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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A65888 A sober expostulation with some of the clergy against their pretended convert Francis Bugg his repeated gross abuse of the people called Quakers, in his books and pamphlets, viz., his New Rome arrainged, History of Quakerism, Second summons, Picture of Quakerism, and other pamphlets which may serve to invalidate the authority of the snake in the grass, as it refers to his books. Whitehead, George, 1636?-1723. 1697 (1697) Wing W1959; ESTC R20305 65,396 156

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particular our approved Writers in England as Sound in the Christian Faith as appears in his own Book Entituled A Serious Appeal c. Printed Anno 1692. If he will not stand to this but contradict himself against us we cannot help that F. B. may take him by the Hand and give him the Right Hand of Fellowship 26. That the Principles and Practices of the Quakers are contrary to those of the French Protestants and indeed to all other Christians p. 41. Note Here are two great Falshoods contain'd in this Charge and they are in general and indefinite Terms too for first as to those Principles of the French Protestants as Cited by F. Bugg himself p. 41 to 47. they Believe and Confess 1. That there is but one God only whose Being only is Simple Spiritual Eternal Invisible Immutable Insinite and Incomprehensible 2. That in that Divine Being there be the Father Son and Holy Ghost 3. That the Father is the First Cause in Order and the Beginning of all things the Son his Everlasting Word the Holy Ghost his Vertue Power and Efficacy 4. That tho' these Divine Three are distinct or distinguished i. e. as to their Relative Properties of Father Son and Holy Ghost yet not divided but of One and the Same Essence i. e. Being Eternity Power and Equality 5. That the Doctrine contained in the Holy Scriptures i. e. of the Old and New Testament proceeds from God from whom only and not from Men it derives its Authority and that all Matters necessarily required for the Worship of God and our Salvation are therein testified they say contained and therefore that 't is not lawful for Men or Angels to add unto take from or change this DOCTRINE i. e. the Doctrine necessary to God's Worship and our Salvation as they say 6. That God of his Rich Grace Mercy and Bounty delivers his Children through our Lord Jesus Christ i. e. from Sin and Condemnation 7. That Jesus Christ being the Wisdom and Eternal Son of God took upon him the Nature of Man so that he is God and Man but one Lord Jesus Christ and that he might be able to suffer in Soul and Body was made like unto us in all things Sin only excepted so that as to Man's Nature he was indeed of the Seed of Abraham and David Conceived in due time in the Womb of the Virgin Mary by the Secret and Incomprehensible Power of the Holy Ghost and that in one and the same Lord Jesus Christ his Two Natures i. e. as God and Man are inseparably united yet each retaining its distinct Properties so considering Christ in his Deity as not to deprive him of his Manhood we having one Mediator between God and Men even the Man Christ Jesus 8. That by that one Sacrifice which Jesus Christ Offered upon the Cross we are Reconciled unto God i. e. being Reconciled by his Death we who believe in him shall be saved by his Life Rom. 5. 9. That the Lord Jesus Christ by the Power and Spirit of God was Raised from the Dead to which I add That he ever lives in his own proper glorious Body in which he Ascended into Glory and wherein he is Head of his Mystical Body the Church which as united to him and his Glorious Body is One Body 1 Cor. 12. 12 20 27. Ephes. 1. 23. and 4. 4. and 5. 30. Phil. 3. 21. 10. That Jesus Christ is so conferred upon us as to be our Advocate with the Father and that he commandeth us in our Prayers to present our selves or Pray to the Father in his Name 11. That God will have the World Ruled and restrained by Laws and Civil Government and therefore he appointeth Kings and Common-wealths and other kinds of Principalities whether Hereditary or otherwise i. e. as it pleaseth him and also what pertaineth to the Ministration of Justice whereof he himself is the Author therefore hath he delivered the Sword i. e. of Justice into the Magistrates Hands c. 12. That also much Honour and Reverence ought to be given to them as unto God's Officers and due Obedience yielded unto their Laws and Tribute and Taxes paid and the Yoke of Subjection born if the Magistrates be Infidels so that the Soveraign Government of God be preserved Thus I have abstracted divers of the most material passages out of the Citation before of the French Protestants Confession of Faith which he has set forth an Abstract of quoting the first Volume of J. Quick's History Synod in Gal. Reform p. 6 to 15. Note that in the second and fourth Article the word Persons is left out and that for the more plainness a few Parenthesis's some beginning with i. e. are added and the ninth altered more into Scripture words in this Abstract which I am perswaded as they are sincerely owned by me may be freely owned assented unto and signed by most Quakers so call'd in England and elsewhere consequently so far from being contrary thereunto or to all other Christians either in Principles or Practices as F. B. has most falsly and slanderously Misrepresented and Aspersed them The Lord if it be his Will give him to see and confess his great Injustice and Injury before he Dies But a little further to pursue his base and false Dealing 27. F. B. again very abusively and falsly quotes E. Burrouogh's Works thus viz. About Water-Baptism p. 518. We utterly deny and do say it is no Ordinance of God but it is an Institution of the Whore of Rome and England received it by a Popish Institution c. p. 44. Note Which base Perversion and Abuse is evidently Refuted in The Quakers Vindication p. 2. Col. 1 2. thus This is very partially and unjustly Cited and in the first words falsly for E. Burroughs's Answer in the very place is thus viz. As for Baptism and the Supper of the Lord we do own it and it is practised of us in the Life and Power of God but as for your Baptism that is to say SPRINKLING INFANTS calling it the Baptism into the Faith and that they are made Members of the Church thereby and that it is a Seal of Regeneration as you say these foregoing words Bugg leaves out that we do utterly deny and do say it is no Ordinance of God neither was it ever commanded by him or practised by his Saints c. thus F. B. before Cited E. B. But again Note Here he did not say that Water-Baptism without distinction is a Popish Institution but objected against Sprinkling Infants and calling it the Baptism into the Faith c. for he knew that Water Baptism it self was practised by John the Baptist by special Commission from Heaven peculiar to him and his Ministry and also in the Apostle's time by some of them long before the Pope was Wherefore F. Bugg's gross Perversion and Abuse in this and many other things too numerous now to recite are notorious and shameful the Lord the Righteous Judge to whom we commit our
Covetous Persecuting Priests who make a Trade of Preaching and of the Scriptures and such whom the Prophet Isaiah called greedy dumb Dogs Isa. 56. 10 11. How will F. B. prove such Christ's Ministers or Gospel Ministers We have but his bare say-so for it but want proof for it wherein he does but meerly impose upon us to Vilifie us and Ingratiate himself into Favour with that sort of the Clergy who are most Guilty of the Sin of Covetousness and Persecution The Mocker again repeats his false and empty Boast by way of Question p. 12. viz. Why then will you not bring forth Sheba the Son of Bichri the Man of Belial G. W Is there not a wise Man amongst you His Cruel Mocking and Calumny in this unjust Comparison is denied no doubt his Malice is cruel and deadly enough to bring G. W. to Sheba's End if he had Power or could with any Colour or Pretence bring him under Sheba's Crime of Treason or lifting up his Hand against the King 2 Sam. 20. 21 22. For doth not this Mocker's Language Comparison and Treatment of this kind bespeak his deadly Malice and Design He goes on with his empty boasting viz. He tells you That I wrong the Quakers in Charge Citation and Observation ☞ Bring him forth according to his Proposal and you will see it proved that I have not As it was G. W's part to make good his Proposal or Charge against F. B. so he hath greatly endeavoured a Meeting with F. B. in London before Witnesses for the same purpose but evaded by F. B. on other Terms than were in the said Proposal as is before related Now he has no cause to cry Bring him forth according to his Proposal For that is abundantly proved in the Answers before-mentioned Whereas F. B. further boasts G. W. hath wrote to divers Clergy-men to prevail with me to desist they give me his Letters and wish me good Success p. 12. The Clergy-men which G. W. wrote to were William Smithies of Cripplegate London and Isaac Archer of Milden-hall in Suffolk which was to shew them some of his foul Abuses and Calumnies to try them as having a particular Interest in him if they would stop him Why did he not Print G. W's Letters to them and to himself too also But thereby his Abuses and sorry evasive Shifting would have been the more apparent Wherefore seeing he boasts of their wishing him good Success these Two Questions are put to you the said William Smithies and Isaac Archer viz. Q. 1. Do you really in your Consciences Approve of Francis Bugg's writing Books and Pamphlets against the People called Quakers as he hath done Q. 2. Do you really Approve of his Books and Pamphlets writ by him against the said People as namely of these in particular under these Titles viz. 1. The Quakers Detected Printed 1686. 2. New Rome Vnmask'd 1692. 3. New Rome Arraigned which hath in it his Pretended Trial and Pillory Printed in 1693. 4. New Rome Arraigned Second Impression without the Pillory 1694. 5. His Impeachment pretended in Behalf of the Commons of England 1695. 6. A Second Summons 7. His Sheet stiled Something in Answer to the Allegations of the Quakers in their Printed Case presented to the House of Commons December 1695. But the Second Edition whereof stiled The Converted Quaker's Answer to the Allegations of his Old Brethren the Quakers c. CHAP. VIII An Appendix to the foregoing Controversies in Certain Positions of the Sincere Belief and Christian Doctrine of the People of God called Quakers in Opposition to the Misrepresentations and Calumnies of F. Bugg and other Apostates in his pretended History of the Quakers and other his and their Books and Pamphlets 1. WE the said People are bound in Conscience and Duty by the Holy Spirit and Light of Christ Jesus only and humbly to Adore and Worship the only True and Living God Creator of Heaven and Earth the Sea and all Creatures and not to Adore or Worship any Mortal Man or Creature or any other God whatsoever 2. To Believe and Confess the Holy Divine Three or Scripture Trinity that bear Record in Heaven the Father the Word or Son and Holy Spirit and that these Three are Essentially One in the Divine Being and Substance One God Blessed for Ever 3. We are livingly taught and led by the Light and Spirit of Christ Jesus the Living Word in our Hearts and that according to Holy Scripture to Believe Own and Confess the Incarnation of Jesus Christ that is his Real Coming in the Flesh without us even the same Jesus of Nazareth that was Conceived in the Virgin Mary by the Power of the Holy Ghost overshadowing her and Born of her in Bethlehem of Judea Mat. 2. 1. and that he was Crucified and put to Death as concerning the Flesh without the Gates of Jerusalem and we highly do Value and Esteem his Sufferings Death Precious Blood and whole Sacrifice for Sinners together with his Resurrection and Ascension into Heaven and Glory and that he only was and is the Promised Messias the Very Christ the Only Begotten Son of the Living God And as for his Divinity That he is the True Light Life Power and Wisdom of God and none other according to plain Scripture Testimony 4. The Divinity and Humanity i. e. Manhood of Christ Jesus that as he is True God and as he is most Glorious Man our Mediator and Advocate we livingly Believe and have often sincerely Confessed in our Publick Testimonies and Writings 5. That as sincere and fervent Prayers to God in the Name and Spirit of Christ Jesus is the Duty of all True Believers and Christians professing him for whatsoever they stand in need of especially with respect to the Peace and Happiness of their Immortal Souls so all who are truly humbled under a Sence of their Sins in order to true Repentance and Conversion ought to crave Forgiveness in the Name and for the Sake of Christ Jesus which hath been our Practice both Publick and Private and God in Mercy hath accordingly answered us who by his Grace in our Hearts hath led many both to confess and forsake Sin that they might find Mercy in Christ Jesus 6. Though we are bound in Conscience truly to Esteem and Magnifie the Divine Light the Ingrafted Word the Spirit and Power of Christ in us as sufficient and able actually to save and deliver the Soul from Sin Death and Condemnation and thereby we Confess the Man Christ Jesus with respect to his entire Existence or Being as without us as well as we do own him Spiritually within us knowing that this Light Life and Spirit of Christ Jesus Testifie of him and certainly Guides the truly Obedient and Sincere Believers in his Name and Power Inwardly Livingly and Experimentally to partake of the Real Benefits Fruits and Blessed Ends of his outward Suffering Sacrifice and Death for Mankind to wit their Repentance Conversion from Sin Effectual Reconciliation unto God Eternal
that we know the Blood of Jesus Christ to Cleanse us from all Sin 1 John 1. 7. But alas What sad Confusion and Darkness is our Adversary in whilst he concludes God opened his Eyes to Believe in the Mercy of God in Christ and obey his Precepts and yet not to expect Salvation through Obedience to the Light Oh! Dark and Disobedient Man can thy Eyes be open to see without Light 2. Or canst thou attain Salvation in Darkness 3. Or canst thou truly yield Obedience to Christ's Precepts either in Darkness or without Obedience to his Light in thee When to Believe in the Light was an Express Precept of Christ 4. And is this Obedience to the Light no Step nor Advance towards Salvation 5. Seeing Christ is the Author of Eternal Salvation to as many as obey him can any truly obey him but in his Light The Steps we make towards Salvation are in the Light and not in Darkness And Christ being the Author of Eternal Salvation 't is to those only that believe and obey him for true Faith in the Light and true Faith in Christ is but one true Living Faith As Christ in the Heavens and his Light in Man are Inseparable Here follows some more of our Adversary's Palpable Falshoods and Aspersions cast upon us in his own Words viz. You can neither make Confession of Sin to God nor begg Pardon for Christ's Sake p. 15. 2. You do not Pray after that manner 3. You do not Pray in the Name of Christ to God the Father as the Mediator and Intercessor between God and Man p. 15. 4. You lay aside the Scripture as useless p. 15 16. 5. You deny the Ordinances of Jesus Christ as Baptism and the Lord's Supper WHICH THE SCRIPTURES TEACH saying Go Teach all Nations Baptizing them c. p. 16. 6. You lay aside the Vse of the Lord 's Prayer c. The Ten Commandments and the Apostles Creed c. 7. You Rob Christ of his Divine Attributes and put them upon your Glorified G. FOX calling him the Branch the Star the Son of Righteousness c. p. 16. For which his so often Repeated Blasphemous Lie he bids us see our Epistle This is only to go amongst Friends Whioh he saith is Largely Recited in this his Introduction c. To which I again Answer I have viewed his Citation and examined both F. Howgill's and E. Burrough's Epistles in their Works out of which he Cites divers of the Words before but find not one Word of G. Fox mentioned in either much less any calling HIM the Branch the Star the Son of Righteousness which great Abominable Lie F. Bugg would feign some Colour of Proof for to Justifie his seigned M●ck-Trial and Pillory to Render us Odious for our Positive Denyal of this and some others of his most gross Lies and sordid Chlaumnies and Forgeries cast upon us To which his said great Lie he Impudently and Falsly adds viz. Which notwithstanding G. W's Denial is plainly Proved to MEAN G. FOX Quoth he Which is a Notorious Falshood again Thus instead of plain Proof of Matters of Fact as Charged he Unjustly Imposeth his own False Meaning for Proof Thus see how hardly this poor Envious Creature is put to his Shifts to defend gloss and cover his gross Lies Deceit and Falshood wherewith he has been long Labouring and Working hard to cover himself but all will not do Wherefore you who are F. Bugg's Ministers Teachers and Approvers if he be one of your Eminent Agents one of your Converts and Esteemed your Pious Defender of Truth one of your strong Oaks and great Champions to Detect and Convict the Quakers of Errors you may be ashamed of your Oaks c. Who further adds for Proof of his said Abominable Lie viz. Yet to strengthen the said Proof See John Whitehead 's Small Treatise p. 4 5. After these things in the Year 1648. God who had Compassion on his People did cause A BRANCH to Spring forth of the Root of David which was filled with Virtue and the Covenant of Life and Peace was with him c. And in the Year 1655. I being a Branch of this Tree meaning G. FOX Quoth F. Bugg Thus again he is put to his sorry Shifts but this will not do for Proof For 1. Here 's no mention of calling G. Fox the Branch the Star the Sun of Righteousnes c. 2. That God did Cause A Branch to Spring sorth of the Root of David c. may be true of some Eminent Instrument in God's Hand and Work But observe 't is here A Branch not The Branch and yet not to put the same Instrument for Christ because Christ is both the Root and Off-spring of David the Bright and Morning Star and the Heavenly Vine also OUT of which many Branches have Sprung and brought Forth Fruit in him 3. All the Trees of the Lord that Spring from the true Root Christ Jesus who is the Root of David are full of Sap and Heavenly Virtue yet all Prefer the Root that bears them and the Rock which is higher than they and do not put the Branches for the Root nor instead of him who is by way of Eminency called The Branch the Star the Son of Righteousness which no Member of his how Eminent soever may assume to himself tho' he has the Morning Star promised to be given him Rev. 2. 28. Thus far to F. Bugg's Additions and Alterations in the first Part of the Second Edition of his New Rome Arraigned the rest of his said Book being Answered before in Innocency Triumphant except some Passages in his Additional Sheet in Conclusion noted in the Sequel Now touching our Adversaries Quakerism Anatomized his Charge and Challenge in a Sheet added in the end of his said 2d Edition tho' it be a Sheet of Rambling Stuff and much of it consisting of his often Repeated Aspersions which have been Answered over and over scarce deserving any further notice yet I may take notice of some Abusive Passages therein Aganist R. Ashby Our Adversary saith It is False That he should have met G. W. at Ben. Antrobus his House according to his Word but did not tho' G. W. and others waited long for him This he says is False for he never gave G. W. his Word or Promise to meet him there or any where else to dispute the Points in Controversie unless that he would first engage under his Hand to Retract what he proved him guilty of c. Q. Anot. p. 1. Answ. Our Adversary knows how Fallacious Shuffling and Shifting he has been in this Point For 1. Observe his own Letter Dated Jan. 29. 1693. In acceptance of my Printed Challenge thus viz. George Whitehead In Answer to your faint Challenge in your pretended Vindication to meet me in any place in London I DO ACCEPT THEREOF and am come to London being 60 Miles to meet you Was not this his Word and Engagement Sufficient to meet me in London without Exception