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A05341 A sermon preached aboard of the Globe the 18. of May, anno 1617 At an anchor by the Cape of Good Hope, in the Bay of Souldania, 34. degrees to the southward of the æquinoctiall line. By William Lesk, minister of Gods Word. Entertained by the Honourable Companie of Marchants trading into East India, for the instruction and comfort of the fleet, by them sent forth for those easterne parts anno, 1614. [Lesk, William]. 1617 (1617) STC 15493; ESTC S108492 35,356 52

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I kept thy word And againe It is good for me that I haue bin afflicted that I might learne thy statutes for as the bitternesse of sowre and vnsauorie things makes the suckling forbeare and refraine the dug wherunto he otherwise he naturally inclineth Iust so the bitternesse of calamitie and tribulation which for Iniquity lieth heauy vpō the dearest of Gods children makes them forsake and renounce the pleasures of sinne from whence otherwise they could not so easily be weaned and kept backe And learne of me There is no doctrine more harsh and vnsauoury vnto the naturall man then that of the crosse therefore when as mention is made thereof vsually it pleaseth the wisedome of Gods holy Spirit to subioyne words of encouragement and comfort as in that Prophesie of Israels tribulation in the land of Aegypt Know for a suretie that thy seede shall be a stranger in a Land that is not theirs Gen. 15.13 14. and shall serue them and they shall afflict them foure hundred yeeres and also that Nation whom they shall serue I will iudge and afterwards shall they come out with great substance and againe These things haue I spoken vnto you Ioh. 15.33 that in me yee might haue peace in the world ye shall haue tribulation but be of good cheere I haue ouercome the world as here in the Text which now we haue in hand Christ in the beginning of the Verse hauing spoken of a yoke lest thereupon men should bee discouraged and dis-heartned from comming vnto him he is not content to promise vnto them in the agony greatest heate of affliction rest vnto their soules that though the outward man perish yet the inward man shall be renewed day by day though the body be dead because of sinne yet the spirit shall liue because of righteousnesse though the flesh be destroyed yet the spirit shall be saued in the day of the Lord Iesus but for their further incouragement he addes two forcible and effectuall arguments for begetting in their hearts patience and constancy in bearing of this yoke the first whereof is taken from his own example which ought so much the more to preuaile with vs as he is is more worthy in the fauor of God then we learne therefore of mee that the father in this life will not haue his children free from the yoke of calamity and tribulation for if we be without chastisement whereof all are partakers we are bastards and not the sonne● 〈◊〉 God because the Lord whom hee loueth he chastiseth and correcteth euery sonne whom he receiueth and certainly if we ponder and weigh things in an euen ballance this cannot but preuent euery least beginning of discontent that we taste of no other cuppe then that whereof the Sonne of God hath liberally drunke before there is no other measure giuen vs then that which Iesus Christ hath formerly receiued 1. Pet. 2.21 Hereunto sayth the Apostle were ye called because Christ also suffered leauing for vs an example that wee should follow his steppes and againe Whom he did fore-know he also did predestinate to be conformed to the Image of his Son Rom. 8.29 that as hee in all meeknesse and lowlinesse of minde submitted himselfe to the good will and pleasure of his heauenly Father so by his example wee might learne to doe the same according to that of the Apostle Being found in fashion as a man Phil. 2.8 hee humbled himselfe and became obedient vnto the death euen the death of the Crosse And againe Though he were a Sonne Heb. 5.8 yet learned hee obedience by the things which he suffered Reioice greatly O Daughter of Sion shout O Daughter of Ierusalem behold thy King commeth vnto thee Zach. 9.9 hee is iust and hauing saluation lowly and riding vpon an Asse and vpon a Colt the Foale of an Asse For herein stands the difference between the Godly and the wicked in carrying about the badges of guilt that the one doth it with vnspeakable wrestling repining grudging murmuring and fretting against the Lord but the other with al meeknesse and lowlinesse of minde submit themselues vnder the afflicting hand of Almighty God and why because they vnderstand their afflictions to proceed from a louing and gracious Father who will doe nothing but for their good howsoeuer for the present his proceedings be sowre and vnsauoury vnto the naturall man but the wicked seeing nothing but the fierce countenance of an angrie Iudge fret and fume against him as the enemy and destroier of their being If the Iudgement of God be denounced a●●●●st Cain for his offence Gen. 3.13 as an vntamed Heifer hee will kicke against his Maker My punishment is greater then I can beare 1. Sam. 3.18 but let Samuel deliuer vnto Eli neuer so harsh newes the grossest of his carriage shall be it is the Lord let him doe what seemeth him good If Ahitophel be disgraced the Gallowes shall bewray the implacable discontent of his heart but although King Dauid be openly reproued for his sinne humble confession is the worst entertainement that hee giues the Lords message learne therefore of mee for I am meeke and lowly in heart and yee shall finde rest vnto your soules My yoke is easie The second argument which Christ vseth to perswade such as come vnto him with patience and constancie to take his yoke vpon them is taken from the easinesse and facilitie of the taske things light and easie to bee performed are at the command of a Superiour with great patience and constancy cagerly to be taken in hand especially being exceeding profitable and making for the good of the Patient but so it is that my yoke is easie and my burthen light First because of the perpetuall assistance of my holy Spirit whereby you are strengthened in the inner-man the better to beare the afflictions which outwardly you suffer in the bodie according to that of the Apostle 1. Cor. 10.13 God is faithfull who will not suffer you to bee tempted aboue that you are able but will with the temptation also make a way to escape that yee may be able to beare it Secondly it is easie because of the vnspeakable felicity and happinesse which after small continuance it brings vnto the Patient Our light affliction 2. Cor. 4.17 which is but for a moment vvorketh for vs a farre more exceeding and eternall weight of glorie And againe Rom. 8.18 I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthie to bee compared with the glorie which shall bee reuealed in vs. Therefore Saint Paul speaking of himselfe sayth Coloss 1.24 Who now reioyce in my suffering for you and fill vp that which is behind of the afflictions of Christ in my flesh for his bodies sake which is the Church And againe Rom. 5.3 Wee reioyce in tribulations my brethren count it all ioy when ye fall into diuers temptations My yoke First because according to my good will and pleasure I impose and lay the same vpon the necks of my followers for afflictions come not vnto the Saints by chance or fortune but from the Lord according to that of Iob Iob. 1.21 5.17 18. The Lord giueth and the Lord taketh away blessed be the Name of the Lord. And againe Happie is the man whom God correcteth therefore despise not thou the chastening of the Almightie for he maketh sore and bindeth vp he woundeth and his hands make whole Secondly it is his yoke because in his owne person hee hath deepely tasted the bottome and verie dregges of this Cuppe according vnto that of the Prophet He is despised and reiected of men Esay 53.3 4 5 6. a man of sorrowes and acquainted with griefe surely he hath borne our griefes and carried our sorrowes he was wounded for our transgressions he was bruised for our iniquities the chastisement of our peace was vpon him Thirdly hee calls it his yoke for difference and distinctions sake betweene the afflictions of the godly and punishments of the wicked the one beareth the yoke of Gods fierce wrath and indignation because of their abhominable transgressions but the other the yoke of fatherly correction the one yoke is imposed and layd on for the destruction and ouerthrow of the patient but the other for the chastisement of sonnes that thereby they may learne not to prouoke their heauenly Father vnto further displeasure Fourthly and lastly Christ calls it my yoke in regard of the gracious assistance of his holy Spirit whereby hee comforts vpholds and strengthens the hearts of his children for the more patient and constant bearing of the same For we haue not an High Priest Heb. 4.15 which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities but was in all things tempted as wee are ●hat he might be a mercifull and faithfull High Priest in things pertaining to God to make reconciliation for the sinnes of the people Blessed therefore be God euen the Father of our Lord Iesus Christ the Father of mercies and the God of all comfort who comforteth vs in all our tribulation that we may be able to comfort them which are in any trouble by the comfort wherewith we our selues are comforted of God To whom the Father the Sonne and the Holy Ghost be all honour prayse and glorie now and for euermore Amen FINIS
a greater then himselfe which directed by an vnderstanding rightly informed and affections in nothing swaruing from the true verdict and sound iudgement of the intellectiue part directly guided and in all safetie conducted this noble creature vnto the great Creator of Heauen and Earth as the onely true obiect of his submission vnto whom Iure creationis he was in dutie bound to performe obedience In the fruition of whom as he then enioyed all happinesse so well might he haue still continued in the same perfection if the malice of Sathan had not inclined the freedome of his will vnto the worser part But alas after this dolefull and neuer-sufficiently lamented alteration he was in Iustice by the righteous Iudge of the world so disarmed and stript naked of if not all yet the greater part of his former dignitie that that which was before the cause of his greatest happinesse is now the originall of all the confusion which in the very rudiments and first principles of Religion farre and neere couereth well-nigh the face of the whole earth for the naturall instinct spoken off before since the fall depriued of the eye of vnderstanding whereby it was sometimes directed in the right way is now the ground of all the Diuersitie Schisme and Diuision which proh dolor is euery where to be seene both in the obiect and manner of diuine worship all men agreeing vpon this that there is a God to be worshipped according to that of the Heathen Cic. lib. 1. de Leg. Nulla gens tam effera nulla natio tam barbara cui non insideat haec notio esse Deum There is sayth he no Nation so rude nor people so barbarous where this Principle That a God is to be worshipped is not acknowledged and receiued as an vndoubted truth all I say agreeing vpon this but by disobedience depriued of the eye of righteous iudgement euer haue and to this day still doe grieuously and grossely erre both in finding out the person of him that is to be worshipped and in the manner how being found this Homage is to be performed as easily might at great length by speciall induction of Nations Countries and People worshipping the Sunne the Moone Fire Water and other Elements particularly be dilated if Histories both sacred and prophane did not furnish euery meanest capacitie with too too many examples of Catts Cowes Stockes and Blockes which haue beene thought not vnworthie of diuine worship so deepely is this principle That there is a God rooted in the heart of man that howsoeuer otherwise beyond all measure ambitious and proud yet rather then he will haue no God hee can be content to submit himselfe vnto the basest of the creatures that possibly can be named Thus man with Elymas the Sorcerer Act. 13.11 wandering to and againe as one deepely plunged in a Labyrinth of more then Aegyptian darknesse should for euer thus haue continued without so much as in the least measure approching vnto much lesse attaining the end of his labor if the God of all comfort consolation moued only with pitie cōmiseration towards the workmanship of his owne hands had not beyond all expectation yea to the great astonishment both of men and Angels found out a meanes whereby man enforced to seeke but neuer able to find might be directed vnto the true obiect of that worship obedience which by a deepely rooted instinct he was in duty bound to performe vnto a superior power in the right acknowledgement due performance wherof his greatest felicitie and happinesse doth consist which howsoeuer by diuine dispensation it was at the first reuealed onely a farre off Gen. 3.15 The seed of the woman shall tread downe the head of the serpent and afterwards for many yeeres together in that ancient Commonwealth whereof amongst all Nations the Lord was pleased to make choise for placing his Name from hand to hand vnder types figures darkly conueyed yet when the fulnesse of time was come Galat. 4.4 God sent forth his Sonne made of a woman made vnder the Law to redeeme them that are vnder the Law that we might receiue the adoption of sonnes who from Heauen miraculously declared to be the Sonne of God and by the Father anointed for the performance of this great and weightie imployment Matth. 3.17 inuites all that desire the knowledge of the true God Esay 61.1 leauing the by-wayes and beggerly rudiments of worldly elements to come vnto him as the only meane by the decree and determination of the sacred Trinitie appointed for reducing and bringing backe wretched man so farre estrayed vnto the knowledge and vnderstanding of the true God Ioh. 14.6 I am the Way the Truth and the Life no man commeth vnto the Father but by me Come therefore vnto me all ye that labour and are heauie laden and I will giue you rest First Matth. 11.27 Come Because all things are deliuered vnto me of my Father So that in me alone is to be found whatsoeuer is requisite and necessarie for the safegard and saluation of your soules for there is none other Name vnder Heauen giuen amongst men whereby we must be saued Act. 4.12 Ioh. 7.37 but the name IESVS If any man thirst let him come vnto me and drinke He that beleeueth in me as the Scripture hath said out of his bellie shall flow riuers of liuing Water Come therefore vnto me all ye that labour and are heauie laden and I will giue you rest Secondly vnto me Come vnto me Without any the least expectation of Enthusiasmes or immediate reuelations from the Father For God Heb. 1.1 who at sundrie times and in diuers manners spake in time past to the Fathers by the Prophets hath in these last dayes spoken vnto vs by his Sonne whom hee hath appointed heire of all things by whom also hee made the world Coloss 2.3 and in whom are laid vp all the treasures of true Knowledge and Vnderstanding Come therefore vnto me as the ordinarie meanes from aboue appointed for effecting and bringing this matter to passe This is my wel-beloued Sonne Matth. 17.5 in whom I am well pleased heare him For in and by the Mediator betweene God and man God is reconciled vnto man and man re-vnited vnto his Creator for the attainement of euerlasting happinesse Come therefore vnto me all yee that labour and are heauie laden and I will giue you rest Thirdly because the remembrance of former transgressions and guilt of sinne and iniquitie how manifold or grosse soeuer should not so farre preuaile as to dishearten or discourage vs from vndertaking this holy enterprise Therefore expressely he sets downe the qualitie and condition of his ghests naming euen that which the subtiltie and craft of Sathan might otherwise haue haply vsed as a stumbling blocke to hinder and let men from comming vnto him For how soone man begins in any least measure to thinke vpon reformation of his wicked and euill
courses then our Aduersarie the Deuill 1. Pet. 5.8 who goeth about as a roaring Lyon seeking whom hee may deuoure vnmaskes whatsoeuer formerly he hath kept secret and amplifieth to the full those things which when hee did leaue he laboured greatly to extenuate and value at the smallest rate Come therefore vnto me all yee that labour and are heauie laden and I will giue you rest Esay because the Lord hath anointed me to preach good tidings to the meeke he hath sent me to binde vp the broken-hearted to proclaime libertie to the Captiues and the opening of the Prison to them that are bound to proclaime the acceptable yeere of the Lord and the day of vengeance of our God to comfort all that mourne in Zion to giue vnto them Beautie for Ashes the Oyle of Ioy for Mourning the Garment of Praise for the spirit of Heauinesse that they might be called Trees of Righteousnesse the planting of the Lord that he might be glorified Fourthly because men to their endlesse and irrecouerable losse should not wrest or peruert that which goeth before in the seuen and twentieth verse No man knoweth the Father but the Sonne and he to whomsoeuer the Sonne will reueale him As if the grace of God were in Christ Iesus offered onely to some few of those that labour and are heauie laden vnder the burthen of their sinnes therefore all are mentioned Come vnto me all yee that labour and are heauie laden Esay 1.18 and I will giue you rest If your sinnes were as red as crimson come vnto me and I will make them as white as snow At what time soeuer a sinner doth repent him of his wickednesse and commeth vnto me though his sinnes be as scarlet they shall be as wooll If tenne Lepers come vnto me although they be euen tenne they shall all be cleansed of their loathsome and filthie disease although your soules be as blinde with the dust and durt of Iniquitie as was Bartimeus the begger come vnto me and yee shall receiue sight If your transgressions be such and so manie that euen a Legion of Deuills torture and torment your soules come vnto me and you shall finde rest If from the Wombe you haue been so lame and cripple that you are vnable to moue one hayre-breadth towards the Kingdome of Heauen come vnto mee and I will enable your ioynts If you haue so long lyen in the puddle of sinne that with Lazarus you stinke in the graue of Iniquitie come vnto me and I will breathe in your face the breath of life whereby you shall be made liuing soules where all are inuited there none is excluded where such as labour and are heauie laden vnder the burthen of Sinne and Iniquitie are willed to come there a secret reason is giuen why the mercie and fauour of God offered vnto all is not by all receiued because all doe not labour and are heauie laden vnder the burthen of their sinnes for Christ came not to saue the righteous but to call sinners to repentance the whole need no Physician but such as are maymed and lame vnder the intolerable weight of their transgressions Blessed are they that hunger and thirst after righteousnesse for they shall be filled To the end then that comfortably and with profit wee may come vnto Christ it is necessary that we labour and be heauy laden vnder the burthen of sinne that our hearts be ready to melt because of our transgressions and our soules standing at the gates of death because of the intolerable weight of iniquity which can neuer sufficiently be effected without a distinct knowledge of the nature quality and condition of sin because the naturall and vnborn 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and selfe loue which deepely lyeth rooted in the heart of man seconded with the malicious subtiltie of the common enemy of mans saluation so duls and darkens the eye and edge of his vnderstanding that he is more then blind in censuring and valuing of his owne actions whence it comes to passe that often he perswades himselfe that he is in a direct straight course or at least meanely to erre when as he lyes deepely plunged in a filthy sinke and lothsome puddle of all maner of wickednes now sinne is knowne by the Touch-stone of Gods Lawe according to that of the Apostle Rom. 3.20 7.7 By the Law is the knowledge of sinne I had not knowne sinne but by the Lawe for I had not knowne lust except the lawe had said Thou shalt not couet for whereas all other learning serues rather to blowe vp the heart of man with an idle opinion and vaine conceit of his owne worth founding nothing els in his eare but shrill and loud blasts of the excellency of his soule the wonderfull fabricke and making of his body the goodly sympathie and fellow feeling which euery part facultie and power hath one with another and the sweet harmonie and concord of the whole compound the Lawe of the Lord is that which bewrayeth and layeth open vnto man the vglinesse of his heart the nakednes of his imaginations and the peruersenesse of his wayes to the Law therefore and to the testimony if they soule spenke and thinke not according vnto this word Esay 8.20 it is because there is no light in it therefore DAVID speaking of this Lawe sayth that it is perfect conuerting the Soule that it is sure making wise the simple that it is right reioicing the heart that it is pure enlightening the eyes that it is true and righteous altogether Psal 19.7.8 9 10. 1.2 more to be desired then gold yea then much fine gold sweeter also then the hony and the hony-combe Blessed therefore is the man whose delight is in the Lawe of the Lord and in his Law doth meditate night and day Secondly because man naturally is so bewitched with the pleasures of sinne and glued to the alluring and entising sweetnes of wickednesse that a bare knowledge of the nature of transgression is neuer able to bring this labour and wearisomenesse vpon his soule therefore after that by the Lawe wee haue attained vnto the knowledge of sinne it is necessary that we vnderstand the value and esteeme which it hath in the eyes of the Lord by himselfe at great length reuealed in his Word sometimes by speeches and words full of dislike and disdaine My people aske counsell at their stockes Hos 4.12 and their staffe declareth vnto them for the spirit of whoredome hath caused them to erre and they haue gone a whoring from vnder their God God saw the wickednesse of man that it was great in the earth and that euery Imagination of the thought of his heart was onely euill continually Gen. 6.5 therefore it repented the Lord that he had made man vpon the earth and it grieued him at his heart your Incense and Sacrifices are abomination Esay 1.15 because your hands are full of bloud sometimes he denounceth heauy
the seed Rom. 4.10 not to that onely which is of the Law but to that also which is of the faith of Abraham who is the father of vs all And in the will faith leaueth an assurance that God is both able and in due time wil make good in our particular the generall promises of Mercie and Grace according to that of the Apostle I am persuaded that neither Death nor Life nor Angles Rom. 8.38 39. nor Principalities nor Powers nor things present nor things to come nor height nor depth nor any other creature shall be able to separate vs from the loue of God which is in Christ Iesus our Lord. Therefore it is that almost euery where the Holy Ghost speaking of things for Christ his sake in due time to be conferred and bestowed vpon vs he speaks of them in the time past as if alreadie we were in full possession thereof Blessed be God the Father of our Lord Iesus Christ Ephes 1.3 who hath blessed vs with all spirituall blessings in heauenly places in Christ Iesus in whom we haue edemption through his bloud the forgiuenesse of sinnes according to the riches of his grace but God who is rich in mercie Ephes 1.7 2.4 5 6. for his great loue wherewith he loued vs euen when we were dead in sinnes and trespasses hath quickened vs together and hath made vs sit together in heauenly places in Christ Iesus Such then is the assurance which faith leaues in the heart that the beleeuer speakes and thinkes of the promises of mercie and saluation as of things present whereof alreadie he is in full possession againe that in faith there is not onely a sure and certaine knowledge of the Historie of Gods holy Word but also an assurance of the loue and fauour of God in and for the mediation of Iesus Christ these subsequent Scriptures sufficiently witnesse Rom. 5.1 Being iustified by faith we haue peace with God through our Lord Iesus Christ Now this is certaine that the knowledge of the Historie of Gods holy Word is so farre from quieting and bringing peace vnto the soules of men that on the contrarie it serues rather more and more to encrease amazement feare and terror in their hearts according to that of S. Iames Iam. 2.19 The Deuils beleeue and tremble they beleeue that is by the Historie they know the wrath of God to be so fierce against Sinne and Iniquitie that it can be expiate and done away by no other meanes but by the death of his onely begotten Sonne by the knowledge of the Historie of Gods holy Word they vnderstand themselues finally and without all hope of redemption wholly to be reiected and cast off by the Historie they know that IESVS is appointed Iudge both of Men and Angels and that for euer they shall haue their abode in euerlasting miserie and torment therefore they beleeue and tremble Man likewise in the knowledge of the Historie what can hee see but euery where manifest tokens of the wrath of God against sinne as Death Disease and diuers other calamities vsually ensuing and befalling vs whilest we liue here vpon earth and which most of all encreaseth our feare that the wrath and indignation of the Almightie is such and so great against all manner of iniquitie that it could by no other meanes be appeased but by the death of his onely begotten Sonne IESVS CHRIST all which bringing rather matter of horror and feare then peace vnto the soules of men there must be something else besides Historicall knowledge in that faith whereby being iustified we haue peace with God which can be nothing else but an assurance of the loue and fauor of Almightie God in and for the mediation and all-sufficient sacrifice of his dearely beloued Sonne IESVS CHRIST by whom also wee haue accesse by faith into this grace wherein wee stand Abak 1.4 To the same purpose makes that of Abbakuk The iust shall liue by faith No man liueth by an Historicall knowledge of the Word of God which as euen now at great length hath been deliuered furnisheth rather matter of horror desperation and feare then of life health happinesse and the like therefore the faith spoken of by the Prophet must besides knowledge be an assent vnto and assurance of the loue and fauour of God in and for the mediation of his Sonne Thirdly S. Paul in his Epistle to the Ephesians so plainely maintaines and powerfully auoucheth the assurance of faith which now we haue in hand that if there were no more this one Scripture may well serue for confirmation of the same Eph. 3.12 In whom we haue boldnesse with confidence by the faith of him and againe Let vs therefore come boldly vnto the Throne of grace Heb. 4.16 that we may obtaine mercie and find grace to helpe in time of neede Who knowing onely the Historie of Gods holy Word dare presume boldly and with confidence to approach and draw neere vnto the dreadfull Maiestie of Almightie God whom as an angrie seuere Iudge he seeth readie to powre downe the viols of his fierce wrath and indignation vpon the transgressors of his Law that faith then whereby with boldnesse confidently we present our selues before God besides knowledge of the Historie must of necessitie haue an assurance of reconciliation in IESVS CHRIST Gen. 49.20 This is that faith whereby Abel became more acceptable in the sight of the Lord then his brother Cain Enoch walked with God and was seene no more Iacob dying tooke order for his buriall in the promised Land Luke 7.48 and Marie Magdalene obtained free pardon and forgiuenesse of all her transgressions If therefore yee haue this faith Come vnto me all yee that labour and are heauie laden and I will giue you rest Come From this and other Texts of holy Scripture Psal 50.15 of the same or like nature as Call vpon me in the day of trouble and I will deliuer thee and thou shalt glorifie me Mal. 3.13 Returne vnto me and I will returne vnto you Turne ye now from your euill wayes and from your euill doings Wash yee Zach. 1.4 make you cleane put away the euill of your doings from before mine eyes cease to doe euill learne to doe well seeke iudgement Esay relieue the oppressed iudge the fatherlesse plead for the widow if ye will be obedient ye shall eate the good of the Land The Sanballats and subtle Sophists of these last dayes gather I cannot tell what naturall and imborne abilitie and power in man ex puris naturaelibus as they say to performe obedience vnto the Commandements of God because first it were in vaine to exhort aduise request and beseech such as wholly and altogether are impotent and vnable to hearken and obey againe the large promises of health and happinesse in case of obedience were mockages rather then true promises if there were no power at all in man to performe
and therefore in the booke of the Law where summarily and in generall is set downe whatsoeuer elsewhere throughout the Text of holy Scripture is more at length deliuered Moses vnder those two comprehends all the motiues which possibly can be deuised and found out eyther for animating and encouraging of man vnto the better things or disswading of him frō the worst See I haue set before thee this day life and good death and euill Deut. 30.15 16 17 18. in that I command thee this day to loue the Lord thy God to walke in his wayes and to keepe his commandements and his statutes and his iudgements that thou mayest liue and multiplie and the Lord thy God shall blesse thee in the Land whither thou goest to possesse it but if thine heart turne away so that thou wilt not heare but shalt be drawne away and worship other gods and serue them I denounce vnto you this day that yee shall surely perish and that yee shall not prolong your dayes vpon the Land whither thou passest ouer Iordan to goe to possesse it And againe It shall come to passe Deut. 38.1.15 if thou shalt hearken diligently vnto the voice of the Lord thy God to obserue and doe all his commandements which I command thee this day that the Lord thy God will set thee on high aboue all Nations of the earth but if thou wilt not hearken vnto the voice of the Lord thy God to obserue and doe all his commandements and his statutes which I command thee this day that all these curses shall come vpon thee and ouertake thee In like manner haue the Lords proceedings beene with particular persons Gen. 4.6 7. And the Lord said vnto Cain Why art thou wroth and why is thy countenance fallen if thou doe well shalt thou not be accepted and if thou doest not well sinne lyeth at the dore 2. Sam. 7.14 I will set vp thy Seede after thee which shall proceed out of thy bowels and I will establish his kingdome I will be his father and he shal be my sonne if he commit Iniquity I will chasten him with the rodde of men and with the stripes of the children of men 1. Kings 3.14 If thou wilt walke in my wayes to keepe my statutes and commandements as thy Father Dauid did walke then I will lengthen thy dayes And here in the Text which now we haue in hand Christ friendly inuiting such as labour and are heauie laden to come vnto him the exhortation is enforced by an ample and large promise of reward Come vnto me all ye that labour and are heauie laden and I will giue you rest For as the elements of the world naturally incline each of them to his owne Region and place of abode so the soule of man by transgression hauing fallen from his rest is so perplexed and wearied wandering to and againe that it hearkens vnto nothing more willingly then motions and means seruing for that purpose Confess lib. 1. cap. 1. according to that of S. Augustine Cor nostrum creasti ad te Domine nisi te nunquam satiari potest O Lord thou hast created our soules to thine owne image so that but in thee they neuer receiue content Which our Sauior well considering vseth the same as an vnfaileable argument to induce and perswade vs to come and drinke freely of the waters of life 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and I will giue you rest The word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 is commonly vsed when as after labour and toyle we betake our selues vnto tranquillitie and ease for refreshing of our wearie ouer-spent and decaying strength as in that of Lucian 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 after long and tedious sicknesse receiuing or enioying rest and Suidas 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 who would not out of miserie and tedious employment come vnto rest And thus the Greeke Translation vseth the word in expressing the Lords speech vnto Dauid concerning his sonne Salomon 1. Chron. 22.9 Behold a sonne shall be borne vnto thee who shall be a man of rest and I will giue him rest from all his enemies round about him But most frequently in the text of holy Scripture this word is vsed to expresse the tranquillitie and calmenesse of the mind as in the fift of Genesis and nine and twentieth verse old Lamech supposing that his sonne had beene the Messias promised in the Garden calls him Noah saying This sonne shall comfort vs concerning our worke and toile of our hands because of the ground which the Lord hath cursed Where the Greeke Translations vse the word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Whereunto our Sauiour alluding saith 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Come vnto me and I will giue you rest Giuing vs thereby to vnderstand that he is that true Noah from whom the holy Patriarchs labouring vnder the burthen of sinne and iniquitie did expect and looke for rest vnto their soules In like manner the day of festiuitie and ioy which the Iewes celebrated vpon the newes of their deliuerance from the trecheries of wicked Haman and sentence of death formerly passed vpon them is called 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 a day of rest and tranquillitie And againe the refreshment which Saul vexed with the euill spirit receiued by Dauids Musike the Greeke Translation expresseth it by 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 1. Sam. 16.23 so Saul was refreshed and was well and the euill spirit departed from him From hence then it is easie to vnderstand the nature of this promise which Christ here in the Text makes vnto such as labouring and heauie laden vnder the burthen of their sinnes come vnto him for reliefe and comfort viz. in this life refreshment rest and ease vnto their soules from the consuming heat of Gods wrath the rottennesse of sinne and heat of the torment and torture of conscience which formerly they haue endured and in that which is to come perfect ioy felicitie and happines being freed from all miserie whatsoeuer Therefore S. Peter calls the time of Christs comming vnto iudgement 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the times of refreshing or rest What paines are answerable vnto so great a reward Shall not the children of this life rise vp and condemne vs in the last day who refuse no trauell perplexitie and trouble for attainement of worldly preferment Which gotten is first corruptible and subiect to the out-wearing power of time secondly vncertaine and doubtfull after a world of miserie and trouble vndertaken for attainement of the same I will not now speake of Alexander his trauailes in subduing Asia of Annibal his labours in passing from Spaine ouer the Alpes into Italie Xerxes his perplexitie during his abode in Europe together with many other of that nature whereof some after vnspeakable paines haue come short of their ends as Xerxes of the conquest of Europe Annibal of Italie Crassus and Antonius of Persia others after great labor and paine haue still continued vncertaine fearefull and in doubt till the very moment