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A74993 Certain select discourses on those most important subjects, requisite to be well understood by a catechist in laying the foundation of Christian knowledge in the minds of novitiates viz., First discourses on I. The doctrine of the two covenants both legal and evangelical, II. On faith and justification / by William Allen. Secondly, Discourses on I. The covenant of grace, or baptismal covenant, being chatechetical lectures on the preliminary questions and answers of the Church-Catechism : II. Three catechetical lectures on faith and justification / by Thomas Bray, D.D. Allen, William, d. 1686.; Bray, Thomas, 1658-1730. 1699 (1699) Wing A1055A; ESTC R172154 614,412 564

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from the Profane part of the World to be a Chosen Generation a Royal Priesthood a Holy Nation a Peculiar People To understand which you must know that the World at the time of our Saviour's coming into it was grown to a sad pass and was miserably Estrang'd from God The world indeed soon after the Creation began to fall off from God and to take part with the Devil But by the time that our Saviour came into the Flesh the Apostle declares Rom. 3.11 12. concerning as well Jews as Gentiles that there was none that understood there was none that sought after God that they were all gone out of the way they were all become unprofitable that there was none that did good no not one Particularly as to the Gentiles they were charg'd Rom. 11.23 24.28 29. to have Changed the Glory of the incorruptible God into an Image made like to corruptible Man and to Birds and four-footed Beasts and creeping things and were thereupon given up to Vncleanness and vile Affections and as they did not like to retain God in their Knowledge they were given up to a reprobate Mind being filled with all Vnrighteousness Fornication Wickedness c. And as to the Jews they had in a manner wholly voided the Force of God's Laws by their false Interpretations as you will see in our Saviour's Sermon on the Mount which cost him so much Pains to clear the Text from their false Glosses and to shew them the full Extent of their Duty contain'd in the Law This was the State of both Jews and Gentiles at that time And therefore did Christ come to Call out such as would obey his Calls to Call 'em out I say out of the wicked World to a holy Profession and Calling for which reason he is said to have Saved us and called us with an holy Calling 2 Tim. 1.9 and in a great many Places of Scripture Christians are therefore styl'd the Called and Joh. 17.6 they are said to be such whom the Father had given our Saviour out of the world and tho' they are in the world ver 11. that is Live in the World yet they are not of the world ver 16. True it is It is not every Member of the visible Church that does effectually obey this Holy Calling and in his Life and Conversation shews himself not to be of the World and therefore it is that the Kingdom of Heaven that is the Church is liken'd Mat. 13.24 to a Field in which Wheat and Tares grow up together until the Harvest and to a Net that was cast into the Sea and gather'd of every Kind But however tho' too many of those of whom the Church is compos'd are in their own Persons Ungodly yet I say Fourthly They are Called by the Preaching of the Gospel to a Holy Profession and Calling as Namely to Repentance from Dead Works I. Repentance from Dead Works for so our Saviour says He came to Call the sinners to Repentance Matth. 9.13 And thus also his Apostles Preacht unto Men that they should turn from the Vanities of Idol-worship unto the Living God which made Heaven and Earth and the Sea and all things therein Acts 14.15 which is an Instance of Repentance that the Gentile World were particularly Call'd to And then as to the Knowledge and Belief of the only True God II. To the Knowledge Belief and Service of the One True God Father Son and Holy Ghost and Jesus Christ the distinguishing Character given of the Church of Christ Joh. 17.2 is that they are such whom the Father hath given him or given him out of the world as it is ver 6. that they might have Eternal Life and this he tells us ver 3. is Eternal Life or the way by which we can only come by Eternal Life That we know the only True God and Jesus Christ whom he hath sent The Gentiles they knew not the only True God but Own'd and Worship'd many Gods and did Sacrifice to Devils 1 Cor. 10.20 And as for the Jews tho' they Believ'd indeed in the only True God yet they Acknowledg'd not his Son Jesus Christ whom he had sent to be also the True God as he is call'd 1 Joh. 5.20 And now both these Enemies to Truth our Saviour calls the world Joh. 17. and in Opposition to both tells us ver 3. that This is Life Eternal to know the only True God and Jesus Christ whom he hath sent So that the Church of Christ are such who are peculiarly Separated from the World to the Knowledge and Belief of the Only True God And they are such also who have been Baptized into the Knowledge Belief and Service of Three Persons Father Son and Holy Ghost in that One Godhead Mat. 28.19 And particularly they are such as are Baptized into the Name of Jesus Acts 19.5 that is into the Belief That Jesus is the Christ or Mediatour between God and Man for this is the great Fundamental Doctrine of Christianity as the Apostle tells us 1 Cor. 3.11 assuring us that Other Foundation can no man lay than that Jesus is the Christ And he that denyeth that Jesus is the Christ is the great Liar and an Anti-Christ 1 Joh. 2.22 But whosoever believeth that Jesus is the Christ is Born of God 1 Joh. 5.1 that is is Adopted into the Christian Church and Family III. To enjoy the Priviledges of the Gospel Fifthly And as Christians are a Society of Persons call'd out of the World to Repentance Faith and Gospel-Obedience so to the Enjoyment of those Inestimable Priviledges of the Gospel viz. 1. Most Reasonable and Excellent Laws given by a most Great and Gracious Governour to Conduct 'em to Heaven Laws writ in their Minds and in their Hearts Heb. 8.10 that is Laws which are for the most part the very Dictates of natural Reason 2. They are such as are Priviledg'd with having great Measures of Divine Grace and Assistance to enable 'em to Obey those Laws for whereas the Law was given by Moses Grace and Truth came by Jesus Christ Joh. 1.17 and is the Priviledge of the Church of Christ under the Gospel 3. They are such who have Assurance of Pardon of Sins upon their Repentance for the Transgression of those Laws for with respect to those of the Christian Church God is pleas'd to say Heb. 8.12 I will be merciful to their Vnrighteousness and their Sins and Iniquities will I remember no more And lastly As to the Eternal Life and Happiness Christ does assure us Joh 17.2 that The Father has given him power over all Flesh that he should give Eternal Life to as many as are given him or are given him out of the World ver 6. that is that he has a Power of conferring the Rewards in Heaven to as many as come within the Pale of the Church if they do withal live in Obedience to its Laws and Constitutions Thus is the Church of Christ a Society of Men call'd forth of
Leaning and Rolling themselves upon the Promises of Christ for Salvation But for any to expect to be Justify'd and Accepted by God without forsaking their evil Ways and without working out also their own Salvation with fear and trembling that is without being extreamly careful themselves to be Obedient to God's most Holy Laws is gross Hypocrisie and will miserably deceive us Hypocrisie is with vain Shews and Pretences to deceive our selves or others and to be only Hearers or Believers of the Word and not Doers is to deceive our selves St. James tells us 1. 22. And a greater than he even our Blessed Saviour himself hath assured us Mat. 7.21 That not everyone who saith unto him Lord Lord shall enter into the Kingdom of Heaven but he that doth the Will of his Father which is in Heaven And as for the Pretence they have to live securely in unrepented Habits of Sin that the Grace and Mercy of Christ is more Magnify'd the greater Sinners they are I answer That the greater Sinners they have been the greater is the Mercy which Forgives 'em when they do repent according to that of the Apostle Rom. 5.20 21. Where Sin abounded Grace did much more abound that as Sin hath reigned unto Death even so might Grace reign through Jesus Christ our Lord. But to make the Magnifying of God's Grace a Reason for Security whilst Men continue in Sin this indeed was a false Conclusion that some in the First Times as well as now were apt to draw from St. Paul's Doctrine of Justification but which that Great Apostle rejected with the utmost Indignation and Abhorrence in the next Chapter v. 1 2. What shall we say then Shall we continue in Sin that Grace may abound God forbid How shall we that are dead to Sin live any longer therein No sure the Doctrine of Christianity tho' it lays aside the Original Law of Righteousness and the Law of Moses from being either of 'em a Rule of Righteousness in conforming to which we shall be Justify'd yet this Doctrine most strictly obliges us to a sincere Reformation from all former Sins and to a Newness of Life as the indispensible Condition of being Justify'd by God Nor is there the least occasion given us by this Doctrine to value our selves upon our own Righteous Performances when it is only of Grace that we are able to do any thing which is good and the Acceptance of the Good we do is owing to the Mediation of Christ who obtained such Gracious Terms and Conditions of Justification for us Which Considerations as I have already made appear do sufficiently shew that we are Justify'd freely by God's Grace in Christ and do exclude all Grounds and Occasion of Boasting A summary account of justifying Faith In a word and to conclude this whole Point the only Faith or Belief that will Justifie and Save us must be such a full Perswasion of the Truth of Christianity and all its Great Doctrines those I mean which are in a peculiar manner call'd the Articles of our Christian Faith it must be such a through Perswasion I say of those great and powerful Truths as will purifie us in Heart and Life and will effectually excite us to live up to the Rules of Christianity and make us sincerely and heartily to Obey God in all his most Holy and Righteous Laws And it must be such withal as will cause us to depend solely upon God's Mercies in Christ for the Acceptance of our imperfect Righteousness to our Justification And all those kinds of Faith call 'em what you will which are barren of unfruitful in Good Works or if they stir us up to encounter some Difficulties do not bear us up under all Temptations nor enable us to perform the more difficult Instances of Christian Duty and Obedience those which are most contrary to our Lusts and Interests as well as the more easie which are agreeable to our Profit or Pleasure The Faith that is not powerful enough to carry us through all Temptations is defective to the great Purposes of Justifying and Saving us The necessity of our often incalculating such a Faith And moreover I must acquaint you that the necessity of a working Faith to that end as it is the great Doctrine of Christianity so it ought to be throughly explain'd and often insisted upon by us Ministers of the Gospel for fear of People's Mistakes in this matter which will be most dangerous to their Souls And accordingly St. Paul lays a solemn Charge upon us Tit. 3.8 that we should in the same manner I have already done explain and inculcate the Doctrine of Faith unto you This is a faithful Saying and these things I will that thou affirm constantly that they which have Believed in God might be careful to maintain Good Works for these things or these Doctrines are profitable unto Men. THE XXXI Lecture I Believe in God the Father Almighty Maker of Heaven and Earth I Have already shew'd you what it is to Believe that our Faith must be such as rectifies and renews our Corrupt Nature as moves us to the performance of the most difficult Instances of Christian Duty and such as after all causes us to relie solely upon the Mercies of God in Christ for the Acceptance of our imperfect Obedience to our Justification And now by the Divine Assistance I shall proceed to explain unto you all those sacred Truths contain'd in your Creed which are of such mighty Importance And there are not a few such powerful and practical Truths imply'd in this one Article I Believe in God the Father Almighty Maker of Heaven and Earth Towards the full Explication of which that it may effectually work a blessed Change both in our Hearts and Lives I will do these Things I. I will in some measure declare unto you the Nature and Infinite Perfections of that Divine Being which we call God I Believe in God II. I will prove to you that this Infinitely perfect Being out of his Infinite Power Wisdom and Goodness made the Heaven and the Earth and all Things both Visible and Invisible therein contain'd Maker of Heaven and Earth III. I will explain and prove that this same God who made the Heaven and the Earth does now exercise a most Wise Just and Good Providence over it and every thing therein contain'd which is the Importance of the Word Almighty in this Article as shall be shew'd hereafter IV. I might here demonstrate to you that there is but one God for so the Nicene Creed which is but a Paraphrase upon this does teach us I Believe in one God And Lastly that in the Vnity of the Godhead there is a Trinity of Persons Father Son and Holy Ghost I Believe in God the Father And the other two Persons are also mention'd in their proper place But because I would be as little guilty as possible in this Exposition of repeating hereafter what I have said before I shall referr the Doctrine of
the World as to a most Holy Profession and Calling so to the Enjoyment of most singular Priviledges The Church are such who to the End of being Incorporated into one Society and of having God to be their Sixthly And they are such Who to the End of being Incorporated into One Society and of having God to be their God and they themselves his People have Enter'd into Covenant with him It is the Royal Charter granted by the King to the Members of a Corporation or City whereby they have certain Priviledges granted them from the King and wherein they are Tied to discharge certain Duties to him and to One another that makes 'em of a confus'd Multitude to become a Corporation or regulated Society And those who stand out and will not accept of those Priviledges nor oblige themselves to their several Duties shall not be reputed of that Corporation nor receive any Advantages from it And so it is here with that Society which is call'd the Church of Christ It is the Covenant of Grace granted us by the King of Heaven wherein we have the most inestimable Priviledges those contain'd in the Gospel graciously Ensur'd unto us and most reasonable Duties both to God and Man required of us that do embody and join us into one Spiritual Society the Church and those who will not Enter into such a Covenant with God are Aliens from the Commonwealth of Israel and Strangers from the Covenants of Promise having no hope and without God in the world Eph. 2.12 But those who have join'd themselves in Covenant with Him are No more Strangers and Forreigners but Fellow-Citizens with the Saints and of the Houshold of God ver 19. And as by being United in one Covenant Christians are Incorporated into one Society so by the same Means it comes to pass also that they have God to be their God peculiarly and they become his People Thus Heb. 8.10 This is the Covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days that is in the time of the Gospel I will be to them a God and they shall be to me a People It is the Nature of all Covenants to Unite the Parties Covenanting together and to give to each Party an Interest in the other I entred into Covenant with thee and thou becamest mine Ezek. 16.8 So that by having Enter'd into Covenant with God we are Entitled to his particular Protection and Care over us and we give to him thereby a new and stronger Claim to our Obedience Seventhly I. In Baptism And Christians are thus Enter'd into Covenant with God and thereby made Members of Christ's Church in their Baptism For as all the Members of a Corporation are not usually made Members of that Society without some certain Solemnities so it pleas'd God that no One should be Enter'd into Christ's Church and be made a Partaker of the Priviledges of it without that outward Rite of Baptism for so we find that when our Saviour sent his Apostles to Found and Build the Church they receiv'd as a Commission to call forth out of the World a Church by the Preaching of the Gospel So an Appointment to Incorporate all Men therein by Baptism Go and teach all Nations Baptizing them in the Name of the Father of the Son and of the Holy Ghost Matth. 28.19 And hence 1 Cor. 12.13 it is said That we are all Baptiz'd into one Body or admitted by Baptism into one Church Eighthly And they are appointed to Renew the same II. To Renew it at the Lord's Supper by Feasting often together at the Lord's Supper This was anciently and is still the usual Method of Uniting more closely together the Members of any Society or Corporation their Feasting often together at one common Table and for this Reason amongst others it is that the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper is Appointed in the Church of Christ So the 1 Cor. 10.17 it is said That we being many are one Bread and one Body for we are all Partakers of that one Bread Ninthly And now upon all these foremention'd Accounts The Church one Body the Church of Christ is One Body Thus Eph. 4.4 5 6. There is one Body and one Spirit even as ye are all called in one Hope of your Calling one Lord one Faith one Baptism one God and Father of all who is above all and through all and in you all where you see that because all Christians are call'd out of the World into one Hope of their Calling or to the Enjoyment of the same Priviledges to one Faith or to Believe one God Father Son and Holy Ghost exprest here by one Spirit one Lord one God and Father of all and because Incorporated by one Baptism or by the Use of the same Sacraments that therefore they are one Body The Covenant of Grace that great Charter whereby we are Incorporated into one Society is One and the same amongst all Christians containing the same Duties to be perform'd by all and promising to every one that performs those Conditions the same Priviledges And all Men are every where admitted and continued in it by the same Sacramental Solemnities and therefore the Church founded upon and Incorporated by that Covenant must needs be One. Tenthly This one Body or Society the Church true it is is Subdivided into several particular Bodies or Churches Subdivided into several particular Bodies and Churches both for the convenience of Discipline and Government and also for the convenience of Divine Worship For the convenience of Government it was anciently divided into Diocesan Churches I. For the convenience of Government into Diocesan Churches wherein because no one Man is able to Govern so vast a Body as is the whole Church of God each Bishop had his particular Flock arising out of one City and the Parts adjoyning to Oversee and to Govern Hence we read Rev. 2. and 3. chap. of the Church of Ephesus the Church of Smyrna the Church of Pergamus the Church of Thyatira the Church of Sardis the Church of Philadelphia and the Church of Laodicea all which were so many Cities in the Lesser Asia and the Bishops of those Churches are styl'd the Angels of those Churches in those Second and Third Chapters of Revelations And the Elders or Bishops of these Churches probably it was that St. Paul sent for to meet him at Miletus Act. 20.17 and to whom he gave that solemn Charge ver 21.28 To take heed unto themselves and to all the Flock over the which the Holy Ghost had made them Overseers to feed the Church of God that is to Govern and Teach the Church of Christ which he had Purchased with his own Blood And as for the Convenience of Government the Church of Christ was anciently divided into Diocesan Churches in which Constitution of the Church each City has its Bishop to govern and direct the Affairs of the Church II. For the convenience of Worship into particular
Care our Heavenly Father hath taken in this great Affair to call us to this state of Salvation And we have seen and do testify says St. John that the Father hath sent the Son to be the Saviour of the World 1 Epist 4.14 And how hath he sent him to save it Why as was long before Prophesied Isai 61.1 He put the Spirit of the Lord upon him to preach the Gospel to the Poor he sent him to heal the broken-hearted to preach deliverance to the Captives and recovering of Sight to the Blind to set at liberty them that are bruised to preach the acceptable Year of the Lord Luke 4.18 19. Such was the very earnest Care of the Father that he Commissioned and sent his own Son to invite us his Rebellious Creatures and Subjects to lay down our Rebellious Arms against him and to embrace those Overtures and Conditions of Mercy and Salvation that he offered to us by the Preaching of the Gospel Nor was the Ever-blessed Son of God less intent upon this Blessed Work The Ever-blessed Son of God no less intent upon this blessed Work than the Father No sure it was his Meat to do the Will of Him that sent him and to finish his Work John 4.34 It was his Meat and Drink to save Men's Souls and therefore He went about doing good Acts 10.38 Doing good that is Executing that Office to which the Father had Authorized him in order to the Salvation of Men that Office of Mercy instructing and calling of the World to Repentance and in order to that winning 'em to it by other Works of bodily Charity with which carnal Men are most taken as Curing their Diseases Casting out Devils by the Power of him who was present with him He went about doing good of all kinds but all in order to the good of Men's Souls and he was zealous also to the highest degree in this blessed Work How mightily he importuned us to come into this state of Salvation For good God! with what mighty Importunity and winning Rhetorick did he the Son of GOD address himself to his own foolish Rebellious Subjects to come into this state and to receive freely the Means of Salvation Ho every one that thirsteth cries he as the Evangelical Prophet represents him bespeaking the World Isa 55.1 2 3. come ye to the Waters and he that hath no Money come ye buy and eat yea come buy Wine and Milk without Money and without Price Wherefore do you spend Money for that which is not Bread and your Labour for that which satisfieth not Hearken diligently unto me and eat ye that which is good and let your Soul delight it self in fatness Encline your Ear and come unto me hear and your Soul shall live and I will make an everlasting Covenant with you even the sure Mercies of David It is not to be expressed nor imagined with what mighty Zeal and Perswasion he did himself whilst on Earth pursue this blessed Work of our Salvation He has left a Succession of Ministers behind him to do the like Nor was he contented himself whilst on Earth thus to call us into this state of Salvation but moreover when he was to leave the World he provided a Succession of Ministers which he has left behind him to continue to the end of the World to do the same good Office under him for the Salvation of Mankind empowering them with the Gifts of the Holy Ghost to enable 'em to do it effectually As my Father hath sent me so send I you John 20.21 And accordingly has he committed it to our care as he made it his own to Preach the Gospel to Mankind to make known the Love of God as manifested in Christ to the World to receive those that Believe into the Covenant of Grace and Society of Christians by Baptism and by this means to call you into a state of Salvation And as he hath committed to us the Word of Reconciliation we therefore as the Ambassadors for Christ and as though God did beseech you by us we do pray you in Christ's stead to be reconciled to God 2 Cor. 5.19 20. We are perpetually preaching and declaring this 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 this good Tydings to you we instruct you in the Nature of that Salvation which is wrought for you we direct you to the means of attaining it and with all the powerful Motives drawn from the Word of GOD we do all we can to move you to seek this Salvation in the way that infinite Wisdom has appointed for the attaining of it And what I beseech you can be done more What can be done to call you into a State of Salvation if this will not When God our Heavenly Father when Jesus Christ his Son when his Holy Spirit by his good Inspirations when his Apostles Evangelists and a whole Succession of Pastors and Teachers since do spend so much Care upon this one Work what can be done more to save you Nay What could have been done more to my Vineyard that I have not done in it Will God most justly expostulate with us as he did with the Jewish Church Isa 5.4 which brings me to the Last thing which was to be spoke to in the Explication of these Words I am now upon viz. what infinite reason we have Heartily to Thank Almighty God our Heavenly Father that he hath Called us to this State of Salvation through Jesus Christ our Saviour And indeed it is a matter that infinitely deserves the deepest Sense and utmost Acknowledgements of the Divine Goodness to us whether we consider barely the Advantages of having GOD in Covenant with us or our own singular Happiness of being Called into it And First This great matter of Thankfulness whether we consider 1. The extraordinary Advantage of having God in Covenant with us As to the extraordinary Advantage it is to have GOD in Covenant with us which I have frequent occasion in this Argument to mind you of and consequently that it affords great matter of our Praise and Thanksgivings to him upon that account it is worthy your Notice that in this case GOD does condescend even to oblige Himself by Contract and Agreement with us whom he might Oblige to Odedience by his mere Authority without any Assurance of Reward that if we will but do our part Repent Believe and Obey he will be even bound in Justice having given his solemn Word and Promise for it to confer upon us the richest Blessings that Heaven and Earth can bestow viz. Pardon of Sins and Eternal Life and Happiness Alas if we were left to build our Hopes meerly upon the Merit of our own Righteousness and Vertue we could none of us have the least Expectations of obtaining as the Reward thereof such unspeakable Blessings as are now laid up in Heaven for us But GOD condescending by Covenant to engage himself to make 'em good to us we have thereby the fullest Assurance given us that we
the best Expositors do understand the Words which the Apostle means by that Form of Doctrine that he delivered to the Romans Ch. 6.17 and which was the Form of sound Words that Timothy had heard of him 2 Tim. 1.13 The Reason of their making such an Abridgment And the reason of their making such an Abridgment of our Faith was no doubt to guard all true Believers against the Heresies and Errors of seducing Teachers Even in the very Times of the Apostles themselves did Satan and his Instruments begin to sow the Tares of corrupt Doctrines in the Field or Church of Christ and there could be no readier way to discover and distinguish their Pestilent Errors than for every Christian to have a Rule of Faith collected out of the Holy Scriptures ready at hand whereby to try those other Doctrines To which Form or Pattern of Sound Words as it is called 2 Tim. 1.13 if what they taught did not agree it was easie for the most unletter'd Christian to discover their Falshood which without a considerable degree of Skill and Knowledge in the Holy Writings could not otherwise have been done And hence also it is that the Creed is called Symbolum in most Christian Churches viz. because it is the Sign and Badge whereby to know a true and sound Christian a Watch-word to distinguish him from false Hereticks that creep in clandestinely to beguile unwary Souls and a Pass-port in all Christian Churches For all these things does the Word Symbolum mean and to all these Purposes was the Creed made use of in the Primitive Church For did any Stranger come among 'em they did immediately demand of him a Confession of his Faith which if he did deliver agreeable to this Form of sound Words they took it as a Sign of his being Orthodox and not an Heretick and it was a Passport to him whereby he might either remain amongst them or have Letters Commendatory from 'em to go in the Peace of God to other Churches of the Christians And well may our Creed be accounted the surest Test and Touchstone of all Sound and Orthodox Doctrine there being hardly any Heresie and deadly Error that has heretofore or shall hereafter arise in the Church which it does not oppose or obviate Nor any material Truth of Christian Religion that concerns either God or Our selves that it does not hold out to us as necessary to be believ'd as will soon appear to you if from this more general Account of it we do but proceed more nearly to view the Excellent Frame and Method thereof and the particular Articles of which it does consist And this I say if we do we shall see it does contain all the most material and weighty Truths that are necessary to be Believ'd concerning either God or Man and more we are not much concern'd to know First Concerning God A Scheme of the whole Creed we are instructed in the Knowledge 1. Of his Being and Attributes which we are taught in these Words I Believe in God for in the Notion of God are imply'd all those High Perfections which we call the Divine Attributes 2. Of the Three Persons in the one Godhead which we are taught to know and believe under these Three Names Father Son and Holy Ghost 3. And we are instructed in those Personal Works and Operations properly attributed to each Person in the Sacred Trinity This in the following Expressions and Articles of the Creed As to proceed in this General View and Dissection of it I. To God the Father does originally belong the Creation of the World and the Exercise of a wise Providence over it which we are taught to know and believe in these Words Father Almighty Maker of Heaven and Earth II. To God the Son does belong the Redemption of the World that is the reducing from the Power and Dominion of Sin and Satan to the Obedience of the Father that part of the World which had revolted from him and so the Delivery and Salvation of it from cruel Slavery and woful Misery To accomplish which Redemption we are taught 1. In general That he was a Saviour or one that both procur'd for us Salvation and instructed us by revealing the Gospel in the only Way and Method of attaining it This in the Word Iesus And farther yet in the Word Christ to the end he might save us both from Sin and Satan that as a Mediator betwixt God and Man he was invested with the threefold Office of Prophet Priest and King And to enable him effectually to discharge this threefold Office that he was himself both God and Man God which is the Import of these Words The only Begotten Son of God an innocent and sinless Man the Import of these He was Conceived by the Holy Ghost Born of the Virgin Mary 2. In particular we are instructed in each single Act pertaining to these his Mediatorial Offices And indeed it speaks the excellent Structure of our Catechism as I before observed that it lets Instruction gradually into the Souls of its Disciples by giving first a general view of things and by descending afterwards to inform the tender Minds of young Beginners in the School of Christ more particularly and distinctly in each of those Christian Truths contain'd in the General Article And this proportion is also observable in the Form of the Creed where as short as is the Form of sound Words besides the Doctrine of our Saviour's Mediation and the Offices he underwent more obscurely coucht in the Words Jesus Christ in order to our more distinct Apprehension of what he has done for our Redemption from Sin and Satan and for our Reconciliation with the Father we have the Nature and Acts of those several Offices particularly taught us in the following Articles of the Creed Only 1. As to the Nature and Acts of his Prophetick Office they are not indeed so expresly and distinctly taught us as those of the other two namely His Priestly and Kingly are in the following Articles for the whole of that Office being discharg'd in revealing to us the Gospel as the only Way and Method of attaining Salvation and all the Doctrine concerning that being already couch'd in the Words I Believe in Iesus or I Believe that Jesus has reveal'd unto us the true way to Salvation there 's nothing needful to be farther express'd upon that Head But 2. As to our Saviour's Priestly Office there is not one Act which belongs to it that is not particularly and distinctly taught you in the succeeding Articles of your Belief His Priestly Office was to consist in giving a Satisfaction by way of Sacrifice and Attonement for our Offences and in going into Heaven the Holy of Holies to interceed with the Father in the Merit of that Sacrifice for the Forgiveness of our Sins And now 1. What belongs to his Sufferings by way of Sacrifice we are taught in these Words He Suffered under Pontius Pilate Was Crucified Dead and Buried
and why It is not only from God's Decree or established Law to the contrary that he cannot but also from the utter incapacity of his Nature as corrupt Wherefore all the Vessels of Mercy are such as God aforehand prepares unto glory Rom. 9.23 They are such as are made meet to be partakers of the inheritance of the Saints in light Col. 1.12 Such as God hath wrought for the self same thing 2 Cor. 5.5 So that as I said there is a necessity in the nature of the thing that if God would design the Restoration of the Nature of Man to Happiness that in order thereto he should design a Restoration of it to Holiness as indeed he hath He hath chosen us to Salvation through Sanctification of the Spirit 2 Thes 2.13 And therefore the end of Christ's great undertaking for the Redemption and Restoration of Man is described by his saving his People from their sins By his redeeming them from all iniquity and purifying to himself a peculiar People zealous of good Works By his washing and sanctifying of them that he might present them to himself a glorious Church not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing That this was the design of God's Promise to Abraham appears in that at the very first it was propounded to him by way of Motive to quit the Idolatry of his Fathers and the evil Customes of his Country for they served other Gods Josh 24.2 Get thee out of thy Country and from thy Kindred and from thy Father's house and I will make of thee a great Nation and thou shalt be a blessing and in thee shall all the Families of the Earth be blessed Gen. 12.1 2 3. In which God had a farther design than to reform Abraham only His design in him and by him was to set on foot the Reformation of the World and the recovering the Nations thereof from the dregs of Idolatry into which they were sunk And therefore God said unto him Thou shall be a Blessing And this he designed not only in giving him a numerous Issue and making them a great Nation whose Education in the Worship of the true God was founded in Abraham but also in making both him and them eminent Examples of his special favour in the sight of the Nations by which they might see how much better it was to serve the God of Abraham than the Gods of the Nations And thereby to invite and draw them from their Idolatry Superstition and Ungodliness to Worship and Serve the true God And God in promising to Abraham both the Messias in his Seed and also that he would bless them that should bless him and curse them that should curse him and that his Seed should possess the gate of his Enemies had it should seem this in design viz. to encourage and quicken them to a holy Life Luke 1.72 73 74 75. To perform the Mercy promised to our Fathers and to remember his holy Covenant The Oath which he sware to our Father Abraham that he would grant unto us that we being delivered out of the hands of our Enemies might serve him without fear in holiness and righteousness before him all the days of our life But besides all this considering that the Promise made to Abraham was the New-Covenant as it was then exhibited as I have shewed before the benefits therein promised had a proper tendency in them to restore Man again to a likeness to God in the Moral perfections of his Nature For the great and precious Promises contained in the New Covenant as such are given for this very end that by them we might be partakers of a Divine Nature the glory whereof is knowledge purity and charity 2 Pet. 1.4 And for God by such Promise to make overtures unto Man of Love and Good-will and of desires of Reconciliation is the direct way and method of recovering faln Man from a state of enmity against God to a mind reconciled to him to think well of him to love him and delight in him For we love him because he first loved us 1 Joh. 4.19 And God was in Christ reconciling the world to himself and how by not imputing their trespasses to them but being willing upon their repentance and returning to their duty to forgive them 2 Cor. 5.19 God useth the same way of overcoming Mans enmity against him which he hath taught us to use to overcome Mans enmity against us and that is by overcoming their evil with our good Rom. 12.21 David dealing so with Saul though a bitter Enemy melted him into Tears and made him cry Is this thy voice my son David 1 Sam. 24.16 And to whom much is forgiven the same Person loveth much Luke 7. 42 47. And if God by these methods do once recover Mans love to him he will quickly recover him to his loyalty and duty of which Love is the proper Source and Spring If a Man love me he will keep my Words Joh. 14.23 Now that God's Promise to Abraham did contain expressions of wonderful grace and love and consequently what is most apt to beget in Man a love to God again and all the desireable effects of it will appear if we consider the special benefits comprehended in that Promise which is the third thing now to be considered Sect. 3. The special benefits contained in the Promise made to Abraham were such as these 1. It contained a Promise of the Messias a Promise of sending Christ into the World and that he should come of his Seed In thy Seed shall all the Nations of the Earth be blessed Gen. 12.3 and 18.18 and 22.18 which Seed is Christ as is said Gal. 3.16 And in this Promise of sending Christ were implyed the things he was sent for the things by which he should bless the World as his Death and Resurrection and what else pertained to his Mediatory Office because these are the things by which the Nations of the Earth became blessed in him which was the thing expresly promised That such things were implyed in the Promise appears not only by the reason of the thing but also from St. Paul's Testimony Acts 13.32 33. We declare unto you glad tidings how that the Promise which was made unto the Fathers God hath fulfilled the same unto us their Children in that he hath raised up Jesus again I do not say that Abraham from a Promise that was but so generally expressed as that was could apprehend in particular what the Messias should both do and suffer though they were wrapt up in it He apprehended so much by it in general that God Would send the Messias into the World and that he would send him upon such terms as that his coming should be matter of great benefit to the World Abraham had such a prospect of this though at that distance as made him rejoyce and be glad So saith our Saviour himself John 8.56 Your Father Abraham rejoyced to see my day and he saw it and was glad And the Promise
before so awful an Assembly in the presence of God and before the Bishop and the Church of Christ must needs be a very singular Means to fix you in your Religious Purposes for as long as we are Men and carry about us outward Senses the Solemnity whereby Religious Actions are perform'd will be found to add great Advantages to the Well-doing of them Nor again is Confirmation an Ordinance less Beneficial II. As the Episcopal Benediction Prayers and Laying on of Hands have Spiritual Blessings attending them consider'd in its other Part in the Prayers the Blessing and in the Laying on of the Hands of the Bishop The Person to be Confirm'd having Renew'd that solemn Promise and Vow that was made in his Name at his Baptism Ratifying and Confirming the same in his own Person The Bishop does then proceed to Beseech God to Strengthen him with the Holy Ghost the Comforter and daily to increase in him his manifold Gifts of Grace the Spirit of Wisdom and Vnderstanding the Spirit of Counsel and Ghostly Strength the Spirit of Knowledge and true Godliness and to fill him with the Spirit of his holy Fear And does moreover add his own Fatherly Benediction in these Words Defend O Lord this thy Servant with thy Heavenly Grace that he may continue thine for ever and daily increase in thy Holy Spirit more and more until he come to thine everlasting Kingdom And now if the Effectual fervent Prayer of any Righteous man availeth much Jam. 5.16 how much more may be expected from the Intercessions of One who has not only on the account of his own Personal Righteousness but by Virtue of his Office also an Interest in God and the Priviledge of an easier Access and of nearer Approaches to him in Divine Offices And who is Commission'd to Pray to God in the behalf of others and is Authoriz'd to Bless the People in his Name Why this is the Power and Priviledge that the Priesthood had given them under the Law and Gospel both Under the Law as you will see Numb 6.24 Joel 2.17 and also under the more Spiritual Dispensation of the Gospel as may be seen Jam. 5.14 So that much Benefit may without doubt be expected from the Devout Prayers and Paternal Benediction or Blessing of a Father of the Church for God will ever have a particular Regard to his own Institutions and will Bless those Means of conveying his Grace which he himself has Appointed But then especially you may promise your selves a favourable Answer to the Bishop's Prayers and Fatherly Benediction when it is also accompany'd with the Solemnity of Laying on of Hands This has in all Dispensations before the Law under the Law and under the Gospel been Used both by Natural Parents and by the Spiritual Fathers of the Church as a Solemn way of their Blessing Thus Jacob Blessed his Sons Laying his Hands upon their Heads Gen. 48.17 So Aaron lifted up his Hands towards the People and Blessed them Lev. 9.22 And our Saviour also When the little Children were brought unto him he put his Hands upon them and Blessed them Mark 10. 16. No doubt those Great Persons did not intend hereby a fruitless Ceremony but they did design their Laying on of Hands together with their Blessing should have a Spiritual Effect or else such Persons would not have used it But to put us out of doubt concerning the Graces that will attend the Prayers and Benedictions together with the Laying on of Hands of the Fathers of the Church we have a plain Instance thereof in what Peter and John did Act. 8.15.17 who when they came down to the lately Baptized Converts of Samaria They Pray'd for them that they might receive the Holy Ghost and then laid their Hands upon them and they receiv'd the Holy Ghost And tho' the Gifts that then follow'd the Laying on of the Hands of the Apostles may be supposed to have been Extraordinary Gifts because the Infant State of the Church did then require such to raise and support it yet the same Laying on of Hands after the Example of the Holy Apostles and that by the Successors in the Church of Christ the Bishops may be expected to have still such Graces accompanying it as in this present State of the Church will be needful for you and that thereupon the Fatherly Hand of God will ever be over you that his holy Spirit will ever be with you and that he will so lead you in the Knowledge and Obedience of his Word that in the End you may attain everlasting Life through our Lord Jesus Christ And thus I have at length shew'd you what it is to be Confirm'd by the Bishop and withal how Necessary and Beneficial it is to the Souls of Men to be so Confirm'd Catechizing necessary And now Catechizing you are told in the Title and Description of that Catechism which you are now Learning is requisite in order to this your Confirmation I. To the solemn Ratifying of our Covenant with God And First in order to your solemn Renewing therein of the Covenant and Vow made with God in your Baptism and that you may Ratify and Confirm the same in your own Person For why In your Confirmation you do Voluntarily and of Choice take upon you that Profession of Christianity which before in your Minority was done by others in your behalf And it is necessary before you take upon your selves so great and weighty a Business as the Performance of the Conditions of the Covenant of Grace that you be first Instructed so as to understand them well both what those Conditions of Repentance Faith and Obedience are and what mighty Blessings God vouchsafes to make over to you in the same Covenant that should be an Encouragement and reasonable Consideration to you to undertake so great a●d weighty a Charge Just as in the case of a Person under Age who by reason of his Minority being uncapable of himself to Enter into any Covenants his Trustees may do it for him But when he is come to Age and must Seal to and Confirm such Covenants himself it it requisite he have them Read to him and be made to understand what Advantages accrue to him thereby before he Confirm them in his own Person But why not this Instruction rather before Baptism than Confirmation It is in Baptism that we Enter into Covenant with God and Catechetical Instruction should therefore properly go before that you 'll say And in the beginning of Christianity indeed when the Parties Baptized were for the most part Persons grown up to Years of Understanding who Abandoning their Heathenish or Jewish Principles and Practices gave themselves up to be Christ's Disciples it was required that such even before they were Baptized should be first Catechized in the Principles of Christianity and be made to understand the Conditions of that Covenant which by their Baptism they were to Enter into with God And so it is still requisite that all
judge of the beautiful Contexture and admirable Contrivance of the whole and shall easily discern what End it is that Christianity aims at and how admirably every Part of it is fitted to carry on that great End It is without all doubt a most useful Method of Instruction and it would soon appear to be so in its happy Effects would all Persons but lay aside their unhappy Prejudices against it as if it were proper only for Children to be Hearers thereof Whereas indeed it is no ways unbecoming the Eldest and most Knowing Persons to hear the great and fundamental Doctrines of Religion explain'd and handled distinctly and clearly and separated from all unnecessary Mixtures But where all the Means and Methods of Instruction are little enough to give Men a sufficient Understanding in all that is necessary to Salvation instead of comparing 'em one with another we had better to make use of all and to Pray to God to give a Blessing to all his Ordinances that every one may be useful to the Edification and Salvation of every Christian which that they may all prove may God Almighty grant of his infinite Goodness thro' Jesus Christ our Lord To whom with the Father and the Holy Ghost be all Honour and Glory now and for ever Amen THE Fifth Lecture Wherein I was made a Member of Christ THE Preliminary Questions and Answers of your Catechism do give you a general Account of all the Terms and Conditions of the Covenant of Grace both of the Priviledges made over to us by God and of the Conditions to be perform'd by us And these Words Wherein I was made a Member of Christ expressing the First of those invaluable Priviledges made over unto us in this Covenant on God's Part I shall therefore endeavour as well as I can to explain and open to you what they do import Christ is in Scripture often styl'd The Head of the Church as particularly Col. 1.8 And he is the Head of the Body the Church it is there said and we are also styl'd Members of this Body the Church Thus Eph. 5.30 We are Members of his Body of his Flesh and of his Bones so that to be a Member of Christ is to be a Member A Member of Christ is a Member of Christ's Church or Part of that Body of which he is the Head or to be a Member of Christ's Church And to make it appear to you how happy a Thing it is to be a Member of Christ's Church First I will shew you What kind of Body the Church of Christ is Secondly What it is to be a Member of it And then Thirdly What exceeding great and invaluable Priviledges do belong to a Member of Christ's Church And First let us see What kind of Body that is which is call'd the Church of Christ And tho' it does not belong to this Part of your Catechism to give you a full account of all that is necessary to be known concerning Christ's Church which may more properly be refer'd to that Article of our Creed I believe the Holy Catholick Church However since the high Priviledge and Dignity of any Member as a Member cannot be sufficiently understood nor valued without knowing the Nature and Excellency of that Body of which it is a Member I do therefore think my self obliged in order to let you into a through Understanding of what is meant by A Member of Christ's Church and of the greatness of that Priviledge to speak something largely in this Place concerning the Nature and Constitution of the Church it self and I shall therefore define it and also Explain and prove each Part of the Definition I shall give of it as follows A Definition of Christ's Church The Church of Christ is the universal Society of Christians consisting both of Lawful Governours and Pastors and also of the People of God committed to their Charge and who are call'd forth out of the wicked World by the Preaching of the Gospel to a holy Profession and Calling Namely To Repentance from dead Works to the Knowledge Belief and Service of the One True God Father Son and Holy Ghost and to the Enjoyment of those inestimable Priviledges of the Gospel viz. Most reasonable and excellent Laws to Conduct 'em to Heaven Divine Grace and Assistance to Enable 'em to obey those Laws Pardon of Sins upon Repentance for the Violation of 'em and eternal Life and Happiness upon sincere Obedience to ' em And who to the End of being Incorporated into one Society and of having God to be their God and they themselves his People have Enter'd into Covenant with him at Baptism and do often Renew the same in the Lord's Supper and are Incorporated thereby into one Body subdivided indeed into several particular Bodies and Churches for the convenience of Government and Worship but holding Communion with one another in One and the same necessary and fundamental Points of Christianity necessary to constitute the Church under Jesus Christ their supreme Head The Church of Christ a well-ordered Society wherein some are Governours some Governed And First The Church of Christ is the Society of Christians consisting both of Lawful Governours and Pastors and of the People of God committed to their Charge The Church of Christ is not a Confus'd an Undigested Headless Multitude but a Regular and Well-order'd Society Hence it is so often in the New Testament call'd The Kingdom of God as Matth. 21.31 The Kingdom of Christ as Rev. 11.15 and The Kingdom of Heaven Matth. 11.12 and the Members of it Children of the Kingdom Matth. 13.38 And Eph. 2.19 20 21. The Members therefore are styl'd Fellow-Citizens Members of a Houshold and Parts of a Temple all which Expressions speak the Church of Christ to be a Regular Society of Men combin'd and knit together by Laws derived from some supreme Head and Governour A Society I say wherein some are Superiours some are Inferiours some Governours some Governed and who altogether make up a well-compacted Body of Men. This last cited place out of the Ephesians speaks the Thing out Now therefore saith he to those who are call'd into the Church ye are no more Strangers and Forreigners but Fellow-Citizens with the Saints and of the Houshold of God and are built upon the Foundation of the Apostles and Prophets that is Governours and Teachers Jesus Christ being the chief Corner-stone in whom all the Building fitly framed together groweth up into an Holy Temple in the Lord. Here in this Description of the Church you have Jesus Christ the chief Corner-stone or Head of the Building and Body the Apostles and Prophets Foundation-stones next unto him and all the rest of Christians Fellow-Citizens depending upon Jesus Christ their supreme Head and others his subordinate Governours and Teachers next under him and the Whole represented as a well-compacted Building Or to make it yet more clear to you Eph. 4.11 12. it is said that He gave some Apostles and
Congregations So for the Convenience of Divine Worship and because all the Members of a City and the Parts adjoyning could not meet together in the same Place was each Bishop's See farther divided into particular Congregations and Assemblies under the Care of its respective Pastors Hence as to the Church of Corinth we gather that as it was but one Church in regard it had but one Bishop or Governour for St. Paul directs his Epistle thus Vnto the Church of God which is at Corinth 1 Cor. 1.2 yet in that one Episcopal Church being there were several Congregations met together for the Worship of God we read 1 Cor. 14.34 of Churches in the Plural Number and this particular Order of the Apostle about the Decency of Divine Service in those particular Churches or Congregations Namely that Women should keep Silence in the Churches Thus true it is the Church which is but one Body is Subdivided into several particular Bodies or Churches both for the convenience of Discipline and Government and also for the convenience of Divine Worship But however those several particular Churches were Vnited into one Body by one Covenant But however Vnited by one Covenant into one Body for the Church of Corinth the Church of Ephesus Smyrna c. were are all called to the same Holy Profession and Calling to the same Faith in God and to the same Priviledges of Grace Pardon and Happiness as the whole Church and were admitted into that same Covenant by the same Sacraments as the whole Catholick Church was by which means They kept the unity of the Spirit in the bond of Peace Eph. 4.3 And each of those particular Congregations also in the Church of Corinth for Instance were United also to the Church of God in that City by holding no other than the Doctrine Establish'd in that Church And by being United thereby to that particular Part of Christ's Church they were United also to the whole Body of Christ and made up but one Body For as the Body is one and hath many Members and all the Members of that one Body being many are one Body so also is Christ or the Christian Church for by one Spirit we are all Baptized into one Body whether we be Jews or Gentiles whether we be Bond or Free and have been all made to drink into one Spirit 1 Cor. 12.12 13. So that the Church of Christ you see tho' divided into many Branches or Members is but one Body in the whole because United in and by One and the same Covenant of Grace And also in the Eleventh Place As also by holding Communion with each other in hearing the Word in Common-Prayers Sacraments and in affording to each other mutual Assistances Because all the several particular Churches are to Hold Communion with each other Now as to that Communion which the Members of Christ's Church held with one another in the Apostle's Times and sure their's must be a Pattern of Church-Communion we are told Act. 2.42 that it consisted in this That They continued stedfastly in the Apostles Doctrine and Fellowship and in breaking of Bread and in Prayers They continued stedfastly in the Apostles Doctrine that is they continued constantly and also steddily without swerving aside by Separation in Hearing the Apostles Teach They continued also stedfastly in Breaking of Bread and in Prayers that is they Join'd constantly and frequently in the same Prayers and Sacraments And lastly They continued stedfastly in the same Fellowship by which is principally meant in the Original both here and in several other Places of the Scripture that Communication of charitable Assistances that all the Members did afford each other according to their several Wants and Necessities For whether any Sister-Church were under Persecutions or any particular Christians did labour with Want the other Members of the Body did Communicate to the Relief of either And the Apostle did also appoint that to be done in the Christian Assemblies when they met together to Communicate in Hearing Prayers and Sacraments ordering that The first day of the Week which was the Day of their Publick Assemblies every one should lay by him in store as God had prospered him to this Purpose 1 Cor. 16.2 So that if One Member suffered all the Members suffered with it and there was no Schism in the Body but the Members had the same care one of another 1 Cor. 12.25 26. In a word Such was the Communion which the Members of the Church held with each other in those Days which made it one Church that there was no such thing as any separate Meetings from those of the Apostles and their lawful Successors the Bishops and Pastors of the Flock set up under the Pretence of better Edification and for more pure Administrations of Ordinances No no sooner did any attempt to make such a Schism but he was accounted a Gangreen'd Member and cut off from the Body for so doing And so much was mutual Kindness and Charity to be the distinguishing Character of Christ's Church that our Saviour declar'd Joh. 13.35 That by this should all men know his Disciples that they had love one for another The Church Vnited into one Body under Jesus Christ its supreme Head And now Lastly It only remains to compleat this my Explication of Christ's Church to shew you That this whole Society of Men call'd forth out of the World to such Duties and Priviledges as has been spoke is to be United into one Body as has been declar'd under Jesus Christ its supreme Head Every Society of Men must have some supreme Head to keep it both in Being and Order and Christ is so much to all Intents and Purposes the Head of the Church that there is no respect in which any thing is the Head of the Body in which Christ is not in like manner the Head of the Church Christ a Political Head of the Church And First There is the Political Head in every Kingdom which is the Prince that gives Laws to his People and Heads and Protects them against their Enemies And such a Head is Christ in that Spiritual Kingdom the Church of God Whom the Father having Raised from the Dead did put all things under his Feet and gave him to be Head over all things to the Church which is his Body Eph. 1.20 21 22 23. And therefore pursuant to this Power which was Given him in Heaven and in Earth to give Laws to Mankind did he Commission his Disciples and send them forth into the World to Proclaim his Laws to Teach all Nations Baptizing them in the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever he had Commanded them assuring them withal that Lo he would be with them always even unto the End of the World Matth. 28.18 19 20. that is That he would be ever with 'em to Head and Protect 'em against their Adversaries Secondly There is also a
of Jews and Gentiles to a Holy Profession and Calling viz. To the Belief of the One True God Father Son and Holy Ghost as also to Repentance from dead Works to serve him the only Living and True God And he is call'd as to Faith and Repentance so to enjoy the Priviledges of the Gospel and the Rewards of such Faith and Repentance namely Most Reasonable and Excellent Laws and Ordinances to conduct him to Heaven with a plentiful measure of Divine Grace and Assistance also convey'd by those Ordinances to enable him to Obey those Laws and he is One who to the End of being of that Society of Men the Christian Church and of having God a Friend to him and he himself a Servant of God's has solemnly Enter'd into Covenant with God in his Baptism and continues often to Renew the same in the Lord's Supper because the Divine Goodness does in both Vouchsafe to make over and ensure to him those exceeding Great and Invaluable Priviledges and most singular Benefits as well as he on the other side does solemnly Engage to yield himself up to the Service and Obedience of God Farther yet a Member of Christ's Church is one who is not only United to the Catholick Church in and by one Covenant that is in the Profession of the same Faith and Repentance and in the Enjoyment of the same Priviledges and in the use of the same Sacraments But also he maintains this Union therewith by Communicating with that particular Part of the Catholick Church where he lives and whereof he is a Member in particular by communicating I say therewith in Hearing together with the rest of the Body the same Doctrine in Joyning in the same Common-Prayers and receiving the same Holy Sacraments and Lastly in Receiving from and Administring mutual Assistances to the Members of that Body where-ever dispers'd or however distress'd over the Face of the whole World as there shall be occasion And Lastly a Member of Christ's Church is One who belongs to that universal Society of Men call'd out of the World to such Duties and Priviledges as has been spoke and is united into one Body by the same means as has been declar'd under Jesus Christ its supreme Head And if you consider him as a Member of the Kingdom of Christ he is one who is Delivered by God from the power of Darkness and is translated into the Kingdom of his dear Son Col. 1.13 that is he is one of those who is deliver'd by the Gospel from under the Tyranny of Satan under which the whole World was held Captive and is made a Subject to the Gracious Government of the Son of God From what has been said it does plainly appear I think that such and such a One only is a true Member of Christ's Church And in the Sence of your Catechism which teaches all to Answer That in their Baptism they are made Members of Christ every Person who has been admitted into the Church by Baptism is a Member of Christ and shall continue such till he is cut off by the just Sentence of those Governours in the Church who have the Power of the Keys to Receive in or Shut out or till he cuts off himself from that mystical Body by a causless Schism and Separation from any of its sound Parts Every Baptized Person I say is a Member of the Visible Church Every Baptized Person is a Member of the Visible Church So the Apostle expresly speaks Gal. 3.27 assuring us that As many as have been Baptized into Christ that is the Christian Church have put on Christ or have put on that Relation to Christ that Members have to the Body True it is amongst those that are Incorporated by Baptism into the Church many do prove but very unsound and unfruitful Members such as tho' they are admitted into that Holy Society in order to their Edification and through Conversion by the means of those Holy Ordinances which Christ has appointed in his Church do yet continue to be very bad Men both in their Principles and Practices Hence it is said Matth. 22.10 that of those who were called into the Wedding that is the Church by the Servants or Officers of the Bridegroom that is Christ there are as well Bad as Good Yet as appears from that and many the like Parables of our Saviour concerning the Materials and Constitution of his Church even such bad Men when once Baptized into it are Members of it And shall continue to be Members of it And shall continue such till cut of by the just Sentence of those who have the Power of the Keys to Receive in or Shut out till such time as they are cut off by the just Sentence of those who have the Power of the Keys to Receive in or Shut out For this you are to know that Christ has given his Apostles and their Successors in the Government of the Church a Church Authority consisting in Receiving in or Shutting out of the Church To Receive into the Church is to Admit such as make a Profession of Christianity to Admit 'em I say by the Sacrament of Baptism to all the outward Acts of Communion To shut or cast out of the Church is by Excommunication to Exclude unworthy Persons from that Priviledge of Church-Communion to deny 'em the Liberty to Pray or Receive the Sacrament or perform any Religious Office in the Publick Assemblies of the Church And now accordingly has Christ appointed the Bishops and Governours of his Church to be as Shepherds to Oversee the Flock as you will find Act. 20.28 and has given 'em The Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven Matth. 16.19 that is Authority as to Admit into the Church by Baptism all who make a Profession of Christianity so to Expel out of it by Excommunication all those scabbed Members thereof who contrary to such their Holy Profession either by their pestilent Heresies or by their scandalous Ill Lives are Unworthy of it and in danger to Infect it If they Preach or any-wise propagate any pestilent Heresy contrary to the Fundamental Truths of Christianity let their Persons be never so acceptable upon the account of some shining Vertues of Charity or their Doctrines never so Plausible as pretending to Reason they ought not to be spared Tho' we or an Angel from Heaven preach any other Gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you let him be Accursed that is Excommunicated and cut off from Church-Communion Gal. 1.8 So far was this Blessed Apostle so Zealous for the Glory of his Saviour from sparing others that he would not have himself be suffer'd to continue in the Communion of the Church were it possible he should be guilty of propagating Heresy And so likewise is any Person guilty of a notorious and scandalous Ill Life Why then also are the Governours of Christ's Church commanded To put away from 'em that wicked person 1 Cor. 5.13 And all the Members of the mystical
Body are so far bound to take notice of such an Excommunication as to disown and discard such a Person and to have no Society with him so 1 Corinthians 5.11 If any Man that is called a Brother be a Fornicator or Covetous or an Idolater or a Railer or a Drunkard or an Extortioner with such a one after Excommunication they were not to Eat In such Cases as these indeed an Evil Member becomes no Member and is to be to the rest as a Heathen Man and a Publican that is One that is out of the Church Matth. 18.17 And so likewise is he who cuts himself off from that mystical Body the Church by a causless Schism and Separation from any of its sound Parts Or till he cuts himself off by a causless Schism and Separation from any of its sound Parts I say any of its sound Parts for where-ever there is a true Church if there be nothing in its Doctrine nor Worship that is sinful every Person is bound to Continue stedfastly in the Doctrine Prayers and Sacraments and Fellowship of that Church as in the Apostle's times they did Act. 2.42 and to reject the Communion of all other Parties and Sects of Christians or otherwise he will cut off himself from the Church and will cease to be a real Member of it as the Finger ceases to be of the Body when it is cut off from the Arm. Thus in either of these Cases indeed shall a Person discontinue to be a Member of Christ's Church when either he is Cut off by the just Sentence of those Governours in the Church who have the Power of the Keys to Receive in or Shut out or when he Cuts himself off by a causless Separation and Schism from any of its sound Parts But otherwise all Persons who have Enter'd into Covenant with God and have been Admitted into it by Baptism are Members of Christ's Church as has been already sufficiently prov'd and need not again be repeated And so shall Partake of those exceeding great Priviledges which belong to the Members of it which what and how great they are I come next to declare unto you THE Sixth Lecture Wherein I was made a Member of Christ BY the Church of Christ as has been shew'd is meant a Visible Society of Men call'd forth of the World to the Knowledge Belief and Service of the One True God Father Son and Holy Ghost and Professing the same in Opposition to the Service of Satan and all false Gods whatsoever and also to all those vicious and immoral Practices which did so notoriously accompany the Pagan Worship and indeed professing an utter Hatred to all Sin of any kind And it is a Society as has been shew'd you combin'd into one Covenant with God by outward Sacraments and holding Communion with each other under Jesus Christ its Head And a Member of Christ's Church you have also seen is every One who has been Enter'd into this visible Society of Holy Men and into this Covenant with God by Baptism and who holds a constant Communion without swerving aside into separate Assemblies with that Particular True and Orthodox Church whereof he is a Member and in whose Verge he lives Every such Person I have shew'd you is a Member of Christ's Church and will continue such except his Lawful Governours therein should cut him off by a just Excommunication or he should cut off himself by a sinful and unnecessary Separation And now having sufficiently made it appear in the former Discourse to this purpose First what kind of Body that is which is call'd the Church of Christ and also Secondly having shew'd you what it is to be a Member of it it will be now requisite that I should also Demonstrate to you in order to make you sufficiently sensible of which the Two former Points have been so largely treated of Thirdly what vast and invaluable Priviledges do accordingly belong to every Member of Christ's visible Church I say to Every Member of Christ's visible Church for it is not my Business here to Enlarge on the more peculiar Priviledges of those who are styl'd Members of the Invisible Church who are the sincere Part only of Christ's visible Church Those perhaps I may also declare in few words by the By. But the Priviledges which I am here concern'd to Treat upon and to Acquaint you with are such as belong to every Member of the Church I have been speaking of And these Priviledges The Priviledges of our being Members of Christs Church which do peculiarly belong to all the Members of Christ's Church as they are the Members of such a Body whereof he is the Head are these Two First a most reasonable and excellent Body of Religion and Laws together with most profitable and edifying Institutions and Ordinances appointed by Him our supreme Head and Governour to conduct us to Heaven Secondly a sufficient measure of Divine Grace and Assistance deriv'd down upon us from Him our mystical Head and convey'd by those his Ordinances to Enable us to conform to his Religion and Obey those Laws And the first great Priviledge I. A most excellent Body of Religion Laws and Ordinances which does peculiarly belong to all the Members of Christ's visible Church as they are the Members of such a Society Is a most reasonable and excellent Body of Religion and Laws together with most profitable and edifying Institutions and Ordinances given and appointed us by him our supreme Head and Governour to Conduct us to Heaven We do enjoy I say thereby The Christian Religion and Laws far exceed the Pagan Mahometan or Jewish The Priviledge of a most reasonable and excellent Body of Religion and Laws far exceeding what any other People have ever enjoy'd to Conduct us to Heaven This is clearly to be seen Heb. 8.8 9 10 11. where God himself finding Fault with the Jewish Covenant and Laws as what could not make the Comers thereunto perfect saith Behold the days come when I will make a new Covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah not according to the Covenant that I made with their Fathers in the day when I took them by the hand to lead them out of the land of Egypt for this is the Covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days saith the Lord I will put my Laws into their Minds and write them in their Hearts and I will be to them a God and they shall be to me a People And they shall not teach every man his Neighbour and every man his Brother saying Know the Lord for all shall know me from the least to the greatest which remarkable Words spoke first by the Prophet Jeremy as a Prophecy of the most happy State of the Christian Church by reason of the most excellent Covenant and Laws that would be given it beyond what was the State of the Jewish do import that even the Jewish Covenant was not in it self
Good Matth. 5.45 was as it were a New Commandment to them Joh. 13.34 And yet such an unbounded Charity and Kindness as this is the great and necessary Duty of Christianity So that Judaism at the best and before that it was Corrupted by the false Interpretations put upon the Law by the Scribes and Pharisees was but an imperfect Draught of Religion begun by Moses but left to be finished by the more perfect Stroaks of our Saviour's Pencil afterwards who is therefore said to have Come not to destroy the Law or the Prophets but to fill 'em up Matth. 5.17 Thus Imperfect at best was the Jewish Law But now consider Fourthly The whole Body of that Religion Christianity a most excellent Religion which Christ our supreme Head and Governour has given us and under whose Guidance we have the Happiness to be as we are the Members of Christ's Church and nothing can represent God in more Noble Characters and Glorious Perfections nothing can give a more Honourable and Rational Account of his Proceedings with Man both in his Creation and Redemption of him than it does And as his Laws are infinitely beyond what the Wisdom of any Humane Law-givers did ever yet contrive for the good Order of Man in this World and his real Happiness both in this and the World to come so no Motives nor Reasons can possibly be more Powerful than those which Christianity does give us to Obey those Laws It gives a most excellent Representation of God As to the Nature of God Christianity does plainly represent him as a Being that has no manner of Imperfection in his Nature but as One that is adorn'd with all the most glorious Attributes and highest Perfections possible It represents him to us so infinitely Wise Just and Holy and yet so wonderfully beyond all Comparison Good and Merciful and to add to all this so intimately Present to all we say or do so Omniscient in discerning the very Thoughts and Intents of our Hearts and withal so absolutely Powerful in doing whatsoever he pleases in Heaven and in Earth that Shall not this his Excellency make us afraid Job 13.11 It gives an Honourable account of his Proceedings with Mankind with reference both to his Creation and Redemption of us And then as to his Proceedings with Man both in his Creation and Redemption of him Christianity gives us the most plain and rational account thereof in the World It gives us to know how that God made man Upright and being so we were at perfect Agreement with him but that afterwards we fell by Transgression from him and must have suffered the Doom of Rebels for so doing It lets us then know That God taking Pity of us in this miserable Case sent his own Son to Preach Repentance and to offer Terms of Reconciliation to us And moreover because it was not consistent with God's Holiness nor with his Wisdom and Justice as Governour of the World to let Sin go unpunish't or to accept of a Sacrifice and Satisfaction less infinite in Value than he was in Majesty who was Offended that he therefore gave this his only Begotten Son also to Dye for us and accepted of his infinitely meritorious Sufferings here instead of our suffering Eternally hereafter and as a sufficient Satisfaction to his injur'd Justice which we in our own Persons could not pay without perishing Everlastingly Christianity does withal Reveal to us that this our High-Priest after having Offer'd himself for us here on Earth a Sacrifice for our Sins he is now gone into Heaven to Intercede with the Father in the merit thereof that it may be accepted to the Pardon of ' em And it also informs us that being ascended to his Father which is in Heaven in order fully to reconcile him to Man he has substituted his Holy Spirit here on Earth to perfect the Reconciliation and Conformity of our Natures to God by moving and moulding our Hearts to true Repentance and Faith in him This is in short that account which Christianity gives us both of our Creation and of our Redemption And so every way Rational it is in it self and so exceedingly agreeable to the wisest Methods of Government in the World that tho' it was beyond the reach of our Reasons before this whole Mystery of Redemption was reveal'd to us in the Gospel to think of such an extraordinary way for our Recovery out of a lost and undone Condition and of Reconciliation to God yet now since it is revealed all the reason of Mankind whose Vnderstandings the God of this world hath not blinded must own that there is no method of Proceeding in such a Case could be more worthy of the Holiness Justice Mercy and Wisdom of God nor so likely to work Repentance in Man not consequently more agreeable to the wise Governour of the World to take than this So agreeable to the best improved Reason of Mankind are the Doctrinal and even the most mysterious Parts of the Christian Religion that Religion which it is our Happiness as we are Members of Christ's Church to be under the direction of Nor can any thing be better contriv'd for the Happiness of Men Its Laws are excellently contrived for the good Order and Happiness of mankind with relation to themselves or others than what the Laws of our Saviour do directly tend to As to our selves they do so powerfully tend to mortify our Lusts and Appetites those Rebels to our own Reason to moderate our Passions and Affections which so violently rack and disturb our own Breasts and they are excellently fitted also to make us so Humble and Self-denying so Temperate and Sober so Chast and Pure as Men on Earth would appear to be Angels come from Heaven were the Laws of Christ universally followed And lastly as to Others such Justice and Uprightness such Charity and Kindness such Quiet and Peaceableness does Christianity incline men to upon which account the State of the Gospel is represented as that In which nothing should destroy nor hurt in the holy Mountain Isa 11.9 And let me also add such Prudent and Fatherly Care of Children Servants and Dependants do the Laws of Christ prescribe as would make a Heaven here upon Earth were they universally Obey'd I say were they universally Obey'd And yet to add to all this Excellency of Christ's Government and Laws over us already seen And are enforc'd by most powerful Principles Motives so powerfully is our Obedience to all these Laws Enforc'd by those mighty Principles and Motives of Christianity viz. The Articles of our Christian Faith I mean so very Perswasive and Forcible are the Motives which Christ does give us to the Practice of these Vertues beyond what was in any Reasons and Motives which the Philosophers or even Moses did give the Gentiles or the Jews to be in any degree Vertuous that this is another addition to our Advantage in having Christ for our Supreme Head and Law-giver and in
neither do they Profess Belief in nor Pray to the One True God Father Son and Holy Ghost and they are utter Strangers to our Holy Mysteries And hence it comes to pass that those miserable People continue still in Blindness Ignorance and Barbarity remain perfect Slaves to Satan and their own Brutish Lusts and for the most part of 'em are degenerated into such Inhumanity Cruelty and Brutality that Tygers Wolves and Vipers the most Devouring and Venemous Creatures in the World are not so mischievous to Mankind as that Part thereof who either know not or contemn God's Holy Ordinances are one to another So true it is what Solomon has observ'd Prov. 29.18 that Where there is no Vision or no Word and Ordinances of Divine Revelation the People perish Which brings me Lastly II. They are excellent Advantages considered in themselves To consider What excellent Priviledges they are in themselves And thas they are upon Two Accounts First As being most admirable Advantages towards the Observation of God's most Holy Laws Secondly As being exceedingly comfortable to those who Enjoy ' em I. As conducing much towards our Edification And First Divine Ordinances are most Excellent Priviledges as being most admirable Advantages towards the Observation of God's most Holy Laws and in order to a Holy and Good Life For why In these Holy Ordinances we have all the Means both Outward and Inward afforded for our Conversion As to the Outward you have the very Scriptures themselves the Body of those Holy Laws publickly Proclaim'd and Read out to you the Scripture it self I say Which was given by Inspiration of God and is profitable for Doctrine for Reproof for Correction for Instruction in Righteousness that the Man of God may be perfect throughly furnished unto all good works 2 Tim. 3.16 17. In these Holy Ordinances again you are not left to the Deceits and Whispers of a private Spirit but you have the Doctrine of the Church collected into a Form of sound words and containing all that is necessary whether as to Faith or that Love which is in Christ Jesus or which is required in the Christian Religion 2 Tim. 1.13 You have this Collected I say partly by the Apostles themselves and partly by others the wisest and best Divines out of the Holy Scriptures and propos'd to you as a Rule to walk by And moreover you have the Ministers of Christ constantly applying both to your direction The Ministers of Christ I say who as his Ambassadors do Pray you in Christ's stead to be Reconciled to God 2 Cor. 5.20 Again In these Holy Ordinances you do not wrestle with God for his Mercies in the strength only of your own private Prayers but you have your Devotions mingled with the concurrent Prayers of all God's People and so by your joint Forces after an humble but powerful manner do Besiege Heaven for the joint and united Prayers of Christians have above all others the Promise of a Gracious Answer Matth. 18.20 Our Saviour assuring us there that Where Two or Three are gathered together in his Name there he will be in the midst of them And lastly You receive herein from the Blessed Sacrament of the Body and Blood of Christ that Food which is necessary to the Nourishment of the Soul as Meat is to the Strength of the Body the same Blessed Saviour of the World assuring us as you will see Joh. 6.55 and the 63. compar'd together that His Flesh is Meat indeed and that his Blood is Drink indeed And then as to the Inward Means of performing God's Laws viz. The Grace and Assistance of his Holy Spirit this as it is absolutely necessary to enable our Weakness in this our fall'n State so it it is no otherwise to be expected than in the Use and Ministry of Divine Ordinances as shall be presently seen In a word The outward Ordinances and Institutions of the Gospel together with the Holy Spirit accompanying them are the only ordinary Means of Conversion Some may pretend to be above Ordinances but Experience tells us that accordingly as Men do slight and neglect 'em accordingly do they decay in Grace and Vertue and when once they begin wholly to lay them aside they become perfectly Graceless and are given up to a Reprobate Mind as is daily seen in such as make nothing of Profaning the Lord's Day and totally laying aside Prayers and Sacraments As most comfortable to the Souls of those who enjoy them Secondly And they are not more Profitable and Edifying than they are Comfortable to the Spirits of all Pious Souls who enjoy ' em Holy David was a most eminent Instance of this My Soul thirsteth for God for the Living God when shall I come and appear before God Psal 42.2 See what earnest Longings he had for the publick Service And I was glad when they said unto me Let us go to the house of the Lord Psal 122.1 And Psal 65.4 he expresses his sence of this Matter thus Blessed is the man whom thou choosest and causest to approach unto thee that he may dwell in thy Courts he shall be satisfied in the goodness of thy House even of thy holy Temple Alas They are seldom sufficiently valued till most wanted the inestimable Priviledges and Advantages of Divine Ordinances as the Benefit of the Heat and Light and all other common Mercies are never sufficiently valued till most wanted In the abundance of 'em we slight 'em but when depriv'd of 'em we see we cannot live the Spiritual Life without ' em This is most significantly exprest Amos 8.11 12. Behold the days come saith the Lord God that I will send a famine in the land not a famine of bread nor a thirst for water but of hearing the words of the Lord. And they shall wander from Sea to Sea and from the North even to the East they shall run to and fro to seek the word of the Lord and shall not find it You see here that the Famine of Bread is nothing in comparison with the Famine of the Word and Ordinances I will send a famine in the land not a famine of bread nor a thirst of water but of hearing the words of the Lord which is a much sorer Famine for it is a Famine which will starve the Soul And when they are deprived of the Word and Ordinances then shall they wander from Sea to Sea and from the North even to the East they shall run to and fro to seek the word of the Lord and shall not find it And accordingly we may always observe this difference in Men's Esteem of those excellent Advantages In the outward Peace and Prosperity of the Church when the Church Doors are always open and Prayers and Sacraments constantly Administred then how many that live near the House of God shall seldom come at it and how will others Profanely pass by it even in time of Divine Service And how do People when it is Plentiful loath this Heavenly
Establish'd and the Truth of Christianity already Prov'd and Believ'd God does assist the Ministers of Religion only with the ordinary Graces of his Spirit in the discharge of their Ministry And as to Lay Christians therefore except it be when the Orthodox are call'd out in any Part of the World as sometimes they are to this Day to suffer for the Truth they receive no other than ordinary Assistances But this both Ministers and People are sure to do in the use of those means that Christ has appointed in his Church for that Purpose so very considerable on many accounts are the Priviledges that do belong to the Members of Christ's Church THE Seventh Lecture Wherein I was made a Child of God THE Preliminary Questions and Answers of your Church-Catechism as I have already told you do give you a general Account of the whole Covenant of Grace And these Words Wherein I was made a Member of Christ being the First of those invaluable Priviledges made over to us in this Covenant on God's Part I have already explain'd and open'd to you what they do Import The next of those Priviledges made over to us in the Covenant of Grace is exprest in these Words Wherein I was made a Child of God in order to make you sensible of the Vastness of which Priviledge also First I will shew you what is meant in Scripture and here in your Catechism by a Child of God Secondly What an inestimable Priviledge accordingly it is to be a Child of God What is meant in the Catechism by a Child of God And first let us Enquire What is meant both in Scripture and here in your Catechism by a Child of God To understand which we must Enquire into the several meanings of this Phrase in the Holy Scriptures and then in which of those Sences it is to be understood here in your Catechism when every Catechumen is taught to Answer that In his Baptism he was made a Child of God And as to the several Acceptations of this Phrase in the Holy Scriptures I. Not the Son of God by an Eternal Generation First In the highest most natural and most proper meaning of the Word there is He who is the Son or Child of God by an Eternal Generation viz. Our Saviour Jesus Christ who being Begotten of God the Father from all Eternity in a peculiar inconceivable and inexpressible manner so as to be Co-equal Co-eternal with the Father himself is call'd the Onely Begotten Son of God Joh. 3.16 But then being he is in so peculiar and high a manner the Son of God as infinitely to exceed that wherein any one else whether Angels or Men can be call'd his Sons he cannot in any measure be meant here by a Child of God which signifies a Priviledge common to many as will be presently shew'd Not every Son by Temporal Creation which is a Sence too wide Secondly There are those who are the Sons of God by a Temporal Creation and such are Reasonable Creatures both Angels and Men both being call'd the Sons of God as you will see Job 1.6 and Luk. 3.38 And that both upon the account of the manner of their Production which was by the immediate Power of God and because of their Spiritual and Immortal Natures in which both do so immediately resemble God But this is an Acceptation too wide That which is meant here by a Child of God is a Priviledge which all Men in the World do not enjoy but is the Favour which is granted to a selected Body of Men who are separated from the rest of the World Behold what manner of Love the Father hath bestowed upon us that we should be called the Sons of God 1 Joh. 3.1 Thirdly There are those III. Nor sachonly who are Children of God by spiritual Regeneration which is a Sence too narrow who are the Children of God by Spiritual Regeneration by being Renew'd in the Spirit of their Minds and by being Created anew in Righteousness and true Holiness And these are such Who have put off concerning the former Conversation the Old Man which is corrupt according to the deceitful Lusts and who have put on the New Man which after God is created in Rightousness and true Holiness Eph. 4.22 23 24. They are such who are Born not only of Water but also of the Spirit that is who have not only been Baptized into the Christian Church but have been Sanctify'd by the Holy Spirit and have their whole Natures and Dispositions so altered for the Better that from Vicious and Ungodly they are chang'd to Vertuous and Holy Dispositions and Inclinations And such a vast Change wrought in our Natures by the Word and Spirit of God may very justly give those who Enjoy it the Title of the Children of God for if in the way of Natural Generation the Communicating of a Principle of Life and of suitable Operations does found the Relation and Title of a Father there is as good Reason why in Regeneration the deriving such Holy and Heavenly Dispositions and Powers from the Word and the Spirit of God to the Soul as give to a Man a Divine Nature whereby he is a Partaker of the Life and Likeness of God himself should Entitle God to be also a Father and such who are so Regenerated and Renew'd his Children And accordingly in the Holy Scripture we find that such a Derivation of Strength and Grace from the Word and Spirit of God does Entitle those who are Renew'd thereby to be Children of God St. Paul not only attributing to the Ministry of the Word a Power of Begetting in Christ 1 Cor. 4.15 But withal expresly assuring us that As many as are led by the Spirit of God are the Sons of God Rom. 8.14 So that he is undoubtedly a Child of God whoever giving himself up to the guidance of God's Word and Spirit is thereby Sanctify'd wholly in his own Spirit Soul and Body 1 Thess 5.23 so as to subdue and mortify every Lust and every naughty inordinate and worldly Desire And indeed every truly Regenerate Child of God does do so such a One does by the Power of the Word and in the use and strength of that Grace that God does afford him subdue and mortify every Lust and every naughty inordinate and worldly Desire So we are expresly told 1 Joh. 3.9 Whosoever is Born of God doth not commit Sin for his Seed remaineth in him and he cannot sin because he is born of God that is a sanctify'd Child of God does really hate Sin the very Temper and Bent of his Soul is against it and as to living in any gross and wilful Sin he cannot without much Reluctancy force himself to it his renew'd Nature is so much contrary thereto Such I say is every Regenerate Child of God and such indeed in a peculiar manner Such indeed are in a peculiar manner and in the highest sence the Children of God and in the highest
Immorality And this is an extraordinary Reach in Satan That impure Spirit is sometimes content that some of his principal Agents should not be immorally Wicked for by few such Men's seeming Godliness he Propagates those dangerous and destructive Principles which will make Multitudes become securely and without Remorse of Conscience Villainously Wicked And now there is not a greater Difficulty perhaps in the whole Christian Warfare The most difficult Part of a Christian's Warfare is to preserve One self untainted with Heretical Pravity colour'd over with the Varnish of Gospel-Truth But yet by Trying it by proper Rules it may be done viz. than to preserve One-self untainted with Heresies and the most poisonous Errors colour'd over with a meer Resemblance of Gospel-Truth But however as difficult as it is no honest Mind that will be careful to weigh those Poisonous Doctrines and the Persons who Propagate them in the Ballance of the Sanctuary that is by those Rules which the Scripture has given us But may be able to discover the Lightness and Vanity of both and so to Renounce both one and the other And that which every one is to do that he may Renounce them is not to be too easy in Entertaining 'em because Plausible at first appearance but impartially to Try and Examine by a true and infallible Touch-stone both their Doctrines and those who Propagate them whether they Be of God Thus we are directed 1 Joh. 4.5 Beloved Believe not every Spirit but try the Spirits whether they are of God because many false Prophets are gone out into the World And how shall you do this Why the Scripture does give you Two most infallible and plain Rules whereby to do it The one Matth. 7.16 The other the Verse immediately following the now cited Place of St. John That in Matthew is this I. By its Tendency to an Ill Life You shall know them by their Fruits If their Doctrines are apt to infuse into your Minds any unworthy and undue Thoughts of God or any Seeds of Impiety Injustice Uncleanness Uncharitableness Sedition Rebellion in a word if they do Countenance any Immorality c. II. By its Taking off from our Dependance upon the Mediation of Christ for the Acceptance of a good One Let their Pretences and Carriage be never so fair and free from Scandal to be sure they are False Prophets and the Devil's Agents The Rule given us 1 Joh. 4.2 3. whereby to discover the Doctrines of Satan's infusing is this Hereby know ye the Spirit of God every Spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come into the Flesh is not of God By Jesus Christ being come in the Flesh is meant that Jesus Christ took our Nature upon him that he might be a Mediatour betwixt God and Us to Reconcile the Father to us by his Satisfaction and Intercession for us And whosoever shall teach contrary to this so as to take off our Dependance upon Christ let him seem never so Zealous for a Good Life his Doctrine is of Satan's devising The whole Design of Christianity is no doubt as appears from these Two former Rules to make us Holy in this World and yet withal to create in us such a Dependance and Reliance on Christ for Salvation as to expect it not on the account of our own Holy Performances which are so imperfect but in the Vertue of Christ's Mediation with the Father for us And whosoever will but carefully Examine the several false Doctrines so much Preacht up at this Day by our Enemies on either side by these Two Rules shewing the Design of Christianity I am verily perswaded will find most of them to thwart one Part or other of this Design and that either they discourage Holiness or if they seem to stand upon the Necessity thereof they decry the Necessity of our Dependance upon Christ's Mediation for God's Acceptance of it to our Justification and so by one or other of these Rules we may discover them to be Doctrines of Satan's infusing Most of the Doctrines of the Church of Rome do plainly tend to make Men secure in a Course of Sin and those Antinomian Tenets wherewith some of our Dissenting Brethren are too much in Love do also tend to the same causing us to depend so entirely on Christ's satisfaction as to make us neglect the Working out our own Salvation On the contrary the Socinian at the same time he pretends much for Morality and a Good Life denies the Sacrifice and Satisfaction of Christ and that God the Father gave him to be an Attonement for the Sins of Mankind and in the Vertue of his precious Blood to intercede in Heaven for our Reconciliation so that he wholly takes off our Faith or Dependance on Christ for Justification Thus may the most dangerous Errors now in the Church of Christ with a little Watchfulness and Care to examine the Tendency of them be discover'd by you from whose Suggestions they proceed and that they are Tares of the Enemies that is the Devil 's sowing whilst the Husbandman was asleep But do you I beseech you carefully beware of such false Doctrines and deceitful Teachers both which are Satan's Temptations to draw you unwittingly to sin against and dishonour God And tho' his Agents seem never so Demure and appear never so Sanctify'd who do teach Men such Doctrines Beware of those Wolves who come to you in Sheeps cloathing you shall know them by their Fruits If they shall endeavour to instil into your Minds any undue Apprehensions of God the Father Son and Holy Ghost contrary to what you are taught out of the Scripture in the Doctrine of our Church or any pernicious Opinions that in their Nature and Tendency shall render an Holy Good Life unnecessary to our Justification assure your selves they are no Ministers of Christ but of Satan And are set on work by him to destroy God's Authority amongst Men and to set up his own Laws in their Hearts the Thing he aims at And so much for this Time THE Twelfth Lecture First That I should Renounce the Devil and all his Works the Pomps and Vanity of this wicked World and all the sinful Lusts of the Flesh THE Point that we are now upon is to make as full a Discovery to you as here we can of that Great Work of the Devil his Tempting us to Sin A Work so eminently the Business and Employment of Satan and so dangerous and Destructive to Mankind and also manag'd in such manifold and cunning Methods that it ought particularly to be consider'd by us The Devil says a Father has nothing else that he does but Tempt us to Sin He neither Eats nor Drinks nor Sleeps nor does he any thing else but Tempt Deceive and Subvert us This is his Meat this is his Honour this is his Joy In this he is Indefatigable and if he could have his Will he would never cease Tempting us but that he is restrain'd by the Power of God
seldom seen that the Man of several Trades and Callings does Thrive and that the Rolling Stone never gathers Moss But it is an Instruction which is also of a Religious Importance for 1 Cor. 7.20 Every Man is commanded to Abide in the same Calling wherein he was called And tho' it may be Lawful to lay down One and to take up another Profession or Trade when either absolute Necessity enforceth it or lawful Authority enjoineth it or a Concurrence of weighty Circumstances faithfully and discreetly and soberly laid together seemeth to require it as the Judicious Bishop Sanderson Stateth this Case Yet this must be done as he says with all due Caution as First not out of Lightness and Unsettledness nor Secondly out of the Greediness of a Covetous or Ambitious Lust nor Thirdly out of Sullenness or Discontentedness at our present Condition nor Lastly out of Envy against our Neighbour that liveth by us But above all that Change of Callings is to be Renounced as the highest Profaneness when Laymen and Tradesmen nay Women as amongst the Quakers so expresly contrary to the Commands of the Apostle 1 Cor. 14.34 do Sacrilegiously usurp the sacred Office of the Ministry and set up for Teachers without a lawful Call or Ordination thereunto Nor is there any Force in what they 'll pretend from Rev. 1.6 where it is said of all Christians in general That Christ hath made them Kings and Priests unto God and his Father for the same is spoke Exod. 10.6 of the whole Jewish Nation that They should be a Kingdom of Priests and an holy Nation And yet we find that the Priesthood was so much a separated Office amongst them and so dangerous to be Usurpt that Korah and his Company paid dearly for Attempting it Numb 16. as also Vzziah as you will see 2 Chron. 26.16 c. The reason of that high Expression Rev. 1.6 wherein Christians in general are call'd Priests is the same as in Exod. For as the whole Jewish Nation were there styl'd a Kingdom of Priests and a Holy Nation with respect to the Pagan World from whom they were to be as much separated by a peculiar Holiness as the Priesthood amongst 'em was from the People So we Christians such is our Holy Calling are to be as much separated and distinguisht from Jews and Gentiles both by our Holy Living as the Gospel Ministry are by a sacred Character from the rest of Christian People No certainly all those of the Laity who usurp the Office of the Ministry should learn Sobriety and to keep themselves within the proper Bounds and Limits of their Callings considering that equally now as in the Jewish Church The Priest's lips should keep Knowledge and that they should seek the Law at his mouth for he is the Messenger of the Lord of Hosts Mal. 27. V. Any Calling whatsoever is to be declin'd for which a Person is not Qualified both by Education Abilities and Inclinations Fifthly And that you may not lightly and with a worse Imputation than that of Inconstancy change your Calling Decline that Calling whatever how Creditable or how Profitable soever it be for which you are not Qualify'd both by Education Abilities and Inclination The great Fault in this respect is commonly the Parents who Predestinate as it were their Children to such Callings as they please themselves without consulting those other Requisites now named to make them Excellent and Useful to themselves or others therein and this is the reason that so many mis-carry in their Callings to their own Ruine and Disgrace and the Disappointment and Damage of others in the Business they undertake Especially Callings of great Importance such as the Ministry And according as is the Importance of any Calling accordingly does it the more concern Persons both for their own sakes and the World's that they decline such as they are not fitted for by a suitable Education by competent Abilities and Gifts and by a strong Inclination thereunto Now the Ministry is a Calling of the vastest Consequence in the World even the Salvation of many Souls depending upon a Man's being duly Qualify'd thereto There ought in the first place to be a suitable Education in those Schools of the Prophets our Vniversities given to such as are Candidates for it that they may be prepar'd thereto by the Knowledge of those learn'd Languages wherein the Inspir'd Writers did Pen the Holy Scriptures and by many other Arts and Sciences which are Hand-maids to Divinity and can there only be sufficiently attain'd to There ought next to be great Abilities and Gifts both Natural Parts and Divine Graces and a good share of all sorts of Learning acquir'd by much Study and great Industry to make an useful Divine there being no one Profession in the World which requires to its Perfection such an universal Knowledge as Theology does And to all these there must be added strong Inclinations to the Holy Office Inclinations to it not upon the account of the Preferments and Dignities that attend it but for the Works sake Inclinations indeed to be an Instrument of God's Glory and of the Salvation of Men's Souls therein And now if a Person of no good Abilities or Gifts should be determin'd to the Ministry it is a Sacrilegious Profaneness of equal Guilt as it is Impiety in some Parents who think such of the most promising Parts amongst their Children an Offering too good for the Lord. Or if a Person of a suitable Education and of great Abilities that fit him for it should enter into it with an unwilling Mind it is often too great a sign of unsanctify'd Affections that would be for greater Liberty and Gaiety than the Gravity and Seriousness of his Profession will allow him and the Fop should be counted unworthy of it Or lastly if there be never so strong Inclinations to be a Teacher without the Preparations of an University-Education and learned Abilities as well as Divine Graces it shews the Person to be One of those who Desiring to be Teachers of the Law understood neither what they said nor whereof they affirmed 1 Tim. 1.7 And indeed in any Calling whatsoever there must be a joint concurrence of every one of these fore-mention'd Qualifications for if any one of 'em be wanting that Person will be unsuccessful in his Calling insomuch that if there be never so suitable an Education and good Abilities if there be wanting that one other Requisite of strong Inclinations to such a Course of Life the Business of it will be carried on with Sloth and Negligence which is the Sixth Thing that must be Renounced as to any Calling VI. Idleness in any Calling is to be renounced Idleness has the same Effect in any other Calling as Solomon observ'd it had in the Husband-man's concerning whom he tells us That going by the Field of the Slothful and by the Vineyard of the man void of Vnderstanding lo it was all grown over with Thorns and Nettles had covered
World And so indispensible a Rite of our Initiation or Entrance into the Covenant of Grace And this he has enjoined as indispensably necessary to our initiation into the Covenant of Grace did our Saviour make it that he did not only Command his Apostles and all the succeeding Ministers of his Church to the End of the World to Baptize those whom they did proselyte over to his Religion Go says he Matth. 28.19 and teach or disciple by Baptizing 'em all Nations and lo I am with you always to the end of the World But he excludes all others from having any Interest in his Covenant of Grace which he vouchsafed unto us and from having any claim to the Promises of it who are not entred into it by the outward Rite and Solemnity or Ceremony of Baptism Thus he tells Nicodemus with a Verily verily that is with a solemn Asseveration which amounts almost to an Oath That Except a Man be born of Water and of the Spirit he cannot enter into the Kingdom of God By the Kingdom of God is here meant the Church of Christ which is a Society of Men in Covenant with God enjoying certain inestimable Privileges under Christ their Supreme Head and is often in the New Testament called the Kingdom of God as Matth. 21.31 So that it is plain from hence that there is no admittance to the Privileges of the Gospel or New Covenant which are Grace Pardon and Happiness nor to the Enjoyment of those infinite Rewards in Heaven the chief of all the Mercies of the Covenant without being first entred into the Church by Baptism which is the Outward Seal and Confirmation of those Mercies to us Except a Man be born of Water and of the Spirit he cannot enter into the Kingdom of Heaven And agreeably to this Doctrine of his Lord and Master did the Great St. Peter hold Baptism so indispensibly necessary that he ordered even those Persons upon whom at his Preaching of the Word the Holy Ghost had fallen which one would have thought might render Baptism unnecessary yet he ordered even those to be Baptized withal as you may see Acts 10.46 47 48. Then answered Peter Can any Man forbid Water that these should not be Baptized which have received the Holy Ghost as well as we And he commanded them Commanded whom why those on whom the Holy Ghost had fallen vers 44. and who had received the Holy Ghost as well as he vers 47. he commanded even those to be Baptized in the Name of the Lord. Thus is Baptism you see an Outward Rite or Ceremony of our Saviour's own Appointment for the solemn admitting of Persons into the Covenant of Grace Secondly And thus our Saviour appointed us to be entered into the Covenant of Grace for the better Confirmation and Assurance of its Terms the Promises on God's part and the Conditions on ours it being thus mutually and interchangeably as it were Sealed to betwixt God and us Baptism appointed the Rite of Admission into the Covenant of Grace for the better Confirmation and assurance of its Terms the Promises on God's part and the Conditions on ours it being thus mutually and interchangeably Sealed to betwixt God and us As in this sacred Rite of Baptism there are two Parties concerned God who by his Minister or Ambassador and Agent as he is called 2 Cor. 5.20 does admit the Person Baptized to Covenant and does by him promise and engage to confer upon him particular Blessings and Favours and the Party Baptized who presents himself or is presented by others and does solemnly engage to Renounce GOD's Enemies the Flesh the World and the Devil to Believe in God and to Obey him As there are Two Parties I say God and Man thus transacting a Covenant together so the Minister God's Agent his Receiving the Party and Baptizing them in the Name of the Father Son and Holy Ghost is the Sealing to it on God's Part who has promised to confirm in Heaven what they in his Name and by his Commission shall bind on Earth Matth. 16.19 And the Party presenting himself or being presented to Baptism and therein expresly vowing to perform the fore-mentioned Conditions and in token of that his being washed or sprinkled with Water is the putting to as it were his Seal to the Counterpart of the Covenant And farther as this mutual Covenanting and Sealing does give unto God besides his Right of Creation a farther Right by our own express Engagements to our Obedience and Service so to us it gives even that which we could otherwise have no not the least Pretensions to even a Legal Right and Title to all the most inestimable Blessings and Favours of the Covenant It gives great Assurance of mutual Performances barely to be in Covenant together It has been already more than once hinted and shall here be more fully declared how that it gives us mighty Assurance that the Mercies of God shall certainly be confer'd on us that he has vouchsafed to engage Himself in Covenant to make 'em good unto us and that because this way of proceeding gives us even a Legal Right and Title to All the most inestimable Blessings and Favours of the Covenant For this we are to consider that till such time as God has condescended to engage so and so the utmost Services that we can pay him cannot give us sure and certain grounds to hope for or expect such invaluable Benefits to be conferr'd upon us Though we should never so heartily repent us of our Sins there is not that in Repentance alone that it should be sufficient of it self to satisfy the Justice of God and to salve that infinite Dishonour we have done Him by our former Violations of his sacred Laws And tho' we should never so sincerely and faithfully Obey him for the future is it possible that such unprofitable Service as ours should merit and deserve of it self the unspeakable and unconceivable Joys of Heaven as a due Reward for such Obedient Service Pardon of our manifold Sins and Offences and eternal Joy and Happiness I say can never be expected meerly upon any Merit there is in our Repentance and Obedience nor at all till such time as he has graciously vouchsafed and freely condescended by Covenant to secure such Benefits unto us upon our serious Repentance and sincere Obedience But then when he has once condescended to ensure unto us by Covenant these unspeakable Benefits and we on the other side have also engaged our selves to the Performance of such Conditions then what our Repentance Faith and Obedience could not give us reason to expect or hope for meerly upon the account of their own desert shall however be ascertain'd to us by virtue of God's Covenant-Obligations which he has laid upon himself And Pardon and eternal Happiness shall be so far then the matter of our Hopes and Expectations that we shall have a Legal Claim and Title made over to us upon our Repentance Faith and
shall behold glorifie God in the Day of Visitation But ye are a Chosen People a Royal Priesthood an Holy Nation a Peculiar People These are every one of 'em most distinguishing Characters and do bespeak the Church of Christ and all its Members to be a Dedicated a Consecrated sort of People between whom and the rest of the World there is such a distinction made on the account of such their Dedication to God's Service as there is in the Church it self betwixt the Priesthood who are separated to the more immediate Service of God and the People in it They Expressions are all of 'em borrowed from the Old Testament and were the Characters then given to the Jewish Church And if we will be at the pains to look back into the Mosaick Law and see what separation and distinction they did import there we shall the better discern to what elevated degrees of Holiness they do signify us of the Christian Church to have been likewise separated and consequently to what a singular Life and Conversation we are upon that Score obliged Ye are a Chosen Generation an Holy Nation a Peculiar People The Jews chose from amongst the Nations of the Earth to serve God In all these Three Expressions he alludes to Deut. 7.6 where of the Church of the Jews it is said Thou art an Holy People unto the Lord thy God the Lord thy God hath Chosen thee to be a special People unto himself above all the People that are upon the face of the Earth All the People of the Earth besides were utterly estranged from God by their wicked Deeds and to all other Impieties had added this grand one That they had fallen into the basest Idolatry the Worship of the very Devils whereby they did own them to be their Soveraign Masters instead of God But God did select those People of the Jews from amongst all the Families of the Earth and gave 'em such excellent Laws and required such an exact Obedience to 'em and such a regular Conversation from 'em that it should raise even the Admiration of all the Nations of the Earth who should see or hear it Deut. 4.5 6 7. You see here what Peculiarity and Distinction these Words A Chosen Generation an Holy Nation a Peculiar People did import in the Jewish Church and the other of a Royal Priesthood did no less A Royal Priesthood This is an Allusion to Exod. 19.5 6. Now therefore if ye will obey my Voice indeed and keep my Covenant then ye shall be a Peculiar Treasure unto me above all People and ye shall be a Kingdom of Priests and an Holy Nation As the whole Nation of the Jews were separated from the rest of the World peculiarly to serve the True God so were the Order of Priesthood separated from amongst the rest of the Jews to a greater degree of Holiness and nearer Service to him than the rest of the Jews and for that reason viz. To signify a greater Purity in them than the common Jews Those very Outward Blemishes which were no Impediment to the other Jews but that they might approach God as far as to Lay-men was permitted were a Barr to the Priests that they could not thereupon Execute the Priestly Office Speak unto Aaron saying Whosoever he be of thy Seed in his Generations that hath any Blemish let him not appear to offer the Bread of his God for whatsoever man he be that hath a Blemish he shall not approach a blind Man or a lame or he that hath a flat Nose or any thing superfluous Levit. 21.17 18. And the reason is given before Vers 6. They shall be Holy unto their God and not profane the Name of their God for the Offerings of the Lord made by Fire and the Bread of their God they do offer therefore they shall be Holy So that as much as the whole Body of the Jews were to be separated and distinguished from the rest of the World yet the Priesthood were to be farther distinguished by a Peculiar Holiness Christians chose both from amongst Jews and Gentiles to a more peculiar Holiness And now to bring this to our present case Does St. Peter here in his Character of the Church of Christ call it a Chosen Generation an Holy Nation a Peculiar People Why what does it import but that the Members of Christ's Church must study to distinguish themselves as much now from the Infidel Part of the World whether Jews or Gentiles by Piety and Devotion towards God Justice and Charity towards their Neighbour and a subjecting of their Lusts and Appetites to right Reason which is the great Duty to themselves I say Christians must as much distinguish themselves from the profane Crew of Idolatrous and Wicked Heathens and Unbelieving Jews by an exact and regular and a better Life as the Jews were to distinguish themselves from the Idolatrous and Wicked Heathens in those days by a Ritual Holiness Nay And does he call us a Royal Priesthood Why this he does here and also Rev. 1.6 where we are told That Christ hath made us Kings and Priests unto God and his Father And what doth this import but that we are as much to exceed both Jews and Gentiles in holy Living as the Priests among the Jews were to excel the rest of the People in a Legal Purity and Cleanness Christians are to shew themselves to be Kings by their Victories over the World the Flesh and the Devil over Sin and Satan and they are to be as it were Priests because they are to present their Bodies a living Sacrifice Holy acceptable unto God which is our reasonable Service and are not to be conformed to this World but to be transformed by the renewing of their Minds Rom. 12.1 2. And are to offer up the Sacrifice of Praise continually the Praises of God Heb. 13.15 They are to offer charitable Alms which are called an Odour of a sweet smell a Sacrifice acceptable and well-pleasing unto God Phil. 4.18 This is the Importance of those high Expressions of St. Peter and this indeed do the following Words declare But ye are a Chosen Generation a Royal Priesthood an Holy Nation a Peculiar People that ye should shew forth the Praises of Him who hath called us out of Darkness into his marvellous Light And indeed so much it concerns us who are Members of Christ's Church to distinguish our selves from the rest of the World by our excellent Lives far above other People that our Blessed Saviour came into the World died and suffered all those stupendious Things recorded in the Gospel all on this very Design To purchase such a Body of Men that should more peculiarly and zealously serve God and to work and perswade us to it Thus Tit. 2.14 it is said That he gave himself for us that he might redeem us from all Iniquity and purify unto himself a peculiar People zealous of good Works And hence were all his Discourses and Preachings to us especially
that most divine Sermon upon the Mount to raise all his Disciples and Followers to the highest Pitch and Perfection of Moral Vertue and Goodness He came not to destroy the Law and the Prophets but to fulfil them Matth. 5.27 that is to enlarge and encrease our Duties to God and Man and to our selves to make the Obedience of the Heart as necessary as that of the outward Man to make the very Thoughts of Uncleanness criminal as well as Adultery it self And in a word hence does he require of us his Members that our Light should so shine before Men that they might see our good Works and glorify our Father which is in Heaven ver 16. that is He requires that by the Eminence of all Divine Graces and Vertues shining in our Lives we should be as a Candle set on a Hill to enlighten the benighted and bewildred World straying in the darkness of Ignorance and Errour that they might find their way by the Brightness of our Examples to Heaven and Happiness And by the Savourliness lastly of our good Conversation he requires that we should be as Salt in the World to season the corrupted Manners of Men. Such strong Obligations lie upon us as Members of Christ's Church to be faithful in our Covenant that is to perform all due Obedience unto God Secondly Nor is the Consideration of our being Children of God II. As Children of God less fruitful of good Arguments shewing us those vast Obligations lying upon us faithfully and conscientiously to discharge our Covenant with him There is no relation that is which does speak more of Duty and Duty founded upon better Reasons than that of a Child to his Father A Wife owes some Duty and Observance to her Husband because the Husband is the Head of the Wife a Servant to his Master because from him he has Provision a Subject to his Prince because of Protection But a Child owes his very Life and Being and all that he has is originally derived from his Parent Children are bound to the strictest Obedience to their Parents as oweing to 'em their Being Especially this is so with the Children of God upon a double account both that of Creation and that of Adoption Consider us as the Children of God with respect to Creation and not only our Life and Being but all Things necessary to the support and maintenance of this Being of ours that it falls not back into Annihilation and Nothing is wholly owing to that God whose Off-spring we are according to that of the Apostle Acts 17.28 In him we live and move and have our Being for we are his Off-spring But consider us who are Baptized Christians farther as the Children of God by Adoption and then over and above our Being and all that belongs to it our Well-being also both in this and a better Life is wholly of his Gift For if Children of God as St. Paul does argue Rom. 8.17 then Heirs Heirs with God and joint Heirs with Christ so that if we suffer with him we shall be also glorified together Children of God as owing both Being and Well-being And now if for Life and Being and also for all that Well-being too which we have or hope to enjoy in this or the Life to come we wholly and entirely depend upon God our Father Do we not then owe to him as his Children all the Duty all the Observance and all the Diligence possible in the discharge of such Duty and Observance This the very Light of Nature teaches us but the Scripture does most expresly upon that very score of being his Children require of us A Son honoureth his Father and a Servant his Master says God by his Prophet Mal. 1.6 If I then be a Father where is mine Honour And if I be a Master where is my Fear And upon the same score of our being Children of God does St. Peter most earnestly exhort us to a Renunciation of the World and our filthy Lusts and to a faithful and careful discharge of our Duty to God our Father As Obedient Children says he 1 Epist 1.14 15. not fashioning your selves according to the former Lusts in your Ignorance but as he which hath called you is holy so be ye holy in all manner of Conversation And vers 17. If ye call on the Father that is profess your selves the Sons of your Heavenly Father who without respect of Persons judgeth every Man according to his Works can see Blemishes and will punish Faults as well in his Children as others if you profess your selves the Children of such a Father pass the time of your sojourning here in fear is the Inference the same Apostle makes from this Relation of being the Children of God And indeed except we do give up our selves sincerely and faithfully to obey God and in all Points to discharge our Covenant with him we are in effect not the Children of God however Baptized and so in Profession but in reality are the Children of the Devil and from him must expect our Reward So St. John assures us 1 Epist 3.8 9. He that committeth Sin is of the Devil that is he that committeth any act of known Sin is in that so far from being a Child of God that he is a Child of the Devil of whom and not of God he is an Imitator For whosoever is born of God doth not commit Sin for his Seed remaineth in him and he cannot sin because he is born of God That is as the Learned Hammond does Paraphrase upon the same place whosoever is a true Child of God keeps himself strictly from every deliberate Act of Sin and the reason is Because that contrary Principle of Regeneration or Son-ship from which he is said to be born of God if that continue to have any Life or Energy in it is utterly contrary and incompatible with Sin And then does follow that Characteristical distinguishing Mark he does give of a Child of God and a Child of the Devil shewing the grand difference between one and the other In this the Children of God are manifested and the Children of the Devil whosoever doth not Righteousness is not of God ver 10. In a word to conclude this Argument also As it is almost natural and therefore ever expected that Children should imitate the Life and Manners of their Parents and if they prove dissolute and of loose Behaviour it does usually redound to the Parents disgrace as generally supposed to proceed from slackness of Government so should we who are Children of God be Covenant-Breakers prove lawless and dissolute Livers it will extreamly tend to the Dishonour of our Heavenly Father whose Name is then hallowed amongst Men when we his profest Sons and Servants do dutifully and sincerely fulfil our Engagements to Him but on the contrary is then blasphemed when we live ungodly Lives So that this grand Favour and Privilege of being the Sons of God is another most powerful Argument to render us
and Hereticks when alas they are much less the Favourites of God themselves and it will be more tolerable for Sodom and Gomorrha in the Day of Judgment than for wicked Christians Matth. 11.24 I do confess indeed as to that part of Prayer which we call Thanksgiving the most wicked and impenitent Sinners may bless God for their Creation Preservation and all the Blessings of this Life For he maketh his Sun to rise on the Evil and on the Good and sendeth Rain on the Just and on the Vnjust Matth. 5.45 and there 's nothing hinders but they should praise him for it But with what shew of Sincerity can they be thought to bless him above all for his inestimable Love in his Redemption of the World by our Lord Jesus Christ for the means of Grace and for the hopes of Glory when so long as they continue in their Sins they can expect no benefit from Christ's Redemption and can have no hopes of Glory True it is there have been observ'd in the World That there are praying Hypocrites is by virtue of Antinomian Principles both in our Saviour's Time and of latter days a sort of Impious and Prophane Wretches that have been greatly given to Pray and yet have been most notorious Lyars and Slanderers Proud and Censorious and above all most cruel and unmerciful Exactors and Oppressors but it is plain they were either Hypocrites and Atheists in the bottom and for a pretence and colour only made long Prayers that they might more easily devour Widows Houses Matth. 23.14 and so by the Opinion of their Sanctity delude unwary People to trust 'em till having 'em within their Power they might grind 'em to Powder Or they owe this to some other Wicked and Heretical Principles as our Modern Antinomians who do found their favour with God in his Arbitrary Election of their Persons without any respect had to their Virtues and Graces as acceptable through the Mediation of Christ and will therefore pretend to pray to him nay and in their Prayers presume to talk with him as familiarly as one Friend does to another But alas the Scripture gives none the least grounds for such Confidence and Presumption but does indeed let us know it is a fearful thing to presume to pray to God and at the same time to continue in Sin Sacrifices amongst the Jews were a kind of sensible and visible Prayers and Prayers did usually accompany them but whilst that People were notoriously wicked see how God does express his detestation of such their Sacrifices and Prayers Isai 66.3 He that killeth an Oxe is as if he slew a Man he that Sacrificeth a Lamb as if he cut off a Dogs Neck he that Offereth an Oblation as if he offered Swines Blood he that burneth Incense as if he blessed an Idol So that there is a great necessity of Resolving to forsake Sin and of being faithful in our Covenant if we will pray to God but if Men will go on wilfully in sinful Courses they had e'en as good not pray at all Heaven and Hell Light and Darkness may be joyn'd together and Reconcil'd as well as Prayer and Impenitence 3. As it will certainly procure the Divine Assistance 3. And especially Prayer duly qualify'd will be a most effectual Means to enable you to discharge your Covenant as it procures for you the Grace and Assistance of God without which you cannot perform it as has already been shew'd you I say if duly Qualify'd if put up with Faith and Sincerity for as appears from the last Particular the Prayers of such as are resolvedly Wicked will avail nothing but to their greater Damnation But otherwise Prayer doubtless is the most prevalent thing in the World with God to derive down his Blessings Favours and Graces of all sorts upon us Prayer saith the Learned and Pious Bishop Taylor hath saved Cities and Kingdoms from Ruine Prayer hath raised Dead Men to Life hath stopped the violence of Fire and shut the Mouths of wild Beasts It hath alter'd the course of Nature hath caused Rain in Aegypt and Drought in the Sea It made the Sun to go back from West to East and the Moon to stand still and Rocks and Mountains to walk and it cures Diseases without Physick and makes Physick to do the work of Nature and in a word does many Miracles But of all the Miracles that Prayer doth there is none so valuable if any so great as to Sanctify our Natures and to enable us to perform our Covenant with God which Prayer is a most effectual means to enable us to do I say That Prayer will most effectually procure for us the Graces of the Holy Spirit to enable us to perform our Covenant with God of which we have a most full and pregnant Proof Luke 11 9 10 11 12 13. our blessed Saviour in the foregoing Verses having given his Disciples a Prayer to learn to enforce upon 'em the constant and devout Exercise of this most Heavenly Duty tells 'em by way of Parable how prevalent an Importunate Prayer will be even with an Ill-natur'd Man to incline him to grant the Desires of him that Petitions him And then he proceeds to tell 'em That much more will Constancy and Earnestness in Prayer prevail upon God who is more tender to us and more forward of himself to do us good than our very Parents And I say unto you Ask and ye shall have seek and ye shall find knock and it shall be open'd unto you for every one that asketh receiveth and he that seeketh findeth and to him that knocketh it shall be opened If a Son shall ask Brea● of any of you that is a Father will he give him a Stone or if he ask a Fish will he for a Fish give him a Serpent or if he shall ask an Egg will he offer him a Scorpion If ye then being Evil know how to give good Gifts unto your Children how much more shall your Heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to them that ask him Which is as if he should say There is no fear that God should deny such Petitions or give his Children any hurtful thing when they ask that which is good for them And tho' many things which Men ask be not good yet his Spirit and the Assistances of it are so undoubtedly such that they will never be deny'd to them that ask them of the Father This is so full a proof of the prevalency of Prayer to procure of God the Grace of his Holy Spirit to sanctifie our Natures and to enable us to perform the Conditions of our Covenant that it would be e'en lost labour to multiply any more Texts to this purpose What then remains but that we therefore most earnestly and constantly Pray unto God that he would Sanctifie our Natures that he would grant unto us according to the Riches of his Grace to be strengthen'd with Might by his Spirit in the inward Man Particularly Let us therefore
Pray that he would Sanctifie our Vnderstandings that being transform'd by the renewing of our Minds we may be able to have a Spiritual discerning of the things of God being wise to that which is good but simple and harmless to that which is Evil. Let us therefore Pray that he would Sanctifie and Reform our Wills that we may in every thing submit them unto his delighting to do his Will Not seeking our own Will but the Will of him that sent us And let us therefore Pray that he would Sanctifie and Circumcise our Hearts that we may set our Affections on things above and not on Earthly Matters Farther yet Let us therefore particularly pray that having Sanctify'd us throughly in our Understandings Wills and Affections he would enable us to perform each of the Conditions of our Covenant That he would strengthen our Faith and enable us to hold the Profession of our Faith without wavering that he would grant unto us Repentance That no longer spending the rest of our Time in the Flesh to the Lusts of Men but to the Will of God the time past of our Lives may suffice to have served divers Lusts and that for the future we may walk as Obedient Children not fashioning our selves according to the former Lusts in our Ignorance but as he who hath called us is Holy so we may be Holy in all manner of Conversation And Lastly Let us pray unto him to give us his Grace that we may thus continue and persevere in Repentance Faith and Obedience unto our Lives end that being stedfast and unmovable always abounding in the Work of the Lord we may patiently continme in well-doing without weariness as knowing that in due time we shall reap if we faint not which that we may do God Almighty grant of his infinite Mercy through Jesus Christ our Lord to whom and the Holy Ghost be ascribed all Might Majesty and Dominion both now and for evermore Amen THE XXX Lecture VVherein I was made IN several foregoing Lectures upon the Words of the Catechism having explained all that I suppose necessary to be known by you concerning the general Nature and Substance of the Covenant of Grace the Solemnity whereby you entred into it the Obligations upon you to perform it and the Means whereby you shall be enabled to discharge it I come now to do the like as to those Circumstances relating to your entrance into it and requisite also to be consider'd by you These Circumstances are Two First The Time when Secondly The Persons by whom as by Proxies you were Initiated into the Covenant of Grace I. I will consider the Time when which because it was as to most of you in your Infancy as is imply'd in these words Wherein I was made a Time thought unseasonable by some Persons for so grand an Undertaking therefore I will endeavour to Justifie the having been admitted into the Covenant of Grace by Baptism in the time of your Infancy This I say is what these words Wherein I was made do signifie to us viz. That it was sometime heretofore that you were Baptized and entred into Covenant with God which was you know as to the Children of most Believers in the Age of Infancy And now I will justifie the thing the being admitted into the Covenant of Grace by Baptism If the Children of Believing Parents even at such an Age. Children of Believing Parents have a right to be Baptized prov'd from 1 Cor. 7.14 I say If the Children of Believing Parents for that such have a greater Priviledge than others and with reference to this very particular of being Baptized and ●onfederated with God may be very fairly gathered from that of St. Paul 1 Cor. 7.14 For the Vnbelieving Husband is Sanctify'd by the Wife and the Vnbelieving Wife is Sanctify'd by the Husband else were your Children unclean but now are they Holy for the understanding which difficult place we must consider the occasion of the Words and the import of this Expression Else were your Children unclean but now are they Holy Now the occasion of the Words was a Question propounded to the Apostle Whether a Believing Wife or Husband ought to dwell with an Unbeliever which the Apostle resolves that either of 'em might and uses this Argument for it That the Unbeliever may by the Conversation and Perswasion of his Wife in time be Sanctify'd and Converted himself to Christianity however if he be not his Children on the account of the Mother being a Christian are not Vnclean but Holy for the understanding of which Expression it is to be consider'd that there is a twofold Holiness ascribed to Persons in the New Testament to omit some other Acceptations in the Old First There is a Spiritual and Inherent Holiness which is a necessary Qualification to make us capable of Happiness in the Life to come and Members of the Church Triumphant in Heaven according to that of St. Paul Without Holiness no Man shall see the Lord Heb. 12.14 Secondly There is a Relative and outward or Privilegial Holiness upon the account of Persons being seperated from the rest of the World to the pure and Holy Service of a pure and Holy God such as is the Holiness of all the Members of the Church Militant here on Earth those I mean who are called into the Covenant of Grace as you may see 1 Pet. 2.9 where speaking to the whole Catholick Church of Christians as Christians he calls 'em a Chosen Generation a Royal Priesthood a Holy Nation a peculiar People A Holy Nation do ye see he calls 'em which was spoke on the account of that Holy Profession they were Baptized into tho' all of 'em in their own Persons were not Inherently Holy no more than all that are called to the Profession of the Gospel are chosen to the Salvation of it So that by these Expressions Else were your Children Vnclean but now are they Holy must be meant a Relative and Privilegial Holiness they have by being descended from a Christian Parent whereby they are capable of being Members of the Catholick Church that Holy Nation meant in St. Peter capable I say of being made so by Baptism the only Door of entrance into it And if the Children even of one Believing Parent are thus Relatively and Privilegially Holy by being within the Covenant or capable of being took into it by Baptism on the account of having one Christian Parent much more should the Children of those be so accounted both of whose Parents are Christians Possibly one reason wherefore the Child of one Christian Parent is thus Holy as to be reputed capable to be a Covenanted Member of Christ's Church is because it may be fairly presum'd the Christian Parents Zeal for God's Glory will make He or She train up that Child to the Knowledge and Belief and Service of the One True God Father Son and Holy Ghost And if it may be fairly presum'd that where there is but one Christian
Christ is a Member of Christ's Church 39 A Definition of Christ's Church The Church of Christ a well-order'd Society wherein some are Governours some Governed 40 An Episcopal Clergy undoubtedly such 41 The Church is the universal Society of Christians taking in Men of all Nations as well of the Gentiles as of the Jews It consists of such who are call'd out of the World by the Preaching of the Gospel to a holy Profession and Calling 42 First Repentance from Dead Works Secondly to the Knowledge Belief and Service of the One True God Father Son and Holy Ghost 43 Thirdly to enjoy the Priviledges of the Gospel The Church are such who to the End of being Incorporated into one Society and of having God to be their God and they themselves his People have entred into Covenant with him 44 First in Baptism Secondly to renew it at the Lord's Supper The Church one Body 45 Sub divided into several particular Bodies and Churches First for the convenience of Government into Diocesan Churches Secondly for the convenience of Worship into particular Congregations 46 But however united by one Covenant into one Body As also by holding Communion with each other in hearing the Word in Common-Prayers Sacraments and in affording to each other mutual Assistances 47 The Church united into one Body under Jesus Christ its supreme Head Christ a Political Head of the Church Christ the Mystical Head of the Church 48 The Church of Christ a spiritual Kingdom But yet notwithstanding a visible Society 49 What it is to be a Member of Christ's Church 50 Every Baptized Person is a Member of the visible Church And shall continue such till cut off by the just Sentence of those who have the Power of the Keys to receive in or shut out 51 Or till he cuts himself off by a causless Schism and Separation from any of its sound Parts 52 LECT VI. The Priviledges of our being Members of Christ's Church First a most excellent Body of Religion Laws and Ordinances The Christian Religion and Laws far exceed the Pagan Mahometan or Jewish The Pagan Superstition tended to nothing but to defile humane Nature 55 The Gods the Pagans worshiped were at best the most Infamous Men and Women Many times they worshiped the very Devils themselves And that with lewd barbarous and cruel Rites The Mahometan Religion is a vile Imposture 56 Its Principles tend to Lust and Cruelty Judaism was an imperfect and unfinished Draught of Religion Christianity a most excellent Religion 57 It gives a most excellent Representation of God It gives an honourable account of his proceedings with Mankind with reference both to his Creation and Redemption of us 58 Its Laws are excellently contrived for the good Order and Happiness of Mankind And are enforced by most powerful Principles and Motives Another Branch of this first Part of a Christian's Priviledge are most edifying and comfortable Institutions and Ordinances 59 First Publick Ordinances the Priviledge of every Member of Christ's Church 60 Scandalous Members to be suspended from the Lord's Supper First Christian Ordinances are a singular Favour which Aliens and Unbelievers do not nor have any Right to enjoy Secondly they are excellent Advantages consider'd in themselves 61 First as conducing much towards our Edification As most comfortable to the Souls of those who enjoy them 62 They are seldom sufficiently valued till most wanted The second general Priviledge belonging to the Members of Christ's Church is a sufficient measure of Divine Grace and Assistance derived from him the Head and convey'd by his Ordinances to enable us to conform our selves to his Religion and to obey his Laws 63 By the same means that Christ is united to his Members is Grace conveyed down from him as Head to those Members The first Medium of Union betwixt Christ and his Members must be each Member's Union to the Catholick Church Secondly its union to the lawful Governours and Teachers of the Church 64 Thirdly the use of Christ's Institutions and Ordinances First Divine Grace a most singular Priviledge if compar'd with what others enjoy of this Nature 65 Secondly an exceeding advantage consider'd in it self All the Members of Christ have Supplies proportionable to their Station in the Church 66 And also in such measures as according to different Times and Occasions in the Church are wanting 67 LECT VII What is meant in the Catechism by a Child of God First Not the Son of God by an Eternal Generation Secondly Not every Son by Temporal Creation which is a Sence too wide 68 Thirdly Nor such only who are Children of God by spiritual Regeneration which is a Sence too narrow 69 Such indeed are in a peculiar manner and in the highest sence the Children of God But every Child of God is not actually Regenerate either in the sence of Scripture Or of your Catechism But Fourthly a Child of God as meant in the Catechism is every one who is so by vertue of a Covenant Relation This was the Notion of a Child of God before the Law Under the Law 70 Under the Gospel Also a Child of God as meant in the Catechism is every one who is so by vertue of Adoption Adoption what The use of it amongst the Israelites and the Priviledges it gave them The use of it amongst the Gentiles and the Rights it confer'd upon them 71 How we Christians especially such who are descended from the Gentiles are according as has been spoke the Adopted Children of God To the Israelites did once pertain the Adoption But that Covenant by entering into which they were his Children was only Temporary To last only till the Publication of the Gospel After which they and all Christians were to be Children of God by faith in Christ 72 But the Jews adhering to their Law and refusing Christ and his Gospel in whom God had predestinated all to be his Sons the Apostles turned unto Gentiles preaching Christ and Salvation to them and to as many as received him to them gave he power to be the Sons of God What are the Priviledges which do belong to the Children of God as such In general such as an indulgent but wise Father may be supposed to allow his Children beyond Aliens and Strangers Particularly First Pardon of all Sins upon hearty Repentance 73 Secondly by being his Children he will not be so severe as to mark what is done amiss as to Sins of Infirmity 74 Thirdly to the Children of God is granted an easier access by Prayer to the Throne of Grace for Pardon of Sins and other Mercies Lastly a Child of God is more surely instated in the Inheritance of Heaven than others 75 The infinite reason we have to praise God for these Advantages 76 LECT VIII By the Kingdom of Heaven is meant in Scripture either first the Kingdom of Grace in this Life or secondly the Kingdom of Glory in the Life to come The Kingdom of Grace the Gospel State 77 The reason why the Gospel State
He descended into Hell 2. What pertain'd to his going into Heaven to incerceed for us there we have deliver'd in these The third day he rose again from the Dead He ascended into Heaven And sitteth on the right hand of God the Father Almighty Nor 3. Are the Nature and Acts of his Kingly Office less particularly and distinctly delivered in the Creed than those of his Priestly One main Prerogative of that Royal Office is that from Heaven He shall come again to judge both the Quick and the Dead and all the remaining Articles declare the several other Parts of it But these will also fall under another Consideration under which I shall mention them III. Then as to the Holy Ghost the Third Person in the Blessed Trinity to Him it does belong to prepare qualifie and sanctifie with all necessary Vertues and Graces all whom Christ has redeem'd and sav'd from the Dominion of Sin and Satan and cleans'd from the Pollution of their Natures caus'd thereby that they may be meet to be Partakers of the Inheritance of the Saints in Light And this we are taught to believe that he does in the Article I Believe in the Holy Ghost for the Attribute Holy does here import His doing this His sanctiing of us Thus does the Apostles Creed instruct us first in all the more material and weighty Truths necessary to be believ'd concerning God And next secondly it does the same concerning the State and Condition of us Men both in this and the World to come For 1st In general we are taught to Believe that all our Hopes of Redemption and Happiness on the Account of Christ's undertaking for us depends upon our being Members of His Holy Catholick Church 2dly In particular it teaches us the great Privileges we enjoy through him by being Members of the Church both here and hereafter namely that thereby we have the benefit of the Communion of Saints and the Forgiveness of Sins and that we shall have a Resurrection of our Bodies to Life Everlasting And thus I have given you to understand what is meant by the Articles of our Belief Secondly The Importance of the word Rehearse I am next to declare to you what is the Importance of the Word Rehearse Rehearse the Articles of thy Belief And 1. This Word Rehearse possibly in its primary Design 1. It primarily signifies the Catechists Command to the Catechumen to render him an Account of his Faith may import no more than the Ministers Command to those that come to be Catechis'd that they give him an Account of what they do Believe concerning God and his Church And as the end of your Faith is the Salvation of your Souls 1 Pet. 1.9 So it is the Duty of such as are under our Care first to get as good an Understanding as they can in the Christian Faith and then to give an Account thereof with all readiness imaginable to us the Ministers of Religion whenever we demand it Thus the Apostle commands you to Obey them that have the Rule over you and to submit your selves for they watch for your Souls as they that must give an account that they may do it with joy and not with grief Heb. 13.17 And if the Pastors of Christ's Church must give a strict Account to God of your Proficiency in Faith and Knowledge it must be your Duty to make it appear to us how much you have profited under us And thus it lies upon you to do that our Ministry may be easie and comfortable and that we may have Joy and not Sorrow in the Execution of it Alas for us to be discouraged in the Exercise of our Ministry is not for your Profit for so long as we do it uncomfortably we cannot do it so effectually as otherwise we might To do it with grief that it is unprofitable for you says the Apostle in the same Verse And would to God you would believe it But so it is that there is nothing in the World would be a greater Satisfaction to us than to see you as in the Jewish Church they did sit at the Feet of your Gamaliels your Teachers than to see you not altogether cumbred with Worldly Business as Martha was but to attend on your Teachers with Mary who chose the better part as our Saviour gave Testimony to her because she diligently sate to attend the Word delivered by our Saviour Luke 10.42 2. It may reductively signifie the Churches Command to all Worshippers audibly to recite the Belief after the Minister 2. This word Rehearse may be also reductively interpreted as a Command of the Church that whenever you come to worship God you should pronounce with an audible Voice the Articles of your Belief together with your Minister thereby publickly and before the whole Congregation confessing that you are Christians and that you Believe all that Christians should Believe to their Souls Health according to that usual Form of Words used by some before their reciting of the Creed in Divine Service calling upon the People to join with 'em in making Confession of their Christian Faith Now it is order'd by our Church to very good purpose that the whole Congregation should bear a share throughout the Common Service and that all both Ministers and People should with united Hearts and Voices utter God's Praises and set forth his Glory in the Psalms and Hymns and Creeds And it is an admirable means to fix your Attention to the great Business you are about that you are not to be standers by as it were when God is glorify'd but are personally to eccho forth his Praises And it will also wonderfully stir up and quicken each other in your Devotion to him when you are striving as it were which shall celebrate God's Goodness and Mercies with the mightiest Vehemence and humblest Reverence And as I do not doubt but it does enliven you in your Prayers to and Praises of God to have the Minister of Religion perform the Service with Seriousness and a becoming Devotion so I must profess that to see and hear some devout Worshippers heartily to sound forth their Praises to God in the Congregation has not a little enkindled a Flame in my own Breast so that to rehearse and utter forth with an audible Voice the Glorious Excellencies of God the Father Son and Holy Ghost in every one of the Psalms and Hymns is a thing very much becoming every Christian But especially every one of you should openly rehearse and profess his Belief together with the Minister as often as we are called upon to it in Divine Service We are to pray not only for Our selves but for Others for we may be benefited not only by our own but by others Prayers But every one must Believe for himself and shall be saved only by his own Faith which is the reason that whereas our Publick Prayers are in the Plural Number Our Father our Belief runs in the singular I' Believe and
therefore no Man that owns himself a Christian ought to be silent when the Creed is rehearsed in Divine Service but every particular Person ought to signifie his firm Belief and Assent to the same by openly and solemnly rehearsing it together with Christ's Ministers I say by openly and solemnly rehearsing it for because that this Body of Christian Truths ought in the most open and solemn manner to be confess'd our Church has appointed that the Creed should not only be rehears'd and pronounc'd by every particular Member of the Congregation so often as it occurs in Divine Service but also that it should be done standing In the Creed Libertas Ecclesiast p. 458 we do professedly says the Learned Faulkner acknowledge the Three Persons in the Glorious Trinity to be the only true God and our only Lord and a standing posture well becometh a Servant in his professed owning and attending upon his Master We openly declare every one for himself in the Words I believe the Ground of our Christian Hope and Comfort that in believing in the Father who made the World and in the Son who Died and Rose again Ascended and shall judge all Men and in the Holy Ghost that we have Expectation in the Church of God and the Communion of Saints of obtaining Forgiveness of Sins a Resurrection and Everlasting Life and do also acknowledge all these Articles of the Christian Faith And a standing Gesture is very suitable to any solemn Declaration of our Minds in Matters of moment and concernment And as the open Profession of Faith includeth a stedfast Resolution to continue firm in the Acknowledgment of the Christian Doctrine this in particular is so properly signified by the standing Gesture that standing to a thing Deut. 25.28 and in several other Scriptures signifies an asserting and professing a thing with Resolution so that you ought both openly with an audible Voice to Rehearse your Belief after the Minister in Divine Service And to signifie your stedfast Resolution to stick to your Faith and to remain unshaken in such your Belief you ought to stand up when you so Rehearse and Profess it 3. But yet farther 3. It may remotely imply God's Command to all Christians to confess him upon other occasions This Word Rehearse may be interpreted remotely to imply that other great Christian Duty which may lye upon you and that is frankly and openly to own the Belief and Perswasion of any or all these Christian Truths when at any time there shall be occasion given for such a Declaration tho' it may be to the hazard of your Lives and the loss of Goods Livelihood or all that is dear to you or tho' you shall suffer the utmost Scorn and the Reproaches of profane and wicked Men for such your Belief and Confession And the two great Occasions for such a Declaration are when the Superiour Powers shall demand it in order to persecute you for the same or when through a general Indifference to Religion impious and wicked Men do take courage to run it down and that the more for the Cowardice of the Orthodox Professors of it as if afraid or asham'd to own it But upon both these or on any other occasion you must be ready always to give an Answer to every Man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear 1 Pet. 3.15 First Now as to the first of these Occasions the Primitive Christians were often put upon this Duty of openly and publickly Confessing their Faith when such a Confession was certain to bring upon them the severest Torments that the Malice of Men or Devils could inflict For the then Princes of the World were Pagans and Worshippers of false Gods who would often force the Christians either to Renounce their Belief in the one True God the God of Israel and in Christ his only Begotten Son or they would tear their Flesh with burning Pincers would throw 'em to be devoured by wild Beasts rend their Limbs asunder on Racks and put 'em to infinite other Tortures But such was the Constancy of those Christians that they would not through Fear dissemble their Faith but would openly before the Heathen Tribunals declare their Belief of the True God and of Jesus Christ his only Begotten Son And this their Declaration of their Christian Faith in the Language of the Scripture and of the Ancient Church was call'd a Confessing of Christ and the Persons that did so were intituled with the Glorious Name of Confessors And thus to confess Christ by openly declaring your Belief in Him and in God the Father and God the Holy Ghost and likewise your Belief in any other the Articles of the Christian Faith whatever should be the danger in so doing is expresly made your Duty Rom. 10.9.10 and has Salvation promis'd as the Reward of it If thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead thou shalt be saved for with the heart man believeth unto Righteousness and with the mouth confession is made unto Salvation Where you see that an open Confession and Profession of your Faith with the Mouth is made as necessary to Salvation as to Believe it in the heart Secondly A second Occasion for a frank and open owning of the Great Truths of Christianity is when through a general Indifference to Religion impious and wicked Men do take Courage to run it down and that the more for the Cowardice of the Orthodox Professors of it as if afraid or asham'd to own it God be praised it is not now made by the Powers that are above us in this Nation a Matter worthy of Death or of Sufferings for any to own himself an Orthodox Believer yet so many are the profane and ungodly Persons the Men of no Religion abroad in the World that they will scoff at those who seem to believe and dare to own the Principles of Christianity And so few are those who have the Courage to stand up in Vindication of the Truth the Generality of Lay-Christians Gallio like seeming to care for none of these things and thinking it only the Clergy's Business to contend earnestly for the Faith that the Adversaries to Religion are mightily embolden'd thereby to bear it down deriding all serious Christians and true Believers as a Company of credulous and easie People and applauding themselves as the only Men of Reason and Free because Licentious Thinkers But now whenever it shall be the Lot of any of you to fall amongst such who will scoff at you for believing and professing that you believe the Articles of the Faith you must boldly oppose 'em and let 'em know that you are not afraid nor asham'd of the Gospel of Christ nor to own your selves Christians Rom. 1.16 And you must not through Fear Bashfulness or Cowardice dissemble such your Faith lest God if you deny or dissemble your owning of him here should
hereunto do our Antinomians teach their Disciples That saving Faith is nothing but our Perswasion or absolute concluding within our selves That our Sins are pardoned and that Christ is ours But this is a most false and dangerous account of Divine Faith False because God has no-where in Scripture told any Man amongst us that he in particular is Justified and shall be certainly Saved And Dangerous also because it tends to nourish Presumption in Men's Hearts and to make 'em Believe better of their State than it is God does indeed declare in his Word to all Men in General and Conditional Terms Mark 16.16 That whosoever believeth shall be saved and That Blessed are they who keep his Commandments that they may have right to the Tree of Life Rev. 22.14 And all Christians are to examine themselves whether they be in the Faith and to prove their own selves 2 Cor. 13.5 and if upon strict search he finds himself to have Repented throughly to have Believed practically and to have Obey'd sincerely he may have strong Hopes that his Sins are pardon'd and his Righteousness through Christ accepted only because the Heart is deceitful above all things so that no Man knoweth it Jer. 17.9 Let him be careful he does not deceive himself with false shews of Faith and Repentance and let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall 1 Cor. 10.10 But as for a Divine Faith which is a full Perswasion founded upon the Testimony of God in Scripture no Man can be said to have that concerning his own Acceptance because no Man has any Scripture-Revelation testifying it to him in particular And if Persons of Antinomian Principles shall say that the Assurance kindled in the Heart by the Spirit of God is a Divine Testimony to them and therefore may be sufficient to denominate such Assurance a Divine Faith then it must be granted by 'em that the written Word of God is not a sufficient Rule of Faith as not containing all Truths necessary to be Believed in order to Salvation amongst which they count this particular Assurance to be the chief which Persons of Protestant Principles will not own Nor indeed can any so far derogate from the Perfection of Scripture as to say that other Truths are necessary to be Believed in order to Salvation besides what are contained therein except it be such who are not afraid of those Words wherewith the Holy Canon is closed Rev. 22.18 If any Man shall add unto these things God shall add unto him the Plagues of this Book So that those Revelations only which are contained in Scripture are the proper Object of a Divine Faith But whatever is revealed in the Word a Christian must Believe And whatever is revealed in the Word a Christian must Believe as true for the Authority of God who declar'd it such And in the Holy Writings are contain'd Declarations of Divers kinds some of less others of greatest Consequence whereof the first need not to be so expresly apprehended but the latter must be both clearly Apprehended and firmly Believed A very great part of these Scripture-Truths of Consequence to be Believed are those various Precepts of Holy Living and Duties to God our Neighbour and our selves declared in the Gospel as necessary to be discharged by us in order to Salvation And it is as necessary an Act of Faith as any to Believe that our sincere Obedience to all the Divine Commandments is an indispensable Condition of Life and Happiness Again in the Holy Scriptures as we have Promises of inestimable Rewards to those who shall walk uprightly in the fear of God and on the other side Threatnings of the severest Punishments and that to all Eternity to all such as shall persist in Rebelling against Him So as to both these Promises and Threats we are to be undoubtedly perswaded of the Truth of 'em and that God's Veracity and Sincerity in the delivery therein is such that not a tittle of either shall fail But since neither the Fear of God's Threatnings nor the Encouragements of his Promises can prevail upon us in this our corrupt State to perform a perfect and unsinning Obedience to all God's Commands so that the best of Men will be found Sinners before God and will need a Mediator to compass their Reconciliation with him amongst all the Divine Revelations 3. Therefore 3. The Articles of our Christian Faith the chief amongst Scripture-Truths necessary to be Believ'd because 1. Therein are declar'd the only Method of Reconciliation betwixt God and Man through Jesus Christ and especially we are to be thus undoubtedly perswaded of the infallible Truth and Certainty of those main and fundamental Truths of Scripture the Articles of our Christian Faith wherein are declared the only Method of Reconciliation betwixt God and Man through our Saviour Jesus Christ as well as the strongest Motives to a Holy Life The Articles of our Creed do import as has been already spoke and shall hereafter by God's Assistance be fully explain'd and prov'd this comfortable Scheme of Divine Truths viz. That a God of infinite Perfection and most Glorious Attributes did at first create and give us our Being and that the same Almighty Father has from the beginning and will for ever exercise a Wise Just and Gracious Providence over all his Creatures that Man the work of his hands having rebell'd against his Maker God the Father did in his wise and good Providence so order it that His only Begotten Son taking our Nature upon him and being God-Man should come into the World amongst us and afterwards return to our Father which is in Heaven to mediate a Reconciliation betwixt him and us And to the end his Mediation might be effectual to salve the Dishonour done to God by our Revolt and reduce us to our Allegiance and Obedience to him that this Second Person in the Glorious Trinity did take upon him to discharge a Threefold Office viz. that of Prophet Priest and King By the first whereof he declar'd to us that Covenant and those Conditions on which God would receive us to Mercy By the second that of Priest he made way through the satisfaction he gave for the breach of our first Covenant for the Divine Goodness to receive us to Favour according to the Terms of the second and does still interceed with the Father for our Acceptance in the performance of such Conditions And by his Kingly Office he so governs by his Holy Spirit and Righteous Laws those who abandoning the Kingdom of Satan are admitted into his Kingdom the Holy Catholick Church that they shall be made meet for the Inheritance of the Saints in Light And in the Execution also of this his Royal Office having by his Almighty Power rais'd all Men from the Dead he will come again to judge 'em according to their Works forgiving the Offences of those who are penitent and allotting them to an Everlasting Life of Happiness and dooming the Impenitent to
the Vnity in Trinity and of the Trinity in Vnity till I come to the Article And I Believe in Iesus Christ his only Son in which I shall prove the Divinity of the Son in respect of whom principally it is that God is stiled the Father and together with whom and the Holy Ghost the difficulty is to conceive how he should be one To proceed then I shall consider here in their order each of the three former Truths explaining their full Meaning and Importance and shewing the particular Influence each of 'em is to have in the renewing of our Depraved Natures and the Reforming of our Lives and Manners And 1. I am to declare unto you the Nature and Infinite Perfections of that Divine Being which we call God I Believe in God The Knowledge of God's Nature and Attributes highly necessary The Knowledge of God as it is the most Noble Knowledge in respect of the Object whose transcendent Excellencies deserve our most inward and retired Thoughts and can never be sufficiently meditated upon by us so it is the most useful Knowledge in the whole World for there is no Attribute in the Divine Nature but being understood does teach some Vertue or other and all of 'em do necessarily create in the Minds of those who do consider them the highest Veneration Love and Honour towards that Being which does possess ' em The Truth of it is to the want of a due Knowledge of the Divine Nature and Attributes and to Men's Misapprehensions concerning 'em to this for the most part are owing all those higher Enormities which the more degenerate Race of Sinners do commit as Atheism Superstition and whatever other unrepented Habits of Sin The short-sighted Atheist does not behold God as the First Cause of All Things and the Fountain of all those Perfections which are found in the Creatures and therefore he does as Ignorantly as Impiously deny his Being On the other side the Superstitious Religionist does look upon him as a Morose and Arbitrary a Humoursome and Captious Power and therefore does study to flatter him with servile Rites and Observances instead of paying him a Reasonable Service such as the Scripture does prescribe And on the contrary the loose Libertine frames his Notions of God as of one that is wholly made up of Mercy to the Impeachment of his Justice and Holiness and to the utter disanulling the Truth of all his Fearful Threatnings and thereupon does live securely in those Habits of Sin in which he has long indulg'd himself and that without Thoughts of repenting of 'em so mischievous are the Effects of Ignorance and Error concerning the Divine Nature But besides and above all it is to be consider'd that the Knowledge of the Nature and Attributes of God is of such mighty Consequence that it is made the great Condition of Life and Happiness This is Life Eternal to know Thee the only true God Joh. 17.3 As well it may since there is no entring therein 'till we are conform'd to the Image of God but how can we imitate that Nature and those Perfections which we have little or no Knowledge of Not that the Divine Nature can be known to Perfection It is one Attribute thereof that it is Incomprehensible But so far as God has Reveal'd himself to us in the Holy Scripture so far we may safely enough declare that we know him And contenting my self with those accounts which we may be able to derive from thence concerning him I shall adventure to give this very imperfect Description of God Namely That he is a Self-existent Being An Enumeration of the Divine Attributes of Infinite and Incomprehensible Perfections viz. a Spirit Immense and Omnipresent Omnipotent Eternal Independent and All sufficient Immutable that he is a Being transcendent in Knowledge Wisdom Goodness Justice Truth and Holiness and as the Result of all that he is an infinitely Happy and Glorious Majesty And I. I say God is a SELF-EXISTENT BEING 1. He is a Self-Existent Being He it is that is Being it self or self-existent whereas all other Beings whether things in Heaven or things on Earth derive their Being from him and may yet be deprived of their Being or Anihiliated by him But as it is impossible that God shou'd ever heretofore not have been so it is impossible he should ever hereafter cease to be And this is said both by Jews and Christians to be the importance of the word Jehovah by which he would be distinguished from the Crew of Pagan Gods They either had no Being but in the fancy of their Worshippers or else were but meer Creatures Deified by the Superstition of Men but the God whom we serve is and ever was the same from all Eternity and therefore does give that strange account of himself when Moses would needs know by what Name he should set him forth to the People I am that I am thus shalt thou say unto the Children of Israel I am hath sent me unto you Exod. 3.14 II. And as he is necessarily Existent 2. Infinitely Perfect so he is a Being infinitely PERFECT that is all possible Perfection is included in his Nature so that nothing of Perfection can be conceiv'd or seen by us in any of the Creatures but it is infinitely greater in God To understand this we must consider that he is the first Cause of all things for of him and thro' him and to him are all things to whom be Honour and Glory for ever Amen Rom. 11.36 And being whatever Perfection is found in the Effect must needs be eminently greater in the efficient Cause that produc'd it it must therefore follow that considering those manifold and vast Perfections which are found in all the Creatures from the lowest to to the highest God who Created all these and gave 'em these several Perfections must be himself infinitely Perfect such Reason had Zophar in Job 11.7 to cry out Canst thou by searching find out God canst thou find out the Almighty unto Perfection Which brings me III. To shew that as he is of Perfections infinite in themselves 3. Of Incomprehensible Perfections viz so of such as are INCOMPREHENSIBLE by us And indeed how is it possible it should be otherwise For all our Faculties are finite and how then shall we be able to reach that Height or to fathom that Depth of Perfection which is in God It is high as Heaven what canst thou do deeper than Hell what canst thou know The measure thereof is longer than the Earth or broader than the Sea Job 11.8 9. Such reason had St. Paul in Admiration of the Incomprehensibleness thereof to cry out Rom. 11.14 O the depth of the Riches both of the Wisdom and of the Knowledge of God how unsearchable are his Judgments and his ways past finding out It is indeed impossible for us to have any Adequate Conception of God or throughly to comprehend his Nature But however we may be able to know a great