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A41824 A treatise concerning baptism, and the Lord's Supper shewing, that the true disciples of Christ are sent to baptize men into the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, for the carrying on of which, Christ is with them, and will be, to the end of the world : also, a few words concerning the Lord's Supper, shewing that those that sup with him are in his kingdom. Gratton, John, 1641-1712.; Gratton, John, 1641-1712. John Baptist's decreasing and Christ's increasing witnessed. 1695 (1695) Wing G1587; ESTC R39440 63,790 157

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Iohn's Baptism yet they had not heard whether there was ANY Holy Ghost Which doth clearly manifest that altho' it should be granted that Iohn's Baptism was still of Necessity which far be it from me to do yet how doth it thwart all the Water-Baptists of our Age who Baptize with or into Water using the words Father Son and Holy Ghost which they cannot bring Precept or Example for For tho' the Apostles did by permission Baptize it was but in Condescension unto Iohn's Baptism for Commission they can no where bring from Christ nor that they did use the words now used by you saying I Baptize thee in the Name of the Father Son and Holy Ghost So that your Practice all of you Water-Baptists is contrary to the Holy Scripture for in this place Paul baptized those in the Name of the Lord Jesus And Peter in Acts 10. commanded to be Baptized Repent and be Baptized in the Name of the Lord Iesus But no where can they find that either Iohn or any of the Apostles used to say I baptize thee in the Name of the Father Son and Holy Ghost So that your Practice in this is grounded on a Sandy Foundation and will undoubtedly fall Prop as hard as you can and take ye altogether ye Water-Baptists of all sorts and work never so hard with both hands your Babel-Buildings will all fall and great will be the Fall thereof and all your Props and all your cunning Work will be broken to pieces and you shall never be able to raise your Building again but the chiefest of your Workmen shall be ashamed of their own Doings and you shall gather Paleness in that Day Oh therefore be intreated in tender Love I beseech you to return Return out of Babylon unto the Gift of God the true Light that makes ye all manifest and in which ye are all seen and comprehended I say in the Name of the Lord my God and in much Love to your Souls be intreated to return unto it it 's near you to instruct you and to make all things manifest to you if you will come unto it O turn your Minds How oft have you been reproved by it And you never found Guile in his Mouth tho' he hath told you all that ever you have done yet you regard him not but prefer fading finite and unprofitable things above him Oh! haste haste out of Babylon tarry not the Day of Vengeance is near and then will you come to know the true Baptism is not into Water but into the Name of the Father Son and Spirit and that Christ in Mat. 28.18 19. when he sent his Apostles out to teach all Nations and that the Baptism there spoken of and commanded by Christ was not into Water but into the Name of the Father Son and Spirit neither is there any such a word as Water mention'd in his Words there spoken to them but into the Name of the Father Son and Holy Ghost he bad them Baptize But some may say It must needs be Water there intended because that none can Baptize with the Holy Ghost but Christ. I Answer True None can but He and by his Power only therefore he tells them in the first place That All Power is given unto me saith he both in Heaven and in Earth and they now must not go in their own Strength or Power but in his Power and it was his Power in them and by them that did the Work he sent them to do and so he saith unto them Without me ye can do nothing But lo I am with you always even to the end of the World And all Power is mine And now you Water-Baptists let me ask Now where is Iohn's Power Iohn hath now no Power nor Moses hath now no Power in a way of Administration if all be given to him and be his as I am satisfied it is And it is plain He only is here established Now it must not be admitted for any other to have a Tabernacle standing or building with his No Though Peter would have had three one for Moses one for Elias and one for Christ That Elias was already come mind and they have done to him whatever they would And is it not plain to you that this was Iohn the Baptist here spoken of and intended And yet mind neither Moses nor Elias must have a Tabernacle built with his but a Cloud came and took them away mark and Christ only left and a Voice from Heaven came saying This is my Beloved Son in whom I am well pleased hear him Oh! what would you have How clearly is it manifest unto all who walk not in Darkness that he only is by himself established to be heard in all things And saith the Apostle He that refuseth to hear this Prophet shall be cut from off the Earth And again See ye refuse not him that speaketh for if they escaped not that refused him that spake on Earth even Moses how shall ye escape if ye refuse him that speaks from Heaven whose Voice then shook the Earth But now says he Yet once more will I not shake the Earth only but also Heaven mark that those things that cannot be shaken may remain Mind what must remain and how he alone even Christ is above all established And it 's said again by Paul God saith he who at sundry Times and in divers Manners spake in Days past to the People by the Prophets hath in these last Days spoken unto us BY HIS SON mark not by his SON and JOHN but by his SON whom he hath appointed Heir of all things mind So All Power is given unto me saith Christ Go ye therefore teach all Nations baptizing them into the Name of the Father Son and Spirit or if you had rather have it Holy Ghost teaching them to observe whatever I command you and lo I am with you always even to the end of the World but tarry at Jerusalem till ye have received Power from on High for without me ye can do nothing So 't is not saith Peter by our Strength or Righteousness that this Man is made whole Why stand ye gazing upon us as tho' by our Power and Holiness it was done Be it know unto you that by the Name of JESUS whom ye Crucified even by Faith in his Name is this Man made whole And said Paul I have laboured more abundantly than ye all yet not I but the Gift or the Grace of God that 's in me And so it was in his Strength that they were more than Conquerors and could do all things through Christ that strengthened them but before they could not before I say that they went in his Strength So there was need for them to wait at Ierusalem till they had received of his Fulness of which they all received Grace to help in time of Need. But now mark they had not Need to have stay'd at Ierusalem for Po●●r to have baptized with Water for they had been doing that
can be shown for the laying it wholly aside and upholding their Dipping into or Sprinkling with Water Altho' we find not one word in all the Holy Scripture that ever our Lord dipped or sprinkled any with or into Water or that ever he commanded his Disciples to dip or sprinkle either Men Women or Infants But to see Men leap over this of washing of Feet that was both done by Christ Jesus and commanded to be done by his Disciples telling them They ought to do as he had done unto them and yet this to be laid wholly aside and Dipping and Sprinkling in or with Water pleaded so highly for as a Gospel-Ordinance in the Church to remain to the end of the World without either Precept Example or Command from Christ Jesus to be found in all the Holy Scriptures This indeed is cause of Admiration Grief and Sorrow of Heart For he gave them many precious Commandments one of which he calls a New Commandment That they should love one another as said he I have loved you that you also love one another For by this shall all Men know that you are my Disciples if ye have Love one to another And if ye love me keep my Commandments Again Believe me that I am in the Father and the Father in me Abide in me and I in you as the Branch cannot bear fruit of it self except it abide in the Vine no more can ye except ye abide in me Without me ye can do nothing If ye abide in me and my words abide in you ye shall ask what ye will and it shall be done unto you As the Father hath loved me so I have loved you continue ye in my love If ye keep my Commandments ye shall abide in my love and this is my Commandment that ye love one another as I have loved you and these things I command you that ye love one another After he tells them of the Coming of the Spirit of Truth saying He shall testifie of me and ye also shall bear witness and said Hitherto ye have asked nothing in my Name Ask and ye shall receive that your Ioy may be full In all this here is nothing said much less commanded for Water-Baptism nor doth Matthew Mark and Luke make mention of Water-Baptism being either commanded or practised by Christ Jesus Nor can we find that ever our Lord took notice of it at any time so as he himself to Baptize or to command any Man after Iohn to Baptize into Water And in Acts the first Chapter the Apostle begins thus The former Treatise have I made of all that Iesus began to do and to teach until the day he was taken up and yet not one word in all this that Jesus did ever baptize any or said to any of his Followers Baptize into Water So that we cannot find that amongst all he began to say and do until the day he was taken up he ever said or did that The Apostle goes on farther saying After he through the Holy Ghost had given Commandment to us to whom he shewed himself after his Passion speaking to them of the things appertaining to the Kingdom of God And what not one word of Water-Baptism nor one Command given for that Let the Apostle answer And Christ being assembled with them commanded them that they should not depart from Jerusalem but wait for the Promise of the Father which said he you have heard of me For John verily baptized with Water but ye shall be baptized with the Holy Ghost not many days hence But he doth not say Iohn baptized with Water and do you so also No such word But Verse 8. Ye shall receive Power after the Holy Ghost is come upon you and ye shall be Witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria and unto the uttermost parts of the Earth So that it seems clear to me that Iohn's Water-Baptism did not impower them to be Witnesses unto Christ through the whole World therefore there was need of such a Baptism as would fit them or impower them for the Work the Lord had for them to do No Iohn knew that when he said I baptize with Water but there comes one after me who is preferred before me he shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost c. His Fan is in his hand his Power is in his hand thorowly to purge his Floor to gather his Wheat into his Garner and to burn up the Chaff with unquenchable Fire But there is not that power in Water to fan and throughly purge nor to impower Men to be Witnesses to Christ to the uttermost parts of the Earth Well Iohn baptized with Water not with the Holy Ghost Acts 19.2 3. They that had been baptized unto Iohn's Baptism had not so much as heard whether there was any Holy Ghost But Christ baptizes with the Holy Ghost not with Elementary Water Iohn 1.26 33. but tells them Iohn did Acts 1.5 But do not find that ever Christ did or commanded his Disciples so to do but tells them they should be baptized with the Holy Ghost but did not command them at all to baptize with Water either before or after his Passion Methinks Reason it self tells us that had our Lord intended Water-Baptism should have continued unto the end of the World he would have said so when he spoke of it to them at such a Juncture as this was Acts 1. But instead of that he tells them of another which he knew far exceeded Iohn's for Iohn's was but the Type and Figure this the Substance and would fit them for the Work of God which is a Spiritual Work and is only done in and by the Spirit and Power of God For when they were baptized with the Holy Ghost they received Power and did stand up true Witnesses unto Christ Jesus Oh! It 's worthy our Observations how Christ tells them They should receive Power after the Holy Ghost was come upon them and should be Witnesses c. So it 's clear Iohn's Baptism left them short of Power and of the Holy Spirit also but Christ's Baptism impowered them to be Witnesses after they had it And all that fall short of this Baptism of Christ fall short of Power to be Living Witnesses for Christ. Therefore the Apostles tarried at Ierusalem and waited as they were commanded for the Baptism of Christ and did not run in their own Will or Wisdom or in their own Name or Strength to bear witness to him or to preach him to all Nations but stay'd until they were made able to go in the Spirit and Power of God and with words the Holy Ghost gave them Object But it 's objected from Matt. 28.19 Go teach all Nations baptizing them in or into the Name of the Father Son and Holy Ghost and says some this is Water-Baptism Answ. But for the sake of the Honest Enquirer let us consider First Here is no Water mentioned in this place therefore no ground for such an
Objection The great Apostle of the Gentiles understood it not at all to relate to Water-Baptism as is clear from his own words 1. Cor. 1.11 Christ sent me not to Baptize but to Preach the Gospel and we never read that he baptized any with Water after But in Vers. 23. saith We preach Christ crucified to the Jews a stumbling-block and unto the Greeks foolishness but unto them which are called both Jews and Greeks Christ the Power of God and the Wisdom of God Consider if Christ be not sufficient without Water-Baptism take the Apostle's words in Vers. 30 31. But of him are ye in Christ Iesus who of God is made unto us Wisdom Righteousness Sanctification and Redemption that as it is written Let him that glorieth glory in the Lord. Here Christ alone is exalted and preached to be all we have to glory in and enough too for in him all Fulness dwells Secondly Is it not plain and full that Water-Baptism is not at all intended Matt. 28.19 for Christ saith plainly Go teach all Nations Baptizing them in or them into in the Name of the Father Son and Holy Ghost Here is a vast difference between Men being baptized into outward Water and sent to Baptize into the Name of the Father Son and Holy Ghost for they were now to enter upon a more Excellent Baptism they had been Baptizing with Water before that but now they were to be Baptized into the Name Spirit and Power of God that then they therein might be Instrumental in Christ's Hand who was and would be with them to the End of the World for the Baptizing others into this Name that believed through their Word Thirdly Christ knew that in his Name they would be made capable both to speak to go and to Baptize Men effectually Hitherto saith Christ ye have asked nothing in my Name but bids them ask And a little before Verily verily I say unto you Whatsoever ye shall ask the Father in my Name he shall give it you So it 's clear Christ's Mind was to have them acquainted with and baptized into the Name of the Father Son and Holy Ghost John 16.23 So in his Prayer Iohn 17.6 he saith I have manifested thy Name unto the Men which thou gavest me What is here meant by this Name Is it not his Power Had not the great and holy Power of God been made manifest unto them that had been with him and seen his Mighty Works raising the Dead healing the Sick cleansing Lepers opening Blind Eyes making the Dumb to speak the Deaf to hear the Lame to walk casting out Devils turning Water into Wine feeding Thousands with few Loaves and Fishes Did not these Works plainly manifest the Lord's Power or Name that is above every Name So in Vers. 11. he prayeth thus Holy Father keep through thy own Name those whom thou hast given me that they may be one as we are Vers. 12. While I was with them in the World I kept them in thy Name And Vers. 26. I have declared unto them thy Name and will declare it that the Love wherewith thou hast loved me may be in them and I in them Now is it not plain from all this that the Name is the Power so he had kept kept them in the Power had manifested the Power unto them or declared the Power and would declare it So the Power of the Father Son and Spirit is manifested declared and made known unto them that receive Christ Jesus and are baptized into him into his Name Power Spirit c. and these know the Love of God made manifest in them and to them So now Christ Jesus in Matt. 28. spake unto them saying All Power is given unto me both in Heaven and in Earth Go ye therefore and teach all Nations Baptizing them into the Name c. Now the word Go ye therefore seems to carry with it a plain Demonstration of Christ's Mind that now all Power was his both in Heaven and in Earth he would therefore have all Nations both taught and brought into his Power and baptized into it so as to be saved by it For there is no other Power or Name by which any can be saved but by the Power or Name of Iesus for all Power is his both in Heaven and in Earth This was a great Work but for their Incouragement he also tells them Lo I am with you always even to the end of the World And surely I may say if he be with his People to the end what is it that can be too hard for him and them he makes use of For all Power is with them For as many as receive him to them he gives Power to become the Sons of God according to Iohn 1.12 Even to them that believe in his Name These are they that are baptized Dipped or Plunged into his Power or Name yea into Christ and have put him on and in him are one whether they be Iews or Greeks Male or Female all are one in Christ Jesus and Christ is one in all Gal. 3.27 These are in Christ New Creatures and come forth in his Name to the Glory and Honour of him whose is the Power for him only hath God exalted and given him a Name or Power above every Name yea a more excellent Name than Angels Heb. 1.4 It 's said He that Sanctifieth and they who are Sanctified are all of one for which Cause he is not ashamed to call them Brethren And when he appeared unto Paul he said I have appeared unto thee for this purpose to make thee a Minister and a Witness both of those things which thou hast seen and of those things in the which I will appear unto thee delivering thee from the People and from the Gentiles unto whom now I send thee to open their Eyes a great work and turn them from Darkness to Light and from the Power of Satan unto God that they may receive Remission of Sins and an Inheritance amongst them that are Sanctified by Faith that is in me Acts 26.16 17 18. Here is not Figures or Shadows mention'd no here is good things themselves to have Eyes opened is very good to be turned from Satan's Power to God to have Remission of Sins to be Sanctified and receive the Inheritance of such as are Sanctified is very good durable Riches indeed Faith in Christ is very Good and Precious Glory to him for ever But not one word of sending him back again to the Figure viz. Iohn's Water-Baptism nor have them who are in Chief to whom all Power is given any need of it And pray if they had what would it do for them Can it reach either Heart or Conscience What good Fruits follow our Sprinkling of Infants and Dippers Can any Sanctifie but Christ Doth not the Apostle say as before He that Sanctifieth and they who are Sanctified are all of one Heb. 2.11 12. For which cause he is not ashamed to call them Brethren So Christ is the Washer
them that come unto God by him so that now in Christ Iesus we who were some times afar off are made near How By the Blood of Christ Ephes. 2.13 So it 's in Christ Jesus that nearness to God is known even by his Blood Read that can Blessed be God many at this day can read experimentally and knows a being near unto God in Christ. O that many could For he is our Peace who hath made One both Iew and Gentile having abolished in his Flesh the Enmity the Law of Ordinances to make in himself of twain one new Man that he might reconcile both unto God in one Body by the Cross. And came and Preached Peace unto them that were afar off and unto them that were near so that through him we both have access by one Spirit unto the Father Now here is plainly Pointed forth the Way to God the Truth and the Life no Man comes unto the Father but by me said Christ so neither Iohn nor Moses nor any other but Christ can bring Men to God Nor doth Christ Jesus need any of them all for all Power is his There is no other Name given under Heaven by which we can be saved but by the Name of Iesus Christ Acts 4.12 Mark this The Name of Iesus what if he had said the Power of Jesus But can any be saved by his Name except they be in it Salvation is in it those that are Baptized into the Name of Father Son and Spirit are in that which saves and it is remarkable that Christ did not say go teach all Nations and Baptize them in the Name Father Son and Holy Ghost but Go teach all Nations Baptizing them 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 into the name of mark the Father Son and Holy Ghost Is it not plain from hence that by Name is meant the Power of the Father Son and Spirit Again Christ told his Followers Mat. 18.20 That where two or three are gathered together in my Name there am I in the midst of them what else is here intended but them that meet in his Power and are exercised in his Power And Pray how can any meet in his Name or Power if they be not in it Oh that Men would meet in this Name they would not want power to Pray Preach and Praise God nor need to make ready before-hand what they intend to say no this bows Men in Spirit and brings them to wait in hope and the feeling of this Living Name makes Men true Worshippers in Spirit for they feel it to be a Heart-changing melting Power and a Soul-sanctifying Enamouring Name far excelling all other Names or Powers and these reverence his Pure Name and extol it in their Hearts are true Worshippers and Adorers of it and of him whose Name it is But what Benefit can those have that meet out of this Name and carry on a form of Godliness and Worship but deny the power and content themselves to go on in a form without the power all the Days of their Lives and pray what are these These are such as the Apostle bids us turn away from 2 Tim. 3.5 For they name the Name of Christ but do not depart from Iniquity but live in Sin all their Days and in the Power of Darkness by which they are kept in Bondage because they come not to know the Name of Jesus and Faith in his Name and being Baptized thereunto these say and do not like the Pharisees these are Enemies to Christ Jesus their own Souls and all Mankind These love the Wages of Unrighteousness and go in the way of Balaam for Gifts and Rewards Paul said He sought not theirs but them 2 Cor. 12.14 But these seek theirs but not them Paul laboured that their Faith might not stand in the Wisdom of Man but in the Power of God or Name of God is it not all One or Name of Jesus 1 Cor. 2.5 But these come in the Wisdom of Man and with words Man's Wisdom teacheth and brings People no further than that wherein themselves stand and so the Faith of People stands in the foolish Wisdom of Men and not in the Power of God and therefore these Men get power over People by their Wisdom and leads them away from the appearance of Christ in themselves Who is the only Potentate Lord of Lords and King of Kings 1 Tim. 6.15 So the Name of the Lord is a strong Tower the Righteous runneth into it and are safe Prov. 18.10 The true Church knew it in old Time that this holy Name of Christ was sweet and said Thy Name is as Ointment poured forth therefore do the Virgins love thee Cant. 1.3 And so the Apostle testified how God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with Power Acts 10.38 This is that Holy Name unto which every Knee must bow both in Heaven and in Earth for it is above every Name Phil. 2.9 10. So the Apostles were Baptized with the Holy Ghost into this precious Name And when the Holy Ghost was come down upon them and sat upon them as in Acts 2.3 then they appeared boldly in the Power or Name and Spirit of Jesus and Verse 4. They were all filled with the Holy Ghost and began to speak with other Tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance Now they spoke with new Tongues that was touched with a Coal from the Altar so they went out in this Living Power and Spirit and in this they preached the Gospel and taught all People that heard them in every Nation where they came and the Name of Christ was mightily glorified many being so reached in their Understandings that they came to see their own state and condition inwardly and were pricked to the very Heart and cried out Men and Brethren what shall we do to be saved Yea they spoke so that many believed both Men and Women yea great multitudes both of Iews and Greeks Acts 14. were not able to resist the wisdom and the Spirit by which Stephen spoke Acts 6.10 And with great power the Apostles bare witness of the Resurrection Acts. 4.33 So they stood in the Power of God preached prayed and praised God in his own Power and in Acts 4. they lift up their voice with one accord and prayed unto the Lord that he would grant unto his Servants that with all boldness they may speak thy word by stretching out thy Hand to heal and that Signs and Wonders may be done by the Name of thy Holy Child Jesus Verse 30. And Paul preached boldly in the Name of Jesus Ch. 9.27 And what did they preach They preached Jesus Christ Ch. 2.36 Ch. 3.20 Likewise in the Name of Jesus Christ the lame Man was made able to leap walk and praise God It was not by their own Power or Holiness that he was made to walk no it was by the Name of the Prince of Life Christ Jesus and the Faith that comes by him gave the lame Man perfect soundness Ch. 3.6 12
in the Kingdom is greater than Iohn well and was Iohn more than a Prophet Yea and Moses was a Prophet how then is the least in the Kingdom greater than Iohn and so consequently greater than Moses How Answer In relation to their Ministry or Service for both Moses and Iohn served with outward Ordinances Observations Types and Shadows Ceremonial Rites and Figures but the least in the Kingdom which stands not in Meats c. their Ministry and Service is in and by the Power Spirit Life Light Love Wisdom and Divine Vertue of Christ Jesus and those that eat and drink now with Christ they are such as know their Kingdom come and are in the Kingdom of Heaven under the Command of Christ Jesus who is King of Righteousness and Prince of Peace and is to be heard truly followed and obeyed in all things But as I said these three viz. Matthew Mark and Luke speak much alike in this matter and it 's worth noting that Iohn the Beloved Disciple neither begins nor goes throughout in his Testimony as they did but was more Spiritual and Mysterious and when he comes to speak of the Supper he passeth it by thus Iohn 13.1 2 4. Now before the Feast of the Passover when Jesus knew that his Hour was come that he should depart out of this World unto the Father having loved his own he loved them to the end and Supper being ended Verse 3 4. Jesus knowing that the Father had given all things into his Hands mark that and that he was come from God and went to God he riseth from Supper and laid aside his Garments and so goes on to shew how he washed his Disciples Feet and what he said unto them was very much for enjoining them to wash one another's Feet but saith not one word further at this time about the Supper that I find which I believe Iohn would not have omitted had it been so that he had known that his Beloved Master had intended it should have been observed to the end of the World but it 's very clear it 's called the Passover by them all and therefore fulfilled and passed away and gives place unto him that fulfils it and all the whole Law concerning Ordinances and outward Observations 3. It 's very clear this Supper was a part of the Passover and so the Bread here spoken of must needs be Unleavened Bread Passover-Bread pray have those that sell Bread now any of this Bread to sell or give for this was that Bread and that Cup that had figured out his Body to be broken for them and his Blood that was shed for them And as that Bread was broken and given to the outward Iew so is his Body broken given to the inward Iew and as that Wine was poured forth into the Cup and given to the outward Iew so is his Blood poured forth and given to the inward Iew to the making of his Heart glad So as the outward Iew who came out of outward Egypt and Bondage fed on the Paschal Lamb so the inward Iew who comes out of inward Spiritual Egypt and Bondage feeds on the Lamb of God as their Passover and as Israel's Enemies were washed away in the Red Sea so are the Christians inward Enemies viz. the Sins of the inward Iew washed away in the Blood of the Lamb of God who washeth his People with or in his own Blood 4. When Iohn comes to speak of what Christ spoke to the Iews and the People that he had fed with Five Barley Loaves and Two Fishes he relates how Christ bade them not to labour for the Meat that perisheth but for the Meat that endureth unto Everlasting Life which the Son of Man said he should give mark should give not sell unto you for him hath God the Father sealed and V. 32. My Father giveth you the true Bread from Heaven but Moses gave them not that Bread from Heaven Again the Bread of God is he that cometh down from Heaven and giveth Life unto the World Again V. 35. Iesus said unto them I am the Bread of Life he that cometh unto me shall never hunger and he that believes on me shall never thirst Again If any Man eat of this Bread he shall live for ever and the Bread that I will give is my Flesh for the Life of the World and except ye eat the Flesh of the Son of Man and drink his Blood ye have no Life in you whoso eateth my Flesh and drinketh my Blood hath Eternal Life and I will raise him up at the last Day for my Flesh is Meat indeed and my Blood is Drink indeed he that eateth my Flesh and drinketh my Blood dwelleth in me and I in him Now consider that Bread that Moses gave they that ate it died but he that eats of the Bread that Christ giveth shall never die Pray let me ask What is the Bread that you break is it Living Bread Or is it Unleavened Bread Passover-Bread If it be not Unleavened Bread it is not Passover-Bread and if so then not the Bread that Christ at Supper broke bless'd and gave and if not that Bread then where 's your Foundation for your Bread 5. If it be not that Bread are you sure that Christ's Blessings goes along with it For I am sensible many live very wickedly that eats of the Bread the Priest sells and drinks of the Cup the Priest sells both before and after and there 's no Appearance of Eternal Life and if it were Unleavened Bread such as they eat at the Possover such as Christ bless'd brake and gave them yet it is not Living Bread nor can it give Life Eternal to them that eat it And therefore in the last and great Day of Feasting of this Bread and Wine Jesus stood up and cried If any Man thirst let him come unto me and drink He that believes on me as the Scripture hath said out of his Belly shall flow Rivers of Living Water But this spoke he of the Spirit not of Elementary Water which they that believed on him should receive for the Holy Ghost was not yet given because Jesus was not then glorified 6. But now Jesus Christ is glorified and the Holy Ghost is given then whither must we now go Must we yet run to Moses for the Bread that perisheth or to Christ for the Bread that endures to Everlasting Life Must we that believe on Christ and know the Holy Ghost is given even the Spirit of Adoption by which we cry Abba Father and that God hath glorified his Son Jesus Christ I say Must we now go to Moses for Water Or to Iohn either Did any but Christ or can any other than Christ give us this Living Water If not then let us go unto him who is Faithful that promised that we may drink of the Water he gives all drink into or of one Spirit Oh that Men did know this Living Bread and this Wine or Living Water Then they would say
established and he joyns none with him For so hath the Lord commanded us saith he saying I have set thee saith the Lord to be a Light to the Gentiles that THOU mark not Thou and Iohn nor Thou and Moses but in the singular Term Thou that Thou shouldest be for Salvation unto the ends of the Earth Isai. 49.6 But again in Iohn 1.2 26. The People came to Iohn and asked him saying unto him Why Baptizest thou if thou be not that Christ neither Elias nor that Prophet Iohn answer'd them saying I Baptize with Water mark but there standeth one among you whom you know not He it is who coming after me is preferred before me whose Shoes Latchet I am not worthy to unloose These things were done in Bethabara beyond Iordan where Iohn was baptizing The next day Iohn seeth Jesus coming unto him and faith Behold the Lamb of God that taketh away the Sins of the World This is he of whom I said After me cometh a Man that is preferred before me for he was before me and I knew him not but that He might be made manifest to Israel therefore am I come Baptizing with Water Mark The End of Iohn's Baptism was That HE might be made manifest to Israel therefore am I come baptizing with Water So then this was the Service of Iohn's Baptism and it served for this Purpose and to this end That Christ might be made manifest And so Iohn bare Record of him and Preached him and not himself but cryed Behold the Lamb of God look not at me behold not me nor the Lamb of God and me no he never joyn'd himself to Him but said I am sent before Him and now he is come behold Him the Lamb of God He taketh away the Sins of the World But look not now at me I am not that Light but am sent before a Witness and am come Baptizing that He might be made manifest and if He were manifest to Israel then were my Desire answered and the End of my Labour in Water-Baptism accomplished so that they might believe in him Iohn bare Record saying I saw the Spirit descending like a Dove and it abode upon him and I knew him not but he that sent me to Baptize with Water said unto me Upon whom thou shalt see the Spirit descending and remaining on him the same is he that baptizeth with the Holy Ghost And I saw and bare Record that this is the Son of God See how plainly Iohn preached Christ and his Baptism and all along put this Distinction I Baptize with Water He with the Holy Ghost and Fire I must Decrease He must Increase But they might have said Why John why must thou decrease Why Iohn might have said Because my Baptism is but of Water that he might be made manifest But his Baptism is with the Holy Ghost and Fire a Baptism that exceeds mine as far as the Light of the Sun exceeds the Light of the Moon So it 's clear that Iohn was sent to Baptize with Water and Christ was sent to Baptize with the Holy Ghost and Fire And Christ fulfilled Iohn's and the Law and all the Righteousness required by them and then was himself alone established a Priest for ever of an Unchangeable Unalterable Priesthood But further for I am desirous to clear my self of this matter at this time from all Opinions concerning this thing I have already made it appear that Iohn himself was on my side and his Record is clear to prove That the Baptism of Christ Jesus is that of the Holy Ghost and that he himself was sent to baptize with Water And he no where makes mention of any other that was sent to baptize with Water but himself I say that was sent In the next place I shall bring the Testimony of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ who also at all times ascribeth Water-Baptism unto Iohn Acts 1.5 And being Assembled together with them commanded them That they should not depart from Jerusalem but wait for the Promise of the Father which saith he ye have heard of me for John Truly or might he not have said or is it not all to one Sense had he said so Iohn it 's True Baptized with Water But mind he doth not say Do ye so too or I will baptize with Water also No Iohn said he Truly baptized with Water but Ye mind Ye Ye shall be baptized with the Holy Ghost not many Days hence This is the Baptism they were to wait for and to be by Christ baptized withal no Water at all injoyned to it by Christ Jesus tho' he owned it in its time and fulfilled it as aforesaid But mark now was the time of Promise at hand Not many days hence saith Christ ye shall be baptized with the Holy Ghost So also Peter in Acts 11.16 saying Then remembred I the Word of the Lord how that he said John indeed baptized with Water but ye shall be baptized with the Holy Ghost Still Water Baptism is ascribed to Iohn by himself ●nd by Christ Jesus Let us hear what the Apostles say concerning it In Acts 1.22 Peter in his Declaration to the Disciples concerning Iudas and choosing another in his stead makes mention in Vers. 22. on this wise Beginning said he from the Baptism of John mark unto that same day that he was taken up from us must one be ordained to be Witness with us of his Resurrection Here it is ascribed unto Iohn Again in Acts 13.23 24 25. Paul speaking of the Promise God hath saith he according to his Promise raised unto Israel a Saviour Iesus when John had first mark first preached BEFORE HIS COMING mind before his Coming the Baptism of Repentance to all the People of Israel and as John fulfilled his Course Mind here Paul still ascribes it to Iohn Again in Acts 19.1 2 3 4. And it came to pass that while Apollos was at Corinth Paul having passed through the uppermost Coasts came to Ephesus and finding certain Disciples there he said unto them Have ye received the Holy Ghost since ye believed And they said unto him WE HAVE NOT SO MUCH AS HEARD WHETHER THE●● BE ANY HOLY GHOST And he said unto them Unto what then were ye Baptized They said Unto JOHN's BAPTISM Mark Had Iohn's Baptism been in the Name of the Father Son and Holy Ghost then how should they but have heard of a Holy Ghost So that here before I proceed any further I shall take notice of this place a little Water-Baptism is still ascribed here to Iohn I indeed baptize with Water said Iohn John indeed baptized with Water said Christ and said the Apostles Iohn verily baptized with the Baptism of Repentance saying unto the People That they must believe on Him that was to come after him that is said he on Christ Iesus So I shall yet bring no more Proofs for this Point these being sufficient But before I leave this Place take notice That tho' they had been baptized unto
before and were Able enough for that Baptism But now they were to enter upon a greater Work and it is not they must do it but the Gift of God in and by them or the Power they received so saith Christ Lo I am with you and as many as received him to them he gave Power for All Power is given to me saith Christ ALL mark So though the Apostles as Men could not Baptize into the Name of the Father Son and Spirit no more than we as Men can do yet mark Christ in and by them can or us either and in and by them did And when the Apostles laid their Hands on them that Believed the Holy Ghost fell upon them and sometimes when they were Preaching unto them the Holy Ghost fell upon them Yet it was not them that could so much as Preach as they ought but Christ in and by them God speaks by his Son through his Vessels of Honour fitted for his Use So it 's not them but Christ who also raised the Dead opened the Eyes of the Blind healed the Sick cleansed the Leper● and many great and good Works did they yet not they but the Gift of God in them and by them And so they went in the Demonstration of the Spirit and of Power and Preached Christ the Wisdom of God and the Power of God the savour of Life unto Life IN THEM mark in them that are saved and the favour of Death unto Death in them that perish But they never cried out Water-Baptism is the Door for Christ Jesus said I am the Door by ME mark not me and Water nor me and Iohn but BY ME if any Man enter in he shall be saved O he is of himself sufficient and shall go in and out and find Pasture The Apostles never called it as you do An Initiating Ordinance and say you A Command of Christ But who says so besides you Where do you prove it Prove Friends whoever you are I challenge all the whole World to prove that Christ ever mentioned such a thing to any of his Ministers as by way of Command as Water-Baptism but said as abovesaid Ye said he shall be baptized with the Holy Ghost And Go teach all Nations baptizing them into the Name of the Father Son and Holy Ghost Say not We cannot Be not ●●●mayed for Lo I am with you And All Power is given unto me both in Heaven and in Earth therefore without me ye can do nothing But abide in me and then ye shall bear Fruit In me ye shall have Peace But though it were so that he had meant as you Baptists say he did Water-Baptism and that that Commission belongs to you say you The World is not yet ended therefore say you it is still to be observed Suppose this were granted you then I ask you How missed Paul of it that he had no share in this Commission For Paul saith in 1 Cor. 1.13 That Chri●t sent me not saith he to Baptize but to Preach the Gospel mark How comes it to pass that you are greater sharers in this Commission than Paul And how must we do to know it For if it did not reach Paul who was Converted and one not behind the Chiefest of the Apostles how can it reach you And though you may say All are not sent to Baptize Then I ask you How must we do to know who are and who are not But say you Paul means NOT ONLY Oh Friends Would you have this Hole to creep out at It 's a little one too lit●●● to get out at 'T is your Meaning but we must not take your Meanings when the Lord lets us see he means otherwise for Paul said not so nor dare any true Christian say that Paul meant so but said what he meant and meant what he said Well but say you Baptists He did Baptize It is true he did some few but he thanks God they were so few But it seems though he did he did not do it by Commission For Christ sent me not to baptize saith he but to Preach the Gospel How then Why by Permission as he also Circumcised Timothy by Permission because of the Iews but not because Christ had commanded it for he had not Paul himself said If ye speaking to the Galatians be Circumcised Christ shall profit ye nothing yet took that Liberty for a particular End because of the Iews to do that particular Act. He also observed the Law and went under seven days Purification and had an Offering brought according to the Law but not because it was commanded by Christ for Christ had not commanded it but because of the Iews Yea and had had he not another time his Head shorn and was under a Vow Much might be said that was done by the Apostles that was not commanded by Christ nor that they left no Command to after-Ages to observe But it 's also clear in Acts 26.15 16 17 18. that Paul had no such word in his Commission as to Baptize into Water For I said the Lord have appeared unto thee for this end or purpose To make thee a Minister and a Witness both of these things which thou hast seen and of those things in the which I will appear unto thee Delivering thee from the People and from the Gentiles unto whom now I send thee Mark What to do Not to Baptize into Water he mentions no such thing No But To open their Eyes and to turn them from Darkness to Light and from the Power of Satan unto God that they may receive Forgiveness of Sins and an Inheritance amongst them that are Sanctified by Faith that is in me This was Paul's Commission if we may so call it as he himself tells the King Agrippa but here is not one Word of Water-Baptism or Not Only to Baptize as you Baptists say But if you have no better Weapons than these these are too short to save your Heads But to proceed You still say The Apostles did Baptize Peter said in the Second of the Acts REPENT and be BAPTIZED every one of you in the NAME mark of Iesus Christ for the Remission of Sins and ye shall receive the Gift of the Holy Ghost this Baptism being for the Remission of Sins upon Repentance was necessary to Salvation but so is not yours for the PROMISE mark is unto you But the Promise was not WATER-BAPTISM but Ye shall be Baptized with the Holy Ghost said the Lord Jesus by way of Promise And this is that which was spoken by the Prophet Ioel 2.28 And it shall come to pass in the last Days saith God I will pour out of my Spirit upon all Flesh mark Was not this the Promise of God to them and their Children and to all that are a-far off and so on And in Verse 21. Then they that gladly received the Word were Baptized and THE SAME DAY were added unto them Three Thousand Souls mark ye The same Day It was a great Number to be Baptized
of his Government and Kingdom there shall be no end And therefore saith the Apostle LEAVING which word therefore seems to entail the foregoing words in the Chapter before where he had been telling them of their Childishness he mentions the Doctrine of Baptism which cannot prove the Imposing of Water-Baptism any more than all the rest and was now for bringing them on to a further State where they might know Perfection and have Meat that would satisfie true Bread that comes down from Heaven and impowers to be Sons of God And it seems clear to me that there was some need for those things they had so long lain like Children weak and like Babes in to be left Therefore LEAVING these let us go on to Perfection and faith further this will we do if God permit But if they had been commanded by Christ to have been used to the Worlds end then why should Paul for so I call that Author have been so earnest at that day which was soon after Christ's Ascension to have had them then to leave them and to go on to a more Manful Powerful Perfect State So that it is very clear to all whose Eyes the Lord opened that though the Apostles had by reason of their weakness submitted to their Childish Capacities rather than they would lose their hold they had got of them yet this or these things were not the thing they were driving at But the Aim and End of all they did both in Circumcision Passover Vows and Seven Days Purification and Water-Baptism yea and all those things concerning Meats and other things that they did by Permission and not by Commission from Christ I say their Intents in all these were never to establish them with Christ Jesus to abide as long as the World lasted No but after they had held them in hand in order to get them on they took all occasions they could to bring them on further till they all come in the Unity of the Faith unto a perfect Man in Christ Jesus unto the measure of the Stature of Christ Jesus and so these became useless and all gave place to him who is alone by himself established a Priest for ever of an unchangeable Priesthood Glory is wholly due unto him And so now they came to speak of One Baptism One Faith and One Lord as aforesaid and that by One Spirit they were all Baptized into One Body mark they were ALL he saith ALL Baptized by One Spirit into One Body and had all been made to drink into One Spirit But none can prove that ALL were Baptized into Water for Paul was instrumental in the Lord's Hand for the convincing and converting of many But he saith he Baptized none but Crispus and Gaius and the Houshold of Stephanus beside saith he I know not whether I Baptized any other but many were convinced by him doubtless very many yea multitudes yet no Man can prove that all that were convinced and converted by the gift of Paul were also All Baptized into Water yet saith he Ye are all Baptized by One Spirit and have been ALL made to drink into One Spirit and there is One Lord One Faith One Baptism Well but say you Baptists He doth not say There is but One Baptism No nor doth he not say There is but One Lord must we therefore say There are more Lords than One God forbid For to us there is but One Lord And he doth not say There is but One Faith must we therefore say There are more Faiths than One So he also saith There is One Baptism and so say we too and that One was Promised and Accomplished and Commanded For we believe as Christ said The Works that I do mark ye The Works that I do shall ye do and greater Works than these shall ye do But it 's plainly said That Christ Baptized not I say Not with Water but with the Holy Ghost And do you think that he used One Baptism to them and commanded them to use Another to them that believe in him Do you think that he Baptized them with the Holy Ghost and then sent them out to Baptize with Water I know whatever ever you believe you have said no less but you can never prove it For the Works that I do shall ye do But Christ Baptized not into Water nor never said that they should that you or any other can prove for Peter in Acts 11. declares what the Lord said when the Disciples were talking with him about his going unto the Gentiles Then said he I remembred the Word of the Lord how that the Lord said mark ye Christ's word The Lord said John Baptized with Water but you shall be Baptized with the Holy Ghost But he no where mentions Water by way Commanding them to use it in Baptism But said Ye shall be Baptized with the Holy Ghost and Go ye teach all Nations Baptizing them into the Name of the Father Son and Holy Ghost and Lo I am with you But farther I remember you Baptists have said That your Baptism into Water doth signifie Death Burial and Resurrection By which words you acknowledge it is but a Type And you farther say That no Man ought to be buried before he be dead Now I conclude that the Dead you mean are such as are dead to Sin and if so how can ye that are dead to Sin live any longer therein Know ye not saith Paul in Rom. 6.2 that so many of us as were Baptized INTO mark into Iesus Christ were Baptized into his Death Therefore we are buried with him by Baptism into Death that like as Christ was raised up from the Dead by the Glory of the Father even so we also should walk in Newness of Life And in Vers. 7. For he that is dead is freed from Sin Well let me ask you Are you thus Dead Buried and Risen with him by your Water-Baptism Or can any Man conclude that Paul here speaks of Water-Baptism Is it not plainly said Into Christ Not into Water but into Christ into Death And in Gal. 3.27 For as many of you as have been Baptized into Christ have put on Christ and they that are in Christ are new Creatures behold all ye Water-Baptizers all old things pass away and all things become new a new Heaven and a new Earth in which dwells Righteousness And we say That the Sons of God inhabit in the New and Living Way that which is pure and changeth not but endures for ever and in Righteousness are they Established and Act not by the Power of a Carnal Commandment but in the Power of an Endless Life not in Imitation of the Letter but in the Demonstration of the Spirit For although it should be so as ye would have it That Christ had commanded the Apostles to Baptize into Water as he never did nor can it be ever proved yet if it had been so what is that to you Who Commanded you Shew us your Commission Where did you receive
your Power and Authority in this matter that you both Preach and Baptize Whereas Paul says He was not sent to Baptize but to Preach And we say and know what we say to be true that we are not sent to Baptize into Water but to Preach the Gospel and our Authority came not by Man of Man nor from Man but by the Grace of God we are what we are and his Grace is sufficient for us and ever hath been since we were a People and so will be to the End And we further say We know that Iohn was sent to Baptize with Water and we own him in his Day but where did Iohn Baptize using those words Father Son and Holy Spirit For they that had been Baptized into Iohn's Baptism had not so much as heard of a Holy Ghost So that this Baptism ye practise cannot be Iohn's nor Christ's it cannot be for he never had Water ascribed to him But Iohn who was a true Minister in his time of Water-Baptism said HE meaning Christ shall Baptize you with the Holy Ghost and Fire So then if not Iohn's as it 's clear it is not for Iohn's was a Type of the True Baptism of the Spirit and when the Types Figures Vails and Shadows were ended and HE the End and Beginning First and Last was arisen and had rent the Vail from the top to the bottom I say when the Sun of Righteousness did arise the Shadows fled away and gave him place over his own House to rule whose Right it was Then was the true Baptism known then came the Holy Ghost ●●on them then did the true Light shin●●● and the Darkness fled away then were they inwardly washed and their Understandings opened then was the Circumcision of the Heart known then was he entered into that within the Vail into the true Tabernacle which God pitched and not Man And so Iohn went before as a Type but willingly gave place to the Substance So that it 's clear the Baptism you use is not Iohn's and it is much more clear that it is not Christ's Baptism and so it must needs be your own done by you in imitation of the Holy Men of God gone before who did what they did in Obedience to the Lord and in his Power and were sent by him But Oh! whoever sent you Baptists in this great and notable Day of the Lord It will one day be said Who hath required these things at your hands Either shew us your Commission or else acknowledge your great Error and Repent and come unto the true Light and walk in it prize it and obey it that ye may be saved by it For it is not a fair Outside of the Cup and Platter but the Inward Washing of Regeneration by the Spirit and a Living in the Spirit and the whole Worship of God say we and the Scriptures the same That the True Worship of God is in Spirit and in Truth But that your Water-Baptism is Spiritual I deny or that it ought to be observed in the Worship of God you cannot prove But Iohn's was ordained to be used as a Type before the Spirit 's Worship or the True Worship in the Spirit was fully Established and of it self a thing that I believe none of you dare say doth in any measure sanctifie and wash the Soul And if it be of so little Effect unto the Soul why what necessity is there for the Continuance of it to the World's End since also ye cannot prove it so commanded For once more let me tell you that that Baptism commanded in Mat. 28. was INTO the Name of the Father Son and Spirit or Holy Ghost But I say this was not Iohn's for they that had been baptiz'd unto Iohn's Baptism had not so much as heard of a Holy Ghost Acts 19.1 2 3 4. which they must needs have done if they had been baptized with the use of these words In the Name of the Father Son and Holy Ghost But further you acknowledge your selves that it is but a Type Well I ask you then What doth it type forth unto us Or what is it a Type of If it be a Type of the Baptism of Christ then I ask you What further need there is of it when the thing signified by it is come Or do you think that Type and Substance must remain together to the World's End Was it not always from the Foundation of the Law that when the Substance came then the Shadows fled away But altho' you should still say Why then did the Apostles use it after the Spirit 's Baptism was accomplish'd I Answer as before The Apostles had Power over it after they saw beyond it and could submit unto the Weakness of Believers Capacities in many things as above is mentioned but that they saw not beyond it till it was reveal'd unto them is clear but then they spoke of the One Baptism of the One Lord and of the One Faith And so Iohn himself when he saw Jesus walking he said unto his Followers Behold the Lamb of God that takes away the sins of the World And Iohn's Disciples left Iohn mark they left Iohn and walked no more with him For Iohn's Baptism could not wash them from their Sins But behold the Lamb of God takes away Sin puts an end to Sin finishes Transgression and brings in Everlasting Righteousness he makes every whit whole and fully saves to the utmost them that come to God by him and makes clean them that he washeth And if I wash thee not saith he thou hast no part in me He satisfies for he is the Bridegroom himself but Iohn was not He it 's true was the Bridegroom's Friend and would not rob him of his Prerogative or Honour but rejoyced to hear his Voice and when it was heard said This my Ioy therefore is fulfilled So we own Iohn in his Place and Time But we own the Bridegroom above Iohn although Iohn was his Friend and did what was commanded but thought not much to give him place who had commanded him And so my dearly Beloved Friends it is in much Love to all but chiefly to you called Anabaptists that this is written as I can truly testifie in the Manifestation of that true Light spoken of in the Scriptures of Truth Unto which I once more beseech you to turn your Minds and believe in it and come to walk in it and obey it and then will you have Fellowship with us and truly our Fellowship is with the Father and with his Son Christ Jesus by whom we have always received the Attonement and in whom we live out of whom we cannot live for he is our Life To whom be Glory for ever Iohn Gratton Written the 7th of the First Month 1674. The Conclusion GReat hath been the Travail of my Soul for the Prosperity of Sion and for her establishment above the Top of all the Mountains and blessed be the Lord my God my Eyes behold her and see her Beauty to exceed all the Glory of the Earth and her coming out of her Wilderness-State is come I say the time is come And many have lyed or lain in the Way-side to have drawn her aside and would gladly have allured and inticed her from her Beloved and gladly would have had her turned aside unto other Lovers and have cryed out unto her What is thy Beloved unto anothers Beloved And have spoken against her and when they could not prevail with her have evil entreated her and Persecuted her for her Beloved's sake And many have been her Troubles but the Lord hath delivered her out of all And great is her Joy at this day and her Glory exceeds all the Glory of the Nations Her Beauty is Perfect She is a Virgin and never was defiled but is all Glorious The King's Daughter is all Glorious within her Garments are all wrought Gold wholly pure she has no Blemish she is all fair without spot the only beloved of the Lord Glory to his Name He hath remembred her in Love and her Sorrows has he seen and will plead her Cause and subdue Kingdoms for her sake and make her Way plain before her Oh! Come unto Sion all ye that desire her Prosperity and be not so foolish as to sit down short of her her City is free her Gates are open by Day and by Night she has no need of the Sun by Day nor of the Moon by Night but the Lord God and the Lamb are the Light thereof Her Light will never grow dark her Sun will never set Night shall be no more upon her for her Sun is arisen and as one to run a Race is marching on his strength is as a Lyon his Voice is heard to roar and great Fear is fallen and a falling upon the Beast of Prey O! Who would not live in her Her Gates are paved with precious Pearls her Inhabitants are all Kings and Priests unto God she is altogether comely and her Glory shall never have an end Amen Oh! Who who would not dwell here Come Come unto Sion all ye that are sincere to what ye know Turn ye turn at her Call and embrace her Counsel Why will ye bestow your Money for that which is not Bread and your Labour for that which satisfieth not Oh! come unto me saith the Lord my Voice is near you How often have I called and ye regarded not nor have not answered my Requirings but are imitating them whose Life and Power you are out of But now turn ye unto the Lord with all your Hearts believe in his Light and Life will you know that never can have an end but if you still refuse you will one day know that you were Warned and Invited by one that truly seeks not himself but earnestly travails for the Wellfare of all Men and is become Servant to all for Jesus's sake To him be all Honour Praise and Dominion for ever and for evermore J. G. THE END