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A12213 A reply to an ansvvere, made by a popish adversarie, to the two chapters in the first part of that booke, which is intituled a Friendly advertisement to the pretended Catholickes in Ireland Wherein, those two points; concerning his Majejesties [sic] supremacie, and the religion, established by the lawes and statutes of the kingdome, be further justified and defended against the vaine cavils and exceptions of that adversarie: by Christopher Sibthorp, Knight, one of His Majesties iustices of his Court of Chiefe Place within the same realme. Sibthorp, Christopher, Sir, d. 1632. 1625 (1625) STC 22524; ESTC S117400 88,953 134

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strange Clearke be received or Ordered without Letters of Commendation and licence from his owne Bishop Cap. 50. 25. That no man be made Priest under thirtie yeares of age neyther then at randome but appointed and fastned to a certaine Cure Cap. 11. That no Bishop meddle with giving orders in another mans Diocesse Cap. 2● Cap. 42. That onely the Bookes Canonicall be reade in the Church That the false name of Martyres and uncertaine memories of Saints be not observed Cap. 15. Cap. 82. That Sunday be kept c. That the Pastors and Ministers rightly preach and teach the people committed to their charge Jbidem That they suffer not any man under them to propose to the people opinions of their owne devising not agreeable to the holy Scriptures but shall themselves teach profitable and good doctrine tending to life everlasting and instruct others to doe the like Cap. 22. And first of all they shall teach all men generally to beleeve the Father the Sonne and the Holy Ghost to bee one Omnipotent and Eternall and invisible God Creator of Heaven and Earth and of all things in them And that there is but one God-head Substance and Majestie in the three Persons of the Father the Sonne and the Holy Ghost Item They shall preach E d●m cap. 82. That the Sonne of God tooke flesh by the working of the Holy Ghost of the Virgin Mary shee remayning alwayes a Virgin for the salvation and reparation of makinde That he suffered was buried the third day rose againe and ascended into heaven and that he shall come againe in Majestie to judge all men c. Item Ibidem They shall diligently preach the Resurrection of the dead Item They shall teach all men with all diligence Ibidem for what offences they shall be condemned with the Divell to paines everlasting The Apostle telling us That the workes of the flesh are manifest which are fornication uncleannesse wantonnesse idolatrie witchcraft enmities emulations wrath contentions seditions heresies envie murthers drunkenesse gluttonie and such like of which I tell you now as I tould you before saith the Apostle That they which commit such things shall not inherit the kingdome of God These things therefore which the great Preacher of the Church of God recko●eth by name let them be with all care prohibited remembring how terrible that saying is That they which doe such things shall not come into Gods kingdome Moreover Admonish them saith he Ibidem with all earnestnesse concerning the love of God and of their neighbour concerning Faith and Hope in God Humilitie Patience Chastitie Continencie Liberalitie Mercie giving of Almes acknowledging of their sinnes And concerning forgiving of such as trespasse against them according to the Lords Prayer assuring them that they which doe these things shall obtaine the kingdome of God This we charge and enjoyne you saith he speaking to the Bishops and Cleargie men with so much the more diligence because we know that in the latter times shall come false teachers as the Lord in the Gospell foretold and his Apostle Paul to Timothy testifieth Caroli praefat in Leges Franc. And againe he saith thus therefore you Pastors of Christs Church and Guides of his flocke c have we directed Commissioners unto you who together with you are in our Name and by our Authoritie to redresse those things which neede reformation And to this end have wee here annexed certaine briefe Chapters of Canonicall or Ecclesiasticall institution such as we thought meetest Let no man thinke or judge this our admonition to Godlinesse to be presumpteous whereby wee seek to reforme things amisse to cut off things superfluous and to bring men to that which is right but let them rather receive it with a charitable minde For in the Booke of Kings wee reade what paines that Godly King Iosias tooke to bring the kingdome given him of God to the true worship of the same God by visiting correcting and instructing them not that we compare our selves with his sanctitie but that wee should alwayes imitate such examples of the Godly Here wee see the reason why these Chapters or Lawes were made and Commissioners appointed and sent from the King to put them in execution and that also the examples of Iosiah and such other Godly Kings of Israell and Iuda are to be made patternes and precedents and to be imitated by all Kings and Princes in the Christian Church as touching the good care endevour and paines they are to take everie way they can for the advancement of Gods Religion Legum Franc. lib. 2. cap. 1. After Charles the great were Lodowicke and Lotharius Emperors which Emperors also spake thus to the Bishops and Magistrates of their Dominions You have all no doubt eyther seene or heard that our Fathers and Progenitors after they were chosen by God to this place made this their principall studie how the honour of Gods holy Church and the state of their kingdome might be decently kept Cap. 2. And we for our parts following their example seeing it hath pleased God to appoint us that we should have care of his Church and of this kingdome are very desirous so long as we live to labour earnestly for three speciall things viz. to defend exalt honour Gods holy Church and his servants in such sort as is fit● to preserve Peace and to doe Iustice to all the people And though the chiefe of this service consist in our person Cap 9. yet by Gods and Mans Ordinance it is so devided that everie one of you in his place and calling hath a part of our charge So that I should be your admonisher and you all my coadjutors Yea not only did these Emperors extend their Authority to causes Ecclesiasticall and concerning Religion but had also the Supremacie over all Bishops even over the Bishop of Rome himselfe in their times For so it appeareth by the submission which Leo the fourth Bishop of Rome made to this Lodowicke the Westerne Emperor in these words If saith he we have done otherwise then well Caus 2 quast 7. Cap. Nos si and not dealt uprightly with those that are under us we will amend all that is amisse by the judgement of your highnesse beseeching your hignesse for the better triall of these surmises to send such as in the feare of God may narrowly sift not onely the matters informed but all our doings great and small aswell as if your Majestie were present So that by lawfull examination all may be finished and nothing left undiscussed or undetermined In all things great and small this Bishop of Rome as you see submitted himselfe to the Emperor and to those Commissioners which he wou'd please to send for the sifting and examination of those matters layd to his charge promising to amend all that was amisse in him according to the Emperors owne judgement Wherefore this was not a matter of modesty or
other things That he was young in yeares a novice in Faith not yet baptised and that he was as yet rather to learne then to judge of Bishops That the Palace was no fit place for a Priest to dispute in where the hearers should be Iewes or Gentiles and so scoffe at CHRIST and the Emperor himselfe partiall as appeared by the law published before that time against the trueth Ibidem Auxentius saith Ambrose being driven to his shifts hath recourse to the craft of his forefathers seeking to procure us envie by the Emperors name saying That he ought to be Iudge though he be yong though he be not yet baptised though he be ignorant of the holy Scriptures and that in the Consistorie Jdem libr. 5. Epist 32. And to the young Emperor himselfe he spake thus Your Father a man of riper yeares said it is not for me to judge betweene Bishops Doth then your clemencie at these yeares say I ought to judge He a man baptised in CHRIST thought himselfe unable for the weight of so great a judgement Doth then your Clemencie that hath not yet attayned to the Sacrament of Baptisme challenge to judge of matters of Faith when as yet you know not the mysteries of Faith c In these words you see the reason why S. Ambrose reproved Valentinian disliked that he should challenge or take upon him to judge in a matter of Faith namely not for that he had not authoritie to deale in matters of Faith and causes Ecclesiasticall but in respect of other defects in him viz. For that he was so young and as yet unbaptised a Novice in the Faith and ignorant in the Scriptures c. But then you will say that even Valentinian the elder the Father of this young Valentinian did himselfe refuse and dislike to judge in the same matter But S. Ambrose likewise sheweth you the reason of it namely because Ambr. lib. 5. Epist. 32. inhabilem se c. He then thought himselfe unable to judge in so weightie a cause The great question being whether CHRIST was of the same substance with the Father yea or no. Concerning which question when Valentinian was afterward better instructed then did he judge of the trueth of it and thereupon by his Imperiall Authoritie commanded it as a trueth to be preached as appeareth evidently by the Epistle which he and Valens and Gratian being then the Emperors Theodoret. lib. 4. cap. 7.8 wrote to the Bishops of Asia Phrygia Cyrophrygia and Placatia wherein the Emperors write thus unto them After great disputation had to and fro in a full Councell held at Illyria about our Saviour those blessed Bishops have demonstratively proved That there is a consubstantiall Trinitie The Father the Sonne and the holy Ghost from which they would not depart one jott but gave due reverence unto the Religion of the Almighty God And we also say they by our Authoritie have commanded the same to be preached So that although Valentinian at the first for a while untill he were better instructed would not Yet afterward upon better instruction receaved you see that he did take upon him to judge that is to discerne of the trueth of that controversie and by his Imperiall authoritie aswell as the other Emperors commanded it as a truth to be preached Theodosius also that Christian Emperor whom S. Ambrose himselfe so much commendeth judged of the truth of the same controversie betweene the Homousians and the Arrians determining and appointing by a solemne Edict which of them should be accounted Catholickes Socrat. lib. 5. cap. 10. and which Heretickes For seeing the divisions and dissentions that were then in the Church he willed everie sect to put their Faith in writing There was a day prefixed The Bishops being called met at the Emperors Palace There came thither Nectarius and Agelius for the Homousians Demophilus for the Arrians Eunomius himselfe for his followers and Eleusius for the Macedonians When they were come the Prince admitted them to his presence And taking the paper of each mans opinion earnestly besought GOD to helpe him in choosing the truth Then reading their Confessions hee rejected all the rest as deviding and severing the Sacred TRINITIE and tore them in pieces and onely approved and embraced the Homousian faith and therewithall he made a law Cod lib. 1. tit 1 de summa Trinitate fide catholica S. cunctos that such as followed the Faith of the Homousians that is of such as beleeved CHRIST to be of the same substance with the Father and that beleeved one God-head of the Father Sonne and holy Ghost of equall Majestie in the sacred Trinitie should be held and taken for Christian Catholickes and the rest to be held infamous Heretickes So likewise the Emperor Gratian the Sonne of Valentinian after that the Empyre came intirely to his hands judged and condemned the Arrian heresie Theodor. li. 5. c. 2 and thereupon commanded the Preachers of that blasphemie as wilde and savage beasts to be driven from their Churches and the good Pastors to be restored to their Churches againe And the execution of this law he cōmitted to Sapores a famous Captaine of that time Evagrius libr. 1. cap. 12. In like maner did Theodosius the younger also judge and decree against the Nestorian heresie that they which followed the wicked faith of Nestorius or cleaved to his unlawfull doctrine if they were Bishops or Cleargie men they should be cast out of their Churches and if they were Lay-men they should be excommunicate Sozomen libr. 4 cap. 16. And doth not moreover Sozomen record in a certaine case That the Emperor commanded That ten Bishops of the East and ten Bishops of the West chosen by the Councell should repaire to the Court and open unto him the Decrees of the Councell that he might further determine and conclude what were best to be done Yea S. Augustine himselfe Aug. cont epist. Pavin lib 1 c. 7. expostulating this matter with the Donatists saith thus unto them Is it not lawfull for the Emperor to give sentence in a matter of religion Why then went your messengers to the Emperor Why made they him judge of their cause By these premisses then it is very apparant That although none may be judge of Faith and Religion if you speake and meane of an absolute infallible soveraigne and supreme Iudge but God onely Yet if you take judging for discerning as often and usually it is then not onely Christian Kings and Emperors but even all Lay Christians also whatsoever by the tenor of the Scriptures may and ought so farre forth as they shall be able to judge that is to discerne of the doctrines of men whether they be true or false as is more at large declared in the Preface of my former Booke Shall any then be so absurd or unreasonable as to denie this right of judging that is of discerning of the trueth in the doctrines of men
S. Cyprian lived no true Church Euseb lib. 7. cap. 5. in t●e greeke and cap. 5. latin or was S. Cyprian no true Christian or had he no true Religion in him because he held the error of Rebaptization Or were none of those true Churches nor had any of them any true Religion in them which held the Chiliasticke error or error of the Millenaries Or were S. Augustine S. Ierome or any of the rest of the ancient Fathers therefore no true Christians or had they onely an imaginarie and no true Religion in them because of some error they held Yea he may aswell conclude out of this Text if he make no care nor conscience to abuse it that everie one whosoever that erreth fayleth in any point eyther of doctrine 1. Iohn 1.8 or manners or that sinneth in any sort by breaking any one of Gods Commandements is onely an imaginarie and no true Christian at all Whereupon would follow this grosse absurditie and untruth that there were then no true Christians at all in the whole world because there be none but have some sinne or other in them It is true Ephes c. that there is but one true Faith and right Religion and that we should all endevour to observe and keepe it as likewise we ought all to endevour so much as is possible to keepe all everie one of Gods Cōmandements but if by reason of the frayltie and imperfection that is in all men any Church doe erre in some one thing or any man doe erre sinne or offend in some one point you see by the premisses that no such inference can be made that therefore it is no true Church or therefore he is no true Christian or hath no good nor true Religion in him because of that one sinne or error committed All which neverthelesse I speake not to justifie or defend any errors in any Church or any sinne transgression or fault in any person nor yet as though he could justly taxe our true Christian Church with any error in Faith or doctrine but onely to shew him his owne error and the fault of his owne idle brainesicke opinion Whereunto also may be adjoyned another Paradoxe or strange opinion of his and not onely his for it is the opinion also of the Rhemists and other Papists where they hold that the blasphemie or sinne against the holy Ghost is remissible may be forgiven which is directly and cleane contratie to the expresse words of Christ Iesus himselfe declaring that the sinne against the Father and the Sonne is remissible Math. 12 31.32 Luk 12.10 Mark 3.28 29. and may be forgiven But the sinne against the holy Ghost saith he shall not be forgiven neyther in this world nor in the world to come And S. Marke relateth it thus That he which committeth that sinne shall never have forgivenesse but is culpable of eternall damnation Now then let all men judge whether of these we should beleeve namely whether Christ or the Papists in this case Lastly he falleth into a consideration what sinne it is that I committed in making and setting forth my Booke distinguishing sinne into three sorts viz. some of Frailtie some of Ignorance some of Malice he freeth me of that of frailty and of that of malice and therefore concludeth that it was a sinne of ignorance Thus out of his ignorance for I hope there is no malice in him he argueth ex non concessis For how doth hee prove it to be any sinne at all to penne such a Booke and to set it forth Ipse dixit is all his proofe What Is it a sinne to speake or write in defence of Gods truth religion Yea is it not cleane contrariewise a sinne and a very great most fearefull sin for my Adversary to write as he doth against God his truth religion against his Church people against the King also in the point of his Supremacie against the Lawes Statutes of the Realme also which establish those two points for which I write and speake and all for defence of the whore of Babylon of that man of sinne the grand Antichrist Is not this a sinne meete for him to repent of This his great sinne therefore all other wicked workes wayes of blind Poperie I would wish him to forsake in time Ephes 5 8. to become walke As one of the children of light which if he desire to doe as I trust he doth he must then with the Psalmist make not his owne Psalm 119.105 or other mens pleasures but Gods will word to be the Lanterne unto his feete and the light unto his path thereby must he be directed Esa 8.20 both for points of doctrine for life conversation also For if any doe not or speake not according to this word 1. Io. 1.5.6 it is because as the Scriptures teach they have not that light in thē which they should have It is true which he saith That Christ the supreme Iudge of Heaven Earth will most certainely come to judgement and will judge most justly But it were good he would remember withall how Iohn 12 48. Rom. 2.16 by what rule he will judge namely that he will judge according to his owne word Gospell For according to that his Word Gospell it is that hee will judge us all in the last day as himselfe his true faithfull Apostle S. Paul doe both assure us In the meane time then can there be any better course taken or any better wisedome shewed then for both him me for us al humbly willingly to submitte our selves our lives conversations all our positions opinions to be controlled reformed over-ruled judged by that word Gospell according whereunto we shall all be judged in that last day This grace wisedome therefore God of his mercie grant unto us all if it be his will to his honour and glorie and to our owne everlasting comforts through Iesus Christ our whole and onely Mediator Saviour and Redeemer Amen FINIS Post scriptum LEt none hereafter expect any more from mee touching these matters untill my former Booke which by this my Adversarie is promised to be answered according to the three conditions required by me be first accordingly answered and that this Reply be also therewithall Answered and all this to be done in Print and not in Manuscripts with the Answerers right and true name also thereunto subscribed ERRATA CORRECTA IN the Epistle Dedicat. pag. 1. line 12 this word first blotte out In the Epist to the Reader pag. 1 l 2● for satisfactory satisfactorily p. 8. l 5. for suffertus suffenus p 9. lin 33 for scripturiam scripturam p. 10. l. 14. for ingeniosly ingenuously In the first Chapter of the Booke p 2 l. 5. for will soule p. 13 23. this word secondly blotte out in stead thereof put this figure 2 to note it to be the second section of that Chapter so reade on forward thus It being then a thing very demonstratively evident c p. 13. l. 32. for Ministers Ministery p. 15. l 6. for writeth citeth p. 17. l 6. for makinde mankinde p. 24. in the margent for 2. Sam 20 17 put 2. Sam. 20 26. In p. 24 l. 31. 32 reade it thus Aaron and his sonnes were appointed to the office of priesthood p. 26. l. 31 this word Thirdly blotte out in lieu thereof put the figure of 3. to note it to be the Third section of that Chap p 26. l. 33. for wisheth wished p. 34 l. 10. for youg young p. 38. l 12. for divert direct p. 39. l. 19. reade as unto the chiefe p. 42. l 6. 7. for Iohn 9 11 Iohn 19 11 p. 44 l. 17. for yea yet p. 44 l 18 for construed considered p 45. l. 26 for advantagement advantage p. 51 l. 23 for ingeniously ingenuously p 52. l 10 for Aquinus Aquinas p. 52. 32. for cause clause p. 13. l. 19. betweene as and other Bishops put this word over pag 38. l 16. for worth worthy p 40 l. 5 for 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 reade 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 p. 43. l. 33. this word as blotte out p 57 l. 3 this word and blotte out p. 66. l 2. for shall should p 70 l 24 for States seates p. 79. l 24. for under made p 82 l 18 for how now p 83 l 7 for Episcopus Episcopos p 84 l 12 after but reade by pag 15 against l 24 in the margent for Novel const 123 Novel const 133 p 19 l 22 for hignesse highnesse pag 100 l vlt for proferant vel Apo pag 88 l 26 for Airam Hira●● in margine for 1 Sam 5 1● reade 2 Sam 5 11 p 88. l 8 for use used p 94 l 3 for could would p 96 l 19 betweene neverthelesse admit put this word to p 97 l 16 for one on p 97 ly the first onely blotte out pag 93 l 9 for grant reade perceave p. 102 l 22 after their reade dayes p 102 l 21 for make made p. 82 l 11 for Bithinijs Bithiniae And if any other faults have escaped in the Printing I desire the Reader to correct them with his pen.