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A65465 The pious communicant rightly prepar'd, or, A discourse concerning the Blessed Sacrament wherein the nature of it is described, our obligation to frequent communion enforced, and directions given for due preparation for it, behaviour at, and after it, and profiting by it : with prayers and hymns, suited to the several parts of that holy office : to which is added, a short discourse of baptism / by Samuel Wesley ... Wesley, Samuel, 1662-1735. 1700 (1700) Wing W1376; ESTC R38528 120,677 302

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the Mind from all wordly things till it acquires a contrary bent and inclination and mounts freely and vigorously towards Heaven despising and trampling all the ridiculous trifles of this perishing World and counting all things but Dung and Dross for the Knowledge for the Love of a crucified Redeemer which every very good Man experiences in some happier moments of his Life Now the way to obtain this is the vigorous acting of Faith Repentance Humility and Divine Love and the Energy and inward free motion of the Mind towards Heaven And to this the Church invites in those Words which were used on this occasion in the Primitive times The sursum corda or Life up your Hearts to which the Congregation replys We lift them up unto the Lord which we have the highest reason to do when he confers such inestimable Favours upon us and when Christ instituted this Feast as has been said principally for this Reason that we should think upon him our absent Friend give our selves a little ease and breathing from the amusements and care of Life escape from this World and fix our Hearts upon a better upon that happy place where Christ sits at the right Hand of God and whither if we are faithful to him we shall at length also arrive seeing he has prayed to his Father That all those whom he has given him may be with him where he is that they may behold his Glory St. Iohn 17. 24. § X. A fourth Grace is Humility This is indeed included in Repentance for a true Penitent must be humble But we must be more explicite in it and are directed by the Church to form a particular Act thereof immediately before the Consecration when the Priest kneeling at the Lord's Table says in the name of all that communicate We do not presume to come to this thy Table O merciful Lord trusting in our own Righteousness but only in thy manifold and great Mercies We are not worthy so much as to gather up the Crumbs under thy Table And indeed one would wonder that any Christian should think he could express too great Humility either of Body or Mind when he comes before the Throne of God to receive his Pardon 'T is this most humble prostration of Soul this abasement and annihilation of our selves and utterly disclaiming our own merits which seems to be the bottom of that seraphical Divinity which has made so much noise in the World If they make it more than this 't is dangerous Enthusiasm as has appeared both in the Church of Rome and others If they rest it here as is done in some part at least of Sancta Sophia it is accountable and rational and may be of great Advantage in the course of a Christian Life especially in the Sacrament where the lower we abase our selves the higher will God raise us And this we ought particularly to exercise when we see the Minister approaching to us with the Bread or Wine and firmly to believe that we shall receive our Saviour together with them § XI But yet fifthly this ought not to hinder but rather to encrease our Thankfulness because as has been said the Sense of God's Goodness must needs be advanced by the consideration of our own unworthiness To this the Church especially directs us Above all things ye must render most humble and hearty Thanks to God the Father Son and Holy Ghost for the Redemption of the World by the Death and Passion of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. And again after the Sursum Corda we are invited To give Thanks to our Lord God to which the Congregation answers 'T is meet and right so to do On which follows that solemn Act of Thanks and Praise which the Priest alone pronounces as 't is said our Saviour did in St. Luk. 22. 19. and in 1 Cor. 11. 24. He took Bread and when he had given Thanks he broke it From which Actions the whole Sacrament obtained two Names the Eucharist from giving Thanks as 't is expresly called in two or three places of the New Testament in the Syriac Version and breaking of Bread as 't is stiled in the Acts of the Apostles Now this praising God and acknowledging and adoring his infinite Goodness ought to spread it self thro' every part of the Office And even our Repentance and Humility would be so managed as to encrease our Praises But we should more especially exercise our Thankfulness when the Minister says It is meet right and our bounden Duty that we should at all times * 1 Thess. 5. 16. and in all places give Thanks unto God on which follows that Seraphical Anthem repeated by Saints here below and Angels above Therefore with Angels and Arch-angels c. In which the pious Communicant joins both in Heart and Voice as well as in the particular Prefaces before it wherein we are directed to praise God either for the Birth of Christ or his Resurrection or Ascension or for his sending the Holy Ghost or else we adore the Divine Trinity in the Unity of the Godhead which Prefaces seem to have been added because the Church does not doubt but that so often at least as these greater Festivals return there will be a Communion And after we have received We entirely desire our heavenly Father mercifully to accept our Sacrifice of Praise and Thanksgiving and we most heartily thank him that he has vouchsafed to feed us who have duly received these Holy Mysteries with the spiritual Food of the most precious Body and Blood of his dear Son and assured us thereby of his Favour and Goodness towards us And then we again break out into that Hymn of Praise to the whole Blessed Trinity part of which is the same that was sung by the Angels at the Birth of our Saviour Glory to God on High on Earth Peace Good-will toward Men. But more especially are we to have our Hearts filled with the most exalted Praises in the very Act of Receiving to which the Minister exhorts us in the delivery both of the Bread and Wine Nothing but Faith and Holy Ioy and humble Praise are then to be admitted Then when the Holy Soul is in the Mount with God and says 't is good for her to be here and if any thing of disturbance can find Entrance 't is because she must so soon return again to a sordid vexatious impertinent World when she is now already on the Wing for Heaven is advanced so far upward in that glorious Road and would so gladly fly away and be at rest in the Bosom of her Redeemer § XII The last Grace is Charity taken in the largest Sense for Love to God and to our Neighbour 1. Love to God the Soul of all Piety which quickens and enlivens every Christian Duty This is here encreased by remembring God's Love to us in sending his Son and our Saviour's Love in giving himself to die for us This Sacrament is the dearest Token of his Love and the
Manna that Angel's Food of Ioy in Believing the pleasures of God's House and Table the Fruits of the Tree of Life the foretasts of Heaven for which he pants as the thirsty Hart does after the refreshing Streams being fully perswaded by Reason Experience and Scripture that Ioy in the Holy Ghost and Fellowship with the Father and the Son are something more than Enthusiastical Fancies that God can communicate himself to his Creatures in what measure and by what means he pleases and that his own Institutions are those means whereby he does thus communicate himself to prepar'd and holy Minds and therefore he cannot rest in the outward only but prays for the Light of God's Countenance and the Ioy of his Salvation which make up so great a part of the Happiness of Heaven and when he has thus tasted how good the Lord is he cannot but be entirely thankful for it But yet neither does he estimate his Profit in any religious Duty or the presence of God in them by these sensible Ioys only He knows our weak Nature is neither able long to bear them nor is often fit for them He expects not all Canaan while on this side Iordan tho' he cannot but be delighted with a taste sometimes of the Fruits of that happy Country He believes he has then Benefit by any Duty and particularly by this Sacrament and that then God is present with him in it when he finds that he is thereby more settled in his Faith his Hope and his Obedience more rooted and grounded in Holy Love both to God and his Christian Brother when he finds his will more submissive and entirely resigned to God's Sovereign Will and the Duties of Religion growing gradually more easie and as it were natural and delightful to him And consequently he cannot be so well satisfied of his profiting by a Sacrament immediately after he has received for he expects it not all at once as at some distance of time when the Grace he then received is as it were digested in his Mind and spreads it self thro' all the Parts and Offices of an holy Life § IV. After examining the Frame of our Minds at the past Communion we are in the next place exactly to reflect on those Holy Vows and Resolves which we have made at God's Altar whether against Passion Impurity Intemperance immoderate Love to the World neglect of Sacraments or of publick private or Family Devotion or of the Souls of those whom God's Providence has committed to our Charge or any other failure whereof we found our selves guilty in our former Preparation and Examination and which we have anew vowed against at the Communion all which Vows if we did now again solemnly renew and implore and expect the continuance of Divine Strength to perform them and consider the means to obtain and preserve it we should doubtless find great Advantage by it especially if we renewed the same in our daily Examination which must needs preserve both the sense of God's Goodness and of our own Obligations more fresh and lively on our Minds and have a good Influence on our Practice tho' at greater distance from the Communion § V. And indeed this is the main hinge of the whole matter the great means whereby we must gain advantage by the Sacrament and which if we neglect we must at least expect the loss of our Comfort if not our Souls 'T is to remember all is not over as soon as we have received No nor that Day nor Week nor indeed while we live for the Obligation is for ever We do in the Sacrament shew forth the Lord's Death Till he come We engage our selves by this Oath as well as by that at Baptism to be his faithful Soldiers and Servants to our Lives End We are not to think the Oath it self is all since 't is but a Security to our future Faith and true Allegiance 'T is not enough to Vow nay 't is better not to vow at all than to vow and not to pay tho' to do both is still better than either We cannot too often remember that those Graces which we exercise at this Ordinance must also be put in Practice thro' the whole course of our Lives and 't is the reason of its Institution that they may by degrees be reduced into holy Habits We must be inwardly better'd by the Sacrament as well as by other Duties or else indeed we are not better at all for as one well observes Religion is not a Road of Performances but a New Nature evidenced by a New Life § VI. But more especially are we to call to mind these Promises and Obligations when we find our selves again attack'd by any Temptation either to those Sins which we have formerly committed or to any others Wo to him who after he has escaped the Pollutions of the World and tasted the good Word of God and the Powers of the World to come in this Ordinance shall yet fall away again return like a Dog to his Vomit shamefully yield to the same Sin which he has before so solemnly renounced and pretended to forsake and thereby in a great measure trample under foot the Blood of the Covenant crucifie the Son of God afresh and put him to open shame I speak not of lesser unavoidable Infirmities such as wandring Thoughts the first motions of Passion or being ready to give way to the violence of Temptation tho' recovering again but what I here intend is the relapsing into any grosser Sins such as Uncleanness Injustice Drunkenness habitual Carelessness of Duty and neglect of God's Word and Sacraments and our private stated Devotions which last may justly be ranked among greater Sins as being too frequently the beginning of all the rest Not that even these are unpardonable on true Repentance but that the Aggravations of them are so exceedingly heightned by the addition of Ingratitude and Perjury An old Wound may possibly be cured at last even when 't is badly healed but then there 's a necessity of its being laid open again and the Pain will be more exquisite than it was at the first We ought therefore when attack'd by any old Temptation to oppose immediately this powerful Armor against it and whatever pleasure or profit it 's baited with by the great Deceiver with Indignation to reject it To reflect vigorously on our new Obligations to the contrary both of Promises of Interest and of Gratitude To say within our selves I have sworn and am stedfastly purposed to keep God's righteous Judgments And ' Get thee behind me Satan the God of Peace whose I am and who has promised to help me shall bruise thee under my Feet And to this end we must be always upon our Guard we must be temperate and sober or else we can never be vigilant We must avoid ill Company the great Emissaries of Satan as we would Satan himself A great End of the Sacrament is to make us look forward and remember Christ's last coming
this Representation of Christ's Death in the Sacrament has a respect to others to whom we are to declare it as well as it relates like the Commemoration before-mention'd to our selves and to God We do by this proclaim unto Men and Angels the manifold Wisdom and Goodness of God and the Kindness and Condescention of our ever blessed Redeemer and in a manner preach the Gospel to every Creature while we here represent so considerable a part of it as our Saviour's Death and own that we are not asham'd of his Cross but rather Glory in it § V. We represent it also to our selves that is we do by this sacred significant and lively Action fix it more deeply in our Affections and Memories The Bread represents our Saviour's Body who is the true Bread of Life that came down from Heaven The Wine his Blood The Breaking of the Bread the Torments he endur'd on the Cross and the Wounding of his sacred Body as the pouring out of the Wine is a most lively Figure of the shedding his most precious Blood But of this more hereafter § VI. But in the last place we also represent our Saviour's Death to God the Father in the Holy Communion This we do by those Actions which he himself has appointed as means of supplicating him and obtaining his Favour Beseeching our heavenly Father who of his tender Mercy did give his only Son Jesus Christ to suffer Death upon the Cross for our Redemption that we duly receiving the Holy Mysteries according to our Lord Jesus Christ's Holy Institution in remembrance of his Death and Passion may be Partakers of his most blessed Body and Blood The Priest neither makes nor offers the real natural Body of Christ in the Holy Communion but he makes his spiritual or sacramental Body and therein represents his natural Body as well as he also represents what he really suffer'd for us in the verity of that Body this he represents to God as well as to us and every devout Communicant should faithfully joyn in the Representation § VII The next thing observable in our Description of the Holy Communion is That 't was instituted by Christ in the room of the Iewish Passover This as it gives great Light into the Nature of it and the most weighty Controversies concerning it so the Matter of Fact it self is too evident to be doubted or denied and of too great moment to be lightly pass'd over As will appear if we consider the Time the Form the End of the Institution of this Sacrament compared with that of the Passover and the Expressions of Iohn the Baptist and the Apostles relating to the Communion it self or to our Saviour who ordained it The Time of its first Institution and Celebration was the Night of the Paschal Supper immediately after Supper We are told by * Buxtorf Synag cap. 13. p. 302. de Paschat celebrando Fagius in Exod. 12. learned Men that the old Iews had a very antient Tradition amongst them that the Messias should come to redeem them the very same Night in which God brought them out of Egypt the Night of the Passover whereon they also say that God vouchsafed to the old Patriarchs and holy Men most or all of those famous Blessings and Deliverances which we read of in the sacred Writings which is no obscure Indication that the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper was to succeed the Paschal Supper § VIII The manner of their celebrating the Passover also proves the same For the Master of the House took Bread and brake it and gave it to those about him and said This is the Bread of affliction which our Fathers did eat in Egypt * Buxtorf ubi supra that is the Memorial of that Bread in the same Sense that our Saviour said This is my Body after he had taken Bread and blessed and brake it and gave to his Disciples as the Iews also call'd the Passover The Body of the Paschal Lamb. And in like manner the Cap. The Master of the Feast took it after Supper and when he had given Thanks gave it to the rest and said This is the Fruit of the Vine and the Blood of the Grape This was the third Cup which they drank at the Passover and call'd it The Cup of Blessing * Lightfoot Vol. II. p. 260. All the Company drank of it the sick as well as the healthy † Buxtorf p. 296. Thus our Savior after Supper took the Cup this third Cup and when he had given Thanks gave it to his Disciples and said Drink ye All of this for this is my Blood of the New Testament New Covenant or this Cup is the New Testament New Covenant in my Blood * St. Mat. 26. 28. St. Luk. 22. 20. As Moses said when he sprinkled all the People with Blood † Heb. 9. 20. Exod. 24. 8. This is the Blood of the Covenant which God made with you it was not only the Seal of the New Covenant but likewise the Sanction of it And 't is remarkable that our Saviour calls it the Fruit of the Vine as did the Master of the Feast at the Passover And so the Apostle calls the Sacramental Cup the Cup of Blessing § IX There 's yet another thing remarkable in the Passover which our Saviour retain'd in his Sacrament and that is the Hymn or great Hallel which the Iews always sung at this Festival and still continue to use it in that shadow of the Passover which they yet retain * Buxtorf ubi supr Patrick in 113 Psalm It consisted of six Psalms from the 113 to the 118. inclusively wherein were mentioned as their Rabbins teach 1. Their Deliverance from Egypt 2. The Division of the Red Sea 3. The Giving of the Law 4. The Resurrection from the Dead And 5. The Sorrows of the Messias † Lightfoot Vol. II. p. 354. 'T is expresly said that our Saviour and his Apostles sung a Hymn after they had eaten 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 not 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 they all doubtless joyn'd in it as was the Custom of their Country-men which they could not have done had it not been a Form well known unto them And what more proper than those Psalms already mentioned which shows the Lawfulness of singing in the Christian Church and of the whole Congregations joyning in it some think Iudas not being here excepted ‖ Lightfoot and that in a set Form out of the Psalms of David which have made a great part of the Liturgy of the Church for near Three Thousand Years Nor was this Sacrament ever celebrated without singing by any regular Christians St. Chrysostom on Heb. 10. says of those of his Time That in the Sacrament they did offer Thanksgiving for their Salvation by devout Hymns and Prayers to God And before him Pliny's famous Letter mentions the Christians as jointly singing Hymns to Christ And Tertullian in his Apology has left it on Record that it was
ridiculous Consequences That our Saviour did eat his own Body and gave it to his Disciples to eat making Christians the worst of Cannibals to eat their God a thousand times over * Eoquem tam amentem esse putas qui illud quo vescatur credat Deum esse Tully de natura Deorum implying penetration of dimensions contradicting the very Nature of a Body which cannot be in two places at the same time † Rubrick after Communion much less in Earth and Heaven contradicting our Saviour's own Words that we should not have him always ‖ St. Mat. 26. 11. that is his Body with us tho' in his Divinity his Spirit his Power his Graces he 's with the Church to the End of the World * St. Mat. 28. 20. contrary to the End of the Institution which was to be a Memorial of his Body broken and Blood shed for us contrary to the Words of the Apostle † 1 Cor. 11. 26 27 28. who calls it Bread and Wine after Consecration thrice in one Chapter ‖ Vide supra For which Reasons and many others that might be alledged our Church declares in her Twenty Eighth Article of the Lord's Supper That Transubstantiation or the Change of the Substance of the Bread and Wine in the Supper of the Lord cannot be proved in Holy Writ but it is repugnant to the plain words of Scripture overthroweth the Nature of a Sacrament and hath given occasion to many Superstitions § XIV But how is it then called the Sacrament of the Body and Blood of Christ and in what Sense is he present there and how are the faithful said therein to eat his Body and drink his Blood both by the antient Fathers and by our own Church and most other Protestants of all denominations * Lutherans Calvin Beza Assemb Catechism great and less Cranmer Ridley Communion Service English Tigur Liturg. c. That this is true in some Sense is evident from Holy Scripture it self as well as from the Consent of all Christian Churches Our Saviour said This is my Body and this is my Blood And the Apostle * 1 Cor. 10. 16. The Cup of Blessing is it not the Communion of the Blood of Christ the Bread of the Body of Christ And to the same purpose in the next Chapter Thus our fore-mentioned Article That the Bread which we break is a partaking of the Body of Christ and the Cup of Blessing a partaking of the Blood of Christ. And in the Catechism that the inward part or thing signified in the sacrament is The Body and Blood of Christ which are verily and indeed taken and received by the faithful in the Lord's Supper And the like in several places in the Communion-Office From all which it appears how little Reason our Adversaries have to brand us for Sacramentarians or such as deny the Body and Blood of Christ in a sound Sense to be received in the Lord's Supper § XV. But what Sense that is we come now to enquire First The Symbols the very Bread and Wine are in a figurative typical and sacramental Sense the Body and Blood of our Saviour They are more than a bare or ordinary Figure they do really and actually from their Institution represent and exhibit Christ's Death unto us as did the Paschal Lamb the delivery of the Iews out of Egypt This our Church affirms in her Homily of the Sacrament Part I. That we must be sure to hold that in the Supper of the Lord there is no vain Ceremony no untrue Figure of a thing absent but the Bread and Cup of the Lord the Memory of Christ the Annunciation of his Death c. § XVI But there 's yet more in it for 2. There is in the Blessed Sacrament a real spiritual presence of the Body and Blood of our Saviour to every faithful Receiver Christ as to his Divinity is every where and more effectually and graciously present to his own Institutions and will make his Promise good to be with his Church to the End of the World * St. Mat. 28. 20. and doubtless is so in this Sacrament as well as in the other of Baptism and herein he conveys all the real Benefits obtained by his Sufferings to every faithful Receiver His Natural Body is in Heaven where it will remain till he comes to Iudgment He is spiritually present in the Sacrament present by Faith to our Spirits The fore-mentioned Homily tells us that in the Supper of the Lord we are not only to hold that there is a Memory of Christ's Death but that there is likewise the Communion of his Body and Blood in a marvellous Incorporation wrought in the Souls of the faithful And again If God hath purified our hearts by Faith we do at this Table receive not only the outward Sacrament but the spiritual thing also not the Figure but the Truth not the Shadow only but the Body And to the same purpose our Learned Bishop Iewell That not the naked Figure and bare Sign and Token only but Christ's Body and Blood are verily and indeed given unto us in the Sacrament we verily eat it and drink it and live by it and thereby Christ dwells in us and we in him Yet he goes on ' We say not that the Substance of Bread and Wine is done away or that Christ's Body is fleshly present in the Sacrament but we lift up our hearts to Heaven there to feed on him Tho' by the way What need would there have been of the Sursum Corda or Invitation to the People in the Primitive Church to lift up their Hearts to Christ in Heaven if whole Christ God and Man were actually present upon the Altar § XVII But neither the Apostles nor the Primitive Church nor our Church of England ever held that the Sacrament was so much as in this latter Sense the Body and Blood of Christ to all that received but only to the faithful Receivers For those who received unworthily the Apostle tells us they were guilty of the Body and Blood of the Lord therefore surely they did not properly communicate of his Body and Blood which he that does has eternal Life nay they did eat and drink their own Iudgment or Condemnation not discerning the Lords Body And to the same purpose is that famous saying of one of the Fathers That the Wicked do only press with their Teeth the Sacrament or outward Sign of the Lords Body but do not really communicate in it Neither did the Fathers ever think that we were to eat the Flesh of Christ in a gross carnal Capernaitical sense whatever high Expressions they may have sometime used concerning this Mystery wherein they may have been followed by devout modern Writers Hear one for all 'T is St. Augustine de Doctrinâ Christianâ Lib. 3. Cap. 16. where in his Rules for interpreting Scripture he instances in that Text which has been so much controverted of late years the 6th of
awful presence of that God to whom he had made them Psal. 16. 8. I have set the Lord always before my Face that I might not sin against him And Psal. 119. 106. I have sworn and am stedfastly purposed to keep thy righteous Iudgments § XIV The third thing concerning which we are to examine our selves before we approach this Holy Table is Whether we have a lively Faith in God's Mercy thro' Christ. Not a dead cold and unactive but a lively Faith for Faith without Works is dead and such is the ungrounded fatal Presumption of every impenitent Sinner for what is more common than for bad Men who live in direct contradiction to our Saviour's Laws in repeated Acts of Intemperance Injustice Uncleanness immoderate Love to this World and in the neglect of their Duty of Praying of God's Word and Sacrament What is more common than to hear such mistaken Wretches as these cry out that God is merciful that Christ has died and they hope to be saved tho' they bring forth no Fruits meet for Faith or Repentance They believe the Promise of the Gospel tho' they never take care to perform the Conditions of it But they forget or are willingly ignorant that it contains threatnings too and that very terrible ones against the Impenitent and Disobedient and that Christ himself has told such that he 'll say to them at the last day Depart from me I never knew you because Workers of Iniquity But the true lively Faith here required is Such a Belief of God's Word and such a Trust in his Mercy thro' his Promises by our Saviour as produces a constant and ingenuous Obedience Now if we find this Faith weak and languishing we must pray as the Disciples did Lord encrease our Faith And to that End we must consider the Promises of God unto us for the sake of his dear Son our Lord in whom all the Promises are Yea and Amen ratified and certain In whom alone the Father is well pleased by the Merits of whose Obedience and Sufferings his Satisfaction his Intercession and Mediation he is reconciled to lost Mankind and offers Pardon to all that are penitent and obedient And this is all our Salvation and all our Desire the Hope of Holy Souls the Ground of their Consolation and their Triumph which are fixed so firmly upon that Rock of Ages that they can never be moved who has told us That if we believe in God we must believe also in him as the means of conveying all the Father's blessings nay as being himself as he is God the Author and Finisher of our Faith Whence it follows that he himself the second Person of the glorious Trinity may and ought to be the object of our Trust our Faith and our Adoration both in this Life and in the hour of Death as he was of blessed St. Steven's who cried out in his last Agonies Lord Jesus receive my Spirit * Act. 7. 59. And thus in our preparation for the Holy Sacrament without the reception whereof I see not how any can live comfortably or die happily we must actually advert unto deeply and seriously consider those Promises which God has made us by his Son of Grace and Pardon on our Repentance and Obedience That those who come to the Father by him he will in no wise cast out St. Iohn 6. 37. That they shall not see Death but are passed from Death unto Life St. Iohn 8. 51. 5. 24. That there is no condemnation for them which are in Christ Iesus and who those are we are immediately told who walk not after the Flesh but after the Spirit Rom. 8. 1. That all who are weary and heavy laden with the Burthen of their Sins if they come unto him he will refresh them St. Matt. 11. 28. and several others of the same nature the substance of the Gospel being promises of eternal Life to those who yield a sincere and impartial tho' not absolutely sinless and perfect obedience to the Commands of it all the threatnings thereof being only the unavoidable Consequences of wilfully rejecting it Now the very Nature of the Sacrament shows the necessity of Faith towards worthy Receiving for how can we renew our Covenant with God unless we believe he 's really willing to be reconciled to us and have a firm Faith in his Truth his Power and his Goodness And how could we have any well grounded hopes of Pardon but from the Revelation of the Gospel and by the merits of a Redeemer And to the exercise of this Grace the Church also directs us when we approach this Holy Table requiring us to have a lively and stedfast Faith in Christ our Saviour and so in the Exhortation the Sunday before the Communion that 't is requisite that those who come thither should have a full Trust in God's Mercy Not that all are required to have the same degrees of Faith for there are doubtless different measures of it as in the Resurrection one Star shall differ from another in Glory 1 Cor. 15. 43. But our Faith ought certainly to be so strong as to overcome our Infidelity to over come the World It is to be sincere and then it will not want acceptance tho' it be but as a Grain of Mustard-Seed for our gracious Lord has promised that he will not break the bruised Reed nor quench the smoaking Flax St. Matt. 12. 20. Tho' we are always to press forward that this as well as all other Graces may still be encreased towards which nothing can more highly conduce than the frequent and devout reception of this Sacrament § XV. The 4th thing concerning which we are to examine our selves in our preparation is whether we have a thankful Remembrance of Christ's Death whereunto the Church directs us in such pathetical Expressions as were scarce ever excelled and I question whether equalled in any other Liturgy tho' not only the antient Churches but our Protestant Brethren particularly the French and the Tigurine have excellent Forms on this occasion I mean that passage wherein we are exhorted * Exhortation at the time of the celebration above all things to give most humble and hearty Thanks to God the Father the Son and the Holy Ghost for the Redemption of the World by the Death and Passion of our Saviour Christ both GOD and Man who did humble himself even to the Death upon the Cross for us miserable Sinners who lay in darkness and the shadow of Death that he might make us the Children of God and exalt us to everlasting Life This we are to do above all things because this true and unfeigned Gratitude is the principal Ornament of the Wedding-Garment This seems to have been the chief and immediate End of the Institution Do this in Remembrance of me and hereby ye shew forth the Lord's Death till he come And how is it possible for any ingenuous mind to remember to reflect upon our Saviour's sufferings without the most tender Resentments
from those heavy Punishments that are due unto them but from their Power and prevailing Influence on my Mind from all my Sins even those which have been most dear unto me and am willing to cut off my Right Hand or pluck out my Right Eye so I may but enter into the Kingdom of Heaven My Saviour came to take away the Sins of the World He has born all our Griefs he has carried our Sorrows he was wounded for our Transgressions he was grieved for our Iniquities he has excepted none out of that General Pardon which he has purchased for Mankind and offered to all those who are qualified for receiving it I present the Merits of his inestimable Sacrifice before thee O offended Majesty of Heaven I have no Merits of my own I have nothing I am nothing but vile Dust and Sin But he is worthy for whose sake I beg Mercy of thee which I most humbly implore and expect only in that way which thou hast appointed and on those Conditions which thy Son has revealed in his Holy Gospel by an unfeigned Repentance a firm Faith a sincere and an impartial Obedience O therefore take away all mine Iniquities and receive me graciously who like the Prodigal desire to return to my Father's House And since 't is thou alone who dost both put into our Minds good Desires and canst also give us Grace to perform the same assist me now and ever in those Holy Resolves which I make of new and better Obedience Vouchsafe me thy Grace to avoid all those Occasions and Temptations whereby I have been too often drawn to Evil. Let thy Blessed Spirit evermore comfort and guide me and lead me into all Truth and all Goodness Let me henceforth Evidence my unfeigned Love to my Saviour by keeping his Commandments and let that and all other Graces be excited and encreased in me at this Time in my approaches to his Holy Table Pardon the frivolous and sinful Excuses which I have too often made for my Absence from it my want of Preparation for it the Deadness and Indevotion of my Soul in receiving it and my shameful Unprofitableness by it O that I may now sit under my Saviour's shadow with great Delight and that his Fruit may be sweet unto my Taste That I may in this Sacrament receive greater Strength than ever against my Sins and be thereby nourished up unto Everlasting Life that so after this painful Life is ended I may sit down with Abraham Isaac and Iacob in the Kingdom of Heaven for the sake of Jesus Christ who ever lives to make Intercession for us in whose most perfect Form of Word I conclude my unworthy and imperfect Prayers saying Our Father c. Collect for Perseverance O GOD of all Power and all Love who art the same yesterday to day and for ever and hast assured us in thy Holy Word that thou wilt not break the bruised Reed nor quench the smoaking Flax. Accept I beseech thee for the sake of thy Dear Son any weak beginnings of Goodness which thou mayst have wrought in me by thy Holy Spirit Despise not the Day of small things Help me to continue to the End that I may be saved And now that I have put my Hand to the Plough grant I may never look back lest I be accounted unworthy of the Kingdom of Heaven My Strength O Lord I ascribe unto thee for my own Heart has often deceived me and I know that all my Strength is weakness and my Wisdom folly Assist me therefore by the mighty Aids of thy Holy Spirit and while I am to wrestle not only against Flesh and Blood but against Principalites and Powers let the strong Man be bound by a stronger than he and the God of Love bruise Satan under my Feet Let me be content to suffer shame for thy sake and never be drawn away by the Number or Greatness of bad Examples Lead me not into Temptation and let me never be so hardy and presumptuous as to rush into it Keep me always sober and vigilant temperate and humble ever upon my Guard watching and praying that the Enemy may obtain no advantage against me Accept and confirm all my Vows and Resolutions of Obedience Let me have a constant Respect unto the blessed Recompence of Reward and by patient continuance in well doing seek for and at length obtain Glory Immortality and Eternal Life thro' thy Mercies in Jesus Christ my Lord. Amen! Amen For Faith O LORD who hast said that he who has but Faith as a Grain of Mustard-seed may remove Mountains and that without Faith it is impossible to please thee Increase my Faith and let me thereby overcome the World and the Flesh and quench all the fiery Darts of the Devil Let me firmly believe all thy Promises to the Penitent and Obedient and all thy Threatnings against impenitent Sinners Let me not rest in a dead Faith a presumptuous Opinion that I shall be pardoned or saved without performing all those good Works which thou hast prepared for me to walk in Give me that Faith which worketh by Love and by an impartial Obedience to thy Commands Let me firmly believe in the Lord Jesus that I may be saved and not trust in my own Righteousness but in his Merits who is the Way the Truth and the Life Let me always hope in him for Pardon of what 's past and Grace to serve thee better for the future Let me have a lively and stedfast Faith in him when I approach to his Table that I may draw near and take the Holy Sacrament to my Comsort and that it may powerfully help me forward in the right way which leads unto Everlasting Life To the unfading Glories of that happy State where Faith shall be changed into sight where with Holy Souls who are departed this Life in the true Faith and Fear of thy Holy Name I may enjoy the End of my Faith the Salvation of my Soul and see and love thee to all Eternity thro' Jesus Amen A Thanksgiving before the Sacrament WHAT shall I render to thee O God of all Grace for the Riches of thy Goodness towards me a miserable Sinner How utterly unworthy am I even of the common Blessings of Life And yet art thou pleased out of thy infinite Mercies once more to permit me to invite me to tread thy Courts to sit at thy Table and to Feast on Angels Food O that my Heart could be fully possest with Thoughts of Gratitude and Love O let my Mouth be filled with Thanks and my Lips with Praise for those inestimable Benefits God will in very deed dwell with Man tho' the Heaven of Heavens cannot contain him My Saviour will fulfil his gracious Promise and be present with his Church in his own Institutions till the End of the World I have now one happy Opportunity more offered me to renew that Covenant which I have so often broken to obtain greater Strength against my Sins and to sacrifice
Church accordingly tells us That to the End we should always remember the exceeding great Love of our Master and only Saviour Jesus Christ in dying for us he has instituted and ordained Holy Mysteries as Pledges of it And the actual and lively Consideration hereof of Christ's wonderful Love towards us miserable Sinners so ungrateful so unworthy so often guilty of broken Faith and broken Vows who have loved the World and our own Lusts more than him who have grieved him who have wounded him who have crucified him by our Sins and who continue to do so for there is no Man that lives and sins not and all this to him who still loves us and still offers us Peace and Pardon and Grace and Heaven and even his own blessed Body and Blood in this heavenly Feast Shall not all this prevail with us to give him our worthless Love again for the rest of our Lives To give it him without exception and without reserve It must it will it cannot fail of having this happy effect if we carefully regard every part of this sacred Action and intently consider our Saviour's Death as represented therein especially while the Minister is consecrating the Elements the whole Prayer of Consecration being made up of a lively and thankful Recognition of our Saviour's sufferings and of his instituting the Sacrament in memory of them We are therefore in order to the exercising and encreasing of our Love to Christ diligently at that time to regard the Minister with our Eye and Christ with our Hearts When we see the Bread broken and the Wine poured out then to consider with all the Agonies of our Souls and with Hearts pierced and melted with the Love of Jesus what Agonies he himself endured for us both in his Body and Mind Then to look on him whom we have pierced and mourn for him and delight in him and hate those Sins which were the cause of this and which can only divide us from his Love and especially when we actually receive Then are our Souls to be intimately united to his Divine Person Then are we to embrace him as the chiefest of Ten Thousands and fairer than all the Children of Men to adore his infinite Perfections to be lost in the contemplation and admiration of them and to be wholly ravished with his Love § XIII Which will mightily assist us in the exercise of the other branch of Charity Love to our Neighbour for this cannot but be easie to us when our Minds are raised to this happy Temper The Love of Christ will subdue the Enmity of our Natures towards each other that Pride which is the cause of almost all Quarrels that bitterness of Spirit and Rancor and Malice and Revenge and Anger Those obscene Birds will all fly away before the Beams of the blessed Sun of Righteousness as did the Devils of old from their Oracles All our Hatred will be against our Sins all our Indignation our Resentments our Revenge for neither were those in vain implanted in our Minds will be turned quite another way O how happy would the World be did but the Body of Christians frequently and worthily receive the Communion I am confident nothing could sooner heal the wide Wounds of Christendom as I believe the neglect of it has been the great Original of them as well as of all our own Factions and Divisions All good Men must love one another if they often met at this Holy Table They could not they dared not there retain or nourish any pique against each other They would Love much both Christ and his Members because they so often considered that much was forgiven them And tho' this may seem a Digression yet the Truth and Consequences thereof appear so plain and so considerable that I knew not how to omit it But to return Charity is here to be actually exercised towards all Christ's Members especially towards those with whom we communicate We are to knit our Hearts most closely and intimately to them with the Bands of Holy Love Poor and Rich without exception only loving those most that love God most We are to pray for them all and not only in the Offertory but on other occasions to do them all the Good we can by faithful Counsel by tender and prudent Reproof and by all lawful and possible means promoting the welfare of their Souls and Bodies And lastly by devout Prayer to God for them as we are directed That all who are partakers of this Holy Communion may be filled with his Grace and heavenly Benediction But tho' our Charity is to begin there we are not to confine the Exercise thereof to those only who then actually communicate with us for we are also directed by the excellent Spirit of our Church shewing it self in those Holy Confessors and Martyrs who composed her Liturgy humbly to beseech God to grant by the Merits and Death of his Son Jesus Christ and thro' Faith in his Blood that not only we but also his whole Church may obtain Remission of our Sins and all other Benefits of his Passion Which may he grant who has so dearly purchased it for us to whom with the Father and Holy Ghost be all Glory Honour and Dominion now and to Eternal Ages Amen! If there be any time between the Consecration and actual Receiving the Communicant may make use of these following Devotions An Act of Penitence O Infinite offended Goodness who art a consuming Fire to the obstinate Sinner but infinite to pardon those who confess and forsake their Sins I desire earnestly to repent of all my Misdeeds I will acknowledge my Transgressions before thee and mine Iniquities will I not hide I have sinned I have sinned O Father against Heaven and before thee Against thy Mercies and thy Judgments the Thunder of thy Law and the still small Voice of thy Gospel Against the clearest Manifestations of thy wonderful Love in sending thy Son to shed his Blood as an attonement for the Sins of the whole World which precious Blood of his I have too often trampled under Foot and crucified the Son of God afresh by my repeated Iniquities Not all his bitter Agonies have been so far able to pierce my hard Heart as to make me entirely forsake my Sins which were the Cause of them Tho' he sweat Drops of Blood in the Garden tho' his Soul was exceedingly sorrowful even unto Death tho' he endured the Contradiction of Sinners tho' he was mocked and buffeted and spit on and crowned with Thorns and scourged and fainted under his Cross and was nailed unto it and raised in the Air a spectacle to Men and Angels tho' he there groaned under the weight of our Guilt and of our Sins imputed unto him tho' he thirsted tho' he fainted tho' he cried out as if thou thy self couldst have forsaken him tho' he bowed his Head and gave up the Ghost O! shall all this nothing move me shall my Heart be as hard as the nether Milstone
Cannot the Blood of Jesus soften it and cleanse it that Blood of sprinkling which speaks better things than that of Abel Shall I not now at least detest abhor forsake all those Sins which cost my Saviour so dear shall I again commit them shall I any more favour those Iudas's which betrayed those Herods which mocked those Pilates which crucified the Lord of Glory O Lord my Heart is deceitful and desperately wicked and has often already deceived me and my Goodness is as the morning Cloud and early Dew which soon passeth away and without thy Grace I shall again fall into those very Sins which I now detest and abhor which that I may never more do imprint I beseech thee in my Mind so lively a Sense of my Saviour's Sufferings and let me receive and carry away so lasting an Impression of them from this Sacrament that I may henceforth die unto Sin and live unto Righteousness that I may subdue and mortifie more and more all criminal Desires and the whole Body of Death thro' Jesus Christ my Lord. Amen! An Act of Faith I Desire to believe Lord help my Unbelief I believe that thou canst do all things and if thou wilt canst make me clean I chuse thee for my chief Good I depend upon thee as my only Happiness I believe all thy Promises are Yea and Amen faithful and true in thy Son Jesus and that those who come unto thee by him thou wilt in no wise cast off He is able to save to the uttermost he is mighty to save and to forgive In him alone thou art well pleased thro' him O God art thou reconciled to Mankind and hast made them capable of everlasting Happiness from whence none shall be excluded who believe in the Name of the Lord Jesus and obey his Commands On him therefore do I cast my self and on his Merits is all my hope for Time and for Eternity believing that there is no other Name given under Heaven by whom I may receive Health and Salvation In this perswasion do I now approach to thy Holy Table humbly believing and expecting that my Saviour will be known unto me there and will meet me and bless me that his Body and Blood shall preserve my Body and Soul to everlasting Life that he will pardon my Sins and strengthen me in Grace guide me by his Counsel and bring me to his Glory Amen! An Act of Humility immediately before Receiving WHence is it O Lord that such a Wretch as I so loathsome and deformed with Sin should once more be admitted to thy presence to taste the Bread of Life Whence is it that my Saviour should be Guest to one that is such a Sinner O Lord I am not worthy that thou shouldst come under my Roof nor that I should come under thine I desire to humble my self before thee with the utmost prostration and adoration I cast my self at the Feet of Jesus and will not let him go except he bless me I am nothing I have nothing I desire nothing but Jesus and to be with him in Peace in the heavenly Ierusalem The lowest place in Heaven will be infinitely above what I can deserve who wonder why thou shouldst cast thine Eyes on such a nothing A Covenant and League uses to be made between those that are equals but there is an infinite distance between God and me by Nature and if possible a yet greater distance by my Sins Yet has that God who dwells in the High and Holy Place vouchsafed to promise that he will also dwell with the humble and contrite Spirit that trembles at his Word Come therefore O Lover of Souls O ever blessed Jesus who tho' thou fillest Heaven and Earth with the Majesty of thy Glory didst yet humble thy self when thou camest into the World to the inconveniences of a Cave a Stable and a Manger My Heart is yet meaner than any of these but thou canst purifie and cleanse it and make it a Temple fit for thy self to dwell in Come and meet me in thy own comfortable Ordinance who hast promised tho' thou wilt resist the proud to give Grace to the humble I beg this O Father for the sake of Jesus Christ my Saviour who humbled himself to the Death upon the Cross for me a miserable Sinner to whom with thee and the Holy Ghost Three and One be all Honour and Glory now and for ever Amen! An Act of Praise after Receiving ALL Glory and Honour and Praise to him who sits upon the Throne and to the Lamb for ever To him who has loved us and washed us from our Sins in his own Blood and has now entertained us with that heavenly Food which those who taste with Faith shall never die I have tasted that God is Good and that blessed are all those that trust in him he is not a barren Land or a dry Wilderness He has given me Meat to eat at his own Table which the World knows not of such Joy as no Man can give or take from me He has assured me of his Favour and Goodness towards me and given me the Seals of his Pardon and the Pledges of Everlasting Happiness Alas how poor am I of Thanks for such inestimable Benefits what have I to render to the Lord of Life and Glory for these and all his Favours I devote and dedicate all my little all unto him my Soul and Body for Time and Eternity without Exception and without Reserve 'T is but a mite but 't is my All O give me more that I may restore it to the Giver Accept O gracious God this my poor Sacrifice of Praise and help me also to order my Conversation aright that I may see thy Salvation that in Heaven the place of Eternal Praises I may with Angels and Arch-angels and all the glorious Company there adore and magnifie and bless thee and sing Hallelujabs and Hymns of Praise unto thee for ever and ever Amen! An Act of Love O Infinite Goodness O amiable Jesu O bleeding dying agonizing Love What Man what Angel in Heaven durst have ever thought of such a way to appease God's Anger against Sinners as the Death of thee the Only begotten Son of God had not thy Father freely sent thee hadst not thou thy self as freely descended to Earth and taken our mortal Clay upon thee to do and to suffer the Will of God Who could have believed this hadst not thou thy self revealed it and confirmed it by so many Miracles Nay as if it had not been sufficient to die for us thou hast also given us the heavenly Food of thy blessed Body and Blood to be our spiritual Nourishment in this Holy Sacrament Thou hast made me partaker of those venerable Mysteries Thou hast renewed that Covenant with me which I trust shall never be broken O! was there no other way to save Mankind but the Death of him that lives for ever were all the Souls of the lost Sons of Adam worth one Groan one
Torment one Drop of the precious Blood of the Son of God! So thou didst think who madest us out of nothing who didst take this most endearing method to obtain our Love And wilt thou accept it may I offer it wilt thou receive a Magdalen after she has so long wandred from thee wilt thou dwell in such a Breast which has been so long a Cage of unclean Spirits yes thou thy self hast said it thou hast assured me of it thou hast sealed my Pardon at thy own Table and requirest nothing of me in return but my worthless Love I grieve and I love O my Redeemer for all that thou hast done for me for all that I have done against thee O when shall I love thee without any Interruption any Disturbance from this intruding World when shall I be ever with thee and be satisfied with thy Love My Heart beats towards thee my Soul desires and pants and longs earnestly to be united with thee never never more to be divided I would fain be more like thee I would refuse nothing for thee O how shall I express my Love and what shall I do for him who has done all for me Come O thou whom my Soul desires to Love thou chiefest of Ten Thousands and all together lovely and fill my Heart so full with the Sense of thy Goodness and with longing desires after thee that I may frequently that I may constantly present my self here at thy Table to meet thee and bless thee That I may shew I have been with Jesus by telling what great things he has done for me by endeavouring to make all others admire and love him that I may still aspire more earnestly towards those blessed Regions of Peace and Love where he is entered before me to prepare a place for me and in the mean time let all my Actions be guided by the Love of Jesus that I may be made perfect in his Love and it may expel all other Loves from my Heart that are inconsistent with it That so when he shall appear I may be like him and see him no longer in Types and Sacraments but Face to Face see him as he is and be for ever with the Lord. Make haste my Beloved and be thou like a Roe or a young Hart upon the Mountains of Spices Amen! Amen! CHAP. V. § I. HAving already in the First Chapter of this little Treatise given an Account of the Nature of the Sacrament In the Second Of the Obligation which lies on all adult Christians to receive it and even to frequent Communion and answered the Objections which are commonly brought against it In the Third Given some Rules for our Preparation for it and Heads of Examination in order thereunto In the Fourth Discoursed of our Behaviour at the Time of the Celebration and those Graces which are then in a particular manner to be exercised I proceed in the Fifth and last Chapter to add some plain Directions after we have received and what Influence this Holy Sacrament ought to have upon us and how we ought to behave our selves in relation to it both immediately after and between one Sacrament and another as well as through the whole Course of our Lives § II. First Immediately after our Receiving The first thing to be done at our return would be to retire from the World and fall upon our Knees before our Father which sees in secret and bless and adore him with all the ardor of our Souls for his undeserved Mercy in having admitted us once more to his Holy Table and for all the good things which he has there bestowed upon us After this to reflect on the whole Action and carefully to examine our selves how we have performed every part of it Whether our Minds have been deeply affected with the Sense of our Sins and of our Saviour's Love in dying for us Whether our Thoughts have been wandring or fixed on the engaging Objects before us Whether the sacred Food of our Saviour's spiritual Body and Blood has been sweet and delightful to us and we thereby find our selves comfortably satisfied of God's Favour and Goodness and strengthened in his Fear and Love and our Hearts more raised towards Heaven If we find the contrary and that we have been cold or wandring and opprest with that deadness or aridity of Spirit as some call it which even good Men sometimes complain of we must enquire into the Reasons thereof as whether this was not for want of due Preparation or from sloth or negligence in the Morning or want of earnestness in our private Devotions or of taking a just Care to raise our Hearts towards Heaven and to fix them on the Feast and the Inviter or from our unnecessary mingling over-much with the World soon afterwards or not keeping our Feet our Thoughts and Affections in good order when going to the House of God or when present there or not bending and fixing them with the utmost Intention to what we were employed in or not considering as we ought Christ's Love and God's Presence and Goodness and Majesty and Glory or coming in our own Strength and depending too much upon it not casting our selves entirely on God's Mercy thro' Christ some or more of which miscarriages may have been the cause of our want of Comfort or Advantage from this Sacrament for which we therefore ought to blame our selves and not to charge God foolishly to be humbled for them and carefully to note them down or remember them against the next Sacrament that we may be then more watchful against them and avoid what has now been so disadvantageous unto us Nor are we to be unthankful if on Reflection we find that God's Grace has preserved us from any such Inconveniences that our Hearts have been fixed our Devotions enflam'd our Affections raised our Love to God and hatred of Sin heightened and augmented by what has past at that heavenly Feast and that it has been sweeter to us than the Honey and the Honey-Comb and helpt us to despise the World and to long for Heaven These are Blessings which ought not to be forgotten but the Remembrance of them should be dear unto us we ought to revive the Impression of them upon our Hearts and to sink them deeper there that they may have a future lasting Influence on our Practice § III. And here it may be necessary to interpose a double caution as to these Matters There are some who are so afraid of Enthusiasm that they almost forbid a devout Christian to expect or to desire any more than ordinary Ioy or Delight in God's Service nay to suspect it when ever he finds it while others fansie that they have no Communion with God in any Duty nor are indeed any thing the better for it if they have not always these sensible tasts of his Goodness A rational Christian ought to keep the mean between these two Extreams so as neither to despise far be it from him that heavenly
as they are in our Communion-Service and in the Versicle added to every one of them implore Pardon where you find any Breach and Grace for the future to observe them better And the same of any other Sin not so easily reducible under any particular Command such as Drunkenness neglect or abuse of the Sacrament and the like 4. Fix your main Battery against that Sin which you find the strongest whether discontent with your Condition hard Thoughts of God Intemperance Passion Pride Sloth Impurity or what ever else Most heartily lament it most earnestly resolve and implore Strength against it and draw near to the Holy Table with Faith to obtain it and fear not but your Saviour will meet and bless you A Prayer for one in Affliction and Want O GOD who art Infinite in Power and Compassion and Goodness and Truth who hast promised in thy Holy Word That thou wilt hear the Prayer of the poor distitute and wilt not despise his Desire Look down I beseech thee from Heaven the Habitation of thy Holiness and Glory upon me a miserable Sinner now lying under thy Hand in great Affliction and Sorrow who fly to thee alone for help and Comfort I am weary of my groaning my Heart faileth me the Light of my Eyes is gone from me I sink in the deep Waters and there is none to help me yet I wait still upon thee my God Tho' all the World forsake me let the Lord still uphold me and in him let me always find the truest the kindest the most compassionate unwearied Almighty Friendship to him let me ease my wearied Soul and unbosom all my Sorrows Help me O Lord against Hope to believe in Hope Grant that I may not be moved with all the Slights and Censures of a mistaken World Let me look by Faith beyond this Vale of Tears and Misery to that happy place which knows no Pain or Want or Sorrows as being assur'd that there is an End and my Expectation shall not be cut off I know O Lord that a Man's Life consists not in the abundance of Things that he possesses but that he who has the most here as he brought nothing with him into this World so he shall carry nothing out I bless thee that thou hast not given me my Portion among those who have received all their Consolation here whose Portion is in this Life only Neither let me expect those Blessings which thou hast promised to the Poor unless I am really poor in Spirit and meek and humble I know nothing is impossible with God and that it is thou alone who givest Power to get Riches and that thou canst by thy good Providence raise me from this mean Condition whenever thou pleasest and wilt certainly do it if it be best for me and therefore humbly submit all unto thy wise and kind Disposal I desire not Wealth or Greatness Give me neither extreme Poverty nor do I ask Riches of thee but only to be fed with Food convenient for me I desire earnestly to seek first the Kingdom of God and the Righteousness thereof well hoping that in thy good Time Food and Raiment all other things that be needful shall be added unto me I believe O Lord that thou who feedest the Ravens and clothest the Lilies wilt not neglect me and mine That thou wilt make good thy own unfailing Promises wilt give Meat to them that fear thee and be ever mindful of thy Covenant In the mean time let me not be querulous or impatient or envious at the Prosperity of the wicked or judge uncharitably of those to whom thou hast given a larger Portion of the Good things of this Life or be cruel to those who are in the same Circumstances with my self Let me never sink or despond under my heavy pressures and continued Misfortunes Tho' I fall let me rise again because the Lord taketh me up Let my Heart never be sunk so low that I should be afraid to own the Cause of despised Vertue Give me Diligence and Prudence and Industry and let me neglect nothing that lies in me to provide honestly for my own House least I be worse than an Infidel Help me carefully to examine my Life past and if by my own Carelesness or Imprudence I have reduced my self into this low Condition let me be more deeply afflicted for it but yet still hope in thy Goodness avoiding those Failures whereof I have been formerly guilty Or if for my Sins thou hast brought this upon me my unthankfulness for thy Mercies or abuse of them help me now with Submission and Patience to bear the Punishment of my Iniquity Or if by thy Wise Providence thou art pleas'd thus to afflict me for Tryal and for the Examples of others Thy Will O my God! not mine be done Help me and any who are in the same Circumstances in Patience to possess our Souls and let all thy Fatherly Chastisements advance us still nearer towards Christian Perfection teach us the Emptiness of all things here below wean us more and more from a vain World fix our Hearts more upon Heaven and help us forward in the right Way that leads to Everlasting Life Thro' Jesus Christ our Lord to whom with the Father and Holy Ghost be Glory Honour and Power now and for ever Amen! APPENDIX A LETTER concerning the Religious Societies SIR HAVING in Conversation accidentally mentioned those Religious Societies which have been for some time erected in and about the Cities of London and Westminster and of late in some other places you were pleased to desire a more particular Account concerning them of their Orders and manner of Life and what my Thoughts were as to what we then heard objected against them I must confess I have had the Curiosity to make a particular Enquiry about them and the Informations I have received have been from such Persons as I think I may entirely depend upon for the Truth of them and what I have from them I here very briefly give you referring them for a larger Account to Mr. Woodward's little Book on that Subject In the first place I find many Persons are in the same mistake which you were once in and confound these Religious Societies with the Societies for Reformation tho' they are quite different as to their Institution and immediate Ends and for the most part as to the Persons whereof they are composed The immediate Business of the Societies for Reformation is to assist the Civil Magistrates in putting the Laws in Execution against Profaneness and Immorality and consists of Sober Persons of any Persuasion among Protestants tho' most of them as far as I can observe of the Church of England But the Religious Societies as we call them for distinction from the other are composed of such as meet together wholly upon a Religious Account to promote true Piety in themselves and others and are all of them strict Members of the Church of England none being admitted or suffered to
to be willing to sacrifice all to make them better That there is need of a general Reformation of Manners has not been denied even by those who have had the most need of it themselves And that the Governours both in Church and State do most earnestly desire it we can no less doubt without the highest Affront to both when they have by so many repeated Acts solemnly declared as much to the Nation That a firm Combination of good Men is the best way to bring this Design to a good Issue we may more than guess by what has been already done by such methods And for all the Objections which have been brought against those who have embarkt in this pious and generous Undertaking I believe there is no unprejudiced Person who has read the Right Reverend Bishop of Glocester's Defence of them but are fully satisfied that they have but very little weight and are there fairly answered And as it is known that the late Archbishop was a hearty Friend of them and their Design so his most Reverend Successor has given them a just and noble Commendation in his Letter to the Bishops of his Province wherein he requires them To press the Clergy of their respective Dioceses to invite their Church-wardens and other pious Persons among the Laity to ioyn with them in carrying on the Reformation of Manners after which he adds We may very reasonably expect the happy Effects of such a Concurrence from the visible Success of that noble Zeal wherewith so many about the great Cities do promote true Piety and a Reformation of Manners Thus far our most Reverend Metropolitan and since that time the same Design has been publickly espoused and recommended by several others of the highest Character And indeed if the General Reformation of Mens Manners be ever effected by the Terror of the Laws without Execution or those Laws be ever effectually executed by the straggling Endeavours of a few good Men who charge singly against such infernal Hosts of Infidelity and Lewdness if any thing considerable herein be accomplished unless by such a Combination I shall own my self happily mistaken but whether I am or no the Event will teach Posterity I shall conclude this long Letter with the remarkable words of the excellent Author of the Whole Duty of Man in his Causes of the Decay of the Christian Piety the close of the Twentieth Chapter That Scandal says he which we have brought upon our Religion as it was not contracted by the Irregularities of one or two Persons but by associated and common Crimes so neither will it be removed by a few single and private Reformations There must be Combinations and Publick Confederacies in Virtue to balance and counterpoise those of Vice or they will never recover that Honour which she acquired by the general Piety of her Professors He goes on In those Primitive Days there was such an abhorrence of all that was ill that a vicious Person was lookt upon as a kind of a Monster or Prodigy and like a putrified Member cut off as being not only dangerous but noisome to the Body But alas the Scene is so changed that the Church is now made up of such as she would then have cast out and 't is now as remarkable an Occurrent to find a Good Christian as it was then to see a Bad. I shall add no more but that it was well the Worthy Author concealed his Name when he published such disobliging Truths At least if he had been now living he would scarce have escaped the Censure of Forwardness and a Zeal not according to Knowledge SIR I am Your obliged Friend SAM WESLEY APPENDIX Of BAPTISM § I. CONCERNING which I shall briefly enquire what it is what Benefits we receive by it what are our Obligations from it whether our Saviour designed it to remain always in his Church and lastly who are the proper Subjects of it § II. First What it is and Baptism may be thus described 'T is the first Sacrament of the New Testament instituted by our Saviour in the room of Circumcision and the Iewish Baptisms to continue to the End of the World wherein by sprinkling dipping or washing with Water in the name of the Father Son and Holy Ghost the damning Guilt of original Sin is washt away we enter into Covenant with God are taken into the Church of Christ and made partakers of all the Privileges thereof God's Grace here and endless Bliss hereafter on our performing the Conditions of the Covenant § III. 'T is the first or initiatory Sacrament entring us into that Covenant which we renew in the Lord's Supper 'T was instituted by our Saviour who alone has Power to institute a proper Sacrament or Sign Seal Pledge and means of Grace perpetually obligatory on all Christians We know not indeed the express time of its Institution for Iesus made and baptised more Disciples than Iohn St. Iohn 4. 1. long before he enlarged the Commission of his Apostles to go and make Disciples out of all Nations by baptising them St. Matt. 28. 19. see below of the right Translation of the words But we know 't was in the room of Circumcision for as that was a Figure Sign Rom. 4. 11. and Seal of God's Covenant and means of admission into the Church so is this It seems also to have had respect to the way of admitting Proselytes among the Iews which both formerly was and still is by Baptism Lightfoot Grotius c. Ammian Epictet and perhaps also to the Lustrations or Purifications among the Heathen which Grotius thinks with great Reason were the remains of a Patriarchal Tradition in memory of the universal Flood which the Apostle also seems to intimate when he calls Baptism the Antitype to the Ark or the Deluge 1 St. Pet. 3. 20 21. § IV. The matter of this Sacrament is Water which as it has a natural Power of cleansing is in it self more fit for such a symbolical and sacramental Use. Some of the ancients have thought that God gave the first Blessing to the Waters Gen. 1. 10. because they were designed for Baptism Which is performed by Washing Dipping or Sprinkling the Person in the Name of the Father Son and Holy Ghost That is by this Ceremony the baptised Person is obliged to believe in the Holy Trinity and to receive and obey the Gospel The Gentiles therefore were generally baptised in the Name of the whole Trinity because they did not before believe aright of any of the Three Persons Tho' the Iews and Proselytes who before did believe aright of God seem to have been sometimes baptised only in the Name of the Lord Iesus Acts 10. 42. 19. 5. § V. I said Washing Dipping or Sprinkling according to our Catechism was the manner of Baptism tho' neither of them are I think expresly determined in Scripture either by Precept or such Example as clearly proves it or by the force or meaning of the word Baptise Nay there are several
Treatise with an earnest Request to all those who were baptised in their Infancy that they would always remember the Vows of God that are upon them and evidence the same by their Care to fulfil what they have so solemnly promised To renounce the Devil the World and the Flesh and stedfastly believe God's Word and obediently keep his Commandments That they would continue stedfastly in the Doctrine and Fellowship which is so agreeable to the Apostolical Practice and to the Word of God And lastly That they would by no means forget to pray earnestly for their mistaken Brethren That God would please to bring into the way of Truth all such as have erred and are deceived That he would take away all Pride Uncharitableness Prejudice and Blindness and whatever may hinder godly Union and Concord That as we have but one Lord and one Faith so we may have but one Baptism that so we may come in the Unity of the Faith and the Knowledge of the Son of God to true Christian perfection to the measure and stature of the fulness of Christ. To whom with the Father and Holy Ghost Three and One be Glory in the Church throughout all Ages Amen! Amen! The Great Hallel or Paschal Hymn which was sung by the Jews at the Passover and by our Saviour and his Apostles at the Institution of the Lord's Supper consisting of Psalms 113 114 115 116 117 118. The two former were sung towards the Beginning of the Feast the rest at the End of it Lightfoot ' s Vol. II. pag. 258 260. The first of these Psalms the 113. is still used by the Tigurine Churches at the Communion Tigurine Liturgy p. 116. And any of them as they are here turned into Metre may be sung either in Private or by a Family before or after Sacrament PSALM CXIII The same Tune with that in the old Version 1. YE Priests of God whose happy Days Are spent in your Creators Praise Still more and more his Fame express Ye pious Worshippers proclaim With Shouts of Joy his Holy Name Nor satisfy'd with Praising bless 2. 3. Let God's high Praises ay resound Beyond old Times too scanty Bound And thro' eternal Ages pierce From where the Sun first gilds the Streams To where he sets with purple Beams Thro' all the outstretcht Universe 4. The various Tribes of Earth obey God's awful and imperial Sway Nor Earth his boundless Power confines Above the Sun's all-cheering Light Above the Stars and far more bright His pure essential Glory shines 5. 6. What Mortal form'd of Dust and Clay What Idol even more weak than they Can with the God of Heav'n compare Pure Angels round his glorious Throne He stoops to view nor those alone Even Earth born Men his Goodness share 7. 8. The Poor he raises from the Dust The Needy if on him they trust From sordid Want and Shame he 'll raise That they with mighty Princes plac'd With Wealth and Power and Honor grac'd May sing aloud their Saviour's praise 9. The Barren Womb whose Hopes were past His boundless Power unseals at last And saves her Memory and Fame He fills the House with hopeful Boys Who their glad Mother's Heart rejoyce O therefore praise his Holy Name PSAM CXIV Like the CXLVIII 1. 2. WHen ransom'd Israel came From faithless Egypt's bands The House of Iacob's Name From hostile foreign Lands Iudah alone God's holy Place And Israel's Grace Was his bright Throne 3. 4. Amaz'd old Ocean saw And to its Chambers fled While Iordan's Streams withdraw To seek their distant Head Tall Mountains bound Like jocund Rams The Hills like Lambs Skipt lightly round 5. 6. What ail'd thee O thou Sea To leave thy antient Bed Why did old Iordan flee And seek its distant Head Ye Mountains why Leapt ye like Rams While Hills like Lambs Skipt lightly by 7. 8. All Natures utmost bound The God of Iacob own Where Sea or Land is found Fall trembling at his Throne At whose Command Hard Rocks distill A Crystal Rill And drench the Sand. PSALM CXV Like the C. 1. NOT unto us we all disclaim Glory alone to God's blest Name Whose Truth shall stand for ever fast Whose Love to endless Ages last 2. Why shou'd th' insulting Heathens Pride Our Hopes alike and him deride Where is your God why shou'd they cry Ye Hebrew Slaves O Saviour why 3. Blasphemers know he reigns above And soon will your vain hopes remove He all Events disposes still And all obey his Sovereign Will 4. Not so the Gods to whom they pray Of Silver and of Gold are they To whom in vain their Vows are paid Adoring what their Hands have made 5. Tho' Mouths they have yet all their Art Can neither Breath nor Speech impart Nor can they turn their useless Eyes On those who kneel and sacrifice 6. Tho' loud their Slaves for succour cry They neither hear nor make reply Nor can their Nostrils ought receive Tho' they rich Clouds of Incense give 7. 8. The Bolts they wield they cannot throw Their Feet can neither move nor go With neither Breath nor Sense nor more Who them erect and them adore 9. The Rock of Israel is not so In whom we trust and whom we know Still trust his watchful Providence Who is our help and strong Defence 10. Ye Priests of God who daily bring Incense and Praise to Heav'ns high King O trust in that Almighty Friend Who still will help and still defend 11. 12. He 'll such whose hope on him is staid Against all Fears and Dangers aid Still he 'll his Love on Israel place Still smile on Aaron's sacred Race 12. Those who from Regions wide away Their Vows at his High Altar pay In vain they shall not thither come But go with Blessings loaden home 14. Their pious Children too shall share Th' Almighty's Kindness and his Care Whose wondrous Bounty shall extend To future Days and know no end 15. O happy Israel who partake His Blessings who the World did make 16. Who o're the Heavens triumphant rides And Earth's wide Globe to Man divides 17. 18. The silent Dead no Praises give But we who by his Favour live While we have Breath will Offerings bring And grateful Hallelujahs sing PSALM CXVI Like the XCV 1. O God who when I did complain Did all my Griefs remove O Saviour do not now disdain My humble Praise and Love 2. Since thou a gentle Ear didst give And hear me when I pray'd I 'll call upon thee while I live And never doubt thine Aid 3. Pale Death with all its ghastly Train My Soul encompast round Anguish and wo and hellish Pain Too soon alas I found 4. Then to the Lord of Life I pray'd And did for succour flee O save in my distress I said The Soul that trusts in thee 5. 6. How good and just how large his Grace How easie to forgive The simple he delights to raise And by his Love I live 7. Then O my Soul be still nor more With