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A00430 Catholique traditions. Or A treatise of the beliefe of the Christians of Asia, Europa, and Africa, in the principall controuersies of our time In fauour of the louers of the catholicke trueth, and the peace of the Church. Written in French by Th. A.I.C. and translated into English, by L.O.; Tradition catholique. English Eudes, Morton.; Owen, Lewis, 1572-1633. 1609 (1609) STC 10561; ESTC S101746 137,760 254

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Greekes and the Latins in that point doth onely report the sayings and sentences of the ancient Grecians who say that the holy Ghost proceedeth from the Father and the Sonne But that hath not satisfied his followers which thinke that the modern Gretians hold not the beleefe of the ancient besids some of the Latin Doctors doe confesse that they vnderstand not well the intention and meaning of the Grecians others doe call them Heretickes and Schismatikes The reformed Churches doe leaue this question with the same irresolution We reiect saith Tilenus the errour or as others tearme it the 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 of the moderne Grecians This difference hath beene the cause or at least wise the pretext of the Schisme betwixt the East Churches and the VVest The East Churches who would transport the Primacie to Constantinople pretending that the Pope of Rome abuseth the Church doe take occasion to accuse the Pope vpon this Article that Pope was Nicholas the first by the report of Bellarmine who alledgeth Anthoninus or Adrianus as some will haue it because that he had beene so bolde as to adde of his owne authoritie to the Symbole of Nice that the holy Ghost proceedeth from the sonne and because peraduenture he hath not expounded it fully they of the East haue accused the Latines of constituting two principles and the Latines laying the fault vpon them doe impute vnto them blasphemie saying that they did derogate from the Diuinity of the Sonne of God Lombard and others say that the difference is in words and not in the matter it selfe Peraduenture the Grecians doe denie the procession of the holy Ghost to be from the sonne in one consideration and the Latines do affirme it in another for to know if it be so wee are constrained to enter into very curious considerations of Diuinitie It is therefore necessary to marke that the sonne is considered three manner of waies First as being the Diuine essence and the very same essence with the Father hoc sensu filius non spirat for the actions are of the persons and not of the essence considered apart Secondly the Sonne is to be considered as a Sonne and that formally So the Sonne produceth not the holy Ghost for he which is produced so farre as hee is produced produceth not In the third place the Sonne is to be considered as a person and that is it which S. Austen regarded when he saide that the Sonne hath from the father not onely to be sonne but also to be or his being that is to say to be a distinct person not to be simply the Diuine essence for the Sonne hath the same of himselfe and the person begetteth not the essence but the essence begetteth the person and if the sonne produce not in this maner that is to say as a person then the holy Ghost proceedes not from the Sonne in any wise for as it hath beene said the holy Ghost proceeds not from the Sonn eyther as an essence or as a Sonne Well then if the Grecians say not that he to wit the holy Ghost proceedeth from the essence of the Sonne being simply taken neyther from the Sonne as a Sonne the Latines should not take occasion to condemne them seeing that they say the same But because the Grecians say and that according to the Gospell that the holy Ghost proceedeth from the Father it is manifest that they denie not the procession of the holy Ghost to be from the Sonne because he proceedeth not from him either as an essence or as a Sonne for if that were so they should denie in like manner his procession to be from the father for the father produced not the holy Ghost as an essence simply for the essence produceth not neither as a father for if he had produced him as a father the holy Ghost should be then his sonne The Grecians doe hold that the holy Ghost proceedeth from the father in such a sort as he cannot be saide to proceede from the sonne And they haue reason to say so because the holy Ghost is in the person and from the person of the Sonne the which the father hath begotten as a sonne and the father begot not a Sonne which had not the holy Ghost and his productiue grace and fertility Likewise the father is the cause the Greeke Doctors do vse this word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 of the holy Ghost both as a person primo per se and as a father per filium But the Sonne inspireth not as a sonne primo per se neyther in producing another person which should produce the holy Ghost This obseruation remaineth obscure if it be taken without distinction that the holy Ghost proceedeth from the Father and from the Sonne also the Grecians should seeme to speake more properly then the Latines The auncient Doctors confesse that the holy Ghost proceedeth from the father proprie as hee speaketh more properly which saith the King commandeth then he that saith the King goeth for the commandement proceedeth from the King as a King but the King goeth as he is a man If then the Sonne be an inspirer the Father is the cause euen as a father But because that the Grecians do absolutely denie that the holy Ghost proceedeth from the Sonne denying thereby that his person is an inspirer a man must take heede least he fall into a 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 for if by the word proceede they vnderstand to haue his originall or beginning they say not ill considering the Father alone is the beginning The Diuines doe confesse as much when they call the Sonne Principium quasi Secundarium This word Secundarium destroieth the name of Principium and the word quasi sheweth that it is to speake improperly Yet here one cannot speake properly enough Therefore you may see that the holy Ghost is sayd to proceed from the Father alone in diuers sorts the which the Churches of the East doe regard But they regard not the reasons wherefore he may be said to proceed from the Sonne as also it is very hard to expresse how the person of the Sonne is an inspirer without considering him either as an essence simply or as begotten for in this person is considered but the essence and the relation as those schoole diuines affirme the which relation hath the place of forme from which the action ought to proceed It is likewise very hard to say how the Father inspireth as a person without inspiring neither as a Father nor as an Essence Neuerthelesse we must so say seeing the sonne of God himselfe hath sayd and taught so as his beloued Disciple Saint Iohn testifieth vnto vs which heard it of himselfe But because he hath not said that the holy Ghost proceeds from himselfe the Churches of the East will not say so but do consider the Father as Father and the Sonne as Sonne and they say with their great Doctor Saint Damascenus 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the Father
or institute such an estate and forme of Church as is to be seene in other Countries haue neuerthelesse protested in like manner in the conference at Poissy that it would be easier for them to fall into accord in ceremonies if the differences in doctrine were once appeased So it is that the contempt of Catholicke Gouernment doth get the said Reformed Christians an euill opinion among other Christians And that produceth two effects the one that the said Protestants considering ceremonies but as outward shewes and the Romane Catholickes doe confesse that ceremonies haue iustly that name doe condemne the customes of other nations without discerning those that are Catholike from other more particular or that are profitable and tollerable from those that are euill and naught And the other seeing themselues dispised and contemned without reason perswade themselues that it is all one when one reprehendeth them in a matter concerning faith Saint Paul saith that such ceremonies haue appearance of holines in that they spare not the body and haue no regard to cloath or feede the same but hee said not that they should abandon all Ceremonies rather sayd he he that eateth doth well and he that eateth not doth likewise well much lesse hath he approued that one should rent asunder or condemne the Catholike Church The other effect of condemning the Catholicke Church is that a man cannot now a dayes read the writings of the ancient Fathers nor the Histories of the Apostolicke Churches no not the holy Scripture it selfe without finding very many ceremonies and fashions of speaking not vsed amongst the Protestants of France from whence it happeneth that many doe change their beleefe being offended at the contemning of Councels as it is seene by their writings and conuersations and on the other side they of the Romane Church which doe relie too much vpon outward ceremonies are more and more confirmed in their opinion presuming that they follow and ymitate in all things the holy Scriptures and the Fathers nay the most learned and those that approue not in all points the Romane Church doe not thinke it in any wise reasonable to preferre the aduise or opinion of some particular and new writers before the iudgement of auncient Councels in that which concernes the Policie of the Church Heere it is to bee marked that the moderne Chronicles in writing the Ecclesiasticall Historie doe cause the readers very often to erre They write the names of the auncient Bishops of Romein Capitall letters naming them alone and recounting their actes liues they gather their lawes ordinances decrees and make no mention of the Canons which the other Bishops haue made in their Churches from thence grew the opinion that the said Bishops of Rome were Monarchs of all the world as the Emperours haue bene in temporall matters of their Empire and that such Lawes Traditions and Decrees which were but onely for the Church of Rome were lawes giuen to the Catholicke Church which is not so For it hath bene but of very late yeeres that France Spaine Germanie and England haue receiued them that is to say three or foure hundreth yeres since as for other nations they haue not receiued and approued the same as yet but haue inuented others In fine the reformed Christians say that the estate of the Church hath bene tollerable during the fiue first ages and they approue not Aerius and such like which in times past troubled the Church in reiecting the Ecclesiasticall customes and from thence it followeth that the Customes receiued during those first ages are not those which haue brought or doe nourish the Schisme in Christendome and therefore all nations doe auowe That Catholicke Traditions ought to be receiued if the inestimable good of peace and agreement might thereupon ensue alwayes prouided that you comprehend not vnder the name of Catholicke those which onely belong to the Greeke Church or the Latin or the Abyssin Aethiopian Armenian or any other particular Churches QVESTION XI Whether the holy Ghost proceedeth from the Father and the sonne or from the Father onely THE EAST CHVRCH THe second answere to the confession of Ausburg You see how many absurdities doe arise on euery side if it bee concluded that the holy Ghost doth proceede from the Father and from the Sonne Hold not an euill opinion in the name of the Lord. For if the Latins the Church of Rome and others doe bring approued witnesses as it seemeth likely to them that is to say Augustine Ambrose and Ierome we likewise can produce farre more and more worthy of credit All which haue pronounced that the holy Ghost proceedeth from the Father onely and haue prohibited vpon paine of a grieuous Anathema to hold any other beleefe THE ROMANE CATHOLIKE CHVRCH THe confession of faith by the Councell of Trent We beleeue in the holy Ghost the Lord and giuer of life which proceedeth from the Father and the Sonne which is worshipped and glorified together with the Father and the Sonne who spake by the Prophets THE SOVTH CHVRCH SAint Seuerus Patriarch of Alexandria I beleeue in one holy Ghost liuing which giueth life vnto all who proceedeth from the Father and the Sonne The King of Aethiope In the name of God the Father Almightie Creator of all things visible and inuisible In the name of God the Sonne Iesus Christ which is one with the Father light of lights In the name of the holy Ghost God liuing which proceedeth from the Father I am King c. THE REFORMED CHVRCH THe English Confession Wee beleeue that the holy Ghost which is the third person in the holy Trinity is very God not made nor created nor begotten but proceeding from the one and from the other to wit from the Father and the Sonne in a manner vnknowen and vnspeakeable of men ANNOTATION LOmbard surnamed Master by the Schoole Doctors of the Latin Church saith as followeth touching the differēces between the Grecians and the Latins in this question The Grecians say that the holy Ghost proceedeth frō the Father only and not frō the Son which they hold because that the truth in the Gospel which cōtaineth wholy the faith speaking of the procession of the holy Ghost maketh mention onely of the Father and also that in the principallest Councels which were celebrated with them their Symbols or Credes haue bene so fortified by the Anathemaes added that it is not lawfull for any man to teach any thing touching the Trinitie otherwise then is therein contained in which Symbole or Creede the holy Ghost is fayd to proceede from the Father and not from the Sonne And therfore say they all those are Anathema that doe affirme that he proceedeth from the Sonne and a little after Wee doe conclude that the Grecians doe accord with the Latins in the matter it selfe although that they differ in words Behold here the opinion of the Master of sentences who to shew that there is no difference betweene the
alone is the cause and beginning as well of the Sonne as of the holy Ghost That which moueth the Latins to be so obstinate and to say that the holy Ghost proceedeth from the person of the Sonne is because they feare that otherwise men would feigne or imagine inequallitie in the persons And if the Father did not communicate to the Sonne the inspiratiue power he communicated not vnto him all that is in him but hee communicated vnto him all except the constitutiue propertie of his person Neuerthelesse the truth is that the Grecians confesse constantly the equality of the persons they say that the Father did communicate all to the sonne but they seeme to denie that that production is the action of the Sonne because that the Son doth not inspire but the person already begotten and resident in himselfe and they say moreouer that there is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that is that the inspiration is one and the very selfe same action of them both the which neuerthelesse onght to be attributed to the Father alone because that he alone is the beginning The Latins do confesse all this that is to say that there is one selfe same inspiratiue vertue and consequently one selfe same inspiration which proceedeth from the Father yea euen in that that it is the action of the Sonne and that the Father and the Sonne doe inspire because they are both one for the essence is the foundation of the power although that it is the Persons that doe produce it It is as if one would search to know whether the light which shineth sometimes in the night time doth proceede onely from the Sunne or else as well from the Sunne as from the Moone A man should not doe amisse to maintaine both the one and the other I speake this yet not comparing the most holy mysteries with creatures as some for want of a more solid discourse are wont and would make men beleeue so I say this onely that there may be found Logomachies as well in the one as in the other The conclusion according to the intention of all the Churches seemeth to be that The Father as a person produceth the holy Ghost and as a Father begot the Sonne who through the inspiratiue vertue communicated produceth also the holy Ghost in such sort that the holy Ghost is said to proceede from the Sonne if one consider the action of the Sonne simply but if one haue regard to the beginning of the same he proceedeth from the Father only QVESTION XII Whether that the faith which God giueth be a sure and certaine confidence of saluation THE EAST CHVRCH IEremie Let vs approch to him which is without sinne entring into repentance with assurance Let vs come to Iesus which is most mercifull with full confidence not hauing an ill conscience or doubting any thing for hee that doubteth cannot approch with assurance Item Wee begge first the peace of our consciences and the saluation of our soules Peace is a thing most profitable or rather a vertue which is altogether necessarie for it is impossible that the troubled spirit should haue accesse vnto God THE SOVTH CHVRCH SAint Seuerus Alexandrinus Let vs approch with a pure heart and confidence of faith and let vs perseuere in the confession of our hope without declining for he that promised vs is faithfull Litourgie Aethiop Let this Bread and this Cup be effectuall vnto vs all that shall receiue it with Faith vnspotted Charitie vnfained perfect Patience firme Hope and Confidence THE REFORMED CHVRCH THe confession of Bohemia The repentant are taught to confesse their sinnes before those that haue care of their soules and to receiue of them absolution with confidence to inioy without doubt the remission of their sinnes The confession of Wittemberg Seeing God hath promised vs his mercy freely for his sonnes sake he requireth in that regard that we should abandon the doubtfulnesse of our flesh and conceaue a most certaine confidence in his mercy and to the end that might bee he hath placed our saluation not in the merits of our righteousnesse which is vnperfect but in the merits of his sonne Iesus Christ Item wherefore wee doe account that those which doe commaund vs to doubt of the grace of God doe not onely fight against the true beleefe of the Catholike Church but also doe prouide very ill for their soules health THE ROMAN CHVRCH THe Councell of Trent Albeit it is necessarie to beleeue that sinnes are not pardoned nor neuer shall be pardoned but freely through the mercy of God for the loue of Iesus Christ Neuerthelesse it must bee held that sinnes are not pardoned nor neuer haue bene par-pardoned to any which vaunteth himselfe of his beleefe and certainty of the remission of his sinnes and reposeth himselfe only vpon that although perhaps he be an vtter heretike and that in our time this vaine hope being farre from all pietie is preached with a great force against the Catholicke Romane Church And wee ought not to be assured that it must needes bee that those which are truly iustified without doubting any thing doe relie vpon themselues that they are iustified and that none can be absolued of his sinnes iustified but he that beleeueth for a certaintie that he is absolued and iustified and a little after for none can know by the certaintie of faith without all question of falshood that he hath obtained the grace and fauour of God ANNOTATION THe Councell of Trent saith that confidence is a vaine opinion a presumption a vice remote from all pietie and consequently the way to damnation The reformed on the contrary side doe maintaine that confidence is a Theologicall vertue and that faith whereof the Gospell maketh mention so often and is not hurtfull but rather aboue all things necessarie to saluation and that hee that repenteth ought to be assured that he is absolued before God especially then when he receaueth the Sacraments the seales of the remission of sinnes and at such time say the Greekes as one is possessed with the affection of him that said I haue hated iniquitie that is to say at such time as sinne raigneth no more in that man although it doth remaine in him Euery one seeth that this point is of importance for if the sayings of the Protestants be true it goeth very hard with the Romane Catholikes because that they follow the doctrine of the said Councell albeit not all and cast farre from them this hope as vaine and deceitfull and in so doing cannot be saued On the other side the reformed doe runne in hazard if they doe perswade themselues that this confidence commeth of diuine inspiration which in the decree of the Councell is a vice farre voide from all piety But because that this is not a place to debate vpon the reasons which are alledged on the one side and on the other it shall suffice to aduertise you that out of the passages before
Apostles were not the inuenters thereof yet it is certaine that it was some of their Disciples all the rest consenting thereunto The saying also of S. Paul cannot be applied to that institution for S. Paul saith that this forbidding should bee in the latter dayes The same Zanchius saith that Lent was free vntill the time of Pope Gregorie the seuenth that is to say vntill the yeare 1075. And that this Pope did forbid in the Latine Church to eate flesh vpon paine of mortall sinne And that this prohibition so absolute and exact is that whereof S. Paul speaketh For otherwise it is not a true prohibition or forbidding The Romane Catholikes do bring other exceptions to wit that these meates are not forbidden as euill of themselues Another answereth them that Saint Paul saith the vse of them must not be forbidden and speaketh in the same sort of Marriage which is not forbidden but onely to those which haue vowed neuer to marrie Also vnlesse one doe vow not to eate flesh the vse ought not to be absolutely forbidden him The Latines say also that they forbid it not but for certaine times The contrary part doth reply that it is euer a forbidding That which is white for one day saith Aristotle is no lesse white then if it had beene so a whole yeare As for the Christians of the East they are more exact obseruers of Fasting and abstinence then the Latines are although that their Church hath not this doctrine that it should be vnto them a mortall sinne Zeale and deuotion is many times imitated by superstition The Reformed Churches haue their Fasts and do keepe them straightly and the common people amongst them might fall into some scruple of conscience but that they are oftentimes aduertised of their Christian libertie It hath beene said before that the Ethiopians doe beleeue that the commandements of the Church doe not binde a man vpon paine of mortall sinne And in that point they are manifestly on the Protestants side as the Grecians also are if they hold that which their auncestors held all alike doe beleeue that the Bishoppes may both make lawes vse their censures and impose certaine punishments vpon the infringers or breakers of them but not forbidde as God If thou dost eate of this fruit thou shalt die the death both temporall and eternall So that some scruple is noted among Christians but the doctrine which they confesse is That the Church may ordaine holy or festiual daies together with abstinence of all or some kind of meats neuerthelesse not so as to bind the conscience without contempt or scandall and the diuers practise therof doth shew that there is no Catholike ecclesiasticall law which hath ordained either festiuall daies or fasting daies or the manner of keeping those feasts or fasts ¶ The Conclusion of this Treatise THe Councell of Basil hath declared the Pope to bee subiect vnto the Church If the same were beleeued at this day by the Latines as it is by all other Christians it were sufficient to make a peace If the Pope may transport that Sea out of Rome the Church may doe it farre better yea the East Church might haue done it at such time as it was greater then the Latine It followeth also that all that the Popes haue ordained approued or tollerated is vnder correction If there had not beene ambition in him or in his Clergie of Rome hee would haue heard the Catholike voyce of the Church This ambition is the cause wherefore the Grecians doe call him an Arch-hereticke the Indians a reprobate Bishoppe the Protestants the sonne of perdition Those that liue vnder him vse not these termes Neuerthelesse they are not farre wide from this beleefe If the Duke of Venice should presume to call himselfe Monarch and that the most part tooke armes against him calling him Tyrant Capitall and Principall enemy of the Common-wealth and that there were others more patient then they which confessed that in truth he was not such a one as he counted himselfe to be neuerthelesse beleeued that he ought to be supported I pray you would not all these Cittizens agree together in the principall point although they were of diuers opinions in the manner of proceeding Father Coton after many others maketh an argument here which he thinketh to be inuincible The Sonne of Perdition saith he must sit in the Temple of God according to Saint Paul that is to say in the Church of God according to Crysostome And we must not goe out of the Church for out of it there is no saluation therefore we must continue vnder the sonne of perdition Answere The Temple of God is all the earth in this Temple there are many Episcopall Chaires which as Pope Pelagius saith are one nuptiall bed of Christ that is to say which make but one Church which begetteth children to God by baptisme Well then if hee that sitteth in S. Peters Chaire teacheth not at all who will gaine-say but that without forsaking the Church one may goe to heare him which sittes in Saint Peters chaire at Antioch among the Armenians or in the seate of S. Andrew in Constantinople Some will say that the Protestants doe not take this way But we haue shewed that if ceremonies were laid apart and that Logomachies were eschued there would want but little of agreement and scarce would there be any discord but onely in these foure points First about Images Secondly praiers to Saints Thirdly the time of making Monasticall vows Fourthly about the conuersion of Bread and Wine in the Eucharist and peraduenture not so great as is imagined For the first it is decreed in the second Councel of Nice that one should put off his Hat in passing before a Church a Crosse an Altar an Image or portraict of a Saint hauing the heart lifted vp to God The Protestants doe call the same superstition See here is a great heresie a trimme subiect to diuide Christianitie Panigarolas confesseth that one may altogether let passe Images why not then this ceremonie The Catholicke Romans know well enough that sometimes they were not vsed at all And Wicelius saith that wee ought to eschew all appearance of euill In the time of S. Basil there was tolleration herein Vigilantius brake the peace peraduenture his iniurious speeches haue beene the cause why men did more in hate of him The second Question whether one ought to recommend himselfe to the Prayers of the Saints is of the same nature They of the East Churches doe confesse that the Saints doe not vnderstand our Prayers Neuerthelesse that the holy Ghost which they haue doeth induce them to pray and to crie Abba father saith S. Paul that is to say in generall for those that recommend themselues to their Prayers The Protestants doe confesse that the Saints doe pray and that one may wish or desire that they would so doe notwithstanding they hold it absurd to addresse our Prayers vnto them seeing that wee doe know that
Rome haue brought into their church many errours and haue innouated many things without and against the decrees of the councels withall they haue added to the Symbole of Nice of their priuate authority that the holy Ghost proceedeth from the Sonne euen as from the Father That although that the vniuersall councell hath giuen the first seate to the bishoppe of Rome yet did not they beleeue that the church in future time could not take from him this place especially if the church of Rome should fall into any errour as they say she is already fallen 14 That in the meane while the prouinces of the Empire of Charles the great to wit Fraunce Italy Germanie and Spaine remained vnder the bishoppe of Rome as being their nearest Patriark which is the reason that they now go about to perswade men that the Primacie appertaineth vnto him by Gods Law but this should bee no preiudice to other Churches nor to the trueth 15. That the Bishops of Rome enriched with the gifts and Donations of the Kings of France and per aduenture beleeuing themselues to be that which was repated of them haue ouerthrowne both Spirituall and Temporall Monarkes and haue caused to bee receiued in places vnder obedience to them as well the Lawes of their predecessors the Popes made by the Church of Rome as also those Lawes which they themselues from time to time doe adde thereunto in somuch that the Churches of the East South and North with good reason haue opposed themselues against these enterprises The confession and beliefe of the Apostolicke Churches about this Question here in controuersie is this That the first seate which is by diuine Law so farr as is necessarie for the order of Councels and is meete to shew vnitie is by the Ecclesiasticall Law as also the Sea that appertaineth to any such Bishop whome the Catholicke Church shall iudge to be fit and capable of such a charge QVESTION III. Whether Miracles are sufficient proofes that a Christian Nation ought to bee held for a true Church and without errour THE EAST CHVRCHES MArcus Paulus a Venetian The Citizens of the Citie of Tauris are Mahomets but there are some Christians that inhabit there to wit Nestorians and Iacobites Neere to which Towne is a Mountaine which was once remoued out of his place by the occasion that followeth The Sarrazins willing to scandale the Gospel said that it was written If you haue faith as much as a grine of Mustard-seede you shall say vnto this Mountaine remoue hence to yonder place it shall remoue Well said the Sarrazins mocking the Christians if your saith be so excellent cause this Mountaine to remoue out of his place Then one of the Christians feruent in faith spake to the Mountaine with a great confidence Get thee hence The which incontinently remoued in the presence and fight of all the people The very same Author maketh mention of a Pillar hanging in the ayre which sustaineth the Vault of a Church in Sammarchan Vilimont Whosoeuer would see a thing worthy of memorie must goe to a little Towne called Sardinale inhabited by the Christians of the Church of the Syrians where Turkes Sarrazins or Moores cannot dwell but they die before the yeeres end Faber Not farre from the Citie of Muscouia there is a great Monasterie wherein is the Sepulchre of one Sergius an Abbot which Monasterie is very much frequented of the people for it was holden very famous for many miracles that were there wrought whereof it shall be sufficient to produce one Which is that two blind men were restored to their sight there The same Author It is a common thing amongst the Muscouits to enchant Serpents with words and chase away Diuels and deliuer and helpe them that are possessed Thomas Lopes The people of Mangalor say that they went very often to the Sepulchre of S. Thomas which is in their Countrey who wrought among them many miracles The Ecclesiasticall Historie of Constantinople maketh mention that Arsenius was instituted Bishop by the Pope hee being then become a member of the Church of Rome for which cause hee was Excommunicated by the Patriarcke Pachomius a little after that hee died and his soule went with the soules of Arrius and Eutiches hereticks and his body was found black swollen which caused great feare to those that saw him THE MERIDIAN CHVRCH ALuares There is a Sepulchre of one of the Sons of King Abram which they say was a Priest Amongst other miracles which they attribute vnto him they say that the Angels did minister bread and wine vnto him when he celebrated The same Author They attribute the title of a Saint to a certaine King whose name was Balibeta towards whom the people beare such great deuotion that all Ethiope doth runne thither where his body is buried which they report to worke great miracles Idem There is a Monastery called Abba Gariman retaining this name of one which as they report raigned in Greece who hauing forsaken his Kingdome retired to this place to do penance for his sinnes where he finished his daies very holily and they report that he at this present doth miracles THE CATHOLIKE ROMAN CHVRCH GLoss Canon glorios We must enquire of miracles done in the life time and after death And to the end that these may be true miracles foure things are requisite first that they be of God and not framed by arte or by the diuell for miracles are wrought by the wicked secondly that they be contrary to nature as that of the Rodde of Moses turned into a Serpent thirdly that they be not wrought by wordes but thorough the merites of a man fourthly that they be for the confirmation of the faith Annot. Whosoeuer would know more amply the Miracles of the Latin Church may reade the Legends and liues of the Saints THE REFORMED CHVRCH THe confession of the French-men We beleeue that the word conteined in the Canonicall Writings proceeded from God And forasmuch as it is the very rule of trueth it followeth that neither antiquity nor customes nor the multitude nor humane wisedome neither iudgements nor visions nor Miracles ought to be opposed to it ANNOTATION THe East Churches doe beleeue that the Roman and Ethiopian Churches doe holde an erroneous and Hereticall opinion although there are Miracles wrought amongst them In like manner the Romanes doe pronounce an Anathema against all Christians that haue not obeyed them as well against them of the East and South as also the North Church notwithstanding their Miracles the Church of Affricke refuse nay scorne to goe and submit or subiect themselues eyther to the Greeke Church or to the Latine Church notwithstanding their Miracles the Latin church in the foresaid Canon dooth confesse that Miracles are wrought by wicked persons The reformed Church saith that Miracles or the bruite of Miracles ought not to be taken as a Marke of the true church And which is more
they beleeue that they are not giuen them for confirmation of their doctrine because the same is sufficiently prooued in the holy Scripture although that the truth it selfe is oftentimes holden in suspition If then all the Sects of Christians doe vaunt themselues equally to haue Miracles how can he that is out of the foresaid churches and is willing to become a good and a true christian resolue himselfe by considering of their Miracles Surely if euery Nation doe say that the Miracles which are done amongst other people are not assured signes that the doctrine which they teach is altogether true We may herethen make this conclusion as Catholike and agreed vpon by all in generall That miracles are no prooffes of Doctrine neither markes of the true Church QVESTION IIII. Whether personall succession bee a Marke of the true Church THE EAST CHVRCH BArlaam How absurd is it and out of reason to say that euery one of the Apostles was a Pastor and common Teacher of the Vniuersall world as S. Peter was and yet that none of them left any successors but S Peter onely because that if any one of the Apostles hath left for his successor eyther Bishoppes or Gouernours of the Church wherein any of them finished his dayes and yeelded vp his soule to God vpon what reason commandest thou that all should be created by the Pope Moreouer if I should affirme now that the other Apostles haue left successors behinde them amongst whom none was first or last but all equal and of one selfe same order peraduenture you would not beleeue me but if I shall bring you here some vnreproueable testimonie you will not be able to withstand it It shall be Saint Denis Areopagite in an Epistle which he wrote to Demophilus a Monke in these words Moderate thou then thy desires thy anger thy purposes as it is conuenient to the end that the holy Ministers may haue authority ouer thee and the Priests ouer them and the Bishoppes ouer the Priests and the Apostles ouer the Bishops the Successors of the Apostles for if any of them haue committed any fault in his office he may be corrected by them of the same order This man liued in the time of the Apostles and knew exactly the affaires and businesse of those dayes which saith that the successors of the Apostles are of one equall order and calling THE SOVTH CHVRCH LItourgia Ethiop Pray for our prince the prince of our Arch-Bishops the Lord Gabriel and the chiefe of the Church of Alexandria and for the chiefe of our countrey our venerable Archbishop Marke and for the Bishops priests and Deacons of the right faith THE REFORMED CHVRCH COnfessio Heluet. The celestiall father sent his onely sonne in whom is the Diuine wisedome which is powred vppon vs through his most holy most pure and most perfect doctrine for he hath chosen his disciples which he made Apostles and they being gone through the vniuersall world haue gathered together Churches by the preaching of the Gospell And afterwards they ordained Pastors in all the Churches of the World by the commaundement of CHRIST through whose Successors he hath vntill this present taught and gouerned the Church THE ROMANE CHVRCH CArd Bellarmine The fift marke of the Church is the succession of persons in the Romane Church continuing from the time of the Apostles vntill now for that is the reason that she is called Apostolike For if the ancient Fathers haue esteemed it so great an argument to proue the true Church by the continuance of twelue or twenty or fortie Bishops how much more ought we to esteeme the infallible succession of more then 200 Bishops especially because we see that the other Apostolicke Sees are decayed and failed that is to say those of Antioch Alexandria and Ierusalem wherin after that those places were taken away from the Romanes by the Persians and Sarrasins sithens which time there are nine hundred yeares past there hath beene no succession and if there were any the same was verie obscure ANNOTATION OVr Sauiour being now ready to ascend to heauen said to his Apostles Goe through the vniuersal world and preach the Gospell vnto all creatures c. This commandement was executed as may appeare as well in the holy scripture as also in ancient histories that S. Peter was in Antioch S. Andrew in Greece and Moscouia S. Iames kept in Iudea S. Iohn went into Asia S. Philip into Assyria S. Thomas into India S. Matthew into Ethiope S. Thaddeus into Armenia S. Paul called from heauen preached in all countries from Arabia vnto Sclauonia Wel then euery one of them left successors and vntil this day there is not any one of those regions where there are not Christian Bishops which plead to haue succeeded the Apostles without any interruption Bellarmine saith that if there be any succession it is obscure Others doe answer him that it was no more obscure vnder the Persians and Sarrasins then it was in the time of the ancient Bishops of Rome vnder the Roman Pagans and persecuters of the Church The East Churches neuer cease to vaunt and brag of their Apostolicke seas The Christians of Africk doe exalt him of Alexandria and acknowledge no other head The Abyssines by antiquity doe hold the succession of that sea so certain that none amongst them can haue the imposition of hands but by the hands of him that is especially chosen by the Church whom they call Abuna and whom they doe beleeue to haue his succession from S. Peter and S. Marke the Euangelist Finally if by personall succession a man pretend to know the true Church he cannot know what part to take And although that the Latin Church only had the succession without Interruption that could not be a sure marke seeing all those nations which S. Ireneus writeth of do beleeue that the Roman Church is not the true Church notwithstanding her succession We might here insert the Catalogue of vniuersall Bishops according to the Greek Church proceeding from S. Peter vntill the time of Neophytus which now holdeth or latelie held the Sea at Constantinople But we will omit that for breuitie sake This then here shall bee the Catholick conclusion That the personall succession of the Church of Rome or of any other is not the make of a true beleefe QVESTION V. Whether the multitude of Christians or the greatnesse of Countries are markes of the true Church THE EAST CHVRCH VIllamont The Church of the holy Sepulchre in Ireusalem is gouerned by diuerse sorts of Religious men some are Romane Catholickes others are Christians but Schismatickes and no adherents or louers of the Catholike Apostolike Roman Religion You haue in the first place the Grecians which are Masters and Lords of the chiefe place of the Church Moreouer there are there a certaine people which multiplie as well in Greece and Asia as also in Affrica Besides the Syrians doe very nearely imitate the vse customes and manners of the
the beginning therefore he that is a Melchite is a Catholike and whosoeuer holdeth a contrary opinion is an Hereticke It is this heresie that keepeth the kingdome of Nauarre vnder the Spanish yoke It is this heresie that brought that frowning fortune into our France and had bene the ruine of her if her great and inuincible Melech seconded by faithfull Melchites otherwise called Polititians had not preserued and defended her with the grace and assistance of him which is the onely giuer and translater of Monarchies It is this Heresie that the most Puissant and mightie King of Great Britaine indeuoreth to quench abolish in the hearts of his subiects a heresie which for a while lyeth hid vnder ashes but meeting with any proper matter will breake into a great combustion Euery one may here see that the most part of Christians doe reiect this opinion yea the Romanes themselues although they suffer the Pope of Rome to maintaine it in the Canons Wee will then conclude according to the generall voice That the Primate of the Catholike Church whether he be at Constantinople or at Rome or at Alexandria hath no power or authoritie ouer Temporall Common-wealthes QVESTION VII Whether all the doctrine necessarie to saluation may bee taken out of the holy Scripture THE EAST CHVRCH NIlus Archbishop of Thessalonica This is not then the cause of this difference and much lesse the whole bodie of the Scripture as if it were too short No it is not vttered openly and plainely wherof this question is for to accuse the Scripture is as great a fault as to accuse God but God is voyd of all blame Lombard The Grecians say that the holy Ghost proceedeth onely from the Father the which they beleeue say they because that the Gospell which containeth wholy the Faith that is to say the doctrine of the faith maketh mention of the Father onely The King of Moscouia If the Gospell had not bene written how could the word of God haue bene vnderstood and if the Apostles had not reduced into writing their delegation or Commission how had it bene knowen to the world that they were sent to men Sacranus The Russians say that the teachers of the Latin Church are not credible because they teach but that they receiue from the Greeke Doctors conditionally that they find nothing therein contrary to their owne opinion Annot. The Christians of the East are marueilous iealous of the Traditions and Ceremonies of the Fathers neuerthelesse they hold that the Scripture is necessarie against those that say that the Church may erre Moreouer they hold the same sufficient and a rule of Faith and therefore admit not altogether the Greeke and Latin Doctors but iudge of their doctrine which they could not doe but by examining it by the rule of Scripture THE SOVTH CHVRCH A Luares It was demaunded of me whether all those things that is to say the customes of the Romane Church were contained in our Bookes and whether they seemed better vnto me then those which they vse I answered that I found our bookes reduced into a better order then their bookes were because that since the time of the Apostles wee haue had alwayes great masters and teachers which were neuer imployed in any other vocation but to compose and gather together the holy Scriptures and passages of the Prophets and Apostles scattered in many volumes They replied vnto me that they had fourescore and one bookes of the olde and new Testament and asked whether we had more I answered that we had tenne times more drawne and extracted out of the olde and new Testament enriched with many expositions wherein was contained very deepe doctrine Prester-Iohn caused one to tell me that he was not ignorant of the great quantitie of bookes which we haue but that he desired verie much to know their names Damianus a Goes The Abyssins say that they haue all the writings of Moses and the Prophets and other bookes of the old Testament the foure Euangelists and all the Epistles of S. Paul and that they want not any booke of the holy Scripture whereof they recyted a Catalogue in my presence Neuerthelesse the Bishop Zaga an Ethiopian seemeeth to count the bookes of the Bible otherwise for he saith that in the new Testament there are fiue and thirtie peraduenture he comprehends those which Aluars saith that they call Manda and Abetilis diuided into eight parts but the same Abyssins doe beleeue that the holy Scripture is sufficient for saluation without those for they denie not the name of true Christians to those that haue not those bookes and therefore they hold them not to be of equall authority with the other The same Authour saith that the Abyssins beleeue not that there is any power whether Councel or whatsoeuer able to make lawes which binde the conscience much lesse such doctrine as is not grounded vpon the Scripture Annot. The Ethiopians are of the opinion of the Reformed if they meane those foure-score and one bookes which are in the Volume of the Bible for the same number is to be found if one reckon the Epistle of Ieremie for one booke by it selfe and if one doe seperate the Histories which are not found but in Greeke added to the bookes of Daniel and Hester Moreouer it is to be noted that the Abyssins do limite that which they holde for the word of God within the number of foure score and one bookes against the opinion of the word not written and they demand if the fashion and manner of celebrating the Masse is to be found in the holy Scripture Aluares a Roman Catholik answereth them cleane besides the matter saying that the Romane Church hath Doctors and Teachers which haue a doctrine farre greater and more perfect then that of the olde and new Testament The Reformed Church subscribe not willingly to this Article for they make a contrary Article as hereafter followeth THE REFORMED CHVRCH THe confession of the French Church We do beleeue that the word which is conteined in these bookes proceedes from God of whom it taketh his authority and not of men And forasmuch as it is the rule of all truth and verity conteining all that is necessary for the seruice of God and our saluation it is not lawfull for men neither for the Angels themselues to adde diminish or change it THE CATHOLIKE ROMAN CHVRCH I. Maior It is to be noted that wee doe hold many things to be diuine Law which are not expresly conteined in the Diuine law to wit in the holy Scripture neyther may they euidently be deduced from thence As for example not to ordaine a woman to be Priest or the institution of any one order In like manner we read not in the new Testament and much lesse in the old that the soueraigne Bishopricke was graunted to the Successors of S. Peter yet notwithstanding wee hold the soueraigne Bishopricke is by Diuine law The councell of Trent
the loue of him as also eternall life is giuen them for his sake and not for their merits And we must not doubt that the Sonne of God hath onely merited for vs a preparation to eternall life to the end that afterwards we might merite by our good works THE LATIN CHVRCH THe Councell of Trent If any man say that the good workes of a iustified man are the gifts of God only and that they are not as good merits of him that is iustified or that the same man that is iustified doth not truly merite the increase of the grace of God life euerlasting the possession and seazon of eternall life prouided that he die in grace and also the augmentation of glory for the good workes which he hath done through the grace of God and the merite of Iesus Christ of whom he is a liuing member Anathema ANNOTATION THis question may seeme to be a 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 because of the ambiguity of the word Merite which in the writings of the Fathers signifieth to Obtaine as the confession of Bohemia doth well note in the which sense the Protestants of Ausburge haue made no scruple to vse it But because that the Councell saith that a man doth truely merite wee must confesse that it speaketh of a merite which the Protestants admit not of And euen so Cardinall Bellarmine sheweth when he saith thus Some men doe imagine that there is but one satisfaction to wit that of Christ and that we doe not properly satisfie but that we doe some things in consideration whereof God doth applie vnto vs the satisfaction of Christ that is to say that our good workes are but conditions without the which the satisfaction of Christ should not be applied vnto vs or at the most but a disposition so saith Michael Bauius the which opinion seemeth vnto me erronious for the holy Scripture and the Fathers ordinarily doe call our workes satisfactions and redemptions of sinnes Moreouer if a man may by his good workes merite De Condigno Life Euerlasting wherefore may hee not satisfie for temporall paine which is lesse From this discourse of Bellarmine may be gathered two things The first is that in the Romane Catholicke Church there are some which hold the opinion of the Protestants The other is that the Councell by these words To merite truely euerlasting life doeth meane that one may merite it De condigno and not that works are onely causes Sine quibus non or only dispositions The Protestants doe oppose themselues against that very strongly and firmely and doe maintaine that merite taken after the meaning of Bellarmine presupposeth a man hath beene profitable to him of whom hee meriteth but men euen when they are most perfect are vnprofitable seruants to wit to God and not to themselues or to their neighbours as our Sauiour saith God doth excell both men and Angels from all eternity and in perfect beatitude And if he had appointed to bring them all to naught euen as he created them of nothing he should not be vniust If hee doe a deede of mercy in eternizing them it is because hee doth it according to his promise freely and not of merite For if a man by his good workes hath not obliged God to promise he obligeth him not neither to effect the same If a begger by asking almes doth get tenne crownes no man will say that he merited them de Condigno no although the giuer had made him a promise Well then to pray to God and to fast is to begge his mercy As touching the Churches of the East they vse not the word Merite but vse the word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that is to say to obtaine or to carry away a recompence which is a phrase of Scripture Therefore good workes are recompenceable that is to say they dispose or make a man fit to receiue a recompence but yet as a gratuitie The same Churches doe holde also that opinion which Bellarmine condemneth that is to say that good workes are causes sine quibus non without the which saith their answere one cannot obtaine saluation Moreouer the benefite of good workes is recyted vice is neither decent nor profitable nothing else but the depriuation of al goodnes Good works do shew what we are to wit whether we be in grace In fine good workes are the cause of our saluation but by accident seeing that the omission of good workes and the commission of euill doe strange a man much from God As touching the Christians of the South there hath not beene any disputations among them touching this question but they agree with vs therein They call themselues vnprofitable seruants and confesse that they haue not done any good in the world It would be a great iniurie to the pure simplicitie of those Christians if one should suspect them to hide a dissembling soule vnder those words It is to be noted that the Councell of Trent doth make two sorts of recompence that is to say euerlasting life and diuers degrees of beatitude As concerning life euerlasting one would thinke it were thus by searching the cause to wit that God loueth himselfe perfectly because that he is the louer of perfect goodnesse and Iustice And that the person of his Sonne which is the very same essence with the Father hath taken in personal vnion the sonne of the Virgin who consequently is perfectly loued that is to say hee hath perfect righteousnesse the which the Diety hath communicated vnto him Therefore it cannot be but that God gaue to this humanitie all the felicity whereof it was capable Well then this loue and felicity should not be perfect if it did not extend to the mysticall bodie of this Emmanuel God and man that is to say to all them that are one with him as he is one with the Father In like manner all those that are of that bodie are capable of that felicity by reason of the loue that God beareth to them in his Sonne yea when they haue not the meanes to doe any good workes as it is seene in little children which if they be saued as it is confessed it is onely for the vnion which they haue with the son of God whose righteousnesse is recompenced in them Then if this righteousnes of Christ be sufficient to make them happy it followeth that the same is also sufficient to make those happy which are grownein yeares who by the very same meanes haue eternal life that is to say by reason of his perfect righteousnes But as God loueth his sonne being a man in regard of his actions that are perfectly good by reason whereof God hath giuen him a name aboue all names In like manner loueth he those which God hath giuen him by reason of their good workes although vnperfect and therefore in consideration and according to the proportion of them he recompenceth them with sundry degrees of felicity Not that their workes were the cause of euerlasting life which was
not absolutely promised but to those which haue perfect righteousnesse The Catholike conclusion in this Question is That a man meriteth not properly eternall life by his good workes although that they be worthy of reward that is to say that they make a man fit to receiue a recompence through the grace of God QVESTION XVI Whether that there be a fire of Purgatory or other torment where the soules are purified or punished and whether the prayers of the liuing doe helpe to deliuer them THE EAST CHVRCH NIcholas The Grecians doe denie purgatory affirming that the prayers of the liuing doe nothing profite the dead Villamont The Grecians doe denie purgatorie but you make them amased if you aske them this question seeing that they beleeue not that there is a purgatorie wherefore then doe they pray for the forgiuenes of their offences They answere that it is to the ende God would put them in a more glorious place and that they are in Mansions where the Angels visite them often Sacranus The Moscouites affirme that there is no purgatorie but that there is onely two receptacles or places of receit for soules that is to say heauen and hell The booke of a Grecian touching purgatory saith thus We haue not receiued by Tradition from our Teachers that there is any fire of purgatorie or any temporall punishment besides and wee knowe that the Church of the East doth beleeue so The same Authour Our Lord in the Gospell according to S. Luke teaching what shall bee the condition both of the one and the other saith that Lazarus as soone as he was dead was carried by Angels into Abrahams bosome and that the soule of the rich man as soone as he was dead was carried into hell and there tormented And also by the bosome of Abraham hee signifieth the finall estate of the beloued of God in blessed rest and by hell and torments finall damnation and eternall paine And hath left no other place betweene both hauing any temporall paine and saith that there is but one bottomlesse pit beyond the which none can passe which seperateth the one from the other and ordained an extreame and vtter contrariety betweene them THE SOVTH CHVRCH ALuares Being ariued in the Church they lay not the body within the graue but lay it neare to it without singing any part of any seruice for the dead nor any of the Psalmes of Dauid much lesse those of Iob whereupon I desiring to know what they said they answered me that they sang that is to say they pronounced aloud the Gospell of S. Iohn intirely Annot. By this it appeareth that the Churches of the South beleeue not that there is a purgatorie because they themselues do not make praiers at the burying of their dead Damianus a Goes reporteth by heare-say that they bury their dead with Crosse and praiers but Aluares who dwelt many yeares in that place denyeth it Peraduenture the same Damianus tooke the lecture of the Gospell for a prayer Dauid Emperour of Ethiope We haue caused a Church to be built in honour of the most holy Trinity where the bones of our deceased fathers are buried who enioyes as we hope eternall felicity Annot. Our Princes of the Latine Church which beleeue that there is a Purgatorie are wont to say speaking of their deceased parents God haue mercy on their soules THE REFORMED CHVRCH THe confession of the Swizers We beleeue that the faithfull are transported to Iesus Christ straight after corporall death and that they haue no neede of the prayers and suffrages of the liuing We beleeue also that the wicked are straight-way cast into hell from whence they cannot come forth And that same which some men teach touching the fire of purgatorie is contrary to Christian faith I beleeue the forgiuenes of sinnes and the al-sufficient purgation made by Iesus Christ and his word Verily verily I say vnto you that whosoeuer heareth my wordes and beleeueth in him that sent me hath euerlasting life and shall not come into iudgement but passeth from death to life THE ROMAN CHVRCH THe Councell of Trent Forasmuch as the holy Catholicke Church guided by the holy Ghost hath taught according to the holy Scriptures and the ancient Traditions of the Fathers in the holy Councels and lastly in that holy vniuersall Councell that there is a purgatory and that the soules which are there deteined are helped by the praiers of the faithfull and principally by the acceptable sacrifice of the Altar The holy Councell doth commaund the Bishops that they take paines and study diligently that the good and holy doctrine of Purgatory which the holy fathers and Councels haue deliuered be receiued held taught and preached euery where ANNOTATION THis point here hath no difficultie for as touching the praiers which they make in the East for the dead wee will intreat in that question where it shall be debated whether it be lawfull to praie for the Saints which are in heauen Onely it is to be noted that the Councelle of Trent doth faine that the holy Scriptures doe warrant Purgatorie which the Churches of the East doe denie And if the true Interpretations of Scripture ought to be taken out of the Apostolicke Churches which haue retained it from hand to hand from their Fathers it followeth that those places of Scripture which the Church of Rome doth alleadge to proue Purgatorie are wrested by them to another sense as the Grecians haue shewed in their Apologie in the Councell of Basil And the Author of the Treatise of the fire of Purgatory before alleadged doth proue it very slenderly Moreouer many Romane Catholike Doctors and of very good estimation doe confesse that Purgatorie cannot be proued by the Scripture Amongst the rest Alphonsus de Castro auoucheth not onely that it is not proued by the Scripture but also that the Fathers doe seldome make mention of it especially the Greeke Fathers From thence saith he it commeth that euen vntill this present time the Grecians doe denie Purgatorie The Catholicke Conclusion thererefore here is this That there is no fire of Purgatorie nor any other torment where soules are purged and punished and that prayers serue not to deliuer them but rather are superfluous and vnprofitable if that they be made to that intention QVESTION XVII Whether the Pope or any other can giue Indulgences or Pardons to deliuer men from temporall punishment THE EAST CHVRCH IEremie Patriarch Gener. All these things ought to be done freely for Gods cause and not for any hope of gaine considering that there is nothing more agreeable to God then that Sacranus The Moscouites doe condemne Orders Blessings Priesthood Praiers Fastings Indulgences Iubiles and Ecclesiasticall offices and all that which the Church to wit of Rome doth dispence with by the authoritie of the Keyes In like manner they mocke at the obedience and authority Ecclesiasticall and yeelde no more to excommunication then to Indulgences THE CHVRCH OF THE
Exposition and that most ancient of all They hold with S. Chrysostome a very true Catholicke teacher that the soules of the Fathers were in Ades the Latines call that place Infernum Lymbus but improperly and that our Sauiour descended thither And that he was the very same day in Paradise and that Paradise is no other place but the same which the thiefe conceiued and meant for if our Sauiour had spoken of one place and the Thiefe had conceiued and meant another his vnderstanding had beene deceaued Now the Thiefe meant no other Paradise but that earthly Paradise for hee could not know what Paradise it was but by the Scripture of the old Testament which speaketh not of any other Paradise It followeth then that our Sauior was that same day in that Paradise and his soule was not left in hell It is there also whether the Fathers were conducted wherof some rose with the Lord and were seene in Ierusalem It is in this Paradise say they that Henoch and Elias were placed in their bodies and peraduenture Moses who appeared at the transfiguration of our Sauiour Iesus Christ and all the Fathers were rapt vp into heauen some in their bodies when our Sauiour ascended the other onely in soule when he rose from the dead as the same Saint Chrysostome saith And this opinion is not onely held by the Apostolicke Churches of the East as we haue vnderstood by themselues But it is very true by all likelihoode that the Christians of Africke doe consent thereunto for they are Cophites and of the same faith and Religion as the Cophites Syrians and Assyrians are for in all the Churches the sayd booke of Moyses Bar-cepha touching the Paradise before alleaged and the Author which he alledgeth who doe confirme the same exposition are very much approued Now this shall bee for the Catholike Reader to follow and approue that is to say either of the foresaid three opinions or else that of the Churches of the East and South which is That the soules of the Fathers were in hell called in Hebrew Scheol and in Greeke 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and that the soule of our Sauiour Iesus Christ descended thither yet was not left there but the same day ascended into heauen QVESTION XIX Whether all Infants I meane those of the Elect aying without Baptisme are damned and whether it be permitted to the Lay people to baptise THE EAST CHVRCH IEremie In Baptisme the matter is the water The forme the words of the Priest to wit these This seruant of God is baptized in the name of the Father of the Sonne and of the holy Ghost The instrumentall cause is the Priest although we doe not condemne altogether that which is done by one that is no Priest in time of necessity Iohannes Faber In Russia no man is thought sufficient to exercise the office of Baptizing if he be not a Priest what necessity soeuer doe happen Theuet The Moscouites baptize not at all but within their Churches vnlesse it be because they are verie farre from any Church THE SOVTH CHVRCH ALuares of the Ethiopians They minister Baptisme to their male children when they are fortie dayes olde and to the female when they are threescore dayes olde the infants not arriuing to that age die without Baptisme The which thing being come to my knowledge I could not detaine my selfe from publishing in many places the great fault and error which was committed against the Gospel where it is written That which is borne of the flesh is flesh and that which is borne of the spirit is spirit Whereunto they answered me that for that matter the faith of the mother sufficed together with the communion which shee receiued being with childe They baptize not in Fonts as wee doe but in the Porch of the Church with a potte full of water and that the fortieth day Theuet The King of Maitachasi receiued the Gospell at the perswasion of King Cephalian which was a Christian and established in his Churches eight Bishoppes a notable company of Priests and other Ministers there was also established an Alcaide or Ismiel that is to say in their language a Priest aboue all the other Priests which within sixe daies preached a thousand heresies Amongst the rest that if a woman be deliuered and the child die it was depriued of eternal be atitude and on the contrary side it was decreede by a Synod holden at Quiticoi that if a woman being ready to be deliuered came to receiue the Sacrament after their vsage law and faith and that afterwards her childe should be borne dead by this Sacrament only the child was baptized and freede from punishment and damnation THE LATIN CHVRCH THe Councell of Trent Translation into the estate of grace cannot be without the water of regeneration or a firme purpose to be baptized The Canon Praeter If peraduenture there be no Catholicke to be found it is better and more religious to receiue Baptisme of an Hereticke then to perish eternally The Canon Mulier That women presume not to baptize if it be not in case of necessity The Canon Romanus The Romane Bishop taketh it not to be the man that baptizeth but the spirit of God although he that baptizeth be a Pagan THE REFORMED CHVRCH THe confession of the Swizers We doe teach that Baptisme ought not to be administred by women for S. Paul forbiddes them Ecclesiasticall offices The confession of Ausburg Touching baptisme the Church doth teach that it is necessary to saluation as being a ceremony instituted by Iesus Christ The answere of the Diuines of Wirtenberg to the Grecians We doe reioyce that there are many points of agreement between vs and your holinesse and amongst other things that you hold that it must not be permitted to any to presume to take vpon him the office of Teaching in the Church and to administer the Sacraments which notwithstanding in case of necessity the Laickes may baptize ANNOTATION THe Protestants in France doe hold that the Infants of the faithfull dying without baptisme are neuerthelesse saued This word Faithfull seemes to be restrained to the Elect for there are wicked Christians against whom God denounceth that he will punish the iniquitie of the fathers vpon the children Moreouer it may happen that the parents may be Gods Elect and neuerthelesse as all men are subiect to erre they may be negligent to procure Baptisme for their Infants Now it may be doubted whether this fault be any preiudice to the Infants These considerations perhaps haue moued Christian people to encline to this beleefe that the Church ought to hasten Baptisme because they know not who be the children of the Elect and that one cannot erre in prouiding for the saluation of these Infants by baptizing them by reason that in Baptisme a token or signe ordained by the Lord the inuocation of the holy Trinity is vsed and the pardon of originall