beléeue saith Christ in the name of the father and the sonne and the holy ghoste Excéedinge great is the multitude of those iuste beléeuers which hath come from these iiii quarters of the worlde and hath entred into this citie through this faith Uery many shal come saith the Lord from the Easte and the Weste which includeth the other two partes and shall reste with Abraham Isaac and Iacob in the kingdome of God From the East come the Iewes inhabiting the mid parte of the worlde From the iii. out quarters els as are Asia Aphrica and Europa came the Gentiles and after this sort through one faith in the trinitie became one citie of the Lord hauing .xii. fayre gates Prefygured was this in the passage of the children of Israell out of Egipt In the wildernesse of Sinay at the Lordes commaundement were the tribes of Iuda Isachar Zabulon with their hostes of a C.lxxx and syxe thousand and foure hundred vpon the East side Ruben Simeon and Gad with their armies of a thousand foure hundreth and fyftye vppon the South side Ephraim Manasse and Beniamin vpon the West part with their C. and eight thousande and one hundreth D●n Asser and Neptalim vpon the north with their C. and lvii thousand and six hundred also Where as the tribe of Leuy was onely appointed to minister in the tabernacle of witnesse in the midst of the hostes and therfore was not at that time nūbered among the children of Israell 20 Finally sayth the Angel the wal of this beautyfull Citie whiche is the power of God vnto saluation for them that beléeueth hath xii strong foundations surely couched vpon the vnmouable and hard rock Christe For vpon hym was the Christian Churche firste grounded Adam Noe Abraham Moyses Dauid Helias and Iohn Baptist with all the other fathers prophetes builded vppon him though they were long before hym For all they trusted surely in the promises that God had made them in hym All they being vnder the cloude dyd eate of one spirytuall meate and dronk of one spirituall rock folowing them in the flesh which was Iesus Christ. No man can lay any other foundation than is layde alredy which is Christ Iesus 21 Upon this one foundation perpetually strong and durable were layde these twelue foundations agréeing to the same And in them were the names of the Lambs .xii. Apostles or faithful messengers As Peter Iohn Iames Andrew Philip Bartilmew Thomas Mathewe Iames the lesse Symon Thadeus and Mathyas These are figured in the xii stones that Iosua raised vp in Galgala for a remembraunce of the dry passage of the children of Israell through Iordane So are they signified also by the xii other stones wher
that hath euer since spightfully persecuted his faithful members vnto death for the truths sake 4 And all kinredes of the earth that is to saye whoremongers glouttons extorcioners ydolatours murtherers and tyrauntes shall bewayle them selues for the sight of him 5 Whose ryghtfull iudgemente is not so heatefull vnto them but it is as greatly desired of the faithful multitude saying in their hartes continually Euen so be it Amen For they at that houre shall be wholly delyuered gloryfyed and sealled vp wyth Christe for the euerlasting children of God 6 I am he sayth the Lord God almighty which hath begun all thinges and finished the same being signifyed by Alpha which is the first letter of the Greke Alphabete and Omega which is the last because this present reuelacion was written in Greke and vnto thē which only knewe the Greke tonge 7 I am the same saith the sayde Lord God euerlastinge the father the sonne and the holy ghoste .iii. distincte persones in one essenciall Godhede which is essencially in and of him selfe only which was without beginning and begunne all thynges and which shall be whithout endinge and finyshe all thinges alone able to exhibyte all vertue power and strength and alone vnable to execute errours lyes and sinne which is of fragilite weaknes and vnperfectnesse The Texte 1 I Ihon your brother companion in tribulacion 2 and in the kingdom of pacience which is in Iesu Christ. 3. was in the yle of Pathmos for the word of God and for the witnessing of Iesu Christ. 4. I was in the spirit on a Sonday 5. and heard behynde me a great voyce as it had bene of a trōpe saying 6. I am Alpha and Omega the first the last 7. That thou seist write in a booke 8. sende it vnto the congregaciōs which are in Asia 9. vnto Ephesus vnto Smyrna and vnto Pergamos vnto Thiatyra 10. and vnto Sardis vnto Philadelphia and vnto Laodicia The Paraphrase 1 I the faythful wryter of this present reuelacion called Iohn the Apostle your naturall louing brother so inferly caueting your soules helth as 〈…〉 companion of yours also in aduersitie trouble and persecucion for the truthes sake 2 And a partaker with you in the afflicted kingedome and in the pacient crosse of s●fferēce in Christ Iesu. 3 Was now of late in a certaine yle of Licia called Pathmos exiled for the Gospel preaching made a vile abiect for testifying the name word of the sayd Iesus Christ the onely 〈◊〉 of the world 4 I being thus carefully afflicted and driuen from all solase and bodily comfort on a certayne sunday or day dedicate to the Lordes remembraunce was in the spirit rapte and clearly takē vp from all worldly affects so swéetly did the Lord releue his poore persecuted seruaunt 5 And I heard certainly with mine eares a loude shirle voyce behynde mée as I was in this swéete heauēly traunse which was so vehement and stoute to my iudgement as it had bene the noyse of a great trompe vttering these wordes vnto mée 6 I am the first and the last the originall beginner and the 〈◊〉 finisher of all thinges vnder A●pha and Omega the first and last Gréeke letters as vnder an allegorie to bée vnderstand 7 With all dilygence therefore write that thou shalte sée here and make a perfect registre of the same 8 And that done sende it louingly vnto the vij Christen congregatiōs which are in the land of Asia cōmitted of the Lorde vnto thy administration in his word 9 Send it vnto Ephesus sende it vnto Smyrna directe it vnto Pergamos commit it vnto Thyatyra 10 And vnto Sardis vnto Phyladelphia and vnto Laodicia and finally by them to the .vij. Climates of the vniuersall worlde For though it be heere to them only lymitted yet is it to all people vnyuersally ment THE TEXT 1 And I turned backe to see the voyce that spake to me 2. And vvhen I vvas turned I savve seuen golden Candelstickes 3. And in the middest of the Cādelsticks one lyke vnto the sonne of man 4. Clothed vvith a lynnen garment dovvne to the grounde 5. And gyrded about the brest vvith a golden gyrdle 6. His head and his heyres vvere vvhyte as vahite vvoll and as Snow 7. And hys eyes vvere as a flame of fyre 8. And hys feete lyke vnto brasse as thoughe they brent in a fornace 9. And hys voyce as the noyse of many vvaters 10. And he had in his right hand vii starres 11. And out of his mouth vvent a sharpe two edged svvorde 12 And his face shone euen as the sonne in his strength The Paraphrase 1 And sodenly I turned back saith sainct Iohn ernestly to behold from whence this voyce should come or who it should be that should speake these wordes vnto me 2 And as I had turned my selfe anon I beheld .vij. goldē Candelsticks betokening not only the sayd vij congregatiōs in Asia but also the vniversall Christianitie of the whole world For vij in the scripture most cōmonly signifieth all or the whole of that it comprehendeth 3 And in the midst of the saide .vij. Candelstickes I sawe one like vnto Christ which when he was conuersaunt here among vs not onely called him selfe the sonne of man but also appeared in shape and apparel as the same And this betokeneth Christ alwayes to be present and assistēt to his cōgregations as a shepehard and aduocate a teacher and a redéemer to kepe them helpe them informe them and saue them 4 I sawe him clothed with a syde linnen garmēt downe to the groūde signifying his aboundant rightuousnesse wherwith all his faithfull beleuers are in this world largely replenished 5 Hee was gyrded also about the pappes with a golden gyrdle Hys pappes are his most swéete wordes and promises replenishing our souls with most suffrane consolation and gladnesse And they are speared vp togither fast vnto him with the shynyng cheane of charitie or loue Which in the whole betokeneth that he is of rightuousnesse loue fast sure vnto vs in his word promise 6 His heade which is his eternall Godhead and his heares which are his infallible verities therof procéeding are both so purely whyte as snowe in the incomprehensible mysteries of his diuyne maiestie and so perfectly white as wooll which is of a meaner sorte in the lower mysteryes of our redemption 7 Hys eyes which are hys Godlye wisdome and knowledge were as a burning flame of fyre most effectual pure and quicke in working 8 And his féete which are hys humane affections most swéet desires of our health were lyke vnto brasse most beutiful clean precious to beholde and as though they had bene proued tryed and depured in a whot burnyng fornace For in them was his frayle tender and mortall flesh by manifolde troubles sore vexed persecuted and slayne 9 Hys voice which is his holy Testament or
longeth for to be deliuered from this bodie of death shée coueteth to be dissolued and to be with Christ yea feruētly she desireth to rest in the armes of hir almightie spouse 2 Tell hir therefore that these sayings hath he which holdeth the vij starres in his right hand walketh in the middest of the vij golden Candelstickes which hath in his power all ministers of his worde to retain thē or to cast thē out remaineth among the congregations to beholde their actes and reward them according to their doings 3 I know thy workes sayth hée I perceue thy labour thy anguish thy affliction thy payne for vnto me nothing can be hid I consider also thy pacient sufferance in aduersitie and thy troublous crosse for my wordes sake thy constant fayth and thy vnbroken spirite 4 And I ponder thy feruent and godly zeale wherin thou canst in no wyse forbeare thē that are wicked and euill but thou hatest blasphéemers abhorrest the enemies of god 5 I much commend thée for that thou diligētly examinest them which call them selues Apostles and are none which boast thē selues to be christian teachers and are nothing lesse 6 And by thy diligent searche hast not only proued them false and deceiptfull Antichristes but also thou hast expelled thē least they shuld do harm 7 And though thou haste bene gréeuously vexed and persecuted of those false Prophets yet hast thou paciently suffred and firmly stand by the truth for my names sake Thou hast taken paynes and not faynted in thy labours so strong hath the spirit of God bene with thée And all these pointes in thée I greatly allow 8 Yet haue I somewhat agaynst thée for so much as thou arte fallen from thy first charitie the fruites of true faith not being so abundant and plentifull in thée as they were in the beginning of the Gospell nor thou so effectuall in working mercy pittie 9 Call therefore to thy remembraūce from what perfectiō thou art fallen and repent thy slipper weakenesse and slothfull negligence which hath not suffered thée to perseuer in thy first calling 10 And return to thy first works agayne walking in that feruēt faith in that godly spirite and in that swéete loue of thy neighbour that thou diddest walke in before diminish not but increase euermore in al goodnes 11 Els wil I come shortly vnto thée as a straight looker vpon thée 12 And except thou repent from the hart with ful purpose of amendmēt I will remoue thy Candelsticke out of hir place I shall take away from thence the sincere doctrine and pure preaching of my word suffer mens fantastical traditions olde womens dreames the spirites of errour the doctrine of diuels the lyes of hypocrites with all blyndnesse darknes abhominatiō and idolatrie there to remayne For where as my word is not sincerely taught beléeued and obserued but vncharitably dispised hated and persecuted there shall not my church remayne but in hir place shal stand vp the Sinagoge of Sathan with blyndnesse and induration For that congregatiō is not myne which hath not my worde No longer is it my church then it hath my veritie Turne back againe therefore to Abraham Isaac Iacob to the Prophetes and Apostles and exercyse the first workes leauing all papistrie 13 This warning hast thou of mée for that thou hatest the vnséemely déeds of the Nicolaytanes so called of one Nicolas a proselitie of Antioche and one of the vij Deacons ordayned by the Apostles Whose corrupte custome was among other to defile holy wedlock in making their wyues common in boasting them selues lawfully so to do by the example of the sayde Nicolas 14 Whose vncomely actes I hate and abhorre also hauing matrimonye in honor and the chamber therof vndefiled This premonishement haue I giuen thée also least thou in processe of tyme shouldest fall to Apostasie vtterly decline frō the truth 15 Let him that hath eares sayeth the Lord which is iudgement and discretion in the spirit diligētly heare and earnestly marke what the holy ghost speketh what premonishmēts he giueth what reward he promiseth to the faithfull congregations 16 To him that by the spirit of Christ and by faith victoriously ouercōmeth the world sin hell death the diuil I wil giue to eate of the trée of lyfe to haue reioyce here in the holy ghost to haue comfort peace and gladnesse in mée 17 And after this life eternall beatitude which is in the midst of the beautiful paradise or the triumphant church of my Lord my God and my celestial father yours also by mée THE TEXT 1 And vnto the Angel of the congregation of Smyrna w●yte 2. These things saith he that is the first the last 3 which was deade and is aliue 4. I knowe thy works and tribulatiō 5. And pouertie but thou arte rich 6. And I knowe the blasphemie of thē which call thēselues Iewes and are not but are the congregation of Sathan 7. Feare none of the things which thou shalt suffer 8. Behold the diuill shal cast some of you into prison to tempt you 9. And ye shal haue tribulation ten dayes 10. Be faithfull vnto the death 11. and I will giue thee a crowne of lyfe 12. Let him that hath eares heare vvhat the spirite saith to the congregations 13 He that ouercommeth shall not be hurt of the secōd death THE PARAPHRASE 1 Apply thée also my friend Iohn with all festination to write vnto the faithfull mynister of the congregacion of Smyrna which trauaylyng in thys vayle of myserie as the odoriferous myrrha giueth forth the swéete smell of all good christian workes and distrybuteth fréelye the precyous treasure of godly examples Shée beleueth in God shée séeketh his onely glorie shée foloweth his word shée rebuketh sinne with paciēce she openeth hir hāds to the poore she giueth meate to the hūgry drinke to the thirstie lodging to the straunger clothes to the naked comfort to the sicke and reliefe to the prisoner Shée is méeke gentle obedyent pacient and mercifull 2 Infourme hir therfore that these things sayeth he which is the fyrst and the laste the maker and redéemer the founder and restorer of all creatures 3 Which was once dead to redeme hir from eternall death and now is alyue to restore hir to lyfe euerlasting Let hir not doubt therefore to suffer héere lyke as hée hath suffred For as he is now immortall hath the ouer hande of death so shall shée be and haue the same 4 I know thy works saith the Lord to spring onely of fayth and to bée fashioned according to the word of God I perceyue thy manyfolde trybulations how thou arte outwardly afflicted by continuall persecution of enimyes and inwardly crucyated in conscience to beholde the damnable errours frowardnesse blindnes and vtter contempt of Gods trueth which raigneth in the wicked 5 I consider thy pouertie in the spirite that
as one mynding thée good to bye of me golde tryed in the fyre Come vnto me with faith and aske in the feruentnesse of soule If thou be féeble harted say Lorde increase my fayth Desire my heauenly word to thy comforte with vnderstanding to perceiue it and know it It is treasure much more precious then golde it is sweetenesse more dulcet thē honie And tryed it is moste pure and cleane by the holy Ghost Thou shalt haue it without payment Thy good harte shall only suffyse mée 11 Diligently procure it that thou mayest be riche in fayth and righteousnesse in the merits of Iesus Christ and in the fauour of God by them and that thou mayest be cloathed in white rayment of innocencie cleannesse not only before men but also before God 12 Be neuer without veritie fayth righteousnesse and charitie with other giftes of the holy Ghost least the filthie nakednesse of hypocrisie and sin for all thy paynted colours appeare to thy confusion Let thyne owne dyrtie merites alone decke thée with the precious deseruings of the sonne of God that thou mayest haue thy sinnes wyped away cléerely forgiuen couered and neuer more imputed vnto thée by him 13 And to auoyde the blyndenesse sée thou anoynt thine eyes thy mind or affection thy iudgement or knowledge with the eye salue of clerenes which is Iesus Christ the swéete smelling oyntment of health 14 Consider that he alone was borne for thée and dyed for thée And take him for thy only wisdome satisfaction holinesse and redemption that thou mayst hereafter sée Let this precious lycour take from thine eyes all filthie corruptiō and whatsoeuer thou shalt hereafter do in word or in déed doe all in the name of that Lorde gyuyng thankes vnto God the father by him For he is the salue that shall heale thée and the lighte that shall cléere thée THE TEXT 1 As many as I loue I rebuke and chasten 2. Bee feruent therefore and repent 3. Behold I stand at the doore and knock 4. If any man heare my voice and open the doore I vvill come in vnto him 5. and vvil suppe vvith him and he vvith mee 6. To him that ouercommeth vvill I graunt to sit on my seate 7. euen as I ouercame and haue sitten vvith my father on his seate 8. Let hym that hath eares heare vvhat the spirite sayeth vnto the congregations THE PARAPHRASE 1 So many as I loue I rebuke earnestly least they shoulde perish with the wicked And those that I fauour I chastē in this life least they should be dampned for euer Woe is the man that hath of me here neither chastisement nor rebuke but is left without restraynte wallowyng in the concupiscence and desires of his fleshe A great signe it is of the indignation of God where as the other is an euident token of loue 2 From henceforth therfore be feruent in the trueth Earnestly embrace it kéepe it and follow it Abhorre thy olde superstitions and repent from the harte that thou haste béene so longe neyther whotte nor colde 3 Beholde I stande at the doore of thy harte as one ready to helpe thy weakenesse And I knocke at the portall of thy conscience as one that would gladly comfort thée I send forth my heauenlye worde to succoure thée lighten thée raise thée vp saue thée 4 If any man with a glad harte wil heare my voyce or the true preaching of my word and opē the doore of his fayth thankefully to receyue it I wil come in vnto him enduing with all spirituall delights as rightuousnesse peace loue and ioy in the holy Ghost 5 Yea to hym shall I make manyfest as to my friend the hidden misteryes of the scripture and secret coūsels of my father And he shall finallie suppe with me and with him in the eternall habitacle of God where no harte can estéeme what hee hath prepared for them that loue him 6 That man which through the earnest zeale of Gods trueth distroyeth hypocrisie and ouercommeth sin wil I admit to reigne with mée in the kingdome of my father and graunt him to sitte with me in the seate of euerlasting peace as a déere member of myne owne body declaring him a tryumphaunt conquerour in mée ouer dampnation hell death and the diuill in a glorified nature 7 Euen as my selfe was before sitting with my celestiall father in the seate of his eternitie And to haue with mée that health that blessyng that ioye that victorie that honour power and glorie that I haue 8 Let him that God hath giuē eare● vnto apply them to his mynde and marke what the spirite hath héere spoken to the Christen cōgregatiōs for therevpon resteth his lyfe or his death his saluacion or his dampnation The fourth Chapiter THE TEXT 1 After this I looked and behold a dore vvas open in heauen 2. and the first voice vvhich I hearde vvas as it vvere of a Trumpet talking vvith me vvhich sayd 3. Come vp hither and I vvill shevv thee thynges vvhich must be fulfilled hereafter 4. And immediatly I vvas in the spirite 5. and behold a seate vvas set in heauen and one sat on the seate 6. And hee that sate vvas to looke vpon lyke vnto a Iasper stone and a Sardine stone 7. And there vvas a reyne bovve about the seate in sighte lyke a Smaragde 8. And about the seate vvere .xxiiij. seates 9. And vpon the seates .xxiiij. elders sitting 10. clothed in vvhyte rayment 11. and had on their heads crovvnes of golde 12. And out of the seate proceeded lyghtnings and thundrings and voyces 13. And there vvere seuen lampes of fyre burnyng before the seate vvhich are the seuen spirits of God 14. And before the seate there vvas a sea of glasse lyke vnto Christall 15. And in the middest of the seate and rounde about the seate vvere foure beastes 16. full of eyes before and behynde THE PARAPHRASE 1 After thys speciall iniunction of my Lorde and maister Iesus Christ sayth saint Iohn I did cast vp mine eyes towards the skye lifting vp my hart to giue thankes vnto God And anon as I seriously beheld the face of the fyrmament or maiestie of Gods works I saw a doore open in heauē Which was a significatiō to me that God mynded to opē certain high misteries of the scripture hidden secretes concerning his kingdome or church vnto me his simple seruaunt 2 And the first thyng that ascertained me of the same from thēce was a mightie great voyce as it had bene the stoute noyse of a Trompe or the vehement blaste of an horne The which voyce though it were fearfull vnto my fleshe as commonly the commaundement of God is yet was it solatious vnto my spirite for so much as it familiarly talked with mée and sayde these wordes 3 Come thou vp hyther Suspende thyne owne wil wit studie practise and iudgement Condempne that thou hast of nature Lift vp thy self aboue thy self
the seate vvhich lyueth for euer and euer 9. The xxiiij elders fell dovvne before him that sate on the trone vvorshipped him that lyueth for euer 10. and cast their crovvnes before the trone saying 11. Thou art vvorthie Lord to receyue glorie and honour and povver 12. For thou hast created all things and for thy vvilles sake they are and vvere created THE PARAPHRASE 1 These iiij beastes hath iiij diuers exteriour similitudes which are not els but the outward tokens testimonyes and signes of faith or the fruitfull workes thereof only procéeding For fayth is neuer without hir holesome fruites The first beast was in similitude lyke vnto a Lyon strong and mightie in power And that are they which hath layde asyde the olde man of sinne with his féeble faynte workes and conuerted them selues into the ghostly image of Christ which is the mightie stronge Lyon of the Trybe of Iuda for that they myght haue the victorie ouer sinne 2 The seconde beast was fashyoned lyke vnto a Calfe much vsed in the olde lawe to bée offered vp in sacryfice And suche are they which forsaking them selues and mortifying the corrupte lustes of theyr fleshe doeth walke in a newe Christian lyfe and offer vp them selues vnto God as a lyuing sacrifice readie to suffer all kyndes of persecution and death for his names sake 3 The third beast had a face in fauour lyke a man hauing reason wit and discrecion And those are they which through pollicie of fayth and prudencie in the spirit so wysely and discretely order them selues in that they goe aboute that nothyng is against the glorie of God but al things worketh for the best in them 4 The fourth beast was lyke vnto a flying Egle which buyldeth hir neast very highe in the harde rocke stone Which are those godly persōs that liuing héere in this mortall bodie by the counsell of the holy Ghost haue their conuersation in heauen They séeke for those thinges which are aboue where as Christ is sitting on the right hand of God In whom only as in the sure rocke they buylde all their whole hope and trust By these foure similitudes is the true congregation of God knowne from the painted sinagoge and coūterfaict church of Sathan glorifiyng hir selfe in vaine glorie pompe crueltie rape simonie lyes hatred sectes murther Idolatrie sedition and tirannie with other fruites of the flesh whose God is their bellie and theyr ende dampnation And though these iiij simylitudes be diuers yet doe they respect one congregation after Ezech. which euer more applyeth all .iiij. vnto one beast And euerie one of the sayd iiij beastes had .vj. winges about him 5 The winges whereby Gods people are raysed vp vnto him is fayth hope charitie iustice mercie veritie with such other vertues as euer more accompanyeth them By these are they lifted vp vnto heauenlye thinges By these auoyde they the common mischieues of the world By these obtayne they a plentuous quyetnesse in God abyding their sauiour and redéemer Iesus Christ. And wher as in Ezechiell the sayd winges appearing but iiij are here founde sixe we may gather this That the gospel now published the giftes of the holy ghost are more high plentifull and open vnder christ then afore time vnder Moyses 6 Round aboute them without and within the sayde beastes were ful of eyes The seruants of the Lord hath Godly wisdome and knowledge euery where inwardly to consider heauenly things durable sure and perfite and neuer to perish Outwardly agayne to iudge earthly things corruptible wretched and vaine and shortly to be ended 7 Neither day nor night could the sayde beastes cease from the praise of their Lord God saying Holy holy holy Or blessed art thou almightye father blessed art thou almightie sonne blessed art thou almighty holy ghost distinct thrée persons in trinity and in substaunce one Lorde God almighty which was withoute beginning and is of him selfe onely and shall be for euer euer euerlasting And what is this els but that the righteous feruently eprayinge geueth continnuall thankes vnto GOD reioysinge amonge them selues in psalmes in hymnes and in spiritusonges praysinge hym euermore in their harts 8 And when those .iiij. beastes or faithfull feruent sincere and pure beleuers héere beléeuing in the flesh gaue glory honour and thanks from the iiij quartes of the earth in professing the verity in teaching it vnto other and in liuinge accordinge to the same And that vnto hym which sate on the seat which is god almighty reigning ouer that congregation which lyueth for euer and euer and hath of his kyngdome none end 9 Anone stepped forth the .xxiiij. elders or the whole perfit and vniuersall number of them which hath rested in the Lorde and they with all méekenes fel down before him which sate on the throne They submitted themselues vnto him ackowleginge him for theyr onely Lorde They worshipped him also with dew reuerance gaue high thankes vnto him as vnto their eternal liuīg god 10 Yea finally they threwe downe their crowns before the throne of his eternal maiestie They cōfessed their owne good workes merites and deseruinges to be nothyng at all But their whole health wisdome knowledge vertue holines rightuousnes and redemption to be onely of his lyberall gift and vndeserued goodnesse 11 And as men most highly reioysing they cryed vnto him saying thus It is thou O Lord God most mightie creator that is alone worthie to receyue all glory all honour and all thankes for that hath bene wrought in heauen in earth and none other els but thou 12 For thou hast alone by thy vnsercheable wisedome created all things and brought them foorth out of nothing And for the onely pleasure of thy will they are now at this present tyme in substance and fashyon and were created of thée at the beginning not onely to be at thy commaūdemēt but also to be euermore thākefull vnto thée and to laude thée and prayse thée for euer The fift Chapter THE TEXT 1 And I sawe in the right hande of him that sate on the throne a booke 2 written with in and on the back syde 3. sealed with seuen seales 4. and I sawe a strong Angell preaching with a loude voyce 5. Who is worthie to open the booke and loose the seales thereof 6. And no man in heauen nor in earth neyther vnder the earth vvas able to open the booke neyther to looke thereon 7. And I wept much bycause no man was found worthie to open to read the booke neither to looke thereon 8. And one of the elders sayd vnto me Weepe not 9. Beholde the Lyon which is of the trybe of Iuda 10 the roote of Dauid hath obtayned to open the booke and to loose the seuen seales thereof 11. And I beheld and lo in the middest of the seat and of the iiij beastes and in the middest of the elders 12. stoode a Lambe as
them heard I saying 9. Blessing honour glory and power be vnto him that sitteth vpon the seate 10. And vnto the Lambe for euee more 11. And the fowre beastes said amen 12. And the .xiiii. elders fell vpon their faces 13. and vvorshipped hym that liueth for euer more The Paraphrase 1 Furthermore saith Saint Iohn I saw an infinit host of Angels beholding the face of the heauenly father 2 I heard also the voyce of a great number of them about the throne of God geuing laude and prayse vnto hym and about the beastes and auncient elders For they are not onely the immediate ministers of God but also the seruantes of those men which shall be the heyres of saluation Where ●●ould they be els than but about them that feare the Lord to sée to them and preserue them in all their wayes lyke as he hath geuen them in commaundement 3 And the number of them was a thousande thousandes or a number beyond our estimation And they cryed with a loude voyce signifiyng in their sort no corporall noyse but for so much as they are but spirits but a vehement zeale of most perfect loue and reioyce for the glory of God the victory of Christ the redempcion delyuerance and helth of man It betokeneth also their excéedinge gladnesse in the openinge of the veritie and conuertion of the sinner 4 Worthy is the most méek Lamb sayd they which was cruelly done vnto death and by his death ouercame the worlde hell death and the deuill to take vpon hym the title of all power heritage wisdom strēgth honour glory and blessing and to be called of all creatures most mightye most rich most wise most valiaunt most worshipfull most gloryous and most blessed conueniente names for the king ouer al. Yea finally to haue ●he vniuersall aucthorytie in heauen and in the earth to gouerne euery where and al to be subiect vnto hym 5 I hard also saith saint Iohn all the creatures that God euer created as the angeles in heauen the sunne the Moone the planites the starres the fyrmament the fyre the water the ayre 6 And all that was vppon the earth as man beast foule fish mountaines valleys welsprings floudes windes wethers times trées herbs fruits 7 And al that was vnder or within the earth as rootes wormes serpentes vermine 8 And all that was in the sea or that moued in the waters with all that are conteined in these eche one in his kinde saying 9 The euerlastinge God whiche sytteth vppon the eternall throne with power and maiestie be euermore blessed worshiptfull gloryous and almightie 10 And vnto the Lambe which is his onely sonne Iesus christ be blessing honour glorye and power from him for euermore And in this al creatures desireth no longer to be subdued vnto the vanitie of the wicked nor yet to serue the same But to be wholy deliuered from the bondage of corruption and in libertie to serue the children of God to the glorye of of hym that made them 11 To this the fowre beastes or al the true seruants of God here liuing answered Amen or so might it be in effect as ye haue desired 12 And the .xxiiij. elders as the patriarks the Prophetes the Apostles with other that hath passed this life fell downe flat vpon their faces they submitted them selues 13 They worshipped lauded and gloryfied him that lyueth for euer and euer one God in thrée persons the father the sonne and the holy ghost This signified the Angels and Sainctes euermore to be ioyous as any thinge is done in the creatures to the manyfest glory of God The sixt Chapter THE TEXT 1 And I sawe vvhen the Lambe opened one of the seales 2 and I heard one of the iiij beastes say as it were the noyse of thunder 3. Come and see 4. And I savve and behold there was a whyte horse 5 and he that sate on him had a bovve 6. and a crovvne vvas giuen vnto hym 7. and hee vvent forth cōquering for to ouercome The Paraphrase 1 COnsequently sayeth sainct Iohn as I was beholdyng these wonders I sawe that the Lambe which is the sonne of God opened the first of the seuen seales declaring the first misterie of the booke These openings betokeneth not onely the manifestation of Gods trueth for seauen ages of the world but also for the .vij. seuerall times and after vij diuers sortes from Christes death to the latter end of the world The first seale was remoued and the mysterie there vnder contayned made open when the Apostles disciples of Christ aboūdātly replenished with the holy Ghost did cōstantly preach the gospel ouer the vniuersall world 2 And at the openyng of the sayde seale sayeth hée I hearde one of the beasts in shape lyke a Lion by whom are signified the strong witnesses of Gods veritie by constancie of fayth resembling Christ the verie Lyon of the stocke of Iuda whose voice was mightie and strong as it had bene the noyse of a thundering and vehemently it sayde vnto me 3 Come hither and sée drawe nigh and be taught beléeue and thou shalt vnderstand 4 And anon I saw euidently that there was a white horse which signifieth the Apostles and first disciples of Christ for why the scripture doeth so call thē These horses were white they were made pure rightuous and cleane by Iesus Christ and bare him by their preaching the worlde ouer Such a whyte horse to the glorie of God was Paule whan he beare the name of Christ before the Gentiles the Kings and the children of Israell 5 He that sate vpō this white horse which was Christ him selfe had in his hande a bowe which figured the hartes of the foresayd Apostles and disciples out of whom he fiercely sēt foorth the arrowes of his word into his chosen people Their hearts were in his hand for that his verities myght the more effectually passe foorth and the more surely lyght vppon hys elects For without his spirit nothing could they doe 6 From God the father vnto hym was giuen a crown of magnificence honour worthinesse and victorie in his resurrection and ascention 7 And when he had stomaked them by the holy Ghost to shoote foorth hys word without feare he wēt forward with them by his grace conqueryng in them the prince of this worlde in processe of tyme by their doctryne so to ouercome him and all his wycked armie Were the Antichristes neuer so madde torment they neuer so sore slea they neuer so fast Christ wil ouercome them Let them inhibit his trueth and forbid his Gospell take spoyle imprison exyle murther hāg head drowne burne yet wil Christ haue the victorie ouer them though it otherwyse séeme to the fleshly children of darknesse In many coūtreis Cities and townes hath Gods word bene taught where as it is now forbidden vnder the payne of death Is Christ therefore the weaker which chose the weake to confounde the strong
the glorie of God the great men more séeking their owne pleasures then the common wealth of the people the ryche men oppressing the poore 10 The Captaynes deceyuing the commons the strong men ouerthrowing the weake euerie bond seruaūt dooing vntrue seruice and euery frée master vngodly occupying his faculty 11 Hath hidde them selues in dennes of the sayd rocks hilles When they haue done all mischief and wrought all wickednesse tyranny manslaughter rape adultery lechery extorcion Idolatry sacrylege with all other abhominacions can doe no more thē run they to those hipocrites thē séeke they vp those Antichristes Ther must they be cōfessed there must they hide their sinnes They must be couered with hys dyrty merites with his holy whordome And to be prayed for that monastery must be builded that prebēdary or chauntery must bee founded There must be Masses dyrges ther must be anuaries bead mē He must be buried in S. Frauncis gray coate and he in our Ladies holy habite He must haue S. Dominikes hoode and he sainct Augustines girdle 12 And thus they cry to those earthly hils and rocks to those filthy dunge heapes or dennes of wylde beastes with a fearfull desperate conscience 13 Fall vpon vs with such stuffe as ye haue Couer vs with your works more than néed Pray pray pray sing sing sing say say say ring ring ring Giue vs of your oyle for our lampes are out Helpe vs with your latyne Psalmes Reléeue vs with your lippe labour though all be but dunge and earth Comforte vs with Placebo Helpe vs with Requiem eternam Powre out your Trentall masses spew out your Commendaciōs Sing vs out of that hotte fierie Purgatorie before we come there 14 Hyde vs from the fearefull presence of him that sitteth on the thorne whom we neuer knew to be a merciful father in all our romish medita●ns and the scriptures we abhorred that so would haue taught vs. 15 Conuey vs clean from the wrath of the vngentle Lambe whose doctryne we neuer fauoured nor whose goodnesse we neuer yet trusted 16 For the great day of his wrath is come So certayne we are of hys terrible iudgement as it were now in doing So sure we be to féele him a rightuous iudge as we are sure he liueth 17 And who can bée able to endure it who can abide it doing so muche crueltie rape murther briberie with all other abhominacions as we haue done leauing wicked lawes behynde vs still to continue the same Well with you we haue left our whole rockening ye know our déeds Answere you for vs then for we dare not bée séene If your idle merites helpe vs not we looke for no grace at his hād If your soules be not for ours at that day we perish for euer and euer For we haue not reléeued him a hungred a thirst harbourlesse naked sick and imprysoned in hys poore bretheren confessing his name and veritie But rather wée haue abhorred reuiled blaspheamed spoyled imprisoned shamed and persecuted hym vnto death in them deuysing moste terrible torments for them Thus is there among the wicked sort princes and other where as the word of God is published not only a doubt of their ruinous fall or decay but also a fearfull expectation of the terrible iudgements of God for cōtempt of the same The .vij. Chapter THE TEXT 1 And after that savve I foure Angels 2. stande on the foure corners of the earthe 3. holding the foure wyndes of the earth 4. that the windes shoulde not blowe on the earth 5. neyther on the sea 6. neyther on any tree 7. And I savv another Angell 8. ascend from the rysing of the sunne 9. vvhich had th● seale of the lyuing God 10. And he cryed vvith a loude voyce 11. to the foure Angels to vvhō povver vvas giuen to hurt the earth and the sea 12. saying Hurte not the earth neyther the sea neither the trees 13. till vvee haue sealed the seruaūts of our God in their foreheades The Paraphrase MOre manifestly yet are descrybed héereafter still vnder the mysterie of the sixte seale openynge the Hypocrytes Antychrystes Tyrantes and cruell magistrates forbidding the truth and condempning the word of God After this sayeth Sainct Iohn I saw fowre Aungels of darknesse suffered but not sent of God These are the aforesayde hypocrites with their false doctrine the Antichristes with their pestilent decrées and traditions the cruell princes with their tirannous lawes and the vngodly Maiestrates with their ignoraunce and blindnesse 2 These stande vpon the fowre corners of the earth they reigne in the fowre quarters of the worlde with lyes in hypocrysie errorus in superstition with tyrrany in power and crueltie in executinge humayne lawes 3 They witholde the fowre windes of the earth The doctrine of the spyrite which GOD hath sent to be blowen the worlde ouer they withstande resist stop vexe and euermore persecute 4 least it should blow vppon the earth which is the garden of God dryuinge away from thence all filth and corrupcion 5 Or on the sea which is the waueryng conscience bringing men to a quietous holde and sure stay in the Lord. 6 Or vpon any trée that is growing héere which are men whom GOD hath planted on earth to fructifie in Christ to the comfort of other Wind can be héere no fickle vanitie as the winde of this worlde is for so much as it commeth from aboue These furious Angels care not what crueltie they exercise to driue away this heauēly blast They lay about them like Termagauntes they inhibit sequestre banish emprison sley hang head burne and drown the poore preachers of the verytie the vessels of the election and organes of the holy Ghost and their fiercenesse hath none ende Their power in darkenesse prospereth vpon earth and shal do till they haue fulfilled the whole measuere of their wicked fathers and made vp the number of Gods chosen flock vnder the aulter 7 And whiles these execrable angels were yet stopping this winde or lettinge the frée passage of the Gospell preaching I behelde sayeth Sainct Iohn another Angel of a diuers nature from them for he was the true messenger of God betokeninge the Prophets Apostles and all iust preachers 8 He came forth from the rising of the sunne or as one taught of God in the syncere doctrine of Christe he hath stepped forwarde to publish the same ascending vpward from the low spirit of méeknes to do the godly office 9 He had the seale of the lyuing God in his hande which is the effectuall word of trueth in his mouth to execute it The true ministers of Gods verity haue power to mark his faithfull seruants vnto saluation Their tongs ar● the writing pens of the holy ghost by whō the word of god is registred in the harts of them the beléeue For faith is the very signe whereby Gods seruantes
hypocrites tyrauntes and cruell maiestrates no more perceiue at that day then they now decerne those poore creatures whom they spightfully persecute and kyll to be the true Churche of CHRIST When Helias thought no more true beléeuers but hym selfe left alyue almighty God shewed him of vij thousand more whom he knew not If he were then ignoraunt muche more these fowre Angels of darknesse which now sleyeth vp God seruants as the Iewes dyd Christ. Not for nothing hath god geuen so much knowledge in the Hebrue tongue The Iewes muste be sealed with the worde of veritie They must haue the sure signe of faith They must know and confesse Christ whom god afore promised by the Prophetes that twelue thousand of euery tribe may be sealed vnto saluation For that time must the Antichrists cease Their false interpretations of scripture their wicked traditions their doctrine of deuilles their lies in hypocresie their errours their stinking chastitie whom God and his angels abhorreth and the deuill most highly alloweth with all their other filthynesse they must lay aside Where as afore time they haue immagined other waies of the health and rightuousnesse then by Christe as by infinit sectes of perdition Idol worshiping pardons and other abhominations wtout number they must now be compelled against their wil to resigne them not onely by the manifest truthe but also by those which as yet are enemies both to them and also to the sayde veritie I can not sée it but it worketh euen now as it did in the primatiue churche When the Hethen perceiued the Apostles and Disciples expulsed out of Iewry for the Gospell preachinge for the hate they had to the Iewes they gladly receiued them which was vnto their saluacion though they thought nothinge lesse Not vnlyke is it in this age but that the true prechers and learned men compelled also by tiraunts to decline to the Saracens and Turkes may in lyke maner be accepted of them in spight of the Romishe deuill and his Church and so conuerte them to the true Christen faith whiche they before abhorred Such fauour may they finde amonge them nowe as did Ioseph Daniel Hester Mardocheus Zorababel Nehemias Es●ras Tobias and other amonge the infidels then And lyke as the Iewish sinagoge did at that tyme wholly perish for reiecting Gods word and neuer could recouer since so may that false counterfayte churche of Antychrist come to distruction for contempnynge the same and neuer ryse vp agayne Muche is it to be feared yf they stoppe GODS woorde as they haue begunne least that plague fall on them that lyghted vppon the IEWES at the Siege of Hierusalem by the TURKE nowe or by some other worse then he For though they suffer the Byble to be abroade in the mother tongue in BRABAND HOLLANDE FLAUNDERS FRAUNCE SPAYNE ITALYE and other places yet are they styll as they were Angelles of darkenesse Tyrauntes Persecuters Antichristes and Hypocrites forbiddinge the ryght course of it And not withstandinge their violence yet breaketh it foorth so that innumerable people are dayly sealed vnto GOD. THE TEXT 1 After this I behelde and loe a great multitude vvhiche no man coulde number 2. Of all nacions and people and tongues 3. Stoode before the seate 4. And before the Lambe clothed vvith longe vvhite garmentes 5. And palmes in their handes 6. And cryed vvith aloude voyce saying 7. Saluation be ascribed to hym that sytteth vppon the seate of our GOD 8. And vnto the Lambe 9 And all the Aungelles stoode in the compasse of the Seate 10 And of the Elders and of the fovvre Beastes 11 And fell before the Seate on their faces 12. And vvorshipped GOD sayinge Amen 13 Blessynge and glorye and vvisedome and thankes and honoure and povver and might be vnto our God for euermore Amen The Paraphrase 1 After this saith sainct Iohn I behelde an exceeding multitude of the Gentiles or Heathen marked into the felowship of Christe whom no man was able to number 2 These were of all nacions of the earth of al peoples of the world and of all languages vnder heauen Gréekes Latines Hebrues Caldeans Parthyans Medes Elamites Capadocians Asianes Phrigian Egiptianes Arabianes Syrians Affricanes and Indians 3 They stoode all before the imperyall seate of God It was giuen them by the holy ghost to sée him in faith reigning in hys true church and to take hym for theyr mercyfull Lorde and father 4 They stoode also in the presence of the poore Lambe beutifully cloathed with long whyte garmentes They beléeued Christ to be theyr only sauiour and redéemer and were moste highly accepted before hym for that beléeues sake They lyued purely according to his worde did all things of a sincere conscience taking him for their only health and comfort By hym onely they trusted to haue their sinnes forgiuen wherfore they were by him iustified and restored to perfect innocencie 5 Palmes had they in their handes large and beutifull in token of victorie ouer sinne hell death the diuill which they haue through Christ. 6 And they cryed all with a loude voyce In an earnest fayth they made this strong protestacion saying 7 No merite health nor goodnesse be attributed vnto vs nor yet vnto any creature in heauen nor in earth for vs. But all our whole saluacion lyfe and deliuerance be onely ascrybed vnto hym that sitteth vpon the throne of our God reigning by hys spirite not in the false counterfayte church but in the true christian congregacion 8 And vnto the swéete Lambe Iesus Christ which alone dyed for the same For health is onely the Lordes so is the eternall blessyng and neyther of our works nor yet of our good déeds for the best of them are defiled 9 And all the Angelles or ministers of heauen compassed the throne according to their offyce They assisted the true faithfull church which is the seate of God 10 The xxiiij elders they compassed also so dyd they the .iiij. beastes For ministers they are to the saincts departed and seruaunts to them that be yet aliue 11 They fell downe flatte on theyr faces before the throne They méekely acknowledged them selues the creatures of God and seruaunts to hys congregacion 12 And they worshipped not y● seate but God which sate on the seat Most highly they magnified him and praysed him for restoring their lost number saying So be it euermore as we shall now desire 13 Euerlastyng prayse and glory perpetuall wisedome and thankes continuall honour and poure wyth might which can not be measured be referred vnto our eternall God of all his creatures for euer and euer yea for all that he hath wrought in them Amen THE TEXT 1 And one of the elders answered saying vnto me 2. What are these which are arayed in long white garmēts whēce came they 3 and I said vnto hī 4. Lord thou vvottest 5. And he sayd vnto me 6 these are they vvhich out of
then ryse disprophet then profite 9 For the tenth parte of the city fell to the grounde Their buildinge vpon sand will in no case endure That God hath not planted must vp by the rootes Their holy whoryshe church which is heere called Sodom and Egipt is ruinously decaied their monasteries of monkes their houses of friers their coleges of idle priests with theyr Nuns Chanons chantryes in many places are downe Tythes are not as they haue bene nor Trentals nor other deuocions Images are not sought nor pardons in confession The people inclineth to new learning and goeth from their olde beléeue of holy church They y● were mōks priests friers are now become gospell teachers Such as afore were dead standeth vp now against them boldely This fallen part is heare the tenth for it is the Lords by the law It is the same shéepe that afore was loste and nowe is brought to Christes folde These were called away from thence by the witnesses the other stande yet styll and are euery daye worse and worse 10 In the earthquake were slaine names of men to the number of seuē thousād An innumerable multitude hath ben sent out of the way by these Antichristes in their fury but yet nothinge haue they slayne but their names Onely haue they hurt their bodyes vpon their soules haue they had no power no more than had Sathan vpon the soule of Iob. Yet haue their not names perished befor god for of him are they writen in the booke of lyfe In no case are the wicked of the godly héere put to death though some do so vnderstand it but rather of the wicked the godlie For they neuer retaile their wronges but rather pray for their enimies 11 And the remnaunt or residue were feared saith saint Iohn and gaue glory to God of heauen Of such as were left in their earthquakes or terrible persecutions some remayned in pryson Some were beggered some were exiled some fled some lost their estimacion and friends and yet gaue prayse vnto God 12 In all their aduersities they gloryfied the name of their heauenly father and Lorde Thus haue we héere what is done already and what is it to come vnder this sixt trompet blowyng where vnder we are now which al belongeth to the second wo. 13 And these thinges once accomplished the second woe wyll be past And then looke by and by for the third woe for it wyll folow anone after without faile yea so soone as this second woe is done 14 In the later age of all shall this third woe raigne such time as Gog and Magog most extremly shall rage And the vninuersall iudgement shall finishe that woe as héere after more euidently wyll appeare But consider that these woes are to the infideles The faithfull feareth them not but receiuinge the worde in a pure hart they bringe forth fruite in pacient sufferaunce The xij Chapter NNw foloweth in order the seuēth trumpet blowinge or the pure declaration of Christes ioyfull tydynges for the laste age of the Church vnder the seuenth seale openynge with the wounders and maruayles that there after ensueth THE TEXT 1 And the seuenth Aungell blew 2. And there were made great voyces in heauen 3. Saying The kindomes of this worlde are our Lordes and his Christes 4. And he shall rayne for euermore 5. And the xxiiii elders vvhich sate before God on their seates 6. Fell vpon their faces and worshipped God saying 7. We geue thee thankes Lorde God almighty whiche art and waste and art to come 8. For thou hast receiued thy greate might and hast raigned 9. And the nation● were angry 10. And thy wrath is to come 11. And the time of the dead that they should be iudged 12. And that thou shouldest geue rewarde vnto thy seruantes the Prophets and sayntes 13. And to them that feare thy name small and great 14. And shouldest distroy them which destroye the earth The Paraphrase 1 And the seauenth Angel blewe sayeth Sainct Iohn The seuenth sort of sincere prechers shall vtter their message accordinge to the will of God they shall declare his pleasure as he hath appointed them For though it be spoken heare as past and done for the certentie of the thing yet is it not fulfilled in effecte The word of God was without beginning and his promyse euerlasting yet is it not all perfourmed in his creatures but many things are yet to come 2 After this blaste of the Angell were made great voyces in heauen Many the congregation or kingdom of God his Gospell once purely publyshed by the preachers shall speake godly thinges to the edification of other The simple poore weaklings idotes and infants shall vtter the hydden wisdome of god to the confusion of the great wise men and sage seniours of this world Yea the stones in the streat the outcastes of the world the forsaken people shall wonderfully prayse the Lord. 3 And these shal be their sayings when they shall sée the Antichristes cōfused and not able to speake again The kingdomes of this worlde that were somtime wicked cruel and vnfaithfull are now become the Lords and his Christes of his onely grace and goodnesse Now fall they to the worde that afore thought it foolishnesse Now cleaue they to the trueth that somtime did abhorre it Now haue they in hand the Gospel that afore dyd persecute it as sedicious learning and heresy 4 And in this congregation shal he raigne euermore Continually is he with them that in faith retaineth hys verytie All this shall they vtter with no small reioyce For doubtles after the seauenth seale opening and the gospell preaching then a peaceable time shall be and figured it is by the halfe houre spoken of afore For it shal not continue to the ende Long may not the church of Christ be vnpersecuted But yet this peace for the time shall ●ot onely be an inward peace in the conscience as is alwayes among the faithful but an outward quiet also or a season wtou● persecution abroade 5 And the xxiiij elders saith S. Iohn or the great number of saincts departed whiche sitteth before God on their seats or resteth in his swéet peace in such graces of the spirit as he gaue them by their lyfe time as charite stedfastnesse loue ioy peace méekenesse rightuousnesse and such other lyke fell downe flat vpon their faces 6 Most humblye haue they euer submitted themselues referryng vnto god the father the benfite of their creation and vnto Iesus Christ hys sonne the frée gyft of their redemption Yea sepcialli at this time being vnder the Antler of God knowyng by hys méere goodnesse the number of their brethē shortly to be fulfilled and them selues with thē to be at a gloryous liberty after their gostly sorte they laud hym saying 7 From the verye depth of our spirituall hartes we render vnto thée most hygh thankes Lorde god almighty eternall Father sonne and holy ghost which art one essenciall God and wast without beginninge and shalt be
readers of the Gospell and poore fauorers of Gods trueth 16 Upon the sea sande stande they euer more with theyr grande Captayne to fight this battayle None other lawes haue they to ground thē selues vpon but their owne tradytions and customes with suche fantasticall actes as they dayly make or procure to bée made of Princes for their owne wicked purpose And as their lawes are beggerly and weak so is their vsurped aucthoritie so are their proude titles also so are theyr myters their anointings pompous functions All are sand dust rotten pouder before God not grounded vpon his worde All are vnprofitable chaffe Yea their selues are a ground vnfruitfull sandy vnsure fit for the Dragō to stand vpon to fight against Christes mēbers For they are the very seat of Sathan and hys continuall dwelling place And that he can not do by him self he bringeth euermore to passe by them Innumerable also are their diuilishe practices theyr wyles and their subtilties to vphold their master as are the sandes of the sea The xiij Chapter BY the monstruous vgly and most odious beast rysing out of the sea with seuen heades and ten hornes is ment the vniuersall or whole Antychrist comprehending in him all the wickednesse fury falshead frowardnesse deceipt lyes craftes slaightes subtilties hypocrisie tyrannie myschiefes pride and all other diuillyshnesse of all his malicious members which hath bene sence the beginning The excéeding presumption of them that hate the blessed Lord saith Dauid aryseth day by day Continually thine enimies growe alwayes they increase euermore they prosper in this world Not frō the stedfast or sure ground which are the Lords people ariseth this beast but out of the wauering sea or frō the fickle fellowship and moueable multitude of the vngodly For the wicked sorte after Esay are the raging sea that can not rest whose water fometh with the mire grauel No peace is amōg the vngodly saith the Lorde no vnitie no charitie nor mutuall christian loue It pleased therfore the holy Ghost to prouoke Iohn after hys secret vision to discribe this mightie Antichrist thus in his right colours according to that he had séene to the forewarning of Christes people THE TEXT 1 And I savve a beast ryse out of the sea 2. hauing seuen heads ten horns 3. vpon his horns .x. crounes 4. vpon his heade the names of blasphemy 5. And the beaste vvhich I savv vvas like a cat of the moūtain 6. and his feete vvere as the feete of a Bear 7. his mouth as the mouth of a Liō 8. And the Dragō gaue him 9. his povver 10. and seate 11. and great aucthoritie The Paraphrase 1 I beheld saith sainct Iohn an execrable beast very odious hatefull to looke vpō rising out of the rauenous roaring sea For the wicked auance thē selues as the gréene baye trée in vngodlines the sinagoge of proud hypocrites riseth vp a lofte setting vp their Christes as doeth the fat Cedar trées of Libanus All beastly are they as was Elimas the sorcerer full of filthinesse gile falshead yea the very whelps of the diuil subuerting the waies of God None other is this beast here discribed thē was the pale horse in the fourth age the cruel multitude of locustes in the fift age and the horses of incomparable woodnesse for the sixt 2 Seuen heades and x. hornes had this cruel beast not vnlike therin to the aforesaid red Dragō or Serpēt For looke what pestilēt suggestions in errors lies what deceiuable power in signes wonders hath reigned in the diuil for all ages the same also hath reigned in the wicked members of his beastial body in the furious bishops lawyers doctors priests hipocrytes false magistrats for their heads are their vniuersal crafts their hornes their tirannous aucthhrities vsurped primacies or malignaūt magistrats Thy strōg mightie power Lord saith Dauid hath brokē the dragōs heads in the raging waters Thou hast smitē in péeces the heads of the great Leuiathan Inhaunce not your hornes so hye yée stifnecked Antichrists for the horns of the vngodly wil the Lord pluck down and exalt the horns of the rightuous in the house of Dauid his seruaūt More are the horns here in nūber thā are the heds For greater is the power thā is the suggestiō the vsurped aucthoritie than the craft the Maiestie than the error and much more mischiefe may worke 3 This beast had vpon his .x. horns x. crownes signifying his victorie dominiō primacie ouer the vniuersal worlde and that he through the wickednesse of the people is the vnworthy captayne and prince thereof In this onely poynt differeth the dragon from the beast the diuell frō his mēbres or sathan from his carnal sinagoge He had vii crowns vpon his vi● heads They haue .x. crowns here vpon their .x. hornes For that he hath but in simple suggestion they haue in double power of coactiō Wher as he dooth but dallyingly perswade they may enforce and compell Where as he doth but easely moue they may by rigorous aucthoritie cōstrain Whan he hath propounded an errour they may by their powre establish it for an infallible truth make of it a necessary article of the christian beleue as they haue done of purgatory pardōs confession saints worshipping latin seruice hearing such lyke Whā he hath once made a lye as he is the father of all lyes they may authorise it for an vnwrittē veritie lyke as they haue don many Much more mischif● may they doo beinge his spiritual instruments than he can dooe alone as largely appereth by their works Neuer could sathan thā haue put Christ vnto death had he not entred into Iudas so betrayed him had he not entred into the bishops lawiers so cōdēned hī Neuer had the apostles nor al other godly prechers sens their time béene sent out of the way had not those mytred Mahomets priests wrought still theyr olde feates 4 Upon this beastes head was written the names of blasphemie against the Lord and his Christ. Which are none other than the proude glittering tytles wherewith they garnish their vsurped authoritie to make it séeme glorious to the world hauinge within them contained the great mistery of iniquitie What other els is Pope Cardinall Patriarke Legate Metropolytane Primate Archebyshop Diocesane Prothonotary Archdeakon Official Chaūceller cōmissary Dean prebēd Person Uicar my lorde Abbot maister Doctor and suche lyke but very nams of blasphem For offices they are not appointed by the holy goste nor yet once mencioned in the scripturs What other is it but abhominaton the Pope to wryte him selfe the most holy father the generall vicar of Christe the supreme head of the christian church the only distributer of the treasures of god The bishops priestes also to call them selues their churches bridgromes sitters in gods sted forgeuers of sinne our Ladies chast knights None other are they so abusing their flock in leauing the iust office of
winchester the winker of wiles largely declaring thēselues to be déeply of the same profession and marke 4 But I fynde yet an other thyng in it For it is called here the number of man whose number lyeth all in vj. God created all things for mās commoditie in vj. dayes in the seuēth rested After this creation continued man the space of .vj. ages til the commyng of Christ which brought with him the sabboth of the spirit And this is signified by the greater number which is the vj. hūdred For not vnlike is it to the tyme tymes halfe tyme of Danyel Iohn to the yeares moneths dayes of Helyas Iohn also as we had afore Since Christes ascention hath the church continued by vj. other ages of much lesse tyme cōprehended in the .vj. seales in the latter end of whom we are now And this shall conclude with suche a sabboth of peace in the fréedome of Gods worde as hath not bene since the beginning Sathan shall be tyed vp and the true beléeuers shall occupye in much quietnesse the beast cōdempned with all hys false Prophetes And this is the n●mber of the sixt But this peace shall not thus in quietnesse long continue For longe can not Christes church be without persecution Sathan shal be loosed againe and the beleauings of the beast shall set vp their bristles and persecute the Sainctes a fresh Agayn shal they plant builde rauish kepe whores ryot and ruffle as though they should long continue But sodainly shall the latter iudgement day of the Lord light vpō them vnbewares the perpetuall Sabboth of ioye shyning to the electe flocke of Christ. And this is the least number of all compared here vnto six And may well be signified by the xlij moneths afore which is ryghtly vj. seuenthes in the which they shall treade downe the holy citie or cōgregation of the Lord once againe This latter accounte was founde out by a certayne vnnamed disciple of Iohn Wycleue and I suppose it most agréeing to the truth The second sabboth here or libertie of Gods truth hath had his shew in England alreadie if ye marke it well And whither it wil yet appeare more open or nay it is in the Lords handes let vs pray and hope for it hath great lykelihoode of a much farther appearaunce 5 Since the worlds beginning hath the misterie of iniquitie wrought in Caine and in his posteritie and so cōtinued in the beastly members of Antichrist and so shall doe still to the latter day Therefore is it no lesse than the number of men six hundred sixtie and sixe Thus is he tokened with all wickednesse that admitteth the false fayth of this beast and folowith the same in his liuing by the subtile perswasions of the bishops and their lying Prophets is sealed vp to eternall dampnacion vnles the Lord cal him in time Not only in England is healed the beastes wounded heade but also in ohter certain regions But for so much as it is most liuely don there and this booke written in that language I haue onely brought forth héere examples thereof in that purpose The xiiij Chapter IN this present chapter declareth the Lord vnto Iohn and vnto his faithfull seruants by him the degrée estate cōdiciō of his true beléeuing church now after he hath afore lyuely described the beastiall churche of Antichrist of his horned spiritualitye by the afore named ii mōstrous beastes And this is that his louers should know what they be which are of his houshold what an helper they haue of him in the midst of their aduersities to the comfort of their soules And though they bee heere amonge those raging tirantes in tirrible agonies paines persecutions troubles he is neuer absent from thē nor will not be till he hath rewarded them with vnspeakeable Ioyes THE TEXT 1 And I looked and lo a Lambe stoode in the mount Sion 2. and with him an C. and xliiij thousand 3. hauing his fathers name written in their foreheads 4. And I hearde a voice from heauen 5. as the sound of many waters 6. and as the voice of a great thūder 7. And the voice that I hearde was 8. as the harpers that playe vpon their harpes 9. And they sang as it were a nevve song 10. before the seat 11. and before the foure beasts 12. and the Elders 13. And no man could learn that songe 14. but the hundereth and xliiij thousand 15. vvhich vvere redeemed from the earth 16. These are they vvhich vvere not defiled vvith vvomen 17. for they are Virgynes 18. These follovve the Lambe vvhither so euer he goeth 19. These were redeemed from men 20. being the first fruites vnto God and to the Lambe 21. and in their mouthes was found no guile 22. for they are without spotte before the trone of God The Paraphrase 1 I looked saith Sainct Iohn on the other side in a thought as it were I behelde that a Lambe stoode vpon mount Sion Euen the Lambe of God Iesus Christ that alone tooke away the sinnes of the world Alone doeth he gouerne his faythfull church as the onely and immediate head therof hauing none other to assist him in that office For who is the King ouer Siō but he Who shall reduce Israell again to his folde but he Only is hée with his congregation to ayde them with his word to bolden them with his spirite to strengthen them with his grace 2 And with him were presente an hundreth and .xliiij. thousand hauing his fathers name written in theyr foreheads So many as haue in hart receiued his word and in faith digested his verity are the very children of Abraham and are marked vp for the sonnes of god by the seale of the holy Ghost 3 For power haue they geuen thē to be Gods children that beleue in his name And this is it to haue his name written in thir foreheads For their faith declareth thē Gods sonnes Let this set number be none impedimēt to the reader to be taken here for the vniuersall multitude of the faithful as well of the gentiles as of the Iewes that beleueth though it otherwise appeareth in the viii Chapter of this booke For so well is the gentle that hath faith a perfecte Israeltie as is the Christen Iew. Yea much rather was Zachius for his faith iudged Abrahams childe thā was Simon for fulfilling the workes of the lawe For God is not parciall Whatsoeuer he be y● feareth him worketh rightuousenesse is accepted with him And so is it ment heare And therefor is not the difference written here as in the other place but al is ioyned in one to comprehende all vnder one And as touching the equall certaintie in nūber both here and there Like as it is there certainly knowne vnto God euen so is it here thoughe it be vnto vs both innumerable vncertaine Not as concerninge the number it selfe but the common vnderstanding thereof in the scriptures For if
thē or remoue thē By his rightfull iudgement at his only pleasure he hardeneth As the potter may he break thē or make them vessels of dishonor 6 In no wyse did this peruerted multitude repēt their wicked blasphemies to giue him glory for all their cōfessyons masse hearings pilgrimages satisfactions without number For they were not according to his prescription 7 After none other sort wil he be plea and glorified than he hath by his scriptures appointed Nothing lesse ar their fantasies than true repentance THE TEXT 1 And the fifte Angell powred out his vyall 2. vpon the seat of the beast 3. his kingdome vvaxed darke 4. And they gnevve theyr tongues for sorrovve 5. and blasphemed the God of heauen for sorovv and payn of their sores 6. and repented not of theyr deedes The Pharaphrase 1 In order succéedeth by the diuine ordinaūce the fifte Angel vnder the fifte seale opening powring out his vyal of Gods indignation vpon the seat of the beast After none other sorte than the Lorde had afore prediffined for mans vnfaithfulnesse sake was the proude beastly kingdome of the papacie the execrable reigne of Mahomet replenished with all filthy abhominations vnder the sunne For in the other age afore they did but créepe into the hartes of men through the glitterings of hypocrisie and dissimulate sanctitie 2 But here haue they obtayned the power seat and aucthoritie of the beaste and so gotten vnto them the myghtie Monarchies of the vniuersall worlde Here raigned they without checke in all vain glory hautinesse malice pryd murther hipocrisie superstitiō Idolatry and blasphemy of Gods name 3 And therfore their kingdomes as all one in diuillishenesse became all darke without the light of Gods veritie full of the stinking smoke of the bottomlesse pitte Than went the locusts abroad and filled the world with ignorance and blyndnesse 4 Euery where gnewe they theyr tōges for very sorow In detracting the veritie muche griefe they suffered in their desperate hartes their wormes not dying nor their fyre quenched the scorpiōs of the earth stinging them also 5 Spitefully they blasphemed the omnipotent Lord of heauen for very anguish dolour of their sores woūds For none other are the fruites of a desperate cōscience thā blasphemies of God as in Cain Iudas and such other lyke None other are the vtterances of an vnpenitent harte but heauy hatefull murmurings 6 And therefore it followeth that they repented them not of their déeds For in a cruciate or fearfully vexed conscyence can neuer dwel true repentāce So vnquietous alwayes is the foolishe desperate mynde as is the troubled raging sea A wicked harte is laden with sorrowes heaping sin vpon sin the Sinagoge of proude hipocrites hauing no health In the fifte seale opening and trumpet blowing is more of this mysterie declared which agréeth much with this vyall of God lyke as doeth the other with the other in their numbers though not in their figures The texte 1. And the sixt Angell poured out his viall 2. Vpon the great riuer of Euphrates 3. And the water dried vp 4. That the way of the Kings 5. Of the east should be prepared 6. And I saw three vncleane spirits like frogs 7. Come out of the mouth of the dragō 8. and out of the mouth of the beaste 9. And out of the mouth of the false prophet 10. For they are the spirits of deuilles 11. Workinge miracles to goe out 12 Vnto the kinges of the earth of the whole vvorld 13. to gather thē to the battel 14. Of the great day of god almightie 15. Beholde I come as a thiefe 16. Happy is he that vvatcheth 17. And kepeth his garments 18. Least he be found naked 19 And men see his filthynesse 20. And he gathered them together into a place 12 called in the Hebrue tonge Armagedon The Paraphrase 1 In course now followeth the sixte Angel of gods appointment vnder the sixt seal opening shedding out his ireful viall vpō the great riuer Euphrats a floud of the Assirians or of Babilon betokening in misterye the pleasaunt possessions and wauering delights of the Papisticall cleargye with suche lyke 2 Into all filthy desires of carnal and worldlye lustes gaue the Lorde their hartes ouer in the sixt age of the christian church for their vnbeléeues sake to doe those things which are vncumly and beastly So that all their study trauaile and labour sought to none other end but onely to abound in them Wholly were they geuen therevnto and nothing to the glory of God in all their practised obseruations 3 Yet were the waters therof in processe of time dryed vp Their wealthy pompes possessions pleasures their false feats once knowne are shal be clearely taken away from them For after Iesus Sirach the plant of sinne shall be rooted out in the proud Sinagog of the wicked 4 And all this shal be to prepare the way of the kinges from the spring of the sunne Neuer shall the gouerners walke in the waies of the Lorde nor rule according to Christes doctrine nor yet that doctrine be apert open til the waters be dryed vp not one drop remaining So long as the priests dwell in wanton delights vaine pleasures either are the princes childishe or els tyrannous according as their déeds require 5 Neuer are they kinges from the spring of the sunne or accordinge to Christs rule séeking Gods honour with Dauid and Iosias In England by the Gospell preaching haue many of these waters bene dryed vp in the suppression of monasteries priories couents fryers houses yet are not all things brought vnto Christes clere institution A sincere christē order can not yet beséene there And a great cause why For all is not yet dryed vp there The bishops reigne still in as much vaine gloryous pompe and with as manye Heithenish obseruacions as euer they dyd As cruelly harted and as bloudye mynded are they yet as euer they were afore no mischiefe vnsought to holde in the waters Mark how Winchester Durham York London and Lincolne woorketh with such other pleasantly disposed Euphratines But be of good comfort and pray in the meane time For the holy ghoste promiseth here they shall wither away with all that the heauenly father hath not plāted All that generation wyll the Lordes breath consume Now is the axe layde to the roote of the trée to hewe downe the vnfruitfull braunches the withered reserued to vnquenchable fyer God graunt the Princes at that daye more christenly to bestow the waters of Euphrates than they haue yet bene bestowed noe prouision made for the poore nor yet order set for the gospell preaching For great part of it is now turned to the vpholdings of dise playing maskinge and bankatinge yea I woulde I coulde not by iust occasions speake it bribing whoring and swearing the townes peoples and housshouldes miserablye decayed whiche wyll not one day be vnplaged vnlesse they repent 6 Furthermore I saw sayeth saint Iohn in the same self vision
They fashioned thē selues to the example that was shewed thē in the mount 3 None other are these horses then their corruptible bodyes prepared to battail They which are of Christ doth mortifie the vices and lustes of theyr flesh they tame their carnall affectiōs Like perfect men they brydle their bodies to the obedience of the spirite So to become the true seruantes of rightuousnesse and no more to do seruice vnto sin White are these horses for the pure word of the Lord which gouerneth thē No meruaile though these myghtie souldyers foloweth the Lord cōsidering he is so oft in the scriptures called the lord of hosts A like similitude dyd the seruant of Helizens the Prophet behold in a vision throug Gods permission in Dotham 4 This army of the Lord here were appareled preciously with pure white silk or fine raynes betokening the pure innocensy which they haue in Christe theyr general captain Not carnal is this armour but euermore spirituall after the doctrine of S. Paule Though we walke in the flesh saith he yet do we not fight after a fleshly maner For the weapons of our warre are not carnal things but things mighty in God Bewtifull fayre is my welbeloued saith the eternall Salomon for hys soule pleaseth his Lord and is loued agayn of him His fauour his mercy is vpon his holy ones he hath a louing respect vnto his chosen number A notable singe of victory in the faithfull are also these white horses vestures for afore they ar called iustificacions of the saintes 5 And out of his Godly mouth sayth the Text proceded forth a two edged swerd which is the fearce iudgement of his mighty word By this effectual swerd are the faithfull beleuers woūded vnto life and the vnbeleuers to the death of dampnacion For vnto some it is the sauour of life and vnto some againe the sauour of death vnto death By this swerd also shal the dead braūches be cut from the vine and the corrupted members from the whole body The gotes shal be deuided from the lambes and the euil from the rightuous Oh how sharp fierce and tirrible wil this sentence of the lords indignaciō be at that day Depart from me ye cursed into euerlasting fyre Yet shall it be vnto the faithful a perpetuall power victory triumphe ouer their enymies 6 Ouer besides all this goeth that swerd frō his eternal mouth to the intēt he should therw t correct their Heathē or reform● thē of their heathinish life So that if they wil not at the wholsome admonishmēts of his word repent and amend their olde conuersacion that than they should be condemned by the same for their wilful contempt If men wil not turne saith Dauid he shall whet his swerde against them He wil sharpen it as the lightening and aquite his enymies their wickedmes 7 This mighty Lord shal rule them with a strong rodde of yron which is the inuincible veritie This is the rod of right order the septure of the kingdome and the wand of power whom the Lord sent frō Sion to haue sway among our enymies So strong is this septure that it wil not bowe No place wil it geue to the contrary parte If they will not therewith be ordred he shall breke them in peces as the potter doth his pot in such maner as they neuer shal recouer agayne 8 The winefat of the great fiercenesse and sore displeasur of almighty God shal he tred downe with power More greuously shal they be opressed at this latter comming by his set sētence thā they wer afore at Hierusalē by Uespasianus and Titus The vineyarde of the Lord of hostes was the house of Israell This brought he out of Egipt by strong hande Thereof looked hée to haue had grapes and it brought hym foorth bryers and thistles Their vines were as the wilde vines of Sodome Bitter were their grapes as the poyson of Dragons and as the cruel gaul of Adders Therfore will he break the hedge and throw downe the wal that it may be troden vnder foote 9 Great anguishe shall bée vpon the earth in his fury and wrath vpō that people in his anger They shall fall on the edge of the swerd and be dispersed Both here shall they haue griefe and also in the world to come 10 This victorious horse man hath vpon his white vesture besprinckeled with bloud which is his innocent māhood crucified 11 And vpō his tender thigh whom some call his churche some his scriptures as flesh of his fleshe or spirite of his spirite this name of magnificence written 12 In both of them is it manifestlye expressed that he is both king of kinges and also Lorde of Lordes the great guide of right gouernours and that monarke of godly magistrates By kings is his generation discribed of Mathew in the posteritie of Dauid and of Luke by faithfull fathers vnto Adam which had the first promise of health Both doth the godly actes of his natural māhood and also the holy spirite whom he left here to the comfort of all true beléeuers declare that he is the eternall attourney of God his Apostles true seruaunts affyrming the same And these are his garmente and thigh By hys death is our nakednesse couered which are his misticall members Of his spirite is our strength which are the generation séeking the Lord of Iacob 13 Both hath he giuen hym of God the high seat of Dauid his father and also the vniuersall power in heauen and in earth as he by whom all things were first created For his power is an euerlasting power and his kingdome such as shall neuer perishe And all this is comprehended in that he is called the sonne of the highest and in that he alone hath immortalitie inhabyting the light that no man can attayne to whom be honour and euerlasting empire Amen In this vesture and thigh are his titles written as to hys onely behou e that no man shuld of presumption vsurpe them neither by supremite nor vycarage his church and posteritie acknowledging the same euermore THE TEXT 1 And I savve an Angell 2. stande in the sunne 3. and he cryed vvith a loude voyce 4. saying to all soules that flye by the middest vnder the heauen 5. Come and gather your selues togither 6. vnto the supper of the great God 7. that ye may eate the fleshe of kynges 8. of high captaine 9. the flesh of mightie men 10. and the flesh of horses 11. and of them that sit on them 12. and the flesh of all free men bondmen 13. both of small and great The Commentary 1 After this reuelation I sawe saith sainct Iohn a beautifull Angell betokening not onely the Apostles but all other faithfull ministers in the word els hauing the Apostles spirite 2 In the sunne stedfastly stoode thys Angell which signifieth Christ that cleare sunne of rightuousnesse the bright morning star in the middest of the cloude the expresse Image of God substance of his
2. Come dovvne from heauen 3. hauing the key of the bottōlesse pyt 4. And a great chayne in his hande 5. And he toke the Dragon the olde serpent vvhyche is the Diuell and Sathanes 6. And hee bounde hym a thousand yeares 7. And cast hym into the bottomlesse pitte 8. And he bounde hym 9. and sette a seale on hym 10. that hee should dis●eyue the people no more 11. tyll the thousande yeares vvere fulfilled 12. And after that must he be losed 13. for a lyttle season The Commentary 1 IN the end of these reuelations afore rehersed saieth S. Iohn sawe I in a secrete vysion an Angell of most singuler bewtye betokning Iesus Christ the Aungell of Gods eternall couenaunt 2 From the high heauen aboue came this Angell downe vnto the earth sent of the euerlasting father For neyther spared that louing father to sende his most dere and onely sonne at the time appoynted nor yet the obedient sonne to submit him selfe to the shape of a seruaunt and so become manne ●i●t●riously did he ouercome both deathe and the Diuell as appeareth by hys great miracles resurrection and ascēcion And lyke as he came downe first of all with a p●ssible meekenesse so came he downe ater that wyth an impassyble and inuysible mayiestie Sodeine was thys latter comminge downe most maruelous to the worlde such tyme as he by his heauenly spirit replenished his Apostles with all necessary knowledg And the noyse therof was hearde the worlde ouer tuche tyme as they did preach it abrode Sīsibly was this cōming downe expressed in Saule olso the mighty power therof when hée throwe him to the grounde and sayd Saule Saule why persecutest thou me 3. Thys Aungell had the keye of the bottomelesse pet or power ouer hell and a greate chayne in hys hande or full libertie to restrayne the spirituall aduersarie For vnto him was geuen all power in heauen and in earth 4 Authoritie had he to destroye him that had rule ouer death which was than the Diuell Though I was dead sayth Christ yet am I now a lyue 〈◊〉 euer and euer hauing the keyes both of death and hell 5 And accordinge to his authoritys sayth saynt Iohn he toke the fierce Dragon in hande that was wonte so maliciously to noy that olde wily serpent that of so long tyme hath wyth infinite craftes deceiued which is the very diuell himselfe or malicious accuser of man and is called Sathan or the cruell aduersarye as he is moste worthy For both is he a spightfull aduersarie to God euermore withstāding his will also vnto man in plucking him backe frō folowing the same 6 Lyke a most valiaunt captain fell he vpō that stronge armed house watcher ouercame him depriuing hym both of weapon and spoyle He layed a snare for the outragious Behemoth and caught him He ringed the nose of the greate Leuiathan and so brought him vnder Yea he bounde that malicious sathan and made him sure for a thousande yeares space to make of the vessels of wrath the vessels of mercy This did he by his stronge worde of couenaunte whome he made for a thousand generations And a full perfourmaunce it is of Gods first promise for mannes behoue that Christ should tread downe the head of the serpent For a thousande yeares was this restraynte Marke besides the misterie the tyme from the ascention of Christ vnto the dayes of Siluester the second Bishop of Rome of that name and ye shall all finde that it was frō Christes natiuitie a complete thousande after all the Historiographers By such Nicromancy as he learned of a Sarazin in Spayne obtayned he the papacy as witnesseth Iohn Wycleaue in his booke De solutiōe sathane in Christes vicarship he lowsoned that diuell whō Christ had afore shut vp and sett him againe at large to deceiue a freshe Cōsider for the tyme that hée was thus bound the constaunt saith of the christians and the inuincible heartes of thyr martyrs and ye shall finde them farre different from them which hath bene since He was then so weake so infatuate and babysh that not onely wyse men learned men and stronge men dyd set him lyghte but also yong maydens chyldren and tender infantes in a maner did laugh him to scorn set all his subttle slaights at nought Euidente wyll this bee to all them that shall read the liues of the holye martirs sainctes of the primatiue church Lyke a byrde was that croked Leuiathan in those dayes so tamed that no man set by him at all 7 For not onely was he then bound but also throwen downe with violēce into the bottomelesse pytte For that tyme might they go safe vpon the adder and scorpion they might tread vnder their féete both the Lyon and Dragon Both the Diuell and his Angels might they then set at nought 8 Yea he was shutte vp and so was double bounde So was his power taken from him that vpon neither side could he harme Neyther was he able to plucke them from Christes fayeth by flatteringe prosperitie nor yet by vrgent aduersitie Neither could tyrānies nor herisies for that time preuail agaynst the Gospell 9 Fynally he set a sure seale vpō him which was his word will and commaūdemēt that he should no more of his own presumption deceiue the people with errours Idole worshipings that beleued in him or that were predestinat to be saued till such time as the afore sayd thousād yeres wer fully acōplished or as he shoulde permit him thervnto for their vnbeleues sake 10 By thys doth the holy Ghost here assartayne vs that Christ hath so suspended the subtilties and suppressed the venemouse craftes of Sathan for his electes that he can not hurt them in one heire of their head For onely is all this spoken for the chosen number No part hath therein the reprobate vessels neuer was the Diuell from thē yet speared bat hath bene in all ages with thē famyliar Onely are the consciences of the rightuous by thys fréedome quieted all other still left in captiuitie This reuelation respecteth in this poynt the inwarde kingedom of Christ or the hidden congregation of the faithfull whom the worlde beholdeth with froward eyes and not the blasynge Sinagoge of Antichrist whom it laugheth vpon so freshly 11 None otherwyse were they for all those thousand yeares vexed of Sathā and his curssed members but as was pacient Iob in their outwarde substaunce bodies No power had he vpon their soules all that longe season 12 And where as it is here sayed that after these thousand yeares Sathan must be let lose agayne for a certayne teme Consider it to be the promise of God which must in effect be fulfilled Not that he shall agayne lose him which hath once bound him for euer vut that he shall permit other to doe it according to his threatning promise the vnthankefulnesse and mallyce of wicked doers requiring none other In the end of these thousand yeares raigned in the papacy at Rome
there were of both sortes So well was he accepted that mortyfied the desires of the fleshe and offered himselfe a lyuinge sacryfyce vnto God as hée that gaue his life for the veritie 14 But the residue sayth saint Iohn or the other sort called the deade men for that they were not numbred with the ryghtuous neyther among them that sate vpon the seates nor yet amonge them that were slayne for the witnesse of Iesu lyued not agayne after they were once dead tyll the thousand yeres of their death was throughly fulfilled The time was whan they which wer dead through sin did heare the voyce of the sonne of God They fatihfuly beleued the word therof so it reuiued in him vnto the lyfe euerlasting which was both the life light of men Wher as the froward con●ēners of the lyuing word hauing their cōsciēces sealed with the beasts marke remained stil in their infidelitie which is the very death of the soule so were by the right iudgemēt of God lost for euer For the sin against the holy ghost which is a resistāce against the manifest truth shal neither be forgeuen in this worlde nor yet in the world to come 15 A time without end doth this word till cause this thousand here to be after the commō vsage of the scripture Noe sent forth a Rauen out of the arke whiche returned not agayne tyl the waters were dryed vp that is to say he neuer returned again Ioseph knew not Mary til she had brought forth hir first borne sonne That is to say he neuer bodely knew hir Thou shalte not out of prison till thou hast payde the vttermost mite .i. thou shalte neuer out With an hundreth of suche places in the Bible THE TEXT 1. This is that first resurrection 2. Blessed and holy is he that hath part in the first resurrection 3. For on suche shall the seconde death haue no povver 4. But they shall be the prists of God and of Christ. 5. And shal raign vvith him a thousand yeares The commentary 1 This is the first resurrection vnto lyfe to ryse from sin to repentaunce from ignoraunce to godly knowledge and from darknesse to faith Through the offence of one man entred sin into the world and through sin death Necessary it is therefore to dye vnto sin and to liue vnto rightuousnesse And so to rise togither with Christ séekyng the things which are aboue not vpō earth For neuer shal they come to the seconde resurrection which is vnto the lyfe euerlasting that will not ryse by repentaunce vnto a new lyfe in hym which is both resurrection and lyfe 2 Blessed is that man of the Lord yea holy iust and perfect may he be reported also of all men which hath porcion conuenient in the first resurrection with Dauid Magdalene Zacheus and Peter Happy are they which hearing the word of God retayneth it in theyr lyuing For they being renued with the glad tydinges of lyfe are depured by the spirite of Christ sanctified and so made the habitacles of the holy Ghost 3 Upon such Godly dysposed persons hath the seconde death of the soule which is eternal dampnatiō no maner of power nor effectual iurisdiction For no damnation can be vnto them which are in Christ Iesu not walking after the fleshe Though they haue bene great sinners yet shall not theyr sinnes be to them imputed but in the resurrectiō of the wrightuous shall they ryse to immortalyte and be as the very Angels in heauen He that hath taken frō thē the poore of death shall make thē sure of eternal inheretaūce with god 4 They shall surely bée the chosen priestes of God the euerlasting father and of his eternall sonne Iesus Christ whiche are of the firste resurrection Though they be here in the flesh yet fight they not after the flesh but they shall folow the gouernaunce of the spirit geue ouer their bodis for a liuing sacryfice holy and acceptable vnto God 5 And thus shall they reigne with christ their merciful sauiour redemer for the space of the thousād yeres afore named None other toke they all that longe seasō for theyr spiritual Messyas their eternall King their hygh Bishop for all their mayster their Lorde their gyde their lyght and the shepeherde of theyr soules None other wold they acknowledge but him for their mediatoure attonement maker neyther Moyses nor Samuell Noe Daniell nor Iob Iohan Baptist Mary nor Peter Hée onely was vnto them all wysedome ryghtuousnesse holynesse and redēption In none other name coulde they fynde health and saluation but alone in hys Nothing pertayneth this vnto the Popes masse sayers for they call vpon many names wyth Ora pro nobis and are of a far other priesthode as we haue declared afore In christes kyngdō is none outwarde Priesthode nor sacryfice to be made for sin For he hath with one oblaciō for all fully satysfied for the sins of his electe number for euer The office of a Christē man now is onely to offer vp himselfe by the deniall of himselfe and by the mortificatiō of his fleshe In the holy supper of the Lorde which is a mutuall participaciō of his bodi bloud is no new sacrifice to be made but onely a faithfull remembraūce to be taught of that full and perfect sacrifice that he made once for all vnlesse we will betray him and crucifie him againe The dutie of a minister in Christes cōgregation is with all study and diligence to labour in the holy worde of God be he bishop priest Chaplayne Pastour or preacher Hys ministration is great labour no dygnitie payne and not pryde or arrogancie And hauing his foode and rayment he ought to require no more THE TEXT 1 And vvhan the thousande yeares are expyred 2. Sathan shall be loosed out of prison 3. and shall go out 4. to diseeiue the people 5. vvhich ar in the foure quarters of the earth 6. Gog Magog 7. to gather them togither to battle 8 vvhose number is as the sande of the sea 9. And they vvent vpon the plaine of the earth 10. and compassed the tentes of the sayntes about 11. and the beloued Citie 12. And fyre came dovvne from God out of heauen 13. and deuoured them 14. And the Diuell that deceyued them 15. vvas cast into a lake of fyre and brymstone 26. vvhere the beast and the false Prophet vvere 17. and shall be tormented daye and nighte for euermore The Commentary 1 After the plentnous description of the true church of Christe which is vnknowen to the worlde for the glorious doughter of the eternall Kinge is from within sayth Dauid now foloweth in course the pernicious kingdome of Antechrist whan it was in the hyghest pryde so soone as the afore rehersed thousande yeares sayth saynt Iohn are fully accōplished or brought to an ende 2 Sathan the common aduersarie of man shal be loosed out of his darke pryson and so shal be set at large by the sufferance
that we nowe haue of the sea shall cease in that day of the Lorde whan we shall beholde hym face to face No longer shall it be subdued vnto vanitie no more than the other creatures but clerely depured from fylthy corruption No more shall it be the same to sée to being frō thens forth so claer● as cristall though it styll be the same in substaunce 6 Heauen earth the sea wyth all other creatures in mistery thus renewed I Iohan the sonne of Zebede the same dysciple whom Christ loued being here in exyle for hys worde testimony perceyued in the saue mystery by the singular gyfte of the spirite the the selfe holy cytie or congregation of the Lorde whych is worthely called the new Hierusalem of peace descended downe out of heauen from hir omnipotēt creator God eternall 7 Holy is this cyty For both is she here the vndefiled spouse of the lambe and shal be hereafter more perfectly in the regeneracion Here admytteth she nothing in faithe that is prohpane and carnal but cleaneth to his only worde There shal she folowe his steppes in a much more pure estate clearly delyuered from all that is ill 8 Here is she newe in that she hath here by his godly spririte done of the olde man wyth hys fylthy workes And ther shal she also be new through hys gifte by throwinge awaye the bodye of sinne wyth death and corrupcion 9 Hierusalem is she called both here and there or peceable city of the Lord in that all hir cytizens are here of one faith and ther shal be of one glorious vnity and concorde Here are hir dwellers citizens with the saintes the househould seruants of god Ther shall they be both hys chyldren and heires togyther wyth Christ. 10 From God came she downe and out of heauen fyrste of all Neyther out of flesh nor bloud hath spronge hir Christen beléeue but frō the gracyous openinge of the father which is in heauē That Hierusalem saith Paul which is frée our mother is from aboue She is that Cytie whose builder and maker is God With none other lawes is she gouerned but with hys eternall testament and Gospell of peace With the constitutions of men hath she nothing to doe be they neuer so holy and precious For alone she dependeth on God and hys spirite 11 Of hym is she prepared through the gyft of fayth She is clensed with the fountayne of water in the worde of lyfe to séeme a glorious congregation without blemysh or wrincle From hir sinnes is she purely washed in his bloud 12 And so garnyshed as a beutifull bryde to hir husbande with loue ioye peace paciēce méekenesse long suffering other glorious fruites of the spirit Upon thy right hand Lorde sayth Dauid standeth a quene in a garmēt of most fyne golde compassed with diuersitie But euery man shall not se this hir apparell for it wil be rather a rayment of the harte than of the outwarde body Figured was this decking of hir at large in the wonderfull adourning of the temple and tabernacle of God in the dayes of Moyses and Salomon whose mysticall meting also he describeth in his cantycles How maruelous this newe Hierusalē wyll be in the regeneration whan shée meteth hir spouse in the ayre and how glorious hir countinaunce wyth him it lyeth not in vs to declare in all poyntes considering that neyther eye hath séene nor eare harde neyther can the hearte coniecture what God hath there prepared for them that loue hym but of this are we sure that wyth the glorye of him she shal be replenished Here is hir estate vnperfect and there perfect here mortall there immortal here sower ther sweet here harde there pleasaunt here paynfull there dilectable here Godly there inestimable glorious 13 And as Iohn had séene these wonderfull thinges and mused much vpō them a great voyce came vnto hym from the seate of God declaring the mistery thereof I hard sayth he in the middest of this last reuelation as I was in doubt what it ment a mightie voyce from the throne of my euerlasting Lorde saying thus vnto mée 14 Beholde Ihon beholde marke it both for thyne owne erudicion and also for the instruction of others The holy tabernacle or restyng place of the euerlastinge God of heauen is wyth men in the worlde beneth Not onely in that the eternall sonne of the Lorde toke vpon him the shape of a man callyng it the temple of hys body but also in that the soule of euery faythfull man is become the habitacle of the holy ghost He that loueth me sayth Christ obserueth my word In hym will both I and my father prouide vs a resting place He that is in loue abideth in god and God dwelleth in hym 15 This voice might Iohn well heare from the mouth of God in Esechiell I will make sayth he ther a perpetuall couenaunt wyth man to dwell with hym euermore My tabernacle shal be amonge them So that I wyll be their God and they shal be my people 16 For why it foloweth here in this voyce that he hath determined of fauourable loue mercy to dwell with them assisting them here in thys lyfe by hys spirite and in the lyfe to come shall he satysfye them by his eternall presence For here doe we sée hym in a similytude farre of there shall wee beholde hym lyke as he is in dede and shall eternally reioyce therein 17 Here are they his people through fayth for Israell is his heritage There shall they be his familiar housholde through loue and he their Lord for euer Here shall they be his chyldren and he theyr eternall father Ther shall they be his heyers Christ being the right heyer for them all 18 Thus God his owne selfe of hys inestimable goodnesse being presētly with them shall here by his grace and therby inestymable benefites shewe him selfe in all poyntes to be theyr moste mercyfull and louing God Here doth he strongly assist thē agaynst all temptations of enimyes There shall be endue them wyth full perfection and clerenesse 19 So shall he be theyr god that neither here nor yet ther shal they knowledge any other but hym alone Hée shall so comfort them here by his spirite and ther by his glorious presēce that neyther shall they here forsake hym nor there be deuyded from hym 20 And thys euerlasting god shall so wype away all teares from their eyes here that no vexacion shall make thē sorowfull nor yet aduersitie pensyue But all maner of slaunders and persecutions shall they take for most suffren consolations for his names sake For if he be wyth them who can preuaile against them 21 And after that day can no wepings be whereas shal be full ioye with immortalitie both of soule and body Beholde sayth the Lorde in Esayes prophecye I shall make a ioyfull Hierusalem yea and my selfe will reioyce there with them From thence forth shall neyther waylyng nor weping be harde in hir
〈…〉 breake promise nor go from the 〈◊〉 that I haue once spoken Both heauen and earth shall passe ouer but not 〈◊〉 of my wordes shall passe 〈◊〉 at theyr tymes appoynted The worde that goeth out of my mouth 〈◊〉 not returne home again 〈…〉 both accomplysh my wyll prosper the thing I sent it for Ned●full is it therfore that all men beleue that I shall fulfil the couenauntes here promised 6 Moreouer than this the sayd heauenly Lorde sayd thus vnto me to put me clerely out of doubt 7 It is fintshed and done already Be thou assertayned that my worde is my dede In the beginning I spake but the worde all things were created heauen earth the lyght the firmamēt the Sunne the Mone the fowles the fishes the beastes and last of all man Whatsoeuer I say therfore ought to be beleued as nowe done in dede be it to the rightuous or damned For all thinges are present afore me In tokē whereof the prophetes and fathers vttered their prophesies of thinges to come in the time past for the more part for the sure certentie of them 8 And take these my wordes so much to be the more certayne that I which haue made those promyses haue all thynges in my power I am the firste and the last fyguratly comprehended vnder Alpha Omega the first the last Gréeke letters as a knowen 〈…〉 the Gréekes vnto whome this 〈◊〉 was fyrst written 〈…〉 God was there before me nor 〈…〉 after me I am God from euerlastyng and world without ende 9 I am he that hath begon al thing● I am he againe that shall fynish them I am alone there is none other God but I. I sley I quicke I smi●e I heale I set vp I put downe Through me doth kings raygne euery mans 〈◊〉 is in my hande Wherfore it is reasō y● they haue recourse vnto me 10 I am that fresh fountaine that ●say speaketh of most hyghly necessary to them that will lyue Uery lyberall shal he finde me the séeketh me in faith 11 To him that is a thyrst or desierous of rightuousnesse wil I geue to drinke of the plentuous welspring of the wholsome waters of life And that wil I doe fréely without pryce or payment eyther of Masse or merites dead su●frages or deseruinges Laye out your mony on more for ●he thing the fedeth not spende no more trauayle about the thing that helpeth not Come vnto me all you that labour and are loaden and I shall refresh you So desirously séeke vnto me your God as the hart séeketh to the brokes of water For with me is the well of lyfe euerlasting With my pleasaunt riuers shall I content your good appetytes The water of this fountayne is the verite swéetenesse of Christes spirit refreshing the soule here with hope ther with the lyfe euerlasting In this lyfe is felte but a tast of it in the world to come shall the thirst be satisfied Here is it but in heart springing vp toward lyfe ther shall it be in full course and neuer fayle Here are obtayned but small droppes of it ther shall it be had in full plētuousnesse The philosophers for their wisdō the lawiers for their lerning the phisicians for their cōning loketh for gret rewards The biers sellers in the tēpl set their wares at a gret pryce yet are they but stynking waters not able to restrayne the thyrst But this is frée with out paimēt through christ cōtaineth helth in haboūdaūce Not our good works saith s. Augustin but his own fregifts doth god croun in vs. This must be sought for For onli sha● he obtaī it the thirstith after it Onli shal he haue the asketh he fynde that séeketh 12 He that hath done on a christian warriour to fight against the diuel of these darkenesses and so manfully doth his part that by faith he ouercōmeth him hath the ful victory ouer him in Christ he shal be sure to posses al these thīgs heauen earth the new Hierusalem the liuing waters and to haue his ful desire in the ioyes to come Wonderfull is this promis No Kinge nor Emperour priest nor prelate Turke nor Souldane can graūt such wages But who shall obtayne them None other than fighteth lawfully workinge accordinge to the rules and examples of fayth Neyther he that masseth nor senseth processioneth nor holy watereth nor yet he that buildeth churches For those workes the Scripture commaundeth not 13 Besides this promised rewarde saith the lord here I will be his god in déede according to my former couenant and he shal be vnto me as my natural sonne So louing wil I be to him as the mother is to the babe borne of hir body whom she can neuer forget So mercifull as the naturall father y● pittieth his owne children at the very hart Example by the vnworthy lost chylde whome I both louingly receyued swéetly enbraced in myne arms Yea I both clothed him fedde him with the best as a sonne ful deare vnto me And of this let him be sure which hath me for his father that I shal giue him Christ to be his brother and with hym all things necessary constituting hym my perpetual heire This fatherly couenaunt was plaine vnto my seruant Dauid for whom I set vp mercy 〈◊〉 euer 14 But farre otherwise wil I doo by the other sort which neither wyl séeke the liuing waters or haue desyre to the scriptures nor yet kepe the hold I haue put them to which is their Christian profession but cowardly leaue it vnto the enimies the serpent the beast and the false prophet As are these which foloweth here in their course Fyrst of all the feareful cowardes or false harted Christians Whome the holy ghost calleth here afore neyther whote nor cold At a time they beléeue but whan any trouble cometh they go cleane frō it These dou● the losse of their goods the hinderaūce of their names and the harme of their bodyes and so are they not worthy of Christ. Such were Ananyas Saphira with many other more sence theyr tyme. These trust not in the Lord as doth Sion which neuer remoueth 15 Next are the vnfaithfull hipoccits which neither beleue the promises nor yet feare the threatnings of the Lord. These make gods commaundements of no value for their owne tradicious With beggery ceremonies clogge they the people as the blynde they leade the blynde into the ditch Neyther wil these enter into the kingdom of god nor yet suffer other to enter Such were the pharisies saduces with our monkes chāons and fryers succéeding in their wicked examples 16 After them foloweth the curssed obstinates or abhominable blasphemers which knowinge the verite doth not onely abhorre it but also with moste spightfull cruelnesse persecuteth it These are the swine y●●redeth perles in the myre and the dogges that turn agayne to deuowre Unpossible to be renewed to repentaunce thus casting at their tayles the gra●es of the spirit so fréely
this water as the pure cristall that is without spotte Much farther from corruption is the sincere worde of God than is the fine siluer that is vii tymes tryed in the fyre The lawes of the Lorde are perfect and quickneth the soule hys testimonies are true giuing wiseome to babes His statutes are ryght reioysing the hart His preceptes are pure giuing sight to the eyes And hys iudgementes are all togither rightuous 4 The nature of this water is none other but euermore to clēse euermore to reuiue euermore to make whole and perfect For onely doth it issewe from the magistie of God it procedeth out from the sempiternall throne of the father and so floweth forth in the plētuous haboundaunce of the lambe Iesus Christe and of his Godly spirite With hym is the well of euerlasting lyfe They that walke in his lyght shal be frée from darkenesse for euer They shall throughly enioye the haboundaunce of those thinges that his house is full of and he shall giue them drnicke out of the ful flowing ryuer of his eternall pleasures I will powre cleare water vpon you sayth the Lord in Ezechiell and ye shal be cleane frō all filthynesse A new hart will I giue you A new spirit will I plant in you and so clense you from all your idoles Reioyce with Hierusalem all you that loue hir for ye shall sucke comforte out of hir brestes and bée satisfied They that haue sowen in heauinesse shall reape in perpetuall gladnesse From the father and the sonne proceded the holy Ghost as a clere cristall ryuer neither created nor be gotten to refreshe this chosen citye So that much more vnderstanding lyght and knoweledge it hath than had the olde Synagog of the Iewes which was therof but a shaddow Yet is it incomparably farre from that shall bée in the durable lyfe to come being as yet thereto but a figure For as witnesseth Paul our knowledge is now vnperfect and our prophecying vnperfect But whan that cometh which is perfect then that which is vnperfect shall be done away Here is it also to be cōsidred that the Lambe is equall with God they both hauing but one seate 5 Moreouer in the middes of the golden stret of this beutifull citye which comprehendeth the spirituall children of Abraham couched togither in the vnytie of one tryed fayth 6 And vpon eyther sides of the swéet ryuer which are the .ii. Testamentes of the Lorde was standing the moste dilectable trée of life Iesus Christ that mediatour father which giueth lyfe ●o the worlde Out of the stocke of Afbraham and Dauid sprang this frée a●er the fleshe conceyued of the holy Ghost borne of Marie the virgine which was also a golden stone of this stréete Blessed arte thou sayth Elizabeth for thy beleues sake For in thée is performed the full promise of the Lorde This is that trée which was planted by the water side gaue forth fruite at his tyme appoynted As the trée of life was sette in the middes of Paradyse at the beginninge so is hée nowe spiritually grounded in the middest of his church which is his gardē of pleasure Behold saith Christ I am with you euery day vnto the worlds end 7 Maruayll not that the trée is here called wood for it is the custome and maner of the Hebrues to put the one for the other Both is this trée in the myddest of the stréete and also vpon eyther sydes of the ryuer For both is Christ knowen of his faithfull multytude and comprehended in the scriptures Dauid acknowledged himselfe to be a pure stone of this golden stréete whan he sayd My humble soule hath cleaued or fastened to the pauemente thou quyckening me Lorde according to thy worde So did Kinge Ezechyas whan he was reuyued agayne And so dyd Helias whan he vnder the Iuniper trée desired to dye with many other more Betwene both testaments arose Christ performing the olde and begynning the new He bordereth also to thys present day vpon them both for both they beare large and plentuous witnesse of hym Both the lawe and the Gospell the Prophetes and Apostles the Psalmes and all other scriptures witnesseth throughly that he is the promysed séede the sonne of the lyuing God the sauiour of the worlde 8 If that soyle be fortunate which bryngeth forth fruites twyse in the yeare most happye and blessed is the ground of this citie For the liuing trée therof is neuer barren bare nor idle 9 Not onely doth it beare .xii. maner fruites of inestimable wholesomnesse betokening the vniuersall graces and giftes of the holy Ghoste but also it giueth them forth euery moneth in the yeare or euer more wyth out ceasing Euery moneth hath there both his sōmer and hys wynter Euery life time of them which be of this congregation hath here both his swéete consolation in the spirite and also his hard persecution in the fleshe Els is it not of Christs kingdom which is the destroier of death and ministreth lyfe at his pleasure In this trée is the originall grounde of lyfe He is the very lyfe of all them that liueth vnto God In hym onely they consist they moue and they haue their continuall being His branches are the holy Prophetes and Apostles and the Euangilistes Martyrs wyth all other godly preachers and teachers euermore gréene pleasaunt in their conuersa●iō and doctrin I am the true vyne sayth he and you are the braunches He that abydeth in me and I in him bringeth forth much fruite Them sent Christ out as braūches and spred wyth them the world ouer too brynge forth frute that should not perishe And that euery moneth from age to age and from tyme to tyme continually For styll are the true beleuers fedde wyth the Apostls fruitefull doctrine and shal be to the ende of the worlde Therewith are their soules refreshed in their greate manyfolde sorowes and labours A singuler comfort it is vnto them to consider Gods swéete promyses and to remember what a louinge father they haue of him through Iesus christ theyr onely mediatour and sauiour Most haboūd●untly féele they thēselues satysfied when they are assertayned throughly by the scriptures that they are predestinate called saued sanctified and shal be here after gloryfied by him Where as contrarywyse the desperate infidels are much discomforted considring them selues blynded condemned iudged reproued Twelue are these fruites here called which is a perfect and full complete number comprehending the vniuersall graces of the spirite contayned in all the whole scriptures As are the feare of God the pouertie of soule the clennesse of hart cōpassion vpon the nedy desyre of rightuousnesse mercy gentilnesse quietnesse sufferaunce wysdom vnderstanding counsayll perseueraunce knowledge prudence force iustice temperaūce with those that Paule numbreth too the Galathians and innumerable vertues besides some expositours willeth this twelue to signifie the none can be saued vnlesse he be of the xii children of Israell in spirite so walke according to the
docttrine of Christes .xii. Apostles But I am contented with that is sayd afore being more agréeable to the text 10 Such leaues had this wholsome trée as were for the health of the people good necessary and medicinable Such profitable wordes and promyses hath Christ as are spirite and lyfe power of saluation and euerlastinge health These leaues of hys can in no wyse wyther away and whatsoeuer he doth by them it shall wonderfullly prosper He sent forth hys wholsome woorde sayth Dauid and so healed them He delyuered them from all euyls wherewyth they were oppressed As these wordes are sincerely taught the benefightes of our redempcion are brought into remembraunce So is the conscience quyeted and the harte made glad So reioyseth the soule giueth perpetuall thankes vnto God the father Soo are the Gentyles throughlye made whole acknowledgynge Christe for theyr onely sauyour and redéemer 11 Thus after Czechyell are these fruites good to eate and theyr leaues profitable for medicynes As the leaues are the beauty of a trée and preserueth the fruite so is the true preachinge of the Lordes veritie the comelynesse of hys church and preseruacion of the same And not the oylynges shauynges and disguysynges nor yet the Lordeshippes myters and masses A lyght thynge is the worde of god written or spoken as is the leafe also of a trée But if his spirite worketh in it than is it a thyng moste precious effecttuall and stronge compared of Christ to a mustarde séede which gr●weth into a greate trée Aboue all thinges sayth Zorobabel the veritie is most stronge For that is the Lords eternall will which neuer shal be altred The text 1 And there shal be no more curse 2. but the seate of God and the Lambe shal be in it 3. and hys seruauntes shall serue hym 4 And they shall see hys face 5. his name shal be in their foreheades 6. And there shall be no nyght there 7. and they neede no candell 8. neyther lyght of the Sunne 9. For the Lorde God giueth them lyght 10. and they shall reygne for euermore The Commentary 1 And as concerning the afore named cytie or worthy congregation of the Lorde the curse that the earth had in the worke of Adam shall clerely be taken from it Neuer more frō henceforth shall therein be any thinge that God is not pleased with For Christ hath redemed hir from the curse of the lawe sustaining thereof the penaltie to make hir innocent So that nowe there is no dampnation to them whych are in Christ Iesu folowing the doctrine of the spirite if painfull aduersitie losse of goodes detriment of fame syckenesse persecution of body or any other troublous crosse happeneth it is euermore for the best to them that are faythfull Perfectlye shall these be taken awaye wyth all the corrupte fruites of Adam in the regeneration whan to theyr glorye both heauen and earth shal be blessed all that is cursed throwen into the lake of euerlasting fyre 2 And for a more sure token that thys will be true the hygh seate of God the eternall father and of the Lambe Iesus Christ wyth the holy Ghost one Lorde almighty in thrée personages shal be contynually there in In the house of Iacob shall hée reygne euermore and of hys kingdōe shall be none ende Amonge them will he fixe hys dwelling place here which loueth hym and obserueth his cōmaundementes and there will he not be seperated from them but be still their eternall God 3 Moreouer as hys true seruauntes here shall they worship hym in spirite and in veritie and so serue hym in a sincere fayth perfourming such Godly workes as he hath prescribed vnto thē and not such as mens fantasyes hath dreamed They shall so mortyfie their olde man destroying the body of sinne that no longer shall he obeye the concupiscence nor become a captyue seruaūt vnto wickednesse here But nowe delyuered from sinne they shall doe on a newe man which is rightly fashyoned of God and so become his seruaūtes in rightuousnesse And in the world to come they shall serue him according to the knowledge that they shall haue than which now is incomprehensible and vnspeakeable 4 Hauinge the spirite of Christ they shall here sée hys face of saluation in the myrroure of fayth whych is to haue knowledge of hys Godhede And after thys lyfe they shall beholde him in glory lyke as he is in dede much more perfectly than dyd Iacob which sawe hym face to face Moreouer soo shall these hys seruauntes respect his vsage that whatsoeuer they doe here in worde or in dede they shall doe it with all godly feare lowlynesse and reuerence alwayes thinkyng hym to beholde their dedes 5 They shall also perceyue hys gloryous name to be writtē in their foreheades or regestred in their fayth féelyng the swéetnesse thereof to their saluatiō Besides y● not onely shall they cōfesse God with their mouth but also in their outward cōuersaciō shal they dayly apere as hys faythfull seruauntes and children And as concernyng the gloryous day by that name than shall one knowe an other to be a frée cytizen of heauen Consyder sayth Saynt Iohn howe louyngly the Father doeth vse vs. Not onely here doo we beare the name of hys chyldren but also there shall we be sure to bée his sonnes in déede 6 No maner of night or darcknesse of humayne doctryne shall appere anye more in that cytie But hauing Christ and his veritie all vnprofitable doubtes fantasies errours lyes and false myracles shall these citizens detest here And after this lyfe are no suche matters to be loked for all things thē being clere and perfect Though they some time were darkenesse yet are they now lyght in the Lorde and will walke styll therein as the children therof tyll they come to the God of Gods in the euerlasting Syon 7 There shall they haue néede of no candell or of wisdome borowed of mē 8 Nor yet of the matteryall sun which mynistreth light to the day by whom is ment the high sience of philosophers cōceiued of the creaturs aboue wtout faith Those forē lightes may his ministeres wel vse but truely his church nedeth thē not hauing much better than they are of christ of his Aposils Uery dark lights are they wher his bright beāes once apereth which is the clere sunne of rightuousnes Abhominable lyes errours did he proue the high learning of the bishops lawyers as he doth yet their decrées lawes their schoole diuinitie and sentences their ordinarie questions and quodlibetes 9 All these stinking mistes set apart the mercifull Lorde aboue which is the omnypotent God giueth them a light sufficient His eternall sonne is vnto them suche a cleare shyning cresset as no great blast can extinguishe nor cloude with darke shadowe blemishe Of most tender mercy sent hée that day spring from aboue to dyrecte their féete here in the way of his peace 10 And after thys laborous pilgrymage in the sabboth of perpetual
they comprehended whych hauynge the wisdom of the spirite inflameth other wyth it prouokinge them thereby to the loue of god their neyghbour Thus did Moyses and Esay Barnabas and Paule in whome the glorye of the Lorde apeared plentiously 13 The eight was of a Berall which is of a pale grene coloure betokening those faithfull persones whych of christiā compassion hath dolorously lamented the fall of theyr brethren Of this godly natur was Steuen which prayed for them that stoned him to death So was afore hys tyme Samuell whych mourned for Saul whan hée sée hym cast out of the Lordes fauour 14 The nynth was of a Topaze whych hath in hym the colours of all other stones And thys signifyeth thē whych are with all vertues adourned Lyke as was Daniell the man of desires and Iohn the Euangelist which wrote thys present prophecy whom Christ much loued The clere workes of these and such other wolde hée to shyne vnto men that by them the father might be glorifyed 15 The tenth was of a Chrisoprasos whose condicion is to shyne lyke gold and yet he is gréene in sight Suche are they whych hauing godly wysdōe vttereth it accordinge to the tallent geuen them of the Lorde thereby renewing the dull spirites of other vnto heauenly things Among this sort may Ezechiell be numbred which saw many wonderful visions so may Simeō and Anna in the Gospell 16 The eleuēth was of a Iacinct which is in coloure lyke vnto water spred ouer with bright sonne beames And this betokeneth those that are baren from the ●cience and learninge of this worlde and yet haue knowledge from aboue Uery Idiots appeare they in the sight of men and yet are they taughte of God to disclose most wonderfull secrets Of this sort were Oseas Iohel and Amos wihch was but a poore shepard with the other inferiour prophets And so were Andrew Philip Thomas with the other Apostles and Disciples 17 The twelft was an Amatist purple violet rose coloured And this betokneth them that are feruent méeke and constaunt in the Lords truth and that hath bene alwaies ready to shed their bloud for it Such were the vnbrethren in the Machabées with their most faithfull mother So was also Iames the more and Antipas the faithfull witnesse with other disciples martirs None can shewe a more token of loue than he which giueth vp his lyfe for his friends This sort dyd Christe proclaime altogether blessed sayde that the kingdom of heauen was their own Thus signifieth these xii foundatiōs that the godly ministers of Christes congregation haue builded vpon him according to the diuers graces which god hath geuen thē some gold some siluer some precious stones But they that haue brought vnto this building tīber hay or stubble which are customes tradicions dum ceremonies or els worldly honors riches voluptuous plesures are not in this heauenly number admitted Figured are these foundatiōs in the precious stones which were in the brest flap of Aron that hye priest in the preious decking of the king of Tirus necessary shal it be for him that will more largely know the natural properties of thē to resort vnto Plinius in the xxxvii Booke of his naturall historye or vnto Bartilmew de proprietatibus rerū for the vnderstanding of misteries vnto S. Hierom vpon the liiii chap. of Esay or vnto Beda Haymo Costasy Bacō●horpe Elyne Tilney such other as hath written great works vpon the apocalips Ynough is it for vs to shew you after the minde of S. Augustin these stones to signifie the diuers graces of the holy ghost For all these thinges doth one spirit of the Lord work deuiding seueral gifts vnto euery mā at his pleasure which ar not wtout their preciousnes beuty excellēt glory as will appere in the glorius day of the childrē of god The Text. 1 And the tvvelue gates vvere xii pearles 2. And euery gate vvas of one pearle 3. And the streat of the citie vvas pure golde 4. As a thorough shining glasse 5. And I savv no temple therein 6 For the Lorde God almightie and the Lamb is the temple of it 7. And the citie hath no neede of the sunne neither of the moone to lighten it 8. For the brightnesse of God doth lighten it 9 And the Lamb is the light of it 10. And the people vvhich are laued shall vvalk in the light of it 11. And the kings of the earth shall bring their glory vnto it 12. And the gates of it shall not be shut by day 13 For there shall be no night there 14. And ther shal enter into it none vnclean thing 15. Neither vvhatsoeuer vvorketh abhominatiō or maketh lies 16 but thei which are vvritten in the Lambes Booke of life The Commentary 1 Consequently saith the Angel vnto Iohn the xii gates or openinges into this citie were twelue fayre pearls For dilectable and precious is the doctrine of the gospell whereby men doe enter into the kingdome of God on euery side or in euery quarter age of the world 2 And euery gate by him selfe was of one pearle like as were the foundations of one precious stone euermore in their kindes In token that the verytie of Christ is whole perfect vnbroken in it selfe lyke as is his cote without seame A speciall commodyty is it in cities to haue their gates strōg and bewtifull And so is it in the kingdome of God that they which open vnto rightuousnesse be more feruent in the truth and of a more sincere life thā the residue For they shoulde be both the salte of the earth and lighte of the world Though these gates be many yet haue they but one entraunce for eche one of them is but of one pearle But one mediatour is there betwene God and man which is Iesus Christ None maye come vnto the father but by hym onely Alone is he the dore the waye the verytie lyghte life 3 And as concerning the cytie within the great strete thereof was as of pure golde so fyne fayre and cleare all the bryght shining glasse that maye be séene through without any maner of impediment or dymnesse Thys strete is the large commynalty or the sayntes whom the father of heauen by his power made of froward stones the perfect children of Abrahā whan he couched them here togyther in the verity of one christian fayth shall here after ioyne in such perfectiō of loue as possible can not be dissolued 4 Precious are they here through fayth in Christes bloud and there shal they be pure both in loue and lyfe incorruptible Oure reioyse sayth saint Paule is not in carnall wisdome but in the greate grace of God in singlenesse of hart in a sincere fayth Your glorye are we euen as you are ours also in the day of our Lord Iesus Christ. 5 In this glorious citye sawe I no temple builded saith Iohn for the Lord God almighty which is the eternall father and
the lambe Iesus Christe which is his eternall sonne is the holy full and perfect temple therof None outwarde priesthoode ceremonye nor sacrifyce for fiue cōmaundeth Christes doctrine to his congregation The golden measure of his word which diffyneth and iudgeth all thinges necessary therevnto appointeth no such matter For in no tēples made with stone dwelleth God which wil be all in all Only is required of them a sacrifice from the soule which is the very temple of God In his onely name shoulde the faithful sort ther offer vp themselues And therefore Christ appoynted Uespasian and Titus to turne ouer the great temple of Hierusalem and vtterly to destroy that priesthoode because we should put no trust in suche thinges nor yet be addict or bound to places A damnable inuencion is it of Antichrist that the suffragans halloweth the sinagogs to bringe them into al kinds of superstition They constitute also a feastfull daye to the honour and worshipe therof called the dedication which is most abhominable wickednesse Truthe it is that after the Apostles time ther were places appointod where as the congregacion met together once in the weake for the hearinge of Gods word and for the holy communion and that was called the oratorie or house of praier But that house was not exercysed nor coniured crossed nor smered blessed nor be sprinkled wyth water Neyther was there at that time anye aulter set vp in it anointed with oyle creme to offer any newe sacrifice vpon Consider also that the appoinmente of this bare house withoute aulter or images was lefte to mans ordinaunce without any exprest commaundement of Christ that it should be thought of no reputacion For in spirite and veritie wyll god only be worshiped And for this cause after that Christ had dryuen the byers and sellers out of the temple he commended none other temple vnto vs but his body which he raysed vp in the daye of his resurection to our behoue 6 God therfore is our temple and his Christ. In them ought we to do sacryfice and in none other In their faith should our workes labours studies be grounded only if we couet them to profit vs. Iohn for his time could sée none other temple but this The Lord of his tender mercye graunt vs to be Iohns in this behalfe Iohn beheld also at the Angels demonstration that this Citie had neither néede of Sunne nor Moone to minister light vnto it as the olde Hierusalem had Neither hath Christes congregation néede of mans naturall reason nor yet of hys worldly wisdom coniectures nor practises subtilties nor wiles polices nor witts inuencions nor traditions No neither of their philosophy nor sophystrie the decrées nor sentences of the great Lawyers Schoolemen which all is but darknesse and blindnesse 8 For the brightnesse of God sheweth thē light sufficient His shining verytie his pure gospell and his vndefiled lawes cleareth their vnderstandings A lanterne to their féete is hys heauenly word Only doth that clerenesse suffise them whiche faith offereth vnto them 9 Onely are they contented with the light they haue of the Lambe which is the bright Sunne of rightuousnes He is the Lamp the Candle and the flaming Cresset of this citie None other admonisher haue they néede of none other counseller nor teacher Accursed holde they him that bringeth any other doctrine than his though he were an Angell from heauen For he is the only light of the world the brightnesse euerlasting the vndefiled myrrour of the maiestie of God and the Image of his infinite goodnesse Whoso euer foloweth him can in no wise walke in the darknesse The dayes wyll come saith the Lorde in Hieremy that a man shall not néede to teach his neighbour or brother for they shal know me frō the highest to the lowest I shall plante my lawe in their inwarde partes and write it in theyr hartes 10 And the people of al maner of regions which are predestinate of God to be saued shall walke in the clearnesse of the light None other wisdome helth rightuousnesse and redemption shall they seke than they finde in him Neither shal they care for Mary nor Ihon rodes nor reliques hedes nor holy water masses nor merites For so shall he shyne vpon them and his glorie apere in them that the cloudes of Antichrist and his false prophits shal take no place So liuely shall the rightuous waxe in that faith of saluacion that they shall become not only the children of clernesse but also very lyghtes in the Lorde 11 Morouer vnto this heauenly light shall the myghty kynges of the earth bringe their glory magnifycence and honour as did the wise men of the East which offred rewardes vnto Chryste They shal be conuerted from their erroures to a sincer beleue in the Lord as were in the Apostles tyme Abagarus Egippus and Gundoforus And since their dayes the mighty Emperour great Constātine Iouinian Theodosius and diuerse other Yea some were so feruent in that faith that gladly they suffred death for it Of whose numher were here in Englande saint Edmound Oswalde Ethelbert Edwyne and Fremonde with a greate sorte more in other Christian regions All kinges saith Deuid shall worshipe him and all paganes shal do him seruyce Amonge these are not they to be rek●ned which leauing their kingdomes hath made them selues monks and friers or hath founded masses and monastaries to be praied for For they neuer brought theire glorye to thys light No more haue they done which hath enriched the cleargye gluttinge them with possessiōs and setting them vp in a glitteryng pompe But rather haue they sought darknesse than light blyndenesse than to be taught of god Some haue thought them selues in our age clearly cōuerted to thys lyght But ryghtly hath their iniquitie lyed vnto them For nothynge haue they done lesse than broughte vnto Chryste theyr glorye Truthe it is that they haue discharged them selues of the Pope and to some of hys sects They haue plucked downe shrynes and Images that receaued offeringes and dayly worshippings with a fewe superstitions besides but still bringing vp whelps of the same false generation both bishops prists Stil haue they to this day the same wicked rits and ceremonies that they had afore And when thei should bring ani thing to a right christian order according to Christes first institution they cannot away with it Great is the vengeance terrible heuy and fearefull the iudgement that abideth them 12 And as concerning the great gates of this Citie which are the true vnderstandings of the Lordes verities they shall not be shut vp by day Hidden shall they not be to them the walke in this light All that Christ hath receiued of his heauenly father leaueth he manyfest and plaine vnto his faithfull leuers Not only openeth he their feble vnderstandings but also sendeth them his spirit to deduce them into al godly knowledge 13 For in that citie shal be no night No doctrine of darknesse nor fylthye mist of