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father_n ghost_n holy_a nature_n 20,678 5 5.8553 4 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A10008 Ane oration made by Master Theodore de Beze, minister of the word of God, accompanyed with. xi. other ministers and. xx. deputies of the refourmed churches of the realme of Fraunce, in the presence of the king, ... Tuesday the ix. day of September, 1561, in the noonnery of Poyssy. Truely gathered and set forth in suct sort as it was spoken by the said de Beze. Whereunto is added a brief declaration exhibited by the said Beze, to the Quene the mother, the next morowe after the making of the said oration, touching certain poyntes conteyned in the same; Harangue faicte par M. Théodore de Bèze. English. Bèze, Théodore de, 1519-1605. 1561 (1561) STC 2026; ESTC S119256 20,389 80

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do think and wold gladly perswade all others to thinke the like that our disagreing doth stande in no greate matters of importaunce but consisteth rather in thinges indifferent then in the substancial pointes of our faith Others there be all of the contrary that for lacke of good information of our beliefe take it as though we agreed in nothing no more then Iewes or Mahometistes The opinion of the first sort is not so much to be discommended as the iudgement of the last sort is vtterly to be reiected Like as we trust shall appeare by the discourse of our matter But surely neither of them both do make any waye or ouerture of any true or assured concord For if the laste be beleued none of the parties can purchasse to thē a sure standing but with the ouerthrowinge of the other whiche were to cruell to think and most horrible to be executed If the opinion of the first should be receiued it muste nedes be that many thinges should remaine vndecided whereof shoulde rise a very daungerous and hurtfull disagreing To enter then into the matter we do confesse in the whiche saying we haue much a do to contain our teares we confesse I say that as we do agree in some principal pointes of the Christian faith so do we disagree in some vthers We confesse one onely God in one selfe same essence infinitie and incomprehensible distincte in three persons consubstancials and in all pointes coequall That is to say the Father vnbegotten the sonne from euer begottē of the Father and the holy Gost proceadinge from the Father and the Sonne We confesse one onely Iesus Christe very God and very man without confusion or separation of the two natures or of the properties of the same We confesse that touching his manhood he is not the sonne of Ioseph but was conceiued by the secrete power of the holie Goste in the wombe of the blessed virgin Marie virgin we say bothe before her deliueraunce and after also We confesse his Natiuitie his lyfe his death his burying his going downe into hell his resurrection and his ascention as they be contained in the holy Gospell We beleue that he is on hyghe in heauen sett at the right hand of the Father from whens he wil not departe till he come to iudge the quicke and the dead We beleue in the holie Gost who lightneth vs comforteth vs and supporteth vs. We do beleue that there is one holie Catholike that is to saye vniuersall Churche which is the companie and congregation of Saintes out of the which ther is no saluation We do assure our selues of the free remission of our sinnes thorow the blood of Iesus Christ by the vertue wherof after the same body of ours beinge raysed from death to life shal be ioyned againe with oure soules we shall enioye with God the blessed and euerlasting life How then will some saye ▪ are not these the articles of our faith ▪ wherein then standeth the difference betwene vs First we differ in the exposition of some part of them Secondly in that it semeth to vs wherein if we be deceiued we wolde be glad to knowe it that men haue not satisfied them selues with these articles but of longe tyme haue not ceased to adde article vpon article as though Christian religion were a building that neuer would haue ende We say moreouer that such building as hath bene made of newe hath not as farre as we can vnderstand ben alway builded vpon the olde foundacion and therfore hath it rather taken awaye the grace of the olde buildinge then serued to the garnishing and setting foorth of the same And yet haue men cleaued more to those accessaries then they haue done to the principall This is the summe shortlye of that we beleue and teache but to the ende that our meaninges may be the better conceiued we will discourse the pointes more perticulerly We say then and truste to maintaine the same with all the temperaunce we can by the testimonye of holye Scriptures that the verie God in whom we ought to beleue is spoyled of his perfecte Iustice yf menne thinke to sette againste his displeasure and iuste iudgemente ▪ any 〈…〉 kinde of purgation or satisfaction in this worlde or in the other then that whole entier and perfect obedience which can not be founde in anie other but only in Iesus Christ And in like sort yf we saye that he acquiteth vs of one part of our debtes so as we pay the other we spoyle him of his perfite mercy Hereof riseth it as farre as we can iudge that beinge the question by what title we looke to be placed in heauen we muste holly and onely sticke to the death and passion of Iesus Christ oure Sauiour and redemer or els shal we be driuen to worship a straunge God which should not be perfectly either iust or mercifull And hereof also dependeth another point of no small importaunce touching the office of Iesus Christ For if he be not onely and entierly oure saluation this precious Name of Iesus that is to say Sauiour denounced by the Angell Gabriell should not properly appertaine to him likewise yf he be not our onely Prophete hauinge fully declared the will of God his Father for our saluation first by the mouth of his Prophetes and after that when the fulnesse of the tyme was come in his owne person and finally by his faithfull Apostles If he bee not also the head and spirituall kinge of oure consciences yf he be not our onely Priest for euer after the order of Melchisedech hauing by one oblation once made of himselfe whiche neuer can be made againe reconciled man with God and is nowe in heauen our onely intercessour till the ende of the worlde To make an ende if we be not holie complete in hym alone the Name and title of Messias or Christe that is to say annointed and dedicated of God the Father to that effect can not appertaine vnto him If then we can not content our selues with his onely word faithfully preached and afterward registred and truely recorded by writinge by his Prophetes and Apostles it is as muche as to dispossesse him of the degree of a prophete And in case also we wil make new lawes to binde the consciences of men we take from him the dignitie of the head and spiritual kingdome of the Church And whosoeuer shal take vpon him to offer him for the remissiō of sinnes or shal not be content to take him for our onely intercessour and aduocate in heauen betwene God man he taketh from him the dignitie of his euerlasting priesthod Thirdly we disagree in the definitiō the spring the effects of faith which we tearme with S. Paul iustifying faith by the which only we do affirme that Iesus Christ all his merites be applied to vs. Touching good workes if any man thinke that we set not by them he is muche misenfourmed for we do no more separate faith from charitie