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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A11245 Truthe tryed very comfortable to the faithfull, but a discomfort to the enemies of God / newly sette forth by J.S. J. S. 1562 (1562) STC 21506; ESTC S2307 22,134 63

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ministers which they lerned in the boke of life vppon whiche foundation the apostles and auncient fathers and doctours of the Church in this pointe haue builded as vpon a most sure and infallible rocke Hebr. ix Act. 7.17 Esay 66. Christe saith Paule is not entred into the holy places that are made with handes whiche are but similitudes of true thynges but is entred into the very heauens for to appeare now in the sight of God for vs. Euery priest is ready daily ministring and oftentymes offreth one maner offrynge Hebr. x. whiche can neuer take awaye synne but this man after he had offered one sacrifice for synnes satte hym downe for euer on the right hande of God and from hensfoorth taryeth till his foes be made his footestoole Ye shal haue poore folke always with you Math. 26. Iohn 12. Mark 14. Iohn 7. but me shall ye not haue Also Sainte Iohn in hys vii Chapiter ye shall seke me and shal not fynde me wher I am thether can ye not come Athanasius likewise in his crede sayth that Christ ascended into heauen and sytteth on the ryghte hande of God the father almyghtie from whence he shall come to Iudge the quicke and the dead And more ouer in the articles of oure fayth the thyrde daye he rose agayne from the dead he ascended into heauen and sytteth on the righte hande of God and from thence he shal come to Iudge the quicke and the dead which iudgement of the quicke and the dead if it be already past then is Christ really present as the papystes affyrme But if that dredful day be yet to com as it is the part duty of Christians to beleue although it be not farre of then is not Christ now with vs as in hys humanitye Mat. 16. Marce. 8. Luc. 9. but shal come in the glorye of hys father with hys Angels and then shall reward euery mā accordyng to his dedes at whose cōmyng God graunt we may be found readye and not slepyng Wel then for as muche as that one offrynge of Iesu Christ being all in al and onely sufficient To what entent or purpose should we haue such so many daily sacrifices for what are they but a very plain denial of Christ crucifyed to be a sacrifyce only sufficient for those that beleue to haue saluation therby And thus good Christian brethren although ther be in holy scripture many more places to bee alledged which myght be applyed and aptly serue for the satysfyeng o● Christian consciences in this point that Christ sitteth at the right hand of the father as touchyng hys humanitye Yet I praye you let these for briefnes presently bee sufficiente and hereby may ye now see how the iugglyng Masse Priests haue abused the Sacrament of the body and bloude of Christ whiche mystery of all the faythfull oughte thus to be vnderstanded and for this purpose did Christ our sauior institute ordaine and leaue it vnto vs to be vsed That thou Christian shouldest come there vnto with a penitent hart for thy former offences fullye and earnestlye purposyng through the assistance of the almighty to put vpō thee the new mā which is created after god in righteousnesse and holynes of truth stedfastlye beleuynge that through the passion bloudshed and death of Christ vpō the Crosse which the bread wyne as holy signes do represent thou hast I say obtayned full remyssion of thy synnes And in thys fayth with reuerence and humblenes of hart eate and drynke the mysteries of the body bloud of Christ And this glorious worke hath oure almyghtye and gratious God the father wrought in by his sonne Iesu Christ our sauiour for the saluatiō of as many as stedfastly beleue the same And thus is to be vnderstanded of this pure holy Sacrament and not that after the subtyl sorcerye and coniuration of the priest being finished the bodye of oure sauiour Christe to be forth with there in the ful proportion of hys humanitye For as Sainte Austen witnesseth the bodily presence of Christe concerninge his humanitye is in some one place of heauen but hys diuyne presence was is and shal be there here and in all places where it shal please hym alwaies ready to assiste those that faythfully ar gathered together in his name And agayne he sayeth as concernyng the presence of hys fleshe The Church had Christ but a fewe dayes yet nowe it holdeth hym faste by fayth though it see hym not with eyes Cirillus lykewyse wryteth that all thoughe Christe toke awaye from hence the presence of his body yet in the Maiesty of his Godheade he is euer here Also Gregory affirmeth that Christ is not here by the presence of hys fleshe and yet is absent no where by the presence of hys Maiestye And thys I take to be so playnly sayd to satysfye in thys poynt as that there nedeth no more rehearsall of any other authors But if thys suffyse the not resorte then vnto the golden booke of that worthye Cramner late Archebyshoppe of Canturburye where thou mayest haue grounde woorke and sure foundation sufficient to buyld thy faith vpon in thys poynt and then with an vpryght conscience iudge indyfferently howe muche the dyuelishe and erronious doctrine inuented by the papists dysagreeth and varyeth from the sacred woorde of God and the opinions and mynds of the fathers and the Doctors of the primatiue church Wel thus were we instructed thus had we I say the truth of god taught and opened vnto vs we were dayly fed and nourished with the liuely words of god In the settyng forth and teachyng wherof when the preachers had diligently traueled and through their zelous earnestnes in the declaration of their Master Christ hys message they had so instructed and taught vs that thereby we were somewhat trayned from the daungerous perillous pathwaies of perditiō wherin we were before blyndly led and that by the assistance of God through those hys ministers wee were broughte to some vnderstandyng and knowledge of hym and hadde some taste and swetenesse of the Gospell of Iesu Christe which is the pleasaunt path way the leadeth to eternall saluation Then seased they not but continually and louyngly exhorted vs not to bee forgetfull of the greate mercye that God hadde so louynglye shewed in the reuealynge of hys truthe vnto vs styl puttyng vs in remembrance to perseuer in the same Proue 23 applying our hartes vnto learning and our eares vnto the words of knowledge 2 Timo 3 to cōtinue in reading the holy scriptures which is able to make vs wise vnto saluation throughe the fayth whiche is in Christ Iesu Thus wer we thē taught ye infinite numbers of godly instructions were geuē vs by these schoole masters worthy of their office 1 Peter 2 These wer true instructors these were they that Peter speaketh of euen the true prophets of the chosen generation of the holy natiō peculiar people that shewed vs the vertues of him
whiche we professe that we geue not the ennemies of the Lorde a cause to raile for happy is he that readeth and they that heare the worde of god and kepe those thynges that are written therin Reuela 1 and otherwise we are but slanderers of the gospelle And therfore let vs take away our euill thoughtes out of the sight of God cease to doo euill seke iudgement help the poore oppressed Esay 1. be fauorable to the fatherles defend the widow then shal our sinnes as red as scarlet be made as white as snow and then as God of his mightifull mercy hath brought downe and suppressed the stoute mountaynes and hygh rockes Baruch 5. Ps●l ●● 17. the ennemyes of hys truthe whiche maintained theyr owne welthines with oppression and who also haue long bene glad and reioysed at our late decaye so shal he likewise force them whose ioye is nowe turned to sorow still to mourne in theyr owne destruction and we shall encrease and not diminishe but styll quietlye inhabite enioy and peaceablye possesse oure swete blessed land the floweth with milke hony which god hath geuen vs to our vnspeakable comforte and the greate glorye of oure almighty heauenly father with whome after this transitorye life ended we shal bee partakers of hys heauenly kingdome To that immortal god therfore with his only sonne oure sauiour Iesu Christe and to the holye ghost that swete comforter be al praise and glory for euer and euer Amen Finis ꝙ I. S. A praier or geuing of thankes for our deliuery from the hands of our enemies restoryng vnto vs the fredom of our conscience MOst puisaunt mighty and euerliuing God the god of all consolation the comforter of the comfortles the helper vp of such as were fallen the mercifull free forgeuer of the penitent sinners we sorowfull and sinfull wretches thy poore and sely creatures acknowledge confesse our greuous offences ye we protest before thy maiestye against our selues our disobedience our abhominable detestable and wicked sinnes which we most greuously against thy diuyne maiestie haue committed in transgressyng thy holy commaundements neglecting thy sacred word and despisyng the godly admonitiōs and warnings of thy ministers the preachers teachers of the same for the whiche oure moste heynous and horrible crime as of thy iuste iustice it pleased thee to take from vs and worthily to dispossesse vs of that heauenly treasure inestimable dwelling the onely substaunce of our soules thy liuely and euerlasting worde thorough want wherof we daily decayed pitifully perished and grewe more and more into sundry and manifolde miseries ye bothe we and oure countrey in daunger of vtter destruction till of thy only goodnes and heauenly clemency according to the multitude of thy mercies and not of our desert turning thy face from our sinnes forgetting our vnworthines and rather carefully pitieng our wofull and miserable state it pleased the agayne to restore vnto vs the fredome of oure conscience and in time to lay to thy hande for the defence of thy people against their enemies who thorough their violēce had oppressed their flock and troden thy truth vnder foote and diddest delyuer vs from the raging madnesse and tyranny of that mercycylesse gredy rauenous and Romyshe bloudsuckers euen as thou by thy myghtie power delyueredst Danyell foorth of the den from the hungry lyons therby cuttyng our sacke of sorow in peces turning our misery to mirth our woe to wealth and clothynge vs with ioye and gladnesse and haste also gathered together the remnant of thy flocke dispersed in sundry countreys to feede nowe with vs togyther vppon the holsome pleasant and swete pastures of thy sacred word here in our natiue blessed and fruitfull countreye of Englande which we through thy vnspekable and great mercy to the praise of thy holy name and our comfort doo quietly and peasibly possesse So nowe muste gratious and eternall God and heauenly father we selye wretches of our selues moste vyle and voyde of all goodnesse without thy assistaunce and fatherly care for vs prostratyng oure selues before thy maiestie do with vnfained harts most humbly beseche thee that this cherefull lyght of thy countenance may continually shyne vpon vs and our contrey and that it may please thee more more to poure out thy holy spirite vppon vs that by the assistance therof wee maye bee folowers of the swete comfortable doctrin now daily pronoūced taught by thyn elect chosen ministers neuer herafter go back agayn nor fall from thy truth but imbrace it stil go forward in the same according to our profession that our vertuous life may be an exāple to the wicked that sinners may be conuerted vnto thee be stil fauorable O'lord be now euer a defence vnto thy people of England els where soeuer thy gospell is taught and let no more thy heritage of England be brought to cōfusion geue vs no more ouer nor suffer vs neuer hereafter to be a reprofe amōg our ennemies neither suffer any more suche as be strangers to thy truth to gouerne vs that the blood of innocentes be no more spilt but good lorde for thy mercye sake mollyfie the stony heartes of those wilful ones that in time they may mekely tast the sweetenes of thy glorious gospel learne to know the and become of the number of the flocke of thy folde that we may be glad and reioice at their conuersion but if they shal still frowardly obstinately persist in their wilfull and wicked blyndnes despise thy holy lawes disdain the truthe crokedly contende and rebelliously resiste the godly religious procedinges of our moste gratious and soueraign princesse quene Elizabeth to whom we humbly besech thee to graunt a long ioiful and prosperous raign to the more magnifiing and extolling of thy glorious name and the comforte of this thy realme and people of England by thee committed vnto her gouernmēt whom also thou haste appointed and by thy holy worde autorised chiefe and supreme gouernor Then lord we pray the and reuerently requeste thee as thou arte an ennemye to the wicked doers abhorrest the bloud thyrstye and deceitefull and broughte their pomp and power to noughte So let their wickednes fal vpon their own heades and poure out thy indignacion vpon them that they may perishe together in our syght to their vtter confusion and neuer more be able to ryse vp nor rebell agaynst thee and thy Christ nor preuail against or molest thy flock but be thou our heauenly shepard euer in the myddest of vs that we alwayes may beyng as one flocke of one folde drawynge together by one lyne with godly and zelous hartes christianlike professyng one truthe euen thy gracious gospell and plentifully yeldynge foorth the fruites of the same may continually receiue thy heuenly venediction vppon vs and our contrey that our pastures may be ●●●ne and the earthe bryng foorthe and yelde her encrease that in due tyme we may with thankes geuynge reape and gather the fruites therof to our comfort ioyfully making our boast of thy praise and all the dais of our lyfe serue thee our Lord God in holinesse and rightuousnesse To whom with the sonne and the holy ghost one onely and eternall God bee all praise glorye and maiestie for euer and euer Amen Finis Imprinted at Lōdon by Henry Sutton for Edward Sutton dwellyng in Lumbarde strete at the signe of the Cradell The .xxi. day of December in the yere of our Lorde 1562. Perused and allovved according to the Quenes maiesties iniunctions