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A72164 The conquest of temptations, or Mans victory over Satan especially, the great assaults, at the agony of death, full of very strong and effectuall consolations, to sustaine and comfort the weakest heart, in the greatest conflicts which can befall a Christian in the vvhole course of of life, and approach of death / gathered by the holy and deuout labour of Iohn Gerard, doctor of diuinitie, and superintendent of Heldburge ; newly Englished by Rich. Bruch, minister of Gods word. Gerhard, Johann, 1582-1637.; Bruch, Richard, minister of Gods word. 1614 (1614) STC 11767.5; ESTC S5215 71,686 143

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opened vnto vs. As in the baptisme of Christ the holy Ghost descended vpon him in the shape of a Doue so the holy Ghost is present in our baptisme and workes therein effectually our regeneration and renouation so that by this reason in Baptisme doe concurre the grace of the Father adopting the merit of the Sonne clensing and the efficacie of the holy Ghost regenerating Therefore if thou art baptized thou mayst not doubt of the grace of God the remission of sins and the promise of eternall saluation so thou continue in that faith which there thou didst professe Baptisme is the Lauer of regeneration where there is regeneration there is the remission of sinnes there is the grace of God there is perfect iustice there is renuing there is the gift of the holy Ghost there is adoption there is the inheritance of eternall life XV The falling out of the Couenant of Baptisme The Tempted I Beleeue indeed that I am receiued into the couenant of Gods grace by the Sacrament of Baptisme that I haue attained remission of my sinnes and am written in the Booke of life but by my sinnes I haue againe fallen out of the grace of this Couenant by committing offences againe I haue made the remission past of none effect and haue often deserued that I should be blotted out of the Booke of life The Comforter NAy the Couenant of GOD is an euerlasting couenant Gen. 17.13.1 Col. 2.11 to which after thy sinnes thou mayest againe betake thy selfe by true and earnest repentance For euen as God speakes of the Sacrament of circumcision that it is an eternall couenant so let vs not doubt but that God will enter into and stablish with vs an euerlasting couenant in baptisme which hath succeeded in the place of circumcision I will marry thee vnto mee for euer sayth he by the Prophet Hose 2.19 I will mary thee vnto mee in righteousnes and iudgement in mercy and in compassion I will marry thee vnto me in faith The hils shall be moued Esa 54.10 and the valleyes shall tremble but my mercy shall not depart from thee and the couenant of my peace shall not be moued saith thy Lord that taketh pitty God forbid therefore God forbid Rom. 3.3 that we say that the faith of God can be made of none effect by the incredulitie of men If we doe neuer so much take away credit from his words or depart from him 2 Tim. 2.13 hée remaineth faithfull alwayes like himselfe true and constant he cannot deny himselfe Therefore though thou sometime sinne out of thine inbred infirmitie thou doest not forthwith fall out of the couenant of God Indéed by sinnes committed against knowledge and conscience thou dost grieuously prouoke GOD against thée and make him to be sometimes angry but by true repentance thou returnest againe into his grace and fauour The ship of Baptisme doth not floate away from vs Secunda post naufragium tabulu although wee leape out of it into the Sea of sinnes therefore by repentance which in this sence may be called a second planke after shipwracke wee may returne againe to the same shippe of baptisme that in it wée may bee brought to the hauen of euerlasting saluation Hier. in ca. 3. Esa ver 9. Tertu lib. de poenit p. 479. Therefore imbrace repentance as hée that is shipwracke the helpe of some boord or plancke this will lift thée vp being ouerwhelmed with the waues of thy sins will bring thée into the hauen of the clemency of God Peter had denied his Master 1 Pet. 3.21 but being conuerted he doth neuerthelesse seeke the promise of saluation in baptisme The Galathians had fallen grieuously and likewise the Corinthians notwithstanding the Apostle doth set before them consolation deriued out of Baptisme after that they were againe raised vp by repentance Gal. 3.17 pronouncing as many of them as were baptized to haue put on Christ nay manifestly affirming that they were clensed and baptized in one spirit into one body that is to say a misticall body Out of which it euidently appeareth that the efficacy of the couenant of Baptisme doth extend it self to the time to come neither is it made plainely of no force and abolisht by the fall of man into sinne but that that couenant abides lastingly firme August 1. de nupt concupis cap. 33. and ratified of the part of God That therefore which Paul saith that Christ did clense the Church in the Lauer of water in the word is so to be taken that by the same Lauer of regeneration and word of sanctification all the euils of regenerate men are altogether clensed and healed not onely the sinnes past all which are remitted in Baptisme but also those which are afterwards contracted by humane ignorance or infirmitie not that baptisme so often as men sinne may so often be repeated but because by that which is once giuen the pardon of what soeuer sinnes is obtained for the faithfull not only before but also afterwards vpon their true and vnfained repentance Acknowledge therefore and bewaile thy sinnes yet neyther deny the couenant of grace that was begunne with thée in baptisme nor forget it but though thou fall a thousand times yet returne and goe backe Returne vnto mee Ier. 3.12 O thou soule that art turned away saith the LORD and I will not turne away my face from you Psal 27.8 because I am mercifull sayth the LORD and I will not be angry for euer Let thy heart set this word before GOD 2 Tim. 2.13 and hée will take pitty vpon thée being mindfull of his promise for hée cannot deny himselfe and his word XVI Vncertaine taking into the Couenant of Baptisme The tempted BVT whence may I bee ascertained that after I haue fallen by true repentance I may be receiued againe of God into fauour I would to God my heart might be confirmed by some certaine seale I would there were some Sacrament by the participation whereof that promise of grace might be sealed vp vnto mee The Comforter YEa there is such a Sacrament that is to say the most holy Sacrament of the Lords Supper in which Christ giues vnto thée his most precious body and blood Wherefore when they receiuest the most holy price of thy redemption that is to say the body and bloud of Christ in that holy supper thou mayest be sure that thou art made truly partaker of all those things which Christ hath deserued on the altar of the Crosse by the deliuering vp of his body and powring out of his bloud that is the fauour of God remission of sinnes righteousnesse life and euerlasting saluation When thou drinkest that bloud by the pouring out whereof the couenant of grace was stricken and confirmed how canst thou doubt whether thou be againe receiued into that couenant and into the fauour of God What is more néere vnto God then his onely begotten Sonne as who is in his bosome Ioh.
giuer is not sufficient to the parricipation of almes but there must of necessitie also come the hand of the receiuer but now my faith is weake the ship of my heart bruised with diuers stormes of tentations doth oft-times wauer and castes mee downe from the firmenesse of faith The Comforter WEake faith notwithstanding is faith neither doth faith therefore apprehend Christ and in Christ the grace of God remission of sinnes and euerlasting life because it is strong but because it is faith strong faith doth more strongly imbrace Christ neuerthelesse weake faith also doth not reiect Christ but wholesomly apprehend him The faithful seruant of God Christ our Sauior doth not breake a bruised Réed Esa 42.2 nor smoaking Flaxe hée doth not quench but he doth most benignely receiue him that is weak in Faith The least sparke of faith is the worke of the holy Ghost Rom. 14.3 because of our selues as it were of our selues we cannot so much as thinke any thing that is good 1 Cor. 3.5 but to will and to performe is of God therefore God will not despise his worke Phil. 2.13 which hee hath begunne in thy heart by the holy Ghost but will performe it and confirme it Euen as a Mother tendereth her Children Esa 66.13 so God comforteth vs but now a mother doth far more tenderly handle an Infant and takes greater care thereof then of the rest that are bigge growen so God doth not turne himselfe away from him that is weake in faith but endeuours to heale and confirme him as it were a sicke man If you shall haue faith as it were a graine of Mustard seed Mat. 17.20 and shall say to this hill passe from hence thither and it shall passe and nothing shall be impossible vnto you saith the truth If miraculous faith can doe so much that it can transpose hils if it be scarce as big as a graine of Mustard séed why cannot sauing faith doe the same that it transpose the hilles of tentations and doubtings howsoeuer it be very infirme and weake The power of God is performed in our weakenesse 2 Cor. 12.9 take héede therefore that thou be not cast downe in thy minde for the weakenesse of thy faith But rather regard the power of God God can water that which is drie heale that which is wounded bend that which is stiffe cherish that which is colde gouerne that which is out of the way Acknowledge onely the infirmitie of thy faith and leane so much the stronger on the staffe of the word of God for the word as it is the séede so also is it the nourishment or foode of faith Pray with the Disciples of Christ Luk. 17.5 Mark 9.24 O Lord encrease our faith and with the Father of the lunaticke childe I beleeue Lord helpe mine vnbeliefe XIX The want of the feeling of Faith The Tempted MY faith is not onely weake but sometimes I doe not feele any faith at all in my heart neither doe I call vpon God with that heat of the spirit which may pierce the clouds I feare therefore least then my faith haue perished and be vtterly ex●inct but if my faith be extinct what hope or saluation can there remaine for mee I proue my selfe and behold I doe not feele faith in my heart therefore I shall be of the number of the reprobate The Comforter THe spirit helpes our infirmitie as it were with a hand put vnder for euen as we know not what we may pray for or how we ought to pray Rom. 8.26 yet the spirit makes intercession for vs with sighes that cannot be vttered so what or how wée may beléeue sometimes we doe not féele but the spirit doth cherish and conserue faith in our heart A sparke lies sléeping and hidden vnder the ashes although outwardly it doth not appeare so faith sometimes dwels in the innermost corners of the heart although it cannot be felt of vs therefore from the want of the féeling of faith thou mayest not gather that thy faith is perished and extinct when as yet thou doest desire sigh and art willing to beléeue that desire that sighing that willing doth come from faith Furthermore it is one thing not to féele faith another thing to put away beléeuing that happens to him that wrastles this agrées to him that is stubbornely rebellious Eph. 3.17 Christ dwels altogether by faith in thy heart although thou doest not manifestly féele that inhabitation of grace euen as the holy Ghost that inward Comforter hath an holy house in thine heart although sometime he doth with-draw from thée the féeling of that consolation Rom. 4.18 As Abraham the Father of beléeuers beléeued against hope in hope so thou oughtest to relie on the word against thine owne sense As we ought to captiuate all our vnderstanding vnder the obedience of faith so thou mayest also captiuate that want of the féeling of faith with faith that is thou mayest receiue the word in thy heart and cleaue firmely there-vnto The séede lies hidden vnder the clods of earth although it doth not as yet thrust forth the blade vtterly so the séede of faith lies hid in thy heart although the fruit thereof as yet doth not fully and plainely appeare In sléeping thou doest not féele faith but farre be it from thée that thou shouldest say that then thy faith is perished so in this temptation as it were a certaine sléepe hath opprest thy soule that thou canst not féele the mouing of thy faith but farre be it from thée that therefore thou shouldest thinke that thy faith is vtterly extinguisht XX. The want of power to beleeue The Tempted TRuly I doe sigh to my Sauiour but I doe both feele and grieue that I cannot beleeue I would wish truly that I might be made partaker of the benefits of Christ but I doe not feele that I can apprehend them by faith The Comforter OF thy selfe thou canst not but on him which strengthens thée Christ thou canst doe all things Phil. 4 13. God would haue thée altogether and in earnest would haue thée to beléeue for to that end hée offers to thée his word that through it by the efficacie of the holy Ghost hée may kindie faith in thy heart onely doe not thou put away that word neither resist the working of the holy Ghost in short time thou shalt féele most plentifull fruit of the word For if God seriously would haue thée to beléeue surely he will also worke in thée that beliefe if thou doe not resist his will with actuall stubbornnesse Thou sayest that thou canst not beléeue and yet thou art constrained to confesse that thou doest sigh vnto Christ and desire his benefits that same sighing that same desiring is the beginning of faith The holy Ghost will bring to passe will surely bring to passe that worke of faith which hée hath begun in thée take héede onely that thou doe not put by his wholsome operation Thou oughtest not
of life Apoc. 20.12 but in the last iudgement the bookes shall be opened and amongst these also the booke of conscience in which before the whole world grauen with great letters shall all the particular faults and offences of men be séene which are not blotted out in this life by true contrition by faith and amendement of life Before that day of iudgement come and the time of grace passe away thou mayest haue as yet excellent hope and sure confidence that the bloud of Iesus Christ Heb. 9.14 which through the eternall spirit hath offered himselfe without spot to God will clense thy conscience from dead workes to serue the liuing God XXV Too late Repentance The Tempted TRuly I am earnestly sorry for so many wounds inflicted on my conscience I doe earnestly desire the cure of my wounds I haue an earnest desire to keepe a good conscience hereafter but I feare lest that my repentance be too late I feare lest the grace of God so oftimes reiected of mee doe againe reiect and forsake mee August de verâ falsâ poenit cap. 17. Late repentance is wont to deceiue many and that repentance which proceeds from a dying man hee must feare lest that also dye The Comforter NAy there is nothing too late which is true and earnest Cyprian tract 1. contra Demet. No repentance is to late for him that abides yet in this world there are some which are called and come at the eleuenth houre of the day into the Lords Vineyard Mat. 20.9 and receiue the reward of Grace No length of time doth preiudicate eyther Gods equitie or his pietie Fulgent Epist 7. Repentance is neuer too late with GOD 〈◊〉 in whose sight aswell the things past as the things to come are alwayes held for present Behold the example of the Thiefe on the crosse which confessing Christ with his mouth vpon whose vtmost lippes as it were his soule dwelt ready to depart gods the pardon of his sinnes and the 〈◊〉 pr●mise of the heauenly paradise As long as that to day is named Heb. 3.13 so long God doth earnestly looke for our conuersion As long as the heauenly Bridegroome doth as yet defer his comming Mat. 25.5 so long the gate of Grace and indulgence doth as yet lye open The whole time of our life yea the last houre thereof is graunted vs to the space of repentance Esa 65.2 God spreads forth his hands all day neyther doth hee cast forth him that comes vnto him at what time soeuer hee come Iohn 6.37 Therefore take thou care of that that thy repentance be true and earnest and then thou néedest not feare lest it be too late If when the houre of death drawes néere thou therfore repentest thée because thou art destituted of the occasions of sinning that repentance is false for by this reason thou doest not leaue thy sinnes but thy sinnes forsake thée If thou therefore repentest because thou séest the punishment of thy sinnes neare that repentance is likewise false for it procéeds out of the loue of thy selfe not out of the sincere loue of God it procéeds not out of the hate of sinne but out of the irkesomnesse of most iust punishment Therefore that thou mayest repent truly and earnestly grieue for thy sins so often committed and therefore grieue because thou hast so often so grieuously by them offended God the chiefest good see●e in Christ the remission of thy sins and seriously propose to thy selfe whatsoeuer shall remaine of thy life to 〈◊〉 it out wholly on the seruice of God submit thy selfe to God be humbled from thy heart before him permit it to his will what and how great punishments a thousand times deserued of thée he will inflict vpon thée that it may appeare that thou doest repent out of the hatred of sinne and not out of the hatred of punishment Psal 51.19 Such a contrite and humbled heart will be a most acceptable sacrifice vnto God for so he saith by the Prophet Esa 66.2 To whom shall I haue respect but to the poore and contrite in spirit and him that trembles at my words XXVI The doubting of the grace of God The Tempted TRuly I feele in my heart serious contrition and griefe for my sinnes neither doe I altogether despaire of the mercy of God yet my heart is shaken with the waues of doubtings neither as yet am I certainely assured of the free remission of my sinnes Indeed well I hope in the meane time humbly I doubt the consideration of Gods mercy doth lift me vp but the thought of mine owne vnworthinesse doth againe cast me downe I am conuerted vnto God therefore I hope well but I am conuerted too late therefore I doubt as yet in part The Comforter BVt I will set most firme props vnder thy wauering faith on which thou mayest relie thée against all the tempests of doubtings for neither is that doubting an humble confession of our vnworthinesse but a dangerous oppugning of the faith that ought of right to be giuen to Gods promises neither is there any reason of doubting of sufficient strength in late conuersion and repentance when the mercy of God doth offer to al that are earnestly conuerted a most certaine promise of the remission of sins First of al therefore attend to the vnmoueable verity of the promises of God Whosoeuer they are that acknowledging and bewailing their sins doe séeke remission of them in Christ and conceiue a firme purpose of amendement of life to them God hath promised his grace forgiuenesse of sinnes and eternall life Whosoeuer beleeueth on the Sonne Ioh. 13.15 18. 1 Ioh. 5.12 Mar. 16.16 doth not perish but hath life eternall He that beleeueth on him is not iudged He that hath the Sonne the same also hath eternall life Hee that shall beleeue and be baptized shall be saued He that hath promised these things is God whose word is more firme then heauen earth which is the truth it selfe 2 Tim. 2.11 which is faithfull and cannot deny himselfe or his word That therefore which God offers with indubitate promises that must thou entertain with indubitate faith neither must thou pretend the infirmitie of thy nature which cannot imbrace the promises of God with such an assurance of trust for this fault of thy nature must be corrected by the efficacy of the holy spirit As thou dost not beléeue on CHRIST out of the strength of nature but out of the working of the Holy Ghost so by the grace of the same spirit thou mayest be assured of the mercy of the Heauenly Father against all doubting that is inherent in thy depriued nature 1 Ioh. 5.10 Hee that beleeues not God makes him a liar Asmuch as thou doubtest so much is diminished of thy trust therefore thou must resist that doubting neither is that to be set forth vnder the specious name of humilitie verily Humilitie ought to arise out of the
drinke Rom. 14.17 but righteousnesse peace and ioy in the holy Ghost Wherefore if thy soule hath sometimes felt in the secret of thy conscience the spirit of the Son Ber in Can. serm 8. col 509. crying Abba Father let her presume that she is beloued with a fatherly affection when shee perceiues that shee is affected with the same spirit with which is also the sonne In the spirit of the Son shée may know her selfe to be daughter of the Father the spouse and sister of the sonne And although all these things are sometime weake and languishing yet be not out of heart but aske for increase of the spirit Luk. 11.13 for God will giue this spirit to those that aske him Stir vp the gift 2 Tim. 1.6 that frée and gracious gift of the spirit which is in thée that is by asking by séeking by knocking by meditating on th● word by resisting euill concupiscences There is here no perfection but a continuall way to perfection Beside this inward seale and testimony of the holy spirit God hath giuen thée the Sacraments which are the seales of the heauenly promises the waggons of the benefits of Christ bringing them vnto thée and the meanes of the begetting cherishing confirming of thy faith that thou mayst be sure that the benefits of Christ doe pertaine in speciall vnto thée Cypr serm de mort pa. 209. Thou wert receiued into the Church by baptisme and fed in the Lords Supper with the body blood of Christ being confirmed by these seales beléeue the word of the Gospell surely and without all doubt Why doest thou doubt why doest thou wauer this is that God should not altogether be this is to offend Christ the Master of beléeuers with the sin of incredulity this is for him that is placed in the Church not to haue faith in the house of faith Attend moreouer to the infallibility of the promised hearing God hath promised euen with an oath put thereto that he wil heare our prayers that whatsoeuer we aske according to his will shall be giuen vnto vs Verily verily I say vnto you saith Christ whatsoeuer yee shall aske the Father in my name Ioh. 16.23 Mat. 18.19 hee will giue vnto you If two of you shall consent vpon earth on any manner of thing whatsoeuer they shal aske it shal be done to them of my Father which is in heauen This is the trust which we haue vnto God 1 Ioh. 5.14 if we aske according to his will we shal obtaine it The very same which hath promised hearing hath cōmanded vs to aske forgiuenes of sins therfore what place of doubting will there remaine of the remission of sins how should Christ haue commanded to ioyne to prayer the word Amen if hee would haue had vs to doubt of hearing To conclude attend to the property of true faith as by which we haue accesse vnto that grace wherein we stand and glory of the hope of glory Heb. 4.16 promised of God through which wee come with trust vnto the throne of grace that wee may attaine mercy and finde grace through which we are kept by the power of God vnto saluation 1 Pet. 1.5 through which we know that we are translated from death to life 1 Ioh. 3.14 through which wee are most certainly perswaded that neither death Rom. 8.38 nor life nor Angels nor principalities nor powers nor things present vers 39. nor things to come neither height nor depth nor any other creature can separate vs from the loue of God which is in Christ Iesus our Lord. August in Psal 148. Weighing all these things let thy frailtie lift it selfe vp let it not despaire let it not bruise it selfe let it not turne it selfe away Christ hath promised thée that thou shalt bee there where hée is What hath God promised vnto thée O mortall man that thou shalt liue for euer Doest thou not beléeue beléeue beléeue it is more now which hée hath done then what he hath promised What hath he done he hath died for thée What hath he promised that thou shalt liue with him it is more incredible that the eternal hath died then that the mortal can liue for eternitie Now thou holdest that which is more incredible why doest thou doubt of that which remaines God hath promised thée heauen he hath giuen thée his Son which is a greater gift then heauen and earth XXIX The doubting of perseuerance The Tempted TRuly I doe nothing doubt but that by my Mediator Christ there lyes open to me accesse to GOD I surely trust that I am in the grace of God yet I cannot but doubt of perseuerance Matth. 10.22 cap. 24. v. 46. I know that it is perseuerance alone that is crowned I heare that they onely which shall perseuere to the end shall be saued Not to haue begun well but to goe through well is the part of vertue Aug. Ser. 8 ad frat in Erem Hiero in Epist ad furiam Theol. myst Harp c. 34. Neither is the beginning but the end required in Christians Iudas began well but he ended ill Paul began ill but hee ended well Without perseuerance neither he that fighteth obtaineth victory nor the Conquerour the palme I heare the ouer-seer and appointer of our masteries crying hold that which thou hast least another take thy crown I heare and I feare I feare and I doubt Apoc. 3.12 I doubt and I cast away the confidence of my heart The Comforter Bern. Serm. 3. de sep frag miser Col. 183. COnsider thrée things ●n which thy whole hope doth consist the charity of the adoption the truth of the promise the power of performance Now let thy foolish thought murmure as much as it will saying who art thou and how great is that glory or by what merits hopest thou to obtaine it and doe thou answere confidently I know whom I haue beléeued and I am sure that in the aboundance of his charitie he hath adopted me that he is true in his promise that hée is powerfull in performance This is the thrée-fold cord which is not easily broken which I pray thée that thou holde firmely fast being let downe to thée out of our Country euen into this dungeon that it may lift thée vp that it may draw thée euen to the beholding and sight of the glorie of the great God This is the most firme Anker of thy hope these are those thrée pillars on which thou mayest relie against the flouds stormes of doubtings that is to say the good will of God adopting his sure faithfulnesse promising and his infinite power to fulfill his promises The good GOD hath promised good things Phil. 2.13 hée hath begun to worke a good worke in thée hée that hath begun will performe it according to his good liking The good GOD hath promised good things 1 Cor. 10.15 he that hath promised is faithfull and true he
Dust The Tempted WHatsoeuer it be I see that I must be laid downe into the earth and be brought to dust A bed shall be made for my body in the graue therefore haue I sayd to corruption Thou art my Father and to the wormes Iob 17.14 yee are my Mother and my Sister The Comforter DOe not regard that dust and ashes into which thou art to be brought but regard that future resurrection out of the dust and ashes which we expect by faith If thou hast said with Iob to corruption that it is thy Father say with the same that thy redéemer liueth Iob 19.25 which in the last day shall raise thée vp againe out of the earth shall compasse thée about with thy skinne that in thy flesh thou mayest sée thy God The sayings of the Scriptures the moments of arguments and the examples of those that were raised againe doe proue this blessed resurrection of our bodies The sayings of the Scriptures in the olde and new Testament are in a readinesse in number many in weight most great in perspicuitie most cleare Gen. 4.10 Chap. 25.8 Chap. 35.29 Chap. 49.33 The bloud of Abell doth cry to the Lord in whose sight as yet he liueth The Patriarches are gathered by death vnto their people therfore by death they do not cease to be the liuing people of the liuing God God is the God of Abraham Isaac and Iaacob Exod. 3.6 now God is not the God of the dead but of the liuing therefore Abraham Isaac Mat. 22.31 and Iaacob doe liue before God they liue I say in their better part and their bodies in the time to come shall be called backe againe to life nay they are already called backe Mat. 27.53 séeing that Christ being risen againe they are risen againe with him I know sayth Iob that my redeemer liueth Iob 19.25 and in the last day I shall be raised vp againe out of the earth Esa 26 19. Thy dead shall liue sayth Esayas my slaine shall rise againe Awake and sing Esa 66.14 yee that dwell in the dust for thy dew is as the dewe of greene hearbs your bones shall flourish like an hearbe For this saith the Lord Ezek. 37.5 of the dry bones Behold I will send my spirit into you and ye shall liue and I will lay sinewes vpon you and make flesh growe vpon you and couer you with skinne and put breath into you that ye may liue and yee shall know that I am the Lord. Dan. 12.2 Many sayth Daniel of those which sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake some to life eternall others to euerlasting shame The greatest King of the world say the seauen Martyrs in the Maccabees will raise vs when we are dead 2 Mac. 7.9 to eternall life of God doe we hope that wee shall receiue our members Ioh. 5.28 The houre commeth saith the Truth in which all that are in the graues shall heare the voyce of the Sonne of man vers 29. and shall come forth they that haue done good to the resurrection of life but they that haue done euill to the resurrection of iudgement This is the will of the Father which hath sent me Ioh 6.39 that of all which he hath giuen me I should lose nothing but should raise it vp againe at the last day Ver. 40.44 But this is the will of my Father which hath sent mee that euery one which seeth the Son and beleeueth on him haue life eternal Ver. 54. I wil raise him vp again in the last day I am the resurrection and the life he that beleeueth on me although he were dead Iohn 11. vers 25. vers 26. yet shal he liue and euery one that liueth and beleeueth on me shall not dye for euer I haue hope on God saith S. Paul and I looke for the resurrection to come of the iust vniust Act. 24.15 This corruptible must put on incorruption this mortal must put on immortality 1 Cor. 15.53 then shall be fulfilled the word which is written Death is swallowed vp into victory 2 Cor. 4.14 Wee know that hee that hath raised vp our Lord Iesus hee also by Iesus will raise vs vp Our conuersation is in Heauen Phil. 3 20. from whence also wee looke for our Sauiour the Lord Iesus Christ Vers 21. which shall change our vile body that it may be like his glorious body according to the working whereby hee is able to subdue all things to himselfe 1 Thes 4.14 If we beleeue that Iesus is dead and risen againe euen so them which sleepe in Iesus will God bring with him Iohn saw the dead great and small standing in the sight of God and the bookes were opened Apoc. 20.12 and the Sea gaue vp the dead which were in her and death and hell gaue vp then dead To these sayings of Scripture written as it were with a beame of the Sunne may be added vnmoueable props of reasons for so the Apostle concludes 1 Cor. 15.12 If Christ bee risen againe we also shall rise againe teaching the resurrection of Christ to be the key of our sepulchres and the example of our hope Tertul. de carne p. 33. 1 Cor. 15.20 Exod. 23.19 Leuit. 23.20 August 20. de Trinit cap. 17. Ephes 2.6 CHRIST is become the first fruits of those that sleepe sayth the Apostle As therefore the haruest by the ordinance of God did follow the oblation of the first fruits so the haruest of the vniuersall resurrection shall follow the first fruits of the Lords resurrection Christ is our head that which hath gone before in the head shall follow in the members and hence the Apostle doth confidently pronounce that we are raised together with Christ and placed in the glorie of the heauenly Paradise For there is in the man Christ the flesh of euery one of vs Maximi in serm de resurrect the bloud and portion Where therefore our portion raignes there doe we beléeue to raigne where our bloud beares rule wee féele our selues to beare rule and where our flesh is in glory wee know that we are glorious 1 Cor. 15.21 Besides as by one man that is to say the first Adam came death so by one man that is to say the second Adam came the resurrection As in Adam wee dye so in Christ we rise againe The fall of Adam was of power to bring in death shall not the resurrection of Christ be able to deserue the raising againe to life Christ in his glorious resurrection hath shewed himselfe the conquerour of all his enemies therefore also of death which also at length hee shall altogether abolish Christ is an eternall King therefore he shall raise the citizens of his kingdome from death that they may liue with him for euer Christ hath fréed not onely our soule but also our body from the yoake of sinne and hath ordained it