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father_n ghost_n holy_a nature_n 20,678 5 5.8553 4 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A15713 The christians mourning garment Worship, William. 1603 (1603) STC 25987; ESTC S113276 27,165 63

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with it Giue vs therfore such a competencie sufficiencie of these outward blessings as thou in thy heauenly wisdō séest most néedful for vs. Grant these things good father to vs here present to al thine absent praying thée in speciall fauour to remember our frinds kinsfolks in the flesh al our good neighbours welwillers al those for whō we are bound to pray by nature by deserts or any duty whatsoeuer for Iesus Christes sake our only mediator to whom with thée and the holy Ghost be giuen al praise glory both now and for euermore Amen An Euening prayer to be vsed in priuate families O Eternall God and our most louing deare Father we thy vnworthy children doe here fall downe at the foote of thy great maiesty acknowledging from our harts that we are altogeather vnworthy to come néere thée or to look towards thée because thou art a God of infinite glory and we are most vile and abhominable sinners such as were conceiued and borne in sinne and corruption fuch as haue inherited our fathers corruptions and also haue actually transgressed all thy holy statutes and lawes both in thoughts wordes and déedes before we knew thée and since secretly and openly with our selues and with others our particular sinnes are moe then can be numbred for who knoweth how often times he offendeth But this we must néedes confesse against our selues that our hartes are full of pride couetousnesse and the loue of this world full of wrath anger and impatiencie full of lying dissembling and deceiuing full of vanity hardnesse and prophanenesse full of infidelity distrust and selfe-loue full of lust vncleanenesse and al abhominable desires yea our harts are the very sinks of sinne and dunghils of all filthynesse And besides all this we doe omitte the good things we should doe for there are in vs great wantes of faith of loue of zeale of patience of contentment and of euery good grace so as thou hast iust cause to procéede to sentence of iudgement against vs as most damnable transgressors of all thy holy commaundements yea such as are sunke in our rebellions and haue many times and often committed high treason against thy maiestie and therefore thou maiest iustly cast vs all downe into hell fire there to be tormented with Sathan and his angelles for euer And we haue nothing to except against thy maiesty for so doing sith therein thou shouldest deale with vs but according to equity and our iust deserts Wherefore deare Father we doe appeale from thy iustice to thy mercie most humbly intreating thée to haue mercie vpon vs and fréely to forgiue vs all our sinnes past whatsoeuer both new and olde secret and open knowne and vnknowne and that for Iesus Christes sake our onely Mediator And we pray thée touch our harts with true griefe and vnfained repentance for them that they may be a matter of continuall sorrow and hart smart vnto vs so as nothing may gréeue vs more than this that we haue offended thée being our speciall friend and father Giue vs therefore deare Father euery day more and more sight and féeling of our sinnes with true humiliation vnder the same Giue vs also that true and liuely faith whereby we may laie sure hold on thy Sonne Christ and all his merites applying the same to our owne soules so as we may stand fully perswaded that whatsoeuer hee hath done vppon the crosse he hath done for vs particularly as well as for others Giue vs faith good father constantly to beléeue all the swéete promises of the Gospell touching remission of sinne and eternall life made in thy sonne Christ O Lord increase our faith that we may altogether rest vpon thy promises which are all yea Amen Yea that we may settle our selues and all that we haue wholy vpon them both our soules bodies goods name wiues children and our whole estate knowing that all things depend vpon thy promises power and prouidence and that thy word doth support and beare vp the whole order of nature Moreouer we intreat thée O Lord to strengthen vs from aboue to walke in euery good waye and to bring foorth the fruits of true faith in all our particular actions studying to please thée in all things to be fruitfull in all good works that we may shew foorth vnto all men by our good conuersation whose children we are and that we may adorne and beautifie our most holy profession by walking in a Christian course and in all the sound fruits and practise of godlinesse and true religion To this end we pray thée sanctifie our harts by thy spirite yet more and more sanctifie our soules and bodies and all our corrupt naturall faculties as reason vnderstanding will and affections so as they may be fitted for thy worship and seruice taking a delight and pleasure therein Stir vs vp so vse prayer watchfulnes reading meditation in thy lawe and all other good meanes whereby we may profit in grace goodnes from day to day Blesse vs in the vse of the meanes that we may daily die to sin liue to righteousnesse Draw vs yet nearer vnto thée help vs against our manifold wants Amend our great imperfections renue vs inwardly more and more repaire the ruines of our harts aide vs against the remnants of sinne Enlarge our hearts to run the way of thy commandements Direct all our steps in thy worde let none iniquitie haue dominion ouer vs. Assist vs against our speciall infirmities and master sinnes that we may get the victorie ouer them all to thy glory the great peace comfort of our owne consciences Strengthen vs good father by thy grace holy spirit against the common corruptions of the world as pride whoredome couetousnes contempt of thy Gospell swearing lying dissembling deceiuing O dear father let vs not be ouercome of these filthy vices nor any other sinfull pleasures fond delights wherewith thousands are carried headlong to destruction Arme our soules against all the temptations of this worlde the flesh and the diuell that we may ouercome them all through thy helpe and kéepe on the right way to life that we may liue in thy feare and die in thy fauour that our last dayes may be our best dayes and that we may end in great peace of conscience Grant these things good Father and all other néedfull graces for our soules or bodies or any of thine throughout the whole world for Iesus Christs sake In whose name we further call vpon thée as he hath taught vs in his Gospel saying Our Father which art in Heauen c. A prayer to be vsed at any time by one alone priuately OLord my God heauenly Father I thy most vnworthy childe do here in thy sight fréely confesse that I am a most sinful creature damnable transgressor of all thy holy laws commaundements that as I was borne bred in sin stained in the wombe so haue I continually brought sorth the
corrupt vgly fruites of that infection and contagion wherein I was first conceiued both in thoughts words workes If I should go about to recken vp my particular offences I know not where to begin or where to make an end For they are moe then the haires of my head yea far mo then I can possibly féele or know For who knoweth the height and depth of his corruption who knoweth how of the offendeth Thou only O Lord knowest my sinnes who knowest my heart nothing is hid from thée thou knowest what I haue béene and what I am yea my conscience doth accuse me of many and gréeuous euilles I do daylie féele by wofull experiene how fraile I am how prone to euill and how vntoward to all goodnesse My minde is full of vainity my hart full of prophanenesse mine affections full of deadnesse dulnesse drowsinesse in matters of thy worship seruice Yea my whole soule is full of spirituall blindnesse hardnesse vnprofitablenesse coldnesse and security And in very déede I am altogether a lumpe of sinne and a masse of all misery and therefore I haue forfeited thy fauour and incurred thy high displeasure and haue giuen thée iust cause to frowne vpon me to giue me ouer and leaue me to mine owne corrupt will and affections But O my deare Father I haue learned from thy mouth that thou art a God full of mercy slow to wrath and of great compassion and kindenesse towardes all such as grone vnder the burthen of their sinnes Therefore extend thy great mercie towardes me poore sinner and giue me a generall pardon for all mine offences whatsoeuer seale it in the blood of thy sonne and seale it to my conscience by thy spirite assuring mee more and more of thy loue and fauour towards me and that thou art a reconciled father vnto me Graunt that I may in al time to come loue thée much because much is giuen and of very loue feare thée and obey thée O Lord increase my faith that I may stedfastly beléeue all the promises of the Gospell made in thy son Christ and rest vpon them altogether enable me to bring forth the sound fruites of faith and repentance in all my perticuler actions Fill my soule full of ioy and peace in beléeuing Fill me full of inward comfort and spirituall strength against al temptations giue me yet a greater féeling of thy loue and many folde mercies towardes me worke in my soule a loue of thy Maiesty a zeale of thy glory an hatred of euil and a desire of all good things Giue me victory ouer those sinnes which thou knowest are strongest in me Let me once at last make a conquest of the worlde and the flesh Mortifie in me whatsoeuer is carnal sanctifie me throughout by thy spirit knit my heart to thée for euer that I may feare thy name renew in me the image of thy sonne Christ daylie more and more Giue me a delight in the reading meditation of thy word Let me reioyce in the publique ministrie thereof Let me loue and reuerence all the faithfull ministers of thy Gospel Sanctifie their doctrines to my conscience seale them in my soule write them in my heart giue me a soft and melting heart that I may tremble at thy wordes and be alwayes much affected with Godly sermons Let not my sinnes hold backe thy mercies from me nor mine vnworthynesse stoppe the passage of thy grace Open mine eyes to sée that great wonders of thy Law Reueale thy secrets vnto me be open harted towards me thy vnworthy seruant Hide nothing from me that may make for thy glory and the good of my soule Blesse all meanes vnto me which thou vsest for my good Blesse all holy instructions to my soule Blesse me at all times both in hearing and reading thy word Giue me the right vse of all thy mercies corrections that I may be the better for them Let me abound in loue to thy children Let my heart be very néerely knit vnto thē that where thou louest most there I may loue most also Let me watch pray that I enter not into temptation giue me patience and contentment in all things Let me loue thée more and more and the world lesse and lesse So drawe my minde vpward that I may despise all transitory things Let me be so wrapt and rauished with the sight féeling of heauēly things that I may make a base reckoning of all carthly things Let me vse this world as though I vsed it not Let me vse it but for necessity as meate and drinke Let me not be carried away with the vaine pleasures and fond delights therof Good father worke thy good worke in me and neuer leaue me nor forsake me till thou hast brought me to true happinesse Oh deare Father make me faithful in my calling that I may serue thée in it and be alwaies carefull to do what good I may in any thing Blesse me in my outward estate Blesse my soule body goods and name Blesse all that belongeth vnto me Blesse my goings out and commings in Let thy countenance be lifted vp vpon me now and alwayes cheare me vp with the ioyes and comforts of thy spirite make me thankefull for all thy mercies For I must néeds confesse that thou art very kinde vnto me in all things For in thée I liue mooue and haue my béeing of thée I haue my welfare and good béeing thou art a dayly friend and special good Benefactor vnto me I liue at thy cost and charges I hold all of thée in Chiefe and I finde that thou art neuer wearie of doing me good thy goodnesse towardes me is vnstanchable Oh I can neuer be thankefull inough vnto thée for al thy mercies both spirituall and corporall But in such measure as I am able I praise thy name for all beséeching thée to accept of my thankesgiuing in thy Sonne Christ and to giue me a profitable vse of all thy fauours that thereby my hart may be fully drawne vnto thée giue me O Father to be of such a good nature and disposition that I may be wonne by gentlenesse and fayre meanes as much as if thou gauest me many lashes Pardon all mine vnthankefulnesse vnkindnesse and great abusing of thy mercies and giue me grace to vse them more to thy glory in all time to come Strengthen me deare Father thus to continue praising and glorifying thy name here vpon earth that after this life I may be crowned of thée for euer in thy kingdome Graunt these petitions most mercifull God not onely to me but to all thy deare children throughout the whole world for Iesus Christs sake in whose name I doe further call vpon thée saying as hée hath taught me O our Father which art in Heauen c. FINIS