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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A66950 The Protestant's crums of comfort containing I. Prayers and meditations, with ejaculations for every day in the week, and other occasions. II. Thanksgivings for deliverances from Popery, tyranny, and arbitrary power. III. The rebellion in Ireland, and massacre of Paris. IV. The learned Bishop Usher's prophecy, concerning Ireland, and the downfall of Rome. V. Advice to the late besieged in London-Derry, under that reverend divine and valiant commander, Coll. George Walker. Illustrated with pictures suitable to each particular occasion. Walker, George, of Londonderry. 1690 (1690) Wing W342; ESTC R219333 41,249 189

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Lord not unto us but unto thy Name give the Praise for thy loving Mercy and for thy Truths sake Wherefore shall the Heathen say Where is now their God As for our God he is in Heaven he hath done whatsoever pleaseth him II. Their Idols are Silver and Gold even the Work of Mens hands They have Mouths and speak not eyes have they and see not They have Ears and hear not Noses have they and smell not They have hands and handle not Feet have they and walk not neither speak they through their Throat They that make them are like unto them and so are all such as put their Trust in them III. But thou House of Israel trust thou in the Lord He is ●●eir succour and defender Ye House of Aaron put your Trust in the Lord He is ●heir helper and defender The Lord hath been mind●ull of us and he shall bless ●…s Even he shall bless the ●ouse of Israel he shall bless ●●e House of Aaron He shall bless them that ●…ar the Lord both small and ●…reat The Prayer ALmighty God whose Dwelling is in the highest Heavens and ●st whatsoever pleaseth thee both in heaven and on Earth give Grace 〈…〉 beavenly Father that in all our ●…ubles and calamities we may put 〈…〉 who le Trust in thee who art our ●…y succour defender and deliver II. Let us evermore praise thy holy Name and never ascribe to our selves any Honour and Glory or Thank● of any good Action or prosper o● Success but to thee alone who a●● the Author and Giver of all good things Keep us from Idolatry from worshipping vain Imagination● and any thing which is contrary to t●● Gospel Bless us in all our way● that when we go from hence we 〈…〉 inherit thy Kingdom Amen Meditations for Monday Night I Will lift up mine Eyes un● the Hills from when cometh my Help My Help cometh even from the Lord which hath ma● Heaven and Earth II. He will not suffer thy Fo● to be moved and he th● keepeth thee will not sleep Behold he that keepeth Israel shall neither slumber nor ●●eep III. The Lord himself is thy Keeper The Lord is thy Defence upon the right hand So that the Sun shall not ●urn thee by day nor the Moon by night IV. The Lord shall preserve thee ●●om Evil Yea it is even he ●hat shall keep thy Soul The Lord shall preserve thy ●oing out and thy coming in ●●om this time forth for evermore The Prayer O GOD from whence cometh all our Help and Succour pre●…ve us by thy Power and Providence ●…at nothing either by day or night ●…ay molest our Peace or disturh our ●afety suffer not the Vanities of ●…e one to allure us nor the Terrours 〈…〉 the other to amaze and affright us II. Let our Feet be immoveable an● fixed upon the Rock and Foundation Christ Jesus and so dispose of o● going out and coming in that ● may not swerve from thy Commandments but walk according to t● Holy Rule in all things who art o● Lord and Saviour Meditations for Tuesday Morning THey that put their Tr●… in the Lord shall be ev●… as the Mount Sion which m●… not be removed but stande●… fast for ever The Hills stand about Jerusalem even so standeth t●… Lord round about his Peop●… from this time forth for ev●… more II. For the Rod of the Ungo●… cometh not into the lot of t●… Righteous lest the Righteous out their hands unto Wickedness Do well O Lord unto ●hose that be good and true of Heart As for such as turn back un●o their own wickedness the ●ord shall lead them forth with the Evil-doers but ●eace shall be upon Israel The Prayer MErciful God our only Trust and Confidence and whosoever ●usteth in thee shall not be removed ●●t stand fast for ever let thy Pow●● and Glory stand round about us ●nd all thy Holy People like Hills ●…r our Protection and Safety that ●…e may be sheltered from our Enemies II. Permit us not to put our hands to Wickedness neither let us partake 〈◊〉 the Lot of the Ungodly whom thou or dainest for Destruction B●… let us receive that Blessing which o●… Lord and Saviour hath left 〈…〉 Church even the Peace of God t●… Father Son and Holy Ghost 〈…〉 whom be all Honour and Glory Wor●… without end Amen Meditations for Tuesday Noon WHen the Lord turned again the Captivity 〈…〉 Sion then were we like unt●… them that dream Then was our Mouth fil●…ed with Laughter and o●… Tongue with Joy II. Then said they among th● Heathen the Lord hath do●… great things for them Yea the Lord hath do●… great things for us already whereof we rejoyce III. Turn thou our Captivity O Lord as the Rivers in the South They that sow in Tears shall ●eap in Joy He that now goeth on his way weeping and beareth ●orth good Seed shall doubt●ess come again with Joy and ●ring his Sheaves with him The Prayer GRacious God who hast promised Life and Salvation to thy cho●en Servants and hast wrought ●ighty things for them already ●hereof they rejoyce Deliver us we ●eseech thee from the Slavery and ●etters of Sin and Misery dissipate ●nd scatter all our Enemies which ●ay close Siege to us seeking to destroy us II. Fill our Hearts with Con̄t●ition ●or having trespassed against thee teach us that Divine Art of Self denial to mo●tifie our Affection 〈◊〉 our Lust and extinguish a●●●●shly Temptations that when th● great Harvest shall come ●e may 〈◊〉 admitted as Fellow Labourers 〈◊〉 work in thy Spiritual Kingdom through Jesus Christ. Amen Meditations for Tuesday Night OUT of the Deep have called unto thee O Lord Lord hear my Voice Oh let thine Ears conside● well the Voice of my Complaint II. If thou Lord wilt be extream to mark what is done a● miss O Lord who may a● bide it For there is Mercy with thee therefore snalt thou b● feared I look for the Lord my Soul doth wait for him in his Word is my Trust. III. My Soul flieth unto the Lord before the Morning Watch I say before the Morning Watch. O Israel trust in the Lord for with the Lord there is Mercy and with him is plenteous Redemption And he shall redeem Israel from all his Sins The Prayer O Blessed Lord who with thy most precious Blood didst pay ●ur Ransom to purchase for us Freedom and Salvation With thee ●here is Mercy and plenteous Redemption O let the height of that Mercy ●ake us out of the bottomless Pit of ●in and Misery II. Be not extream O Lord in marking out what we have done amiss in our Life time but rather blot out th● Hand-writing which is against us And as thy boundless Mercy pardon● what is past so let the sweetness of i● create thy Fear in our Hearts that we may never more dare to offend s● gracious and merciful a Saviour a● thou art to us Grant this O Lord I beseech thee for thy alone sake Amen Meditations for
Merits of Jesus Christ our Saviour In the time of Plague Let thy Anger cease O Lord and be appeased for the inquity of thy People as thou hast sworn by thy self O Holy God Holy and Strong Holy and Immortal have Mercy upon us For a City Compass this City O Lord with thy Protection and let thy Holy Angels guard the Walls thereof O Lord mercifully hear thy People For Grace Lord from whom all good things do come grant unto us thy humble Servants that by thy Holy Inspiration we may think those things that be good and by thy merciful guiding may perform the same through our Lord Jesus Christ. For Enemies O God the lover and preserver of Peace and Charity give unto all our Enemies thy true Peace and Love and Remission of Sins and mightily deliver us from their Snares through Jesus Christ our Lord. For the Afflicted O Almighty God the Afflicted Soul the troubled Spirit crieth unto thee Hear O Lord and have Mercy for thou art a merciful God For Travellers Assist us mercifully O Lord in our Supplications and Prayers and dispose the way of thy Servants towards the Attainment of Everlasting Salvation that among all the Changes and Chances of this mortal Life they may ever be defended by thy most Gracious and ready Help through Christ our Lord. For the Fruits of the Earth O God in whom we live move and have our Being open thy Treasure in the due Season and give a Blessing to the works of thy Hands through Jesus Christ our Lord. Against Temptation Almighty God which doth see that we have no Power of our selves to help our selves keep us both outwardly in our Bodies and inwardly in our Souls that we may be defended from all Adversities which may happen to the Body and from all Evil thoughts which may assault and hurt the Soul through Jesus Christ. For Misbelievers and Sinners Almighty and Everlasting God who desirest not the Death of a Sinner mercifully look upon all that are deceived by the subtilty of Satan that all evil Prejudice laid aside they may return to the Unity of thy Truth and Love For Temporal Necessities Replenish those O Lord we beseech thee with Temporal Nourishment whom thou hast refreshed with thy Blessed Sacraments Against Tempests Drive spiritual Wickedness from thy House O Lord and preserve it from the malignity of tempestuous Weather For Women in Travel O Lord of thy abundant Goodness and Mercy help thy Servants who are in great pains and perils of Child-birth that being delivered out of their present Danger they may glorifie thy holy Name who art blessed for evermore For the Sick O God the only refuge of our infirmities by thy mighty power relieve thy sick Servants that they with thy gracious Assistance may be able to give Thanks unto thee in thy Holy Church through Jesus Christ. For Prisoners O God who deliveredst thy Apostle Peter from his Chains and restoredst him to Liberty have pity upon thy Servants in Captivity release their Bonds and grant them Freedom and Safety Accept of the hearty Repentance of those that are appointed to dye and save their Souls for his Merits who liveth and reigneth with thee and the Holy Ghost ever one God VVorld without end For the Dying Father of all Flesh and God of all Spirits receive the Souls which thou hast redeemed with thy bloud returning to thee A Prayer before Study O unspeakable Creatour who out of the Treasure of thy VVisdom hast ordained Hierarchies of Angels and hast placed them above the highest Heaven in a wonderfull order and disposed them sweetly for all parts of the VVorld thou the true Fountain and incomprehensible Principle of Light and VVisdom vouchsafe to illuminate the Darkness of my Understanding with a Beam of thy Light remove the Darkness wherein I was born Sin and Ignorance thou who makest the Tongues of Infants Eloquent loosen my Tongue and pour forth the Grace of thy Spirit upon my Lips give me acuteness to apprehend capacity to retain subtilty to interpret aptness to learn readiness to speak direct my beginning farther my progression and perfect my conclusion When the Bell tolls for a Dying Person O gracious God be with this Person in the holy operations of thy Grace and in the yearnings of thy tenderest Mercies in the dreadfull Moment when the Soul shall depart from the Body and conduct this thy dying Creature through the Valley of the Shadow of Death unto the Land of everlasting Life through Jesus Christ our Lord Amen A concluding Prayer Almighty God who hast promised to hear the Petitions of them that ask in thy Son's Name we beseech thee mercifully to incline thine Ears to us who have now made our Supplications and Prayers unto thee and grant that those things which we have faithfully asked according to thy VVill may be effectually obtained to the relief of our Necessities and to the setting forth of thy glory through Jesus Christ our Lord. The Peace of God which passeth all understanding keep our hearts and minds in the knowledge and love of God and of his Son Jesus Christ our Lord and the Blessing of God Almighty the Father Son and Holy Ghost be with us now at the hour of Death and at the Day of Judgment King Edward the Sixth's Prayer against Popery LOrd God deliver me out of this miserable and wretched Life and take me among thy chosen Howbeit not my Will but thy Will be done Lord I commit my Spirit to thee O Lord thou knowest how happy it were for me to be with thee yet for thy chosen's sake send me Life and Health that I may truly serve thee II. O my Lord God Bless thy People and save thine inheritance O Lord God Save thy chosen People of England O my Lord God defend this Realm from Papistry and maintain thy True Religion that I and my People may praise thy Holy Name Amen For God's Mercies upon Their Majesties Forces under the Command and Conduct of his Grace the Duke of Schomberg O Most powerfull and great God mighty in Battel fearfull in praises doing wonders thou hast done mighty things already for us whereof we rejoice O be pleased still to continue thy undeserved Mercies towards us and accomplish what thou hast already begun for us Go forth we humbly beseech thee with our Armies against those who would make a Prey of thy People II. Protect and guide our great Governour and Commander whose Commission is to fight thy Battel Guide him and Counsel him in all his Undertakings and cover his head in the day of Battel cause those that hate thy Name and People to flee before him and scatter them as the dust before the Wind Crown him with Victory and great Success that at the last he may return home in Peace and Safety to thy Glory their Majesties Comfort his own Satisfaction and all the Nation 's happiness this we beg for the Merits of Jesus Christ Amen For Mercy to the whole Nation