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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A09734 A treatise of the way to life, deuided into three partes The first part sheweth howe, by sinne wee haue deserued Gods curse. The second parte sheweth me, howe wee are freed from the curse, and the law satisfied. The thirde part teacheth vs, what duetyes and thankefulnesse we owe to the Lorde, for this benefite of our redemption. B. A., fl. 1580. 1580 (1580) STC 2; ESTC S118831 12,613 36

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19.16 speaking of slaunders and vntruthes against our neighbours all flattering lying vpbrayding and dissembling and chargeth vs with the care of the good name of our neighbour and charitablie to witnesse the truth to the establishing of loue Q. What teacheth the tenth commaundement Thou shalte not couet thy c A. It teacheth that not only a consent to the desires of euill is sinne but the motion of sinne it selfe is against Gods a Rom. 8.7 7.7 Gal. 5.17 lawe and bewrayeth our concupiscence and conuinceth vs of the breach of the lawe Q. Sith then that wee cannot obserue the law to what vse serueth it A. To shewe a Gal. 3.19 man his weakenesse to b Rom. 3.20 7.7 accuse and condemne man and maketh the faithfull to c Gal. 3.24 flee to Christ and acknowledge the free grace of God to bee the onely cause of their health it increaseth the knowledge of Gods wil in them d Gal. 2.16.19 humbleth the flesh and stirreth vp the spirite to e Heb. 8.10.11 obediēce by Gods spirite whiche maketh the lawe f Psal 19.17 profitable sweete to the faithfull The second part teaching how we are freed from the curse and the law satisfied Q. BY what meanes then is the law satisfied and this curse answered for vs A. God of his infinite a Ioh. 3.16 loue in the b Gal. 4.4.6 fulnesse of time sent his sonne made of a woman and subiect to the law and redeemed vs from the slauerye of it c 2. Cor. 5.19 reconciling vs to God by not imputing our sinnes vnto vs and so was d Rom. 8.3.4 2. Cor. 5.21 made sinne for vs that we in him might be righteous before GOD and so e Gal. 3.13 freed from this curse and the law satisfied Q. It seemeth then that we obtayne not righteousnesse by the law A. No verily but a Gal. 2.16 3.11.12 by fayth in Iesus Christ b Gen. 15.6 Rom. 4.13.16 in whom our faith is counted for righteousnesse Q. What is faith then A It is a certaine a Ephe. 4.13 1. Ioh. 5.23 knowledge sure b Mar. 11.22 perswasion of the free good will of God towardes vs in Christ c Heb. 8.10 sealed in our hearts by his spirite Q. How come we by faith A. By a Ioh. 17.8.20 Rom. 10.17 hearing the worde of God preached Q. Haue we faith then by bare hearing of the word A. No but it is the a Ioh. 6.44 Ephe. 6.23 2.8 Phil. 2.13 woorke of Gods spirite in vs. Q. Is faith then needfull A. Yea a Mar. 16.16 Iohn 8.24 for without faith we cannot be saued Q. What profit then haue wee by faith A. Wee are a Rom. 3.23 5.1 iustified thereby b Iohn 1.12 Gal. 3.26 made the sonnes of God Q. Rehearse the summe of this thy faith A. I beleeue in God the Father almightie c Q. What is the briefe summe of all this A. I learne foure thinges first that God a Gen. 1.1 Ephe. 4.6 Deut. 32.58 Mat. 2.10 the father is creatour and preseruer of al things in heauen earth Secondly that God the sonne b Ioh. 3.16.17 Gal. 4.5 1. Ioh. 2.12 is redeemer of the world Thirdly that God c 2. Thes 2.13 1. Pet. 1.2 the holy Ghost is the sanctifier of his people Fourthly that by this meanes GOD hath d Ephe. 5.26 purchased to himselfe a Churche and made it holy to serue his glory in life Q. Are there three Gods that thou namest God the father God the sonne and God the holy Ghost A. No verily but a Ephe. 4.6 one onely eternall God in one essence and being yet b Mat. 4.16.17 28.19 1. Iohn 5.7 distinguished in three persons because of their seuerall operations effects and properties 1. part Q. Why is the first person in trinitie called father A. Because hee hath a Gen. 1.1 created all things and b Ioh. 20.17 1. Iohn 3.1 adopted the faithfull to be his children in Christ Q. Why is he sayde to be almightie A. Because his power is ouer all thinges and ruleth them all by a Ier. 10.13 He. 1.3 11.3 2. Pet. 3.5.6 his word Q. Why is he called maker of heauen and earth A. Not onely because he made heauen and earth and all thinges in them but also because hee a Esay 40.26 Ier. 10.12.13 ordereth and b Esay 42.5 preserueth them all by his prouidence Q. What followeth in the second article 2. part and in Iesus Christ his onely sonne our Lord A. Here beginneth the history of our redemption wrought by the second person in trinity God the sonne Q. What signifieth this worde Iesus A. It signifieth a Mat. 1.21 a Sauiour Q. VVhy is Christ called a Sauiour A. Because hee Mat. 1.21 saueth his people from all their sinnes Q. What doeth this worde Christ signifie A. It signifieth annoynted and is so called because hee was annoynted with a Psal 45.7 Ioh. 3.34 the holy Ghost to bee the b Luke 1.32 king c Psal 110.4 Heb. 4.14 priest and d Luke 24.10 Heb. 1.2 prophet to GOD his father Q. What is his kingdom A. It is spirituall and a Iohn 18.36 heauenly wherby he gouerneth his church by his word and spirite and b Col. 1.13 Heb. 2.14 triumpheth ouer Satans kingdom in c Col. 1.22 Heb. 1.3 1 Pet. 2.24 his owne person for vs. Q. What profite haue we by his kingdome A. We haue a Luke 1.71.74 Rom. 8.2.15 libertie of conscience regeneration b Ephe. 6.16 Apoc. 12.11 strength and victorie against Satan death hell and sin and finally are made c Ephe. 4.7.8 partakers of Christ his graces and spirituall treasures Q. Why is he called a priest A. Because he was the a Heb. 2.17 9.11.12 true high priest to offer his own bodie a sacrifice for our sinnes Q. What doth his priesthoode profite vs A. It assureth vs that he is our a Rom. 8.24 Heb. 7.25 mediatour to reconcile vs to God and satisfie for our sins to b Rom. 5.2 Ephe. 2.18 make an entry for vs to come c Rom. 8.15 before our God with boldnes to pray to him d Heb 13.15 1. Pet 2.5 offer spirituall sacrifices Q. Why is he called a Prophet Esay 55.4 Heb. 1.1 A. Because he is the full interpreter of his Fathers will vnto vs. Q. VVhat profiteth it vs to beleeue this A. Much verily for hereby our faith is stayed on the a Iohn 3.33.34 Heb. 1.2 2 3 doctrine of Christ so that we looke for no other doctrine or reuelations then his gospell though b Gal. 1.8 reuealed from heauen by an Angell Q. Sith thou callest Christ the only sonne of GOD howe is it that the faithfull are also the sonnes of God A. Christ is onely the sonne a
Iohn 1.18 3.16 of God by nature b Gal. 4.5.6 Ephe. 1.5 the faithfull by grace adoption in Christ Q. Why is he called our Lord A. Because he is the a Ephe. 1.22 4.15 Col. 1.18 onely head of his Church and b Apoc. 17.14 ruler of men and Angels and we are assured of his defence Q. What teacheth the 3. Article whiche was conceiued by the holye Ghost borne of the Virgin Mary A. It teacheth that as Christ was a Rom. 9.5 Col. 2.9 perfect God so hee was also perfect b Mat. 5.25 man c Gal. 4.4 borne of a woman yet by a holye seede that hee may d Heb. 2.11 sanctifye others Q. Was it needfull that he must be both God and man A. Yea or els he could not be a Sauiour for man for the a Gal. 2.9 godhead dwelt in him bodily that so in b Heb. 2.14 our nature he might by death destroy the power of Sathan and sinne and c Gal. 3.13 beare our curse Q. What profite haue we by his manhood A. Christ therein discharged vs a He. 2.14.17 of his fathers anger and in taking our nature b Iohn 1.16 Ephe. 2.5.6 parteth to vs his graces Q. VVhat learnest thou in the fourth article He suffered vnder Pontius Pilate was crucifyed dead and buried hee descended into hell A. We learne what anguish of death Christ the a 1. Pet. 3.18 iust suffered on the crosse for vs that are vniust that we might be healed b 1. Pet. 2.24 by his stripes Q. Wherefore did Christ thus suffer and die A. For our a Rom. 4.2.6 sinnes Q. What profite haue wee by his death A. The a Ephe. 1.7 forgiuenesse of our sins the b Rom. 6.5 mortification of our flesh and c Col. 1.20 the appeasing of Gods wrath Q. What meaneth his descending into hell A. Euen this that for a time a Esay 53.3.5 he felt his fathers wrath and the b Act. 2.24 dolours of eternall death in his c Mat. 26.38 42 Luke 22.43 Heb. 5.7 soule and conscience here on earth that hee might bee a redeemer as well of the soule as of the bodie Q. What teacheth the fifte Article the third day he rose againe from the dead A. It teacheth that Christ a Col. 2.15 Heb. 2.14 1. Cor. 15.57 ouercame death and brake the kingdome of Sathan for vs. Q. What vse haue we of his resurrection A. Wee haue a Rom. 9.25 iustification a b 1. Cor. 15.20.22 gage of our immortality and c Rom. 6.4 newnes of life Q. How art thou assured that thou art in Christ and hast part in his death and resurrection indeede A. By this that a Rom. 8.9 2. Cor. 5.5 1. Iohn 4.13 God hath geuen me of his spirit which b Ro. 8.10.11 subdueth sinne in me and so c Rom. 8.13 6.6 mortifieth my fleshe bringing mee in hatred with sinne and Sathan and for that I feele d Rom. 6.4 sanctification and a new life to be begunne in me by his resurrection which certifieth my conscience that I am in Christ and so of God Q. It should seeme then whosoeuer tast not at all of true a 1. Ioh. 3.3.6 mortification and newnesse of life howsoeuer otherwise boasting of the mercies of God of Christes death and forgiuenesse of sinnes by him yet hath hee no part in the redemption of Christ A. It is very true for as a Rom. 4.25 Christ dyed for our sinnes and rose againe for our righteousnes so he restoreth strēgth to the faithfull b Rom. 6.6.18 ● Pet. 2.24 to subdue sinne in some measure and to walke in a new life and righteousnes here on earth Q. Nowe tell me what followeth in the sixt article Hee ascended into heauen and sitteth on the right hande of God c A. We learne that Christ hauing accomplished all that was needefull for our saluation went into a Mar. 16.19 Act. 1.9 heauen with his body and b Heb. 10.12 stayeth there til he come to iudgement Q. Hath Christ then cleane forsaken his Church A. No but is present with his a Mat. 28.20 Iohn 14.16.17 in spirite to the ende of the world Q. What meaneth the sitting at the right hand A. The right hand is taken for the power of God noting that Christ hath all a Mat. 28.18 Iohn 17.2 Phil. 2.9 Heb 1.3.5 power of his father both of things in heauen and earth Q. What profite commeth to vs by his ascension A. Heauen is a Ephe. 2.6 open to the faithful which our sinnes had shut vp and we are assured that b Rom. 8.34 he is our mediatour and by this meanes c Iohn 7.39 16.7 the holy Ghost is giuē to the faithfull Q. What teacheth the seuenth article From thence hee shall come to iudge both the quicke and the dead A. Wee learne that a 2. Cor. 15 10. Apoc. 20.12 all men both good and bad shal appeare before the tribunal seate of Christ Q. Haue we any comfort or profite by this A. Yea for it is happy that he which hath saued vs shall iudge vs for he shall come to acquite a Col. 3.4 glorifie the faithful but to iudge and condemne the b 2. The. 1.8 10 vnbeleeuers and disobedient 3. part Q. What teacheth the 8. article I beleeue in the holy Ghost A. This article teacheth that the thirde person in Trinitye GOD a Iohn 6.63 14.26 16 13 the holy Ghost maketh all this profitable to the faithfull and b 1. Pet. 1.2 2. Thes 2.13 sanctifieth and c Iohn 3.6.8 regenerateth them to bee newe creatures and a holy Church vnto God 4. part Q. What followeth in the 9. article the holy Catholike Churche the communion of Saints A. This concerneth the fourth poynt of our faith assuring vs that a Psal 125.1 GOD hath his Church on earth alwayes Q. What signifieth this woorde Catholike A. It signifieth vniuersall noting that Christs Church a Mat. 8.11 Iohn 10.16 is dispersed in all places yet but b Col. 1.18.24 Ephe. 4.15.16 one body of one head which is Christ Q. Why is added the communion of Saintes A. To shew the a 1. Iohn 1.3 felowship which the faithfull haue with Christ and with themselues in the b Ephes 4.3 13 vnitie of faith and one mind teaching vs c Act. 4.32 to cōmunicate our graces one to another Q. What are the true markes of the visible Church A. The sincere a Rom. 10.14 15 preaching of the worde the true ministring b Act. 20.7 of the Sacraments c Gen. 12.8 Psal 65.1 Psal 18.4.4 prayer discipline according to the word Q. Can there be no Church where any of those doe want A. Yes indeede although blemished for the woorde preached and Sacramentes truelye ministred shewe that there is