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A01175 The restorer of the French estate discouering the true causes of these vvarres in France & other countries, and deliuering the right course of restoring peace and quiet to all Christendome: wherein are handled these principall questions touching religion, policie, and iustice: whether it be lawfull to sweare, and keepe promise to heretikes, to force mens consciences for religion sake, to liue with, and dwell nigh heretikes, to breake the order of succession to the Crowne bycause of religion, or no. Who be schismatikes; and of the chiefe poincts of religion. How we are to iudge of the schisme in Christendome at this day. Lastly, the conclusion conteining notable admonitions to the clergie, nobles, magistrates, people, and King of France. Translated out of French. Ecclesiæ & reipub. D. Hurault, Michel, d. 1592, attributed name. 1589 (1589) STC 11289; ESTC S102588 139,883 174

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and breake in vpon the Lord in his own Paradise 2. Pet. 2. it is to deny the Lord that hath bought vs as saith S. Peter that to bring into the Church the merit of works is according to the same S. Peters saying to tempt God Acts 15. to lay a yoke on the Disciples neckes which neither our fathers nor we were able to beare it is to ouerthrow the counsel holden by the Apostles in the Citie of Ierusalem wherein was concluded that saluation depended not of workes but onely of the grace of the Lord. Let vs refuse this pride of the flesh least we be abolished of Christ and fall from grace Leaue we these marks of Antichrist to the Pope leaue we him with all the wicked to awayte for the merite of their works while we with all the faithfull awayte for the grace and mercy of God Let vs not deceiue our selues but confesse that all are shut vp in vnbeleefe that Iesus Christ might shew mercie vpon all Then let vs flie vnto him both willingly and for necessitie sake And as we triumph with S. Paul in our infirmitie and in the glorie and mercy of Christ Iesus so let vs notwithstanding bid our flesh battaile and continually fight against it with the first fruicts of the spirit to the encrease of our sanctification so farre as our power wil extend And let vs meditate with vnderstanding these wordes of Esdras let not the sinner say that he hath not sinned 4. Esd 16. for coales of fire shall burne vpon his head which saith I haue not sinned before the Lord God and his glory But learne wee by the holy Scripture the order and cause of our saluation first how Paradise is open to them onely whom God hath called chosen and predestinated to saluatiō that saluation is freely geuen to men that Iesus hath purchased it for the elect by his suffering and death that the holy Ghost inableth the elect to receiue the merite of our Saulours death and passion by faith Finally learne we to what ende good works are commended and commanded to man Iesus Christ saith in S. Iohn all that the Father giueth me Of Election and Praedestination Iohn 6. shall come to me and him that commeth to me I cast not aways none can come to me except my Father which hath sent ●e draweth him none can come to me except it be giuen vnto him of my Father Iohn 1. the faithfull are not borne of bloud nor of the will of the flesh nor of the will of man but are borns of God againe glorifie thy sonne that he may giue euerlasting life to all them whom thou hast giuen him I haue made thy name manifest to men whom thou hast giuen me of the world I pray not for the world but for them whom thou hast giuen me Ioh. 13. ye are happy saith he to his Apostles I speake not of ye all Math. 11. Mat. 20.22 I know whom I haue chosen and in Matthew I giue thee thankes for that thou hast hidden these things from the wise and hast reueled them to little-ones moreouer many are called but few are chosen when S. Peter confessed him to be the Christ the sonne of the liuing God Math. 16. he saith blessed art thou Simon the sonne of Ionas for flesh and bloud hath not reueled it to thee but my Father which is in heauen It is written by S. Paul 1. Cor. 1.2 Cor. 5. 2. Thess 2. Rom. 8. that we are in Iesus Christ that it is God which hath set vs apart to saluation that God hath chosen vs from the beginning to saluation that whom he knew afore them hath he praedestinated to be made like to th' image of his sonne that God did chuse the children before they were borne Rom. 9. and hauing not as yet done good or euill that the purpose of God might abide according to th' election not by workes but by him that calleth that there is a remnant he meaneth of Israelites through th' election of grace Rom. 11. that which Israel sought for he obteined not but th' election obteined it Isai 43. I euen I am the Lord and beside me there is no Sauiour I haue declared and I haue saued and I haue shewed I euen I am he that putteth away thine iniquities for myne owne sake It is God that worketh in vs the will and the deede after his good pleasure But notwithstanding this truth so euident the Papists say that there is no such election and predestination for that it would folow that God should be vniust in chusing some rather then others and that he should lay the euill to their charge whom he made to do it and who neither could nor can withstand his will I am amazed to behold among men any so arrogantly ouer-seene as to plead and protest in this sort against God to make him iust after their maner and to imagine that his word is contrary to his iustice How dare we suppose and propose these doubtes seeing the Lord the Apostles and Prophetes did specially foresee and condemne them by name together with the very same inconueniences and reasons which the Popish Doctors alleage Mat. 20. The parable of the day-labourers was propoūded by our Sauiour to this end your cōplaint is lesse to be admitted then that of the day-labourers They cōplained to their maister that those which came not till the euening caried away as great reward as they who had borne the burden of the day the heat of the Sunne the master answered to one of them my friend I do thee no wrong diddest thou not couenaunt with me for a penny take that which thine is and go thy way I will giue as much to this last as to thee is it not lawfull for me to do what I will with mine owne goods is thine eye euill because I am good the last shall be first and the first shal be last for many are called but few are chosen Thus since we all deserue eternall death what wrong doeth the Lord to them whom he leaueth therein if men had any right to Paradise there should be some shewe of reason for that which ye say but sith they haue no right thereto that the whole right belongeth to God wherefore will ye prye into his liberalitie and controll him in the bestowing of his owne him that is all-good all-iust and all-mighty Rom. 9. After that S. Paul had bene very long in declaring and prouing election predestination how God had-chosen men yer they were borne and when they had done neither good nor euill that the purpose of God might remaine according to election he addeth what shall we say then is there vnrighteousnes with God God forbid for he saith to Moses I will haue mercy on him to whom I will shew mercy and I will haue compassion on him on whom I will haue compassion so then it is not in him that willeth nor
their breastes abandoning their auncient and goodlie patrimonies their purchases so agreeable their houses so commodious their mouables so costlie winding them selues at length out of the armes of their kinred friendes and neighbors after they had susteined the conflict with reasons and considerations had bedewed themselues with teares their bowels yerning and heartes forespent with sighes and sobs and albeit liuing had deemed themselues as dead one for the other had recommended themselues to God some trauailing towardes Germanie others towardes England perswaded to finde more courtesie charitie pitie mercie and succour amid the wilde forrestes of Almaine amid the surges of the sea among them that are reputed naturall and sworne foes of all Frenchmen than in their owne Realme their natiue Soile in their own Citie of their owne king of their owne Countriemen and felow Citizens Euery one curseth his chaunce yea they rather that tarie than they that are gone as bereft of the incredible comfort they receiued by the companie of their friends absent The wife hath lost her husband the mother her sonne being her stay the brother his brother being his ioy the father in law forgoing his sonne in lawe must abide the charge of his daughters maintenance she neither maried nor in state to marrie Aliance and amities are made voide families are confounded At the same instant beholde mee couered ouer with armies in whom is found nor respect nor mercie nor law nor faith nothing but insolence but crueltie but violence trecherie being in deede nought els saue a vacation not frō armes but for armes They make warre as though they neuer hoped for nor euer would haue peace they cōmit violences and iniuries irreparable they cause enmities irrecōcilable the Nobles know not one another as persons meerly vnacquainted do deeme thēselues no longer neighbours there is no house be it noble or meane that is not shiuered in peeces that is not betrayed surprised forced and sacked finde me him out that is not streined and wringed as it were in a presse to extract from him his substance the Cities are turmoiled for their pride the man the Prince the King desireth to be letten into his Citie and can not It seemes I am at an end rather dead then aliue they vse me as if I were past feeling they make gashes in my skin on all partes they make the scales leape from my bones they labour not but to burie the dead and sinke the liuing in bottomles darknes they build not but to destroy other buildings euery where are diches trenches mynes troupes and bandes But all this is but one of the actes of the Tragedie Behold here the other partie arising vp which beginneth to appeare which is werie of retiring to beare of the blowes it is more knowen and auowed with me then it was euernt consisteth of all my Princes what countenaunce soeuer they make of a great number of my peaceabler children they want not frends both within without the Realme euen more then is supposed They say that all the Allemaignes the Switzers the English and Scotts are raised armed mustred and comming for their cause as if none should rest behind of all these nations in a maner saue old folke women and children If they should bring as much euill will as power without doubt I am vndone Alas I haue not life enough to sustaine so mightie an assault of sicknesse It behoueth by remedies to preuent the fit it behoueth by good counsell to remoue frō these Princes prouoked all occasion that may egge them on while they are yet not moued too much nor banded together hitherto they haue neither spoken nor done any thing as more inclined to peace then warre they restraine so much as they may the motions of their choler th' execution of their power Let me intreat you my children not to plead our cause by armes not to hazard our selues on the doubtfull euents of battaile Victories in ciuill warre bring no commoditie but to two or three they vndo the rest and specially the people Otherwise how great soeuer the hap and aduantage of the victors be they must alwayes come to agreement in th' end Get he the maistrie that may I am desolated for euer I feare the victory as much as confusion be the issue what it will the French shal be defeated Come hither my children harken to me we may not doubt but that the wrath of God pursueth vs seing the stripes he geueth vs the pestilence rageth within the sword without the famine throughout and these are but threats in comparison of more boystrous blowes prepared by him for vs yet leaue we our senceles obstinacie bestow we our endeuour betweene the threat and stripe the stripe shall not light bestow we our endeuour betweene stroke and stroke the woundes shall cease and turne to blessings Let vs wittingly and in good earnest know feele our owne euill the cause thereof let vs be humbled and search out the remedie Do ye not vnderstand that in one moneth of warre we offend more the diuine maiestie then in a whole age of peace Vnderstand ye not that peace brings all good warre all euill If ye doubt it marke the pictures and greetings of your ancesters compare your discommodities with the cōmodities of your fathers Let vs seeke then this peace to that end boldly peece meale try examine our euill enmities search the remedy therefore Let vs suck out the sense swalow the wise sentence CHAP. 1. Whether faith may lawfully be geuen and holden to heretikes YE haue broken the peace so solemnely sworne I speake to you my children that haue bene induced to begin this warre ye haue falsed your faith ye haue taken the name of God in vayne for that say you a man neither may nor should promise nor keepe faith towards heretickes and Infidels according to the resolution taken and practised in the Councell of Constance Anno. 1414. againe according to th' aduise and commaundement executed by Pope Eugenius the fourth to Vladislaus king of Hungary about xxx yeares afterward Ye say this is a doctrine receiued so solemnly confirmed by so many reasons auctorities approued by so many actes continued by so many yeares that now it is no tyme to doubt thereof My children this defense can not warrant you from vices and infamous reproches damnable before God men For if ye bring in and so freely receiue such distinctions in promises and othes ye open a gap to all maner of miseries cōfusions in all Estates but principally in this Realme where are few houses families townes cities gouernements few companies publick or particular that are not bound by such othes few or no mariages successions felowships and other couenantes whose suit enterteinement and assurance depend not on such othes For in all these things they that we haue called heretickes be confusedly intermedled with the Catholikes So that I may say with truth
7. that Antichrist shall thinke he may change times lawes Who so heedfully marketh the doctrine policie and seruice of the Romane Church shall not find there any consormitie or agreablenes with the Gospel but contrarietie almost throughout all the Gospell speaketh neither of Masse Purgatorie calling vpon Saincts nor of Prayers for the dead Images or Holy water nor of wax tapers or processions pilgrimages nor of Munkeries of the Altar or Priestly ornamēts the word baptisme holy supper are not administred in the Romane Church according to the cōmandements ordmances vsage of our Lord of his Apostles Primitine Church The Gospell preacheth nothing but grace and free-guift the Pope commaundeth nothing but merite and monie The Gospell requireth not of men but faith to receiue saluation good workes to giue witnes of their election iustification new-birth fanctification and loue towardes God the Pope knowes not what this Faith means it brings him no aduantage he therefore speakes but of workes The Gospell preacheth not but the worde and commaundeth not but the commaundements of God forbiddeth the Traditions of men by name the Pope commandeth not but the Traditions of men nay he conceleth yea sometimes forbiddeth the cōmaundements of God It is not much aboue threescore yeares ago that in the Church of God there was no talke of God in the Churches of Christ no talke was of Christ to the flock of Iesus Christ the voice of the Lord of their great Shepheard was not declared nor read nor heard nor vnderstood the Bishops and Doctors that gaue themselues to studie mused on nothing else saue prophane learning and philosophie on vanities fained inuentions phantasies and subtilties of the flesh all prayers diuine-worships masses and Church-seruices were made to the dead and them alone who were in the Popes good grace but in chiefe to those that had in their life time most trauailed to extoll aduance his sacred See by violences lies fables false miracles other deceiptfull trumperies The Apostles baptised with pure water in the name of the Father of the Sonne and holy Ghost the Pope hath intermingled therewith his creame salt spittle and so many idle ceremonies besides that the Baptisme of the Apostles may seeme welnigh lost The holy Supper likewise is so disguised that the simple Gospeller can discerne therein nothing that comes of God The Pope also hath altered the yeares moneths daies applying the histories of the Gospell to th'obseruations of Astronomers and motions of the Moone and Sunne Behold how the Pope hath gone about to change times and lawes both that of Moses and this of our Lord Iesus Christ euen the Gospell and th' accomplishment thereof wherein th'vnderstanding of the Prophesie doth chiefly consist It is written that the Spirit speaketh euidently 1. Tim. 4. that in the or read of an enmitie pursued with more diuelish malice than that of Gregorie the seuenth against Henry the sourth Onely because this Emperor would preserue the rights and prerogatiue of th' Empire against his attēpts he excommunicated him he stirred vp al the Lords and Bishops against him compelling euery one with threates to become his sworne enemie commaunding against him manifold treasons at last through his threates assayes and enterprises he inforced him to come woolward and barefoot to fall downe at his feet with great scornfulnes and disgrace made him endure th'miurie of the wether and reproches of men and yet these submissions and suffrances notwithstanding he continued his pursuites more furiouslie than afore For after he had out-weried many Lords brought them to their end in making warre on him he incited his owne sonne Henry the fift and with his superstitions commaundements and threatnings he so hampered and bewitched the wit and iudgement of this youth that he durst warre on his owne father besiege betray and take him dispoyle him of his Imperiall diguitie and make him ende his dayes in great sorrow and captiuitie which moued a learned personage of that time to cry out the sonne hath betrayed dispoyled and done his father to death not by the commandement of any barbarous tyrant of any Phalares but by the counsell of the most holy father of Rome adding reioyce ye ô Caligula and Nero for the Pope of Rome playeth such prankes that there shal be no more remembrance of your crueltie The hatred of Gregorie the ninth against the Emperor Frederik the second passed likewise al comparison in stifnes and frowardnes of stomach he preached the Croissado against the Emperor promising glorie and eternall life to them that would rise in armes against him he excōmunicated him oftentimes the Princes and Bishops of Germanie were a whole yeere in praying him to mollifie his minde receiue Frederik to fauor he reiected them all with their petition so holy so carefully and humbly offred and sued they neuer had come to an end had they not geuen for that purpose sixescore thousand pounds of golde The Popes egged on with a vehement lust of reuenge mounted to this step of furie and vngodlines that they empoysoned the host or Sacrament of th altar whereby they brought one Emperor to his bane Pope Iohn the thirteenth caused one Cardinals nose to be cut off and anothers hand for hauing purposed in the Consistorie to geue him some admonitions touching his whordome he spent the most part of his life in minding committing all sorts of such vncleannes and ended his life in adultery for he was taken with the manner and slayne in the very acte The whoredomes adulteries incests and sodomies of Pope Iulio the third are knowen th' Italians printed and published them in Rome in euery corner of the streets Nothing euer came to the Pope amisse prouided he might draw profit out of i● When Robert had inuaded the landes of his nephew and ward the County of Puglia and Calabria an Orphan the Pope excommunicated and further threatned him with his materiall sword this Robert knowing the force credit natural propertie and intent of Popes came to him and gaue him Beneuent and Troy a portion of his bootie the Pope thereupon reuoked his thundring sentence honored him with his amitie and blessing and iudged th'vsurpation made by the vncle vpon the neuew his ward and an Orphan to be an action holy and full of deuotion It hath euer bene an heresie to be the Popes neighbour for any that had land in his good Grace and liking had no power to defend it for then must other Lords warre on such an heretik and not leaue him so long as a foot of land were left him as they tendered his holines good Grace The proofe may easely be made by histories that Popes haue vsurped encroched on all the Seigneuries of Christēdome at least on the greater part Thus the Popes palace is full of robberies pray and spoiles which he hath raked by no other titles then impietie iniustice violence neuerthelesse he calleth it his rights S. Peters
in him that runneth but in God that sheweth mercy for the Scripture saith to Pharao I haue raysed thee vp to this onely end that I might shew my power in thee and that my name might be declared throughout all the earth he therefore hath mercy on whom he will and whom he will he hardneth thou wilt say then to me why doeth he yet complaine for who is he that can resist his will behold the very same inconuemences which ye alleage he answereth but ô man who art thou which pleadest against God shall the thing formed say to him that formed it why hast thou made me thus hath not the potter power of the clay to make of the same lumpe one vessell to honour and another to dishonour what and if God would to show his wrath and to make his power knowen suffer with long patience the vessels of wrath prepared to destruction and that he might declare the riches of his glory vpon the vessels of mercy which hee hath prepared to glorie Isay alleaging most of these reasons to proue this doctrine stoppeth your mouth much more roughly with wordes that might make them tremble and sinke with ghastly feare and terrour who stand on such nice poincts and quiddities Isay 45. Wo be vnto him saith he that striueth with his maker the pot shard with the potshards of the earth shall the clay say to him that fashioneth it what makest thou Let vs therefore hold for certeine that the faithfull are elect and predestinate of God to saluation that saluation is by election and not by works and let vs consider that this doctrine bringeth most stedfast assurance and comfort to the faithfull against the stormes and perils of this world knowing that their saluation is fastened and grounded on so sure a rocke as is the election of God and not on the sliding sand of good works Iesus Christ saith There is no saluatiō but by Iesus Christ Iohn 14.10.1 1. Ioh 2. 1. Ioh. 1. Tit. 3. I am the way the truth and the life none can come to my Father but by me I am the dore if any entreth by me he shal be saued our Lord Iesus is the lambe of God that taketh away the sinnes of the world that is the attonement for our sinnes his bloud cleanseth vs from all sinnes he that hath the sonne of God hath life he that hath not the sonne of God hath not life Also in other places it is written that God saued vs not by the works of righteousnes which we had done but according to his mercy by the washing of the new-birth and the renewing of the holy Ghost which he shed on vs aboundantly through Iesus Christ our Sauiour that we being iustified by his grace should be made heires according to the hope of eternall life 2. Tim. 1. that the grace of saluation was giuen vs through Iesus Christ before all times Rom. 3. that God hath iustified vs freely by his grace by the redemption which is in Iesus Christ that he died for our sinnes and arose againe for our iustification This is a true saying 1. Tim. 1. saith S. Paul and by all meanes worthy to be receyued that Iesus Christ came into the world to saue sinners of whom I am chiese Finally to deny that our saluation is not freely and wholy purchased for vs by the death and passion of our Lord Iesus to deny the law prophets and euangelists the old and new testament th'infallible truth of God yea it is so much as in vs lieth to treade vnder foote the sonne of God Heb. 10. and count the bloud of the now Testament wherewith we are sanctified an vnholy thing It is written that Iesus Christ is th' end of the law in righteousnesse to all beleeuers that Meses said We receiue saluation by faith he that shall do these things shall liue by the same but at this day the word of faith is if thou shalt confesse with thy mouth the Lord Iesus shalt beleeue in thy heart that God raised him vp from the dead thou shalt be saued Gal. 5. for with the heart man beleeueth to righteousnesse and with the mouth man confesseth to saluation againe there is no Circumcision nor incircumcision but faith working by charitie also Rom. 1. the Gospell is the power of God vnto saluation to euery one that beleeueth further Iesus Christ is our propitiatory sacrifice through faith further more Rom. 4. God iustifieth onely them that are of the faith of Iesus Moreouer to him that worketh not but beleeueth in him that iustifieth the vngodly his faith is counted for righteousnesse also the promise was made to faith againe it is written Ioh. 3. that he which beleeueth in the sonne shall see eternall life he that beleueth not in the sonne of God shall not see eternall life but the wrath of God abideth on him that the inst shall liue by faith Heb. 10. Heb. 11. 1. Pet. 1. but if any with draw him selfe my soule shall haue no pleasure in him that without faith it is impossible to please God that we are kept by the power of God through faith vnto saluation which is prepared to be shewed in the last time 1. Pet. 2. that Iesus Christ is pretious to them that beleeue and a stone to stumble at and a rocke of offence to them that stumble at the word Ioh. 14. In summe this is that which the Lord doth principally yea singularly require at their hands who ensue him and sue for his grace and succour this is that which he said to his Apostles after his resurrection Mar. 16. goe ye into all the world and preach the Gospell to euery crenture he that shall beleeue and be baptized shall be saued but he that will not beleeue shal be damued Luc. 23. th' one theef which belecued at the poinct of death he receiued into Paradise th' other which beleeued not he refused this is the Gospell to beleeue in God in him Ioh. 20. whō he hath sent for our saluation The Gospell is written that we might beleeue that Iesus is the Christ the sonne of God and that in belecuing we might haue life through his name Before S. Philip baptised th'Eunuch of Queene Candace he said it is lawfull to baptize thee if thou beleeuest with all thy heart It is written els where That faith commeth of God that none can say Iesus Christ is the Lord but by the holy Ghost that God hath giue vs vnderstanding that we might know him which is true that faith is not of our selues 1. Cor. 2. 1. Iohn 5. Mat. 16. Iohn 3. Tit. 3. Act. 16. but is the gift of God that the faithfull are borne of God that S. Peter receiued his faith of God and not of flesh bloud that men must be regenerat of the holy Ghost to become faithfull So it is writte that the Lord opened the heart of Lydia the
seller of purple to attend to the things which S. Paul spake They then that haue eares to heare vnderstand can not but acknowledge without doubting that faith is the mouth of the soule by which we receiue faluatiō the merit of the Lords death and passion that faith is the onely gift of God and therefore whofocuer glorifieth himself Psal 27. let him glorifie in the Lord and say with Dauid the Lord is my light and my saluation But some do argue against the word of God in these termes Faith doth not abolis● workes Seing that grace abolisheth merit works are abolished likewise and so the Gospell abolisheth workes and the law by faith S. Paul did fore-see this obiection and aunswered thereto so carefully that none except the ignoraunt or enemies of the Gospell can make accompt thereof Neuerthelesse the Pope stands on it so stifly and esteemes it so highly that in consideration and vnder colour of it and his auarice together he hath brought in this goodly doctrine of the merite of workes contrary to the Gospell as by the premisses here-aboue appeareth Rom. 3.4 After Saint Paul had set downe this obiection he proueth more manifestly than afore that by faith we are saueck and stayeth firmely on this argument that Abraham receiued the promise of saluation by faith before the circumcision and long time yer the law was geuen so that the promise saith he belongeth to the faithfull and not to the workers of the law which law was geuen onely to the successors of Abraham after faith and the promises and so he leaueth vs to conclude that as the law was geuen to the successors of Abraham after the promises made to Abraham because of his faith euen so the faithfull ought to receiue the law not making it the cause of the promises and hand-fast of their saluation but shewing by their obedience thereto that the promises belong to them as being successors of them to whom the promises were made as being successors of Abraham yea children of the heauenly father whose voice they ought to know and vnderstand yelding them selues willingly to be guyded and gouerned by his holy spirite to the obedience of his commandements The sonne is a sonne afore he obeyeth his father but he sheweth by his obedience that he is the truesonne so the faithfull and elect afore workes afore their obedience appeareth be the children of God Works cannot bring them this title or qualitie it is the gift of God and commeth not of works saith S. Paul Ephesa but by workes they shewe themselues to be faithfull in deede and by the obedience they yeeld to God when he hath certified them of his wil they shew themselues to be the true and faithfull children of God S. Rom. 6. Paul is not content herewith but pursueth yet more euidently the ouerthrow of this obiection For hauing proued afore that wee are saued by grace and not by works it followeth what shal we say then shall we continue stil in sinne that grace may abound God forbid how shall we that are dead to sinne liue yet therein know ye not that all we which haue bene baptized into Iesus Christ haue bene baptized into his death wee are buried then with him by baptisme into his death that like as Christ was raysed vp from the dead by the glory of the father so we also should walke in newnesse of life and in the same Chapter what then shall we sinne because we are not vnder the law but vnder grace God forbid know ye not that to whomsother ye geue your selues as seruants to obey his seruants ye are to whoth ye obey and a little after but now being freed from sinue and made seruants vnto God ye haue your fruite in holmes and th' end euerlasting life Thus yee see that faith destroyeth not workes Contrariwise the Scripture commandeth vs that we oboy God to shew foorth the glory and holines of his house to shew and confirme our owne and our neighbors faith to shew that we feare loue and honor God that we belong to him are regenerated by him are his children seruants and this ought we to seeke in works and not our saluation Workes goe not afore election they follow it they follow adoption they follow faith they follow the sure trust of saluation The commaundemēts of God are directed to them that are of his house not to strangers so that we must be of his house before we may vnderstand or do them The commaundements are not they that make the children but they are the children that doo the commandements of their father But now behold how we learne what is th' end of good works 1 Pes. 2. It is written that it is the will of God that by wel doing we may put to silence the ignorance of foolish men as free and not as hauing the libertie for a cloke of maliciousnes but as the seruants of God 2. Pet. 1. Againe geue euen all diligence thereunto ioyne more ouer vertue with your faith and with vertue knowledge and with knowledge temperance and with temperance patience and with patience godlines with godlines brotherly kindnes and with brotherly kindnes charitie Saint Iohn saith hereby we are sure that we know him if we keepe his commandements he that saith I know him and keepeth not his commaundements is a lier and the truth is not in him he that saith he remaineth in him ought euen so to walk as he hath walked 1. Ioh. 4. 1. Ioh. 5. If any man say I loue God and hate his brother he is a lyer Wee know that whosoeuer is borne of God sinneth not but he that is begotten of God keepeth himselfe the faithfull should liue no more after the concupiscences of men 1. Pet. 2. but according to the will of God They must haue their conuersation honest that they which speake euill of them as of euill doers may by their good works which they shall see glorifie God in the day of the visitation True it is that the scripture seemeth in some places to ascribe saluation to works for the holy Ghost sometimes vseth indifferently all these termes election grace faith works and accepteth th' one for th' other expresly to shew vs that th' election grace faith and works are inseparable and as it is written that works done without faith auaile nothing so true works bring with them faith cōsequently th' election and grace purchased by the passion of our Sauiour Sometimes also the holy Ghost speaketh in this maner to rebuke them that abuse faith running after a bastard vaine and idle faith leauing the lawfull true and working faith At other times hespeaketh so applying himselfe to nouices and children in the faith For so S. Iames highly extolled workes Iac. 2. but that was vpon occasion to confound them that abused faith and thought they should continue vnprofitable and idle in faith As also S. Paul opposing himselfe against them
that all things be restored S. Paul saith Col. 3. seeke the things that are on high where Iesus Christ sitteth at the hand of God for himselfe had said to his Apostles Iohn 16. I go to my father and ye shall see me no more yet a litle while and ye shall see me for I go to my father and elswhere Math. 23. I say vnto you that from hence-forth ye shall not see me vntill ye say blessed is he that commeth in the name of the Lord Acts. 1. and in another place this Iesus which is taken vp from you into heauen shall so come as ye haue seen him go into heauen if the Lord is corporally present in the bread and wine of the supper if he is here below within the Priests pixe or betweene their hands why beleeue we that he is at the right hand of the father why do we looke for his comming from heauen to iudge the quicke and dead why say th'Apostles that heauen must conteine Iesus Christ vntill the time that all things be restored why say they that he is sitting at the right hand of God if he appeareth continually why should they affirme that the second time of his appearing shal be for iudgement why doth he say himselfe yet a litle while and you shall see me no more for I go to the father when is that time among the Papistes wherein they see him not why do the Angels say this Iesus which is taken vp from you to heauen shall come euen so as ye haue seen him go vp to heauen who hath seen him come downe from heauen to shut himselfe within the bread as he was seen go vp to heauen The Pope putteth his onely trust in this aunswere the Lord saith he can make his body be in the bread ergò he is there Behold a very proper meane to proue readily all kinds of heresies phantasies and mockeries and in deed if we were sure that his will is to haue his body here below in the bread in places innumerable aboue at his fathets right hand and so to haue his body to be spirituall we would not doubt of his power to performe it but we can find no-where this wil of his contrari-wise he teacheth vs that his body is in heauen that in the supper we must lift vp our soules on high to the right hand of God there to eate spiritually and by faith as hath benesaid he teacheth vs that his body is a true body 2. Iohn 4. euery spirit saith S. Iohn which confesseth not that Iesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God such a spirit is the spirit of Antichrist thus let vs ensue his will without enquiring of his power Furthermore if we might certeinely see the body or the'effects of the presence of the body and bloud of our Lord in the holy supper in the bread and wine thereof we would not argue at all either of his power or of his will but we see nothing saue bread like to bread both within and without in and throughout euery part in colour other qualities of nature nourishable and corruptible the host of the Masse nourisheth man nourisheth wormes as bread doth corrupteth and putrifieth as bread which we may not beleeue of our Sauiours glorified body Withall if the body of the Lord were in the bread so many miracles should daily and hourely ensue Luke 8. as would make it past doubt they that touched his garments onely felt his wonderfull vertue with farre more likelihood should they that touch his body feele it but we can see no such effects the Popes Bishops and Priests haue assayed to deriue from it oracles and miracles but still they found it nothing els saue bread they haue chafed thereat so farre-forth as to cast the host into the fire Finally I see no such necessitie for the celebration of the supper that the body should be here below really within the bread no more then in old time Christ was in the labe or at this day the bloud of Christ is in the water of baptisme The faithfull doe effectually receiue in baptisme the washing of the bloud of Christ by faith although nothing but water be administred in the name of the father of the sonne and of the holy Ghost euen so the faithfull may partake in the grace iustification death passion in the body bloud of the Lord by spirituall eating through faith as well yea more cōmodiously then by the reall eating of the body For in this behalfe it behoueth the Spirit by his miraculous operatiō not onely to transubstantiate the body and make it present at the same time in places infinit but also to turne this corporall food into spirit for the spirituall sustenance of the spirit of man which is the principall end of the supper of the death passion of the Lord. It is more agreable to the order established by God in the nature of all things and more consonant to his counsels reueled in his word to lift vp our soules by faith to nourish them with his body and bloud to fill them with his grace and merite of his death and passion to notifie such inward actions by the outward signes of bread and wine then to confound the properties of both natures to make him a body euerywhere present which to be onely pertaineth to his diuinitie to abase his glorious body and subiect it to a world of phantasies profanations and iniuries to haue it broken and torne chewed and swalowed and further to change that body into spirit for the nourishment of the spirit Behold here how the Pope with too-much boldnes and no necessitie aduentureth to commit idolatrie himselfe and to make them grose idolaters which follow him in his doctrine in that he adoreth the bread of the supper euen as the body of Iesus Christ More safe it is to adore it at the right hand of God seing the Scripture assureth vs most certainely that he is there Idolatrie is a sinne too horrible that any man should so freely giue ouer himselfe to the same In such ventrous cases when there is any suspition of idolatrie feare to sinne ought aboue all to ouer-rule our worldly wisdome Away then with this doctrine of the Pope so contrary to th'articles of the Christiā beliefe and all the holy Scripture away with this doctrine that destroyeth the veritie of our Lords body and is suspected ye conuinced of Idolatrie The Pope willeth vs to haue images of Angels Whether we ought to haue images for deuotion sake Saincts and of God himselfe within our Churches vpon our altars within our chappels and priuat closets for prayer He willeth vs to honour and serue these images with such deuotion ceremonies as in effect differeth not from adoration or diuine-honour We find no iote in the Scripture conformable to this doctrine but we find there commaundements ynow most flatly forbidding vs to receiue it Leuit.
liken me that I I should be like him saith the holy one we ought not to think saith S. Paul that the Godhead is like vnto gold Act. 17. or siluer or stone grauen by art and the inuention of man It is high time than for vs to giue ouer all these images and content our selues with the Word which is the true image of God it is in vayne to looke for any liuely shew or feeling at the dead works of mens hands it is the holy Ghost that imprinteth in our myndes all right knowledge and from whom we feele all true comfort let vs craue it of him and leaue crouching to images Let vs not make our selues more wise thē th'Apostles to seeke for meanes to perswade which they haue neither sought nor cōmaunded there is yet among vs great likelihood of idolatry the feare of sinne therfore ought to ouer-rule our wisdome Let that suffice vs which the word doth teach Col. 3. Let our conuersation be in heauen saith Saint Paul let not our soules lye groueling on earthly thinges The true knowledge and adoration of the the faithfull is in spirit as Dauid and Iesus Christ say Psal 51. Iohn 4. and take we heed of prouoking the ielousie of God lest we feele th' effect of his threatnings let vs condemne images which offend God and make the silly people hainously to sinne let vs take this sclander and offence quite out of the Church and say with Isay images shal be broken all to peeces The Pope willeth vs to call vpon Angels and Saincts as mediators and intercessors Whether we ought to pray to or call vpon Angels and Saincts and for that end to direct to them our prayers with himnes praises and all other kindes of deuotion We finde no such matter in the holy Scripture but doo finde the scripture against it both in substance of sence and forme of words The Israelites vnder the law were not yet so assured of the bountie grace and familiaritie of God towards men as we are at this day since the comming of our Sauiour They durst not come nigh the mountaine they durst not touch the Arke of the couenant they durst not enter into the Oratorie into the sanctum sanctorum the most holy place fearing to be swallowed vp of death according to the threatnings made and experiences seene of them they had heard no speach in a manner but of the seueritie and iustice of God all that they had seene and heard of the Lord was but terror astonishment and trembling as saith S. Paul Heb. 12. They had most worthy and famous persons by whom many miracles were done in their sight of whom it seemed they held their religion the knowledge of God the law honor life rest goods as Moses Iosua Gedeon Dauid Salomon Elias Eliseus many others But aboue all they had Moses who had by the power of God miraculously brought them out of the bondage of Aegypt that made them on drie foote passe woonderfullie through the red sea that prouided them bread flesh and drinke in the wildernes deliuered them the law of the Lord with whom they saw him familiarly talke that brought them to the land of promise and many times while he liued called on God for them and appeased him what great power vertue and high degree of knowledge the Israelites attributed to Moses aboue all others except the Messias is knowen Howbeit we find not that after his death they directed any prayers to him they made neither to him nor to others any bowing or seruice that I speake not of diuine worships which ye shew euery day to an infinite multitude of Saincts The Israelites sought him after his death neither in heauen or earth they called not on him as their Mediator or intercessor they made no images of him to whom they might bring candles make prayers and sing hymnés with crowching and deuotion but here-against the holy Ghost aduertiseth vs that he was buried in the valley of Nebo in the land of Moab Deut. 34. and that none knew his Sepulchre to this day least the people should fall into idolatrie towards him because of the miracles which the Lorde did by him Th'Israelites called not on Abraham Isaac and Iacob for whose sake the Lord chose them for his people And we that are Christians by the grace of God that are come to the hil of Sion Heb. 12. as saith S. Paul and to the heauenly Ierusalem the Citie of the liuing God to the company of many millions of Angels to the congregation of the first borne which are written in heauen and to God who is iudge of all and to the spirits of the iust sanctified and to Iesus Christ the Mediator of the new Testament that cannot doubt of the goodnes gentlenes and familiaritie of our God of our Mediator that know his office and his will as hauing liued and conuersed with him in this world as hauing heard and touched him yet notwithstanding doo call vpon Saincts and Angels we leaue the Lord to run after them we adore the sepulchres bones and garments of Saincts wee shrine them in siluer and golde we enrich them with pretious stones we preach and commend them more than Christ wee runne after stockes stones and metall we carry them more solemnly than that which we thinke to be the Lords body wee salute them we kneele on the ground before all these things Thus we beseech the Angels and Saincts to make request for vs and honor them in spirit and in flesh in dust and rottennesr there aboue in heauen here beneath on earth in their bones sepulchres garments in as deuout manner as we are able We receiue nor holde it of the Israelites nor of th' old Testament neither holde we it of the new nor yet of the Apostles or Primitiue Church whereunto we should haue chiefe regard to rule our deuotions by It is written Act. 3. that after S. Peter and S. Iohn had healed him that was a creeple from his birth the people amazed thereat did run to them and that S. Peter beholding the same said to the people ye men of Israel why maruell ye at this or why looke ye so stedfastly on vs as though by our owne power or holines we had made this man to walke the God of Abraham Isaac and Iacob the God of our fathers hath glorified his sonne Iesus and a little after his name hath made this man sound whom ye see and know through faith in his name and the faith which is by him hath geuē to this man perfect health it is written Act. 10. that Saint Peter being entred into the house of Cornelius the Centurion Gornelius cast himselfe downe at his feete to adore or worship him but Saint Peter tooke him vp saying arise I also my selfe am a man Act. 17. Saint Paul and Barnabas hauing healed a creeple in Listra being a Citie of the countrie of Lycaonia the
forbad men to direct their prayers to them to fall on their knees before them Furthermore the Scripture in expresse termes inioyneth vs not to call on any other name then that of the Lord nor to seeke any mediator but Christ Feare not Isay 43. saith the Lord in Isay to his people for I haue redemed thee I haue called thee by my name thou art mine and in the same chapter I euen I am the Lord and beside me there is no Sauiour I haue declared and I haue saued and I haue showed and a litle after I am and there is none that can deliuer out of my hands I will doe it and who shall let it Marke here how the Lord rebuketh their fond feare that durst not call on him but went to others how he cheareth them to come boldly to him and seeke none others And S. Peter saith Acts. 4. there is no saluation in any other for among men there is giue none other name vnder heauen whereby we must be saued but that of Iesus Christ S. Paul saith Col. 3. whatsoeuer ye shall doe in word or deede doe all in the name of the Lord Iesus geuing thanks to God euē the father by him again I will that ye know 1. Cor. 11. that Christ is the head of euery man Ephes 2. Col. 1. againe through him we both haue an entrace vnto the father by one Spirit elswhere it pleased the Father that in him should all fulnesse dwell and through peace by that bloud of that his Crosse to reconcile to himselfe through him through him I say all things both which are in earth and which are in heauen and in another place for there is one God and one Mediator betweene God and man which is the man Christ Iesus Finally S. Iohn saith 1. Ioh. 2. if any man sinne we haue an Aduocat to the father Christ Iesus the iust he is the recōciliatiō for our sinnes not for our sinnes onely but also for the sinnes of the whole world Why should we linger or be loth to repaire to Iesus Christ at our first entrance to prayer seing th'Apostles teach vs that we must call on none other name but his that he is our true mediatour that besides him there is none other Mat. 11. Iohn 14.10 Moreouer Iesus Christ himselfe calleth vs and saith that none other sauing himselfe can make intercession for vs to God his father No man saith he knoweth the father but the sonne and he to whom the sonne will reuele him Come vnto me all ye that are wery and laden and I will ease you also I am that way that truth and that life no man commeth vnto the Father but by me againe I am that doore by me if any man enter in he shal be saued seing he is the doore seing he calleth vs we ought to seeke none other that might bring vs into his presence to speake to him he that findeth the maister at the gate bidding him to declare his suite yet will looke for a more cōmodious meane might be deemed a very simple body Let vs take heed of despising him that looketh for vs Heb. 12.7 that biddeth vs speake boldly let vs not despise the mediatour of the new Testament that speaketh for vs saith S. Paul it is written 1. Iohn ● that he liueth euer making intercession for vs that he is our Aduocat so that the difference betweene mediatour and intercessor imagined by your Maisters and Doctours is vayne There is no colour of truth to make vs beleeue that he who came downe from heauen for our sakes tooke vpon him our flesh yelding to the miseries thereof sinne except who honored vs with his familiar conuersation and suffred death and the curse of God his father for the loue of vs who vndertooke the office of Mediatour and intercessor according to his kindnesse to vs ward we can not beleeue I say that now he should disdaine to heare vs to receiue our prayers and supplications and to offer them vp to God his father sith himselfe saith that it is his office sith himselfe biddeth vs come sith himselfe abideth for vs in the gate thus to resort to any other is to do iniury to him to suppose th'exercise of his estate needlesse to haue him in contempt to assigne others part of the honour due to him alone no no he is ielous of his honour he will haue all or none he cad abide no partener Let vs know with S. Paul that none but the Lord Iesus can execute this charge of mediatorship betweene God and men 1. Tim. 2. for there is one God one mediatour betweene God and man which is the man Christ Iesus againe he is able perfectly to saue them that come vnto God by him Heb. 7. seing he euer liueth to make intercession for them and in Esdras 4. Esd 13. he by himselfe will deliuer his creature Behold here one mediatour and no mo who euer maketh intercession and neuer needeth a sollicitor who also perfectly saueth and by him selfe deliuereth his creature Let vs therefore be assured on the word of the Prophets Apostles and of Iesus Christ and goe boldly to him and say our father let vs not lose this familiaritie and libertie which he hath giuen vs by his grace let vs pray in the name of Iesus Christ seing there is none other name giuen to men let vs practise towardes the world the maners ciuilities and courtesies of the world but let vs doe to God his seruices according to his commaundements it is not against manners to be an importunate suiter to God as appeareth by the parable of the vniust iudge nor against manners to presse vnto him at all times and in all places without the mediation of any except his sonne we haue no cause to doubt that such a mediator should forget our suites as knoweth our thoughts as for Angels and Sainctes let vs esteeme them most blessed by the grace of God but yet let vs beware as themselues haue warned that we impart not to them of the honor that onely belongeth to God The Pope enioyneth vs to beleeue that there is a Purgatorie Whether there is any Purgatorie after or out of this life and concerning the deceased a place full of fire where the soules of the deceased are condemned to abide in great torment some for so many ages others for so many yeeres according to the number and qualitie of the sinnes they committed in this world that praiers almes pilgrimages and other deuotions that are made and geuen for those soules doth greatly comfort and refresh them Moreouer he chalengeth to himselfe power to take soules out of Purgatorie at his pleasure the iudgements decrees of God notwithstanding the mouth of his preachers and their bookes are stuft with fables feyned to prooue this fiction But these things are come to passe to fulfil the prophesie that Antichrist should take heede to fables
and vanities If it be true that a fire is in Purgatorie and soules must passe through the same tarying therein a certaine time to suffer the torments of spirituall frying for satisfaction of their sinnes it should then follow that there is no Sauiour or els the satisfaction of our Sauiour God man is imperfect and of no power Now so it is that we learne in the Scripture how Iesus is the Sauiour that the father gaue his sonne to be Sauiour of the world this is the subiect this is the marke whereat the Prophets aymed this is the Gospell this haue the Apostles witnessed by wordes writings miracles and sufferings how that we are ransomed by his death and passion that the purging and remission of our sinnes is made by his bloud that the satisfaction he hath made for vs is whole perfect Meb 7. yea ouer-abounding and exceeding the debt he is able perfectly to saue them saith S. Paul that come vnto God by him for it pleased the father that in him should all fulnes dwell Col. 1. and he is the reconciliation for our sinnes and not for ours onely but also for the sinnes of the whole world If he be the reconciliation for the sinnes of all the world with greater reason is he the reconciliation for the sinnes of his chosen for many are called but few are chosen On the other side seeing Iesus Christ is God we may not doubt of the perfection of his deedes and thereupon we know the satisfaction he made for vs is complete and performed Furthermore the holy Scripture to remoue all imagination of the paines and torments of purgatorie after this life warranteth vs that there is no accuser against the faithfull nor any accusation iudgement nor condemnation against the chosen Isay 50. He is neere that iustifieth me who will contend with me the Lord God will help me who is he that can condemne me Apoc. 12. saith Isay Th'accuser of our brethren which accused them before our God day and night is cast downe saith S. Iohn And S. Paul asketh Row 8. who shall bring any accusation against Gods chosen it is God that iustifieth who shal condemne it is Christ which is dead yea or rather which is risen againe who is also at the right hand of God and maketh request also for vs is it possible to heare or reade a word more comfortable and more expresse to deliuer vs from the feare of Purgatory But marke yet further how the Lord himself by othe assureth vs that after this life there is no paine of Purgatorie verily verily I say vnto you he that heareth my word and beleeueth in him that hath sent me Iohn 5. hath life euerlasting and shall not come to condemnation but hath passed from death vnto life and other where he that beleeueth in me is not condemned but he that beleeueth not is condemned alredy If there be no accuser no accusation nor condemnation against them that are in Christ and if we passe immediatly from death to life why do we imagine the paines and torments of Purgatorie fire Dauid assuring himselfe that the Lord iudgeth not his elect prayeth ordinarily that he enter not into iudgement with him and so pray woe dayly that hee graunt vs his peace and that he enter not into iudgement with vs as it is written Col. 1. that the good pleasure of God was to reconcile all things to him by the bloud of Iesus Christ pacifying by himselfe the things that are aswell in earth as in heauen that being iustified by faith we haue peace with God by our Lord Iesus Christ and in another place Rom. 5. God setteth out his loue towardes vs seeing that while we were yet sinners Christ died for vs much more then being now iustified by his bloud we shal be saued from wrath through him If God is reconciled and pacified if we haue peace with him if he is not prouoked against vs why feare we the condemnation of Purgatorie Rom. 10. He that beleeueth in Christ shall not be confounded the Lord redeemeth the soules of all his seruants all such as hope in him Psal 32. shall not be confounded Sith there is no more cōfusion for them that beleeue in God why will we beleeue dread the condēnation of Purgatorie where no cōfusion is no condēnation by iustice can be S. Paul assureth vs Rom. 5. that by the iustifying of one he meaneth Christ the benefite abounded toward all men to the iustificatiō of life but after iustification followeth no condēnation Againe he saith that forgeuenes of sins is purchased for vs by the bloud of Iesus Christ that where forgeuenes is there is no more oblatiō for sinne if there is no more oblation for sinne it followeth that sin is imputed no more els we should be for euer in sinne so for euer excluded out of our masters ioy out of his paradise seing no oblation for sin should remaine which vtterly cōtrarieth the purpose of th'Apostle but if sinne is imputed no more as the scripture in this text many mo teacheth most euidētly why should the Lord cōdēne vs in any penalty satisfactiō In the gospel is declared that the soules of the dāned incōtinent after their departure frō this world do passe into hell as the soules of the iustified in Christ are incontinent borne into Paradise Euen so Luke 16. the Euangelist rehearseth how the soule of the wicked Richman was cast headlong into hell by and by after his death and that of poore Lazarus caried vp to Paradise into Abrahams bosome Luk. 23. And so said our Lord to the theefe that hung on the Crosse by him I tell thee verily this day shalt thou be with me in Paradisetifthere be a Purgatory indeed out of this world through which all soules must passe perferce for satisfaction of sinnes the likelihood is great that this Theefe of euill life condemned to die for his sinnes who had not beleeued in the Lord but for a moment afore he gaue vp the ghost ought to haue passed and tarried there for a while and yet the selfe same day was receyued into Paradise It behoueth vs heedfully to consider wherefore the Lord saith Mar. 13. Luke 12. Math. 24. watch and pray while ye are in this world wayting for the masters comming the comming of the Lord he shall come as a theefe in the night the houre of his comming is vncertaine Math. 25. ye know not when the Bride-grome should come haue alwaies your lamps in a readinesse for when the Bride-grome is passed by and gone into his chamber ye may enter in by no meane All these words are spoken to instruct vs not onely touching the maner of the second comming of our Lord but principally that repentance after departure out of this life is all too late and because the houre is vncertaine we must alway keepe vs in readinesse and verely this our