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A69138 A treatyse of the donation or gyfte and endowme[n]t of possessyons, gyuen and graunted vnto Syluester pope of Rhome, by Constantyne emperour of Rome [and] what truth is in the same grau[n] thou mayst se, and rede ye iugement of certayne great lerned men, whose names on the other page of this leafe done appere.; De falso credita et ementita Constantini donatione declamatio. English Valla, Lorenzo, 1406-1457.; Hutten, Ulrich von, 1488-1523.; Marshall, William, fl. 1535. 1534 (1534) STC 5641; ESTC S107251 117,474 146

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¶ A treatyse of the donation or gyfte and endowmēt of possessyons gyuen and g●●unted vnto Syluester pope of Rhome by Constantyne emperour of Rome what truth is in the same graūt thou mayst se and rede y e iugement of certayne great lerned men whose names on the other page of this leafe done appere THe graunt and priuilege whiche is called the donation or gyfte of Constantyne translated out of greke in to laten by one Bartylmewe Picern of the mounte of Ardue vnto Iulyus y e seconde po●● of Rome ¶ A declamation of Laurence Valla beyng of noble blode and borne in the cyte of Rome agaynst the forsayd priuilege as beyng forged nothyng true but falsely admytted and beleued for true with a preface of one Vdalryk Hutten a knyght of Germayne vnto Leo the tenth pope of Rome ¶ The sentence and mynde of Nycolas of Cuse of the tytle of saynt Peter y e Aduyncle cardynall whiche he wrote vnto y e counsell holden at Basyle of the sayd donation and gyfte of Constantyne ¶ Antony archebysshoppe of Florence of the same donation and gyfte of Constantyne ¶ The preface or ꝓheme of Bartholome we Pycern of the hyghe mountayne vnto Pope Iulyus the seconde vpon the priuylege called the gyfte or graunt of the emperoure Constantyne whiche priuylege the sayd Bartholomewe affyrmeth with fast asseueratyon hymselfe to haue trāslated out of greke into laten WHan among other dyuers and sondrie workes whiche of late dayes I dyd rede most blessed father in this your moost famous goodly lybrary there came vnto my hādes a certayne lytell Greke boke whiche contayned the gyfte or graunt of Constantyne I thought it mete cōuenyent to translate it out of greke in to latyn and also y t I ought to dedycate or entytle it to your most holy fatherhed whiche are the deputie of Christ and of Peter and the successoure also of Syluester for because there be many men whiche haue sayde and wyll abyde by it that thys gyfte or graunte of Constantyne is false counterfeyted fayned amonge whom Laurēce Valla is one a man surely well lerned whiche presūtuousli hath taken in hāde to write a boke of the false forged gyfte of Cōstantyne But his opynyons very well resysteth and gaynsayth the moste reuerende Cardynall of Alexandrie excellently lerned and substācially sene in both lawes also very dilygently confuteth and dyssolueth the obiections made by the sayd Laurēce Parauenture that great clerke Valla supposed that y e thyng whiche he him selfe had nat redde coulde in no place haue ben founde among other men And no meruayle therof seīg that he was a man of so gret mordacite and all gyuen to checkīg that he hath nat ben afrayde to checke and rebuke Aristotle the chefe and pryncipall of all Philosophers ye and also so to fynde fautes with all y e authors of the laten tonge that he hath forborne no man But leste I be to tedyous lette vs nowe lysten and here what Constantyne hym selfe saythe ¶ The decree imperiall written gyuen to the worshypfull and holy Catholyke and apostolycall church of Rome by blessed Constantyne the fyrste amonge the emperours that became Christen IN the name of the holy and vnseperable Trinytie y t is to wytte the father the sonne and the holy ghost Caesar Flauius Constātyne in Christ Iesu of y e same Trinitye our only sauyour oure lorde and our god the faythfull mylde and benefycyall Emperour of Almayne of Gothia of Sarmatia of Germanie of Britayne and of the Hunnes godly prosperous or fortunate conquerour and triumpher alwayes honorable and full of maiestye to the moste holy and blessed father of fathers Syluester byshoppe and Pope of the auncient and noble cyte of Rome And to all bisshoppes the successours of hym syttynge in the chayre of blessed Peter euyn vntyll the ende of the worlde Also to all most reuerende and deuout catholyke bysshoppes subiectes by this our emperyall cōstytution to this worshipfull and holy church of Rome Grace peace loue ioye constaunt mynde and mercy from almighty god bothe the father and Iesu Christ his sonne and also the holyghost be with vs all Suche thinges as hath ben wonderfully wrought about our owne persone by our redemer and sauyour the lorde Iesu Christ whiche is the sonne of the most high father in heuyn through his mercies by his holy apostels Peter and Paule and throughe the meane and intercessyon of our father Syluester the highest bisshoppe and catholyke or vnyuersall pope We haue purposed and desyred to shewe in order with manyfest narration by this oure emperiall writte that it may come herafter to the knowlege of all people and nations whiche are in the worlde that the confessyon ●wlegīg of y e reuelation shewed vnto vs most 〈…〉 within from the very hert 〈…〉 declareth outwardely our fayth and belefe whiche we haue learned of the aforsayd most blessed father and our intercessour Syluester Catholyke pope chefe and highest preest to the document and instruction of vs all Secondarily it sheweth also to all men the large mercy of god whiche he hath plētuously poured and shedde forth vpon vs. For we wyll y t all you do knowe euyn so as we haue declared vnto you by our pragmatycall constytution aforesaid that we haue renounced and vtterly forsaken the worshyppīg of ydols whiche are dombe and deafe and made with mannes hande and that we are lepte away from the deuillysshe fayninges false ymaginatyons and from all the pompe of Sathan and are humbly descended to the hole and parfyte pure faythe of christen men whiche is the trewe lyght and lyfe eternall as oure hyghe and most reuerende father and maister Syluester him selfe hath taught vs cōmaundynge vs to beleue on god the father almyghty maker of heuyn and of earthe of all creatures visyble vnuisyble and on Iesu Christ the onely begoten sōne of him our lorde by whome all thīges haue ben created made and on the holy ghost that quickeneth and gyueth lyfe to euery creature we do so and in suche wyse confesse and knoledge the father the sonne and the holy ghost as that in the perfyte Trinyte is bothe the perfeccyon of the godhed and vnyte of power and myght The father is god the sonne is god the holyghost is god and these thre persones are all one substance Thre formes than ar ther and but onely one power Than after that he hadde fynysshed the creatyon of the heuenly powers of all erthely materiall substāces by y e mercifull power and wyll of his wysedome he fyrst formed man of the slyme of the earth resemblaunt to the ymage and symilytude of his owne selfe And after he had so formed him he set him in paradyse a place of pleasure at whom and whos● felycite the serpent olde enemy the deuyll hauyng enuy thrugh the most bytter myserable tastyng of the frute of a tre forbydden caused hī to be outlawed banysshed from that
possyble that they were the very same whom we lerned them to be by reuelation Than that father worthy of all reuerēce cōmaunded the ymages of these holy Apostels to be brought to me by his owne propre deacon and mynister whiche whan I behelde ꝑceyued in the ymages very well the aspectes and lykenesse of them whom I had sene in my slepe with a great loude voyce I confessed in the presence of my dukes and noble estates that these were the very same persones whome I sawe in my slepe Than forthwith this our moste blessed father Syluester bysshop of the cyte of Rome apoynted to vs a certeyn tyme of penaūce in which I shuld weare a sherte of heare within our palyce of Laterane that we myght pacifye or appease the wrathe of our lorde god and our sauyour for all thynges which hath ben wickedly wrought and vniustly done by vs with fastynges watchynges wepynges and prayers Afterwardes clerkes layeng their hādes vpon me I came to the pope hym selfe and there renouncynge the pompes of the deuyll and his workes all ydols made with mannes hande I confessed of myne owne free wyll in presence of all the people that I beleue in one god father almightye maker of heuyn and of erthe of all a visyble and inuysyble thynges And in one lorde Iesu Christ the onely begoten son̄e of god our lorde which was begotten of the holyghost and of Mary the virgyn Than after that he had halowed the fonte or lauacre of baptyme with his holy blessyng he purifyed the water whiche was therin to putte In to the which foūtayne or baptistory so sone as I was sette I sawe with my owne eyes a hande touchynge me from heuyn by which hande whan I rose vp I parceyued and knewe my selfe to be clēsed and purifyed from all the fowlnesse and vnciēnesse of leprie And whan they had taken me out of that holy bathe they dyd putte on me whyte garmentes and he gaue me the carecte or marke of y e seuenfolde grace of the holy ghost by a noyncyng me with holy oyle he marked the sygne token of the holy crosse in my forhed sayng these wordes God sealeth or marketh the with y e seale of his fayth in the name of the father and of the sonne of the holyghost and all the clergy answered and sayd Amen And the pope sayde also Pax tibi Peace be to the. The fyrst day after that I had receyued the sacrament of holy baptysme that I was cured healed in my body frō leprie I knewe that there is none other god besydes the father and sonne and holyghost whome the most blessed father Syluester preacheth .iii. persones in one god and one god in .iii. persones for all the goddes of the gentyles and panyms whome I haue honoured here to fore are manyfestly shewed and declared to be deuyls and the workes of mennes handes Than the sayde holy father him selfe playnly declared to vs how greate power and authoryte the same our sauyour hath gyuen to his chosen Apostell blessed Peter bothe in heuyn and in earth whan after that he hadde founde him faythfull in answeryng to his demaūde he sayd to him Thou arte Peter and vpon this stone I wyl bylde my churche and the gates of hell shall nat preuayle agaynst it Consyder you men of great power and myght and attende and take good hede with the eares of your hertes and myndes what y e good maister and lorde added more besydes this to his owne dysciple saying And I wyll gyue to the the kayes of the kyngdome of heuyn what so euer thou shalt bynde vpon erthe it shal be bounden also in heuyn ❀ This is a marueylous worde and full of power bothe to bynde lose so vpon erthe y t the same shal be bounden and losed lykewyse in heuyn We therfore hauyng knowlege of these thynges by thinstruction of blessed Syluester and parceyuing or felyng parsyte helth to be comen agayne to our body through the benefycence of the same blessed Peter thought iuged it mete and accordynge our selfe with all other dukes erles and our counsaylours and the other noble estatꝭ and also with the hole people beyng vnder the dominion of the empyre of Rome that as blessed Peter appereth to haue ben constytuted ordayned made by the sonne of god his deputie in erthe so lyke wise the successours of the prince of the Apostels shulde take and receyue of vs and of our empire gretter prerogatyue of power gyuen to them than our serenite and also empire is knowen of all men to haue in erthe for we haue electe and chosyn the prince of Apostels hym selfe and his trewe successoures to be patrons and intercessours for vs to god and we haue decreed to honoure and worshyppe with reuerence his sacredde and holy churche of Rome euyn so as our emperyall power is worshypped in erthe to exalte the most holy see of blessed Peter more than our owne empyre and tēporall dignyte gyueng to it power preferment of royaltie strength and effycacie and hyghe honour emperyall And we decree establysshe that it haue the dominion chefe gouernaūce vpon the foure chiefe and principall sees Antioche Alexandrie Constantinople and Ierusalem Also vpon all the cōgregatiōs churches of god through out the hole worlde and the bisshoppe of that hyghe and holy churche of Rome for the tyme beyng to be principall and heed of all preestes whiche are in the hole worlde and that all thynges wherof cure ought to be taken for the worshippyng of god or the corrobora●yng and enstrengthyng of the christen fayth be gouerned and ordered by the iugement of him for it is ryght that the heed of power principalyte shulde there haue his holy lawes and ordynaunces where oure sauyoure the maker of holy lawes cōmaunded saynt Peter to haue the chayre of his apostelshyppe and where Peter him selfe folowyng his maister and lorde bare his crosse drinkynge that bytter draughte of glorious dethe ❀ There contynually and euyn to the ende of the worlde lette them seche their maister where the holy body of their maistre resteth There let people natiōs of paynims bowe downe their neckes for y e confession knoleging of the name of Christ where their maister techer the apostel Paule stretching forth his necke for Christes sake was crowned with the garlonde of martyrdome There in that place lette them humbly and lowlye submytte them selues to the obsequie and seruyce of god the heuynly kynge and sauyour Iesu Christe where before they dyd seruyce to the proude power of an erthely kynge or gouernour For whych causes and cōsyderations we wyll that all people through out the worlde doo knowe that we within our palyce of Laterane haue buylded a temple to the honour of god our suaioure and lorde Iesu Christ euyn frō the very foūdation with a fonte to baptyse in And knowe you also that we did beare out from
myrth ioye and pleasure And after he hadde caused hym so to be expulsed from thence he ceassech nat by his mortyferous dedly dartes many maner wayes to woūde other men to th ende y t he myght drawe away mankynde from the waye of the trouth and perswade all men and brīg them in mynde to be seruauntes to the worshyppyng of ydoles that is to say of the creatures and nat of the creator and maker of them to then tent that whom so euer he shall be able by his craftye gyles to blynde to entangle in his snares he maye cause them to be ponyshed with eternall payne But god takīg mercy tēdre pyte vpon his creature whō his owne selfe had formed and made sente his holye prophetes and by them shewed and gaue knolege of the lyght of lyfe that is to wytte the comyng of his sonne our lorde and sauyour god Iesu Christ And last of all he sent also his onely begoten sōne the worde of wysedome whiche came downe from heuyn for our helthe and saluatyon was begoten of the holy ghost and of the vyrgyn Mary The worde of god was made man and hath dwelled among vs nat leauyng that which he was before but takyng on hym to be that that he was nat before that is to wyrte beyng both parfyte god so as he was before parfyte man also whiche he was nat before And as god he wrought miracles and wonders and as man he suffred and beare the infyrmytes belongyng to the nature of man Thus we vnderstande the worde or sonne of god to be man and the same worde also to be god And it is in no wyse to be douted that y e same is both very god and very man accordyng to the doctryne and teachyng of our father Syluester he than chosyng .xii. Apostles gaue to them the lyght of knoledge and power to worke miracles strange thynges aboue the course of nature that by them innumerable people myghte be taught and brought to belefe of the trauthe We confesse knowlege that this our lorde Iesu Christe hathe fulfylled the lawes and the prophetes and that he suffred passyon and was crucifyed fulfyllīg the scryptures that he dyd ryse agayn from deathe the thyrde daye and that he ascended into heuyn and there dothe sytte on the ryght hande of the father and that from thence he shall come to iudge both quicke and dedde whose kyngdome shall neuer haue ende Thys is our trewe and ryght belefe shewed and tolde before to vs by oure moost blessed father Syluester we do therfore aduertise and counsayle all people and all maner of natyōs to embrace and holde faste this fayth to haue it in honour exercyse it to teache and preche it and in the name of the holy trinite to come vnto the gyfte of baptisme and with a reuerent herte and mynde to worshyppe and honour our lorde and sauyour Iesu Christ whiche with the father and the holyghost raygneth worldes without ende And whome oure most blessed father Syluester Catholyke and vniuersall pope or hedde preest doth preche teche for the very same lorde Iesu christ hauyng pite cōpassion vpon me a synner dyd sende his holy Apostels to vysyte vs and hathe illumynated and lyghtened vs with y e lyght of his brightnesse and withdrawīg and takyng a way darknesse hathe vouchedsafe me to come to the knowledge of the trauth for a great foule and abhomynable leprie was ronne ouer all the flesshe of my body and many leches phisyciōs resortyng vnto me dyd theyr vtter most cure to haue heled me but yet coude I nat by the labour or dylygence of any of them optayne remedy of my dysease and to be made hole ❀ Besydes this ther came to me also y e preestes of the Capitoly house sayng that a Cesterne myght be made in the capitoly house and be fylled with the hote blode of innocētes and that I must be bathed therin by whiche bathīge they sayde I myght recouer helthe and be clensed from that foule and horrible dysease accordyng therfore to the counsayles of them whan many innocente younglynges and babes were sought and broughte togyther and the wycked and cruell prestes withou● all pyte wolde haue cutte the throtes of them and so with the blode of them haue fylled the cestrene oure gratyouse highnesse with tendre pytie beholdyng the lamentable wepyng and waylyng of their mothers forthwith dyd abhorre deedly hate that so abhomynable and cruell dede And I than hauyng tendre cōpassyon vpon the sayde women cōmaunded the chyldren to be delyuered agayne to the remothers and lettyng them haue waggans and suche other thynges mete for the coryage of their chyldren and also gyuīg them giftes sent them agayne ioyonse and gladde to their owne houses and dwellyng places Whan this day was ended and past and restyng tyme of the nyght came on and oportunyte prouoked me to slepe and to take rest sodaynly the holy Apostels Peter and Paule were harde by me and sayd these wordes to me Bicause thou dyddest nat suffre the preestes to performe theyr synfull purpose but dyddest abhorre the effucyon and shedyng of innocētes blode we are sent to the from Christ our lorde and god to gyue the counsayle howe and by what meanes thou shalt recouer thy helth harken therfore to our message and do that thynge whyche we do counsayle and teche the to do The bysshoppe of this cyte Syluester fleyng the persecutyons hath hydde secretely in dennes of stones with hys clerkes in the mount of Soracte This Syluester thou shalte cause to be fetched vnto the and by his instruction thou shalt learne knowe the trewe cesterne of Christes professyon in the whiche cestrene after that thou shalt be dypped thryse all the poyson of thy leprye shall leue the and go clere frō the whyche thynge done make thou agayne of thy parte thys recompence to thy sauyour that by thy cōmaundimentes thou do renewe all the churches in the worlde and in this behalfe purge and clense thou thyne owne selfe that forsakyng all the wretchedde worshyppynge of ydoles thou mayste loue honour and worshyppe onely hym whiche alone is the lyuynge and the trewe God and fulfylle his wyll and pleasure Than whā I was wakened out of my slepe I dyd euyn so as I was taught of the Apostels to do and sendyng for the heyghest moste excellent father Syluester Catholyke Pope whiche hath illumynated vs gyuen vs lyght I declared to him all the wordes that the holy Apostels hadde sayd to me and what they had bydden me do and I demaū ded of him what goddes they were which are called Peter and Paule And he sayde that they were nat properly called goddes but he sayde that they were Apostels of our lorde and sauyour Iesu Christ ❧ I began than agayne to deman̄de of the same most blessed Pope whether there were any parfyte euydent ymages of these Apostels that by the pyctures myght knowe if it were
thence vpō our owne sholders xii baskettes full of erthe in the worshippe of the .xii. Apostels beyng .xii. also in nombre and we haue also edifyed churches in the honour of blessed Peter Paule the chefe apostels goodly decked garnyshed with golde and syluer where also we buryeng the most holy and worshypfull bodyes of them with greate reuerence haue buylded and made them shrynes of ambre suche as neither fyre ne water can destroy And we haue putte in through eyther of the shrynes a crosse made of most pure golde of precyous stones and haue fasted it with nayles of golde And to the same churches for the contynuaunce mayntynaūce of lyghtes within y e same we haue gyuē possessions and landes and by our emperyall heygh cōmaūdement we haue graūted to them our lyberte in the eest and west and in the northe and southe clymates that is to witte in Iurye in Asya Grecelande Aphrike Italye and in dyuerse ylelandes in suche maner and wyfe that all maner thynges shall be dysposed and ordred by the handes of our moost blessed father pope Syluester and his successours Lette all people therfore reioyce with vs we admonysshe and counsayle all kyndes of people and nations in the worlde that they confesse and gyue infynite thankes with vs to oure sauyour Iesu Christ for that he beynge god in heuyn aboue and in erth vnderneth whan he had vysyted vs by his holy apostles made vs worthy to receyue the holy sacramente of baptysme and helthe of our body for the whiche thynges also we gyue to the holy apostles selues my lordes most blessed Peter Paule and by them to Syluester our father hyghest byshoppe and catholyke pope of the cyte of Rome and to all bysshoppes his successours syttynge in the chaire of blessed Peter euyn vnto th ende of the worlde and at this presente tyme do delyuer vp fyrst the palace of Laterane our emperyall place which is the most royall and goodly palace surmoūting all other palaces that ar in the worlde Next after it our dyademe that is to saye the crowne belongyng to oure heed Lykewise we delyuer vp our phrigiū that is to say y t which is called of the Romayns mitra Further more oure suꝑhumerall I meane that whiche is put about our imperyall necke Also a purple robe and a purple coote and all the indumentes and apparayle belongynge to an emperour and the dygnyte of the emperyall knyghtes and lordes goynge before hym geuyng moreouer to him the emperyall sceptres and therwith also the armes and badges and dyuerse ornamentes emperyall and all the glorye and power of the most hyghe emperyall maiestie in pompes and processyons and to the moost reuerende men clerkes after dyuerse ordres and degrees seruyng this worshipfull and holy church of Rome We ordaine decre and establysshe that they haue that attendaunce and propertye of power and preheminēce with all the glorie maiestie wherwith our moste noble senatoures are sene to be adourned that is to saye that they be made lordes of the cytie and heed offycers ❀ Also we publysshe and openly pronounce that they be adourned with the other dygnyties emperyall and as the emperiall host or armye is adourned euyn so also we haue decreed that the clergie of the churche of Rome be decked and adourned and lykewyse as the emperyall power and maiestye is put to honoure with dyuerse offyces of chaūberlaynes porters and watche men or garde so we wyll that the holye churche of Rome be decked and garnysshed with y e same offices And we decree that the dygnytie of the pope mooste largely do shyne aboue all other and that the prestes of the same holye church of Rome do ryde vpon horses trapped with napkyns and fyne whyte towels of lynen clothe and as our senatoures do weare shoes Cum vdonibus that is to say adourned with most whyte lynen clothe euyn so we wyll them to be that the heuenly thynges maye so be decked garnysshed lyke the erthly thynges to the prayse and honour of god And aboue all we gyue lycence to that our most holye father Syluester bysshoppe of the cyte of Rome and pope and to all other moost blessed popes whiche shall in tymes herafter succede him for the honour and glory of our lorde Iesu Christ in this gret Catholyke or vniuersall power if he be wyllynge to recken or accompte ony of oure circumspecte senatours amonge relygious clerkes that none of them which are called ther vnto through pride shall make excuse or refuse to take this ordre We ordayne and establysshe this also that the father Syluester pope worthye all maner reuerence and all popes his successoures ought to weare the dyademe that is to say the crowne which we do gyue to him from our owne heed made of most pure and fyne gold and preciouse stones and perles and to weare it on their hedes to the glorie of god for the reuerence of blessed Peter And bycause the most blessed pope himself hath ben a shamed to were the crowne of gold vpon the crowne of his preesthod and on the tonsure or shauynge of his heed whiche he hathe for the reuerence of saynte Peter we therfore with our owne handes haue put on his moost holy heed this phrigium representyng and sygnifyeng the most bryght whyte coloure of it the gloryouse resurrection of our lorde and holding the brydle of his horse for the reuerence of blessed Peter we haue couered his horse And we do ordayne and decree that all his succssoures eche one of thē after other do weare the same phrigiū in processyons to the ymitation folowing of our empire wherfore y t the high dignitie of y e pope debate nat but that he beyng worthy may be decorated adourned both with glorye and power more than onye earthly kyng or gouernour ❀ Beholde here we gyue vp as we haue sayde afore our palace the cyte of Rome and the prouynces places and the cyties of all Italy and of the west regyons to the oft rehersed our most blessed father Syluester Catholyke pope and releasynge them to the power and iudgement of him and of his successours popes We haue decreed by our diuine pragmaticall constitution that they be disposed by the same popes and we graunte theym to remayne and contynue alwayes to the right and tytle of the holye churche of Rome wherfore we haue iuged it conuenyent and accordyng to translate oure empire and the glorie thereof to the Eest regions and buyldyng in the cytie Byzantium whiche is a verye good place a cytie in our owne name there to constitute and sette our empire thynkyng it vnmete vnsemelye and agaynst right that any erthlye kyng shulde haue any power and auctoryte ther where the chefe prelacie of preestes and the heed of the Christen relygion hathe ben constituted and ordayned to be by the heuenly kyng These thynges therfore by this our and sacred writte and other emperyall decrees
determyned and corroborated we haue ordayned and decreed to contynue in full strengthe and nat to be reuoked neither in the hole neither in anye parte of them vnto the ende of the worlde wherfore afore the lyuing god whiche hath cōmaunded and wylled vs to gouerne raigne and afore his terrible dredefull iugement We besech all our successours the emperours all our dukes noble estates also the most worshipfull senatoures and all the people whiche be in the hole worlde that none of them in any maner wyse neither nowe neither in any tyme to come doo breke or mynisshe this our graūt or priuilege in ony poynte thervnto belonging And if any man shall be which thinge we do nat suppose that shall either breke or contemne despyce this our decree subiecte bonde lye he to eternall cōdemnations and I pray god that he may fynde fele the sayntes of god and chefe apostles Peter Paule contrary aduersares to him and punisshed be he in the lowest and depest pitte of hell banisshed be he for euer from the syght of god and eternally mought he dye with the deuyll and all wicked men we also roboratig strengthing letters patentes of this our ēperyall decree with our owne hande haue layde it vp our selfe vpon the honorable corps or body of blessed Peter prince chefe of the apostles promisyng ther to the apostle of god that we our selfe wyll kepe all these thynges partytly in euery poynte and also that by our cōmaundement and decree we do leue them to be obserued kepte of our successoures that shal be emperoures and y t they shall our lorde god sauiour Iesu Christ mercifully grauntyng remayne perpetually prosperously and peasably in possessyō to our blessed father Siluester and Catholyke pope by him to all his successoures popes by our emperiall subscriptyon The godheed conserue and kepe you many yeres and longe moost holy and most blessed fathers yeuen at Rome the .xxvii. day of February our lorde Flauius Constantinus Augustus and Gallycanus c. ¶ Here endeth the decree of Cōstantyne ❧ The preface of Vdalrike Hutten vpon the lytell booke made by Laurence Valla agaynst the fayned and falsely forged donation or gyfte of Constantyne vnto pope Leo the tenth of that name AT the last moste blessed father your noble comfortable promise whiche by your cōmaūdement was expressed publysshed set forth at the very begynnīg whan you were newly made pope hath vanquesshed perfitely ouercōe the opinyon of those persones whiche dyd disswade frayde men away from publysshyng and sendyng forth abrode of the lytell boke made by Laurence Valla agaynst the donation and graunt of Cōstantyne for nowe seyng that you haue ones caused that marcyall triumphe to kepe sylence wherwith pope Iuly the seconde prouoked styred vp men to warre batayle and as it wer by strykīg a cymbale of peace haue raysed vp the hertes myndes of all christen people vnto the hoope of liberte All men do recken suppose that them selues may vse all thynges which they knowe to be laufull And I verily of my parte albeit that I was afore ꝑswaded in full belefe if it shuld fortune chaūce you to haue this most high auctorite gouernaunce ouer all for asmoch as you haue alwayes so and in suche wyse loued exercised the studies of best letters that your profyting and goyng forwarde in thē may with out dout be cōpared with the doctryne of the best lerned men that be in this tyme that you wolde nat suffre any of the monumētes or workes made by aūcient authors in olde tyme to perisshe to be vtterly lost cast away whiles you were pope yet natwithstāding whan I red that inscriptyon or tytle openly set forthe in Italy Leoni decimo pontifici maximo restauratori pacis whiche is thus moche to say in englysshe To Leo the tenth pope the renewer of peace I leapte vp sodaynly beynge wonderfully styred with a sodayne ioye and comforted and restored agayn to my selfe from that passyon and vnquietnesse of my mynde wherin I had before contynued a longe season by the reasō y t I saw this nation dyd suffre many greuouse and shamfull thīges vnder tyrānuouse and cruell popes I am therfore ryght ioyfull and gladde for their sakes which are lyuing in this tyme which by you as it were by a most lucky starre of peace sprōgē vp or rysē now after so longe darkenesse of tyrāny beholdeth loketh vp to the newe lyght of lyberte and you are a very pope in dede whiche do brynge peace but your predecessours whiche had nat this peace Were no popes at all for they dyd nat folowe Christ whiche gaue peace to his discyples and lefte the same as inherytaunce vnto them sayeng these wordes My peace I do gyue to you my peace I do leaue to you And therfore also they were nat his vycars whose sted offyce they dyd nat kepe or fulfyll for they kyngdome of god is to kepe peace but rather they were clene contrary enemies to Christ whose studies or workes they haue dispysed and haue folowed a contrary kynde or maner of lyuing for peace belōgeth to him and they desyred folowed warres and batayls He studyed to saue men by his doctryne and teachyng and they laboured busely to kyll and destroye men with weapons of warre He shewed his kyngdome to be heuenly and they fyrst of al and most chefely sought the empiers of the worlde Therfore neither they were blessed bycause they were nat peaceable or maynteners of peace Neither were they the sonnes of god for Christ sayth Blessed are the peceable persons for they shall be called the sonnes of god ❀ Lo thā by you most blessed father is restored and renewed the peace which through their peruersyte was sayd to haue had a great fall decaye And this peace most chefly in especyal learned men haue receyued with great ioye by your benefyte and gyfte Secondarely they also very desyrously haue embraced the same peace from whome many thynges had ben vniustly taken away by fraude and gyle for with peace is come also iustice through your restoryng for accordyng to the sayeng of the prophete nowe chefly in this tyme. Rightuousnesse and peace hath kyssed to gyther Faythe or fydelyte is come also and that doughter of tyme that is to witte verite or trouthe she is come also the vertues belonging to kynges and gouernours that is to witte mercy and mekenes are come also plentuously Do you se here O Leo the tenth of howe many good thynges and cōmodytes at ones you haue ben the author and begynner you by bringyng of peace haue also with it brought in the studies of peace that is to say the studies of the best artes and sciences you haue also restored rightuousenes for in peace are lawes and by the lawes is iustice caused you haue also brought agayne