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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A09211 A short instruction vnto Christian religion briefly noting our profession, exercise, and obedience required of vs in this life. By Thomas Pearston. Pearston, Thomas. 1590 (1590) STC 19520; ESTC S100341 8,669 32

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A SHORT Instruction vnto Christian Religion Briefly noting our profession exercise and obedience required of vs in this Life By Thomas Pearston 1. Peter 3. 15. 16. Sanctify the Lord God in your hartes and be readie alwaies to giue an answere to euery man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekenes and reuerence hauing a good conscience that when they speake euil of you as of euil doers they may be ashamed which slaunder your good conuersation in Christ Romaines 1. 16. I am not ashamed of the Gospell of Christ for it is the power of God vnto saluation to euery one that belieueth LONDON Printed by Iohn Wolfe 1590. REVERENDISSIMO IN Christo patri Domino Iohanni Londinensi Episcopo vigilantissimo QVm vt inquit Apostolus reuerendissime Pater non sublimitate sermonis vel sapientiae annuntiandum est Dei testimonium nec persuasorijs humanae sapientiae sermonibus praedicandum sed spiritus potentiae demonstratione id est probatione quae fit certis necessarijs rationibus Iesum Christū hunc crucifixum in infirmitate in timore tremore multo agnoscere simulac profiteri oportet Magnopere me haec atque his similia indesinenter animo inuoluere conducunt quonam modo hac nostra aetate rudiores qui quidem verba proferre sed non intelligere possunt Iesu Christi mortem aliáque quae ad huius vitae normam ad futurā immortalitatem magnopere cōducunt intelligerent Simplici igitur modo attamen in Dei timore ad simpliciū informationē edificationémque principalia quidem ac etiam particularia tum fidei tū Decalogi orationisque dominicae parte● mēbráque breuiter componere statui Vestro igitur studio magnáque Dei Ecclesiae cura cognitis ac diuulgatis ita vehemētius tuae reuerentiae has meas perpauas Questionum Respontionū annotationes dedicare subque tui honoris nomine promulgare me quasi calcaribus indigentem stimulauêre Hanc a tuo Honore meam industriam quamuis minutissimā acceptá fore sperans ad Dei misericordiam gratiam pacémque qui omnium es● Creator Gubernator ac conseruator Honorem tuum precibus mei commendo Tui honoris obseruantissimus Thomas Pearston ¶ A short instruction vnto Christian religion briefly noting our profession exercise and obedience required of vs in this life Question WHat art thou Answere A creature of God Q. Wherefore did God create and make you A. To serue him Q. When was your name giuen you A. At my christening Q. By whom was it giuen you A. By my sureties which answered for me Q. In answering for thée what profession did they make A. That I should be brought vp in the feare of God and so serue him Q. Why was thy name giuen thée A. Because I should alwaies remember when I am called by my name that I was christened to bee Christes member Gods childe and an heire of heauen Q. Is it enough to acknowledge this A. No. except wee endeuour to come thereto Q. Thou saidest that thy sureties did professe that thou shouldest be brought vp in the feare of God and serue him which is the way to serue him A. In obaying his commandements Q. Which is the way to bring vp one in the feare of God A. To teach them to knowe Iesus Christ Q. What is Iesus Christ A. The end of the law Q. How must Iesus Christ be known A. By faith Q. How can one belieue the Artickles of faith hath he power of him selfe to belieue them and all things contained in them A. No verely for of our selues wee can not doe any thing Q. How so whence haue we this faith then A. From heauen it is Gods gift and not our disposition Q. Séeing thou sayest this gift of faith doth come from heauen and that it is Gods Tell me how we might get vs this faith A. By hearing Gods word preached Q. Is it enough to heare Gods worde to be preached and so to goe our way A. We must both heare it and kéepe it Q. How many things doth Gods word teach vs A. First obedience to the law secondly faith in Christ thirdly the vse of the sacraments and fourthly prayer Q. So then thou doest confesse that nothing can be done without prayer A. Truth it is Q. Who commaundeth prayer A. Christ him selfe Q. Is there nothing els required of vs but onely obedience faith the vse of the Sacraments and prayer ought wee not also to be thankfull A. We can not render too high thanks vnto God Q. When we haue giuen thankes is it enough that God hath put vs in minde so once to doe A. As we begin so ought we to continue in praying for the encrease of faith Q. Say the summe of faith or créede A. I belieue in God the Father almightie c. Q. What be the chiefest pointes of the beliefe A. The first is of God the Father the second of God the Sonne the third of God the holy Ghost the fourth and last of the Church and benefits therof Q. As we haue the chiefe partes of the beliefe so let vs consider the particulars and to begin tell mee what ye learne in the first word of the Créede what is it to belieue in God A. By this I learne to put my full trust and confidence in him alone Q. What learne ye in this maker of heauen A. That God made mee and all the world Q. Why is God called almightie A. Because he hath all might and power to rule all thinges according to his will Q. What learne you in these words And in Iesus Christ his onely Sonne A. I learne that Christ is the onely naturall sonne of God Q. Why call you him Lord. A. Because he is my redéemer and sauiour Q. Why doe you say our Lord and not my Lord A. For that he is not onely my Lord but also the sauiour of all the faithfull Q. Thou saiest in the beliefe that Christ was borne by whom was he borne A. Of Mary a pure and perfect uirgin Q. How was Mary Christes mother in that he is God or in that he is man A. In that he is man Q. How is he the onely sonne of God in that he is man or in that he is God A. In that he is God from the beginning Q. Séeing Christ is the second person in Trinitie and equall to the Father in the Godhead why did he humble himself so low to take on him mans nature in the wombe of the Virgin A. For this cause that sinne which raigned in our flesh might be punished in his flesh Q. How was Christ conceiued in her wombe A. By the power of the holy Ghost Q. What was Pilate A. The ruler of the Iewes Q. Why did Christ suffer vnder an earthly Iudge or ruler A. To declare his innocency Q. What profite haue wee by Christes innocencie and righteousnesse A. We are made righteous by it in the sight of God Q. Why
was he crucifyed A. For our sinnes Q. Why did Christ die A. To deliuer the faithfull from eternall death Q. Why was he buried A. For an assurance of his death Q. VVho buried him A. Ioseph and Nicodemus Q. There were many called Ioseph as Ioseph foster father to Christ and Ioseph which dwelled at a place called Aramathea and diuers others which of these was he that did helpe to burie Christ A. Ioseph which dwelled at Aramathea Q. VVhat meaneth Christs descending into hell A. That he by humble suffering of torments ouercame hell Q. Is the wrath of Cod so fully contented and payed A. Yea. for God is welpleased in him Q. What was the cause of his rising againe the third day A. To iustifie vs. Q. And doth it not assure vs of the great tryumph and victorie ouer sinne death the diuell and the power of hell A. Yea forsooth Q. Why did Christ after his rising from death goe to heauen A. To prepare places for vs. Q. Hath God the father handes A. We may not so grosely imagine Q. Why then doest thou say that Christ sitteth at the right hand what doest thou confesse this hand to be A. The power of God Q. So then thou doest confesse that hée is God equall with the father A. Truth it is Q. Shall not Christ come againe in the end of the world A. Yes that I doe beléeue Q. What is the cause of his comming A. To iudge the quicke and dead Q. What will he say to the faithfull in that day A. Come blessed of my father Q. What will hee say to them that contemne his word and Sacraments A. Goe ye cursed Q. Whether doth he call the faithfull A. To heauen Q. Whether doth he send the wicked A. To hell Q. What is the holy Ghost A. The third person in Trinitie Q. Why is he called holy A. Because he maketh vs holy in the sight of God Q. What is the Catholike Church A. Those that beléeue in Christ of what nation soeuer they be Q. What are the saintes A. The beléeuers Q. What is this Communion A. Communion is fellowship Q. Wherein haue the beléeuers a felowshippe A. In the death of Christ Q. What signes and tokens he there of this fellowship in Christ his death A. Two signes and tokens Q. What be they onely called signes and tokens are they not also named Sacraments A. Yes that is the more apt name Q. What is a Sacrament A. A signe séene declaring Gods grace which we can not sée Q. Who ordayned these Sacraments A. Christ our Sauiour Q. VVhy did he ordaine them A. To declare Gods good will vnto vs. Q. God in his worde hath made many promises to his Church how are these promises sealed vnto vs A. By the vse of the Sacraments Q. VVhere must we lay vp this Iewell and treasure offered in the Sacramēts A. Io ur harts Q. VVhich be the two Sacraments A. Baptisme and the Lords supper Q. VVhat is the signe séene at Baptisme A. VVater Q. The vse of water is to wash but in the Sacrament the vse of it is not to wash but to signify the grace of God by some spirituall washing Tell me therefrre what this water signifyeth A. The washing away of our sinnes Q. How are our sinnes washed away A. By the sprinkling of the bloud of Iesus Christ once shedde for all Q. Must that signe of this sprinkling or washing be often done A. No but once for all Q. What is the signe séene at the Lords supper A. Bread and wine Q. Which is the grace which it declareth A. The body and bloud of Christ Q. Séeing the Lord hath giuen but one signe in Baptisme why hath he giuen vs two in the supper A. To declare that he féedeth not vs to the halfe meale but wholy Q. Then by this he is both our meat and drinke A. Euen so is he Q. You before did confesse that Christ went vp to heauen there to remaine vntil the day of iudgement how should he then be our meate and drinke is he carnall meat A. No truly Q. How then is hee meate or nourishment vnto vs A. By his word he nourisheth vs. Q. how doe we receaue him to bee our meat A. By faith to féede our soules Q. Who doth giue him vnto vs A. God the Father Q. How did God the Father giue him A. In sacrifice on the crosse for vs. Q. VVhat are wee that God gaue his sonne to be slaine in sacrifice for vs A. We are miserable wretched sinners Q. Should we therfore continue in sinne because the sacrifice is made for sinne A. God forbid Q. VVhat is then required of vs A. Faith and Repentance Q. Cannot faith be without repentance A. No if it be true faith Q. May repentance be without faith A. True repentance can not be without fayth Q. VVhat was Iudas repentance A. Desperation Q. VVhy was it desperation A. Because he hanged himselfe sought his owne death Q. Shall our bodies rise againe to life after they be dead and buried A. I beléeue they shall rise againe Q. How shall this our sinnefull body rise at the day of iudgement A. VVithout corruption Q. Why is this clause of life euerlasting set to the end of the beléefe A. To assure vs of immortalitie Q. What is meant by this word Amen in the end of the Créede A. By it I desire the increase of faith the subuersion of sinne in me Q. How commeth the knowledge of sin A. By the law Q. What is the lawe A. Our schoolemaster to driue vs to Christ Q. How did God deliuer this lawe vnto his seruant Moses A. Written in two tables of stone Q. How many cōmandements are there in the first table A. Foure Commandements Q. What doo these foure cōmandements teach vs A. Our dutie towards God Q. How many Commandements are in the second table A. Sixe Commandements Q. What doo these sixe commandements teach vs A. Our dutie to our neighbour Q. VVhy is the dutie to God set before the dutie to our neighbour A. Because wee should serue him aboue all things Q. And why art thou taught thy dutie to thy neighbour A. That it might be knowen whether I doe my dutie to God or no. Q. How many Cōmandemēts be there A. Ten. Q. Which be they A. God spake these wordes and sayd Q. Is this a commandement A. No. but a preface vnto them Q. What learnest thou by these wordes then A. I learne that God was the author of them Q. So then I perceiue thou doest confesse it to be Gods word A. Yea that doe I. Q. VVhat doest thou gather in those wordes I am the Lord. A. By this word Lord I gather that he is of power to punish the offenders Q. What comfort haue wee in these which brought thée out of the lande of Egypt out of the house of bondage A. I gather this comfort that God is the deliuerer of me and all the faithfull from hell as
he deliuered Israel from Egypt Q. What doest thou learne by this commandement Thou shalt haue none other Gods but me A. I learne hereby to reioyce onely in the Lorde God and to rest in him onelye Q. What shall we say of those that trust in Saintes and Angels and make them as interecessors to God for them doe they fulfill this commandement A. They can not Q. How so A. Because they rest not onely in Iesus Christ Q. In the second commandement why doth God forbid the making of Images and the likenesse of any other thing A. Because they dishonour him Q. In that he forbiddeth vs to knéele before them or to worship them what would he haue vs to do A. To worship the Lord God onely and serue him Q. How should he be worshipped A. In spirite and in trueth Q. VVhy doth God call himselfe a gealous God visiting the sinnes of the fathers A. To shew his anger against Idolaters Q. What call you Idolaters A. Those which maintaine superstitious doctrine Q. How doth the Lord promise to shewe himselfe to such as loue him and endeuour themselues to kéepe his commandements A. He will be mercifull to such Q. What art thou commanded in the third commandement A. I am commanded reuerently to vse the name of God in all my doings that I goe about Q. What are you forbidden to doe A. All swearing cursing and banning of any thing that he hath made Q. If a man or woman whether it be call God to record in a false matter doth he vse Gods name reuerently A. No but calleth him to be his condēnor Q. How is the Sabboth day kept holy A. In hearing learning the holy word of God Q. It is apparant that in this fourth cōmandement is expressed to kinds of labour the one of the bodie the other of the minde the one earthly the other heauenly are both these labours forbidden in this commandement A. No but the one Q. VVhich is forbidden A. The bodely labour Q. Then thou confessest that the spirituall heauenly labour ought to be done what should wee séeke for in this heauenly labour A. The kingdom of heauen and the righteousnesse thereof Q. What shall we say of those that will not come at the Church to learne the way to heauen and to vnderstande the right pointes of Gods lawe A. Such regarde not Gods commandement Q. In the fift cōmandement what meaneth this word honor A. To honour is to obey feare relieue and serue Q. What meaneth this worde father and mother A. By father and mother I vnderstande all that haue any office or authoritie ouer vs. Q. As how for example A. As the Prince ouer the people the maiestrates ouer the places where they rule the ministers ouer their charge or parish the maisters and dames ouer their seruants fathers and mothers ouer their children Q. Doest thou hereby acknowledge that those that are ouer others should teach them that are vnder them A. They ought to learne Gods word to the end they might teach others the same Q. Ought not the subiects townesmen seruants and children to be diligent in learning of Gods word A. Yea if not they disobey Gods commandemet Q. VVhy is the promise of long life added to this commandement A. To encourage vs vnto the better performance of our dutie in obeying Q. In this sixt commaundement Thou shalt doe no murther doth God onely forbid the outward act of murther and not also the consent vnto murther A. Yea he forbiddeth the consent vnto murther Q. Doth it forbid nothing else A. It also forbiddeth vs anger malice Q. What doe those that reuile mocke despise others be they neuer so simple A. Such doe also against this commandement Q. What say you of pride surfetting and dronkennes whether be they murther or not A. They be the greatest kind of murther Q. How so A. Because they hurt the soule and doe great dishonor to God which made vs to set forth his glorie Q. In the vij commandement Thou shalt not commit adulterie what doth the Lord require at our hands A. To kéepe our bodies as fit vessels for the holy Ghost to dwell in Q. Doth he only forbid the outward fact of whoredome and adulterie A. He forbiddeth vs the very thought and enticement to such lewdnes as well as the outward fact Q. What meaneth this eight commandement Thou shalt not steale A. That I should refraine from hurting any by taking from them that which is theires Q. Doth this worde steale signify nothing but taking away and robbing A. Yea if I kéepe from another that which he hath laboured for I steale because I giue him not his duetie Q. What are we commanded A. To liue a contented life Q. What shal we say of those that kéepe the knowledge of Gods worde from the simple and ignorant which Christ would haue to be taught A. Such also steale because they doe withhold the truth Ioh. 10. 10. Q. What art thou taught by this ninth commandement Thou shalt not beare false witnesse against thy neighbour A. I am taught to speake nothing but truth neither for the loue nor hatred of any Q. What doe you say of lyers slaunderers and such as are busie bodies medling of such thinges as they haue nothing to do withall A. Such regarde not this law of God Q. What is this tenth commandement Thou shalt not couet thy neighbours house wife goodes seruant nor any thing els which is his A. It is a bridle vnto my minde Q. What learnest thou to doe by it A. To resraine from wishing any thing at all to my neighbours hurt or hinderance be it neuer so small Q. VVhat is the short summe and effect of the tenne Commandements A. To loue God aboue all thinges and my neighbour as my selfe .. Q. Art thou able to kéepe these commandements of thy selfe A. Of my selfe I am not able to kéepe the least of the tenne if I could tell which it were Q. How shall we then satisfie the lawe A. By Christ for he hath fulfilled it for vs. Q. Should we liue careles because Christ hath fulfilled the lawe A. God forbid Q. VVhat must we doe then A. Learne to pray vnto the Lord God in the only name of his sonne Christ Iesus our Lord. Q. How must it be then that we pray A. Thus Our father which art in heauen c. Q. Why doest thou call God father A. Because by faith in Christ we be chosen for the children of God Iohn 1. 12. Q. Why sayest thou our father and not my father A. Because he is not only my father but also the father of all the faithfull Q. Is God no where but in heauen A. Yes he is in all places at once and therefore in our Créede we call him almightie Q. VVhy doth our maister Christ teach vs to say heauen A. Because in praying we should lift vp our mindes to heauen whether hee is gone before Q. VVhat desire you in this