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B23108 The catechism of the Church of England, poetically paraphrased. By James Fowler Fowler, James, verse-writer.; Church of England. aut 1678 (1678) Wing F1729A 21,745 62

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up gold a God to vie For Soveraign honour with the Deity 'T was this gave pleasure an envenom'd sting Made honor death in glorious titles bring This licens'd fraud for wise and force for just And tipt loves-shafts with poison'd heads of lust So that her blessings now infected thus Good in themselves but deadly ill to us Are all but baits to catch the soul in sin Sugar without but poyson 's hid within There yet remains another dang'rous elf Which I must quit I mean my treacherous self With all my Carnal lusts though they as dear And useful as right hands or eyes appear Not one though ne're so small but out it must God never yet kept house with any lust They 'r bred of flesh corrupt that sink of evil That pimp to sin and strumpet to the Devil Like Vermin gendred in the filth and mire Of her corruption by that hellish fire Sinfully sinful in themselves as they Prompt all the powers o' th soul to disobey Make war against the soul and in her manners Advance against the Lord Rebellious banners From these the homebred foes with friendly faces Which kill with kindness murder with embraces From these and their allurements under pain Of death and hell I must resolve t' abstain That all these enemies should be forsook My sureties vow'd then further undertook I should what-ever purblind reason saith Believe all th' Articles o' th' Christian Faith Her scanty line in things divine will fail To fathom truth here she and wit must vail Thus far she may and will if manag'd duely To all faiths mysteries subscribe and truely Assent instructed thus to exercise In way of argument her faculties This Sacred Doctrine is attested by The God of truth who will not cannot lie His word 's the word of truth which does aver it Dictated by the Holy Ghost the Spirit Of saving truth my own dim sight adieu God says it and it is it must be true What though I cannot apprehend it well Though not with me with God 't is possible And where my unfledg'd wings can soar no higher I must not stand disputing but admire Lastly They vow'd I should with watchful care With awful reverence and holy fear Ev'n to the utmost of my pow'r and skill Inviolably kéep Gods holy will Compleat unsinning righteousness 't is true Though to the purity of God 't is due Yet by the frailties of our sinful nature Is ne're arriv'd at in its perfect stature But though no foot uprightly walk no hand Uprightly do the heart may upright stand And if obedience be well practic'd there It will be thought imperfect yet sincere And this sincerity will so supply All the defects of legal purity That God whose eyes could never once endure To see pollution shall account me pure Sincerely I must aim at what is best Do what I can and will to do the rest Where flesh and blood shall slip or stumble grace Must take advantage by 't and mend her pace Thus did my sureties vow I should fulfill And keep my holy Gods most holy will And that his just commands should be the ways My soul should chuse to walk in all my days Question Are you perswaded you are bound to do And to believe as they engag'd for you Answer Yes truely when they promis'd in my name I by their act oblig'd and bound became The Cov'nant betwixt God and me was made And what I could not say my self they said But I the party was i' th Covenant To whom since th' other party God did grant That grace on his part which my soul did want 'T is just I should perform with thankful heart What he requireth in the Counterpart And by Gods help I will for that must be The strengthning ayd that must enable me Without him of my self I can do nought Not think so much at best as one good thought 'T is his good Spirit and he only who Works in me both the pow'r and will to do And all unfeigned hearty thanks I give To God who thus hath given me pow'r to live My heav'nly father who vouchsafed t' enroll Into heav'ns liberty my Hell-bound soul That he hath call'd me to it doth afford Me power to be sav'd through Christ our Lord. And him I pray his pow'rful grace to send To keep me in it to my lives last end Question Faith and obedience then to Christ's commands Are the two props on which Religion stands Faith goes before as that that does beget Obedience in the heart and nourish it Perfumes and seasons it and makes it pass Accepted at the glorious throne of grace Faithless obedience is but fruitless fruit Sprung from a tree that wants both sap and root And he that works it does but build on sand An unfoundation'd house that cannot stand Let your first care be then to see the ground Whereon you build your hopes be firm and sound And this to shew be 't now your Christian lesson Of th' Articles of faith to make confession First Article S. Peter I Not another for me no mans Creed Besides my own stands me in steed Nor boots it any man that he receives And holds the faith the Church believes Unless his reason giving her assent He chose it as most excellent Believe confess rely upon and trust As holy gracious true and just In God the best the greatest first and last That being infinitely vast That great I AM first cause first mover he That was and is and is to be That God that from Eternal ages stood The highest greatest chiefest good The Fath'r of all things living by creation And by continual preservation And by Adoption father of his Sons The new-born Holy chosen ones Almighty whose unbounded pow'rful hand Did all create does all command Maker who all created beings brought Out of a Chaos out of nought Of Heaven his starrie seat that upper story Where earthly grace turns heavenly glory And Earth his footstool yet mans Royalty Mans head at Gods foot plac't stands high Second Article S. Andrew And in not any other God than he No more there are no more can be But in the second of the Vni-trine Persons transcendently divine The true God-man in whom both natures joyn'd Union but not confusion find Iesus the Saviour of the souls of men Ransom'd by him but lost till then Which name in heav'n above and earth below Calls upon every knee to bow Christ the Anointed with that oyl of gladness Which chears his fellows press'ed with sadness As King to rule us Priest in priestly guise T' attone for sin by sacrifice And Prophet to instruct and teach us how To chuse the good and evil eschew His onely Son begot by him and yet Equal to him that did beget Our Lord who bought us and the purchase stood The Purchaser his dearest blood Who are not being bought with such a price Our own by property but his Third Article S. John Who was conceiv'd not in a sinful state But
like himself Immaculate By th' Holy Ghost whose over-shadow'd power Being graciously vouchsaf't unto her Impregnated Oh Heavenly bridal-groom A chast unspotted Virgins womb Born of the Virgin Mary mother she To him that gave her first to be Happy to be his Mother happier far That he his Daughter counted her Whose sinless chast conception did bring forth A Sin-Curse-Free a painless birth Fourth Article S. James the Great Suffer'd not for his own but for the Sin Of hopeless helpless wretchless men Vnder a Governor a Zealous pleaser Of the Ambitious jealous Caesar Pentius Pilate who his death Commands And washes then his guilty hands Was Crucified Condemned and forc't to be Hang'd on the Cross the Cursed tree Where while nails pierc'd his sacred plants and palms his wounded side dropt healing balms Blood that might pay the score to justice then Water to wash and make us clean To evidence redemption finished Water from 's heart to prove him dead Dead truly dead the Lord of life and breath Fast-fetter'd in the Chains of death And buried buried in a Tomb obscure And guarded too to make him sure Yet was the Guest not common and the grave No common entertainment gave A Rock receiv'd him and the Scriptures say A Rock where never man yet lay Fifth Article S. Thomas He whom the heav'n and heav'n of heav'ns in vain Might have endeavour'd to contain Descended into Hell Content to have His lodgings in a six-foot grave Thence to th' infernal pit where Satan lurks To triumph over him and 's works The third day ere his sacred body saw Or yielded to corruptions law He the first fruits of life which he in spight Of Death and Hell would bring to light Rose again from the dead and shew'd it plain That man being dead can live again Sixth Article S. James the Less He then his work being done redemption wrought Hells works destroy'd and man rebought Ascended into Heaven his first abode The only proper place for God And sitteth not till now his labour ceas't And not till now he sits to rest At the right hand of God to signifi● As well his pow'r as dignity Where now in our behalf he dayly pleads And with the Father intercedes For such continual and benign supplies As suits our wants and miseries The Fath'r Almighty who can all things do But to his dearest Son say no Who as Almighty can his sute fulfill And as a gracious Father will Seventh Article S. Philip. From thence when judgments Trump shall sound a Call And to the Barr shall summon all And not before to raign as some mean dream A thousand years on earth with them He but not such as formerly was he Cloath'd with disgrace and poverty But he such as he is eye-dazling bright With Majesty and heav'nly light Shall come attended as he truly merits With Legions of Scraphick Spirits To Iudge impartially according to The works that in this life they do The quick who though in death they sleep not shall Be changed in a moment all And the dead too whose perish'd bodies then Shall by his pow'r be rais'd again And re-united with the soul together With that shall live and live for ever Eighth Article S. Bartholomew I Believe in him who proceeds as third Both from the Father and the Word Proceeding as the Godheads Emanation Yet coeternal in duration The third yet equal person in the One Both with the Father and the Son The Holy Ghost the blessed Lord and giver Of life whose lease bear's date for ever Who by his various gifts dispenc'd abroad So edifies the Church of God And by his works upon the hearts of men So lively influences them That they who thus the seeds of grace inherit Brings forth the gracious fruits o' th' Spirit This is the sum of what my faith doth gather Of God my gracious heav'nly Father Ninth Article S. Matthew Another part of my belief remains And that the Church my Mother Claims And here I do believe not in nor on Such faith respecteth God alone But with a faith Historically meant Which does to truth reveal'd assent The holy Cath'lick Church that lovely spouse For which her Lord his life did lose Holy as builded up and founded on Christ the most holy corner stone Whose Constitutions Principles Profession Teach us her Sons this holy Lesson That holy as he is holy we must be Or never hope his face to see Catholick as all those it comprehends Whom our dear Lord accounts his friends Whether they Militate for him below Or having conquer'd triumph now A Church truth's rocky pillar and firm ground ' Gainst which Hell-gates no force have found Tenth Article S. Simon The sweet communion of the Saints that high And most Angelick harmony Which they have first with God Christs father and theirs As his beloved sons and heirs With God the Son as branches with the vine As members with the head combine With God the Spirit who in them as God Within his Temple keeps abode This bond of Charity does kindly move Their hearts and souls in mutual love And keeps the Church of God by this Communion A City in it self at Vnion Not tainting her nor truth perverting by Blind and erroneous heresie Nor yet with Schisms Rents dividing one And making many so make none The full and abs'lute free and gracious No way deserv'd or earn'd by us Forgiveness Pardon plenary remission Indempnity and abolition Of Sins of whatsoever kind degree Whether in thought word deed they be Granted to such as having faith that 's true Are by repentance born a-new Eleventh Article S. Judas Thaddeus The Resurrection of the fleshly part To share the spirits joy or smart The body to corruption now inclin'd But then more purer and more refin'd Whose scatter'd ashes erst base earth and clay And bones with drought consum'd away New-fram'd and reunited shall restore The self-same man that was before So though those crawling Cannibals the worn Destroy these bodies in their urns Yet in the flesh with these not other eyes We shall to see the Lord arise Twelfth Article S. Matthias And as the end the Crown and recompence Of this my faith and patience The Life not frail as this whose every breath Brings the man one step nearer death But everlasting such a life as when Thousands of years and after them Miriads are spent by millions multiply'd Though each brought forth an Age beside Shall have when this is spent and ten times mor● As long to last as 't had before And so shall still roll on without conclusion In an Eternal revolution In which all Souls Eternally shall dwell As Kings in Heav'n or Fiends in Hell Ravish'd with Musick in the Angels Quire Or Brands of Everlasting Fire Amen this was is will be true till when My Faith and Expectation say Amen Question I 've gladly heard you word by word explain This sacred Symbol great might be the pain To learn this young but greater sure the
a Sacrament 't were much The Priest himself should be forbid to touch That holy Ord'nance which by Christ's intent Must be accounted for a Sacrament None gives the Sacred Military Oath Till first himself have pledg'd his Loyal Troth The next is Penance joyn'd with Absolution Divinely ancient in the Institution Yet not a Gospel-Sacrament because As well by Jewish as by Christian Laws Enjoyn'd and Sacraments we know succeed In place of something now abolished Nor do we here an outward El'ment find If any so much more than Christ enjoyn'd The solemn antient Rite of Confirmation Deserves its due and lawful Commendation But yet the Romish Doctors all this while Are at a loss to prove their foppish Oyl Or whatsoever with that Oyl they joyn To have the nature of an outward Sign The best of which on no pretence rely To primitive Divine Authority That which the Romans call Extreme anointing Was one of Apostolical appointing But to another vastly diff'rent end From that which they that use it now intend 'T was then for health of body to be used Now as a Sign of Spirit'al Grace abused Question What do you take to be the true extent And meaning of this word A SACRAMENT Answer The word was first a Pagan Martial term The name of that inviolably firm And Sacred Oath when going out to War Each private Souldier to his General sware That he the Common Enemy would defie And in his Gen'rals Cause would live or die Since now the Christians life a Warfare is And as the Soldier swears true faith to his So does the Christian to his Gen'ral Christ In the Baptismal Vow and Eucharist And since those Vows so nearly represent That other Military Sacrament The Antient holy Fathers deem'd it fit Into the Church t' adopt and Christen it Now by this word an Infidel by Nation In the adopted Christian acceptation I mean a visible and outward Sign Of grace internal Spiritual Divine Giv'n us by Christ himself who order'd it In his great wisdom as the only fit And proper means whereby we must receive it And pledg t' assure us that we may believe it Question But if those Sacraments the Romans own Because deficient in the parts are none How many parts must go to make up one Answer These two the sign by outward sence perceiv'd And th' inward grace not seen but yet believ'd Question What is in Baptism the outward Rite The sign or form objected to the Sight Answer Water a proper Element whereby The cleansing of our Souls to signifie With which the person is Baptized either Immerg'd or Sprinkled with 't no matter whether Each are Symbolical and to Baptize No more to plunge than Sprinkle signifies And this perform'd in a name that Charms ' Gainst the Worlds witchcrafts and the Devils harms The pow'rful name o' th' mighty Lord of Hosts Ev'n God the Father Son and Holy Ghost Question What inward spiritual grace doth thence accrew Answer A being dead to Sin and born anew To Righteousness That old Usurping Slave First mortifi'd and buried in the Grave With Christ himself and so brought in Subjection The new man 's rais'd with him in 's Resurrection For being by nature which on Childrens lives The Parents vicious appetites derives And all the inbred seeds of stubborn frail And sinful inclinations does entail As do the Branches borrow from the Root The Sap that makes them fit for bearing Fruit They are by nature born and foster'd in The most corrupt depraved lusts of sin And so as Crabtree-Stocks are doom'd to burn Unless the Grafters hand their nature turn Become the Sons of wrath and vengeful ire Cut out for Brands of Everlasting fire Have by this gracious means our minds renew'd The raigning Pow'r of Sin and Lust subdu'd From Hell adopted into heavenly race And are of Sons of wrath made Sons of grace Ev'n grace that is with gracious freedom given And makes our Souls acceptable to Heaven Whose riches can alone supply our needs Gives us to will accepts that will for deeds Crowns our endeavours when we strive to run As if our strength and speed the race had won That grace which where it lights both is and shall Always and Every where be all in all Question What does the Lord that doth this grace inspire Of persons thus to be Baptiz'd require Answer Two graces which must correspond and joyn Concurrent service with the grace Divine Repentance such as may sence express Of Sins deform'd and loathsom sinfulness May second that with hearty true contrition And back that sorrow with a due Confession To God in chief as first and most offended Then to those men whose hurt the Sin intended And then to crown this happy undertaking A total final absolute forsaking A Resolution wholly to abstain To part with Sin and never meet again This is however Cast-aways may scoff Repentance ne'r to be repented of This will destroy the old man Sin and make The most united pow'rs of Hell to shake Then he must add to this a vig'rous true And active faith for building up the new Not only faith Historical that seals To all the Truths that Holy Writ reveals Nor faith of Miracles that takes a Bribe Of Wonders to enduce it to subscribe But such a faith as shall depend upon And trust in God's veracity alone And with assur'd yet humble Confidence Rely on 's will benign and strength immense For bringing of the Promises to pass Made to him in this Sacrament of grace Question Why Infants then baptiz'd whose tender age Cannot perform what here they must engage Answer Because they firmly by their Sureties mouth Who undertake for them do promise both Which promise when of understanding found Themselves to kéep and satisfie are bound So Guardians bonds must by their words be paid Though in the non-age of their Pupils made Question Why was that heavenly Sacramental feast Where sinful wretches are the blessed Guests That Feast at which Eternal life is gain'd The Supper of our dying Lord ordain'd Answer For the perpetual Commemoration Of that most perfect full and free Oblation Of Christ in 's meritorious Death and Passion That grateful Sacrifice that does alone Propitiate God to Man for Sin atone And for remembrance of each benefit And gracious gift that we receive by it Question What is in this the outward part or Sign Answer Untransubstantiated Bread and Wine Not chang'd when Consecrate as some maintain The natures still of Bread and Wine remain That late device of Transubstantiation Is but a vain and humane innovation Directly contradicts the Sacred Word And draws in Consequences most absurd Saint Paul and he knew surely what he said Call'd th' Element when blest and broken Bread And if our eyes if Sense we may believe 'T is none but Bread and Wine that we receive He that asserts or fancies otherwise The constant suffrage of his Sense denies And proves which in Religion looks but odd Himself a Cannibal that