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A13296 A short compend of the historie of the first ten persecutions moued against Christians divided into III. centuries. Whereunto are added in the end of euery centurie treatises arising vpon occasion offered in the historie, clearely declaring the noveltie of popish religion, and that it neither flowed from the mouthes of Christs holy Apostles, neither was it confirmed by the blood of the holy martyrs who died in these ten persecutions. Simson, Patrick, 1556-1618. 1613-1616 (1616) STC 23601; ESTC S118088 593,472 787

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who are not guiltie of the faultes that were in the Novatians if they be vndeseruedly charged with this name giuen of olde to Heretiques let them say with humble heartes that in one sense they are 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 because they are purged from sinne in the fountaine of the blood of Christ I Iohn 1. ver 7. But in no other sense meaning can true Christians be called 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 except onely in this because their sinnes are freely forgiuen in Christ and God hath begun the worke of sanctification in them to be a testimonie that they are planted in the stocke of Christ. In this sense speaketh the Euangelist IOHN 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that is Nowe are yee cleane through the word that I haue spoken vnto you Ioh. 15. ver 3. The heresie of SABELLIVS began to shew it selfe vnto the world about the yeere of our Lord 257. vnder the reigne of GALLVS It was first fet foorth by NOETVS in Ptolemaida afterward by HERMOGENES and PRAZEAS and last it was propagated by SABFLLIVS the disciple of NOETVS Alwayes the heresie rather taketh the name from the disciple then from the master They confessed that there was but one God alanerly but they denied that there were three distinct persons in this one Godhead viz. The Father Sonne and holy Ghost By this their opinion they confounded the two Greek words 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 as if there wer no difference betweene them No man dare presume to say that in God there are three distinct substances therefore SABELLIVS and his adherents saide that there were not three distinct subsistences or persons in the Godhead but the three names of Father Sonne and holy Ghost were giuen to one person allanerly but pointed not out distinction of persons or subsistences in the Godhead Ruffin hist. lib. 1. cap. 29. By this opinion they were compelled to grant that it was the Father who clad himselfe with our nature and died for our sinnes and therefore they were called Patrispassiani because their opinion imported that the Father suffered In the reigne of GALLIENVS and about the yeere of our Lord 264 a certaine Bishop in Egypt called NEPOS beganne to affirme that at the latter day the godly should rise before the wicked and should liue with Christ heere in the earth a thousand yeeres in aboundance of all kinde of delicate earthly pleasures The ground of this errour was the misunderstanding of the wordes of the Reuelation of IOHN chap. 20. ver 5. 6. In refuting of this heresie DIONYSIVS Bishoppe of Alexandria bestowed his trauels with good successe for hee disputed against CORACION a man professing this errour in Arsenoitis a place of Egypt whome hee refuted in presence of many brethren who were auditours of that disputation for the space of three dayes from morning till euening So that in end CORACION yeelded and promised that hee should not maintaine any such opinion in time to come Euseb. lib. 7. cap. 24. About that same time that is in the time of the reigne of GALLIENVS CLAVDIVS and AVRELIANVS PAVLVS SAMOSATENVS Bishop of Antiochia 'a pestilent fellowe denied the diuinitie of the Sonne of God and affirmed that Christ obtained the name of the Sonne of God through his vertuous behauiour patient suffering but he was not naturally truly the Son of God begotten of the substance of the father His life correspondent to his doctrine was wicked and profane Hee was accustomed to walke through the streetes of Antiochia accompanied with a number of flattering friendes and seruants some going before him and others following after him and hee himselse in the mids reading or meditating letters to his secretaries Euseb. lib. 7. cap. 30. Which forme of presumptuous and stately behauiour was offensiue to the people who thought that pompe and pride was not beseeming to Bishops who were preachers of the humilitie meekenesse and patient sufferings of Christ. But if the men of Antiochia saith PLATINA had beene in his dayes and had seene the stately traine of the Bishop of Rome his Cardinals accompanied with so many seruants clothed in silke and sumptuous apparell and riding vpon gallant and lustie horses richly deckt with gold costly foot-mantles of diuerse collours they would haue beene more offended and would haue said that such pride had nothing to doe with the simplicitie and humilitie of Christ. Platin. in vit Sixt. 2. But to returne againe to PAVLVS SAMOSATENVS he was so couetous of vaine glory that he built vnto himselfe in the Church a glorious seate according to the similitud of a princely throne frō this seat he spake vnto the people whome he was accustomed to reproue with sharp words if they had not receiued his words with cheerefull acclamations and shoutings such as were wont to be vsed in stage places Euseb. lib. 7. cap. 30. The Psalmes also that were sung in the Church to the praise of God hee abrogated and was not ashamed to hire women to sing his owne praises in the Congregation of the Lordes people For this his damnable doctrine and lewd life he was most justly deposed by the Councill conueened at Antiochia and excommunicated by all Christian Churches in the whole world and was so detested by all good men that FIRMILIANVS Bishop of Caesarea in Cappadocia and DIONYSIVS ALEXANDRINVS who for his olde age might not trauell and bee present at the Councill of Antiochia yet they both damned the Heretique SAMOSATENVS by their letters sent to the Congregation of Antiochia but not to the Bishop thereof because hee was not worthy that any man should salute him either by worde or write Euseb. ibid MANES a Persian otherwise called MANICHEVS a man furious and madde answering well vnto his name set foorth the venome of his heresie in the time of the reigne of DIOCLETIAN Euseb. lib. 7. cap. 31. a man both in speech and maners rude and barbarous in inclination deuihsh yet he durst presume to cal himselfe the holy spirit as MONTANVS had done before and to represent Christes actions in chusing vnto him 12. disciples whome he sent forth to propagat his errours into diuerse parts of the world Eufeb ibid. His heresie contained a masse or venemous composition of olde extinguished errours which he renued and massed together such as the errour of CERDON and MARCION concerning two beginnings The error of Encratitae in prohibition of meates which God hath appointed for the vse of man with thanksgiuing specially flesh and wine He vtterly rejected the olde Testament as many other Heretiques had done before him He ascribed not sinne to the free wil of man and his voluntarie defection from the estate of his first creation but to necessitie because mans body was made of the substance of the prince of darkenesse This was that heresie wherewith AVGVSTINE was infected before his conuersion but the Lord who brought foorth light out of darknes made PAVL sometime a persecnter to be a preacher
that her body saw no corruption Alwayes shee died and was buried in the valley of Iosaphat and shee did not beare the chastisement of our transgressions as her Sonne CHRIST IESUS did Howe then could shee die if shee had beene free both of originall actuall sinne as Papistes affirme ●…uvenalis Bishop of ●…rusalem is saide to haue made narration of the assumption of the bles●…ed Virgine to Pulcheria Empresse and wife of the Emperour Martianus at that time when the Generall Councill of Chalcedon was ass●…mbled But there are so many circumstances derogating credit●… to that alleadged history of the assumption of the Virgine Marie that it is hard for a Christian to leane vpon such vncertaine and doubtsome groundes First the writer of it is Nicephorus the father of many fables Secondly the reporter of it was Iuvenal●…s Patriarch of Hierusalem an Eutychian Heretique vntill the feare of the authoritie of the Generall Councill compelled him to reuoke his errour Thirdly in what place and to whom made Iuvenalis this narration namely in the chamber secretely to P●…lcheria not in the Generall Councill openly where manie learned Fathers well acquainted with holy Scriptures were present who could haue controlled him declared that amongst those who died one onely to wit the holy One of GOD hath that priuiledge not to see corruption Epiphanius for causes knowne to himselfe for hee had heard this narration long before the dayes of Iuvenalis standeth not vpon the refutation of the assumption of the blessed Virgine but hee vtterly damneth the Collyridians as Heretiques who worshipped the Virgine Marie And in the matter of worshipping hee compareth her to the fruite of the forbidden tree It was a faire fruite but herewith a fruit forbidden to bee eaten So was the mother of our LORD a blessed woman aboue all women yet was shee not GOD and consequently not to bee worshipped So that Epiphanius passeth by the ground of the argument giuing and not granting that the tradition of her assumption were true yet this consequence can not followe that shee shoulde bee adored and worshipped In like maner Ambrose saieth that the Virgine Marie was the Temple of GOD but not the GOD of the Temple In which wordes like as hee alloweth the worshipping of the holie Ghost so in like maner hee disalloweth the worshipping of the Virgine Marie The Booke of August De assumptione beatae Mariae V●…rginis together with a Sermon of his In festo assumpt●…onis beatae Mariae are knowne to be supposititious and Censura Lovani●…nsis in the frontispice of that booke prefixeth this superscription NON EST AUGUSTINI The honourable titles and stiles giuen vnto the Virgine Marie by Ecclesiasticall Writers is another grounde wherevpon they doe leane vvho vvorshippeth the mother of our LORD shee is called 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that is to say The mother of GOD our Ladie vndefiled complete holy a perpetuall Virgine vnspotted Paradise a liuing Altar the mountaine ouer-shadowed by the holy Spirit All these honourable stiles I say were giuen vnto her in the writinges of ancient Fathers not of purpose to Deifie the blessed Virgine nor to bring in pluralitie of Gods but to magnifie the worke of the LORDES Incarnation Methodus is so prodigall in his stiles that hee calleth her 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that is the bread of life attributing to her the honour due to CHRIST onely It were better done to abst●…ine from wordes of superlatiue honoures belonging onely to CHRIST then after they are vttered to bee compelled by tolerable interpretations to lenifie the absurditi●… of vncompetent speaches The bl●…ssed Virgine while shee was conuersant with mortall men directed such as came to her selfe to goe to hir Sonne and to depend vpon his blessed will and pl●…asure saying vnto the seruantes Whatsoeuer hee saieth vnto you doe it much more now when shee dwelleth in celestiall mansions it is her will that we should depend vpon IESUS CHRIST her sonne her Sauiour her sonne her GOD her sonne the creator of her bodie whereinto hee was content to bee conceiued by the Holy Ghost As concerning the Inuocation of other Saintes Papistes rejoice in the multitude of Fathers who inuocate Saintes not onely Orators such as Basilius and NaZianZenus and Poets such as Prudentius who prayed vnto S. Laurence Vincentius the Virgine Agnes the Martyr Cassianus S. Cyprian S. Foelix and the Martyrs called Calaguritani Spanish Martyrs and Vascones as appeareth but also manie others were intangled with this error of whom I may justly say that thing which our maister CHRIST spake of the Samaritanes who worshipped GOD vpon mount Garizim Yee worship that which yee know not in which wordes CHRIST declareth that whatsoeuer worship is exhibited 〈◊〉 GOD without the warrand of his owne commandement it is naught And in that point the Fathers who prayed vnto Saintes they also worshipped that which they knew not For like as the Sunne when hee riseth and spreadeth his be●…mes throughout the worlde then the light of the Starres giue place to the glorious light of the Sunne euen so all the writinges of Fathers must needes giue place vnto the written worde of GOD whereinto wee are commanded to call onely vpon GOD in the day of our trouble and there is neither commandement promise nor example in Scripture to warrand the doctrine of Inuocation of Saints as hath beene already declared Now the authors of the doctrine of Inuocation of Saintes if they would search out the first originall of it they haue cause to bee ashamed for it came not from the Apostles but from the Gentiles No man who hath read the Dialogues of Plato can bee ignorant that vpon consideration of the dissimilitude that is betwixt mortall men and the immortall GOD he imagined some mid-creatures whose endeuour was this to carie the prayers and sacrifices of men to GOD and againe to carie the commandementes and oracles of GOD to men these mediate persons hee calleth them 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 of whom hee saieth that they are 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that is betwixt GOD and mortall man to wit mediators No such doctrine is conteined in holy Scripture Yea and ancient Fathers who attribute too much vnto Martyrs in calling them 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 thas is helpers phisitions GODS friendes and beloued seruantes yet they abhorred from the wordes of Plato to call them 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 for Theodoretus saieth 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that is Let vs not bee so mad Yet Papistes rush forward to this excesse of madnesse not onely to call the Saintes departed Intercessors but also mediators of intercession which is Plato his errour viuely expressed in the words aboue mentioned 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 To conclude the question of Inuocation of Saintes it is not vnlike to the controuersie that was betwixt Iphtah and the king of Ammon for the landes lying
I am the lesse moued with their speaches because it is the custome of lamed creeple men to be mounted vp on horsebacke an euil cause supporteth the own infirmitie by the loude trumpet of rayling wordes yet haue they not cleared to the world that wee maintaine obstinatly any point of doctrine repugnant vnto the articles of true faith and vnto the principall grounds of Christian religion preached by Christ and committed to write by the holy Apostles Let them be as prodigall in their curses as they please crying out against vs 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 I answere with simplicitie of a humble mind 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 this word written with 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and not with 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 signifieth a thing hanged vp in the Lordes Temple and dedicat to God Haue we not seene with our owne eyes deepe woundes made in the flesh of man that haue beene needled by skilfull Chirurgians and in end cured and healed and the skinne of man cutted in twaine by the sword vnited againe by the needle medicinable plasters That doctrine which endenoureth to needle the wounded world and to vnite it againe vnto that holy doctrine taught by the Apostles and Euangelistes and professed in the first hundreth yeere of our Lord shall we call it hereticall Shall we be so babish that wee cannot discerne the sword from the needle conjunction from separation healing from hurting welfare from woe If we knew Christ Iesus and the power of God working by his word we had not so rashly condemned the trueth of God The Iewes spake as confidently against Christ as euer the Councill of Trent hath spokē against vs We h●…ue a law according to our lawe hee ought to de because hee made himselfe the Sonne of God Ioh. 19. ver 7 Vnder pretence of zealous keeping of the Law made against blasphemers Leuit 24. 15. they condemned the holy One of God as a blasphemer But his father by loosing the sorowes of death receiuing him into heauen placing him at his owne right hand annulled ipso facto that rash sentence giuen out in earth against the innocent Lamb of God Euen so the Lord in his owne appointed time by receiuing our soules into those celestiall mansions prepared for his owne Saintes shall vndoe the rash decreetes that are giuen out against vs in the earth In all ages this matter hath bene contrauerted and Heretiques haue obstinatly maintained their bad and reprobat opinions and as obstinatly refused the odious and vile name of Heretiques and this question in our dayes is like to a flame of fire which no aboundance of water can sloken The definition of an heresie we haue alreadie set downe in the 3 chap resteth nowe in this treatise to ponder the name it selfe to consider the ground of heresie the propagation and preuailing power of it at sometimes the greater and more preuailing power of the curse of God making heresie in end to wither as the figge tree did that was cursed by Christ And finally to declare what should be the cariage both of Pastours magistrats and people toward Heretiques 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 is a word of the Greeke language and very ample in signification for it signifieth a choosing Now it is certaine that it is no fault to a man to take a choise when God doth offer it vnto him as when it was offered to SALOMON to aske what hee liked best he choosed rather to craue wisdome then riches from God 1. Reg. 3. and when DAVID choosed rather to fall into the hands of God then of man 2. Sam. 24 ver 14. DAVID in choosing the pest rather then the sworde or famine tooke a choice which was offered vnto him by God And the pondering of the generalitie of the worde may declare that in things indifferent wherinto God hath granted vnto men a libertie free choice such as eating of flesh or abstinence from it marying or not marying a man may take his choice in these things at such times as he findeth it granted by God as well as DAVID and SALOMON and a man is not to be called an Heretique because he marieth because God hath giuen him libertie to marie or not to marie as a man listeth best prouiding alwayes he seeke counsell of God to dispose him in such indifferent things that way whereby he shall be most meete and able to glorifie God For true it is that the Euangelist writeth No man hath seene God at any time the onely begotten Sonne of God who is in the bosome of his Father he hath reueiled him Ioh. 1 which words plainly doe testifie that in matters of faith God hath not giuen vnto a man a free choice to embrace what opinion he pleaseth but God hath tied bound vs in matters of faith to the mouth of his deare Sonne to the ende we should thinke no other thing of God then Iesus Christ hath reueiled vnto vs. Now anent the ground of heresie I followe the opinion of AVGVSTINE in his booke of exposition of some places of the epistie to the Galathian wherein hee compareth Heretiques to the sonnes of KETVRA whome ABRAHAM maried after the death of SARA Gen. 25. These children were procreated of an old father and of a yong mother euen so Heretiques pretending antiquitie of Scripture but forging vnto them a new yong sense whereinto Scripture was not written they become defenders of a false opinion The words of S. AVGVSTINE are these Ex occasione antiquaeveritat●…s in novitio temporalique nati sunt mendacio that is through occasion of antiquitie of the trueth they are borne into the noveltie of a temporall lie so that AVGVSTINE his judgement soundeth to this that Heretiques pretend antiquitie of scripture for their father but they are more like to KETVRA then ABRAHAM following rather the noueltie of error then the antiquitie of veritie In this maner IRENEVS thinkèth that heresies do spring vp of a false vnderstanding of holy Scriptures vsing the comparison of men who breake the golden image of the king after it is molten againe fashion it according to the similitude of a Foxe now it can not be called the kings image any longer albeit it be composed of that selfe same golde whereof the kings image was made euen so when wordes of Scripture are drawen to a new false hereticall sense count that new sense heresie not Scripture Iren adversus Ualent lib. 1. cap. 1. Now these opinions of IRENEVS and AVGVSTINE concerning the originall ground of heresie do well agree with the word of Christ himselfe written in holy Scripture Are ye not therefore deceiued because ye know not the Scriptures neither the power of God Marc 12. 24. The Sadduces knew wel eneugh the wordes of scripture but not the right sense and meaning of them And therfore it is great wisdome to mixe our reading with prayer to the ende that the Lorde who guided the
life Is there any euill that wee haue done that is not written with a penne of Yron and with the point of a Diamond in the booke of the conscience Ierem. 17. ver I These two bookes are perfite Ho but the thirde booke of the Lawe and written Worde of God is not perfite In the day of the Lordes blessed appearance wee shall finde it perfite containing all that wee should haue either done or beleeued Secondly they say that the Scriptures are difficill to be vnderstand and therefore should not bee reade by common people And indeede the Apostle PETER granteth that some places of the Epistles of PAVL are hard to bee vnderstood 2. Pet. 3. but hee biddeth no man for this abstaine from the reading of PAVLS Epistles To ouercome difficulties there are better remedies The blessed virgine the mother of our Lord when she vnderstood not Christes wordes she kept and pondered them in her heart Luc. 2. IVSTINVS MARTYR was admonished by an ancient and reuerent Christian to joyne prayer with reading that God would please to open the ports of light and vnderstanding that he might conceiue the true sense meaning of that he read Iustin dialog Tryphen CHRYSOSTOM in his preface vpon the Epist. to the Romanes declareth that if a man would acquaint himself familiarly with the scriptur by continuall exercise of reading he should the more easily vnderstand Scripture as he who is familiarly acquainted with his friend wil know by his nod or becken what is his meaning AVGVSTINE likewise saith that as there is difficill places in Scripture to exercise the vnderstanding of the strong so likewise there is plaine and easie passages of Scripture as pleasant medowes whereinto babes may securely walke August Aboue all the rest our master Christ Iesus hath taught vs by his owne example to confer Scripture with Scripture Math. 4. to the end we be not deceiued by Satans false glosses and commentaries vpon Scripture This is better then vpon occasion of difficultie to reject and cast away from vs a thing so necessarie Thirdly they say that the reading of Scriptures is dangerous to simple people because they may easily fall into an errour for fault of vnderstanding the right meaning of that which is reade I might answere compendiously that by this argument no man should reade sacred scripture neither learned nor vnlearned men For many learned men by reading Scripture and not vnderstanding it aright haue beene patrons of heresie such as ARRIVS MACEDONIVS NESTORIVS EVTHICHES and diuers others Also the very Monkes whose solitarie life and continuall exercise in reading and praying might seeme to exeeme them more then others from errour and heresie yet by mistaking the places of Scripture that spake of the eyes the nostrels the face of God the breath of God the arme of God they supponed God to bee fashioned according to the likenesse of a man And so both learned and vnlearned Priestes and people men liuing in townes and lurking in cottages of the wildernes haue erred through misvnderstanding of Scriptures Yet Scriptures must be reade by all true Christians and our meditation night and day must be vpon the Lawe of God Psal. 1. ver 2. Let vs here consider that some things are not necessarie vnto eternall life and when they are abused it is not amisse that they bee remooued and put out of the way such as the brasen serpent which HEZEKIAS brake in pieces and called it Nebustan 2 Reg. cap. 18. ver 4. But other things are so necessarie vnto eternall life that albeit they were a thousand times abused yet they cannot be forsaken such as is that foode that feedeth our soules vnto eternall life Ioh 6. for the which we are commanded continually to labour And like as when many thousands are poysoned in meate or drinke as it fell out in the armie of CONRADVS 3. yet necessitie compelleth men to cate and drinke cuen so we must reade and meditate vpon the written worde albeit infinit numbers of people haue beene miscatied by not taking vp the right sense and meaning of Scripture Now the cause wherefore so many accusations are forged against Scripture is this because it is the powerfull instrument of God whereby teachers of lying doctrine are conuicted and confounded Places of holy Scripture are like vnto the smooth stones that DAVID tooke out of the brooke and fastened one of them into the head of GOLIAH 1 Sam. 17. ver 49. Euen so Heretiques are so confounded by the testimonies of Scripture that aboue all things they hate Scripture This IRENEVS toucheth shortly spealing of Heretiques in these words Cùm ex Scripturis arguuntur in accusationem convertuntur ipsarum Scripturarum lib. 3. cap. 2. that is When they to wit Heretiques are argued by Scriptures they turne themselues to the accusation of Scrip tures Thieues do hate the light and traitours the face of a ludge and Heretiques hate Scripture the very axe that is laid to the root of their tree that it may be hewed down cast into the fire and vtterly abolished Notwithstanding of all these false accusations let vs fast adhere to the written Word The fathers that liued in the time of these ten persecutions counted the volume of holy Scripture so precious a treasure that they could willingly offer their bodies to bee burned with fire for the faith of Christ but they would not giue one page of the holy Scripture to be burned and if any man did it he was called proditor that is a betrayer and was counted a companion to the traitour IVDAS who betrayed his master which custome was the ground of that great and long-lasting controuersie betwene CECILIANVS B. of Carthage the Donatists For the Donatists alledged that he had admitted to an ecclesiasti cke office a man who in time of persecution had bene proditor had deliuered a volume of holy Scripture to be burned If we will not followe the zeale of ancient Christians I will set downe a more familiar example of an ancient and honourable Lady of blessed memorie My eares heard her call the Scripture the charter of our heauenly inheritance because we haue no right to heauen but only by the promises contained in the Scriptures of God No man wil be content to haue their charter rest out of their hande If any difficil question arise by reading of it they will send for a wise Lawier and seeke resolution at him but they will assuredly keepe and reade their owne charter Euen so saith the foresaid nobleLady Gods people should not haue bene debarred from reading the holy Scriptures of God the very true charter of their heauenly inheritance This written word is the shepherds staffe of Christ wherby we are comforted in our life vpholden euen when wee walke through the shadowe of death Psal. 23. ver 4. Which staffe Christe holdeth in his hande not for his owne sake as other shepherdes doe to rest vpon it and to relieue their
miserable to keepe in their bosomes the testimonies of their owne condemnation as the Jewes did who kept the bookes of MOSES and of the Prophets which beare testimonie of Christ Ioh. 5. yet they beleeued not in Christ they kept them indeede to our great profite but to their own just condemnation because they neither beleeued the promises of the worde neither were terrified with the threatnings of that same booke which they kept I pray God we may be better keepers of holy writings then the reprobate Jewes were In this controuersie to defend vnwritten traditions the bookes of ancient fathers are sifted and raked and infinite paines are taken to holde vp this maine and yet dayly decaying pillar of their kingdome It is not my purpose neither to defend nor to excuse euery thing that fathers haue written Onely I say in good conscience that great injurie is done to some of them by the Papistes namely to the most ancient father IRENEVS B. of Lions Hee striueth against VALENTINVS an Heretique and conuicteth him by tradition of the Churches which were thought in his time to be Apostolicke but the heades that he proueth by tradition are the principall articles of our faith That there is one God maker of heauen and earth and that Christ was borne of a virgin and suffered under Pontius Pslate and rose againe and was receiued into the brightnesse of glory and that hee shall come againe to saue such as are to be saued and to judge such as are to be judged c And such sort of traditions as are altogether agreable to holy Scriptures we contrauert not vpon Secondly IRENEVS had a conflict with Heretiques who regarded not scripture but saide they were ambiguous and doubtsome had no authority that tradition was more ancient then scripture and therefore necessitie compelled IRENEVS to fight against him with his owne weapons as PAVL did against the Athenians with testimonies of Poets Acts 17. Iren. lib. 3. cap. 2. cap. 3. Yet was it not IRENEVS purpose to prooue any thing repugnant to scripture The traditions which they reade of in other fathers if any be bound to keepe them it is they themselues who leane vnto them as a necessarie supplement of the want that is in scripture but they themselues will not be bound to the obseruation of them all but haue let many of them goe out of vse such as praying betweene Easter and Whitsonday not vpon their knees but standing on their feete to put them in remembrance of Christes resurrection such like three dippings in water whereof wee spake in the heade of antiquitie And after Baptisme the taste of a temper of milke and honie to signifie their spirituall infancie and many other traditions they haue suffcred to euanish and go out of vse so that we are the lesse bound to them To drawe vnto an ende of this treatise It may be demanded Was not tradition at some time in honourable regard in the house of God and how it commeth to passe that now in the last age of the world we wil bring al traditions vnto the balance of the written word counting light all these traditions that are not agreable to the Scriptures For answere vnto this question we shall distinguish the worlde into three ages and speake of the force of tradition in euery age Godwilling In the first age of the world from ADAM to the flood of NOE tradition had the greater place because the Worde ' of God was not as yet written but God spake by Oracles to ADAM and that which the Lorde spake to him hee deliuered it by faithfull tradition to his postēritie Nowe in this first age it cannot be denied but tradition had great place and to the ende the faith of the posteritie should not leane vpon the naked report of their fathers as vpon an vncertaine ground it pleasedGod to bestow vpō these fathers of the first age two great priuiledges First they were indued with the spirite of prophecie for ADAM prophecied of secret things that were done when hee was sleeping Gen. 2 ver 23 And HENOCH the seuinth from ADAM prophecied in the first age of the world of things that are to be done in the last age of the world Epist. Iud ver 14. 15. And LAMECH prophecied of his sonne NOAH Gen. 5. Beside this God bestowed vpon these fathers long life so that ADAM liued vntill he deliuered the Oracle of God spoken vnto him to HENOCH and HENOCH liued till he deliuered the same to LAMECH and LAMECH to NOE so that NOE needed not to bee in doubte whether the reporte of his fathers concerning the Oracle spoken to ADAM was true or not because it was conueied to him by the handes of faithfull witnesses of vnsuspect credite yea holie Prophets deliuered the holie Oracle of GOD to NOE and holie Prophct of GOD also as they were In the second age of the world it pleased God to register his blessed will in write in the dayes of MOSES and then tradition was nothing else but a page and handmaide to the written worde of God For true it is that God commanded fathers to tell their posteritie the wonderful works of God in slaying the first borne of Egypt and sparing the first borne of the I ewes Exod. 13. ver 8. yet this tradition of fathers to their children was agreable to the word of God written by MOSES in so far that the posteritie beleeued not the writings of MOSES because they were agreable to the report of their fathers but rather the reporte of their fathers because it was agreable to the worde of God written by MOSES and so tradition in this age was a page and handmaide to the written worde of God neither doe wee reade after the worde was written that God commanded fathers to tell anything to their children that was not expresly contained in the written word of God In the last age of the world we should be more attentiuely addicted to the written worde and lesse to tradition in regard the Apostles were moued to put the summe of their most wholesome doctrine in write because their doctrine was not rightly reported euen by those who heard the Apostles teach as said is And if the writing of the summe of their wholesome doctrine was a remedie deuised by the Apostles themselues against false traditions wrong reports of Apostolicke doctrine what injurie doe we to the Romaine Church when we examine al their traditions by the rule of the writtē word that which is not agreable to the written word wee reject it as a doctrine neither catholicke nor Apostolicke because that it is found light when it is weighed in the just balance of the written word of God Now consider howe damnable an inclination is in this our corrupt nature When God reueiled his blessed will by tradition men were not attentiue to it but preferred their lust vnto the will of God reueiled by tradition for the sonnes of
after many torments was in end laid vpon the altar whereupon they vsed to offer sacrifice to idols while there was yet some strēgth in his hande they put franckincense into his right hande thinking that he would haue scattered the incense vpon the altar and sacrificed but he endured the torment patiently saying the words of the Psalme 145. Blessed be the Lord who teacheth mine hands to fight In end LICINIVS made warre against CONSTANTINE and being diuerse times ouercome both by sea and land he yeelded himselfe at length and was sent to Thessalia to liue a priuate life where he was slaine by the souldiers SO CONSTANTINE obtained the whole empire alone Here ende the ten persecutions CENT III. Cap. 2. TO VICTOR succeeded ZEPHYRINVS the 14. Bishop of Rome who liued in that charge 8. yeres 7. months 10. dayes Platin. EVSEBIVS attributeth vnto him 18. yeeres Euseb. lib 6 cap. 21. so vncertaine is the computation of the yeeres of the gouernement of the Bishops of Rome EVSEBIVS writeth nothing of his decretall epistles and these that are forged by late writers are foolish and ridiculous Consecration of the holy cuppe in a vessel of glasse alanerly A Bishop to bee accused before honest Iudges twelue in number whome the Bishop himselfe shall chuse if neede bee honest and vnspotted witnesses to bee heard in his cause no fewer then 72. conforme and aboue the number of these 70. disciples whome Christ adjoyned as fellow-labourers in preaching with his Apostles And finally that no definitiue sentence should bee pronounced against a Bishop vntill the time his cause were heard of the Patriarch of Rome This is but a mocking of the Church of God to attribut such swelling pride such vnaccustomed formes of judicatorie such defensiue armour fencing and gwarding vnrighteous men against just deserued punishment vnto the simplicitie of an ancient Church humbled vnder the crosse and sighing vnder the yocke of heauie and long-lasting afflictions These false and forged decretall epistles altogether vnknowne to the fathers who liued before the dayes of CONSTANTINE will procure one day a decreete and sentence of wrath against these who haue giuen out new inuented lies vnder the names of ancient and holy fathers The canons of the Apostles albeita booke falsly attributed to the Apostles doe agree better with scripture then the constitution of ZEPHYRINVS For the Scripture saith that by the mouth of two or three witnesses euery worde shall bee confirmed Matt. 18 ver 16. The Canons of the Apostles say 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that is Let not an Heretique be admitted to beare witnesse against a Bishoppe neither yet one witnesse alanerly albeit hee bee faithfull because that by the mouth of two or three witnesses euery worde shall be confirmed Canon Apost cap. 74. The writer of the Canons of the Apostles had some remembrance of the words of Scripture but the forger of the decretall epistles of ZEPHYRINVS is like vnto a ship-man who hath hoised vp his saile and auanced his ship so far into the sea that hee hath tint the sight of lande and townes as the Poet speaketh Provehimur Pelago terraeque v●…besque recedunt Surely this lying fellowe who euer hee hath bene that hath written this supposititious decretall epistle of ZEPHYRINVS hee hath hoised vp his saile and is so bent to lie that he hath tint both sight and remembrance of the words of holy scripture CALLISTVS the 15. Bishop of Rome continued in his charge 5. yeeres Euseb. eccles hist. lib. 6. cap. 21. PLATINA saith 6 yeeres 10. months 10. dayes The fable of Pope DAMASVS who affirmeth that CALLISTVS builed a Church to the honour of the virgine MARIE beyond Tyber is rejected by PLATINA himselfe because the historie of the time clearely prooueth that in the daies of SEVERVS and his sonnes the conuentions of the Christians could not haue bene in magnificke temples but rather in obscure chappels or subterraneall places so that the multiplied number of lies written of the Bishops of Rome who liued in this age and the decretall epistles falsly attributed vnto them plainely proue that the garment of antiquitie vnder the lap whereof Papistes would so faine lurke is altogether inlacking to them VRBANVS 1. was the 16. Bishoppe of Rome He continued in his office eight yeeres saith Euseb. lib. 6. cap. 22. PLATINA foure yeeres ten months twelue dayes Of his martyrdome EVS EBIVS maketh no mention Others who record his martyrdome are not certaine in what Emperours dayes hee was martyred Iproceede to his successour PONTIANVS the 17. B. of Rome He continued in his charge 9. yeeres 5. months 2. dayes Platin Euseb. saith 6. yeeres He was banished to the Isle Sardinia where he died Of the two decretall epistles ascribed vnto him the second is generall written to al men who feare and loue God the very first words of it prooue it to be false forged Pontianus sanctae uniuersalis Ecclesiae Episcopus c. that is PONTIANVS B●…shop of the holy vniuersall Church to all them who feare loue God wisheth welfare Tom. 1. Concil Such magnificke stiles as these were not as yet in vse and when they crept in into the Church afterward they were giuen by persons who admired the vertues of some singulare and rare men such as CYPRIAN and ATHANASIVS and EVSEBIVS but no man did vsurpe such proud and arrogant titles of dignitie in his owne writings direct to other Christians and therefore the learned reject this epistle as composed by some late vnlearned and flattering fellowe After PONTIANVS succeeded ANTERVS the 18 B. of Rome to whome EVSEBIVS assigneth but one mouth of continuance in his ministrie lib. 6. cap. 29. DAMASVS assigneth to him 12. yeeres PLATINA 11. yeeres 1 month 12. dayes and this diuersitie of counting cannot be reconciled Next to ANTERVS succeeded FABIANVS the 19. Bishop of Rome vpon whose head a doue lighted when the people were cōsulting anent the election of a Bishop therfore with full consent of the wholeCongregation he was declared to be theirBishop The people at this time were so far from beeing secluded frō giuing their consent to the electiō of him who should be ordained their Pastour that the consent of the people had the principall swey in the election of Pastours Func Chron Commentar He suffered martyrdome vnder the reigne of DECIVS the 7 great persecuter after hee had continued in his office 14. yeeres 11. months 11. dayes Platin de vit Many constitutions made by him are cited by GRATIANVS insert Tom 1. Concil One of them I cannot p●…sse by We constitute that vpon euery Lordes day the oblation of the altar shall be made by euery man and Woman both of bread and wine to the end that by these oblations they may be deliuerea from the heapes of their sinnes First marke in this constitution that the bread and wine which the people brought with them vpon the Lords day for
great Citie of refuge to Heretiques was to addresse themselues to the B. of Rome and to leane vnder his shadow But Damasus who was bishop of Rome at this time would not admit these Heretiques to his presence Neither would Ambrose B. of Millane to whom they ad dressed next in any wise accept of them when al other meanes failed them last of al with buddes and bribes they sollicited the Emp. cubiculers were sent backe againe to enjoy their owne places Neuerthelesse GOD suffered not Priscillianus to escape punishmēt for he was conuict of sorcery was punished to the death after the death of Valentinian the seconde whether by Maximus an usurper of the Emperiall Soueranitie or by Theodosius I am not certaine Lucifer was bishop of Calaris in Sardinia He was present at the Councill of Millan and was banished by Constantius because hee would not consent to the deposition of Athanasius Hee was reduced from banishment by the Em. Iulian. He visited Antiochia a towne miferably distracted with Schismes and by ordaining Paulinus B. of Antiochia hee rather augmented then paired the scisme he perceiued that this his fact was disproued by Euseb. b. of Vercellis many others therefore he his followers did not cōmunicate with such as disproued the ordination of Paulinus This seemes rather to be rekoned in the catalogue of schismes then of heresies Theod. disprouing Lucifer saith that he made faith to be 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 but he saith not 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that is a weapon of contentions but not a weapon of heresie These who supposed that after the Natiuitie of the LORD the Virgine Marie companied with her husband Ioseph and did beare childrē to him were called Antidicomarianitae In this opinion was Helvidius a man more curious then wise The opinion of the Fathers of the Church not repugnant to Scripture was this That like as no man did lie in the sepulchre wherein Christ was buried before him Euen so in the wombe wherein hee was conceiued no man was cōceiued after him so the Fathers tooke the wordes of the Apostolicke symbole 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 as i●… it had bene said 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that is born of Mary a perpetual Virgine In holy scriptures by the brethren of our LORD is meaned the kinsmen of the LORD according to the flesh to which exposition the consent of Ancient Neotericke writers for the most part aggreeth Augustine cites out of Philaster a sort of Heretiques called Metangismonitae whose heresie sounded to this That the SONNE is in the FATHER according to the similitude of a little vessell comprehended within the compasse of a greater vessell 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 in the Greeke Language signifieth a vessell and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 signifieth the entering of one vessel within another which in our language cānot be expressed by one word as it is in the Greeke From Seleucus and Hermias this heresie had the name where they dwelt or in what Emperours dayes this Heresie was propagated August maketh no mention their opinions were most abominable namely that the Masse whereof GOD created the elements was coeternall with him and that the Angels not GOD created the soules of men that CHRIST in his ascension vnclothed himselfe of the flesh of man and left it in the globe of the Sunne They receiued not baptisme by water They denied the resurrection of the dead supposing that by new generations one succeeding to another that is performed which in Scripture is written concerning the resurrection The rest of the Heresies of this age were all obscure and had few followers such as Proclianitae who denied that CHRIST was come in the flesh Patriciani who affirmed that the bodie of man was formed by the Deuil not by GOD Ascitae who carried about with them newe vessels to represent that they were vessels filled with the new wine of the Gospell Patalorynchitae foolish men who counted it religion to stop their breath with their fingers and to vtter no intelligible speach Aquarii who in stead of wine receiued water in the holy Sacrament The beginning of this errour seemes to haue beene in the dayes of Cyprian Coluthiani denied that any euill either of sinne or punishment came of GOD. Floriani who by the contrarie affirmed that GOD created creatures in an euill estate The 8. Heresies which Philaster commemorates without any name either taken from the Author or from the heresie it selfe Augustine scarcely will reacken them into the roll of Heresies CHAP. IIII. Of Councils COUNCILS may bee diuided in Generall Nationall or Prouinciall and particulare Councils Generall were called Oecomenik Councils 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 in the Greeke language signifies the World because from all quarters of the World whereinto CHRIST was preached commissioners were sent to these Councils and they were gathered by the authoritie of the Emperour Nationall or provinciall Councils were such as were gathered by the authoritie of the Emperour in one nation with asfistance of other neere approaching nations for suppressing of Heresies desyding of questions pacifying of schismes and appointing Canons and constitutions for decent order to be keeped in the Church The third sort of Councils were particular Councils by Bullinger called 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 or 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Such as the Councils of Gangra Neocaesaria many others gathered vsuallie by Patriarchs and Bishops in a corner of a countrie but for the like causes as nationall Councils were assembled Let no man expect a recital of particular Councils except at such times as some matter of great moment enforceth me to speake of them Ancyra is a towne of Galatia In this towne were assembled Bishops of diuerse prouinces about the yeere of our Lord 308. as is supposed The principal cause of their meeting was to constitute a forme of Ecclesiasticall discipline according to which they who either willingly or vnwillingly had sacrificed to idols in time of persecution should bee receiued into the bosome of the Church againe when they were found penitent There were many rankes of persons who had defiled themselues with Heathnicke Idolatrie such as Libellatici Thurificati Sacrificati Proditores The Council of An●…yra tooke order chiefely with those who were called Thurificati and Sacrificati that is with them who either had casten vp incense vpon Idolatrous Altars or els had eaten of meates sacrificed to Idoles to whom it was injoyned to testifie the r repentance a long time before they were receiued to the communion of GODS people some one yeere some two yeeres others three or foure yeeres some fiue or sixe yeeres and aboue according to the heauinesse of their transgression In this Councill it was ordained that Deacons who in time of their ordination did protest that they had not the gift of continencie but were disposed to marry if they married they shoulde remaine in their Ministrie but they who in time
no mention of the fornication of Athanasius of the hande of Arsenius of the Table Cuppe and bookes aboue mentioned but they forged newe accusations against him whereunto the Emp. gaue too hastie credite and banished Athanasius to Triere Immediately after the Councill of Tyrus many bishops were assembled at Hierusalem for the dedication of the Temple which the Emp. Constantine had builded at the place of the LORDS sepulchre Anent the Councill of Antiochia wherein the Arrians deposed Eustatius and the Councill of Arles wherein Cecilianus was absolued from the accusation of the Donatists no further discourse is needefull then is conteined in the historie of the liues of these two Bishops Gangra is a towne of Paphlagonia In this towne were assembled certaine Fathers to the number of 16. about the yeere of our LORD 324. The occasion of their meeting was the Heretique Eustatius who admiring the Monasticke life or as others affirme fauouring the Heresie of Encratitae and the Manicheans he spake against Marriage against eating of fl●…sh he damned the publicke Congregations of GODS people in Temples and said a man could not be saued except he forsooke all his poss●…ssions and renounced the wo●…lde after the forme of monkish doing These opinions were damned in the Councill of Gangra The subscriptions of the Fathers of this Councill after their Canons are worthie to be remarked These things say they haue we subscribed not vituperating them who according to Scripture chooseth vnto themselues an holy purpose of a continent life but them onely who abuseth the purpose of their minde to pride extolling themselues against the simpler sort Yea and damne and cut off all those who contrary to Scripture and Eccl●…siasticall rules bring in new Commandements But we admire humble Virginity and wee approue continencie that is vndertaken with chastity and Religion And wee embrace the renounciation of seculare businesse with humilitie And we honour the chast band of Mariage And we despise not riches joined with righteousnesse and good workes And we commend a simple and cou●…se apparrell used for couering the body without Hypocrisie Likewise wee reject loos and dissolute g●…rments And we honour the houses of GOD and assemblies that are in them as holy and profitable Not debarring men from exercises of pietie in their owne priuate houses But places builded in the name of the LORD wee honour and Cong●…egations assembled in the same places for the common utilitie we approue And good workes which are done to poore brethren euen aboue mens habilitie according to the Ecclesiasticall traditions we blesse them And we wish all things to be celebrated in the Church according to holy Scriptures and the ordinances of the Apostles In the time of the reigne of Constantine in Eliberis a towne of Spaine were assembled 19. Bishops and of preaching Elders 36. The ende of their meeting was to reforme horrible abuses both in Religion and maners which in time of the tenne Persecutions had preuailed in Spaine And nowe in time of peace such enormities and festered maners co●…lde hard●…ly bee amended Manie Ecclesiasticall Canons were made in this Synode to the number of 81. Whereof wee shall rehearse but a fewe and such as clearely pointeth out the principall ende of their meeting They ordained that Heathnicke sacrificing Priests called of olde Flamines if they were content to absteine from sacrificing to Idoles and to learne the groundes of Christian R●…ligion after three yeeres repentance they shoulde bee admitted to baptisme Likewise they ordained that Christian Virgines shoulde not bee giuen in marriage to Pagans lest in the flou●…e of their youth they should bee entangled with spirituall whoredome In like maner that Bishops should receiue no rewarde from men that did not communicate with the Church They ordained that nothing that is worshipped shoulde be pictured on the wall And that in priuate houses no Idoles should be founde And incase the maisters of houses were afraide of the violence of their s●…ruantes at least they should keepe themselues pure and cleane which if they did not they shoulde bee counted strangers from the fellowship of the Church And that if any man happen to bee slaine in the action of breaking downe images his name shall not bee enrolled in the catalogue of Martyres because it is not written in the history of the Gospell that the Apostles used any such forme of reformation whereby they sig●…isie that by wholsome doctrine images should be castē out of the hearts of mē rather then broken with popular violence with the tumultuary attempts of priuate men Any judicious man may perceiue by these Canons both the time when and the cause wherefore this Council was assembled They who count the first Councill of Carthage to bee that Councill whereinto Cyprian with aduise of many other bishops of Numidia Lybia and other partes of Africke ordained men who were baptized by Heretiques to bee rebaptized againe they commit a great ouer-sight to recken the first Councill of Carthage to bee holden vnder the reigne of Constantine whereas it is certainely knowne that Cyprian was martyred in the dayes of Valeriane the eight persecuting Emperour But the first Councill of Carthage that was kept in CONSTANTINES dayes was that Councill whereinto the Donatistes condemned Caecil●…anus Bishop of Carthage whose innocencie afterwarde was tryed by manie Iudges In it there was no matter of great importance concluded and therefore I ouer-passe it with few wordes as an assemblie of li●…tle account All these Councils aboue mentioned were assembled in the dayes of CONSTANTINE the Great Now followeth Councils gathered in the dayes of his sonnes The cause pretended for the gathering of the Councill of A●…t ochi●… in the dayes of Constantius the sonne of Constantine was the dedication of the Church of Antiochia which albeit C●…nstantine had builded yet fiue yeeres after his death and in the seuenteenth yeere after the foundation of this Temple was laide CONSTANTIUS his sonne finished and perfected the worke And vnder pretence of dedication of this Temple as saide is this assemblie of Antiochia was gathered ANNO 344. but indeede of purpose to supplant the true Faith To this Assemblie resorted manie Bishops to the number of 90. But Maximus Bishop of HIERUSALEM and ●…ulius Bish●…p of Rome neither came they to the Councill neither sent they any me●…enger in their name fearing as the trueth was that they were gathered for euill and ●…ot for good At this time Placitus the s●…ccessour of Euphronius gou●…rned Antiochia Now when they were met together many accus●…tions were heaped vp against Athanasius First that hee had accepted his place againe without aduise of other Bishops Secondlie because at the time of his r●…turning backe againe to ALEXANDRIA there fell out great commotion amongst the people and some were slaine others were contumeliouslie beaten and violently drawne before justice seates Mention also was made of the decrete of the Councill of Tyrus against
to wit in those that are dead If they had followed the certaintie of Scripture what needed such doubtsome and staggering speeches When a tall Cedar falleth many little trees are bruised by the fall of it and when worthie men doe fall into an errour it is offensiue to manie The dolorous examples of Iacob Dauid Salomon and the plurality of their wiues contrary to the first institution of GOD proueth this to bee true Helcana the father of Samuel was not free of this fault And when the Apostle Paul writeth of the giftes that are requisite in a bishop hee would haue him to bee the husband of one wife which exhortation had beene vnnecessary except the preposterous following of the faultes of holie Fathers had beene so uniuersally ouer-spread that scarce the Pastors themselues were free of the contagion of this disease But the GOD of Heauen hath permitted this to bee for our triall euen to trie whether wee loue the LORD our GOD with all our heart or no for if wee loue the LORD with all our heart wee will neuer prefer men to GOD nor mens examples to GODS Commandements how holy and godly so euer they haue beene But now to returne to these two learned Fathers of whom I began to speake Some excuse this weakenesse by the libertie of Rhethoricall ornamentes And indeede incase a lap of this transparent-couering bee not spred ouer the speeches of Nazianzenus who preferreth the paine●…ull trau●…ls of Basilius to the trauels of the Apostle Paul who filled the world with the preaching of the Gospel from Iudea to Ilyricum If I say this forme of speaking bee not excused by Rhetho●…icall ornamentes and namely the figure Hyperbole no Christian man coulde gladly lende his eare to such speeches But now to leaue the sandie ground of mens speaches to conuert our selues to the doctrine of diuine Scriptures as to a sure foundation wherevpon if wee leane we shall not bee deceiued The LORD saith in his word Call vpon me●… in the day of thy trouble and I will deliuer thee and thou shalt glorifie mee From this ground of holy Scripture let our Treatise arise wherein GOD willing first wee shall consider the purpose of the Prophet next wee shall declare that Prayer is a part of spirituall worship onlie belonging to GOD thirdly that IESUS CHRIST is the only mediator of our intercession and last that prayers to Angels to the blessed Virgine the mother of our LORD and to the Saintes departed hath no grounde in Scripture and this custome was disliked by many of the ancient Fathers Now the purpose of the Prophet in the fifty Psalme is manifest namely this to conuict Hypocrites who contenting themselues with outward sacrifices neglected the spiritual worship of GOD wherein GOD hath principall delight as CHRIST saith GOD is a Spirit and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and trueth But Hypocrites will needes present vnto GOD chaffe in stead of Corne drosse in stead of Golde and an outward scroofe of externall worship in stead of the very substance of his spirituall seruice To draw them from this grosse imagination he brings in GOD himselfe speaking from his holy Sanctuarie and declaring that outward sacrifices haue bene oft times intermitted without any reproofe of them who beeing compelled by necessitie and not willingly left off the offering of sacrifices In Aegypt the Iewes coulde not offer such beasts as the Aegyptians worshipped els they would haue stoned them to death In Babylon they had not an Altar whervpon they coulde offer sacrifices to GOD lawfully And at some times when both Alter and sacrifices were at hand yet Dauid complaineth that by violence he was debarred from the Courtes of the LORD All these times GOD did not reproue his people for omitting of externall sacrifices because they were constrained by necessitie to intermit such outward exercises In the meane time they worshipped GOD in spirit and trueth and it lay not in the power of their hatefull enemies to hinder them from worshipping GOD spiritually Secondly the Prophet brings in the LORD declaring that hee had no pleasure in bloody sacrifices because hee neither eateth flesh nor drinketh blood and in case hee delited in such things hee would not require them at mens handes seeing that all the foules in the Mountaines and all the beastes in the Forrest are the LORDS and hee may use them according to his owne will and blessed pleasure But the LORD did institute such kind of sacrifices to last for a time as shadowes of thinges to come but they coulde neuer sanctifie the commers the reunto Therefore if they bee separated from CHRIST to whom they led the people as Types and Figures of his euerlasting sacrifice the LORD had no kind of regarde of them True it is that Sathan hath a delite in bloody sacrifices euen in so far as they are bloody and a destruction of the creatures of GOD as the sacrifices in the valley of Ben-hinnon doe testifie and the sacrifices offered to Dia●…a in Taurica chersonesus and the bloody tribute paied by the Athenians to Minos King of Candie by the expresse aduice and counsel of Apollo as Chrysostome clearelie affirmeth And this declareth that the deuill who was a murtherer from the beginning hath a delite in bloody sacrifices But God delited not in such sacrifices except only in so far as they were types and figures leading to the sacrifice of Christ. Yea the sacrifices of the Law were like vnto the fire set vpon the top of the marble towre of Pharos for the wellfare of ships and to direct them vnto the right harboure of Alexandria and like vnto the fire set vp vpon the vttermoste wall of HIERUSALEM on the North side called by Cosmographers Turris furnorum This serued to direct the foote-steps of them who in the night season were journeying to the holy Citie that they shoulde not aberre from the right entrie of the gates of HIERUSALEM Notwithstanding children sate about these fires and warmed themselues and knewe none other use wherefore they were appointed saue onely to warme those who were acolde in winter nightes euen so carnall Iewes reposed vpon sacrifices but marked not the right ende wherefore they were appointed by God But the Prophet leades a carnall people from externall sacrifices vnto spirituall exercises and namely vnto prayer and thankesgiuing and consequently to the obedience of faith the very vndoubted grounde of prayer and thankesgiuing for in these exercises consist deeper pointes of the worship of God then in outward sacrifices whether we looke to God or to our selues when wee looke to God hee is a spirit and consequently hee deliteth in spirituall seruice and when wee looke vnto our selues wee haue an earthly bodie and a spirituall soule and if we present vnto God the seruice of the most base part of our person and not the best part then wee fall vnder the curse threatned by
they craued that others shoulde make supplications to God for them But hee who is Mediator of intercession he prayeth for vs and hath no neede that any man should pray for him In like maner Ch●…ysostome writing vppon these wordes of the Apostle For there is one GOD and one Mediator of GOD and man the man CHRIST IESUS plainely affirmeth that the Mediator of our intercession must bee partaker both of the diuine and humane nature And consequently there is no Mediator of intercession except Christ onely who is both God and man In like maner speaking of the Canan●…tisb woman hee saith that shee went not to Peter nor to Iames nor to ●…ohn but shee went directly to Christ bringing with her repentance as an aduocate and beeing moued with vnspeakeable admiration of the goodnesse of Christ hee saith O admirandares sursum tremor Deorsum fiducia miserere mei non opus habeo mediatore that is O admirable thing there is trembling aboue and confidence belowe haue mercie vpon mee I haue no neede of a mediator to wit betwixt Christ and mee Thus wee see that when ancient Fathers spake of a mediator of intercession they spake of a mediator betwixt God and vs and not betwixt Christ and vs. But now let vs take vp out of groundes of holy Scripture a true description of the mediator of intercession Out of two principal places of Scripture the description shal be grounded In the Gospell of Matthew it is saide This is my Well-beloued Sonne in whom I am Well pleased And in the Epistle of Peter we are warned to offer up spirituall sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ. Of these two places of Scripture I gather a description of a mediator of intercession in this maner Hee for whose sake onely our persons are in fauour with God and for whose merites onely our prayers are acceptable to God hee is the onelie mediator of our intercession But so it is that in Christ onelie God is pleased with our persons and for his sake onelie God accepteth our prayers ergo Christ is the onely mediator of our intercession The similitude that is vsed by Papistes in stead of an argument is to bee discussed Like as subjectes should not step rudelie to the King but by mediate persons who are in fauoure and credite present their sutes vnto his Highnesse Eu●…n so say they wee shoulde not bee so bolde as to present our prayers to Christ at the first instant without the intercession of Saints To this similitude Origen himselfe albeit the first inuenter of the seminarie of this error hee answereth by another similitude That like as the shadow doeth follow the bodie in moste absolute maner so that if the bodie be moued the shadow also moueth and if the bodie rest the shadow also resteth Euen so if 2 man can bee in fauour with the eternall God then shall he also be in friendship with all the creatures of God And this agreeth well with the wordes of holy Scripture That the stones in the fielde shall bee in league with us and the beastes of the fielde shall bee at peace with vs to wit when wee are reconciled to our GOD. To this same similitude both used of olde by some and rejected by the learned S. Ambrose giueth this answere writing vpon the words of P●…l They serued the creature forsaking the Creator who is blessed for euer Vpon these wordes hee writeth that men who haue neglected praying to GOD they defende themselues with a miserable excuse saying that by Saintes they may haue accesse to GOD like as by noble Courteours accesse vnto the King is purchased but go toe saith hee is any man so foolish or so vnmindfull of his owne safetie that he dare giue vnto the fore-saide noble Courteour that honour which is due to the King for if any man bee found trafficking about such businesse hee will bee justly condemned of treason Yet these men count them not guiltie who giue the honour due to GOD v●…to a creature and forsaking GOD they worship their owne fellow-seruantes as if there were anie greater seruice that coulde bee exhibited to GOD to wit then Inuocation of his blessed NAME For this cause saieth hee men procure accesse to the King by Nobles and Tribunes because the King is but a man and knoweth not to whom hee shoulde concredite the affaires of the kingdome but to purchase the fauour of GOD to whom nothing is vnknowne because hee knoweth the deseruinges of all men there is no neede of suffragantes but of a deuote minde And in his booke written of Isaac and the soule he writeth of CHRIST very holily and according to Scripture CHRIST is o●…r mouth by whom wee talke with the Father hee is our eye by whom wee see the Father he is our right hand by whom wee offer our selues vnto the Father who if hee intercide not for vs neither wee nor the Saints haue any thing to do with GOD. Albeit it may bee sufficiently prou●…d that euen Ambrose himselfe was somewhat intangled with the errour uniuersally ouer-spred amongst the common people for they were so fonde vpon Inuocation of Saintes that learned Preachers yeelded somewhat to the madnesse of an ●…uill disposed people as Aaron did to the carnall I●…wes when they worshipped the golden Calfe Neuerthelesse any man who readeth the fore-mentioned places of Ambrose may perceiue that in heart and mind hee disliked the Inuocation of Saints The more particularly that wee descend into this argument●… the trueth shall bee the more clearely manifested Let vs therefore search out whether or no it was counted lawfull of olde to pray to the Angels to worship the Virgine Marie and to in●…ocate the Saintes In holy Scripture wee find that vnder colour of humilitie some did worship the Angels and pray vnto them But the holie Apostle Paul who was taught immediately by CHRIST calleth this forme of deuotion rashnesse and the conceit of an heart puffed vp with a fleshly minde There is no pride comparable to the pride of a foole hee will speake of thinges hee neuer saw nor heard and of thinges whereof he can render no reason The Angell who reuealed great mysteries to the Apostle Iohn woulde not bee content to bee worshipped by him but rebuked him at two diuerse times for presuming to worship him said at both times he should worship GOD. And the Council of Laodicea damned the worshipping of Angels as Idolatrie and a forsaking of CHRIST The Angell who blessed Iaakob was not one of the ministring Spirites but the great Angell of the Couenant of GOD euen CHRIST IESUS to whom all knee should bee bowed Concerning the adoration of the blessed Virgine the mother of our LORD it is grounded vpon the fabulous narrat●…on of her assumption written by Nicephorus whereunto the lesse credite is to be giuen because in it the glory onely due to CHRIST is giuen to the Virgine Marie namely
would send from the Heauen the diuine flame of his celestiall loue to the ende that the fleshly conceits of mens hearts may bee brunt vp and that they may bee fully perswaded that the LORD who made the Heauen and the Earth is hee alone to whom spirituall sacrifices are to bee offered and that through IESVS CHRIST to whom with the Father and the Holy Spirit bee praise and glorie now and euer AMEN A TREATISE Of the authoritie of COUNCILS IN the first three hundreth yeeres of our LORD Councils were few in number and verie obscure and few of them had great authoritie except the Councill holden in HIERUSALEM by the Apostles yet was the first age after CHRIST the golden age whether wee consider doctrine or maners in doctrine more sincere in maners more vnreproueable then any age after following in so much that all the accusations forged against their doctrine and conuersation were but calumnies and lyes The banquets of Thyestes and the chambring of Oedipus perpetually objected to the Christians of the primitiue Church what were they but cauillations in thinges whereof they had no vnderstanding They knew not what the spirituall eating of the flesh of CHRIST did meane neither knew they how necessary it was for Christians to keepe holy assemblies in the night time when they had not libertie to doe it in the day time And they spake euill of things they could not nor would not comprehende as the Gracians and Romanes counted the Hebrues Barbarians because they had no regard to vnderstand their language But out of all question the first age was the golden age of the worlde after it was renewed by the comming of CHRIST in doing of good more willing in suffering of euill more patient then anie age that followed the first 300. yeeres of our LORD And that thing where into the primitiue Church seemeth to be inferiour to posteriour times to wit in number and splendor of Councils in that same point it hath a prerogatiue such as Iuda had ouer Israel there were more altars in Israel then in Iuda but that one altar in Hierusalem was better then all their altars And the Councill holden in Hierusalem by the Apostles in the dayes of the Emperour Claudius was better then all the Councils either Generall or Nationall that euer were gathered since those dayes Now before I speake in particular of th●… necessitie of Councils of their authoritie of the abuse of Councils and power to conuocate them and who should haue vote in Councils somewhat is to bee premitted concerning the name giuen vnto G●…nerall or Nationall assemblies Gratianus busieth himselfe in manie vnnec●…ssarie thinges and in this also to secke out the Etymologie of the Latine word Concilium and hee deduceth it from the word Cilium called in the Greeke language 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that is the eye lid and the compound word Concilium signifieth the companie of men who agree in one minde as the eye liddes doe when they couer the eyes they couer both together and when they open againe to giue place vnto the sight of the eyes they open both at once And so Gratianus thinketh that Concilium is Coelus consentientium that is a company of men who agree in one mind The fourth Councill of Garthage requireth beside consent and agreement in one minde a consent to the veritie and trueth of GOD therefore they say that the assemblie of Heretiques should not bee called Concilium but Conciliabulum But in acurate seeking out of Etymologies scarce can Plato himselfe in his Dialogue called Cratylus escape the blame of curiositie the Greeke word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 is plainer and is borrowed by the Latinists who usually call a Councill Synodus and it is used in this sence to betoken a meeting of men in spitituall offices for timous suppressing of corruptions either in Doctrine or maners springing vp into the Church The necessitie of Counc●…ls may bee proued by these arguments following First those ordinarie meanes which the Prophets and Apostles who had their callin●… and gifts immediatly from GOD did use for suppressing of false doctrine and corrupt maners should of necessitie continue in the Church But so it is that conuentions assemblies was one of these ordinary meanes ergo they should continue in the Church The seconde part of the argument is proued by the example of the great assemblie gathered at Silo in the dayes of Iosua to suppresse the apparent defection of the Reubenites Gadites and halfe tribe of Manasses from the true worship of GOD as seemed vnto them And this Assemblie had allowance of GOD forasmuch as it was ordered with wisedome the glory of GOD was onely respected and the ende of it was peace in ISRAEL Next the great assemblie of the ten tribes at mount Carmell procured by Helias the Prophet but gathered by the commandement of Achab the king of Israel declareth that assemblies of Church-men and others of chiefe authoritie was an ordinarie meane to reforme abuses in Religion albeit no reformation followed after this assemblie yet the enemies of the true Religion were conuicted in their consciences false teachers were disgraced and punished and the zeale of Helias toward the glory of GOD had allowance by a miracle of fire from Heauen In like maner Samuel by gathering a great assemblie of all Israel at Mizpah procured a reformation both in Religion and maners amongst them Dauid in transporting the Arke to the citie of Dauid Salomon in the dedication of the Temple both used the support of holie assemblies gathered to that effect And in the new Testament the Apostles Elders and Deacons met together in an holie assemblie at Hierusalem and timouslie suppressed the doctrine of false teachers who affirmed that the Gentiles could not bee saued by faith in CHRIST onely except they had also beene circumcised and kept the law of Moses All these examples and manie more contained in holy Scripture teach vs that the meeting of holie assemblies was an ordinarie meane to suppresse corruption in doctrine and maners and to aduance the kingdome of GOD. Secondlie that thing which godlie Emperours did for the suppressing of Heresies following the examples of the Prophets Apostles especiallie when no better meanes could be found out is necessarilie to bee obserued But so it is that the godlie Emperours Constantine Theodosius Valentinian the third and Theodosius the second the sonne of Arcadius and Martianus conuocated Councils for suppressing of the Heresies of Arrius Macedonius Nestorius and Eutyches and no better meanes could be found out neither as yet can bee founde out for suppressing of Heresies Therefore the custome of conuocating Councils at times requisite is necessarilie to bee obserued Other arguments albeit they haue not so necessarie a consecution as the former notwithstanding they proue that lawfull Councils are a terrour to the kingdome of the Deuill and that the instrumentes of Sathan such as Iulian the
made how Paul and Silas visiting the Churches where Paul and Barnabas had preached before they deliuered them the Decrees to keepe ordained of the Apostles and Elders which were at Hierusalem Heere mention is made of the Decrees of a most worthie Councill but heerewith remember two thinges First the Decrees of such a Councill whereinto many Apostles were present who were taught in all trueth by the Holie Spirit according to the prediction of CHRIST Secondly Paul and Silas were not now planting Churches in Asia the lesse but they were wa●…ing and visiting the Churches already planted and no man denieth but the authoritie of good Councils is profitable to confirme men in the trueth of GOD. But it is the doctrine of the Holy Scripture of GOD that begetteth Faith in the soules of men Therefore let the Holy Scriptures of GOD haue the first and principall honour and no man will be offended that good Councils be regarded in their owne ranke In the next head let vs speake of the abuses of Councils they are manifold But the first and principall abuse of Councils I thinke to bee this when the very end wherefore they were wont to bee gathered is inuerted Of old Councils were gathered to suppresse Heresies and Schismes But when they are gathered to maintaine Hereticall doctrine or to strengthen the handes of Schismatiques directly or indirectly this is a great abuse of Councils Like as the Councill of Ariminum was assembled for confirmation of the Arrian Heresie the second Councill of Ephesus gaue allowance to the errour of Eutyches The Councils of Tyrus Millan indirectly in labouring to suppresse Athanasius were in verie deede supplanting the true Faith which Athanasius professed There is infinite difference betwixt Nimrod and Nehemiah and betwixt Babel and Hierusalem In the re-edifying of Hierusalem there was a purpose to glorifie GOD but in building Babell there was a farre contrarie intention Secondly Councils are abused when they take libertie to statute and ordaine any thing repugnant to the Holy Scriptures of GOD whether it be in forbidding to doe that thing which the Scripture licentiateth to bee done or in allowing thinges disallowed in Holy Scripture This abuse began very early euen in the famous Councill of Nice wherein they forbid men who are conuerted to Christian Religion and are baptized in the Name of CHRIST to returne againe to the warre-fare as if these two thinges were repugnant to be a warriour and a Christian Did not Dauid Iosaphat and Iosias fight the battels of the LORD and in so doing they made not defection from the Couenant of GOD. Was not Cornelius both a Centurion and a Christian And Iohn Baptist when hee was demanded of the Souldiours what they should doe did hee command them to forsake their calling and not rather to use it aright that is to doe violence to no man neither accuse any falsly and to bee content with their wages And was it lawfull to militate vnder the banner of Augustus and Tiberius And shall it be found vnlawfull to fight vnder the banner of Constantine a most Christian Emperour In my judgement this was too much libertie that the Councill of Nice tooke vnto themselues to disallowe anie calling that in Holy Scripture is not disallowed except onelie the abuse of it And of olde the Iewes made no Conscience to fight vnder the banner of Alexander the Great whome hee honoured also with 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that is with equall honour and freedome of Burgeship with the Graecians in the principall towne of Aegypt called Alexandria builded by himselfe But this constitution of the Councill of Nice might bee excused because all thinges that are lawfull are not also expedient possibly they haue seene at that time great danger to Christian mens saluation in warre-fare vnknowne to vs and therefore they tooke boldnesse to forbid Christians to goe to warrefare But manie other Councils both Nationall and called by the Romane Church generall haue allowed thinges expressely forbidd●…n in the written word of GOD such as adoration of Images and the sapramacie of the Bishop of Rome not only ouer all Pastors but also a souereignitie in ciuill thinges ouer the Emperour and Princes of the earth which is an vnsufferable disorder to make the taile the head the head the taile In particular I speake of the Councils holden at Rome by Gregorius the seconde and Gregorius the thirde and Stephanus the thirde and the seconde Councill of Nice holden in the seuenth yeere of the Empresse Irene with the consent and procuration of Adrian Bishop of Rome ANNO 790. The vnhappie Generall Councill of Vienne ass●…mbled by Clemens the fift ANNO 1311. whereinto it is statuted and ordained that the Emperour shall giue his oath of alleadgeance to the Pope to whom hee is no lesse inferiour then the Moone is infinitely inferiour vnto the splendor of the Sun Can any thing bee spoken more repugnant to the seconde precept of the first Table and the first precept of the seconde Table then the Decretes of the Councils foresaid Therefore let euerie Christian man thinke of Councils as they thinke of Riuers of water which are verie profitable so long as they hold themselues within the compasse of their owne accustomed bankes but if they swell and by vntimous inundation ouer-flowe their owne accustomed boundes then are they verie hurtfull to the neere adjacent fieldes Enen so Councils that take libertie to allowe any thing disallowed in Holie Scripture are very pernicius and hurtfull Thirdly Councils are miserably abused when they are blamed vnjustly and without a cause The Arrians moste vnjustly blamed the Councill of Nice for the worde 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 because this word is not found in Scripture Neuerthelesse the matter it selfe expressed by this word is manifestly cōtained in Scripture as namely when the Apostie Iohn saith There are three which bear●… recorde in Heauen the FATHER the WORD and the Holie GHOST and these three are one but the Arrians who blamed the Coun. most wrongfully said there was a time wherein the Sonne was not existant and that Deuilish opinion neither in word nor in matter is to bee found in Scripture Moreouer Councils are abused when as their authoritie is impared not with solide reasons taken out of the Scrip●…ures of GOD but rather with the railing speaches of contentious men like as a number of Heretiques called Acephali with tumultuarie murmuring and crying out against the Councill of Chalcedon dispersed themselues heere and there and left not off their vngodly courses vntill a new Heresie of the Monothelites an vngracious budde of the rotten and cutted-downe stocke of the Heresie of Eutyches did arise But no man aught to contende against Councils with pride of a contentious minde but rather with humilitie of a modest minde search out whether their Ordinances bee agreeable to the booke of GOD or not Finally Councils are abused when they who are assembled together
Verely vcrely I say vnto thee except that a man be borne of Water the Spirit he cannot enter into the Kingdome of God was the occasion that both August in the 4. Centurie and Chrysostome in the 5. Centurie thought that they who died without Baptisme were in the estate of those who are condemned howbeit the want of Circumcision 40. yeeres in the wildernesse not vpon contempt but onely vpon necessitie because they knewe not what time the cloud would remooue was not preiudiciall vnto the soules of the Infants all this time yea and if they had circumcised their children and had not permitted them to rest after the wound their children had died in the Wildernes Many faults are laid to their charge such as Idolatrie Fornication murmuring c. Why is not this fault also laide to their charge that they circumcised not their children in the Wildernesse Doubtlesse the Apostle in this point hath seene them to be faultlesse that they despised not the Sacrament of the Couenant of GOD but they were hindred by●… the necessitie of their iourneying to circumcise their children This intermission of the Sacrament was helped at Gilgal and the Campe remooued not vntill the time they who were circumcised were whole This historie might haue taught both Augustine and Chrysostome to vnderstand that the Couenant of GOD is not annulled when the holy Sacrament is neither neglected nor contemned but children are preueened by death before they can be presented to the holie Sacrament Notwithstanding these same Fathers were compelled to make exceptions from their owne rigorous sentence for they who gaue their liues for the testimonie of CHRIST before they were baptized in CHRISTS Name the forementioned Fathers were compelled to say that their Martyrdome supplied the want of Baptisme and that they were baptized in their owne blood Moreouer Ambrose who was more ancient than either Augustine or Chrysostome writing of Valentinian the second who was slaine before hee was baptized he sayes of him that as Lazarus rested in the bosome of ABRAHAM euen so the Emperour Valent●…nian rested in the bosome of IACOB But now to leaue speaking of ancient Fathers who were compelled both to correct other mens opinions and to make exceptions from their own opinions In this Centurie whatsoeuer was incommodiouslie spoken by ancient Fathers it is not amended but made worse by their suffrage and vote all bypast sini es are said to bee pardoned in Baptisme as Pharao was drowned in the red Sea but no word of comfort to them who beeing hindered by necessitie are preueened by death before they be baptized The simple forme of baptizing in water in the Name of the Father Sonne and holy Ghost was long ag●…e perue●…ted and men added oyle vnto the institution of CHRIST wherewith diue●…se parts of the bodie of him who was baptized was annointed but in this Centurie none amendement of preceeding errours but a continuall progresse to further superstition Albeit it came to passe by the prouidence of GOD that the holy Supper continued ministred vnto the people in both formes and the holy Cup was not withdrawne from the people by no Ecclesiasticall ordinance before the Councill of Consiance ann 1414. Notwithstanding the holy Supper was abused in making it both a Sacrament distributed to the liuing and likewise a sacrifice offered for the quicke and the dead especially for those who were alledged to beto●…mented in Purgatorie Surely this was a beginning of the dishaunting of the Lordes holy Sacrament for the people beeing once informed that there was as great berefite redounding to their soules by seeing the sac●…ifice celebrated and farre l●…sse hazard and danger than to communicate of the Sac●…ament of CHRIST his bodie and blood the ignorant people were gladly con●…ent to bee oft present at the sacrifice but they lothed the frequent 〈◊〉 of the blessed Sacrament of the Lords Communion Finallie in this Centurie good thinges were abused euill ma'ad●…es were increased desection from the Faith was mightily aduanced all thinges tended vnto a lamentable decay and I conclude this second booke of the Arrian and Eutychian persecution with this exhortation to beware of the beginnings of Apostacie for albeit the shadowes of the Euening doe not vtterly spoyle vs of light yet within a shorte time after our eyes are so dimmed with multiplied and thickned shadowes that we stagger and we know not where we are walking The Lord of his vnspeakable fauour continue with vs and our posteritie the light of his euerlasting trueth AMEN FINIS Faultes escaped In the 4. Centurie in the treatise of Co●…ncills PAG. 126. LIN. 10. patrone read patterne In the 5. Centurie Chap. 1. PAG. 5. LIN. 15. 〈◊〉 read Rithimer In the Inscriptions of the Treatises PAG. 38. LIN. 3. Fourth read Fifth Ibidem in the treatise of mans Free-will PAG. 43. LIN. 28. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 read 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 In the treatise of Originall sinne PAG. 52. LIN. ●…4 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 read 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Ibidem Cent. 5. PAG. 56. LIN. 1 than read no●… Cent. 6. In the treatise of the worshipping of Images PAG. 42. LIN. 3. 〈◊〉 read 〈◊〉 PAG. 53. LIN. 3. knee read kine Ibidem in the treatise of Satisfaction PAG. 57. LIN. 20. Christs read Christ. Ibidem PAG. 60. LIN. 29. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 read 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 CENTVRIE VI. CHAP I. OF EMPEROVRS Anastatius AFTER ZENO succeded ANASTATIVS and gouerned 27. yeeres Hee was a patrone of the heresie of Eutyches He banished Euphemius B. of Constantinople because hee would not redeliuer vnto him that letter which he had subscribed before his Coronation wherein he was bound to attempt nothing against the true faith na●…ely against the Council of Chalccdone In like maner hee banished Macedonius the successour of Euphemius for the same cause for he had the custodie of the hand-write of Anastatius and the Emperour gaue secret Commandement to make him out of the way at Gangra the place of his banishment Xenoeas B. of Hierapolis a firebrand of Sathan stirred vp the Emperours minde to great rage partly by gathering a Councill at Sidon wherein they damned the actes of the Councill of Chalcedon partly by stirring vp the Emperor to wrath against good men such as were principall defenders of the true faith ●…mely Flavianus B. of Antiochia Helias B of Ierusalem The people of A●…chia were very friendly to their Pastor finding that a great number of Monkes fauouring Eutyches errour had assembl●…d in the towne of Antiochia to compell Flavianus their bishop to accurse and abiure the Councill of Chalcedon they set vpon the Monkes and sl●…we a number of them others leaped into the riuer of Orontes where they found a meet buriall for seditious Monkes On the other part a great number of the Monkes of Syria Caua came to support the troubled estate of Flavianus For these things as if he had bene a contentious man
as when the Romane doctrine was sounded in their cares that we are iustified partly by faith and partly by workes If by good workes theymeane workes of superstition such as leaning in their legacies rents to sacrificing Priestes for saying of soule Masses wee are glad that by the preaching of the Gospell superstition is somewhat abated like as the great d●…luge of waters beganne by degrees to bee diminished in the dayes of NOE and that by meanes of the winde which the LORD sent foorth to blow vpon the waters But if they meane by good workes such workes as GOD hath commanded in his holy law then I answere that the faults of some people are not to be imputed to the doctrine of the Gospell but to the corruption of mans nature continually repining against the knowne trueth of GOD. Like as when RACHEL left her fathers house and followed IACOB her husband and the ca●…ling of GOD and in the meane time shee stale her fathers Idoles with them polluted the house of IACOB Nowe who shall beare the blame of this fault whether the holy calling of GOD or IACOB the preacher of the LORDS calling to his wiues or RACHEL who followed not the calling of GOD aright Here I know euery man will lay the blame vpon RACHEL because shee left in outward appearance her fathers house yet she left not the corrupt maners of her fathers house In like maner in our dayes the feastred maners of the people are not to bee imputed to the Gospell neither to the true preachers of it but to the corrupt nature of man taking occasion by the Lawe to worke all kind of iniquitie And in like maner taking occasion by the Gospell to bee more bent to euill doing than euer it was before but let true Christians marke that albeit the doctrine of Iustification by faith only were a thousand wayes abused yet because it is the holy Apostolicke doctrine and necessare vnto eternall life it must needes be preached and beleeued of all the true disciples of CHRIST The Law and the Gospell goe not so in handes together as Iustification and Sanctification does but rather by the great prouidence of GOD the one standeth ouer against the other and either of them pointeth out the finger to the other The Law is a paedagogue to CHRIST and pointeth out the finger to the Gospell that in it wee may finde CHRIST and in CHRIST Saluation The Gospell on the other parte pointeth out the finger to the Law not to find in keeping of it saluation which we haue already found in CHRIST but to testifie our thankfulnes to GOD who hath freely forgiuen vs in CHRIST his sonne for what better testimonie of thankfulnesse can wee render to GOD than a voluntare obedience to his holy Commandements according as CHRIST saith If any man loue mee hee will keepe my Commandements and my Father will loue him and wee will come and dwell with him It may be demanded Can not the righteousnes of the Law the Gospell be mixed together in the matter of our Iustification the Apostle PAVL giueth a negatiue answere vnto this question that like as one woman cannot lawfully haue two husbands at one time but when the first husband is dead shee may be lawfully coupled to another who is liuing Euen so we cannot adhere to the righteousnes of faith in CHRIST vntill we giue ouer the righteousnes of the Law because in the matter of Iustification the Law is vnto vs like a dead husband of whome we can receiue no comfort so dead is our nature that the Lawe cannot quicken it but we must be coupled to CHRIST as vnto a liuing husband who by the righteousnes of faith shall bestowe vpon vs that comfort which the Law could not afford vnto vs. And in this Allegorie let vs consider that the Law is called the first husband not because it was anterior to the Gospel for the Apostle PAVL prooueth the contrare in his Epistle to the Galatians but because a man naturally seeketh first helpe in his own workes and seeketh not helpe in CHRIST vntill the time hee be vtterly denuded of all hope of the righteousnes of the Lawe that is of the righteousnes of his owne workes Surely ignorance is the mother of many errours and they who seeke righteousnes in the Law they are ignorant in many things First they knowe not the right end wherefore the Lawe was giuen to wit for transgression that is to manifest it but not to wipe it away Secondly they know not the nature of the Law that it is spirituall to the perfection whereof carnall men cannot attaine Thirdly they are ignorant of the strict condition of the legall Couenant which binds vs vnto a full obedience of all things commanded in the Law Fourthly they are ignorant of the perill that insueth vpon the seeking of the righteousnesss of the Lawe that they cannot submit themselues to the righteousnesse of GOD. When all these inconueniences doe follow vpō secking iustification by the Law or by works it were a wise course to seeke righteousnes where it may be found that is to say in faith which coupleth vs to CHRIST whome the father hath giuen vnto vs to be our wisdome our iustification our sanctification and our redemption and let it not be said that the fishers of Busphorus Tracius in seeking fish are wiser than we in seeki●…g the saluation of our soules For they spread not out their nets in the shallow coast of Chalcedone where no fish can bee found but in the deepe coast of Byzantium where abundance of fih are to bee found Euen so if wee bee wise let vs seeke saluation where it may be found In the thirde heade it is to be declared that neither in our owne workes neither in other mens works CHRITTS workes only excepted can a sauing power be found to worke our saluation Our workes are considered two maner of wayes First as they are before our regeneration altogether sinfull and no man doth affirme that such workes can saue vs either in whole or in part Secondly as they are after our regeneration and of these workes much is spoken namely that Christs death is so meritorious that by vertue of it he hath purchased a power to our workes after regeneration that they might merite good things at the hands of GOD. To this I will returne such an answere as Alamundarus prince of Saracens returned to the Eutychian Heretiques sent by Seuerus to perswade him to their opinion To whome hee replied that strange tythings were lately come vnto his eares namely that GABRIEL the Angell of GOD was dead When they answered that was impossible and repugnant to reasoun that an Angel should die Then the Prince subioyned that like as they would not r●…ceaue his information because it was repugnant to reason euen so hee would not receiue their instructions because they neither agreed with Scripture nor yet with good reason In
like maner I say to Papistes that their naked assertions not confirmed by testimonies of holy Scripture are nothing to vs but wee may lay them aside with as great libertie as they are prodigall in allcadging them Wee will answere to such arguments as seeme to be countenanced with some appearance of Scripture Now they say that the worde 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 frequently vsed in Scripture importeth the merite of our good workes because GOD vouchsafeth vpon them a rewarde To this I answere that if Scripture be conserred with Scripture that same thing which in one place is called 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that is a reward in another place it is called 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that is an heritage in these wordes Come yee blessed of my father inherite the Kingdome prepared for you from the foundations of the world When that thing which properly is an inheritance is called a reward it is spoken metaphorically in respect it is giuen in the end of the world as an hire is giuen to a feruant in the end of the day The second argument proouing the merite of mens works and consequently Iustification by workes in a part is this that some men in Scripture are called worthie as when it is saide to the Angell of the Church of Sardis Thou hast a few names yet in Sardis which haue not defiled their garments and they shall walke with me in white for they are worthie To this I answere the godly are called worthie not in themselues but in Christ who hath made them Kings and Priestes vnto GOD. In themselues they are called vnworthie as when it is said No man was found wortbie to open and to read the booke And in another place it is saide that the afflictions of this present time are not Wortlne of the glorie that it to be shewed vnto vs. Nowe it is knowne that patient suffering of euill for Christes sake is a degree of greater obedience than willing doing of good and if the suffering of the Sainctes be not worthie of the glory that is to be reueiled how much lesse can our doings bee worthie of that glorious inheritance The third argument is taken from the nature of a conditionall couenant bound vp betwixt two parties which doe import that condition should bee keeped but so it is that GOD hath couenanted with such as liue a godly life that they shall dwell in the holy mountaine of God therefore by vertue of this Couenant men who ieades a good life are worthie to dwel in heauen To this I answere that this couenant foresaid is either Legal or Euangelicall if it be Legall we cannot fulfill the condition thereof because the Law requireth a perfect obedience which we cannot attaine vnto If it bee an Euangelicall couenant the Mediator of the newe couenant IESVS Christ is present at the couenant making for whose sake I grant that GOD promiseth vnto vs a dwelling place in heauen and for his sake also he performeth his promise giueth vnto vs a resting place in his holy Mountaine and in all this haue we no cause to reioyce in our selues but in the mercies of our GOD. Concerning our satisfactions whereby the Romane Church saith That sinnes committed after baptisme should be pardoned This belongeth to another Treatise of Indulgences and satisfactions for the present I ouerpasse this point of mens merites with silence The Romane Church that Mistresse of errour hath not onely learned vs to leane vpon our owne merites but also to leane vpon the merites of other men such as holy Prophets Apost●…es and Martyres because some of them haue not onely fulfilled the Commandements of GOD but also haue done more than the Law of GOD commanded For example the Lawe of GOD forbiddeth to commit adulterie fornication and all kind of vncleannesse but many of the Apostles Prophets Martyres not only abstained from all kind of whordome but also from mariage such workes are called in the Romane Church workes of supererogation these doe come into the treasure of the Bishop of Rome as the Vicar of Christ and he is a dispensator of them to such as haue need O deepenesse of errours forged by Sathan repugnant vnto it selfe If abstinence from mariage bee a worke of supererogation then either must mariage euen in men hauing a spirituall calling bee counted a thing lawfull and agreable to GODS holy Law or else the abstinence from it cannot bee called a worke of supererogation I grant that some fathers counted abstinence from mariage a worke of Evangelicall perfection like as the selling of all their possessions and distributing them to the poore but it entred not in their hearts to call such workes of Evangelicall perfection workes of supererogation to bee sent to the treasure of the bishop of Rome that he might bee a dispensator of them to such as had neede But nowe suppone that any such workes had beene in the Sainctes of GOD howe can they bee imperted and communicated to others Can the oyle of the wise Virgines bee distributed to the foolish Virgines It cannot be because it cannot suffice them both Likewise when wee compeare before the iudge of the worlde wee must compeare clad with the innocencie of CHRIST and not with the merites of his Sainctes for the Apostle saith Put on the Lord Iesus but hee saith not Put on the merites of the Sainctes Moreouer wee must bee acceptable as the holy Prophets Apostles and Martyres were acceptable but so it is that they were acceptable to GOD onely in Christ as the Apostle saith If any man sinne we haue an aduocate with the Father Iesus Christ the iust Here none exception is made of Prophets Apostles Martyres but all must be acceptable to GOD for Christs sake allanerly Finally the holymen of God when they die they rest from their labours and their workes follow them If the soules of the holy fathers doe goe to heauen to the bosome of ABRAHAM to the paradise of GOD howe can wee thinke that their workes doe goe to the treasure of the bishop of Rome except they would say that the soules of all the holy fathers are gone to the treasure of the bishop of Rome also and their works and merites following them are altogether lighted in his treasure But lest I should anticipate the treatise of Indulgences I referre all farder discourse vnto the owne place Intreating the Lord Iesus of his vnspeakable fauour to remooue the mistie cloud of ignorance from our soules that our heartes bee not transported from the loue of the Creator to the loue of the creatures but that we may seeke saluation in Christ in whom only it may be found to whom be praise for euer AMEN FINIS A SHORT COMPEND of the grouth of the ROMANE ANTICHRIST Comprised in the VII VIII and IX CENTURIES WHEREVNTO ARE ADDED TREATISES CLEARLY declaring the noueltie of POPISH RELIGION EDINBVRGH PRINTED BY ANDRO HART ANNO 1616. TO THE
MOST NOBLE VERTVOVS AND ELECT LADIE LADIE MARIE COVNTESSE OF MARRE P. S. wisheth grace mercie and eternall felicitie WHatsoeuer thing I haue hitherto written Most noble Ladie concerning controuersies of Religion it is of that nature that incase no further were added it would bee the more easilie comported with for manie of the Romane Church condiscende vnto this that worshipping of Images is not necessarily required nor an essential point of Christian Religion Neither can they find one example in all the Booke of God of Inuocation of Saincts Purgatorie is an opinion whereinto they themselues much differ and they talke of it sometimes with derision and mocking words Reade the History of Thuanus what was thought of the soule of Francis the first P. Castellanus was in one opinion the Doctors of Sorbone in another Mendosa as a courtesant in the third opinion assuring himselfe that if king Francis soule went to Purgatory it stayed not long there because it was neuer his custome in his life time to stay long in one place But now Madam the course of the History hath led me so far forward that I must touch the very apple of their eye and enter into their most holy place and declare that their seruice which they count most holy is but vile abomination in the sight of GOD And their doctrine concerning the Vicar of Christ the successour of Peter and the holinesse of the Masse and the plurality of their Sacraments added to Baptisme and the Lordes Supper is but like wind And wee are warned by the Apostle Paul that wee should no more bee children wauering and carrie●… about with euery winde of doctrine for false doctrine is justly compared to winde in the baddest quality of it Sometimes it is easterne cold stormy withering so that the eares of corne blasted with the easterne wind are counted thinne and empty eares Euen so false doctrine exicateth dryeth vp that appearance of sap grace that seemed to be amongst people The Romane Church in our dayes bring vp their disciples as the harlots of Heliopolis in Phaenitia brought vp their children before the dayes of the good Emperour Constantine These children afore-saide knewe not their Fathers for they were strangers and the Harlots of Heliopolis had liberty to prostitute themselues to the lust of strangers so it came to passe if children had bene procreated in this libidinus copulation the stranger was gone and the procreated child depended onely vpon the mother for hee knewe not his father Euen so in the subsequent Centuries the Romane Church disacquaint their children with the voyce of God sounding in Holy Scripture It is now enough to beleeue as the Romane Church the mother of all Churches beleeueth and the chaire of Rome in matters of Faith it cannot erre But wee must depende vpon the voyce of God our Heauenly Father who hath begotten vs by the vncorruptible seede of His word who hath also fostered vs with the sincere reasonable milke of His word who hath anointed vs with the Balme of Gilead who maketh glad His owne citie euen with the waters of His own Sanctuarie The lowde sounding trumpet of vaine and railing wordes wee leaue to the aduersaries of the trueth for that is their armour wherewith they fight against the Gospell of Christ. Yet let them vnderstand that God hath hanged vp a thousand shields in the towre of Dauid euē all the targats of the strong men Thus leaning vpon the strength of the armour of God I set forward to the Historie and Treatises beseeching the Lord of His vnspekeable fauour and grace to blesse your Ladiship and all your Noble house for euer Amen Your Lad. humble seruant PAT SIMSON A CATALOGUE OF ALL THE TREATISES contained in the nine CENTVRIES CENTVRIE I. Of Antiquitie Heresie The foundation of the Church CENT II. Of Scripture and Tradition The doctrine of Deuils Succession CENT III. Of Purgatorie and prayer for the dead The reliquikes of Saincts The supremacie of the Bishop of Rome CENT IIII. Of Inuocation of Saincts The authoritie of Councels The Monasticke Life CENT V. Of Mans free will Originall sinne Iustification onely by faith CENTVRIE VI. Of Worshipping of Images Pardons and indulgences Diuers errours that crept in in this Centurie CENT VII Of The vniuersall Bishop The Antichrist The Sacrifice of the Masse CENT VIII Of Trans-substantiation The Sacrament of Pennance The Sacrament of Confirmation CENT IX Of The Sacrament of extreamevnction The Sacrament of orders The Sacrament of Matrimonie TO THE READER LIke as in the Tabernacle of GOD all things were holy and that thing that was within the vaile and hidden from the eyes of the people was moste holy In the Court there was an Altar of brasse in the Sanctuary there was an altar of gold but in the most holy place there was an holy Oracle sounding the blessed will of God from aboue the propitiatorie To the which Oracle neither the brasen Altar nor the golden Altar could bee compared yea both heauen and earth is not worthie to bee compared vnto the Oracle and word of the Lord. Euen so good Christian Reader vnderstand that when the history leadeth you to a consideration of the mystery of iniquity then you shall see a beginning and a progresse of vngodlinesse vntill in end the Antichrist is permitted to sit in the temple of God and to extoll himselfe against all that is called God or is worshipped And when ye reade this horrible defection of the visible Church let not your heart bee troubled this was fore-spoken by the Apostle and this be●…ued to come to passe So that thou mayest see the great power of the wrath of God punishing the contempt of His trueth His holy Couenant Albeit we be filthy beasts nothing regarding that precious treasure of the L●…es Couenant yet the Lord is vnchangeable and like vnto Himselfe and Hee counteth more of the worthinesse of His holie Couenant than of the pompe and glorie of all the kingdomes of the world Whom like as He destroyed in the dayes of Noah with a flood of waters because they prefirred the concupiscence of their flesh to the religion of God Euen so in the last age of the world Hee suffered the hearts of men to bee ouer-whelmed with the floods of horrible ignorance because they reuerenced not as became them the holie Couenant of the Almightie God Let vs learne to reuerence our God euen when Hee is clothed with His red garments when He casteth all Nations like grapes into the Wine-presse of His wrath The Lord vouchsafe vpon vs such measure of grace out of His rich treasure as may teach vs to reuerence not onelie the workes of His mercie but also the workes of His justice at the Angels did who cryed Holie holie holie Lord God of Hostes euen at that time when a sentence of induration and reprobation was going foorth from the Tribunall of God against the vnthankefull Iewes God
This ordination was annulled and it was ordained that none of these Leuites shoulde bee promoted to the honour of a Deacon In the fift Session a Deacon of the Church of Agabra complained of the ordination of three persons in that Church one was ordained to bee Presbyter and two to bee ●…euites The bishop beeing blinde laide his handes vpon them but one of the Presbyters pronounced the blessing Nowe the Presbyter who had pronounced the blessing was dead before the Councell of Hispalis therefore they remitted him to his owne judge but the three persons afore-saide admitted to Church-offices they deposed them from their offices as persons vnlawfullie admitted In the sixt Session it was found that Fragitanus a presbyter of the Church of Corduba was moste vnjustlie both deposed and banished by his bishop For remedie that the like mis-order shoulde haue no place in time to come it was statuted and ordained That a bishop without aduise of his Synode shoulde not presume to depose a presbyter In the seuenth Session Chore-episcopi and Presbyters are debarred from the high priueledges of the Episcopall office namelie from the consecration of presbyters of holie Virgines Churches and Alt●…rs from laying hand vpon men conuerted from heresie and conferring vnto them the holie Spirit from making of Chrisme and signating with it the fore-heads of them who are baptized from absoluing publikelie in time of Masse anie penitent person and sending testimonials to foraine partes called Formatae epistolae and finallie from baptizing consecrating the Sacrament blessing the people and teaching them receiuing penitentes when the bishop was present Now the ground of all these prohibitions is not brought out of holie Scripture but from the authoritie of the Apostolicke chaire Earlie beganne the Antich●…ist to establish an Hierarchie in the Church which neither Christ nor His Apostles had commanded The eight Session intreated concerning Helisens a seruant whome the bishop of Agabra had set at libertie and hee on the other part abused his libertie so farre that hee pr●…sumed by Magicall Artes to cut off the bishop who had beene so beneficiall vnto him hee was ordained to bee redacted againe to his former seruile estate that hee might learne obedience to his superiours by the heauie yoke of seruile subjection In the ninth Session it is forbidden that bishops shoulde haue Leke-men to bee masters of their house but oneli●… some of their owne Clergie shoulde bee dispensators of their householde affaires because it is written Thou shalt not plowe with an Oxe and an Asse together By the way marke that nothing was so miserablie abused at this time as testimonies of holie Scripture In the tenth Session the Monasteries latelie builded in the B●…tike prouince were allowed and confirmed In the eleu●…nth Session the Monasteries of Virgines are recommēded to the ouer-sight of the Abbot gouerning the Monasterie of Monkes with caueates that all appearance of euill should bee prouidentlie eschewed In the twelfth Session one professing the heresie of Acephali compeared who denied the distinction of two natures in Christ and affirmed that the diuinitie of Christ did suffer vpon the Crosse but hee was seriouslie dealt withall and conuicted by testimonies of holie Scripture and Fathers so that hee renounced his hereticall opinion and embraced the true Faith and the whole Councell gaue praise and thankes vnto God for his conuersion I●… the thirteenth Session there is a prolixe refutation of the opinion of those who supponed that the two natures of Christ were confounded and that the diuinitie suffered Isidorus seemeth to bee the compiler of this Treatise against Ac●…phali giuen in to the Counc●…ll of Hispalis and manie doe thinke that he collected into one volume the Councels that preceeded his time for hee was a man more learned than his fellowes in his dayes IN the yeere of our Lord 639. and vnder the reigne of Sisenan●… king of 〈◊〉 by the kinges commandement moe than 70. bishops and p●…esbyters were conuened in the towne of 〈◊〉 vpon occasion of diuersitie of Ceremonies and Discipline in the countrey of Spaine First they set downe a short confession of the true Faith which they ordained to be embraced and kept Secondly that there should be an vniforme order of praying singing of Psalmes solemnities of Masses Euen-song-seruice throughout all Spaine and Gallicia like as they all professed one Faith and dwelt in one kingdome lest diuersitie of ceremonies and rites should offende ignorant people and make them to thinke that there was a schisme in the Church It was statuted and ordained That at least once in the yeere prouinciall Councels should be assembled and incase anie controuersie should fall out in matters of Faith a generall Councell of all the prouinces of Spaine should be assembled Here let the judicious Reader marke that in processe of time almoste all thinges are subject to alteration and Councels of olde called Nationall now abusiuelie beginne to be called Generall The order of incomming of bishops to the Councell and sitting in the first place and of the presbyters after them and sitting in a place behinde the bishops and of deacons who should stand in presence of bishops and presbyters is described at length in the third canon That the festiuitie of Easter or Pashe daye should bee kept vpon the day of Christes resurrection Concerning the diuersitie of rites vsed in baptisme some vsing the ceremonie of thrise dipping in water others one dipping onelie It was thought most expedient to be content with one dipping because the Trinitie is so viuely represented in the names of the Father Sonne and holie Ghost that there is no necessitie by three dippinges in water to represent the Trinitie and for eschewing all appearance of schisme and lest Christians should seeme to assent vnto heretiques who diuide the Trinitie For all these causes it was expedient to keepe vniformitie in the ceremonies of Baptisme It was statuted and ordained That vpon fryday immediately preceeding Easter day the doctrine of the suffering of Christ of repentance remission of sinnes should be clearly taught vnto the people to the end that they being purged by remission of sins might the more worthily celebrate the feast of the Lords resurrection and receiue the holie Sacrament of the Lords bodie and blood The custome of putting an ende vnto the fasting of Lent vpon fryday at nine a clocke is damned because in the daye of the Lordes suffering the Sunne was couered with darknesse and the elementes were troubled and for honour of the Lords suffering that daye should bee spent in fasting mourning and abstinence and hee who spendeth anie part of that day in banqueting let him bee debarred from the Sacrament of Christes bodie and blood on Pashe day That the Tapers and Torches which shined in the Church in the night preceeding the daye of the resurrection shoulde bee solemnly blessed to the end that the mystery
out let complaint be made to the bishop to the Metropolitane or to the king of the countrey Founders of Churches during their life-time haue power to appoint men who shall attend vpon the fabricke of the Church or Monasterie which is builded that it decay not If any Church-man bestowe any part of Church-rent vnder the colour of prestation let the cause bee clearely contained in an euidence or else it shall be voyde Let the goods of the defunct administrator of the Church affaires be equally diuided betwixt his heires and the Church If a bishop build a Monasterie let him not bestow abcue the fiftie part of the rent of his prelacie in the charges of building and incase he build a paroche Church for honour of his buriall place let him not bestowe aboue the hundreth part of his rent for charges of building To the bishop belongeth the third part of rent of euery paroch Church in his diosie and whether he leaue that thirde part to the Church it selfe out of which it is vp-lifted or to anie other Church his gift shall stand firme without reuocation Let no man vnder pretence of propinquitie and because hee is heire intromet with the goods of the defunct bishop without the fore-knowledge and consent of the Metropolitane and incase the Metropolitane depart this life let no intromission with his goods bee made without the fore-knowledge of his successor lest by fraude and deceit the Church be damnified If any man ministring in a Church-office alienate a part of Church rentes the supputation of time shall begin to bee reckoned from the houre of his death not from the time wherein the charter was subscribed and so after his death let the prescription run on The ninth Canon measureth the commoditie which a bishop shall receiue who hath taken paines to burie another bishop Children procreated by bishops presbyters deacons c. shall not only be depriued of the heritage sometime belonging to their parents but also they shall be mancipated to perpetuall seruice of those Churches whereinto their fathers serued Let the Reader marke that there is greater businesse in Councels to procure obedience to one antichristian precept cōcerning prohibition of marriage than to all the ten Commandementes of Gods holy law Let not a seruant be accepted to serue in the Ministerie of the Church before he be first set at libertie When seruants are set at libertie let the supputation of time beginne at the death of him who set them at libertie and not at the time when the charter was made Seruants set at libertie shall neither marrie a woman of the Romane nor of the Gothes blood and they shall be subject to the Church that set them at libertie and if necessitie compell them to sell landes let the land bee first offered for a competent price to one who ministreth in that Church from which their libertie did arise I●…wes who are baptized shall in time of solemne feastes attende vpon the bishop of the parts where their dwelling is to the ende that he may beare testimonie of the integritie of their faith If this commandement be transgressed the bishop shall ordaine the Iewe either to bee scourged or to be subject to such ●…bstinence as he thinketh most fit In ende thankes beeing rendered to God for their meeting and for the vnitie of their judgementes and supplications beeing made to God for the weale of the King Recesuvindus in soule and bodie the Councell was dissolued IN the eight yeere of the reigne of Recesuvindus king of Gothes assembled in Toledo 21. bishops They decerned concerning the Feastes of the Natiuitie of our Lord and of the Lordes mother at what times they should bee kept Punishmentes are appointed for men of the Clergie and Monkes who are not found loyall and duetifull to the King and the countrey That men vnmeete for spirituall offices should not bee intruded into the Church neither for propinquitie of blood nor for hope of lucre and gaine That widowes professing a religious order shall receiue an habite conuenient for that order And that women who depart again from their professed order shall be punished That parents shall not render their children to religious orders before they bee eighteene yeeres of age Finally Protamius bisshop of Bracara beeing conuict of adulterie was remoued from his office and Fructuosus was placed in his rowme IN the 7. yeere of the reigne of Bamba King of Gothes 19. bishops and 7. Abbots were assembled in Toledo by the Kinges commandement Quiricus bishop of Toledo beeing President In the beginning after a protestation of a decent order to be kept in their Assembly that no tumult nor contentious disputation nor indecent laughter should disturbe the comely modestie of their assembly They set downe a prolixe conf●…ssion of Faith and Canons belonging to Ecclesiasticall discipline in the forme following 1. That bishops should be well acquainted with Scriptures and apt to teach 2. That Metropolitane bishops should ●…rie how the Pastors of their diosie increase in knowledge 3. That the forme of singing vsed in the Metropolitane Church shall be like wise vsed in other inferiour Churches 4. That persons who haue discorded shall not stand at the Altar vntill the time they bee reconciled againe 5. That Church-men shall not judge in actions of blood 6. That bishops shoulde not giue sentence before a sufficient triall of the cause 7. Bishops who commit adulterie or murther shall be deposed and excommunicated beside the punishment to bee inflicted by the secular Iudge 8. No rewarde shall bee taken for ministration of the Sacramentes 9. Bishops before their ordination shall giue their oath that they haue not acquired that dignitie by rewards either giuen or to be giuen 10. He who is to be preferred to any Ecclesiasticall office let him first sweare that he shall continue constantly in the true Catholicke faith and that he shall be obedient to Eccl siasticall Canons 11. Let no man refuse to receiue the Sacrament of the Supper when it is offered by him who hath a l●…wfull calling to ministrate it 12. Absolution should bee pronounced when perill of death impendeth albeit complete satisfaction be not made 13. The holy Sacrifice shall not bee ministred by persons possessed with deuils or transported with passions of madnesse 14. He who ministreth at the Altar shall haue others concurring with him to the end that if he be suddenly oppressed with any infirmitie the other as●…stant brother maye supply his place 15. Councels are ordained yeerely to be kept IF order of time be not precisely kept in commemoration of the Councels of Bracara and Toledo let no man ma●…uell some regard must be had to the memorie of the Reader and it is not meete that the Councels of Toledo being many in number and so frequently conueened one following vpon the necke of another except the 11. Councell conu●…ened 12. yeeres after the 10. should
and saith shee hath committed none iniquitie ambition so blindeth her eyes that vnconstancie is counted no fault and taking deepe roote in her heart hideth from the eyes of her mind the sight of heauen and all heauenly vertues such as humilitie modestie constancie and vprightnesse of a siable and vnwauering heart The preheminence that God licenciateth to bee sought ouer brethren is like to the preheminence of Moses ouer the Elders he ascended higher vpon the mountaine of God than they did and when he came downe againe from the mountaine of God his face shined with greater splendor of celestiall glorie than the faces of others did Would God Pastors could striue to attaine to such preheminence for the striuing for prerogatiue of places hath bred many vnnecessary and vnfruitfull contentions in the Church as an ancient Father hath well marked This supremacie aforesaid so vnhonestly sought was vsed tyrannously vnrighteously Pope Bonifacius the fourth dedicated the Temple called Pantheon wherein all the Gentile gods were worshipped this Temple I say he dedicated to the Virgine Marie and to all the Martyrs rather changing than correcting the vile abomination of Idolatrie Honorius the first in the sixt generall Councell was found to haue bene an Eutychian heretique The Popes Martinus the first and Eugenius the first Vitalianus and Adeodatus were so puft vp in pride that they counted the Bishops of R●…uenna heretiques onely for this because they receiued not their ordination from the Bishops of Rome were not subject to their authoritie And this heresie they called 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Pope Sergius 1. obstinately refused to subscribe the decrees of the sixt generall Councell partlie because in it the doctrine and lawes of prohibition of marriage to men in spirituall functions was damned and partlie also because the Bishop of Constantinople was equalled in honour with the bishop of Rome Constantinus the first and Gregorius the second were the first open and auowed traitors against the Emperours the one of them rased the name of the Emperour Philippic●…s out of charters the other assoyled the subjects of Italie from the oath of all edgeance to the Emperour Leo Isaurus because these two Emperours d●…tested the worshipping of Images What villanie was in Pope Stephanus the thirde who perswaded CAROLVS MAGNVS king of FRANCE to repudiate his wife BERTHA the daughter of DESIDERIVS king of LOMBARDIS abusing in moste impudent manner the wordes of holie Scripture What fellowship hath righteousnesse with vnrighteousnesse and what communion hath light with darknesse 2. Cori●…t chap. 6. vers 14. In that place the Apostle is giuing counsell to Christians who are disposed to marrie not to couple themselues in matrimoniall band with infideles but the counsell of the Apostle to them who are alreadie married euen with infideles is this If any brother haue a wife that beleeueth not if she be content to dwell with him let him not for sake her 1. Cor. 7. 12. So that albeit Bertha the daughter of Desiderius had bene an infidell shee beeing willing to cohabite with her husband there was no reason to repudiate her But now the bishops of Rome are become wiser than the Apostles of Christ and they bid repudiat the wife with whome the Apostle Paul in expresse wordes biddeth a Christian man cohabite It is more intolerable that Suphanus the third calleth Bertha an infidell was she not baptised in the name of Christe was not her father Desiderius before him Aistulphus partakers of the Lordes holie Sacramentes was not Rachis the brother of Aislulphus so deuout according to the superstitious forme at that time commended in the Romane Church that hee forsooke his kingdome and entered into a Monasterie there to leade his life But the bishops of Rome are become so prodigall of their reproachfull speaches that all persons are counted Infideles who followe not absolutely all the conceites of their changeable mindes Pope Adrian the first with aduise of a great Councell ordained that no man should bee consecrated bishop of Rome before hee had receiued investment by staffe and ring by the Emperour but Gregorius 7. by the contrarie cursed them who receiued inuestment from the Emperour anno 1073. These two popes speak contradictory things yet they must be counted holy Fathers who cannot erre Pope Leo the third tooke vpon him boldnesse to change the Empire and to proclaime Charles the Great king of FRANCE to be Emperour in the West And Baronius the moste in●…pt expounder of Scriptures of anie learned men of late dayes defendeth this doing of L●…o by a place of Scripture The moste High beareth rule ouer the kingdome of men and giueth it to whome hee will Dan. 4. 22. Daniel in that place speaketh of the Eternall GOD who indeede is moste high and giueth the kingdomes of the worlde to whome hee pleaseth but Baronius applieth this to the bishop of Rome as if hee were moste high and had the kingdomes of the worlde at his owne dispensation to giue them to whome he pleased So saide the Deuill of himselfe Luke 4. 6. but hee lied for hee had no such power and Baronius attributing this power vnto the Pope lieth as impudentlie as the Deuill did sergius the second with his brother Benedictus for gaining vanta e vnto themselues were not ashamed to sell bishoprickes and to preferre men to spirituall offices not for the worthinesse of their giftes but for the weight of their numbered money and so the chaire of ROME was filthilie spotted with simonic Yea it came to passe that the prid●… and simonicall auarice of the bishops of ROME brangled their late vsurped authoritie so that AVGVIBERTVS bishop of MILLANE with allowance of many bishops of ITALIE disclaimed the authority of the bishop of ROME and with great difficultie after the issue of two hundreth yeeres was the chaire of MILLANE reduced againe to the obedience of the bishop of ROME in the dayes of Pope Stephanus the ninth It grieued the bishops of ROME that they were bound by the constitution of Adrian the first to haue the allowance of the Emperour to their election and therefore by degrees they endeuoured to shake off that yoke of bondage Stephanus the fourth was elected without the fore-knowledge of Ludovicus ' Pius but he pacified the Emperours wrath by his comming to FRANCE Pascalis the first in like manner was chosen bishop of Rome without the foreknowledge of the Emperour Neuerthelesse by his letters sent to the Emperour Ludouicus he excused himselfe and ratified the constitution of Adrian In like manner Leo the fourth following the example of his predecessors was admitted without the fore-knowledge of Lotharius hee likewise excused himselfe to the Emperours sonne Ludouicus pretending that the sudden incursion of the Saracenes was the cause mouing the people to precipitate his election and hindering himselfe to make due aduertisement to the Emperour Lotharius in whose time he was elected But the issue after following declared that all these excuses
when as of olde the people were wont to communicate euerie daye and therefore hee calleth the Lordes Supper a daylie sacrifice The Papistes are so farre from reproouing the people for not communicating that they make prouision onely for one to eate and drinke at the Altar and not for manie and they inuite not the people to communicate with them but rather by the noueltie of their newe inuented religion they distinguishe the Altar from the Communion table and the Sacrifice from the Sacramēt farre contrarie to the custome of the Primitiue Church who by a Metaphore called the Sacrament a Sacrifice and by the like Metaphore called the Communion table an Altar If anie man will rudely presse the wordes of Chrysostome expresse contrarie to his meaning let him vnderstand that the like forme of speaking is vsed in Holy Scripture where it is saide And no ●…an receiued his testimonie to wit the testimonie of Christ. The meaning is not that no bodie receiued the testimonie of Christ but that verie fewe receiued it Euen so the meaning of the words of Chrysostome is that verie fewe of the people did communicate And this hath bene verie judiciously marked by Master IEWELL that worthie Bishop in his disputation against master Harding To bee short in this head of Antiquitie of the Popish Masse Their bragging of Antiquitie is not vnlike to the Gibeonites shoos which were olde and put on of purpose to deceiue yet were not their shoos so olde as the shoos of GODS people which by the miraculous worke of GOD lasted fourtie yeeres in the Wildernesse and were not rent GODS people might haue bragged indeede of ancient and vnrent shoos but the deceitful Gibeonites they bragged and deceiued Gods people with antiquitie falsely pretended Such is the antiquitie of the masse and no better Before I leaue this head I will admonishe the Reader not to bee deceiued with olde Latine transations of Grieke Authors Socrates writeth of the fauourers of Paulinus that after hee died they communicated not with Flauianus bishop of Antiochia but they kept Assemblies apart by themselues Nowe the wordes of the Grieke language 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 is better translated this way Separatim conuentus faciebant than as some olde Latine interpreters translate the wordes Separatim missarum celebrabant solennia howbeit the olde interpreters by missarum solennia vnderstand nothing but Ecclesiasticall conuentions IN the second head we haue the definition of the Masse to be set downe and to bee examined The Masse is called a sacrifice propitiatorie vnbloodie wherein the Priest offereth the bodie of the Sonne of God to the Father vnder the formes of bread and wine and that without suffering for the sinnes of the quicke and the dead From the worde of Sacrifice auncient Fathers did not abhorre but they called the Holy Sacrament a Sacrifice of thankesgiuing and a commemoratiue Sacrifice of the death of Christ the wordes of Augustine are these Hujus sacrifitii caro ante aduentum Christi per victimas similitudinum promittebatur in passione per ipsam veritatem reddebatur post ascensum Christi per sacramentum memoriae celebratur that is to say The flesh of this sacrifice was promised by sacrifices of similitudes In the suffering of Christ it was in verie deede exhibited and after the ascension of Christ it is celebrated by a Sacrament of His memoriall In these wordes Augustine distinguisheth a sacrifice prefiguratiue before Christes comming and a sacrifice commemoratiue after the Lordes ascension from the sacrifice of Christes bodie in veritie and actually exhibited vpon the crosse other sacrifices point out as types and figures the great sacrifice of the bodie of Christ once offered vpon the crosse but they are not that selfe same sacrifice except by a figuratiue manner of speach And like as the towne Nicopolis was not the victorie of Augustus Casar when hee faught against Antonius and Cleopatra but it was onely a memoriall of the victorie Euen so the commemoratiue sacrifice of the new Testament is not the true sacrifice of Christes bodie but only a memoriall of that blessed sacrifice Iustinus Martyr had good occasion offered vnto him to write of the sacrifices of Christes Church because Paganes slaundered Christians and called them Atheistes in regarde they offered not bloodie sacrifices nor incense vnto their God to whome Iustinus returned this answere That Christians offered to GOD such sacrifices as they knew to bee moste acceptable to Him to wit the sacrifices of prayer and thankesgiuing And as concerning the creatures of God appointed for the sustentation of mankinde we keepe them saith hee for our owne vse and for the sustentation of indigent people but we consume them not with fire If there had bene anie corporal sacrifice in the Church of the bodie of the Sonne of God vnder the formes of bread and wine Iustinus had occasion offered vnto him to haue spoken of it but hee knew no such sacrifice in his time Yea and the sacrament of the Lords Supper is called by Iustinus a Sacrifice of thanksgiuing who confidently affirmeth that prayer thanksgiuing are the onely sacrifices perfect and acceptable to GOD euen at that time when the Sacrament is ministred which putteth vs in remembrance of the Lordes suffering Testimonies out of the bookes of ancient Fathers should bee cited without fraude and deceite and should not bee wrested to another sense and meaning than they were spoken into by the Authors And so the worde Sacrifice could offend no man if it were spoken in such sense as ancient Fathers spake it The Romane Church shoulde doe well so to remember the names that ancient Fathers haue giuen to the Sacrament that they shoulde not forget that Holy Scripture calleth it a Communion of the bodie and blood of Christ. Then let it be such a sacrifice wherein many participates of one bread and one cup and thereby sealeth vp that they are all members of one mysticall bodie of Iesus Christ but not such a sacrifice wherein the people standeth gazing and looking and the Priest alone eateth and drinketh and distributeth nothing vnto the people They answere that the Priest who offereth at the Altar he communicateth with others who doe the like seruice in other places This is but falsehoode in reasoning arising vpon the deceitfull handeling of one worde hauing two significations The worde Communion importeth two things First a Communion in religion Secondly a participation of the Holy Supper in one place and an eating of one bread and drinking of one cuppe and in this second sense it is taken by the Apostle in the 10. Chapter of his first Epistle to the Corinthians in which sense their priuate Masse cannot be called a Communion The second word of the definition of the Masse is propitiatorie This word doeth signifie a sacrifice purchasing remission of sinnes as the Apostle witnesseth And this honour doeth onelie appertaine to the sacrifice of Christ who
is a propitiation for our sinnes the sinnes of the whole world This ground being once laide that Christ is the only person in whom the Father is well pleased with vs and Christes sacrifice is the onely meanes whereby we are reconciled to God In the second place we shall consider wherefore the word of propitiation was in so frequent vse in the olde Testament The golden coucring of the Arke was called the propitiatorie likewise the tenth day of the seuenth moneth whereupon the High Priest entered once in the yeere within the Vaile and into the most Holy place it was called the daye of propitiation and the sinne-offeringes were called propitiatorie sacrifices To this doubt the Apostle answereth that the lawe hauing the shadowe of good thinges to come and not the verie image of the thinges can neuer with those sacrifices which they offer yeere by yeere continuallie sanctifie the commers thereunto By these wordes it is euident that the sinne-offering and the blood carried within the Vaile and the golden couering of the Arke had no power to purge the consciences of men from sinne onelie they were types and figures representing Christ in whome that was to bee actuallie performed which was represented by those figures And like as no prefiguration sacrifice in a proper sense could be called propitiatorie Euen so in like manner no commemoratiue sacrifice of Christes death can bee called a propitiatorie sacrifice except typically and figuratiuely The wordes of Augustine speaking of the sacrament of the Altar in the celebration whereof there was a commemoration of the names of manie men who were departed this life presenteth to Papistes some occasion of cauillation for they saye that Augustine thought the sacrament of the Altar to bee a propitiation for men who had beene of a middle-ranke that is neither of the best nor of the worst sort of people But they who are well acquainted with Augustines writinges will not bee easilie miscaried with such Amphthologies as lurke in wordes True it is that AVGVSTINE calleth the Sacrament a Sacrifice but in what sense A commemoratiue Sacrifice as hath beene declared alreadie And in the like sense hee calleth the Sacrament of the Altar propitiatio because in it there is a commemoration of the propitiatorie sacrifice which CHRIST offered vpon the Crosse. His distinction of men who are departed in three rankes some haue beene verie good men others haue beene verie badde men the third ranke haue neither bene the best nor the worst sort of people together with his doubtsome opinion cōcerning the estate of weake Christians who are departed this life presenteth no solide grounde to any man to build his argument vpon the testimonie of a doubting author The next worde of the definition is vnbloodie Howe repugnant this part of the definition is vnto the former part wherein it was called a propitiatorie Sacrifice GOD willing I shall declare in the last head concerning the absurdities of the Masse For one speciall respect Papistes shoulde speake sparinglie of their vnbloodie hostie for they haue made it bloodie by the cruell shedding of the blood of manie innocent people whome they haue persecuted to the death massacred tormented with formes of newe inuented crueltie circumueened by false and deceitfull promises and they haue excogitated horrible treasons the like whereof haue not beene hearde since the foundation of the worlde and these villanies were hatched in their hatefull heartes for the establishing of their Idolatrous Masse Vesperae siculae maye bee called an vnbloodie Euen-song and the sacrifices offered to DIANA in TAVRICA CHERSONESVS maye bee called vnbloodie sacrifices with better reason than the Popishe Masse can bee called an vnbloodie sacrifice because the seruice done to DIANA albeit it beganne with the shedding of humane bloode yet it ended with the shedding of the bloode of beastes But the crueltie of the Papistes will make no such exchange because they walke in the way of Cain The next part of the definition is this That in the Masse the Priest offereth the bodie of the Sonne of GOD to the Father No part of the definition is more vntollerable and more flatlie opposite to holie Sripture than this part for holie Scripture setteth downe CHRISTES bodie as the onelie propitiatorie sacrifice and CHRIST himselfe as the onelie High Priest who offered this sacrifice And to transferre this high honour onelie due to CHRIST vnto a sinfull man it is a thing vntollerable to true Christians who are affectioned to the glorie of IESVS CHRIST their Master and Sauiour But incase a mortall and sinfull man will take vpon him such boldnesse as to offer the bodie of the Sonne of GOD in a sacrifice to the Father let vs consider by what warrande of the calling of GOD dare hee presume so to doe Papists affirme that when CHRIST instituted the holie Supper at one and the selfe same time hee instituted both a Sacrament and a Sacrifice and consecrated his Apostles and their successours to bee Priestes of the newe Testament to offer vp the bodie of Christ vnto His FATHER vnder the formes of Bread and Wine and these were the wordes whereby they were consecrated to this Priesthood Doe this in remembrance of mee The Apostle Paule vnderstood the meaning of the words of Christ better than the whole Councell of Trent did and he expoundeth these wordes 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that is Doe this referring them both to Pastors and people To Pastors when he saith That which I deliuered vnto you I receiued of the Lord to people when he saith As ost as yee drinke drinke it in remembrance of me Then the Pastors do this when they minister the Sacramēt expressely according to the institution of Christ and the people doe this when they eate and drinke at the Lordes Table in remembrance of the Lords death But the Apostle Paul doeth not expound the wordes 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 as the Councell of Trent hath done More-ouer if CHRIST in these wordes 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that is Doe this hee ordained his disciples to be Priests of the new Testament and to offer in sacrifice the bodie of Christ to his Father then Christ when hee ministred the holy Supper hee offered himselfe in a sacrifice to the Father for hee biddeth them doe that same thing which hee did and consequently hee offered himselfe at two diuerse times and behoued to suffer twise as the Apostle testifieth which is an absurd thing once to thinke such a thing Further I maye boldly affirme that the Leuiticall sacrifices were not so farre different from the sacrifice of Christ as the Masse is different from it The Leuiticall sacrifices differed in manie thinges from the sacrifice of Christ as namely in the order of priesthoode in the worthinesse of the Priest in the excellencie of the sacrifice in the preciousnesse of the Tabernacle in the glorie of the Vaile and moste Holy place and finally in the vertue
saith that the Mediator of Intercession prayeth for vs but no man prayeth for Him And to the ende it might appeare the they are countenanced by antiquitie they insert some prayers vsed by holy Fathers in time of celebration of diuine mysteries but by a deceitfull transposition of their wordes they vtterlie peruert the right sense and meaning of the words of the ancient Fathers as namely when Ambrose saieth Command thou these to wit oblations to bee caried by the hands of thine holy Angell vnto the high Altar in Heauen Ambrose spake of the bread and wine that God would vouchsafe vpon those elements the high honour that they might represent vnto vs the blessed body blood of Christ which was like vnto an eleuation of the elements vnto the Heauen But by a deceitfull transposition of the words of Ambrose inserting them after the words of cōsecration they ordaine their sinfull Priest to pray for the body of the Sonne of God which is a notable abusing of the words of Ambrose Likewise in the Canon of the Masse there is inuocation of Saincts farre contrarie to the auncient custome of the Church who albeit they made a reuerend commemoration of the names of holy men when they celebrated diuine mysteries yet they inuocated them not as Augustine clearly testifieth saying The names of Martyres are commemorated in their owne place and order as men of God yet are they not inuocated by the Priest who offereth sacrifices The seconde absurditie of the Masse consisteth in the verie grounds thereof which I referre first to the superstition of some Christian people who had a zeale to God but not rightly ordered with knowledge Some Christian people were so superstitious that they were not content to eat the Communion bread at the holy Supper in the Church but also they carried a part of it home to their houses they ate it secretly in their chambers Of this the defenders of the Masse inferreth If it was lawfull for them to communicate alone in their chamber much more is it lawfull for the Priest to communicate alone in the Church Vpon such sandie ground is the Popish Masse builded The secōd ground of the Masse is the timorous minds of simple people who being informed by their deceiuing teachers that they might haue like benefite with lesse hazard and danger by seeing of the sacrifice as they had by participation of the Sacrament The people began to loathe the frequent resorting to the holy Sacrament and they came to see the sacrifice of the Masse Both these groundes of the Masse are abuses of the Lords holy Supper In the first ground that which Christ cōmandeth to be presently eaten in remembrance of him a part thereof is reserued to be eaten in the chamber contrary to Christs institution as is already declared In the second ground the Apostolicke precept is neglected which commandeth vs to trie our selues and so to eat drinke at the Lords table but he forbiddeth vs not to approach to the Lordes holy table if we be duely rightly prepared neither giueth hee allowance to this new forme of communicating that the people shall stand only gazing and beholding and shall communicate by the mouth of the Priest alone They who brag of antiquitie and follow new inuented toyes they haue no honour by their bragging The third absurditie of the Masse consisteth in the rotten pillars whereupon the Masse standeth to wit Trans substantiation and Purgatorie for incase the bread bee not changed into the substance of Christs bodie the priest cannot offer Christs bodie to His Father And incase there be no soules tormented in Purgatorie how doeth the priest offer a sacrifice for the dead So it is manifest that these are the two rotten pillars vpholding the Masse I shall refute the doctrine of Transsubstantiation GOD willing in its own place for the present I say If there be Transsubstantiation in the holy Sacrament then is the spirite of man corporally fedde and the body of Christ is eaten by many in the Sacrament to whom hee is not promised in the Word which is an absurd thing once to imagine it And if such a place as Purgatorie had beene then Christ who hath reueiled vnto vs all thinges necessarie to be knowne hee woulde haue reueiled that mysterie also vnto vs. But Christ hath tolde vs of the pleasures of Heauen and of the terrours of Hell but neuer a word of Purgatorie If a house builded vpon sandie grounde and leaning vnto rotten pillars can stand then possible the Masse also may consist and stand if not the Masse also is in danger to fall The fourth absurditie of the Masse is a vile abusing of places of holy Scripture for vpholding the sacrifice of the Masse In the olde Testament they confirme the sacrifice of the Masse by the fact of Melchisedek who brought foorth bread and wine to refresh the wearie armie of Abraham but not to offer these elements in a sacrifice to God And the ancient Fathers who translate the Hebrew word obtulit in stead of protulit yet their opinion is that Melchisedek offered bread and wine to Abraham for his refreshment but not to God in a sacrifice But suppose the words of Moses did sound to that sense that Melchisedek offered a sacrifice of bread wine vnto God What belongeth that to the sacrifice of the Masse wherin they say that bread and wine is not offered vnto God but the verie bodie of Christ vnder the accidents of bread and wine This was not the sacrifice of Melchisedeck Also the words of the prophesie of Malachi are mis rably abused for confirmation of the sacrifice of the Masse whereas hee saieth For from the rising of the Sunne vnto the going downe of the same my Name is great among the Gentiles and in euerie place ncense shall bee offered vnto my Name and a pure offering for my Name is great among the Heathen saith the LORD of hostes The Prophet expoundeth his owne meaning so clearelie that there is no neede of any other commentarie for hee is speaking of the calling of the Gentiles to the kingdome of God and vnder one point of the true worship of God namelie inuocation of his blessed and glorious Name hee comprehendeth all other points of Gods worship such as faith obedience and confession of God before men Tertullian Eusebius and Chrysostona expounde this pure sacrifice to bee prayer and thankesgiuing vnto GOD. Iustinus Martyr citing this place of Malachi affirmeth that this prophesie was performed at that time when Grecians and Barbarians Hamaxobii and Nomades and Scenitae offered prayers and thankesgiuing vnto GOD the Father and Creator of all thinges in the Name of IESVS who was crucified In the newe Testament besides the wordes of Christ spoken at the institution of the holie Supper where of I haue spoken already two other places are mightily abused First the place of the Epistle to the Hebrewes
Lombardes were vtterly fubdued the chaire of Rome was inriched the reuenewe of the Emperour of the East was impaired and a ground was laide of the aduancement of the kinges of France to the Emperiall dignitie In this Emperours dayes the Turkes or Schythians inuaded the Armenians and molested the Saracenes and some countreys of Asia minor in ende they accorded with the Saracenes But this agreement could not bee perfected without condition That the Turkes in Persia shoulde vndergoe the name of Saracenes hoping thereby that they woulde easily embrace the Mahometane religion wherein their exspectation was not frustrate In the yeere of our Lord 579. and in the 18. yeere of the reigne of Constantine a wonderfull thing fell out amongst the wise men of Persia called Magi and Maurophori Persae they perswaded both themselues and others also That if any man would fell all that hee had and throwe himselfe headlonges from the walles of the cities his soule should incontinent bee tranfported to heauen So prone and bent is the corrupt nature of man to leane vpon vaine hopes and to belceue promises which GOD hath not made LEO the sonne of COPRONYMVS LEo the son of Constantinus Copronymus reigned 5. yeeres he followed the foote-steps of his father in zeale against worshipping of images and punished the Groomes of his owne chamber such as Iames Papias Strateius and Theophanes for worshipping of images The superstitious writers of the historie of this time such as Zonaras and Paulus Diaconus reckon the aforesaid persons in the Catalogue of holy Confessors But Christ he will neuer count them to be His martyrs who fight obstinatelie against his trueth euen vnto the death neither will Hee count them to be His Confessors who suffer justly inflicted punishmēt for contempt of the lawes of Magistrates beeing agreeable to the law of God IRENE and CONSTANTINVS her sonne AFter the death of Leo reigned Irene his wife with her sonne Constantine ten yeeres Afterwardes Constantine deposed his mother from her authoritie and reigned alone 7. yeeres And Irene on the other part taking this indignitie done vnto her grieuously she spoyled her sonne both of his eyes of his Empire cast him into prison where he died for heart griefe and she reigned againe 4. yeeres after her sonnes imprisonment So all the yeeres of the reignes of Irene her sonne conjunctly and ●…euerally first last were 21. yeeres This Empresse was superstitious malicious craftie infortunate She was a superstitious defender of the worshipping of images A malicious venomous hater of the name of Constantinus Copronymus whose dead body she commanded to bee brought out of his graue to bee burnt with fire resolued into ashes and to be casten into the sea albeit Constantine was her owne father in lawe The mercies of the wicked are cruell Her craft appeared in bringing her forces to Constantinople in the sixt yeere of her reigne vnder pretence of fighting against the Arabians and in disarming of them whom she knew to haue beene aduersaries to worshipping of images sending them in ships to the places from whence they came For before the dayes of Constantinus Copronymus the towne of Constantinople by famine pestilence being besieged 3. yeeres by the Saracens was miserably dispeopled so that 30000. of the people of Constantinople died But Copronymus for repairing of that losse sent for strangers and replenished the towne with new inhabitantes These strangers she sent back againe to the places from whence they came especially because in populare commotion they had set themselues in armes and minassed the Fathers conuened in Constantinople by Irene and her sonne for allowance of adoration of images Shee was infortunate because the Empire of the East was so extenuate in her time that it was rather like vnto a shaddowe than vnto an Empire So that in the subsequent historie I will forget after a manner the Emperours of the East and make mention of the Emperours of the West Now Irene was deposed and banished by Nicephorus who reigned eight yeeres after her banishment CHAP. II. Of Popes Patriarches Pastors and Doctors AFTER Pope SERGIVS succeeded IOANNES the sixt and continued three yeeres and three monethes And after him Pope Ioannes the seuenth continued two yeeres and seuen monethes he liued in the dayes of Iustinian the second who sent Ambassadours vnto him for procuring an vnion betwixt the Churches of the East and the West because they differed in opinions concerning the Canons of the sixt Generall Councell wherein prohibition of marriage to men in spirituall offices was disalowed and the Patriarch of Constantinople was equalled in authority to the Patriarch of Rome These Ambassadours aforesaide returned from Pope Ihonne the seuenth without any answere which proud carriage or as others doe thinke a cowardly forme of dealing all writers doe vituperate And after him succeeded Sisinius who continued not aboue twentie dayes in his Popedome After Sisinius succeeded Constantine the first and gouerned seuen yeeres and twentie dayes His Popedome was vnd●…r the reignes of Iustinian the seconde Philippicus and Anastasius The Emperour Iustinian supported him against Foelix bishop of Rauenna who had refused to paye to the bishop of Rome the summe of money imposed to him in time of his ordination so that Foelix was taken prisoner by the Emperours Admirall and sent to Constantinople where his eyes were put out and hee was banished to Pontus Against the Emperour Philippicus he contended as one hauing authoritie to rase the name of the Emperour out of charters as hath beene alreadie declared This is the Pope who was made judge betwixt the bishops of Ticinum and Millane who contended for superioritie And Constantine eximed the bisshop of Ticinum from the jurisdiction of the bishop of Millan but in such way as he should be subject to the Church of Rome The Emperour Iustinian the seconde sent for pope Constantine who came to Constantinople and from thence went to Nicomedia where hee met with the Emperour and the Emperour kissed his feete Marke the growing and daylie increasing pride of the Romane Antichrist After Constantine succeeded Gregorius the second continued sixteene yeeres nine monethes and eleuen dayes Hee liued vnder the reigne of the Emperour Leo Isaurus whom he rashly excommunicated for abolishing of images Also hee drewe awaye from the obedience of the Emperour the countreys of He speria Aemilia Liguria and other parts of Italie forbidding them to paye tribute to the Emperour expresse contrarie to Christes commandement Matth. 22. 21. where He saith Giue vnto Caesar that which is Caesars c. and this Christ spake concerning paying of tribute Gregorie the thirde gouerned ten yeeres eight monethes and 24. dayes and followed the foote-steps of his predicessor both in aduancing the doctrine of the worshipping of images and in with-drawing the people of Italie from the obedience of the Emperour More-ouer he gathered a Councell at Rome wherein the worshipping of images had
these were miserably infected with the superstitions of their time such as the opinion of Purgatorie inuocation of Sainctes and worshipping of Images and prohibition of Marriage Bonifacius was a man borne in ENGLAND in a place neare adjoyning to EXCESTER he was familiarly acquainted with fiue popes to wit with pope Constantinus the first Gregorius the seconde Gregorius the thirde Zacharias the first and Stepanus the seconde And by them hee was aduaunced to manie honours First to be the Popes Legate in ENGLAND GERMANIE and FRANCE and afterwardes to bee Archbishop of Mentz All his studies and trauels tended to this to bring the people of ENGLAND Germanie and France to the subjection of the Romane bishop and to a conformitie to the superstitions of the Romane Church In the name and at the commandement of pope Zacharias he disauthorised Childericus king of France thrust him into a Monasterie and anointed Pipinus the sonne of Carolus Martellus to be king of France So zealous was hee to performe all the desires of the Romane bishops by whome also his name was changed for hee was first named Vinofridus but the bishops of Rome who delited in his seruice called him Bonifacius After he had serued the Romane bishops in slauish subjection 36. yeeres hee was slaine by Pagans because he had anointed Pipinus king of France and for hope they had to enrich themselues by his coffers in the which when they had opened them they found nothing except bookes and reliques of Saincts whereof they made no account And his bodie was buried in the Monasterie of Fulda Damascene a superstitious Monke the disciple of Cosinas liued vnder the Emperours Leo and Constantinus Copronymus hee was a long time in companie of the Saracenes and with the prince of Saracenes he went to the sepulchre of Mahomet and like vnto a timorous bodie worshipped the bones of Mahomet fearing to haue beene put to death if hee had not done such homage Hee was a patron of worshipping of images and was excommunicated in the Generall Councell assembled by Constantinus Copronymus It is written by Ihonne patriarch of Hierusalem in the historie of Damascens life that the prince of Saracenes was mooued to indignation against him by a deceitfull letter sent from the Emperour Leo Isaurus in the which Damascene was charged as a man willing to haue betrayed the towne of Damascus into the hands of the Emperour Leo. Vpon this occasion saieth Ihon patriarch of Hierusalem the prince of Saracenes cut off the hand of Damascene and on the other part Damascene by humble kneeling before the image of the Virgine Marie was miraculouslie cured and restored againe to the power of his hand But this is like to the rest of Popish fables and lies For Damascene writeth manie notable fables for confirmation of adoration of images And incase a miracle had bene wrought in his owne person by prostrating himselfe before an image Damaescene had no manner of waye ouer-passed with silence the memoriall thereof But wee haue to doe with aduersaries who are not ashamed of lies Damascene was a diligēt reader of the bookes of ancient Fathers as appeareth by his foure bookes De Orthodoxa Fide but not so diligent a reader of holy Scripture which is the ground of manifolde errours His historie of Iosophat king of India is knowne to bee a Monkish fable Paulus Diaconus of the kinred of the Lombardes became a Deacon in Aquileia hee was carried captiue into France in the dayes of Charles the Great who besieged Papia banished Desiderius and made an ende of the kingdome of the Lombardes Afterwards he was accused of treason and conspiracie against Charles king of France His malicious and hatefull accusers were bent to haue had his hands cut off or his eyes put out but K. Charles pittying him for his learning was content that he should be banished to the I le of Diomedes From thence hee fled and came to Beneuentum where Arachis was dwelling who had married Adelperga the daughter of Desiderius In his pallace it is thought hee writ his sixe bookes De rebus gestis Longobardarum After the death of Arachis hee came to the Monasterie called Cassinense where hee ended his life Beda a man borne and brought vp in ENGLAND was called venerable and was in great account in his time Onely hee was miserably intangled with deceitfull antichristian errours vniuersally ouerspred in his dayes such as inuocation of Sainctes worshipping of Reliques opinion of Purgatorie and of support that might be had by saying of Masses In writing reading and praying hee was a man of incessant paines Nothing is found in him more commendable than his patient suffering of the agonies immediately preceeding his dissolution with a desire to be dissolued and to be with Christ. Albertus Gallus a Bishop in some part of France a learned and godly man opponed himselfe mightily to Bonifacius the foote-groome of the Romane Antichrist with whome concurred two Iearned men borne in Scotland named Clemens presbyter and Samson and offered to prooue both by worde and writing that Bonifacius was an author of lies a troubler of the peace of Christians and a corrupter and deceiuer of the people But pope zacharias excommunicated them before they were heard in a lawfull Assemblie and gaue power to his foote-groome Bonifacius to depose them procured at the hands of the king of France that they should be casten into prison and bound with bandes as schismatiques false teachers and sacrilegious men Such rewarde men receiued who were witnesses to the trueth of God and reprehended any corruption of the Romane Church In like manner Joannes Mailrosius and Claudius Clemens learned men of Scotland sent by king Acha●…us to Charles king of France and the first professors of learning in the Academie founded by Charles the Great in Parise these two likewise were disliked of the Romane Church because they could not assent to all the superstitions of that Church in this age so miserably deformed CHAP. III. OF HERETIQUES MANIE were counted Heretiques in this age because they worshipped God sincerelie according to the rule of His owne blessed worde and woulde not giue consent to the fonde errours of the Romane Church But some were counted Heretiques justly and without all controuersie as namely they who called Christ in his humane nature the adoptiue sonne of God This wicked heresie repugneth vnto the Celestiall Oracle which the three Apostles hearde in the holie mountaine This is my welbeloued sonne in whome I am well pleased We are adopted in Christ to be the sonnes of God But Christ euen in his manly nature is the sonne of GOD by the excellent prerogatiue of personall vnion with the diuine nature It is not certainly knowne whether Elipandus bishop of Hispalis or another named Foelix with whom some affirme that Elipandus consulted about this damnable opinion was the author of this damnable heresie CHAP. IIII. OF COUNCELS IN the
〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 sub 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that is wee offer in remembrane of his death and this which wee offer is a type to wit commemoratiue of that which he offered But because they hing by an haire and if any ancient Father cast out one worde albeit it were hyperbolically spokē they fasten their gripes vpon it as if it made altogether for them Now Chrysostome saieth This Sacrifice which we offer is one and the selfe same Sacrifice which Christ offered Is it not good reason hee haue libertie to expounde the meaning of his owne words and so he doeth Our Sacrifice and Christs Sacrifice is one because we celebrate a remembrance of that Sacrifice once offered vpon the Crosse and of none other But that Sacrifice which Christ offered vpon the Crosse hath no neede to be reiterated saith Chrysostome in that same Homilie because it is like vnto a medicine which beeing once applyed hath a perfect vertue to saue vs from all our sinnes Hitherto I haue declared that the words of Consecration if they bee expounded as auncient Fathers expounded them they make nothing to proue the doctrine of Transsubstantiation Nowe let vs proceede further to see howe this definition of Transsubstantiation agreeth with the doctrine of the Apostles and of other auncient Fathers The Scriptures of God neither acknowledge an euanishing of the substance of bread and wine neither yet a chaunge of their substance into the substance of Christs bodie and blood For as much as the Apostle Paul speaking of the sacred elementes of the Lordes Supper at that time when they seale vp our conjunction with Christ which is not before the blessing breaking and distribution but after these holy actions the Apostle calleth the eating of the blessed bread 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and the drinking of the blessed Cuppe 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that is a communion of the Lords bodie and blood not excluding the substance of the elementes but expressely pointing out the wordes 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that is the bread and the cuppe The moste ancient Fathers are moste vnacquainted with this Noueltie of Transsubstantiation for they all in one voyce for the space of 500. yeeres doe consent that the substance of bread and wine remaineth in the Sacrament after the wordes of Consecration albeit the vse of the elementes bee changed Iustinus Martyr saith that the elementes in the Sacrament of the Supper are made the flesh and the blood of Iesus in that same forme that the eternall worde of God was made flesh but so it is that the substance of the diuine nature neither euanished nor yet was changed into the substance of flesh And in like manner the bread is made the body of Christ neither by the euanishing of the substance thereof nor yet by changing the substance thereof into another substance In like manner Ireneus when he saith that the holy Eucharist consisteth of things earthly and of thinges celestiall by mentioning of earthly things hee would declare that the substance of the bread and wine remaineth after the consecration And lest any man by shifting wordes shoulde saye that Ireneus meaneth not by earthly thinges the substance of bread and wine but rather the accidents hee expresseth his owne meaning in the 32. chap. that he is speaking of the bread and the cuppe Ambrose speaking of the operatiue vertue of the Lords word in the Sacrament he saith that the elementes remaine that same thing which they were they are changed into another thing because the substance of the elements remaineth and their vse is changed Like as a regenerated man in substance both of soule and body is that same man that hee was before yet in qualities and conditions there is a great change And who can interprete the words of Ambrose better than hee himselfe doeth illustrate them by the foresaide similitude Theodoretus in his first Dialogue saith that God hath honoured the elements in the Sacrament with the name of His bodie blood not by changing of their nature but by adding grace vnto nature And in his second Dialogue he saith that after the wordes of consecration the elementes remaine in their former substance shape and forme The wordes of Theodoretus are not more effectual to instruct vs in the right judgement concerning the nature of the Sacrament than the very purpose whereat hee aimeth in those his Dialogues They are written of purpose to refute the heresie of Eutyches who affirmed that after the diuine nature assumed the humane nature all became diuinitie and there was not two distinct natures in Christ but one only Theodoretus for refutation of this heresie bringeth a comparison taken from the Sacrament of the Lords Supper in the which the bread in substance remaining bread assumeth a name and vse that it had not before by diuine institution to be called the bodie of the Lord Euen so the diuine nature of Christ assumed the humane nature without any change of the one natu●…e into the other Moreouer he proueth the veritie of Christs humane nature by this That the elements in the Sacrament of the Supper are 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that is signes types and figures of the bodie and blood of Christ. And incase he had not a true body how could the elements in the Sacrament be figures of his bodie These speaches of Theodoretus doe import two thinges First that the elementes in the Sacrament of the Supper remaine still in their owne substance and their substance is neither changed nor euanished Secondly that in the holy Sacrament of the Supper there are signes not accidentall but the elementes in their owne substance remaining are signes of the body and blood of Jesus Christ. And howe these two things can agree with the doctrine of Transsubstantiation let the judicious Reader consider Augustine in like manner is so farre from imagining that the substance of the bread is euanished or turned into another substance that he putteth a difference betwixt Sacramentum and res Sacramenti counting the elementes Sacramentum and the bodie blood of Christ res sacramenti Now concerning the elements that is the bread and the wine he affirmeth that some doe eate them vnto saluation others doe eate them vnto damnation but as concerning the body and blood of Christ which Augustine calleth res sacramenti in expresse tearmes he saith No man receiueth them but onely to eternall life Of this it is euident that Augustine calleth that Sacramentum which is eaten either worthily or vnworthily either to saluation or to damnation And he is speaking of the substance of bread and wine which can bee eaten drunkē and not of accidents which no man can eat or drinke But wherefore doe I spende time to cite testimonies of Fathers to prooue that after the wordes of blessing the elements in the holy Supper neither change their substance nor yet doeth their
is the true bread The doctrine of Transsubstantiation importeth also accidentes without a subject as hath beene touched in a part before in the definition of Transsubstantiation This is admirable that the Scholasticke Doctors who make Aristotle to be Master Caruer of this most holy banquet who haue acquainted themselues better with his Preceptes than with the heauenlie doctrine of the Apostles yet in this point they haue forgotten euen the doctrine of their Schoole-master Aristotle who saieth that accidentes can haue no subsistence but into a subject as if a man bee talking of blindnesse hee must also talke of eyes that are blinded and if hee talke of deafenesse hee must also talke of the eare and if hee talke of lamenesse hee must talke of some member of the bodie that is maimed and finallie if hee talke of a disease hee must also talke of some bodie either of man or beast that is diseased and this hee must doe either expressely or couertly because accidentes haue no subsistence without a subject There can bee nothing imagined more absurde more repugnant to reason than to talke of whiteness●… roundnesse and rednesse and in the meane time to saye there is nothing that is white round or redde The recourse which they haue to the Omnipotent power of God who is able to make accidents to subsist without a subject declareth that they neuer rightly considered the cause wherefore the Omnipotent power of GOD is mentioned in holie Scripture to wit to bee one of the strong pillars of our faith which faith commeth onely by hearing Then let this order bee kept First let GOD speake in His owne worde Secondlie let vs beleeue the worde of GOD by faith Thirdlie let the assured pillars of the Omnipotent power and infal●…ible trueth of GOD vpholde our faith as it did the faith of ABRAHAM But let vs not grounde vpon the Omnipotent power of GOD in matters whereof wee haue no assurance in His written worde as some of the wise men of PERSIA did who assured both themselues and others that incase they woulde distribute all their goods to the poore and throwe themselues headlonges from eminent places then their soules shoulde bee transported immediatelie to Heauen This madnesse fell out about the yeere of our LORDE and Sauiour IESVS CHRIST 759. What was this leaning of theirs to the Omnipotent power of GOD without assurance of his word but only the conceits of braine-sicke men And so let Papistes talke what they please In this purpose that God by his Omnipotent power can make accidentes to subsist without a subject I will conclude that the Omnipotent power of God is ordained to bee a confirmation to our faith and not to be a citie of refuge to foolish fables The doctrine of Transsubstantiation also importeth that the body of Christ at one time may bee in infinite places which repugneth vnto the nature of a true body which like as it is circumscribed and may be seene so likewise at one time it is onely in one place as Augustine writeth to Dardanus in these wordes Tolle spatia locorum corporibus nusquam ●…runt nec ●…runt that is to say Take from bodies the rowmes of places and they shall be no where and consequently they shall not bee at all And Theodoretus prooueth that the body of Christ is a true humane body albeit it be glorified euen in the latter daye when hee commeth to judge the quicke and the dead because it shall bee seene according as it is written Matth. 26 64. Yee shall see the sonne of man comming in the cloudes of heauen and like as it may be seene so likewise it is circumscribed and consequently it is in a place and is not turned into his diuine nature which is both 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that is it cannot be seene and it cannot bee circumscribed as the humane nature is It is well remarked by that learned Preacher Du Moulin that in the last edition of S. Augustines workes at Parise anno 1571. a notable place of the foresaid epistle of Augustine to Dardanus is vtterly left out by aduice of the Fathers correctors of the writings of the Auncientes namely this Destrai naturam humanam Christi si non detur ei certum spatium quo more aliarum rerum corporearum contineatur that is The humane nature of Christ is destroyed if a certaine place be not attributed vnto it wherein it is contained according to the custome of other corporall thinges What credite is to bee giuen vnto Popishe Doctors when they cite testimonies of auncient Fathers after they are deprehended to be deceitfull deprauers of their bookes Ancient Fathers a long ●…ime before the question of Transsubstantiation of the substance of the elementes in the holy Supper came in head they were re●…soning of the two natures in Christ to wit the diuine and humane nature and that the one nature was not turned into the other they could not find a fitter similitude than that which is borrowed from the Sacrament as I haue alreadie declared Alwayes they thinke that if any man shall imagine that by vertue of these wordes This is my body the substance of bread was chaunged into the substance of Christes body as many doe thinke euen vntill this day then in steade of one Transsubstantiation of the substance of bread into the substance of Christs body there should be two Transsubstantiations and the substance of Christs body should againe be turned into bread for like as Christ speaking of bread saith This is my body euen so Christ speaking of his body calleth it corne of wheat in these words Verily I say vnto you except wheat corne fall into the grounde and die it abideth alone but if it die it bringeth foorth much fruit If by vertue of the former wordes bread bee changed into the substance of Christes body then in like manner by vertue of these words for both are spoken out of one blessed mouth the body of Christ should be turned into the substance of corne of wheat I grant there is a difference betwixt a Sacrament and a metaphore yet in neither of them is there such vertue in the word is to change the substance of any thing IN the last head let vs consider with what strife and reluctation this erronious doctrine was intruced vpon the Church I holde the Monke Damascene to bee the first author thereof who perceiuing that his opinion was repugnant to the doctrine of ancient Fathers namely to the doctrine of Basilius Magnus who calleth the bread and the wine 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that is figures of the body and blood of Christ. He forgeth a friuolous shift to excuse his contradiction to Basilius because saieth hee Basilius calleth them 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 before the wordes of the blessing but after the pronouncing of the wordes of the blessing they are no longer figures but the very body and
commanded to confesse his faults to his neighbour whome hee hath offended Luke 17. 4 And it belongeth nothing to auricular confession except Popish Priestes would confesse in particular all their sinnes to the people like as the people confesseth all their secret sinnes in particular to the Priestes And our Lord and Master Iesus Christ when hee receiued a particular confession of secret sinnes from the Samaritan woman hee sent away his Disciples to Samaria to the ende the weakenesse of a poore penitent sinner should not bee troubled by a particular confession of secret sinnes before them who knewe not thinges which were done in secret But let vs confesse secret sinnes to God who knoweth things that are done in secret But sinnes whereby the Church of God is openly slandered let them also bee openlie confessed Seeing that auricular confession hath no testimonie in Scripture it followeth to search out by diligent examination whether or no it had place after the dayes of the Apostles in the first three hundreth yeeres of our Lord. Wee reade of the first Christned Emperour Philippus who slewe Gordianus and was slaine by the Emperour Decius anno 250 that hee was desirous about Easter time to bee admitted vnto the participation of the holy Sacrament but this benefit was refused vnto him vntill the time that he made his publicke repentance and vntill hee stood in the place where 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 were accustomed to stand They were so called because they were demaunded concerning the sinnes which they had committed and the sense and feeling of griefe that God had wrought in their heartes for their preceeding offences This was not a secret and auricular confession but an open confession of publike sins in sight open audience of the people So we see that for the space of two hundreth and fiftie yeeres after the Lords ascension auricular and secret confession of sinnes to the Bishop or Presbyter was vnknowne in the Church Nowe if at any time open confession of sinnes shoulde haue ceassed and giuen place to secrete and auricular confession it was in time of the tenne Persecutions because that Christians were drawne continually before the judgement seates of vnbeleeuing Iudges from whom the weaknesse and faultes of Christians might haue beene obscured if auricular confession had beene in vse at that time But the Fathers who liued in that age were so carefull to purge the Church from slander that they preferred the puritie of the Church vnto their owne liues True it is that euen before the ten Persecutions had an ende some good Christians woulde consult with their Pastors w●…ether it was expedient to confesse their sinnes openly before the people to the edification and good of the Church or secretly onely to God But this secrete consulting with the Pastor what was most needfull to bee done was not an auricular confession to him of all secret sinnes but rather an aduisement concerning some sinnes whether the sinner himselfe and the Church might receiue greater benefite by open confession before the people or by secret confession to God onely The wordes of Origen very pertinently cited by Chemnisius are these Consider circumspectly to whom thou shouldest confesse thy sinne Trie first thy Physition if hee vnderstand and fore-see thy disease to bee such as should bee confessed in the Congregation of the whole Church and so be cured whereby possibly others may be edified and thou thy selfe may bee easily healed then saieth hee make haste to vse the counsell of thy Phisition If the custome of the Primitiue Church were proponed in simplicitie and sinceritie it shoulde bee founde that the newe toye of auricular confession cannot bee shrowded vnder the vaile of great Antiquitie Whatsoeuer a fewe men wounded more deepely with a sense of sinne than others they did voluntarily in powring out their sinnes in the bosome of their Pastors albeit they had neither sacrificed vnto Idoles nor yet giuen vp their names in the Romane deputies rolles promising conformitie but only they confessed other faults of lesse moment to their Pastors with dejected and humbled mindes seeking comfort to their afflicted soules This is a matter rarely contingent wherewith wee are acquainted in our dayes as familiarly as Cyprian was in his time Yet was there no mandate and Church commandement ordaining people so to doe in Cyprians dayes And people likewise who powreth out the dolour of their wounded cōsciences for secret sinnes in our bosome they doe it voluntarily and vncoacted hoping for some mitigation of their griefe through vnburthening of their heart by confession as Nazianzenus writeth 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that is It is some medicinall cure of heart griefe to powre out our words into the verie aire After the three hundreth yeere of our Lord and after the tenne Persecutions ceassed the discipline of making open repentance for open sinnes continued in the Church as is euident by the Act of the Councell of Nice in the 11. Canon in the which a forme of Publicke satisfaction is prescribed vnto them who in time of the Persecution of Licinius had sacrificed to Idoles But concerning a particulare confession of secrete sinnes to the Pastor there is no mention in the Councell of Nice The Historie hath declared that auricular confession had place in the East Churches in the dayes of Nectarius bishop of Constantinople whose Ministerie was vnder the reigne of the Emperour Theodosius Here two thinges are to bee noted First that the discipline of the East and West Churches was different and in the West Church there remained a publicke confession of notorious and publicke sinnes in so much that the Emperour Theodosius himselfe confessed his fault openly and in sight of the people at Millane for the slaughter of the innocent people of Thessalonica Secondly it is to bee marked that Nectarius in abolishing the custome of auticular confession he acknowledged it to bee but an humane and not a diuine constitution for who dare abolishe either in doctrine or discipline the constitutions and ordinances of God Lindanus a man in the Latine Language more eloquent than godly cannot suffer that it shall be thought that Nectarius abolished auriculare confession but rather that hee abolished the custome then in vse that one shoulde onely bee Presbyter Poenitentiarius to whome secrete sinnes shoulde bee confessed and that in time to come a man should make choise of any presbyter whom he pleased to be his father Confessor But let the historie bee judge Socrates saith that Eudaemon gaue councell to Nectarius to abrogate presbyter poenitentiarius to remit euery man to the triall of his owne conscience when he approached to the participation of holy mysteries Satisfaction in the Romane Church is an obedience to the injunctions of the Priest by performance wherof they are in hope to obtaine forgiuenesse at the handes of God for sinnes committed after Baptisme But besides the Nouel●…y that is in Popish Satisfaction it is also a blasphemous opinion
It is a Nouelty because that ancient Fathers whē they spake of Satisfaction meaned not of a satisfactiō made to God but of a satisfaction made to the Church Yea and S. Augustine calleth it Satesfactio quiasatis fiebat Ecclesiae that is because the Church was satisfied It is also a blasphemous opinion because the honour only due to the merites of Christes suffering is attributed to the worthinesse of mens satisfactions such as Fasting Praying distribution of Almes going in Pilgrimage to holie places and such like offices But the vsurpation of the least of the honoures belonging onelie to CHRIST is hornbletreason in the sight of God CHRIST is a propitiation for our sinnes saieth the Apostle 1. Ihon chap. 2. vers 2. If anie man doe imagine that hee can make a satisfaction for his owne sinnes hee is blasphemous against the sonne of God And like as Iulian the Apostate when hee suffered himselfe tò bee saluted by the Armie 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that is Emperour CONSTANTIVS the Emperour by that one worde vnderstoode the treasonable attemptes of his aspiring minde And let vs bee perswaded in our owne heartes That incase anie man imagine that hee can sati●…fie for his owne sinnes hee is but a Traitor against the SONNE of GOD. THe last head of Popishe Pennance is Absolution wherein three things doe concurre to wit blasphemie vncertaintie and foolishnesse It is blasphemie to saye that any man can forgiue finnes who is not Eternall GOD Marke 2. 7. except in forme of a Messenger executing GODS commaundement in such manner as GOD hath prescribed in his holie worde It is great vncertaintie to absolue men from the guiltinesse of their faults but not from their punishment insomuch that if they bee preuented by death before they haue fulfilled the pennance enjoyned by the Priest then their soules must bee tormented in Purgatorie vntill they haue made full satisfaction for their offences Then Popishe Absolution depending vpon the vncertaintie of a mans life cannot bee a certaine thing but a miserable excrutiation of poore soules put in vaine hope of absolution and yet vncertaine whether they be absolued or not Nowe because they will needes referre the institution of the Sacrament of Pennance vnto CHRIST as the Author thereof when Hee breathed vpon His Disciples and saide Whose sinnes yee remitte they are remitted c. Ihon chapt 20. verse 23. Necessitie constraineth them to prooue two thinges out of the wordes of CHRIST which they count essentiall in the Sacrament of Pennance First that CHRIST commaunded a penitent sinner to make a particulare rehearsall of his secrete sinnes in the eare of the Priest which thing CHRIST neuer commaunded Secondlie that in the absolution of a penitent sinner CHRIST commaunded to enjoyne vnto him a satisfaction whereby hee might merite at the handes of GOD forgiuenesse for sinnes committed after Baptisme which thing CHRIST neuer commaunded yea repugneth manifestlie to the Holie Scriptures of GOD in the which it is saide With one offering hath Hee consecrated for euer them that are sanctified Hebr. chapt 10. vers 14. This is not a single and vpright dealing to referre the institution of the Sacrament of Pennance vnto CHRIST when as they cannot prooue that thinges moste essentiallie requisite in their Sacrament hath allowance from the mouth of CHRIST I compare the Romanists in their doctrine of Pennance to king Hezekias not in time of his zeale vprightnes but in time of his reproueable weaknes for hee shewed vnto the Ambassadours of the King of BABEL the house of his treasures his Siluer Golde Spices and Precious Ointmentes and all the house of his Armour The Messengers of the King of BABEL had no such commission from their Master to viewe the Treasures Riches and Armour of King HEZEKIAS but onely to present letters of congratulation for the miraculous restitution of HEZEKIAS to health and to bring vnto him a present from MERODACH BALADEN King of BABEL But HEZEKIAS King of IVDA in his reprooueable weakenesse as I haue alreadie spoken let the Ambassadoures see maine chinges which they had no commission to see to the great harme and disaduantadge of his posteritie Euen so CHRIST sent out His Apostles and their true Successours to preach the doctrine of repentance and remission of sinnes But the ROMANE Church will let the Ambassadoures of GOD see such thinges as are not contained in their commission to wit a particular confession of all secrete sinnes together with a satisfaction to GOD for sinnes committed after Baptisme of which thinges no mention is made in the written worde of GOD. Heere I leaue them delighting in their Nouelties which haue no grounde from the mouth of CHRIST nor from the doctrine of His Apostles Yea they are like vnto the frogges of the I le of SERIPHVS one of the Iles called CYCLADES in the which the Frogges sette vp their heads in the Monethes of March and Aprill but they vtter no sounding voyce as the Frogges in other places doe Euen so the ROMANE Church holdeth vp their heads as if they would prooue that CHRIST instituted this Sacrament but they faint in the probation A TREATISE Of the Sacrament of Confirmation IN the Sacrament of Confirmation there is a glorious shewe of a signe and a spirituall thing signified The outward signe is Chrisme that is Oyle mixed with some mixture of Baulme which beeing signated with the signe of the Crosse vpon the fore-head of him who is confirmed in the Name of the Father Sonne and holy Ghost they saye that with this outwarde signe is conferred the seuen-folde grace of the holy Spirit And this Sacrament they extoll aboue the Sacrament of Baptisme because the grace of God which is begunne in vs by Baptisme is perfected by the Sacrament of Confirmation Yea and a Priest or Deacon of the Church may baptize but the Sacrament of Confirmation must only bee ministrated by a Bishop Verie early did Popish bishops prouide that they shoulde not be altogether idle for they beganne to loath the office of preaching and baptizing and lest they should seeme to bee idle bellies they reserued some easie exercise to themselues to wit the making of Chrisme and anointing the people therewith To all this is added a Rhetoricall discourse That the people of Israell after they had passed thorow the redde Sea they entered into a Wildernesse in the which they had a great combate with many troubles before they could enter into their rest And in like manner after that we are baptized we haue a great fight with many aduersaries troubles before we can enter into the rest of God All this is true but what is inferred vpō this If the Apostle Paul were our instructor hee woulde bid vs put on the complete armour of God to the ende that we might withstand spirituall wickednesse and eate the blessed bread and drinke the cuppe of blessing to the ende that beeing corroborated by the strength of the
Sacramentes ordained by God wee might fight a good fight and finishe our journey with joye This is the Apostolicke doctrine But Papistes will correct the Apostolicke doctrine in all points they wil haue a Christiā to be corroborated by Chrisme the sacrament of confirmation to the end he may passe ouer the stormie tentations of this world in peace Let mee now demand of them two thinges One concerning the signe Another concerning the thing signified Concerning the signe I demand who gaue commandement to vse it Concerning the thing signified I demaunde who hath promised to conferre the seuen-folde grace of the holy Spirite to them who are signated vpon the fore-head by the bishops thombe with the signe of the Crosse These two thinges to wit the commandement and the promise are inlacking in Popish Sacramentes and so their newe found out Sacramentes are like vnto a bodie that is not quickened with a soule The Scholasticke Doctors the first inuentors of this pluralitie of Sacraments they confesse roundly that the Sacrament of Confirmation hath no authoritie in holy Scripture such as Alexander Alensis Bonaventura and Thomas Aquinas who after much fatigation of himselfe and others also hee cannot finde that euer Christ or yet His Apostles conferred this Sacrament to any person Whatsoeuer they can cite out of Tertullian or Basilius or any ancient Councell for the confirmation of Chrisme it is certaine that they confesse that this custome hath no authoritie of the written worde of God And this is the principall marke whereat I aime in all my writinges to prooue that there is no Antiquitie where 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that is the written word of God doeth not confirme the antiquitie of that which is alleadged The Romane Church waketh great businesse to proue that in holy Scripture many promises of confirmation and corroboration of the worke of God begunne in vs are contained But they bestirre themselues in vaine in proouing that thing which no man denieth But incase they would prooue that the Sacrament of Confirmation is a Sacramēt in a proper sense then it became them to proue that God in His word hath promised the grace of confirmation to such as are signated vpon the fore-head and annointed with Chrisme and buffeted vpon the chieke with the bishops hand Seeing none of these thinges can bee prooued by Scripture it is a friuolous thing for them to alleadge a promise made by God when as they inuent the element whereunto this promise shall bee annexed If this bee a forme according to the which Sacraments should be fashioned then I dare affirme that the number of Sacraments may be multiplied according to the number of the promises contained in the word of God So that God shall make a promise and man shall inuent without anie warrand of Gods commandement an external element wherevnto the promise shall bee annexed By this forme of doing not onely may they make vp seuen Sacramentes but also seuentie times seuen Sacraments True it is that the holy Apostles by imposition of handes conferred the gift of the holy Spirit that is the gift of Languages to many professors of the true Faith and this gift conferred vnto them confirmed them in the faith of Christ. But what belongeth this vnto the Popish Sacrament of Confirmation in the which the externall signe of imposition of handes is inlacking and the promise of a spirituall grace annexed to the signe is also inlacking and finally that thing which was extraordinarie and appertaining to a few is brought in as the ground of an ordinarie Sacrament which shoulde appertaine to all them who beleeue I will not insist long to speake of this new Sacrament of Confirmation Onely this I say that whatsoeuer is brought in into the Church of God with derogation of the dignitie of Baptisme an holy Sacrament instituted by Christ himselfe it should be abhorred But so it is that the Sacrament of Confirmation is brought in with a derogation to the dignitie of Baptisme ergo c. The seconde part of the argument is prooued by their slender and derogatiue speaches of Baptisme together with their superlatiue aduancements of the eminencie of the Sacrament of Confirmation In Baptisme they say that wee receiue not the vpholding defending gouerning and strengthening Spirite of God but all these graces are conferred in the Sacrament of Confirmation Likewise in Baptisme is prepared an habitation to God but the Father Sonne and holy Ghost enter not into this habitation before wee receiue the Sacrament of Confirmation What can be more directly repugnant to H. Scripture wherein it is expressely said He who beleeueth and is baptized shall be saued Can any man be saued befor his soule be an habitation and Temple in the which God is content to dwell So that the doctrine of the Romane Church is like vnto the nauigation of men who dare presume to saile in deepe and dangerous Seas without a Compasse Euen so they talke of matters of great importance without the warrande of holy Scripture whereby it commeth to passe that their doctrine in many pointes is flatte repugnant to holy Scripture Concerning the testimonies of Fathers whereby they endeuour to proue the Sacrament of Confirmation I might answere compendiously with S. Augustine Quicquid attulerint undecunque attulerint audiamus potius si oues sumus vocem pastoris nostri non ergo audiamus haec ego dico haec tu duis sed haec dicit Dominus that is Whatsoeuer they bring in and from whence soeuer they haue brought it in if we be the Lords sheepe let vs rather bearken to the voyce of our shephearde therefore let vs not hearken to them who saye This I saye or this thou sayest but this saieth the Lord. Neuerthelesse seeing they glorie so much of ancient Fathers let the judicious Reader beware of supposititious writings and he shall not find this Chrisme in ancient writers The Sermon of Cyprian De Chrismate is knowne to be supposititious The opinion of Tertullian who writeth that they who are baptized with water haue not receiued the Holy Spirit but are prepared to receiue it by anointing with oyle and imposition of handes after baptisme doeth not euery man who is versed in the reading of Fathers smell that Tertullian writte this when hee made defection from the trueth and was intangled with the errour of the Montanistes And Cyprian in the bookes of his epistles when he attributeth too much to Vnction with Oyle and imposition of hands after baptisme it is easie to perceiue that he borrowed this errour from Tertullian whom he acknowledged as his Master But neither Tertullian nor Cyprian are speaking of the Popishe Sacrament of Confirmation but of annointing with oyle and imposition of handes immediately after baptisme Marke the words of Cyprian where he saith Non posse esse filios Dei si non utroque sacramento nascantur lauacro scilicet aquae in verbo unctione Chrismatis that is They cannot
their constitutions to bee so vilepended that they are not worthie of an answere and namely when they saye that the Church hath power to dispense with the degrees of consanguinitie forbidden in the eighteenth CHAPTER of LEVITICVS and for to appoint moe degrees impeding the binding vp of Marriage than are contained in that CHAPTER of LEVITICVS What answere shall bee giuen to such Apostates from the trueth of GOD They make so great account of the Canons of their Councels that they accurse all them who dare contradict anie of them and on the other part they make so light account of holie Canonicke Scripture that euen when they adde to the Scriptures of GOD or diminishe anie thing from them they are worthie to bee hearde and to bee regarded But HENRIE the eight King of ENGLAND when hee sought resolution in this question at the moste part of the Vniuersities in EVROPE if it were lawfull for the Bishop of ROME or for a Councell to dispense with the degrees of consanguinitie forbidden in the eighteenth of LEVITICVS hee receaued a negatiue answere That it was not lawfull so to doe The prohibition of Marriage in moe degrees of consanguinitie and affinitie than are contained in the XVIII of Leuiticus is a wicked inuention to make the Law of GOD of none effect For like as Cyrus when hee caused manie channels to bee made wherein the water of the Riuer Gyndes should bee deriued What intention had hee but to drie vp the Riuer Gyndes and to make it ebbe of water that young boyes girles should not bee afraide to wade thorowe it Euen so prohibitiue degrees added to the Lawe of GOD tended to none other purpose but to vndoe and make of none effect the blessed Lawe of GOD. And this appeareth the more manifestlie because in that same Canon in the which they claime libertie to adde moe degrees of prohibition of Marriage to the degrees forbidden in Leuiticus they claime also a libertie to dispense with the degrees forbidden by GOD. But GOD confoundeth the counsels of men which are opposite to His diuine institution and turneth them all to follie And the prohibition of Marriage vnto the seuenth degree was retrenched in the Councell of Laterane anno 1215 and reduced to the fourth degree of consanguinitie So men who woulde correct the ordinance of GOD they are like the Serpent whereof Epiphanius writeth contra heres which for hunger is compelled to gnaw his owne taile and to procure his owne death More-ouer the prohibition of Marriage with spirituall sisters that is with them to whome they haue beene witnesses in the Sacrament of Baptisme or Confirmation it is a constitution neither countenanced by Scripture nor knowne to Antiquitie but onelie leaning vpon the authoritie of the ROMANE Church and therefore the people and nations in our time who acknowledge CHRIST to bee the onelie Lawe-giuer in His owne Church they haue giuen this Antichristian lawe as the ashes that are casten to the dongue-hill Their constitution concerning diuorcementes that it is not lawfull for the innocent partie to marrie so long as the other partie is aliue with whom he was once married is partly conceaued vpon wrong interpretation of Scripture and partly vpon the opinion of ancient Fathers who misconceauing the right meaning of holy Scripture haue giuen to others occasion of stumbling and erring True it is that the Apostle Paul saith Let not the wife depart from her husband but if shee depart let her remaine vnmarried or be reconciled vnto her husband and let not the husband put away his wife 1. Cor. 7. 10. 11. In this place the Apostle is speaking of such alienation of minds as falleth out betwixt man and woman and separateth their cohabitation for a time but hee is not speaking of diuorcements justly made for fornication for like as death cutteth insunder the bandes of Matrimonie giueth liberty to the liuing party to marry in the Lord Rom. 7. 2. 3 Euen so fornication cutteth insunder the matrimoniall bande and giueth libertie to the innocent partie to marrie another in the Lord. Matth. 5. 32. The billes of diuorcement giuen to honest women in the old Testament after the receauing whereof they married other husbands as clearly appeareth in the booke of Deuteronomie cap. 24. vers 4. this custome I saye is no sufficient grounde to prooue that the innocent partie may marrie after diuorcement for such diuorcementes were rather tollerated for the hardnesse of the Iewes heartes than commaunded or allowed and because they were made without anie triall of fornication they are damned by Christ as occasions of adulteries Matth. 19. 9. But the exception that Christ maketh in expresse words of fornication declareth that the diuorcement made for fornication is a lawfull diuorcement and consequently giueth libertie to the innocent partie to marrie as death interuening giueth libertie to the partie liuing to marrie The opinion of Augustine concerning the exception of fornication made by Christ in the question of diuorcement Matthew 19. 9. hath so blinded the eyes of Lindanus and manie others of the Romane Church that they suppose the meaning of the words of Christ to bee this That a man who putteth awaye his wife for fornication and marrieth another hee sinneth not so grieuouslie as hee who putteth away his wife vngrieued with anie such transgression on her part Alwayes both the one and the other sinneth saieth hee if they marrie another during the life time of the first bedde-fellowe But with Augustines fauour exclusine wordes such as 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 is cannot bee expounded by Magis and Minus but the meaning of Christs words is euident That except fornication cutte the matrimoniall band the husband should not repudiate his wife and hee who marrieth a woman who is not diuorced for whordome committeth adulterie TO conclude this TREATISE let no man bee mooued by the honour which the Romane Church seemeth to giue vnto Marriage when they call it an holy Sacrament neither bee much troubled when they speake vnreuerently of Marriage for in the Courtes of Caiaphas and Pontius Pilate Christ was scornefullie honoured and seriously mocked and buffetted Mat. 27 Euen so when the Romane Church speaketh honourably of Marriage they are onely sporting and delighting themselues with conceits and discourses but when they abhorre Marriage and speake vnreuerently of it then they speake seriously and from their heart But the LORD in His owne time will stoppe the mouthes of them who teach a doctrine of Deuils from whose deceitfull doctrine the LORD make His Church free to whome bee all praise power and dominion both nowe and euermore AMEN FINIS Apoc 4. 10. Acts 20. 32. Euseb. lib. 2. Cap. 12. loseph antiquit lib. 20 cap. 2 Genes 85 Zach. 3. Ioan 8. 36. 1. Sam 2. 14. Christ Was borne when the scepter was apparently sliding from Iuda Christs kingdome is euerlasting The vncertainty of tradition Romaine Deputies in Iudea The priestly garments Christ crucified in the 18
a Poetesse of Scycion were abhorred by the Gentiles because in her verses shee brought in Adonis matching Cucumbers and Aples with the sunne yet is it a more tolerable thing to match an earthly creature with a heauenly creature than to match creatures with the Creator who is blessed for euer After that this opinion of Indulgences and Pardons in a newe and Romane sense once tooke place it is a wonderfull thing to heare what progresse it made from euill to worse Some thought that by Pardones might bee obtained a reliefe from temporall punishments or at least a permutation of eternall punishments into temporall but others running as it were to the supe●…latiue excesse of all spirituall madnesse affirmed that by vertue of Popes 〈◊〉 men were absolued both from fault and punishment a●… 〈◊〉 Pardones were called Plenissima Indulgentiae Of this sort was the Pardone that BONIFACIVS the eight proclaimed to such as would come to Rome in time of his appointed Iubile and visite the Church of Lateran ann 1399. Of this which I haue alreadie spoken it is euident that the Papistes in the wordes of Satisfaction and Indulgences deceiue both themselues and others for what auaileth it to keepe the ancient wordes vsed in the primitiue Church and to vse them into a newe sense vnknowne to Fathers who spake of Satisfaction and Indulgences Did not the Athenians of olde weare the badge of the golden Grashopper in token they were not extraneers but they were inhabitants in that lande whereinto both their predecessors and themselues were borne but when they were conquessed by the Romanes and their golden libertie was lost what auailed the badge of the golden Grashopper Euen so when substance of ancient words is lost what auaileth it to talke of Satisfaction and Indulgences as ancient things In the rest of this Treatise God willing I shall declare the absurditie of Popish Satisfactions and Indulgences The Councill of Trent in the 12. Canon deoperibus Satisfactionis they write If any man says that the whole punishment and fault is continuallie remitted by GOD and that the Satisfaction of penitent persons is no other thing but faith whereby they apprehend that CHRIST hath satisfied for them let him bee accursed This Act of the Councill of Trent in all the parts of it is flatly repugant to the Scriptures of God There we are taught that in Satisfaction two thinges are principally required First a perfect obedience to the Lawe of GOD. Secondly a perfect sacrifice for the sinne committed by man both these things are to bee found in CHRIST alone who by his obedience hath abolished the sinnewhich came in by the disobedience of ADAM and by one oblation hath consecrated for euer them who are sanctified Nowe to pronounce a curse against all them who leanes vnto the obedience and sacrifice of CHRIST as vnto their onely Satisfaction to the Iustice of GOD is all one as if they would pronounce a curse against all the true disciples of CHRIST who beleeues according as they are taught in the holy Scriptures of GOD. If at any time ancient Fathers speake roundly in this matter it is ourparte to doe that fauour to them which is done to all men to wit to giue them libertie to interprete the meaning of their owne wordes So when AMBROSE writteth that teares washes away sinnes hee declareth in what sense hee spake this to wit not to count the teares of PETER to bee a satisfaction for his threefolde deniall but rather that his teares was a testimonie that hee was one of the Elect for whose sinnes CHRIST had satisfied The wordes of S. AMBROSE are these Legi quidem Petri lachrymas sed satisfactionem non lego that is to say I haue reade of the teares of PETER but of his satisfaction I reade not The Romanists in our dayes are like vnto men who haue benetrauelled vpon the Sea and in end they arriue to the harberie and when they set their foot on shore they thinke that the ground is running about them in a circulare reuolution This is nothing els but the conceates of their troubled braines euen so when Papistes reades in holy Scripture many exhortations to Fasting Prayer Almesdeedes they imagine that Scripture is speaking of Satisfactions for sinne But holy Scripture is like vnto the solide globe of the earth which is not vnder a continuall agitation but is euer like vnto it selfe and sendes vs continuallie in the matter of Satisfaction to that one oblation which hath consecrated for euer them who are sanctified Yea the false teachers of our dayes are like vnto the Edomites who were more cruell than the Babylonians who contented themselues with slaying of some and carying of others captiues and setting the towne on fire but the children of Ed●…m c●…ied out that the very foundations of the citie should be razed to the end it should neuer be a citie againe euen so they who sends vs to our owne satisfactions they would vndoe our s●…luation from the very ground as if Christ had beene manifested in our nature in vaine to make satisfaction for our sinnes for which wee must make satisfaction in our owne persons and by our owne workes our selues The principall argument whereby they endeuoure to prooue humane satisfactions by Scripture is in the wordes of the counsell of DANIEL giuen to NABVCHADNESER Wherefore O King let my counsell be acceptable unto thee and breake off thy sinnes by righteousnesse and thine iniquities by mercie toward the poore Loe let there be an healing of thine errour What is conteined in this most wholesome counsell of DANIEL but an exhortation to leaue off the course of doing euill and to doe good to the ende that the change of his conuersation might be a testimonie that GOD had forgiuen him his sinnes and accepted him in fauour The like wholesome counsell the Apost PAVL giueth to them who had sometimes bene theeues Let him that stole steale no more but let him rather labour and worke with his handes the thing which is good that hee may haue to giue vnto him that needeth Is there anything heere but an exhortation to desist from wonted vngodlinesse and to leade a newe and holy conuersation but the Apostle is speaking nothing of humane satisfactions yea that the holy Spirit who filled his mind with celestiall knowledge sanctified also his memorie that hee should speake nothing repugnant vnto that hee writeth vnto the Hebrewes 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that is By one oblation hee hath consecrated for euer them who are sanctified And the Apostle IOHN writing to to them who were already baptized and counted the children of GOD he sayeth My babes these things I write vnto you that yee sinne not and if any man sinne wee haue an Aduocate with the Father Iesus Christ the Iust. So that this new Theologie of our owne satisfactions for faultes committed after Baptisme came not from CHRIST and his Apostles but it is an inucntion of
the braine of man Likewise Christ in holy Scripture is called the Lambe of God who taketh away the sinnes of the world It is great obliuion in men to magnifie the finger which pointed out Christ so much as to count it incorruptible that the fire hath no power to burne it and it is an holy relique in the Romane Church and on the other part to bee so forgetfull of the golden sentence which hee vttered at the pointing foorth of his finger namely that CHRIST was the Lambe of GOD that is the onely propitiatorie sacrifice for our sinnes for that Lambe which was offered in the morning and the euening in the olde TESTAMENT did not represent our satisfactions but only the propitiatorie sacrifice which CHRIST offered vpon the Crosse for our sinnes The doctrine of Augustine agreeing with Scripture was this That CHRIST taketh away our sinnes three maner of wayes First by forgiuing the sinnes wee haue committed Secondly by supporting vs with his grace that wee should not commit the like in time to come and thirdly by bringing vs vnto eternall life where wee shall be free from committing of sinne Finally the writings of the Prophets and Apostles anent the doctrine of Satisfaction pointeth out CHRIST alanerly by whome wee obteine forgiuenesse of our sinnes as the Apostle PETER speaketh to CORNELIVS in these words To him also giue all the Prophets witnesse that through his Name all that beleene in him shall receiue remission of sinnes If this bee the summe of the doctrine of the Prophets and Apo●…es they who contend so seriously to prooue mens satisfactions for faultes committed after Baptisme they striue against the doctrine of the Prophets and Apostles As concerning the worde Indulgentia what it did signifie of olde in the primitiue Church I haue already declared to wit a mitigation of the strict discipline vsed against great offenders but this matter will bee better vnderstood if it bee deduced frō the very first ground In time of the ten great persecutions many were found weake who fell away from the open profession of the trueth and sacrificed to Idoles The dayly increasing number of back-sliders from the trueth compelle●… the Church to enter into a deepe consideration howe this defection might bee stayed Novatus was in this opinion that they who made defection in the time of the ten persecutions should not bee admitted againe to the fellowship of the Church albeit they did repent This opinion was too rigorous and repugnant to Scripture Others thought it more expedient to institute Sermo●…s to bee preached at solemne times such as Natalitia Martyrū whereby the great cōmendation of the constant Faith sufferings of the Martyres euen vnto the death might make these timorous backsliders ashamed of their defection on the other part if any of them craued to bee receiued againe into the bosome of the Church that they should testifie their repentance by publicke Satisfaction so many yeeres as was prescribed vnto them by Church discipline the mitigation of the rigour of this discipline was called Indulgentia In our dayes it is taken in another sense for an absolution from fault and punishment at the least from one of them and a dispensation of the merites of CHRIST and his Sainctes to offenders This abuse of ancient wordes to the noueltie of a new fact vnknown to Fathers makes Popish Religion iustly suspect to such as considereth their aberration from antiquitie albeit they bragge of it continually in so much that it may bee saide of them which Philip King of Maccdone spake of a Iudge who dyed his haire that he who was false in a matter of haire would ncuer bee true in a matter of Iudgement so the miserable abuse of the worde Indulgentia prognosticateth horrible abuse in the matter it selfe If any man demand howe doth this Treatise of Indulgences belong vnto this Centurie seeing that Indulgences and Pardones against which I write were not as yet in vse in the Romane Church yea we read not of Plenissimae Indulgentiae à poena à culpa before the 1200. yeere of our Lord. To this I answere that in this Centurie they were opening a passage to that which after followed As Iulian the Apostate when hee cutted a parcell of ground hee opened a passage to Euphrates to runne into Tigris and so procured that his shippes should arriue at Ctesiphon a towne situated vpon Tigris and not vpon Euphrates euen so in this Centurie the bishoppes of Rome were inlarging the power of their keyes which power they extended so amplie that they durst excommunicate Emperours at their pleasure and the posteritie following them finding the power to bee ample they tooke vpon them authoritie to absolue in earth from fault and paine persons whome GOD promised not to absolue in heauen because they were not penitent The two greatest absurdities in late Pardones are these First an absolution from fault punishment vnder another condition than is contained in the written worde of GOD. For there it is expresly written When the wicked turneth away from his wickednesse that hee hath committed and doth that which is lawfull and right hee shall saue his soule aliue But the Pardone of Pope BONIFACIVS the eight containeth a full absolution from fault and punishment vpon condition that men trauell to Rome in time of Iubile and visite the Church of Lateran If an Officer to whom the Kings letters are concredite did proclame his Highnes letters another way than they were first conceiued and stamped with the Kings signet hee would be counted a false messenger and would bee remooued from his office but hee who dare presume to alter the message of the great King to promise forgiuenesse to him to whom GOD hath not promised it in his owne written worde hee is a false teacher Promising liberue to others when as himselfe is a seruant of corruption as the Apostle speakes Before this great sinne was amended another greater sinne was added vnto it and Pardones were solde for money by which doing the bishoppes of Rome ceased from beeing the successours of SIMON PETER and became successours of SIMON MAGVS The Apostle commendeth in the Corinthians before they absolued the incestuous Adulterer godly sorrowe care a clearing of themselues holie indignation feare zeale and punishment amongst other thinges hee commendeth in them an earnest desire to wit of the conuersion of him who had fallen into an hainous transgression The worde 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 vsed by the Apostle is not 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that is to say an earnest desire of money but rather an carnest desire of the repentance of him who had offended The horrible abuse of Pardones solde for money were knowne to all Nations in Europe especially to the Countrie of Germanie to whome Pardones were sent both for sinnes by-past and for sinnes to come with Ticelius an eloquent Orator but Pardones at that time were come to the height and could consist no
of the blood that was brought within the moste Holie place Notwithstanding of all these differences betwixt the Leuiticall priesthood and the priesthood of Christ yet there was some agreement betwixt them namely this that both of them were instituted by God But the sacrifice of the Masse ouer and besides all other differences whereby it is distinguished from Christes sacrifice it is not the institution of God but a foolishe inuention of the braine of man The next part of the definition that Christes bodie is offered vnder the accidents of bread and wine agreeth not well with the glorie whereinto Christ entered by his ascension for like as the resurrection of Christ hath glorious priueledges he beeing ra sed from death death hath no more dominion ouer him Euen so the ascension of Christ to Heauen hath glorious priueledges for he who ascended to Heauen he sitteth at the right hand of the power of God and will come againe in the cloudes of Heauen and it repugneth as farre to the glorie of his ascension to appeare againe in a base similitude as it repugneth to the glorie of his resurrection to die againe But so it is that the accidentes of bread and wine are a base similitude to the blessed and glorified bodie of Christ to put on yea and baser than the shape of a seruant wherewith he was cloathed before his ascension Concerning the sacrifice of Melchisedek and their confident assertion that in the sacrifice of the Masse Christ is offered without suffering I remit these questions vnto the last head of this TREATISE The last part of the definition of the Masse containeth that it is a sacrifice for the quicke and the dead If it bee that selfe same sacrifice which Christ offered vpon the crosse not different from it in substance but only in forme of offering then behooued it to bee of infinite valour as the sacrifice offered vpon the crosse was But the multitude of Masses saide for the relieuing of one soule out of purgatorie declareth that there is not infinite and perfect valour in the sacrifice of the Masse Ergo it is not that same sacrifice in substance which Christ offered vpon the crosse Euen as a Physition who adhibiteth a plaster vnto a wound hauing full vertue to cure the wound by once applying it hee will not applie it the second time because the wounde is perfectly healed by one sole application Euen so if the Masse had perfect valour to saue as the sacrifice of Christ offered vpon the crosse had what neede were it to say manie Masses for the reliefe of one sou'e out of purgatorie More-ouer if they offer a sacrifice for the dead it is not for them who hath died in infidelitie mis-beliefe for their soules are buried in Hell and there is no redemption out of that euerlasting prison But they offer sacrifice for weake Christians of whome notwithstanding holy Scripture saieth that they die in the Lord they rest from their labours and their works follow them so weake Christians when they die their soules are not carried to purgatorie to bee tormented but vnto the place of rest and refreshment and retribution of all the good thinges which they haue done like as the Lord hath freely forgiuen them all euill which they did in their life time because they haue repented and beleeued in Christ their Sauiour The offering of sacrifice for the dead doe not only presuppone purgatorie but also that some helpe may bee procured by them who are aliue to shortē or to mitigate the paines of them who are departed this life This opinion also repugneth to Holie Scripture which admonisheth vs to seeke the Lord in a time when he may be found that is to seeke the Lord in our life time for it is vntimous seeking of the Lord after the soule be separated from the bodie Some men seeke the Lord in a wrong place some seeke him in a wrong manner and some seeke him in a wrong time as the foolish Virgines did But of all sort of seekers of the Lord they are most vnfortunate who seeke him in a time when he cannot be found and when the doore of his wedding chamber is shut and locked For others who haue sought the Lord in wrong places that is in the synagogue of Sathan where nothing was taught but a doctrine of lies and they haue sought God in a wrong manner inuocating Sainctes and worshipping Images yet afterward when they haue receiued better instruction they haue sought the Lord in a right place and in a right manner and haue found the Lord but they who seeke the Lord in a wrong time shall neuer find him IN the last head of this Treatise I promised to speake of the absurdities of the Masse which albeit they be many in number yet I shall reduce them vnto a few heads First I begin at the blasphemous Canon of the Masse whereunto the Councell of Trent hath giuen such a glorious testimonie that it is perfect absolute voyde of all errour and therefore not to bee changed or abrogated I call the Canon of the Masse that rule which prescribeth what shoulde bee saide or sung in the Popish liturgie or Masse It is not a worke composed by one author but rather a rapsodie patched vp by many authors and especially by Popes Celestinus deuised the preamble or introit to the Masse Gregorius added kyrie eleson Telesphorus gloria in excelsis Deo Gelatius the first the Collations Pelagius a commemoration of the dead Leo the third added incense Innocentius the first added the paxe Sergius the first ordained agnus Dei to bee sung other partes and members of the Masse are assigned to their seuerall authors and inuentors In it the Priest is commanded to bowe himselfe before the hostie say I worship thee I glorisie thee I praise thee Can there bee any Idolattie more monstrous than this for like as GOD hath appointed some creatures to leade vs to our God in so far as he is our Creator euen so he hath appointed other creatures to leade vs to our God in so far as he is our Redeamer Now like as it is Idolatrie to subsist in the Sunne Moone and starres and to worship them because they are but creatures leading vs to the knowledge of God our Creator Euen so it is horrible Idolatrie to worship the bread and wine in the Sacrament because they are but creatures appointed by God to leade vs to the knowledge of God our Redeamer More-ouer in the Canon of the Masse the Priest is commanded to praye such prayers as import that Hee is a Mediator betwixt Christ and his Father for hee beseecheth GOD to receiue the oblation which he offereth and in all things to make it blessed Nowe the oblation which he offereth as they affirme is the bodie of Christ. And shall a sinfull Priest be a mediator betwixt Christ and his Father Heere they forget the doctrine of Augustine who