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A86663 The cause of stumbling removed from all that will receive the truth; and from before the eyes of the wise men of London: in a treatise shewing the difference between the spirit of a man which is the candle of the Lord, and the light which hath enlightned every man that cometh into the world. Also shewing ... there is not diversity of lights and spirits, by which they are ministred ... Herein also is a false hosanna, and a false testimony reproved ... the name of him which hath so long travell'd to bring forth wind and confusion, is one known in the city of London by the name of Iohn Iackson ... that so ... understanding and knowledge of the truth may be increased, in those that follow on to know the Lord. Given forth from the Lords servant, Richard Hubberthorne. Hubberthorn, Richard, 1628-1662.; Burrough, Edward, 1634-1662. 1657 (1657) Wing H3222; Thomason E929_5; ESTC R202544 39,439 35

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come by Hearing and Hearing by the Word of God then how is it that he is not the word of Faith being that word by which Faith comes when it is heard and he being the Author of it May he not then as well be called the Word of it as the Author of it seeing he is the Word by which it comes but that all may understand what this word of faith was which the Apostle preached This was Christ Rom. 10. and they preached no other Word to be the Word of faith but Christ That whosoever believed on him should not be ashamed So that if the ignorance of Christ and of the Apostles words were blotted out of the hearts of our Accusers they would be silent and the daylie reproach would cease And whereas it is affirmed by us That the Light or a measure of Christ within is a sure Word of Prophesie or a more sure Word of Prophesie as Peter saith 2 Pe●. 1. 19. And whereas many are offended at this and labours to make people believe that this is the Writings of the Prophets which is the more sure Word of Prophesie the Apostle speaks of because he saith Knowing this first that no Prophesie of the Scriptures is of any private interpretation for the Prophesie came not in old time by the will of man but holy men of God spoke as they were moved by she Holy Ghost c. Ans. Now I shall make it appear that it was not the Writings of the Prophets which was that more sure Word as first concerning that here is one thing held out to be a sure Word and another thing held out to be more sure as unto those to whom it was spoken And as concerning the first That which is held out to be a sure Word is that which ●ame from the Father the voice which cam● from the excellent Glory saying This is my beloved Son in whom I am w●ll pleased and this voice which came from Heaven the Disciples heard when they were with him in the holy Mount This was a sure Word when it was spoken and when it was written it was a sure Testimony as sure as any of the Prophets Writings for the Prophets did see that he was to come and that he that was to come was the well-b●loved Son of the Father and they wrote this down and it was a sure testimony of Christ and Peter and the rest saw that he was come and did hear the voice from the excellent Glory proclaiming him to be the Son of God and when they had seen it they wrote it down and this was as sure a testimony yea a surer then the Prophets and that which the Apostles were eye-witnesses of and did write down for truth was as much ●● be taken heed unto as that which the Prophets declared and this will all men of understanding judge that the Apostle Peter did not direct the people to the Prophets words to take heed to them because they were more sure th●n his own and more to be believed But although the Apostles words and writings was confirmed with more power and witnesse of the Spirit then the Prophets and both true yet the Apostles Ministry unto those which did not see those things which the Prophets saw muchlesse those things the Apostles saw no not so far as the dawning of the day nor to the day-star risen in their hearts therefore Peter dividing the word of God aright saith unto them We have a more sure Word of Prophesie whereunto ye do well that ye take heed as unto a light that shineth in a dark place until the day dawn and the day-star aris● in your hearts 2 Pet. 1. 19. It was more sure for them to ●ake heed unto that which was as a light shining in a dark place till the day-star did arise and the day dawn in their hearts then the declarations from others without them decla●rd in words writings as thus for example by experience to such I shall direct my speech who canno● witnesse the day dawned nor the day-star risen in their hearts nor hath heard the voice from the excellent Glory to such I say That which I have seen and heard the visions power and glory wherein I am an eye witnesse of his glory and of his appearance this I may declare and write unto you and you may believe it But to such I say It is more sure for them to take heed to the light that shines in the dark place till they come to witnesse in ●hemselves the day dawned and day-star risen and the Son of God made manifest in them then to take heed to the words which I have declared though it be a true testimony for the Apostle did not write to himself nor say that it was more sure unto him bu● unto them unto whom he wrote his Epistle for unto him no Word of Prophesie was more sure then that which he had seen and heard when he was with Christ in the holy Mount So this may inform your understandings who have more desir● to know the truth then to oppose it and may put to silence the vain disputings by men of corrupt minds who are destitute of the truth alwayes corrupting the words of truth to oppose the life of it as many such there are in these dayes which the Lord hath and will rebuke sharply that they may be asham●d but all who are led and guided by the light of Christ shall know the annointing in them and the word of faith yea the Son of God He that can receive it without offenc● let him 5. Obj. But he that hath opposed us saith in pag. 25. of his Book in the second part That the dawning of the day is rather an evening then a morning Ans. Now let all which have but known a day and a night in the Creation judge whether the evening or the morning be the dawnings of the day or whether the day-star be a fore-runner of the day or of the night then it will not be incredible which I have said before that he calls darknesse light and light darknesse but in such things our opposers will not receive a good report from those which can give true judgement and to such it is left to judge of those things Obj. Again he saith in pag. 35. That the spirit of truth was not a Comforter to the Apostles nor a reprover to the world before Christ was ascended and yet himself to contradict himself saith that he was in them before and dwelt in them the same spirit but not the same measure Ans. Here is Babylon at the height fit to be pul'd down but needs little answering seeing that i● answereth it self and for such reasons as these he might well conceal his name And if he could have put this off by hiding his Name for an Hosanna to the Son of David or A Testimony to the Lords Christ then he might well have boasted and have gloryed in his shame as if there had been
kingdom of God against themselves and others labouring to keep all people from the light in the darkness as is made manifest in this Generation How many have set themselves to preach and print against the light which Christ the way to the Father hath enlightened every man that cometh into the world withal But now hath God the Father raised up his own seed according to his promise out of the North to spoyl Babylon Jer. 51. 48. I have raised up one from the North saith the Lord and he shall come from the rising of the Sun shall he call upon my name and he shall come upon Princes as upon Morter and as the potter treadeth clay Isa. 41. 25. The promised seed of the Lord is come forth and is spreading over the Nations as the morning over the mountains and blessed are they that receive their testimony for from the wrath of the Almighty shall they be delivered their bread shall not fail them and their waters shall be sure and their fountain shall never be empty but plentious Redemption shall they daily witness and waters of life shall their thirst be satisfied with and all the noise of the Bruits shall not hurt them for the Lord is with them therefore can they not be afraid nor dismaid at that which cometh to pass upon the earth now because light is risen therefore is the evil eyes offended and have now turned their testimonies against the light to make people believe that it doth the same works that darkness sin and Satan doth which is to drive the soul from God and keep it in the Fall and that it is not able to shew the good or the evil of an action to approve nor disapprove which is true of the darkness but not of the light For there is nothing that doth make manifest those things which are reproveable but the light neither is there any thing which doth bring man from that estate where he is driven from God and lead him out of the Fall but the light and so it is time to come out from among all such for all people that desire to know Gods ways lest they be partakers of their plagues and there be none to deliver for many are hardening their hearts in this day of Gods tender love and mercy and so evil do they requite the Lord that instead of turning at his reproofs that they may find mercy they are in their wisdom devising evil words and reproachful terms against the light by which the Lord doth reprove man for his iniquity and are exercising all their abilities to make the light even as darkness and would exclude the power of God from it When as there is no man that doth receive power nor wisdom from God but in the light which Christ ha●h enlightened him withal therefore is Christ now preached as he declared himself to be the light of the world Ioh 8. and as his messenger declared him to have enlightened every man that cometh into the world and this light is now preached and witnessed to be sufficient to lead unto God all that obey it and to let them see that their works are wrought in God Joh. 3. and is sufficient to be the condemnation of all the world that ha●● it according to Joh. ● 19. And for our thus bearing witness of the sufficiency of the light many are ●isen up against us even sl●nderous tongues such as the poyson of Asps is under but the Lord hath delivered us from them and will manifest his strength unto us in bearing testimony to his light and the power of it against all the powers of darkness and overcome them For God hath given his power to his own seed the Children of light and those that rise up against them it is but that they may be broken to pieces For whosoever falleth on ●his stone they shall be broken to pieces and on whomsoever it falls it will grind them to pouder Object But some men say That the light is not sufficient to lead unto God those that obey and follow it And for a proof saith That Paul did not disobey but follow the light which was in him And yet saith That he obtained mercy because he did it ignorantly which if he had disobeyed the light he had sinned against knowledge so the light in him was either not sufficient to discover to him the error of his way or at least it did suspend its act of enlightening him in the knowledge thereof it check'd him not it convinc'd him not c. Answ. To say that Paul did not disobey but follow the light within him that is false For he followed his zeal in madness and pers●cu●ing the Saints and followed his thoughts which were fals● thinking that he did God service and thinking that he ought to do that which is contra●y to the light and so kick'd against the pricks instead of following th●t which did prick him and as for him in that condition and the rest which persecuted Steven to death though they did it ignorantly yet it was not because they were not enlightened nor because the light was not sufficient to have given them the knowledge of him whom they did persecute but because they did resist that which was sufficient to have given them the knowledge As Steven a man ●ull of the holy Ghost did bear witness saying unto Saul and the rest Ye stiffnecked and uncircumcised in hearts and ears ye do alwayes resist the holy Ghost as your Fathers did so do ye which of the Prophets have not your Fathers persecuted and they have slain them which shewed before of the coming of the just One of whom ye have been now the betrayers and murtherers who have received the Law by the disposition of Angels and have not kept it When they heard these things they were cut to the heart So here is little ground in those for any to say they follow the light within them and to say that they was not enlightened which had received the Law which is light by the disposition of Angels and did not keep it Here they disobeyed that which they had received which was the light and did alwayes resist the Holy Ghost which was able to have led them from the●r disobedience and stiffneckedness and if they did persecute to death for lack of knowledge and so did it ignorantly it was because they rejected knowledge and forgot the law of their God which they had received as the Priests did in Hosea 4 6. and because they did forget the Lord as those did in Jer. 18. so it was not because they were never convinc'd nor never reproved but because they would have none of his reproofs for they would not walk in his wayes neither were obedient to his law But I say Did not Israel know To Israel he saith All day long I have stretched forth my hands unto a disobedient and gainsaying people Rom. 10. 21. Therefore let no more such clamorous speeches come forth as to