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father_n faith_n holy_a son_n 19,365 5 5.6110 4 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A19935 A funerall sermon preached the xxvi. day of Nouember in the yeare of our Lord M.D.LXXVI. in the parishe church of Caermerthyn, by the Reuerende Father in God, Richard by the permission of God, Bishoppe of Saint Dauys, at the buriall of the Right Honourable VValter Earle of Essex and Ewe ... Davies, Richard, 1501-1581.; Waterhouse, Edward, Sir, 1535-1591. 1577 (1577) STC 6364; ESTC S109385 23,626 69

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Euery man that prooueth masteries abstayneth from all thinges and they doe it to obtayne a corruptible crowne Howe much more ought a true Christian with meditacion and exercise aforehande make himselfe expert and ready agaynst the tyme he shall take this earnest voyage in hande which is the way of all fleshe to obtayne an incorruptible crowne and to be made blessed for euer To this prouidence premeditacion and care Christ our sauiour doth mooue and stirre vs by the storye of the wicked stewarde which his Lorde called to a reconing and yet in one point commended for that he was prouident carefull how to lyue after he shoulde be remooued out of his office In thys Storie applyed to a spiritual sence Christ maketh vs all stewards and that at tyme conuenient we shall be called to a reconing and shal be sure to heare this voice Redde rationem villicationis tuae render an accompt of thy Stewardship Seing then that our Sauiour Christ vsed this Storie and the holy Ghost prouided the same to be left in writing to the ende to admonish and to prouoke vs to take care and to learne aforehande to dye in the Lorde that we may liue in the worlde to come it is a Storie woorthie to be noted we will therefore tary the longer vpon it and consider three points concerning the same First who be they that are to make a reconing then how many kinds of reconing is to be made and last of all what officers or messengers hath God ordayned to call men to this reconing For the first all maner and condicion of men being the workemanship of gods hands endued with reasonable soule and enriched with his giftes and blessings are to render an accompt for euery man in some respect is a stewarde of Gods riches and a bayly of Gods husbandrie and therfore haue more or lesse to aunswere for some fyue Talentes some two Talentes and some one Talent And therefore s. Paule sayeth Omnes nos manifestare oportet ante tribunal Christi c. Al we must appeare before the tribunall seate of Christ that euery man may receyue according to his dooinges notwithstanding there is diuersitie of the maners and kindes of reconings that are to be made One kinde is common to all men for the ende of all mens being for the tyme in the worlde is to honour God by obseruation of his lawes and commaundements and therefore all in a generalitie are to answere concerning their obedience to Gods lawe and his holy Worde concerning their fayth in the sonne of God and what lyfe they haue led in this worlde All shall heare that which Christ speaketh of Come you blessed of my father possesse the king-dome prepared for you from the beginning of the worlde I was a hungred and you gaue me to eate I was a thyrst and you gaue me to drincke and so foorth of the other workes of charitie there mencioned Or else being set on the left hande they shall here Depart from me you cursed to euerlasting fyre which is prepared for the Deuill and his Aungels I was a hungred and you gaue me no meate I was a thirst and you gaue me no drinke and so forth of the reast there rehearsed An other kind of reconing is peculiare proper to such as God hath called to be Rulers Gouernours and officers in the common wealth as Kinges Princes Magistrates Byshops Iudges Iustices and such lyke officers Here is a place offered to speake of the distinct and seuerall reconings that euery of these and the lyke in their degrees shall make but that can not be performed in such tyme as is meete for me to occupie now in this audience I will onely note some part of the reconing that Rulers Magistrates Iustices and officers shal make which Salomon in the sixt chapter of the booke of Wisedome setteth out thus much in effect First he putteth them in remembrance of a matter cōmonly forgotten amongst great men that is that the rule is giuen them of God and that their authoritie is from the most hygh Wherevpon followeth that they shoulde apply their authoritie to set out his glorie and honour who placed them in so high a ro●ome and who also will trye their workes and search out their purposes Secondly he accuseth thē that where they were put in trust and made officers in the common welth they haue not iudged rightly meaning between party and partie but delt parcially and corruptly agaynst law and conscience and telleth further that in their offices and high callings they walked not after the wil of God according to the trust reposed in them Lastly he admonisheth them that it wyll go harde with them in the time of reconing saying that a harde iudgement shall they haue that beare rule and the mightie shal be mightily punished Here we may see what wofull case they be in that neuer thinke of any reconing to be made howe they behaued thēselues in their authoritie And what shall become of them that in their dooings will neuer consider what the will of God is but contrarie vnreasonably walke after the pleasures and riches of thys worlde applye all their power to further and continue the kingdome of Antichrist defende papisterie supersticion and Idolatrie pilgrimages to Welles and blinde Chappelles procure the wardens of churches in tyme of visitacion to periurie to conceale images roode loftes and aulters This is lamentable that Gods chosen officers in this blessed time of light knowledge of the gospell of Christ will neither enter themselues to the kingdome of Heauen nor suffer thē that would for as the ruler of the citie is so be the inhabitance of the same Here would I wish that the Iustices of peace with vs in Wales shoulde receyue admonishion and learning although I speake generally of them yet I knowe that some of them walke vprightly and more after the will of God then others doe They haue to consider that they by the disposition of God are men chosen and pycked out from among their brethren for that they are thought and taken to be of courage and fortitude to minister iustice rightly without respect of person men hauing the feare of God before their eyes true dealing men and such as abhorre couetousnesse Salomon speaketh of them amongest others that God will trie their workes and search out their deuises what shal be their aunswere therefore in the tyme of reconing For then shall appeare and cannot be hyd that commonly all that they dyd in their office was in respect of persons to pleasure the great man least he should finde a hole in their coates Then shall their actes in their office testifie that they were voide of all religion and feare of God so farre beside conscience and equitie as if they beleeued there were neither God to reward well dooings nor Deuill to execute punishment for euill deedes Then shall appeare that when a cause was brought afore them they