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A09947 A godly and holsom preseruatyue against disperacio[n] at al times necessarye for the soule: but then chiefelye to be vsed and ministred when the deuil doth assault vs most fiersely, & doth approcheth nieste. 1551 (1551) STC 20204; ESTC S102567 21,264 82

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he wyll caste hym downe to hel perpetually cōdempne hym When therfore the temptor shall lasche at vs with ly●e temptacyons we maye not shrinke we may not be afraid w● may not be dyscoraged but cōmend our self wholy to CHRISTE hange vpon hym who is wholye oures who hath geuē him self wholy to vs so that synne deathe nor hel hath no thynge to do wyth vs. Chryste with a inestimable price his owne bloude hathe deliueryd vs frome the tyranny of the deuyl and euerlastinge dampnaciō he is become our innocency our lyfe and oure iustice Let vs take hede in anye ways that we turne not our hartes from CHRISTE crucifyed Yf we cleue to hym we are set vpon a sure and inexpugnable rocke agaynste the whyche all the power of hell is able to do nothinge So that we may boldli exclame and euery one saye ●●th CHRISTE I prouided the lorde afore my eys all waye Psal xvi for he is at my ryght elbowe that I shulde not be mouyd therefore my harte hath be gladde and my tonge hathe reioysed moreouer my flesshe shall reste in hope By faythe in CHRISTE we become the sonnes of GOD the bretherne and coheires of Chryst and partakers of euerlastynge lyfe by this faith departing hence we shall go to the kyngdome preparyd for the electe afore the beginnynge of the world And if in the feruentnes of these tēptacyōs our faythe begine to wauer yf we do not bere pacyentlye the wyll of oure heuinlye Father if our loue towarde god waxe faynt and cold yf o●●● hope beginne to be feble weake and therfore we begynne to feare lesse god and we be not all at a full poynt but that he is yet desplesed with vs which tentacion surely is verye greuous painful dangerous and hard to ouercome we must cal to remembrance Christ to haue suffred for vs so intollerable and inuincible tentacions that there apered no help no confort no refuge wherin GOD and the whole worlde semyd to haue for saken him and to be against him In so mouche that he exclamed O mi god o mi GOD why haste thou forsaken me Oh here was a greuous tentacion A sharpe and a bytter deathe that CHRSTE suffered for vs and all to make the way of the crosse and death easy vnto vs. Therfore seynge that CHRISTE of hys owne free wyll caste hym selfe in to the felynge of intollerable payne calam●ty and anxeity GOD our most louynge Father beyng therwith contente vndoubtedlye he knoweth and considereth our enfirmite vndoubtedly he will not deale with vs accordynge to the rigour of the lawe but will bere much with vs and pardon many thinges to our infirmity Dothe not CHRIST speake to all men doth he not call men when he sayth Come vnto me all you that do labour and are laden and I shal refresh you how can ther be any greater consolacyon how coulde CHRISTE speake more mercyfull to vs. There be many thinges that pynche ▪ vexe and trouble man greuously but what thyng is it that can trouble the conscience of a synner more thē whē he doubteth of the mercy of god then whan he feareth lest God will cast him of then whan he cā not persuad him self to conceaue ani trust of gods m●rci but Imagine that us withered member he shall cut of and cast away Here we had nede of christs presēt helpe here we had nede of spedi cōfort lest this violente tempest ouerwhelme and drowne vs. But let vs not feare CHRISTE is no decembler he wyll stande by his worde he wyll perfourme hys promise He wyll helpe and refreshe Therefore when we begynne to trimble and feare in our conscience when we beginne to doubt of goddes mercy when we perceaue our faythe to be feable Let vs forthwith call vppon GOD and that feruentlye and that indesinantlye euen from the bottome of oure harte that he tourne not his face from vs. Lette vs power be●ore hym all that dothe trouble vs. Let vs disclose to hym oure meserye oure imbecillitye oure incredulity Let vs crye wyth the disciples Lorde increase oure fayth And wyth the Father of the Lunatycke Luc. xvii Lorde we beleue helpe our incredulyte And with the prophet Marci i Lorde make haste to help vs. For thy mercy is aboue all thy workes O mooste louyng O moste mercyful father lord god of our healthe Psa lxi our onlye helpe and refuge Enter not into iudgemente with thy seruauntes Chryste is our iustyce oure redeption and innocēcy he for vs hath suffered most bitter cruel death Let these thynges moue the o father of mercy For this thi son our sauior chryst●s sake haue mercy vpō vs confirme and strength our harte in fayth cōfort vs with the consolacions of thy holy spr●t that we may finally optayne Ioy euerlastyng through Iesus christ Amen After thys sort yf we laboryng wresting and stryuinge wyth our imbecillyty accusing afore god lamentinge our pusilianitye and incredulity do catch hold of christ and clene fast to hym earnestlye and feruently desiryng hys help that he wyl vouchsafe to take our place to supplye that is lackyng in vs. These thinges if we do surely all thinges shal be well we shal auoyde and escape easly al daunger peril we shal be safe inough For these two to beleue in Chryst and with hart to desire fayth doth not much differ the one frō the other For though we fele yet great weaknes and imperfection in our selfe yet this ought to comfort vs that god willeth commaundeth that he shoulde be called vpon that he hath promised to here and help these that cal ryghtly vpon hym Now as nothing is more iustli or necessarily desyred thē true fayth euen so god hearyth no prayer soner or more gladly thē whan man findyng no goodnes in hym selfe doth acknowlege his owne infyrmity hys owne mysery hys owne beggerlines dothe accuse and lament his owne increduliti with depe sighes harti des●res calleth for fayth These sighes these desyres these p●ayers this litil sparke of faithe is the very sede of God wrought in vs by him which saith of chryste by the Prophet Esay that he shall not quenche the smoking filaxe nor breake the brusyd rede Therfore let vs stedfastly beleue or at the leaste earnestelye and hartely pray that we maye beleue bewayling afore god our lacke of fayth whiche thinges if we do we nede not doubt bot we be acceptid of god we be taken for his childrē For it is not for noughte nor in vayne that he hathe layde oure imbecillitie and synnes vpon hys only begoten sonnes backe In Mathew Math. v. it is said blessed be those that mourne for thei shal be comforted blessed be those that hōger after righteousnes for ●hey shal be satisfi●d These wordes ar spok●n also to vs they may iustly be applied to vs we mourne and are sorye in our hartes the we haue mispendid our life past We wish and desire yea we euen honger
For thus was it sayde to the thefe at his houre of death Thys daye shalt thou be with me in paradise The bodye thoughe it reste and pause for a whyle yet we be in certaine hope that at the laste daye it shal be raysed againe to immortal and euerlasting life And therfore scripture calleth the deathe of the body but a slepe for that thys same frayle weke vyle mortall and corruptible bodye whych we cary about which lieth sicke sore diseased which shortly shal be put into the earth burne to asshes deuoured with bestes or fooles drowned in water the same self bodi I say shal be raised again incorruptible glorious bewtifull stronge pure immortall to possesse a newe and euerlastyng lyfe i. Cor. xv where there shall neither be hūger thirst heate cold synne deth nor any kynde of calamitie but iustice innocencye lyfe ioye blesse world withoute ende For as the body of Chryst laid in the graue rose agayne the thirde day neuer more to dye euē so shal the bodies of al the beleue in chryst at the latter day be resuscitate to a lyfe after whiche shall folowe no death God who is of infinite power and infallible truth hath promysed these thynges they muste therfore nedes be so And here it shal be profitable to call to remembraunce suche places of scrypture as treateth of the resurrectyon of the flesh which be the words not of man but of god who is able will certeynly fulfill what soeuer he hath spoken No man can chaunge his wil no man can alter his purpose No creature can frustrate let or tary his sentence He is omnipotēt he is true he is faithfull his goodnes and mercye is inexpicable Let no man therfore doubte of the trueth of his wordes let no man doubte of the performaūce of this promise ☞ Here after foloweth certayne places of scripture witnessing the resurrection of the dead accordynge to the article of oure fayth wherin we say we beleue that this flesh shal rise agayne Ioan vi THis is the wyl of my father which sent me that who soeuer seith the sōne beleueth in hī shal haue life euer lastinge and I wyl raise him vp again in the last daye Iohan. v The houre cometh wherin all they that be ī the graues shal here the voice of the sonne of god and shall go forth thei that haue done good vnto the resurrectiō of lyfe For if so be that the spirite of him which raysed vp Iesus from the deade dwell in you Rom. vi.i. euen he that raysed vp Iesus Chryst from the dead shall also quicken your mortall bodies because of hys spiryte that dwelleth in you i. Cor. vi God hathe both raysed vp oure Lord Iesus Christ and shal also raise vs vp by his power Iohan. xi Christe sayeth Lazarus was but a slepe where in verye dede he was dead and buried But Christ is the resurrectiō and lyfe as it is in the same place so that he that beleueth on him thought he were dead he shall lyue In verefienge whereof he raised strayghte waye Lazarus being foure dayes dead and stynkynge And because we be naturallye in the agonye of deathe virye fearefull weake and faintherted to th ende that we myght be the easelier perswaded in the article of resurrectiō Scripture maketh mencion of manye whiche in the tyme of the prophetes Chryste and thappostles were called from death to lyfe Luc. vii Luc. i. Christ raysed the widowes sōne He raised the ruler of the sinagoge his daughter Iohan. xi Act. ix He raised Lazarus Peter restored to life Tabitha Act. xx 4. Reg. iiii Paule raised again Eutichus Elizeus the prophete called againe to lyfe his hostes sonne 4 Re. xvii Helias raised the babe of the woman of Sareptanie God toke also vnto him out of this frail and transitory life Gen. v. 4. Reg. ii these two excellent and holy men enoch and Helias quicke bothe bodye soule to giue vs as it were a tast and representation of the true life to come lest after the opinion of the ethnickes and epicures we shulde thynke there were no worlde nor beinge after this wretched miserable lyfe Let vs not forget what christ Iesus lorde of lyfe death sayth in the .viii. of Luke wepe not the maid is not dead but a slepe Reason not cōprehēding the misteryes of god nether perceiuing his pooer doth laugh this saīg to scorne but crist proueth his saīg true he raiseth by by the dead maide to lyfe The .xv. chapter of the first epistle to the Corin. is replenished with most godly pleasaūt and pithy consolacions Trulye it is more precious than any golde For in that Chapit saincte Paule dothe so annexe and couple oure resurreccion to the resurrectiō of christ as though thei coulde in no wyse be seperate or deuyded after thys forme Chryst is rysen from death which thing is certen ergo 〈◊〉 also shal vndoutedly rise For christ is our head and we his membres Thys head is nether without nether wyll forsake his membres Thē it foloweth that where christ is there shall we be For why we are the members of hys body and euen of his fleshe and bone Ephe. v what tonge what penne what wytte is able to set forthe as it is worthy this ineffable inestimable glory of the mercye and grace of god the God hathe vouchsafe so lowe to humble himself as to become mortal man that this feble and fraile nature or man vnited and knit to the diuine natur● by the power ●fficacie of the godhead myght be in haunced promoted to immortalitie For trulye the nature of al faythfull men whyche ether were before chryst hath be sens at now or shal be to the worldes ende vndoubtedlie in chryst very god and man hath optained immortallity The consolacion therfore the riseth of christes resurrection is of great efficacitie As when sainct Paule saythe to the Corinthians i. Cor. xv Christ is risen againe from dead and is the firste fruictes of theim that slepe for by one man truly cam death bi one man cometh the resurrectiō of the dead And as al die in Adame euyn so shall all be made alyue in chryst but euery one in his order The first is christ Thē thei which are christes whych hathe beleued in his comming And saint Paul dothe adde a similitude taken of naturall thynges wherby he doth set forthe and declare the resurrection of bodies The symilitude is takē of sede whych is cast into the earthe by the husbandman dieth as it were and rotteth Neuer the lesse it is not vtterlye loste but at lenght spryngeth cōmeth forthe of the earth goodlye beautyful pleasaunte So our bodyes shall rise agayne not feble vyle corruptyble mortall but stronge glorious incorruptible immortal neuer to dy again but euer to liue The wai into true and euerlastynge lyfe to our longe home as they call it and contrey is by
thirst after righteousnes Let vs be of good chere we shall o●tain our desyre we shal be comforted we shal be counted iust afore god for Chryst our sauioure his sake Finally let vs after this example of Chryst and sainct Steuen cōmend our soules into the handes of god your heuēly father sayng euery one after this maner O Most merciful father I commend into thy holye handes my spirit yea thy spirit for thou hast creat it thou haste commytted it for a tyme to the body thou hast geuen it thy owne Image and simylitude Thou hast sente for the redēption of it thi owne most derely belouyd sonne to shed his bloud Thys the spirite I resigne into thi handes O GOD of all mercye I am thyne al that I am I beseche the refuse not thy owne but receaue kepe and place me in euerlasting glory for the sake of Iesus Christ thy only begotten sonne Amen ¶ A prayer to be sayde at the houre of death O Lorde Iesu whych art the onely health of al menne liuynge and the euerlastynge lyfe of them whyche dye in thy fayth I wretched synner geue and submit my selfe wholy vnto thy most blessed will And I beynge sure that the thynge cannot peryshe whych is cōmytted vnto thy mercy wyllyngly nowe I leaue thys frayle and wycked fleshe in hope of the resurreccion which in better wyse shal restore it to me againe I beseche the most mercyful lorde Iesu Chryst that thou wylte by thy grace make stronge my soule agaynst all temptacyons and that thou wylte couer and defende me wyth the buckler of thy mercye agaynst al the assaultes of the deuyl I se and knowledge that there is in my selfe no helpe of saluacion but al my confidence hope trust is in thy mooste mercyful goodnes 〈◊〉 haue no merytes nor good workes which I maye all●ge before the Of sinnes euyl workes alas see a great heape but thorowe thy mercy I truste to bee in the numbre of thē to whom● thou wylt not impute theyr sinnes but take and accept me for ryghteous and iust to be thinheritour of euerlastynge lyfe Thou mercyful Lord werte borne for my sak● thou dyddest suff●e bothe hungre and trust for my sake the dydest preache and teache thou didst pray faste for my sake thou diddest all good woorkes and dedes for my sake thou sufferedest most greuous paines and tormētes for my sake And finally thou gauest thy moste precyous body to dy● and thy bloud to be shed on the crosse for my ●ake Now● moost mercyfull sauyour let all these thynges profyte me whyche thou freely haste geuen me that haste geuen thy selfe for me let thy bloude cle●●e washe awaye the spottes and foulnesse of my synnes Lette thy ryghteousnesse hyde and couer myne vnryghteousnesse Lette the merytes of thy passyon and bloude be the satisfaccion of my synnes Geue me Lord thy grace that my faythe and saluaciō in thy bloud wauer not in me but euer be fyrme and constante that the hope of thy mercy and lyfe euerlastynge neuer decaye in me that charytye ware not colde in me fynallye that the weakenesse of my fleshe be not ouercome wyth the feare of death Graunte me mercyfull sauioure that when deathe hath shutte vp the eyes of my bodye yet that the eyes of my soule maye styll beholde and loke vpon thee that whē death hath taken awaye the vse of my tonge and speache yet that my harte may crye saye vnto the In man●s tuas domine commendo spiritum meum that is to s●y O lord into thy handes I g●ue and commytte my soule Domine Iesu accipe spiritu● meum Lorde Iesu receiue my soule vnto thee Amen ¶ Imprynted at London by Wyllyam Copland for Rychard Kele
dead to synne by Chrystes deathe we haue also certaine and sure remission of our synnes by chrystes deth we be raised also to a newe and euerlastynge lyfe For baptyme is a couenand betwixt god and vs. And a sygne of his grace and fauour towarde vs wherin we be reconciled and made at one wyth god againe so that we may nowe haue a ioyfull and quiet cōscience for somuch as our sinnes be forgeuē vs through the resurrection of Iesus chryst yea christ also in the institucion of the most blesed sacramēt of his last supper speaketh also to vs saynge that hys bloud is shed for the remission of synne Nowe although we haue not liued alwaye innocentlye nether led suche a lyfe as we ought to haue done Yet we maye not dispaire but without delay resort vnto god by true repentaūce cal faithfully vpon hys name and we shal be saued Rom. x Ye let euery one of vs with a meke harte burst out into these or like wordes and say O most mercyful god father of al mercy father of oure LORD Iesu Chryste be mercyfull vnto me a wretched synner make spede to deliuer me for the moste bitter but moost precious death and passion of Iesu Chryste thy only begotten sonne our redemer and only sauioure Amen Enter not o lord into iudgement wyth thy seruaunte handle me not accordynge to my deseruyng neyther do vnto me after my iniquities but according to thy infinite and botomles goodnes mercye take me vnto the. I a miserable and wretched creature am in thy hand I am in thy debt daunger thou mayst do with me what it please the. O moost mercyfull father forsake me not nor caste me of I am thine all that I am There can no man comfort no man help no man delyuer me but thou alone Thou art the true comforte the most present helpe the surest bulwarke in all necessite Thou god art my refuge my strengthe my helpe in al troubl● Thou art my Lord in thy handes resteth al my chaunce and affaires Shew thy louinge and mercifull face vpon thy seruant saue me in thy mercy O lord but many wayes in our extreme sicknes and affliction let vs beware we loke not to earnestly nether to longe vpon oure sinnes But rather let vs haue the image of Christes moste helthfull and precious deth before our eys Let vs fix that in our mynd and be full perswaded that Christe is now bourdened with his synnes that he hathe nowe taken theym vpon his owne shoulders and so hath satisfied for theim and wasshed them awai that he wil neuer charge vs with thē but frelye for geaue vs theim as we professe in our Crede whē we sai Credimus remissionē peccatorum we beleue the remission of synnes ¶ Here it shal be mete that in our syckenes we call to remembraunce such places of holy scripture as testifieth of remission of synne purchased by Christe of the which some be here subscribed Ioh. i. BEhold the lābe of God which takith away the synne of the worlde We are bought with no golde nor siluer i. Pet. i nether any corruptible price but with the precious bloud of the vnspotted and vndefyled lambe Iesus Christ ¶ So god hath loued the world that he gaue hys onely begotten sonne to the ende that we so beleuynge in hym dothe not peryshe but haue lyfe euerlasting Io. iii I come not to call the righteous but the sinners to repentaunce Mat. ix Come vnto me all ye that labour and are laden and I shall refresh you Lo he calleth all Mat. xi he refuseth he excludeth none we must includ also our selues within his words All we must resorte to him and he wil receaue and reffeshe vs God setteth forth hys loue toward vs For Christ died for vs Rom. v when we were yet sinners muche more now therfore we being iustified bi his blood shal be sauffe frō wrath by him i. Cor. i Christ Iesus is be commed vnto vs wisdom righteousnes holines redempciō Here let vs confort our selues that though we haue be neuer so gret sinners let vs cōfesse and knowledg our synne let vs call for mercye and pardon let vs vnfainedly beleue christ to be our only helth Iustice and redēpt on and strayght waye he is so he wyl by and by couer and put awai our sinnes in such sort that we shal nede fere no peril nor daūger ii Cor. v Him that knew no sinne hath god made sinne .i. a payment of sinne for vs that we shuld becōe the righteousnes of god by hym Gal. i Christ gaue him selfe for our sinnes that he myghte delyuer vs fro this presēt wicked world acording to the wil of god our father In Christ we haue redemption throughe hys bloude Ephe. ● euen the remession of synnes according to the riches of his grace Christ Iesus is come in to this world to saue synners i. Tit. i Christe Iesus hathe geuen hym selfe a redempciō for al mē i. Tit ii This let vs cōstantly beleue vndoubted we be of the nombre of those that shal be saued For whē he is come a redemption for all these thynges the he hath suffered pertayneth no lesse to the me euery one of vs so we beleue than to Peter or Paule Christ hath borne our sinnes in his body vpon the crosse i. Pet. ii Christ died ones for our synnes the ryghteous for the vnrighteous i. Pe. ii The bloud of Iesus chryst clenseth vs from all sinne i. Ioan. i If ani man doth sinne we haue a aduocate with the father euē Iesus i. Ioan ●i Chryst the ryghteouse and he is the attonemente for our synnes Not for ours onely but for the synnes of the whole worlde By these places and suche lyke we maye se howe god the father which wyll not the death of a sinner but that we shulde turne and lyue for that moost feruente burnyng loue that he beareth toward vs hath eased vs of the burden of our sin hath layd it vpō the back of his most dere beloued sonne which his sōne hath so takē borne and suffered for them that they can neuer condemne vs. For god taketh and reputeth the deathe of his sonne for a full satisfactyon paiment for al our sinnes so that we truly beleue in hym For seing that our sinnes thus layde vpon Chryst could not ouercome hym retain him in deth nor dāpne him for why he rose againe vndoubtedly a full satisfaccion is alredye made for them the iustyce of god is fully answered and they be vtterly hid and forgeuen Let vs beleue thys and we shall not perysh euerlastingly For chryst is nowe become ours with al that he hath with hys death with hys resurrection wyth his assencion into heauen with his lyfe Qui proprio filio suo non sepercit his merites hys glorye As saynt Paule wytnesse Rom. viii wherfore Satan hath nowe no title to
vs he can not medle with vs he hathe no power to hurt vs. Forsomuch as we be iustified by christ purged from our synnes and made the chyldren of god by Chryst who hath reconcyled vs wrought our peace we must therfore be of good cōforte For seinge we be in the handes of god that is omnipotent who is now our best most louīg trusty father we be in a sureporte we be wtout daūger there cā no incommodity nor aduersitie hurt vs for we be inuironed with the custodi of god the gard of angels oute of the handes of this heuenly father can no creature by force pluck vs When we be at an end by deathe of thys crosse and corporal afliction then haue we ended our iourney then ha●e we fynyshed oure warre Christ hathe borne the same crosse Chryste hathe passed the same waye he hathe suffered lyke deathe he is oure heade we must be lyke to hym we m●st suffre with hī yf we intend to raygn with him we must leue thys corporall lyfe ere that we can enioye lyfe euerlasting Lette not oure sinnes trouble vs lette them not tormente oure conscyence as though they coulde not be forgeuen They are alredy forgeuen if we repent and beleue Christ is al ours as muche as he is He by hys innocency hath couered and taken away our synnes As Chryst can not be dampned euen so we can not be dampned yf with a ryghte faythe we cleaue vnto hym As synne deathe and hell hadde no power agaynst Chryste so haue thei no power against vs so we be in Chryste and Chryste in vs. Yf the matter hadde be left and cōmitted to vs to haue borne our owne sinnes and to haue satisfied for them they wolde haue be to heuy for vs we had not be able to stande vnder theym they wold haue pressed and sunke vs downe to hell But christe bothe god and man hathe of hys owne free will offered hym selfe for vs. he hath taken our turne he hathe playd our parte and paide for vs all that we ought As it is in the Psalme spoken in the persone of christ I payd that I oughte not We had trespased we were the detters so farre behind hand that all that was in vs was not able to paie the lest sōme we ought Christ became our suerty paid for vs acquited vs and set vs at libertie yea made vs coheires wyth hym of euerlasting glorye If it were possible for one man to commit the sinnes of the whole worlde so he truelye repente and cleaue by true fayth to Chryst he can not be dampned hys synnes be sufficiently and abundātly by Christ satisfied for For Chryst as touching hys godhead one in substance with the heuenly father As touchynge his man hede oure very flesh and bloode hath purchased and truely boughte grace and pardon for vs. For Chryst be came man for vs was borne for vs died vpon the crosse for vs rose from death for vs ascended into heuen for vs and hath accomplyshed and perfourmed all thynges mete for our saluacion for vs. If therfore we beleue in christ we are beco●e partakers of Gods fauor we are eased of the packe bourdē of sinne we are made the heires of god and coheiris with Chryst for euer and that by chryste and for christ For withoute Christ there is no consolacion on helth no hope no helpe In Chryste alone is all comforte all helthe all hope all succoure ▪ all refuge all grace and mercy more habundant more plēteous more excelēt than any man is able either to comprehend or to wishe God graunte vs therfore a true and a constant faith In this forme or in like sort we most comfort our selues in our sickenes or calamitye and our brother beinge visited But in ani wais and with al dilygence it is to be foreseene that we wythdrawe oure mynde from the fearefull and terryble contemplacyon of synne death and damnacyon And that we fixe these of our mynd and whole thoughte vpon christe onlye the we cleue vnto him that we call vpon hym that we cōmit our self wholy to hym For in christ we shal espie nothng but innocencie iustice lyfe saluacyon which al be deriued from Chryste into vs so that we wyll acknowledge him receaue him for the author of our saluacion and only redemer yf we haue christ crucified afore our eyes if we imprinte him in our hart yf we flee to hym with out fath if we wholy clyue to him Then shal hel gates nothyng preuayle against vs then shal we be able to wythstād al the forcible assaultes of Satan though thei be neuer so sore neuer so fierce neuer so terrible Let vs cal to remembraunce with what lenitie what gētilnes what humanitie what clemency Chryst as it is in the euangelicall history hath called vnto him and receued al suche sinners as hath repented them and desired his helpe We shall finde Mary Magdalen the synner that honge vpon the right hand of christ crucified the publicane zache wyth other mo whōe Chryst most louyngly receiuinge pronoūced cleare frō sin though they had synned greatlye and the chyldern of saluacion chryste is very grace mercy helpe comfort life ioye and saluacion to al those which loke for these things at his hādes and put theyr trust in hym And all these thynges hathe God who is truethe it selfe can not lie nor wyl not deceyue promysed vnto vs for chrystes sake Fynallye whē deth approcheth we must do as Chryste dyd vpon the crosse Mat. vi we must praye for our enemyes and forgeaue them with our harte Yf we haue offended any man we must be hartely sory for it we must desire forgeuenes yf we haue iniured anye man we must make hym amendes or take such order that amendes maye he made vnto him yf ●t passeth oure power to make restytucyon and amendes it shal be ynoughe that we desire forgeuenes And wyth our hartes forgeaue others which hath hurt vs ether 11. name body sub●●ance or estimacion For if we truely forgeue god hathe promysed we shal be fyrgeuen as it is in the syxt of Mathew It is verye necessarye also and profitable for the confirmacion strengthening of our fayth to receaue the most blessed sacramente of the body and bloud of our sauyour christ which we ar cōma●ded to receaue in remembraūce of his benefytes that hereby we may be truely sertyfied in our conscyence hys body to be geuen for vs and his bloud to be shed for remission of our synnes Dethe OF our flesh fraill nature is so ferd abhorted that whē he approcheth mans hert is filled and laden wyth suche sorowes panges and anxieties as tong is not able to expresse ¶ A medicine agaynst the feare of death WE muste call to our remembraunce deathe to be ouercomed and abolyshed by Chryst So that nowe the soules of so many as trust in Christ cā not dy nor peryshe but departynge from the body goeth straight to Chryst
corporall death Fleshe and blood beinge corruptible and mortall cannot inherit the kydgdō of god wher nothing is but life Therfore this corruptible bodi must put on īcorrupciō Oze xiiii Esa xxv this mortal must put on immortality Than shal the saing that is writtē be fulfilled Death is swalowed vp in victory They that beleue in Chryste hath nowe ouercommed synne deathe and hel Therfore not fearinge deathe but stronge hold and well harted in Chryste they maye saye deathe where is thy sting death where is thy victorye The stinge of death is synne and the power of synne is the lawe But thankes be vnto God whiche hathe geauen vs the victorye through our lord Iesus Chryste Let vs heare also more sentēces full of godly and mightye consolacion He that hath raised vp Iesus shal rayse vs vp also with Iesus ii Cor iiii Our conuer●acion is in heuē frō whence we do loke for the sauiour our lord Iesus christ which shall chaūge our vile body that it may be like fashioned vnto hys glorious body accordyng to the workynge of his power Philli. iiii by the which also he is able to subdue al thinges vnto him selfe Ye are dead and your life is hid with christ in god Col. iii. but when christ your life shal appere then shall ye also appere in glory with him We wolde not brethern that ye shuld be ignorant concerninge them that slepe i. Tess iiii that ye sorow not also as other do whyche haue no hope For if we beleue that Iesus chryst died and rose agayne euen thē also which are a slepe through Iesus shal god bringe with him Saynct Paule also doth cōfort Timoth ii Tim. ii with the article of resurrection sayng R●membre the the lord Iesus Christe beyng ●he sede of Dauid rose again from the dead according to my gospell And if we be deade with hym we shal also lyue with him If we suffer paciētly we shal also raign with him It was written also to the hebrus Heb. ii that Chryste tasted deathe for all men and that he was partaker of fleshe and bloude .i. became very man the he mighte destroye hym which had the rule of death that is the deuell and that he myghte delyuer them which were in bondage al th●ir lyfe time by the reason of the feare of death God hath delyuered vs ii Tim. i and called vs with an holy calling not according to our workes but according to his purpose and grace whyche is geauen vs in Chryste Iesu before the time of the world but is now made manifest by the apperinge of oure sauioure Iesu Christ which truly hath destroyed deathe and hath broughte lyfe and immortalite to lyghte by the gospell i. Ioh. iii We know that we are translated from lyfe to deathe because we loue the bretherne Iohn 41 In this hathe the loue of god appered in vs because god sente his onely begotten sonne into the world that we mighte lyue through him Iob. xix I knowe that my redem er doth lyue and in the last daye I shall ryse agayne and agayne be wrapped in my owne skine And in my owne fleshe shall see God whome I my selfe shall se these my eyes shall beholde and none othere These places of holye scrypture and suche lyke yf we diligentlye remēbre faythfully imbrace we shall perceaue greaet consolacion and conforte And euen wyth sayncte Paule reioyse Phil. iii. that we knowe Chryste and the power of his resurrectyon wherby death is ouercomed Nether is there nowe to these that beleue in Christ any thynge in deathe terrible or to be feared sauinge onlye the Image and outwarde forme hurte it can not Lyke as a dede serpente keapeth stil his old fearefull shape forme but to stynge or do harme he hathe no power at al. And lyke as by the brasin serpente whyche Moyses by goddes commaundemente sette vp in deserte when it was loked vpon through the power of goddes woorde men were delyuered from● daunger of the lyuelye and venyme serpentes so our deathe is made harmles and we deliuered frome the feare and daunger of it so ofte as wyth the eyes of our faythe we do beholde the helthefull and medycynable dethe of Chryst In conclusion deathe is nowe become but a Image and shadowe of deathe yea the entraūce and gate to lyfe For Christ who is trueth it self sayth Yf anye man kepe my worde Iob. viii he shall neuer see death For a man trustynge to the mercye of God through faithe whiche he conceauith by herynge of Chrystes gospell is so vnite and knyt to christ his lord and mayster that he can not be plucked nor seperate frome hym The bodye in dede for a tyme is seperate from the soule but in certayne hope of risinge agayn to euerlastinge lyfe And so he that beleuethe in Chryst dothe not see nor fele the euerlastinge dethe of body and soule which is euerlasting dampnacion For the death of good men is nothynge els but a departure from thys transitory and mortal life to immortality to chryst to hys angelles and sainctes ¶ Hell and dampnacion DOth offer it self at the hour of death so that many tymes man doth greatli feare lest he be abiecte frō the fauour of god appoynted to euerlastynge payne The deuyll whyche seketh by al meanes howe to deuoure vs sterynge vp in youre myndes manye daungerous troubellous thoughtes concernyng our electyon predestinacion ¶ A medicine against the feare of hell and dampnacion WHen the deuil goeth about to cause vs to dyspaire or to doubt of our electiō whether we be of the numbre of them that are appointed to euerlastyng lyfe or no In any wayes let vs not be to boulde in copynge wyth hym let vs not enter dysputacyon agaynste hym for he is to subtyle and expert for vs but say shortly vnto him Away Satan with sorrowe it is written thou shalte not tempt the lord thy God For seing that god as a most louyng father hathe not onlye geauen vs lyfe fedde and preseruyd vs to thys houre but also hathe indued and euen loden vs from tyme to tyme with hys singuler benefites what madnes were it contrary to oure former experyence nowe to doubt of his mercy He hathe receauyd vs into hys flocke by baptime He hathe sente vs the Gospell of hys grace wherein he hathe promysed to become oure father We haue he fedde wyth the fleshe and bloude of hys sonne oure sauiour CHRISTE in remembraunce that oure debtes be payd and we acquyted whye shoulde we nowe then doubte of the good wyl of GOD towarde vs lette vs not therfore admytte the doutfull and daungerous Imagynacyons of oure predestinacion which the deuell like a crafty and malicious marchaunt doth labor to iusti●l But let vs thinke vpon suche sentences as God woulde haue our mindes occupied wyth all whych Christe hym selfe hath prescribed as Iohn iii where he sayethe GOD hathe so