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A03788 A riche storehouse, or treasurie, for the sicke, full of Christian counsels holesome doctrines, comfortable persuasions, and godly meditations, meete for all Christians, both in sicknesse and in health. Wherevnto is annexed a comfort for poore prisoners, and also an exhortation to repentance. Written in Dutch, by Gaspar Huberine, and Englished by Thomas Godfrie, esquire, late ... fruits and ... at the request of his dangter Marie, wife ... Iohn French, gentleman of the Inner Temple Huberinus, Caspar.; Godfrie, Thomas. 1578 (1578) STC 13905; ESTC S113094 72,574 208

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The communion of Saintes The forgiuenes of sinnes The resurrection of the bodie and the life euerlasting Amen Oh highest comfort in all trouble helpe that we neither feare shame nor death that our senses be not dismayed when the enimie accuseth vs Lord haue pittie vppon vs. Fiftly if the partie lye long in a traunce For I haue many times seene that some haue lyen a long time as it were in a traunce and afterward haue begunne againe to speake and haue said that they very well heard and did vnderstand what hath then beene said vnto them Therefore they that will may rehearse to the sicke this short exposition of our beleefe I put all my trust hope and comfort onely in the méere grace and mercie of God that he onely himselfe can helpe me and none other creature howe holy soeuer he be in all my néede and trouble And séeing he is my father I beléeue stedfastly that he with all his hart will gladly helpe me neuer forsake me neither in this world nor in the world to come And because he is almightie God I beléeue that he can defend me and kéepe me from all that is against me For he onely is strong ynough for mine enimie by reason of his almightie power And séeing he is the creatour of heauen and earth I beléeue he can commaund all other creatures that none of them shall haue any power ouer me to my harme without his fatherly good will. Therefore do I looke for onely from this almightie God father creatour all good things and euerlasting life For all thinges come onely from him and are giuen vnto him for he will giue himselfe wholy and fully vnto me with all that he is and hath with heauen and earth with al creatures that they must serue me and profite me and further me toward euerlasting life I beléeue with all my heart that Iesus Christ the onely begotten sonne of the father from the beginning hath for my sake taken vpon him mans nature and that he was conceiued of the holy Ghost and borne of the holy virgin Marie as a right naturall mother and that that man is very truly God as an euerlasting and vndiuided person of God and man And that this sonne of God Marie our Lord Iesus Christ hath for me wretched sinner suffered was for me crucified and dead Wherby he hath deliuered me from sinne from death and from the euerlasting wrath of God by his innocent bloud whiche in his owne person suffered the pangues of death and hath tasted euerlasting hell and ouercome it to the intent that I should be reconciled with God and be made Lord ouer al mine enimies I beléeue that except the death of this sonne our Lord Iesus Christe I could neuer haue atteined vnto Gods fauour and my saluation neither by works nor by any manner of desert I beléeue that Iesus Christ my brother is risen from death for my righteousnesse and hath for my sake taken death and hell prisoner that they can neuer hurt me For I confesse that I shuld haue dyed for euer if Iesus Christ had not come to help me and taken vpon him as an innocent lamb my sinne faults curse and euerlasting death and hath satisfied for me by his passion and hath taken away the curse for me I beléeue that he doth daily like a faithfull mercifull Mediatour Sauiour and only Priest and Byshop of my soule appeare and intreate for me I beléeue that Christe with God equally ruleth and fulfilleth all thinges and that he is of equal power and might in heauen and in earth Lorde ouer all Lordes King ouer al Kings and aboue all cretures in heauen and in earth and vnder the earth aboue death and life aboue sinne and righteousnesse This King and Lorde shall goe before me in my passion and death shall hold battell and fight for me so that I with him shal be a Lorde ouer all mine enimies for euer and euer I beléeue that Christe crucified shall come againe at the last day and shall iudge and condemne those that will not beléeue on him but will defend me and all faithfull from the terrible iudgemēt of damnation perpetuall and say vnto vs Come ye hyther ye blessed of my Father inherite the kingdome whiche is prepared for you from the beeginning of the worlde coet I beléeue in the holy Ghost whiche with the father and the sonne is one very God and is procéeded from the father and the sonne euerlastingly and yet in one and the same godly being and nature an vndiuided person I beléeue that I by him shall be adorned with faith as with a liuing euerlasting godly gift and reward raised vp from death made frée from sinne and in my heart made merrie comforted and frée and safe in conscience For this is my reioycing that if I can finde in my hart such witnesse of Gods holy spirite that then God will be my father forgiue me my sinne and reward me with euerlasting life I beléeue that the holy Ghoste will help to beare mine infirmities and intreate for me with vnspeakable sighings strengthen me and light my hart that I may knowe the excéeding riches fatherly mercy that he hath giuen me rewarded me with of méere grace without all my deseruinges onely through Christ his beloued sonne by whome the father hath rewarded me with those his giftes But the holy Ghost teacheth me to knowe all these thinges he kindleth my heart and lighteneth me that these giftes come from aboue as Christe hath promised vs where he saith Iohn 7. He that beleueth in me as the scripture saith from his bodie shall flowe streames of liuing waters I beléeue that there is vpon earth one Christian church that is the congregation or number or assemblie méeting of all Christians in which there is one God one Lord one holy Ghost one faith one baptisme of which Churche Christ onely is the spouse and husband I beléeue that this Churche is the spirituall body and that Christ onely is her head I beléeue that Christ is the sauiour of this his body and Church and hath giuen him selfe for her that he might make her holy and hath cleansed her through the waterbath of his word that he may haue for him selfe a speciall congregation that neither hath spot nor wrinckle or any other infirmitie but that she may be holy and without fault a piller and foundation of trueth I beléeue that in this Christian congregation and where so euer it be that there also is forgiuing of sinnes There is the kingdome of grace and right pardon and that there is no saluation nor forgiuing of sins without Christendome I beléeue that no man can be saued except he be in this congregation and Church as a liuely member planted in his owne body I beléeue that in this kingdome there is not only once forgiuing of sinnes but as oft as we require and aske it For Christ is such a maister of the hospitall
faith loue prayer nor no good thought can any more appeare in their heartes If this great sore temptation shall happen also to trouble you yet despaire not therefore but be of good cheare thinke thus with your selfe I perceiue that I must altogether be naked and vnclothed and put off all that I haue spoile my selfe of euery thing that I haue or may doe all that euer I haue falleth cleane from me and forsaketh me My louing bridegrome our lord Christ wil cloath me anew adorne and dresse me and trimme me with all his iewels Therefore call now againe vpon him as vppon your highe priest that he will haue mercie vpon you intreat and pray for you and wil haue heartie compassion of your weakenesse For We haue not an high priest that can not take cōpassion of our feeblenesse but such an high priest that hath beene thoroughly tempted and is like vnto vs in all things except in sinne Therfore let vs goe vnto him with ioy to his mercie seate that wee may obteine mercie and finde grace at that time when helpe shal be necessarie for vs Heb. 5. Here haue you a very great comfort that Christ is your high priest Call vppon him earnestly that he wil send into your colde heart his holy spirite which shall call within you father father louing father Euen then shall the holy Ghost helpe vp your weakenes and intreateth for you also mightily with sighings not able to be expressed Rom. viij Then also doeth Christ himselfe pray for you like the high priest before the father suffereth not your weakenesse to be laid to your charge despiseth you not because of your vntowardnes your ignorance or faint heart for this high priest hath great compassion with our weakenes he doth not only intreat for vs but also he sheweth foorth before the father his innocent bodie which he hath offered vppon the Crosse for you a perfect sacrifice for euer Heb. 9. As also S. Paule witnesseth Ephes 5. where he saith thus Christ hath loued vs and giuen himselfe for vs for a gift and offering vnto God for a sweete sauour This is the noble gift and this is the auaileable offering for you which is richly accepted before God. Thus haue you now your high priest Christe oure Lord himselfe the altar wherevppon he was offered his crosse the offering his cleane vnspotted and pure bodie Nowe marke how and in what manner or fashion Christe your high priest did hang vpon the crosse for such maner of hanging is very comfortable if one would behold it with beléeuing eyes For first Christ hangeth vppon the Crosse with his armes and hands stretched out to signifie that he is readie to giue grace accept and imbrace with his armes all poore and wretched sinners for he hangeth there for the comforte of poore sinners reacheth out his armes to troubled consciences Secondarily his féete also be heaued vp and fast nailed in token that he tarrieth there for all wretched sinners for he wil not start aside nor flie from you but will continually be found and tarrieth for you Thirdly he turneth his face and not his backe to you he boweth downe his face like vnto a gentle and milde Lord to the prayers of all poore and troubled persons will gladly with all his heart heare them he is willing and readie he openeth his eares wide wherby he will certeinly heare you Fourthly his heart is wide open towardes you for it is pearced with a speare whereby he may haue heartie compassion with your aduersitie and will set your trouble very neare vnto his owne heart Fiftly he weareth a crowne of thorne vpon his head to signifie that he will be your king and defend and kéepe you from all misfortune from sinne from death from the diuell and from hell This is a maruellous gratious and louing beholding to all troubled sinners for he hangeth in the middle of sinners as a sinner bycause he will receiue all miserable forsaken sinners giue them grace and preserue and kéepe them for euer ¶ Hereafter followe certeine prayers whiche may be said before the sicke body if the sicknesse haue any continuance whereby sometime the sicke bodies heart may be touched moued and kindled that the sicknesse may not preuaile and haue the ouerhand vpon the sicke First welbeloued let vs lift vp our heartes to almightie God and put him in remembraunce of his gratious promise which he hath made vs at our holy baptisme therfore say after me though not with your mouth yet with your heart chiefly thus MY Lorde and God remember the holy couenant whiche thou hast made with me in my holy baptisme wherin thou hast receiued me to grace and to be thy childe and promised me that I beléeuing and béeing baptised should be saued Marke 16. Séeing then thou Lorde hast so assuredly bound thy selfe vnto me to be my gratious mercifull true and louing father my comforte and hope is alonely in thée therefore I stedfastly beléeue that as surely as I am baptised in the name of the Father and of the Sonne and of the holy Ghost that thou wilt be my defender deliuerer and comforter and helpe me out of all daunger leade me and defend me from all perill that neither sinne death nor hell can hurt me Therefore I will not despaire in all aduersitie and euen in the extremitie of death turn my heart vnto thée and stedfastly beléeue that thou wilt neuer forsake me but giue vnto me euerlasting blessednesse through the deseruing of Christe my Lord and Sauiour Secondarily welbeloued let vs now againe turne our selues vnto almightie God from whome commeth al help and call vpon him from the bottome of our hearts inwardly as our onely God and father and say thus OH almightie euerlasting God and father I being full of all vnrighteousnesse and sinne come vnto thée and yet am I thy welbeloued childe Therefore séeing thou art the euerlasting true God I comfort my selfe with thy promise that thou wilt faithfully performe all that thou hast promised me Nowe thou hast saide Matth. 11. When I am troubled in my conscience with sinne care néede heauinesse and am heauie laden many wayes and I repaire vnto thée that then thou wilt help me and receiue me in my heauinesse For as much as thou art my welbeloued father and I am thy childe therefore doe I looke for from thée wholy all good things help comfort in al trouble for thou art not an earthly father whiche somtime can neither help him selfe nor his children but thou Lorde art the almightie heauenly father that wilt willingly with all thy heart helpe me likewise art able so to doe by reason of thy almightie power For thou art the maker of heauen and of earth thou hast all thinges in thy hande and power all cretures of heauen and of earth be subiect vnto thée and must serue and obey thée euen as thou listest Therfore Lord despise me
not though I be a very wretched sinner altogether for these causes séeing that thou by thy worde hast commaunded and promised that I shal be heard in what daunger and trouble so euer I be when I call vpon thée and that then I shall honour thée and euer acknowledge thée to be the true and very God séeing I perceiue that what so euer thou promisest that thou dost perfourme effectually Therefore beléeue I certeinly thy worde that thou wilt not denie it but vndoubtedly perfourme whatsoeuer thou hast once spoken therfore I beséech thée from the bottome of my heart that thou wilt help me out of my trouble and sicknesse and neuer forsake me but gratiously send me thy fatherly helpe and deliuer me from my distresse For there is no body vpon whō I can perceiue any helpe or goodnesse but only vpon thée therefore helpe thou me my lord and God but not according to my deserts worthinesse or goodnes but through the deserts of thy sonne Iesus Christe which hath purchased vnto me from thée all grace and fatherly fauour him dost thou loue and hast great pleasure in him and therfore thou wilt not forsake me for his sake but rather shewest vnto me all goodnesse therfore I commit my self wholy vnto thy mercy and fatherly goodnesse and put my whole cause vnto thée as to my louing father that thou wilt deliuer me out of all this trouble griefe weaknes paines when it shal please thy godly will therfore I will not appoint vnto thée neyther time nor space but earnestly hope vpon thée that thou wilt heare me and defend me though my case appeare very straunge and as impossible as it may be for thou art almightie hast might and power ouer all things and besides this thou art my father and art willing to doe it if it were nowe necessarie Therfore at thy hand I looke for al goodnesse be it vnto me according vnto thy true promise Amen Thirdly moreouer welbeloued let vs once againe lift vp our heartes and mindes vnto him from whome all help and goodnesse commeth chiefly vnto the father of all light which giueth euery good gift gratiously heareth vs Therfore séeing that your paines necessitie miserie and griefes stil continue therefore pray vnto our Lord God with holy Dauid and say thus Oh Lord punish me not in thine anger correct me not in thine me Lord be gratious vnto me for I am feeble heale me Lorde for my bones be afraide Turne thee Lord and deliuer my soule help me according to thy pleasure be not far from me for trouble is at hand for here is none that can helpe Remember Lorde thy mercy and thy goodnesse which hath ben since the world beganne Remember not the sinnes of my youth nor mine offences but thinke vpon me after thy mercy and according to thy goodnesse Lorde haue mercy vppon my misdeedes which be very great turne thee to me be gratious vnto me for I am forsaken and in miserie the heauinesse of my heart is great lead me out of my necessitie and need Behold my miserie and distresse and forgiue me all mine offences Lorde be gratious vnto me according to thy goodnesse and blot out all my sinnes after thy great mercy wash me cleane from mine offences make me pure from my sinnes for I acknowledge myne offences and my misdeedes be euer before me On thee alone haue I sinned and haue done euill in thy sight Hide thy face from my sinnes and blot out all mine offences Make a cleane heart within me and giue me a newe right spirit Cast me not out of thy sight and take not thine holy Ghost from me Comfort me againe with thy helpe and giue in me the spirite of peace Be vnto me a strong tower whether I may for euer flee for succour for thou hast promised to helpe me for thou art my rocke and my hill Oh Lorde I cry vnto thee bicause thou art gratious Lord for thy great goodnesse heare me with thy true help heare me Lorde for thy goodnesse is comfortable turne thee vnto me according to thy great mercy Lord be not farre from me My God make hast to helpe me Vpon thee Lord do I trust God helpe me out of all my needs and set me at libertie Looke vppon me and heare me Lord my god Lighten myne eyes that I may sleepe soundly in the middest of death I loue thee with all my heart Lorde God my strength Lorde my rocke my hill my deliuerer my God my castell vpon whome I trust my buckler and horne of my saluation my defence Lord in thee doe I trust let me neuer be confounded Deliuer me for thy iustice sake Bowe downe thine eares to me make speede to help me Be vnto me a strong rocke and an hill where thou maiest helpe me For thou art my rocke and my hill and for thy name sake leade me and bring mee foorth come to my soule and deliuer it keepe my soule and deliuer me Let me not be confounded for I trust in thee Lorde quicken me for thy name sake leade my soule out of this daunger for thy righteousnesse sake for my soule fainteth in my bodie and the feare of death is falen vpon me Feare and trembling compasseth me and loathsomenesse is falen vpon me I lie with my soule among the Lions therefore oh Lorde heare my prayers and let my crie come vnto thee Hide not thy face from me in my neede Bowe downe thine eare vnto me when I call vpon thee then heare me betime Nowe Lord wherein shall I comfort me I hope vpon thee leaue off from troubling me that I may refreshe my selfe before I goe hence and come no more againe If it please any man to say all the whole Psalms to be said to the sicke I will not complaine vppon him Therfore they that list may when he list sometime take these Psalmes hereafter following and read the same to the sicke and sometime make some shorte rehearsall of them and with them comfort the sicke body specially the 25. 51. 70. 71. 77. 87. 88. 103. 130. c. And if neede require a man may often repeate them or take some comfortable part of them and also like comfortable sayinges out of my litle booke called The spiritual conflict all which for shortnesse I leaue heere vntouched Fourthly if the sick bodie draw on and is neare his ende then say our beléefe that is the xij Articles of our holy faith thus J Beleeue in God the father Almightie maker of heauen and earth And in Iesus Christ his onely sonne our Lord whiche was conceiued by the holy Ghost borne of the virgin Marie suffered vnder Pontius Pilate was crucified dead and buried hee descended into hell he rose againe the third day from the dead he ascended into heauen he sitteth on the right hand of God the father Almightie from thence he shal come to iudge the quicke and the dead I beleeue in the holy ghost The holy catholique Church
blessed houre and that the holy Ghost wil lead him carrie him and guide him in the right way to saluation and that he may obteine at the length euerlasting peace and felicitie We now require that this may be done Therefore say Our father which art in heauen c. Doe you require this say Yea. Well now welbeloued say you also Our father c. And yeld your selfe willingly to die and say Father thy will be done c. Almightie God kéepe you going out of this miserie from hencefoorth euermore Amen Say Lord into thy hands I commit my soule Amen ¶ In some place while the Executioner doth lead foorth the poore man and is about the execution some sing in the meane season Nowe pray we the holy Ghost as in Michshen and Sachsin c. And in some place the minister in ths meane time saith the belefe Whatsoeuer any man thinketh good and profitable that may he set foorth and doe and let the poore condemned man sleepe in the Lorde in holy hope that whatsoeuer is now sowen in shame and dishonour shall be at the last day in greater honour and glory raysed vp againe Our Lord vouchsafe to preserue vs all one with an other gratiously from sinne and keepe vs from sinne and shame for euermore through Christ Iesus his only begotten sonne in the holy Ghost Amen A faithful and Christian exhortation to repentaunce and to leade a life in the feare of GOD. SYrach amongst his sayings in the 18. Chapter warneth vs that we should in time refraine our selues from sinne and repent our selues whilest we can sinne where he also saith Doe not delay your repentance vntill you be sicke but amend your selues whilest you may sin driue not off the time to be good nor tarrie not to better thy life til the time of thy deth In this matter he mindeth to set before our face the feare of God whereby we should not onely absteine or forbeare to sinne but also for the residue of our life kéepe our selues from sinne with greate diligence Specially if we groundly déepely consider the earnestnesse and righteousnesse of God howe our Lorde God is an earnest enimie to sinne but specially to such sins as man estéemeth to be no sinne or will not acknowledge for sinne but will holde and take them as vertues and rightly done and defend them as things well done and so wholy goe forwarde and continue in an vnrepentant and stubborne life whereby he falleth from thence without all sorrowe and repentance without ceassing grieuously to sinne against God his maker in great contempt despite pride and carelesnesse whereof then God taketh a great misliking and abhomination so that he must néedes méete with suche offences with all punishment reuengeance plagues especially with dearth war pestilence c. And God our Lorde bendeth him selfe also against all suche sinnes with all manner of power with all his elements as the aire the fire the water and the earth that we may behold with our eyes such apparent anger and punishment of God and must néeds taste of them in all places For from whence commeth suche warre bloudshead Who is guiltie thereof what is the very cause Is not sinne and our vnpenitent froward and proude liuing when man without all shame without all feare of God gréedily wantonly ragingly and stubbornly doth sin against our Lord God and maker Whereby it commeth to passe that many proude wanton filthy liuers be taken by God and punished very straungly Here lye in an houres space many thousandes slaine there be many times many hundreds drowned there many executed with the sworde fire water the whéele and gallowes There suffereth GOD many times within one halfe yere many thousands dy on the pestilence there many to be hungerstarued here many thousandes swallowed vp with earthquakes there many perishe in vprores and rebellions And to be short no man is able to reckon or remember howe many God must take and punishe and likewise cause to be made an example in the world whereby such foolish stubborne and godlesse wayes might be auoyded and shunned But who doeth earnestly once think vpon these things who doth turne him selfe or studie to auoyde these fearefull plagues of God who setteth before his eyes such examples of Gods anger thereby to amend his life Surely very fewe come before such execution and punishment of God and in time turne them selues before such fearefull iudgement of God auoyd sinne and thinke to begin a godly and vertuous life But in these dayes the proude froward and wicked world neuer thinketh of any of these things And thereby it commeth to passe that so many lewde so many false so many stubborne so much falshood so much sinne filthinesse beareth such a great swinge that at the length almightie God wil be so angrie that within a while there wil be no way to escape no forbearing no forgiuenesse more take place but God must in the end without more pitie or mercy hurle the pitcher to the ground with great violence and without all grace and forbearing dash them together with thunder and lightening with haile and shewers and with grieuous feare and tempestuous stormes Therfore on the behalfe of weaklings and of suche as be fraile in their liuing and conuersation I thinke good to aduise and warne them that they doe not make of their weaknesse and frailtie a wicked custome least at the length they fal into an vnpenitent and blockish life and conuersation whereby God will be grieuously offended Therefore it behoueth them in time beforehande to acknowledge their weake and sinfull liuing be sorrie for them and haue full purpose to amende their life after that sighe to obteine a heartie longing towardes a godly life and at the last to fight against sin to withstand it with all our power that there do not followe of our weakenesse an vnpenitent and blinde conuersation and least they miserably dye in that blindnesse and after that perishe euerlastingly from whiche our Lorde gratiously vouchsafe to kéepe vs Amen Againe that such weakelings in their conuersation receiue the time of grace in season not loyteringly seeking for it contemning it nor be slouthfull therein For Here is the acceptable time now is the day of grace as holy Saint Paule writeth in the second to the Corinthians the sixt Chap. Therefore let vs to our profite and for our blessednes sake imbrace it in time conuenient and not suffer it to passe away from vs or suffer suche an acceptable time of grace from God the very Iubilie yeare yea the golden yeare for euer to flée in the winde but rather pray for grace in the right and in the time méete conuenient Whereof Dauid saith in the 32. Psal. In which time al holy and suche as be weake in faith doe séeke for our Lorde God and pray for our Lorde God and call for grace and forgiuing of their sinnes and hope vppon his mercy which is promised vnto