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A09670 The Virgin Maries life Faithfully gathered out of auncient and holie fathers. Togeather with meditations and documents vpon the same. Writen first in Italien by the reuerend father Lucas Pinelli, of the Societie of Iesus. And now translated in to English by R.G. Pinelli, Luca, 1542-1607.; Gibbons, Richard, 1550?-1632. 1604 (1604) STC 19940; ESTC S106100 40,335 122

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gathered to sustaine the poore To be short she taught by her example how euerie one ought to behaue him selfe as wel in time of prosperitie and fauour as of aduersitie and tribulation for somuch as in al the giftes and fauours that she receaued at Gods hāds she did humble her selfe with al her hart as appeareth in this that being chosen the mother of God hauing vnderstoode such newes from the Angel Gabriel she called her selfe the seruant and hand-maide of our Lorde And when she went to visit S. Elizabeth and vvas by her saluted verie magnificallie and as the mother of God she did magnifie our Lord acknowledging al her good to come from him So that in prosperitie she teacheth vs to humble our selues and to praise alinghtie God But in tribulation and aduersitie she hath giuen vs such rare examples of vertue that if the afflicted and vexed in this life would wel consider them their tribulalations would not seeme to be so grieuous as they doe As for example sake the Virgin Marie in this life had no other good but one onlie sonne vvhich was of infinite bountie and perfection for that he was in one person both God and man now she did see this her sonne to be of enuie accused vniustlie condemned to the most grieuous torments that could be imagined euen to the most infamous death of the Crosse Shee did see him also die vppon the Crosse betwixt two theeues and was not able to aford him the least comfort that could be deuised when not withstanding she did support al these iniuries and cruelties with incredible fortitude of courage not moued to indignation against those enuious accusers not lamenting of the wicked Iewes nor reproching the Apostles that so disloyallie had forsaken their maister Yet were the Virgin Maries tribulations not ended with this for that Artopheius saith after the Ascension of Christ she was greatlie persecuted of some malicious and wicked people who did vexe and molest her by vsing her spitefullie in woorks and detracting of her good name in woords but she with patience and praying to God for her persecutours did ouercome the euil wil of them al. Accept then good Reader this so perfect a patterne and mirrour of Christian perfection and I doe exhort thee if to d●●e thou canst take thereby some fruite for thy soule not to expect and deffer til to morowe I doe also exhort thee to cleanenes and puritie of minde which wil make thee fit first for meditation and then to be more beloued and fauoured of the Virgin Marie who hath particular care and protection of those that be chaste and pure finallie I doe exhort thee to practise those documents that do immediatlie folow the meditations which documents doe direct vs to doe wel and to bridle our passions and disordered appetites For to make goodlie discourses to find out deepe conceits in meditation and afterwards not to worke wel according to our good determinations and instructions is euen as if one heard a good sermon ful of excellent doctrine holsome counsel but neuer did practise any of al those things he had heard THE TRANSLATOR to the Reader I Send thee Benigne Reader this little Treatise of the life of our blessed Ladie vvhich I transtated out of Italian into English as a paune of a bigger bulke concerning the same matter remayning yet in my hands vvhich ended vvil giue thee I hope such satisfaction and contentment touching this point of her life togeather vvith manie other things as therin may make for the spiritual good of thy sovvle and further thee exceedinglie in deuotion and dutie tovvards the Virgin mother of God and Queene of heauen that thou shalt little neede hereafter if I be not deceaued to expect anie other discourse of this matter In the meane season I doe most hartilie request thee that as this my endeauour doth onlie respect thy sovvles spiritual benifite that God may be glorified in thee and thou thy selfe be saued so thou vvillinglie a forde mee thy praiers to assist mee as vvel in this vvoorke vvhich I doe promise thee as also that seruing his deuine maiestie according to my vocation vve may both at length enioy his euerlasting glorie Thy heartilie affected wel willer R. G. Ad Sanctillimam Virginem-Dei Genitricem Mariam HYMNVS AVe suprema Virginum Magni parentis silia Et sponsa Sacri Flaminis Christique mater inclyta Vestita sole fulgido Quae calce lunam subteris Et cincta stellis tempora Splendiscis intra Regiam Tu Mosis arca mystica Suaue manna continens Tu clausus hortus vndique Turrisque munitissima Tu fortitudo Martyrum Decusque Confitentium Tu Virginum pulcherrima Regina caelo praesides A te parens mitissima Opem gementes poscimus Dulcem praecare silium Vt nostra tollat crimina Summo parenti Caelitum Magnaeque Proli Virginis Sancto simul Paraclito Sit summa laus gloria Amen ℣ Ora pro nobis sancta Dei genitrix ℞ Vt digni efficiamur promissionibus Christi Oremus Concede nos famnlos tuos quaesumus Domine Deus perpetua mentis corporis sanitate gaudere gloriosa beatae Mariae semper Virginis intercessione a praesenti liberari tristitia aeterna perfrui laetitia Per Dominum nostrum Iesum Christum filium tuum qui c. To the most holie Virgin mother of God Marie An Himne HAile of al Virgins the most high Daughter of father eminent And of the holie Ghost the spouse Of Christ the mother excellent Clodde with the sūne that shineth bright Thou vnder foote the moone dost treade And crowned with a crowne of starres Iu heauēs court sunne beames dost spreade Thou Ark of Moyses mystical Dost manna sweete in thee inclose Thou garden shut on euerie side And tower that fenced is from foes Thou art the martyrs fortitude Of Confessors the worthines Aboue al Virgins fairest thou In heauen art Queene Gouernes Of thee o mother to vs most milde Wee much lamenting succour craue Praie to thy sweete sonne that he Our sinnes to toke awaie vouchsaue To highest father of al Saincts To the great sonne of Virgin free Likewise vnto the holie Ghost Most vvorthie praise and glorie bee AMEN ℣ Praie for vs o holie mother of God ℞ That vve may be made vvorthie of the promises of Christ Let vs pray GRaunt vs thy seruāts we beseche thee o Lord to enioy perpetual health of mind and bodie and by the glorious intercession of the euer blessed virgin MARIE to be deliured from this present sorowe to enioy euerlasting gladnes Through our Lord IESVS Christ thy sonne w●o liueth and reigneth c. THE HISTORIE OF the virgin Maries Conception 1 THE Virgin MARIES conceptiō was of twoe sortes One was eternal in the minde of God when he did choose her to be mother of the Sauiour of the world allot her the most excellent giftes that could be imparted to anie pure creature wherefore a Trag●d
bloud as a malefactour hanging vpon the Crosse betwixt two thieues 2 Consider how the virgin was so afflicted that Iesus enduring the cruel torment of the crosse had compassion of her and therfore gaue her S. Iohn for her sonne and her selfe for his mother 3 Contemplate how the virgin at the death of her beloued sonne was the most discomforted of al mothers for that she was present and yet could not help him who died in so greate paines and torments Documents 1 Euerie time that thou doest looke vpon the Crucifixe thinke that for thy sinnes the sonne god was crucified and so with the virgin Marie thou wilt haue compassion and sorowe of him 2 In al thy necessities make recourse to the virgin seeing god hath giuen vs her for our mother in the person of S. Iohn and vs to her for her children 3 If Christ and the virgin did suffer in this life so great afflictions how dost thou thinke to liue without aduersitie and in continual pleasure comfort OF THE VIRGIN Marie houlding Christ dead in her armes 19. THe virgin Marie stoode at the foote of the Crosse 〈◊〉 Matth. a. 27. Mar. ca. ●5 Luc. ●a 23 ●oan ca. ●9 when at Iesus death the sunne was darkened and the earth did quake and being verie desirous to haue in her armes the bodie of her beloued sonne behould one of the souldiars with a speare opened his side There is no doubte but that this speare did wound also the blessed mother with exceeding griefe who although she were displeased with that fiercenes of the souldiar which did shew him selfe so cruelle to wards one that was deade yet she was not moued against him b Canis lrb. 4. de B. Mariae ca. 26. To be shorte vpon fridaie at night because it was not expedient that the deade bodies should remaine vpō the Crosse in the Sabboth the bodie of Iesus was vnnailed and taken downe from the Crosse and laid in the armes of his pitiful mother which she most dearelie did embrace and worship and often kisse those holie wounds offering them vp to the eternal father for the saluation of the world Here the other Maries did weepe most abundātlie seeking by this meanes to accompanie the virgin whose sorowe and lamentation as c In Ioan. ca 19 Serm Stabat in●xta Crucem Anselmus saith was passing greate because the loue that she did beare to Iesus was also greate yet the same was alwaies ioined with such comlines and graue behaueour that no man could reprehend it Points for Meditation 1 Cōtemplate how the virgin Marie whē she could not haue her sōne aliue desired to haue him being dead but before she could obtaine this a souldiar with a speare did open his side not without horrour griefe of the mother 2 Contemplate the dolorous lamentation that the virgin made whē she had once in her armes that sacred bodie whose wounds she did kisse with great deuotion and wash them with streames of teares 3 Thinke what griefe of harte the virgin did feele when she was constrained to leaue that holie treasure to be buried and afterwards was forced to depart from the sepulchre which yet she did not without manie sobbes and sighes Documents 1 Learne of the virgin Marie how thou must behaue thy selfe in the death of thy deare friends Thinke first that god being a most kind father what he doeth and permitteth he doth for our good 2 Hence it is that thou must not lament nether of god nor of his creatures nor of thine owne case 3 Suffer not thy selfe so to be caried awaye with sorowe although the same be verie great that thou commit therby anie lightnes or vndecencie hauing stil before thine eyes the modestie and grauitie of the virgin Marie OF THE VIRGIN Marie seeing Christ resuscitate 20. THere is noe certaintie into what place the virgin Marie did retire her selfe after that Iesus was buried nor in what place Christ did appeare vnto her after his resurrection if not that a Lib 2. histo ca. ● Nicephorus doth saye that she dwelt in S. Iohns house neere to Sion in Ierusalem And this is verie likelie to be soe for that the virgin was extreme weake partelie in respect of her continual weeping partelie also because al that daie she had eatē nothing in so much that it is credible she went not from Ierusalem but that S. Iohn to whome Christ commended her a little before did leade her to his house where she expected her sōne knowing for certaine that he was to rise from death the third daie But be it howsoeuer that which b Augus lib. de sancta virginitate ca 3. Ruper lib. 7. diu offic ca. 25. Anselm de excel virg ca. 6. holie fathers doe affirme is certaine is this that the virgin Marie was the first to whome oure Sauiour appeared after his resurrectiō And as c Epiph. ●on haer libel Aetiq Canis lib. 5. ca. 1. Epiphanius doth write she was the first that did adore him being glorious In deede it was conuenient for such a sonne so to behaue him selfe towards such a mother not onlie because he gaue vs the lawe to honour father mother but also because the virgin did receaue extreme paine and sorowe of his passion and death more then anie othres yea aboue al others soe that she deserued to be comforted before anie other more then anie els whosoeuer Points for Meditation 1 Cōtemplate how the virgin Marie being as it were buried in her chamber for sorowe Iesus appeared vnto her raised from death and being al glorious al brighte and accompained with squadrons of Angels and holie fathers out of Limbo thinke what vnspeakeable ioie the virgin did feele of so glorious apparition 2 Cōtemplate how the virgin seeing Iesus so glorious did first worship him as her God and then embrace him as her sonne kissing eftsons the sacred woundes which did shine in his glorious body as so many pretious stones 3 Contemplate how the virgin did giue her sonne most hartie thankes for his deare visiting of her and praie him to goe comfort the Apostles and other deuout persons with his glorious resurrection Documents 1 If thou wilt endure nothing for the loue of Christ thou shalt not be visited nor comforted of him 2 Learne of the virgin not to be to ioyful in time of prosperitie but to adore and thanke God the author of al good 3 Learne also of her to haue charitie towards thy neighbours and to wish and procure theire comfort in time of afflictions and trauails OF THE VIRGIN Marie after Christ his Ascension 21. AS the common opinion is the virgin Marie liued fifteene yeares after the Ascension of Christ into heauen in which time she was occupied in aduauncing the primitiue church of Christ which in those beginnings was mightilie persecuted so that she did animate al teache them how to behaue them selues in their actions persecutions moreouer